r V V Urnuy A. T'AadONs, Jr. - - Kditor THURSDAY, APRIL 24. 1873. The New Issue. A Washington letter states that the printing bureau of the Treasury Department lias bcun to engrave tlis plates for the new issue of national bank notes authorized by the last Congress. It in the intention to ituprovo both design and execution iu the new notes, so that they may bo aiorc attractive than the old- and nt the came time so perfect that they cannot be suc cessfully counteiteitcd. it is also the intention to replace the notes now iu cir culation by new ones as fast as pre sented for redemption. Remind the Scenes in Washing ton. Wo have reooived specimen pages of the above work from the National Publishing Company, Phil'. The work contains a complete end graphic account of the Credit Mobilier investi gation, besides a large amount of other valuable matter ; following is on extract from the abvunce sheets: Iteduccd to plain Jiuglish, the story of the Credit Mobilier is simply this : The men entrusted with the nunie iue nt ot the Pacific Ho id tuado a burgiin with themselves to build the road for a sum equal to about twice its actual cost, aud pocketed tlio proQis, which have been eaiiiuuted at about Tiuhiv Mill ions of L-ollars this i i)ui.:io sum coming out o' the picked of the tax payers of tho Juited dmtes. This c m tract was made in October, ISCir. "On Juno 17, l.SoM, the stockholders of the Credit Mobiier received (JO per cent, in ea.4i, aud 4 ) per cent, iu stock o!' the Uuiou Pacific Railroad ; on the 2nd of July, 1SGS, SO pr cent, first mortgage bjtids of the Union Pacific Railroad, and 100 p.-r cent stock; July I!, 1SG8, 73 pn- cent fir.st mortgage bonds; September 11, 1803, 100 per cent. 8'Oflfe, and 75 nor cent, first mi,rt.-i-a bonds ; December l't. ISiiS, lioo' "per cent, stock; while, bc.lnra this contract was taado, the stoeklir Uh-rs had receiv-d on the itith of April, 18(13, a dividend of 1U0 par cent, in stock of (ha Union I'acifio Itaiiroud ; on the 1st of April, 107, f0 pf-r etnt. of first mortgage bonds Were distribute! ; nit the 1st of July, 1S07, 100 per ceut. iu stock agaiu." After oiTeriug this rtatctnutit, it is 'ardly necessary to add that the vast property 0f the Pt.citio Road, which should have been used to meet its engage :ient?, v.. as soon swallowed up by tiie ','redit Molilor. T' is is the story of the Credit .Mobilier "S 'or c; the tacts have been prnni'ti'd ti be-ro'tie known. shall now see how it ca'v.e to make such a noise in the rirorh1 . Mr. Anies was not the only member cf the company engaged in' placing" the stock jrhere it would benefit the uorpnr nlio;!. Dr. Durant, tb I'n-.-i lent, nt ' the Paci!i'3 Railway, 'was engaged in gceurb;! hi fiiendsin the same way, r.rji'. he received a portion of the stock io be used in this manner Mr. Henry S. Mc'Jorch, of Delaware, who was also interested iu the scheme, n.iw put iu bis claim fur a part of tho slock, which was being used ;:s 1 corruption fund, "for hi3 iVictid.-;." His claim involved hi ik in u ouavre! with Oakes Ames, ;:nd Col. Mc'j'jinb bad tho i.-iortifkitiini of secinr; tha stork he claimed ns-i-racd to Mr. Ames, f-r the ro of Six frien's. Tni f?'-.i!(l jury h.ia resofly boon tho subject of ipvc-dhntloo ly -i rclect eommi:, 'e of ti.e Illinois Swafft. "'hid oonimir'.eo hzs untcimotrly reported ?. bill to abo!L-h jrrand juries, i.n !:o jrronud that under the present sjsi eta an innocent person may be subject tn n.-rest and iui!r:sonii!ent, and ever;.' I".", parson is niriilcd to ha-s bet'; sid r'sd h cd ii'a ea'2 uenrd beforo ho is cijprivad even tcmporcrfy of liia libeify. Tha con :i roonjieiids that r.U penonr ncr'v-rd of yr'.ias thtill bo exmicod by a jud;;o nf i .:ourt ' record, or by tbive jus: :ae.-. c rr-ree cr;:;'iM, r.nd :?bo .-.bi.il he all ; e r.iar ( isei'ari'o. cr en, nu, it t!--. ir-;r:er fr trial. This is r. rather sudden : trj (sxirci.io iuiui? ii the ni?h of e .p-'vi"i-,vit'l refnrri. "JlA!t.; Tva publi boa n Ic.iar sbowin Iiirv tlio AtlaRiV'? nr.sosiicrs i-i!'l:t b.ava bee:; t3v?d by a life r;ft. lie r.ays a nt'.mber of thee, nina of wb.ic'i '.voul I have saved 1,00'. paK.-nnjieru. . v;ou!d b.iive oaenpied the iiiaeee.f four uf t!:n Atlantic's ciu'ht bouni. ?darl: hun fir-cMnd tl.'is oneo before, but he nays lha ;-cv;vr.merit had business cn h ind nt thf.t tlr.ne wlueh would not only b.':efit the nniion but tho wm Id receiving Credit .Mcbelier uoiri'if'ns and f'orj;e.ttip( it bv.i ha says, '"thi't shinini; public benefit be!u liocemplishel, why eannot lie j'ovsrna-.ent listen to me no-.'?" In rsird to t'.ie ne-v -id ritiin politi cal power of tho West, a:nq tha ru"nl po-i)lr.ti.in, it r.iny be stated th..t uaarcely two yer.rs have elapsed sir.cn the fust grange, ov IocIl'o o: tho Cider ot tbo Patrons cf Ilitsba.ndry was organized In the State of Iowa, ar..l now grart3 ro to be found m claiost every community of farmer;"!, in t".'cntj-two States of the Union, nod the ojw.'e.'-.cts neniberabip in es'.;:e.ted at 1.8('.i,00'.. Jn Icwn, they cLini lVO.COl) patron.-!, while tbeie are. sal.l to ba fili'l a Invner number in no, .: In tha Constitutional Convention on Thursday, April 17th, the re.Ainnation of Mr Samuel II. KeynoldB. of Lnrseoster, vas preeented end aeceptec', ocoasiooing the third vacancy since the Convention bep;aa its session in January. Williain 7Violer, of ClearGeld, was soleated 8 Mr. rkcyooldi' suoccsaor. ifwwrrrmiirirv,iwm.-i"' NoTlfK is gWon that, the postal curd will be i'Jsuod on the 1st of May, after Whkh they will be for sale nt. 11 the leading piistnfEces. These curds are nn innovation in this oonntry, but as they will afford penny postage for a largo class ot correspondence, they Will in time beeomo popular with the public, and profitable to the government. That they will immediately come into general use cannot bo expected, as tbry do not secure that privacy to mail com in u ideations to which we have been accustomed, but they will certainly grow in favor because of tho saving in postage for reoeipts, acknowledgments, invitations, orders, and other correspondence of business and social life, where such publicity as thoy occasion will not bo a matter of much concern. The government, there fore, is not venturing upon an experi ment in the introduction of this Dew postal convenience. . i Roprino the Mails. For months past, the popular and reliable publishers Messrs. Hunter & C)., of Hinsdale, N. II., have been annoyed and dismayed at the immense losses of valuable letters which wero daily occur'ng. Aided by the chief Defectivo and two special P. O. Agcrts, they hnvo at last the satis faction nt Feeina, the thief a night clerk in the lloston P. O, "behind the bars," and he has confessed all. Messrs. II. rfc Co.'s lopses have been enormous ; in fact, no exsct estimate can at preseut be made. The thud carefully examined, by n light, every letter, and took rvn-u one that contained money. lie was caught in the net and arretted, and, it he gets his dues, will board with the State for from five to ten years. Mean time the prosperous business of Hunter & Co. goe on with its usual energy, promptness and care, and those who have lost Money by mail will now see just where it went, and avoid giving the blame to honest per.-ons, A circular issued bv one of the promi nent mercantile nsrencics of the country stages that last year there were 4,009 fnihire". tho aggregate liabilities: being 8121.0..00." Compare with 1871 this is a large increase, there having been in that year 2.015 failures; with liabilities aL'jrreKalios 885.232.000 Tho increase is said not to be ehnvsre-'ble to the ordinary eausnltirs of business, but eau?ed mainly by the Chicago and Uoston fires. Thus, in liabilitip.s. J liinois rosp from five and three-quarters to eleven and a half millions, while Massa chusetts went from eight to above twentv five millions; so that in these two Stati-s nearly two thirds of the increase is accounted fir, and probably, if we could trace the financial effects of fhee two fives outside of Illinois ami Mnssnchu seN, we would be able to account for the remainder of the increase. Xew York in each year exhibited about, twentv millions and three quarters of losses, her fiinre thu remaining fixed, while Penn sylvania rose from seven to nine millions. Th cirou'nv states that in mercantile a Hairs 1872 was not. strictly speaking, a money making year. How to IiFrRontcK Pink Forests. T nniic.'il in the Rural ,',,-r, of January IS, a timely article on the " Propagation of Forest Trees," The ri at increase i.i price of the t.ino 'um ber for the lii'-t lew yinrs ard the grow in;: scarcity of tin pir.e forests, r.s they never fpror.t 3'.' lin under ordinary c'r;-cntn.t.-.nce-i, lead:) us to inquire if there Is no ;)'.;:li'.';;! wr.j of avoiding this coni- r;i .cero;f. e r.rs ::!ve;;cj" told that. witbia Cve yjsrs, I'rnas.vh'cah 1 svrh, bo no r..or .Viii:r.ii.-ij)Ott, toe ,Lie:it nibrr i!) irkct, wiil. s i. Tbo riine !urei:i will ",!1 i".iv'; b:ea "'jt C.c snvnd into H'.siwn-.-. At occurred to -nr. ihet a i in.'l 7an c:iuont:U.7 e:i"e to v.t tics unsiit n? bt vsj 'o y ''!!)! ilo:Tisto".c, , to 1yu:e. rc-uutj'. ; were te'iirc: ruf '.vale en o J!i,, n j er.er,: weel:s :ir e.".p:'.;-3 ! r'f tbe'.n. otosr '.li'UK-i in WOlI.tr i:i .t i.) nil i'l- i:e::tio'jecI tbs r; c s'i'.nren t r." n:n 'iv?'fs hr,i rw .-.it dow.i aMl 'ill-d. if ! ut o:; :, u new f;r.y.".'th c'i r-t.K-i i i-; r- ?ui:U!' tpvat.r up, r.rd :-i tlirt orditisry courra cf titu'' b r- OSlB 5f pitlO PJ5'.i t' th"! Old Oi-'tjitlHi rowth, oovevc 1 cb.3 ;r;o:i.;u. .'Cow, ii th tjios for. :''." oil be ronewed by once ;.'v,v',ri", it geoir.s to ne a thin;; whiob s'.iov.ld tie (rener; My b'n?u and roc:oi)--ttP.vJe;!. it jo-i 'Jo.-?.-e. 1 can r.rcartr.in t'e "iiT.:ef of parties in i'i'-.e r.o;:nfy who fie.:c:.a!!y r?i:i-!.-i:cb fo- tbos-3 ": r, ef It'.irnl New-Voror. Oar ow. t-bs--7f.tt3ns its p'.ne land.1 cariin.-i this staimic'. !.': :iy oar rsaders know to the contrary? P''d. N.Y. k n The inpurnnco on Horace Greeley' life, nre::ntin,;' to 6100. OHO, bss jiwt been collected. Tl'.e policy va'; taUen oat ihreo yeutfi r.fj by the tru-'tccf cf tha Trn. mi" cssoeiation for their o'.vn 'eneSt. 20.000 wa.s pal l by tha ITorih Acisni c:i:i company, t--1 0.000 by the Globe, 020.000 by the T.-Tutaal, and tlu ro.-t by 02t of (owl cficipuaxs. Insurance u;ou ssy that tbi policy ii the liijr!t that brti been paid in tl; o luit 'lecade Tbo trci;-,y is to be ujed in creatinu; a palhce for 'he Trilr-.uc v.i a r'n.'nrir.l. A SuiTAi;!.E GtTT. We htiOT of no preaeut more suitable than r. copy of Webster'3 Ucabridjed Pietinary. lie pIJhs furnishio:" a continnous and nlraost inexhaustible channel o! valuable in Ktnntioii, its iibistvariens will bo found a capita! means of imuesient to theo'd tss well an tbc yaur". It ha.i lac; been re garded (he standard work or orthography r.nd pronvneiatioo, nnd we have yet to lesrn ofuny busincis, trade or profession wbioh does not find full recognition among its br.ndreda of paes. To the minister, editor, profcus'onal gentleman and school, it is iodf'penpablo, and the time is almost at band when it will be esteemed equally so, in the home circle. Frank Leslie's Wekb Illustrated. Mil NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFUEHISHIHG GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools In fact everything usually kept in a first-class f Sard ware Store. Em ploying none tout first-class Workmen and nothing but first class material used. OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S- -tf. KIEW DISCOVERY la Cbemicnl nnd "'ledicil Scisncea tn O b a "a: t.. w v.. .J. iC; -v-;.-f.Vi?. . Dr. U. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND CCHFGUJSB ELIXIR 1 .we mixture of .Xt.l.'lUZl TWiiliVK vitlunl'Ja aoli ;ft prinoii,i';s o t he wyil kjuY)i crriitiv ageat, 3717rn TTI3T3 TAK, nrOF.U T.T37)in Cvmhn, CuMs, CivtRfrt, Astbnu, !;.. chttifs, nncl Cousunipiioii, ctrr4T!.y wsrvzx'.yvy? ivmx. A riiCi-r I c'iX if. l!:r.-a n r.l- ioi:?j nr-d sr.o, t fl' VITAI.ISU VuKIPiTNf Md r;'i .fUJ.ATINf r.Ktrii".. :,-:, ..v tih'A w tT, "r;.-luuii'i S nmi c!"Uf.ii.-'..s ri te tl.in, Ty e -K.il, ir.d ( .-. a,.- ', f'i:ljiv. 5f!v:. AXttrX?VA VOL'iTiLF. SOUiTIOMoF TAR 'IKDICAtCSD TVCilKiX' taxi ''fjtJivfSS1'. uM-TJ 7 fZAJC.r.JJZl!: FILL, :r -:' lit c-ntrp t:;i r.'tU .1:!LIX,."I TV, ia y.'!:il.5:-v.ir,r cf t'- T V. i ) ii- -t . .:'.im' !,. AH'i'.RA '' -ic-s V.K.v.r. .u " ami ren rters I'Wi j;n ';.t'-.pv5 bs -.iv9 t"i9 very Lest ever "'"n "ni C'mjTOM Elixir. n1',a CT--? tnl LlREil'-lte TiJs, Sleta per iiox. KeJicitel Ir.h-!tiDn, $3.C0 per Package. P-n.l fcr Oir-niler o; TOEITIVE CURES to fo-or lrri',?t, or t P. HYDE & CO., PBOPHIETOKS, IDS Seventh Ave., ZTeiv York, to noun c.ii'.issLn. A NEW WAY or nr.NNixa & Subscription Book. CAN 8KLL TilOL'SANDS:! PLAIN . HOMES TALK Js plain tutU about the Loily and it b physical an'i soei:il ueeds. E. Iootb, utuor cf '-Meuical Commoa Seuse " of No. I'M Lxintoa Ave, N. V., wbo eutertaiua everybody witti bis pen, and cures every, bi'ly by Lis ski!!, is its autbor. Iu iis i!io;is;iml p.i'jen it anawers a thousand questions you dou't yiuut to go to your pliysician about. It is, as is slumped upon its cover, 'a book for privata and coustd erate vaud'tDg." I'rioa and sunt, putt age prepaid, everywhere. A beautiful oiigiii.il chroaio. uioiiuieil. "Tiiaow Puyhio to thk Doas," woi-ib $10, goes wiili the book. Ko chroiuo wiibout ibe book No book without tho chronio. Aduress MUB R U" 1HLL PLbUSHINQ CO'aVAN.lVj . tastblb Street, New York, nii 13t- a 2k 2 to HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- 10 PEE CE1TT. .INVESTMENTS 3BCUBED bY FlIiST MOlli GAGi! ON Ileal (gstitic aorih THREE TIM KS THE SUM LOAN MI). Interest Payable Semi-Amvaally. At the Banking House of A J I- h a r K P II E M 8 & V, o., In Nviv Yoilt City, or signaled by tie lender. nt uny tank du- R AUG IXVKSTIXO FOR. KASTEllN parlies mnuy thousands of dollars per mouth in first mn.-tgafi on improved property iu Illinois, and such has been the rici.irud for lui-ee desirable securities, hat we have, during the last fifiei-n months, placed iu thniu nearly one milliun dvlttrs, the Kctni-aunual interest on which bus, iu each and every cfisc, been promptly puid. Tkosa iuoitgnj(es are iu the form of Trust l'cd.J, ami can be closed in 1!0 dnys should ihi'i-e be a failure to pay interest or taxes when due. We invest any sun, be it large or small, and cidUct and remit iuierest and principal as il matures, all wit li out expense to the IfiiiU".'. ("an refur to pai tics for whom we Lave loaned largo amount-!, and who have ne vol- lest a dollar either of principal or int. cve'.-t :- '.hi? clars of secuvilies during the l:'. ,i j'f.-n j'.ffs. Stud for our pninplilol. "IM.tiis as a pluce of Jncitimaii," mailed free. I1ENKY C. WILSON, F.O. W. TOllt'.. WJL&OX & TOMS, ln.T,r.Rs m Heal Estate Tkn Vcn vJknt. fcacunrriKs anu School lbiMS. Dl.COMlGTON, ILLINOI . j.m 10 '71 yl new ro go wzsr. This is an inquiry which every one should have truthfully answered before be ttarts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of lloutes will in many casses save much trouble, time and money. The "(J., B. k Q. R.," ruonin;; fiom (Ihicayo, through Oalesburg to Burlintau, and the li &V. rvoute,' running from Indianapolis, through Uloomington to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation iu the last two years b:i tho leading Passengers Routes to the West. At Burlington they con nect with tho B- (& M. II. It. and from the great Burlingtou Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with closo connections 'o California and the Territories; and passengers starting from Elk County, on their way westward, canuot do better than to take the Burlington Bodte. This Line has published a pamphlet called "How to go West," which con tains much valuaoin information; a large correct map of the Grea'" VYest, which can be obtained free of chaige by ad dressing the Geucral Passeuger Agent of tha li St JI. a , Builicetou,- low P YOU WANT TO DUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO ' JAMES.II- HAGERTY Main Street, Eidgway, Pa. DUY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUKENS WARE, WOOD AND WlLLOW-WAItE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as toe CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. NEW LIVE11Y STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNEll WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzons of Ridgway, and the public generally, that be has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Til Uuggies, to let upon Uie most reasona bleU'rms Esg&Jlo will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the PostOllioe, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. BOOK AGENTS FOR THK Funny Side of Physic. 800 Po'Jfg, anil 2")0 Kvjrav!ngs. A startling i-xposc of Medical Humbugs of die past nod present. It. ventilates Quacks Travelling Docio's, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting narratives of Noted Physicians. It reveals startling secrets, and it is invalu able to all. We give exclusive territory and liberal coniniixsicns For circulars and terms address the publishers. J. li. Ii Villi k UYDh, IIAUTFOUU, CONN'., on CHICAGO, ILL. AfJKNTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT HTLUSTRIES OP T1ID UHI1EO STIlILB, This work is a complete history of all branches of industry, and is n complete en cyclopedia of arts and manufactures. One ajieiil suld l;?:i copies in eight days, another sold iiliH in two weeks. Specimens sent free ou receipt of stamp. J- B. & HYDE, Publishers, II ART FO HI), CONK., onClUCAOO, ILL A NEW BOOK Ity a a popular Author, will be ready in a tew weeks. Ajrents who would secure ter ritory, should apply nt once. T T!TTTT i TTV7W nVi;V HARTFORD, CONN., on CHICACO.ILL. BV MAIL 25 CENTS i kPARKROW ir ANTED. Wc will ive men and wo men BUSINESS THAT WILL TAY. from l to f3 per day, can bo pursued in your own neighborhood; it is a rare chance for tho.e out of employment or having leisure time, girls and boys frequently do as well as men. Farliculars free. Address .) LATHAM & CO., -f- Wasbingten St., Uoston, Mass liGtli SEl-.L'S, I'LANTS, TREES, PFvEPAID VY MAIL. My new priced desoiiptivo Catalogue of Choice Flower uud Uardeu Seeds, 25 sorts of either for $1; new and choice varieties of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, tihrubs, Evergreens, Roses, drapes, Lillies, Small Fruits, House and lioidcr Hants and Itullis; ;.ne year grafted Fruit Trees for mailing; Fruit St. cbs of ail kinds: Hedge Plants, ie,; the most, complete assortmeut in the country, will be seut gratis to any plain address, with 1. O. box. True Cape Cod Cranberry for upland or lowland, $G per 10'JO; 1 ier 1U0, prepaid by mail. Trade List to dealers. Seeds ou Commis sion. Agents wauled. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries apd Seed Warehous, Plymouth, Masa. Es tablislittd 1842. mkmM THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER, IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST ClltCU- ATION, IT TS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY Stvottb to ilic Utttcrw of the people ct Zlb Counts. T35E1I3:..$2.C0 PER-YEAB. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM 4 INSERTED IN TIIE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you wont to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. (Kilt gUIuonti; Job Printing la tie Court nause, Ridg??ay, I'a. The beet work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this office. Hand bills printed at the shortest notice Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., Ridgway, I'a. BUSINESS CARDS. (1 A. KA111BUN. Attorney-at-law, 2 2tf. Bidgway, Pa. J OHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Eidg. way, Elk county Pa. niar 22'0bl f J U. w: UAIL1.Y, ATTOllNEY-ATLAW. vlnoyl. Eidgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life nnd Accl dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. TCFUS LUCORE, Attornej-at-Law". XV Kidgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v8nlly. .jEYNOLOa HOUSE, " SBYKOLESVILLE, JEFFE ESCN CO, PA. H. S. BELNAP, Proprietor . J 1). FAUSONS, Manufacturer "and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Main at., oppotd te the H tel, Wilcox l'a. J. S. 202DWELL, LI, D, Eclcctio Physician and Surgeon, Las remov ed his office from Cemre sli eet, to Main st. RidRwny, Pa iu the second story of the new bride building of John Q. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Ot'.ice liouis: a to t a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8 P. iu. jau 9 7a G1 G. MKSSLNG'JK, C i'l ii.;;;i'.t. and Parareutist corner of Mam nnl Mill streets, Ki.lgway, Pa. A full assortment of caisfully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prcici-iptions carefully dispensed at all bnun, d.iy or night. " vln-5y. rp S. HAUTLEV, M. 1)., JL Phy citin and Surgeon, 1. .dgry, Pa. Cica iu Walkei-'s liuildiog. fciec.:'.l aii'.'iiliou jivcu to fiurgery. Ollica hou: e m.-in i a. m. to 10 p, m. WeBidenca on co.i.rr ul' i:ouh aad C.mrt utrccts, op-Mos-ie niiiv fechonl House. All calls pronip.ly attended to. vln2yl. CUlAItLEri. HOLES, ' Wnichiiiakur, Engraver and Jsveler, Aiuiu ttreei, Uidmray, Pn. A:jent, for the Howe tr'cwiuj ilicjUin?, nnd Morton Gold l'eu. Jtcpuiriug VVaiclies, etc, doaa with he sumo aocuracy as heretofore. Satis nciiou guarautcud. vlnly. UIAYKtt HOUSE, It ILLY t 15110., Proprietors. vor. Miil aud Ceulre tits., Kidgway, Pa. The pioprii tors take this nseiliod of an nouiiciug to ihe public thut they have re littid, levittd, aud iuiproved, this well known hotel, uuu are prepared to entertain uli who tavor thtui wnu tueir patrouage, m the beat style and at low rates. Good stabling atiuciied. v3nGtf. HYDE HOUSE, lliuowAY, Elk Co., Pa, V. II. SC11 RAM, Proprietor. Thcnkful fur the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ai tt'iniuo lo the eoiiitort nud convenience of guests, to merit a coutinuuuee oi the same. Oct SU 1803. fIUE OLD LUCIiTAlL'S HOTEL, I Jiuue, -MeKtan Co., Pi It. E. LOOKElt, Prop l ie. or. Thanhtitl for ihepatiouuge heretofoie sa Ubevaliy bestowed upon nim, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict atteution lo ihe coiutort uud couveuieuce of guests, to merit a coutinuuuee cf the same. Tha unly stubles lor horses in Kane and well kept iiiut or Jay. Hull attached to tho Hotel. vlnj.'tjl. J1ALL, & BLIO Altoi'iioys -at -La w ST. MAUVS, CJITTY PKICSYLYANIA. JO.INO. IIAL1 JAS. K. V. HAH KEHSEY HOUSE, CtiM-asviLLE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, 1'iopiictor. Thankful for the patronage heretolora so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, t merit a ' continuance of tha same. S. A. EOTE, PHOTOGltAPHEB. AND DKALER IK Chrouioa, Stereoscopic Views, Pictur Frames, &c. WEST END, PJlXiWAT, ELK CO. PA vlinlltf. 2i!Ei. bchoe:;t.ng, WllOLKSAI.S AMI SKTAIL EEALERIS PI AN O-l'OK I ES, ORGANS, SHEET MUGIC, ind MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and organ? to rent cud rental ap plied if purchased. Pioil'ioiioiuty's Office, Riugway, Pa. vJuOtl. P. W. HAYS, liEALlh. IN Goods,' Notions, Groceries, Ery and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. I'a t li tj 1. O. vlul7tf. EW bTAOE KOUTE. J. O.BUSNS, Pr oprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S Mail between KEYNOLHSVILLE 4 BROCKAVAY VILLB has placed on that road a liua of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel iu Heyuoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and balurday ou the ui rival of the iU-ooKville stage, aud return the same day. Thesa hacks connect at liioekwuyville with, the Eidgway blages, making connection with, iraius on the P. St E. PkUud, both east aud west. Every attention to the comfort of pauous of this hue will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. 4ug.
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