I V'k +' ... :~: ~~~ a 113111 ' r r:l' ;:. r.• iii L • VOLii, 4.4 t- :46 ( i 44 0 1 0 V.Oh;. -11 0 - BIA - last 0 trtA A.11:111 Il i ,„;‘,;,, ingligte. • • ' ' ' Tleliir,P6i.:4.*TOD - frierT C .' liayaVeiraut!hilly in admit*. In the. ;44 MID tl) Vtlaßged II cei? ¢.4ll9lerfte Rf 29stlig,* ' 1 $3 ' f dhir 'Mint -04 a hrifiht-t -wit bilhidditil rixtbbi;iiice orauh!icti: 'ln' 3 Two-NlotstessW4erl#ntant in advince. if Vot,:pati within. t be chnigeif • - A.diitatrawmtintmetibt.thidgeding t -charged $l-for insertion. taigcr onesit - inn:frt.( All advertisernenttWa...: ont....qp)ints the fttpe for i they is swirledAnil willte - thirged at . Yliftlyrld;oilisers wiilbeeharg aubsetifitionto tlitißsper of keeping thirendirertfaensentnote statidingidlutint_heryear..and thei ei °gain - frir titrewnuc , Millittrwsinkhrsselltii the Oho othertmnnoAtts4l.iii, Will be psi. All anfit - ps for niectings, &c. linintoforn'been brie, t.5-Ceetlieictr: except Ha I t tegthek k al 411.reetofaorthe Pen -°!-• h54t1.04,,e-re4y.to employment of eight: eompet in the rcblieSchools, of IV ensuing season. Part `to' to teat* nogkOti None I who can come well recoml and of good moral character the subscribers. 'II WM I G T ‘GEI:MIGE rs! "'CHARLES Ri BENJAMIN 40.5.0Pn .►l. MEM lb, `ll3iA Stray brcqght to the si inrt4 rceidtng io COWS,. one is a brindle other iait'lllack and White owner or owners are rettuer prove property. pay charges •otherwise they will be bold me' September 19, 1838. First Troop &hoplkill i4C rated for Paiaee Mat., at 2 o'clock, P. By Command JAMES P. .Sept. 19, Reading Nail & iliqgron., band boiler Anzoti'rlo. and also, all iropkithylkitguld and aqua. it:161444r* iron of the . an . ,,d'izainteFinthk; arid eat gut and 1340 , atamortyx,iroo of mu krior 'are altered fok,aale at the KEI3IB, 1 , Aeadirwltane2s; 1838. .:431othe and Illrittrt,_thbairtber has part! assortment 'Breen, thahrible Green, di PAN Black, , Blue, drab arlideh win tbe . sold very CI 1./WMIle;/uly 14; 1838 01111117 ,TfilOble Real Pr . . FOR S rilliE ualieraidrued offer, - known .three.ctorY-1 1 DWELLING HOUSE 1 situatain Pentre '; of the • undersigned. tov, taneatents.in the rear- of ; lot of ground whereon t brialt building ~for Id, froh - garkt inthe- best st le of aw business stand iind v?grablg situated. The be sold wlo and aces , ,! orthe motley ; 'fink : x*4 year., it d blei,aud cioaseasion can aPPIY Ap ' I 12232-tf , litiLlC Per 119111R - S,ew Castle and Company lir - takentfroni •tbs Oat ea 1 .114941:90P0449,p, by theCopeTrty office, Pfinaigibia. • t Phihuktlphist. iktPi• EU in A YOUNG man - who 'maks Gam 50.0393 12,r014-yeara RI , - • SE • Miptit 'Carbon, Sept C/72 =I AMAX E in to the ;before the 7 i opppooK to be abOot tirbiti*?e find WV. 10 Mt* rneracali- hive rib i t h ana:minirfor Smock roil roe 41, one ir*Prdrll°• . • .1; Vann s liairgair ileW the Led of P riy the .i,theas l znd I?! , • 3enie, rouse.l ill iiiiiidnee is at: Ibineibreaf klithoss. r Jane 2 • • .=,„;..„-- • t = c ' . • . L TOO Torizzcz Tirelow-xLstor VLF zAt11(01 111111111 tr ,1 71 . a• • , IRE undersigned Offers for isle his estate' now A. occupied - by iiiin,C-consiiiitig 01155ecres good red gravel lanCeittialed-On the Old iold from Mc'Keanaborg to Catiwissa - J in Cittiwissa ley, Onion township; Schuylkill county, about 20 miles-fromtfottraiike,and L 5 frotriCettaciesa, about 35 acres are e.leared, havhig good htndist,.. and the rest is heavily timbered, with atom able Felling Elonse,'Barn, Horse slnble, Sprlog House, with -a never failing spring, a very large -Garden, Orchard -and a Storehouse, where for many years store has been kelit, and still buispess is carrying on. There is. also' a good Sa w Mill and Rouse on the LtUte'Catawiste'Creak,helrbe' , the junction of its two - braittlietOrrivhich* 6 o' . I already drives several mills, and . here -united have sufficient water power for any kind O J T mills. The Little- Schuylkill and : Susquehanne rail road pusses along through the fond and quite hear thebaw.mill. Part of the purchase 4intiney may remain on. the property Tor a few quia il desirdd. Title indisputable, and wriseseiodirOTn on the 'lst-of AptiFnext, or sooner; H. A; 72-s. annum, I rtmt-paid with ' I, those who'. eubKribers year, 30 cams an:- • ' le sedvlsarsualL year. -50 -war !eive lines will be !, 50 cent' fot one on. - • until ordere 1: re to be continue ordingly. $l2 pet annum; ivithtbeprivilege 1 ceeding2 squares I sertion stVetitiqs. • Must be postpaid ,ib.them. • nd other notices gritis, will be agerand peaths. .4choids of Man. olleation for the :sellers toteach • township, the :man and part ply except those I as to.cspactty • dy to either of; ,ER, Esq. T. Direttota, 43-9 w. on the 13th 'tough, TWO Cow, and the fitted ' , Cori. The' tn . tomeTortvard. ' , lke them ,away, ing to law. NaiIGMAN. 73-3 .nty Cervafry, T4uradarthe 24th ,TON, F. 8. 7V--3 Works, act of various fermi axes bar front up to 3 11.403. punched angles ready for file and eloikea-- All of which city prima. Co. 50—tf - dimeresi Blom a large a l nd Bloc, Black, Brown b and [Mau Cloths— nd mixt Casairocren rap. AMUEL HART Z. 54 asii4 ty in Pottsville, LE for sale all3het well r SiOlftS SND dam appwrtenances iettavillei the property., er with nine other aid building, and the whole stands: The contains thirty feet in basement story to the workmanship, and both residence, is most fa, oregoing property will modatmg Wins. Part sy remain Oln'the prop. iced. Title indispota . - given - immediately— G. M. lENNINGS. , Pottsville D IKON French Town Ralf Road - et a part of the Iron track., bars are in *sample may be seen , Chesnut street wharf, DAVIDSON, AgenL t 1838. 72-2 mo ed, tiend-in the Store, one woolitbe prefera.=Al - APPII to .-: fIIVPITE li.N. SO t, — , aloe. ware of the Subscriber, ..It. a- PALE AMR COW, 'ears shi,.ori Oak size; ne other whits about her: I. by 'applying to the snis. his advertisement: West old isquarter miles. South J. H. BEATTY. I 72-3 AYES', ilidelphia,) -• 1 . • • .toodot ;whet . lorticeo to Ole And tho*lcinityland ;f fiat work,- ,trick a!ptit• i ttfaietif a Adiarts of rtrAti Matto% opposite atitantAlta , Co.. Ts •Ce•ntre: ••••1•11 • .I, 41- kW. Sae. Sept. 15, 1838 p- .; • 'RA CO. lalereers Tailors, INFORM their , friends and_ ther public in gen eral, thit they save removed to their former stand in Centre Street, (opposite to 11'1iller 4 Hag gesty's Store,) where they have on hand, a geri era 'assortment of superfine Broad Cloths . ' and CatWimeres of the most fashionage colorS,. With an elegant assortment of Shmmei Cloths, Satin, Silk, Valencia, Marseilles and Velvet Vestings, linen: Cotton and Chintz Shires, Satin, Silk and Bombazeen Stocks, Linen and Chintz Bosoms and Collars, *leo 'Linen and Chintz Sesame without Grillers, Silk, Contain, Thema-, Beaver and Hoskin Gloves, I,ineit and Cotton HMO and kW Hose, Fancy Linen and Silk Hionikereldefil and quart- Elastic Suspenders. They'also'hs7e'on tienthen elegant stock of Gentlemen's end'BcY's Westing 1 apparel, such as Frock and Dremi,Coats, Ronnie bouts, Vests and Patelooni;.toide after the latest fashion and the beat werinanship i : which they in tend to sell at reasonable'prices. d P. S. Wanted 'twirl or three good 3purheymen Tailors, to - whom constant work will be given throughout the season. . . Pottsville, Sept. 15,1838. • " 72—; In the Cqyrt of Common 'Plena of schuyl. kill County. Is Me staffer of the Elliott of Chats Ft oiley, Esq. •. WHEREAS John Schell. assignee ' c \ S;.; • of Charles Prailey, 'Etal..did on the 3d day of An gust., :One Thousand Eight Huedred and Thirty-Eight,. - file in the office of thePinthonotary ot the Court of 'Common -Pleas fer. the County of statement of all concerns of the said Estate. NOTICE tb Iterdby gluten With° creditcri of the said Charlei Fridley, E 4 and all &herein. terested in the said Estate, thatthe nev:oral:de the Judges - of "thu•Ccmrt •of Common Ploaanfore 'mid, have appoitited Monday the 2211 day of Oc tober, 1838, it 10 o'alock, - A. M. at the Court Haase'-in the Borough of Orierigebure for 'the hearing °Mc-same, and for shesng cause lathy the said acconnt,cright,,uot to. alloweas And in default thereof, the same will confirmed. Witness the Honordblii Calvin:Blythe' Presi dent or our said' Court at Orarigsburgl the 12th day of September, A. P. 1838. LEWIS AUDENRIED. - Prothencitary. 172 Orwigsborg; Sept. 15 New 04:NAlis• • WE have just received, ithd are now opening h large and general asairtftterti of fresh and seasonable godly—which will be wild at very reduced prices for cash. JOSEPH W LfITE & SO4. Monnt Carbon, August 11,1898. .62- • PROCLAMATION. PURSUANT to an act of the General Ati,serni bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,. passed The #4th day of February. 1799 i I, Peter F. Ludwig, High Sherriltof thelmuntypf Schnyl • kill, do hereby give - this public. notice to theeler, tors of the ponnty of Sehnylkill ifortnistict that a General Election will be held in skid county on the second Tuesday in ectober.sext, Which will be the 9th day of the said Mouthy for the 4iurpose of choosing by IN t not.. • - . oile 'Peirsok For Governor of Pennsylvania. , . Otte 'Person tir, For In re refetit . Leititrh' arid SehtlyTkirllioun lea, in the oriberthaited Stak.el. . ' ' . ne Person ... 1 To represent Schuylkill county id the House of Representative , of this Stale: Two 'Perko's. -' ' ' For Coionors of Sehdylkill county.' . ' " Two Per Sons .' ' For minty Comm issieners. (Me to serve 3 peers and the other two. to vaPrftra vicauq• Qfte, ..Petwon - For Direettor'nfitM Phoi. and floiMe of Employ _ *kepi Of Se.hoylkillleonnty. ' Two- Persons ' For ,A uditors of Schuylkill eouritr. , TWO ,Pettolle_ For Trustee of the 'Cribigiburg Acidernjr. . I Aid that the EloCtoils ir•the coontifotSeholl- I 'kill aforesaid. are to essembleforthe purpose.of I chttoising .4y ballot the- offteseWsfornsaid Inn thel second Tpepdai id October nett, .ate the •Orreerel districts end places boraposird . .it . ithe . several 1 Ixrroeghs, teiwrielliiiie and arstrick= wit+ , - . . Theelaitorief the titStotiglitif gatini* 'will I hold their eleet!oe it4ite•Efourt -Mem Ini the botdisgh of Orrgsburpo.. II ...„.. • • ;. , - i The.electore of Weet firuesivicietwooldsr . ., will!! bold their electron et the Cdett ticetwe-A l ther , beroigh of Orwigebarg. ~ „, , :, -, ... 1 The 'Ciotti:we Of East Brunswicir towiettir willi. hold their election iftierlintse or iieitirLittsitil, the town rifileKraterbWrg. r‘•% i- ' 1 ''l ,- it The elerore.of Penrose ;township. etch holt their eleofwa jails 110010 cg tho,, : Alit ,totin Hair,;: . now Win/100.0 etdd tellteitilli•lq The deem* of Wiiiiktaiinitkip illif'tAiliskits election at thl ho4oldLiOnlitti. l 3b44iithluterril in Atte townlofl 4 riedauditeirtor : is ' q: '.:, - zi 4- q..... Th 6 °11461T• or UtOef,-.4l ll lfiielepta stirri i i i will hold their si t :warm e l f the horn ok. , if I Moyer ; in slid towtediip;_ . ._ ~ ..*- ' ," t . J The electors of lidirtylidittilifiikihistitent,thti hatelreeciptsitilip Michael -Itlidig, sow, I_ _ al Willigagtlheitisko64o tact* beetle Of Henryaw Bolig 4 in aid township. . =I . .1 . I - • . . ..- -....., • : -.. , z , ......7 , ..:2-',...,tru , ", I.' t... , t . : . . . , . .. - ' ~....: 1 _...,.. :-•.--,_.. •' ' ' .7 : . ' Z.:!-..;,...,..--,..!...,.:.zi.. - V....,71,... ....,..:i . ii.,.9i35 .- :_. - ,- 1, --::;-..._,,, ',,- ,' .. 4' ....., ~.,,..--__,._.: _ r- ,, ....,, t4 kr". "....1. .7.. 'l. ': , :`,„ .e4r. 4 4 ..." , ~..4 : . 4. .!'1 4' r". 4.- `. .• '• ''. . „.. 1 .",, , , 1ivd. 4 4.... ••-.... X 4.,.- . - ,....,.. 7. ....._„ ..-......---- ,F;w - -rs'lt . - : , ?..', 4:k.. ; . :. .„.- .... ._ . s ..,,. . .. _ • ......,r,,,.., - ..,... . . . .. .i.. 5.. . _ . . . - • - ' --.-- ,k..!-.....y..; •-• .. L ~,, k 4 ' 4, ve I.\ ~_.„ '‘... 4 . : ...-,' I : , : - 1 .., :: :. ;_zr. :'? ! . . .. 4 „ ~ 0 ..,..,. w ,I, , iks Is, . ... . • . - ..,---,..."3,.i. • ••:.e...-....1 4 .,,, - ,-4....• - 74. I.' _.,.. ;•'. ~.„...,..:,,..1.,,•?....-...tiitip ' ...aikroirget 4 i' l l l ''' -; ;.•'2,4P - - . :!:". , • • •• - tt.. , i , . ir 4 , ?.g., , :•.=, ~,i-i, • . i,...-•.• ._ . ~... ,- ,„•- -.••• , -•-•••••-••;-_,•,„: , 4....0„.„..,.. • „:„..„. •.•-.1 , r - , T.,..iii , _; , -• , : , .„.: , , , - , , ,, ,L-..,,,1:-:-:z_,.--_,•-.7„.-,•:,:._.:,,,1:z,--.•:-O'-,,k-zi14.,..''-o.,.4*-:" - --14 e, i: 7 7.i . ..; . i.,- ; .. - ; ,A . l.: .2 l,st i ithr , -1 4 .„., , ,,.. z ....:„.,..,_ „. 0 „,,, : ,..,.- . ... ... . .. ~ ~, . 1 , : ,,,..,. e. ,,..„ . AliDiro- TEIVII4LE.,,GiESEitAILADVIS . ~ 181 V ' • , - , ~ 4 . ,• ,T. ,:., - ---;a1,......- -14. , ,, , ,,vr,, , - , -• -.. ,-: 1-_,_ -; . t ...I . - • -.. ~i,'.:.--:•.' 4 ; . , . ~ . 1, I ' ;,. - Wii ii Kl, *W. . :-•,• .' ' ` . ..%., . 4 . . " • • ' •• • : 4' '." '' - ' '' . • \' '• .- '.-''' ' ' . 4 ' >: r ' ''.9; 4 nr...' , ~., :•• .; 't —• , .'. . '-': . • : - . z , - ; -'''-- - '-' . . ' '-- 1- 1 ,,. . ' - 4,44.- .^ ,„, • - - : - . 46 1 , ''' -.--.. '-'-- "qt.*,..le''., • ~- !rtili'n , , , 1 - i -, . • • • ' • r . .4 • • PO t - - • , .•, 4 . • • r . . .. -tfAi elecßinQielienafiliiiiiiiiiiim 7 liiiiishiP, •- , _ pato - n ,.. . : in Stilidylkill countt•iviiidinewith4biholliiwkv: ~,....i.i m i t gA s i a l.. -, • . - e i l 'i t v, -- -, ...,.• 1 ,"7 - r ;I: _•,:),: described Wads, Which -foram anew electico4 - VT . teet i dekeete 7; i -Ali •• - - : -."*.t .. fig ie 4 ..; district, vaned ."WilYain'a l i alkivr• Icrw.k Be-, 'limed Ninn ifiiiiiiry-imadnd ' Ulla ber-siiiim - .. • ~,. gins ug at,the Dauphin in I3ciaviiikill county ‘ to 00.0 , 140irthia c0m0itad0tb.i .,.. 4 ,.., nit. l i l line', including the Tavern , Ouse droktlin - Broad itiottiottor rejection. N 044 thereB46 in po tan, Mou inin A laratonaisPiad htl i vin iaol4.ll • 4lll "H ce 'ArtexPortiiii hieviiifeinsii?' aliclichie made in and-. SiMit'ille‘Pinaltmrii tri w im hi i ilfaert " b e ie f ---ii in ' bilin agt.of•thiGeritral • Assidibly4s#ed th e' tersepta the Lower . filabanhingo township .10w4` 29t hiai y . e c m irth A. . p . 104 it au r ith or i ty hiaditig m a d i rection o PrAtztowo, "And thence giicii ....nr hy said convention: . • .4. ' along the vi of Mountain to thelhaphin . . 111 -. IA" ~ • . snd Schuyikil etimity IbieNo thi liked of begin - r. NOS -as iiierie_y . en, : t ,Tbal an election will'be; held in the siveriel town- ' nine shall h reafiet•bold their election At. th e .. bon* otJawk . 41efisrii4, J. now or 11.16. in - the ships,iontrila Annliariets.4ifitto said county of? onariimnaY of alomte Kamm! . • , ',. 4. Schuylkill-AO the said sec ond Toesdartif Otto; • The aranars or e remaining Par; :b , ' "Ter . her nest (being the day for holding-the )General• Maliavitongo township •will ihold theirigesteral e- def ly. of the comouinwealtb). filr the; ratifies-, lectitin . it the ho*use .of • Philip . Osman, in saiO tioriiir rejection'ef the. :laid 'Airieddineri* td the towfiship. 1 I. • ' • ".• ' Coristitinien. The dodges and inspectors of ' Tie elector of Wait Per - township will hold* sid electiOnAM iciptiredtareceire tickets.either ihair eiemioni: the Winise„,_nor! nr-onflaithY I .ss l Priia- printed or. written from citixena l qualitiaii to vows, Fodeider, id , aid lewdarbru. - " • - and in deport them in a box or boxes ( too be fur The electo of Union township wilibold their I' l w pprpoie proirided by the Proper officers,. general election at tire home ot.John fliseiliwamu . ivtucti tickets'iliall: be-labelled on the :outside in said township. • *.l : '. .- “ameirthifeetsriiiid those who :are favourable to. Tbe eiectoria of anshitowoshiplitill hold their, the , auiendbmwthi may. express their desire by gnnori4 ainn ii n l ' iii * th e hnnie °P 3 nhd* B r a l i Pi 1 4 n- - voiingribh'i *toted Of written ticket, or ballot. timelier, in said township. r - ' ; cncteining the words, ."Tor, the, amendinents." . All that part of Norwegian township, in the -mod, those whixere opposed to'itiiih aindniiments county bil3ohnylkill, lying west oßtiiit following may express their opposition by ioling each a line, to wit: Beginnings' the point of intersection . pridted - or'irritten ticket or ballot containing the of the West thatch of the river Schuylkill and* wa d, "Againit the . Amcddmerta." . liliiiiheirn township thence op the east side of Given coder my iand and seal at' orwigsburg, the Vest Branch of tbeSchaylkill to ifs interact:. • the 15th dry of' September, in the year of our . tioit. with Barry towinsiiip. shall be kaeperatee 4 : Lord, one i thetwand leight huddred and thirty' leetkin distriM, and the electors therm:fibril held, e ight, and. the sixty second year of'the irideperid• the r genera electionsatithe house ,of JoiePti, ! ace of the United -States ef - Amitrica. 111 i s, in the ugh of Minersville, hi said town. .. .''''• 'rt - tgR 'P. I'UDWIG, - . . shi * , - ' "- " Sheri Sh . aril!". Office, Orwigs- i • ' 70 _ . boilleept• 8. 113.313. c. •: ' * ._ The electors Of Se.boylleill -township, , residieg east of a poi* fro.n die township Ike `a *ru bella, in a straight line- with 'the Old Forge:in cluding the Saine,.froni thence tb the house now. occiapied by IsScoll Wointher including- the same. an 4 costinutfig frolim thence in a straight line to the. Rush township tine, Shall hold their general! elekion at tlie•house of Frederick Bensinger. jr.'• in 'the township of Schuylkill, in the said county. Therquaii6ed voters residing in the townships of Olnyvtregbpt and Schuylkill, in die county of Schuylkill, Siithind.he following described bounds,; shell hereafter bee aconite election district, viz' Brigirining to Ulll'llllo Between the tiornshipa of Norwegian Ind Msandia fions-thence a straight lide to the house now occupied by Join Pitman, including the same—from thence to the Norwe• Alin chareb r -and from thence tit dui farm house . oflF. S. Nibilidhis,siii. including the Same—aid ''.. from thence a straight link° the line between the topmshipe of Norwegian and Barryind from thence folloiving the towhship lines- f Barry and. Rpsh eastieard to a point—from thence in a straight lied sobthwayd to the Old Forge cxclud• inn the ulnas, thermeotbike home now occupied b' Jacob Wommer, excluding the same, and thence in a straight line tit die _place iif beginning, eicluding the town- of New Castleauld that the. q alifved electorwresidiug within the, before Oar . c ibed bounds shell .hold thstrelectirn'at'the Port ' tiirbon House, to the town of Port carbon,. • , .The electors Ortbe hero - tither Pottiville and the remaurincriart.of Norwegian Aconiship, and of that • part. of ftlanheini township lying between' this river Schikylkill and.the West branch thereof. (not included in the Schuylkill }liven district,) veil) Mid their election at the house how occupied 14 Heary Stager, in the hi:On:sigh of Pottville - here lectors of the borough of Tamaqua will hold. their Stealth at tire school house in. said through. I s 1 ) That the electors Of that pert •of Manheint . ''township_ lying ,souilmait of the following line:— nommencing at the township line df i Waytie and 11lanheim township on the Summer gill, thence' t:ilione g the Suai v recilill and Orwigtburg.road, to ouseuse .4 1 john Dew f t; ex id c o lLingythe Sweiclt er sa i 'll m n e t t h h e e nt i to 4. house of P dip Drumheller, thence to the house ifJohn Delbert , at the centre turnpike; thence to e house Of Jobe Bato4 thence to the house of hitip Rodln thence to the tome 'of John Shute, . Ir. includiag the samei' thear:e•to t the township line of said Blenheim and Schuylkill townships, shall hereafter hold their general elections at the pout House. in the borough of Orwigaburg. The etcetera of the remain; part of ill bairn iownehip Win mild thew eldcuon at lIW house of khino Boyer, innkeeper. in the town of Schuyl ill. Haven! I 1 'lt is directed by an ant of thetieneVal Assem bly of thil Cominenwthlth; passed the •llth 'of March, 1806 that' the inspectors of the general election stied be thows4l4 liallotwer the Friday [next preceding the lint !Teeidey Bitttetober, be ing the 2Sth of Seiterrider,, and the elections 'for linupectarsi shall be holden in sic placer 111 each 1 towp, township, ward; or district;th istippointed ' by the laws for that purpose, by the respeOlive 1 constablwho are rettialred , to give at least one l week's n tide sit each 'ales:too, assisted by two e qualified ire/y:l6.6ton' by each milieus quid& ' ed to void aa shall be then present. And it Is ,feetber required by the act of siesembly regale. ting electrons in this thininonwealth, that the in. Spector@ be at the places, of their respective di a. - hints, toWna,towitahipt,sad wards, or: the day of the. : g...koildWiectiora al dine '' cluck in the fore- r noondorm the quired of, and en joined'im Ithem by thelseveral lOW of assembly, iforeand.l . - . ? . .. • • The reborn -judges nf-thesiwpective districts, towns, to#roships, or. wards aferelain, are, hereby: required de fuck st . the -Ceuif, Floats, in the, borough 4f Oriingsbuig, on Friday pelt, after the' 2d Tuesday in October next, Wipe : the 12th day of the m a tedh, then aid-thereto Rorform. those r• things bindle their by law . , • In phinsuint gran ant elf the Ottani einiembly cifltionwealthppasseriths 2 d day of April,. afn supplement Ito an nettto regulate the' general e on within thiecomilitoneealtb," that' Every p et who shall hobianteffree or:lppolnt ment of profit or it no tinier the ' Govertuneot of the United States, whkhofileer or °Memel"' l iinhordhilte'filleffit -dr agent, who. is or shaft be employee. ander•-thiektgislittithrez-- motive, Prjodiciarytmeal.,of th e United Stab* lied also that meinleiritfltopgreas is' by law inciriatile Of holding or elan:least - at the: same tinie the office ce appeditnient rifjedge, in spector, Or eleik;re key, electioe'lli this state. In pnieuiricialf aid tint ritiffeathefiressem -I,ll:PApril Otis 1838.; It Isisetifuleethat w r ins ' judgiser other!OlEolkahail bitellgi. ble tirany 9E9. Al . such elisetiotti not.sball env person holding. an,-4rie 'wider ~therGintli'M 'Or State Goesitintent; ise, ip,w4iiii.oiii4d,gei6ec'eu-' evofficer, of any such elealtirr?'" t , ' ~..; , Given !andel; rellnitil et thialisbnig; thin 4 2d ' day of 13eptentlinde 'lit 'll4 fgg - tiPodr Lord; ta.: thoisiddillghtfttnteriii swithiltyweireaf:.. ,4„ ~ - ' I • PETEIL•ArrIAIDSVIGiReterifr. . 6 14,PWAAPPMF0-filiagl g lik•e • . --, Sept: $.1838. , -. 10::-: • • 4 • • - t.. 1. • •.. • iiiiatiaTigfrikiXOTa OUaatirglaVOlftntO • imitaglo.ouszsz - arso -, t ,Paaomespip.. ••• •, C. - - • ."• ••••`•••••••'..••••...•', •• t . ••• .••••••.A. .• ' -••••", • ••••• o} •••••-•-, : ttr • , t• • •r• ft , rt• s. 4,}•• • • iiii Cipitiorymafk., A,Feney for Line if Pack 08 from Liver pool to Philctiletgia. TIRE SUBSCRIBER...has been appointed A. gent for the Messrs. Cope'e Line of 'Liver pool Packets, bet Ween Liverpodi and• Philadelphia, and will Tcceive the pessate money from those who wish to send for their friincie 'ln the old cduntry, and also, will procure Bills 6)f:those per sons who may wish to, transmit money to their friends abroad. . , :. • . . Tile Packes belonging to this Line are fitted up In a superior manner, and are commanded by persons who pay Veit ettentien Ito the •eotufort and convenience of.passenvers--acd hive*iven Oval -sattafte.tiorr to passengers genitally. Emi grant* who intend residing ip this region, will find it to their advantage to engage their passage in thiattne, and, land at Philadelphia; thefivill, by soloing, save the tare anal expense from New Nark to Tbkladelphist, which is - four or scleiol hare for each — mdividust. The rates of Fare Will be made known by apply. ing at the office of the. Miner,' JouinaL June 30 -1. B. BANNAN. ' In the staiker of the Estate of Main . .Reoself t /a tate CourtLC ov ointrioui is aid for the * •of Schtiyikol. David & Samuel Fran* 'if fbljr Terin A. 1) . trading under the firm Min • _of D. &. S. Frank. No: 136. ' vs. .1 Domestic *Duch- ' William Reevety. mint. NOTICE is hereby given: Whereas Andrew ‘ Rossel,Robert Woodside •Mid Martin Wea ver, the subseribent,have open appointod Trim tees of the Estate of William Regyely,, the' defen. dant aforesaid', by the Court kir Common Bess in and for the Coutity':of Schnilkilf, all persons in. debted iefthe said ' Wi ll tamßeevely, or holding property, belonging to him,' are hereby rewired to pay and deliver all such mints Ars:Roney and prOperty due and belooginit to Me said William Reevely, to the skid Trustees, and also all credi tors df the wridWilliam mete:retry de. shed to present their respective eihiounts or de mands to the - said Trustees. ANDREW,Rungt„ • ROBERT 'WOODSIDE, MARTIN WEAVER, • r• - • ?hasten. • All reading so 'the Bortmiii td-Pottsville. September 1:1,1838. .• , 72-6tw Wanted 1 10 Mires .41 SMALL Tenement, the part of a House, .L I L suitable for a *Mall family in a central 'all ation . Apply at this olflies. Potterille,•SepteMber 15, 18.19. . • R E*OIING - , NAIL AN6431Q15 WORKIiii . H4,,,VE op ham MMER 100 N, &Int 1 . 0,..' 1 ' ' - ROUNA.4. SQUARE MO*, . - 1.:0 - AL SCREEN i do. , *..R;ILTL R 940 , da. 4-. Bar Iron of aq site drain' tri order. 'ilidi and aines.itf all attnni. for 'slab et-the lowed City Pricer: 0 - . KM liiS. WII WAXER.* CO. May'Resnik tit; 183 N - ; 40.4tinto_ , Ti Coat Stile S.: . Subscribers having tali en the large and -0 "-eonictiods wharf •On - Calloithill street lot corner of Cat:Whitt, an Willietn itrestio , Peri the Schuylkill, near Pair Mount; Philadelphia; are prepared to raga , * any Oantity oFtlpal.. 11111 bet acc. on whartage br at onythp open wharf or tetdoi cover, on the amt . reksoriatilatedina• Every attention paid to:noel - penal pelt to' tbelii itefereters—Mr. George liasg-tlehtijlltiltlitt- . men; Mr. rhaplioirk•F*eviNed - „_ . • •• . STol3Cili ta 110 ,ER_l4_ 3= TllO , K. 4 July ' . 58 • bia talked .FleMag. ' IL ri4R9LlNAyorlltod rift_ r4s; ,plough. `la e 4, toogtod and . ttad Yor•lsgrog,l, li'itid,ll inch& of l ift ent qlwil ty . ted •prkeoi - oun i ta idy - ou 'beide . 'and Sir 'War in leihrSkifili poralsamosoqiotriepir Ailettot••?ra; - • In " ' • JAM • ArrENt - ' !..lani,dileitoblito Wbart : l i ttN_Po:. or alltaXii. &IA dERTY • iriril 45 11:4f ' -•- •, , f . ' Pettsiiire; • -' •Itiltilliit• '- •- • THE nedefellPed 0 4ththe ItublicAlfint . purcluisimpolerie th e , ~.. of * l . O. ci li c d .01,,,, a Tract , Tile. T a r IF d a r igaf t iM A F fatth'Etiaiiettin. 0 '-,11 iloif Ilito'ufideariditied ' ahrtkft!ds=4bereta, - sad Indy& astatAiOns. aritixtrimaidusini *OP (*ke th! t Polloq ll .en itit , , a l ai g ._ ' ovr. .ManheJto, Aril 28, 16311 • . NES ' ' - Oilie —— 4. _Public It ~,, . 'i' •• 41111,11sippee M r kbatXpecapstrfili. Qfluttl ,AlPtikskeit _. ste`PrleM,imimili/P8 /4 PP' 0 , A n " turaeiti Paint thiiiisountry. many suppose that` they-are k 'now at liberty to .Vidiapt the method d cif ameltrogiliiiik ore iiith.Antkraelte by thwpse of a'heaniil sir blast; attlitinghA r t je notice' last, year thati NS. M' patent atr , _ ling,. Iron pre widt•Anahrscile Cull, brith_liy ,ike -am q a cold itiriosphiiiir - and ikliei — nA ifs' blasVl owe now', inform Ifni Public again, thavori the 14th of/Art..l nary; 1,8,4 receiveaw letter from the corornis• eloper, .Patents at Waphingtoils‘ls.tint: -•".Sirr! upon examining the ease of 41y. Gran t s applies-, Lion tore patenifor Smelting Iron by Mean, of Anthraelteti brit; viewaaltlviiiiiiiiiarintarfering with you paietitir Diet, 1833, 1 ,-and 'bate kiven • notice trans -attorney -sif Alpe • decision." • Diary attempt 10 - smelt lion ore withnothranite by ,the I I use of a heated air blast, jean rnfilligepent upon i my Ptteith .vgaitail whicli . 4% &infirm, end Warn' all invorke 1 aballpvisiemitp every one-infringing. • upon m y rights, acoordi:sig to law. And f -.fur iher off .to dispose of patent-rights for the erect ingot fb, rnacew attording-to,my pitting; upon very moderate terms.. . . -.- . . YR BDEINCIi W. PEISSENHAINEII. . New York, May 16,1838. - • 37—ly The Commonwealth of Pennsyl. O_ •- :vatria to the Sheriff of Schuylkill 'County Greeting: Whereas at an Or • ••••_ 4 ;:,..,phaneDourt held at Orivigsb,urgi . t4 fif • Iv, forthweennitytifSehuylkilt,oo the third day of Angtist, A.D. 1838, before the Hen; orable Calvin Blythe,Treeident, ar:GeorgrAtaosh and Daniel Yost, Esquires, his AasociateiOndgaii of the tame Court. Frederick Bensinget. Jr. in termarried with Elizabeth Kane:one of the daugh ten atiO heirs at law, of Peter:Kanp, late of=East Brunevrick Township, in the sold County' 0,1 zeensed, presented his petition tattle' Said Cdurt, stating that the said Teter Kulp; died intestate on the twelfth 'day of February, A. D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Eight, leaving, imam:reit ee children, namely to wit: Mary intermarried with 'George Miller, now decanted,. and now resilient in the State oftltdo, Elizabeth the wi it of the said Petitioner. and Margaret, in• , termiaricd with Isaac fleusitger, and that. the • said intestate died. aimed iu th'e demesise as of fee of i and 'in a certain mesaoage or Tenement and tract of land, situate in 'East Drunirwick Townihip, aforesaid, adjoining lands of 'Samuel • Bartoket, fronniaster,George Beckett and other*, and-captaining about two hundred mad nine acres be therein:he-snore or less with the appertenances, ant-therefore praying - the Court lb award an iti• quest lo mike partition or valuation ofThe premix sea acOording to law. We Therefore command you. t taking with you, twelva free honest and law men of your baliwick, you go and upon , their mires aforesaid, and their by their oath or solemn . affirtnation, that you make 'partition there of to 4nd among the children of the "aid:intestate, in swat msnnerand in such proportion as,by the laws itif this Commonwealth is directed,, if such • pn . rThjon can be made withobt prejadiceto and spoiling, bf the whole; but if sit& partitiontannot be mida thereof, as aforesaid, that then you value end Optaise The same "periling to law. And • further, that Sou cause the said inquilkt .to. en.: quire.; or ascertain whether the, said real estate with the appertenanees will conveniently 111CPOT rrioddite more than one of the children of the said integrate, and if so, hoar-Many of thesaid children . it win conveniently, accommodate. • LEWIS AUDENRIED rrothonaiary. • kZtir Torthat pttrpose . veil* held on therm ifeS On Monday the , 24th day'of September next;' at 10 eislock Ar. M. by TETER F. LUD,W/G, Shertg. Sheri - fro Office, Orwigs. bUrg, Aug. 9r, 1838. 1114 hop White. AL =Fe; eigisved. full length prints.ssf the-late -miBIBEICW WHITE. suitable for: frames, just received ind kir sale by the subscriber.. .Price 75 cents.. B. BisilbTAN. °avg.. 22.1838: - 65 Patreir. A NEW Anortriteilt,,AMaiistng ofirmitiety o cm, New Pattern', for Roma abd Dunes, to getber vith choice Boefeta. just - received and for "aft by BANNAN. 25 ' - N)--tf - c * HEADACHKI , - , SICK OR NERVOUS.„. to -The estraadinary reputation tbetnr,Spohn's ' ietieffy;for tliii,distreineng canpbust it Crary day riffieglis Tiny a manter i t much astonienata Thalia ma 'effacing shoo have eals*lffr ages w#Out any diem:trot of 110:14rectual preventive. or awe laantlY a teed °faith regret. hon D.S. now pDeCtiv public thin such a remedy haii begn ni t - M a will convince the most cretilobb: The ciples upon wbicb it acts are Mira ant plain.— tamic-admitted fact that this complaitn, *heftier atlantic Headache. or .Nerroualleadaelitts pi* * from the itanach—those whb . 11iieli they befit* Merriam Headache they ristatareit i ttiat ibR organ. iheltornaeh.e klie first cansir t htlr the =Kt= becomeyiat ortlebibmedre.. ~, al), Ilall that oily tb ugh ae munt@lthimel teat they ' ipcs.t a restoration °file' tithirtitt healthy functions of the gem. Thimcligati- Pt ; 1 Babes remedy ii emineadj,qdralatedjiin7' The troth oftba.Politimi canna bi alitrofeW.lna' the sooner sufferers with the beanie iVatene eteP l vinad of it. the sootier lerilk-lthefr afferings end its ratoration,ttchealtb.'zpr l fte hP Pr° 66- ' o _ jam all i n o il f -I,l V 4 r el-i ,' !°7 D? " of libmeset. •-• . '' •• • • • .- • Who snit Retaa*thematick.aCia N 2' "ettect3t.NewjorktiO EteMithi _ . .. . ' Wl4' F l4 r- EPTING: ' , - Patna& Jaiy st. mgt. -- :., _ - tle-ly. 1 ..friH S. . thteisief t r l i t Europe , roin ifeicole4lll - rettlikbiL tenti oecoodoeClototiWoeW all lettailarie4 - ad :to him; and profesototataiiiietiontrostedrto. his ea to Anriag his ,aboettoe. • frill .at-saled t o , bl Chance • c.i.dEggit.. icw.ii.bot g -*nest-144ft - 9-'4SL:et, .. .. . 4 -..- • . COAL - 14011,t...if1..i ... . . • .. ,For-Sareta tobe.Rgsta.,, ~ ' *OAT eibiabietreetef LimdeidiettioeiCba. -- ton,:Ttadr Polgagb!:EltabOti SPON sitifflagli the Nett, Noilievapa l ReO i ltera. eleit isertg ot. iiid lidlolitex the - Nadi' Mereetite; ia d : ' Sifilition e'cionutioaatiiii tetinKett,tho ildleet Wilt lie letipeCeeitenilr,•' .., 1. A ~- a ) 1110"*tinaP.I.Pft ef::-.14 0 1 --.. .' '' ' ' ,'' :M= . PIF I RAP 3 . , Ks' 1 .,, ti ;.,...... • • :. . \)). - wyr i a: ln t . - .. 1111. , - . i i T t. p .eu4..le t... • ^ ... t_.:;..t , . i ''• i • • ' , IM tiataist - - gOelet.y,SuilibrCtikilte R oyal Union. e~, Ado Astielfatteri,t - laibiasier Bridle and Pardeitital' rtifill of Uusealtt_ Thomas' lgospital4 , l4Adtini , Theme pills having. gninea schlebilty leled in - every section of thelldlhiOirelibir coil those-who yabie inedietic4filititliiiosd*-1: . - numerous bOdy of the • moat eminent both in thin country and in Europe;-wiiantfieleaS •it is presumed, io stamp their characterin Al* es. timstion sof 'every. thinking, man, , andittir:_kow a far better recornutendation thbn the Ti. Bodes:14o by ignorant and unpriacipledpretanderi,, who to mislead and deceive tl*-public. jrubliak whit thify - call practical proofs and„certificatei of Cures, that exceed nil bounds of rational ity, and most. of which, if not all, ire`eiiiiit toss fabrications. or ermed bylfisifitfaiiifiriirietiriik9i.-; The editor of th e Island EarMeriskYll.„+ "This. medicine has obtained tilt on-Lacceidantedl degree of - Well preserved popalaii4: 7 ..eiiingitib:.•. en these pilli oorselveito schiattage, '. ;witness. ed Their' beneficial efrectis otilOrrk no., hesitit!oriL recotioitepdloa-Oikiiitiithirjiblie as a safeoitligtyyzmna,4efortimity;*tiemo— lieNtine. are 4.04 the:iiiidafatrior. the Gendipf AgerA:mirthelabvkhillitem bore medicine hi iniptii&d - ititeiPtia.conntrift 00. 11CILRE1S,129 #Vaverly, Place . Gail} A supply cifilie_ abOvi Medicine - fait r 'ived, and for sale by D.:BAND/4".- Sole Agent for Schitylkill etaini c t. icily It 5i,",,;,.4 • No Dem_ composition, the result of science Snitllh iii,4iien dim of cede/mated medical:Man, theintroduction of Which 'Le the public was invested with the so lemnity of a death bed bequest, has since gained . .. reputatiowonpralleled, fully sustaining-the an ' rectness of the lamented. LK Gridley') , list wen. cession, that "'he dated tiot:•#leivilttlitiii.trui txmiterity the benefit of his lurvierliedit:thii. jeet,"and he therefore. beget:tithed to 'hie friend tt attendant &tempo Bays, thoettet o:bfikdiiere qt. us e d in ' ...- • • - '-':'-,,s „It is near used in the priticipalgc tai, t iona the_ private . preettee in our. trop . :, -1., foul., most certainly for the cures of the " 1 - .04 lik so extensively aid effectuallinith:inffie:o4o- , ,, ty r o - Mess where its effects!arn witieesear: --ealy-in-dottollarring comptitints—;.. l „,_-_ . s .... 11,"P"Pr—Plikating ananahattlintinipt. -,.. ti ..--,- -4.7. ctr • 5 •.,•-•:• , -.:. i lion at item. , .4 Aft'swifi,i,ftwa---Rediicinc th em inc few hrignet' - ' s keuttuttieni.,--Acule cor-c/Onnl4gilinititietfk -ent!! 1 ?-_ 7 4 ' o 4, id :' •'i • • •., - i •f_ l t •I:t' i piag fe," owe!. ..,- • y• Veneer ~ . t 1 Fete. .... . l: *'l4l.o.lziad whiroirav,l'=-.4-imaui over the a ii ii,": - , :,.. -..:` - rP ...Icic,::.l, 1 Iwt Th*ises, ...Vpirips linkt sitini,"iinie 01 IC fevOlorim - - •_, • 1.,. ' --2,1,:tf;1.0 - &irons:4 tficers ! :-Wilettier freak' %lag stand: ' 1 . _ 4,714. 1 -4 ing...and fever attics. •-• Its operations upon aduite Bo& chibil t retV _ ' ' ''' ''''' .- ''" Vitt, dking rheumatic swelting4•Whirwequk#ollo ' Wand tightness of the aches, .1a- ,41wFiniftorhiwo . parts; has bectpiurprittnix 4ntent.orsigogi , The common repiaris c of threctritotiM it 'in the 'Pike, I. Ott Ti t! Lihlitinill 4311 "D'' , t rialitta; - rifi c iwkii, ,ti 4 risliiiiilia Ani l : perben who Wilt time i,ltotthetif-Iliesitaliwint Ic T is for the Riley. pirdlCAßto tbilerilf- 110 **1 CW . '3'. iilliteu.re d - ; Tlle -8 91 11 . e 1. 114 rit" B: iirtZ, proprietor !o - thi5.,0104,14;':0 ~,:oKoro. , , ' sands sotdOitit t etw httatftlitinsatiOntilitx -- 5 , , _ Wetight insert' cottificifei-Aikahy..,„leaf th ;* 1 . i 1 Vrefeitillt !Oa! , iiPi ' lle 3 , l ~4'it.,c,lVl,lii*Vie - • • ' hibit die ortegietio racno 57.4.'1l v!".,14,', `CAUTlON.—Nelitaii' : ifewOffitj,Witto4:i ' • • splendid eiiiiiiteit *air' ;:_twe, 'kWh!'" slime, and itioliet ittleititiatte _ - ''' ': 13014 0 0 5 3,41101- '' ItOg S ol e.i.rt atih 7.".010315T0C1r it: • CM, A mts : t i riiiiih ''''Aii - 41W11"liWit:Oit: ' sad sthig43t,,WrT. , : ligilcintroie TOW.. irillikliii:__ „_ ~":_,..,:::t. 1• -..--; - i - 66-4 T,... Hwt imiiectlnlly,eitnotiles Ir, - .hchtizeiliZibis Bekllßeiklrst,ihebiOdsi)iineral;the tibeypitaa - , 'tlitfii4re to order. eta - wi11 40 04 1 MV0444" - A .„hand;-it the corner. of aitt,•N Smote. 4tr.ibe BoroatlL-leff ltraibitinill - , o . AMMER,. BAROUCHEN:7IIrOIO3, VM . SIIT.KitA'PEMMO tri'plOtk, , o tliste vett belt . utateritibitliii theit*Witliabes . :- lAD • work etitroitiollO-Abeq****;ittif. Willi*: mist to be 11mgal:tared .0104: tbr: o l.3kii#lbii -:, - laj t 1191Pti.Ot.4!fr.illeres5000itibt rfirtr, • and dutebtbtr., T hey , boil's, that tber . -pObA: ' - ttrebikibit ilsitirho. willCak — alitit: "jimitif fbetfaiiiiielites. - ,• •-'• • :!;.'.'!is: .;'All -kW& of , Vebtelee: - . - to“,0 1 11 1 11010. 1 1V . •. • • „ • . ~: „. .. liattioe,-.44.0ct the most x pods( ~,,„"..,-:. = • I ~,', . ; . :B. IP 4001191 ' - - - 7?." • ' - , wg.l4A.BrioiliA . ..iJ." rattreille;-Augiiitlitl, , eigt tP, ,3 . - ri , .- - ,.. - - , 112 ' 4 .77t-A r . N • • 0 41L-47:. 1 7 • =I RE -_;~~=, :-. ,~;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers