The most Complete IJuslncKs Col lege in the DnHcd Statc. Affording facilities for scquircing n thorough practical businoss education, possessed by no other School in the country. Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly Six teen Thousand Btudonts, representatives from very State in tho Union, have attended here. Novaoations. Students enter nt any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. K. B. Circulars with full particulars and all ncoesiary Information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, PlTTSBimolI, l'A. S' OMITIIINO NEW IN RIDGWAY 1 BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The subscriber takes tliia mzlhod of inform ing the citizens of Kldgway and viciuily that he has opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in (Tie room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of tho llydo House, where may be found a general assortment of Ladies Shoes, Gcntieniens' Coots and Shoes Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have, a Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment whero work will be made to order. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Tho public are invited to give ine a call. oc'J3,'09y GEORGE WALKER. Tlillt) Iniuuibm lu-intdy does nut, like tho I poisonous irritating snull's and strong caustic solutions with which tho people liuve long been humbugged, pimply pallialc for a short lime, or drive the disease to llie lungs ns there is danger of doing in the use ot such nos trums, but it produces porfert and permanent cures of I he wsisl ca.-cs of Chronic Catarrh, as thousands can testify. Cold in the head is cure ed with a few applications. Catarrhal Ilea 1 ache is relieved and cured as if by magic. 1J removes oliVnsive breath. los or impairment of the sense of taste, smelling or hearing, water ing orwcalicyes, and impaired Memory, when caused by the violence of Cntarali, nstliey fre quently nre. I offer in pood fail h a standing reward of J? jO'J for a case of Catarrh that 1 cannot cure. For sale by nest druggists everywhere Price only 00 cents. Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but if lie has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off by accepting any miserable worse than worthless substitute, but enclose sixty cents to u:c, and the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four packages or one dozen for fc.-. Scud a two cent stamp lor Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address t lie proprietor, 11. V. riERCE. M. D. nov27'C9y Buffalo, K. Y. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, IIO'.V RESTORED. ffff'f vt published, a new cJi- Cclehra'cd I'ssuy cn tho raillcal cure (without medicine) of S) c.iiiatoi ru a. or Seminal Weakness, involuntary Seminal Losses, lmpo. tency. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Imped iments to Marriage, etc; o'.to, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fin, induced by self-iudulgenco or sexual extravagance. Price, in a seated envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly deinon"tvtes from a thirty years' successful practice, that tho alarming conse quences o! self-abuse may bo radically cured without the dangerous use of internal med'clno or the application of ilio knife; pointing a mode of cure at once F'lnp'c, certain, and ef fectual, by means of wlrch cvt:ry sufferer, no inntterwliat his cotidiiion may be, may cure himself ehcap'y, priva.e'y, ami rndical'y. j&Crl'his Lecture should be in lie hands of every youth and every man in t ho land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope to ftny address, on receipt of six cents, or two stamps. Also, Dr. Culvorwcll's 'Marriage, Guide,' price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, Kew i'ork, Post-Oilice Box 4,580. 87 3m TO THE WORKING CLASS. Wo are now pre pared to furnish all classes with cons' ant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and protitablo- l'ersens of either sex easily earn from 50c. to $5 per evening, and a prop porlsonal sum by devoting their whole time to tho business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this uhparallclcd offer : To such as are net well ealistiied, we will send SI to pay for tho trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable samplo, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People' t Literary Companion onot the largest family newspa pers published all sent free by mail. Read er, if you want permanent, profitable work, siddress E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augi sit Maink. Feb. 19 Urn, DON'T DO IT! Friends, Countrymen and Lovers : Do not for get that I, S. S. Wood, do hereby declare, on tho uulhority of facts herewith submitted, that more moucy's worth is. given in premiums for new subscribers to WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZIE than for any other publication in the World. Also, that I ogree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub' lislier who shall succeed in proving the contra ry to this declaiation, provided that such Pub lisher shall declare his iuteutention to inves tigate before prececding to do sr ; ulso, that in case he foils he, he shall forfeit to me the same amount, and announce the result in regu lar type inthe Editorial columns of his next issue S, S.WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor Woods Hoiseuloo Mtcumng." Kewbpbh N. Y. March 12, 1870 I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy and will send the receipt free. MRS. M. C. LEGUETT, llobokcn, N. J. BtrenwtWBwr'iri.jJiBiuiuiiijaai.sB'iW'L.. j POWELL & KIME. QOOD8 I OR THE MILLION. POWELL & K I M E, At thoir capacious storo in RIDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Coods adapted to the wants of tlio pcoplo of Elk and adjoining counties, which they arc selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very largo dealers, their facilities for purchasing arc un equalled by auy establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Auothcr advantage. You can always got what you want at their store, hence you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. Wo have no space hero to enumerate all the ad vantages jou will have in patronizing their establishment. But calland see, and reap tho advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GCODS iu cnJless; varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cut and finish. BOOTS & SHOES of tho best &tock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud cldeily. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, FORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly dlj kinua of country produce taken at the market value' vlnlif. , THE ELK m. ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIECULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! Svelcit to the interests of the gcoplc ot ClU (Coutttjj. TERMS: $2 00 PES YEAR. BRING ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE MENTS AND GET TIIEJI IN SERTED IN Til 14 ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through tho Advocate tho great advertising medium. She Bllt Sflcwatc Job Printing Office, In Court House, Ridgway, Fa. The beat of work douc, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on Land at this office. Hand-bills printed at tho shortest notice Call in aud gef our prico for advertisiu, and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted. Or dors by wail promptly attended to. Address J. S. BORDWELL, RlDOWAlf, FaJ Itidgway, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT 1 GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE TOR OR j on work: at the rid g way WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or ricasuro Wagon. . . I use tho best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but Fint Class Mcclinn iV;Iuso nothing but tho lest Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give mo your order. , Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of eostruction, I will be able t'o furnish any party by the first of April. All oidcn by mail, also any orders left" with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. Q1IARLES HOLES, TBACTlCAt. WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER & JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa, Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATCAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Fcn3 and Pencils, Exclusive -4gent for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD TENS. Repnirinc Watches, etc.. done with the same accuracy as heretofore. novliO.'G'Jtf GOLD! GOLD! GOLD" HARNESS! HA It NESS ! HARNESS! COLLARS! COLLARS! COLLARS! JC3. M. has removed his Harness Shop over Powell & K'tiic's Store and has on hand the la'get assortment of harness for for lirjiberitr' and pleasure puposcs. in this or adjoining coutuics. and ull other articles belonging to the trade. TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALTSE3, WHIPS, BLANKETS, COL LARS &o. Would invite the attention of all owners of lio'-ses to my ne w PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR. which proves to be the be.-:t Collar in csis- eneo lor these reasons : Bein; very Elas tic they do not chafe or gall and the cork being a non-coutiuctor, thcyprevent injury from heat. Call and see them. All work warranted. Reparing, Tiiming 'and!, Upholstering done withe ueatoc.-s and dispatch. n29tt JOSEPH M. HEARD. LOIULLAIID'S EUHEKA Smoking Tohaecn is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. lierever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bnjri, in which orders for .Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobncco lias no superior ; being deni cotinized, ic cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced trom selections of the finest stock, nnu prepared by a patented and original inner. It is very aromatic, mild, and light weight hence it will last much longer than others; nor does it I mm or sting the tongue, or lcavo a disagreeable after-tasto. Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack ed iuneat leather pocket cases, are p!a eidn the Qacht Club brand daily. ' LORILLARD'S CENTURY Chewing Tobacco. This bland of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. Ii is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in the country. LOU1T-.L AUD'S SNUFF'S Have been ai general us iu the United States over 110 yearn, aud still acknowledged "the best" wherever usol. If your storekeepers does not have these articles for sale, ask him to pot them. They are sold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. Cticulars mailed on application. P.LOitlLLaO Hlo-.Ji tw York. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner, aud at the pbick, FOR CASH, at ho Elk Advocate Printing Omce. TRY MORE COS OVAL STEEL ENGRA VINOS, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody can sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Pay band somcly. Send for new ciroular- 29 4w HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE timple, cheap, reliable, Knits hverythinq. AGENTS WANTED. Circularand sample slocking FREE. Address H1NKXEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath, Me. tSoi W. S. SERVICE 00,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At tho new Masonio Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of all de eirnirfe kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at al imcs. Speoinl attention given to Wholesale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SHEET-TIN AND COPPER WARE. Ilcuse furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER P1PEIXG, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, Sc.. jc. ' ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Fromptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, SrOUTS. of Tin, Galvnniiadlron and Copper an! every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WCR.K done on short notioo and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated aws. Orders for saws at factory prices s licitcd, also for repairing. Information aud l ice list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD ' COPPER, CRASS, PEW- ' TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. 8. . BONW&e. taken in txchange for Good or IIo7c nVM. W. 8 EB It VICE. DR. J. S.EOIIDWELIj'S Medical Fco Hill: Advico ot office, common cases, $1 00 Call in jown 1 00 Call in town nt night 2 00 Travel by Railroad 8 milci 5 00 " " " U " 50 per milo 7 00 Over 14 mil.ts from 25 to 50 cents per mile. Traveling with own convey ance ono luilo ' 2 00 Ten to twelve miles 10 00 Obstetrical Calls within ten miles 10 0( ' " by rail 15 miles, 10 Of) unless detained beyond the usual time. For curcinjr, Catirrh, from fivo to fifteen dollars. For 'cureing Scrofula Swellings or Kings Evil, from twenty-five to one hun dred dollars Tooth Extraction, f)( Vaccination 60 Lancing Felon, 1 00 Unmcutioned and Surgical operations will be charged according o circumstances. To those living several miles from a Drug Store I furnish such mcdiciiio as I carry. I give this fco list to Btop tho constant magnifying of my charges by inturcsftd, parties. The above arc about my usual charges; and have been fur several years. SPLENDID PRIZE FOR TUG LADIES. Thu finest, mtpt pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to lie presented as a premium to each subscriber to DE JIO REST'S 31 ON T 11 L Y, a matraz'ne of practical utility in tho house, a mirror of the fisliions. nnd a literary conser vator oi" surpassing interest nnd arlisiio exccl enco. acknowledged to be tho modern parlor mncraz'iie of Anicvirn The cpar.ivins:, 'J8xv- inelie, is from the or iginal pain ing, entitled, -The Pic-Nic on tho Found of Ju'y.' The p inrsg look a whole year, nnd is con sidered i he fim-si of the ent:re list of numerous' popu!or productions by LillieM. Spcacer. The eng'av'ng was tho ir.bor of four years, by three emiorm art:sis lolm Badgers, Samuel Ha'p'n, and Sainuc1. ilol'.yor ; The last named hav'ng been induced to onto from Europe to f n'sh it. Theangi'avcrs havo nbly seconded the success!!)' labors o'' the painter. None but I'-'t's.s can u"y appreciate !io skill and labor lavichcd on til's e.'igraviiig The general ef tcc; is vcy line ami imprcs've, nnd tho deli niic iin;s!i to ihe Iliads will bear the most mi nu. c inspw.'on. The utron o!' line nnd Rtipplo is esecu.ed with uuumiil ability, and tlieir skillul combir.a.ion has g'caily contributed to the siicei"1- ' l lie enslavers iu tliis unsurpass ed p-oof (:' i'leir geti iis. TI.ei'iMPil: on i lie eng-nvitig aionc cost over seven i Montana annnrs. oos ite. tlio cost ot tho convri'iht. aud is ncknow,nd''ed liv competent judges .lie mos: c'al-or.-iic'y finished large work of art ever eng'-aved ;ti America. Fine copies of ibis niamificcnt picture, on heavy plate paper, worth 10 each, are to ho given as a premium lo each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY 3IAGZINE. Yearly sttbscv'ipl'ous only Three Dollars, nnd ten ceni s (wiieii is to bo vil wi.'u the. suli-sc-tp.iou). for the posiaju on the engraving (wh-cli will bo limlied toetuely dono up on n roller. This is certainly the larcrest, most liberal and splend;d preniium ever oTered lo single sub.'criticrs by rny publisher, and nBonls ail easy and economical way tor any one lo secure an elegant work of u' t, a Pn.-lor Picture that is only ncxi to a piano iu ihc way of ornamcu tn. ion. and n perpe.u il reminder of a day .l.:l. i.. i. ..i :..! , .... , i n ii. tn uu-ui iu iu ue cnei isuei-i nuu neiuin re membrance by every true Aufrrioan. 'J he reception of this ninjivlieent picture w:'l lake every one by surp-.-'se and we do not venture anything iu saying that $10 will not procure another ih.vt combines eo much of iu--terest and bea'i: v. Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars. giving full puiicu'n.'s, will be sent to any giv. en address, post Leo on rcce:pt of 13 cents. Auaress DEMOREST' MONTHLY. novfJOlf 83S Broadway, S. Y. I HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS ! Tho Lady's Friend announces the following Nnveleis for 1'rTO : Did lie 1'orgeS Her T ' by Louise Chandler Mou'ton ; Tho Cincannon'n Aunt.' by El'iiiheih Prrscxtt. author of ' Be tween Two." kc. ' Solid Siiver ; or, Chr;si8 Denue's B.-ida! G''ts,' by Ama-jda M. Doula;, au.lior of the Dcbiiri-y Fonune," with nu merous i lionar sto. ies by a brilliant galaxy of lady writer. A fine'y executed steel engrav'ng. a lmnd seaic double page, iiueiy colored tasliiou plate, and a hfge tissonriient of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fusliiocs, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. 1 twill give a popular piece of Musio In ev ery number. l'ORTKAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTIIOK3. Tiie January number will conlvn portraits giavea on blcil or M s. llenrv Wood. Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton. l:ate.h Prescolt, Amanda M. Djuglas Mrs., Mu.gaiet llosnicr and AugUit Etll, NEW SUESCRIEERS Who send in iheir names before the first of No-- veniber. E'ua'! receiue the 'oveinber and De ceuiber numbers of this year in addition, mark, ing fourteen months in all ! And new subscri. bcrs seuding in ibeir names by the first, of l..,..u 1...11 -. ittuiiiur iLui-i receive ine magninccnt Uecem bsr holiday number, making thirteen inuntlu in ull ! TERMS : j2 50 a year j two copies. $4 : four copies, $1; epiesuio, t nnu one grans) S'i. Oue copy of o Lady's Friend and one of the Post. Si. stA copy of ibo lorge aud beautiful Premiuoi cel eug-av:ag lak'.ng ibi Measure of Hie ceddinj Unix ' engruved in Lueland at a sesi of 5-J'jO will bo sent to evory person ending a c ub. This engraving is a gem of an. Auuiess DEACON t PETERSON, 810 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Specmen copies sent for ten cents. N EV STORE. TbA pulififtribpr briffalna iA " ... , e.,.iiuiu iue eiti- isns ot lliazwav and vimmm n.... i. - ......... j mm ua jias opened a store where may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. ' STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, .ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. 12 14' J. K. EAIRD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers