CI . . "Waking up :71 wrong Pas-. spng • Or"' troy TH)C • '', SOIIILKIL. ~ 7 Mr. Bannon: In h. so called f," Voice of the People, * of th. ' ih s inst., I perceive that at a loco loco P. teir meeting, held on the sth inst. at the.. oae of E. O'Connor, in the borough of Potteville, my'fiame has 'been made use„of as a i delegate to attend the Porter Conveittion,; at Harrisburg, on the 4th of July next;,-,leg leave through the medium of your pier to decline the honor conferred on me j and oould hereby make known, that .I ltn not willing to serve in supporting tke Federal, Loco Foco, Shin-plaster candidate, D. R. Por ter, ut shall do all in my power honestly to promote the re-eleetion of the Demo retie candidate JOSEP H RITNER, be. cause I find in him the , friend of the pen. ple, add -champion of 'heir rights and interests, and the_ uncompromising oppo. neat of aristocrat i c coal companies. J 8 OB KLINE: • Minerseilk, June '14,11838. Fo r me imizas , 0u.N....: Mr. Bannon: We ham§ learned that the Porter men, at their-meeting held in Potts• vale. on the sth inst. havb usbd our names without our consent, as !delegates to the Young Men's Convention, to be held at Harrisburg, on the 4th . clf July next; and as we do not wish to be!suspected of ap proving of the destructive measures of that party, we beg leave, ihrugh the medium i of your paper, to decline the tumor inten ded, as we are fully deteirmined to go for Pennsylvania interests,i iVhich we believe can only be accomplished by aiding the re-election of our preseni Farmer Gover nor JOSEPH WNW ARM. L'HOUGIINER. MICHAELSTRUBHAUR, LEWIS DIEHER, WILLIAM iKOCH, JOHN BAUSAM, JOSEPH KIMMEL, PETER . MILLER. FOR Till AHURA'S JOURNAL. Mr. Bdnnan: Your juvenile but cour teous correspondent, STEPuarr STRIPLING, jr. need entertain no fearspbout provoking discussion in the matter to which lie al ludes, in the Journal of Saturday last.— Indeed, my disposition so pacific, that it was quite winecessary , for him to note his own redundancy in that respect; but, apart from this consideration, there is yet another which would have operated as an effectual collision, viz. great dispa rity in years. Usually, : as lie will per ceive, Ott affinities in such cases ate dubi. OW enough to deter provident folks from entering into hasty cotilieCtions of the sort; and, accordingly, I beg leave to assure him of my entire donturrnce in his posi tion relative to the preseilvation of peace. " We had terrible wars in Flanders, and all for the want of a little' foresight," said uncle Toby; and, therefore, if it meets the approbation of Stephen, We will defer any farther movements twill he shall have grown somewhat older, dr myself a good deal. younger. X. Y. A letter written from Ildtchigaa gives dreadful accounts of the doings-of-the last Van Buren- Legislature of that State, in swindling ti . te farmers not or their lands; and winds up by stating that the people now have their eyes open, and will at the next election hurl the party from power in that State, by a line majority. Both the member of Congress, add United States Senator ; to be elected, may be set down as Whigs. • i • Conferees of Lehigh.+At the Demo. cratic Harrison and Rimer meeting, held on Saturday, June 2d, at the house of Mr. Doiney, in South Whitehall, the i following gentlemen were nominated as Conferees for this county to meet the Conferees of Schuylkill, at the time and plaCe to be de termined upon, for the purpose of nomina ting a candidate (hi' Confess, viz : Major Joust Stem, fof !Heidelberg. DAVID G EHNEN, Upper Milford. Captain JOHN F. Rim*, Allentown. JOSEPH MOREY, tippet &WORM Grozoz Yinfor, South Whitehall. JOHN Bitorto; Salzburg. JONAS SIEBERI t ING, Es. Lynn. • Le igh Journal. FROM WAS 1 NDTON. Correspondence of the . erild & Sentinel; WAOHI • oxl, June 11, 1838. The House was occopi doting a considerable part of the day with the ill! for removing the walla of the Treasury building; and the question being un agreeing with the ;committee of the whole in Uteri amendments, providing for the erection of a plain fire proof building on the pres ent site, in a style coriespooding•with the other Departments. &Jimiting thee:pence to 8150,000. Mr. Vtise said he did not care any thing whether the building came Aiwa or remained. But if another brick building! were erected or was now proposed, it would net be fire.proof:— He thought it to allow the building to re main at least for the few days of the existence of this Administration. He thotight it should be allowed to stand as a monument of their glorious doings. It was begun under! the auspices of Jackson—it was in truth, ... ~ • "The House that Jack 'silt." But he would like to. know wh t had become of ---"the alt That lay in the House tba Jack built ?" He would also eery math like to know where i l are the rats . , . "That sat the malt . ' ' That lay in the Housef i at Jack built." A long and desultory debate !avow. at the end Of which, the motion to lay t e who i l im le subject _ on the table was renewed and ailed. Mr•-Preetissof Minessippi. strodutted today a resolution setting &rib thatj . Caeiress bus so right to interfere .with the lawal of dm staterix mg the time 4' place of eleetionl; ik that the ma - oluti •-• by whie • the' r-71 • • EleisthWi r or Noe tote' l iillahfib .I'4So be . illicind; ed.. lit liei over poi day sad-oraerad beleiek ed. • 1 • Mr. Cay'atepinien of eijairrnier Corinna ie expo:nett witr joharaetenette frankness-in the following renter ,made lathe/Wats an Thom day— Cori&in does • ot, in my opinion, now truly represent the feel op or wishes at the country.— I think we bad- better go boom I wish you would Mr. Presi • et adjourn Els. I will go with you as nigh to tb Great Grussinp as Ashland is. We ire doing n. good here. If we will all go home, and pto ork, the products of our labor would contribute •• ore to the relief ut oar coun try than any legi !Won emanating from us, aitu, ated as we are, is likely to do. I beg pardon.— One good thing h been clone. I congratulate you and the coon ry upon tbe repeal, Athol, of the odious Trees , ry Circular. It is the twit ckward,uswernient, and I hope will be followed .yotheni, towards a return to that high state of prosperity , which we enjoyed at the commence,. ant of a succession of disas trous experiments hut I expect no other good measure to be ado. ed at this amnion. Our mis fortune is that w. here, stay months together, seperated and in • ated from the People. We get into an atmos 'here that is not common to the country—an official, Executive patronage, Sub-Treasury at °sphere. Let us, Mr. Pool. dent, go home, an among the People once more breathe some fresh and pore air. Our continu ance here creates apprehensions in the country. termination of the session would now be the greatest rebel which we cin give .o the country. Why does the Senator iron] Alabama suffer his resolution, fixing ■ day of adjournment, to he upon the table T I hope hb will call it up. Let .us pass hand go THE SUB R.EASEIRY SCHEME The •nnunciatio made a few days ago by the chair man of the committee on Ways and Means. of Iris determination to eel! up the Sub Treasury Jtill which' has been lying on the table of the House of Rekesentatives, followed by assertions in various quarters that the bill would pass the House—has elicited from the editor of the Mad isonian the following interesting statement in reference to the tentsmenta of the members of the HOuse on the subject. He says— "We have lelt it our dull to make' diligent in quiry, and to ascertain the facts, and give the public accurate information on the subject. "We ceo assure the public, that if those Re presentatives who 4re knora tb be opposed to the scheme, but do their duty; by being on the spot to record their votes when the question comes ap, the: e is no chance whafever of its passing the House in'any shape. "The House is =impaled of 242 members.— The folldwing is - the state of that bony on the Sub-Treasury question. r !Tot Maine, 4 New Hampshire,- i 5 Vermont, 1 Massachusetts, ;, I Rhode Island, Connecticut, i 6 New York, 29 New Jersey, Penney 'yenta, 17 Delaware, Maryland, . 3 Virginia, ,13 North Carolina, : 7 South Cambria, ! Georgia, 6 Alabama, I 3 31ississippl. ' i Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, , Illinois, Missouri,' Michigan, Arkansas, liE For, .1 11$ Against, - i 119 Alabama, vacancy; (Lairleutlead.) 1 Maine, do (Sniiiti absent,) 1 Louisiana, do (Ripley, absent.) 1 Georgia,. nautili!, . : 1 Tennessee, Speaker, 1 1 Total, In the above lief, every doubtful vote of both political parties is connected for the StilsTreasti ry. Of t hese there are eight; five of whom arid's. nominated Calhoun Whip, two originally Con servatives, and one uncertain. It is generally understood, that four five, of the eight, have very recently declares their intention to vote a gainst the bill, which will have a double opera :son, by decreasing one lids and increasing the other. Then, it is said, the member from Geor gia will vote against the bill, if . ..necessary to de feat it, which is not probable. Besides, there are two members whose votei have beta counted b m ong those in favor of the scheme, who have gone home; and. from the state of their health, it is hardly possible thatithey will be able to re. turn. t • .t i We believe "that from light to twelve will be found against the scheme in any shape, whenev er the vote shall be tiken,.' We have felt it • doty,l i ere owe the public, to enter into and give theselditails for the purpose of quieting its tears and tranquilizing its mind. AN ARRANGEMENT . It seems, from the foll Owing, that our neigh bours of the PenntyleaniO and Amplean Senti nel, have determined, for} he future. to be more chary in giving publicitylto proceedings got up in a corner, and in milny instances intended rather to give notoriety tO the names of certain individuals, than to admotage any cionsiderable portion of the public :—Pfrits. Eviller. • ' a NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM ITIMAY CTERN. Al!calls . an& proceedin4s of puliti I meetings held in the city and county of' Philad Iphia, to be i i iiiscrted in Oil Pennsylianian and American Sentinel, an d all printing,lintst be pa for at the time of ordering the same, :or ebarg i to - soma responsible individual, and in no instance here allecwill the ottdersigneditolik to any committee or associatioit fOr payman4 but bold individuals since reaponaitile.• • il__ • , • MEM ! IN & PARRY, May 28, ISO& PEER HAY &Co. The " NeW Era," I. •loco Coco organ, of this morel g i says: 1 Here is a new trea sury circuits as irid ly . restienve 'Moo every branch of the bile revenue as the specie circular or Gentr y Jackson.r These ref men glory in, their ruinous and sl eve acts; and; like -Alms kepleting timorous origami on. the seaffold;:ithey kic ce Abair_ shoes maw the. VOW* sod tillimahbors and enshrined at last. +N. Y.' Mar. Very Good.—We take the following , from the Augusta Georgia Press: • Nor AT Bows I=We learn that one of our witty fellow citizens, on being recently thrown into prison for debt, hung out* board from his window with this inserip lion, i!terbere liberty dwells, there is my costeti-y." , • flnn. WUXI' P. Maiming. fate of the United States Senate. is a candidate for the House of Commune of North Carolina. • Mary.—Miss tifitfind, a lady of good sense and excellent taste, says, that her most favourite name is NWT—a name which is as common as a white violet, and one that has something indestructibly sweet and simple, and fit for all wear, high or low; suits the cottage or the palace, the garden or the field, the pretty or the ugly, the old or the young. U More money was stpliedered. during the first yea, onion Rouen's reign. than waa expend. ed during the yearlfill Cs — when we were at war with England! Can there be stronger evidence of the profusinn and profligacy of our rulers I—Alban, JoureaL. AGAINST 3 Shipments of Coal for the week, endice on -Thursday evening last : . Stripped by Boats. 7ons. Delaware ,Coal Co 62 2836 George H. Potts, • lB 1027 N A Coal Co 17 930 J Bull & Co 11 592 . A Steinberger • 11 ' 597 Charles Lawton 10 574 S B Reeve &Co • 30 550 Bell . 4 Bolton 4'lo 524 P E Hamm & Co 8 415 Milnes & Spencer 7 ' 401 Bennett & Taylor 7 ' 389. Sillvman & Nice 6 337 Hodgson & West 6 331 - M Murphy ..a • . 332 C M HiUs 325 S Brooke . 6 300 Potts & Barman *:0 5 279 TC Williams dr Co 4 234 Charles Shippen 4 224 Palmer dr. Garrigues 4 215 R Rear 4 223 Hewes. Baber 4. Cu. p 3 : 171 R Woodside 3 ' 169 L. Chapman . 3 , 168 S Heilner & Son 3 161 i Davis & Olwine 3 162' A Lawton 3 164 ' R. G. Lelar 3 - - 159 T& J Beatty . 2 1. 110 Neligh &Co 2 - 113 L C Dougherty 2 110 M Weaver 2. 100 Sundry Shippers 26 '• 1305 11 MO . , irr It may be well to remark that of the above quantity of Coal shipped, about 25,000 tone were destined for the linb ot the canal. Up to the 6th inst. only 26,858 tons bad reached the Philadel phia• market. Iris believed that the quantity of Coal required for the line of the Canal, this year, will not fall far short of 40.000 tons. Shipment* of Coal from thioregion, op to JUDO 4th, 1837-123,563 toms. Quantity shipped in 837-523,101 ton.. It will beobserveil that if the shipments of Coal for the balance alb, mason avenger 70,000 tone per month, which is nearly 18.000 per week, the supply will fall short of the shipments last year from this region, about 100,000 tone. The following is the trotiont of Coal transported on this Bail Road, firr the week ending on Thursday evening last: 3563 tons per last report 4351 • Total 7914 NATEAN - CLRAT'ER. Collector. The following is the amount of Coil transported on this read for the.week ending on Wednesday evening NIS Om Per kon Rem 11783 - Tagil 13999 Mauch Chunk, Beaver Meadow, Hulett* TOTAL SHIPMFNTIL Mulish Cboak. Hatistrei as .2.4 pa riama t a - • --. • - _ _ _ _-_ • - • 1-77 114 it A GetirtfiCtisieeily. , ==We tier* favored yesterdartiilltireigbrof ti most ,inagnifi. cent : hit, - now making , in this city, at the establiibment of the celebrated King, intended u a preterit 'to the gamin Vida Oa.. It 'be.rriade Of the finest braid Over Seen in the - tailed states; to be put together by American joung ladies, and sent to the young queen as it speeimen of, *hat the talent, enterprise, and ingenuity of this country can effect. It will indeed be a most superb affair. When finished, it will be placed upon a bust taken from a model of the queen' s head, with 'the fea• tures resembling'herta; then inclosed in a glass case; the whole put into a wooden case, and, swinging frame, 2nd shipped on board the Great Western, on her neat pas sage out.—iV. Y. Herald. The charter. often banks were repealed at the eat etallloll or the Mansachtwetta Legislature. Schuylkill Coal Trade. Per last report, Little Schaylkill ROTTNT CARBON RAIL ROAD. RILL CREEK RAIL ROAD. GEO. HADESTY. Collector. Ir. 11) IT , 11 For the week setting as the 7th tette= Ovate.. Tees. 99 • 4409 63 59109 9 424 433 33415 125 1•354 ' ••••00.11. •••••••••••• 07 3475 S _ _-- t...:.1.~:_ , Blyif *44,419AD•v,,---r'- The foihmonif thaiiviabit'orCual traaeirsted so thin f ail .Road foe thi soteah eeding on Thureday, evening Task - 27765 6217 too* Pee laitßeport • e Tsta i ROBERT C. RIM.= I SCRVYLRILL VALLEY RAILROAD. The following u the amount of Coal — transported on tide Rued for tbe week ending en iieterdey evening last. • 2075 tons Per last report, Pottatilb4 1838." WHEAT FLOUR. by the load Wa wo rth on Fri day. 7 50. 1 WHEAT 110 per pusbel. iv demand. RYE FLOUR Y 25 per cert. in demand, BUCKWHEAT FLOURY 50 per demand . RYE, by the load SD emus by the bushel—ready sale RYE CHOP • 80 cents pegbashelin demand. OATS 18 ceatte—ready sale. POTATO 40 cents per bushel in demand. rORN-70 ES, cents bushel in d CLOVER St EII- per 44 50 per bush emand. el. TIMOTHYASEED—S2 00 per bushel. FLAXBREO-41 12" per bushel indemand. • WHISKEY'-4Y eents per gallon. BUTTER.-14 cents per pound—hiltage 12 cents .EGGS—I 4 cents per dome. LA RD--10 cents per pound. TALLOW—i 2 cents per pound. HA MS lents per pourd. CORN CII PBO cents per bushel in demand. BACON-1 cent, per pound. BEESWAX--18 cents per pound. FEATHERS-6Y cents per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound MACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1. $l4OO r 2411 SALT-4 644 pet bbl 4 87 per bushel. PI ASTER . is worth $7 00 per, ton. 11A Y $lB per toe. Notice to Architects. AA PREfiIIDM of Forty Dollars will be paid for the blit design or Plan of a Town Hall, to be erected pn the property recently purchased by the 'Commiiiiiunena for said purpose. Said Plans most be furnished to either of the subscri bers on or befOre the 21st inst. For particulars as to the size I' the boildtag, apply to either of the undersigned. ' CHARLES ELLET, • ANDREW B. WHITE, GEO C. WYNICOOP, SAM VEL J. POTTS. N. B. Teo dollars will bi paid for the second beat dews n. Pottsville, Jolts 8,1838. NOTICE TS hereby gieen,_thit the subscribers have pur. chased a GREY HORSE, sold at Constable's Sale at Port Ciirtton by Olewine & Robioson, be. ing the property of William &shanty. The pur chasers have hired the Horse to William Bellamy, to m4ke a tripmn the canal to Philadelphia. This is therefore to caution the public against seizing said Horse, as be is oor Property. • • JACOB LONG, • TOBIAS 1 W INTERSTEIN. Port Carbon, June 16 46-3* • Infer r ,. • ' - on Wanted O F PETER 'FAR RELY. who le ft his brother on the morning of the I3th Jane, inst. while in Pottsville, since which he has not been heard from. Said Narrelly is occasionally delirienui. He Sad on a Chip Hat, a sniped Cotton Raß d, about, and Mon pantaloons with • patch on'ime knee—also slightly Marked ,With the small pox. Any information relative to t he above person will be thankfully ieceived by JOHN. TARRELTX. Easton; or WILLIAM NEVILLE, • Jane 16 46-3° Tamaqua. Proposal's. PRoposAt3 will be received by the Cum. missionary` of SchuylkillCoanty at their of rice in the borough or Orwigaborg, on Monday the 301 h of July, 16313, for buiidicg a one arched Bridge scram the river &balk ill, at Middleporr, with two atone abutments. The Bridge to be roofed and weather-boarded, and will be 50 feet long; Boor to tm, .10 feet above low water mark-- the passage to be 16 feet wide and 12 feet high. Tu be constrocied upon the plan of the Schuyl kill Haven Bridge 27 993 14,599 58,242 1260 33 72.761 1556 Orwigsburg. 1293 74.337 CALL AND SEE!! JUST RECTVED a splendid assortment of par Spring an Summer Goods,- consisting' in t of Diky Gly Gi ood qoceries, 11, eenswarey Li Ivor., Ake. which I am pr pared to sell cheaper than ever offered in this erica tar cash, or iO.. exchange country produce, at the higbeit rnal.ket price. J. C. liCtilltN. 5000 LiBS. BACON, just received and 6ir, saht by the subscriber. J. C. KERN. 46 pine 16 • Wanted Immediately, A GIRL wlt i eon come well reamtmended, and who demands Cooking. to ao the housework ota ' .mall family of three persons, in this Borough. !Apply at tins Wine. june 16 To 'ir, oal Dealer,. WALED I 4 P male will be received by the subscriber t his: Cdonting Room. on Land • ing street. a Fairmount' Water Works, un til the 10th da of Jane, at 8 o'clock P.M. for letting from that date until the Ist day of-March. 1839, all that Politic Landing. belonging to the District of Sprilig Garden. ,known, as the Fair mount St. Landing. and sitteated on ,Callowhill street, near the Upper Ferry Bridge.. The mem being in every respect' well calculated for 1M: shipping of Coal. as well ea the retail trade of Ibe Qty, hiving Copatiag Hone; Seale; Crane. - ke. attached tbretl. JAMES M DOLTON. Chairman of Landing Committee, i Dietnet of Spring etude!". Pbiladeljobie.l.Tune 2. 1838. • • DOLLOCK AN 'in siditial DIRY.OOO MON ' lll4 M ii On% lye, 7357 11. li. POTTS,Conector REVIEW OP THEMULAKET. PHILIP OSMAN, BENJAMIN MIT, ' AIM. L. BOUGHNER June 16 46- Miller A: Haggerty, WifOLESIAL.B AIM 4E74411. , le and, Retail Dry . _Dry Goods,GroatrzW6e 4. Liqupr ! ,, Stort sod StOre. • • ( Next dear to Mortimeea Rotel.). i THEIR connexion with *Wise in Philadelphia, WEAVER kr...jolt reoaivaa 1 enables them to Impala: hariklA very . eaten,' to thair e r i e amortoreat of siseamortgoast otlgoodik !kith r -, wall tell It 4 Soper Mee and Blink , Philadelphia. pr .11toro and Tavern keeper* aeloonni liar atila ins: and private wooldi do. indl'to ean and end . liovorioneontoere hp. *ou r ' • Feb le 14- aril 111' • 31 , ~:.,..: :;~:,;~,.E f . 4r- ims, r • --ainunsoi l p snow Tsar ra the stoat 'fee:soak puti*olthe ittood and Animal Flit* :ha! Ada; ever • -been diiel:4o.l4. • follov r ' I s ra lc ati r matly of thl 0 14 " tradk l ant frri toe •P git rw)_ MONTHS Pkiled;lpkia. Louisa Stymies . . cored' olent pain in her head MS Wes. with much giddies! tai whlch she 'rat subject for three.yeara. John Stocker.rebeved fipm :habitual eostiveemin apd Want of appetite, with - Offstrore breath and bad Joseph Marlow. cured *fan ulcerated leg and mad; Israel cured of a breaking out all over Kitt *thole body. Sarah Jones, cared of pale In her breasts and Wel much headache and sickness after eating. William Mowbray, cored of • Rheumatism, and swelling of his legs and fint..having been stable to walk any distance for six months past. Michael J. Hoskins. corm of swelling under his aims and on his neck. witlj considerable breaking oat on his body. - Elitabeth Creamer, cured of swelled breast* pain in her side. constant disgust to fo..d..and much sick ness at her stomach. ./effery Cline, tiered of rheumatic pains and swelled jo4ts. Samson G. Howard. cur4of a tenet and rash. a breaking out over his body. With some running sores and ulcers. • Rev. A. Canby, cured of aq affection of his throat. soreness and ulceration, which previously affected his speech: Tile following are some only of the large number of cures effected in Berko Monneomerj, Schuylkill, Le. high, Lancaster, and Northampton counties. during the past three month= Jones Green. Esq., cured of e seethed° affection, ulcerated leg, swelled joints and rheenaatic pains. Adam C. Carpenter, cured of violent pain in his sides. much costnreoess, bad appetite al d a shortness of breath. Bachel inyder. cured of a difficulty in breithing, habitual costiveness and violent pains in her herd. Michael Jones, his two daughters and youngest K n. cured of a breaking out of dry' and sometimes watery pimples over their whole bodkin'. attended with great itching, frequent unpleasant feelings in their heads. sickness at the stomach. and pains over the heart, &e. This family was afflicted for years, and never found relief fmm any medical treatment, or from any medi. eine., until using Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills and a wash directed by Dr. Leidy. tharab Mclntosh. cured of violent pains in her back and Joins. rheumatirm, awolleil j "iota, dm Andrew Green, cured of griping pains, loss of ap. petite, disgdit for food, and habitual costiveness Adam It. Ginnie, cnred of scaly eruptions and break ing out. soreness and pain through his bones. - Dinah Crowley, cured of ringworms and tenet. Beery C. Roney, Esq. cared of inward fevers, tonnes' of his mouth, throat and nose, glandular reel. lingo. &c. • George Layman. cored ors memorial affection and violent rheumatic pains eine head and acmes. Jonathan Stroud. Isaac Colman and John G. Thom son, cored of various affectinnp of the head. arive nese. soar eructations. sickness at the stomach...te. harsh Jenkins. Mited. am; Tracy Jenkins, cored of affections of the slim, breaking out, pains in their limb*. Sa Numerous other instances might be published, hut to swell the list wo .1d unnecessarily increase the ea.; penst of publishing them, i It umstbe plainly seen Boni the fore ;oing, that the Blood Palls amen ateellent corrective for a disordered stomach, the - cause of diseases to which the human system is liable, together with tee i!tspuei9 of the blood which ezists in all disaises, and in conjunction with a disordered stomach, very rapidly prostrates the Ivw man body. These pills do not purge as perwinfhlly as do most pills of the present day. which produce as stud SKS.. await did eves or the mierrahr. by weakening the system.destraying t tons and vigor of the body, and rendering it a prey to constant and universal dis: else. distressed and bodily suffering) bad aresuld sad surd and gentle is their °pelvic" and only ineteesing tie natural discharges s•• sly to awry If revere ties as shy are wrrwed by their ass, nut rendering necessary any restraint from occupation or business. change of living or diet, or even st liability of taking cold from their use. The proven for extracting the virtue of the Sarnpa• rile without orstroying its efficacy. is known only to the proprietor. P•epared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Leidra fiealth Emporium, 2nd & below Vine, No. 191.—Also fioldby EL BANNAN, June 9 44 Pottsville. Wonderful Cures. • Him barn reforested in flaw city, and throughout • the country. DR. LEIDY'S MEDICATED SARSAPARILLA. BElNdra concentrated fluid extract of SarsaparUlai, combined with other vegetable extracts, which en. dent n as a medicine of great utility in the care of all dieser aria, from impurities oftbe blird, from im. prudence in life. and constitutional diseaies formed or produced by the injudicious use of mercury, tire. nic, barkror quinine. In short. it is an invaluable rem. ed= t . tic Affection. General Debility. Meet Sores. white Swellings. Diseases of the Liver and skin. Ulcerated Sore Throat: thee of the Nose. Ca. ries. or diseases of the Benin; Scrofula, or low. E. rib Erysipelas. or St. Anthony's Vire..and all unplea. sant and dangers affections consequent to Syphilis, Loa Venereal, &o. are. So effectual has this medicine been in the cure of various &mare for which it is recommended. that u in faemperceding ail other preparations of Saraaparil. la. Panacea: dm. It is now emphyed by numerous ph*Cians, has been introduced by then into many impitals, &varies. Eic throoghouttler United States. . It is a preparation of greater strength (consequent 4 of greater efficacy) than any other aprict now made, is Ow much cheaper, being but one Solar per bottl which is selScient to make one gallon of Syrup Sarsaparilla. , and is bought bb different &mists fo that pitrpose. Numerous certilattes baseborn* received and po halted hum tine to time. but in consequence ot t i m i great expense streodingnerwatutilipublication of the most incredulous can be convinceffortbe superior efficacy of Dr Lekife Medlnated Samatianlb. calling at Dr. Leidy's Health! Einporium." No. ICI. 'teeth Second street. below runs. • sign of the Gold Eagle and Serpents." ir here certificates and fitment cue be givento bemired' of humane:ea oftbe mottle; mkrkable cures ever Performed_ briny medicine. Sold by B. SANNAN,Pottertila Jane 9 • a 46 ' * Storage. 7 - Sitlronton hivingitaken the whereto-4 & one - on CalkorhinStreet. opposite J. Etc=ll'a Tavern. and joining the'one giolgany__ktiourri Callow billBt. Whirl; and ant an Mrmennt•dant, joining the one occupied 10 A, Bolton &Ca foot of Willow Road; are prepared to far mien Coal. Loather, &e. oe wharfage. and on oornadrideo. , an utiolle•landed at Fairmount, an. belmaaPartod brrail road. to the Delaware, Apply to the subeeribers oq the promises, or at 28800th Wharton, Delawara• BUNTING, CLARK &. G(}- I 1:533 `- 'a I'-i •....:ssz -' ' . - Philli ilotea; 1 . ' • eff AC : M 4 , 1. k it-. - _. iIIEISPECTntLI 4 I4 annul:mice hills:4o=de' a-, and the public_ infneral i , thikt, baNie again elinitiqnced the Coadt.lilakingllttsirps,in-Nor, wigum Streatithree thxits below the JAreade in the-borough. of,Pottsville, whereins 'steady to -manufacture to order all kinds ortehickleat•the shortest notice, 9f theAbest niateriaKatid'et the lowest rates. He hee l Iso on hant„,"teidy 'made.: -.l3proitehes. Carryal l $, Plitehinr,, ; .. axiotces, Cfachies, Buggies, . which held the•pub f 119 to, flatland exam le for theinse --The sr, t ob tides, are, all manilla on r4ticpersonal inspection,, and he will warrant thetnlotte.squal to anrtnarintactured elsewhere. _ Repairs 3ficery deseriptiOn done it 'the short est notice, anti on the 'most reasonable !eons. ' N. 6.: Coal, taken "ir 4 Plirne 4 il for vehicles. ' skil Iti : '_,. Sin HAMS, Shoulders OM Sides, for sad by the liogabead, by l' MILI4ER 4. 11.ACCE127 4 1-: June 2 - -• : .42.4 . Lemot Syrop.', . 12 CASES Aral quelity Lemon Spopizeeeiv ed end foe sale by * • may. 26 '4O 1111141. ER & HAGGEirrf. Viand itvidnes. - • JIIST received and ror male a aohily'ofilow• and Tow Linea. FIAZ:ZARD 3t.STRAUCIL THE Girl's ReadingiSook for Seitoolsi , bY Mrs Signurney. just received and for Rile by . . may 9 35 .11. BA 1' . . , Leaden Pipes & Hydrants. BB4NNAN hes jinn received a lot ofLeads. •en Pipr, which he will warrant to be of a superior quality, f, &Ad II inch. Also,Summar and Winter Flydrantrd constructed of the heat materials, all of which he will all cheap. Tine 1,3 i • 45 nice Wino 6 and Liquors. , • N. I d dr CO. ia • fl AVE on hand the fhllovring chalet! Winos and Liquor. whist : , they warrant geimine, and offer for sale on the Most favorable terms. consisting of 50 Baskets Champaigae Wine?. of Key. /tick. ory. Star, Woudco.3l4 Anchor, Grape anclptlter brands. 10 Baskets Sparkling White Burgundy,? 10 del Old flock: 3 ease. Old Grape Ju ice Port. • -*- SO do Medoc & St. Julien Claret. Aligo 7 -11 - few dozen of ine much celebrated: East . India or Stir Madeika. Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry in bdttlea.. do Madeiravilloscatel 'do . Corracoa: Perfect Lore. Rase. NaYseas• Annie sate, Anni.seed Cordial. , do ON DRAUG(IT. • Madeira. Pale. Browd & Gold Sherry,. tidies. Teneriffe._ Mar. 'Medeirs. Malaya , Malmsey. Dry Malaga,MuseMel and Old Port. ' rhampaigne rawly of the Pjaet „brands. " C.oinle. Bordeaux & Clarence - Brandy, • Holland Gino of Pine Apple and fish brands. Jam. Spirit.. M. Whiskey. N. E. Rum,- Coin. Gin. Corn Brandy &e. Tavern keepers fine') the neighboring towns. are respectfully invited to call. N. B. Good. delivered to any pert of the be. roogh or neighboring ,owns free of expenie.- . may 2" • • . to_ • BOOIiqiiNDERY.. • •-•.• BANNAN has i.ommenced a Bonk bind ery in connect-100 with his Book Store, where all kinds of Bakke will be, bound at the sbottest notice at lots rates., Blank Hooks dm» , . of every description made to order at the lowest rates—and the trade 'applied wholesale at Mk delphia prices April 11 Painted daconels• JUST received and for palehy the sobitcribeis a few pieces of Splendid Painted Jacosetw. together with a choice ittlection of chintze's &It; for wale by HAZZARD & STRAUCH. • April 21 30-- - f Benjamin W. Cumming, dITTORXE F eilT H AS removed his Office to Centre Street, op -P•lmposite the Brick Building of George 3L Joi ning& where he will intend to all business en trusted to him in the Bile of his professigin. _ Oct 21 • i- 48-te Boats (or Sale. ..Fi rn , ( : rei rld . g 2 - r 4 owth terms Apply o IrAlt mnii- 11241i .:11141.11: 2211ik TELSI-1 PRIMERS. jast . • .or sale wholesale apd *mil 28 32 B BANZIAN-= Faust*, Bibles. dd.,. • •vAMILY SI 75 to 1111n4 jnak' , Yeceived and lot isle by .june 13 B. BA AN.`'` CLARK'S COMMENTARY. in 4 vols. neatly 14ound in sheeponitmteso, 7 e(lnd fly sale by : •B. Bki,trAlf*. 4 jaw 13. • • D i ck' s CELE STIAL t 4" ' - z_ ) su pply of Dick's Celestial "Scenery.,, allied and for sale by ! • lkilArmilf. • 4,t June 13 i • 7 - - q , . " Candles i_Candleati... : , l :- ' • TRE flubeeriberlar; on • band a , large nanikpl . i .. t of Miner's CR0104.118% dipped and M fortanili me. which hel W will sell cheaper A ii.-. ~, 2 by theater Rand. The Candlen are w, , , at to ors superior - qleality. • .! . ' , . J,Q*Elpfl .DORFLIN.GIM . ...' '' opposit the National .. fili . , . . Pottsville. June 13,183 & . _34 Canso! , c Rooks? D IOUS GUIDE. 'a ;Key to Paradise. Tree Piety. • Catbotic Piety. ' µ Doofy Bible. Pace Man's Cateebbrm titid Small Catielnern, l Juet.reeehed IMO* Ale by Dee WI I= 11*4. , • lEMI ~/ 4 ra?S in 1111 MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers