Local and Miscellany. T'i2MC Illdgtvai., Erie Express East 12:45 a. m. do do Wcsl 3:31a m. Jo Mn il Fast 6-.") p. m. . do do West 8:10 p. m. Local Freight East 9:1(1. m. do d1 West 6;30 p. m. Elk tol08, A. T. M. Stated merlincs of Elk Lnd.ee will be held at tlioir hull on thi second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WI11TM0RE, Sco'y. I. 0. 0.7. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. l!;fi, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Room. W.- C. TiNiu.i!, Secy. AGS NTS rtH THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons tire nuthorir.ed ..rgenls for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, tukc pay therc fo:' and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai,rnicn, J. L. Brown. Knne. Frank W. Mckcr. .1 jlinsonaburg. Isaac Haoas. Marys. Chas. McVean. Cciitreville. Ho.urR 11. Lkaoii, Maj. Bibee. iiloiloriia. W. T. S.Mi'ii, I!. A. Wei:i. B nnczctte. .Ions C. B.uin, J. IV. Bucwn. S'.-iwmut. John Fabrkl Sprit, g Creek. A. AV. tnviu. I' iirhland. I.vi Fi.i.nriinnr:?. IBrrfon. D. 0. Otmkb. N. M. Biik.kwav. J'lntai;. C. W.STEBBENS, Per.tis', will bo iu Ridgway during the coming eyurl week. n3-sl. .A t.farxjti doctor rclcrring to tight l-icitSr'.vci'tH tliit il iii .1 public benefit, inas much iic it kills a.l the foolish girls ar.d leaves n'l the wire ones ti grow tip to be women. Thk Wol,;h have a saying llial if a vo iii.iu was in quick wil'i her foot as wi h her tongue she would cr.'.cli -lightning ouotii.li to l'fht the fire In tho morning. Gobby. (rudcy's Lady's for A i'.p'ift i ) ii ti ,ur table, filled us usual wi h miller invaluable to ev?.y lady. Goodey l.Ke r. i-e.. improves with ngc. C.-TUNF.IJ The ucti.iu of the Con vention "Inch rndor-k.l Kiir'.ty, is fi:s a i:x J I'V ;'c '.' :ete, Ihc orgin of il.c Bem-eruc;', Mi i.v all (he De.aoc-alic towns in i h l- ci.uniy. H iv e,i:i (he Legislative Cou.en'l j:i c.et over !!...( fa-.. I J ltt.iH'niATKD iVahice septrw to bo an obnoxious to the Democracy Ihrniighout the Si. us, as he is at home. He wn snubbed by the State Convention, ly clt'eling his rival. Jl'i-ikiltiv, Cli lirm.iu , -ud tefu&i-ig ;o reappoint Jiiui Chairman of the Slate Committee. The pa! tu (,'f supttioiity is f-.wt.rijeu to Mr.. S. A. Allen f;.r her improved (inu- :.'dc 'Ijair Bvitarer or Dresi'ng, (in on' bvUle) and n i i;i i o: iil piiblic appreciate. (he very low price ''no U j liar. Every Brur;i-t xtiU it. PktRu's ' Musical Mjni.li'y " for July bns tiiade its appearance, and i a v, (.leome viris.-. Tliis number wntalns sumo Eve or Mx. p(-. j .ilar Ktnga, toifbr with (,i:arits, i;i hlrui! cn'.il i.;u: ie, rei iing made:', tin. Ad. lr-i.i J. I: I'EFERS, V.IS Oinvtwny, X. V. Ti.'i: Copperliciils, at h r'-cnt clcoiior. in 'irj:i'i!a, t:t nr j .curcceitt.it in rl'Riing hi ve-,;' r.ifgroea to ih:i t.eiElaUire in tii.'ii S'ste. I'.v v.'sy ;kf roiuraiii.' l!in omplinu-nl ninny o! i '.. l:, '..iej vutcd Ihe ''ipp..rtie;.d Sstit Ticket, i.ini piiva Ibr.t party a niaj'.i'uy in buh 1ji:i ii- li s of ihe Leislnl ure. Truly iko nur'id i::ivis. Tun L: r,isL.Ti;iiE. We olsorvo that I'r. ( . U. Eiuiy hr.s enrrird JM; county for Afsecil.ly. As ll;e cnndidalc is eoiioed.d to Elk, bi.ta Forent nud Ceuiueld ha,!ng had it, i i- I ir-vme II i Early iii he ihe next member. Vhi i will be a &erimi3 dUuppoini menl to Iho V'.,i a,T cliijue, as they fond y hoped Ihe Serin-toi-'n l ..ii.mg .iobn G. Hall would be nomi iii'.'.!. If we ikimi have a Copperhead in tlii-j 1 ;.-t i-ii i, we prefere it should bo t'r. Earley to n.s'.y rrhors we cuuld name. Ratmaii'e Jn:r::nt. SO.METFI1NC NEW! l!ox ro :niy l'llIZK BOXES. Ka.;h box is filled with a new and Afsoricd J'h.viiv.d Candy, and every box contains - PIITZT One of the following arli-olt-s : Gold and dilver wutches, watch chuius, Indies, mid gent's breast pics, blecve buttons, fir. )i. c.rr rings, charms, &o. They retail at 2- iiMMs. For sale by J. R. B.UI51), Ridgway, Tn: Mli wing is from Godty's Lady's '.r v.l.i.-h may be considered good authority uj.cn m.i jli subjects. ' Oa!y villngera or persons with rural ideas any luner content that ladies ehall always be jriveu the inside of the pavement in pausing. Tho rule adopted in the cities is lo turn to the right, whether the right leads lo tho wall or to iho gutter, and an observance of this common sense ruin would obvmle much uuplecfcant ' jcrouging ' ly over-galluut young gentlemen -bo persistently crowd for the outside of the walk. Ann her common custom, and required by fashionable etiquette, and which is nearly hh inexplicable and abiord as Iho pracSce of a whole string of lueu filing out of a church pew, making themselves as ridiculous as an awkward squad 1 practicing at catching slep,' in ofder lo give a woman the wrong end of the pew, is that of a man, whon on a prome nade or walk with a lady, to keep himsel,' on the outside of the pavement. " A little eser oise of ju Igement w ill convince any person of the utter usclesnness of this bobbing back and forth at every corner. The common rule is this : If a man and woman are walking, she should always ba at Lis right arm, whether it bo (owards the inside or outside of the walk ; then Ihe wuina- will not he shoved against the passers." Correspondence. Our friends of tho Democratic pet suasion nppcar to be in a bad way. The split between tho Ridgwoy faction and what they call the 8t. Mary's ring n not yet healed, nor does it ?ecm likely to be rery soon. The article in our Inst issue stirred up the Ridgway party as thoroughly as though they had stumbled upon a fall grown hornet's nest, and ever since they have been buzzing arounl speculating largely as to the author. We never have been ablo to sec (he ring they speak of as existing in St. Marys, but there is a very palpable one here in Ridgway, and we fully believe lhat the democratic m ajority of the county have taken a contract, to break it up1 The fight is a very pretty one as it stands, and to us who are merely a " looker oi in Venice," i'. affords a great deal of fun. ' We cannot look out upon the street but we sec some of the soro heads who fear that between stools men (meaning thoso who for the last few years have divided the loaves and fishi!s) will fall to the ground. We are sufficiently a democrat to believe in the Jaeksonian theory of rotation in office and are thoroughly glad there is a prospect of n change. Bo far as right is concerned, Ihcre is no doubt that it is on Ihe sido of the couven licn held in the evening, or ns the ring folks say, the bolters convention. Our neighbor o? the Gazette publishes only tho proceedings of the evening convention, at least wo have been unable to discover any other, and we fc-ir thai if they of Ihe ring find such a report they will have lo slmd on their heads to do it. Gamblers whon ilicy " put up a job " on a gvceney, take gor.d care not to talk of .t cut side, or where there is a possibility of i.s be coming kaown, but the ring confident in their strength, composed though it is of played out poliliciaus whose influence extends no farther than Highland or Spring Creek, talk publicly of the way in which they fooled the " Dutch." Considering that Ihe sli'fngth of the Demo cratic vote lays in St. Maryp, Bcnzinger and Fox, we think they should be more careful as as lo the manner in which they express cither oxullatien or disgust.. Go in gentlemen, fight (he Dutch, fight the Irish, we cau s(.ind il as long as you, knowing full well that when " rogues full out honest men gel their dues," Let us give you a little honest closing ad vice. Cf me down from yourhigli stand point, submit lo what you wall know lo be the will of the large majority of Ihe Democracy, and although we will cot pledge ourselves to vote with you, we will nt fume future lime, when your characters for pjlitiof.l honesty recover their lone, say a good word for you mid per hups assist you to get some small township 'jf.icc to help satisfy your cravings for p5wer. F-y a judicious course of conduct for a bang (crm of years you might some of you get cleeled constable, audi. or, or even supervisor, but your d:sho;ics(y in (lie lato convention was so open, H igraiit and notorious, (hat we do nol believe that you stand Ihe ghost of a chance hefore the people of the county. Hon. J. B. Nkl ton, o( Emporium, Pa., savs : ' I have received more benefit from the ' Maeamoose ' than from ar.y cine of the kind lever used." other medl: Ckn Guant cxprcs?l t) a friend the other day, thai he felt ihnt Gtn Geary would carry Pennsylvania by a larger majority than before, thai Gov. Geary w as .a S'.ldlcr and si.-.tifcruau, and that the .KeysMnc flute never bad a Governor that was more true and faith t'nl to her best interests. DIED- . In Ridgway, June "Oih, of disease of 'he br.iin, DORA-, only daughter of lie v. L. Little, apt" tour years nail eifclH nionins V ALUABLE BINE" LAXDS FOR SALE. J lie valuable '.im Timber lands know ns the IKiWB, BLAKE. & Co, lands, about fw'in'1 neri. l.viug on Blvsmi Run, and Mill Cretk, in Clariuu nud .li liifisjii comities, and i'or sale will b sold in one lot. or in lots of ieaou hie size to suit pui chasers Term? I.ibovnl- Apply to the subsCiiher at American Ibime Brookville, l'a. HARRISON BLAKE. Brcokville, July 10, 18:.'J. ti'.jm l. jORlOX HO CSS, KUIE. PA M. V. Moore. (Jute of the llydv IIum) Proprietor. Open. Day and Nilit- n.SOtf. LIST of Gniiidaud Tiaverso Jurors drawn for August term 18011. GRAND Jl R-'ttS. Benezette. II- D. Derr, Monroe Moore, J&s. W. Brown. Bcnzinger. Francis Cassidy. Jos. Kerner, Charles Bitter. Fox. W. S. Hamblen, Peter Banzart, I'rochosus Thompson, Wni. Wood, Hiram Hewitt. Highland. Robt. J. Campbell. Horton. Geo. Funk. Jay. Jos. Dill, Josiali W. Mead. Jones. F.Wonk. Ridgway. J. V. Houk, A. Thompson, J. Vanorsdnll. Spring Creek. H. R. Moote. St. Marys. Geo. Ed. Weis, Louis Garner, Daniel Scull, Chas. Weis. Til. VKI1FE Jl'BOns. Benezette. J W Winslow, David S Johnson, Ellis Lewis, Jacob English, Edward Fletcher, J . O. Johnson. Benzingtr. Geo. W. Ralhbun, Michael Lswler, Andrew Kaul, Phillip Kraikle. 1 ox. Geo. B. Taylor. N. O, Butdy, Kllias Moyer, Michael Gillen, Stephen Hays, R. M. Bennett, Robt. Thompson, James Farusworth, Thomai Btirchfield. Horton, Patrick MoCready, Daniel Phelan, Harvey Parsons. Juy. A. VY. Gray, Zenas Webb, Win. P. Luce, A, Turley, E. F. Morey. Jouet John Marsh, CiSdfrey Wonk, Michael Dill, Jacob C Meffert, A 1 Wilcox. Ridgway. -D S Luther, W C Healy, Thos A Neil, Jus Rickarl, Nathaniel T Cumiaiugs, Robt V Kime. Spring Creek. David Kennedy. St. Marys. John Butch, Juo Freendel, Chas Ames, J S Bates, John It Aides, Thos Zituet, Juo Weideuborncr. Vim Bruiulf, Adulph Fotcliman. Tue Aiivucatb bus the iurgust circulation in the county, and it the best advertising medium. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS M TANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RE- Just published, a new edition of Dll. CCLVERWELL'S CELEB HATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of Sri.RM atorriio?a, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoi rkct, Mental and Phisical Incapacity, Impediments lo Marriage, etc ; also, Cos stiMTioN. EriLsrsv, and Fits, induced by self indulgonce or sexual extravagance. B.-yPrice, in a scaled envelope, only B cents. Tho celebrated author, in Ibis admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practic, that, tho alarming consequonees or scli anuse niny Do rnuicaily cured withonl Iho dangerous use of internal med'eine or the applicalion of the knife j pointing out a mode of cure nt once simple, certain, nnd effectual, by means or, wlncli every sufferer, no inntter what his condition mav lu, may cure himself oheaply, privately, and railiitnli't. PirifT'liis Lecture should be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwcll's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cent ?. Address the Publishers. ClIAd. J. 0. KLINR a Co., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Oflice Box 4,i"iSH. " vlnSuyl. GHERirF'S Q A LE, By virtue of Sundry writs of Fieri Faciv issued out cjf tho Court of Common Fleas of Elk County, nud lo me directed, I w ill expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court ifo.ise in Bidgwuy on Monday, August 2d, 1809. at 1 o'ciock P. M. the following described properly, lo-wit : All the right, title, interest, claim and de mand of ihe defendent in and lo all that piece or purelo of land situated in Spring Creek township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and dc'cribed as follows: Beginning at the Clarion river where ihe old coun'y line (the western boundary of said county; crosses the same; Thence norlh i'A E. one hundred nnd seventy-three perches to a maple. Thence south 7f E, two hundred and stx perches to a hemlock ut Chiriou river ; Thence down said river by its several meandering to the place of beginning, being the eastern part of tract No. 10-12, and contaiuing six hundred and three acres, be the same more or less, and has erected thereon one lo house twenty feet long nud eighteen feet, vide, also onn frame barn thirty feet long and twenty-five feet wide, ond of said laud about, ten acres has bctn im p.ovcd, ALSO. All that certain tract of land bounded and described as follows : Begin ning at a post On the north line of Iract num bered twcnty-tiiro huudred nnd forty-two ("'J-ll! ; ) 1 hence south one hundred perches to a post, thence east one hundred and seventy perches to a beech ; Thence north one hun dred perches to a hemlock ; Thence west one huudred on.l seventy perches lo ft post, the place of beginning: Containing one hundred acres more or less, of which about twenty acres has been im proved nnd has twenty bearing fruit trees growing thereon. Al-o one log house twenty four feet long and twenty feet wide and one story high, and one log barn forty feel long ami thirty feet wide, has been creeled on said 'nnds. Seized nnd taken in execution as the prop erty of Jeremiah Eiliott and to be nold by JACOB MeCACLKV.. Sheriff. Riigwoy, July 13th, W,'X n3"i3. rjnilOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of a power contained in a certain mortgage and decree made (hereon by the Chun oi Common Pleas of Eik County, Pa. Thomas Birch k Son, Auctioneers, will sell at the Exchange, in the city of Philadelphia, on TiiL't'.SlHY, July ".'ih, lSU'.i, at One o'clock, P. M. All the real personal property and cr-rpora8 franchises of " THK t-'llAWMET COAL COM PANY OF ELK CO.," consisting of ah nil seventeen miles of railroad, well b,;lle-led and in good order ; the fee (less the pine limber, ) in about live Ihr usan I live hundred acres of buil, and ihe mit'inz lights for all future time in about six hundred act 3 'additional uud ad joining. The above property is '.oeiled m Horton nr.d Ridgway townships, Elk County, Penasyl vania, and luMbei-n worUfl by Iho huwmut Coal Company for six years past. The Improvement consist of o'even work ing entries, with a lolal of about seven thous and feet of gangway ; seventy-seven dwelling houses, store and otliees. two "engine houses, turn-table, waier-tanka, steam euw-i:il'., gleam hob-ting apparatus, seieen, coal sihutes, coke uvi-ns. Imi'iis, cHi peuter uu-l blacksmith shops laborer's tlriuties, and nll lhe conveniences of a lirst-cluas colliery ; Ihreu six-wheel Buldwin freight engines, one passenger engine, two Gondola freight cars, dump cars, mine wagons, &.C ic. A iruiu will leave Sbawmut Junction, P. & E. It. U., daily, for the mines nt 6:20 P. M.. and passed can be had and a pamphlet giving a tun ami accurate description ot liie properly, real and personal, the quality of ihe coal and capacity of Ihe urines may be obtained by ap plication to tho auctioneers, or to tho under signed: CHAS. U. COTTIXG, V .M. C. END1COTT, No. 9 Tremout street, Boston, Mass., HENRY SOUTHER, Ridgway, Pa., Trustees Or, Capt. II. P. UOODllICH, Agent n3:iwl. Shawmut, Elk Co., Pa. T 1ST of causes set down for trial nl August Jej Term 1S0U of Elk Co. Common Pleas. 1. Coxo's Exr's vs Eug'.und & Brown. 2. Sorg vs Tecler el ab 8. 4..' 5. i. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 Conle vs Grotzinger et al. Webbvs Woodward. Lawrence et al vs Luhr ct al. Bowman vs Elliott. Mayhood vs Crispin. Hy de & Reed vs Woodbury. Wilhelra vs Benzitjger School Dist. Henry vs Same. Ysubiuband vs Tudor. Souther et al vs Thomas. Winslow vs Brown. Foster's Admr's vs Reed. Elliott vs Bowman, HI. Kelts vs Campbell. 17. Barnes vs Powell Adm's. 1H. Levy Adin'r vs Mulone ct al, lit, Sharpe et al vs Reed. 2(1. Moorheud vs Brown. Powell vs Smith. ' 21. 22 21. Reading et al vs Brown el al. i ebb vs Tozier. Teets vs Wellcndorf. Stevens vs Messenger. Wilcox for use vs Mead et al Trustees. 25. "i. Knigway vs Cummings. 28. Mijer vs Thayer. 2!. Burns for use vs Spring Creek Ip. 80. Eggleson vg Reed. 31 Collon & Kendigvs Kretz. 82. Ridgway vs Wilmartn. S.I. Hunt el al AdmrY vs Messenger. 84. Shall vs Same. GEO. A. RATH BUN.. Pro. 1 .ENVELOPES, LABELS k TAGS nemly 2j printed i t the Advocate- Olliec. RAILROADS. PUILADEUHIA ERIE BAILIMA.!). WINTER TIME TABLE. Thnyh and V.'rt R-wi-: I- : I FhUathJj'V", J!ii ''', -rc 'J i. o n e at oi j j a ; a i o a of Pennsy.lvaira. GLEO A N T SLKKl'IVG CA IIS . On all Night Trains. O N and after MONDAY. NOV. iTith. Ihc trains mi the -Philadelphia .4 Erij Railroad will run asfollows : . , wi.',sr,VM'r. Mail Train leaves I'liiindelphiii 10. -11 p. m. " ." " liilfwny ;:.-:i p. in. " " arrive at Lru fl.;; i ,,. ,. trie r.xp leaves 1 hil.nii-.plH,, 1 1 .,.) . . iv..jny .11 a. ni. " " arrive nt Hi ie J Ill ;) ) a. 1,1 : . B'.si i,Ai:t.. Mail Train leaves Brie 1 :..". a. m. ! t. . : fv .vii -,- it .1, p. im. .. an ire n I luI-:.i- :U 111) a. m. ; Brio fcxprcss lcnr.' i' to '! J", ,,. : " " " ' i-i:-.w.iy 1 .'. ' t :. i.t. , , f.r"'"1 ''"iladelpn.-; 1 :lij ;.. m. . ..1:111 nnu r.v(.-i-s tMun-ci v.i:i . .1 C, '. i; and Allejr'ieny h iven B.-iil Hold. Ij.V- I GAGE CUECKBD Ti' !50t'G II. ,- U.-.i 1.. 1 VI . ; Ui-ii-'vai .iii,j..'i-.i.;i-i-.-i.i'nt. , ( A LLEUIIEXY'VAl !.K l: ' 'lT Hn ii IV n -'-.. I , The only direct route to Pi!t:d ur,r n-r-i.-ri r--n , . I "" no -'i.eu.i.iy tua;iT ciiee.;eii nliout the WUlJOir CJIAAGE Or CAF.SUAuX uwC, --auSm3 iiii,a,;,m from Oil Cily. an 1 c tq li. Onand after Mm biy M.ij 31 ira:n' ' Mojt .-ironf nnd T.unp Semedi-s are will run as follows : " J cunp. s, d r t a:iod.Vni-s, whirdi nil ly ibe rough I'.ir n-.vhlle, but by ti-.eir con.ut-itiuing elite:.-;, G ,'IXG SoUTil. the lit. nrs ber-me l.ni-dcae-1. n-i the imiiea! hy Day Express leaves Oil City at 1(1 HI n ni , ""ids carut;. .,d t.w retained in the. syj Arriving at riUsburj at 5.11 p. m. I f'n canrmg d.sea.-e otyond the noutro! of our iigui i.xprrss leavts Oil l.ily at ' .i!-i p. in Arriving at Pitlsbui-g nt (1.30 &. m Mixed Way leaven Oil City at 7.20 a. m i.i . . .. . . . Arriviug-ut West Benn Junction at 0,00 p. m. I ' 1 i GOIXO NORTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at R.Oi) a. n,. Arriving at Oi' Ci y at 3,10 p. in. Night Express leaves I'll.sbtirg at T.i.l p. in. Arriving at Oil City at 5,-lf'a ni. Mixed Way leave Ac-i IVnu June. o f..-13 a. u. Arriving at Oil Cily at i., l j p. m. Connections at Corry a;id Titk-'mi f,-,r Oil I plel-'y i-er:'.ri.-d Ic h-al'U hy ilie !'-ue Tree T,ir ' Cily aud Pitisbiir. At Fntt itbii with Jin.e.v rdii.1. A phj sicun ia a?;tii.'.a!ic win. can ,' town and Franiilm R. R. Cuanections wi.h no onaollcl in r cif.ou or by mall. Ir e of I W est 1 eiin, R. h. ut. West Pcun Jui.eiiuti H:rcp;'r. 1 r:-.-t of Ft. n-Tree T.r.- Coru'u.1 Cl..i(i i Lian-sv.lle and n.l i.-.mtj on l.ie uiiu line t.f pr boti!-, .i;id ill.(rt) pc do.. Sent by Ex-1 the Iennsyivar.ia 15. B. pies, ,-,u re. :.:p! ol price. Address L. l. C. Sleeping Car-- on N -.Lit Trains. W II- II A:VT, M. D., N j. 2l2NoriU 2.1 S:rc,-l, 1 .I. J. 1.A iVBBNC'rL Oe.aeral Suu-. Titos. M. Kisrr. At-'. SuiS. JJL'StXES.l CAUL'S. JOHN G. HAM,, AtMrney al 1.. -, I.i way. Elk cr.it-.' y l'a. " may. '."rild ly" H enry s; iTii;:.t, Silo: i..-',--at-F.!iiv Ridgway, l'a. . A LriXE Hbf.SE, .St. .'.Liry's l'a., Utr jtV maa Krel., l'i;)p'.':.tii.'. ri..l' il DR. W. JAMES 1! LAI ELY l":,. .ci.ni and Sui'st'iU, St. M.iry's, Hi': "c.iiuly Pa. mrr-22'dC ly. i.lRAXK. S. IJAlUVfJ', Ailoi... y-.it L...V, . Clearlield. Veiui'ii.- Will pr...ticj in K.Ik and Cameron courties. -. j.' i . D R. IV. V.'. oIl.VW T 1 1: t; i M; "Vi'.f :i' '. and Sur.rrv. Cenirt iiie, Elk ; u..r'li'o.'i I J F. o. K II s Phvsiei:-! ; - :, Co. Pa Oliie.: n'o.iyj st'.re o OlHco l.oii.-a 1'ro.u t. lo lii.'v. y. M. p. f II. VOLK. Mav.ui'i---: jrer a.,.1 ! y9 111 l.ns'.r 1.. er, r pp , in i.ng'.r l.. er, r pp e ::.e ivaii. jat; it, St. Mary's, l.ik oualj Pa. "-22-0IM . a. hall r.s. i-.,.. i:AI.l. If ALL & IlKt). .':!. tlii t: ZIXGKR P. O. KI.K COUNTY, PA. Lli-pot, SI. Mn JO. IN Att BEN.IXGER P. o. KI.K COUNTY, PA. c-epteuihurr '.!', lijiu. jj. T S. Ror.l-.udl. M. D. Keb-tlit- I'i.v.-.ciao f I Oliico ar.d iwi,U.)n-.5 up, .ihe! Jail, on Leutie .'(., i'.iugway, l'a. t i o:npt u! tention will be T;v -n lo uli culls, ( .liie;: hours 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 io2 P. M. ; and G u 7 P. M Mar. 22, (ji if. rilHAYER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY. FA. DAVID TllAYBl:, 1'n.priMor. The uiidersirne'l having lined up Ii '.arj.-n nnd coinm.idiuin l-,oli-l on li.e roiuhv.t-t corner of Cent! e end Mill siroe's. wiih ?.r.d and conveiiii-i.t tsmhliur; atlnuhi.d, n-.p.;t-fully solicits Ihe patronage of his old lVietids nnd the puHio gei.er..l!v. decl3UU ly DAVID THAYER. I? U A N 111 A N I I O U S K , T Sr. .Mary's, Pa. LARGEY & MA I. ONE, Ii: vn's. The proprieioi -! re: p.-c. lull.v n. k liie n i.-r.tion of iheir friends and the public in j cikimI to Ihelr bii jie nud c ji iiuoilio'is !n t. l. Every ulieiiiiou paid to Ihe cuiiveuieueo :' t-u".-ts. II. L AUG EV. mayaO-lSCf-.ly J, A. :uA!.0.'E. KERSEY II OUt: E, CKKTitlVIL' e, El.K Co., A. II. B. LriACH, l'roprictiir. Thankful for the pMionaje hr.-elolore so liberally bestowed upon hi ii, the h.mv pto. prictor, hopes, by paying strict nlieiiliou to the comfort, atd convenience of gutals, lo merit a continuance of ihe uaaie. vln201y. NAILS, SPIlChS, IllXUI.'.s, BIVI'.T, locks, bobs, uml till kinds oi hiiihlir'N uiateriuls in geiii-ral em be bad !,t.,itr nt (he St, Mary's lli,rih.iro Si.no tin.u n. y other place in Mi: couiuly. (n2St'7) All orders for Stoves nnd Hardwire will be promptly utuuiitd lo an s-cti us received, ut the 12'U7 St. MA B YS HARD','.' A I! V. !' I't ill 11 DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. . I.t Iters if Administrali on il .. . t,ii. ,( NANCY KOBE Tu.S luo.d Hon.. , T,.nii;,,,., deceased, having hern gia'iltd In lb.- -.ut. .,u hers; Notice is hereby given In nil In. I, bird to said Estate lo Kake iitnnrdi .in puMi o ii, mul all having claims nguiiMt il,,. , .,,i to ,, sent I hem to the mil'sni b.ii- I. i l..-.i!i i.u nl justment. Hilt VM Fill r:iO, IIOItAi'E Id I I I l , A im iniini . Ridgway June 25, Bm!'.', n .2m. MISCELLANEOUS. 4 C i! HAT .IE ME BY rot TTFK C UHE rP 't(l T.OAT AND LliNQ DISEASES' r;-. W-.-ii-.n-vt'd Pino Tree TAI? CORDIAL. It is l:o '".! principle of hc Pine free, ob tained by a pte iliar proeeis in Ihe dis' la'inn of i In tar by w!iii-h ils highest mci'iYa! pro prielies areteiained. Il iv iho only Miien.'i.ril an I reliable remedy ; wlin-li Ii is ever beta prepurd from l!-e juice j of the Vine Tree It invi-oi.ues the di- eslive J oi tans and restored I in apfjeiiie. I' t'l'i'iu't.'i- I tens the tlebiliiilc-l system. It puriii.-s and enriebes the bl'X.d. nn-l cspells from tlm sya- I ten, tbt: con itpCmi wiiic. sciof'ila b:eeds en I lb-.- !um,. j !.-.. iv. itl.r-f ;,i iii.;i; ie nets upon the iritntc l ,ut a:t !:, linj tirUllti ,,ene'rnl'ng to mien o; I'ls-r.i pari, reliiivmc pa:n and subdu- ing i .ibivatlon. , I- .he ic.-jlt i.f yt-ars of Mn W and expe. ' r :-,ti:t. -nd 't is olfen-.l lo l':e n'lMlcttd. wl.li i'ie j .i'-'i;-iii:;! -f ils i :--,vi.r :o cure the i r...ii.vir.S if t'.a p.-.ticnt has not too h. r ,l...,;V.'d a ic, ,-t lo .,ni-ins nt r,:.-e: C:is.' -.u;..i . -n t.f tl.u Liii',-;-., C.kieIi ."oral i :, r t ami !' ,v . :. ' rn-.n '.i;'.:. Live Coui- piii.n. i.'.:;d ii in. n. i. 2". t 1. ti-iir.i: Files. Aithma. V boop'.lic; Cju i':.. Bi;,i Ii-ji-u)., !m- i e Ml'c oil 'ii i d "ruy tire not ether reme- dies i-iil.e .n-n-;...l Cons-u,:;-iin. Vi-ln I i.'i,Ms, i.i. 1 r i'u.-r.on.i-.,- u.:. L: i -n equ-il to Dr. L. 'l.V. iBiu.rts k iue Tics Tar Curd.v.1. Wo iinswcc 1st. ii tuies, not. by sl"ppii g cmiih, bu! I by. i ,o.tl.ia,i air! nsiisliui' name I j throw most emmet. t. pn jh eians. KJ. l"c Pine tree T.ir Cor lial. with ils as L'is'.anis. per fee able, bec:itis they remove the ''"'i'l C" 'V'-"?".'1 "' ",s .m"l,,U0!,f m-m,'pa,,e and hreU'Vi.n! mhe-t, assist, the lungs lo act and I brow off the unhealthy seu. et .ons, a:i 1 pur ly ihe 'iloi.d, tuus sciculiii.'aily uirikii.j the t.u-e p. rfeot. it. ..-.iiari un on lilo at Ins ouicj Iiun (Ireds, end Ti-.(iui.'.nd-i of Ctrtif ,,-aus, fiu.n men and women oi' uiiquvstioiuhln . uliuracicr vhw we. e i.i'.i'ij hopelessly tive.u up to die, bin t:.'ro'.i. .1 t.:e n 'iv:,.''i-fp nt tl.i.t u-iu-r, -..r.-, P'iil'a. Pa. May 21,'t!'tmGvinC7. I Li ill O V -J 4. lli '1 i e ( nl'!; rit ev 1 el.-evv Ie iufori i i' n ei'l- 2fL. ..: UilA-sy ttua vicinity ii.-.t i.t ,a iii jiii.i! a .!ere wl.tre m.-iy bo i'.uit.d Lii.n..iiLiw. i. i.m. i t.;-',.';'s vr- If."..- -. . 'ANCY C TOILET All riCLES st.it:;:;i:-;y, FINE COXI'EC'XIOXARY, OYSTER?, OEANoLci, LEMONS, in soasou W1 t' furnu-b the people of tho t.r- i rounding country wilh ....L i:l!-:!l-lour of the Best Quality x,)?j UEUE I I and of tlioir own u.a:n.I'i.eture, nt the lowes ! in.'. 'Vei liitts. V trrii i .i-i-T i . - vi. ... . r." aclonlion of lur.ibernien and olhcrs liU.'.F ,v ;:1 'L'hr.i.i .J I-,:'. J-...-.V..-.- V,; Liu t'.oitii-. Pa. Te . .'"t j ai.t;oi.ca I-. ll ou;.."is i.r Kj.. -W;-v uu 1 . " .-.'.!.. p.--,....-,.1 .0 .:.,:.; ,'.-k i,,' : v"v ii! !'-;".vi -:v x r. .,,,!v"!or;. i1. 1. V':r.(l:f of llio':.l..s, V, al i ulil .h rli i 'v . l.y a i.i ."-:: .r . :i ;v .1 r :U j:. 1 ta-'o.i.iii'.: U i ii. i. U'lt ii.::: l t .I',. U : , li. i I . . ' I A 7 7"" r,i - " .-"7 V V 1, .."' rA'-: i'!t'J i,".-.' - i I v''I'"i ' ' ' ' : - ' ." ! I " .. I , ' V '," ; ''" ', ''", ,! i ed b. Ct'' -'I. j .-,!'' 'i'.' i'!,' I, 1,. ii ti - I,.. i . j i'.r' jNr , . VtLi- :'' v I i.tiii i!-s. '11 'ii-e al ' ,., .1 i . ill ,'. I- t III ...ill :s-.r:v. -. ,M.:i-.?.-,,U,:e.-.m en-'., ,s ill t'.c i ' ii . by giving Hiiisfiiciinii in .ur work to tuo .-.vo ' u j,'ti i hare vl pubi.e ; a. i ,e;ve ,' ' L'.'LlSvt.i, ., ,. EE1.L. Kersi'y, L.ito.. fa., via id lt-iiMpd. i.ALiCii & (.v.:iEi I.--r..s Co:, j.aiiy, ot ihe Miues cf tie Kerrey Cdi AV.i. ,-.-: JJh,' .. -rs of. 1 1 1 'r1TT" r ' T i r-rc r. A x i.-. Iii. i U .J ist) U O -..) A Lb ! ( . p V I ...? I ...r quaii-.y, kr c;a.;, gene eating stsam, mani - fac - TLT.E OF IP.OX, S.MIT1UX3 AND jj Mr'.ijo USE V "' 1 ' , , . Al'vi prr:irt I tn lr-ce vo O h-'S miu lr.iUo eu!j(i;n.'.s Kir those. wu.l.LuuWa t -als. OFFICE, i:"BiiEr,ELK CO., PA. Kersey, V,i , March 12, U;uS. vlnlTlf. I F YOU WANT TO BUY CZGTZU.Vii fur ihc Go (o A. DU ill. ACUER, v lil'.ll.lllt IN CL.CTMT.'G ! CLOTHING t;!: :s' i'i';::; H!Xi": ooor-s, liAi:-:, (WIS. !' I.T.'-, .' HOE.;, TRUNKS i :::.i::.: ;.gs. oic I' Mill S, l.l.u CoUNTY, FENNA - .) iu.'!v;iv;lr I IVlll'S. loll lb -id -., I.eller-Heads, Tugs' lli..i.U..II. .r , ibiut-iu a iie.il manner. 1 ni. i ni in.' ihwi-t rit i. k, toil CASH, all Hi.. I'll. Aih. ..-.!.. i Vil.lio-; lillit,-. . ,., , , : r. : n railing Passion in You 'i nnd Early .1-1. 1 ...Mts.j ol every .b -,-,ptton dn.ie Mimliool, with SELF HELP for the F-rin'ir ''"'"A """"' ;'m '". n "vl " i.l "!ortu,ia.o. Sctu in seated leder en ' ' '" ""s "' ""i " I'-Ulay i velo, es. free 4if ,:hr;(o. Addra. HOW KD ' l"""1"' ASSOC1 VTtOX, Bex P, Philad.dJ'.is p . HARDWARE- "VTE'V HAeBwaRE EXORE! 11 The subscribers bavc just opened in ST. MARY'S Anew nnd Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE ! ! Am! will ke.'p constantly on hand a great varie'y of CO OK' AX D J1EATJXG STOVES Ilur '"ii, Strrl Anvil it. BiJtown, XaiHl JJurxK iifmcn, Sprint, Build" in'j Unrdirttre, r??nt and File of Eicry Description GLN.-, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware ind House Furnishing 'Goods. AB kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! T I N W A R E Of every deseriplion, which wili be gold at (ho LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL UASE KUKNtNG COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES 1 Which have received Four First Class Pro. miuns al. the New York Slate nnd oth. T Fairs , Also, the Great Silver Medal at the I'eir of the Am- critan Institufe, he'd in New York City, 1905. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fua being required lo ha made during the season. M BE III"'! I'!?, .Tn. WM. 11. UOPELAND. ! j i"-'C7 ly j IMTIinV!',"! . ..w, ... HOME INoTlTUlTUNd. IFLOUPi, TEED AND GRAIN. 'FJjli'lE siibseiibers having completed their I A New M:!l in Bi-Uuav ar no v i'li.tm whh FEED OF ALL ATA).?, ' 1 - V '"' eu.er i'lMC :n,,1' """"y- vwk. -v.-mber 7, I!'.'17li' LOOK i!LRE ! ViLLH TJ?-3HOP. AIM.K desires to ...uke known t i tiie ci'i...-ns of CtntttviUe and tbu .-!' .-oiindiii.-f country IIi iL be has taken li .' '':"'' ''"'y ,,ceu.pie.l by !:. J. M,.!o,,y, .... Im hoin-.i by pay!!;;, m r.ct ulieiiiiou i J . "'';''i. ''1K .,!.! , of S cHomer . , . .:..:,. , ... . ,. , , ! U' HWg" "lcClu'1 u"on' ,1-1. LX '-01 cut Kiu ivi;u-i-:ivn K:xt. t i.f h'.s own manufacture, which he will Wiutiu I. lo bo ct' the be-t qiuliiy. His block oii'isi - . uf everything t;.u is Uivial in tho tinware lii.o I about a ii.t.so. -j t -k u iair trial, n:,lif my work do-:t I " i?iV S lt'oi'.iUtioil, till- cu toui.-. s will not bo I t',:h;rd In UU it. JOHN WAPLE. ,l'i:if. J- S. BOiiliWET.L, M. 1). r.cr, c: v rri v s u fa ici "!:c word eelaciio means to chouse or s ri i .. .... .... , H ' 11 me'iiciuns iriiin u'l Hie illltereni . s, i.-oo's of f.edieiiK' ; using roiin diev li.nl a;-, j r i.'o, mid dli.ea-.-uii.g ti-oai jiraet ice nil inc-l t-i.'ie i Ihr.l have an injurious ln-ct on Ibe s;- j It !i, such uj mercury, aulimony, lead, coi- I e. i I iay asido the lance the old bloodlctler. 'l,ci'i' or deplder, and equalize Jtho circul i- j lieu nnd retoro the tysieni to its natural si.ue by alteiutivts and tonics. 1 shall heie- i i'.l'ier giv pttrticutiir aiiculiuii to chrouio dis- I e.is.-s, suu.i as RlK'timatisni, Dyspepsia, Liver e. urdaiut, Ciii .rili, Nem.lgia, diseases f tho I (oioat, u.in.uy organs, uid all uiseases pcen- liur to females, t.0. C ATA 1! Ril 1 1 real wi'lia new instvuraeut of a lute intent. oil vh-ch eurestvery ease. I j i.i.i ii exir.if'.t'ti wiinout paiu. I till te uud resi leuee Jijutii of the jail on i Celine St. Ohiee hours fiom 7 lo 8 a. ; ni 12 ! (o 1 p. m : li to 7 p. in. Bee. 23 07. -ly. J. S. BOBDWELL. L OL'IB II. GARNER, rnACTn; l m aouinist. Can be found at bis Foundry at St. Marv'a l.l ti-ebeis ready to have all shop-work in uis nun uoue oo iii.,. i nu.ito. St. Mury s, Bei.z'iigei' F. O .. Elk to., Pa. uiyliC8'ly 1 OH WORK vt all ti ! J done nt tliis r lSce. kiuls uud doaurt- ' DLAGliSMliH'S CARPENTER'S AND I ' ' Ju""'r " tuoIs '01' sale cheu er tbuu !e -"apest " at ILe St. Mary's Hurdwirt Cloie lnov'JK'117 I X7"ORD.S OF WISDOM. ' . . I t T FUR YdUNQ MKN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers