(Silt flfounfjj gitItfoiatc, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 18G9. . FOIl GOVEliNOlt. JNO W GEARY, Subject to the decision of the Republican Slate Convention. STATISTICS CF CUBi. The wholo number of troops tliat have arrived in Cuba from Spain, up tho 23d ultimo, is stated at 13,109 soldiers of all arms, and 651 officers of all ranks. They have been most enthusiastically received by their volunteer countrymen resident in Cuba. A list of those banished to 11 Per. nan do IV for political offenses, published in the Di irio of the 2 -1th, included 241 whites and eight colored pcisons. Setior Lemus, the representative ot tho Cuban insurgents now in Washington, has pre pared in English some very interesting Statistics of tho resources of the island from the official records, from which is quoted tho following : The amount of trado curried on iu the ii.latid it over SI 70, 000,000 per annum. Iu lSllJ tho pn duction of the island was S3l'C,000,UtH). taxes paid in, $37,750,0X1 ; import, $"i7,. 400,000 ; exports, $43,-100,0000. The rural wealth was theu estimated at S3SI, 000,000 ; wealth of towns ? 170,000 000'; industrial and commcicial wealth, $714,' 000,00). The Spanish population, in cluding the army, was 150,000 ; Cuban white population, 750,000. Of these, 326.000 were women and 215.000 eld people and children, leaving 210.000 able for the army. The necro population was 000,000 from which 50,000 may bo taken for the field This, he claims is a low estimate. It will bo seen however, that it gives them 2GO,000 men for the army lhe productions in 1802 were : Suiia 02,000,000 ; tobacco, 530,000.000 , other Items, 37,000,000; total 129,000,000. NEWS IIEKS. Gold closed iu New York on Saturday The appropriation bill is still under consideration in the Pennsylvania Senate The New Jersey Legislature adjourn, ed Saturday. The United Statc3 steamer Narrnjran sett has sailed from Havana to Key West .She will be returned there in a few days. Dunn, the colored Lieutenant Gov ot Louisiana, was anions; those who had interviews with the President Saturday. A bill comncllinir newsnnrcr tn mil. lish their circulation was killed in the New .York Legislature Saturday. In the New York Assembly, Saturday, a bill was reported imposing heavy penal.- iirs on seuers oi icitery tiekcts, drawers of lotteries, or publishers of lottery advertise. . ments. Ta the case of liog-.rt formerly pay master's clerk in the- navy, which bus ju.-i closed iu New York, the jury found a ver. diet for the Government ot 53,402 28 damages. . A Havana dispatch says that Innoccn oio Casanova, a citizen of the United Srates, has been arrested on suspicion of complicity iu the plot to seize the bteamer Comaianditario. Subscriptions to tho amount of SjrjO, 000 for a home for aged and infirm Jiap tists were received at a meeting cf that denomination in New York on Thursday evening. The steamer Edi'nburg brought to Cincinnati on Thursday sixty five horF.es sent by President Grant to Gen. Sheridan' iney go forward to St. Louis on steamer champion. the A large fire has been raging for the past few days in the woods between Sa" Harbor and East Hampton, Long Island" It has burned over five hundred acres and caused a vast amount of daaago. Dr. Kobley Dunglison died on last Thursday night in Philadelphia aed eeventy-one years. Mr. DupuHspu was one ofthe most distinguished physicians and authors in the cruntry. lie was tor many years connected with the Jefferson Co'lce of Philadelphia. ' n --The New York Times soys there is no doubt that the Houso has been overreacted by the Seuato in the tenure-of office busi ness. Judtres Hoar and Davis construe ithe new .bill as leaving in tho hands o( the Senate a continued check up in all re. rmovala ,by the President. A Lima letter savs: Tim P..-,,,:.... Minister at Washington has.been instructed to sett e the question at issue .with Smn, and all points that cannot be settled between the Ministers of .the two countries are to be submitted to the President of the United States, whose decision Bb.aJ.be final. A Washington dispatch says that a .correspondence has been in progress for some time between certain promiucnt men in the British Provinces and leading men io this country, relative to the prospective ..annexation of these Provinces to the United States. Enough has been de veloped to warrant the belief, among some members of Congress, that if the matter could be reached in an official way, pro posals would eventually be made to tho United States lookintr towards knn.i;nn The following resolution was sought to be offered in the House Saturday.but, object-on being made, the effort failed : Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign Affairs be and they are hereby instructed to inquire into the. expediency of investigating the condition ot our -relations, present and .prospective, with Nova Scotia an.l'tw. they be authorized to report (o the Houso utaoy ume. J .Tie Xyt.rj of raitfnj, The world at large do not understand the mysteries of a newspaper j and, as iu B wtch. the hands that are seen are but mo ihsmvo yisiruiucnts ot mo sprang, which is never seen ; so, in a ncwsapet me most wormy causes ot its prosperity are olten least observed or known. Who suspects the benefit which the paper do rives from the enterprise, the vigilance and tlie watchlul fidelity of the publisher In pauses io thing Imw mueh of tho plrnsuro of reading is derived from tho skill and enre of the printer f We feel tho bU 'Hushes of printing, if they exist but seldom ibserve the excellencies. Wo cut a hearty dinner, but do not think of the farmer that raised tho materi als thereof, or the cook that prepared thnii with ii. finite pains and skill. lJut a rook nf vegetables, meat, pastries, mid infinite bonbons, has a paradisiacal oilico in com pansiMi tiiui nn coiror l jscloro him pass in review nil Uie exchange newspapers lie is to know all their contents, to make for other eyes the matter that reouiro at trillion. His scissors are to be alert, and flip with incessant industry all the lilllo items that together form so laii'e nn inter. .. . i. - ' , . . ... iti in iiiu iii-ws M'parimcut. lie passi s in review cacti week every State in fh Union, through tho newspaper lens. II looks across uie ocean, and jn strange i i. i i, . - . anus, nun uniow.ng mo sun, lie searches all round the world for material. It will Tt outre but two second's tiinu fur th leaders to take in what two buuis' search Koilurcd. liy him me read the iiianu scripts that swarm the olCco like flies lu .'uly It is his frown that dooms them It is his hand that condenses a wholo yam iuto a line. It is his sternness that ro mums M'uiiiiiunrai ouituaries, mat gives young potts a twig tin which to sit and sing their first lays. And the power behinl the throne in newspapers as in higher places, is fome- iinics as important as the throne itself vurrefpo-iuence, occasional or regu'ar, stands m ave at that silent power which has the last chance at any aitiele, aud may send it forth in glory or humility. And, iu fchort, as the bo)y depends upon a good aigesnon, so me tieaiiti ot a paper depends uiioii xi'.m vigorous ui'estion which pops on by means of the editor. Ought they not to oe Honored r And since little fame i- .1. .i , i , . , iiuunus iiii'iu, iney snouii: at least have iheir creature comforts multiplied. From that daik aud dismal den iu which they have Eo long had purgatorial residence, they are at length translated ! Henry ,i. . ii ii ura jjeecner. KyKBjf spark of a coed thought should be uIjwii in a flume, aud produce a suitable practice in our lives aud conversation. josh IjILLIngs says lio will never patronize a lottery so lung as be can hire Tit anybody else to rcb hiw at reasonable wages. A newspaper published in the regions of Lakes Menip.hremagog and Winnepe. ;aukee, says that " the fish in Lake Hol ies hmikeniunk, Maine, are said to be superior to those of cither Lake Weeley ebasock or Muosetockmesantue. Those of Chaunungngungamauug were very lioe, but they ail got chocked to death iu try- ng io ten wnere Uiey lived,7 " ' - . A IJeautu-ul Indian Sltep.stitio.v. Among the superstitions of the Seneca ludiuns is one of singular beautv. When a maideu dies they imprison- a young bird uuiii u j.rs.1 oegiiis to try its power of song, and then, loading it with earcescs thev loose it over her grave, in the belief that it will not fold its wings nor close its eves until it has flown to the spirit land and de. livered its precious burden of effection to the loved and lost. Snuffers. A couutrvman seoimr for the first time a pair of snuffers, asked : v nai s tnem tur ! " " To snuff the caudle." " To snuff tho candle." The caudle iu-t then needed attention. and with his thumb and finger ho ninched off ihe suuil, and carefully put it into the uuuers, saying : " Well now, them is handy ! " To Wash Curtains. A lady, in writ nig aliout the best method of washing lace curtains, says she always soaks them tro or three days in warm w,iter by which pro cess they are eo much cleansed" that very littlo rubbing is needful. All attempts to iron lace stretch it entirely out of tharie. Tho .curtains should be spread smoothly upon me uoor or a spare room, clean sheets having been laid down, aud allowed to re main until dry. A shoemaker receiving ' a note from a lady to whom he was naticularlv at taehed, requesting him to make her a new pair of shoes, and not knowing exactly .i . , i ... . . . mo siyio kite required, ho dispatched a wri'tcu missive to her to know whether she would like them to bo Wround or 'Squire toad ? " lhe lady, indignant at mis rich specimen ot orthography, repied, ivneeiner. A butcher let a sailor havo a shou'der of mutton on trust, but finding a day or iwo alter, that he had gone to a foreign laud, said, " My word J but if I had known ho never intended paying for it, I would i i. i nave cuargeu a penuy a pound more ior it." The oldelt Trees in the Would. Tho cypress of Somuia in Lombard, Italy, is perhaps the oldest tree on lecord. It was know to be in existence in tho time of Julius Cscsar, 2 years before Chiist, and i therefore, more than 1090 years old. It is 106 eet in .circumference at one foot from -the ground. Napoleon, when laying down the plan for his treat road over thq Siuiplou, a post in one of the Alps diverged from a straight Hue to avoid injuring this tree The honor of superior antiquity, however is claimed by some in behalf of the immense and yeuera ble tree in Calaveras County, California, which is supposed from the concentrio circjea in the trunk, to be COG 5 yeara old. Is then a God 1 How eloquently does Chateaubriand re ply to this induiry t There is a God J Tho herd of the valley, the cedars of the mountains bless Him, the insects sport in His beams ; the elephant salutes Him with tho rising orb of tho day ; the birds sing of Him in the foliage; the thunder pro claims Him in the Heavens ; the ocean de clares His immensity man alone has said, " Thcro is no God." Unite in thought at the same instant the most beautiful objects in nature ; supposo you see at once all tho hours of the day and all the scusons ofthe year ; a morning of Spring and a nioru ing of Autumn ; anight besponsrled with s'ars and a night cjvered with clouds ; meadows enameled with flowers and forests hoary with snows ; fields gilded by tint of autumn ; then alone you will have a just conception of tho universe. Whilo you aro paziug on that sun which is plunging under tho vault of tho west, another'ob seivtr admires him emerging from the gilded gates of the cast. ?y what incon ceivable magic does that star, which eiuk ing fatigued and burning,. iu tho shailo ol evening, reappear lit the same instant, fresh and humid with tho dews of tiie-tnorning ? At every instant of the day that -gWiou orb is at oncj- rising resplendent, at noon day, and setting iu the west, or rather our senses acocive us, there is properly speak- nig, no east, west, norm or south in tho wu-ld; Everything reduces stself to n single point, from whenco the king of tho day sends forth a triple light in one sub stance. Tho bright splendor is perhaps .ii nniL-ii naiuie can present that is iuot beautiful ; for while it gives us an idea ol the perpetual magnificence and resistless power ol God, it exhibits at thesamu timn a shining image of tho glorious Trinity. Honi3 Folitcniss. Should an acquaintance tread on vr.nr dress, your best, your very best, and by ae. eident. tear t bow profuse vour " uver minds don't think of it I don't care at all. If a husband does it ho frown'; if a child, he is chjtisod. gets Ah I these are httlo thnnrs. sav vnu ' They toll mightily on the heart, lot ua as sure you, little as thpy arc. A gentleman stops at a fiiend's house, and finds it all in confusion. "He don't see anything to apologize for never thinks of such matters everything is a'l ri"ht," cold room, cryiug children. " ncrleetlv comfortable." " He goes heme 'his wife has been takino care ot the sick ones, and worked her life almost out. 41 Don't sco why things can't be in better order, there never was such cross children before." No analogies ex cept away from home. hy not be polite at home ? Wh ? not use freely the golden coiu of courtesy ? How sweet they sound, those little words, ' L thank you," you are very kind." Doubly, yes, trebly sweet from the lios wo love, when heart-smiles make the eje spar kle with the clear light of affection. He polite to your children. Do you ex. pect them to be mindful of your welfare, grow glad at jour opproac'h, to bound away to your pleasure before your request is half spoken ? Then, with all vour dignity and authority mingle politeness. Givo it a niche in vour household trmr.lo Only then will you have the true secret of sending out into the world really finisod gentieiuen aui ladies. A gang of negroes lro.n the Manuelito antation, near C'ieuluegos, Cuba, ioined the insurgents recently, and tnmrn Kr, pursuing them. ChiistopV.fi- IXiil,!. living ;n tho South ard Cinnltn, -Sew Jersey, was on March olst so iuly stabbed by liii father that f v"unut live, the murderer is seventy yearuuf age and served in tho army during uie lato war. Ue parted from his wife soino years ago. 1 ho children renounced him and took sides with the mother. The lather aud sun met in a bier saloon, after leaving which the old man drew a knif four inches in length aud inflicted such terrible wound in the abdomen of the son as to allow th bowels to protrude and drag on tno ground, where the unfortunate man was found in a dying condition. A Wonderful Ikee. Iu the birch nuuu vi V.UUOUU1, rcouuuu, uiero is a wonderful tiee. well worihv of notf Somewhere about Ihirry years ago a Utile giant ot the tortit was blown down in storm, and fell across a deep gully or ra' vino, which it completely spanned, and tho rop nranches took root on the other side. From the parent stum no less than fifteen trees grew up perdendieularly, all in a row ; and there they still flourish in all their splendor, whilo the parent stem evinces no signs of decay. Several of tho trees aro not less than thirty feet high. The trco is a large fir. Wet Clot u 3 to the Head In slighter degrees of fever, wet cloths are ordered. In this, caso remember that no extra weight must bo applied. A pieoo of rag juiuou once, rinsed in cold water and applied, is quite thick enough ; tbo weight oi a wei lowci would probably do as much injury as the cold would do good, A Cuttjous Experiment A curious physiological experiment was recently made by plaeii.g a lew grains of barley before a hungry pigeon. While pecking ut the bailey the brain of the pigeon was frozen by means of a spray of ether. Tho bird, being thus deprived of consciousness', cnas.ed pecking, and remained as if dead. Tho barley was then removed, and tb ether spray having ceased, the brain was allowed to th?w. The bird boon returned to life, and its first act was to renew tho pecking for a lime, although no food was before it. DUDLET ItANl'ALL who makes " fT:.h " for the Aurora lieaeon aud spices it well, is guilty of the following ; As Cuba- Nellie Wade, why didn't be have her uncle weigood, also I Jiecause he's lien Wade I iiave seen a farmer travel about. much that there- was nothing atome warth looking after. TAW NINO & LUMBER CO. jEYSIONli STOM3 WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING r m Tli largest store In North Westorn Pa., JU tcrally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. Tfe are opening the spring campaign with lhe largest and most attractive stock ever offered in this market. IVo shall endeavor to keep every dppart mcnt well assorted the jcar round, Our DRY GOODS DLPARTMEXT will always contain a largo and well selected stock of Cloths Cassimcrs Si Cloakings, Black and Colored Silks. SeaionaVie dress goods iu great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c., whilo goods,of every description, bleaalied aud brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TIUMMINOS and NOTIONS CARIETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW TAI-Ell, COOKS AND STATIONEKY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAFS, BOOTS & SHOES,' DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, LEATHER, cfc SHOE FIXDIXGS, HARD WARE, S70VESJ TIX WARE, IROXih STEEL, XAILS it BUILDERS HARD WARE. NUTS & WASHERS, HORSE SHOES & NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES J; BOX US, CROCK . ERY cud GLASSWARK, STONE WARE, FLOUR, " -FEED & -MEAL, COI1N and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. SARI1 & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDING, &c., TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES i CARPET BAGS, IlULiBEU BELTING. CLOCICG in GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Koyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. With ur superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, in largo quantities, from first hands wa defy competition. Groceries & Provisions. We invite particular attention- to our choice brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satiufWinn wiih very barrel ' TANNING & LUMBER Co. ln21tf Wilcox P. W. S- SERVICE 200,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonic Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will pleaao of all do sirabla kinds. TIN-WAP.E of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention given to Wholesalo orders Trice list furnished to dealers on application. SHEET. T1X AXD COPPER WARE, Houso furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER riPEING, TUMrS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as KODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIE8, HOOKS, CAS, TOWDER, &c. .j-c. BIRD CAGES A X1CE VARIETY. ROOFING,. GUTTERS, SPOUTS. of Tin, GalTAnizt i Iron and Cepper and every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warranted, AliLNC'Y of Henry Disstons celebrated taws. Orders for saws at factory prices so licited, also for repairing, Information aud prico list fu.niidied on application. TAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPTER, BRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, BE A KEN SKINS, SHEEP PEALT3, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, V. S. BONDS Jta. taken in exchange fur Guo-h or Wurh. tn20tf. W. P. SERVICE. A CARD TO TUB LAWKS. D... Dupnn co's ;uldi;n periodical pills tor females. lufull;ble in correcting irn-ir. ulariiies, Removing Obstructions of tho Monthly Turn-, from whatever dime, aud always successful as a prevuiitwo. Ono Pill is a dose. Females peculiarly slltiuted. or those supposing themselves so, lire cautioned against using inpso nits vlitla in Unit condition, lest tiioy invite niiscnrriaae. after winch ad- moniiion tho Proprietor assumes no re sponsibility, although their mildness would prevent any miseliief to health: otl-erwisa tlie Pills are reenmmeu ded ns a Most Invalu able lieniedy for (13 alleviation of those suffering from any irregularilius whatever, as well ns prevent an increase of fun.ilv when health v. ill not 'permit it .- oiiictiuir th nerves aud bringing hack the "rosy color of health " to tho cheek of tho most delicmn. Pull and explicit directions accomrnnv each box. Price iff per box : (J boxes. S5. Sold iu P.id 2WaV. Pa.. 1V G. G. MeswenjAi. Druggist, sole agent for Hi.lgwav. Ladies, hv sending him $1 to th j Kidgivay P. O. can have the Pills tent (confidentially) by mail to any pari oi me country, ,re of postage. Sold also by Swayno Si Ueynuld, St. Mary's, ancl by ou Druggist in every village iu the Uuion. S. D. HOWE, my2 &S-ly. Solo Proprietor, N. Y. J&pfttot A New Remf.ht jn CossrMrTiON. A Physician who b id C'oJisumption for several years, with f tqucnt bleeiliugs of the lungs, cured himself wilh mediciuo unknown lo the profession, when his caso appeared bope- e.s. He is the .only physician who has uned it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; a -d ho can ascribe the degree of health ho now enjoys to nothiag but ilw use of his medicine j and nothing but utter despair aud entire extinction of ail hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence in'all others induced bim to haiard the-exper-iment. To those suffering with any disease of the hings ho proffers a treatment he con fidently believes will eradicate the disease Prico $1.50 per bottle, or 58a half doien, sent by express. Send fr a circular vr call on Dr. K. Bovlsto:j Jackson, No. li&O, North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. may 30,08-ly VLKCTUUE TO published in YOUNG MLN JUST a sealed enveloDe A Lecture on the Nature. Treat Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual De bility, and Impediments to marriage general!. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, o., by Robert J. Culver well, M. D., author of the "Green Book." etc. Prico in .a sealed envelope, ouly six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years succersful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the use of internal medium. or the application of the knife, pointing out a muuB vi vuiv ui uiiuv uimpie, certain and effectual, by means -of which every sufferer no matter what his condition mav h ,,,' cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi. cal'.y. ui,, bis Lecture should be In the hanrta f every youth aud every man iu the land. Sent nnder aeal. in a plait euvelope, to any address, postpaid, ou receipt of six cents pr two post stamps. A.hio, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 25 ceuti. Address the Publishers. tHAS.;jT.C. KLIVE a en 12T Bowsrj, New York, p. Q. Box 4.5SC al lg7 POWELL & KIME. QOOD3 FOR Tllfi MILLION. POWELL & K I'M Et" At their capacious (tores beta in RIDGA7AY AND CEN.TBEVILLE, Have on hand, splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to tin .want of tho people of Elk and adioinintr counties, which they are lolling at prices that defv cetnpetition. They would iiaaply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing ara an equalled by any establishment ia tha county. They buy direoll? from nanaT facturc and on thf Another advantage. Tou ea always fret whut you want at their stores, htass you mil save tune by going oirostly q them and TIME IS MONEY. 'ra rn , ... . ' - have no space here to enumerate all tht ad vantages you will have in patronising tkssj establishments. Rut call and ss. and reap the the advantages for joargslves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GCOD3 ia ealless Tariuties, GPwOCERI?:3 Chijio.and fr.sh - CLOTHING of best material superior cut and finish, LOOTS & SHOES of ike .est ktnftir And mul-a taiddle aged and sldeily. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTJE, XQQi, rORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR; CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING 26 inch shaved shingles talf8 forgooda, at the market price, at both stores. t Ako most other kinds of coun try pt duce takeu afTtba ffarkst value- "" Tlnltf. ITS 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers