VOL. 1. PRINTED ,AND . PUBUSHE BY BENJAMIN BANN: 4 N. • SEITIME-VD'EIIIEL • - DoLLAR4 OD Fir rv. Ciorra ;.er annum, seini-annually in advance. tr n.t paid with' r!ie year. 91 will be charged to all th• se who ve the paper Imo of postage. To m• ~o ubsorMe tti .er annum.. if rmtpaid - within the Y.ar, t O cen ~11 he added tothe price of soliscriPtio WEEKLY, Two DoLLAR.I3. per .annum, payable advanco. if dot paid - within the yea charged Xdveitilementil not exceeding twelve •litrged s,t , for three insertions—and 40 • ,niertion- Larger ones in orop"rtion. 111 advertisements will be manned the tittnefor Wilk 7.4 they are t • ..14';iectfied.add will be chargnid ac6ordi Veiny ad.ertisers will be charged 31 ,wiludinti, subscript lawn the paper—wit r keeping one advertisement not excee nyr ling during i the yeas. a rid't he insert er one in eactfpape r for three success' All letters addressed do the editotmu • gihernrise no attention will be paid to t kII 'notices 'for meetings; &c. ;end w hich have heretofore been inserted • argeil 25 centiglch, except Marria • •• From,the Provileace Morning lIEGEI TO THY LIFS.THB GOB LAD* 6P PROVIDENC: High to thy lops the wine cup r , And gaze upon its sparkling- A hand has mixed the'nectar 'Dit on the bowl'is hid from si A hand that in the midnight g Is weavtig shrouds to grace t High to thy lips the wine cup And all its dazzling colours pr, A hand within the cup I see, A death•like hand that pint a t And now, it beckoning, hids ti Awl see the work thdt it has High to thy : 4o the wine cup And sing its honors-in thy lay . Uronlts drops a -ohe I •Pee—, A Idly robe prepared fin thee: The hand within the cup has This robe,—and' qo the nectar • nigh to thy lips the wine run For brilliant are itk.sparkling The teats of wives and Upon. thellowing howl appear The hand the snooty s d tl A garland ropnd the goblet w High to thy lips the wine cui That ineh daWrng light dt Drink 'deep, and Vol the heti , That,gently now is teckonin • It hike prepared onothrr clip Where thonaan . dA at the hump • ENGLAN . I • Exchange at. New York, 9 a Vi per cent. premium. - - Casualties.—\9r. M irton was drowned Willie batninz. near Darlington.. , Mrs. Fiet of Maio- P. was burned to de: street, Liverpool. A litroirte Mrs. ittrie , keeper of Warrington Brit , ed a prisoner while attempti and re-conducted him to Iris Thettannel of the London fiamßail Road near Kelab . The,whal4 line was to be o, inst. • • By the Packet Ships Qvibec. from London ! Veiled States tro 'the Silfie de Grasso and C h ar Havre, we are in possession of ult.. 'and, the contents are of en that - Wir , shait anxionsly await t Great Western which will brio inst. The most prominent article in just received is the DeClaraior.) Fah, relative..to Canadian a ff., ir !pairicirthrbuth the house of L , and 'Nile final passing of which to b)s,andoubted._ We have giv • pious on the debater in the mat . a copy of the bill iCself, that here into fatliert-consideratinos. of great weight with ministers presumed 'from the fact , that a dispatches to Lord Durham, flop. Capt. hes been mouth. She arrived on Sand, stance of. hosedispatches of co One thing at least is certe rot lesson, in the presenf-gove has been taught, at ail hameti and eomearhat tardily, but we e , - CifeCLlVe in the r fro banish even the guilty with iprdnoanced unconstitutional, t Canadian,ceorts.has been prov to pass offenders by with imp tiering a premium to disaffect A .steitcly firmness-when tinder the lipe of conduct best -adapt of disturbances. and, if - preke sow have restored truoquility province.—(Old Cotntryroaril • Daring the past week the London a rhinoceros, tiger, p 0 Indian elk, axis deer, and - first four have been pureha Zoological Gardens, where t vaned on• S alorday So numdrous were the dep Jon the week after the coronat t ot of paaioqigera by public c. ;,.erstlernen't carriages were co by the railway in one da There are sunroars in Len ..11 on the.tapia between the hi be -realer an d a British Prin. hit atirtibers diner - edit it, fro.- iinion that the King of a Co amiss influence over the rope "PF"?ted to soh a union.. All of the Royal Family are sal. bringing it ataaot, and thet of feeling atAhe royal banque she 1101.100.—(Corresponden Mercury.] • ToPperance.—The .Beer and the eelleis are trying tiros *hipping the devil rou, zi .. • ... C. .. .r, o . 0 ." .•- • - --•••• •• -' i• ...... 0 --1,....,, ) •:•• - .. . .. .e. • . . 1, ' ' •', r r -" r k ' ' '• .. '' f: •;.? • 7 ; , - ,-,:• 4 • - . r ..- •.‘-t-, t,i ..s.t- ,- ' 1 ,- .44-IA.K?=.. ~ ~ ~s ~:. Zi,- i _ _ •,..„...,...4.,_...,•_:::- ,• :•,,- .. .--.:• . .. ; ...= ' i ' ' • . . ... I , ,1,.. , : : 4 1,7 .3 : : .k; • - I , :q • , 1'" , ,' -A . .7.. '. -"-- •44 - 4.. - 4. ° 6-4..:0/1 a•mtirok r, . . • . 111 ;" ,O ' i". i Ali POTTgIirILLN'GENE AL ALPVErit i lt " . _ . I -,1? if.•••-, . . , 1 ., ...,,,-4, ......f , .-; , ~, - -it-- ? y ,-..., #- -.1,11' , ~.,.. • • - - - ~ . CH YO Ct T,O p (sac E THE gowELS OF TEE EL . t.ealD nOtiNG Otrt MOM Tingr_eAgrail4Arlits liatirrawiturpixalnacn WILLGIVESTEZECTII TO 0001. 101E4 Affl) a , LET Ali NATURE ITO OM WIZ 1141 PLEMItIi.E.-1111.10ENSOff. a •t. .. , . . ...- i'; • .• ~ .. . . • . - . _ . WILL TS Lord Dundas.ie to be appoinle4 Lord'leieoben ant ot,the North Riding of Ircirkehire, vikcant by the death of the Duke of Leeds. The Sheffield I rito +nye., the appearance uf tha growing corn are must cheering-It Barciiily with a- population of 15,000. there has not been delin quent tried for three assizes. - George Watson Of Sus**, the eelchratii latar died recently aged 51. Though alinost an idiot. in all thingwrylatingin common ocqurrence. tiq could accurately state 'where he had been any 4:10 , tor the last 30' years, what persons he saw, , and what he had been'doing, tell every body's age ho was acquainted with, and with various oth er astonishing instances of a tenacious memory. Prussic Ac4l.— r John Robinsoit,.M..P. of Sent derlarid, has tried various experiMents,,to show that cold water' wltlithe temperatiore lowered by nitrate of potass, and commas salt; dropped from an erriince on the nceiput and spine will coMer. act thb effects of this deadly poison. ' an-annun $2 50 wi ines will b' nut for ntil onie beconunu, ' per annu. heuristic!. ng 2 squar . .n °fa sma times. lirisidra/I.—=A mechanic of Nottingham, has come into the possession of an immence fortune and ha r ronetcy throng h : a chancery decision.— The new, Sir J. lAternen comes into the possession of .E 400,000 per annam,vand two milli*, funded property.. be poet pa ther notic lit , . will F. and Dea ,urier. RAISE SCOTLAND. A Chemise without a seam has been made in Glasgow for the Queens [R M. ht— am, L. tomb. The enrolled adherents of the total abstinence Soto iy in Gia.gow are 8000. • Highland Sports.—On Thursday 14 June, the Comintin for Ghael Society of Lon4oti, - held their annual meeting at Blackheath.%) ei:For the game at Slimnie. The day was rather wet At. Unprqii tinus but the playing went on,and an excellent din- nee in a snaelous tent, with dilinioqs of mountain dew, quaffed to the usual loyal toasts and na tional Pe nt mrnt C , Waif sufficient to have exhili r bted the company. had they ban contending for the hale amid a:storm of snow. flcr Grae3 the Dttehess ofGordon in passing stirutteb It.tdenocit ran Wednesday la/A. - left Face Pound. with Mr. Mitchel, schnnlinastevol Alvie, tn,hc diFtrihoted among the . pnni, a .mnitt seasona ble relief at the pre.ent time when the means of auhsi;.trnce with many ere nearly eihansied. Education in sum of Elll.OOO was voted on Monday week by the louse olCotn ; mine, for the erection of seal-houses. and for the education of,poonchildren in Scotland. Cape of Good fliipe.papers, to the Slut May, mention that in en attt ok of theriffrc tribe upon the enitzrant &more, the latter han been &rem elt with the lore of their horses and baggage. One servant rebre , eots he horns 11.1 FATTI piefri V inch reedby the t,:itiye tribes, and that they had a ViiV: Led to the nearest field cornet for aid.—Aber deen Herald, • • I thee , ce come, MO ME there— al weaves SEE MECO PI )".... Frny pee thee : et sup Traiimoniala.—The 'Rev. Mr: M'Connachie ".• parnetital s,hool,r,nstur of Strachan, had lately ' ortn.erited to two, by the tniatster of the parish, 'll h in ar n id7,.:tt ‘ c 'f li c :,:u. `3 o. l 6ofssh.ar;tifnilgenudegsak"...pu.pitles'oia , monial of tl,..ir re.loct and - graptude for his ,i krealous and-efficient labours as a teacher of the ' ! younz. . . ~. on Lon4o +.— — T.Li s veiTinol t Biacketi, her, wio iu Coljur Mearifui 31nrialify.—The deaths on board the w em igrant ship'•4lroervs'," from Grew-telt, on her — .l: coy Rae 'n New 5...1.111 Wales, up to March last amount to thirty-4re; and among these was Mr. . Alex_ Sutherland. from 'Morayshire. a teacher. Aevanty of the 'cintifrants remaThed it the [luar• anune station, and in hospita4 but they were mostly convalescent. Stoneharen.—On.Tucsday the 17th July, was opened here, the 'Free Schted, esiablisherl'on the found rtion of the late Mr. Dtlnaldm3llot 4 QUOSeieS, '• tot the education or-fitly scholars from the 'wish Ai es of I:, to:rc.mn and Donnottar. Of the full ribtn- wife of the well., ariest to esape, ell. • and Bir in it compl • ned the ber of fifty scholars may one was-absent, • ton Ingenious Invention —Mr. "James Duncan n d waksittita.ker, at Glenlace, has lately constructed um a small steatn-eng me, on the high pressure pm lth ciple, the novelty of which consists in the steam l ee acting twice in the cylinder beloro it escapes into the the atmosphere, by which there is a saving oC 80, half the teel and half the water which a cormbrin engine at the same power would - reqaire. By the ace a - indication of the sit-pump alid condenser it can my work on the low pressure with the same saving. Wt - some scientific mtn who have seen the plan think, ys, admirable adapted for locomotive engines, or !MS r vessels making lung voyages . ;—{,Gello;otty R .1 cu. _, with and lire LlVCrpoo 7s Carroll • 'es to tt twit l tuns) e a rriVa I dates to ti the tintell and Ind , which rd..) in fly: into a iswiseci i l a n extrae so r, !ogroh r v nevi n e t. Thal'it is tl may ,how vex ' oyal 'yac t, wi mmancted by I ,rdered f F evening; t e SI rsa is unklnow be ,_ About two o'clock. on Wednesday morning ' ill ' last, the quiet and:peaceable town and folandovery the was thrown into a state of great alarm by the re... __' l , l ° port that a new workhouse gas on fire. Crowds 'u' - instantly wroceedeal,lo the epot...eljd..reratered - el.) '' l ' ' ery assistance to estlngutsb the flames, which ort. rose to 'an alarming hejelit; end ihreatned the en. kda tire destroction 41f . the betiding Notwithstattd. , ted, ing the praiseworthy eieruons of the ' assembled late molt nude; only a portion of one wing and the oat. der. 1 hoildings.wore present:di of-the- rest i nothing-se. al is mains but the bare walbsi which are so pate:jolty. • the injured I itat'thergreatelittpart of them must Delta and built. y of. , that an El inept of expense inde trial not oo I+ toranon o ord nt form o' Wel • tt p them in • I d to be futile, a -lily 6 pla telly on and rebelli maletial law to the Teduei d in, would to the dietrat The ere . Ok r ier r ime Eecae.--On the 20th July; on. this venerahle and riaspect . ed Minister of the Gas -8V pel departed this life, at • the Souse ot. the:Rev. ioo Daniel Davis, at Swansea. Ha - had Wen for op- . ere wares of 51) years a zealous, popi.lar, and sac. ted easeful preacher, in the Weigh baptist Coeliac- t wo. , , -• • . lin T. Phillips, EM. of Brunswick Square, Louden, sir , has, with unexampled liberality, presented hii The eleventh donation of basin to the library of St. icy David's _College.. Thell'fiumber of books pre. de . Rented by Mr. Phillips to thatinstitution at veil. one times. amounts to 2,249-volums, bimidei tracts .on- • and painphlets.. .1 .„.. md. The late learned Dr. Burgess, of Salisbury, left 'ate es a legancy to St. David's Creteo. his whole li ig: brary, consisting of the most' velosble works in theokigicel, classical, and georal,literature. Ha ving been the original founder ofithis noble Mali. t...tion, whilst he-presided over he see uf St. Da .... live; vid's. the venerable prelate has thus finished the .d ~ great work which he begun h devoting - this tasting testimony of hii regard to th college; and' • °fp...initial zeal to the caussoflltia: vine Mas ter. , The receipt For passenger9tti, she 23 US of . the Great Western Railway already o nod v ii ' beemt 1500 for the first Week . ..c17,30 or the .' and week, and £235 for the - first day' f the , . ir . week —(slyrther paper - 4 - • ' - - cr,.. 441be . /ystteyth cricket Club.—Thigi club' be •an their season on Friday week—when * well tooted Match was played. Several new member hate a opine. eral • bir, roe the Sur y wire rely ,e 23. EEC en, that, io de riages, 4 pri veyed to law on that a #tarriage hest .perrionag , e and uee Tele' an rote. taine tinen:tal S to e •persunag, and to the igen tor Imembers , to be debtroui of 1 . recent in icattens have str ngthebed of tic 1. Woman .. ate tote closet!, get epiri licences, stark/. ."iO"I"VS '' VILLE I - EONSS DAIY MORNING SEPTEMBER . - r 26. IS3S. - WALES. lIIMII=IMEii were pko ra*::4J and elenthil. 'The llon,.GeOre. Warren Edwards is the president tor the. year. -4Carhervork Herahl,„#olY tdj The ;sole nsinagemiatt et the te.lli.greph be . twcen Liverpool and Heti hiod4lfits beta trans ferred from the, Dock Trustees- to .Wat son, the trustees considering that the expeedi hire is not of such a nature as the powers confer red by fthe dock acts j sstify n ceritinning. The sole confide, has therefore, been glycol up to Lient. Warsoe : who will cry on the telleiriapS' at his own risk, if the ~.kereant.ile community should give him the necessary degree of s u pport—lbid. We Understand the Committee on the redue- tion of postage have le-considered their Twain.: lion wkh 'varlet to adoption of a Twopenny rate; and have thought it advisable to recommehd an uniform charge of one penny on stamped covets carr.Ving half-an ovnco weight, paid in advance— the two penny charge to be exacted when stamp. cd covers are not used. The alterations is to take Once is soon as the revenue can heir the reductien.-1 bid. • IRELAND. 'The Mines and collieries of Ireland, are begirt log to attract public notice, both from I,ke increas ed quantity of their produce, and the great num ber of persons employed. One Company has !Tilden half yearly profit of £lO,OOO. The prin ciple article_ is copper. Steisni.—A new vessel propelled by gleam has been built by the Dublin company intended for Rio lanolin. The canal from Clear to Ennis is to be immedi ately surveyed. Ab attempt was recently made to shoot Mr. John Marshall, of Annahanc, county of Down. near Newry. The Hercules Steamer f,t ruck on At dmore heat; in a fog. The passengers and crew were safely landbd, and the boat afterwards got afloat. Upwards of £3OBO has been subscribed for a steam packet between Trate° end Liverpool. Robert Olden of Cork sendea large qaantity of manufactured soap to tngland. The_Copper mines or Dean Adams at Cusacks town, county of Meath , are about to be worked. There is every prospect of an abundant harvest throriElf the whole of Ireland. FRANCE. The French Government has formerly demand ed the expulsion of Lewis Bonapart from Swttz erland. A certain M. Chaltas ban been arrested at Par. charged with the manufacture of documents purporting to be despatches of amtraasadors and diplomatic agents of the• French Government, which he sold at high prices to certain diplomat ists, the reprmentaiivos of foreign Coulain Paris The Dotcli Minister was inplicated in pushing 1 this nefarious business of abstr.acting the docu ments front the .Nlini-ter of forvign affairs, and he was ordercd to quit Paris within 24 hours, Remains of Napoleon.—The. Maritime Prefect of Ctierburg oafs received orders to hasten the ar mament of the frigate the Rome Blat.che which it is believed at Cherbourg is destined to proceed to St. Miens to receive on board the remains of N a f foleon. Toe Prince of Moskwa, son of Ncy,iand Duke Eugene ut W utemburg have both hoished operas, and the Prince Royal of lianoeer is engaged. id another- . . • Marshal Soult has returned to Paris. Priymas Marie or Orleans, daughter of Louis Phillip gave faith to a son on the 30 June, to be named Philip Alexander Marie Ernest. Spera'e hie of I'‘ ashicgion has been translated into. French by Pit . Guizut. Rept/ Sisirta—A :French paper says the tame yabiag luincia the Prince of Joinville brought With nun from Braila, gambols about the apart. amble of [herrn:ice at kieuilly with all the ty of a 'kitten. . Prihce Frederick of Orange, has Visited,• in a Dutch ffigate,St. Helena' lied the tomb of Nape. :tom at womb latter he took a ak'eteh. The Slap Air..rendre - :Several bagt, forming part of of the cargo of the Alexandre, on bang: lauded at Bordeaux, have been found to be stained , with 'blood. Information of this circumstance having been given to the Judgmeklostruction'i he ordered them to be, deposited in a, place of - detention. The -feet comes in curroboratiork of the declarations of the Cook relative io the krairder of the captain and"part i .1' the crew. • From the limmagdoo iburnat. STATEMENT OF MICHAEL. WALLACE, Esq Mr. Benedict . On looking over the Advt.: sate and Sentinel of the 18th ult, my a itention was arrested by the following stater. . . _ meet tn . it. . "Now the truth is, Gen. Pun ;ter.never had any treat's, the gentlemen lapnointed never gave bond, .or took upon Great Meeting themselves the trust; but having full con& i • IN UNION TOWNSIILP. -, dence in his integrity, they and• his credit- On Saturday last a large meeting of the 'ore left it with him to make settle:mit- antii-Sub , treasury and Rither party, was and manage, all the business himself.' -I held at the house of Jacob Rapp, in Union Having been one of the persons sap-. township. We give the prpceeding,a be pointed trustee for Dsvid 8.. Porter; Iteel tow: a friend in attendanze tells us that myself called upon toZtate to the public the spirit was entinisiaStici, and that where the reasons why I did nut act as he' trt" at the Presidential election General Aar tee. Immediatelyon, my same being al- •riZon only received two votes, Joseph Itit-1 nounced by 'the court as : one of the true; - tier will have from 60 to 'YO. The meet- 1 mei, Mr-Porter damelo nteerid i exprtisir big was organize) by apixiinting - RICH ed a wish that I would consent to the a .ARD ADDA3I3, President; &Stat. Re pointinent, and give the necessary secu - - wr-, Tuostas Brct.za, Sommer( Ssuo- 4 ty, and to induce me.to do so intimated , W ALTER McDostats, Vice Presi-_, mi.., that it would not be necessary that 1, • and D. H. Goo4utin, and Court tnysell should do any .thing in the matte. Hoteeq, Secretisrths. .' , I but that , he would do all, and thatLitigi •-• n- • -_ motion the followiig persons were teption was to pay all .the claim (gainer. :a . ted a Committee 3 draft a prelim= him but one, winch was a large • one, eint , .:blit*d resolutions for th Consideration of which he would neveitpay. I was tenet:: itie meeting, viz: Jacob - II Rapp; Jonathan ant to -comply: with hie, wishi•and. told him linabinger, George Greg , Matthias. Hal m?. he then left Me, aid lea short time la- tileman, Abraham Is. Bghiler;`Michael gain came tq me, and urged me to con: , -torah, Edward - McGovern, Amoe Mania, sett. And comply, -and -'at the same-tittle' Olin Brown, Henry Gilbert, Geotge Da 'Souped and gave me no saderstan4 , `us,Rotandus Ziactine/min -- , Hiram OW unless I would let- , :him have the: , ns, Charles Turnbaugh Mark Bitter, \meat of alt the busineits, be did not. Solomon Ulshafer,Johnflreeher,.'William th seal wish me to have. any thing to klo In the matter, and that if I 'would so consailt and conipty he would. make me tisafe, as he , could; that he would give me John tone braker, and, I think, Thomas M. Owens, as s6curity or bail that I shriuld lose by doing So. This I refused to agree to, a . n&Mr;Porter then walked of aortleft me. A sport dine after this, Mr. Porter in conL vereation induced me to believe that there wa4 no - property, or trust funds to be got tenor to look after, at any Tate a ortli the rouble qf attending to it, and in come- quence thereof, I never acted in,-looked after, or inquired further about the busi- ness. I have been disappointed in what hopes I had at that time. that Mr.. Porter might pay his debts7ss be has since baf fled and delayed several or his. creditors, whose claims were evidently juet.- , As to my own claim, although a small mattr, not the one half of it is yet paid, - ,though it was the claim on which he gat hiinsetf put tojaii. During the last August court in • Huntingdon, I called on Mr. Porter, personally, and demanded a settlement with him; but be positively refused doing any thing in the matter until after tile e teetion, and. I will now be cot - ripened to gittstialaat is justly due to me fi.lun him in n thin I t way I can, wiiich lam now coin. pa nd trying to do by the only course left . . During the fall of `lOl I became tic quainted with John Stenebraker, and lived wttlon a few rods, of his house for some imiita of time. I have since that time lived 'in his neighborhood, been intimate wulr litrit \ and.regularly had dealings --with' him for the last thirty-six years, and have always considered l and found him to be a man of truth and strict integrity. I never heard Ins character fur integrity, veratity 4r.. truth questioned by any one until-he had independence and moral courage enough to publically declare his knowledge of what he had discovered to be a dishonest trans actton on the than of Mr., Potter. 14thla-tunishinent I have seen Thom. as MP. Owens of Birmingham announced in th'e Patter pap-Ts "as an eiernalary pi one man and an el ier of the Presbyter tan church," and ...one - whose .dectstrations Must forever put to eight-the depo*i/tons of the Messrs. Stonebrakers." I \ have some knowledge of the character of Mr. Elder Owens, and wou'd just say "if is no better than it should be." One thin., h o w. , ever is certain, he never was an Elder of the Presb”ertan church and his character could wit have been so‘ery good, but a eery few years ago, when and where he was best known, ARREiTED ON A CtIARGE 01 - PAS:3ING COUNTER FEIT MONEY, at Birmingham in this county, where he had long dwelt and his character was well known'. At which tune a. respectable clergymen who was pretty well acquainted with him, told me he a ttoped the law ti - light noWdo what mrir al persuasion had faileu to accomplish, that is; produce a reformation in -his character. In short I feel confident ; that I state but what ii well known, and. what the mind of every candid man who is well ac quainted with Thomas-M. Owens, will at once concur in, when I state that he is a man who will say, "yes, yea, •0 yes, yes, certainty," to any thing which can be asked or reqnested of him,: provided the doing so will not trench or create a de mand• upon his pocket cir interest', that he is just the proper sort of intltrument fur a de.ligiing man, or set of men to get the consent that they should have the use oh bie-name, to suit their purpote. , No man who knows Thomas M Owens can believe that be wrote or dictated . aeingte sentence of that which appears over his name, in the "Advocate ett. Sentinel" of the sth Sept. MICHAEL WALLACE. :Morris town:ship. Augu4 POTTSV WIEDN ESDA Y MORNING, • i • i• Rapt), Joseph Sdyddr, Henry Miller, Mo ses Sarver. ,Ernahucl Larab, Peter Keifer, David Fritz: whe rifler retiring for a short time repotted thii- fallowing which were read and unanimously adopted. Whereas, we have ever been the firm.l supporters of sward democratic principles; and whereas; the party now io 'power at Washington, liaire fot.iha last eight years used evert insidious means to form a strung and consolidated Government; and where!' as, our present eelf styled democrats are now giving their, zealous support to men who are the avowed advocates of that most infarirms Sub•treasury Scheme—a system having for its end the concentration of all power In the hands otthe President. Therefore Resolved, That this.meeting, can see no difference between the principles and rte• dons of the present Van -Buren and Porter Party, and the former Federal Party of 1799, who were like the present party in favor of investing the President with ,un limited power.' . Rewired, That it is an insult to the de mocracy'of the'country for the Porter men to arrogate to themselves-the name of de mocrats, so long as they support the old federal measures of 1199, and follow in the footsteps of their federal leaders some of whom were at the head of the. federal party in the feign of terror, and who- to this day cling to their federal principles. Resolved, That we have lost,all poofi dente in Martin Van Bu-en, and warn our fellow citizens to have a watchful eye over him since he formed a coalition with John C. Calhoun, the great leader of the Smt li ern nullifiers, -who boldly declares that the -Union has failed to riccoiliplish the object (or which it was formed, and .the sooner it %Vas diisolved the better." ResOlvtd, That we continue our un shaken confidence in the sound democratic. principles of our present worthy. chief Magistrate, Joseph limier, and that we, consider it the duty of every patriot who loves hie country better than party to sup putt his re election. 1. Because under his administration a most judicious system of Internal Im provement has been adopted; the income of our public works been made to yield double, and al! the great interests of our commonwealth scrupulously guarded with out adding one cent to the burthen of the people. . • 2. Because by his proclamation he has. I restored to us a sound and constitutional I cut rency, and has drawn out of circulation the nasty an. filthy Van Buren and Porter Shinplasters. . 3. Because he has done more to pie- I mote the prosperity of this State, than any other Governer since the days of Simon Snyder. 4. Because he is a democrat not only by name, but also in principle. 5. Because he has \ been tried and in the language OfThounas Jerson, foetid 'hon est, cit pubic, and lait brut to the constitution.' Lastly because in all his relations of private life he has sustained, an unblem ished' character, end has never failed to conciliate the confidence,and affection - of those who know him best. Re ß solved, That we cannot supimrt Da vid . Porter . • 1. Because be is In favor of the eicii us sub-treasuey scheme, and Maftin Van B - rev's i rredeemable shin plasters, for prop, ace his vote on the senate Journai of:last ,session, page 653.- 2. _. Because he has been proved by those ""who knoW him" to be a dishonest and perjured man, and totaljy unworthy of 1 trUat., _ , _ . . 3. Because we believeliim to be - unfit as well in rpoint of intellect as in point of iutegrity,lto perform the duties Of the of. fiee.to which he aspires. E• • 4. Because although said to be worth $40,000, be still refuses to pay;his hottest debts. MI 5. Because his whole character 'shows that he iu a low, intriguing and dangerous; PT. 26, 1838 man. Resolved, That the charge of abolition against "Joseph 'littler is unrouridecrin truth, and only got up by the Porteritaii, as, their kid resort to divert public atten, t ion from the -crimes 'charged ogaituit4heir own candidate, and of which they know him to be guilty. Resolved, That we warn the friends of Rimer in all parte of the county to be ready and prepared to meet this stratagem of the Pertermen With the undeniable facts, viz: That Martin Van Buren voted in the New York Convention to give negroei the right of suffrage; that RiChard' M. Johnson is a practical amalgannstioilist; - that DaVid - R. Porter hiniself voted against the admission of any Territory into ,the Anion, unless it would first set all negroee 'frilifind lastly, that a majority of the leaderelof the Porter party are known as avowed abolitionists. • ' Resake, ii; That the silly - Ciiiiiiitires exhibited by the Porter Men of the 9ettys-, burg - Mail Road, hardly *seem - passing. nottcc, ! because it is well - knolinitiat Da vid R: Porter , toted_ ?or 'an 'app*iiittion of$150.1101:11.6 thiamirieinad winter beforei last, arid that our own, Senator, .Charles Fmiley, Rig. voted.lastwielet fiif i ti - i ,liff:, ther appretwiatiai_tikiii c AeemtntAalitoArf; important link lOniiitittietilbattir irit7i#l 4 ' ' the.greak.*lley . ofilit twiistiosii:,-t.:?r , ?-:: 1. . 8( 4 - Resorii4W, That: he - •-tnii, "tenenialt4,;..!':.; the Loctislfom Stale•Tieafiii..„6sfllkallii-5-I?-: "-' Sturgeon, iti zegardAo tbeini_„ :ipt*,...-':: State Debt finder. the-presenttid — ili**" -- ' ''.. ion, can have . no inPuence 'Totten linligtt,tr. ened jinblici and that We haire., 04drin.: . .. in the. -ceilifiCite Liiinacr-officitill,ilori*l Auditor General - and ilin.Seme"ta 00400&.....: Comminiivealth, Meiam, HObait ind)* . tiiV • rowel, to nit: "We, the Secreterfrikr(Wif Commonwealth, and ,the Audifor , Getioe':"J al, both lif whomere with thttetatiViihrf , - -. surer, Cominiiisioners of the .1 3 nteniiklif,:;, - provement fund of Pennsylvania, dobeiiito • certify that the whole permanent,StaS te Debt, on which the State paid inteilis4f.:. and which she was liable to . Rol4:irikiitiiii the fourth day of December,;lB3s;;;;ll.2ll;4 s . 330,003 32, aiid that it is new 0n(11it1f,7.4".:' August;-18:38) 824 230,003 1 32. :- " litA, Signed THO'S .H. ,Btl 1aft0W,..§;•141, ; -. • Sec'ty of the Corinnotrennil*."-* NATII..P. HOBA HIV l'i' 4 ' .- 4' 4 • .r. t., •,,...„.... 'Auditor' General: •i.- . Resolved, That we heartily apprnq of the whole ticket formed by ;our friends, and that we will give rr °wises.; - lons'and united support. after which Mr. Goodwin arldresieittliP meeting in a very able and eloquent iftnti- ner. . ' Resolved, That the procpeding,a meeting be signed by the otricera,andiiiti fished in the Miners' Jourrnd, and nik.l4. - f: er . Imperil friendly to Ole re.t . dti,ctild :— Ot Joseph Ritner. (Signed by the .offieeri+); • - Stray Co Qv:wet:from. th44nbee.lber aboilt istkiiro:' , .. 4 Ole ill kbput 13. years old, a pro., down the tour shoulders, a whiteppotin of r head and a hole in each, horn, Pharr. AA:Oda' twn feet with. white tuft at wilt. W' return said Cow or give information . may be found, shall receive FIVEIIO94II'&' REWARD. - P' :471, ,• . JO AT AN-, DA DDONV . 4%:Zitc: Tow6iint,f7;, Notice.' To the Subsovebtheof the "rofra S4U of Pottsville. .• - 4 SECOND InPtoltneni of Tiro dotiesitskUnfri:' -na ty cents (wench share of , slock, is iell4issC to be paid to the sobse.riber, odor before Monday in October neit: By order of the Boaid. JOHN T. HAMLET. Tititatit..". Sept. 22 KinifsettonTlOarilingSeAoor: d ' - i -- raltiE Vacation will comm ,nce the litof neat • m- month, and the Winter Terms istfor 1141 month, when new scholars may be adtitted. -:' Apply to . - . ESI3ICAR .KJ.IIBFII,.;:‘ . _,. . • . . i Superinterant,..„! Kimberton, Sept. 15, 1833. 1 ll . ,,aira : _ Dissolution of .IPnrgwraillip. item xxj ii EREAS Charles Kellner has ins pub - , . v v lie, notice, that the .firso or Ka ttipAotn‘. Derrick Wis dissolved on the ilth of A uatlat‘ Cheri by the withdrawal of Cheri Kantner IfrotnAlits• firm, and td all those inde - to the,palifektoiltd; make payment to him the id Ilaudnerithireis: to ratify all thrsie indebted 1" the'.iiikfiiiifiiiii . to make payment :to him, thitivaid Ifinaner,littit cause the said Kantor.' is not Wathorise:4#ll l o4 "I - the affairs of the said firtru.and becnustr4a,siab.7 . scriber has an equal right and claim tottani vided half partof all the stook s boa . ili 1 :141 properly - whatsoever belonging to said ltriti t ':;.,i,:. .CHARLM. DERR% /1:4I..: . \ Sepieutper 19,1838. • ' -1 - .47.4,,73.;.-!..rj.r.l.'i'• ' Teachers - Ilralitede - ' 'IA Directors of the Pithlie,Eeitiiiiiii of M 12 -1 I n 1 - h .are ready to receive akiliagliniffirill*, '. em plc eat ot eight competing Teichine Saida -. in the rulitto School., of 451/11164.ta#10/114tE44::' ensu!ite.Season. , ruff. to t4C.hGclutati:o.itt.A #O, to tescit-Engtisb., :'• None nd apply cai#l4.4 who can conic well recommended. is Wail's : 4e," and of good moral character; App in; eititiiiot the subscribers. : . . 4 ,' 4.- - - - Ajt: - .7 . ,;, -44 ' LUDIOG. BERGE%-.`i A.7.,...Z,V.4: ' • GEORGE..IROYER, - ~, ... 4 44z.:: -, CLIARLER, DENGE,I44;Ew. sAMErEt-RiOireaVVW:eeti sktakiitorlloPYrr. JOSEPH ',11,-Oxpit.ll t :*? , : 4- g -,,,:,014 . ;t004 ii, . 4 . ... -,,,rawl#-7.,i.. ; 1 `,.. - ' • r.. ;9"• ”11 - . - • , ' i,' "r - r• Stray - COWOkI sts WAS brouglds , to the eriber,AnCtitirOlia . Ir,lr• inst.. ;raiding in is Jilotoiiiti;MAW COWS. one is a b ri ndle - i'llti-JPRIS4Iii.Ak.,,, ~ .other is a Black and . Val* ' Spolteir . icole c Vlin " , i owner or owneri are retieited.,fir "4:alaila. ~ • prove ProPerrY. Pot arvrgelh *id iiil lUin.W . -- .otherwise they will betaold ecorilW tcliiiizt-.-7 , • . : moit Vi 141M1 1 1.1(..1.1'.. September 19,.1038, :', ~,,- _ -;.,,witi. - 17. , 7 famit - , - BO04Itt: .- . , - - Viiiiiabte.nearri*roon, - ilopyk,. ; . - - ' ' . „t i o.R.:SI&I.V:I -. .. : , i i-- . - - 4 Vitt: u n de r signed - Ofrelily\fiii alai Intl that Welt known three - itory ,BRICK ST RE 4 - 1+11? - DWELLING - HOUSE and the apputte2;; aitisitOin'Criitie ' st reet,. PottoviW. Pe:if ~ (traits' andersiktied. together witty -Jiihir"'.lsther'' (enententihr'the rear of laid beildingkaarahs4 10t.,,df gtocuid ;whereon the. whole,\ ll6 lMl B , , . Welt budding', aforesaid, con tai ns thirty : feet jta47 , front—finished frock the loiseranweot7it.Taiii - . - garret in the hest style of *roily`'itkiide as a basin," stand and aireside ei ve w . - vourebty situated. .The , foreitokriC .., - o_,.,aix i. benold on row andteedalßilfh ":I:A.Vt • of the purchase iitnney lay reitnritinitAttstitnii.f l erty for a few 'years, it deeired. I,‘rirti.lol... . ble, and possess' can be given instandiitelyvvf apply to . •. ‘G. 51: •JMUINCEL -.„- April WM ' ' :;-; .I — :' Airfoils t : t -• ...- V;.. ; j*;—'''.' • -~- ~`~ I .‘.. - 4. '..' .-C.. --",. r -4 • '. P.'• ••: 4. . 1:4. .Yi',.••` ~ . z I . ;4.;it,:f'.1••7 'l' .T 4: MEE N l , a,,.-i z ~x~, ,:5.4-,;;:. NO. 75. j,. . . -1 =IP Septemlier 19 1831.., • • 2. I :."10 OM ZEE , • - ' t ~ 2.~ w ~'~','-i~{R .:: f~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers