drill Of mints gMtuocaic, Car Time at llldgteay. Erie Express Knnt 1U:1 1 p. tn. ilo do West 8:34 a ' m. lo Mail East - 5:1 " p. m. do do West 8:1H p. m. Local ricight Kant H:40. m. do do West ii;i)0p. m. Elk lodge, A. T. M. Plnled meetings of Elk Lodge will be )idd ai their hull on tin second mid fourth Tuesdays of each month. ' J. K. WIIITMORE. Sec y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular toppling of Hidgwny Lodge, No. 2oii. held every Wednesday evening nl their Lodge Room. C. 11. Slaiik, Scey. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons arc authorized Agent!" for the Atlrvratr to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there frM. and give, receipt?. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.nnicn, J. L. Biiown. Kiitis. Fn.vNK V. Mf.i:i'K. .Udinollslillrg. IsAAl- 11 All AN. St, Matys. Cuas. McVkan. C'enlrev-Uc. Homp.h II. Ll acii, Mnj. Bt'BKF.. Caledonia. W. P. Smith. B. A. Wkkii. Bonncu-tle. .Ions C. ll.ni, J. i. Biiown. Shaw unit. John Fahhkh. Spring (.'reek. A. W. luvis. llighliind. l.i vi Ei.i.otiioih-e. Ilorton. I). C. Ovsrr.ti, X. M. RnnrKWAV. I,oeal and. Miscellany. The undersigned desire to express their thanks lor tlits very liberal dnnutiun f 'r dnesday evening. May this kindness, as well as that which was shown us iu the hour ol sotro'v, be lewardo.l a hundred fold. Lkvi Litti.k, V. 11, ISfW. SfSAN A. ElTTLl. Tin: ut ten 'inn id' lumlii rmen and others is directed to tl e advertisement of J. M. lleurd in to d:-y's paper. His Mock is lune uud e'Miipiete, and W'il afTiid pur thiscrsu tine nppuri unity to Mipply them f.'lves wiili articles in his line ut a trifling advance on eo-t. TllK last Elc ' iiinrrtjt eoines to us with t ho mime of our young tricnd a id brnh-r typi, Kugene J. Miiler, as its editor. We have known Mr. V tiler personally lor some time, and have always found hiiu a tuudi-ft mid gciitioiiian'y iiictiilier of the art persel. vativu. Ln his now spl.eie wc extend to him our l ost wishes for sueCLs Luck to y ou " old lei." Cold and drear v v nUr has doiin-.vl her white mantle. Th is-; ing id lent circuui htattees ate wont to hail the approaeh ol the frost kiii'.; with delimit, in niiticipat'iui .f the pleasures it bring them. Very dil' ii'rer.l with the poor. I'm- them t lie: c is in it ti i nir in stole but ad increase of their siilleriiigs. Tiio-ie who ' i xt rot pleasure I ruin such weather should give ol their plenty tu the needy poor. 1'ur.sii Ovstkbs. Received every day by Ex press, from the 'O sl;r Beds," fresh Moimkiu plant , in lulis. mid fur sale by llie lull or H'Oil iind in iutb tu ui' v'll.-iouiers. J. H. IUihii. . l.. .. . .. ir.i i ui in j ii'ni. Hear Admiral Clr.irle.s iSteWart, of the l'niti d States Navy, ded at his icsidtuce in lioi Jeiitown, New Jerey, on the Gth snst , iu tlie ninety-second year of his ai;e, and the seventy-fiist of bis service to his country. His nuuic is uiot intimately as sociated with many ut the valorous achieve ments of the, American navy, and his ex ploits are etniueutly worthy of emulation by h'u Living brother oiiL-ers. Ex Gov. Titos. G. I'll att, of Maryland, died at his residence tu lialtimotc, ou the llthiust., aged sixty-five years. ''One may exhaust dmiiaiu of medical vir tues and medical promises, wthout finding any remedy, su'.simply compounded and at the Fame time posessing invaluable proper ties us the "I'ine Tree Tu- Cordial"' of Dr. .Vi.silAUT. It is a common sense uicdieiue, iind will cuie, not because of puffery, but because it is a simple and healthful natural ugent. The diseases it will cure are those v,hieh appertain to disordered stomachs and an unhealthy condition of the blood. Their name is '-legiou." The Coidiul is uo cs pcriineiit : it is a long established aud wide ly circulated n uiedy, supported by the Ivest testimonials of both patient aud physiciau. Its action is powetfuily aided and expedited by a cuireut useof Wichart's "Auieiiean Pyepsia Tills." where lhe naturo ol the case ieijuireit. At No ZZ'l North Strset, consuliatioDS may ba had free of charge with eminent physicians. For more special claims of the l'iue Tree far Remedy, we iu vite atteution to our advertising columns, aud request the afflicted to call or address, as there directed. Governor Geary has just issued the death warrants loathe execution jf twocriniinals: John Fields, convicted of .murder iu Ly coming county. Execution to take place ut Williaiusport on Tuesday, December 7, 1SG9. Zaehary Taylor lioekeuberry, con victed ol murder iu Butler county, Exe. cutioo to take place at 13 interim Tuesday, ltcciiiber 1, 1SG0. Now Oyster Saloon- I would Inform tliooiliiens of Ridgway ntid Vicinity, that I have fitted op the room li.vck of my Store Kooin, its nn Oyslcr nd Eating Scloon, for Ladies and Gentlemen, where at all limes, I can furnish Oysters Haw, Slewed or Fried also other eatnldes in tenson. Kntcr nnce on Mill Street side. door. No Liquor lulj nn tlie Jirrminrt. J. K. IIaiiiii, ' , ' Yuri'ty Hall. . Nkw Omt:n. -Just received new elder, from York Stale for family ue, nl Juhn It. Hulrd'H Variety Hull. ,T. tl. llAinn. 1ff-r-fy luK. IVi AS cured of llenfnexs nml Catarrh by n ximplo leini'ilv. and w ill semi ,ll.o jeocij'l free. 'MUS. M. C. hKtitl ETT, 4w llohoken, N. J. IHI'.i: TO IIOUK A'JKSTS. Wc will send ' a liandsniiic prosiieutus of our new illus trated Family Hi lie, lo .my h.mk agent free of charge. Address National 1 ihlishuig Conipa ny, l'liiladelphin, l'a. . - 4v HOW TO MAKK MOXKV Virginia Lands. We will send lo any addnss n paniph jei of llil) pages, giving descriptions of til HI limns, witli other valuable information. Will sell 7-J,l'0l) acres of hitid from $1 to $2 50 per acre. Send postage stump. i. jivkackkx & nrto., 4w lox Fi edcricksliurg, Vn JJKXKY WAHl) liEUCHKR'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Aia: being read by people of every clas and denomination all over this country and Europe. They arc full of vital, beautiful religigniis thought and feeling. 1'i.vmoi tii 1'i i.pit is published weekly and conlaius Mr. Dceelicr's Seviuuii and prayers, in form suitahle for presrrvni'ou and binding. For sale ly all newsdealers, l'nec 10 cents. Yearly suh. scriptions received by t lie publishers (!; giv ing two handsome volumes of over 4.1 K) pages each. Half yearly. $1 -!. A new and superb steel pin t mil of Mr. P.eoi-hcr presented to all yearly suliserihers. Extraordinary oiler '. PLYMOUTH I'LLI'IT H, and the (.'IlltlS TIAN CMOS oil, an utisccturian, lndepen. denl weekly journal of Christianity Willi lec lure room talks and editorial articles hy Mr. lleeeher sent to one address for o- weeks fur Ft 1 1' II UOl.LAKS. Speeial indiipemenls lo canvassers and those gelling up clubi. Speci men copies, jiustngp tree, for ' cents. J. 11. FOU1) & CO.. Publishers. 4w 8.l Park How, Yew York. I lA KM KICS IIKLPFll Shows how lo dou ble profit-of the Farm, and how farmers .ad their sons can each make Sloii pKI! MONTH in winter. lO.oiin copies will he mail ed free lo fanners. S.t.d name and address lo .MULEIi, ,M ( L llliY CO.. 4w PhiUdelpliia. I'ii. J At Oil Yor.NH CO . lUmk Hinders And lihink liuok MniiiitiK iiii ers, Wi-iglii's 111k. Coi-ry, Pa. liliiuk llo ks Made lo Order. GUNS, Pl.-TOLS. 1! I FLICS, KNIV1CS. pnckel and Inble cnilery. of the best quality nn-d most approved patterns, very idieap nl lhe llarilwiire .Store on liibeigei's old orncr m .'t. M'ry's. "T.-U'S. SPIKES, lll.MilOn, lilVKTS. locks, bolls, and all kinds ol builder s iiiatcrinls in general can be had cheaper at -lie St. Mary's Hardware Siore than ni.y i her place in F.Ik cuuni'ty. (n"J8 7) II ITMtASK S. HA HKKTT. Anorney at-Law, Clearfield, l'enn a. Will" juaclice iu Ik ami Caineron coin ties. se.'-l,'UH-y . IIXKCC'T ION.S, MM1MOX.V, SL'P.PiK, j nas, Warrants, &c, on hand and for -ule at this ollice. BLACKSMITH'S CA P.PENTKUS AND joiner's tools for sale ' cheaper than 'he cheapest" at the Si. Mary's Hardware Store (iinv2K'U7.) .4 ' TAW Tl OX M I A O U A7- It S .' 'IMIK EAGLE TUItBIXE WATKIl 1 WIIEICL, patented .inly "0. 1HH7. is superior to liny wheel in use Tlie under signed have the agency for said wheel in the State ot Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For funlipr particulars, ntid circulars, inquire al our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, inill-gpiiring. castings and sleiim engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction iu our work to receive a good tliare sf public patronage. J. F. UOBEHTSOX, K. 15 ELL Kersey, Elk Co.. Ta., janlii lStiSpd. JKKOHS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who sufTered for years from Xervoiu Debiliiy, Premature Decay, and all lhe effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for tlie sake of suticring humanity, send free to nil who need it. the receipt nml directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do o by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN H. OUDEN, vlu'Jfivl. No. 4'J Cedar street. N. Y EV STORE. Tli subscriber begs leave to inform the rill- teus ot Itidgwuy and vicinity that he lias opened a store where may be found PfUFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, . FIXE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMOXS, in season. vllf J. R. EA1RD. TOKTOX HOUSE, liRIE. PA- Al. V, Moore, late of the Hyde JJoute) I'rop' if tor. Open Day and Night- n30tf. w OKDS OF WISDOM. FOB YOUNG MEN, Oo the Ruling Passion in Youth and Early Mnnhooa, wiib SELF HELP for tbe Erring and unfortunate. Sent, in sealed letter eu velopes, fre of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P, Philadeldhia, Pa TTTSlTIXa CARDS NEATLY EXECUT- ed at this otftee. 1 " LAKES .f all klndi for sale at this of TANNING & LUMBER CO K EY STONE STORE WILCOX PA' ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING : The largest store in North Western Tn., lit Icrully filled lo overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. We aro opening the spring oatnpulgn wilh lhe largest and most attractive Block evre offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPAIITMEXT will always contain a largo and well selected slock of Cloths Cassimcrs & Clonkiags, Black aud Colored Silks. Scnsennhie dress goods in grent variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c, white goodsof cverv description, bleached ami brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL uud WINDOW PAPER. HOOKS AXD STATIONERY", CLOTHING, 11 ATS and CAPS, HOOTS SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS. OILS &. lA E STUFFS, LEA J IJ ICR, .C- UllOi: F1XMXGS. 11 A R I) WARE, STOVES TIX XT ARE, 111 OX A STL EL, XA1LS f- M'LDERS HARDWARE. NUTS & WASHERS, HORSE SHOES & . NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES .f- liOXKS, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARH, FLOUR, PEED & MEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, REDDING, &c., TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES & CArPET BAGS, llUI3I3Elt IJELTING. CLOCKS i GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Iloyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Helling. With our superior facilities for obtuiuing heavy goods, In large quantities, from first bauds we defy competition in Greocries & Provisions. We invite particular atteution to our choice brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to eustomers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire aatisfaction with 4 every barrel TANKING 4 LUMBER Co. . vloSltf. . Wilcox Pa POWELL & KIME- QOODS FOR THE MILLION. P O W E E I & K I M E, At their capacious store in RIDGWAY Have on hand, splendid assortments of nil seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very largo dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un- equalled by any establishment in tht county. They buy directly from innnu- fucturcs and on the GROUND FLOOR, Another advantage. You cun always ret whiit you want at their store?, hiuce you will s;;ve time by goinj directly to thein-aud TIME IS MONEY. We have no space hero to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing these establishments. Rut oil and see, and reap tho advantages for voursolvcs. Among their Goods you will find DRY GOODS in en Hess varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of lest material superior ciu and finish, ROOTS & SHOES of the lest stock oud make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, 1JUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE Alto rac-pt other kiuds of country jfO duce taken at the market value' vlnltf. HARDWARE- N EYV HARDWARE STOHE ! The subscribers have just epcued in ST. MARY'S A new aud Complete Slock of Heavy & Shell HARDWARE J I And will kepp donilantly on hand a grent virie'y of COOK AXD HEAT1XG STOVES Rar Iron, Strrl Anvih, Drlloir, XniHn UorM fiincs, Sprinyx, But'ltl iiKj Il'irtirmc, tiatctt am! Files of Every D'sm'jifion GINS, PISTOLS AXD CAUTIUDGES, Cutlery, Plated WVn-c ind House Furnishing Goods. Al' kindsof Mechan ics' Tools ! .1 Jl 1 H l li Vj Of every description, which will ho sold at the LOWEST CASH PlllCKS. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL RASE RURNING COAL STOVES AXD PAP LOR FURNACES! Which have received Four First Class Pre miums at the Xew York Slate and oth er Fairs : Also, the Great Silvci Medal at the Fair of 1'ie vAui crican Institute, held in Xew York City, lSUO. Tlwy are Perpetual Burners, ou'y one fire being required to be made u living tho season. M. BEELMien, Jr. WM. II. COPE LAND. cov28'C7 ly "ft If ASLIX Kettles. Brass KeliU-H, l'orcleau f J Sauce Pans. French Tined Sauce Pans. 1 nut cans the cheapest and best, at V. S. SERVICE'S, Hardware Store, l'idgway,Pu. WANTED Aptents, Teachers, Students, C rr'yinen. Farmers' sons and daugh ters, i nd all to sell The Great Reformer of the Stage, who, having abandoned stage life, now exhibits iu vivid co'- ors i lie whole slnw world befo e and behind the scenes. Being truthful, moral and high toned, as well as sensational, rich and racy, it outsells nil other hooks. Beautifully illustiat ed with 40 spirited engravings, 4 full-page flit. li'iO pities, on rose tinted paper. Greatest inducements yet ,U'ered. Prospectus, sample copy, Boxes and Stationery, Free For circu lar explaining, nduress immediately PARME LEK & CO., Publishers, either at Philadelphia, Penna., Cir.ciuatii, Ohio, or Middlctowu, Con t o icut. 4w rrwus is xo hl.mbuu'! By sending 83 cts, with age, height, co'or of eyes and hair, you wdl receive, by return injil, a eorrect plctute of your future l.usban 1 or wife, ith noine and dale of uiarriiige. Address W. FOX, P. O. Urawcr Xo. 'i Fiiltonville, X. Y. 4v LOOK HERE! WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. CIIIARI.E3 HOLES, Practical Walchm.i- ker,. Jeweler and Engraver, liiilgway. Elk county, l'a. The subscriber begs leave to announce lo the citizens of Ridgway and viciuiiy that he is prepared lo do all work in his line ou vhort notice-and at reasonable rates iu the very best manner. Shop in H. S. Thayer's Slore. Special attention paid lo engraving. . ' j He has also on hand a large assortment ef Clocks, Watches. Jewelry and - Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terras. Give in in a caiL iiw7'l'7if. MISCELLANEOUS, A GREAT REMEDY FOR TIIK CURB OF 1HR0AT AND LUNG DISEASES Or. Wishart's Pino Tfce TAlt CORDIAL. It is lhe vital principle of the Tino Tree, oh lained by a pecu'iar proccs in the dislibitioii iif llii Inr by which its highest m,ei'ical pro- priuiies are retained. It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from lhe juiou of tho Pine Tree It invigorates the digestive organs and restores lhe appetite, ll Strength ens the debilialed system. It purities and ' enriches Iho blood, and cxpclls frooi lhe sys tem the corruption whicli scrofula breeds oq the lung". Its healing principle acls upon tho irilated surface of tlie lungs and throat, penetrating la each diseased pari, relieving pain and subdu ing i-iflaiiiation. It is lhe result of years of stn ly and oxpe. rinicnt, and it is ottered to the allliclcd. with the positive assurance of its power t. cure the following diseases if tlie patient has not too long dplnyed a resort to t lie means of cure : Consumption ot the Lungs, Cough, oore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, ii (moping Cough, Diptliona, So- We -re often asked why are not otlior reme dies in the market for Consumption, Coughs Colds, anil oilier Pulmonary iiflcelnn equal to nr. Ij. y. vi isharl s Pine Tree Tar Cordial. Wo answer 1st. It cures, not bv stopping couch, and liy. loosening and assisting nature to Ihrnw olf the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. , -d. Moit T.'iroal and Lung Remedies are composed of anodynes, whioh alliy the cough lor awniie, nut by tlieir constringing elTecls, the lihers heconie hnrdoned, and the uuliealiliy tltiids coagulate and arc retained in the sys tem causing disease beyond tho control of our most eminent physicians. jl. 1 l-p Pmc Tree lav Cordial, with its fin sislanls, perfeciahle, because they remove lhe cause of irritation of the niiicuoiis tneuihrane and bronchial tubes, assist this lungs to act and throw ufT the unhealthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making i lie cure perfect. Dr. vi ishart tins, on file at his offico hun Ireds, and Thousands of Certificates, frotn men ami women of iinnuestinn.ihle c lai-nmer who were once hopelessly given no to die. but through I lie providence of God were com pletely restored lo health by lhe P'tie Tree Tnr Cordial. A physician in attendance who can he consulted in person or bv mail, free uf charge. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial Sl.fiO per bottle, and SI 1,00 per do?.. Sent by Ex pfess on receipt of price. Address L, y. 0, WISI1AKT, M. D., Xo. iMXorth d Street, Phil'a. Vn. May 21,'(i(lm3vlni7. J. S. BORDWELL, M. I), ECLECTIC 1'MJ 1-SIL't.tJI', r1hc word eclectic means lo choose or sc 1 lect medicines from all the tlill'erent schools of medicine ; using remedies that aro afe, and discarding from practice all tii-di-cines thr.t have an iinjurious effect on the ays tern, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop? per, vxc. I lay Aside the lance (he old ldoodletter. reJueer or deplcter, and eitalize ttho circula. tion and restore the system to its natural stale by alteratives and tonics. I shall hero- .itter eivo parlicuhir atteution to chronio dis eases, such as Hlieuniat'.sni, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Xe iralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all uiseases pecu liar lo females, &c. CATAURII I treat will, new instrument of a lale invention which cures every rase. TEETH extracted without pain. Otiice and residence South of the jail on identic St. Ollice hours from 7 lo 8 a. ; m 12 to 1 p. in ; 15 to 7 p. m. Deo. 1W'U7. -ly. J. S. BORDWELL. JSpacial Notices r10 COXSUMTTIYES, The Adverliser, having heeii restored to health iu a few weeks, liy a very bimple reiuedy, after having suffered several years with n severe lung nU'eetion, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-suti'erers the means of cure. Te all who desire it. ho will send a copy of ilie dieseriplion used, free of charge, with' lhe directions lor preparing and using tlie same, which they will find a sure Cure for Ciiisnni;j li ti, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. Tho object of lie advertiser in sending tho Prescription is to benefit I lie atllietcd, and spread information, which lie conceives lo be invaluable ; and ha hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, ns it will cost him nothing, aud may prove a bless ing. Parlies w ishing the prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kiugs County, X. Y, vln2tiyl. M AN HOOD i STOUF.D now lost, now be "V ; .- -Xi-i Just published, a new edition ti&vU of Bit. CL'LVERWELL'si Cr.LKBU.VfEl) ESSAY on the r iieo cure (witlio-it nifdicine) of Si-RnMATOHniiujA, or Seminal Weakness, lnvoluntarj Seminal Losses, iMi'nrr.xev, Meui.il and Phisical Incapacity, lmpedlmoiits to Marriage, cto. ; al.u, VaH' sujii-i'iuN, Ei'iLKrsY, and Firs. indacc4 by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. 4VjPrice, iu a sealed envelope, only B cents. . The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrate-! from a thirty years' successful pi autic, that the nlarininj coiiscriieuc.cs of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal ined cine or the application of (lie knife; poii, ting out a mode of cure ut once simple, certain, and etfcclual, by means of which ev-.-ry suueror, no matter wliat Ins cwi.liun mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately. Bud raJirnlhf. tefTliis Leclire should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the bind. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelops, to any . address, potjimd, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell'a " Mui-riage Guidu," price i!" cent s. Address -the Publishers. CIIAS. J. 0. KLINE Co., 1 -7 Bowery, New York, Pool-OJhco lux. i.'iSHi. vluSuyl. B OOK AGENTS WANTED FOR ' " : (niggles aud Ti'i Jtuplis gf P. T. .BARNUMj. Wrii!en by him elf. In one large octavo vol- : ume nearly SOO pages printed iu English and German. 83 full page engraviugs. ll em- braces forty year recollections of his huay life, as a inercbani, miiiiager. bunkei', j lecturer aud showmen. Nu book publiubed so acceptable to, all clasnes. Lvery one wauls it. Agents aver-, age IroiB f.0 to 100 tubsoribers , a . week. , 'e, off er extra induceoieuts. Illustrated catalogue and terms to agei-ts sent free. ' J- B. Bl UK el .')., Publisberi r f f"T llafltoriJI, Coppj I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers