(ftlk founts gdroptc. . . MORI) WELL, Kditttt SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1870. ANNOUNCE M ENTH- fOU CON(iRE88. Hun. Glemni W. Siur:ian will be a candi date for Congress, surged to the usages of I lie IUpublietn pari;. FOR PRESIDENT JUUOK. irmmr RorrtinH, of Ihi county will ho a candidate Tor President Judge of tho Si x ( li Judicial District of Vcnnaylvoufo, subject lo tho usages of t tie Republican parly in the District. We are authorized to announce (lip ran c of 8. K. Woonsi rr, hi a candidate fur President Judge, subject to the usages of t lie Republican party. Aiuwt Litti.b Lamns. Two jirimii iipnt pnpcrs in Eric county tuka the jiot-i-tion that because a candidate for oHi.se happens to reside in a county smaller than Eric, that llio claims of fuc!i a county or its candidate lor the office ouulit not to lie taken into account at all. It' Krio county was only large enough to form a scporate district alone for all purposes, she would be nil light. 15ut she is tiot, and although wo are willing to admit she is the kite, and the smaller counties attached to her for s:me purpose's to make political wi ight nre only the tail; yet the tail steadies the kite and it could not fly without it. There fore some little respect is some times due to the tail. As a specimen of how tho tail is used we clip the following. from ihj Erie Dispatch : 'The Corry Hindi: supports Mr. Wood ruff for President Judge, ridiculing the claims of Warren county, and "going for" Elk in this wiso : "Elk presents her candi date, Mr Souther. Iiow is it with. Elk? Must she butt us with her traditional ant lers, or will she come into the fold under one shepherd and be a littlo lamb ?" It is all very well to talk about 4,little lambs" io the spring time, but iu the fall they get woolly, wool makes a jjood protec tion sometimes j they also become mutton, mutton is good and healthy food ; some times they become a strong animal and wear herns, which arc not ' styled "tradi tional antlers." Then lambs suuietimcs follow and ntv-y people to some extent. ' Mary" had one once "with fleece as white as snow," and it used to follow her every where she went, and ut school it made the children "laugh and play" and aunoyed the teacher very much, and the good teuchet turned it out, but it kept lingering about till "Mary did appear;'' and the lamb-uev-caused '-Mary" any juiin, not even as slight a one as can be produced in Corry. T'is true, lambs often ycild to the Hade of the butcher, but they never torture them wan tonly, and nobody but a very bad boy will kick a little lamb, and give it pain. The helplessness of the little lamb is its best protection. Dogs sometimes kill them, but people shoot the dogs for it. Don't be hard on the lambs, they are sometimes very useful and profitable. - "S. E. Woodward, of Eric county, and Henry Souther, of Elk county, nro candi dates for President Judge in the Sixth Ju dicial District, composed of the counties of Erie, Crawford and Warren, and Souther is to be imported from Eik county is a candi date, according to an arrangement between high contradicting paities, which gives ScoCild a fchow for another nomination to Congress. The people are expected to rat ify the little arrangement. The above is from the Morning Patriot. Won't one of the Erie papers correct the name of the gentleman "of Eiie county " We correct it by i-aying that the (Jth Judi cial district is composed of the counties of Erie, Warren, and Elk. So there is no tariff upon the importation ubove referred to, it comes in free. ScoCeld's show" for Con gress is considered good in the Dis trict, without any bargains, and ho makes a very good show for the District always when he is there. As news; tho above ought to bo copy-rigbted. The Pennsylvania Reserve Associ ation. This well known organization held its annual meeting at Lock Haven on Tuesday, 21 ult., and as usual was well at tended. Gen. Meado presided, and Col. William B. Mann delivered the oration. A telegram was received from Minister Curtio, dated St. Petersburg, in which he eaid,"My spirit.ia with you, brave and faith ful frisnds." The election for officers resulted in Hon. A. 0 Curtin being re-elected president. The other officers elected were Generals McCandlcss and Barnes, vice presidents; Anthony T. Laws, recordiug secretary ; and Colonel Taylor, treasurer. Philadelphia was selected as the place for the next meeting, and Gen. Wellington II. Ent received the high honor of being elected orator for the occasiou. A banquet was held io the evening at the Fallon House,' at which speeches1 were made by General Meade, the orator of the day, and others in response to toasts which were giving. Chicken cholera is still playing bavoc among the poultry A Pretj Tannemca Ctorjr, Tho bystanders in tho vicinity of a well known drinking eiloon a few days ngn, no ticed a man considerably Intoxicated, who was accompanied by a liamlmrtne English coach dog. The man pursued his devious course, closely followed by his four, footed companion, until at length hp approached the door of tho saloon referred to, and was about to enter, when, to the surpiiso ol all who. witnessed the affair, the dog jumped up and catching tho skirts of the man's coat, nought to prevent him from going in. Tho inebriated biped spoke in angry tones to tho beast, but without avail until at length a more than ordinarily scvero command in duced him to relinquish his hold, and the man hastened inside, followed by his faith ful companion and would bo protector. Actuated simply by curiosity, we in com pany with several others, went in, and as we gained a position near the bar, wo saw in close proximity thereto the bepst and his master, the latter striving to rc.icli the bar, and the former standing on his hind leg, with his fore paws p'aet d against tho man's breast, vainly endeavoring, eveu tit the eleventh hour, to prevent him from in dulging in the intoxicating cup. To the credit of the bar tender be it stat ed, that he refused to furnish the inau with any more lhiuor, and tears were drawn from eyes that Vad long been unused to the melting mood, as at each refusal the un doubtedly heart stricken canine would be stow o look of intense gratitude upon the dispenser of cocktails, "sliugs" aud "tods," and then turning, would, with a most im ploring look, mutely beseech his liquor lov ing master to abstuiu from "pressing bis peppermint." At this juncture re left the scene, and while quietly wending our way oflicewards, could not help reflecting what a powerful argument in favor oi prohibition could to drawn from tho above iucideut. Boston limes. Victoria's Rumored Marriage. A Loudon correspondent says : One cannot approach so delicate a subject with out hesitation but the rumor, lately re vived iu London, is supported upon autliot ity that it cannot quite be dismissed as mere idle gossip. It is reported that (jucL-u Victora : about to be .tow her hand in a Prince of the House of ch'cswig llflMcin. A near rcletivc ol Prince Chris tain is mentioned as the favored suitor, Tho (Juetn's partiality lo I'rincu Christian is well kuLWii. Indeed, it is said that it was the IiulJ cf her Majesty, and Lot Ltr daughter whom Prince Christian sought, and the Queen in refusing him, bade him transfer his affections to her favorite daugh ter. e it remembered that Prince Chris tian's years were fnr'more suited to a union with the mother. At all events, tho Queen overwhelmed tho J'riuce with marks ol distinction, and greatly excited her English subjects by conferring upon him the title of "Itoyal Highness," and further reused thtir indignation' Ly placing him in- a posi tion ol equality with the highest ifliocrs ol the English army, where the English thiuk the German Prince has no right to any footing whatever. But to return to her Majisty's piospeetive marriage. We htve no? yet heard the name of the mysteiious iudivieuai who solicits, and is, they say, likely to wiu, the soft white hand of Queen Victoria ; but there is little doubt that England would rejoice over any event which drew her from her long and persist ent seclusion. A Fatal Omission. A select party started this week from Boston by rail for San Francisco. The married men have tliero wives, as a precautionary matter, 'as the par ty intend to prospect the Salt Lake settle ment of tho salient Brigham Young. The young gentleman, we presume, will have their sweethearts, and thus, we hope, tho male portion of the party will bo kept with in proper bouuus, as becouicth tho citizens of Boston and the descendants of tho Ply mouth Rockers. The party is prepared for almost any emergency. They have secured the services of a chaplain aud a physician. This is not enough. There should have been at least two doctors, aud that would have given the patient a chance to recover while they were in consultation. One chap lain may be enough, aud, perhaps, too much for such a small company of select siuncrs But these Yaukee cousins of ours have not shown their usual shrewdness in forgetting to take along a coffia apiece, tyi undertaker and a lawyer. They may get into divers and sundry scrapes on their journey, aud may need the services of a shrewd lawyer ; but it may be they bavo noue such in Bos- ton, and hence the omission. But a dull lawyer may be of service iu drawing a will left at homo. Their friends at home ought immediately to send by an express train a lawyer and an undertaker with ccflius after the party. Topic. . -- General Sherman has ordered that all Iodii'.ns who participthe in railroad riaids shall be "bunted death." If white men disguised as Indians, bo says they are "not entitled lo mercy.'' MEWS IS SEIEF. It will cost thirty dollars to lefuseto ans wer tho questions of th ccensus taker. Tho Indiana County Court refused to grant any tnvern licenses. Poor place for whiskey soakers. A man may be said to be liter ally 'armnd to the teeth' when ho has n lalse set that, are well plated. Ladies nro wearing small Swis muslin aprons,.rie!ily embroidered, and trimmed with lace, for full house dress. In Boston the prico of hear is said to bo going down, but it is the article ittsclf that is going down. Ohio hai 8!1 1 lodges of Odd Follows, with a general fund l 91 15,881!, aud a widows' and orphans' of fSOll.tUH. An Indiana larmor latelcly accidently upset a hive of bees, and was so badly st'ing by tho furious insects that bo narrowly es caped death. To get riil of the smell ofoil paint, plugo a hiiii'tfull ol clay into n pailful of water, and let it stand in the room newly painted. Humboldt Muller, a brother hF tho pop ular historical novelist, Louisa Muhlbacli (Mrs. Mundt) is making a tour of tho Uni ted States. Tho heaviest internal tax, and a very distressing one, pant on anient spirits, is paid every morning by those who drink tho stuff at night. Thirty thausond tons of railroad iron aro to he shipped from Johnstown, Pa , to be used in the construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad. A young lady's letter to a friend closed: 'But I must stop, for her comes a soph, who parts his hair in tlio middle, aud wears a mousiaclio that pricks dreadful. Six brass 12-pottndcr puns have been so. selected at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, by order of the Secretary id' War, for tho sol diers' monument iu Newark. In London it is proposed to paint the cabs all of different colors. Cabs at six pence per mile aro to be painted yellow, those at ninepenco scarlet, and those at. a shilling blue. They aro also to have color ed lamps. Fears are expressed by sotno of the warm personal friends of Chief Justice Chase, that his health is so rapidly breaking down that he will uot much longer be able to sit on tho bench. A colored boy named Jaines Jones, rged about ill teen years, while watching a game of base ball on the outskirts of Chicago, on Sunday afternoon, was struck by a batted bull and instantly killed. The Tariff bill being postponed, the pub. lie will hereafter miss their usual -Daily Congressional treats of debates on pig iron, railway frogs, old type, ruta bagas sugar of lead, ipecachuana, cudbear aud divi divi. Stephen A. Douglas, Jr., who for the past year has been residing with ''cousin, Judge Settle of the Supremo Court of North Carolina, was made Secretary of tho recent Republican Ftr.te convention, and was also a number of the Committee on llcsolutions. 'Manitoba,' tho uamc selected for the icbellious Northwest Territory, which is proving such an elephant in the hands of the Dominion, is said to siguify 'the god who speaks." It is aUo the name of a lake which forms the western bouudry of tho province. Another case of kleptomania has been revealed in Elizabeth, New Jersey. A lady moving in the most fashionable circles was recently tried on eight different char ges of shoplif ting and found guilty of four of them, by a jury composed of the pastor and four of t1o elders of the church of which she was a member. In Newark, N. J , about noon on Mon Jay a week a young woman, twenty years of age, named Jane Rcyuohls, met with a shocking death. While endeavoring to ac celerate tho light of the fire she poured some keroseno oil on tho wood. Ancxplo sion took place ond she was fairly roasted alive. She lived only about five ruiuutcs, iiiG people oi xuenmona, lrgiuia, ap peal to tho benevolent people of the country for contributions of money for the relief of tho suffering victims aud the families of the killed by the recent disaster by the fulling in of the court room floor. Sixty-five per sons were killed or have since died, and many of the families ol the dead aud injur ed aro now suffcriug for tho necessaries of life. The rapid increase of crime in Philadel pbia within the past three moths, as devel oped io murderous assaul's.highway robber ies and burglaries, has awakened the atten tiou of citizeus and bccomethe subject ol of newspaper comment, and the recent ex extreme sentences by lbs Judges of tho criminal courts of that city and bounty, are made with view to the suppression as well as punishment of crime there. San Diego has a firo company. Tl; "masheen consists of a large hogshead tilled with water aud mounted upon a wheel barrow. Each member curries a dipper iu uis neu, ana on on alarm ot.nre bcin given the hogshead is rapidjy wheeled to the scene of couaagatiou ; the members then surround the wheelbarrow, and detach iug their dippers proceed promptly to ex nuguisu tne names. Subscribe and pay for the Auvocah. A Summer Drink. Prepare a five-gallon keg (a ton gallon'if you prefer, in pro portion to the size of the family,) draw a piece of coarse bobinct, or very ooarse book muslin, over the end of tho faucet that is inserted into (he keg, to prevent its choking, a good tight bung, and near to that a gim let hole, with a peg to fit in tight. For five gallons take ono quart of sound corn and put into tho keg withjalf a gallon of mo lasses; then fill with cold Witer to within two inches of the bung. Shako well, aud in two or three days it will be fit for use. Bung tight. If you want spruce flavor, add ono teaspoon of essence of spruco lemon, if lemon is preferred ginger, or any flavor you prefer. Tho corn will last to make five or six brewings ; when it is exhausted re new it. When tho beer passes from tho vinous to the ascctous fcrmentaton it can bo corrected by adding a little more molasses and water. Th is is a simple, cheap beverage. After tho bocr becomes 'ripo it ought to bo kept, in a cool place, to prevent it from becoming sour before it is exhausted. Ex. Could Not Skp. It. The worhy gen tleman who rules tho rising generation of boys in a certain town in Tennessee, had occasion recently to correct a little fellow named Johnny. Now Johnny got into a fit of whaf is called "sulks," becauso ho was whipped ; and in order to convince him that he was justly and necessarily punished, his teacher had recourse to tho lollowing argnmcMi ; hi n i i ... n en, .louuny, suppose you were riding a horse to water, and had a keen switch in your baud, and all at ouco the horse were to stop aud refuse to go any further, what would you do V Johnny stifled his sobs for a moment, and looking up through his tears, replied : "1 1 ctiiek to him, sir. 'But, Johnny, suppose he wouldn't co for your clucking, what would you do then?' ,l d get down and leau him, sir. 'And what iff he were obstinate and would not let you lead him ?' V hy, 1 d take off his bridle and turn him loose, and walk home, sir." 'ou may go and take your seat, John ny." Johnny could not be made to see the ne cessity for using tho switch. Mew Sducrlijicmcntfi. yjEF.CANTl I.E A I'PR AISM INT. The following is n true and correct list ind classification of the Wholesale Dealers and Kcinikrs ot'fo.eigu ami domestic Merchandise within the county of Elk for t he year 1870; liidijwitij Township. class. dealers' namk. tax. 10 J. S. Hyde & Co., $20 00 8 I j well & Kime, 30 00 14 Charles Holes 7 (HI 12. U.S. Thayer, 12 M) 10. W, C. llealy, 20 00 14 Grant 4 Morton, 7 00 12 R. S.Gillis, 12 50 14 W. S. Service, 7 00 14 J, R. liaird. 7 00 12 G. G. Messeugcr, Druggist, 10 00 lours Toicueltip. 5 Tanning & Lumber Co., CO 00 12 A. T- Ahlrich, 12 GO 14 Martin Sowers, 7 00 Jlortoii Township. 12 J. S. Hyde, 12 50 12 SJovt & Will ox; 12 50 Fx TownsJtip. 10 Joseph Koch j- Son, 20 CO l:t P. W. Hays, 10 00 14 C. F. Biulclgh, 7 00 14 Francis Gill, Brewer, 7 00 St. .Hiiry's Jiorough, 11 James Sneeringer, 15 00 10.. Charles Luhr, 20 1)0 14 W. J. Blokely, 7 00 12 Ileecher & Copcland, 12 50 14 Ilarhary Rudolph, 7 00 14 Leonard Cook, 7 50 C Corry ell & Bates, 50 00 10- Weis Brothers, 20 00 13 Adulph Fochtman, 10 1)0 0 Joseph Wilhelm, 50 00 14 John Sosenheimcr & Son, 7 00 14 John Wutchel, 7 00 12 Lyon & Brothers. 12 50 14 J. E. Weidenbornor, 7 00 12 Reynolds & Garner, Druggists, 12 50 14 Jacob Bcbarger, do 7 00 12 Joseph Windfelder, Brewer, 12 50 1 1 lieis & Geiber, do 7 CO 14 F. X. Sorg, do 7 01) 14 William Salt, do 7 00 14 C. II. VolU, do 7 00 14 Edward McBride, Jeweler, 7 00 Henezet Towmhip. 12 D. A. McDonald, 12 50 14 Fletcher & Jones, 7 00 14 Campbell & Brothers, 7 00 14 Kitne Brothers ,j- Co., 7 00 11 Winslow & Johnson, 7 00 An appeal wMU be held at the CommisBioncis' office, in Ridgway, on Saturday, July t) h, 1870, ot which tine those feeling ibemselvei aggrieved may present their case before the Commissioners. JAMES PEN FIELD, Mbrcautile Appracser. RidgwajcMay2Gtb, 170. LIST OF UNCLAIMD LETTERS remaining ia the Ridgway Voslofliceto June 1st, 1870 Blood E. K. Beoscy Gucn Bisscl L. E, Cul Deunis, Curr Robert, Degmon James Frost II. A.' Fair G. W. I.inJeinnn James, Lee Eliza Mapan M. E. 2 Muft'eit Oliver McDcrmott Miehael 2 McIIenry & Mages Shipman t Wiudfield Werkiuan Rev. Vauleus Woodward Eroutcu D. Wiscoe Thomas Holahua Messrs. & Co Hardy John, Hanahan Patiick, V he above letters, If not called for within thirty days, will be sent to the Dead Letter Of fice. JAMES II. IIAGERTY, P. M. IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE timple, cheap, reliable, KxiTi kvbbythinu. AGENTS WANTED. Oircul arand sampie slocking FREE. Address IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath, Me. 8ui T HUE MAGIC COMB Will ehanee anv colored hair or beard to a oermanent block or browa. It contains o poison. Any one can use it, One sent by mail for $1. Ad Jress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 16 8m . Springfield, Mae. JVA'H' ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOK AGENTS WANTED TO SILL TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET- fronounced tho fastest selling book out. One Agent reports 7t orders in 6 dnys.' It Includes all t tint ii mvstcrious and interesting in the foeus of specnlalion.lUycnr'i experience ot the anthor; Portraits and Lives of Vander. bill, Drew, Fisk, flould and many others. Filled With illustrations. Great inducements to agents! Send for cireitlur to WORTHING TON, PU8TIN & CO., Hurtford, Conn. 82 lw WANTED.---T.;rffl Agents wanted for the Delaware Mutual Life luHtirnnce Co., for oil parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Reference required. Ad dress, llranch Ollioo DELAWARE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., . W, eor. Uth ond Chestnn Sis., 1'hilft. Si 4w looo Agents wonted BINGLEYS roa NATU11AL, HISTORY. Giving a clear ond intet-scly interesting no. count of the infinite variety of habits and modes of life, of nearly every known species beasts, birds, ti.shes insects, reptiles niolluscn and onitnuluulae of the globe. From the la mous London fonr-volumo edit io'i, with nddi ti ong from the most celebrated naturalists of the ago. Complete in one huge handsome volume of 103 pages, richly illustrated with 1000 spirited engravings, I'rice rfytril lo gold hauls, lo nutt I lie masses. Should outsell, five to ono any bonk in tho field. Terms the most liberal. Full prrticu lars Bent free. Address. A. II. Hibrard, Vuli., 400 Chest nut St.. Vhilo. VI 4w AGtXTS II.LV7A7. $100 'to $;!00 per Month Vtergymrn, School Teachers, nuart young Men ami Ladiea-xianted to Canvats for tht AVic Hook; 'OUll FATHERS HOUSE;" OR, The Unwritten Word. By Dasiki, March, author of the popular 'Night Scens." This nmstcr iu thought and language liows 119 in. told riches and beauties in the Great House, with its Blooming tlowcrs, Singing birds, Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beautiful bow, Sacred Mountains, Delightful Rivers. Mighty oceans, Thundering voices, Blazing heavens and vast, universe with count less being iu millions of worlds, and reads to us in each the Unwritten Word. Rose-tinted paper, ornate engravings and superb binding. Send for circular, in which is full description ami uniAcrsal commendations by the press, ministers and college professors, in tho strong est possible language. ZElGLl.lt & Ct). 10 South Sixth St., Vhlladelphiii, Vo. 32 4w Life Insurance Company wants a num ber of good Agents ; also, a good General Agent for Vittsburgh mid vicinity, also u Gen eral ageut for the German enmities of Pennsyl vania. Address Hume Otlice, No. 112 South Jill Jti-eet, Viiiladalphin. 32 4vr AGENTS WANTED FOit THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOMEN. TWEXTV-FIFTII THOUSAND NOW RE ADV. BY GEO. It. NAniEYS, M. D. The most remarkable succoss of tho day. Is selling with unprecedented rapidity. It con tains what every Man and woman ought to know, ond few do It will save much glittering. A? the only reputable word upon the single and married life, it is earnestly rccomended by Prof. Win. A Hammond, Prest. Mark Hop kins, Rev. H'y Ward Beecher, Dr. Bushnell, Mrs. R. B. Gleason, M. D.. Prof. II. N. East man, etc. Being eagerly sought for, the Agents work is easy, hem! stamp tor pamphlet etc., to GF.O. MAC LEAN. Publisher, 7K Sansotn Street, Phila., Pa. 3 School street, Boston. Mass. 12 4w iio Nassau street, New York. 8100 to 81-3 per Month guaranteed. Sure p -y. Y ajies paid weekly to Atrcnts every where, selling our J "altrnl Silver Mould While Wire C'totnn l.inei. Business perinan uit . For full particrlars address GiUAiiu Yw nr. Mills, Vliiladclphia, Po. 32 Iw PARIS SUNLIOHI' GASLlGll 1. .4 M'or discriptive of the Mysltrien, Virtue, lplend:r and trwut of the Cttyof 'ant. It contains 150 fine engravings of noted pla ces, l.itc onu iSccues in l'aris. Agents want, ed. Address. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., rhilaJe'phia Agents Canvesing Books sent free for SECRETS OL' IN J EllN AL REVENUE. The most remarkable book ever published being a complete exposure, of the powerful conleuerations or "Kings ' preying on our Gov eminent. Showing up all cliques from the low est to the highest, Cabinet ojicrra and Contjresa- vitn, at well as miner vjtrralor-i system otic depredations, conspiracies, official comm lion, political influence, patronsgo und wire putung. A tearless Historical work, invalun ble to every citizen: containing 540 pages, by a prunneni iiovernmeni Uetecuve, Over 20,- 000 copies alreudy sold. Agents wanted Canvassing books free. Address W. Flint. Publisher. Vhilodelpcia Vo., Boston, M;i;., Chicago, III. or Cincinnati, O. . 32 4w AGENTS WANTED FOX THE NE.Y DM HUSBANDRY A complete guide for Farmer's young and old, by the celebrated Author and successful for mer. ceo. :. ir.f Rf.ro. Jr., of ok- ilen Farm. Tht large experience and recognized obi'ity of the Author guarantees a work of sterling merit. Among the subjects treated are Buy ing and Leasing Farm, buildius. Improved luipliments. Judicious Fertilizing, Sub-soiling, Dra.ning.Jltotation of Crops, Butter Making, Cheese Factories, Breeding and core of Live Stock, their diseases ond remedies, &o., '&e., with many useful Tables. 000 paces rich with instruction and embellished with 100 spirited engravings. Terms liberal, Circular free, "tiecurt an .iencj at once. . B. TREAT & CO., 034 Brodway, N. Y. Spocial Notices- CiOflA WANTED tpJJJ each Couni an active man, In County in the Slate, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, CO FEE, and SriCES. To suitable men we win give a salary of Sf'JOO to $1,000 a year nuuro traveling auu oiner expenses, aud a rea sonable commission on salts. Immediate applications are solicited from proper parties. References exchanged. Ap plications are solicited from proper parties. atVV'J ,0i or auurtss lmmeuiaiely J. PACKER & CO.. Continental Mills." 881 Bowery New York HAND-BO OF THE GREAT MEDICAL EISC0VE3Y! IR. WALKKR'H CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. ISli MORE TRAIT 500.000 rERSOlTS S. 5" 3' u 5 ? Hear testimony to tho wonder- i m -3 fnl Ctirive ! Reels. 8F 5 e; SWHAT ARE THEY lss 2 j i IriffilaJ lis 4 fx THEY AllB MIT A VILE 2I FANCY DRINK'. 5l Made of Poor Rum, W hiskey. Proof Snirits. and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiecd, and sweetened to pleaso the tnte: called "Tonics,' "Appetizers," "Restorers," JSco., that lead the tippler on to drunkciicss and ruin, but ore a true medicine, inailu from the Imlivo Roots and Herbs of California, tree from nil Alcohol ic Stimulants. They arc the Great Blood Puri. tier and Life Giving Principle a perfect Reen -nv ltui- mid Invigoratnv )!' the System, carry ing otl'nil poisonous matte , and restoring ti blood to a healthy coii'iition. No pcreuu can take these Hitters according lo Jircctions, and remain h ug unwell. $100 " ill be given for an incurable clise, pro vided the bones are not . destroyce by mineral poisons or other means, ond the vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, and Gout, liyspepsia. or Indigo-lion, Bilious. Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Piseascs cfthe Blood, Liver, Kidneys, anil Bladder, these liiMefs have been must siiec".ful. f-'uch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting llirouh tho skin in riniples, l.rupttons or bui-cs : cleanso it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure aud the health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in lb a ysteni of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed mid removed. Iu Bilious, Remittent, ond Intermittent Fe vers, these lJittcrs have no e.mal- For full lirections read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages Eng lish, German. French and Spanish. J. W.VLK.hll. Proprietor. K2 Comm rce St.. n v. r. n. McDonald co.. Druggists, nnd sotierat Accute. San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and ;!2 & 34 Com merce St.. N. V. IKsTSOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS & DEAL ERS. 20 3m Well's Oni-bolio Tablets- Vfler much study ntrj scientific indestigatinn is to tl.e remedial qualities of CAlinni.lL' A cm, Ur. Wells has discovered by proper cuinbiua- t ton with other articles in the form of a Tablet specific for all pulmonary diseases. THESU TABLETS ore a SURE CURE for all diseases of tho BESVlRATOItV OllGAN. SORG niROAT, COLD, CROUP, DIVTHER1A, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: ilso a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties Fkicu 2-j cknts ikii Box. sent by Mail upon lecoipl of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 12 Cliu St., rcw lork, boio Agent for tho United States. -20 8tr 1 HE SATURDAYiJVENlNa POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS I This cheapest nnd best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a Fauiiiy Failing," by Elizabeth 1'rescutt. It also is now running a serial, called " Georgo Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, Uic famous author of " Last Ly.ine, ie. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Anioocr those already on hand or in progress, aro " L mJer a Ban, by Amanda M. Douglas; " Lconje's Secret," hy Frank Lee Benedict ; a Novelet, by Miss llosiner, 4c. The post also gives the gems of the English magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated back to tho paper of October 2d, until tho large extra edition of that dote is exhausted. This will bo tiiirteeen papers in sddil'an tylho regular weekly numbers lor 1S70 or fifteen months iu all ! When our extra edition is ex hausted, the names of ull new subsciibcrs for 1870 will be entered on tur list the very week they are received. TERMS : $2 CO .1 year. TwoTor-iea, 4. Four copies, i'li. Five copies (and one gratis) $S. One copy of tho Post and one of lue Lady's Friend, A copy of the lara and beautiful Premium Steel Engraving. Taking the Measure of the eduing Ring Aiiuravcl in England nt a cost of .S20I 0 u ill be sent to e ery full ($2 50) suuscniier, aim to every person s.'uuing actus. This is truly a beaut it ul engraving ! Aumcss II. PETERSON & CO., 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies seut free for five ccma. I was cured of Deafness oud Catarrh bv simple remedy and will send the receipt fieo. .HUB. M. IlObOkOU, . J . 24 Cw DONTDOIT! Friends, Countrymen and Loytna : Do not for ge that I, S. S. Woou, do hereby declare, ou the authority of facts herewith submitted, that more money's worth is given in premiums for new stibsoribers to WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZIU than for any other publication iu the World. Also, that I a"re lo for.'eit Five Hundred Dollars to any pub lihtier who shall succeed in provingthe contra ry to this dcclaiation, provided thai such Pub lisher shall deUare his inteutention to inves tigate before precceding to do s( also, that m case he foils he, he shall forfeit to me lh same amount, and announce the result in regu lar type inthe Editorial columns of his next issue. 8, S.WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor Woods Uoiseulod IUukixi," Nswctiaa N. , March 12, 1870 JOII WORK dune with disoatcU at this Office,
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