flMh flfounfj gldropite. SAT fit DAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1800. : J. S. li n li I) W E I.T., Editor. TEMPERANCE LECTURES. The temperance meeting at tlio court liouso on Thursday evening ol Inst week 'was uot a Lritlmut success. Perhaps it would not bo overstepping tho bounds of iruth to say it was u decided (Hilure. llut to our miud the failure was not lees Con spicuous in the plan of the meeting than in its execution. We respectfully suggest to the Good Templars that the public run form an opinion of their society by observing tho conduct of its members. There is uot much advantage in telling liow useful such a society is, so long ns the benefits spoken of do not uppeur. " 15y their lruits ye shnll know them " is the best rule of judgment in such cases, a. id this rule an intelligent public will apply. Jut aside from its special rcfcrcuec to the society cf Good Tcmp'ars, we think the plan of the meeting was faulty iu this respect, that it sotfght to promote the cuusc of temperance merely by eloquent declamation against intemperance. The idea seemed to be, aud the lecturer him bell seemed fo encourage if, thet tho audi, nco were (o be interested, perhaps elec trified, by the vivid portrayal of the cruel tics practised by King Alcohol upon his unhappy victims; in confOfjucucc of which they might be ready to cry "Town with Alcohol," and at some future tine, in Homo yet undefined way, perhaps do some thing to carry that cry into effect. At the risk of being Charged with heresy by some zealous tcctotakr. wo venture to call iu questiou the utility of this mode ol procedure at the present time. However it may have been iu the past, we think it admits of serious question whether any damage would result to the cause of ton ytranvc, if the whole army of professional temperance lecturers should abandon that profession and devote their time and tal cuts to some other calling. This may seem a startling proposition, especially to those who get their living in that way ; but it is the duty of the press to advocate what is for the pnblia good, although it might cause a lit tic temporary iuconrcuicncc to individuals. It ecuis as though the public miud ought, by this time, to be sufficiently en lightened in regard to the conscucucea oi intemperance, the -'reugth of the drunk ard's appetite, the danger of tippling, aud Buch matter., as to be aide to do without a class of special lecturers in that depart ment. We therefore urge the inquiry up Good Templar arid' all such, whether a change of method is not dcsirnblj ? Wheth er the style of sensational oratory which has been employed in conducting " the ause of temperance " ought not to be laid aside, and some citsklc acthii allowed to take its place '! None of the Arctic cxploiing expeditons of the year have added much, if anything, to our knowledge of tho geography of the Polar regions. Capt. Hall deserves great credit for the courage, energetic action und patience he displayed iu his adventures; but the interesting relics he brought back with him are the most valuable result of Lis toil aud suffering. Wo find iD the Ger man papers some statements, furnished by Dr. Bcifel himself, about tho late voyage in the Polar seas of the steamer Albert, which reached the northermost point of her voyage (S0 14' north latitude. 9 52' east " longitude) on the 20th of June last. Here the ice formed an impassible barrier, and after cruising in various directions for two months, and visiting iho western Coast of Spitzcnbcrg, Ara-jterdam Island, and other localaties, the object of the expedition wa abandoned, and the vessel began her home, ward voyage. Three other vessel?, belong, ing respectively to Englaud, Jforwayj and Russia, have also been engaged this year in exploring the Arctic regions. The Diana sailed from GUvg w in April last; bnt, though her party reached Nova Zembla in May, and Spitzcnbcrg in June, tbey were unable to pass tho 80th degree. Tho Nor wegian expedition was a small affair, con sisting of but a single sloop; but the cap tain pushed boldly into the Carian Sea, sailed aloBg the Siberian coast, reached the White Islands, and returned home after slaughtering great cumbers of walruses, seals, and bears. The Russian expedition sailed in August, with the intention of establishing direct communica. tion by sea between Norway and Siberia, but we have as yet bad no report from it. 'Tribune. Phtietson's Ladies' National Mag azine for the month of December has been placed upon our table. It abounds with its usual quantity of interesting reading and exquisit fashion plates. ' Published by Cbtrles J. Peterson, 806 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. rilA VISU 1HOCLA3IA T10X. .'The year which is) drawing to a close; hhs been free Jiotn pestilence, health lias prevailed throughout the land, abundant props reward the labors of the husbandman, commerce fftid timiiiilactiircs have success fully prosecuted their paths, the mines ni d forests have yrilded lihcrul'y, the nati n has iuei cased in wealth ami strength, peace fins prevailed and its blessings have ad vanced every interest of the people in every interest of the people in every part of the Union, harmony and fraternal interest re stored nro obliterating tho murks of past conflict and estrangement, burdens have been lightened, means have been increased, civil and religious liberty are secured to every inhabitant of this laud, whose soil is trod by none but freemen. It becomes a people thus favored to make acknowledg ment to tho Supreme Author from whom such blessings flow, of their gratitude and their dependence, to render praise and thanksgiving for the same, and devoutly to implore a continuance of God's iiicrcies. "Therefore, I, ULYSSES S. GRANT, President of the United Spates, do recom meud that Thursday, the 18th of Novetn Oer next, be observed as a day of thanks. Hiving and of praise and prayer t,r Almighty God, the Creator aud Ruler of tneUnivcrse. And I do further recommend to all the people of the United Staes to "nsscniblo un that day in thcii accustomed places of pub lic woiship, and to unite the homage and praise due to our bountiful Father of all mercies, aud fervent prayer for the contin uance of tho manilold blessings lie has vouchsafed to ui as a people-, " Jn testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United Slates to be affixed, this filth day ol October, .Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixtynine, and of the Independence of the UnitedStates of Ameri ca the ninety-fourth. U. S. Gil ANT. 'liy 1 he I'rrxnhnt : Hamilton Fish, Scvrttnry of Sti'.c." The President of the United- States hav rng issued the foregoing Proclamation, I most earnestly advise that the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the reasons therein given, strictly observo its recommendations. (liven under mj hand and the Seal of the Commonwealth, at Ilarrisburg, this tweuty. filth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the Independence of ihe United Slates the ninety -fourth. JOHN W. GEARY. ,f The Goerruov : F. JdliDGN, firrrtttir of the Commonwealth. Dkmcbkst's Monthly. A splendid Christinas uumbcr. This favorite periodi cal for ladies improve? with every issue Lis reliuLIc fashions, its uu'merous full sized patterns, its admirable illustrations, aud rcat variety of us ofui and interesting read ing matter, lender it by far the most desira ble maga.ine of the day, and in fact indis pensable to' ladies living away from the metropolitan centers. It is also the cheap est magazine at S3 per anuum, with hand some premium, which for limited time, may, we see, be a large aud magn'ficien.'ly en graved copy of Little M. Spencer's Fourth of July P ic-Nic'' a picture worth three times the cost! of th magazine. Published at 833 Broadway, N.Y- Dkmorkst'b Youxo Ami.rica. This sprightly juveuile is constantly improving. A new and most iiterert'ing feature sonsists of a beauti ful chrome scries of Audubon's Amcricrn birds, each s'epeiate picture of which is fit to frame, aud together would form a charming set for child's room. "Our Paris doll," accompauied bj a let. tcr to the little oues, by Mine. Demurest, is another great feature, not to speak of the special Christmas attractions und novelties, and a new story by the author of "Jack aud Rosy." Altogether the Dccenber number ought to be good for ten thousand additiou. al subscribers to Youno America. $1. f0 with a beautiful premium. Publication of lice, Sa$ Uroadway N. Y. Dallou' Monthly Maqazene. We are in receipt of this marvellously cheap end handsome Magazine for December. lis table of contents is varied and charming, embracing the usual fine variety of serials, sketches, stories.poems and attractive engra vings. The publishers annouuee in tho prospectus for the coming year, a serial story for adults, by the, popular Magazine writer, James Franklin Fitts, aud a juvenile serial by the young people's favor, ito, Horatio Algier, Jr. The price of this periodical is a marvel to everybody a hundred page fiis'-class illustrated Maga zine for fifteen cents, or $1.50 per year, is indeed wonderfully cheap. Elliott, Thomas k Talbot, Publishers, Boston, Mass. Maj Gen. John E. Wool, of the Un ited States Army, died at Troy, New York, on the 10th iustaut. He was the oldest living soldier 01 the regular army. He was upwards of eighty yeais of age, and partie ipatcd in all the wars from 1812 up. THE SICK PA R TV. The Pittsburg Post quotes an article from the Maucli Chunk' Democrat, which" urges' the speedy assemblage of a convention to fix things. Rut the Pout don't see it yet. It says, by way of commentary j We don't see tho necessity of a conven tion 'n act as pall hearer for tho corpse of th! defunct candidate. Tho Dvmorriv like n burnt child, dreads the fire, and in advance denounces the ' respectable, but eminently worthless class of fossils who aro iMilvinized into life at each reinvention." They were in abundance iu Ilarrisburg du. ring the Democratic Convention, and all for Pucker. 'They were generally recom-. mended to the inoro iucxperiencd and youthful delegates as war horses. They knew all about it, their sagacity and politi cal knowledge could uot bo neglected with safety. One war horse pledged Luzerne for six thousand if the "Pride of tho Yulley" was nominated ; the Tenth Legion would double its majority, und Philadelphia was certaiu lor ten thousand It might be considered uiicharituble to say these men did not caro a fitnitirc whi ther the Lem??ratio party tri umphed or not, so they were brought "near the money baas of Packer. It is no torn fort to know they were disappointed, and that they neither understood the man nor tho necessities of the hour. They proved their utter incapacity to lead or advise, bnt whether the disastrous issue will be accept ed us a warning remains to be seen. Philadelphia & Kkik Railroad Frekiiits. The Pennsylvania railroad company has a fine chance to gain popular, ity or lose it. The largo Concerns which have embarked in the taniiiritr business along the Philadelphia & Erie railroad be tween Emporium and Warren have calcu. lated, it appears, on having their hemlock lumber carried to Philadelphia und Palti more at low rates, and aro complainiug tf their disappointment. The public ititercst will suffer if a change is uot made. The only way for the tanner to make money at present rates is to thin over the ground, that is to 'cut the trees down, peel tho bark off, and leave the logs lying on the ground to rot. They arc in cutnbrauccsjto the ground ; the husband man who undertakes to clear it would ra ther tako entirely fre.-h forest in hand which hs' can fell to suit himself. Settlers will not come into aciuutry whero t !i -3 lntid been thus snagged up," as it is termed. It is rendered desolate and uninviting to the view of visitors. Iu fact, it is soon converted into an impassable thicket, which prevents even an examination into the character of the soil aud minerals. Thus the great tanners located among us, may provo an injury instead of a benefit to the region. One or tho other of two alternatives seems impending. Either our most ser viceable timber will be suffered to decay where it is eut a loss to rnstetii consuin crs of millions of excellent flooring, siding and ceiling ; or else alontr the entire region west of St. Marys the old project will be re vived of driving it in the log down the Al leflhcny waters. A boom will be built be low the mouth of the Clarion, or a abort distance above Pittsburgh. The stock will bo sawed up there, mid tho country where it is grown will lose the benefit ivhich it ought to derive from its manufac ture. A region will remain undeveloped which ought to bring the railroad the most lucrative important way business it cau ex pect. Surely it is the interest of the Phil, adelphia & Eiio railway to foster and uot to discourage the enterprise and industry of Cameron, Elk, M'Kcau ami Warren. Weundcrstand that a memorial to tho Pennsylvania railroad company on this sub ject is in circulation for signature. The petitioners ask only for a rate of one aud a half cents a mile per ton on dressed lum ber carried at tho risk if the freighter, and this but for two years, or until the leputa tion of western hemlock llooring is estab. lished in the Philadelphia and JSaltimore markets. They aro eoufideut tLeu of being uble to pay move. We cannot understand why, at least during the seasou wheu the lake is frozen. the railroad should charge a higher rate from Sheffield to Philadelphia tha.i seven dollars per ton. George 1'eauody, the eminent philan- tbropist millionaire, died in London on- the 3d itist. Mr. Peabodv was said to be the wealthiest man iu the world. His cliuri. tics during bis lifetime were given with a liberal hand, lie gave from his own sub stance, lie did uot surrender what deuth wrested from him. His services, botk to his native and adopted country, buve been fittingly oud genrouslj recognized ia royal letters aud thanks of congress. The mer. chants 5u passing his statue-daily do not need to lcaru from the cousumate man of business how to gum money. His career may teach them how it may be wisely spout. Tub donation hold ut the residence of Horace Little on Wednesday eveuing lust was well attended The amount contribute ed iu money, &o.. was (141 50. wLiel we think speaks Well for t'ae liberality of cur citizens. STcuj adMrttscmcjits. rjjUE SATURDAY iVENINQ POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS I This cheapest und best of tlie Literary Week lies is otiui iiig uiiefjiiHllctl inducements to new stilisi'i-ibfi-s. , In tlie firxt paper of October, it commenced A brilliant Novelet, called " n I'umilv Knili..g," by Lliz.-ilietli I'rescoit. It also ix no'w running n serial, culled " Oeorgs Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, tbc famous author of " East Lyunc," Sc. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed cacti oilier. Among tliono already on hand or in progress, are " L'mlcr a Hun," by Amanda. M. Douglas j " Luotiio s Secret," by Frank Lee Uumdict ; a Novelet, by Miss llo?mer, 40. The post ulso gives the gems of tho English magazines. NEW SUBSCKIBEIIS For 1870 will lmuo their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October yd, until the largo exti a edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirl eeen papers in addition to the regular weekly numbers for 1H70 or fifteen months iu all 1 When our extra edition ij ex. Imitated, the names of all new subseiibcrs for lb70 will be rnieiod on our list the very week they arc received. TERMS : $2 iiU a year. Two copies, $4. Four copies, $0. Five copies (und 0110 gratis) $8. One copy of the Post and one of tlie Lady's Friend, SI. -A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fngiaving, Taking the Measure of the Wcdaing King " engrave 1 in England at 11 cost of il'lH,0 will be sout to every full ($ fill) subscriber, and 10 every person sendniif a club. I This is truly a beautitul engraving ! A ml i css II. TETEESON & CO., Walnut Street, Pliiladolpliia. .Specimen copies sent free lor five cenis. rt HE LADY'S FK1END. 1 TWO MONTHS (IUAT1S ! The Lady's Friend announces tho following Novelets fur 1870 : ' Did He Forget llnr T by Louise t'hniKllci' Moultou ; The Casoaiinon's Aunt,' by ICliz.ibeili I'rescoit, author of ' lie tweeu Two.' c. : S ilid Silver ; or, Chrisie Deane's liridul liilts," by Ama da M. Douglas, author of the ' Di bany Fortune," with nu merous shorler stories by a brilliant galaxy of laily wriiers. A finely executed "teel engraving, a Imnd senie double puge, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood cms, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc;, are given in every number. li will give a popular pieoe of Music in ev ery number. POKTUAIT3 OF PISTlXtiUISIlED Acinous. Die January number will contain portraile 1 engraved on sled) of Mrs Henry Wood. Klureiice l'ercy, Louise Chandler M. union, l'"i'ahct!i I'rescoit, .Amanda M. Dunging. Mrs. Maigai'"! Hostiier ami August, Dell, m:w suusckihkhs Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiiie the oveiiiber and De cember numbers nt this year in addition, mak ing lourieru luuulhs iu nil ! And lieu subscri bers sending iu their 11. lines by llie tiisi of December shall receive the ma;;uilii:eul Decem ber holiday limine.1, making tlnrteeu moi.tiis in ail I T Hit. US; oO a year ; two copies. $4 : four copies, i1): liee copies, (am: one gratis) 8 One tupy of I lie Lady's Ft- end and one of the l'ost. $ 1. A copy ol the lovge and bcautilul I'l-eiuiuin steel etira ing 'Taking the Measure of 'he iVbdding I'Uig engrave i iu i.ng-uiid al a cost of $tiJO will be sent to every person sending a club This engraving i:i a gem i.f int. Address DEACON " rETEKSOX. H i '.I tValnut sit cut, I'li.lndelphia. Specimen copies sent for ten cents. IXECL'TOItS' NOTICE Letters leslaiueii lj lary on the estate of William Wernw.ig. Ueocased, having been granted to the under signed, persons indebted to the said estate will please make payment, And those having claims will please present the same without du'.ay to John C Wei uwag, at Wilcox, l'a., or to Tneo dore We; nwag," m. 1'. Wernwag, Executors, 24 1 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. November Li. 18li'.t lit. lJOW IS THE TIME TO PUUCUUE CHEAP Bargains iu HARNESS. SADDLES, YALISKS, TRUNKS, WilLl'S, &0. ,1. M. HEARD, liavingjust returned from Phil adelphia, where be has purchased a large as sortment oftlie above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vite tiiti uttenliuu of tho public to them. He is at all times prcpured to inauufiicttvro to order all kinds of harness, or anything else in his line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, Tlie best collar for lumbering pnrposep, are KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITICN AS TO PRICK, STYLE OK QUA LI Y. CGie me a eaS at try establishment, ABOVE THE CO It NE It OP MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, KIDGWAY, PA. novC.'CO ly J. M. HEARD. T 10 OWNERS OF UNPATENTED LANDS. Si'KTF.TOR Ginksal's Orrtcs, ) Iliiriisburk, Pennu. Nov. 8iu, 1800, In obedience lo an Act of Assembly approv ed the Hie day of April, oua thousand tight hundred and Bixty nine, yon are hereby not! tied that the ' County Laud Lien Docket,' con taining the list of UDpotenled lands for Elk county, prepared under the Aet of Assembly of the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty fuiir, and the supplement there to, has this day been forwarded to the ProthonJ otnry of the county, at whose oitioe it may be examined, j The liens can ouly La liquidate I by the payment of the purchase money, inter. est and fees, "and receiving-patents through tuis uep.riiueui. , . , JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Nov. 13, 18C0. Surveyor General. W . S SERVICE i-)U0,UU0 OUSTOiMKKS WAN'IKJJ. At the new Masooio Hall Huilding. STOVES at prices that will please of all de- . ' . ' , , .' ' sirablo kinds. ' TIN-WAKE of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention given toJWholesale orders, l'rine list furnished to dealers on application. . SHEET. T1X AND COPPER WARE. House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER rU'EINO, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as HODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &c..jc. BIRD CAGtS A SICE VARIETY. ROOFING, tillTTKUS, SPOUTS. of Tin, Cialvaniied lrou aud Copper an! every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted. AGENCY of Henry Disstoa oelebrutcd saws. Orders for saws at factory prices f o licit ed, else for repairiug. Inlormatiou and price list furnished on application. ; PAPER RAGS, OLD ROrE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, rEYV TER, LEAD, IRON, PEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON i. i i ' - t - i SKINS, SHEEP TELTS, GREEN , BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES,' ; U.i BONDS &o. S. i:.. taken in exchange for ' Goods or Work 1'; Tln20tf. W. 6. SERVICE. RAILROADS. PHIXAD irHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. 2 A rwjh anil Dirvt Pmitn Ictwceil Plulmletjihia, JSalti'mjre Jtarrlg bury, Wilianixport, nnrt the G R E AT Ol L R E G IO M of Pennsylvania. li L E G A N T SLIPPING CARS On all Night Trains. OX and after MONDAY, NOV. 25(1,, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erio Kailroad will run as'ollows ; WKHTWARU. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 10.4-1 p. m. " " " Uidgway '2.0-" p. m. w arrive nl. Erie i 0..iO p. ni. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 11. n. m, " " llidgwny 3 3l! a. m. " arrive at. Erie 10.00 a. in IIASTWAIll). Mail Train leaves Erie 8. l i a. m. " " " liidpway -.J-" p. ni. " arrive at I'liilad'ft - (i.liv a. ni. Erin Express leaves E110 tt.'JO p. m, " " Pidgway...... 11,10 a. m. " " nn-at Philadelphia 1.J0 p. in. Mail and Express connect, with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny liiver Unit Koid. B.VJ O AGE CHECKED TllllOCGIf. ALLIED L. TV LLP.. General .Superintendent. ALLEUIIENV VALLEY HAIL LOAD. Ihc only direct route to Pittsburg WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS from Oil City. , On and alter Monday May .Id- 180!t, trains will run as follows : G :ing SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 10.10 a. m. Arriviiig at I'iltsbiirj at o.lo p. m. Night K.xprrss leaves Oil City at tS.liO p. m. Arriving at Pitlslnug t li.30 n. m. Mixed Way leaves Oil City at 7.-0 a. in. Arriviug at West Pcnii Junction at (i,00 p. 111. GOING SOUTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at P. 00 a. in. Arriving at Oil City at 3.10 p. m. Night Express leaves Pittsburg at 7,311 p. in. Arriving at Oil City at 5. -10 a. ni. Mixed Way lenve West Penn June, at fi.4) a. in. Arriving at Oil City at 6,4o p. in. Connections at Corry and Irvine'on for Oil City and l'illsburg. At Franklin with James town and Frannlin K. 1!. Connections with West Penn, K. It. at West I'enn Junction for Hlairsville and all points on the main line of the Pennsylvania It. R. Sleeping Carson Night Trains. J. .1. LAWHIONCK, General Supt. Titos. M. Kinii, Asst. Supt, hi SIN ESS CARDS, TOllN G. HALL, Attorney at law. Ridg way. ElK cotiuly Pa. mnr.J'J'titl 1y II' Attornev-at-Lav (feb-illYiS), Kidgway, Pa. JO. IX O. HAM r. IAS. K. V. IIALI.. HAT.L & BllO. A ttor j 1 1 ' y s -tit - I j a av Sf. MAHVVS: liEXZIXGEIt P. O. EI K COUNTY, TA. September 'JO, IStjli. ly. J. S. P.ordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician" Olhce and lesidence opposite tho Jail, on Centre St., Hidgwav. l'a. Prompt at tention will be given to all calls. Oiliee hours : 7 to K A. M- : P. M. ; and (i to 7 P. M. Mar. '11, tili If. W. JAMES I! I, A K ELY Physician d Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county niar-L'2'ljii ly. - DM. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrevillc, Elk county .mar-z on ly. " V. C. KUI'MME. M. D., , Physiehn ami Surgeon. Uidgway Elk Co. Pa. (iliicc above store .it M. ti. tollis" Ollice hour" from 8 to 10A.M. and li to 8 P. M. vlnHlf. Cll. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer , in Lagir Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, Kt. .Mary s, aik county ra. Mar-'J OO-l . T THAYER HOUSiS, KIDHWAY, PA. D.tYID THAYER, Proprietor. The iimlersiened having filled tip a largo and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Cenn-e and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of Iiis old friends and the p'lVlie generally. declS UOIj DA ID THAI Klu ALPINE HOUSE, .St. Mary's Pa., Her man Kretx, Proprietor. iig!)'(i(j "ITUt ANKTIN house, j; r. Mahy's. Pa. J.AKtir.1 41 JIAUI.Mi, l'Rni'BS. The proprietors rcspi-eiltilly ask the attention of their friends and the public in geuerul to the.r large and commodious hotel. Every intention paid to the convenience ot puesta. II. LAltC.EY, moy.30-18;8.1j J. A. m A I. ONE. KERSEY HOUSE, Ckntbeville, Ei.k Co., Pa, II. IJ Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretolore so liberally bestowed upen him, the new pro. pnetor. hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort ard convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the tmue. vln'JOIy. "Oil WOUK of all kinds aud descri dono ut this office. A 11 order 2 will be promptly attended to as soon ss received, at the Vi'Ht St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CLAUDS, Rill-Heads, Letter-Hcuds, Tugs j Handbills. &o.. done in a neat, mnnnn. and nt the i.owkst ruien. FOR Cash - the Elk Advocate Printing Oiliee. JOUIS II. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, fan be found at bis Foundry st St. Mary's where he is ready to liuvo all shop-work in bis line done oo short notice. St. Mary's, Bemsiugor P. O , Elk co., Pa. myl'uS ly 1ANVELOPES, LABELS & TAOS neitty printed t the Advoc tie Oflicc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers