Itr IHnieat iUdgrwny. trie Express r.ast 2:20 p. tn do do Wert. 1:01" a m do Mail Kurt i-AH p. m do do Wert 1:67 p. m Local Freight. East 7:20 a. m do do West 6:10 p. m si-alar Eotection of ft Uurderer. Ilk toflgt, A. T.'M. Stated meetings of Elk Lndce will be Seld at their hall on tin scoond and fourth fuesdays of each month. J. K. WH1TMORE. Sec'v, I. 0. G. T. The lingular meeting") of Ridgway Lodge, Co. liitn, lielu ever Hcunesuay evening -heir Lodge llooin. n. A. PARSONS, W. AGS NTS FOE THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Adrocalr to receive aubscrip 'ions, advertising or Job work, take pixy there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Amnion, J. L. Brown. KaiQ. FnANK W. Mekcb. Jbhnsonsburg. Isaac Haoan. St, Marys. Ciias. McVkan. Ccnlrcvillo. Homee B. Lkack, Maj. Burks Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Weed. Ticnnexetle. John C. Bahu, J. W. Brows. Shawmiit. John Farrrr, Spring Creek. A. W. Irvih. Highland. Lkvi Eli.otiiorpk. Ilorton. D. 0. Oystkr, N. M. Brockwav. List of Causes set down for trial at the August term 1870, Klk County Com mon pleas August 1st, 1870 : 1. The Elk County Miuing Gazette vs. Jacob Reieurd. 2. 11. Doyle vs. Highland School District. 3. Coxe's Exr's vs. England & Drown. 4. Winslow vs. Du.m & Flyun. ft. Foster's Adm's vs. William Reed. 6. Levy Admr's va. Malone et al. 7. Sharpo et al vs. William Heed. S. Moorehcad vs. t). J. W. Wiuslow vs 10. Z. Webb Drown. J. Brown. T. Toster. Head. Cunirutngs. F. Uei'i;. vs 11. WoL'Oinar vs 12. R d j;way vs 13. L. Hall vs 1-1. Hunt et. al. Admr's vs. Messenger, 1"). J. Rrnwn vs. 1). H. Winnlnw. 1 H. Messenger & Wheeler vs George et al 17. S. Hiiro vs. N. Luunshury. 18 Win. Reed vs. 1 reeded et al. lit. Suliultz et. al. vs. lied.-nickcr. Lessor vs. McCuulcy. Keliy vs. George. Hrown vs. Tautiory. Lewis vs. Rest. McCullouzh Co. vs. McCanlcy. FRED. SOIKEXING, Fro. tiO, 21 22 23. 21. Cocrt eets oa Monday next. Tur donntion,fui ihc btiiulii of ficv. L. Little, ou Thursday evening, was well attended. Mad. Fot'r and L. C. English's Skirt sup porting Corsets can he had at Mrs. P. Malone's at form $1 60 to $i. The recent rains dwelled the Clarion to a good rafting flood and all'liaving luinlicno run were iirceno Fiidny morning looking for pilots uud Lands, which are scarce here at present. Srni;cK nr LioiirNft.o. J. F. Dill's new dwelling house on, Centre street, was si t uck by lightning on Tuesday afternoon doing con siderable damage io tho building, w hich 11 not occupied, and is, we believe, the only vacant house in town. As illustrating qock perception and rare presence of mind, Cliamber'i Journal vouches for the truth of the following story, which was originally published in the guise of fiction: Caroline G , r poood-Iooking, finely proportioned young girl, lived as a lady's maid with a fashionable young widow, rather posse. One evening, after having assisted at her mistress' toilet for a dinner party, she amused herself, before putting away the various articles scattered about the room, in trying on a pair of stockings and dress shoes belonging to her mistress, and having done so, she viewed her well turned limbs with complacency, laying aloud: "there's a leg for a stocking, and there's a foot for a shoe." Having satisfied herself as to their symmetry, she divested herself of her borrowed plumes. put the room to rights, and awaited the return of her mistress, whom she saw into bed. That was the last time she saw her alive. She was found in the moruing murdered' in her bed, the jewel case and plute chest broken open and robbed. The robber and murderer left no trace by which he could be captured, and, in spite of the most diligent Reach, escaped. Three years afterward Caroline was engaged in a similar capacity by a lady who took her to Jfans. bhe had almost forgotten the murder, and, if she thought of it, it was not with any hope of discovering the criminal. It happened that she was walking in one of the public promenades one afternoon, wneu, as she passed a gruup of men, she heard these words: "There's a leg for a stocking, and there's foot for a shoe." In a moment the events of the evening before her mistress was murdered flaslmd on her memory. And now for her marvelous presence of uiind, protetiding not to have heard any thing she glanced at the group cf men. She saw there were thiee, but she could not tell which of them had spoken. She walked slowly past them, then bhe stopped in an undecided manner and fully turned back and walked up to them, she asked to be directed to a certain street. As she expected, all of them had a word lor her atid among the voices she easily recognized the. one that had just spoken. Their language and looks were both very free. but she only told tiicm that they were very inperuneiit, ana that she would get the nlorniatiou she wanted from tho first ndatine. She thus averted suspision, if hey caw her spwtkitB.' to a policeman. The nest difficulty was how to inform u police man what sue wanted; she had only been a t'ui might in France, and knew scarcely a word of French. .She. however, carried a pocKot dictionary with her to assist in making purchases, uud as a means of ac quiring a little French. Going over to a Oeceh, she sat down and searching throuch the dictionary she found the words a'he wanted aud the then uroto them with a pencil on the fly leaf of the dictionary. The seutence ran thus: ''Gendarmes je avoir lisoln vous amtcr tm" The grammar was not very correct, as dictionaries do not teach syntax, but the gendiirmc understood it, and in auother .niuute held the murderer in his gmsp. lie was afterward convicted and hanged on the girl's testimony. mi iiiiiwiiiBiij.Liawiiia"""""""' It is stated that the friends of Mrs Lincoln will advise her to decline the pension of three thousand dollars per annum, voted her by CoDgress at the late session. The reasons urged nre that after what was said in the debate in the Senate about Mrs. Lincoln, in connection with tho pension, she cannot, out of lespect for her self and the memory of ber distinguished husband, accept a boon so grudgingly granted. Some of the friends of the late President propose to bind themselves to raise Mrs. Lincoln three thousand dollars per annum during the term of ber natural life, provided she declines the pension voted by Congress. Colonel Ward II. Lamon, who was United States marshal for the District of Columbia during President Lincoln's first term, promises to be one of three who will guarantee Mrs. Lincoln a thousand annually. In the meantime, Mrs. Lincoln herself has not been heard from on the subject. On Sunday last,' two brothers, hailing from Kane City, were playing poker at White Oak, and one of the brothers was found in tho woods stabbed through the heart. Tho surviving brother asserts that the deceased fell on his knife and caused in stant death Forest Republican. Thse brothers were Sweeds. Four or five men were there engaged in chopping weed. They lived in a shanty together. On Sunday they got into a general fight in which one was killed and another injured. Dr. Shugart, of Titioute, informs that the direction of the wound in the deceased, the position of the kuife, and all the circumstan ces, lead to quite a different conclusion than accidental stabbing, or suicide as the Coro ner's inpuest declared it. It is understood that further inquires into the affair are to be made. Warren Mm'l. - adbbesjs TO THB NERVOUS and DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FRO, M HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PltOJTtFT TIIE1 TJflEJVT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 2 " S hG2e THAN B00.000 PEBSONS 5. 5' S' h f 3 "3 Bear testimony to ihe wonder- ZT 3 " t v nil vui iiiic liiiiTvi'. n (v - tz 6 WHAT A RE TH EY ? 3 2 If yon are Buffering or have suffered, from involuntary discnares, what effect doea it produce upon your general health f Do you feel weak, debilitated, ea sily tired 7 Does a little extra exertion produce palpation of the heart f Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling r Or does n thick Ekum rise to the top 'I Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile t Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head f Is your memory impaired f Is vour mind constantly dwelling on the sub ject f Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life f Do you wish to bo left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eve as brilliant r The bloom of your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do vou a o IS 9 ra X v I $n mm nil Km 1VOTICE. ihc Couituissioiiers tn!) meet at their Office iu llidway Kik County I'ennsylvauia, on Monday August 1st, 1870. C. II. M'CAULEY, Clcik. nacKwnew. in mc uourt House sijuare lias disappeard and in its place stands a crop o! rag weed averageing from four to six feet in height. It in really too bud, but we under- fcianci mat tue Commissioners are going to Jiarc this little forest cut down. COXGRRS3 AbJOU'tt ned. Congress ad journed on Friday 22 inst., at 5 o'clock, to the great joy of the members. The usual custom of congratulation and liaiid-sh;iking was gone tlirough with at the cIoso of the session. An unusally large uumber of the youths appointed to eadedships at West Point this yar failed to pass examination. Only one of the appointees from this State was suc cessful, Olin A. IJoyle. son of Major John A. Boye, of the 111th Pennsylvania Vol unteers, who was killed at the battle of Wauhatchie, Tenn. lioftmnn'i Journal, All severe harrassiog Coughs are cured in less than one-half the time necessary to cure them with anything else by using Dr Pierce'a Alterative Extract or Golden Med ical Disoovery, the chief ingredient of which as extracted from a tuouest little plant fouud growing by the roadside. It is warranted, gold by druggists, or get three bottles for three and a quarter dollars, free of Express charges, by enclosing the money to to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Piiili.p Reitzei Forney, son of Mr. John W. Forney, of Philadelphia, died at tfew Orleani on Thursday, Hth inst., from lock-jaw resulting from his left lejj having been run over and crushed by a street car in that city, on the 7th inst. He was io the 2ih year of his age. He whs a warm hearted, geuerous man, and had hosts of friends throughout the commonwealth, who will re anocxea to near ot bin demise. During the war he served as captain in the army, and in all the capacities in which be served the Government be did bis duty with zeal acd fidelity. Bitten by a Lap Duo Death by HriiRopaoRiA. Nearly three months a;o, a bright boy ten years of atrc, the eldest sou of Mr. J. P. Doremus, the Pat- erson photographer, petted a little white lap dog, which was following two ladies in front of his father's store, and admiaingly stroked the aaimal on the back, when the dog bit his hand. The wound was dressed by a physician and healed nicely, but from that time the child has been nervous and complained of shooting pains, starting from his arms aud going to his head and along his spine, and latterly through his whole person. He weut to school uutil Monday last, and could not rest at school longer. On Mouday night he seemed to have spasms, but was better on the day follow ing, but on Wednesday night grew fear fully agitated, aud could not bo controlled, and leaped from his father's arms several times, aud ran mildly about the roem. Ho wanted to eat but could not, and although burning with thirst, when water was brought to him he shivered and renellod it, and could not awallow, or if he seemed to be with a great effort and with a jerk. He did not sleep after Sunday night, and grew weaker alter every spasm, bit his lips badly, and failed until 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, when death came to his relief. Newark, (N. J.) Advertiser Congressional Committee. The following is the Republican Execu tive Committee appointed by the Republi cans iu Congress before the adjournment : Hon. Henry Wilson, Chairman. Hon. J. H. Piatt, Jr. Secretary. Hon. 8 iraon Cameron, Hon. Zaohuriah Chandler. Hon. li. F. Rice, Hon. Fred A. Sawyer, Hon. John A. Logan, Hou. John A. Ketchum, ifon. Aaron A. Sargent, Colonel J. II. Clendening, Assistant Sec retary. William S. Huntington, Treasurer. All communications should be addressed to Hon. J. II. Tlatt, Jr.. M. C. Washing ton, D. C. Fortress Monroe, July 26. Three companies of artillers left for Raleigh to aid Governor Holden in enforcing the law. Raleiqii, N. C, July 26. Governor Ilolden refuses to surrender to Chief Jus tice Pearson the citizens of Alamance coun ty, arrested and now held by Kirk, through the Governor's orders. Kirk hai now over one hundred citizens. It is said that Gov ernor Holden has ordered a military com mission to assemble at Yanceyvilla to ttj (he persons under arest, TList of Jurors. The following is the list of jurors drawn for the August term ; Traverse Juror far August Term' 1870. Benezot Township Martin Jiog, Eras mus Morcy, Jr., Abncr Obner, T. B. Wins low, George W. Apkcr, J. C. DeWitt, D. B. Winslow, John Llanscom. Sr. Benzinger Township Navierns Sorg, Jr., Jacob Hans, Clemuz Ilabergcr, Philip, Young. Fox Township Lawrence Mohan, Jr., Ruuben 8. Gross, John Myers, Clinton mimty, hi his Moycr. Highland Township Levi Ellithorpc, William J. Stubbs. Ilorton Township George W. Clinton, C. A. Wilcox, D. C. Oyster, James M'Clel lan, George Iliues, Wallace Callan. Jay Township Audrcw Kaul, Anson B. Robinson, Thomas Bundy. A. E. Goff. Jones Township John C. Johnson. Ridgway Joseph M. Heard, B. F. Ely Spring Creek Township Robert J. Rob' inson. St. Marys Noah Bradfotd, Herman Kretz, George Inhoff. Grand Jurors for August Term, 1870. Bcnezet Township Lafayette Winslow' William Jordon, Jesse Johnson. Benzinger Township George Gregory Anton hille, Adam Jesbargcr. FoxTownsh'p W. S. Hamblen, William M'Caulcy, A. Timus, Reesman Merodith Uram Hewitt, E. K. Crash. Ilorton Township Stephen Fox, John C M'Allister. Jay Township Elijah L. Brookins, Wil liam P, Luce. Jones Township John D. "Parsons, Mar tin Sowers, John Eruhout, William Wei dcrt, Daniel Attltbarger. Ridgway G. F. Dickinson, William S Madagoo, Amos Wheeler. pursue your business with the same ener gy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flag ging, given to fits of melencholy ? If so, do uot lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? THEY ARE NOT A VILR -21-sFANCY DRINK'. Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and: sweetened to please the taste: called "Toniw." Appetizers," "Restorers," &o that lend the tippler on to drunkeness and ruin, but are a true medicine, made from the native Hoots aud Herbs of California, free from all Alcohol ic Stimulants. They are tho Great Blood Ptu i. tier and Lire Giving Princinlo, n perfect Kecn ovator and Iiivigorator of The System, carry ing off all poisonous mutter, and restoring Ihe blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bilters according to directions, an, I remain long unwell. 5103 will be eiven for an incur.iliVeno nm. vided the bones are not deptroyoc" by mineral poisons or other menns, and tho vital organs wasted beyond the noint of renair. For Inflammatory and Chrnnin Hlir.iimnt;.m and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious,' nemuieni, ana intermittent Fevers, Diseases REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the followineao counts have been filed in my office and will be presented at. the next Term of the Omhan's Court of Elk County for confirmation: Par tial account of D. B R. Dickinson and Carrie D. Willis, Adtiuuistrators of thd Estate of At bert n il'is, deceased, and final account of Jerome Powell, Administrator of the Estate of J. C. Cbapen. deceased. FUED. SCHCEOISG, Register. 89 tc. C AUTION. Whereas my wife Emma J. J Brandt has left my bed and board without just cause or provication, all persons are here by cautioned not lo trust or harbor her on my account as 1 will pay no deptg of her contract ing unless compelled by due course o"f law. MAUI IN J. BRANDT. Arroyo, July 7. 1870. 89 8t COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. S. P. Johnson. President Judge and Hons. E. C. Scliultze and Jesse Kyler, Asso-, ciules. Judges of the Court cf Quarter Sessions Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail delivery, for Ihe trial of capital aud other offenses in the county of Elk, by their prceipta to me directed, have ordered Ihe aforesaid named Courts to be holden at Ridg way, in and for the county of Elk, on the first Monday of August it being the 1st day of the month, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, aud Cons' able of the said county. that they are by these presents commanded to be then and there in their proper persons at len o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other re membrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said counly make returns of all recognizances entered into before them, lo the Clerk of the Court, as per act of Assembly of March 4th 1834. And those who are bound to proseoute the prisoners that are or shall be in ihe jail of the county of Elk, and to be then and there to proseoute against them aa shall be just, JACOB MoCATJLEY, Sheriff. Ridgway, Pcomber 25, nllto LANES of all kinds for sale at this tic j. B Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral disease badly cured, and sexual excesses, are al! ca pable of producing a weakness of the gene rative organs. The organs of the genera tion, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that thoe bold, defi ant, energetic, persavering business-men are always those whose geucrative organs are in perfect henltli ? You never hear such men complain of being melencholy of nervousness, of Dalpntaticn of the heart They are never afraid they caunot succeed in business; they don t become sad and dis- couraged ; they uro always polite and pleas ant in company of ladies, nnd look you and hem riitht in the lace none of vour down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the orgrns inflated by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How mancy men, from badly cured diseases, trom the cltects ot sell-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that, litis reduced the general sys tern so much ns to induce almost every other disease idiocy, paralysis, spinal nlteotiong, suicide, and almost every other form of dis ease which humanity is heir lo and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, ana nave doctored tor all but the nglit one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC. !L!)B01D'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GRET DlURETl, AND IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR DISEASE OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. And all other diseases of the Urinary Oorgans, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter how long standing. If no treatment is submitted fo. consump tion or insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Poster ity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of 19 years, prepared by I cf the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, nnd Bladder, iMBKo Diners nave ocen most successful. Kuch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by dcrangoment of Ihe Digestive Orgnns. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the s'kin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores : cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure nud Ihe health of the system will follow. Pin. Tope, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so ninny thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Ia Bilious. Remittent, nnd Intermittent Fe vers, these Bitters have no equal- For full directions read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages Eng lish, (Jerman. French and Snanisli. J. WALKER, Proprietor, i(2 Commerce St., N- . h . McDonald & co., Druggists, and general Agentc, San Francisco nu aacramento, Utililornia, and 32 & 34 Com merce St., N. Y. ttysOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTS & DEAL ERS. OS o DR. J. S.EOEDWELL'S MeUcal Fee Bill: Advice at office, common cases, $1 09 Call in town 1 OO Call in town at night 2 00 Travel by Railroad 8 miles 5 00 14 60 per mile 7 00 Over 14 milas from 25 to 50 cents per mile. Traveling with own. convey ance one mile . 00 Ten, to twelve miles lo 00 Obstetrical Calls within ten miles 10 00 " " by rail 15 miles, 10 0O unless detained beyond the usual time. For cureing Catarrh, from five to fifteen dollars. For enreing Scrofula Swellings or Kings Evil, from twenty-five to one hun- dred dollars Tooth Extraction. BO Vaccination fift Lancing Fe!or, 1 00 rnroeiitioned and Surgical operation will be charged according o circumstances. To those living several miles from a Drug1 Store I furnish- suh medicine as I carry. I give this fee list to stop the constant magnifying of my charges by interested parties. 1 he above are about mv usual nlmrpa and have been tor several years. A' A' 11' AD VlK TJisEMEMfS. AGENTS WANTED FOR "L-ost Abroad." Send for specimen pages, circulars, tcrmg, etc. Adderesa S. M. BETTS & CO.,H.irtfort Conn. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR flfiV. ALBERT DAMES NEW BOOK. SALES IMMENSE- Business for Everyboby. Pays $50 to $300 yvi ujuiiiu. sknii for Circular to ZEIGLER MrTTRTiv w. in s. soutn aixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. i ' -I ttr yt. SrLLNDID PRIZE FOR THE ladies. The Knosl, most pleasing, nnd costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be nrcsented as a premium lo each subscriber fo DEMOREST'S MONTHLY, ft magazine of pmelical ntility in the house, a mirrorof the fishions, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and artistio exccl enco, acknowledged to be tho modem parlor mngaiiine of America llie engrnving, 28x32 inches, is from the or ginal painline, entitled. 'The Fourth of July. The painting look a whole sidercd the fineBt of the entire lit. of nun,...,,. populor productions by LilliaM. Spencer. The engraving was the labor of four years, by three eminent artists John Rodgers, Samuel Halpm, and Samuel Hollyer ; The last named having been induced lo come from Vrnr.n finish it. The engravers have ably seconded the successful labors of the painter. Nonebut artists can fully appreciate the skill and labor lavished on this engraving The general er teot is very fine ami impressive, ind the deli, rale finish to the heads will bear tho most mi- 11,10 inspection. 1 ho union of line and stipple s execuied with unusual nbilitv r.A skiirul combination has greatly contributed lo the hiioccss of Die engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Theiwork on the engraving alone cost over seven thousand dollars, besides Ihe oosl of the eopynght, and is acknowledged by competent judges the mosi.eli,bonitcly fiuishod large work jf ni l evor engraved in Amerioa. Fine copies of this magnifioent picture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, arc to bo given os a premium to each subscriber lo MATHEVi HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK. Twenty Years Among the Hulls and Bears OF WALL STREET. K .r T y; i . ( ... rineiy illustrated. Price 52,50. It shows the mysteries of stock and old gambling, and the miseries nf .,.,(,.-....... speculation, and exposes the swindles, tricks and frauds of operators. It l.-ll. ,iii;.. .o uiaueanu lost m a day, how shrewd men "n"". "w "corners'' are made in grain and produce, how women speculate on the buvui, eio. Airents wan oil. iv .,: , . . - " lnJ .ICIlilll .. ..vuv. IUI B. J. B. hVRJt 4 CO., HARTFORD, CONN. 39 4w rpilS IS NO HUMBUG! J- By sending 35 CENTS, with age heiphf. color of ves nnd h;r win receive, by return mail, picture of jour mure Husband or wife with name and dais nf iimiringB. Auuress w. EOX, P. O. Drawer n, i uiionviue, w. y. GREAT REDUCTION in Puica or TEAS AND COFFES TO CONFORM TO PRICE OF GOLD. Increased Facilitiea loClub Organliera, Send for New York Price List. The Great American Tea Co. u. uox oiw.; si & fa8 Vesey St., Xew 3!l lw P, York, BOOK AGENTS wanted for the AUTOBIOGRAPHY & PSSSOITAL SSCOLLEC- Tit.MS OF II. T. IIELMBOLD, DRUGGIST, 504 Broadway, New Yurk and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelph'ia Fa. PRICE $1,25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for $0,50, delivered to any address. Sold by ah Dbuooists cvbrvwrkbr. NONE ARE GEN CINE UNLESS DONE UP l ST1KI INOaAVID WEApPKB, WITH FAO-SIMI- in or mt CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, ad siosip, H. T. IIELMBOLD. TU ti , - , .., . iuo nuuieeuuvenc'i Willi (meeting incidents full of interest and pathos. Fifty thousand sold the last five mouths. People will buy this, notwithstanding Ihe "hard limes." It is a pleasure lo sell it for it is doing much good. The work is tplendedly bound and il lustrated. Address II. C. Johnson, No. C02 Arch street, Philadel phia, Ta. 304w life jn mm oa THI MYSTERIES OF MORMONLSM By J. H BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Being au expose of Their h'ecret Rites, Coremoniea and Crimes, With a full and atithentio history ofPnlgnmy and the Mormon Sect, from the original lo the present time. Agents are meeting with vnpreeedentej suc cess. One reports 71 subscriber in two rre . one 20 the first day. Send for circulars. Addresi NATION L PUBLISL1NG CO., Philadelphia. Pa. 89 W THE HAHD-IN-HAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company waul a number of good Agents, also a good General Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity also, a General Agent for the German counties of Pennsylvania. Ad. dress tha Oflioe. No. 112 south, 4th street, Philadelphia, Pa. jg iw Address nov20tf DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and ten cciiis (which is lo be sent with the sub scription), for Ihe riostaco mi : (which will bo mailed nccurely done up on a roller. This is certainly (ho largest, most l'bernl and splendid premium ever ollered to single subscribers by my publisher, and affords an easy and economical way for any one to secure an elc?nnt. work of art, a Parlor Picture that is only next, to a piano in the way of ornamen tntion.ftiida porpettial reminder of a dnv which oel, lotobe cherished and held in re membrance by every true Anierioau. wiLrCCeP'i0n f, ,,,U ,n''finificnl picture will lake every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in savino- that in ;n . procure another that combines so much of in. tereet and beauty. Specimens of the Maa-nzinn. ;tl, t giving full particulars, will be sent lo an, g y' cu address, post free on receipt of 15 cents: DEMORESr MONTHLY. S3HBroudway, N. X. rf HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MOnThsCR.TIS ! Tho Lady's Friend announces tho fiu.: novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her r br XT- h'Tr1":" M,0""on ! Th CasoannonJ Aunt, by Ll.zabethPrescotl, author of - Be tween Two.' &o. Snli.l s;t. . . . . Deane'a Brida. Gilts by A ll M. Wto author of the Dcbarrv Forinn- " f..u g'"' "rtrr s,ories by a briiii;nt T A finely exeoutcd steel engraving, a hand', seme double page, finely colored fashion pUte nd a large assortment of wood cuts, ZrM mg tho fashions, fanev work. , jJlTJ1 every number. i "b"i It will give a popular ninfln nr f,.:. i ery number. r "'u la ev" PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED ATTTTTfiTts The January number will contain nori;.. ffir "rfL.0. "I -ry Wood! pis i .i r. ' J"",S8 Handler Moulton. Elizabeth Prescolt, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs Margaret Hosmcr and August Bell ' NEW SiniSCHTTtHTCj Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiue the Novomh, .i i,! iber numbers of this year in addition, mark fourteen months n all ! 4n,l r.. u.., 'ors sendini in their num.. v.. .u. . . December shall receive the magnificent Decern ber holiday number, making n.i-.. .. .. jn ajj , - a "Kicu uionuia TERMS : 5- 50 a year j two copies, $4 j four copies, $C; epoieshto. (andoneeratialSfl. n L e Lady'a Friend and one uf tha p, i t copy of the lorse and Weel engraving-' Taking iU Measure of tha ceddmg Ring ' enaravatl in Pnio.i . sost of $20lK) -will be sent to every person ending a o uh. Tina engraving i. gem ot art. DEACON 4 PETERSON, 319 Walnut atreet, Philadelphia. Specimen oopies sent for ten eeutg EW STORE. The subscriber bes-a leave tn Inform fit itfa- ens of Ridgway and vicinity tnal ha k. opened a store where may be fuand PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS. TOILET STATIONERY, FINE CONFEOTIQM A r. OYSTERS, ORANGES LEMONS, ia waaoiv'' a,2vlrf t- K BAIR1. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers