Tjoal and Miscellany. Vat' Time fit JtUfgiray. Erie Express East 1 2: 4" a. m. di (In West 8:34 ft n. do Mail Ent do do West .. Local Freight East, do do Vest. 5: 15 p. m. 3:10 p. m. 0:40 a. m. 6:30 p. m. Elk Lcfre, A. Y. M. Plated noetitigs of Elk Lndgo ' t.ol.1 nl their hull r.n the second and iU lie fourth Tucsdnys of tnch month. J. K. WillTMORE, Sec'y. I. 0. G. T. The Regular meetings of Eidgwny Lodae, Ko. 2of;. hold every Vaifciesdny evening nt tlicir Lodge room. C. E. T!i-.mam, Secy. ACE2T3 FOB TtfJB A3VC-CATE. The following named rorsonsnro authorized n,Ti'ii!s for the J!'- I o receive subscrip tions, ndvt .-t'sl-g or .Tub work, take pay there for n n 1 ivo rc3i in's. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.nmen, .1. L. Enows. Knne. F'iasi; W. Mkrce. .Tiihti-oi'-lni-c Isaac T I a n y. Ft, Mniy.--CfA8. MViiAN. Cer.t'-ovil'p. HoMrn it. I,reiT, Mn.i. Eittf. CaUvonin. V. I. f ; sr r -li. 15. A. V,'i:ki. V.i tinr-.cito. .'' UN ('. H'.r.n, .1. W. r.nnwK. : v.-1 1 .Ii'it:.- F.r.- c. f-'j -i:- (.',-vci.. A. Vi'. Invis. Ili.i'i' .ml. I,rvt Ij.t.nTtioiirr. Hor'o:i.--T. f, Ovktku, N. M. P-inCKwAT. (loT.ri cl'vuJ in Nv'w York en Ycducs dn; n't .;."$. .. t'rnTr.xr:, ? 0:10 of t'io I'lJ.-Ft and 1 est of H' tii-i ? ; luit her price? .are ruinous':- ! vi-nv r.r mli'lieui). in onlor to socttro c registered before the election, 1'i'in is to attorn! lo il now. L l:.ll-.f a::d I lie hoiir Tnr. hv.rf i i, 'l-tii 'n .iir.i r v e, I J'.?;' j ci unj Pac;-'.:::: . 1 i .-r l'rov.s J i! iinlion sc; i sis tache in lonpth, four li'.trr, ntul VosM seventy times -1.1(0 limes per hour, 100.800 , r.r. l 87,770,(00 time." per yenr. vi J IV i shine;, of the IVii. vi .l of l'lilioi: a Pretty Tair cf ly-Eeioll. ton !I;3. illHV dO Ee. you hk. tt.c rriij. In ?l Detiiccnits. bit 1' r,i.-!v line In !.'iit:s' I Ym .vn's Jif.t yirof -v-Uion is a" Us prop . to con- i) Mie w.mnu, il every member of .- tli" i.T ; do 1 That makes yenr hair so beautiful ? Mrs. S. A- Allen's Improved ,', ttjlr) hair ISctorev or Dressing, (in one I'jU'c.) Price One Do.lar. Every Druggist sells it. Rkv. N. II. Bui!!:i.L. pai.-tor of the M. E. Church at ITatboro, Pu., says : " I taVe ple.isnro in recommending the ' Miicmunose ' f.v coug'j.t nnd, uud many other ills ot the human" . iiRAur.t ate r.ut tiumps in a great game of life. As a sentiment the heart is commonly as pretty, but t.s u fact of liulo nc coiiij. H i. quite the thing to s;l;ir-c nbout the litll" benter. biit tiie worM really bol ls it is r.'t move ivi i:i:-.ti,,'i t'lin did ?'iylock. ,r.ey is t'io trutep caiJ. nnd I" v.-iiie'a nil oil: put !.. a :i the pick pi.y If ; i.y uis id look '.it ill:. I. T'vvm: i- n s! xt'.w r.;. to :I,U : ! '1 ).'! eeii be ! ; '.'i :"ei'. I' i-i tlini ' i i .1 ' i'i t'.e eye i.K. fit",u.-e on il.-' : !ie 0 ' tn foi in throwing li e ' 1 ' lo iui.'aC ti:e who ? cf!i:!no ack l c 1 fi'ui'i the coiin nriist bus inscribed ' f jM- ini' i tie cen ,:.i',. :i of liiilr, u.'.ing Iji.Sint'l:-.! the T'iril of tee eve, anif o tiie h'ln-! prrceptilil j et. as m tlic nuked i jc when ence attention is very iH.iiiuct win :i .-cc-n thvc ciiUcl to it, and t;:h ,i iiiittniiicr. IV, r.r, Xrivi- is n tin..! tor of know v.!.etl:cr it In a o'o.i'j morning it i:: evivaco to (lie farmer to :i'l he suuthiiiv cr sliowery in the r.f.ei . :.. n. If i hole llio. ly. a" i ; ii. :e nts cleared their I ho dirt up h'rth, it doni fails to it. I i o a clear day a clear d:iv, ihoup;ii it may l.oV.f.y ui:i'. "'ov:n o'clock in the foro jio-,2i. hp.'ier werm will re very numerous nhcit tho tos of tho pv.i?s nnd .Train some cloudy niovr.'rt j-; ; urtl fifty years ob.'ervalion hae -hi. vii the writer that t!ic:.c little veather (ti,"'T.i .ichljia fail in their prediction of a f..:r dsy. PK:ioRr.5T's YovNd America. This excellent little T-or'edieil i constantly adding to his rep'iiiiiion, and ij cerfain'y tin' niott i-'cnsih'.e, practical, and Ik-ji edited of all the juvenile innif.'zitus. It is not corirpored, like come others, of a certain number of t:tilt.ed ar'iclee, but it cuter.) right into tho fj apa thies, intei c.-ts, no 1 oocin-aiiuu of jia young 'readers nud T.:;'i,r.s a'ibivs iheiu to tpea'.t for thi'nse'.ves, aud stimulates them woadcvfuily to nctiv'.ty of thought and expression. We consider it (lie best investment of $1,50 that any parent can make. Published at 838 Eroadwny, N. Y. TEMoarfiT's Monthly. The enter prising publither of this p.opu'nr Magazine is first iu tho field in aimouticing, among the iuJucemcnts to fitibsoribcra for the coming year, the finest premium ever ytt offered for a tingle pubscriptiou to any mr.gazine in this or any other country. It consists of a copy, retailed ot ten dollars, of Mrs. Lily M.' 'pn XT g great picture of a " Tic-nic ou The Fourth of July," the engraving of which l aitiBts were sent, for, specially from Europe, to complete. Domcrest's Momlily is in itsolf by far tho mast complete nud attractive Maga zine for hidion puUUhed in tbU country, and require little extra iuducetnent to persuade them to beoowe BubscribcrB. It is really a saving of money, however, to pay three dol. lars, and get in addition so valuable a pre mium and Mr. Demorost will undoubtedly fmd his Hot doubled ou the strength of It. Published at f3H Broadway, N..Y.' ' IE0PLB WILL TALK. We mny go thro' th world, huP'twill lie very slow, If ire listen to oil that is laid as we go We'll be worried, and fretted and kept in pte.W j For meddlesome tongues mast have something to do . For people will talk. If generous and noble, they'll vent out their spleen. You'll hear Rome loud hints that you're selfitb and mean. If upright, nod honest, and fair ns tho day, They'll call yea ft rogue, in ft sly sneaking way For people will talk. Thcd if yon show tho least boldness of heart, Or ft slight, inclination to take your own part, They'll cult you an upstart, conceited and vain. But keep straight ahead, don't stop to explain, For peoplo will Ulk. w If threadbare your coal, or old fashioned your dress, Some one, of course, will take notice of this ; And hint rather close that you can't pay your way, Eat don't get excited, whatever they say, For people will talk. If you dress in the fashion, don't think to escape, For they criticise then in a far different shape ; You're ahead of means, or your bills arc unpaid. Put mind your own business, and keep straight ahead, For people will talk. They'll talk fine before you, but then nt your back. Of venom and spite there is never nlaclc : How kind nnd polite is all that they pay, But bitter os gall when you're out of the way, For people will talk. flood, friend, take advice and do as you please. For your mind (if you havo one) will then be at case, Through life you will meet with nil sorts of abuse, Eut don't think to stop them, 'twill be of no use, tor peoplo will talk. Tounj Mens Monthly. Information. Tf the patience, of Postmnsters is not tried then wo are mistaken. No matter how much liis temper may be gov erned, it must occasionally get the upper hands of him. An exchange says : ' When you call at the office for your mail and the Postmaster hands it out ask him if that is nil. If yon nfk for the mail and he tells you there is none, tell hiix thec ought to bo ; then go home and send the rest of the family around to ask at different times through tho day. Don't bring your mail to the office nntil the mail closes, then curse the Postmaster for not unlocking the mail bag and putting your letter in. When you want a stamp on your letter, tell the Postmaster to put. it on ; if he don't like it you lick him. In ease you put the stamp on, soak it in your mouth long enough to re move the mucilage ; it will then stick until it is dry. Be snre to ask tho postmaster to credit you for stamps ; if he lias any accomodation about him nt all, he will do it. If you have a box, stand and drum on it until the Postmaster hands ont your mail. It will make him feel good, especially if ho is waiting on some one else. SxAMrs. Though we havo for some time b?en living under the rule of stamps, the question is oue of every day asking, " How much of a Btamp docs this require ? " The following embraces, we think, the most g"ii eral use of stamps ns applied to manufacturers ami particular classes ot business that pay a special tnx : All notes and evidences of debt, five cents on each $100; if under $100, five cents; if overlOO, five cents on each $100 or part thereof. All receipts for any amount, without limit, over $-0, two cents ; it under tl!0, nothing. Cheeks of any amount two cents. All deeds nnd deeds' of trust, fifty cents on each ..100 in value of the property conveyed or the amount secured ; when a deed of trust js fully stamped, the note secured need not be ; but they should be eudorsed to show the renson why. Mortgage bonds need not be stamped if stamps are affixed to tho morignge. All nppraiscincuts, estates, or cs- trnys, five cents on each sheet or piece of paper. Afudavits of every description are exempt from stamp duty. Acknowledgements to dcds, eto., are also exempt. Contracts and agreements, five cents for each sheet or piece of papr, except for remits j when for reut. fifty cents for each $300 of rent or less ; if over $300 fifty cents for each additional $200, or fractional part thereof in excess of $300. Any persons interested can affix and cancel stamps. John Boitano of Kersey, was drowned in Mead Run, lasi Sunday. We have not the particulars. Gazette. Gold in Elk County. refer Connor, F.sq., ot Parley, lately sent to the U, o Mint some clay from bis coal beds for analyzation which being tested, was found to contain cold. Gazette. 2,000,000 acres in the United States are planted with vineyards, and it is stated that the urea will soon be doubled. According to the Spanish journals in Cuba, the following insurgent commanders have bced killed and cqiue to life several times : Quesada, twice ; Fiueredo, Aintola, Feralto, Cisneros each once; Maruiol twice, and Lordy three times. A LARQB black beetle, wearing upon its broad back rows of most brilliant golden dots, is the friend of the farmer. From its epgs are produced corn grub killer ; the most inveterate foe of tho cut worm, with wh'eh it gorges itself until it can hardly stir. Its jaws are very strong. Ploughman spare that bug. Tn! Advocats has the largest circulation in the county, and is the best advert ibing medium. SroT IIim. A lew months no our community hsd an incumbns fontered upon it In the person of one known Dr. .1. V7 , Stevens, hailing from Pittsburg, and claiming lo represent a certain Dr. Tjghthill, of that place. This wjuld be Doctor gulled a numb cr of our people to try his treatment, some o whom, at an early day, testified to his won dorful powers to cure, only to ho sorry for it afterwards. To meet tho ends of justice ns far ns possible, wo warn all persons against this consumatc huinhug, cheat and drunken traveling swindler. Ho knows nothing of the profession ho represents, nnd having the audncity to Surgeon endangers the senses if not tho life of those he operates upon. We say to all, beware of him. Trust, him not. TIim personification of a man, is low of stature, dark complected, and would not, from general appeatances, be mistakes for anything but what he is, an upstart quack, living upon the credulity of tho imblic. He left Erookvillc betwenn two daj'S, forgeting to pay his bills, not even that of the printer, nnd we auk it as a fivor tluil the press of the country, pifst him and pass him around. In explanation we may add, that Dr. Eight- hill, now of Boston, ii party to this villnny, lending his name to givo credit to this travel ing humbug. llrwilnilh. HriiitWcan. " l'ETKU's Musical Monthly " for Aug ust is on our table. This work contains the latest musio published, making it invaluable to the musical public. It contains over Jp jO worth of musio in a yenr, besides 108 pages of reading matter. Price S4 por annum. Ad. dross J. L. PETEllS, l'.M Broadway, New York. The Arabs allow a man to divorce him self from a wife who docs not make good bread. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS gTHAYED Oil STOLEN. i rom the, subscriber, from the Kersey Coal Company's premises, on or about the 27lh of Mav, last. A niiiley cow, six years oul, nil white except her cheeks and ears, which light red. Any person who will give informa tion or return said cow to the Kersey ('oal Couipuny'fi olliee, or to this ollice will be easonalily rewanleil. O. r. (;l,.riK, Fox township. Ail-just 11th, 18li!l. n30t3. H ORSE FOR SALE. A splendid Hrnuahf Horse weighing nbout E!UO lbs. Soiiii 1, kind and well liroke. Apply to W. 8. SEIl VICE. vlntWlf. " Il.dgwny, Pa. MASLIN Ketiles. Erass Kettles, Porclcan Smice Pans, French Tined Sauce Pans. rruii onus the cheapest anil nest, at it. h. SKIIVICK'!', Hardware Store, Pidgway, Ta. LRMTUllE. The undersigned having purchased the en- tiro stock of furniture, materials sc., of Scivilion Thomas, Into for sale by H. H. Thomas, ,is agent, as also the stock owned by O. T. Wheeler, also in charge o, H, II. riioinns for sale upon commission, intends to carry on tlic In mil ore hiisincss in tiie rooms lately occupied by II. H. Thomas A conipciont practical cnbinet. maker v. ill superintend the business and do the work, and it is the determinai ion of the proprietor to mako nnd sell furniture more substantially made and at lower prices than has ever been offered to the people of tins vicinity. Ihe public ure invited to call and his slock before purchasing elsewhere. J.NO. U. II ALL. Ridawny July 31 1800. vlnWif. M ANHOOU : STORED HOW LOST, HOW RE- Just published, a new edition of 1. CL'LVEItWELL'S CELEERATiiD ESSAY on the r- iieal cure (without medicine) of Si'kiiMATOintiiu'A, or Sejiiinal Weakness, liivoluntar.v Seminal Losses, Imcoi encv, Mental and Phis cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; nlsu, Cos- sumi'tion, bi'ikKi'KV, aim fits, jiuiucel ny If indulgence or sexual extriivatraiice. r-y'"l'rice, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. Thu celebrated author, in this admirable cssav, clearly ilemouslraies trom a tlurly years' successful practice, that the nhirmiiig consequences of sulf nbiisc may bo radically cured without tho dangerous use of internal nied cine or the application- ot the knife ; pointing out a mode of euro at once simple, certain, and clfectunl, by means of which every giitl'ercr, no matter what his condition may be, may euro himself' cheaply, privately, and radically. . 8nsyThiii Lecture should be in the hands of every youlh nud every man in Ihe land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stumps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 'i- cent s. Address the Publisher. CHAS. J.U.KLINE Co., 17 Eowcry, New York, Fost-Ollico l)ox 4,580. vlu35yl. Special Notices rjlO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been rcstoreM fa healih iu a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, alter lmving suffered several years with a severe lung all'ectiou, and (hat dread disease. Consumption is anxious to mako known to his fellow-sufferers the means of euro. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the drescription used, free of charge, with the directions tor preparing and usiuk the same, which thev wilt find a sure Cure tor Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, eto. The object of (he advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the arllicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will oost him nothing, and may prove a blcss- i"g- ... .... Parties wishing (lie prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. vlu2Cyl. piRKORSOF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervoui Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by w hich lie vas cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, iu perlect couhucuce. JUIli U. UulttiS, vln'-Miyl. No. 42 Cedar street, N. Y VISITING CARDSNEATLY ed at this oVioe. EXECUT 17XECUT10NS, SUMMONS, SUBPUJ JXjj nas, Warrants, &c, on hand and for tale at this office. RAILROADS. PTOliADELrillA & EKIE KAaKOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrrvrjh nnd Dh-crt Fonto. hrticcen rhtlmlelphia, Jhrft'msrc JT'irrU hvrtjy Wifiiimzpoi-t, nnd th: G K E AT OIL R E G 10 A of rennsvlv.min. V, I, E G A N T On nil CARS Nilit, Trains. Q' N nnd nfier J',)NIY. NOV. 2"th. I lie trains mi tlm l'hihuleliiliin A Erie Httilrond will run ns follows : WKsTWAIttt. Mail Train leaves 1'liihideljdiia... " " " llM.iwny ' " arrive nt Erie." Erie Exp leaves l'liilad lpliin ... . " " " Kidjway ii arrive at Ki ie ...10. r, ... jji ... !l..ii ...1 1 .nl ... -:i II ST W A 11 II. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 .Vi a. " " " ltidcwny .".lO p. ," " arrive at l'hihi'd'a .10.00 n. Erie Express leaves Ei te fi.L'"! p. " " " !'iii(ray 1-. !" a " " nr-nt rhihidi iphin 4.L'0 p Mini unit I.pres cunnvct. with Oil t re nnd Albfflieny River Hail llo id. 15AO 0 AGE CHECKED THltOffiH. AEi'llKI) I. TV LEE. General Superintendent. LLIXillENY VALLEY 1KVIL ROAD, the only diveet.rnule to riitsburj wiriorr change of cars front Oil City. On and nil it Monday May will run an follows : ;; i im: trains 0;iN(l POUTii. Pay Express leaves Oil City nt 10.10 n. m. o. 1 p. til. r',:;o . in (!.:tit a. m. 7.-" a. in. b,oil p. in, Arriving in I'lllsl. ur; at Night E:prrs: leaves Oil City at. Arriving ut Pittsburg nt Mixed Way leave ("il City nt Ariiviug ut West l enti JuucUun tit OOIXa N'ORTII. Pay Express h nves Pittsburg at P.oO a. m. Arriving at Oil City at :t,10 p. m. Night Express leaves Pittsburg at 7,:i0 p. m. Arriving nt oil City at fi.dOa in. MixcU Way leave West Pcnu June, at 0.4 "i a. m. Arriving ut Oil City at 6,do p. in. Connections at Corrr nnd Ivvino'on for Oil City nnd Pittsburg. At Franklin with .lames town and FruiKlin R. R. Connections with West Peini, it. R. nt West Penn Junction for lilairsvillo and nil points on the main line of the l'ennsvlv anin R. R. Sleeping Curs on N iht Trains. J.".). LAWUkiNCE, General Supt. Tnos. M. KiNu. Asst. Supt. BLS1NESS CARDS, T011N G. HALL, Attoriuy nt wny. Elk county Pa. ma; law , Ridg. Oi i ly HE.VltY Kidgw: SUUTIIER, iy, I'n. Ailoi ney-nt-Lftw (l'eb'Jn'081, Ll'iNE I10U.VE, . M.-i man Krctz, Proprietor. l'u.. Her. nugO'U'i D Ii. W. JAMES El. A KELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, F.Ik county i'n. Lniar-." Go. ly, I1itANK S. EAR UK IT, Aitorneyut-Law, I1 Lieai tuM, renu a. Vwl practice iu iilk and Cameron courlics. sep'.l.'tiH-y D". Pa. W. Vi. SIIAW Practices Medicine nud Snieery, Ccntrcvillc, Elk county Lmnr-li'J bu-ly. lli (Jo. Fa C. K REM ME, M. )., liysioiui and Surgeon', Pidgway Elk Jo. I'a i mice aimve store oi ii. it. uuiis Ofliee hours from to 10A.M. and d to 8 1 I. vlnt-if. jTi H. V'OI.K, Manufacturer and Dealer , in L.'ieir Eeer, opi.osiic the Uailroal Depot, fit. Mary's, Eik couniy IV. Mar-'JJ T.l.-l . IN u. li.M.I I. K. V. IIAI.t. ITAI.I, & HJtO. Attoi'iu' y s -at - I j a v ST. M AKi ij : 11ENZINGF.R P. O. KIK COUNTY, FA September 20, lfi'iG. ly. T S. Eordwell, M. I). Eclectic Physician (I . Olticc and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Uidgway, Pa. Prompt, at - tention willbc given lo all cans. O'hce hours : 7 lo 8 A. M- : 1 2 to - P. M. ; and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. '22, Cti-tf. rpiIAYER HOUSE, I RIPCWAY, TA.. DaVID THAYER, Proj.riotor. Tlio undersigned having Cited up a large and -0011111101110118 hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill st root's, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the publio generally. deeiatiUly JJAVID THAYER. T7KANKLTN" HOUSE, LARflEY k MA LONE, PitnrR's. The proprietors respectfully ask tho attention of their friends and tho public in general to their large nnd commodious hotel. Every nttcntiou paid to the convenience ot guests. 11. LAl'.Oi.Y, maySO-lSO.Mr J. A. oiALON'E. K ERSEY HOUSE, CuNTKSVlLbE Elk Co., Pa. II. I). Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. the new pro. pnetor, linpcs, by paying strict attention to tho comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. v1n201y. M ORTON HOUSE, ERIE. PA M. V. Moure. Jute of the Hyde Home) l'roprirtor. Open Day and Night- noOtf. -yALUAULE PINE LANDS FOR SALE. The valuable Pine TiruboY lands knew ns tho HOWE, PLAICE, & Co , lands, about 5000 acr-js, lying on Blyson Run, and Mill Creek, in Clarion aud Jefferson counties, and for sale will be sold in one lot. or in lots of reasonable size to suit purchasers. . Tninns I.iioval- Apply to the subsoiiber at American Ilouso lirookvillo. Pa. HARRISON EL.AK.E. Erookville, July 10, lfcb'J, n3 jm'o. MISCELLANEOUS. HUE AT 11EMEDY 1 TOR THE C'1T,E OF 1 MHO AT AND LUNG DISK ASKS Dr. Wi.-harfs Pino Tree . TAlt ' COltDIAL. It is the vital principle of the Pino Tree, oh. tainc I by n peeu'iar process iu the disiiiatiou of tho tar by which its highest lnci'iutil pro prieties are retained. Il is tho ei,! y sate:"taril a.ud rcli.iV.c remedy uhi;li Inn ever been prepared from the ,iui.:e of the m it n Tree It inviL-oiates the digestive urTritis nnd restores tlic up elite. Il fMrciiglh- ens Hie (leliiliaiet system. It purines and enriches ihe blood, and. e:;pclls from the sys tem I lie oorrupl ion whicu scrofula breeds ou tho lungs. Its liealine; principle acts upon the iritatcd surface of the lunu" and throat, potiolratini; to each 'diseased part, relieving paiu aud subdu ing i iliaiiiaiioti. Il is t lie result of years of study and expo, rinic nl. an 1 it is ollen d to the nldicted, with the positive assurance of its power t." cure Ike fullir,viii? disont-cs if thts patient h is not. too lon do'tiyi'd i report to the mcms of'cure : Consumption of tin Lutifrs. C,..ugh, Soro Throat and i!re:it. Ill r. jhit ii. Liver Coin plaint, Hiitid mi l illcedtng P'lw, Asthma, Whnojiing Coii-h, pijii lioita. Ac Wo ere often asked why miv; not, otlr retne dii'sinthe market for Contiinpi ion. Coughs Colds, and i.ther l'ldmouary niieeliin roiril to Dr. L. Q. VYishiirt's Eino Tree Tnr Cordial. We answer 1st. It cure:', not by sHppir.g -cugh. but 1iy, lorenliir and n ' in-r nature to lin'.w od' the niilir.illiiy lauiter collecicd about tho throat and bronchial tubes, can-dug ii rii.ilion anil t'utjtli. 'Jil. M....t T'.roai and Tin:- Een: ;.Ti.s . compoii d ,.'f ii'iod vnc-i. whicii a'l.iy tl.e c n i ; 1 1 for tiwhil". but by their r.iii.-h'iirjiiiL'. (.'t'"i;i.-, the fibers bcomc harden !. and Hie unii-alinV fluids ce.ii'tinte end are I e' li: alt: d ti em c:iiim:''T iti-eae iiey. c'! of our ill, wiih ils Til mosi einiiieiit phvsictans. i'id. Tl'c Pine Tiv? Tar (' uant't. lierfcciable. bec:i!t I : y i-i"ii.-vo the is meiiitriiiie lungs to act e. '.-lions, nnd c-iily lnaUii.'g cause ot ir:':';-1 nil ot toe niui-im and bronchia! lubes. r,ssi-t. ihe and Ihrr.w off the unheallhy si purify the blood, thu.-: f-cientii' lie cure pence'. Ur. Wisunrt on lilc al his oflict hun dreds, nnd Thousands of Certificates, fioin men nnd women of uu'iiietionaVo churacier wiio were once Hopelessly given up lo Uie, but through tiie. providence of God were com pletely restored to health by the Fine Tree Tnr Cordial. A physician in attendance who enn be consulted in person or by mnil, free of charge. Price of Pine Tree Tnr Cordial S l.ol) per bottle, ntul s-1 1,00 per do?.. Sent, by Ex ptess ou receipt of price. Address p,. i c. W1SII AUT, M. I).. No. 2'52 North 2d Street. Phil'a. Pa. Mav 2l.'f,!'m.0.vlii27. JN t i-:w KTO The sif'seriber l:e,'sbave to itil' irrn Jh citi zens ot Kulgwnv met Vicinity that he h is opened a store v hei e may be f jiin 1 PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TCI LET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CON FECT10N A U Y, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. vltf J. R. PAIRD. A TTENT10X MILL- 0 )VNFRS .' MIE EAGLE TUREINH WATER T WHEEL, pnt"i,ted .inly 30. Icii7, is superior to any wheel in use. The under signed have the ngency for said wheel in the Slate of Pennsylvania, aud can recommend it ns being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foumlry iu Kei-ey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings , mo -learn engine:; will be made to order nt reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good thiire of public patronage. J. V. ROEERTSON, R. 1'ELL Kincy, Elk Co.. Pa., ianlO 18HSpd. Lcsscs cf the Company. Mine? of tho Eerccy Con Mi'itvrx Did Sli2j"'i'8 of. BITUMINOUS COALS ! Ol'supciior quality, fi.r GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Are prepared to receive Ordcis and mako enntrncts lor tl.e,sc well. known coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO.-, TA.' Ecriey, Fa., March P-, l'"8. vlnlTtf. JF YUU WANT TO EUY t.'JLOTZSWa for tl.c Million Go to A. PUilLACIIER, PKALKlt IN CLOTH !MG ! . CLOTHING GENTS' FUUXISITIXG GOODS, HATS, CAPS, I'.O' -T.-', TJ!.vi:TjNn S'ICE TRUNKS, 1?.GS. Me. COUNTY, PENN A ST. MARY'S, ELK JaniWiS'typ.l C1AEDS, E.U-Ilca-ls j Handbills, c, do and at the lowkst I s. Letter-Heads, 'J'nes, me iu a nent manner. uuJ at the lowkst i-r.ii r, t)H VAtsll, at tho Elk Advocate I'riuiin Oil'ce. Ji n PniSTiM! of every description do.ic promptly at tliis r.ihce, and in a style 'un equalled in this flection of the State. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. GUN PISTOLS,. RIFLES, KNIVES pocket and table cutlery, of tho best quality and mor-t rpproved pattoins, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Eibtrger'g old corner in t. M'ry's. "lyTAILS, SPIKES, HINCErt, RIVETS, x locks, bolls, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store than nt.y other place in Elk couurty. (ii28T7) A"- orders fur fr-toves and Hardware will be proinpily attended to as . soon u received, at the 12 07 Si. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. HARDWARE. J"EW HARDWARE 5TOUK! Tho subscribers have just opened iq ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Slock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWAJ?! Aud will ko;p constantly on hand a variety of great COOK AND HEATING STOVES Bur Ii'tm, Sift I Attrlh, Edl'iics, Nail.'a ilvr&r Shot s, iS''rt.S, Jiut'fd iittj ILirdioorCf Saws id Jules of PISTOLS Evai AND Z, scription CARTRIDGES, GUX?, Cutlery, Plated Wave m l ITouso Furnishing Goods. AU kindsof Mechan ics' Tools ! T K W A R E i.H' every descvipil. n, which v.iil be sold nt the L'lV, EST CASH PRICES. They h.ivu also the exclusive ng'ucy in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL UAKK.THIRNINVr COAL STOYKS AND PARLOR FURNACES! Which have received Four First Clnss Prei niiiims nt, die New York State nnd oili er Fairs : Also, tho Great Silver. Medal nt the Fair of the Am evican Institute, held iu New York City, 106. They arc rerpolual Eurr.ers, only one being required to lie made during the scasju. 1.10 M. EEECHFR. .In. WM. 11. COPELAND. r.ov28'(17 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rpiIF, subset X. Nc-v Oris ibers hnvinff completed their t .Villi in J-.iugwny are now lu-epaved to furnish tho per-'de of tho sur- rounding count rv with Fiour of tkc Best and of their own manufacture, Quality nt the lowes market rates. The nttenfion of lumbermen nnd others is c".lli.l to our facilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it can be bought tiny other place in tho county. JK'-Casii Paid ron flATN."u J. S. HYDE, J. V. HO PIT. J. K. WH1TM0RE. Ncvcmhcr 7, If07tf LOOK HERE! CEMTR5.VILLE TIN-SHOP. ,1 OHM WAI'LE desires to mnkc known to the citizens of CentreviUe and thu s'lrro'indiiig country tlmt he has tnken tho shop t'i i-merly occupied by R. J. Mnloney, on " McCiii'ley's Corner ' iu Ccutrevi'.le, nud t'ual he hopes I j payinq strict nttention to his business nnd the v.-anu of his customers, lo merit their pnti-oiiage in hir, line. Ho will iteap on hand a large and well selected ussort i..gpt of tin juitt Jtrct-3voit :ivf, of Ilia own manufacture, which he will warrant to be of the hi st quality. His st-oek consists of everything ih it is useful in (he tiuwarc line nbout a house I nsk a fair trial, nnd if my work docs not give satisfaction, my customers will not bo obliged to lake it. JOHN WAPLE. sepllhtf. J. S. EORDWELL, M. I). livi.F.VTte it i's i vr.tjr. fplic word eclectic menns to choose or se JL led medicines from nil tho different, schools of medicine ; using remedies that are snfe, and discarding from practice all medi cines thrt have an inijurirtus effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per. &c. 1 lay aside the Innce Ihe old bloodlctlcr, re.hiccr or depletcr, and equalize Jt lie circula tion nnd restore the system to its natural Mate by alteratives and tonics. I shall hero after give particular attention to chronic dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia., Liver complaint. Catarrh, Ne iralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu liar lo females, tto. CATARRH Itrent witha new instrument of a hue invention which curesevery ease. TEETH extracted without pain. Office and residence South of the jail on Ceoire Si. Olliee hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12 to 1 p. m ; 0 to 7 p. in. Dec. 2U 07. -ly. J. S. EORDWELL. jrOUIS H. GARNER, PKAGTIOALi MACHINIST. j Cnn be found nt his Foundry nt St. Mary's j w liefo ho is ready to have all shop-work la ma iiiht uifiiB ou soon uuuctt- ca, mury 8, Ecnsinger P. O , Elk co., Pa. my PCS' ly J 013 YVOUK of all done ut this office. kinds and desori- BLACKSMITII8 CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest " nt (he St. Mary's Hardware Siore . ' (nov28'07.) ORD3 0F WISDOM. FOR YOUNG MEN, On the Ttuling Passion in Youih and Early Manhoo.i, with SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Sent iu sealed lettor en velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Eox P. Phihideldhia, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers