MEM =a VOL. T. PRINTED AND. PUB 131 if BENJAMIN • . - WEIDZI-VITE ' TIME - DOLLARS AND FIFTY payable semi-annitally in virtue In the year,. $4 will be charged neire the paper free of postage. $3 per annum. If dot paid withi will be added to the price ofeu • WEEKLY; _ Two . Dot.t.aas per annum, p I in advance. If not paid within be charged Advertisements not exceeding charged Slier three insertion* Insertion. Larger ones in prop/ ' MI advertisements will be t out. unless the time for which th ...1 is s pwified.and will be chaiged d i 'Yearly a vertisers . will be ch including subscriptionto the papa 1 of keeping one advertiseinent ". standing during the year. and the crone in each pap* , r for three au All letters addressed to the'edii 1 othervvieeto auention will be . All notices for meetings. Are which have heretofore been ins charged 25 cents each, except SlCEstillT BAR' Valuable Real Propert , FOR SA THE undersigned offers . t . O . known three story ,BR.(O' DWELLING HO USE and: sit rate in Centre street,' Poit:s of the undersigned, tog Aber tenements in the rear of si4rl lot of ground whereott • brick budding aforesaid con front—finished from I k eboil garret in the best stylelSt wor as a business stand anti a res vonrably situated. The tore. be sold on low and accomm.. of the purchase money may erty for a few years, it desire ble, and possession can be g apply to G. April 22 •" Public S PURSUANT loan order o of Schuy lk ill County, o Of f t ebruary - next, at 2 o'cloc William Bo ,Hull, adminiat .1 Eliz Merwine, late of ceased, will eixpose to sale b' the house of William Mort Pottsville, a certain dwellin mill and tract of• land, sitna Barry township, Schuylkill one, hundred and eighty-nin e , ,houts,bounded by lands of J Yarnell, George Kessler, Job, Bed—Late the estate of sai By order of the ('.our,. .c !MI Orwigsburg, Jan. 6, 183: PORT CAli -Saving Fund THE POrt Carbon Sevin now, open every day • . the Office of Discount and pose of receiving deposits to ceediug $5OO, from any one • an interest of 4 per cent wiii and upwards, but no interest any fractional parts of $5. -part.may be drawn .out on row weeks, at the office on sines of the Society will ; follow iug officers and man ,' Monday iii May next. President—AQUHA . - Manage Joseph Carroll Edward Hughes Jacob Bull /es L. Whitney, Secretor Article 3d of the Cherie whatsoever shall IA rdceiv or Monagersl for theiese Manager become a burro ion." sw.ttrar s DO4CA Swaim's ' ' 2 4) - _ ed fresh from the pr r: Seventy-Five nonsand : r medicine were sold last y .increasing. For sale by. the Price 112 per bottle, or thre Sole Agent for Also Swaim's Vermifug Passage from Engla land and ERSoNS wishing tt 11 their friends, in first !woe places, may: now do - W For the accommotl,atio ging passage for their fri send theni money, to en the voyage, drafts will be named merchants, viz: P. W.-Dyrnes, No. 3, , 1; Daniel Wright, 4. asgow; William Miley -Dnblin. Iria an Sea jjEliY superior old 5, da do do for sale)by MILL 10,000 WALLS 12i each, just received Dec. 23 . 5 TIMEBOOKS. --4. 800K5.4. coved and for sale Superior • 81 , 1000 gaihmi;. ed sperm Nov: 18 Blasti 40 REAMS-8411 • _ ceived tea Air ' Dee '2l -", 1 ... --, • -, • ' „ -- - . , - —t. - , . -i e -1.14.t-gi! - - 4 t ki: --;.,. - , I ~ , • -... . t t - .: t* - •-''' . ..,. " ".-'.-'' -. " ' --4. -‘ "‘e '*"*!"' . • A t "it'ti---4.i---- + , --. 1•,_-I**-I.**,Fl ... . . . I _ - : • . •• - - , ~..... 4,, • ... s.: . .. - ~_ : ,F-41, •: ''' . 1 .1' it ' . _ ~i , .c,..„,,, i ,_ - 4 , -.. ck- -Si -. • , ~, , t 4_, 4, 1,..,2-*; , r".4.ter.t.) ; ~ ...- Ids_ sr iho 41 ...t •A. ..., I k........... II ..., l . Do ur '.l. .1' :1' . J - v.% 4, P ..)- •.--,' -"...-,-" ar,c , - ~/ 4,,_ 1..., 4, - " 1 -...t , --1_,, , • } 0.1 1. Itt.,'*- 1 44-1,;*; "'lri ti to.4 . 7ifi - , .. 4 " a n't ime * - -'''' • - ' - ' 7 .eir K..: :,. , -- A .4 a.. "--4.1. 1. .min, --.:' 1 : ."- ir ._ ~...t. _., ........t ....„., A -r-,..:-.*: ..- ;7. - 'lt ,' i.~,43,4‘.7 .I.Q.- 'I le,it • , ,:.,--5..4.-1 - u: S - 3 , ...'--' • - - '• , .c - ...- , _.:, - ,.--- - . , -"i 3 ,t%-37-.,- nr.k .*m•mot-- , 4 4,..,.. , --.* -cl'...3.i:".*Yr,ttift _.r.:,* e* .4--- -k*.tfe • t*' . .** 2. 1:-S.t1 .., ,, .1 4, Lt.; ---I, • -.- ':/T----....„: `I t •t* ' - . ... <,.., 1 I i • i MM!! MEMO CH -YOU To avescs Tas.stiawus or TER FitiTi# 2l ; l 4 1 ,0 14111 PUT 8 " 1 1 11 21 1 04 41 /0 1 0 iwirimr.souiruunk I Wll4. Tit COI7III . TV ATEME, JOHN 131CHE4.: Thisourer of . r.:941411 . 1$ Coisaty, is account ,wittithe CataarigiOnfe said Comfy,from the 4th day of JranrarlYi 183 Z to the 2 - clifty ofgainutry. 1838; . bah oritypj indusios. , SFiF,D.• 3MIM! ittra per antiona. If net paid With ail thirie who re o mailembseribera the year, 50 colts *rdirm To Cash remaining in the Treasury as per lastsettlement. To Csah,received from. the following, Collect Era of the different townships stated: East Brwtissiak r • Frederick SIUSILIDiIi 1833 $3l? hale semi-annually e year, $2, 50 wilt welve lines will be nd 50 cents for one ' don. Andrew Buck Abraham 84uter , rted until ordered! are to be continued ' • ed $l2 per annum —with theprivileg aceedingr2aquat usertiop ore onion cessive Weskitrunsiefek. Solomon Bensinger (in foll)1835 John D Long, Deputy 1836 Daniel Shollenberger 1837 Wayne. Andrew • Achy John Snycler.jr Sohn Snyder -Jr r must be post paid • to them. c ratr:4l, p tia.woitile: fines and, Napa. Mkn Andrew Willower, (in ML )1895 360 00 Frederick Friedt 183 T 1140 45 Ma • . Maio*. Mails Bider in I'ottrailk E. John Rumble (in full) 1835 143 05 Benjamin Laruzer 1836 268 16 Jacob Zduinierman 1897 50 00 sale all that tel '• STORE AK e appurtenances ille, the propert with nine ~othe builaing, and th ,ole stands. A Th ins thirty feet i meat story to th nship, and bo 'dance, is moat fa oing property wil Wing terms. Par main on the prop Title indispntal. •en immediately 1. JENDIIPGS. Pdttsville. .SoVesaki72. Leonard Moyer -1834 'lO 00 Lewis Dreher - 1835 , 40 00 - • WillitacHaller (iota) 1836 '637 89 Frederick Bensinger jr 1837 150 00 ' /3arry George Kessler Jonathan Yana John Balch Upper lifal;autangi. PUter Fetherulf On full) 182 Q, 272 52i Javob Bulfuntou 1837 648 00 f Lower Alakmiwzgo. JecoD Heberlingll33s Jacob Heberling 1836 John Stein 11337 MI . . Podsvi& Jacob 'Eyer (in slid!) 11E32 54 17 , Peter Kern (in full) $836 1209 ID George 11. Stichter tin full) .1837 . 2241 21 the OrplLane' Cond !: May the 2d-day in the afternortl. .r of the estate of rry township, de .Public Vendue or, innkeeper, in house, Atable, saw . on Deep Creek, .unty, :containii acres 'or they bn Kimmel, Joh Dietrich and deceased. Nrwegian.. Nathaniel J. Mil s o 1835 325 80 Beniamin Heffner 1836 200 00 Rusk. Daniel Stewart 18 1 36 vi 44,00 Aaron Boughoer - 1837 181 00 • rtniwrove. Michael Huber , Michael Huber • -11;iiigtiang. • Jacob DF&lut 1836 55 00 Jogn Yob' • • 1637' 361 00 M. B. BULL, Administrator. Ei MORGAN, Clerk, a C. 7-4 David Zebner David Zebner - Abraham Wagner MI Society. _ Fund 'Society, is" 9 to 3 o'clock St , eposit, for the pu t t. ny amount not e*. • rson, upon whiCh be paid on every will he allowed on The wbGle or any ivirg Make, two to ondays. The bu. conducted ‘by tae era, until the first To Cash received of the Conuolssioners being money loaned.fet 'them of the County 11900 00 To Cash received for unseated lands re deemed 296 tax on unseated lands . ll2 B, for land sold by Commissioners 101 - of Peter Kern for a note. 300 William B. Hall esq.fines collected by him Samuel De Pal esq. do do for fines for non-acceptance of the office of Collector miscellanea°. Peter F. Ludwig fine. collected ' Josephthlorgan amount of a note costs repitid to county, TON uel J. Potts .. Warne Turner • and Treasurer. •"No emolumint d by Use President •iees, nor shall any er frinn the tnstitu. , not 3 46t( To Balance remaining in the ltands of John M. Bickel, Treausurer, this day January - 2,11138, $4878 97 By Cash paid costs in behalf of the Com monwealth 1078 00/ Costs on snits against retailers '0 56 premiums on fox scalps 114 37 road tax to supervisors -' 248 16 taxes which had bean overpaid 41 33 bed 'steads for jail • 15 00 stationary, clothing for primness and • • merchandise 151 48 fuellol 00 convict" in pawl - tender', . 85 55 Medical attendance on prisoners "38 75 fine for non-acceptance of collector-' slip returned • •-•110 00 -Trepans of public • buildings , -.; 9 42, printing , teaching poor zbildren . , IN 801 loins redeemed .. i 10050 00 interest on loans : 2106 101 directors of the poor and tease of em. • - ployment '442646 general election expenses - ' figl 01 repairing bridges ' • - I: -53 es books fOr offices and for court ;-, • 41 97 assessors's wages. - 4 . 19R0 grandmotit. tmrersis jurors and con' , • , stablm • - • ' 1818 70 Constable's mileage ' and wages '-''ll 67 road jurors )319 11 Coroner's inquisitions ' . N• ,-- '!'• 485 75 lamb Anlenbach stteodsneb tb Montt ""! ' ' house clock 18 *throbs . - • :. 20 00 Shmiffßaush, sheriff's aridjailors' fees :1-i 635161 Ludwigl2o PI Clerk sessions fees • - , -, , 15 6 83 1 Frederick Heiser. coon mm.. _ • '' 47 00 leech Bulimia for stmading public ' ; - bedding' end estra services - ;' 71 21 prosecuting attorney's tees if! 127 00 Commisaitmers' Clerk fee 11 months i ,i 206115 C. "Lindarbron for making an index ' .`. for Recorder's office.• . , 1,125 - 00 J o h n schoener,jr. late Commissioner . 1 ,, 207 09 PhiliOsman. present - do , Or lot bo Adatifrocbt, do Tressiireer salary • -•, ' , i 1 t o 00 by amount of:2300 foewhicli the treat 4; - surer stands charged twice- in Mari'' , • .account • . • " ' • - . • - , • • if , ' ri boo co bymash:paid-Auditors formatiing 1'44, _ ~. years accounts ' -,•••• - •,,, , • ,ii, ~11,!. op Balance im the hands otitthng•tkit.7 4 ....., el, esti-Trent 's Trento!! , ' I ~ • . -- - 2 7i . • . . r. - - . Ai3olos 411 . 1 . :OUTSTANDINOLDEEWS4 • • - Jacob Zama fa: betimes on forfeti4. ii-•• I ed riseogatemem , .."' ..i.', ' • • 0 5 00 , iiiihnue.4oo4:Petot***rOk - - ,,, 'avon' ,•.lor vadioviniActegb i .4..,. 1 .... 'cads r i ms leitit hi %le ' Vt' - 'lWit ' • Rahn - • ' 150 Oft. a/CEA 'spaces, just rec4iv. . rietor. Upward* of ttles of this valunble r, and the demand is . • or single botltle. bottles for 115 hy I B. BANNAN, ; chuylkill County. d, Ireland, Slot "ales. ecgage ..pasrage for ate ships, from the St. by okaying to j . HAGGERTY, I Cer.tre Street. I ; of those persons epga. de,..teho may ,wisl to ~.ttik them to prciside for given on th e thiloleing eterloo, Road, iver. No. 3,Robineon Cod No. 25, Eden nay, may -6 3 `eh WhiMk h proof Irish Wh ahoy Yerjatosh do R & HAGGERTY. 52-3 mo romls cents per 00 to d • for sale by B. BANN'. N. few time books just re. .7 B. BANNAN. 3-- d Sperm 7 bleanhed winter atrium. ',Cot isle by ••,_T ' R & RAGGE t iITY. • 5243 Paper. tini Moline Mier U lt 115 ' ty B. BA AN. , -..,ii..--. DR. 060 60 102 40 1836 1837 V3O 88 381 91 245 00 , Jeos 881 11S 1836 _ 100 00 1837 423 75 1834 20 00 12 57 5000 • • - Deo 37e 1834 1836 1837 . 920 52i Mt 54 22 84 508 80 1835 200 00 1636 405 50 Mgt Perm 1835 119 46 1836 370 00 1837 '•475 00 964 46 E 3 - ' ,• .11 q kTu 11 - 1)4 ginkl , l•Et. Pot. lik. , ... . - .1 7 CINNIF Mon md.ineb- /1 • e. 1814 • *Ma thaebyJeopeßb Ar!? 00 Stlitgrunisfbdenterdue bythraifr ferest Okatiriv: Nalianlel 3. PM& 18 35 P 312 21 • Benjamin tteSbee 1834 i, Rasa Ball 1031 Foto elk 03817 48 it • Poluivak Dla Maiel-unrlotian'lBll4" — ' 801F8r7 iel Chrittlaii 1835 . 1110,211 7, 4*. Pi 83 tt • Jaitob . .P. ?tuba 1 10 . 301 10 , JOboTof 11131 11158 . 7$ Esst.Brsoa4ig. • - Frederick Eissoosis 180, -.1441.44 r . Abraham *War ! 181 /AMA, .1178 go SEP Ili 11' li 913 It West lint 11 Darn Sbellenberfer 1837 Marekeiris. Frederipk Fried 1836 Frederick tried' 183'1 sto ai MOO 45 Jacob !treater 1833 Michael Haber isas Michiel Huber 1836 Peter Filbert ' 1837 1233 West Perna- David Zehner • 18110 Abraham Wagrier 1837 Wire. • *Anareir Achy ' ' INS John Snyder. 1837 1 . . . Mpg. Mark! Bi(ler + .. 1 • 1834 Denia:aid:Ludlam 1838 Jacob Zimmerman 1837 Read Barry. larael'd ' 0332 Jonathan irarnall 1836 Agin Bunch .1838 833 18 UM William Faust, 1834 Solomon 'Lindner 1838 Daniel . l3tewatt • 1838 Aaron Boagbiter 1837 3504 48 Jtakantango. Jacob Buffington 1837' L. Madanfsegn. Jacob fiebartin • 1835 428 00 'Jelin Swan 1837 436 33 Schicsraiit Leonard Moyer 1 . 834 21 06 Lewis Dreher 11335 558 07 Frecrir..Bensroter 1837 • 867 20 605 50 416 00 To the - Honorable the ;Judges sine Curt of .ca l s. mon Pleas °Mc/my/kilt County: ' THE aukecribers. L .Auditors of the County of SchoylkillocepectfullißErOßT,that they-balm audited, settled and adjusted the acteoubta of the Commissioners aid Treasurer of Schuylkill county. and submit die slim statement as the resultpf our examina • s from which ' it appears, wthere a balance 'biology, thilabds Orate r im Treasurer John Mt 1 ickel, amocuiting is fear thousand eight, hundred and seretty eight dol. lars and ninety-seve4 and a half, cents. Witness our bands, January 2d; A. D. 1838. ' MICHAEL, .NEISCHWENDER, A ;JOHN SNYDER. • ' - EDWARD Y. FARQUHAR, - Auorroas. pm 45 i I February 7,1838. i 4t - • cis -96 102 00 iB5 2522 6360 4000 N. Nathan* ilk Co. OFFER for sale at liar wheleassle and retail Fami ly Grocery Store.centre.3 doors below Market street. a prime assortMent °Mesh Groceries,antaist . ng of • JaVt. Rio, Lignite. . St. Domingo and browned [ C96ee " - N. Orleans. Rt. Croix. brown and i sugars Whitellavannailoafand lump , Pew Orleans, rest I willows India and supr tome • •i Imperial, Gun Powder, Young Dyson, Poochong.Orange Pea Teas co, Sonchongsauillohea ' " &Mrs, tblisen:SOltrt. °uuti Chocolate `-`& Linlgps. and sweet spiced • Prepared Coeba.Cocoa shells - Readiitt Carta:Abney. • 1 , - John 1, LObster.Anchovy. Sitwell . ' Cinton y attd•Carrie ' Ghetkinrrottutto. pepperl de§ Mixel,Qaion!, Mamie, Ni Lemon and French Olives, capren, Anchovies • - - • Cayenne pepper. allspice and Glepr Cloves, Mace,Rompi md cassia • R. flour of:rice; ineith • VtirtintigFigklbsiii6CAnsen - - Sweet and bitter akkoMht. Ovoll , Olive Oil. wine biuers.lemon syrup .. • Preserved ghsger.elteese, Codfish , .- - Herring. mackereksahnon White sal colored, wax.stpean cud' . , Madded and dips taw • • Paha. Variegated brown - mid ' so*, Old.ll6o&mst.old s c ily t,chvet ,' • • Brown Suet hhi t a pa i i p ie slWinee cm heck, 16141: - . in l umga Sweet; ' 'ilium:nal .' _ .. _,,,i --' & bottle Shimmy. alaneilles **Hy Mali . . SCotch.lrish,mogongsbela &coin Whidsey • itinisette.inniewid& peppennintMediab Cognac p cl Spank . 'coistloraady liolla-td, &.,, Gr in ', N . - E. Ittun„ . &Maims -Ravi ant pu r, inferior do Half R stet cebnnon Milne emit/phi e m r id ek rd ion w Chiminnit ' -, .. , •,. g eiiii;4l, I', t of Dfry Goods; &c. &e.• all i is.hrilwayijlre _ ' to sell oh theleciseratimis..' Me serms.L'lleadn, of Families sad Tatiereasepirs • .frellailicOlailliii!itgd to Pal • :liiiblbabitirer Shoes. 41ST. rooetvilta frero supply of Indiplitobbor ...Orer giboolgon gi t Yf s lind for, ode cheip tiy, • • 4'. TEL! Jil3l 4. • 7‘t " . - . 'Pal '0 NPller :-"Stei gb a • Aiicti.lititt• howse vviwb.p,id at Pplthq 52iitivise , *4116 4 186 e' b, dapolt , . • kg"itintwtanss Ant Jan,27, • • WILLSIMLIIIMMIZNItSI4II Lane prfparsicr a FA • • • : ••• ,BIORNINGi•PEIIRAJ - • edwrfire.a.... : • . i 1.71.71-tittouf an t,„l4!?tirlit.MPl.P 2ll- 11/7 :- .I•liiiiirmii . iiiaa7leis cozwisi, 1: ;.;-f ' 4 . e tThlidatElhillaily_ _ Its : -10 alfVFACIVIA. .611 21 ii - I ,t il , s t el kitlr , 111 L . , 919114 o 1 . • - - "AMA in . thr( 3 - -',,econ% . Pme-N - • -- Rad Lend, • ~. - , :`,lNbitnsdif —; .-. , . . l enn t* Pleal4; A k ik .---- - . 'ele - "Win& • , Ti ide : 1 eie, haunt T.i aill. '•. - Et A brieSalpii.-i - • ojksw., , ') Joni* pier - Lead' : 'do' 411:eitii ' 3 ' ' commas • Innar Cassell '-- ~. Okras* .., , dq•la. do. . Aci. Fordo Aiik.Mis . * MartitiO•Aeid • • ' ' iiiipir , sdn , . • Nem Salta . ....,Lie.fildpleser . , ;11 Tut ft cid• : • : I=ra .• - . %p.Caro. Soda . ”. - skims: '• • ' rattiliallob.Meire:i. • - ' "die s' , .. ..., Reamers oirbonsitteser,Wiliterik- i dra. beer tomakabo dope+, Tape Told asicki. to. rebid , oilds a ginerol 'aimpattneesitcerlailea, Drake -and - DyetikaiSkasid aides Inkier ankle is disk Chrour aalasK7diermeinakline. • , ~. . Ban kaanalkdoseenot all eh' lireiblie emmienua Ansdei Me idscive head, they: pledge ibeinelvos to asp- My their friend! and the public on t.bse kolloret wi lV i M i ti : atid Pktiwe Glose'lk;ise es 4 ortim - Irt Oct-ti INV ; ~I, ; - ..t.. ~. ~,:, ~ 619 89 1170 73 222 14 1448.72 100 86 357.50 55 94 440 57 1458 98 . -- 'chainl4o4 liv . ' to. ' • row sebscribers li4rd "ire-Vol:en, 9 andt offer -IL foi sale a tiro• lot of choice lChampagne Wines,athong which •ip befoand.tho..Paltostio' brand, which is sied to be impiniorin any yet imported—also.supetior oldmadeirs pale sherry I and'port wince ISLbettles. _- ' __-z . -, . . 114,07ZARD - 4k SITIAUCH. lei . 241 0. - . 5- New aild•Cheap- IF. Ord 'FMB eiabseribef-ii nownpeiiing his Store. a w• large andirimeral,assortmento Dry, Chad& Gieceries, Hardware. free; 4c. • ieb will be sold chniper thin . anylblit has bean' Mitred itrtbe- Borough. , . - J.- CIALYTOtr 4 Pntmille, Oct. 14t.1! 1f197 7 .. - . Champagne Wisest!! NNATHA - bis& Co. Cave on 4 tad and offer • for sate, 50 baskets Champagne Wines of the moat celebrated britids;•stmong which may I be found the Woodcock Paned; a win . fax saierior . .to any.ever offend for sale in this , ace. ' Aber; iliegensdße Anelet Brea - Jan 9i . ~,, 7- 2312 97 241 65 825 40 1007 05 .205 55 712 53 sill 10 236 56 143 93 109 90 1Q 31 30 70 215-86 584 75 831 3 84 78 423 11 214 . 51 239 33 861 73 rrHE New England • Farris; or Firmer/ Re. oriPt. Boos- 224 ABOVO.I. rcaiiitsd mot fur ale, by . _B. ANICIAN. 12 - .'= , '" 1 . '2— 936 73 349 89 786 14 ES. ClUßTDP,C.sleibmted •rowder. lan 6 7 - • IL Ng6 33 10472 CI TIMMS' Natural Hisigirj, 5 yob, complete.•ft° Price 01 25, jitstiricelied ilotaahrby • jiu 10 ' • '• B. !fIASXNAN. 'VERY choice grew!. !Yid & J. __v have just wei:ild aildiarfni h 1 nia 20 bovi rty superior trees and Mick tea; not, 25 • • . • L4P --20 Icso: & ffrptlud4Liiio ogle by T. BEAlrry: I "iin , VS - tawLErra 4tiorTiiige•tigst recAved mm'anitior offbo by HANNAN. an 24 : t • - • 10•1:100 VERY:super_init . be I he Prineipee and Posimego trim MI 3 MILLER & - • '' GIALT, Fish sad Pim r'w Sept 23 44, ; BOCE-AN% Domestic Medicine, from the Mid English edition.joset received for sale by jail. 20 4 BANN • -AN ' • Chtese! Cheelet! 20 Casks or premium chime, 20 &ass pine apple . do i to: sale by N. NATHANS Ai Co. doe S - . '4l Fein Eiiiilash and Welsh Books. 10111:6 , Subeeriber will itaport*l kinds of Eau .a. listrandAtielob Docks* at th shortest exotica. Those persons 1404 * 4*Ml l oi amitra Publif.A -tioas,wit.l Owe Ipase a li st at he peke of the Pdittereltatraat • . • `OANN - AN. Did 23 ' . ..' - • • I ' .s: . Tp e T'S Element,ary .Drawil. Book eprters . just repelvd" f sile by N _ • •D& 30 • 'IIAAIt • BABNO.Ba s kideleita Tablet and Reser Nry • Sirup, the beet amide:. the iiiikae.ldt received undloi br. "Nol •tv., BANNAN. MM - - Medsd Cheese, ice. cOlteloperiarmsdil SO 11 4 Ms raalef-Ph!ii 1 bbd. trO opt - west for Ira by 'MILLER &-HAGGERTY ' • .1 . 52-3ni; NavlB - Ir*agioclilhi*cor Ictwidwirgi.tut cam aim' *di 1111,1, , ibraiki by ' ' • • • Jani; - • *ralite tb ; sti r. ll - 1( II 11111114 fr:, it* i a-4.4 =n2 WEE . LiFt.,‘"2ll. 11017SBACaniNINT . - -,, , • ~..- , ~, A - 1 Jaciltibili4s - C7 teyemokitc. Thr" .4 .1 *J e c m ,..!!! 1, ..., r_ iii raid Of Dir,, I._. r ...rf e i all 17- /167/6tCWMiriIt;INIMV4IITa eatiOtays fumAirsio4 -, ' , ' • • ,4•••-i.,..„7 180,Or. It " To Balms rtioabliair , ' la. *di of triamoi: triw last, - yita . faulaWear' - r • 2104 14 TO Cabbiecibiod from - tho Dirodfamtw -darer the i Z i, -., , . , . - i 4. 4300.00 W' *Go • Gtiof tor- a witch , 8.00 viai r „Mao do ' pitoWepppil i bbla 456 • frato - Pa ' Winder 6)1 a' pow . ?2:14 from Win' its 2 pled and VOW' 645 ' , hal A ahoy hr-bal. wawa • 49 , 19 . frala Job &ha Bw4booff, i • . .800 A' l2 "/" 1 0 v4IMIVT Tn!flutlit ' 1 - . PO. $4501 Ile SCIM 4:1 a 4 AILC4 401111 r MEEI - I ' cg,. • ‘: , • stiveno. D . : 7 7 l Lii .s T aw d_ r t he du! . i v. b.. hnraii. .. yet riotib aj ea pa: €4,r , IA rild tatiewatd - -, ; 21648 00 Abathissjameeks,„ bhdltfa. flann4l..- ,calicoculd *die% .. i. 1 1 200 lug. Butir . VOSI bi: csiOss• !, 22.7 . i.116uslAillasiek • - 1 6 4 tiuttee--" , i. ~ 27 8 Wis. flour 4 I 77 66 beef And bugaSeri , - :. 146'44 - . t isakand nee ! 23 03l . _ ....._ ria. 'earn, mita intpstatabi weaving and railing printing and itationary • i duets sod &Wilma& ! birthrate . `..1- 831 toes dons dal " „j freight arattoll on litnestoni , ralever slid iodides seed i Taw. ca rpenter . and, tdacitiadtb work ad new wagon work on Atria and hired men ! 3 sinires. - pipe,l and - tinware goatees •and isturthsnenus, tirtudiss4 spices and soap tobacco ARS' - ft - insurance.= bailie oat doer-paups” - - medicines. Was. oil ea" 41 PAP 2 lissns and gears. justice fees and tail fruit trees harness $ old 'raj* for'oikkuni dower due Elisabeth Shoemalust , late %clerk and Surveying miseelleneotul neat tattle pound rent & east on Patrick DOIW4 neee 2,0 11 / ; - I Akio, Itubeinitathi.all dgcpph„ril!. ciao and medicinal ' e Bleck ink j male by •. 1011 CAN: " - 'BALA-RIF/34 ' Wililanf 0, rrieff. 1 year and silts son siesta SiDirector William Matz. I do ' do. Mik' Mai 1 do salary as Dirscr. tOr Dr. Jacob F.Vreichlsr, physician fo i F 1 jeer. 1 1:10,nr .iiper i Treasurer • . 1 1 . Ws the enbsedbeta havitkantined thit Ac count of the 4rreasorer and Mindoro Of the. Poor and of the House of goployingns for the county oriiiibuylkill. DO REPORT &slum going , stiittnnent as the result of our investivition. Witness . our thuds . thin 44 dor ntlitnuary 18:18.. • ; JOHN lIIN.YDER. - !. E. Y 1 FARQUHAR. f . Auditors. - • ..3 swiss of • foe -isle by GPERTY. UEL 411 3 / 4 7Z/NGER: wa4ed.fir bonen isch4 7 i iliac pirates* of hi L P #the Ewe f Val* " . regy,fisse, the 7th ef Jansemll337.* - 1 day ej Jess ry, 1 ; both days ladled.. 37; ''.•_ t '. , • DR'. I • ; 9 4'.:1 t. __ 1417: . 'Based/ es per lastot - •653 56. di readied from Tressurek : • ter4l3llo 29;805`05. hay sold 1 i' • 1100 91 7 bushels wheal. 61 bal'iliazirdr e' and*rootby.aewl 'k 1 , V 5. Suttee and cheeps, ' - 1 1 " Rags ind beef il Woodland hms • I . - 24 crap hay 1 . Isdeaktorwa • 3ea lies, _ _ , 1 'yea end hide& ' Match sald," - ' Vim 0.: habits/ . on fame ea. . w a r* andl.aollork. i , bieliiil and Old soiesuira , &Wilma 'stone • • Num Ipsolosre . ,1 Itaatthno I.lo*Kir 41 : 6 11 leilis.aatinets. shoes, • lisablirs Acacia.. Orilus -• .. .1 ,?, •"".. REM*. Geor g e tizitiroin. • ,•. 1.- $1 Bear, ~ periid. Ibrilliavi Irsiiilor; ' ' • I • 1 Aorhosa Theses • ; 1r A - - - -. raCishiSheroad Rom the d3osini ars of Sehuilkillososty4r I &a. of ;aleph Earrechee,la b - - i -:- •-! 1 4 MEI F 32 `.Jan ' • ~: pute; 61126.1,4 m. teetingi sad I 8.. RANNAIL ' -i4 FI- - • • • ha...1,11Ra • Balance: I . , 4, „ S C11!-) ll 83 ' 4.°1111 I S: nt4 1 14 4" V 4 11, Vit' i 11,9 A le iia awl, 121 Wm eons e. • • at?' ' . . . . , It i be•MV - .., j L . .' ift,fic op apdliog. ‘ . l —, " ' ' -17 - lbst WoirderilbevriPisis. gli 3 '7 o t" ' 36 1 19ada- 010 11 • 'l' t ' v -‘ - 24.100 46 .001 4 . 40 ,9 4 . 0311 -• ' : . :.86 4 12 i =Ali Pm " - InIV ( a, ,* s - 166 25 't6l3teilini ' ''' - seisi I --,hod s ., "ti A. w . , -- 1 / 4 -\ •.191 • •abboischersse4 rpm , -• i , ,1 1 4•Oronicti . ~, -,. • • • 6 , W I loritipeW ' ' „ - , . itakt• . , . . ¢tt CO OCL i.• k ir f ai i it r at4 MAIM .1,710 P -• •• . 1 • - • EMIR =I ME =I M 1145011 18 00 8 9 104 ' . 921 '5 00 , ; 4 le , 441 4a, es• 25 Olt. i 455 - t ims. 1. mg J . 46 . :9:04 441 g.asvt...v . •••?Weti• EilEil 11111 - l e- -.2 , ..,,, c, 1,1 , .‘' . • :: 7-.1 1, , , -. -1 . ., Z 5,...., . ••'''' ITIIIMees ' z . - c -'• ' •-•c•ry,i:i-7 7 ,Q.-; , < , Soling' • - " 14. ' - " ' ''' ' -'' '.' '.: dristrapplt; isiielikiattienn6itif., - -Inninix. tartne.:4•Owtsr&iibis- -• SuYtt 1 , - , 1 ;7- , i . t , i, • ,-:,‘ - ' 4.04° 1, rAtig 10 PrO*o 4 ' . turnips sulk and • i; plaster. sun* ad /ammo& 1 shois.iiirsilislniiikniuliais.; 1 ussunvr, isli.'aiier! kitife;''.. Grottos and fici• - - ' ! -*sit trees 1 . r .. I 1 lisues.treigialse. flei - gilt Ow% to poot innons , mi .., . I• , seihm4,4 ! 1 . 1 juslices sipiailudentures ' 1 iz sk. ssiss7Wit' souse for Worn ' , boustaide's torsi Tor brief pain= _ ~- - ,c• 1 .--,,--..? isursaking..barnist. work ' thine_ ~„uisii laming Mile •-. 4 16 tons stens coall . ... 1 3 Toads tionag, karmic and *this tailoringturdwering ' - f' , • plougbitnd kwrisimw i ~ work in-sarditn . i medieines• wine= wages i • ' '6 young pigs • - 12 pair blankets. 1511 yds Muslin. 111191 calico, hddkf.. thread. bottons,isan, lion skin, Unify, dic. seal akin caps and shoes 119 gals mole lies, lbj sapr.- 157 lb coffee, oil,, fish, mackerel, tobacco. salt 911 yds abeck.l2ollds plaid. 79 yds vialinen coats. vests, brushes, quensware turkeys coffins, boaVds, and bed pisis!, by compensation as steward from lat January 11337,10 lit April 1837 by compensation' as steward and clerk,- from lit April. *837, Ist January. 1638._ - • Balance in tbetands oflard • 59 36 . 1 'l5ll N 9 31} 47 001 54 32 IN 05 106 160 09 661 47 33 63 ni 01 40 kli PAUPER - .P. - Pauper. rinilain*is AEA *dee day of Jaaaary.-1837: • Males. t.. Msled under 147 ears raga* Females aidesS yam.' ••• ills male. imilted in tin 83 31 20 41 27 00 98 10 108 02 23 IS 24 b 5 - 1015 19 50 `4 10 . 71 09 '58114 A2'9o '31'97 1000 • • • Admitted Mtn thtrbouso from ,'lttnilftt January 1837 , to Let January.lB3B tart iii.ludedi • ---• .- P; 'Males ' • . ...,: 114 —:''-d Females • kale torn in.houor ' Famalio bunt in s housa i• ' 'r ' Out door , paupers 9 1 52 199 100 10.98 wisokoumbei.:- , Males dilicikarged *ad Females do Wes diisd Fostsakoldied Bound otd,, 1 ioalo sod 1 *pole 114 24i 39 ISO 9%50 2000 , Rambling itemainint irk- the house on; the January, 1838. Males . Males nirderl2 years Fealties. , Females under 9 years I Out door, llamas, lIS 00 $l9 90 itneni cit.—William Ri4hards Payne, Norwegian township, do Susan Haight, to WE Norwegian township. • - Out door pauper Catharine '3li Manual • Relief ". granted to Abrahani Shoo township. Relief gropted to Growl, PRODUCE OF :FAN 167 bus wheat, 5531 bus is, 525 do potatoes, 61' do . fluseed, 1121 459 do, corn tpt cobs. 51 -do timoth pumpkin*, 6 loads corn to* 871 second crop, -42).b wool, 2- harro 'Hu. PRODUCE IN, HOP 87 gals apple butter : 1-11 busked coffin. 82 itooki: AS cheniiie:34' _pair pantaloons: 5,, , rounda bouts. 7 skirts, Oar 0 110 ,4 3 **Vet rn pillows, chaff bags and hid ticks, 2 taps and capes, Si borrebiliioap;_ 121 12 45_ 43 00 13 50 28 00 0 28 46 2 00 3 CAM 112 50; 4 abaeFi, sai.) 812 AUGHIfEREII 1 WT. 6 . 7itlide- 3 . 1 4 3 4 2 0 • • Fattene d . owNinair god* 10 5itir5,4367;121ftwi25313: tallow; bitdadBl°lb. .. 2141 lb.: LIVE 11172 I$ ; . .;1 1 RODTICE CIOVIVE -8 ." 4 .IIIODIACI 2,B l lladigibbev. , iosesa.dobied'idO. - Ir ,quaturiabolo seed, seed, 3/fo eoriandio 748116~a~ sr,'l7'9} Ws 'the sum:Tibet). emilsti - of the %sward meat a Schuylkill r foregoingistat . tiOsai itueii 011 res. !Mat% Vii)0011! toi NATEIANS . , 0' •1 12;; ) 11 .m•eirplaridki assort:neat of •. 1 ' ' ' el 47Y, • We, blank, olive,greea 110 c .laoiclollui, ~,i it do ilo nod fillicl:Pasil.RTNa -4, - .-..1. `.. Plain gild flgarodiagia ..--:-; ~ - - lioloorralot clothaikta44 - i ioatlaii;•- , .. , -- Goats hair omaklatVl;` ;Ala Iforik• - ,- ',, - - 1. • all af wide* Whig Pali audionilainnor ...- , *Olds, vat Naieroal4",iiii. - - .41004 1 1 - 04 IV: ;; :':" per cent thespioi than ells bswirellirsidlitirbisicAt;, us this ltaraagh. • - , I 'WV : ,R3R.r.* V, -... 7 " • 1 : • ' 4 , :..V.... ^,-,, IE3I ;' - =. ~~ -; ,~'~;~ I- • ~, , r~~z: ~~~~; , C.,........ _ , N.,.. `"_~, r~;~,b~, MEE aj~`Q*>~ ~ i g e.,. ~:x~:• ~~4 ~~._. EMI Irate. $41114' - 11 417 &110 - , • Wire' is lit, VAC 3tAxvv , '340 Zl7l3t;;;TYf)2, :: :"ttl Mtn as ./3- irt 3 0117 , - 9t OS GLIM 114 60 49 Ofr 32 52& 3 00 4 sR' 82 48 9 • WM 4414 ' 12 2 22 1 .-1-7•• Or 14 lIME th* Ilith ,1111 , 1 • se El 9 • •, ,- . , :f;• - 130 _:, El rl I :- 9 aro to William 9uf.cmt., mg=l Schuylkill do adarBl9., buciArtie4 - I red% - . Maio slyvv , , , -,..,,, a<±. .: 4:AI-i,,;;-ifia _ ad 'ai;:ii w kil:; ., ; , , : , :s j mks** : :-- Els ~.....v 4 28. i:•,-„ = ••••••: - . D-4 Adds ilethe." 7 f- - -...1: - /1. 4 . q • , - ,0. , i . A. - 1..:4 . 17.1, • --,,,, . Z....'5 . et, akiiA4S2. , ; ` - s,•;3:s>ll ' -1 .•-;- s-, -'s.•-fr-' - ? , ~ ~% v,•;0•1 vallH .,- .. , ' s lidos gill& '-: .g..' ,-. - . -' '.. ..:1. ....1, 1 i~ • •••,• • - -• 6 0* - CM MI f ;.Y: i~r~F r ,, ‘ ' IM EN Ili lIN MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers