VOL. 1. PRINTED BY lilEft9 Silt= DeLLans payable semi-annually in the year, $1 will be eeive the paper free of 113 per annum It not will be 'added to the D I'D tt L. .MIN 11 'E' . ... D V tirX Can* per annum, in advance.le tint paid with chargel .to l those who re , ostage• .T mall subscribers • Idqvitliiti e year, 50 cents ti t a oAatibscri tion. jk.',EICLY, . . ennui, pa le iliemi.annuall within yeav,s2. 50 will 1 e l e i n a e s willo rone b e 50 n. ted !until 'Ordure re t be continue rdi • 812 y. er.annum; with t e privilege eedin 2 squares ertio of a small: 'salve imes. must post paid, to thein. ad other notices ed grails. will be ages and Deaths. TwoDOLLARS per in advance. fluor p , be charged - ll •xceeding tw, ertiont—nn in p rorrti ill be inse . srlii lb they 1 charged 1 ill be eharg ,I the paper :meet net ex ~.. and the in three - mice - o the Miter will be paid inge, &c. a been insert acept Marri Advertisements not charged for three in ' 1 inaOrtion. Larger one • MI - adveritserotwits n Mess the tiotefov I is specified and iv llbe' Yeirly advertisers` including enbacriptiont ' of beeping one advents standing during the y or one in each para.'. f. All letters add reipted otherwise no attention All notice, for me 'which have heretofore' harged 25 cents each, Ritner 1:33113 !ventio REAtnAra, The Converiti, church, and on m F4q. of Philadeli Esq. of - Chairman pro to `to the permanent vention. oriclay, Ju le 4, 1834 niet in he 7 1 / 4. Lutheran lion of in BH. Graeli hitt; Gao * E G. Bitit eading, *as appointed ~as a pr • paratory step or b onnizati in of the Con- Mr, John lezander I Walter were ap On (notion' of Dauphin county, of Alleghany, Esq. of Lehigh, Oa motion . of 'Lancaster, Theo, was appointed an On mothim of Philmielphra, it Resoloed,. Th: each and every sent the-name of oppose a cnmm for the perman: Convention, as t are called, and t at 3 o'clock this r. jean. 'aul Pen, additional Charley :8 t `the. •D. ountv re no of th nee to no ,nt organi l e names lat they r. fternoon. The commit -‘: John Donalifsi:M, -3)1) G.-P.itterson John L. Leech, J. V. Johnson,- Mark Dickson, William Darling,' D. Lilley are f Adams of . Alleu : Arm. Beav Bedf Berk. Bradt Buck Butle • Carob Chest Robert D. Carey, W. W. Brandon, Alex. M'Conuell, A. E. M'llvaine, Samuel H. Tysut Benj.. P. Frick, Joseph Misseri John P. Rukherfo William E•:es, Addison May, James Colnnen, A. W. Benedict, S. G. -Ntivins, Roland•Dillet, Christian Behm, Wm. C. Hall, J. W. Hornbeck J. .1. 31 , )..um, W. U. Sltnghuff George Carney, John 'A. Lloyd, Alex. E. Brown, Henry H.. Etter, C A. Repplier, Thomas Moore, Wm. H. Mann, Simon Gebhart, Pltilip Fraz-r, William Glower Jamee M, Slagle Thos E. Cocbrat Od mntimi, th meet at 3 dictpc crmventi , P. M. A rrutt Ivo • If SESSION. e•assembl: when Mr. he committee on officers, g report, 'IWESUA A-RCLA RESID. Convention 1/maldsan, from made the followi FOR SAMUEL M. vick -;"; St OP, LOhi Lancaster .hfy, Ada n, Allegha yang, ,' • ver, Berke, - r, Bradford ? ticks, Butler. brut, Walter C. Livia William Relater,' Robert M'Conatt! . Harvy L. Bolliwl David Lesch,.+l7, Francis Rooks: David F. Gordon' Mahlon C., Wire! Isaac M'Carty, W. VI . Bragon' ~ John Feolin, Ca Richard M. Tho Samuel H. Tyso George H. Willi Thomas D. Urie, Augusurs 0. Hei James Houston, Addison May, E Josiiiih M. Heist, John Brotherline S. 0: Nevin, Jun as, Chest( , Clearfield) Colu'albit Cumberlin ter, Daupti elaware, .e, ;r, :Franklin Huntingdo' rata, .banon, ze, Lycomil John Hißinger, Auguntus E. Shu .... — 1.. . .. •• I %VIOL TL4CU IF €11.! T 0 P ILA CY TUX . 6 OWSLI or TIM MAT ' :AN D . • 1111.15 13-00 T FIL iiNf ';ffig 1011;ga . witl; TineYarierlumouTALlrwincia wiLLOtariletivihrhilio:iiiiiiCH4is *Prentlito+ A.Lll.:ll;Preltic 41176111V -15$i iiii; l i- 14A5111.114. •410Alei0 .- Itt. '‘ l •• • 1 ''''''' • • ___ , ' I, :". 1 ' ' V ' 4. ' '-' I '''' "• - ' '''' ' '''' k , ' ,4 I s , :. ' 1.-7 '''''r. ''''' -, ,• .p • * 1 ,,, IR.I. -1, w -LE,,,-.. j-. ,;; . 4 5 1 -.1, , . ; ~,....k...1-1' MI J. J. Slocum, Ltizqrne, . 1 ' Thitiinuf-ReiuttAintatgamOrYl is :' - " i Williani , Ruks, , Miffilli !.,r i I , ...:. t 1 Chorimi Pleiau tti!,'NorihitriMilaild, t 1 Jesse Sliitn'er,, orthampton; Jermes Black, terry. • , . J. Coleman fitiher, Philadelphia city, James Panne, Philadelphia aunty, Dr. George N. Eckert, Schuylkill, Sylvester Abel, Suqiuelianne,' S intuel •D. Witt, Soinerset, Robert 'P. M'Clay, Polon, , James M. Slagle, Washin2ten.: John C. Lobengir, Westmoreland, Adam 'Herman, York. SEGRETARIO. Alexander W. Vaster, jr: Allegheny, Sainuel D. Leib, Schuylkill, James A rt hur, 'Huntingdon, Emanuel Guyer, Dauphin, John S. Richards, Bergs, SO George Rockeaberg, Philadelphia county, Joseph •Kingsbury, Bradford,. Charles S. Iretlell,',Montpm97. ls State The President was then conducted to the chair, by.colonel Childs and Major James Colhoun, when. he addressed the Conven tion in substance - es follows. c Fellop Citisen,—Td be called upon to preside over the deliberations of so numer ous an assembly, collected from all parts of this mighty State at the Cali . of their country, in such numbers that: we may well calf them a multitude, is iiti honor so marked, that I u:terly fail in words to con veyto you any idea - of my feelings. Let it be sufficient fur me to say, 4 thank you —most sincerely do I thank youfrom my heart I thank you. I fed this distinguishing mark of your. corfidence more deeoly r icasinach as it has been entirely unsolicited by me, and that I feel—sensibly feel—that t din not com petent to perform the-duties devolving upl. on me.- I shall, iniwever, in the-discharge, of my duties, endeavor to - act:with impar tiality. It is to be hoped thatino . sectiorta feeling or oersonaLpiredilectiOns, will ope rate to mar the unity Of our deliberations", but let us keep in mind that.glerious motto which now sliiros so Conspictiouslv, ‘.‘ IN UNION THERE IS.STRENGTH," and we'caro of fail to carry out the grey ends for which we have assembled; ... We are here; fellow citizenk, at the call of our country. We are herd for the pre: servation of our liberties end; our free in. stiteticns. We areliere to advocate the doctrine of equal rights and equal privi leges. We are here to put ,ohr shoulders to the wheels, not to further.the lawless' course of the General Govertufient, in their reckless experiments en the interests and prosperity of a flourishing anA happy peo ple, but to shiver the arm of that man who hag dared to pot his unholy hind upon the ark of our political safety: We are here because the spirit of Liberty has sounded her trumpet through the !midi The East has heard it, and has acted ,aohly in _the cause. The West, the mighfy West, has heard it, and has, rushed mainfolly to the contest, and victory has perclied-upon lier banner. The North add the South, have listened to the - clang and all hive marched to the rescue. Every where, victory, glorious victory, has crowned their efforts We, too, of the Key Stnne State, have heqrd the sound', and - these walls crowded to excess give powerful evidence that the people of this great State will not be be hind her sister slates in awakening to her interests, but that the second Tuesday o next October will rivig with shouts of vic tory, which shell be heard throughout the Union. We "ore against all measures which produce one kind of money for the. office-holders, and another for the people. In a word,. we are here becliese we are opposed to the getieral policy of Martin Van Buren., arid his unholy: adiiseis, in their warfare against our state institutious, their aristocratic subAreasuryischeme, and their cruel trifling with the interests and happiness of the people. We*re here op. posed.to the election of David it. Porter, 1 because he is one of the myrmidons of Martin Van Buren, Pledged' Eto carry out his ruinous policy. and lastly, we are here because we are 'in .favqr of Joseph ' nitner, because he lithe mat of the peo ple, and is . known to . be opposed to all the -measures of Martin Van Bren, and is anxious to preserve ' in thei purity the / rights and liberties of the peope. Permit me further toinvo4e your kind aid in the discharge of my dunes. It is no ecsy matter to preseilre order in • such, a Multitude, and without youtdassistancti I may find it itnpoesible.- .i , ! On motion Until% D . arling(on, Of Ches ter, it was ordered ' tha t the [Wet of the H uttit of -ItepteOntitiies- i)t Pennsilia. nia Roeder; -this- Convention, !im far as ap. plica Life. ~ . On motion cif Mr.'"Petin, of Dauphin; • Bausman, of W. Foster, jr. . Livingston, I • mn ted See re- Burrower, of , of Dauphin, Secretary. Repplier, of kgatinn from resented, pre ir members to pina4e officers , :ttinti of this f the counties port the same ounty, any county., rung; " d ~ rd It is GI ME t-ld 44 bin " " in " Colu t7nm Dau • Deht‘l Erie are " Fran. Hunt Junta lin " pgdon " a tt Lam Le ba Lyco Lehi Luze ter " MEM Mort t M sat? Nort liland Nort hilnyton MEI Perry Phila. Phila Schuy Some. '•ll:thia city, .'a county, rt . 44 harms f. Sasqu i Uninni Wash ngton ic York, West , sand adjourned to lit ,2V T, I; of Bedford. TS, I I - , *l.; • Readied, That a Cominittie cpcsistifig of one delegate from' each C'fittptibe',i!p poinied to dreg reOlatibrialbt chegiimstd• eration On motion al W. Tysi3n of the City, lesolved, That a CoMmittee consisting of one delegate from each county be ap pointed to prepare an Address to the peo plc of this Commonwealth. . 1= r . 5 • •,-- t t, Q _ . -, 444, -...4 . V . lritrltki. . .. 4 -:' ' .__,,,,,-,..,• ....., - - • . ‘.!' ' -,,-, •- . s, , ''' , -: 4 -„,,; ~ ti 1. -F.tit'ss e - ''''.- 40 44 . . `',... - , " . . .. .. : ifiL ,•-• 1- 4 ' ~ .1.- v , A 4::?;*-_,-, : 2 4 4 , : ;r‘ -- ',.. --...- ,-. 1 4 . 4, 4. ; r .,, a . ~,,-„4T ~,t , 1 . ‘ .. 4 i,"? . .. it 5 t. : 4 , „:. ~,, .?.. . . - - tItiIItp.PIDIPTSV7ILLIMIGENERAIL-AOLE.MRTIVEIf -,-4.. ' ''‘,7' . " . ..'.'!. '" : ':: ''. '' ': ''''' '—' 7 :: „ I .: . •-, ' ,i: ''..7. il ...4 1.-3.-: vat....,..:-.-_.-.;?ts.v: .! zik.; 4 1 ' , ',t . , 1';;I' :f' ',. poTTslitiu . ; p4.„WEDI ESDA 11$31ifc, MN During the timcvaccittpied-hy the Chair an filing up the Committeerrohe PM:yen rifai was addressed Aleesrs. H. S. r 4 ,paekman, of and A: W. IBem diet, of ilurrtingthin- county. The President theviiiimunced the fol. ow ing C,Unimitt* I • ON ills MAI 11E58 J. W. Tyson, 44029 ti ;Malt paive y Bothnia, jarrie4-Colhoun, John M'Kestion, • - C. S. Chambers, 'Puha Weirjr. Hibsinatii 10. Lilly, , • B, :p.Hare t John, Titus, .L $. Hyman, ' W. W. Brandon, Gazeby - % J. Slocum, 11. Kelm, J. 4:Metun.thaii, 'U. F. Mann, Wm. H: Slingluft, James [I. Levin, Utt,W. Wise, Hausman, Charles Sttirer, Y. S. Walter, • Alexander E. Bruwn, Samuel H. Tysi,n, Jacob Nuil, .Ab'in W. Monroe, Holmes Alaelay, 'JoStpli C. Burden, Henry F. MeFurikey, Benj. F. Pumroy, Samuel Van Fries, F. AC Kimble ; RoLert Park. Philip Frazer, . . Or RESoLUTIoIis. Francis James, Charles Easthum, E. Guyer, J. Russell Barr • John Mtckley, Jacob I).•Buaa, Job G. Patterson, Henry S. Spackman, Wtlliatn 111orehead, R. Casselbury, , J. Pettes, J. A. Law,. John G. Michener, SanntellYohe, James Pleasarits, S. Coli'ma'n Lewis Young, Benj. Cummings, William Eves, J. F. Cox, J. 13. McLariahan, John H. Wilson, John Turner, •• Samuel H. Tyson, Joseph G 1 my Ritharl R. Franks. James Darralt, .I . I;I3SDAY Alourroo, June frth. On leave wren, Mr. Bauman, of Dau t•ututotted thg fulluiviug resulution, ellich imps agreed to : Resolved, That a Committee of Finance be appointed to consist of Five, whose du ly it sl all be receive the contributions of Detentes towards tlefraylng the expenses of printing and other incidental' charges, attending the sitting of this Convention. The Committee are—J. Bailsman, Sa mtiel Bell, jr. J. S. Richards, Dr. D. Lu ther, Samuel S. Jackson. J. Washington Tyson, Esq. from . the committee appointed for that purpose re ported an Address to the peoele of Penn. Ilvarva, which onanitnimsly, adopted. . on.tion or Mr. Eiliott, of Mien, Flcsolved, That the , nanies - of it'll - the Di egates in attendance be appendeitio the Address. )n 'motion of Mr. Fenn, of Dauphin, Resolved, "That a 'Young: Men's State Committee, consisting -of nine - members, three in Harrisburg, three iti" Philadelphia. end threeiti ,Pittsburgh, be appointed, to correpond - ith the .County Committees of the Young M'js throUghout the State. The Chair appointed Messrs. 4Theu Fenn, IL S. Elliott and David Hummel, jr. of Harrisburg; Henry S. Spackinan; James Hanna, and. Marshall Sprogell, of Philadelphia; and Alexander W. 'Mister. jr. Thomas Williams, and 'William W. k rain. tit* Pittsburgh, as said Committee. • A letter inviting the delegates, to attend a lecture in the German Reformed-Chore!), tlus evening, on the subject of African Colonization, was read and laid on the tablO. On motion, the Convention adjourned till 3 o'cluelt,. P. M. • Mr. Junes, of Chester, from the corn mittee.oo resolutions, made a report which was Arianotpously _adopted. , CO& tionof ealviii,ef,lluntingdon, Resolved, 'l hat the thanks of the great party in Pennsylvania, opposed to misrule in the General Government, and favorable to the re election of Or present' worthy Governor, are due to the Editors in this State who support sound principles, for the dignified and spirited manner in which they have conducted the political campaign thus far, and it is hoped they will continue in 'their able. and .judiciobs course till victory crowns Our mutual efforts for the welfare of our country. T,heConvention was eloquently address ed on the topics. ehanging its attention;ktly, Brady-James, lininsas 'Morris; Tituni Brady and Darling.• - • 'l' "; • Qn (notion of Me.. Bryan; of Lancaster, Resolved, That-it-be redommended , t`O thiOeutocratic, Young Menid" Penn:SASS: Gin friendly, to. the present - State - Atha - Wei. tratio'n and hostile to thet.."4.l=praCticeatef the general govhrnment --- ktorgspigg i in thew respectiv o;ittottokst 44P,P01ak , c901 1 : - mit i ices to correspond. with the StaterCoak! On-motion of-0011 C: is giftiitih Iftesolbed t ,Thitt 046 W dirkhibil ven'tt tcL. t!, be preitenteCtojba, Pesti:W. :EH] Trustees of the LutheranlChutalkor Read ings for kindly tendering the use of said. church during thit Session, and that &com mittee be appointed to carry the same in % to effect. The Chair appointed Me \ Child*: WRIMMMMEM AFT 1:111 4 31 ,ON"SESSION, =EN . . ) 4 SlaY,Paffing, autesjuf ,Kaulruian; - silid . committee. , -. Ott, intlyou fit* Mr. Kaufraan s of Lan caster, . . . . , ResPivcd. liiii! the delegates to thud Converiticin teturix their iincerrilhsoks to the Cumsaitt, or , Azrtrgetuent and the citizens of ir4 genqrafly, f4r,the kind recapthin and ituspitiible treatment extend to them. • , On motion of Mr. Elliott, Kebo/ved, That the thanks of this Col ventiun are duet and tig, presented ,to the °itema for theittble and diligent manner in which they have discharged their duties. On.motionCul. ChiWs, of -Philadel -1 phia, the Cony ntiun adjourned sine die. (Sig by ;the Of ) ' .- ENGLAND. Exchange eV-New York, on Loudo'n Ti a 8 per cent. premium. The Visit rittia British Scientific Associali a to Nesorasae,Pceparatiuns appear to be already commencing for the visit -of.tlits aistinguisheit society to Newcastle in Auguit nest. It has been the practice heretofore with many persons in town* visited. by the association to invite dis tinguished individuals toreside with them daring the session orihe kociety. The,dumointee ay pointed to make the preliminary arrangements are now adverti si ng for the trznni, Ace., of such hotel and lodging bousOkeepers av are disposed to let either the Whole or Part .cit.their premises for the occasion. We are glad to see this, and hope that the recyption given to'the distiogoisherl visitors will be Worthy of the hospitable cbarso- ter Anil growing(importance of Newcastle, and thalit will he sueh as to makethe visitors them selves nothing to see - the societytigam make chdice of this towel lbr itwannual ittectutg. On Monday,the2nd instant, the Loyal lode. pendent Qrder of Odd Fellows, of Richmond: Castle Lodge, NQ. 12156, held their first ver I veee. eery, at -Richnio d. The members of the some _ty marched ie p ion to tke parish church, when, a most e ecllent and' impressive serum] was preached by the Rev. Witham Barnes, M. A. rector 'tif Richinond,'from the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians,ivi..2—"Bear ye one anuthere burden; and so MASI the law of Chnst . .!! Alter which, a tollecuen was made in aid of the funds of the National *hoot of that place. The pro cession then perOmbulatcd the town, and after wardi sat down (in number 120) to a most ex. cellent dinner, provided - by Host Husband, of the Bishop itlaihe Inn, which was highly ap proved, and gave great satisfaction. The brass band, from Bedafe, wail in attendance end played several, beautiful airs in the averse of the day, and the evening}bas spent in the greatest coati vality and haraxiny. Mancretter eni d Birmingham Railway.—The 6r4 half yearly.'general meeting of the share: holders of thin proposed Railway was held at Manchester on Monday witinight. The meeting Was numerously attended, and the report present ed toil by the Directors was unanimously adopt ed. Although die interest With which that doe inent _win be-regarded must be principally con fined to tiyx..4 concerned in the Undertaking, there mllisouie curious statistical detail* accom paying it which are worth extracting- It ap pears by the report that the population of the towns:id - the district through which the railway Is to iproceedis 598,337; that the till& tables show ! as Tar as ,Mancheater, Stockport, Aiacidea field, C.4gleton; 411, she Putteries.are , concerned a present thter&inim'anication col 279.644 persona and a trafte. of 197,750 tons annually for various distances, or of 2,530,400 persons and 1,999,709 tons for oneand that there is a communi. satin aouthward of 95,212 persona and 71.656 tone early for 'Various distances, or 3.954,604 persons and 2,599 044 tons for one mile. 'lite railway is Intended to commence at Manchester and hi to proceeiliby ° way of Stockport„'W ilinshow, near Maeclesfie4, by Congleten, through the Potteries, and ihk•nce to Hammer Honsesothiir Chebsey, in StiOrdshire, at which point it to unite with the Grand Sanction Railway, thus communicating With Birmingham, and thehCe with London. The length of the line is stated at 453,4 miles, t e estimate of its construction 11,150,000, Mid be estimated receipt per annnm £241,039 " Great consternation war excited in the Wes. !epia chapel at Newark. on Situday evening, by the mysterious appearance of suinn., handwriting • upon the wall, w ich put a atm. to the singing t , of th choir. Th person who first observed it was - silly biker. ho interpreted that the congre gation would alebe Burnt • witliout immediate escape, which Caused them to rush Mit simulta neously,the females screaming rireadtully. The micister criedeut 'there is no danger." and ex plained that the greets appearance on the wall of the chapel was , caused by the refraction of the tiles of in anoint* Mair ! kiln, prOcceditig . from the gaVerbleti tbeitrian was lighting in the chap. el. The con=tion resumed their seats, 'and the service, ed within* further interrup. lion. , ,Wo are hagpy Icksay .no person tiras-hurt.• Soh* years agoithe Isleroillhoppy wartainsid- I ored as bet one - parish, .iedibeing - tbioky lobo, . iteif, slid the clergymen's oalary., not very-large, be visited there but nixie **sant& This they eomplainedaf; whew iltirDivintreent Mint word thattithey,woukkadd ten pounds • year to his benefice,.hp_would . comer:ince, s guiltiest. The farmeri lipid a Milting to consider . the propane, tioii, irked it villa feed to retain filit.aittirky. "That if be would bite emit tetrpiliaddiili yea, in their-tithes, the* would ercniChinticaluiug at a11.".-gEoversehrolirr .4 - - '•• -!-- --.., - • i Tire-Thienthr , Tiiiidil - ban ijeala' biet c- f Cleared al thaviite4aad olillaturday;Mr.qiriinie2iliei4 edslAilda*V ottllii syeryr th iorperfectrithe late i tit: tte& Cif theAbankes •119 t ,Atuathgedinte l im y i t migiii:: , tili . ieprlarill batioon'annthualr, J A3 i ' /4rykrtriffigrati t e Ciatitotteri Ditasr.-,,,tal Engliihruan, W ' as Becht arrived at ihn . itiatie,t has declared; a tr of 'aitterminitioi splint. foil" , Hai! coax ' ' by keepers Oreiffsitgl !antics - at frottdoß.... Parettallie .I%ft coaideol finvlor, 'which 'Are - 4 - AlgicCod a. 14 4-4 01 100& - this elltiteati Vie hi: is streaow ,spld, in iotous& the liiiiiiiir mart a t Ss.ijiiiir, and it is expect. ed that irethe-month ofJude they will rise to ESL 00.00.—Brassels Paper. , ' ' Wesleyan Missionary Society."-The anniversa. •ry of the Wesleyan Missionary Society was held at Exeter Hall, hoodoo, April 20th. The rs. colpts of the year emanated to AMAMI, of winch , . , MIN behind contratinted'.e3,79sratit ligper lcatiadai 41 4 99 . -Pap regular itieciaii, .btrievetoif the ,Society aiiiniinwl to £73.000, aft irlieresaiu tot. snore than .C 6 000 ovetthe lucomeigll37. - INC the. expenditure" off. the plait: year bad ea - carded, • canaideribly 114 regadir, hie:cane:l Al the differ.' ent minions of the faiciiett- vions parts of the world, 'there is au aggregate 0f49,000 chit-- then in the schools, - bean as fnereiee of 2,000 !khan the pip.. . • The QueeniusCormation-was fixes for the 28th of Jane. The appoinunenicif Marahal.Soult as Estis - Ordinary of France !to attend ihir'euronailoit is idtricialii lintiotiiine - d - In the Maniteor. IRELAND. Mt. Marshall, of this city. got so high a price aA ZIO-each for lame of the Durham-cows at the great sale ou Wedoestioy, iu clonouct—Lim. 'Aron. Later* patent are granted' for establishing • London and 'froth?* Bank, being the Bret 4fibe kind ' nder Victoria lat, Cap 71, ' Mr. Beaufort, ILvdriigra ober to the is of opinion that Wexford harbour can be made. with little expense, a gehersl refuge for ships of any.magnitude. The Rev. A. O'Connor, P. P. of Nonanzh, fell out of his jaunting car on Tuesday, by. which he had a cotter hone broken, and received, a mere contusion on the head. At the county of (ork Sessions on Friday. Slum, a respectable farmer, was tren?, rope& to twelve oiouths impri,onment rot fIOiCOUP aswtmbling with others at Donnughsoore, and as icaulron the process serv,erse of 31 i F. Pearl, scent of the lion and Rev. 1.. Tonson. near Kipslorery received sentence - of six months im prreonnient. They are also to be indicted,for robbing the vibe books, Meeting al CitUghanna near Armagh —Poi. 'inlaid to req iisit bit, a nuin-r ars and highly res.: pectable meeting of the inhabitants of the parish of Lower Creggan, and others inter: sted In the trannuillity Of the county, was held at the village" of Cullyhanna, on Monday. The assemblage was iriiinen.e, nearly 30,000 persons of all etas. k i 2 ries and reeds being congregated. On the me. tion el t e Moto Rev. Dr. Crotty, fr. C. Primate —second the Rev. Mr. Brown—J. White. E.si. .1 P was c ed to the Chair, amidst the most en. thusiastie cheers. The medling was addressed at some length by the lilted. Rev. Dr. Crelly, the Rev. Messrs. Brown and Mr. Williams, both Presbyterian clergymen; Rev. Mr. Certifier, r r, 'Messrs. Wiles; Wallace, Barker, and others. The object of the assembly was to du awpy with rep resentation to the effect that the district was in a disturbed condition. Most able speeches were delivered, and "thebenefits- Conferred on Ireland by„the administrating' of-Lord llleigrage dwelt on* with force eat:Seel:. There, were present sere. tel Protestant gentlemen, who molt part ut. the • ' proceedings. . - . After. meeting. the Rev. Mr. Ciraher entertained ,his Grace thu Primate. Mr. White, 11.1. the ker. Mr. Brown, Presbyterian minister, and . a num ber ofother gentlemen of all persuasions, at his residence, ,Barleyfield. ' The' party sPent a most harmonious and agreeable , evening.—Dublin Friteme n. - SCOTLAND. Craw:tarn, March It—When the Managers of the Rev. Mr. Robertsates .cotigregatiun met, last night, fur the purpose of paying him, his sti• pend, they were accompanied by a deputittiun of Females, litho, over and above what tab been paid to him, inado him a present of h "silk bag, filed with silver and bank paper, in token (as they said) of tneir unabated regard for him as their minister, and the deep sense which they had of his onwearied and invalueide services fur • theirapiritual welfare. • Singtikr Circumstance.—Owing to the great depth of snow on the east coast. the mail bags are carried by Men on toot, ondei the superm.. tendence of the guard, from Fochabers to Pitma chy„'near Abe:demi. - One day hat week as the party Was pretVeding with the pit.cious budget —treading carefully along tracks more fit tor the goat or the chamois than for her Majesty's liege subject* and servant—.one of the men fell and disappeared. The guard instantly returned to extricate him, when he found that the man had ' fallen over the chimney of a entrap buried in the snow. They went to the first faun house ow the road, and having related the circumstance, the people termed out to excavate the domicile, which hart been covered by the great siopli and drift of the previous Sunday Met. Fait!** the 'in mates-of the cothige were all vafe: 4 Selmow.Fisberiei —We art sorry to leant that the salmon fishery ail over - eictglehd, more espe cially the seat fishery. hasiren very unsuccessful OA sermon. In this rielghborhuod,,,and all along the east - exam orgcatland. there have not begn so many salmon killed is will pay the expenses - at htn: diuit the fishery. sod antes" a speedy Change. take.e place in the state of the weather, the tacks. men will be heavy losers. - • - . .. ' There was launched from theloilding yard of , 'llelisii: J. & C. esimichiel , engineers , at -thetas "Biwa, ais'iron steamer, Canted the Catedonia.— Sim is of the following dimentioaa,--4awiely, oloety-sis feet keel, tirciay-cilic`f4t beam " filar draught of water when. latiocilied I/mei:44 iwen. lyrtlireir inches. :This lb thiAluift Itripl,veasel iiiiilfait thirrpOrt. and 'ail' great credit _to ,the builder& tier workraturthip is superior Ift any. 4 1 101'. et the.kind we have yet-seed; and - she ap. ,peareArybeeadodrahly adaptedSor 'river dolga, 1i0n... lire understand that shitie to belttedWp ~ 'tiltletriditknes'orthiro *re boss each. ;..,, ~ ..4 ,4-I,t , - *;Tdrilf '' -: '' r ----- =lals s - Citleirtrophr-rO4 yriday night. stiitrlStb April; Mr. Prif.ditivi i Ny meteor good eovarationfiVatid meth lieleare&litittierld to iiis ca ) 4,o exhilarate * *hawser retilt ta m ili ltt: P -Mrsatet 1 11 44 li g rrOttlele3r, Uuese.iii,f. _ . ..,cosaty. We 1 viodertiti ihat in satisfiactory „ yeti ascertained for thig fetal !At t . ; -,. Ntaxwe was imitsiirw*thaii- 21 or2Sl years et' - e.Zend.,,, , f tad; 1 watitof - thailUaiversity.ofOxforiVe4filMigt Meier .tialt , 1 ivireciaiii...._ivoiniteriuw,: oi t, - -,,icgittir , o .l,s o riir h.w. received .ibis , ' , Warrant ; - fiir the Anemias of Wrlliaot,lll ' faced. 21. Anted` guilty of ice cotdannedfor,a capital.ot• fence at thereto' Mains.. •-• The'Red: Mi. finyhes,Corate of Aberystwith, is to succeed to the hying of Llaniuster, Radnor shire, void by the death ofthe Rev. David Lloyd. These is an old woman 'residing 11 Bwieb, who ez:::: EB to • M=!l=lM9 ===l I;==EZI MMEMI -. . • 1 , • MEM EMMEN - .-. 4. .It, .w il l v i t th bl 4, t '• 41 . Si,,Ciii.,litinivari-"Gi - diaii:t 'lulls' ° eVe le is aT rfortli to 7g :f•••'. f 4(. lel4 4 °k4l iiirance irld „. *lO 4wilogiiiiiii• istrlitek;4nd rotator' the - 44;4 er t ; fa 'es •vvil!haiut• entlietteptible=difelt4,i bO an tint meeting t rint Wfite*.lie w hti ' Mel • 1 hi?r,!, t P l . il nll fter -#44A e .! ww i ' 1 pre a ir ` lititry: " • , ',...•-• " r Cirdfir - L-A very 'curious remnant etantiqnity has been discovered in"fritiling down iih - old Muni in %hill twin, aistrhairbeen pretiehtedlif Mg,i4l - Bu ll to.nnr- Literary Inetitutiora lerri seiribiiii s'sdialr niihe fur • vaitikcitt. _out di a block of the Liao lirnisiMme.ind has the followhtg inacriptiantwarired,ppoutti-i-,:-, . . • - , ,,__. • "Arthur Rickards, and 'Roger Spencen-Ccdhick tars rot the Pore, Anno 1597, • • ' •"r• ~ This - interesti n g relic (beingdated.:iMitilOth . year. of Elitabeth's reign when the pikirtiegs :to . fed Madly the law of monastick chariti,)• vas probably the receptacle fbr one of •thiiirtinnit of On poor bodes, which afterwards became so ;nu merous. Wholesale and Retail DrAr Good 'store. • piOLLOCK & WEAVER havejust received IL in addition to their eitensive assortment, Of DRY GOODS; Super So F erior Blue ind 'Black Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. t ie* style Can. srmeres; sattinetts and Beverteetia, miners' fus tian; 4-c. Feb Feb 18 14- ror Sale, A villapab4 Treict of Coal Land,. ILY44,TG and being in - the township of:Nor - we: weeian, on the Vest. Branch near.the West" Branch Rail Road, about tour miles nem Schsyl; lull .flaven--there it me or more Coal Vttins peeping through this .and. ' For informathOwap. ply .- JACOB REBA: . ' at Pottsville; Jr Mi. HOFFMAN ; at Reading. J 44 1 16 2: 34- , • Leaden Pipes. n. BANNAF has lost received a Very @ape -01-04 rior supply oil. 11. awl .1 inch Leaden .Pipes. to convey the water in houses, which will be sold cheap. . April 18 • 28— . Gilding. A.QUINN, LOOSING -GLASS and Picture :frame Gild er, next door to Ms. John Mcßarron's, Lyon street. Old Frames re gilt in the neatest man ner, And at the shortest notice. april 28 ii-31110 _ _ To Coal Dealerti. EALED Propitiate will be received by the 0 ••• • subscriber at hi Counting Room, On-Land ing street, above Fairmpunt Water Workii, til, the 10th day of June,. at 6 o'clock . P. M. for letting from .that date until the lit day of Match, 1839, all that Public Landing. belonging to the District of Spring Garden, known as the, Pair. mount St, Landing, and - situated of Calloarhill street, near the upper Ferry Bridge. The same being in' every respect well calculated for the shipping oiCmil. as well as the retail trade of this City, having touating Rouse, Scales. Crane, Etc. attached thereto. J4MRS M. BOLTON, Chairman of Landing Committee, District of Spring Garden. Philadelphia, June 2, 1838. „' A CARD. SUMMER ARRANGEiIikNi. - JOHN SILVE ' 3- , • LAKES pleasure in informiag hni friends' and the public. that he continues his/REPEOront ;Oder the ••Pennsylvania Hall." in • P ,( ttsville.'- He 'hopes his past reputation for keeping a respectable Etuab lishment, acqpired dering tht3 experience"ofs etirs iotho same line of businetw. and a desitt.to.p ease. may merit a:continuance , of ag their favors anclpatron e. .. - , JOHN SILVER has made arrangements wi th Mr. Robert Harmer. ofthe .•Cornuco.iite." N 0.44, Ndrtb Third street; Philadelphia for at supply of 11 the delicacies which the Philadeiphra market can tiford during the Su Elmer season: Bill of Fare.. .• . Roast Beef. cold, per plate. ' $ Corned do do do Fried Ham 4. Eggs, do • Green. Tir'lle Sitim, ' do Lobsters, - - 7 Sanlincii, • . Fresh r Saltt.o% • , r • . hr ' , _ll44eed sten. , , O&M eira Wine. per bottle,. - I El - Old Pale Sherry Wine, do . • - 1'• Old Brown' do . 'do • , - - , L$O Old Port do . do_ , ;,...,il,s(lt. — Old Lisbon . do - do ---'. ...'. 1 liii Champaiane. (Palmetto.), do . --.^i ''t 00 London Brown Stout, ' dor , MI -Pepper's, Smith's & Sechele XX • Pide Ale. .., .... Apartments inn always ,rin remlinescroe mapper PartresAeand tlease who call mat &spent tirierieive elregylattepuon. --; -; . Pottsville. May 11. 1838. - ,- -384 • Wetherill &Broth - dr .• AT 7Y11: Oin STAND . , • • • No.' 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, t- ' , EAST SIDE, '-'•",•••'" is - Dos 'roan sup Coaxal, or Aide ' ' DEAN ITFACTURIERSIbr. .yilkite Laid &rand ' ,l ••Caßnttel, wound*. Rod Precipt e --3- tail 7 LoW. ' - White do t t, -Labarge.. , , .... Vitriol. Alb. it.W• • Yellourr-tr,--4 -..ic•12816-41ohdrlo d6 • GreenTottAftetio. do Red !EtherSalph.- ' - Patent.Yelraw • do Nitric.% t ) 1340:Lited ; *.z4 r.. -- ":"do, -Acetic- • C V , ' • - 'IX tine' Coro. chi. Ace. Morphia Ahuispe Acid,• ? 4l,-: • Scdph. do Epoolfßiaha . Lar-Selphur -Tarr: Acid Opi. de'NaFa* , .r7s . Sep. Cub. Soda' Karmen Miami. LOorroaltaib. Mere. Ethiopia . do;,- - ReiletitirofCbatuphht. Sal Nitne*lbionicitra. an. Offer tor ode the above taeiationed a lather with tro o od - OolortmearaiC and DYe & 225 . a n d eveMMbothrfichairt rim eil sad Medicinal 'line., • • , Reintosatierairteratii,hililftbe orrieles - "' ende►the above Maid. they pledge theaimehite :stip. pipabeli frieada ins Vita public ea the-shoat . , ble'tenm• • Windolgey4 Picture Olea9lera 6E, lei *fix det si - WET FRESH TimOthy. Seed pat; reeeived tale by'. r.b 14 ' • - • - NO. 45. L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers