J. S. BOHD W ELL, Er.dito SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 1870. A Woman Rebklmon in Maine. A singular and unfortunate scene recently oo curred at the fate House in Augusta, Mo. Mrs. Thurston, of Portland, had caused a notice of a aale ol the State of Maine, its lights, appurtenances, &c, to be posted up on the doors of the Stite Ilonse, and a lit tie before 10 o'clock aho ascended the Speaker's rostrum and proceeded to sell the State to satisfy hor unliquidated claim. Several bids were made by the Senators and Representatives at fabulous sums, but finally the lady struck it off to, herself, ami took her seat in the Speaker's chair. As far as this went, all was well ; but the time for the opening of the sessiou had now ar rived, and Mrs. T. was politely requested to come down from her position, but she do. clined to do so, saving that she had bought in the Stato and must stay and keep her position. Upm the Clerk ordering the aics-'ieugers to remove her vi it arm is, a seeue ef great confusion ensued. She ut terly refused to be ejected by force, The r-jombers begaD to beg Mrs. T. to go out quietly, but she was deaf to their entreaties ; piie resisted fiicreely, but was Gnally per suaded to retire, and was last seen in the State Library, looking up legal authorities to sustain her claim. The Arym says the affair was universally regretted by all as a very unfortunate cirounistrncc, because the subject of it was a woman, and one who is deemed to be demented upon one subjeet, although perfectly sane upon all other ques tions. As A German was repairing a elock in Baltimore, a few days ago, the house took fire, and it was found n3ccs3ary to rem vo the furuitturo The German, however, clung to the table on which tvas lyiug ihc time piece, and even whoh it became ucccs Eary to run the hose through the room, and the greatest confusion possible was created coutinued working at the clock. The firo overhead progressed, and the room became fillet with smoke, while hundreds of jets of cold water dropped around him. Nothing however, could deter him from finishing his job, and finish it ho did, when, placing the the clock uuder his arm ho descened the stairs and searched among the crowd for the owner. He was found, and the pe.'scvcr iog mechanic, being hauded lis fee, was asked why be pcrshted in reniaiuiug. II is reply was that he had promised to be at a certain place to transact business at three o'clock, and, said he, "I always keep my word." , The Sao Francisco police aie raibing on Chinese gambling bouses, with small result The door-keeper at these dens has his hands always on a string, which, when pulled, sounds a gong beneath the gambling table, and enables all hands to clear up and make their escape in case any unwelcome visitors come. So well have they operated that one keeper ol such an establishment has pro cured the puncshmentby fine of an officer who entered his saloon. AmTERRIBLL STORM. Willmington, N. C, Feb. 5. Last night there was one of the most terrible elevens ever experienced here. Thus far four marine disasters are reported a occur ring yesterday. The seboooer Eleanor T., from Baltimore, went ashore near Fort Fisher, and immeciately broke up. Five men, supposed to be her entire crew, were drowned, as they were seen clinging to por tions of the wreck, but iu a few moments all wero washed off. Tho schooner Samuel C. Edorn, schooner Racer, and schooner Ray were also wrecked. GOLD EXCITMEXT IN ILLINOIS Tebre Haute. Feb. 4. Tho most in tense excitement prevails in Clark county, Illinois, in consequence of the discovery of gold in Big Cr.eck, about twenty miles from this city. A lately-returned California miner -a miner of eighteen years' experience has been for some days prospecting in the ravenes along the creek, and in every hand, inl of eatth he has found gold in paying quantities. The people of that section are wild with the gold mania, and are leaving all other business to search for the precious metal. Littb Vallit, N. V. Feby. 6. Theodore Nicolos was on Friday convicted in the Catta raugus oourt of Oyer and Terminer, of the murder of Dr. Andrew Mead, in Allegany, on the lSlh December last. He was sentenced yssterqay morning to be hanged on the 18th March. This is the second conyiotion for mur der during this term of court. Much excitement prevailed during the trial of Nicholas, as the murder of Dr. Mead was the most brutal ever committed in western New York. Nicbolss and Burdick, tae latter of whom was nonvioted last week of the murder of H H. Barker, colored, in Olean last September, have made full confession of their crimes, but each claims his act to be justifiable homicide. Both murderers are sentenced te be hanged on the same diy. Emporium Independent. Fifty-two murders, in the U. S. sioco last chaistmas. $lciu admlif.emcr.ts. NK W A I) TEH TISE.VRX 7'S A GIFT Aaents want.o'i, -Ladies and Gentleman -for tliTu spar.) m imn!s. ... Saw ing Miichiee, Gold Watch, a llible. money mid oiner gioaj givn m prenvum. II i wiieu. vt here, what, and till other particulars Free. Address C. I.. Van Allen, 171 Br'dway, N. Y. lw IIINKLKY KNITI'INUMAOIIINU FOR FAMILY USE tnnpl'. chrnp. rr!i;he. Knits kvkhtthino. AGENTS WANTKD. Oirenlarand snmpie slocking FUHE. Address HINKLEY KNlTl'lNll MACHINE CO., Until. Mo. w TIIR FOl.SOM IMPROVED FAMILY SEW ING MAClilXH. These machines make ft strong, durable and elastic flitch; will sew with esse every variety of cotton, woolen, linen anil silk goods, from the finest to the coarsest, and ot any required thickness nt greater speed ami wilh less power find must) limn any oilier machine. Agents wanted in every town. Lib eral commission allowed. For terms and circu lar address A H. Hamilton, No "Oil Chestnut St. n18 It Philadelphia, Pa., SoTeAgt. A month mnde by agents silling O OLIVE LOGAN'S great, work, BEFORE THE FOOTLIGHTS AND BEHIND THEfCENKS. Tlicninst spicy, roid selling hook out. I'.i.OOO ordered the tu'st nioi'th Agents can secure field and a 2.00 outfit free by culling this out nud nddressing PARMll- I.EK ft I'Os rublishcrs, l'lnl .dclplna. l'a. and Middlclown. Conn. 1 lo 4w KE Y A I) VER TLSEMEXTX. 'I LAD TIDINGS TO CONSUMPTIVES X A Grateful father will send to all who wish it, I ho directions by which his daughter, after being given up by physicians nnd des paired of by lier lather, was restored from CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION to perfct health, without llio use of medicine. Scut free. Address Mr. Gkkk.n P. Fiivnklin, 1 15 4w jetsey City, N. J. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS Wo will send a handsome prospectus of our NEW ILLUSTRATED FAMILY CHILE, to any liook agent, free of charge. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Ph. 1 1j iv FARMER'S HELPtLR S' HOWS HOW TO DOUBLE THE PROF ITS OF THE FARM, and Low Fanners and their sons can each make $100 PER MONTH in Winter. 10.000 conies will be mailed froc to farmers. Send name and ad dress to ZEIGLEU, McCL'RDY & CO., Phihv dclphia, Pa. 1 lo 4w THE BEST! THE BEST! 23, THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICANOS A weekly illusttatcd journal of 10 pages, de voted to machinery. Agricultural Improve' inputs, Chemical Science and Mew Discoveries A Splendid Journal. !?1,000'CASH in Prizes will be paid for clubs of subscribers, on the lOih of 1 eliruary. A handsome large steel plate ENGRAVING of l'.l distinguished American Inventors, pre sented to subscribers. Specimens of paper, prospectuses, and blanks for names, seut free. Terms, $!! a year 1 GO for six mouths. Discount to Clubs. book of importance to all about to apply for patents sent free. Write for full particulars concerning prizes and patents, to MCXN & CO., Publishers and Patent Solicitors, 1 Io 4v 27 Park Row, New York. "FSiT Kl'RALOIA Nervousness and Female Weakness Cured. A Clergyman's Widow suffered for years with the above diseases: will send tli8 means of her own cure free Mrs. Dixi, Jertej City, X. J. 1 15 4w 1870. THE M.-li.,KJ! Y. 1S70 . The best, cheapest, and most richly illustra ted MONTHLY MAGAZINE FDIi CHILDREN, SI oil a year in advance. Subset ibe now, and get the fast Number of 1RK9, FREE. Address, JOHN L. 8110REY, 1 15 4w 13 Washington St., Bostop. "B1IIE MAGIC colored hair black or brown. COMB Will change nnv or beara to a permanent It contains no i'oi.-:o?f. Any One sent by mail for $1. Ad MAGIC COM 11 CO., Springfield, Mass. one can use it. dress 1 IS 3m G U.VSMITIIING1. Tlfe undersijm-d respectfully nn nouuecsto the citizens ot Elk, and adjoin, inf; counties, tiat he has receutly established a Gun-Shop in Ridgway at the head ot Main and Depot Streets, in the basement of the building occupied by W. S. Service as a tin shop, where he will attend promptly to all orders for work in his line. TARGET AND HUNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, made to order, and war rned. He ulso keeps on hand, and lor sale a NEW AND SUPERIOR Breech Loading Rifle, a eood assertment of Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle, and other articles pertaining to the trade. nil), tf HOMAGE WARNER. THB GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISEIIY. Juitt rublithid, in a Sealed Envelope. Vice liz eenlt. A Lf.otubr O.s thr N.xTenr, Tbkatment asi Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrhoea, induced by SelfAbuse Iuvoluntnry BmlsBiobs, Impoteney, Nervous Debility, and Impedemcnts to Marriege generally ; Ooc-mmp-lion, Epilepsy, and Fits : Mentnl and Pliysical Incepaoity, &o. By ROB. J. CULVERWELL, 'M. D., Author ot the "Green Book," &e. The world-renowned auihor, in this admir able Lecture, clearly proves from his owa ex perience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical op erations, bougies. Instruments, rings, or cor dials, pointing out a mode of euro at. once cer tain and effeotua', by which every sufferer, no matter what his conditionmay be, may curl himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon tothousanh and thousand. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any adJress, on receipt of six ceuts, or two pos tage stamps, by addressing the publishers Also, DR. CULVERWELL'S "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, Chas. J. C. E una & Co. 127 Bowebt, Nsw York, Post Office Box 4,681. The most l omplfl o Hiiiuis Col- lg the I filled States. Affording facilities fur.acnuireing a thorough, practical business education, possessed by no other School in Iho country. Since its incorporation in 1Poj, nearly Six teen Thousand Mudeuts, representatives from every State iu the Union, have atlonded here. No vacations. Students enter nt. any time. and receive private ins, ructions throughout 1 1 1 e entire course. N. 11. Circulars with full particulars and all necessary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, PiTTsBi ituii, Pa. SHEltll'FS BALE. BY vrtuu of a writ of Venditioni Expo .cm, issued out of Elk County, and to inu directed, I will cxjio'o tosalu by public vendue or outcry, at the Couit House, in KiiJ-jwuv, on t'ATUKiUY, FEn'nuARY 2(5lh, 1870, At 1 o'clock P. M., All that certain tract of Lmd fituate in the township ol JJcnczetto, IMk county, I't'tmsy I v.m in, bounded and de scribed as lollows : On tho ujitli by warrant !o. 6181 and the Cnnicron county line, ou the cast by the Cuiucron county line, on the south by warrant Xo. ;VJ?5, and on the west by o'iA2, coiituiuniL' cu vt ii hun dred acres, more or less, and warranted in the name of George Meade, aud known as No. .'J;J!)0, unimproved. ALSO, one other tract of hind situate in the tonwnship of llortou, and county ol blk, warranted in the name ol John Uar- rou, Jr.. known as No. 4282 bounded and u.kivbx . ii'iivtii . v'u tin; him in uy nill. tant No. 4283, on the east by No. 41ti!l, on the south by No. 4281, ou the v est by No. 5714, containing ten hundred and seventy one acres and twelve peit-las, more or less, unimproved. ALSO, one other tract of land situate in Horton township, county of Elk, warranted in the name o( John Durron, Jr, and No. 4281, bounded aud described as f'olbws: On the north by warrant No. 42S2, ou ilia east by No. 4453, on the south by No. 4280, on the west by Nos 5704 and 5011, containing ten hundred and sixty ncrts and sixty six pcrees, more or less, uninif robed. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of William Reed, at the suit of George 15. Newton, and to be sold bv JACOB M CAULEY, Sheriff. ShcriiTs Office, ) Ridway, Jan. 25, 1S70. J ir-IlElUFFS SAI.K- BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Fatnu, issued jut ef the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I will ox. pose to sale by publio vendue or outoiy, at the Court liouse, in Ridg.vay. on Saturday, Fkhkuary 20th, 1870, At 1 o'clock p. M., all that certain town lot, or piece of ground, known as lot No 4 on the plan ot the lots Ironting the I'liilauel. pl.ia & Eric Railroad Depot Road, in the KoroughofSt. Mary's. J 7 Ik County, Peon, sylvania, bounded aud described a.-s .'oilows : Beginning at a post oil the south line of the road leading to tho Philadelphia aud Erie Rai! Road Depot, said po.-4 being the uot th-east coi ner of lot No. ii., fronting on the aloicaid road, and being the north west corner of lot No. 4, in v bting convey ed by those pn-seiils, thence couth fill five degrees (S. w E.) ca.-U along the lino ol lot No. 3, one hundred and twenty-six feet (120) to a post, thence north titty tvo de srrces (N. 52 40.') and forty minutes east to a post, thence north fifty-live liearces west (N. 55 0 W.) one hundred ami twenty-six feet (120 It ) to a p'-st on the south side ol the Philadelphia nnd Erie Rail Ror.d Depot read, thence along said south side of said road, wmtlf filttwo degrees and forty-nine minutes west, (52 40v W.) sixty feet to the place of be-ining, containing seven thousand one hudved nnd ninety pquore fett. (71 1'O sq.ft.) and has erected thereon 8 two-stoiy dwelling house 20 s. 30 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John E. lSratton, c-t al , at the suit of Patrick Bedding, and to be Fold l y JACOB M 'CAULEY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Ridgway, Feb. 1, 1870 ( riMUS Infallible Remedy does not, like the I poiBjnous irritating snuffs und strong caustic solutious with which the people have long bsen humbugged simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs a-t there is danger of doing in the use of such nos trums, but it produces perfect and y'crmanent cures of the w orst cases of Chronic Catarrh, ss thousands can testify. Cold in the head is cur cd wiih a few applications. Catarrhal Head ache is relieved and cured as if by lnagio. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of luste, smelling or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when caused by the violenoe of Catarrh, as they fre quently are. I otter iu good faith a standing reward of $500 for a cute of Catarrh that 1 cunnol cure. , For tale by most druggists everywhere Price only 50 cents. Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but if he has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off by accepting any miserable worso than worthless substitute, but enc'.ose sixty cents to me, and iho remedy w ill be sent you postpuid. Four packages $2, or one dozen for 4-- Send a two cent stamp fur Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the proprietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D. nov2769y Puffalo, N. Y. I WAS cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will send the receipt free. MRS. Al. C. LEGGETT, Hoboken, N. J. 4w T7REK ""O BOOK AGENTS. We will nd I a handsome prospectus of our new illus trated Family Hide, to any hook agent free of cuarge. Aaaress national furnishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4W THE 01.1 EST ESTARLtSiiED PA LER IN ELK.COUNTY. THE EIK CO. ADVOCATE. II AVISO THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM Tn THE COUNTY ! JSfvoiftf to the Interest. of the people of CUt (CountJ. &x&tx for Worn Solicited and Hvomstltj gUtcngcd to. Address RORDWELL, Riihiaay, Pa. I.iOlUl.l.AIllJ'S EUREKA ,. , '""V'f ,T":",C an excellent article of Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, iu which order fur Meerschaum 1'ipes are daily packed. LOP.ILLAAD'S "YACHT CLUIV Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deni cutinizod, if cannot injure ncvelcss constitu tions, or people, of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, an. I prepared by a patented and original manner. Il is very aromatic, mild, nnd lightweight hence it will last much longer than others: nor does il burn or sting thu tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-t.isto Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum. Pipvs silver mounted, and pack ed inni'iit leather pocket casus, are placidn the tjacht Club brand daily. L O 11 1 L L A It H - S C i: X T U U T Chewing Tobacco This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no sup.'rior anywhere. It is, wjJhotit doubt, the best chewing to bacco in tlr cuii nt i v. i.oini.r.Aiin s sxuffs Have ticin ill gi ncial i;.-;b in the Lulled Slates over 1 IO years, and still acknowledged "the lies'-' wherever ied. If your sun ekeepM's does not have these articles for sale, u-k iiim to cut them. They are sold by respectable jobbers al r,nt everywhere. Csrcular ninilc nn nnplic ition. Drrc v-il-j i CABINET ORGAN'S AT LOWEST THICKS. That the MASON & HAMLIN CARI NET and M ETROPOL.IT -.N OUUANS are the best iu the vorld is proved by the almost ununiiiioUs opinion i t pr. fcssional musicians, by he award to t lie in of bkv i.nty five liOl.Iiar.il su.vi:ti .MiD.VLSOl- Loth'jr liiuhfst i.'f iiiimns. ut priticinil in- dnvtrial Cii:pfii:iiui8 within a fc.v years, including the leda! at the Paii exjuisi lion, mid by a sale vc;y ni':ch greater than that of any fimilar insti nni 'iits This Com pany liiaiiiil.-.ctuie nn J J' en .t hi.ii Insti ll inriix, nnd will nor. make ' cheap organs" lit any price, or sutler an inferior instru meiit to bear their tiann. Having "reailv increased their laeiiitici l i niMiufacture, by the iutroduotiou of new inaehim ry and othevwise, they tiro now making better Organs than cvci before, at increased reon fimy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least remunerative profit, they arc now off rim; at prices of inferior work. V OUR O O. T A V E 0 15 (1 A N S . Plain Walnut Case, S;10. I I YE OCTAVE ORGANS. Double Heed, stops ( Vli.'i, Dltipwmn, V: nihil, Fiiilc, Trcvi ufaut,) 1-5. Other styles in proportion. Circulars, with full particulars, including accurate drawings o f different styles of or gans, and much iul'oi niation which will be of service to every purchaser of an organ, will be sent (Vie, and postagu paid, to ar.y one desiring them. JIASON & HAMLIN ORGAN (:0 4w 154 Tremoiit St. Rostou: iifltj 15;ua.l way, New York. HOW LOST, HOW RE- Just published, a new edition of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED F.SSAV on tho r diral cure (without medicine) of Scrhjiatokkiioba, or Seminal Weakness, luvoluutarjr S. ininal Losses, Imcoi kncy, Mental and I'hisical Incapacity, Impediments lo Marriage, etc. j also, Cos si Mi'Tios, l i-iLBi'SY, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. ti if Trice, iu a scaled envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful praolio , that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured wilhont the dangerous use of internal medxine or the application of the kuife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mutter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and railicalli. fi!cTThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Rem, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any address, potpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE Co., 1-7 iiowery, flew York, Post-Offioe Box 4.&8B. Vlu85yl. J OR WORK of all kinds and descri- done at this office. VISITING CARDS ed at this olCee. KEATLY EXECUT MAN not id STORED J0ARDlXa HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned has opened a larpre boardirg house at the above nluce, where lie is amply prepared to satist'T I lie want! of those who may vor him with their custom. no'G'j20. JIIAHLES HOLES, FBACTICAl WATCHMAKER, UNGHAVER JEWELER, Wtttendof Hjde House, Ridgway, P. Bell as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATtJAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINOS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclusive .Igcnt for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD I'E NS. Repsli ing Watches, etc., done with the ;mnn accuracy as heretofore. nuvlitt.'ti'Jtf S1 OMETHINU NEW IN ItlDUWAY 1 LOOT it SHOE ESTARMSI1MENT ! The subscriber lakes I Ilia luzlhod ofiiifoviu i"g tho citizens of Lldgway and vicinity that he has opeuod a ROOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, whe'rn may be found a general assortment of Ladies Shoes, Cientieuiens' Moots and Shoes, Buys' l!uols nnd Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment T have a 1 ! o .1 and Shoe Manufacturing L'stahlishmcut where work will be made lo order, lie pairing dune on shun notice and ou reasonable tonus The public ara invited lo give me a call. ociioYlMiy GKOlKiE WALKKIl. MONEY I S an article'dcs pi led by none, and we are now prepared lo show how all may possess it in uoumlance, by following a lew siuiplo in structio.is which will be given FREE of charge, except the trifling Finn of twenty five Celts, as a giiaiautce of good faith. The busi ness is inexhaustible, mid thousands are now engaged in it : while to their friends Ihecuuso of theii great success remains a mystery. Any party engaging will freiiienl ly receive scaled packages by express or mail. Further than this the business is all to yourself. AS toe article can be carried in the vest pocket, cs cept when wanted for use. It ncds your at. lent ion nut one or two uays in the week, or a couple of hours daily, which can be after other business is ovrr. No addilioual rent, taxes, o ' help ol any kind. All engaging must b-3 of first WATER. None but jjsod tniart men wanted, who can keep their business lo themselves, act coiili. dci.iially with inc. and make from i? to $ 10 for every hour's srrvice. Act promptly. lSegin now and a fortune is yours, liioluse with your address !' ccuts, and you will get full particulars by ruiuru mail. Address, K. V. HA LI.ET, imv20-Kw Itox Titusville, T'a. A' il'Ll.NMU I'ltlZE FOR THE LADIES I lie finest, most pleusing, and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presented ts a premium to each subsciibcr to 1) E M OR EST'S M O N T tl L Y, a magazine of practical utility in the house, a mirror of the fashions, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and artistic excel ence, ucktion ledged to be thu ui deru parlor magazine of America The engraving, "KxS'J inches, is from the or iginal painting, entitled, 'lhe I'ic-Niu ou the Fourth of July.' The painting took a whole year, aud is con sidered the finest of tlio entire list of numerous populor productirns by LillisM. Spencer. The engraving was lhe labor of four years, by tloee eminent artists Johu liodgcrs, Samuel llalpiti, and Sauiucl Hollyer ; The last named oaving been induced to come from Europe to tinib'.i it. The engravers have ably seconded the successful lubois of tho painter. None but artists can fully appreciate Iho skill ami labor lavished on this engraving The general ef fect is very fine and impressive, nnd tho deli rutn finish lo the heads will bear tho most mi nute inspection. The uuion of line and stipple is executed with unusual ability, nod their skiliul combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers iu this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. lbi)Work on lhe engraving alone cost over seven thouium! dollars, besides the cost of lliu copyright, and is acknowledged by competent judges fhe most elaborately finished large work ol art evor engraveu in Ainerioa. tine copies of this maciiihccut picture, on heavy pluie paper, worth $10 t-ach, are to be given as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE V early subscript ions only Three Dollars, and ten cents (wliu h is to be sent with lhe Bub scriptiun), for the postage on the cnnravii.tr (which will be mailed teouruly done up on s roner. This is certainly the largest, most Vberal snd splendid premium ever offered tosinele i i ii- i , . n iiusurioBi-5 ujr iiiy puuiisuer, ana atlurus an easy and economical way for any one to secure an eieirant worn or art, a farlor Picture that is only next to a piano in the way of ornamen tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day which ought to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. The reception of thin magnificent picture will take every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in saying that $10 will not prooure another that combines so uiuou oi in tereslfand beaut t. Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars giving full partioulars, will be sent to any giv so address, post free on receipt or lo cents. Address DEMORESr MONTHLY. . novSOtf 888 Broadway, N. Y, TILL AlILAU I OUR GREAT 1'CSTON IOLLAK fcTOEE! Vi't want good reliable agents in every part ot ihc country. Hy employing jour tpare lime to form clubs and sending us your orders, you can obtain the most liberal commissions, eithou in cash or merchandise, and all goods sent by us will bo as represented, and we guaranteo satisfaction to every one dealing at our house. Agents should cftllcct ten ce nts from every customer, and forward to us in advance, fur descriptive checks of t he goods we sell. The holders of tho checks have tho privileg.i of either purchasing the article thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article nnn tioned on our enta'ogiic, numbering over 61 0 different articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for tho same iimoi'jt. The advantages of fust sendimr the checks are these : We nre constantly buying sum d lots of very valluable goods, which are not on our catalogues, and for which wo issue checks until all are sold ; besides, iu every, club, wn will put checks for watches, qoills, blanket, dress patterns, or oome other urticlo of equal daluc. Wc do not offer a single article of merclmn vusclhat can be sold by regular dealers at our price AVc do not ask you to buy goods from is unless we can sell them cheaper than yon can obtain them in any other, while thn greater paitofour goods are sold nt about ONE-HALF THE IifiGLLAR HATES. Our stock consists in part of the following goods : Shawls, lilonkcls, (luills. Cottons. Ginghama, Dress Goods, Table Linen, . owels Hosie ry, Gloves. Skirts, Corsets. Silver, hlated Wine, Spoons plated ou Nickel Silver, llfssert Forks, Five bottle l'lated i'as lors Uritianiii ware, Glass wurc. Ta ble and Tockel Cutlery, in Great. Variety, Elegant French und tier men Fancy Goods, Ibniii iful Photograph Albums of the New. est and Choicest Styles in Morocco anil Velvet Hiiidiuirs, Heavy Gold and riuled Jewelry of the latest and newest styles. We have als.) made arranceinents with somo of fhe leading publishing houses that will. ena ble ns to sell the sinndaid and ltucst works of authors at about oneduilf the regular prices : "uen as l.yron, liuriis, Moore, Millnn nud T. iinyson's Work, in fuil gilt and cloth b ud- nigs, alio: niimlreils ol others 1 hesc and ever thing else for ONE DOLL.' 11 Full EACH ARTICLE. In every order anionntinc to over fie eompanietl by t hp cash, the njrent may main iz ; and in every older over ?flt)U, $1 may be retained to r a v t ii e i: x r it es s c 1 1 a n g e 3 . COMMISSION TO AGENTS. For an order of .?:!() frntr a ebib of tliivtv. w will jmy the agent as commissi, n, :!:! yards ef l)leao4ied or brown sheeting, poud dress pattern, all wool pants patiern. or $:J .'io in cash. For an uid"r of .f;'.0 from a club of sixty, wo will pay the ape'il " yards of brown or bieai h ed sheeting, homing ease watch, all wool shawl, or.f7 in cash. For nn order of .Sinn, fi r m n olnl. lf.n, v- wll pay Iho agent I ill yards 'I p.rd wide i, -hee ing, splendid svwinj; uiaehiue, or ?l ! in cash. .-END MONEY RY KtiLSTiiilKb LETTER?. For fur Address tlier particulars semi 1'cr c.-italugucs. GEORGE A. PLC.MMER & CO., (Successors to Harris A l'liimmcr ) Nos. and -10 Hanover Street, Huston, Mas. 11 ,vUtl,'iiU if 1 Hli SATl'KUAVuVE.MNU i'O.-'T. TIM! EE MONTHS GI.Al IS This cheapest mi ! best of the Liiernrv Woc!:- lies is ofiiring unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of October, il commenced brilliant. Novelet, called " a Fainiiv r aili.,ii." by Elizabeth Present. It also is now riiiiiiinj; a H-rial, called ".George Caiiteibiirv's Will," by Mrs. Ilenrv Wood, thu l'aio.i.i.. iui'mi. of East Lyme," Kc. , NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed etch other. Anions those already on hand or in di-ium-i-ss uZ I'nder a Ban," by Amanda M. Duiiglus ; Leunic s rU'crcl," by Frank Leo ileiied..:! i Novelet, by Miss llosincr. c. The post also gives lhe gems of the English magazines. NEW SCBSCHir.ERS For 1870 will ha tie their subscrii.tiona ,b,i,l back to the paper of October "d. until il.- largo extia edition of (hat dale is exhausted. I Ins will bo Ihirieeen papers in addition to n. tegular weekly numbers fur 1870 or til'teeu months in all ! When our extra edition in ex. hausted, the names of all new siilisiiiln.i u f..,- 1870 will be entered on our list tho vorv week they arc received. TERMS: S2uOaycar. Two copies, ? 1. Four copies, Five copies (and one irrniiiO SK' lino copy of the Post and one of the Lady u Friend, A copy of the large and beautiful P re mi urn Steel Engraving, Taking the Measure of the fteduing Ring " ougrnvel in England at cost of $2010 will be sent (6 every full (2 60; ubscriber, and lo every person sending a olub. This is truly a benutilul engraving ! Andress II. PETEE.fON'&CO., 310 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. iSpccimeu copies seut free for five cents. OUIt HOVK PHYSIO IAN' A newlfaodp Hook of Fi.mily Medicine. Bv Dr. BEtRD, of the University of the City of New York, assisted by medical professors iu the various departments. Thiee years devo ted to its preparation. Quackery and hum buggery exposed. Ptofefsors in our leading medical colleges testify that it is the best fam ily doctor book everwritteu. Outfit and sam ple free to agents, A. H. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut St. Phil'a, Tk. A THIEF- H hag been trvaling about humbugging druggists and private parties, mixing up and selling a base compound which I be calls WULUOIT'B PAIN PAINT. All of Wolc oil's genuine remedies have a white out side wrapper (with aignalure large). Loo It i out for counterfeits.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers