Car Time at Ilttlgway. Erie Express East 12:43 ft. tn. do do West 8:84 a ni. do Mail East G:1i p. Bi. do do West g:in p. m. Local Freight East 0:40. ta. do do West 6;30 p. ni. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Klk Lodge wilt tie IipM at their bull on tin second aud fourth Tuesdays of each tnnntli. J. K. WIIITMORE. Sec'y. .1. 0. 0. T. The Regolof meetings of Rldgwsy Lodge, No. 26fi, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Room. C. E. Bkkman, Secy. AGS NTS FOJt THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Arirocatr to receive subscrip tion, advertising or Job work, take pay there fo and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.nniCH, J. L. Bbowx. Knno. FnANK W. Mf.kcr. Johnsonsburg. lsAAfi Haoas. St, Mntys. Ciias. McVea. Centreville. Homkr M. Leacii. Maj. Bcrkf.. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wkeo. Bcnnozctto. Jon C. Bard, J. iV. Brows. Sliawmut. Jons Farrrr. Spring ("reck. A. W. Invix. Highland. I.KVI Kl.l.OTMOIMT. Ilorton. D. C. Ovsrttn, X. M. Brockwat. I,oeal and M i.-sfulluny. Goo little buoys corks. Spirit wrappers buttles. Feed store? public offices. 1'nil creatures dairy moid. Ilnnio stretches family yarns. Mammoth caves huge failures. . Mocking birds wbjstle venders. Golden fruit California pro luc's. Criminal acts the labor of convicts. Take it Coolie the Chinese question. Corn exchange the chiropodist's fee. The best sea weed a cigar f-u the beach. Writ of attachment a marriage certifi cate. The best printing machine feeder the public. Pleasant the weather during the past Week. Arriving New Goals at the store ol I'owoll & Kiine. Sti.MK very nauglit and wicked newspa per man s;.)s Mis. l ady 8:ai.tou is ' won derlully and feat fully m.iid .' " Put liiiu ot:f.. Court during the punt week in this place has been unusually well attended, ano We noticed ijtiitea number of eminent mem. , )erf the bar I nun diflerent parts of the fc-tatc in attendance On the 4th iustaut, John Giffin, while at Work in the Pol timid saw null, made u mis S roke with his axe, cutting one ot his limbs in Filch a manner as will lay him up iur some time. Ax Alabama editor, in pufli.ig a grocery kept by u woman, says : ' iJc r tomatoes tire as red as her own cheeks, her indigo as blue us her own eyes and her pepper us hot as her own temper." Tim plank walks which have been laid through the court-yard are a derided iin. provement and reflect credit on their pro jector. I'ersous attending court ueed not now wade in mud over shoo top in order to yet to the courthouse. Fatat, Accidknx. A ycung man nam rd Charles Gideon, employed at the camp of 11. 15. Johnson, in Jay township, was kill, ed last Monday while enj;aj:ed in felliug a tree. Ho was a native ot the State of Maine, uud was a young niuu of exemplary habits aud good moral character. 11 is ago was about twenty. lour years. Mabk Twain understands newspaper responsibilities. He says : ' Mr. Greeley ia going to lecture ou the Bron caudal We have noauthotit) for making thectate mciit, but then h makes an interesting item of news, and the inexorable business ol a newspaper is t j collect interesting news." Boston has a philanthropist who visits the prisons. Said he to a prisouer : ' Most of your friends think your sentence was ex. cessive ; nothing like it was ever knawn." "Yes, I puppise so," was the prisoner's re ply ; " but then, you know, everything has gone up since the war." em says : " It oue hall the girls revious lives of the men they 1st of old maids would be won- reused." Whereupon the Bos. asks, "If the men knew what lives were to be, wouldn't it the list of old m i ids still i urthcr ? " i Ai'tH petticoats naving come into lasn ioo, the followiug advertisement thereof appears in England : Percale begs leave to cull the attention of the ladie about to visit the seaside to her new and richly euilroiduied petticoats at oue'shilling each. Each petticoat contains an instal. luent of new novel of great domestic in tdTfst, b.V Anthony Trollope, entitled i Fuck or Frills.' The 6tory will be com plete in filly wtclty petfeoats." Vanv J 1 1 yiure e4se Wi will endeTor to pre the Court pro, ceediog in the rcit issue of out paper. Thero will bo divine service held in the Court house on to morrow morning at 10) o'clock, the Iter. Little officiating. , TnERR will be a donation party and oyster supper for the benefit of ReT. Levi Little ot tho house of Horace Little, Esq., on next u ednesday evening. All ate invi ted. V ,1 A M .T C New Oyster Saloon- I would inform the citiiens of Ridgway and vicinity, that I have fitted up the room back of my Store Roma, as nn Oyster and Eating Seloon, for Ladies and Gentlemen, where at all times, lean furnish Oysters Raw, 'Stewed or Fried ( also other eatables in season. Enter- ance on Mill Street side door. No Liquor told on the premifn. 3. R. Baird, Varitlty ITalt. Nxw CirtK. -Jnst received new cldet, from Vork State for family use, at John II. Baird'a Variety Hall. J. R. Baird, T 'witty Hull. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BOOTS, BOOTS ! BOOTS 1 1 Call at GEORGE WAKE ItS BOOT A- SHOE STORE. The subsciber takes, this method of in forming the citizens of llidgwav mid vicin ity, that he has opened a B O O T AND SHOE S T O 11 E, in tho room lately occupied by Henry S. Thayer, west end of the Hyde House, where atav be found a general assortment ol Ladies shoes, of nil kinds, Iteutleman s Boots and Shoes, Boys Hoots and cluldreus shoes c. ALSO Connected with tho Store, T have n larsre Boot apd hoe Manufactur ing establishment, where woik will be made to order and repairing done ou short notice. Give us a call, GEORGE WALKER. ' Ritk'way, Octr. 23d lSOll. 1 yr. TACOll YOl'Nfl ie CO , Book Binders And Blank Book Manufni'tuit rs, Wright's Blk. Curry, I'll. Blank Bo ks Mails to Order. CI UNS, Pl-TOI.S. RIFLES, KNIVES, X picket anil table cutlery, of the best inality and most approved pallet ns, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Biuiru,er's old Riirner la .St. !' rv's. THAI'S. SPIKES. IIINGKis, RIVETS. ! looks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's iiMituri"ls in general can lie had cheaper al Hie M. .Mary s Hardware Store than ai.y ulirr place in Klk counrly. (nl!S ") li .ItlANK S. BARRETT, Attorney at -Law. Ik and Cameron com ties. scp0,'li8-y . I.IXECUTloN.V. SUMMON.", SUIil'iK. jj nas. ' Warrants, &c, on band and for ile at lliis oltico. HLACKSMITII S CARPENTERS A N L jciiner's tools for sale cheaper tlian lite cheupest" at the St. Mary's llardwait Sior (nov28'(i7.) A 77'AA Tl (A MIL L O H A li .s .' ' I 'HE KAU1.K TURBINE W A T E R ! WHEEL, patented jnly 3D. lSiIT. ia superior to any wheel in iimi Tlie uudc-ri ligncd Imve the apeftey tor said wheel ia ihe Slate ot Pennsylvania, and can rcciuiimend it an bring the best manufactured. For further pmiiciiiars. and circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and cteani engine will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by jriviti; saliyfacti in in our work lo receive a good th are of public putroiiae J. F. HdBKRTSoN, K. filC 1.1. Kersey. Klk Co.. Pa., jaulti lWHpd. .Mtuuud of voi r ii. A Gentleman who nurtured for vears from NervniM Bebility, I'lematiire Decay, and all the ctl'eijls uf yuiitliful indiscretion, will, fur the sake of suliet'ing huuiauity, send free to all who ueed it. the receipt and directions fur making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profi by l lie ad vertiser's experience, can do no by addressing, In pertect confidence. J'MIN B. OUBKV, vlntiyl. No. 4'2 Cedar street. N. V- ' LOOK nut El CENTRE VILLE TIN-SHOP. J "OWN MAPLE desires to make known lo tho ci'izens of Centreville and the surrounding country that he has taken the shop formerly occupied by R. J. Maloney, on "McOauley'a Corner" in Centreville, mid tl, at he hopes by paying strict attention . to his business and the wauls of his customers, to merit l heir patronage in his line. He will ke.ip on baud a large and well selected assort ment nf 5Tin and htrt-groa Xm, of his own manufacture, which he will warrant In be of the best ciualiiy. His stocl( consists of everything that is useful in the tinware line about a house. 1 ask a fair trial, and if my work does not give satisfaction, uiy customers will not be obliged to take it. JOHN WAPLE. Sep 10: If. jyOKTON HOUSE, KItlE. PA- M. V. Moore. (Jute of the llyle Home) t'mp'irtur. Open Day and Night- nSUif. W OHBS OK WISDOM. FOR YOUNG MEN, On the Ruling Passion in Yotuti and Early Manhoou, with SfcLF HELP for the Eiring and unfortunate. Beul in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION Box P. Pbiladeldhia. Pa VISITING CARDS NEATLY EXECUT ed at this offoe. BLANKS of all kinds lor sale at this of floj. TANNING & LUMBER CO TZEYSTOxNK STOKE WILCOX PA ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING ' The largest store In North Western Pa., lit (orally filled to overflowing. WINTER QOOBS closing out. regardless of value. We are opening the spring campaign with the largest and' most attractive stock evrc ottered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a lnrge and well selected stock of Cloths Cassitners 4 Cloakiags, Black nnd Colored Silks. Seasonable dress goods in great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c, white goods of every description, blenched and brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TBIM MINGS aud NOTIONS CARFETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, 1UX1KS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS. OILS Hi DTK STUFFS, LEA 7IIER, f SHOE FINDINGS, HARD WAUL, STOVES TINWARE, IRON .t STLELK. NA 1L S A- H ClL D ER S -HARDWARE. NUTS k WASHERS, HORSE SHOES k NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES ,f- BOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, EE ED & MEAL, CORN nud OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. SASH k DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDING, kc, TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES i CARPET BAGS, 11UI3I3ER BELTING. CLOCKS in GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belling. With our superior facilities for obtniuing heavy goods, in large quantities, from first bauds we defy competition in GroocrieH & Provisions. We invite particular attention lo our choict brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with every barrel TANNING & LUMBER Co tlnJltf. rYiloox Pa POWELL & KIME-- Gr OODS FOR THE MILLION. P 6 WE 1,1 & K,i ME. At their capacious stoie in EIDGWAY Have on hand, splendid assortments ol all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very largo dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un-- equalled by any establishment in (lit county. They buy directly from manu factures nnd on the GROUND FLOOR. - Another advantage. Yon can nlway jrnt whnt you want at their stores, hence you will save titno by njoinjr directly to Ihetii and TIME 13 MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate, nil the ad vantages you will have in patronizing these establishments. But cill and see, and reap tho advantages for yourselves. Anioiiv their Goods you will End DRY GOODS in en Hess varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING ofbtst material .superior cut and finish. BOOTS & SHOES of the best fctocrf and make, CROCKERY for newly married, Kiddle aged aud cldeily. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL.. AND EVERYTHING ELSE Aho rao?. other kinds of country pro duce taken at the market value vlnltf. HARDWARE. jEW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers bnvt just epened in pT. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shell 1 9 Aid will Vcrp constantly on hand a great variety of CO Ok' 'AND HEATING STOVES Eur Dun, Strrl Aiirih, licllnirtt, Nai.'s Horse Hhoeit, Spring, Build, in; Hunicure, &aws and Fihis of Eviry Disenption GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing: Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! W T AT TTT A "Ti T71 Of every description, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also t lie exclusive agi-nry in Si Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASK. BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES! Which have received Four First Class Pre. niiums at the New York Stale and oili er Fairs ; Also, the Ureal Silver Medal at Ihe Fair of the Am vrionn Institute, held in New York City, lWij. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire uuring the season. M. BEECHFR, .In. W.M. II. COPELAND. nov28'G7 ly A I'ASLIX Kettles, Brass Kettles, Porcloan YJ Sanca Pans, French Tined Sauce Pans, trim cans iln; cheapest aud best, at W. S. SERVICE'S, Hardware Store, Pidgway.Pa. ("10URT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the J Hon. 8. P. Johnson. President J adge nnd Hons. E. C. Schultze ami Jesse Kylcr, Asso-, ciutes. Judges of the Court cf Quarter Sessions Oi jiliaus' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail delivery, for the tl ial of capital and oilier offences iu the county of Elk, by their prceipu to nie directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts to be holdcn at Ridg way, in and for the county of Elk, on the First Monday of November it being the 1st day of tlio montli. aud lo continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Cong ubles of the said county, lliut they are by these presents commanded lo be then and there in their proper persons al ten o'clock. A. M , of said day, with llicir ndls, records and inquisitions, and other re membrances, lo do those things which their ollicos appertain to be done, aud that till Justices of said coiin'y make returns of all recognizances enleiedinto bvtore them, to the C!erk of the Court, as per not of Assembly uf March 4ih 1.14. And those who are bound to prosecute tho prisoners that are or shall be in the jail ol tho county of Elk, and to be then nud there to prosecute agaiust them as tdiall be just. JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Ridgway, October l(i, u7to. LOOK HERE I WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1HARLES HOLES, Practical Watc'ima- ker, Jeweler and Engraver. Ridgway, Llk county, Pa. The subset iber begs leave lo announce to the citizens of Ridgwny and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his line ou vlioit notice aud al reasonable rates iu tho very best manner. Shop iu II. S. Thayer's Store. Special atteutiou paid to engraving. He hail also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry aud Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. uuvT'OTif. KISCELLANEOTTfi A01 GREAT RF'T FOR THE CURE OF THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES Dr. WisliartV? Pino Tree TAll COItDIAI It Is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, ol taiued by n cccu'iar proccis iu the dislilation of the tar by whih its highest imn'ical pro prieties are retained. It is the only safeguard afrd reliable remedy wkichhas ever been pi epuird ffera the juice of the Pine Tree It inviaoratc the diecsliv organs and restores the appetite. It StrcngtL ens the debillated systeio. It purities and enriches the blood, and expolls from the sys tern the corruption whioti scrofula breeds ou l lie lungs. lis liealinr principle nets u twin the irttated surface of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving paia and subdu ing l'ltlrtiimtiott. It is the resilt of years of tu ly and expe. rinicnt, and it is offered to the alllieted, with the positive insurance of its power to rure tL following disoases. if the ftitient has not too long do'ayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat nnd Breast, Browehtti. Liver Com plaint, Blind nnd Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, io- We oflrn asked why ar not other reme.' dies in the market for Consumption, Cough Colds, nnd other Pulmonary nflectbn equal to Or. U Q Wisharl's Piue Tree Tar Cordial. We answer 1st. It cures, not by stopping cough, and by. loosening and assisting nature to thrnw off the unhealthy' matter collected about thv throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. -d. .Mojt T7iront and Lung Remedies are composed of anodynes, which allay the cough for awhile, but by their constringiug effects, the fibers become liardeucd, nnd the unhealthy fluids congulalo and are retained in the sys tem causing disease beyond the control or our most eminent physicians. 3d. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with its as sislants. perfectable, because they remove Ihe cause of initalion of the muciioiis membrane and bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy secietious, and purify tho blood, thus scientifically makiug the cure perfect. Dr. Wisharl nas on file at his office hun dreds, and Thousands or Certificates, from men and wompi'i of uniictioii,ible character who were onee hopelessly given up lo die, but ihrough tho providence of God were com pletely restored lo health by the P'tie Tree Tar Cordial. A physician iu attendance who can be consulted iu person or by mail, free of charge. Price of Pine True Tar Cordial Jil.MI per bottle, and f 11,00 per doz. Sent by Ha pless on receipt of price. Address L. (J C W1S1IART, M. V., No. North Jd Sirii-t. Phil a. Pa. May J!,'00uCvlnl'7. J. S. BOUDWELL. M. U. ECLECTIC lMt fSM't.lJr. jlhe word eclectic means to ehoosp pr se lect medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that are safe, nnd discarding from practice all medi cines that have an injurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per. &c. I lay aside the lance We .ild bloodletter. re lncer or dopleter, and equalize ;the circn!a lion and restore the system to its natural slate by alteratives nnd ionics. I shall here after give particular attention to chronic dis fiiscs, such as Rlieumnt'.sm, Dyspepsia, Liver complainl, Ctilarrli, Ne iralgin, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all uijeases pecu liar to females. &c. CATAUIUI I treat will. new instrument of a late invention which cu-es every ease. TEETH extracted without pnin. Otlice and residence outh of the jail on Centre Kt. Otiice hours from 7 to 8 a. -, m 12 o 1 p. m : t; to i p. in. Bee. 2.TU7. -ly. J. S. EORIAVELL. Special "Xol icor V) CONSUMPTIVES. ie Advertiser, bavin? been restored to lieallh Hi a few weeks, by a vUry simple remedy, after bavin;; suffered several yean with a severe lung all eel ion, and lhal .Irca I disease. Consumption- is nnxbuis to make known to his fellow-si flercrs the incaus of cure. To all who desire it, l.o will send a copy of the di cscription used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the same, which I hey will find n sure Cure for Consump tion, Antlima, Bronchitis, etc The object of Ihe advaniscr in sending the Prescription is lo benefit the nillicted, and spread inlnniiation which he conceives to be invaluable; nnd he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost him nothing nnd may proven bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. 11EV. EUWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. vlni'Oyl. ANIIOOI) : STOilEtl. HOW LOST, HOW RE- fWip--" Just published, a new edition of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on tho r ,ical cure (trillion! medicine) of Si'KRM ATOiiitiiteA, or Seminal Weakness, lnvoluntar.v S.-iiiiual Losses, Imi'oikncv, Mental and Phisrcal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Cos-sfJii-rtoN, Eru-Ki'sv, and Fivs, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. Xa!f l'rice, ' u sealed envelope, only ( ceu is. The celebrated author, in Ibis admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that ihe alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured withont the dangerous use of internal uu-iUcine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, nnd effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and raiUcnlifi. ryy-This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man iu the laud. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, puslpaiti, on receipt of six cents, or two post slumps. Also, Dr. Culver-well's " Marriage Guide," price Vt cent s. Address the Publishers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE 1 Co., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Oiiioe Box 4,0ii. vtnUSyl. pURSlTURE. The undersigned having purchased the en tire siock of furniture, materials &o., of Sciviliou Thomas, late for sale by II. H. Thomas, as agent, as also the stock owned by (I. T. Wheeler, also iu charge oi H, H. Thomas for sale upon commission, intends to carry ou the furniture business in the rooms lately occupied by H. H. Thomas A competent practical cabinet maker will superintend the business and do the work, and it is the determination of the proprietor to make and sell furniture mure substantially made and ul lower prices than has ever been offered to the people ol th.s viciuity. The pub'ic are iuvited lo call and examine liia stock before purchasing elsewhere. J -XI. U. MALU. Ridgway July 31, 18C9. rlnbStf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers