-1 VOL. T. PRINTED AND P 1 BY BENJAMIN 11111113- • f DOLLAIIA•AND FIF payable mitt-annually in adva fri Itte year, $4 will be cha • , ceive the paper free of tannage $3 per annum. liner paid wit wig be added to the price of B WEEKL ' TWO DOLLARS per annum. in advance, If not paid withi be charged Advertisements not excettli,ii charged $1 for three insertion: ' ineertion. Larger ones i pro All 'advertisements will be ig out. unless the time for t h, :h t I is Specified And will be harged, Ye irly aciertisers wt l he ch• inclii,hatt subscription tolthe pa of keeping she advertisement s 1 B 1;104.111 daring, the year. and t er one in each OW/ r forihree • All letters addressed to the e s otherwise nn attention will he All notices for meetings, s. , which have heretofore been i ' cha rg-ed 25 cents each. except , KBE Leicester Trade.—The thr home trade continues N I considered brisk for the seas." some, inquiries for shipping curtain that the Americans I this next spring; but probabl tent as in former years. , Suicide al York CasilS.-1 an inquest was held at Y.j: Woods, Esq., the coroner,e 'Elizabeth otherwise Betty, / iige e who bad pat a peirtod previons forenoon, by imme purl of wiver, as will be se, evidence. It will, perhaps,il here O to give the, particulars' finement in prison. On th: : she was tried at the Assizes der of Geo. Burgess, at tWa of that mouth, it appeared t the deceased, a little boy IN : •poninto the house, alien out with an axe, and when ..neighbor entered they fon ;upon his back on the floo' -blood, and hip braics protr '"The back-room floor and th kled with blood and brain-P,' of skull were taken op. .! questioned respectint the fuul deed,' she admitted 11., 1 1 but added that she had be yaars ago by Jesus Chri I fore no (Ober ins OM Sign of Prosperity.—We by several gentlemen mauve affairs of Wakefield, that ap,l were nearly' six hundred iu rate book as "empty." No a house in good repair "to Also informed that in the nc: gate there has been such houses titer rents have odes ces from 108 to 255. York The inhabitants of Winch ; 7 have subeer,thed nearly lief ofthe sufreVrs by the II An 'unexpected Fortune: . feW days ago solemnized huinble mechanic and a vt Wthp course of the'day, w were making.merry wash th all on a sudden, emit a dagn • solemn aspect, begged to that she believed her earn s rout pdre ifffeetion, believe bride, but that she would disinteresterhiess by presen ravings, arid produced £2OO prevent, and no doubt to al; ti band. Meahts, arc to - I:toff to cora own. on. the all -important- The Reformers of Chatha , utnmeneed prepat lit4e of Rochester will read i§ as it should be. The th' fled in feelings and interest; three have but one object ea a political movement is requi in unison. We trust thre pr be one of such - numberit, de shall- be worthy the charnel act as a beacon to arouse the Greenwich Patriot- . Thongit upw4rds of gifil beer. already expended by vatiousrailro.d lines to Bri that some of the litigants e tt thriaten to renew Ifies' legal present sessien. We : understand that the et to~ll lily inr ton ce is about 111.—Br re let of hrowary, t in Railway will be , and also the Bi making in the who Treat undertaking Tance of the Dondo rat Dew carriages , ar 4, conveyance of the Railway, so contri , mt with the bags wi his„journey.—Li • • 'mania! of Respect . xi:li tan tn uf iternare C for the purpose of of expressing thei H• T. M. Witham, great and Hiccesstul is .conatantly makrn m of the working cl d that some present st , tm,.espressive of the hini; and that a subsc g and under, for arc into, and closed in the three days no fa trolled as subscriber. resent to Mr. W. a tit 'table erlablems, and Bel nerd Castle, and disappointed Brid Leman of this town, till /mmoned a party of h td . a conveyance, to • mug town of Chorley I i 1 WILL 'TEACH TOO TO FIERO; TEM ■OWELB oirgle ZA/Irtyl. BUSHED. 11A,NNAN. for the ptirpose of entering into the trorried sjate On the arrival of the party, all- were soon in read -11101/ to .repair 'to the church. On their iray thither, his intended met anotSer lover, "moire lovea," who gave her the beck; and after proeeed ing a little further, she returned at fall speed to the outskirts of the town, to meet her real 60°r its, leaving the whole party in_utter astonishment, and the forsaken Ccelebs to return to Preston as joyless and as wifeless as can be well cancelled. —Preston Chronicle. Ceirrs per ttonen. ce. if not paid ir with to tip those who tie ' To ;nail subeerthefrs in the year, 50 cents ription. nyableptemikannually the bar $2 50 will The corporation of Newcastle have resolvid to, build a quay one thocisand feet !Ong, at velitch there will be twelve feet of water at low %Oder mark, for which they have granted the suit of £19,700. A correspondent, who has visited the different mining disiricls'in Derbyshire, reports that 'the trade in lead is as prosperous 'asit has iSseni known to be for a number of years. -The,' mend .was stiuidy ani the price remunerating; being about „E'l 9 per father. . . 'Dreadful and Lamentable Accident.—Tmenty seven Lives Lost.-We have this week the pain ful task of recording one of those dreadful . explosions which involve the lives of a MIM2 her of car fellow creatures, and are the eitiinie of reducing whole families to distress and desti tution.On Wedriesda r morning, bet weeu nine and ten o'clock, an explosion took place in the Springfield Pit, near Wreckenton: belonging to Lord ilavenswnrih and partners. All that time there were npwnrds of ninety men in the Tit, of whorl appalling to relate, twenty-seven bore perished. two buts have been severely injured and, in addition, three horses have been killed.-- The cause of the accident cannot be correctly as.' certruned, as all the men have perished the, were working in the immediate 'district where the blast took place; but it is supposed it must have originated by one of the sufferers, named Edward Price, letting fall ha pavy lamp, near the train rord, a tram haVing gone over and brolcen it, the hod , orthe untortuntle man being found near the lump, 'and tbc ceurae of the fire traced from that place. The Queen, it is said, has taken the first step toward,. her coronation. by ordering a rrnwn "to he made. It is to he of very small dime'nsions; to be worn on the back of the head, in the mat. net we see in Vie portraits of Queen Elizabeth. Thrstlevices to be employed us ornaments are the rose. the thistle, the shamrock, the oak leaf. ,and, the Hour-delis. There are to be no coloirred . jewels whatever in it, nothing hut diamonds.' r: twelve lines will 5e and 50 cents for olve ^mon. IBested until ordered I.y are tobenontinued .accoMingly. rizedisll4 per annuin; i • r —viral' the 'privilege t exceeding 2 squares I • insertion of a small ; uccessive times r 'dor must be post paid. aid to them. and other notices ; 1 erted gratis. will 6e I . arrtages and Death.. . . 1 li IL and for goods for endy, - nit hong h not . There hove been nod., unit it is nod• will he purchasers not to the saute ex- n Saturday e.-ening, k Castle, by John view of the body ni sixty•uine. years Uf her exit.ttmcc dike strig her head in 'a •n by the followll `; not be out of piaci..., espeeting her eon !4th of July taqt, nor the wilful mo•- ~ .ing t on. On t aci tat she h9cl enticed o was a neighbor's knocked...Wayra ins her hushan and •11 ':, the deceased laid , surrounded with %iing ftomfTiis bead. walls wi!re sprin and several pones the pri,oner be4g .trnission of thks ing perpetrated rdered 4,c, do so B. t. There was there- h'etaieorii I,mulena ni fur eland.—There is a rumour, that his Royal Ilighnewr the duke of. Sussex is about to be appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and that the present Viceroy, Lord Muigria N e. is to retire tram his post and to have a seat ia the Cabinet. Dublin, December Court of Queen's Bench was occupied yesterday with the trial of the highly important ease .Malone pr. Property to the amount of upwards of .clO 000 a year depends oiron the result of the vier. nict, and the result is looked . to with much anx iety. The issue is from the Court of Chaneery to try if plaintiff, John . Malone; Was _the heir-at• law of the Right Hon. Anthony Maluou. The main queation is the validity of the ivar riaze ot Capt. Malone to the mother of plal4ll,ff The marriage took place in-1810, Townitilirl -tre e ! Chapel. It is alleged by the dcfendslOtv.' that the hu-hand was then a Protestant, whilst the plaintiff contends that he had conformed r i to the Boman Catholic doctrines previous teilhe marriage and continued inthat faith subsequent- Ir. aye heard it stated ant with the parish •en years (leo there sea entered on the i it is difficult to find -let," and we ate ghhorliond of demand fur cottage I: eed in many inston• mnant. e.ter and its vicirli 16011, tot% a rde , Ibc fie .at Solitliatupton;. 4 marriageNFas a Ripon, between „a l'Ap.bgnriet o the happy couple it friends. the bride !'ied tleporiniehl and ! .01”re the cooipin ll !osa had married hi, her n moneylvss 19uw ;ecompetise his lig - to him her tilde 1, o the surprise urall 1: &keit or her !Pis. 'll - he fair of 5.% mile Bridge held yesterday, pie -ehiett the h• slow ot stock fro 'natty yea • i•al s list rattle la, re hink. it Int of very aimertor rs toroti•lii d by ,Gattiwit hroutt hi .£ I 2 lr. each. Ishii bullock., weld from .£9 t0.£16 Loh 'Jr. H. alv.o. Zito:nu-% brought a very prone lot at XI 6, tired and fed by M t , Artier (.10-ter, in Liberties .Siweti wer4or io deditiiiM Wool-Mads at from I.s '4l to 2d. No sale whatever for irit.rwis. On the %Mike a better fair hard not been MAUI tor in-int years. e a ,meeting of the object of the ballot I and Stroud have d there is no Moot)? ly join them. Thin cc Mum.. arc Menlo he Reformer/fall mart, and whenever ,edit should te made =posed meeting wOl iiaion, and union, its The fair of Ctonrod on Monday,wait kh in diffrent *one. few I , wgre made, the (kidders waiting for the lair of Six-mile Brittgei . pigs wire plenty and' sold ad an average of 335; per cwt. There were vary few horFes Fold, and the show of heiffers and bullocks was not eqt4l to former fairs. Paths Grenn-has sent up £27 to the O'Ciinnell tribute, and Bruff. £7. • of our towns, and est of the county.-- 000 is said to haie advocates of the tinn, it Is rumoured dismayed by defedt, warfare during the Trade.—Our calenders have again heeti very busy during the last week, and Work ing extra -hours, there haying been a'.hrisli ilviitaiiil for .our Linens. for the (*.reign as w •Il as the In 111)4! markets. flax antis IPt . vitig talvaliced a shade in price, hut, tow y.Lros remam as beiiiri.; and..thesaltii; du ring last weekhave been very considerable. Notwithstanding the large arrivals ot, flax this month, prices remain firm; nd, are more likely to advance than recede, arise Marty as the keennesS orate hous a ,toad in the flax trade have MOS purchasgp for spring 'shipments at considerahle higher rates than were anticipated, or We mill re-- .aliy say, ihati•the state of trade warrants ; though the advance on cottonif' which is nut more thatteigbt wee‘ i 'ssuPPIY in Liverpool, and that held chiefly by tipec ! ulaturs for a ris ) will have.a tendency to increase the demand for linens, and keep up the prices oax yarns. Dundee Coug•kr. lament of Iron hay. s emincou-: its pre tol.Jutos nal. tc Lond , in and Ryr rn far as Stoney ningliani as fax , seventy seven miles agitated. Mail.—We under. about to be prepar ', ail along the Grand ed that a post offiFe be able to sort the pool Times. public meeting of at le was held on the “nsidering the beiit respect and grsti. Lartington, exertions that gett , to eineliorate ,toe I saes—when it was i old be made tog,: Wigs of town tri : iption, limited to rifle - pet son, should be hree days. At tlic er that 2098 namip, when it was resolS epiece, orna Viten* wring the ancient an. appropriate in. Dreadful Murder and Suieide.-4he neighborhood Of Peolcva,:k was, on !cue, clay and Wednesday last the scene 4JI an awful domestic tragedy.. It tippeari:J that a persob of the name of IWK ayLhad, beep paving his addresses ttithe eldest,Jaughter o f Mr. Andrew Laing; joiner.• Silveihtirsi, and; having been rejected, deteitninid to murder the girl. Accordintly,od 1141 day evening about ten o'clock. be proceeded to the house armed with aloaded guns and havinig, through the kitchen, siadowi •.—On Monday, d.of single blesiso s friends, for who'n "pan) , him to 14u with his 'fair one; o- • o c " ' • !i?tE IRELAND. SCOTLAND. !iboTTSVILLE, PA. WEDNESDAY . MOR.IITEP.I6 I . FEBRI7ARY 14. 1848. served her sitting at the fire kniuiog a stocking, ,he 'deliberately tool aim and fired at her. Th 4 ball shattered one ol her arms, and Tassing through her arms, lodged lb her body. She lingered in great agony till Wednesday fotenotm, when she expired. At first: it was not known who had done the atrocious deed ; though sus picion was not tong in attaching to hl'Kay, who, the girl said,, had previously threat end to take her life if she refused to mar- - ry .him. Parties ; were accordingly dis, patched in all directions in search of him, until the afternbori, when his lifeless body was found at the hack of Sir George Clerk's garden wall, where he had blown out his brains with the' same gun with which he had but a few bouts before murdered his unfortunate victim. Iron Works at Goistono—W e under stand that a highly: respectable C parry inGlasgow have made an arrangement with his Gr..ce the Duke of rortlarid for 4 lease of the minerals umthe estate of Cesru'ick, hi the vicinity o(Galston, consisting orison,. lithe and coal. ?'he laml4 extend to about 60 acres; and we are informed that an 'an nual rent of a tbousiind pounds is tote piid. The minerals are ascertained to be must abundant; and the Company have resoled to erect works upon a most extensive scale. It is Calculited that £12,000 wilt he expended in twirling; and their-first e, rection will consist in enclosing ism acres olground with a high wall. In order! to the proper trarisnosaiinn of the marmite toted commodity, a branch railway in contemplation fume Galston, to join Kith the Kilmarnock and Troia] Railway, Ind also with flic terminus of Glasgow lied Ayr rade. ay at Kilmarnock. Such) an undertaking flutist prove of great advandige to this neighborhood; and, from the geat nutidter of hands Obit will be empluired when the works are in operation', will iidd greatly to the resuuices already t4ur 'slung village in did neighborhood. 7 WALES. Carnaroon „Fufr. —The fine seasonable weather- on Tuesday caused a large attend ance at our fair on that day, and tOir u sual general business to a good extent was transikted. There was a large suly of horses, horned cattle, and pigs sown, though few only or the two former were of superior quality, There was ins° a t large. supply of beef in the shamble hut very little Of a prime description. & lking cows 111 calf were in good demand's from ,C 8 to £ 12. Stores were nut mu In. (Mired for. Pigs, six to eight well . old. t3s. 6d. to.9s. Larger pigs were such 'the same as at the late fairs, but in Imse• quence of the decline in fat pigs in thq Eng. 11511 markets, prices were looking +mil a srd,. Beef 3d. to 4d. per pound, ; . 3 ,ifanr . hrmirr Cambrian inaitution I . i.i . ni-1.:,,:,,,ti ila, e1.11 . 1.A VII A I.4erlail imptil-i• I/Irlfl thl • ieettl'e. %% bid. till• 4lt el tr. 11:1% e p/,‘ , 1 , 1f . (1. 'I it tint ( . 1111111.1E! trfl 1•81..1/11 tilt ttilleV, 'wag rervivi (I In ilte sm.. cf. I ImM-is! ir Ill:olliter Ih e i t •0i,,,,, 10 , i.van IN il•rain . ,` didiv,,red hito..tdr 1 0, a 'MI . ell ,IN h., nod wa• ‘, oden. dto lib roar anctdion. The At4.•,mirtitir-... mt militia: history, was. lately commenced hvi Mr James 1-11ghes; and, judging from tht fir.t lecture, it may he reasonably antictitted that thus crease will have that nine shone oh attention and applause as tßZ'first. A Third course was commenced on Tuesday week, ,on Welsh poets and poetry, by the han. !secretary, Mr. W. Jones (to be delivered alternately with the course on natural tis tory;) and this being a subject possessing so much nationality, it is of course likely 114 draw considerable. attention. We tin ' derstand that arrangements' are making,m have a .course each on the philosophy tat 'the atmosphere, eject. icily, and astronont }Maynard Lead Mine near MA, Fantshire.— A ~•iiir, n lar discort - ;ry e 11. made an this wine a few days ago. Tit,• workmen at the , coal of ante of die level, were surprised and obliged to run for their lives, an conseglitfriee of an inonense rusks of water suddenly. bursting in upon titent. After three daysithe water totally dish!). pearcd; and, op cautiously proceeding to the place, they - ,fctund an opening through which the water had issued, of about four inches diaineter. nearing a sound as of a heavy run of water inside; they enlarged the apes tore, so as to admit, of their passing. through, _and /omit! that it was the bed of a subterraneous river, which in probability affords the prinCiPal supply to the far famed St. WiiiifrecVs I Well" at Hirlywell,. from which•it is distant. About 12 wiles. The L. (ream being theft shallow, they explored it about 60 yar i di, 'down, and were aston ished to find several large caverns to Ow right and felt, from-tire roofs and sides of whirl) were suspended numerous anti beau oful specimens o( white spar or stalactites. The company are in high spirits, these ap 'pearances being considered favorable for a large lodgement Of rare. Exchange at New York, on London, Se a 81 per cent Orem. 'l%. CM A)VtallsEn. ~J wiLLorvavnumorat TO ova MOM MiLLINIIIIIICT IiILL4SATEIEZ VD oak cups CANAD4.--The Patriots" are com pletely absquatultitell. 'There is no more "dreadful cannonading " to chronicle, not even the crack of a Hard Tintee.—A Tatter in Huron co., Ohio, contains 18 solumda. of Advertisements of Shentra sales. A feet 'tote Noted.-ISeren years ago, there were 1129 distillers in New York; now there are only 200. Robbery in Bonkl—The,,teller, White ‘ of tbe - Nyrth Bank. Boatoii. Ins - confessed Abet he . robbefilbe bank of 8.28P011. Pence and'Farthfivc.—An easterri lady named pence, has presented net liege lord with four ape eimens of afnaller cUereicy. They muster course be faeltriiigs• From the Boston Transcript. Courage and Proio . ees,ot 140=k East Bags:—A. friend has permitted tisk° make the following extract from a letter received froin his correspondent , at Machias, (r) dated .2d inst. "On Tuesday last, three boys went a few miles to catch, a deer. They followed the track a mile or two, when they came unexpectedly across a bear's den. They had but one gun, and the boy who catried it fired it into the dew, when out dame two cubs, about a year or a yearend a half old. The gun being diSeiarged, and the boys hot having 61114 to load it„ ihrew it away, but as each bad a knife, and the cubs rim in opposite directions, one of the boys followed one, and two followed the other. They soon name "up with them, clinched in with them, and despatched them both with - their knives. They then returned to the den, where_they fiiutid the old bear, an enormous one, Weighing about 400 pounds. The gun shot had wounded her in .the head, but she was ready for bat tle. They fought her with club% until they were tired; when at last one of them getting a little wolfish, drew his knife, and declared he would clinch her, if he lied in the attempt. They did clinch, and for the first half hours they went end over end. "At last hid bruin seized him - by the leg with her mouth, which gave him an opportunity to use'hia kuife, which . 1 he did in such a manner sto compel her to yield, and give up the host. The boys then turned ton, dressed t e bear and cubs handsomely, and went h me. The next day-they went with a %le , and hauled the whole to my store, whe they wer 4 ex hibited to a large numberlof mile. ,The old one would stand . as hilgh as a man— say six feet,' and lotikefi as wicked as Sa- tan himself. On the whole, I think it was rather a- courageous I fight for three 4 , boys. Their names wer , Marshall Har mon, Rufus Berry, and tis Hanscomb." Wo presume the wilier rieame Mending on the hind legs.—En. He speaks German!—ln not icing th e nomina tion of 111. MUHLENBILAG as Hairier to Austria. the Delare Journal says: "The important reason vireo for this appointinent is that Mr. MeFILF.N gran speak. Gorilla ii! What lion ofGerinamt hat of Ii rk. county would be inl the cnartly cirel e i. 1 01 yuiona, we I',IVC lOC °trier to d -Clersoine. It was suppoqed Mr. Howard o Baltimore was to neve (hi.. 4 pp.,' n t,nent " . I Gil Howard, or Foote other' suitable friend of :he Administration eonth of 1 afoul and Diron's hoe, would no doubt beim ha i the offiir or this mission. hod it not been for, lb . stro , l desure felt, both at Washington and be tile party oldie 'Key stone State, to dispose, of Mr. 1 M eHLENBERO,' and the difficolty of doing no. Ektng a 'democrat' of great wealth, it was nut pra tinkle to fob him ni off with an Audttorship, as i the ciao of his late rival; and not being exactlY ualified for a De • t partmcnt, to which,it is said, e aspired, it would nut do to make a change in die cabinet in his fa vor. What remained: then but to give bun the Austrian mission: for which het is happily quali- fied, by being able to . 4 spetik German." In ano ther aspect of the case, there itr 'fitness and keep- Mg in this notnination. It iii but a few years since, that a duce meat was put forth, showing the small favoi -in which, liberty; and knowledge, among the masses, iii4e held oy the Emperor of 4nstria. What distriet then an propel', to rum.' ish an envoy to the Court n . Austria, as Berks county. Pa. with her political 'war cry of "MO- Jenberg and no Free Sehools!"4—Boltimore Amer. icon. . , POitTiCARIAON - • Salling Fend ~ Ocw.lei Ws . rrili E Port Carbon i Saving Fund Society, is from a- now open every day 9 ttr3 d ' clock at the Office of Discount?' and , posit, fbr the par'. pose of receiving depilits to a amount not za. ce e dl ug ssoo,Yrdm any, one ne on , upon which an interest 914 per cent will paid on every $5 and upwards . but no interest ill •be allowed , on any fractional parts of 85. he whole or any part may be drawn t 4t on gi ',.Eg ' notice , Urn to fipir weeks, at the o eon Ways , . The ha. Mlle!' at the Society ' , will be canduOted by the following °Meets and' , manag re, until the first Monday in May next., President—AQl7ll4 DU blu'iagers. Joseph Carroll. Sam. Edward Hughes E. S. Jacob Bull ! -Jets° L—Whitncy. Secictary Article 3d of the Charter. whatsoever shall_be feeeive , or Managers for thdir sery Manager 'become a horrow, ion.' ~ English and Welsh Rooks. IliE Subscriber Will- import alltiethi of Ent. 110 a go . welsh 14roks. at the shortest notice. perions wishing to ebtain foreign, poblsca• lions will "please leave a listlit the plico, of the Blinenejoitinal: I a BON" Deis 95 : 111111111-, POUR;. *OUSE ACCOOTT. EZJJAH HAMMER; Treasurer Di .Sehtliknr county, in accownt antral with the Directors of the Poorand *retie of Employments' said; Caro= t 4. frOinje_witary 1837, to Annuby lot, 1838, both 'days" trichtsied. • I DR; , • 1837, Jan. 16. To Balance remaining : in bands of Treasurer from vast- • year's setdement ' • 8104 14 To Cub received from the Directors - during the year 400 00 from 'William Grieff for a witch 8 . 00 froM do for pigs and empty bble 4'86 froM Peter Wonder for al cow • 22 14 from Wm. Mats 2 pigs and] cell ' 25 from Adam Loy for bal. on cote '• 28 1 1 1 from John Seitz for Sheep ,• 8 Le - Atturnllt advanced by '1 reasurror - .! 19 10 CR. H 1 ' • , . **mount paid during the year as p'et order from Directors for the following articles ; Cash poOd tot- toward 01648 00 Aluellus:, checks, bhdkfs, flamilsls, 1 . enfloos and tilanitets 201 01 linsey; eattinets, and dom. flannels 46 26 200 lbs. init., 208 lbs. coffee '51426 222 gallons molasses 146 076 • 'butter 47'06 8 bbls. flour , 177 56 ' • beef and butchery . 146 24 salt and t vice ` , t. 5 036 rye, dent, oats and potatoes 1•59 366 . weaving rind fulling 152.26 printing .aud stationary . 69 311 shoes and stockings '47 201 hardwar :.64 - 52 . . 834 tons 'stone coal 0 . 192 95 freight and toll on limestone 106 661 2841 tons limestone 160 09 clover and garden seed . 47 35 merlon. carpenter, and btackimith ' work and new Wagon work on , farm and hired men S stoves, pipe, and tinware queens 'and • earthenware, brushes, spices ,and soap tobacco coffins insurance on house out door paupers nreJitines, pints, oil glass & putty 2 loot& sod gears jm.tice lees and toll fruit trees • vinegar postage • harness old rope. for oakum dower due Elizabeth Shoemaker late clerk and Setveying miscellaneous neat cattle ground rent & cost on Patrick Dow- Y's ,pronerty Doctor Halberstadt, out door physt• clan and medicines SALARIES. WilliamZzieff;l year and extra set- vices as. Director ' William Matz, 1 do do William Mass, 1 do salary as Direct Dr. Jacob r. Treichler, physician for 1 year '. Belanee due Treasurer We the 'subscriber' having examinedffie Ac count of the Treoemer and olthesDirectoerf the Poor and of The House of .Employenentr pr the county of Schuylkill. DO REPORT the fore goori e statement as the result of our, invelikation. %linens our Hands this 4th rtav if actuary 1838. • JOHN SNYDER.I ' ' E. Y. FARQUH R. 6.u. Ors. • SAMUEL HUNTZINGER, Strward,in;qccount unth the Directors of !he Poor and of the; Metal. of Employment for Schuylkill County.fium, tke 17th day ulJanuary,lB37, to lit day- f Jana ary, 1838; both ,days included. 1837. - DR. Jan. 17.- Balance as per last settlement 3 68 Cash received from Treasurer ; 1 00 29,805 lb. bay sold 21 7 buihels wheat, el bus. flaxseed, and tiinotby seedll. l2 e 5 Butter and cheese, 4 12 Rags tind beef• 15 45 Wood aid lime 15743 2d crop liay ' ; 6 00 Indentures ' ! 2 00 3 calves, )3 50 • Veal and hides 2EI 46 Watch sold ' '2 00 . Fine for hunting on farm on le. !8 00 Wagon_ and hauling, ' t l 9 Ili Sehixil and old amounts' ' ' 6 nit • Briik and stone ' °5 00 . Froin parer' ' il 4 ) • Boardia • paupers. &c. 1514m 1 ltluidio, satinets, shoes, stoking', Linsey; check, Sae. for fiimily 35 IR& , 1 - RENTS. II George Hatiffinirti 1175 00 , 1 . Henry Bold, 62,101 11 William Feaster, 12,00 i Anthony _liras, , . 6.00 , 1. . . --"• 45 RI To Cash race Wed from the uommissiou.• ~ 1 . ers of Sclanyikfil county, for boarding ~ , Au. of Joseph Hurdler, a luniitic, .., 126 S 6 ,-,;,...-. ' P S I4 441 , . Jan. 1,1838." Balance, OM .1 J. Potts - CR. By Cash paid-travelling expenses,, duo., 11.939 lb: floor. 124 bos. oats, 911 - bnis,bel rya chop, 3h bus..Aip litaff, 121 bus. corn chop, and bui. rye, ---Atooltings and bag ink, powder, beer, postage & eggs 36 'oadstdung 46 tool tame coal • hired men spinvoiVon &in?, ' • assistant to Steward . - m_ aids - ,shocinghones & repaint?' rim sal UM, and . state - 11a "Ind expeksles. ,adding' d Winentpseptre end *lrv- Warati - ( Turner ad Tretisurer. "No .emolumen by the President 'sea, nor shall any t from the mistitti oct .3 , 46tf 1-.:ii ~......... • 1 - • '`r" - 4: • 73.., • • i - 2• . 1- :..P.,. . I . ,ir ,• . : -- - ~. r '7'. ^i - .<., i 1 :: 1 ' - :,. j.. .. , 7 -, '• . IF.:,'"!. . ! .. ...,,.;.•, , ..,,s . 4 . r5.... 1 :',.....)p - ,1.. 1 .; • 4, l Ati ,. -1 , 2 , :* ~,- -',":4`.--4:;*144.444 4 ,.-44 li'-.4, 4 4?: 4 A; •*-"a.; 1 4 :' .*, ~,,,- ti 2:=::,, , .: : . . 1 , i t:'.4.,:tiTiNliic ~. , : - tsie -. :,:ri •, , ,,..f l ZA lIM :cm ~.t~.-~-+~..tvr, ~-a-c .Nr.- • • f, •A'N-1 - =l:,- - -..;;;- , 5... o•i'iii4T,', - -, . ko Itiotiet4 „.. e •', .. 15,21C;V:,,,:i 'lt! 10 - 2 .___. • ~_,...' ,___' 2,''''''' . .•lo 6 k.',Ft'.; ..1 1 1;upYww. pescomianultuntiste ~1,1 1 07kt bra . ' A-twitteikiik banal& whlis. .; , ''''.•24.-•; - •? . : . 1 t01!,,„;,. . ;•-"*, -• ' ~ v iii i iii . l 4. 4 * '.....;;.. , ..7 .. yeed4conf t *ark In , . 0,144 f,...,„ ~..- -• '. f -tf,. 4 0,_ _ ,..._, 11117 k ~.A-f pl ';ititii , W *till doveripeed- ; ' 250 -„.-, ah -OnaNtifiketthr; oink &e. '-; . 1.11 ‘1 1 11 . : ,; cast ' ;Nair* illen. liar knifes 1 # 549 -U i•; ''':.. Ina pur)ctagei ,' - _ .- .1 , ,-..0 1 1r - ''--".; . _''' - 11ing,'111Ualing_ahing 44-I t,II, c 4 reat ?<l3o l **pilltitoMo f: ~ . -- ,- .(4 , 0) ... .: m 'no - -. _ I I - . .ki •,, . 4 1 0409 .','• ... j9O , IP For_, . ,- a.0:4,14 - tilillt;c..•,l.' e f et? 4l. . . I .P air use, tai m m o irl ia n n i on 44o . h altintr,hanreatiteuiltonlinikka4,o4' - - - - ...;,i '. " :15i.lhirlhae.'‘ +_' des?:.. i.:1: - 177..- - .41 '44 2:7:::', 16 to ylloniscoal .• -- , ~... '37.30 - ::.:; a kat a:atiiig. hunoteandlialbit •T''7 . '93/,‘'• ;,-.: Ailipg ocuPsewing ,- 4 .: 40 375 ugh and homes' ~ , , , 0-26 -17ort:ni garden - ' ' i; • — riflal , :` -', niediohitl , ' . • *- li 'Sri witnetai wagei -) - 'r , 416 i fuming; pigs 3 BO 13 psi , blahketr,ls6l ydi muslin, . - • •.,. .- . ispi.yds Calico, 'hdlifs,. thread,. buttonydeatr, lion akin, lhascy,4to. 9VIIS seal akin cap. and shoes ' . •:. 102 : 111 119 gals molasses, 211 Ili sugar, . -.. ‘ • ^ 167 lb cacao% fish, Mackerel: ' , tobacco, salt 114,08 914 yids check, 1205 yds Plaid, 79 . • - 'yclittoto Ilan • r 1 49 00 , imatiN Tests, brushes,lneetetwant 32 505 turkelys . . 1 ` . 5' 00 coffins, boards and bed pi:lta ••;4 20 • by compensation as stew rd from • Istil B'37 linuary 1837, to ISt April I . by coMpensation as stewird and - `clerk, from Ist April, 1837, to 14:January. 1838. , { Batumi in the bands of Steirard ' ' ' *Au 18 . .„. 7 - PAVERS.; , - • • - Pauper. remaining in -the flotsam thel6tb - ; , : day of Januis7, 1837: -., itial. , .- • I 2•:..• _. : < Male under L`2 eau, . • -. . • , • Fem lei - I N , ts . Vematee under 9 years.i I • • ‘'l4' ' • One Male omitted in the Sworn* 1 N 1. , * g . , , 1.. '. 1 1 -,.....-.- illk • Admitted t 6 tit4hihonee from 4e / 6 41 - ‘ . N. dartuarl - 1i33t.t0 let Jams , - 193‘ _ .N . . fad A de idcluded: I Make 1 • . 1 ~ Pernik. i Illalelkorn-14 boss. i • ' .'w;re .:••Itorn in house : . Out door paupers I 199 00 104 38 .whole number Maki *charged and a• 1 Females de Male*died Femake died Sonia out; 1 male and 1 re 114 246 Remaining Remaining in the bonne en Inroad, 18311.., - . Mateo - Males under 10 gears Fetnaleet • . . - 660 i 'OP Fentilesi under 9.yeara Out door, 1 female I Sound Janis—William Itigh Payne. NUrosiegiars townahip. L. do Susan Haight, to Norwegian township.' t Out doUr i pduper Catharine toWnships; • Efelief g ranted anteg ir Abrahan towfahipi - j Relief & , mil!to O Or. PODUCVOF i r • 167 Imp; wheai:o3i burr o. do potatoeis. 6$ do flaxseed; 12 452 do coin in cobs, hi do !tiro pumpkins t 6 loads corn ,ccipsi': second crup w it2 lb wool.' flax. ; • , I .PLODUCE IN - : . 87 gals ap to b: 111.8 • 1 corm. lap. 1t0."515 dicta' pair pantidodialt,".s lined . , delfts.' 4 PillestwestM lb ce pillows. 4101 mm end • , -. r ...? ! ,•b el. te capaSodicap ~51,- b arels 40ip - lt i 8 OR, ; 3 *11;3 3 *4. 4 !hese.. .; Bf,Atialtn - 1 (=lf,' qi p.oide i slb:i a tizio , raunieihil.nii-44 - . io dee - tip:436i; nfiiiit4o:iil tallow, 1 , 181, lb.i liird,ollo.l!4 ~1 .:6;:oss OF lIIVE M . pil ,l 3 hogs atel-piiiii.. , l-41 fi 4c,'2 id) . ‘ 4: . Pita*, CEbif , LIV,E Badvew.lB litthatmOityoilico • , 1 : PR DUCE OF GO ,987 head 4abett4. 2l 36Piski kiwi dti . 50W41,40 do red bee quarts addfseed. liilt 01 404 seed, Si* do eiwfaiititt,celiri;t, • • i - .I v \,:4I)AIRY. ~,,,..1 7:B4ltiiicitie4 l 479o4 omen. Ws ilie,ini .' ' ' beta Wing in Ounce or thifightwaid artinfi x l ii itsi Menl. of njilkitt,conn* ,, , co me t. . ~.pltpuptia the, *int Liana : . . item. Orland% ads ary3o3ll-. IEIWEX.ir i k . - - * CIO lir Cilil N .-. 1( - tANO , ‘ ••itp - di' Annuli . . t ' blink Kir ber _do r ani ',. . ' *I" Odigat Mo ' r4iitot ali Fall a piai ' half nanal 'nll alibi wotl ephia; otor, per h. then -117191 ----- 11194 49f 153 1 48 " 7 874 13 10* '2B 00 0 6 56 roe Loa MI , A4 -V , CM . . Z ATtett ' :,:'Vi t tt* .r e . • ISM a is 435 00 194 49f e .ust 4,4 e - 911 ,31 WI 910 .ed 9' e _f • . • 9'.1 • ale 2 130' 0- 28 21 231 - SO illiam dariOll,- . Miller, Wayno oup,Scbaygalls . , do tidekirliiiat e ne t ts: 156f 4 f 46 tiaras I cii2B-04114 2ktabla labia-du -'...--.. ip•.;•...;),1) .. . 11 . 11 M1 1 4 116 .:Eg ~.., -,—... , .t ::,3„ , •- , St S. - ' • i ii:rq le 111. ig - das Ibis • - 4 -... 3 . ...-,.. ..• i .., et / cfc:al 40:I. IA , . r iqalie c rSYliesi :;:ir 4. I i t • O'f': .U. 11,1 :4 : • :: ' • ii 3 lbild*, ' :•• . • .sitik.biiiii• : •• *: 2 ;44oegi: ipm, -, 'lmmisoich , - , -. ' ~ " 'A l:1,•-, . ' .: , 1 . ,::.4. , t- .. • • IMEI like*POßtall Of: n invillu itE IoPr: :day othpat • PM liE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers