(& Cwmftfg locate, , ruw.iBiiKD evert minxr jiobnino, 'nv G U.GOULI), Kclitor: TEUM9, TWO DOLLARS A YEAlt IN ADVANCE Rates of Advertising. Due Pqnnro 1 wcuk.tl mill 4 Column 8 months 1! Oil do 3 ' 1 fin do 15 (ill Sll (HI 85 (HI do do do do do do Two f qrs. do do do ' do 8 " S W do H 4 " 3 r.()l do M 3 months 4 mri Column 1 week 7 fiO month IS (HI l) (XI " 8(1 (X) - 4(1 (HI work HI (Kl month Sll (H) 85 (HI " 45 (HI " (ill (III " 75 00 5 INI do 1 (I " 7 Wl 12 ' 11 (HI 1 work 1 "ir do 8 do 0 tin U 1 month 8 Wl 1 Column 1 8 ". 8 (Hi do 1 do 8 do (I do (I do li (I " li (HI1 li " IS (HI 1 4 Column 1 wopk fi (ill uo 1 moiiili 7 (HI Pppclnl Notices nncr Mnrrl.ipra nod DvnthR nn ftUdl lonnl of one hnl f the nbove rntus. Business Cards flvo lines or lc?s, $5. (HI per year; ever flvo Hues, nt the iisnnl rnto o advertising. TiikLaw of Apvehtisi.no. In New York tlte other day the law of advertising was well elucidated. The publisher of a daily jinper pued the Standard Life Insuranco Company in the Supreme Court, before Judge Fithian, for a bill of $773 on account of tulvci'tising. The company resisted pnymout on the ground Hint they had authorized but one insertion. There was no proof, however, of this. There was no order to that effect on the bill, nud the company did not at tempt to deny that Ihev saw the advertisement continuing in the paper and failed to countermand it. "When nn advertisement is received in a pub liciitton office without the number ol inser tions marked upon it, or the cost of the in sertion paid for nt the time, the publisher can know nothing of the wish of the adverti ser respecting the number of insertions do- sired, and as he can do nothing until advised by those whose business it is to attend to the mutter, he can charge for every insertion given the advertisement until ordered out. The Tioga Acitator wants the public to take particular notice that Republicans nev er oppose atw measure to prevent frauds up ou the ballot. Every Registry law iu the country, calculated to render illegal voting a matter of difficulty, is the work of Republi cans. Democrats have invariably (ought Mich measures tooth and nail. Last year Judge Sharswood declared tho Registry Law of 1 bCS unconstitutional. Tho simple truth is that Judge Shnrswood and most of his brethren in politics will declare all laws, iu tendod to prevent a mau voting from twice to twenty times a day, uucons.itutional. "With n fair ballot Grant and Urisworld would have carried New York State last Fall. "With a fair vote tho Republicans can carry the city of Philadelphia everj year. This is certain: Tho liberties of this na tion are more imperiled by election frauds llian they were by tho wnr of tho Rebellion; and unless tho fair-minded citizens arouse themselves mid increase their vigilance the the institutions which have cost so much to establish will disappear like frost beforo tho morning sun. The Ri'iitT Si'iniT. In his speech beforo tho convention, where ho was renominated, Gov. Geary said: "I will cot recogonize divisions or factions in tho party, but will from this time forth look upon it only as united, harmonious, pa triotic and enthusiastic iu tho development mid determination of great principles anil measures of progress for which it was organ ized " This is the right spirit and should prevail throughout tho entire party. No divisions, no factionp, no faltering iu support of tho men who have been chosen to represent tho party iu tho State. No candidates havo ever been nominated with such unanimity. Nono have been truer to the principles which have triumphed in war and pence, under the guidance of the Republican party. There is no room for houorublo division. All divi sion within the party would bo mere faction. Let every man then work as if it were his particular business to sec tho wholo ticket triumphantly elected. Oheux hacks fob Ronds. Tho Ohio De mocracy at their lato Convention struck out again lor "Greenbacks for Rouds." Pendle ton has been round surely, nud no doubt demonstrated to the Convention that tho ter rible defeat the Democracy sustained last Fall was owing to their rejection of him and his "Greenback" theory. One thiug is well know that the Young Eaglo had his long feathers plucked in that New Yoik Conven tion and went home terribly crest-fallen. His State Convention in its fltvt meeting af ter his defeat, kindly came to his relief aud propose to let him down as caunily as possi ble. I Low thoughtful. Tho Democratic papers, for the want of a better reason, are attacking Governor Geary because he is a Tempeaaueo man. "What sensible man would prefer a drunken attor ney to transact his business: a besotted phy sician to attend his family, when dangerous ly sick; an iuebriuted minister to preach tho gospel to him; a dissipated fiuaueier to havo thccoutrol of hismouey, or a drunkard to presido over tho State? Gen. Geary is a Christian gentleman; and to bo cither a Ohristiau or a gentleman, it is universally couceded that a man must be sober. Tho New York Demoi'iut praises tho house carpeuters lor inserting tho word "white" iu their constitution, thus exclud ing negroes from their trado organization. Tho Democuat'h party should amend tho first chapter of Genesis, thus: "So God created 'whito" man iu his own imago." Jefferson Davis the would-bo fouuder of an American empire, is seeking charity iu Pa rih. The Paris Pays says that himself uud family are very poor, and that the French ad niiieis of the ex-Preiidout of the Southern Confederacy bhoulcl take steps -to relieve their wants. Alexander II. Stephens persists though "barely able to sit tip," as he soys, and una ble to walk or stand, without assistance, in writing letters. In his latest he says: "There is no hope for this country but in a thorough repudiation of the whole principles upon which the late war was inaugurated and waged against the Southern States." It is evident that Alexander, like Arteus AVard in Utuh, is 'sickest when very ill." Lay Dei.koation. The total vote on the question of Lay Delegation in the Metho dist Church, so fur as heard from, foots up as follows: For, 52,800; against, 18,8-17 a majority in favor of the movement of near ly three to one. These seveuty thoupaud votes virtually de cide tho whole question. At the present ra tio of voting but fifty thousand voles more will be cast, and they can hardly by any rea sonable calculation affect tho present bal auco. Railway Calamity. Another terrible ca lamity occurred on tho Erie. Kaihvay ntMast Hope station, lit) miles from Tort Jervis, on the night of tho 1-lth instant. It nppenrs that the nitrut express coming West, ran in to tho engine of a freight train which stood on the truck, crushing several cars and burn ing everything in reaelt that was mid that was not crushed by the collission. From ten to fifteen persons, mostly (ierman emigrants, iu tho smoking car, were killed or burned to death. Tho passenger train was a littlo late and running at forty miles an hour. The. en gineer of the freight had taken a nnp while waiting on a sido track. Supposing proba bly that the express had passed, he was just moving his train on to the main track when tho express ennio along at a thundering rate. Tho usual result of such criminal carelessness followed. Ten or fifteen human beings but a moment beforo in tho peaceful security of midnight slumbers, were crushed and burned so that the charred remains of only one or two could be recognized. Not one passenger has been maimed, nnd not ouo killed on the road, through nr.y de fault of tho Union Pacilio Railway since it has been in wholo or partial operation. Up to the 1st of lust May it had carried 143,e'J8 passengers, and yet in spite of the dangers and confusion of construction and material trains moving all tho time, life and limb have been as safe, if not safer, than on any road iu the United States. This fact is worth the reports of a dozen commissioners. Colonel Francis R. Bond, tho nominee oT the Republican party iu Ohio for Attorney General, for a long time commanded a brig ade in t lie Army of the James, and his name will bo recognized by many of tho I'onnsyl vauia si air and field officers who Reived in that portioif of the army, in lfeG-1-5. Ohio honors her soldiers. They have a singular way of conducting railroad enterprises iu Central America. A loan of two million dollars has been nego tiated in Paris to build an inter-oceanic rail way, and this is the only initial movement, not even a route having been surveyed. NEWS ITEMS. Titiouto claims a population of Mxtccn hundred and twenty four. Tioga lins but one licenced hold. Jails do a small business. Mis. Koabcck, of Ilarrisbuvg, had all her crockery smashed by a falling ceiling. A colored boy named Walls was drowned in the canal at llarrisburg on Tuesday. A man was knocked higher than a kite by abursting firo hose, at Heading, on tho 1st. Tho Grand Council 'of the Indepen dent Order of lied Men met at llarris burg ou the 20th. Mrs. Eosbyshell was robbed in open day light on a street in Pottsville, one day last week. Tho entire family of Chas. Ilellegas, of Montgomery, died of diptheria a few days since. Miss. Annio Keller, of Ephrata, Lan caster county, fell from a cherry tree, cusing her death two days afterward. In llarrisburg dogs arc allowed to go unmuzzled on Sunday probably to bite bad little bovs who dont go to Sunday School. .. Trees and buildings were blown down in New Jersey last week. Snow and ice lnvo not yet disappeared from some parts of the Catskill moun tains. Goodwin's tabaeco factory in Brooklyn was seized yesterday by the revenue olli- CITS. It is said that lh3 new Ministry of France will include four members of the Tuii:i:s party. A brake-man named Eldridge II. Tierce was killed ou the Panhandle lluilway on Tuesday. Mr. Kufus Iliggings, of Chicago, is missing, and it is ieared that he has been murdered by robbers. Susan Lameraux, aged seventy years, was murdered in New York, on tho 9th, by her daughter in law, Mrs. llosanua Deaue, in a tit of insanity. The weapon used was a hatchet. An old man named Joseph Jennings was shot aud beaten to death with the butt of a gun by his son-in-law, in the town ot Woodstock, Lenawee County, Mich., a few evenings ago. A train on tho Erie Railway collided with a freight train near Grey Court, on Saturday night. Six freight cars, with their contents, were smashed, and uiuo were burned. No lives were lost. It is understood that as soon as the (Ircut Eastern gets through with the French cable she will take tew cable on board aud start for India to luy a line be tween Bombay and Suez. Verily tho big ship lias not been built iu vain. Sain. Ilildebrand, the notorious Mis souri outlaw, who had cjghty death notch es on tho butt of his title, is reported to have died of the wound lie recently re ueivfcd when defending himself against au armed no6C ot sixteen. Owners of property on the pier at Al bany destroyed by the freshet last .winter, have ' determined to commence suits against tho city for damages. Tho aggre gate amount of claims is between $175, 000 and 200,000. Thos. Mulhall, twice convicted at Cleve land of niding nnd abetting the murder of D. 1 Skinner, was yesterday sentenced to bo hanged on tho 2Glh of Augnst. The lager beer dealers of Massachus etts havo formed a permanent organiza tion, to secure tho repeal of that crazy liquor law. Tho office of tho Collector of tho Unit. district of Ohio was entered a few even ings ago nnd tho safo rbbbed of ?2,000 worth of stamps. Earlicy's menagerie' was on tho road between Muscatine and Davenport by the thunder storm of Monday evening. Several horses were killed by the lightn ing, and the scene of horror beggars de scription. The emigration statistics show that during tho first six months of the present year, 11), SOS emigrants arrived at Toronto 5,0133 remained iu Canada, the others coming to the United States. A man named Michael Force was kill ed in a saw mill in Williamsport tho other day. He was ass'n-ting to put a belt on a large pulley attached to the lino sliatt, when by some mishap ho slipped ana leu into the wheel, which wasrevolv ing witn great velocity. J lis necu was broken, causing instant death. The Wilkes Barre Record of the Times says that " coal can pay all hands well and still bcTcheap fuel." Perhaps so ; but it never will be cheap so long as unprin cipled monopolists control the mines and organize strikes whenever they think fuel is getting low enough to bo " cheap fuel " to the consumer. George O. Scott, a citizen of M'Con neisuurg, a uiton county, wliilo passing along the turnpike in a two horse buggy about four miles west of that place, Tues day evening, was attacked bv highway men and robbed of a valuable gold watch, money, etc. I lie thieves threw th biigiry down the mountain side and made their escape. The outrage was commit ted before dark. JSear Columbia while lour men were working in an ore bank a few days since the sides suddenly, without tho least warning, caved in with a heavy crash buryintr the wholo party a considerable distance below the surface of the earth. Tho noise attracted other workmen in the mines to the scene, and beholding the sad calamity at once vigorously set to work to rescue their wntortunale comrades possible. Uno by ono tho men were reached, and all with life, except slight miury, save one man, named Scliaeiler who was liteially smashed to death. They have obedient children in Troy The Times says that a young man of that city was returning home with a couple ot young ladies in the evening, when he encountered his mother, bv whom he was ordered to leave the society of the girls and escort lier to the family oomicil. The young man, like a good boy, obeye his mother, and the girls w ent home alone, Indulgence in society of the other sex ono of the pleasures " not for Joo." Brighain Young recently ordered Aaron Thatcher ' to go aud preach the Lrospel till by gettniLr married lie was willing to fill the measure of his creation for that cause came he into the world.' Whether to make saints or sinners is not stated. A young man named Tiff was struck dead by lightning in a harvest field near Litchfield, Illinois, last Saturday. When found ho had his clothes stripped off on one side, though tho only perceptibl mark- of tho liLrlitniiiii was a small red spot on the neck. A young lady slopped through the side walk, at Cairo, Illinois, a day or two ago nnd injured her leg. She declares that should anything serious result to her limb from the accident, she would sue the city for iil 00,000, fcir.ee her leg is worth to her every cent of the money. She seems to have a fooflight appreciation of tho value of the injured member. ihev have got an luocli Ardcn case down at Danville, iu this State. A sup posed widow of a soldier in that place well known and respected by the com munity, some time ago married a worthy man, with whom she has been living happily. But. lo and behold ! a few days ago she received a letter from her former husband m which ho informs her that he will be home, aud claim his rights in tho house. A rather unpleasant st'jte of af fairs certainly. The Pittsburg Gazette says a trip by daylight, th rough tho States, enables us to speak with some delinitetiess as to the crops. All sorts of fruit seem to bo in uncommon abundance. Wliilo tho grass is heavy, tho liny, though abundant in quantity, will bo deficient in . quality. The wheat fields present a deep red ap pearance, indicating ripeness, though wo observe no fields iu which tho labor of gathering had been commenoed. l?yo is standing well, and turning yellow, while tho oats, in deep green, are just showing their heads in process ot formation. Corn is decidedly backward. Very little of it is as high as it should beat this sea son, and much of it is of a sickly hue, by reason of water standing in great patches ujion the fields, or too liberally saturating the soil. Potatoes are mostly in full bios som, and have a healthy look. East of tho mountains, tho wheat and hay harvest have begun iu earnest. In many locali ties a largo part of tho wheat has been cut, and'is in good condition." Every where tho work of tho farmers 'has been thrown too much together by the peculi arities of the 6easop, nnd some of it will consequently have to bo slighted. Still, after making all reasonable deductions, the harvest thorought the Stato promise to be ubovo the average, and ys likely to be secured in a better condition than was anticipated a 'furluijht ago. man on no Ohio tug-boat had his foot neatly and instantaneously taken off by tho anchor cable the other day. Tho Luf liprii OnsKitvKii is out in favor of lay preaching, wherever it can bu done with out interfering with tho prerogatives of tho divinely appointed ministry. Tho tecessity of personal effort in calling tho attention of sinners to tno woru ol salvation, is forcibly presented in a recent editorial in that paper. Tito National Methodist Camn-Meetinir will bo held next yenr at a place near Long Jrnlgo, IS. J., tin the Shark River, in the southern part of tho State. A tract of one hundred and thirty-seven acres has been se cured, and negotiations uro in progress for enough laud adjoining to make up five hun dred acres, witn over a nnlo ol sea Irout. Rev. A. S. Vorral, of Lexington, Ohio, proposes to issue a monthly religious maga zine, devoted to Hip delenso and proposition of tho Baplitt faith and practices and tho cultivation of personal piety, when ho shall receive one lltousnnd subscribers, at l?z SO each. Mr AVotrel will be aided in his work y a number of the best writers of his de nomination. Church Sews ami Miscellany.; Tho Connecticut Legislature has jriven tho rank of Captain to its militia clmphiins. 1 no Kev. Unpt. Jiucks will preach, etc.,' announces tho Register. A Sivedetiborgian Soeietv has been formed iu . Poughkeepsio. Rev. K. R. Keyes preach es for it. Tho meetings are held at the Tem perance Hull, aud a Sunday School has been organized. There nr probably not fewer than one hundred colored men uow iu Rome preparing lor tno iiomau Ualholic priesthood. The majority of them will become teachers of the trceuuieu of tho South. The Lutherans are more numerous in Min nesota than the members of any other reliiri Otis denomination. 'J his is owing to the pre ponderance of Germans nnd Scandinavians in the population of the Stule, they foiniinir the larger proportion ol tho members of the sect. A new Jewish synagogue, culled Saaray rilihi, or ''Gates of 1'raver,'' has been com pleted in New York city, ill a cost .of j?l2."i,- uuu. ine congregation adopt the orthodox creed, and the men sit in the body of the cutiren (luring service, while the women oc cupy the galleries. Rev. Dr. Hamilton, of Oakland, Cal., wl was recently dismissed from the Presbytery becauce lie taught that n man could lepeut nnd be forgiven after death, has au indepen dent Presbyterian Church full to overllon inir with those who ain-ee with him in sentiment. It is rumored that a project is entertained ot establishing an Urthodox Jhissitui Episco pal See at PeUin, the capital of the Chinese Empire. Thus would be realized tho idea formerly conceived by Peter the Great, but which it has been found impossible to execute down to the present day. ADVERTISEMENTS I j"'"' J' j J-i uni-ia i luiuuain ll? i A II.1 .A it I ? li' A T PUipllV Tlu' tmhacrihord oiler Tor sulu the AW ILL In Jlcimczutto towushlj) lntu the properly ol tho Deu- COAL AND IRON COMPANY- The luililiim i lx"S fret, nud contains all Hie neces sary liiucliiiK'i'y lur a SAW MILL. BOILKliS AND ENGINE (never used) nUo fiirsiilii. Tho lioili-rrt nro "II fuel lou and SO iuclios lu diiuuo lor. Ttio Eiijduu la Fifty Horse Power, ALSO -Ou 3 3VS O IS 23 ?3 "X C iJ for s:ilu. Tle properly will lie poM 'opetliiT, or the mtuhiiu'iy wl'l be t;iki-n (till :ni.l r-old .-t'oci-ule. This U nu excellent cliauco lor purticd desiring lo purvluisti a MILL PKOPEllTY, and nd i;V!-.-Uciit od -hIiil' fur ft Tnuiipry The propi r 18 will In! -'old in ii lnUL'.'iin, in Uio pruprlutuM, being lion i-.-r--iduiiiiJ, liiuu no n.-ic lor ii. For full d.uticnluid address U. C. 1IAUVEY & CO., Lock Haven. June lLlSu'.l. tf JEW GROCERY & PROVISION STORE. NO. 3- L. A- PENNY'S NEW BLOCK, Fourth Street The fliilMoribor has just established a Grocery and Provision Store ut tlte ubove mentioned place, whet ho iiiWiid- to kevjj a full stock of 1'lour, Feed, Cora Meal, Pork, Hums, Pish, Suit, Tend, Cokees, buparw, feyruiw and MolawK1, Hicu, Sak-ratiw, Pcpik.t and fc pa-erf, nud, iu fact, evLTythiriK usually found iu Lirooery and Provi sion Htorua. All of which will bo Bold ut tho Lovt Cash Prices. )iy close attontion to business, fuir and honest dealings with my customers, 1 kopo to merit a bkaro of public patioxiago. DANIEL PRITTON. May 27, 1868, 10U Emporium, Pa. AV 11Y NOT J1AKK MONEY With our Stencil mid Knv Chuck Oiitllt, and fiv delir? Novel and iiilinclivo articles 1 BTAiTOKD 311'(i. CO. lit) l-'uliou Hi., N. Y.' . 4t THS CHEAT INDIAN BLOOD guvitict: IT IS AN EXTRACT OF BARKS OXLY. 'tdajiranled. WILL CURE Liyer Complaint, Dyspepsia,' Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Coujhs- Colds, Chills & Fever, Fever Sores, Vilooti gUraecs. Sold l7 Oruggiita. J. P. FELT, Ccji'I AytHl, K0.7U A lit II ST., PHILADELPHIA. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo is natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at onco agreeable, healthy, aud effectual for preserving tho hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its origi7ial color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its iiso. Nothing can restore tho hair where tho follicles aro destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can bo saved for usefulness by thi3 application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hair from turniug gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous aud injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can. bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dyo, it docs not soil whito cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy' luslro and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PBICB $1.00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For DisSnses of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. ProliaWy never" beforo in tlio whole history of tiii'ilii-int', lias iinytliinj? won so widely nnd so deeply upon the conliiteiR-e of mankind, ua this excellent ruined v lor pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, nnd amoiiK most of tho races ol men it has risen uiiihcr and hinhor in their estima tion, ns it has liecome better known. Its uniform character and power to euro the various nll'cutions of the hnifts aud throat, have made it known as n re liable protector nuainst them. While adapted to milder forms of di-ease and to yotniK children, it is nt the same time the most cfl'ceUial remedy that can be Riven for incipient consumption, nnd tho dan gerous all'ections of Hie throat and lungs. As a pro vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand iu every family, nnd indeed as all nre sometimes subject to colds and coughs, ull bliould be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Comtitmpliun is thought in curable, still great numbers ol eases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, nnd tho patient restored to sound health by tho Vhrrrif J'eetontl. So completo is its mastery over the disorders of tho Lungs nnd Throat, that the iw)st obstinate of them yield lo it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry I've tvral they subside and disappear. Sturfrra and l'ubllo &jvalivrs flud great pro tectioii from it. Atlima is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. ltronehitl is generally cured by taking the t'hrrrtf 1'vctoral in small nnd frequent (loses. So generally nro its virtues know n that wo need not publish the certitleates of them here, or do more tluyii assure the public that its qualities are fully muiutuuicd. 4-yer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Actus, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Ilemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o., and indeed all tho affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. As its nnme Implies, it does Cure, nnd does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Itismulii, Zinc, nor any oilier mineral or poisonous substanco whatever, it iu nowiso injures any patient. The number and importance of it s cures iu tho ague dis tricts, aro literallv beyond account, and wo believe without a parallel iu tho history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratillcd by the acknowledgments wo receive of tho radical cures effected iu obstinate cases, ami w hero other remedies hail wholly failed. TInacelinialetr persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic, localities, will bo pro tected by taking tho AiiVE C Villi daily. For J. I err Complaint, arising from torpidity of the I.iver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the I.iver into healthv activity. For liillous Disorders nnd Liver Complaints, it Is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Tu. .1. C A V lilt & Co., I'raetical nnd Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., uud told uU round tho world. 1'ltICli, $1.00 l'EIt HOTTLE. Thelast mW Success, Hair dressM BY ITS USE k Gray or Faded Hair is quiouly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first aiiplication a IcauliM gloss aud delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. For Sole by all Druggititii. DEPOT removed from Greenwich St. to C5 Barclay fct. fc 40 Turk I'luce. AGENTS WANTED FOttTHE ecrets OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL, ' The most startling, instructive and entertaining book of the duy. Bend for Circulars, aud see our terms. Ad dress C. S. 1'UBLISaiNU CO., ill Broome street. New ulSU 3i90 ,iI DAY. -Agents wanted everywhere. Sam i. pie lor two stamps. -Address July 2-' liAli:'i' k Co., Cleveland, (Ijiio. Sighrsl s hOO, LAND'S GERMAN UTTERS, UV'I HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, VliEfAHKIl 111' . ' M. JACKSOX Pnit.tnM.riin, l't. The venirtl bto xvn remedies for Liver Complaint, iDYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Disrnses of tho KMneys. . ERUPTIONS of th? SKIS, (iikI nil I)lene ni-llii fi-um it rls Oldci d l.lrrv, Hloiimrli, or iMi-i itm- or tiiio jr.oti. Pwtl Hit Wouir' sim''"'"'. f V" ""' yiuir jw.-ni it 'ipfli't I'll "ii'l " Ihrm, 'mi mttl rt 'wuiirftl Vwt id'vl.w . v.mn:ivlifrl Hit itllnr!,- im t't mntl impM hnit t.r rms i" r hit.'!, mut vitl,:'t snnn i7i,-.v,( ,, I',,- ,- ,, ;i'.i"i r-"I"'''-.', " " UJ'r, so m ta'ininxliii'j in tir. ith, will In: the rt.mil- Constipation, Flntnli-noB, Tnwnrrl Piles, i'ul ii -mo! Blood to I no Head, Ac.niil of tho Nt.omHoh, IMiiuHon. Henrt bnrn, Dii;hkI lor Food. J.'iiinoo.i or WoiKht in tho Hti.tnnoh, , l.litur liruijl ill ioiui. r-' i nl - inn; or Fluttering at tho Hit of tvio Htomnoh, Mwirriminf? of thn H owl. llni riod or W.lH iuIt Tlreat h m;, r'lutlfi-'ntf at lhn lionet, CJ'iokins or iiltocalin, ti josat ionn when in a I i.viir.' Po.-.ture. iliiniiov.s ul Visiuti, X) l rt or vVet btrturo i lie biKllt D ill Pain in tho IKiul, l.-,.Ji-cicn.:y 'if lV'i'tMiii-.i' ilii'i, Yoi lownn.ss ot til-J ftiwu iuul 1'lVIM. JIUtl 111 tllO bl'lO, Hark, IJiioNl, Tiiml-is. i-lu., Sud den t'lu.ii-!S of lli'iii, TiuriiiiiK in tlio Ji'losli, Consirtut Jiii;ii;inii;;s' of Evil, and Urent Doprobbi jn ol liJirils. AU th :' hi.li-Mt,- iur "f th Liv r of IHyKilivt Uryiltt., vum'iitii il iviili intj'Htr Iti'tirl, IpoFuwVc. German Cillers I (ii( 1 14-1 vi-hi- ti 1)1 1 , Mil imf a f its no 1 1 ii or. J ! li i v on ii I of Kl ultl Kx 1 i-ur I . 'V Ii' M oo. h, 1 1 : ii lift If ii rli from wlilri Hum,' rxti urtu r mmle h if iriu h rl t ii i:ni. t j AM 1 1 iit'ilici iihI virtue nre ; . nt 1'nint tlietii Uy n m it- n 1 1 fiv c li . ... i . 'J'lihe fXlnuls nn; liirn i'oi'tvn til 'l lo llil con ol vy it hv ii-imI ps pri-otsly Tor llits in it ii ii i n-1 ii vv ol' t in' tlHivv. Tin? rtt in no nlro loin: ii!-siuiii- of nuy kliitl tic I'll I i i:om -join ml i tliv Itll i vrn lieiii'n ii In tin- only Hlilrin I tin I, can In- lust l In ra vm nhnf nlr.uUoliu all in ill n til h are not ml v Inn bit. tjoofl'.inb's aThut (Tonic iVfi ftivibiti'ttton of thf. iiifrirtitntH uf lit?. Jiiftrrx, fi7( I'l'ili: Siit'i t't 'l? ,'mii, tlrttn:i 4tr, f n,tl J't-r th-: iiw '(.' r.sf' hh tlf Jiifti r, in atst'ii tvh-n' snil jHffV itfattmli.' f'iiHitl'i it; rfijuin-'l. )tt fill Itrnr in tuiwi Ih'U '.'. rriifiiin itr: eiinifty ilitti'ivut fntitt any aftmrg ttifn t'ii&d r the cure of thf, di.Mvn n-niift, fC.'f b'in;i yri-ntitir prrfwratinnit of ntr'Hciwil extra (!., lottilti thf ot ' uyp. mrm ftu,r.tiun of rum in mini-' form . 7V T jN il! isf viihtlii nw of the mur.t ptnistittt viol f u'rV VfUtrdiftt of', r,;l to tltt )in'ili' ll.s tn te .' rrtfoisit?. Ii i a ph-nsurc to tak. it, if'iHt; l7' l' ''!"'' "!'t r-rhi!tii;itihtf "nd mrdiriioil tfiotlit' i hart: otun-d ti to lscmhtt-nvn do i.'tt ynalcst of ull I'.oti. COHSUfflPTIOH. Tlioiiftnuil h ii f r k fr v!ii' u ihv pn lli-iii Mitos-L lie wan iiftf tcii-d ti(n I Ii in (rri-liMt it I. - -it mi-, Imvo jm'iii t'.iiri-il liy f lie ti hi- of l lie we rem ('(lie. lt reme t mite i .1 ' ion, ilehilliy, unci eottli mo I In, it mi ii 1 n i t eml i ill ft ii pon he ve re e use of l ywjM )Kla ot il ist-itse of I lie tliK!" ' v oi y i!s. I i ve ti In ee of p; i ii ti I ne 'on n in pt I on, I bene reined It-a ivlil lie tonntl of I lie renlent. Ix-iicllty bi rcni iicnln a tiiixl In v igui utin DEBILITY. ffrf. is nn jufdin'n-. equal to IfnnflmuVs (termnn flitters or Toiii'' in at- of ih-biliti. Thry imuirt a toio: owl roor to whole, gystem, vtmuitlo n the fflitet rnuse, on fiijiofiiir-iif of the fooil, rnuhfr (hft ttt'tit'i 'h to tlitfrst. il. purify ttf. hlood, pi re a ff'tod, goi.nd, healthy compter ion, vradiftte the, pilhuo tiiiff front the t ir, impuri a Uo-.m to the cheeks, nnd dnnojt uu pat tad f'i out a I'lort-brtatitcti, emaciattd weak. Weak and Delicate Children nre inmlv hIi-oiik '.' iimIiis Ale IlltK-vs ir iimii:. In fuel, lln-y'iii-e J'iimily IlJrilU- iiii-M. 'l'llt-y euii Tie ailiiilillsl il Willi pi rl. I Kiit, ly lo n cliilil Uli i to inoiiliii. i.lil. I lie moot tlelU-nlv tclnulc, Di-a man ol' iiiiii-1-. . 'J'.'itr.c A'- ntri(its art thf best J Wood lMii-illei-s fivi- 7.- j'ni-f, ami witl viwi: all Uimws r?stdlia finm (Mil ,..,.- Knp ii'itt,' lilo'nl junr ; .-'-.-i ytntr .iivr i wvhr; k-yp ; llf ili'JfS'ii'C i, rutins in a ftUlt,i, It'olfr rdli.,- Ii'-ih, . .i- ii..-.- nj rci,tiiV-ii, and nu (ui:n; lull ire;-u.ia! ijnu. w mim m mm mut i m I.iili: lio itUli n t'alr sklti fiml fonil eoiiiili-xlnii, tVt-e IViim 11 i-11ii .li I iur it nd nil i,l Iii-i- itlslturi-iiit-iil, nliiiiil.1 iit- i;mc i-i-iiii-il 1,-H ornihloiiw nil.-,-. '1'iu- I.ii-crlii K-i'iVi-l iii-ili-i-, .iiitt I lie lilniiit iu '-, il l icnlt In iiaik llHo ej i- and lilooiulng uiiccj.s. lt-i-!himl'x t;,mtn Jtm.tii,g lira rminh-rfritnl. Tin- ,,.;i,iii l:.u: ll fi,,,,,,!,,,;. f J), ,,'.,-.,1 oil II,.- J, -m,t ., II, ,f,;,- -,,,!,- ,.,., I,l,l.: ,i,t l'n ti.nnf .;' (In: at tLIc bltiiru in t-uti bnUU. Allotlttrl are amid, reit, 1'lioiia:iiiU at liilrn 1m v lieeil reived, I call r in 10 IU inlitt ol llie.e rt iiictilc-a. A READ TnE EHOOMMENDATIONS." Fltliil IIOX. UKO. W. WOODWAKD, CliK f JilMl'.'o of the Siiincine Cum t of I'L-niiy liaiilu. 'LMLAliEU'llll, M.llltll ICt Ii, 1507. I. find "lliuilnnitt On .:; HiUi-rt" in wit an iuliix iciiiimj ii-i'. i-.Ke, l,ul is u iih,.' Until-, usr lid in limn--ii-i-x ij, Hit. di,,,IUv. ,,1-iint.i, nihi uf ip-iut brwfu in c.i.-vii d-.bililj and nvnt of i, ream udiau in Us tynti.nl. Ymtrn ImhA, UKO. If. WOODWAKD. FltHM HON. JAMKS TIIO.MI'.lN, Jmljji- uf this SniUDiin; Cum t of Pi-ihikvIvhiiU. 1'llll.tnci.l'llM, AlMill. 25th, lNOH. I 1 1'lkr Iluoflaml't i i luail l!H- u i-niKift,'.- tiii-ilii-inr In ta.e of al. Ini ksur" IiilllKrKiloii. or 1 iepla. I can certify 1UI1 from my tiiieilcjict ufit. Vour., (I ll h l--KM C, J.V.HKS 'l'110.111SO.. From UKV. JOSKl'II It. KEXNAltD, D.D, I'list.ir of tho Ti-nlh JtuptUt Clillich, lliiliullilii. Ull..U(KsoNIltAR Pin -.Ilnn-e b,. frinnnin, rr.. H,mi,d In rnnnnt my rwmr. vith r-m,iii,',i ,,l,ilini dijjii-v.il kiluu i,l m.dicine,ltt repaid, ng I In- pradkt "' "l'l-"in "d- rphi-rr, I bun in all Lu de Min d; bid willi a ctmr v, ui,f in rariuut hmlauca, nnd ;.i rjiciiliirli 1 , imwii.tn m il,,, nfll,rufifssf In UitiJIand i Uermun UUUi;, J .,-,i,irt.i-'iic fmm inn usual rourtr, la rs,,mi my nil c,, ,.,,-( tliat I mwn .K-I.il i ly ot t li .vt .,i,i, h ml c,ivi;llv fu- Limr CoiiiMUIht.it is h Kilo mid i-iiluiihle iiii-niiraiini, jn imne cast, it may luit ; vsualli,, I dmilil ,it, it ,0m be very bcmfi,-il lo (, ,;,, ,u,r,f u caiucs. 1 aurs, wry rcspn-.l fully J. II. K'KXSAIW, 'itldt, bdvw Cuatcs St Price of the Bittors, $1.00 pot bottle Or, a half dois9n for $5.00. Vrico of the Touio, $1.50 por bottle j Or, a half dozen for $7.60. Nit Tunic Ik 'ii t up In quui t butlloj. ; u'TrtT, """ U v- "Tll""d'' !'m"' n-'Htdit, that ait. m uuwertally Um-d and ,n l.i.ji.l,, ,-,,,,,. ,d ; and do tint allnii) the UruyjUl l in dTJt ynu. to take any th,,,,, e; that k may Zy itjtl u, V,miJ m?t" " lur,Jrr "'"-tU "" " "" ittJdin to tl Ual"1' l V'i riUXCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, js--.. tar a iteir s ri;i:t:r, inade.ipi,ia. CIIA8. M. EV4K3, Proprietor, Furmcily 0. K. JACKSON k CO. Thee Kemediea Bre for sale by lJiiiKll, Sionke-ier, uud MtUU tiiie oulci c vci ) wlit ie. JM ualfiiryet to examine unit tlu article you buy in trder Ui wl the atnnine. y, m OBD-8 NEKVIKE DID ITT ,EW Lt-'D0i Cokh., AprU 28, 1S6H. Hemembehed FmBMui-I thouaht it well to wLit S;ifJt11ra.T,beC,ldoI fur 80,116 time, under the tiuiitnuint of the new medicme, aud am liaiipy to tell yu Uiat 1 am gottrng better-eveu futr than when v" 1 wore here. 1 eommouoed Hie use of DOl 1 1 1'S N i UVlS' 1- w;hRtc5;rfrJy.dvisi,,i'ff,na to wis f isir. SoiYlia I d oal,1w'llk lr"" my W to the chair, fty K.l o( ,V0t'Ue5tlrcmeP'im ia ie head, and h.u W,ni1i,'U' lmlri to ,ve Dy "lif. 1 am now able ui go uu aud dowo itiuni, and am daily iniurovinir. I dLt'1,."18 KKMVINK'Umi Lent mediefn "ier "Sin! ., aud uaU contmue iu use, for I am ooutideut uf turn -- fiiVry,.iI,"'V,it'lk,!no"1y iHittie aud wouii not he without it on any awouut July 22 Vl, Uu,y MnB. I. S. Kut,.
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