I. 5 tomig gdfccafe. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1573. Car Time rt I iHtlffaau. "Erie Express East 2:35 a. m. do do West 2:111) . m. o Mnil Fast 6:00 p. in. do do West 2:28 a. m. Renovo Aceommodation Enst 8.65 a. m. d do West 6:20 p. m. elk lodge, a. y. m. The stated meetings of Elk Lolgs, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourlb Tuesdays of each month- D. B. DAT, Scc'y. Sates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 " ' 40 no f 25 (0 " ' 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion 1. two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Marriage and Death notices inserted gratis. Advertisements payable quarterly. I ll'.T-'i.1?.' L3TTERHEADS, neatly printed at tliO Advocate office. CorvaY imposes a fine of SI upon, its profane citizens for each oath. The epizooty is reported in Notting ham, Chester county. The Lories effected had tho disease last fall. W. L. Poitle, dentist, still docs all TTOtk in his line, M reasonable rates. OOco ia Service's t.c.v liuil-linc A jOMDg lady of Lowi.-uuwn, Me., require 60,00!) gr..irs of opium pe mnum for her own consu'ptioii. W. R. Finch, rc-nto 1 ss kill" in a quarrel at Parkers Landing, .some lew weeks since, pafcd through this place on his way to liroohvl'.le, yctcrday Tnorning. There is evidently sumo, mis take, ia regard to Iiia Jca' h, for ho seouis h Tdl and hearty as ever. New Goods. Jaiic Penaold of the West End store is reociviu a new and well selected sleek of gO'i-'s, for tho spring and summer fr.d Litest mvc of prints at reduced iriciw. Al-o a largo etock of Grocoi ies, Notions r.tid Provisions. Ceil at the; V.Vt End a, id examine the new r;oo ':. One of tho gentlemen bo'iiul'i at Shorn? Oyster's holed, jii.iwin.-r vix-i of ihu board concluded lie would vp oi-.1 and Had .mother hoard inc place, s;i last V f'und-jy, he jumped over the wall, about iitbree o'clock: in the afternoon, and the jf Sheriff lias lost a bnordr and the county I 1 Ml r . tt- . , .... o dim oi cos:s. ins u.wiie is Aios. ;.o!t, a;ed 11, put in dun ace vi'; i'nr r.dtiii lumber belonging to other parties. PETEiiso.N'd Mam'azixh: for Mny, is on our table. 'J'lio (i Oiia-r.li ce "j'l-c Tatnlwiuo G ill," is j,ood. i'!ic nfuil colored fahiin p!a!c, to;;c'inT tt; r ti numerous other dcdjtp, accompany ihU Dumber. The reading matter is in vm e.-.!ing and iu.s ructivo. m ikirg at! together one oft he be-t I'asiiion lU'.iaili'.k published. Cli;n. J. PotisWia, oil:! Chestnut street, Publisher. Tcimh S2. a year ia advance. The Pitxsbueoii TEU.naArn.-We are receiving tho Tr'grajiJi , n new nnd magnificent nine co'umu daily, recently started in Pittsburgh, Pa, and wc can say that this new daily paper is one of tho best published. Its editorials are terso and to the point, all the principal subjects ot the day being discussed with ability. The news and telegraphic departments are complete, giving from day to day a complete summary of ai? the news of tho world. Sub scripfiun price 810.00 per annum. Address Telegraph Publishing Co, Pittsburgh. Pa. ' Snow. -April 22d, 1873, and snow four inches deep ou the level; now. this seems bad enough, we had just got our minds all made up to have summer; in fact, a few days of pleasant weather, had given 'J3 the spring fever; and Sheriff Oyster has taken stock enough in this spring business to enable him to have bis garden plowed, but he talks of wailing until some time next sum mer before he plants his vegetables. Aficr haviugour maple sugar time (that is to say, there was a maple sugar time this year wo suppose, but we have had do evidence of it at this office), our spring freshet; our happy organ grinder's return; the familisr croak of ye ancient frog that lives dowr, behind the mill ; the resur rection of old hoop skirts, and ash piles, tie soap making time, together with the umal amount of back talk over the bauk teace. Why, we have even had a cat senenade on tho back shed, and then to have it snow, and knock ail our poet ical notions higher than Gilderoy's kite (ve doat know which Gilderoy, but it wis one of them,) is really loo bad. .Too bad, don't seem to express the thing at all, in fact, the spectacle can better bo i imagined than described. He lives up the river, is eighty-two years old, reads by candlo light without the aid of glasses, hasnt been sick a day since he was a child, smoked and chewed lor sixty odd years, walked to town, a distance of six mile, lust Saturday, and pot as drunk as a lord; does his own shavioj!, pares his corns, sews on but tons, bets on horse races, talks slang and swears with as much ease as the fastest youn-; men in tho country, he hoed hnHj an acre of corn, broke a eolt, 'Whipped his wife and went to prayer meeting all in one day last year. What other com uiuoity can trot out his equal. Warren Ledger. Fire at Renoldsvillb. On Ratur day night hut the drug store ol Dr. R. M. Boylcs & Co., was eptiruly destroyed by 0 re, as well as the furniture belonging to tho Odd Fellows' Lodtrc. Tho fire was not discovered until it had gained considerable headway, and but little property was saved from the building. The building was nearly new, and was among the best in tho place, the store b-'iug nicely fi'ttd up oivd filled with a large ntoek of goods. The property of the Odd Fellows, valued at about S700, was entirely ricstrnyed. We understand that the property destroyed was in part covered by insurance. Brookville He publican, lt'itli iast. Narrow Escape. On April 4rh Mr. S. Carpenter, of Osceola, tnade a narrow escape from a horrible death. He was engaged in setting the teeth in a circular saw at the Saudy Itidgn mill, whim a tooth snapped off with a rimrinit report, s inilar to that ussi as a signal for starting tiic engine, (a tap ou the saw,") when tho engineer at unco turned on k1c;.ui and the saw started off at light ning .speed. Mr. C. was standing astride of the saw nt the time, wliii-h naught him and carried him over the top, and threw him a distance of about cii;!it feat with treat force. The ouly injv.ry iceched was a deep ga?h iu the flc.-hy part of the hip. This was cer tainly a raihsr nn'rieulous eeape from instant dra'.h. liaffsmnu's Journal. JJi ttrr.MtlES. A gang of burglars pi. id eiiy their compliments ou Mon day tii;:-ht and limde ntteuipts upon at leiist ihp'e houses, but of thf.-e three, only otic s'ifl'i'iC'1. The residence of J. I1. I'uwi'ing, Iv-rp, oa West Ni;i'h street, vras (".iirvcd, (it. i fv.ppoK-d by a rear v.ind'iw) aod the thieves then unlocked the ki,i!:cn door so as to have ready mean-: of exit, and proceeded to business. They carried off u black ilic velvet cloak, wonh ;'IUU, the property or Mi-s Belle l'owtiiiiv, mid ii! :t -et of' jewelry, worth 87."), bi'.-iji- Mifiu ariieh's of minor value the property as jee missed, being worth about SI 200. They also visited tho houre id Mr. Uni'.vlny but got nothinij, and succeeded iu tuniias the key at Mr. ! t'rnwi-il's bouse, but there a lir:lo ihi" i i:'.'d such an alarm that they were se n e l acay without any booty. The u--e of "ovii-iders'' as a means of gaining a:; en trance tl,toiv;h locked doors, indi cate" the p-,v..-euec of professionals ami it. will be we'd for our citizens to be on guard against nocturnal visitants. The best argument that can be used with thee -entry is that spoken by a well aimed revolver and we hope their next vUit will bo to some oue ready and will ing to give them the proper kind"1 of a reception. Erie Pispatch, 10th iust. List of Causes st down for Trial at the Special Term, Elk County Common Pleas. Commencing Munday, May 19th, lS7:i. 1. Jonathan Roynton et. al. vs A. C. Finney ct. nl. No. 1. J.nnsry 1S71. 2. Win. J. McCarty, vs Elk & Me Kean R. P. Co. No. 17. Angust-1872. 3. D. E. Wellcndorf, vs. Elk nnd Me I'ean R. R. '0. No. 18 August 1873. 4. E. E. Willard, vs. Elk and Mc Kcan . R. Co. No. 20. Augun 1S7:! u. E. E. Willard, vs. Josiah Eoidwcll et. al. No. 21. Auuust 1872. Ft! ED. SCliOENING, Pro. Licenses. Following is a list of licenses, granted and refused, at the Aptil te'tm of Court. TAVEKN LICENSE. GRANTED. Penczette. Muvtin Entz, D K lines. Fox. Wolfgang Auman, Koch & Son, (Kersey . ) Jay. A. Turley. St Mary' Rorough. P. Conner, D. Scull, A. J. Laytou & Co., Matliias Wellcndorf. REFUSED. Penzin'jier. Jacob Ilerbstritt. Jay. T. J. & J. II. Burke, P. II. Burke, B. Brownlee. Jones; Horace Stark. EATING HOUSE. QUANTED. Benzinger. F. Puport. Fox. F. Gill, (Kersey), James Mo Closkcy. St. Mary's Borough. Charles Klaus man, J. B. Ilindle, George Scbaut REFUSFD. Benzinger, F. Sorg. STORE. REFUSED. Jay. B. E. Morey. Jones. Martiu Sowers. It is estimated that over 830,000,000 have been loaned on Chicago property siDce the Cre. ; Ovkr Tim HuiuB, April lfih, 1873. Dkar Advocate. Our locals are not of a very interesting or exciting .nature at. present.. The drive is moving down the branch rapidly, and doing about the usual amount of dnmnge to property along the slrea.n, which is supposed to be quite an item by those on whom the burthens fall. This has been a very favorable spring for log driv ing as the water has been in good stage for n month or more. The runs are all out, and the rear on the main stream is at Bcnezette. They are working from 175 to 200 men and from 20 to iJO teams, (he men got $3,50 and a man and (tarn get $7.00, and all get four square meals per day, bo you will see that the expense account gelt away with a few stamps each day, eay (even change) a thousand dollars, to pay the men and teams and the board bills. The men, poor fellows, have to pny their own whiskey bills, which is probably something less than the other expenses For the past few weeks the trains on our railroad have been very much delayed, and some times stopped for days by land slides. Lust week the construction was caught be tween two slides and was unable to move up or down tho lino for four days, iu suc'i cases track laying is suspended for the time being, until train the brings forward sup plies. Iron ure is supposed to ho deposited, in this vioiuily iu great abundance. Our clever townsman, Simon, is digging holes in the hill side and reports prospects good. He has produced some specimens which have been .tested ami found to be very rich ore. Vc don't need nuy tanneries over hero now. The people of .lay are alive yet, A. E. Gofl is making a road of easy grade lo u five nnd one-half feet vein of coil, also bus n st map machine in course of eonr-trucllon which looks toward improvement ol his farm. Jaaies Drunking- is slumping his fields, has two men nnl a horse at woris wiih a bi j pry, grub-hocs and old axes, (ihe horse Juii'l do much wilh the uses ami grub-hues. ' JaLe Ovil has commerced plowing for poutoes, wiih oxen, of coa-je, for there is too much mud yet for liorjes to work to any advantage. One of the laborers at iho lumber estab lishment oi Oliver Dodgu ou ;;piin ltun, got his right hand badly c-.it on the edger saw hist Tioirsdnv. lie was an outside man. not working on t!ie mill, but nu-roly went in, as he says, to try hn hand at cc'giug, the cifc Wuiild be :i,m; correctly -anted, if modified so as to read, to c.' Iiis hind ul (ify'iiy. Squire (jrny iB ma'slng but little show, if he is doing imyihing this spring, it must lie in Irs shop or perhaps in his ollice. Vi c will moM, likely hear of him building a mil; somewhere soon, tiiat is his be.-t hold. This la- d atvn cjuite too 'e'-hy, but ome of .j'uur patrons m-iy have ivilicno! and pertevtrunce enough to rSad it. AnoiiLLArs. The Auvne. for Miy i3 the most brilliatit iiiiiiibur of this s'iperb mai.iino ever iisned. Jr opens wiih a neignjficeiit marine picture, ' Tlio Leo tjliore,'' by M. I". 11. de Haas, who stands, by general consent, at ihc head of the marine painters of America, und who has never done nnythieg so fine ns this drawing. The fury of tho wind and wni(rs that have driven the good ship from her cum se on the terrible lee shore is ren dered wilh wonderful breadth and vigor, and vividly recalls the d -It uetiun w hich so lately overlook the ill-fated Atlantic. Wo turn irom this dreadful slruirpic of tho etemcu'tf o a dcliuioiis drawing aiicr the original of MuiigiDnt. It is entilled 'Ln biiiden Guests," and represents a group of kittens on the table nf an ' epicure, and musing liavoe nmong tho di.-hes. Una has upset Hie milk cup, and is licking up ihn river of cream; another has found sol tt.ing lo its taste in an ovevtoreed cup; while a third; the most miseliicvions of ail, has gone tor a plate of lobsters, which in fihoiil In ln rt'iviioil m r.;Ai.nL .... ... We have next -A t rout Brook," by Casilcar j a glimpse of a rushing torrent, that, goes winding and dashing on its wy through the breezy woods, which'the angler will ho unwilling to leave as long as the irout rise, us the; must there, 'liine are besides iSx spirited illustrations cf .Noiv Chicago; tho first, ufull driiuiiig. bcif;: a noble a:chitcci. ural view of the "Xtw i'ii.-t OHiee," u Mag nificent struef.ire and the other similar views uf ihe principal public huiMings oi' Chic-go as Die "Pncitic Hotel," tl.o Michigan iSeiiiiicin and Itixk I.dun.i i';ss eugcr ilepot," the rh-imber of t;,.m mcrce," und the buildiaga of the 'f::iu.i uu I Tribune newspapers. Chicago oiitfht lo bo proud iiKn n sees what, il hit.-, dune for itselt. aud what Tut: Alium: L.is done for it in giving stieii wide pieiuiint ciu ieucy lu these mouuuiuiiU ol ild p:uci rnd enter prise. Music, Art, and Literature are disou-sed with great iuieliigence nut) independence. Subscription price i'ii iuclu.lu.g Cluouios ''ilide Utlie" and ""Orosjiug the Moor." Jumes Sutton t Co., pnbliihers, 68 iiuideu Liwie, Kcw Voik. L'uuglary in Irvineto.w In Itv inetou last Wednesday night, Mr. John CooLey's store was broken iuto, aud had about tix hundred dollars in goods taken consisting of clothiug, bouts and shoes, notions, and about i)0 dozen eggs. Mr. Coouey telegraphed to Tidioulc, aud the express messcneer of the Oil Creek road and special constable, nabbed one of the fullins at the depot. He is now lodged in jail. He says there were three others engaged iu the robbery. Some of the goods were lecovereiljnddeii under the stf ps of the Irvine Mill, and some weie f itud on the person caught, who calls b imself Ellsworth. Mr. Cooney has t covered about three huudrod dollars Korth of bis goods. The three scamps yet uncsught have the balance. They got no money, as none had been left iu the store. Mr. Cooney offers one hun dred dollars reward fir the reoovory of the goods and the conviction of the Lieves. Warren Ledger. M8T of Traverse Jurors drawn for Speaial Term of Court, May 19th, 1873, Pcnczette. Wm. K. Johuson, II. R. Wilson, Ed. Fletcher. Penzingcr. Thomas Kctner, Peter Hcrbatriu, Joseph Kerner, Fox. James McCloskey,J Lewis Iddings, Pavid Shudders, John Collins, William Wood. Highland. Thomas Campbell, Jr. llorton. Joseph Hollo, 'Joseph Clinton. Jay John Murphy, Jacob Ovill. Jones John Marsh, John Miller, Joseph Nye, John C. Johnson, Jr. - Millstone. (. 0. F. Heoff. llHgway. John Pryndle, Melvin Gardner, W. W. Prcwcr, Isaae llorton, Jr., E. K. Gresh, Geo. Messenger, Jr., John Kcmmerer, Patrick llileyt Jr., James Peofield. fc-'t. Mary's Boro. Geo. Weiden boerner, James t?necritiger, Leondnrd Wiltman, Henry Fochlman, Peter WilUelm (tailor), Daniel Scull. Spring Creek. Luman B. Elliott, Aaron Fullmer. lhv Advertisemsnts. 80 DOLLARS"':", goods advanced to agents lo coinntenee ousiiicss uiili. and lare commissions allowed for selling. Address, J. S. CON OVEIl, Coldwaier, Mich. ti8tl3. JAMES PiN FIELD, (Successor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN C 00213, CS0C3EISS, PH0VI3I0US PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. if. West End, P.idgway, Pa. S37 SJISICT'S SALS. l'y virlue of a writ of Ven. Ex. issued rut of :hc Court of Common Pleas of illk County, nnd lo me directed I will expose 10 s:ile by public vindne or outcry at the Court, li'itte iu Itidgwuy, Flk Co., Pa., on MOSIV.V, TUB I'.'.h DAY OF MAY, A. I). 187i, nt one o'clock, p. m.. nil the right, title, interc-a, claim and demand whatso ever of t be fo'lnwinpr de cribe l property: All lhal. certain piecn or parcel of ground situate iu iho J'uroqgli of St. Mary's Elk County Pennsylvania, described ns follows, to wit; Hi gint'iuc at a post in Washington street, being the noithea-t corner of land owned by I'.. IX'KLE. thence south thirteen depicts east along 11. LCMvL o land innety two leet and sixteenth of n foot to ine somhetst comer of B. KCKE'j'S land, thence "oiuh eighty nnd nne-hnlf degrees w-'st cigli!y-t k o nnd live-teaths feet to a j O: t, lliir;f:. foiiih thirty-seven and two tJiifd li-. p i os ni ninety-nine feet more or less to ihc line of the 'liiliidelphin & Ur'.e ila.lioiul, thenee along the line of said1 fiilro.i 1 Jiorili forty -l wo decrees and forty luuiuies C'i-1 one hundred and seven feet io a ri si, thenee nonh nine degrees west one hut. died and til'tv nine feel more or his to a post, on the l.ne of Washington street, I'm nee sinih eighty-one degrees N sixty-five and live-tent .is feet to the place ol' beginning, containing thirteen thousand fix hunoro 1 nnd eiglity-eight sou ire feet be the same more or less. 1! ing pan of a couviyance made by the said it." i:t'i;;.E to the said .IO-'.l'li W1ND 1111. I'd I! by deed dated 'ho ninth day of J'.ni'.. A. I) 1'iI5, upon whinii premises is cf'-eied one frnuie house two stories high L'Ox.'.tl feet, nl-o one small bum nJj.icent to :-.iKo:i PJx'Jt) feet one story bight. The above property being knowu as the Alpine House property. ALSO All that crvtam piece of land in the Borough of St . Mary's in t lie County of f-lk and Slate of Pennsylvania. Be ginning Ht. a point on the Philadelphia & Erie depot road, at the north-east corner of Jtll.N Kill GIl'S lot, thenee north fifty. two do'vecs and forty minutes east ouo him un d and tiity-six feel more or less to the nmi jeat corner o! I.OL'l.S BAYEfl'H lot, l!ui;ee south thirty-two and one-half do ereis, oust one hiiiulrid and seventy-three feet, llience nonh sevenly-lhreo degrees West severny-live feet, thence north seventy five feet, thence nor'hseventy-six and one half degrees west seventy-one feet, thence south eighty-three degrees west, sixty-two fert more or less to the rear line of JOHN K HUGH'S lot, thence north thirty-'our and one half deg-ees west twenty-five feet more oriels toilie phico of beginning, con- ""';?,'; ce . """ ' f ihntceu tlioa'-atiu six ti'iituic l and luaee fee' more or less. Be- l.Mil ol a convevnnce Bauo lo M'.'liohA.'s HILL by MATIIIA3 B!' Zl NOT U nnd others, upon which premises is erected one frame barn one story high 10x18 feet and lurness rinim lOxl'j feet. Eelnn the property ou wliicb the Alpine I!iius. b.ii n i-i la-eeied. Levin! upon as iho property of JAMES A. L.kUOAY. and to be S'dd by 1). C. OlSTEll, Sherilf. Siikru'k's OiriCB, Uidgwny, April 1 -Iih. 17:3. f 8ic. OKI' THE HH-l' W ebster's Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Dictionaries. SOOd Engravings: 1810 Tazes Quarto. Price $V2. Webster r.othir now is glorious it leaves thine lo be desired. fPres. Ray mond, assar College. ,very scholar knows the value of the j work. I W. 11. l'rescott, the Historian. teea otto of my dnily compauioos. 1 ) John L. Motley, the Historian, &o. ii)tr'ur in most respects to any other IT known to me. Ueorge P. Marsh. rjllie ho.d. guidi of Biudeuu of our Ian jj gunge. LJohnG. Wliittier. Excels all others in defining scientific lei ins. Presidcut Hitchcock. etuarkablo compendium of human 5 knowledge W. S. Clark, Pres't Ag. College. A necessity for every intelligent family, student, teacher aud proiessioual man. What Library is complete without the best English Dictionary? ALSO Webster's Natioual Pictorial Dictionary. IS 0 Pages Octavo. COO Engravings, Price $5. The Work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just iho thing for the million. Americas Educational Monthly. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Spriugtield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. Elk County Directory.. President Judge X,. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno.P Vincent. Assooiate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Houk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheritf D. C. Oyster. Prothonotury o., Fred. Scheming. Treasurer 0. K. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. messenger, and O. W. liarrett. County Surveyor Ueo Wilmsler. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner ami diaries Mead. 2d Annual Distribution 75,730 PREMIUMS RANGING IN VALUE FROM $10 to 6,000- GIVEN AWAY TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF Our Fireside Friend Every Subscriber is sure of one premium any way, aud niso has au equal chance of receiving a CASH Premium, OR A PIANO, OBtiAN, WATCH, IBE'.VIXG MACAINE, etc., etc. FIRST GRANT) CASii PREMIUM OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Eight Pages, Large Si'.e, Illustrated, the Family w ekly. is in its THIRD VOLUME and has attained the LAMEST CIRCULATION of any pe.per published in the West, Its sue cess enables the proprietors to furnish the best, moat dcsinole and moat nseful origi nal reading matter in greil varietv, that money can buy, and lo make it a LOME WFEKLY suited to toe wants of every family Subscription price S3 per year of 52 numbers. THE ELEGANT CJUIOMO "CUTE." Pize In x 20 inches, 10 colors. Acknowl edged by all to be the HANDSOMEST and MUST VALUABLE premium picture in Amciien. EVERY SUBSCRIBliR U pre. sentcd with thils Cbromo al the lime of sub scribing, (no waitiii?.) an '. also receives a NUMB Bim' CERTIFICATE ENTITLING T I f K HOLIER TO A SHARE in tho distri bution of $20,1)00 in cash and other pro minms. The distribution takes place on the second Tuesday in June next. The C hromo and Certificate sent on receipt of price. Speci men copies, premium lUl, eic., giving full particulars sent free to any address. 4 1 ,"rr!',Q Either local oi xX Ciil tO canvassing ia WAN TED KS ' pay and i. ie best out til. Send at once for terms. Addles ' OCR FIREelD FRIEND, Chicago, 111. llanhood: How Lost, How Eestored. n"V.SSsj lust published: a now cdi iyk t'ou of CuLVEawnt's t.'i:i.i:iiSATKi Essay on the radical cure (with out medicine) of Si'e;imt)Krho7. or Semi nal weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotkncy, Mental and Physical Incapao ity, Impediiueuts to Marriage, eto; also, Consumption. EriLr.rsr and Fits, induced hy self indulgence or sexual extravagance. JCJPrice in a sealed envolope, only G cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from thirty years' practice, that the alarmininhg cons quenccs of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and eil'.-olual, by means of which every stilierer, no matter what his condition may be can cme himsel; cheaply, private ly, mid rarleallt. I xTliis Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every man iu the laud. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pvttpard on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CulverwtU's ' Marriage Guide," price 50 cents. Address the Pubiuhors. C HAS. J. C. KLINE &CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Olfice Box 4 oSli. c. nt- J ust Published I STRAUSS' WALTS? ES ARRANGED AS VIOLIN SOLOS. ASK FOR PETERS' fi D I T I ON, Paper Copy sent, post-paid, for $1.60; jn Boa"ds, Address, J. L. PETERS, 593 Broadway, New York. S A N G E R . F E S T : (The Singing Festival.) A Collection of Glees, Fart-Songs, Choi uses, eto. i'OR MALE VOICES. Sample Copies mailed, post-paid for $1, 50; 5I0 per dozen. Address, - J. L. PETERS, 6i)9 Broadway, New York. FAIRY VOICES: A New Music-Book for Bay-Schools. Send 60 cents, and we will mail a sample copy. Address, J. L. PETERS, 0i5. 509 Broadway, New Yor k. Trees and Plants. FTUIT AND ORNAMENTAL 1 A complete assortment of Standard and Dwirf Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plumbs, Siberian Crabs, ApKcots and Nectarines; Grapes, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspber ries, Blackberries, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Nuts; Shade and Ornamental Trees. Hardy Flowering and Climbiug Shrubs. Hedge Plants, &o. Enclosed stamp for Catalogue and Priced List. EDW'D J. EVANS 4 CO., Nurserymen and Seedsmen, York, Pa. LOTS FOR SALE ONE-THIRD CASLI. BALANCE TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Enquiro of II. LITTLE. Ridgway, Pa. Or, C. R. MoNULTY, 350 Broadway, ew XorK city. not. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kime Having oreoted a lsrje and well arranged new Store Hsuse a tht old tits, ainoe the fire, and fiHid it from etllart garrtt with the choicest goods f all dsseripiloas, !Vat can ht feund la aay aianrket, are fully pre pared to reetivethelr oil oustomers, aad supply tbtir wtats al csttoao figures WHOLESALE OS RSTAIL. Their a?trt.-.;at is Tiow oorj-Ut-s, oni' prism g DRY GOOL3 I! ARPVV ARE, CLOTHING, BOOT 3 ANDSnOSS, . HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc.ete, POHS. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, lsans, Butter, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, in short everything w..nteiin tke Country by LUMB13RMEW, FARMERS, IIE- CIIANICS, IIi:iER3, TAN NZRS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Also4 full stock f MANILLA MOPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. u&wk Mcmn um, Bidawaji, Fa., Uwrta, fill RAILROADS- PHILADELPHIA AND ERIK RAJXRpAD, WINTKR TIME TABLE. ) OTS and after SUNDAY, OCT. 27 1872, the traias on the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad will run as follows: WKSTWABO. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia-11.40 p. m. ' Ridgway-...- 2.28 p. m. " arrive at Krie. ....... 7.65 p. m. ErieEipleaves Philade!ph...12.40 p. Ridewav - 2.89 a. m. m. ' arriTe at Erie .7.46 h. m. Aoocmodation, leaves Renova,...2.10 p. m ui(tgway,..o. up. arr at Kane..... .7.30 p. m. 1 m. ASTWAD. Mall Trainleaves Erie -11.3C a. m.. " Ridgwsy....- 6.0t p. m " arrive at Philad'a... 6.55 a. m. Erlo Eipress leaves Erie - 9.05 p. m. ' Pidgway... 2.04 a. m. ' orrat Philadelphia- 8.80 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.55 a. m. Ridgway... 8.55 a.m. " arratRenovo 12.30p.m. Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L 8 M 3 K W and at Corry and Ir vineton with OU Creek and Allegheny H R W. Mail West at Corry and Irvinelon with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Acsommodation East and Wast V.dth trains on L. 8. & M. S. R. W. oast nnd west and at Corry wit O. C. & A. R. R. W. Frio AocoinmodstiouEuSt at Corry and West at Corry and Irrinston with O. C- J- A. R. R. W. . WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. GRAND OPENING Winter Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time TaV.e adontid SATURDAY. Marob 1. 1873. Trains denart from and nrrivn at. the BuTalo, New York ft Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana struct:;. ON AND AFTER T'ARCH 1, 1373, UN TIL further notice. Trains will rim as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO 7:10 a. jn. Local Freirrht and rmssencsr. arriviag at Empo.ium at 5.10 p. m. 12:1!') ra. Philadelphia Mail arriving at Emporium at 0:00 p. m. 2:20 n. m. Local Freii-Ltand naancturniv arriving at Olcaa at 3:00 p. in. o.uu p. m. utean Accommodation ar riving at Olean at 8.25 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 1.10 p. m. Mail Arrivinir at Buffalo at 7.10 p. m. 7.U0 a. m. Local rreight and Passenger Arriving at Bulfalo at o.OO p. in. LEAVE OLEAN. 5.15 a. m. Accotnmnd.'.tiiin oviiin nf Buffalo at 8.1:5 a. m. 7-2a a.in. Local Freieht and nsimonanr. arriving at Buffalo at l.io p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m nrrivinr tit. Olean at 1.15 p. m. Leave Olean at 2.45 p. in., arriving at Buffalo at 6.00 p. m. Passengers for Rwnnrn. T.niV ITin.n Williamsport and intermediate points on tho Philadelphia & Erie Railway leave Buffalo at 12 ni., arriving at Emporium at 0. p. m., Renovo at 8.35 p. m. Lock Haven at U.45 p. m. and Williamsport at 11.05 p. 111. Leave Williamsnort 8...0 a. m T.nnV Haven at 9.45 a. in . Rnnnvn oi 11 nr-, r,. Emporium at 1.10 p. m., arriving at Buffalo' nil f.iu p. in. For list, of KfftfTA Ponnppf 1 An nMvilft . ' O- vua IM'I'IJ ait Ticket Offices. Buffalo Omnibus Line runnins from all trains. H. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Pass Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. NSW TIME TABLE. Commencing Feb. 2lth, 1S73. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN P1TT3- liUKlill AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & IRIE R. R. QOINQ SOUTH. Buffalo ExnHIRK lunvrl Paopv .1 11 m - T Z " "-'J - ' 111 Leaves Irvtaeton, 7 sg am Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 55 p m Night Express Leaves Irvinelon, 6S0pm , . - J " - J w 111 Amves at Pittsburgh G 15 a m way txpreas leaves Lorry 0 10 a m Arrives at Pit lshiii-,n r. nr. Oil City Acsom. leaves Oil City 4 55 p m Arrives at Brady's Bend 9 30 p m OOINQ 2I0BTII. Bffalo Exnress leave Piitaburo Arrives at Corry 6 25 n m " ' Trvi-.ilni r.rt - ' fJ'J ij ill Night Express laarjs Pittsburgh 9 00 p m vorrv M fin a m Irvinnlnn 1 -. K I Day Express leaves Pittsburgh Vi lOu m Arrives at Corry 10 J5 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Betd C 40 a ni Am res at Oil City 11 CO a m vonneaions made at Ccrry and Irvino tou for poiuts on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Vallay Rtil Road. Pullman Palhice Drawing Room Sleep, ins Cars on Niclii F.vni-aca Toiu 5 ' Corry and Pittsburgh. ash lor lionets via Allegheny Valley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gea. SuBt. DACTOSCABOMDA P.AILI.0AD. ' From and afisr Monday, Feb. 6th 1873. Trains will run on this Road as follows. ' Leaves Earler 7 ?M , Daguscahooda Junction 8 10 a. m.,con- uuuii ii u Accom. east 8 14 a. tu.. and ;fk l:i . ..nir ' wim luaii nesi a io ,. nj. Leaves Datniscalmibi nt O on - arrives atLarlejr 10 Ott a. m. Leaves o p. ni., ana arrives at IWs cahondaat 5 00 p. m., conueoting with Mail east al 5 09 p. in-, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. in. in ease v. & ri. trains are late, Dau3 cahohda train holda invnii ,;,..,.fi. yond the above time. iic.ets snould always be proourci oelore leaving stations. v. li. JSAKEY, Le, JOB PRINTING. Cards, Billheads, Letterheads, Note. l, - .1 rp 1 . , ' "cuui oH envelopes, etc., neatly printed at the ADVOCATE offico. Court House, Ridgway, Pa. . '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers