~': . " - 'Aiii:ll44lf 444Alliri*.q: _ ttikOpritAßtito tit& . - ..ih hillitili;iiiliiii we 41 Aid* oo.,,iiaber• 4kifitiipteedl 1- ' do. oiellikarto think rahalt a efiePrire deepriarli firameo, "tit , 1 , ;i l rii s roecrit lite arid plicy. • - . 43 - 4,04 AMAo. be bora:Wawa', ....r. :...- , r koak,:op, greeiifiads and:phoritiniiilkbt. II :olif_elltereit is*witywidibi."-" . • s"- "New ; , biffier;hild.inialearlfilit Wate Vithin . tlie . 4ertir,e-lityiedor wok 1 ...! ` 4 4 0billyie Metall errihtturat ether taut reiVirt thetrdittid , • ' 441 1 !ri./ train: • 1 - .4)grit'smyjove; - 1 I . diaby iiiiiliitiriT 'fib to lave._ . sivitia not wo•*aid tai die: 4 : .- ~ ud is the deep' dark grave to be." 1. 1.4,4-:-.4e- .. 0., -.iv' . . • * litifistiest a flsgrimeo -fiHs the roodi! '.• All iiii !you Rib wet" are' ttikiri in iikshifl- T ffilioli*.har beltatiftilitity*. - etk ' Whiterviancline in the - litiiht iatibeiimi - * , •heri'l'ut glad you b o le me place - ' Thstsmooth roan ! seed 'Within the vase:" wr.more delighted now, I sec . ' helloisomirmi thut preUrbee. • Vhich from thst buried grsiiriAmespritoe Tub dins, my' love, 'nth olicldren rutin* /,nd loved to God; their bodies- die, ' And. like that trithr us earth-vault lie. • But, like this airway, from thenoe-,ball Miss. A.,forra of hestnyin the-skies.— Which quickly viptivighfg from the lush, 'ln Iranian all ever bloom," *: , ,,p.tott 'MeV 15, len.. Velumle iladmlll7. "The erect of-our rditical instiiiitions fin society; midreit necessary - 11 tat extends spetid and. fostering care 'to dio ,Slionestic•industry, to' the imlns.try: I mein. their own property. I (4) ePive.tbritAllis -subject is allotted , to•in ¶h4 letters from AMA, Ofyettr,..pUbhr..spiri(ed nu AI etivite(ii President.many of she, (smilies of the Antlers, -especially in the Ceint4r,y;lliere is a want of employment for :the feurale teeffilienrcif theinv--ariel smovy a man have I seen sinking ()floe:4l4lin Ileidly cherished but unprodUciive pvt of his 44,• nestle charge, The :state and feeling of eq4ality among our pelvic, makingeldin willing to puiploy-his 4)1411 d.ig-slitors, or cOtt sent totheirempioynrein tort ofit'ermen'f.iin. ily. He ilioithrthereforeTniil something Fir •theaa.iai wipin it. A sid on.this accodrii. ifewe,ll aslia other reasons; all mantildm -titres eapiGle of being made purely dooles tiro as al woolen cloths, -stocitings. •"&c.. and especially sfhe cuhare orate mulbe4 y. amt. theinialting •cifiritk, are entitred v'lrungest commendation and patronagei— Ntreolittnutiity, as a mars, can thrive, that does:noVentritoy all its members; nolhibily Itrfamilies lean tl rive, Aterene,'tttroF•or three persons in eachtiontliy ire unprntioe live; a vu iciest prtior 'that God wiser . 41M19, the. Avorlif Tor idleueos. Thue 1 "Mita, you will find that lire grating dairy insicing townships in4he country. are on - the whole he •Inovt • rirnapprinev; andfrhe grain growing lownillins, - the o. 4 men have. little to do,latieveso. I dolnot •r deny that there are other reavOns for ;this t difference, hin 1 think this is one. Ailid I have observed too, that the pen!) eri ow the hill .pastures are eopataritlt •conliag altomn,ard buying vp .the, pleasant limiting valleys that lie apread out heoreat i b 'then!. Dewey s Addriess. i Whlle 31aibeerr. 1 F • ' Experience and oi , isrvarharidus ve &Ton 1 --: Ettated that the shade of Mulberry frees is r.-, nut injurious to the - groath of grass, grain. or any other vegetable. This. is an Minn. taut diacovery. and argues poWeriully in .1 favor of the means of -raving silk i•- , . I would Advise with humble dtferenee, that etr j ery farmer procure mulburry treed Irutp r i , nursery, inimifurfn all his feitces, : . tntu, nnt'berrit kedges, and plant standard i n !.,‘ mulberry trees along nil rhuee 'edges half k 'ii' - - - ind distav *um each other. A far r,l- 1. IL hiLidred acres, fenced as slave advised. • 11.. would, lin a few years, 3 , ?lid kunt the tepees if,.,115. crop Worth several lastaired•_dullats!--t ,41-t•Tliese fences would be as cheap ;a any 1- btlier a t faterierAtiold erect 4 would tee iiiret no repir, ho renewal, so that all tiniiptu ...aillice sirising from the , leaves would/m . l'i. "''clear !profit. One hundred pounds . of ' in.lettves (mid produce, itrthis rinmiti uric ... pound o f . reeled silk, if judiciunslr t feit, .1)4 Worth min four. to seven dollars, thelPribe .i: being governed by the good ur tmd reiling : -.-A-single tree, will produce from thirty to sixty II ounds uneaves, depending 4 the. grow • itirtheirrittc.a . :— Village Recor d. ~. 10. -0a scce,ipt.-- in consequence ! I the "fri:4 l 00 reibetii!on of steamboat eiril. inn i sef ..), ..! ' • iiiitll.3.lW!otern. waters, many dike aidi 441 e !era, by which die ,fur wewt 'oellnie if:ly assi tance,; . the alitor of tinrCineifiniti• _:F4jw '.. litibkhes 'the f9lfpwin pretiip -1 .;3)Q,u, - TO Ofechlaint:lninai. : ~ 1 , 0 ,,, MI lime, Water and tweet nil tagei her', skstia:q . pipthe, -liquid with I &it Ner t soft Tag - 6/ thI YTA4 II I. liie,.litaie„, , !atoll l ind ' . .iii Est l'i tom'. in iW' 4ifipwtions a White - snip, eAsather_ thicker thaw , efeantf shil l liiinul bitOrired:rutltil therhecome 114;4 ming' e . do:lff?' - tlfilik l 4l4,„ •PPliCatiinir tiel ,Pig #::: 11 1 1 -‘00,44 Mgii iniVailthilivb-1 u l l '.,ftoiiiiiiriskity,•renewed it is, aweikctnall voiTiso•l•Tfiiirlippleatioct , Ilit l iK4 Itillifat7 - 40 ,iini It;c10 - 4411 - tVel: tliVe Seciirits 44 fit l 4 l /eorliiied.....m reeinzunesui-it-iiitAthe - iligini 4fg e ki i ii lt resildbfroseiri 1 ~ .s l it in . # o44 o v`4 4 4tl - ihOrallat -1"4 11 tatgq. Vii lA tiO *tea inifleiAliiill, Etli, VO. hi11i#61440166 6 liillM6 SlCVSNapublisaffnientio, 3, 4"Zel i eV ”kw,itutswar4aiwilisf :tisisainsiitti: ' '• ayitin*Air seniiieslWlitinii' , jigoikkai I. . - „~. ate' kliormli.aihlr' 4 e' rifilh' id foeshelter ; tin erintethi'w!Oareonfiv Mb heti hi ti pliddluiee. • ioi - thif; fi threewitieh t ftosthtsi,'meirited'on . . gl ans. , Iltive stee-vt' • this "r4d-hreast with ...-, r- - : Is e -_ ,_, I -; togibltrAhe rouffin - -•thekiii , 5- 4 'l' hive; his slender/ legs, ittlelei ilit: Ibiref l int!ilt, 1111 ) It kill g 4 terittfbii . b 4 to italt Ow Oa quir n b a ' eh fallfrein' the tablel 'fluid telOI:414• the heabandonin;carrying forth the 'priiiiiiitertor h is liamlrsit chilige, while tliti'creaureilonds c ore, not with bolideroweintirbide:tot 'viitli wading ki - Eyes - reddlitkrtitil: the.; ace of aUM m:M' 7 . ask.4lo their - ••ineiiiin• thrseason."trazd , l see . • • r enrol the minirwiiyeltiNtfhieltt . hdiratiterl. of Mercies "roperieth hiii-harlit4anii Stittlifielh the Mirekifevlty tieing thing:" -! • ' Wittier • kfibteht -reermitscd foFthe' l o reknit" ttd ing as well as for the senses. 'lf srentito' leas 11, hrimid, we more 'in ' reoureb Within. 'II rit. rat pleatercli are ' hed, social Ones Ore bi le ti ot ee rt t.• Wes; thercore inkuseinentito be found furing - teckiii to dissipation's, id:which helthilitehrtocenee and- act, areedied micrititod; where - vicious . passions re oherished, and per. -oohs are rendered incapable of rylishing gezneue pleasure. • 1 , -oiscouree ensues, not , y Ollll l4- n 9 , 1. 011 4 - 1! Stirsteh us 'With a frown. forbids the,play _ . , 00 fancy, br proscrituo the sound of mirth i Nor do we madly; like irittifikrus'iriold Who deem religion phr dzy, and the God' , 'hanked° them 'meted error ' thelrioys, .. :kart at his awful team or deem his ; prase Alijarrinehote:b • :.... iliteTiast'season in Altar re . ] - shdifd„ V . feel peeulierlygrateful fur our rest thencei , _ aceoinuto , " datiuns and convenience'. Thinge 'strike us indre lorciply by comparison. 'Our Winter is no thing white we tura 'tax the frigid nine. 'Think' offbeat-who live withiii the polar •mrete. Where, Meet tromihs -of perpeteil night- an d trait. When the Tree,ch mathematicians iwintered at Tiunea, in Lapland, the external air suddenly' admitted- intq their ruums, seizing the e inotature, beitameViiiiic of snow; their breasts were rent' *heti they breathed:l446nd the• tattoo -M4t. with' their bridles was idtuterible. And while Mk Win ' ter resin. here with grkat comparative niildnein; 'how many blessings cli4ingdich our I roltionTrum that of otherourcipnd tp.ntitritemand our prow? IWe baccatousele defend orc Wdhave clothes hi - cover us. We have fire to warm us. We have . ' , ATLI CoMfornits. le lorrre prtiriArms to min. ( les us. %hit 'nal to reirde4 "Bless Melted: 0 my foul, and furgetj not all his , hentifitc." '0 let us think of ,be indigent-and 'miserable,' and let the ••hltvaing-offlietulhat are reodytto perieh leome•Upori us." •WIM would not deny hiloselt zupeelluitics—and soinething 'inure-•-that his boenty may visit mheilitlieriess and the widows. , initreir affliction " ,i t . 'IV seietling drawren,let tintilellt open the scene exquiictely tquchcd by the Paneillif mg sibility. . , ''Pbor,'y thdutfridui4Moaest, gill& heat, fr\ l :Stich Mai coniguissioin a night like this. And have a friedd in very fe f eling heat. T fi he frogel.tieseilife trenefiles when she lights ilersicerity "MO of binshimod bloiing eleary . ' But dying soon, like iill terrestrial joys, The few small ember/ left she nurses well. And while lieWnfarit race, with outspread hands And crowded Knees, apt cow`ring der the sparks, licitirea,coment to q ake, sc they be warined." . '. %Mit. To slum That the' eak per furniartee iifoliver is better titan none at all, an old author tells the following 'tore of art4 t i l gaiirairt Papist dwelitn to Spain. Be Peroei the neeerany of his Own "mate prayern, beep& the 'Pater Motor, Ave Maria. etc. dlut.ao j.iwpkWas he.that how to pray lie knew 'not; only tevry northing. 'knottily bending his *ores, arid lifting up Aug eyes and hands to barren. het 'Would deliberately o , epebt , the alphabet. "And now "sold be. CO, good the. ' put • three iettenriogathe; to opellyayllatliw, to spell words,to make' pueb *erne atCntiry'be most , to thy 'glory and toy ro' And vote/lye the , oltrwritet.) let thr do to.i if ire carofot A r ray as we would. Or int we Ought. in u fell .to . this poor 'men's alphabet. 4 war afdeT lelifLOTWOlT fir Weat.ina ' Qo the subject o the right employ meet of wealth. Johnson saysi, a man canna/ make a 'had [eseePhissiumey, asi far as regards' enciety, if he ' Itlonet board an for if r imi either spends it or lends it out, society has the benefit. it is in gelieral better teepend (matey (especially nu useful put puties)thanto.givii it away: for industry is mote ptomated by sliamilimg money. than by giving it +sway. A man who iipends tee theusami ar year win do more good then a Own 'wlia vends• two thousand, red gives /way eight,. r _ . . .It ' entri;sartne*.. . . •,_. - ~ Tile ninewing.cos pinyon. iy- Oillos as lippi g wirts.x7 .., . cable to piety as tn newiedgts y.. 'tilims TII iliewortl dreeititil by trotati,list lan* f Ales! how different to Pretend aati lehaw I .". tike a poor 'highland break s pretence runs kind_ Bast livir WI itralkow, dirty. ate(l4 and:pre:Asti:: While.li t ke solne hie stream, quer intowledge .. glides , r . ,Siletttly strong. a its deep hotte/it hides : " ~r• ' • • gamy irzer 0 oilers*. * • • Lhasa not obser " that men liif ;eery ' In ge fortunes •etrjoy :anthing,- extrsOrdmary that makes liapputesr. haChas Med:hike, of Bed -fordt Whist hait•lt duke nfDermshirel The linty great instance I . 1 'have eat* lemons iif the enfoyinent of weak , *is thirditiiimiteepaw. tins.' *MI, going' to visit Pelniyrat and' fi eating st. il iik.thLrlflift,stin, Ilt . !led, ;by rtibberty'liiiii a !reopen - oral/WHOA logoard Min. , i .,.. . i , 1 .... . , •'. 'F9I PAAND WO. 11111.11-DAY. - _When born, in• tars we maw thee drotiritS‘' ''....• While thins'ittriela etirieddit MOOS' ' . " •'''''Wiiifitntilei their tioorti, 44 „ ~.: ~ 1 6040voifii,viv: , inns illiirs• ; i ,dl, * ---,• -.. Thelintiiilelloo4inteorttrif-follf.*- u: , .: -••-. • ' , A.nditleusiatintiiist belies:tit., h !):. I .:.•T . .., • 1 -o4 JAO--ie •• . . iiiMit to , iiliWor.ittiv . iliticb , It aspetileidilliene awl Moor trials. i It 'teaches use 6-.lllP4!Viatelltiatikelletlithi 11111 9. uud 0...14151. .1.41-it . •C . mbre serleousbehiai &NW?, It iwaludit illts'llbalevertietaig amt. :mita waysats vitypeiter' , - m • Nal cm. -1 •oais ~ h a , b eeni ft et ., ' • TKlti t,Wtoi,Wftttiritecil4.l tar' '''' 24‘ 7 4 l P*lkerfte 49% 4 44 6 4,11ia5i Rroy -uoGothful to hittralgto - Vthetoortie• — ftrittiiitenses her outiutee i togr re ; qua r faccxf ed.t-tArsqm,s2,3P, NM E!!!I . - - " /11[1WM .. , •A - - -. in pow v ' al4,- i 0 -- ` ~t. (- b e Ind ifir ait r - nit s liikkiittm l lite-,Loodeei elprotpg Acitf rz , lA4 that 16We:teat %Obit liivil;iwgitirtti greet ,mselsotediierarieareit* the-tithe milled Ankara of iii i iieting 19. dut-dilor ief" . l6 - ptiupiiii'lli iiiiiii-tueileiiiiiii: It ilftreatee - new etiritethe'llutlehrofTetn= 410 1% ill-",guilalsdl =,.. ,, ri. -- i r ,: --' 's 1 "Thiethirixt`rViore 4 ate . hi - tar Taw isnetiasiubOslitietteit i'eledit-diappeere (net, , thnie_atailfitiVililfichtst put to ,elicethegepponente,of thitcl atiereribit • °AY: illYtk aril?'coartufiveAir.!•4?ettlu lery'sipirillinna,retitsid obi. base Wen de .sired. by- illa -*hilliest .frietitti`enti most strenuoes Oppettetz. 'it Ytlil t ira'at e most l! e lg oli a b lc*irtl eit twißlnelL 11 911040 409 by the "tiesolicyerehie logic oI games lad i,rfecte;Tthe ' tniseeprernede' at: the, lato.eltirtionelaslo! r - g . e measure, by the'etteThies Of fniriitters. h I prates to ilemetistriti4n,'lNar.t "Obi law niesAlii43 I*.iiitiarucittg P itie Mni beneficial 'results' in awry - place pies:* whitifeth - split :re o its operatitm- 'Not oitibas'it lready re duce/Jibe politrrateetVite ixt t 4i:fealty one half 6E, *lfitrltiey were 'en under the old system, an tries relieved the p operty and industry et - the country fro a pressure -which threatene d their destru lion, hut it i l has at the Attie' leg foe* 'ged' ibe Mori] cha "tooter of - the pnorilietneelves.., It has in *piredibetts wbb - hAtifintrolita ependenee, I and taught therictiitrust to thei own labor end' !heti i tfivii resp uskes, path c - ihatt de. I grade,ihetns4tres in their: OW 'eyes, and in the estimation-of *Veryl ether, by -1 hrswimforeroes sis as pito re_On the Mods bribe' pati.h. 'lt hasirmi litith,ll sehse 'orthe injtlry 'do it to their morals, by debasing indulge es, and in -stilled iitibihdrotitids ptincipl s of steadi brio and 4 etbooliiv. 'lt has, i one word, rireMe s d, or is in4he cOtirse of e ecting -one otthe4greititlit and most bene vial revnlu lutions, recorded in the hist Ty of 'tee world." , Vezatiousi2uoteniihe'kuleifr—Tlierdv. iii:CAton, ofthe 'Navy, says; lin an admi iiitle sea Islt4Ml);•iiit he lssACtioakerboeiter, sisal "not a whist Stirs in France without being narrowly watched; and it is itaid tint the appearance of a strange bu Ithl on her Spanish Itontier was once tel :spited in, f the .police. of •Parii , and a 'de ehment of the Bens d'arma tletitott *to vra htthe mo tions of the adibig,unus strange 1" . • fie dives the following as a pecimen Tif extra - scrutiny- His rellectitulware truly eloquent; _ l ..;ir a, mhts hits hot tin'epdtedtte - oh his ,shoulder or it coatade cm 'his l t, even his . ' pockets. ill hardly Itscipe the-dishonor of search. , Nor islhe inspection rdways 'eon fined to the living; it sulttetinitqs extetias - to the' deoill VO - e had occhilon)n 'bury one of our'crew ;here; and as we mine on shore to pay hint 'this last sad office; of respect, his cid% wtl uttcereinonionsly ripened, to ascertain that it contained ne contraband goods! , I..nlwayit knew the French to be an extremely shrewd and mqiiisitive peo ple, tun 4 did 'not "Suppose they would ever carry 'their researches into tl o l e secrets u( the grade . 0 beathl I hav heard t heti' accused , by some of beim. al tyrant; lty others of tieing-an irtditerimitiate leveller; but never 'before, 'by saint, ly savage o'r 1 by sage,' have I heard thee a cased 'Of-be ing, a smuggler! And even f thou 'seri stich l Ishii cooldst itna went • r Might that our poor ship contained?, yletil Akin in quest'cif Veijacliels dua larpuli s ,.l - lint thy wilier* never go tra watch; each in hts hammock-stiii shmibers as hnlaid' himself doter. - t)r wirialhitu in treed r4harts or. , quaidratitst,flut thy ehips ne ' ilia re their itionrings;.each rats down , pea etweal in es own birth. Or was ft shy le ire fo obtain . Bibles and hymn bouts? ' B, t there is no worshipping ketembly in 1 aornitfirms, and Ihe prearber's 'voice ,is ever heard there. 0 Death? thou art fa .ly surpect; ed, and basely ch*hpnoied , by the Freoeh ''itien!—lii 'hi m, tali %rho shoal ever regard ihee WO - the inapt itutelierjt i l l nt iments,for '.he has crowded millions of , "rid corpses upon , thy domains. from .!the e.hilling but: tintrws 44" - ft aside; to flit 'but ! rig Ands or F.gy'ph; he ,h as ififillt.lils %ie . ms ITO° 'thy .pale realm, thick as tire del o quails that .fel! for Toad around-the . fittniihing tents-cl wandering Israel!" 1 "Airy Fair it. Politieo•2-.1114 triv ilai moral maxim hex received a 41 . 011 rebuke yi.the,teriatti of the ueiieti tatea l to net groat iraiiticaiion: The se treasury bill, .by.A.miite-lif tire Seamy ' , fixed 60 totnioritiWoreekT The IciCul peb' WO*. :o, l l l ,Wrglolilbiok:.l4k; Au bo eodsiniie ed& j a vunegn, or ii.ihilt biome, 6 sera recoil: sideration4hae# , shortened - 'tithe one Week. - The Ukiient-irreiribe " fidding The ' 6 410 PO . 11 ,1CASY , 'Nowt Allem) i f . moved a recorlaiiktraouo i llie kt, day, Hod Owed Am debausiatiVere it , briginliit; au Mt. it'Sliarrbeiltittt I dbrlaeftli 'aitiliifilitorie r 4 ratibreifikeei.ll:l4k Oedifit ' ligTqii t i 0 - , 6111 4044 1 * iIP 44 1 ), .stnmsurY 4obenie s ,. '‘‘Giretilte•Senate hild-finvelfafie ,eini iile Orovisibriaorther.blliedncieulfv, 'kid 1010114 - feurif,iiejili,ii,4ol — lek:l:._ . I We "10# liii :toil#Rii , iiciiiregt , ar*S. irm s ; 'VA - „tem-somilan - , , ~,,,..,„..,,, 0 ; ,;..---, .•. 0. , . -wc l ll464ollnaniry..9 . ..4 1. a.Werh ‘ We' 'Vegerlo! rriiontirtto" - ehn ' 441ie1',0 - piiioir . I .,#4 , l l ii# , ...4ifitsitii, u jirePiti9n- .10 ,0, , ~ffitaili.*Cfrptiemg..woulit: hive, givearvie: greeter leuerseilido thin! Id 4sie see nee` 'Heide.% ertiewatittool * t yA;(tkettijil 4 "* 11 * 4 *v ,___ltgliffo,PliditY. ,:el arwitc . i . .aikmilre, . ; i.lk Air. ofieafopeclaliae, •opeasii* i , ' 1 NM! " ' IA 0, =i:=Ml EM EttA : -- 4 ..: ' :: 01 :,..' .rtfk•Ci '.' - - I", A'4l.- '. ' eltii** l ,l l 1 0, I • i.. 7 .ellielibOdWoril t.., 6 0 1 ,• 1 e 4 itteeitilli , 'e Aire. iii. ':;eitiegitihrte,. ' 'political - OW " te"PeOCleir "1:0 Ol e • , 111 !•,.4)1 , b ' 4*9 . -teCinik•• stio rmroftll "inenced, as - 4 tog:ether imp . , eticOble, WIR. b*EetittrifliThrillifrili - Si ' li d:fitioki - o-i - • I,4C°Mtte , F. ll 4 r e o r t i l '9ollllloY in-Aliise ,li4ll, it is' .h t dellio t '!!'.-. 4 giefrittit, - Verift*iitiftftrfirthat he'Effhe ' ioir• his fjgniPiraltjs"detelliiinitti n tciusi 'I0:of4 swim rtiftli Oir•projekt.'-W sr** n',' re .4 tturprizeil%tentreititn: eietibn'' ; ititets every dare I .lhigettneiti : y: -. 1 the imrerie, unpliptilaritv Ortfielthiti;tithi the Late dec. arms haiVee; litielittlYedVin t i k riumph c4'er• itirriendat'l Itl'CePAiiicifilkt no pragr e wits made in i -iriljfirrlffile - ' ; :opecilliwession, avittlir.itieir ri# 44 Nlik,' g liiened aq , ,Oul mat ‘)W" silit ' 1 i,,7* . t on.th ,OMOlli3; l 4 6l iiii. 6 4 AXP,etil i eeithl , iminuticin. - he interellee. from theserti4unuitancearsit 'ld belie bee s Cnnefuer t'% - ' , :No on e ,' in 6 inerilseei t nots . dieibt'liOrt*itgeltial of : 't,ol44 l isre with %Ale% the gitleentrve - hai a fottotietelh'il seems to ns,l.etiolied int " 'A . -1010m i '. We do hot believe tittil'iti'• rlit Meads expect to ear#l,l for ttiOpreseti ii-ietuit, The tone efAhe Glotfe'dyrktces plainly a conv . iinn 'id if! , metre.* ti l ts? ddstrhetlve priectkes are nil iltie'rrane), and 'the. pritspett.of ciffilThithe ultra measures' is remote, and *Unseat. -:, . , . , ... • The . cour4 'of recent •everits •tillut'tenvev a pretty ,inthtlitibte ladiciition 'that the 6.Conserviliiii" inti-ty ire 'Mini !emit to be -very- ripeedi/y ettilihilated.l -1 1 i, :Amide.° tritu4s4lutis i'i'very Where Intel; yi4ted to their piinitiplaiOlty ;Winch We mean a firm asturaUce oflegishitive resistanee to all in novandtis tillhe:kinecionletiiPlated at the late melon, iti nd:still -admitted by' Many of the organs cif the •d6lttiet ices. I'h :rue friendsr.of the .Reptblte witrrally'in - defence of ther‘Oonstittlttati, test' 0140 ',believing it tti be • , :sufficir nt" OW every qt4e:,:o4iry 'ails! usehilittljech, whether - of benefiefal'legisla tiun, rxeitteive g.;veriiinetit, or ipopular -protedtitirt; and Met, the force Of public -opinion anditidividuatlaletlt tibght exclu Avely it, be directed toiraids meartirer of an administrative and practicatkintl, instead of beOlg u rs the firbitless toiratiger ous prianutiUtts alteration-." Su Pr filan . having mitigated ant uf the olleei . iunatile features of the former hilt, the report ol the Finance Committee reasscrts the main prepositionoind mills ifrostsiosis still more ttlqitiOltable. kis a hillitereality,lto Charter a 'Treasury Bank with 'a Capital Nita! tO Iliepithlie, revenue, and potter to invest surplusMt 'iostocks, and to meet dcficiences by tw les of stuck cand ilssurit of notes. It, - CtiMeinfitates a diserthfitint of all Itleal'etfrfedoy,:by rt:kct ing it ' eller am isitei'val 'from ?all fee..dipts of federtil revedue. The eteettiirlt 4 lti6i!, udi i i i tea with tie avnived policy ti' 'rgradually if ' I..tiiiii lite ri het of• State Banks," will he die %Mate destruaititi of all hanks' eiceiit il Treareury Bank, wilt stitne rptii suitie l it is hitended ilia!l itittply liberally currency of the country. !The idea ul f la betiding the Treasury - into n rketto trade in stocks, seems like a hall lima b 4 *$ of -Competition with the "lillll4 'aria •lienriti" al Wall afreet„ . The corifittence•ektended to fhe banks, of making theta pift.rcial "dem tituries Drilla rib% thtintl It, be tlitlit by them Metter The lticit and key rifliie IA cer deist:eking the same, la a dtritch , of liberality by which , these ''l at ittititilts u 111 reel, OM draiht, highly amid: teethed ! • • , The' :Sub-Treasury tenit.--,The R*lloll3o Whig, in epeitk i wife he Sul,- l'reaattry ‘tiß Te:ficketitt a i filtaf'ilara ago in the U. S. Senate, sayai t • •! .-be (ate of the,itiii. eitnnt,. %ids ! . der utility be foretold.. The i i hict di* `.Flits parte is 'divided ik Ilee ta)lied, 'giVes ds. aurtUice ' that 'it* Armlet ebithiid'Oli• Mature? ivdi at Mist be eipuligetl. ; 'like !Orders litimi The tole . 1-lotilm.aii fi'l l tritgert • for . good Or Tiif evil, lite YO V ,)li . lint,. i A pliant and' unthinking -o;l4siti amine; it. 'hopd, he found in. eit herlo4Be 'to reviller the Olds - oldie Eseettii - and-filsolivritry advisers, without regard tiithe tris4s and well re ;of die Ittrintle. I- L . '_, _ , " • This Wier tends in ail oVirlfearti for -the evils-we have appreftetifediii . wp the un checked 'iiiird idationlof it h'ef iatki" id power. It inspires thelloyte Milt ih`e pf ieutive can neither .',M3mpasti , kvliat . we b ' : `e &nattered the tobjeex •of its "timbitiim ` iii . Yieliucir pattil k nor *site* the pep ' .ftiltherity its tit"4" . o 441 1 0 paaltit 4. iiimiq lice tOttn4 ill ilisnesalic..huMbut, Oilier Administrit; 1 iion de bate it., in cu Bence oldie most fortvitintiqissehsionaild ilik OritYdrilis •• can eomitutonaie;fittitttsiefiihose etne:,rattes. de -10+•. i ,, '. , .. .. t ; ;•. .. ,, •.1. ~ ;! 1, •tt'''; ~ : 1 ,ic• .1 - bi'liichinontl-..Entiuireoayei that Inii bill 4 more objettionible Abu the odelle. 1%810(1110aq Vieth;ititiatilsin,r". - :' . • 1 • GintinvEltEem 7. l44a, . ge)-.4iiii ' lli, it'el; . :We.l4l.4[lll,i CbUi Fie . '-.Moilt enihn Pitud , ,,Tuditsship: - Ban ' , s' aw to, those ; desqiiikd if the Ledge , in" l oveib)*itiast; 41 t ATii* l tit i ,&, l • - . 4' - A.-17 1 '41..1 tatted, at several of - Itslo ,i ft 41.9N -I.ii, !fietyti v a; fit i r if "y 1 till o t r tt:l-2fird, pd Ate •by ‘e couple twoutedy . rhey *Si' den * ' lAs `biiiittir ' l'ii4igiii ' - :i i ttimeil iittlititir 1 • ' . ,t ‘ ft'4' §,14.4'S i' . o ;'Mack 641, A nd' whale ii "t . ;,;$ 4 , 0 044, iso•bwitikid4w itt; tom;. ;„. ;ttonbries t ; Idlisay;fll4Psh4 fact: +I that' tine ' . ; ' it;111, tiii 1 lifAal k l a ck . l'ileal 7: - t*Le . 6ttni 'it' i''' IlieTiNgspkor4. : that it he weltigynty 2 - 4 l llO, 1 71dxstinely ..c-riok t. -01 101 4 41 :' - 1 4* .A..41 3 7ti11`A. 1 , , Phi! •. .AA . 1 44Pilitity. ; , ;• ; • NM _ ;.: _. ''Y . ..~.K• 111231 F MEM ' .. 8,01:14 DA1V1401044 1 1 . G:34N. PM gr . Parripitika:C Cary , 4/sAttentr,fflitit asi;fspeir VatioUtsOft Pv !!!!" i riellef glireefe -' • ' .1.-,,, . ; ..... . „,.... .--...., Wanted at ibitt-fiffice,'an l i tetive - and i in ii tel agent lad,*ki car ` ' d,write: Well, bttitt AA te..-A ; ieers r a 'abilfprentite k l ,o*.iii.F . ,V, i .P.g; ',. !!ems:`_-- .--': ..,t - i: s crireitifter 1'1116., pe ! in issiVttlerA r WOE , 1100 ',.,, 'New' ' 'ci • ktokk.--;•A - are happy to s li44iciilielicanplettOO itrf fie new weigh lock, at liount ; Girbtoti. lit is wfirst rate speeirrien.4lL'weritioinshY► itind l'efleits .004.00 it "ti.i!iiii,ipkiJ i tful . e-tiaiiwendpr. Aiki*.ametethperivitenile - tig 'the' work bits been, chtkOcted. Wie'esPbtrtoisn invi tation-of Mr.-Vole„ a humbek'ofletilletnen on attended"Thureilay 114040 wiiiesi the 'operation of the weigh lnek. It weisle.sted by hteighinpleveral individtrals , mid found tole-quitetiteurite. 'ln treighici'gXton o the vartatioodoesnoverceld n 'pound or a pOiairaitilihttifLeitid half an ohnce will dim the sale. The castings and iron .w4lii .were made at the 4nanufactory of /. ,I e Messrs. Haywood & An der, and .fully: compare in dxcellen o -workraatzhip -wit h' tbereg of `the - thit This 'tale' ii built eh% (*emit It 'nei;le. friim'any'in this state, the . ToAt - bein subject to-the iise iiiiiff;ll of water-in the dam, and the. - ii:ttle is kb ci*Mlcted'alitritetib'tehisM dr loweridleconlitfg to'tte "heigtiliirthe water. • Wehave-ascerraihed the dimen sions of the acate, and' amount of iron in the same, fiom iir. Cot, which are as follows: • 1 , . i 1.1.110 oftfie stale , so.feet ;Width, i 1 ;great , s. do #Mroitgtil !reit • - and Steel, - 1 7:416 We litiVe befiweilltnileo the a#eiirtici , of the 'mite.' lvei4ll s frOin * bibs.' to 1 100 ton's. 'tire ndilielhoSe of our readtrs 'WhOliave . not :seenLto_pay it a visit. We Must not omit to mention hat a very hand some. entertainment or vitiation was pro- vided on the 'necasion before alluded• to'by Mr. Cole. . areikr to . ietligeriee +We cdfidtience tilts vadk the itublieerdn'of Ottrait of. fortrdfo intetlfgetide i u nd er altpitituriate i t heats, 'auk iie - shihr ' c ton, triue' to lie bi ish , the 'saute furfthe betiefit of dill' claskofrour readoalhore , partitehtrlyiislio take a -deep ' Interest tkersio, it:beipg.ritir object to rest r der our paper as_ inatruc4ve acid: useful as lytoshible. :,. • 1 - . ith ! the Slittiklfribt , , "ey!= , lire Oh: serve liy. thejliiinuriatli - etv liWitiliir,e) 'Journal, that the eitpital 't i the - sik Banks in thateity, Shhotints to ' -! 41,509, divided into 11,045 shares, winch-'are owned a: follows By Females — , , 2438 Merchants, .1 2038 'Fanners and t abcirerel 1245 Savingßlfink '''''' 'l' • ' • 1013 Itteettaniely " ' ' t '673 . 'Cu charitikWe:lnstituruini . eicktitirmnunit 011icerth, Aluritierfs, ' PliisiOdifti, , ' . . . .336 1,awyer5.,.,77 . . Foittes, , • 307 rlt+ri_ymefti., '-' _ . liPto 'Ocirperatictnilll;l Statl4 ; 1 16,7 Tra4er . pl ~. It will he :teen from the loregoing, that in the Piz banks refereed to t h e largest Otis of 'stop:Med : era On (mi l ks. •. This i. will lie fornal trp:ll lire se,we suspect in .wst of lii•atiiiitithithi bait the country. 4 ik Ore; ekcerilton of. he . et -Go'verm merit Banks, the Omsk 4f-which -seems to We held brit !bar thrlividunitr. stock )ribbers. na In the •_inslance -of the .rriNiiiptrafeahh Ilank of Bolpygri ;4-It . 2. W. is ,tecerrify stated .hy ihet. hulk:John. Sergeant in the-Con: li n -vention. th 4 in.rone B 11k in the titY of 'PliihtdefphjOirbielt ha n • led; roe Inaloti;. ty of the - .ll4cit ltrii-beld: i . y femaleaiind in ' anot onno sir_ afilre stock, so that it ' really laPpeargtinit ihn.fitminiatration:are carrying on ... a 2 llo . _trga 4utfeihal! is! • s .. " The 414 11 4teriiir ' ,le his Dena"-- ~ Refl o rdtiol i g I -ag i tetittst , t a "Sub. ?r tchenfe-104•.doil i ttli ettiati lii' wityti Willti; ..itttcyti" Mei it mailCeti kilo .4 Le g istiture of. .tesinotre,. apd they Of pair by-ii t 0 .-, 1 • -,1 -• ' .:- . , Senator 1 ii tt ~kcivof sighed. !tie :AV i l--i n she r 4 (6 # 1:4 Ml': iii4i:,tt! - •. iii.iiiice titiiilsep' -, - A trtiwanatd.w . .Whitmastaing was ' re: tentivirlheli 31401VriefitOVileitiatitaii - fid by tw my ilslk.smiretarsea, (ventral •BARRlSOK4i4tlnaniltriously rtttlnknen tied-tits tltOPieinkfi' intini • •.• • i TRA tietcpeticibeejw# sentedietNitiqUi ha e incr a ed, sjpce the ,lidaptiOnAit 1111 Tatinn'to resniuiion t ebtidght. the' 044 6r A hire niultWOfitoti'palltiao. hive, been 011 1 64 . ied I'd 11)6leti404 : " . # r„ t hi k o lit! i prztyingitedicomii to s*it etich-arrisiares swipay o beyle4edArkemfitrtht, tinikeriglevety iskthe:ljittiicfintroiretts, the j adatisP of 1 1 4.6491it0 thirViiiob4 4 I , 1..i.c.-,-.7..4: -:' - .1. 1, ,- - •;.:: „ ~ _...—, 021=9:1 >w=~ ~~ti:, agg 21:33 'can adyertise liar ria Par I' AncliA. issiitsippi; U. Atoit4l3,ertiite. 'Whifia!leitd ))im 41116 , - MMENEM= ME Inc E • ,irankijok ba celebrated sit Hailisbti*ki - Atili l rYPgr a i )h ical Assoc' .ationiCqit onlhe ion. , tverttre'ciat . were sem,tp market from the ,14itens Valley 'P 00l Reition, by 1114 - Lykent Rail Ctintioney.l` ; Theijterrim ConeedtWni Ifiks engaged 'lofril i liiirtiin-the . second reading of the , Firtiß ficitii . #;r the coistotition, ou por m atiecvoritie Ti-1' period ebruary,' kizapicilxepproaehiirg,. • - • • - The . ' N s ells York 'Daily' Priviit, 'an . iitly eim4Kted „Vita 'Bum paper eitabliabed. in thitteitysonie,rnontbsshre, has follow. ed in the. tootstiOs of the N. T: Vines and the N. Y. Plaineiea'hsr—it has ceased _ - - to - Vic-report of Itie failure of the I!4;erson Bank. is piintra#ictett-*,' ' • .1 ' ; *lever pertane thiit.- city: firm , istabc. a nd - blows." Prtitjarosto "taltut..WeAnd in Pitikiiit Advocated . I ) he : .4.,Dfirisig' the just ttoied, thtvittitieents of coal 'dein the thiki amount to 1000 cargoes; .an average ear about 4000 tnishels and• the feet re intrairmilriverage,,ilurintitheleC $lOO6 etieb". • it will.bei'imen that_Pitudfurg derived a 'direct income from helot:, Of one mjilion dollars. ie,one year. froar ‘ the tingle she 'owb Bou.s.—A connon,ha , in itl Bight; invisible tit wroth Pafeete, Altai , be distinctly wear by:i person.standit4 behind the piece stud comartolinire perspective view of its Turse. Mille 'Men beheld this ieftilde._ mita; ir !ctiOstils iu. the Owl a new /I n crtilhtful idea 401a:destructive ekiiie, 'taring through the air :with the, enperhuaran 'fury of a drape. Qturrg 42v Prow.- - Froat as & efficial ,scirernent laid before the"! epistaluie of Alahania., it , appears• that the- Mobile Branch, of the State' Bank ,hao 744- doubtful 'debts 'to the knyntrk a idV4o,9lo. 4 Fnial iO.--416R6(004;, ,DA;i4.=,The l bou=e a ndlb rhlittie tiro Raton county..cNew - 4erapy,4 liwre destroyed ' by fire' - aiii Friday taft i jrnd Mit Bah 'ems% Itai4et. . , . f ttsilPstor OF Tiatas.Gen.Airabeau B. Lamar has been insite r ti.by :martial _Ben._ atots , of Te‘as, to • beconieta-eantfidate for the Pregideney, as a sttecesgioi to Gen. SatottailßoiiitliO, 140 Inkit'4oi4ged. A bill as ' n repoit to he Smite of 4.liis slate s by Mr. ,Peitglen,,toreprel 'the TA de Write.. if itmaied, he .a measure of relief to'the . 110fifeettMEs . :-- This repeal:Oink recomtiended in the mes sage of•the GoOrnet. The . 11tea &de Lorofo4o iasemet ed emelt: its batterz upon- Mn ratire±l7iir, Van tie . atitied,iikilehattp ;that :the oitheailtion of "the paity" 10;;tlie :Stites Rank, wait itsimply and s'olefy_ FOR -714iircr:t The partite -Fars, "He. , haw , basely , hetrifiarthe ennfidencesPeeposeti (6'ilte• democratic. wary., _aiWi4erL:reiel,l in, the tut late 'embrace of Umted Shiite:Bank.".. • - 6411 438 '434 E • kid I • itT OF ?ET TAM A itTeOingof th e raiitriAnewsir New York l opsioW, ti the resolution - 4d Mr: Patton.: eeeedtly adr,y;tegt. itt theltbMe ofßeprisetitativest he held at the Clinton, Hotel orithe tlst inst.. The • Editor ,of the Evening _Post, =whose nome, was signed lo Abe rian i -ajli s: • "The °Meet Oftliiiin*lngifis prop& to: state, in order to prevent rtiiSspprehen sion, has-iuothirig Ito dci'Vrith-itte question Of slitireryiti - the district Of O4iehiW ;_it. is gaily ;eip - resi i . e. opinion.. eh, iietimatirdeturietldespotimktrAtiejti amd danterotur via :precedent •it iWaigned by persons 'Otte - lent pi`iliti'itl'opintoillkitiny: 'of iirlierni I .,are urihackneyed,l4:4,,jaapi of party. Ind ingenuoir siernte 'of justice ,ta otrentrOd denial' of the ,:right of peti -1,ti0n46 torches:. It is no answer to their - Objeetionii;tottitihif the aboliOcitrialif _orb igiifitiolti:They - .ltill righlaZ abd the ortfieni will make thenvuou4 morp egitators4 it *no answer to eay that the linfilitietuent of thesis Vithta teinti*lry intha :(4 Jitlt tile PEA te . Time•—The, ems tsiition o Isaac dale,: which•irectelhtiee takerie • , oear. • Nashville, on, thdolOili inet - ;:liota''stittiorideti by the . pitssigitlotg lay%an the i!karkfli9,faing, tut:COilik4 it the iiiti:oilhkpiAiniftlii commute the pun ,fipillik,deitermiptd to imptisentnent-6)o4lt:thettith Peet tentiett,henever'ilill 11).1.1.:50k ify to ti I!Pinj*exte4iiii4ECl4glitetancitket Int the. awe.* that in their r.ipiniitattitha vuelitiOiet•oillteath Ought tote Edninititedi 'rwthit f*er4 l tio Agile erected, ant{ shroud , coffin. mide, and; pkt ToXitter . t at ifi r _reriirta"-eimit goi#imp jula:bee ß ,ititerpotedloialtehiniallittrii crowdzwhielt ratit teeing annoiniced.••••••Palligril MR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers