RAli.no ADS. i i . i i , fHIA e ERIE kAn "AD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thirurh and l)!rcl Pmilc between Vhihiilrtjthln, Jialti'myre Jlarri. bury, 'timiinrt, and the GREAT 0 1 L REG tOX of Pennsylvania. K L E 0 A N T "SLEEPING CAIIS On nil Night Trains. ON and nficr MONDAY. NOV. 2r,th, the trains on the Philadelphia & Kris Railroad will run as follows : wr.sTw.Min. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia .10.4- p. m. " " Ridgway 2.05 p. in. arrive at Kric ".oil p. in. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 11. oO a. m. Ridgway a. m. " arrive at Eric U10.(X) a. m SASTWAnil. Mail Train lcavos Eric.... 8.15 a. m. " ' Ridgway 2.25 p. m. " " arrive 1 PhiHd'a .. 1 0 a. tn. Erie Express leaves Erie 3.20 p. m. " " Pidgway 11.10 a. tn. " " nrat Philadelphia 1.20 p.m. Moil and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Hail Ho id. BAG UAGE CHECKED THROl'C.H. Al-I(i:i) I.. TYLER. General Superintendent. YLLEO H EN Y VALLE RAIL ROAD, "ilie only direct route to Pittsburg WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS front Oil City. On and after Monday May 3J t SOD, trains Kill run as follows : GOING POt'Ttl. P-ny Express leaves Oil City at 10.10 a. tn. Arriving at Pittsburg at. ft. 15 p. ni. Night Exprrss leaves Oil City nt S.:!0 p. m. Arriving at Pittsburg nt. t'..:!0 n. m. Mixed Way leaves Oil City nt 7.20 a. m. Arriving at West l'enn Junction at t,00 p. in. GOING NORTIL Pay Express leaves Pittsburg nt K.OO a. m. Arriving nt Oil City nt ' 55.10 p. in. Night lixprcss leaves ritlsburg at 7,!0 p. in. Arriving at Oil City nt 5.40a m. Mixed W ay leave West Venn June, nt 15.45 a. m. Arriving lit Oil City at fr,4v p. in. Connections nt Corry and Trtific'on for Oil City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with James town nnd FranKlin R. R. Connections jWifh West l'enn. R. R. at West Perm Junction lor Bhiirsville and nil points on the maiu line of the Pcnnsylvnnin R. R. Sleeping Carson Night Trains. J.J. LAWRENCE. General Sup:. Titos. M. Kisu, Asst. Supt. Jl US NESS CARDS. OHNG. HALL, Attorney nt law. Eidg way. Elk county Pa. mnr-22 t.t y H EXRY SOUTH Ell, Attorn ev-nt-Law (feb2'jV.S), RidgWay, Pa. JO.IN O. HAM IAS. K. V. HALL. HALIi & mo. Attorneys, - at, Law ST. MAKVS: BENZINGEK P. O. El h. COUNTY, T.. September 20, IMS. ly. Hoi-dwell. M. 1. Eclectic Physician' Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Cent re St., Hidgwny. Pa. Prompt at tention will e given to nil calls. Office hours : 7 to H A. M- : 12 to 2 P. M. ; mid 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, titJ If. DR. W. J.VMKK 15LAKELY Physieian and tfu'rgcuii, St. .Mary's. Elk county la. mar-22'lilj ly. DR. W. W. SHAW Prs-ciics Medicine nnd Surgery, Ccntrcvil'le, Elk county Va. niai-22'Ofi-ly. HF. C. K-RYMMB. M. P.. . Physician and Surgeon. Ti'nlgway Elk Co. Pa OHice nbnvc store K. Cr. Gillis- I tflicc liour? lVom 8 to 1'oA. Si. M. and C to B P. vlnHif. CH. YOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer m in Lagir Beer, opposite the RnilroaU Depot, St. Mary's, Elk comity Pa. Mnr-22'GO-l . rrUIAYER HOUSE, I RIDGWAY. TA. DJVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large nnd commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the put-lie generally. decloOOlj DAVID THAYER. ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa.. Her J man Kretz, Proprietor. rug'J'Uti T7RANKTjIN .house, p Sr. Maut s. Pa. LARGEY & MA LONE, rttrn-ii's. The proprietors respeetfully ask the attention) .of their friends ami t lie puiuie in general 10 their large ami coniinodions hold. Every attcutiou paid to the convenience of gncsrs. H. LARGEY. mnyCO-lPCS.lj J. A. m A LOSE. K ERSEY HOUSE, CcNTukvii.il!, Ei.r Co-., Pa. II. I. LEAcn, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, be new pro prictor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the coin fori ntd convenience of onesls, to merit a continuance of the sumo. vln201y. TOR WORK of all kinds and descri- J done ut this office. All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to u noon a received, nt the 12 67 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS. Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags. Handbills, &e., done in a neat manner, and at the i.owkst I'BirK. FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. T OU1S It. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST. Csn be found at Ilia Foundry al St. Mary's where he U ready to have all shop-work in liii line done on short notice. St. Mary's, Beniinger P. O , Elk ce., Pa. wyl'6'ly TNYF.LOrES, I.ABK1.S & Jrtuc 'j printed U the Advocate Ofi if. NYF.LOrES. LABELS k TAGS nritly TANNING & LUMBER CO JKYSTONK STOUE WILL'OX PA ATTENTION EV?FIybODY SPRING OPENIlv-i IK The largest stnro in North Western Ta., lit tcrnlly filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. Wo aro opening the spring campaign with the largest nnd most attractive stock evre offered in this market. Wo shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected stock of Cloths Cnssimers 4 Cloaking, Black aud Colored Silks. Seasonable dress goods in great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c, white goods of every description, blenched nnd brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS on J NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, ROOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING. nATSnnd CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES TAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, LEATHER, C- SHOE FINDINGS, HARD IV A UE, S10 YES TIN- WA RE, 7.O.V.C STEEL, NAILS BUILDERS HARDWARE. NUTS & WASHERS, IIOr.SE SHOES Si NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES f- EOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WAKB, FLO UU, PEED k MEAL, CORN nna OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. SASH Si POORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, 1JEDDING, Ac, TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES & CAT.rET BAGS, 11UBHE11 1JELTING. CLOCKS i GREAT VAR.1ETY Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belling. Willi our superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, in large quantities, from first hnnds wc defy competition va OrcocrloH & Provisions. We invhe particular attention to our choire t brands of extra nnd dmiMe ealra flour, we got direct from mills nt the west thus laving to customer the profits usually pocketed by tiOdU-men. Our flour is a'ways fresh ground and we gunraetee eatire satisfaction wilk every barrel T XXT.:C i I TMBEU Co rt ilcox Pa JOH PHINTINg PIMNTI AG ! OF EVERY" DES C R I T T I 0 N PROMPTLY DONE AT TnE OFFICE OF THE THE ELK ADVOCATE The work done here always GIVES SATISFACTION. BOTH IXEXEOUUTIOX. STYLE AXI) P1UCI- PRINTING Such as HILL HEADS, CHECKS, CHECKS, DllATTS, ENVELOPS, LABELS CIRCULAR?, SHIPPING CARDS AND TAGS RECEIPTS- Si RECEIPT ROOKS, LAW BLANKS, HANDBILLS Sic, Exccned promptly, in the beet manner, suJ at the vcrj lowest prices. POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. N P O W E L L & K I M E, At their capacious store in RIDGWAY Have on hand, splendid nyftorlaicnta (A all seasonable Goods adapted to the want of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they arc sealing at prices that defy competition. They would simply state hero, that hcitiR very largo dealer? their facilities for purchasing nre un equalled by nny establishment in tht county. They buy directly from manu factures and on the GROUND FLOOR Another nd vantage, irot ".vlivit you want' at You enn always their stores, hctice guins divectly to you will save lime by thm -and TIME IS MONEV. We have no sptiee here tn oini'uerate all the ad vantages vou will have in patronizing tlioe eslablisliinents. Rut call and see, and reap tho advantages for yirir.snives. Among their Goods you will Cud DHY GOODS in eniless varieties, GROCERIES choiesanJ fresh CLOTHING of best material guperior cut aud finish. BOOTS k SHOES of the best !?toe.i aud make, CROCKERY for newly married, oiddlc aged and eldeily. ; DRIED FRUIT, PUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LAUD, FLOUR. CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE Alt mos other tlnds of country duce taken at the mariet Talue vlultf. JF9 HARDWARE EV HARDWARE STORK ! The lubsoriberg bavc just eptiied in ST. MARY'S A Dew and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE I And will kerp constantly on hand a great variety or COOK AND HEATING ST') YES llnr Iran, Sif t AnrUn, Sttfmr; Nni'Un Jlur" Sh'irn, Spring, Ituilil. iti'l Jtir'firtirr, iStnrn and FHn "f Evriy Ih trri'jiti'on OLN, PIPTOLH AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Wart and House Furnishing Goods, Al' kindsof Mechan ics' Tools ! T I N TV ARE ()f every description, which w ill' be sold at the l,u vv EST CASH PRICKS. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL 15ASE BURNING COAL STOVES ASI) rARLOR FUR-SACKS ! Which hare received Four First. Class Pre nninns ai the New York State and oth er Fairs ; Also. Ihe (Ireat Kilve Medal at the e'nir of j!ie Am erican Institute, held in New York City, I SCO. They are Perpetual Burners, anly one fire being required to be niado auring the season. M. BEECIIF", .In. WM. II. COPELAND. r.ov2S'C" ly MASLIX Kettles. Brass Kettles. Perclean Sauce Puns. French Tined Sauce Pan. I-mil rami the cheapest and hest. nt W, S. SERVICE'S. Hardware Store. Pidirway.Pa. "10FKT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, ihe lion. n. P. Johnson, rresnlent .1 .ntge ana lions. E. C. ."cliultie ami Jesse. Kvlcr. .sso-. eiates. Juilges of ibo Court rf Quarter Heiciuns Oiuhans' Court. Over and Terminer, nnd Oen- eral Jail ilulivery. loriueiuui in capital- nnu other offenses in the county of Elk, by their Drceints to me directed, have ordered Ihe aforesaid named Courts lo be hnlden al Ridg way, in and for the county nt r.lk, nn the First Monday of November it being the 1st lav of the inoiilh. aud In ;on!intie one week. Notice ia hereby given In the Coroner, Justices of the Peiu e, mid Cons aides of ihesilid county, that they are by these p csenls commanded In he then and there in their proper persons nt ten o'clock. A. M., of said day, with their rolls, rtenrds and inquisitions, and other re menibrsnres. In do those things which their offices appertain In he done, and that all Justices of said fouu y iiiHhtr Teliirns of all lec-ognizaucea enleied into belirre Ibem. o Ihe C.erW of the Court, a per act of Assembly of March 4ih 1S"1. And those who arc bound lo prosecute the f.risenors Ihsl are or shall be in the jail of the county of Elk. and to he then and there to prosecute against thciu as shall he just. JACOB McCAl'LET, Shsriff. Ridirwav, fct4er l5, n'to. LOOK HERE I WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. f CHARLES HOLES, Prae-t'cal Watchma I ker, Jeweler ' ami Engraver, Kidgway, .1l.- .Alll.ll. !. Tll MlltlVI i hnfrs Ipnffl lo VII..... J, - - s . announce lo the citizens of Kidgwaf , and vicinity that he is prepared le do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very besi manner. Shop1 fa1 H. S. Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to engraving.. He baa alt ot haasl a large assortment f Clocka, Watches, Jewelry aid ilverre which he offers foT sale ou reasonable terms, (jive biiu a cull. novi'OTif. MISCELLANEOUS. ' GREAT REMEDY rem the cuke of THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES I)r Wishnvl's Pino Trco TAU CORDIAL. Ti U I b vital rjrincipleof the Tino Tree, ob taincd by a pecu'iar proccis in the difltilniien of the tar by which its highest nici'ical proJ hrletics are retained. 1 . . i' i ...... .1 . ml n.linVlA Hmnlltf It is the only aaicRumu ...... .- hich has tver been prepared from the juice of the l'inc Tree It invigorates tne uigesnvo organ and restores the appetite. It Strength ens th debilinted system. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expelis ivom mo fem the Oorrnpt ion which gci ofulu breeds on the lunR. . . , Its healing principle- acts npon ine irn...r.i snrfnee of the lnfi'gs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subdu ing inflamation. It is the result of years of sfu'dy and cxpe. riment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assurance of its power t cure t!.e-A following diseases If the patient has not tod long delayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of tho Lungs, Cough, Soro Throat, and Breast, Bronchitis. Liver Com plaint. Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dipthcria, Ac- We 're ofien asked why aro not other reme dies in the market for Consumption, Coughs Colds nnd other Pulmonary nffeciijii erjual to Dr. L. Q. Wishart's Pine Tico Tar Cordial. We answer ' 1st. It cures, not by slipping cough, and by, loosening and assisting nature to tlirnw oil the iinheallhv matter collected about tho throat imd bronchial tubes, causing irritation and coiih. 2d. MoifT'-ront and Lung Remedies nro compoed of anodyne", which all iy the cough, for awhile, t.rrf by their eonstritiging effeets, the fibers become hardened, mid Him unhealthy fluid coagulate and nie retained in tlie sys tem ctn'drrg rfieue beyond ihe control of our most eminent pli-sici ins. "d. Ti-c Pine' Tree Tir Cordial, with it ss ilnti jicrfec'able. hecau-e they remove tho cauyc of irritation of the iniienuiis niemlirano and bronchial tubes, assist lh lungs to act and throw off the unhealtliy sec. ctions. and purify the blood, thus scientifically making i he cure perfect. Dr. Wisharl nas nn file at hi otlice liun- dretls. and Thousands of Certificates, tin.it men and women of uii(iieslion.il)le character who were once hopelessly given up to die, Imf through the providence of God were com pletely restored to health by the P'lic Tree Tar Cordial. A physician in iilieudniiee who can be consulted in person or by mail, live u" hargr. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial 1 ..itf per bottle, ami M I. ii" pernor, ocm n.v r,x- j.iess on receipt ot price. .uivcss i u. i . V Ifll A II I, .M. V.. .u. Z-i. .orin -u cireci, I'hil'a. Pa. May 21,T,0mP,v1ii2. J. S. BORDWKLL. M. l. HVI.HIVTIV I II S I V l.t.r. Ihr word eclectic means to chouse or se lect medicines from all tho different, u liools of medicine : using remedies tiial tiro ial'e, ami discarding from practice all meili ines flirt have an imjiirioiis effect on ihe sys em. such na inercuiy, antimony, lead, cop ;MT. &c. I lay aside 1 lie lance t lie ,dd blnodletier, e lucer or deplete)-, and eiiialisu .the circula ion niol restore the system to its natural late by alteratives ami Ionics. 1 rhall here- Her give pariicular attention to chronic dis uses. Mich as Kln uniat'sm. Dyspepsia. Liver oniplainl. Catarrh. Ne iralgia. diseases ol I m hroal. urinary organs, ind all uiseases jieeii iar lo females. &c. CATAI'HII I treat will. new instrument ot t late invention which eii'-cs every rare. TKII'll exirae'ed without pain. Otlice and residence Jioiuh of the jail on 'nil re St. Office hours from 7 to t n. ; m 12 o I p. ni : to i p. in. Den. 2:l'l'.7. -ly. .1. S. HORHWELL. Sivv'-ial iNolifcs 0 CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, bavins been restored to- icalih i:. a tew weeks, by a very siinp'o einedy. after having suffered seveial years .vith n severe lung affection, and that dread lise.ise. Consumption is anxious to make nowTi to his fc llow-siitl'cri-rs ihe means of inc. T" all who desire it. lie will send a copy of lie drescriplion used, free of charge, witli the directions for. preparing mid using the same, which they will find a sure Cute for Ciuisiimp - i n, Asilima. Itroiichilis. etc The object of ihe advertiser in sending the Proscription is io benefit the nllliclcd. nnd spread informal ioi which he conceives hi bo invaluable : and ho' hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it wil m him nothing nnd may prove a bliss -:ng. Parties wishing the preC; lption. will please -iddrcss." REV. KDW.VIU) A. WII.M1N. WiHiaKwburg, Kings Count v, N . Y.-vln2f.v1.- ANIItliiD : STORE U iio.v lost, iioiv ni:- Just published, a new edition of DM. Cl'LVEItWEI.LS CELEBRATED ESSAY on the r ttirol rurr (without nicdieuiey of Si-kiimatiumha. or Seminal Weakness. Jnvoliiiitavv S miual Losses, I.Mi'iirr.srv, Menful and Phis eal Incapacity,-Inipcdini-nts to1 Marriage, etc. : also, ('.. si mi'Tiiis. Erii.Ki'sv, and Fits, imliice-l by self iud-H'-pewee ov sexual eXtiiiviieance. 5ii"Piice, iu a scaled envelope, only IV cents. The celebrated n:ithor. in this admirable essay, clearly ctenrinterrttcr tvoni a thirty years' successful practic , fliaf the alarming, consequences of self abuse' may hrr radically cured wiihew Vrr Anrgeroua use of internal med cine or the s'pplicaiiou of the knife ; pointing nut a mode of erne at once simple. certain, an. I etteclual, ny means of wuicir every suffcTet. mr matter what his coiidiiioit mav bt. may cure himsell cneapty, privu.eiyf rllV vnilir.tllhf. fThis Leelii-c shnu'd bo in tne- hands of ever . vcniii ami every man in ine i.inn Sent, under seal, in a plain envelop jd.iress. nfpmd, on rece pl of sis t xwn post siamps. .ak-o-, it Marriage Ouidc." pi''' - " ilin I'ublisliei H. CM AS J. C. KI.INK l'JT I'.owerr. New York, Pus' (Hiii .."hii. vlii:lv 1. 'It'll MTU KE. The undcrsicned Iiaving purchased the en-- lire sinek of lurnilure. Hiaieviwls Sc., of Scivilion Thomas, hue for sle by II. II. Thomas, as agent, u- also' the stock owned by CI. T. Wheeler, also in charge o II. , 'rheum's tor sale upon couiiuissiou, intend' to carry on the fnruiiure businestt in tiiu ro-ims lately occii-ned by H. 11. Thomas A competent practical cabinet maker wilt superintend Ihe litnoes and uo- tho work, ami it is the deternrinafion of Hie proprietor tt make and sell furniture more guhHta-nlialty made and t Uiwerprioea than bns ever, been offered lo Ihe people of th s vicinity. The -public are intued to ealf and ei unine Mb Mock before purchasing elsewhere. ' J-SO. (!. HALL. r.i'jw- ,TV- V. W vln:!8tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers