VOLUME I MDGWAY, ELK CO. PA., FRIDAY, AUG. 6, 1889. NUMBER 38 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rjiHE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, South Dcthlchnm, Pcnna. Fimt Term opens September 1st. The first two years are dovoted to the basis studies of ft practical tducntioii; after which the student enters for two years more, one or the special school, vis: 1. General Literature. 2. Civil Engineering. 3. Mechanicnl Enpireoring. -1. Mining and Metallurgy. 6. Analytical Clieincatry. Ap plicant for admission to any class will be oxainined on and after Aug. SO. Apply to HEMlY COPPEE, LL. D., rrcs. EENNINOTON INSTITUTE, Pennington, N. J. For both sexes. Fine building', healthy location. Lsonuble terms. College prepcration. For catalogues A. P. LASULH.l'rin. TEUBEN VILLE, OHIO, Fomarole Seminar-. Dclitthtefully situated on the banks of tho Ohio. FortT years iu Buccessiui operation, universal advantages in solid and ornamental branches, bchool year of forty weeks begins Sept., 7, 180S). Entire expense about t 00 a week. Twenty-live per cent, deducted tor daughters of ministers. Send for Catalogue to Hev. C'HAH. C UEATTY, D. I)., LL. D. Superintendent; or Hev. A. JI. It LID, A. II. Principal. JEWSPATEB, FIIEEI Coal Miners and persons desiring a Western Home, and ilhers,-nn have a spicy Weekly paper free for six months Vy sending name and poxtolhce address to. OAHDNKil JOU11XAL, Gardner, 111. OXLY ONE DOLLAR For "Zion's Herald" to Jan. 1, 1871). A first-class Illustrated Itcligious Journal of 1 pages. 2uu Contributors; 6 Editor. The cheapest paper in the land. 2 .'u a year in advance. Specimen topics free. E. D. WIA'SLOW, Pub'r., 11 Cornhill, ZXMton. WANTED. AOENT8 Tor Prof Pearson's Laws of l!uine. Willi full Direction.- mid Form, for nil Transaction!: In every Slat-, by TiiGorniLus Pah sons, LL. I) ProfcHtMir of i.sv in lliu-vard University. A new book lor evervbody. E.xpliiiuipg every kind of roiunu't and ltnl oliliyatlon, and showing how to draw and execute them. The M'liet and ucHt nuthor. ly In the Isud. Scud lor our lilioi-al terms; nlf-o fur cur Patent Bible Prospectus, bent I'reo. I'AHMELEE A CO., Phlln., Pa. COI.BCltN'8 PATENT llED JACKET AXE Is better t'-nn onr regular shaped Axes for these re-iimus: YlrM It cut deeper. Second It dont Mick iu the wood. Third It doe not jar the hand. Fourth No time i wasted In tnkliiir the axe out of the cut Pifih With the same la.W yon will do one third more work than with ri'cuhir axes. Ited pnliit has nothing to do with the srood qunliiies of thisaxc, fur nil (urnxe. are pointed red. If our iiardwaro store does not keep cur goods we will hladly answer Inquiries or fill jonr orders din-ct, or give you the nsmo uf tho nun. est deal ir who keeps our Axes. LII'PINCOTT t BAKEWEI.L. rittli::ri!h, Pa Polo owners of (clhuru's and Red Jacket Patents. Aromatic Vegetable Soap, for tho Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children. BOLD BY ALL DHUGGIST3. $10 00 rUDAYGlAIU TEED AirrUtoellthe nOME SI1 TITLE SEWING MA CHINE. It make the Lock Stitch. 1 ike on hmb sidfH hflt ui.dur iW-d and i- eqtml in uvery inspect to any hewing Michine owr invcnU-d. J'rtct; $ J5. V.-iriJm-tl fr5 ycip fu-nd for circular. Adclien JOHNSON, t'LAKK & CO., Boston, Nn.-e.( riusbur-jli, V&., or tit, OuU, Mo. SO A day for all. Address, A. J. FVLLAM, N. V. 17 1IPLOYM F.NT that pavs. For particulars, onrtress ll S. M. bl'ENCEIt & CO., bruttleboro, Vt. VBK yonr Doctor or Drnei-lst Tor SWEET OflNlNB it equals (hitler) Ouinine. Is made only by V. rjTEAUNS, Chemist. Detroit. rjllIIRTY YEARS Experience In the treatment o J. C'hioulc and Sexual Diseases A PhysloloL'ical View of Mari'laee. Tho cheapest book ever published conlnluius nearly 811 paces, ai d 1H0 Cnepintes and emtruvini-s of the imaliuny of the liiimau organs in a state of health and disease, with a treaties on early errors, lis deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plm of treatment tho only rutienal and sticcessml mode of cure, . stiou n by a rep rt of ca-os treated. A truth fill adviser to tho mariied and those contemplating marriage who entertained doubt of their physical con dition. SeTit free ol postage to any address on receips u 25 cents, in tamps or postal currency, by addrcsini? IH. LA CROIX, No 81 Maiden Line. Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted uuou any of tho disenset npon which his books treat, cither personal or by mail and medicines sent to any part of the world. riHE Maricd Ladies private Companion contains the I debirt-a mlonnation. tent tree lor two stamps. Address Mrs. C. HEN P. Y, Hanover. A Tonl BOOK FOE MARRIED PEOPLE ONLY 1 rontainind physiological inform'ction worth thousands ifdotlors. Trice 25 ct. Address Do, NANDEKPOOL iso. G, Uuiiiersity Place, N. Y. JJIlirLES. The undersigned will cheerfully mail, Fkee, to all who with it the receipe and full directions lor prepair ing and using a simple and beautiful Vegetable balm: that immediately remove Tan, Freckles, Jllotcbes, and all eruptions and imprities of the fckm, leaving the s.imo soft, clear, s nooth and beautiful. He will also seud, Fulk, instructions for producing, by very eimple means, a luxurant growth of hair on a bald head or bmouih lace in less tliun tlnruy days from o st application. The above can be aataincd qy return mail by address ing TUOtj. F.CJHAUMAN, Chemist, P. O Box 5128. PJ4 Broadway, New Yoik. August 5, 180D. ly rpo THE LADIES. The Married Ladies Private Comnanion contains tbn desired information on important matters never before made public. A copy mailed mr.it to those who wih to t'ive it a candid perusal. Address Mrs. It. S. UODFItEY ureenpoint, Kings County, New York. August 5, lSo. ly M AXIMS for BUSINESS MEN. When a business man reaches the point where he thinks that he cauoot spare any time to examine sour ces of financial and commercial Information, he may rafi'ly conclude that his cupiness Is not well nianaeed. When a business man finds himself in a financial Fltoaiion so embarrassing that he cannot a (lord to pos sess every publication that would throw more light up- m his businesi transactions, he should not delay an lour, but arrange at once with an auctioneer to close ovt his stock to the highest bidder.. T he above Maxims are taken from the columns of the hew YoitK M kkcantilb Joi'hnal which is the best as well as one of the largest nierjauiile newspapers pub lished in the lulled States Its market reviews and rarelully revised list of iobber'l prices, embracing al most every vuotable article of merchandise, together with Us Judicious editorials, fill more than thirty five (-15) columns every week. The cubscript Ion price U ouly $5 0) per ysar. (less than ten cenis per week, and leva than li cants per day.) Parties desirlLB to poa pass themselves ol this vulvable publication, should ad dress The N Y. MaacAMIILi Joi'uaaj, Co., KM Pearl street, N. Y. City. 8m THE MA01C COMB TEETII ARB COATED with solid DYE. You wet your hair and use the comb, and it produces a permment hlsck or brown. Cue cutub scut by mail for 1 1X5. Address, W JI FAIIOf.f pnii tdcld, Mis gEB LOW PRICES of China & Glassware. China Tea Scls, 44 pieces I10 China jps at.rt San ers, S4 pieces a" China Tea Plates, per dozen 1 4S White Stone Toilst sets, 11 pieces 8 60 Wr.er (loblets per dozen 00 White Parisian China Dinner Bets, 133 pieces, (beatttirul shapes) SO 00 All onr goods marked down pqnally low. Butlery, Silver-Plated Ware, Tea Trays, WASHINGTON HADLEY'3 (only store,) Middle oftlie Cooper Institute Block, Store running through from Sd to 4th Avenue bo tween Tth & Hth streets, one block from Broadway. Especial pains taken In selecting and picking of goods for the country. In addition to tho above list ol goods, we have aivays on hand, at low prices, Deco rated Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Sets, Cologne Seta, Smoklrg Sets. Ac 8m pATENT OPEICK Inventors who wish to toke out letters Paltent are ad vised to counsel with Muun & Co , Editors ol the Sci entific American, who have prosecutd claims before the Patient Oilice for more than Twenty years. Their American and European Pateut Agency is the most ex tensive !n the world. Charges less than any other reli able ngency. A Pamphlet containing full Instructions to Inventors, id sent grants ' Address ML'NN & CO., 37 Tark Row, New York. Cm GUARANTEE. Any pood and enterprises person can make $S,0 . in the next three months by follewiug our instructions THINK OF THIS Ye who stand with vour hand's crimed In yonrpockots muttering what shall 1 do to make money f Wo want one good smart man in every town one who can keep his business to himself to uct conlldcuitally with us. ISTO OLID MAIDS Nor ministers wanted. Bn'lness not to be known to your nearest friend. Persons iu making application wilt consider themselves under oath not to divulge the business. Enclose ascents wlih plainly wr'iien ad dress lor our confidential, giving full iiist.r.ctlonr. Address, DELAY is CO.; Broadway, N. Y. SLOW HORSES made FAST and fiist liorscs made faster Simple, practical Instructions for tmrprov Intrspeed and style, and other valuable Information for hores owners, in No. Ill of IIanev's .Ioi unal, only OF'iiro cei.ts. For sale by M. M. LAKABEE. Ein- Iiortuin, Cumeron county, Pa, Has exposures of hum mgs. Sin $10 A day. Address A. J. 1CLLAM, New York. Um gEN'D one dollar and get by ecturuc mall one of JLOKIXG S UOfiLAlt BOXES of the richest Initialed French Koto Paper. All tho Ladies a.e in love with them. Address, LOttINO, Pub Usher, Boston, Mass. Sul rpIIE MISSIssQroi POWDER actually cures Can J. m and berolulous Diseases of the skin See re port to L. I. Jledical Soeletv Statements of Phv-lrlans I j crrcul ir scut free on aUpllcation to C. A. Dl'BOlS, 1S2 I'eail street, Now Vo.kCity. Box IGO'J. 3in jriRIT PHOTOORAPHS. SPIRIT PHOTO 0 11 APPS. Attested In my trial and acknowledged by nil who have sat fur their pirli.res the Great Phenomena of the aire. Four of the principal pleiures of proni.uent par ties who u hi ill id in court as to their genuineness, will be set post paid on receipt of one dollar. Also a full report of uij trial. Illustrated ith wood cuts SIBJ pages, 50 cenis Address, Wil. A. MUMLKlt, Nas sau street, N. Y. . Sui AGENTS WANTED I'OR THE Secret History OF THE CONFEDERACY. BY EDWAHD A. PuiiLAUD. The astounding revelations and startling disclosures made in this work are creating the most intense desire to obtain it. The secret political intrigues, A-c, of Davis und other Coniedirate leaders, with the Uid len Myste ries, from '-Behind the Scene in Richmond" nr.. tkn. roughly ventilated. Send fur Circulars, and see our u?iiua, ana a mil ncscription ol uie work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., PhUadeluhia, Ta. July 4t CANCERS! TUMORS!! ULCERS!!!! Tnoir. Klink, of the Philadelphia University, Is making astonishing cures of Cancer and all tumors by a new process. A Chemical Cancer Antidote, that re moves the largest Cancers und tumors, without pain or the use of the knife, without caustic eating or burning medicines, and without the loss of a drop of blood. For particulaos call or address p. H. KLINE, M. D. No. K1, Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 21 4t AGENTS WANTED FOR "WONDERS OF THE WORLD," Comprising startling incidents. Interesting Scenes and Wonderful events io pll Countries, all Ages, and among all People. BY C. ROSENBERG, Over One Thousand IHustratious by the most distin guished ArtisUin Euro;ie and America. Thelargest, best illustrated, most excitiug, amusing in.-itruclive, entertaining, startling, humurous, and at tractive subscription books ever publibhed. Send tor Ciro. ilars, with terms, at ouce. Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO.. naUt 411 Broome Street, New York, J7RROR8 OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous De bility, Premature Decay, and all the cnVcis uf youthful indiscretion, will, tor the suke of suilenng huiuauiiy, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42yl No. 43 Cedar St., New Viult. J ISTEN to the MOCKING BIRD. The Prairie Whistle and animal Imitator can be nsed by a child. It la made to lmiutu the songs of every bird, the nell-h era horse, the bray of an ass, the grunt of a hog; blids, beasts und snakes are enchanted and entrapped by It. Is u-ed by Dan Bryant, Charley While, and all the Minstrels and Warblers. Vautrllo qulsni can be learned iu three days by its aid. bent auswhere upnn receipt of 26 cents, three for 0 cents; f 1 26 per dozen. W. T. VALENTINK," Jersey City, N. J tnt TOB WORK, of all kinds, neatly and promptly exeeu ted at tba Press Otfioa. Orders by mail, attetn'sd to prorar'.l-. SELECT rOETKY. Woman's Itiglits. BT 0E!. CHAHLRS O. HsXTOtK. Oh, ladies, will you hear a truth. Of late too seldom told to you, Nor deem he begs it of your ruth The writer over-bold to yout For, by the pnlses of his youth, Ho nevcr'yet was cold to you, And therefore 'tis in sober sooth That lie would low unfold to yon What may apart from rhythmic flights Be called the sum of "Woman's Rights." For you tht calm sequestrcd bowers, For us to kneel and sue to you; Your feet upon the path of flowers We struggle still to strew to youj For you to drop the healing showers Of Uindness gentle dew to you On failing health and wasted powers The task is nothing new to you; " Oh these, indeed !" 'tis Low indites "These are unquestioned Woman's Bights." All hail ! we cry, the stormiest hours, If thus a joy we woo to you; For ns, of lifes drugged bowl, the sours, If so the sweets ensue to you. When many a heavy hap was ours. Fond rotrospeetiton flew to you; Good husbands and unstinted dowers, And smilling babes accrue to you; And, let me ask, what maiden slights These latter-mentioned " Woman's Rights !" The faithfulness, the grace, the high, Turo thoughts of life we gain by youj The vision of a softer eye, . The finer touch attain by you: Weak hopes that unto death are nigh Out -'caning, we sustained by you; And when misfortune sweeps the sky. Our anchored hearts rcmnin by you. Long days of toil and fecverish nights Would ill repay those " Woman s Right." Why quit the calm and holy hearth That is heaven's antepast to us, To face the'sterncr scenes of earth, The troubles that are cast to ns ! TfTiy change your souls unsullied mirth For woes that rush so fast to us, That we would daily curse onr birth. Were not your sphere at last to us. That sphere of home, which well requites The loss of these unsexing rights ! POPULAR TALES. From Forney's Weekly Tress. IIOW SHE WON MM. HT CKC1I.IA L. WniTELY. Mr. S tools up a pon and Alice took herself out, prently amazed at liPr employ er's milliner of ctidinjr the conversation. Stop ping on tho outer landinpr to collect her be wildered thoughts, she akod herself: 'Can this lie all ho had to Rny? only to re prove mo for that miserablo past folly, and in such a way?' 'What a pair of fools!' cogitated the old editor in his turn. 'A conpio of ninnies Jus: ns if I was blind. ITu! ha! she is a sen sible little thins, and, hy.Tove! she loves tho boy will enouih to sacrifice her silly littlo wotnnn heart for his sake, or mine, perhaps, bless herl l?ut she shan't: I'll not allow it! Let tho boy win her, and take caro of her, like a man. If tho rascal don't speak soon, I'll I'll why, I'll marry her myself. Allen don't want any of your die awny yonn? ladies for a wife, to flit t and worry his lifo out. How well that dear bov of mine knows me; and the girl well, well, elio will in time. Ten to one but he is waiting on th lower stairs to tako her home. Ah. mc! well they aro voting, and in love. Their sun is bright, and I tun not the cloud to oiipenre it. The old man smiled ns ho lit hiscifrar, and thought of those two youny peoplo very ten derly ull tho way to his quiet homo. Mr. S was right. Allen was waitiner for Alico on the stairs. Doubtless his thoughtful sire had given him a slight hint to that effect, and with a coulident 'I am going with you,' he Iuid her passive hand on his arm. Silently they walked along the pleasant street he in vain tryingto reud the new expres sion of her sad, averted face. Vresently he asked, with sooiethiug of his father's abrupt ness:, 'Alice, when will yon marry mo?' Her surprise was too great for words. Af ter a moment she found voice. 'Mr. S . yon forget my station and yours. You should never speak such words to one so poor as I, for I will never ' 'XoMsense!' he interrupted, 'I love you, and you love me, and what more is necessa ry! I have fixed my heart on you, Alice. We will have a glorious life together. I see its dawn brightening all around us, even now. I cuu give you wealth, station, love; oh! boundless love, that shall take a lifetime to fathom; and you bless me in return with vour splendid beauty, perfect truth, and pure affections a heart all my own: love unsul lied to sanctify my homo; a companion for my mature manhood; a mate to share my dawning fame all this to bo embodied in tho three sweet words, 'Alice, my wife" I?ut your father, he will never couseut,' reminded Alice, while ber heart was repeat ing the sweet love-picturo ho had drawn. 'My father i3 the best mau in the world, dear Alice, llefknows your worth, and that I love you. Ithiuklcaa now find a solu tion of your changed manner. My father has been making your acquaintance in his ec centric way, and, like thousands of others, you misuuderstood him entirely. Am I not right V Alice related the conversation that had taken place between thntn, and acknowledged that she had greatly misjudged his kind na ture, but that Mr. S certainly seemed to warn her against thinking too kindly of his laughed. 'My dear old father! it was only his way of introducing himself to his future daughter. Doubtless he was recalling his own young days, and the time when be loved and mar ried my mother, who was a poor girl, Alice, but she made his life rich with blessings. She is dead now, und her memory is the dearest thing in the world to hint. You will soon learu to love my father oub father, Alice, from this hour.' Thus my friend was betrothed, and lite all a sparkle with the new hopes growing from the ashes of old despair. That same evening Allen walked Into bis father's study, and eaid, with earnest vo'ce: 'Father, wiib your conseut, Aijc0 Lee has promised to bo my wifo.' 'Uul, npposo 1 do not consontf 'As my best friend and only parent, yon will. 1 want her love and compnn;ons'n;p to perfect my life. 1 mean to write mv name high, and with Alice by my 6i(n j wj) eVor bavo a good Pngel as a true pnifi,, foi.FV(,P 1o keep mr worthy or manhood nilf tbe po8ltion I would attain. I see by tl iigut ,ln your eyes that, you think with mn 'Yes, my boy, tuko her, for I am confident that Alice Lee is worthy of nl that nven vou can give. I made her Cry t,,9 otllRr (i,iy poor thing, butt Bir, v0o mnst n(,vor C!Vlse her to shed a te01" 1 won't, allow it. Some day, my son, I hope she will love - me with your truth and confidence, and that is all an old man can ask of his children. Transplant her at once from the case to your home; her busy little fincrers have toiled long cnontrh. Take her, as soon as you pleaso, and God bless yon both.' In just one month from that date I was her bridesmaid, and six months later, a bride myself Immediately after we went West to settle, wh?rn George started a weeklv news paper, which prospered famously. 1T was editor, foreman, business clerk, "while I did the duty of compositor combined with proof reader. I also looked after the poetry and light matter, and frequently, in cases of emergency, doing the locals, and manipula ting the exchanges. On several occasions I was obliged to aspire to the editorials, one of which got mo into trouble, and I was called to account by an indignant member of the opposition party, who threatened fearful ven gennce on the writer of tho obnoxious article whom he supposed was my innocent husband. While George was away to the Legislature, I ran short of editorials. We were too poor to pay for such things, and so 1 mustered courage to again write one. Of course I was quite familiar with my husband's stylo and way of thinking, so I dashed into tbe sub ject with pure partisan zeal, and the result was a triumphant success for our combined efforts mine in the office and his on the "stump" elected hispnrtv. since which time we have prospered svouderfully. In due time, Mr. Lester was sent to Con gress; and I believe he is called an eminently capable and promising man by the peop'e ol his State. I know him to be a true patriot, a good husband, and a faithful friend, and that satisfies me completely. Alice, as all tho world knows, is the hon ored wife of Mr. S , the famous Sena tor from . The brilliant lawyer, ora tor and statesman, is said to be the coming leader of his party, and his wife the most beantiltil woman nt the capital. She is the pride of society, and shares her hnsbaud's fume with wonderotis grace. In velvet and diamonds she reigus a star in the fashionable world, bnt tho heart of her girlhood remains unchanged in the midst of tho splendor that surrounds her." To me Fho is still sweet Al ice Lee, and in Bilk and calico her nature will ever be puro and good. Mrs. S is not, as the wctld goes, accomplished: but that graceful head of hers contains a ileal of useful knowledtre, and ev ery word she utters bespeaks a richly culti vated mind. Her daiuty white hands have set up many a column; nor has the slender fingers forgotten their cunning, as you shall see. Alice paid me a long visit last winter. Mr. Lester, nt the present time, is the proprietor of a very influential daily paper published in the city of . I left the office long ago; children cume to claim my care and, ns their is no longer any need of ma as a work er. I am scarcely krown in the establishment. Well, as I said, Alice ciimo to mako a long visit we are ulwuys Alice and Mary to each other, except when society demands strict etiquette. Ono evening the business editor called in as he was passing, iu a perfect fever of anxi ety and haste, trying his utmost, he said, to procure two or three extra compositors for a few hours, for they had just received the Presieduts message, which must be in typo by three o'clock. Mr. lloss was determined that his readers u'uould get tho message in the moruiug'a issue, besides he wished to get the start of his rival across the way, whom he understood, from good authority, wasstill messageless, although every moment expect ing the arrival of that important document. Mr Ilea knew nothing about our printing ability, and therefore could hardly hope to find help from Alice, when she said consol ingly: 'l'erhups Mrs. Lester and I may find an extra haud in your dire necessity; suppose we look about, Mary?' Mr. Ross regarded ber incredulously, and, with a nod of thanks, bade ns a hurried good night, and rushed away, intent on finding a few 'extra bands.' 'Come,' said Alice' gleefully, 'let's go. It will be such capital fun. just fancy you and I at our old trade again.' I assented, delighted with tho schemo, and, hooded and cloaked, we speedily repaired to tbe office. The printers were astounded wbeu we made our dkhi't, and doubly so when we made known our intentions, and modestly demundod a case. But I am ortain tbat after watching us for a few moments, we gained immeasurably in their good opinion. The case seemed an old frieud, and in five miuutes we were as clever as ever, while the admiring compositors silently applauded our skill, Alice especially, who used to bost that no one could rival ber iu the craft. We all went to work with a will on the message, determined to get ahead of the oth er papers. Mr. lloss came in neir midnight, looking very tired and cross. His brow le laxcd on beholding fie almost complete form He instantly turned to the foremam with words of dclicht ou his lips, but they were suddenly checked on seeing us bu.iily at work. 'Good heavens!' be exclaimed in astinUb ment. 'Mrs, Letter, is it possible? Am I dreaming, Mrs. S ? I'lease explain, for I am utterly at a loss.' 'You are not dreaming, Mr. lloss,' laughed Alice. 'Did you not know that Mrs Lester and I were capital printers? We graduated ten years ago, at least I did. I promised you a haud or two, and bore they are. We were famous jn our day, and I tbiuk even now you will find our work correct.' Too astonished to reply, Mr. lloss sat down, faintly articulating a number of sup presBsed thanks for our valuable services At balf-past one tbe message was ready for tbe press, and we weut home, as we used to on these long-ago burry nights, accompanied by au obliging printer, and so very tired that we thought the old days were back again, and husband, home, and children a dreatn that would vanish with tho light peeping softly through tho window in the room where my baby lay. Alice thought of the past, too, and so our babloa were dearer that night than ever before. Tho next morning we read the damp paper with a new interest. 'Not an error! cried Alice, nieirly waving the sheet above ber head. 'I looked to tho proofs last uight, nnd hero we have perfection. I tell you. Mary, we are a credit to our profession, and I am quite proud of our our columns.' She wrote to her husband as I did to George an amusing account of the affair. They commcuded ui highly, and the rival over the way wondered how Mr. lloss could have possibly have issued the message so promptly. It is, and probablv always will, remain a mistery as to whore te procured bis two extra hands on that especial occasiou. 'Senator S once gravely abked mo if Alico cried over the types, as she did that time when his father kindly warned her of the imprudence of long walks. She is his darl ling yet, his home-joy. Iu his wife aud chil dren the jewels of his beautiful home he fiuds a secure retreat from tho cares of his exalted life, Xow. Maggie, you know the love story of his youth, and the way in which he won his charming wife. Alice won the noblest hus band in the land, and all through her being a pretty, hard working, and sensible little printer. And I have kept my promise and finished my bit of romance. "lie Died rorMc." Many interesting narratives and experi ences are told at Ilenry Ward Ueecher's Fri day evening prayer meetings. Last week, ono of tho prominent citizens of Brooklyn doing business in Wall street, related the fol lowing. We reproduce tho story as it fell from his lips: "Not loug since I found myself at Cincin nntti, with a little spare time, and I thought I would improve it in visiting some of tho Southern battle fields and burial places. I first proceeded to Nashville. Ou goinj out to the Soldiers' Cemetery, I observed a man plauting a flower over a grave. I ap proached him and asked if bis sou was buried there: 'No,' was the response. A son-in-law?' 'No.' A brother?' No.' 'A relative?' m 'No. 'Whoso memory then do you chorisb?" I ventured to ask. After dolayiug a moment and puttiugdown a small board which be held in his band he replied: 'Well, I will tell you. When the war broke out, I lived in fllinois. I wanted to enlist, but I was poor and had a large family of children dependent upon me for daily bread. Finally, as tho war continued, I was drafted. No draft, money was given me; I was unable to procure a substitute, and made up my miud to go. After I had got every thing in readiness and was jus, leaving to re port at tbe conscript camp," a young man whom I had knowu came to me and said: 'You have a big family to support, whom your wife cannot support while you are gone; I will go for you.' In the battle of Chicamauga tho poor fel low was dangerously wounded. Owing to Dratrg's offriiMve demonstrations on Chata nooga he, along with others, was taken to the hospital at Nashville. After a lingering illness he died nnd w:i3 buried there. Ever since hearing of his death I hav'e been desi rous of coming to Nashville and seeing that his remaius were properly buried. Having sufficient funds. I cnnio on yesterday, nnd have to-day found the poor fellow's grave. Ou completing his story the man took up the small board aud inserted it at tho foot of the grave. Turning to look nt it I saw this sim ple inscription, and nothing more: 'He died for mo." A CniNKSK Prodicm!.. The Chinese papers report a curious and touching scene which lately occuned in the Shanghui mixed courts A dissolute prodigal, having a chain around his neck, to which his bands were fast, waa brought up by his father. Tho parent, a very respectable-looking man, declared he could make nothing of the prisoner. He had tried all means to cure him of his pro pensity for smoking opium, but without ef fect If ho gave him money it went in opium; clothes were also pawned to satisfy his crav ing. Latterly he had been chaiucd up in a house to see what effect that would have; but bis appearance on that occasion was be cause he hud broke out, and had been picked up hy a policeman. In fact, the father de clared that he would be glad if tho Court would take him in hand und give hi in a severe punishment. The judge advised hi in to give his son another trial, aud added that, if after ono punishment he was still incorrigible, Chi neso law would permit decapitation on till conseut of the father. How to Havk a Clean Garden. Mr. Bu ren, of Newark, N. J., is noted for having a clean garden. Ho says: Any man who will leave his bed at four o'clock in the morniog, and go forth with bis hoe, and a willingness to work, need never be disturbed witU weeds. I have attended to a business that took the time usually devoted to the pursuits of life, and still found leisure for such attention to my ganleu as kept it free always from all foul-growth.. Of course, I am not one of the anti-early risers. But if hu is foud of his bed, and tho Koil is full of weeds, let him give the garden a Sabbath year of clover. Thus will he kill tho tares that the enemy hath sown, and bis garden come back to onious and lima beans, lettuce, peas and beets, like a good man to bis work on Monday morning. During Mr. Seward's overland journey he stopped at a hotel in Idaho,,where a rough looking fellow introduced himself aa follows: "Is this W. JL Seward?' 'Yes; what do you want?" I came here to introduce myself and to see you. I read about William H. Seward. Vou are not as good looking as I thought yon was. Mr. Seward I have been admitted into tbe Union, three times, commencing with Iowa, and.now want to coma in again with Wyoming. Good evening Mr. Seward; al though I am a better-looking man than you arc, I am very glad to see joo." Slick to Ilie Plow nnd the Plane. Don't come to the cily, my boy. Your chance in tho long run, is ueirei nuie vou aro. Hundreds, indeed, mako for tunes here, but tbousanda live wraiiesomo nnd even suffering lives in tho city. Clerks have larger salaries uiu lannen, but then their expense 01 Doarciing, clothes, nnd amusements are si much larger, that less is saved at the end of the vear Then tho temptations of tho city are so strong and so constant that few voung men resist them Not many vounff city clerks, even if they avoid bid company, are able early i" me to have a home of their own. A yOng man in the country, soon after bis tune becomes bis own. can secure capital eno"gh. with an economical wife, to set np housekepP" ing for himself, nnd have a quiet confr table, and even beautiful little home of his own One of tho wealthiest men in Boston, who died a few days since, said the happiest years of his lifo were passed when lie was gathering, very slowly, tho beginnings of his fortune. When he married be and his wife were worth, cnc twenty-live cents, and they labored lov ingly nnd happily together. This was certainly a very small fortune for two to commence upon, but they wero worth hundreds of thousands when they died gathered by economical labor. The wri ter knows an excellent young man in this city who is now nearly thirty. lie has long been engaged to a young lady of fine talents and a good temper. It would be great comfort to both to be mar., ried ; but then, bis salary, although quite large, would not support them in the style of life to which the young woman has been accustomed to in her own home. Besides, the position of clerks is very uncertain. By the failure of what was concidercd ono of the strongest houses in the city, this young man was thrown out of place and salary for six mouths. Stick to the plow, then, or some solid, v hole somo trade. You will then be sure of .a comfortable living. You can earlier have a home of your own, and you will be less exposed to the constant charges in busi ness which destroy at one blow tho earn ings of years. American Agricultural. A couplo of Yankee girls put a bullfrog in to the hired man's bed to see if they could get bim to talk. Daniel threw the frog out of the wiudow and never said a word. Soon after ho put a bushel of chestnut burrs into the girls bed, and about tho time he thought they would make the least shaddow, Dauiel went to their door and rattled the latch furi ously. Out went tho light, iu went the girls; but they didu't stick, though the burrs did. Calling to them begged them to be quiet; he ouly wanted to know if they had "seen any thing of that pesky bullfrog; he'd give two dollars to find him. Facetiae. A race of sculptors the Chip-a-ways. The Prussian diet Lager beer and pret zels. Shifting the responsibility Dressing the baby. When is a lawyer strongest? When he is fee-bleat. The cup that cheers but not inebriates the buttercup. What soup would cannibals prefer? The "broth of a boy." A favoiito tune of the milkmen Shall we gather the river? Matters of moment ought to be described in a minute manner. The shnm-.'ocks mostly w jrn in hats nowa days aro bricks. Is a man who has made a fool of himself to be considered a self-iiiade man? Why is a specimen of handwriting like a dead pig? Deuuiiso it is dono with the pen. Woman's rights If she cannot be captain of a ship, she may always command a smack. Why is a solfisti friend like tho letter P? Because, though first iu pity, he is the last in help. Why are your eyes like friends separated by di-tant climes? 'I hey correspond, but never meet. It is sngcested that tho Fenian letters fouud so plentifully in lreluud are uotbiug but green r's Squib, speaking financially, says it was the last camel's hair for Mrs. S. which broke bit back. Subjects fo chromos "The Barbor" after iieard; "The Miners" arter Cole;" "The Walk Home" after Church. A man taking bis nap or bis newspaper comes to about the same thing. He enjoys io either case his snooze. Why is a young lady just from boarding school like a building committee? Because she is ready to receive proposals. Sambo, in speaking of the happiness of married people, said : "Dat ar' 'neuds al togedder how dey enjoys demselves. A mean pun for a man to lay hold of a lady's back hair, and apologize by saying he (bought he was pulling a beixb knob. A verdant Cape Codder, upon seeing a loco motive for the first time, threw up his bands exclaiming, "By thunder, what a darned great stove 1" A new mode of dispersing a mob has been discovered, said to supersede tbe necessity of a military force. It is to pass around a con tribution box. Woman is composed of 243 bones, 401 muscles, and 30C piua. Fearfully and won derfully made, and to be handled with care to avoid scratches The President recognized the diplomatic weakness for "dinners," by appointing Part ridge Minister to Venezuela, and Cofpit Secretary of Legation to Kussia. At a recent lecture Professor X stated that Saturn had a ring six thousand miles broad. "Be jabers!" exclaimed an Irishman, who was present, "what a finger be most have," i A good tale, ill tqld, is a bad one,. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers