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Xf r 'Kj.-'l-'t. 2 ‘1 r' ' !j!-,;?! 2 ."Vos J ft-' j t,i» v'i 'S Ki!l ‘ 'K ;: , *-1 ‘.V-'iXvvX l ' 1 ’: V>i-~ ! .'4"\ Vfj ’. r E.' ' : -? i ‘.‘V- , i' i A’l’'’' ii Si ''. * t Vt* »s* , |:»<■ %' vv s s r 2t'tVi^ f ' if*A* '*■ ■? "V -jT *■ V\V x' ► k : j. ' „ '} t *ij i ;c,^. ? :.tv* *-, -v-'fV- ft-)/*/* .•" V’H C oa. « h uf, • >.«■*'£l •> f //; f . *'n '»3r,-?. fV -• -'♦'- _. * " \,.V7/>~ ! rs **. *Jy -v„- •.v;\v«*/*.?*'/.*.s; <y>., • *" •*’:r\*t~:r- > - v;o * i ~ '^"v -•■• *^li-• k Y' " ; --'■■'( *l-57 f tl v t., - y. '• y ' r ' % '..■> v\ 0 ,3 » • • -* > ,*,»y ® . ,? k . • 1 _ \?-Srip-<-?■'-* a *’■>■' *r'*sr*t*£ -•? r*>r * 7 r "*’’ ‘7 fl v. ** C" :'' v *'* ' v ' i-; 1 -\ *V -.,, .. •- t~ v • -t,* r -* 71* r ' *» •■'••» * --* **«. 7* ft r* *l •• • ». /£* ,?!;>< .fvv** *;-• f- &■' '■' Ts.*' r <£ 'z&. < y&-{i , r < iaV' *•• '#• ■? ». ;*> ,r, '•. • ti p!dCf ' , "v / r a 1 fpi'v^ 3 'Cf"’■ f^l ’J- '*!*'** C*?' w?? “ « l "S ? ’ * '-r 1 £“> '*-* f •Tfjfyr'” ~T ! *•. f tv'j’., L h *L Vv 7 ».".•'« . t,»n •••; r •. :. . ; --* -k. . . ~ */^v- v - ’ ' .• t i\ .. **• ~-• •« ~:. » * r «» -• . * :' ■• 7 •* 7 *. ♦ -•- - ' +, * *>• s- * r •• -• -•*>*••'•■’ v s • s - • n. ■=“>"' ••> -Yt ->-.•••. T,f w * J , 1■• l * >”*-£% 7" "% v , !- . * L i* '“”• r* J. J +jf* * . '■ a**? '■ • -■• ■r >• ’^itfet'g •<V!&2!-J.' ■•> Nl°- t/ K \ rC \ >-,* £4* ? h> £>^<■ ■ sh -,-n '*?& 4 r »>«..». i 1 ?,r T-VV, THE CITY POST. MONDAY MOENINU: Aotioh op Jueqb M’Clubb oh the New Li ohhsb Law —Licensee Granted. —Tho following doontnont, whlob was designated ag a “ Basis of Aotion of Court, in reference to tbe new Lioense Act of April, 1866,” was rend by Judge M'Clure, in open Court, on Saturday: The Court has passed upon the applications for lioense under the new law. Where application has been made m the name of a citizen in the employment of an alien, tor the benefit of his employer, the license has been refused. Whero an alien has applied for the benefit of himself, it hoe been refnsed. The Court has no power to grant in Buoh case, as appears by the express words of tho law. The druggist has been refused. He oomes under one of tho exempted olasses, under certain conditions, and the legislature never intended that druggists should beoome retailers of liquors. Retail grooers have been refused. As tho law was made to restrain and not en large tho traffio, all applications where the ap plicant was not ongaged in tho business before have boen refused, for the Court oaotiot oooour age meu to embark in this business who are out of iL Tho Court confined tho lioooso to those whole sale merchants, grooers and dealers who bad already under tho protection of former laws in vested oapital. The Court found it impracticable to grant a certain number of lioenaes to each Ward, for the reason that in somo Wards there are no whole sale dealers; and this wholesale business has its locality in one or two Wards. To commit tho Ucoose to one or two individu als in suoh Wards, woald be to grant a monopo ly, without diminishing tho calcs, and such dis crimination would be capricious ; for each oomes under the same reason, and to discriminate, would bo to make a distinction without a differ ence. There have been 64 applications ; of thwe 36 have been granted and 18 refused. The Court has aoted from tho bent information it oould obtain, and may have committed some errors, in granting or refusing. In large cities commissioners should have been appointed, whose duty it was to mako a personal inspection of the premises. This the Court cannot do; per haps the law in this respeot as regards Pitts burgh and Allegheny may be amended. In Philadelphia tho law provides for the appoint ment and action of Commissioners in its behalf. Nearly six months have elapsed elmoe tho law was enacted. This was ample notioe to all who intended to apply for lioenso. For tho benefit of thoso who may intend to apply at Deoember, March or Jane terms, noxt ensuing, for license, I take this oocasion to give public notice that this Court is now of the unan imous opinion, that the Hocuses already granted under this new law, are enough; and an many as sbonld be granted in Allegheny oounty. There have been no ampliations from the country, and those applications wbioh have come from boroughs, have "be'jn refused irrespective of the personal merits of the applicants. So far aB wo have ablo to discriminate, the license has been granted to wholesale mer chants and jrrocers--the smallest part of business is liquor selling, and the largest part of their profits arises from oustomora wh.o reside out of tho county and out of the State. Saoh men as these will have far less motive and interest, and be far less eager and anxious to sell by the qaart, than he whose only butinns is to s?U by the quart. This view of the Bubject is in obedience to the spirit of tho law, and in accordance with the in tention of the legislature. After reading this paper, his Honor announced the following as the persons to whom the Court had granted Ucdnso to sell liquor, agreeably to the Act abovo mentioned: John Groutt, F. Brcck&rt & Co., N. Sinton, Wm. Mitehcltree, jr., Leopold Babl, Jfts. Patton, AUegh’y, K. &A. C. Duncan, Joseph Schmidt, D. Fiaokcisen, Levi W. Stewart, All’y, J. C. Buffom, L. Stem, Jamefl Laubio, William H. Suttoo, John Ogden .S: Co F. Lynch & Co., A. Culbertson, Robert L Allon, James A. Knox & Co., M. Devlin Sl Co., William Carr & Co., John Bryar, John Little, Thomas Morton & Co , Robert Moore, E. H. Myers, Rudolph Hunnegger, Henry M’Cullongh, Ross & M’Combs, A Glockner & Bro., A. Haostetter, Robert Bell, $ Jacob Keller. The following petitioners were refused license* Francis Fitzgerald, Frederick Sinft, E. M. Rohcasto, L. Cocksboot, Gcorgo Hoerr, W. Kr&uakompt, John H. Ortman, William D. English, Archibald Deary, Phillip Ulrick, J. P. Fleming, William Smith, Charles Thumm, John Toodam, George Lauckner, James Lynch & Co., Andrew Patterson,. John Black &l Co. New ButoaTon Normas J3eminabv. —The win ter session of this institution will open on the let November. The favorable location of the Seminary and the superior scholarly attainments possessed by the Principals and teachers, give it many advantages over other educational institu tions of a similar character. The BemiDary Buildings are large, commodious and well ven tilated. The ladies employed aa Principals of the Preparatory, Advanced, Musical and Orna mental Departments, are all Graduates and Pro fessional Teaohers; and the Normal Department is under the immediate supervision of Prof. K Carry, A. M., late Principal of Allegheny Coun ty Normal School. The Principal is Rev. J. Da vis, A. M. Situated in the midst of a beautiful country, every facility to ireach it is afforded by railroads. Parents desiring to send their daugh ters to an excellent school where they will have all the advantages of a superior education, mor al training and bealthfal recreation, could not eo leot a better. There is also under the control of Messrs. Davis and Curry, a Normal Academy for boys. Dbmtcratic Msetimg, Second Ward, A-llk ghent.—At a meeting of the Democracy of the Seoond Ward, Allegheny city, held on Saturday evening, Jas. M. Boyd was chosen Chairman, and W. A. Reed Secretary. After somo pre liminary business, it was resolved that Thomas MoffiU, Daniel Uoycr, John R. Large, Thomas Patterson, and Mojor 11. Beokhan act as a Vigi lance Committee, and James M. Boyd, Robt. C. Brown, Joseph Walsh, W. Lahngh, Robt. Mel loy, Adam Berry, William M. Veaoh, M. Cham bers, and W. W. Martin, act as a Committee to attend the tables and distribute tickets. Aftor an able address by Col. Moffit, it was resolved that every Democrat in the Waid be requested to act with the above Committees, and that those proceedings be published in the Morning J oti. Theatre.— Mr. Neafie concluded a successful engagement at this establishment on Saturday night At the conclusion of the first pieco, ho appeared before the ourtain, and made a few remarks highly complimentary of the company, pronouncing every one of them “perfect bricks. To-night, Miss Eloise Bridges, an actress favor ably known in the East, will make her firot appearance here, in the character of Evadno. Adjournment of the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury, on Saturday, adjourned over until Wednesday, at the suggestion of M. 1. Stewart, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, at which time all bills to be presented will be raady. Prose cutors not appearing on that day, will have their bills ignored. One hundred and twenty-eight bills havo already been returned. A Chascb to make a Pile.—By advertise ment In another oolumn, it will be seen that the American Express Company offer a reward of *l6 000, for the recovery of $50,000 enpposod to have been stolen from them between Dubnqoe, lowa and New York city, and the detection of the thieves. Here’s a chance for Borne of our police offloers to make a pile. Tub Gbahd Jdbt have reported a troo bill iW ms r *«ao*e d Bl a ge r> a few weeks ago, near Manchester. ,V v *4 r * : «\V> * { ‘ '! «•" ** * '' _'rV ; . *• :OCTOBEB 8. Miller & Ricketson, Jamos H. Parker, D. R. Galway, Four Neillie, Thomas Bmith, Phillip Welgsenberger. rTS» HtierllTalty OEOIIQE B. ° f Iky City ot Allegheny, wLU be e amdWete for the olUce of Bhertn of Allegheny County, »t the tton. ]yxm»t«_ ' Prohibition.— The recent decision of the peo ple Iq almost every State In reference lo the Bale oillquo , does not pretend to Interfere with medicinal compound containing stimulus, as it Is a fact well known to all, that without stimulating principle* most cases of extreme debil ity could not be reached, aud the many other of our most valuable compounds conid not u* made without U. For instance, Dr. J • Hoststteh'b Btomach Bitters, now so cele brated and Indispensable in every family as a medicine. Thousands of persons Buffering from dyspepsia and indiges tion, generally speak volumes in favor of this great agent- For tale by dealers everywhere, and by IiOSTETTER, SMITH & 00., ggjjog 257 Psnn street. . f.">■ -*r. *.* . tr**, >- ... *T, - ! “ , ~« > . » ■ \ «♦»'' NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Beported Eipressly for tlte Dally Horning Post From Borfollt* Noetolx, October 6.—There were three deaths on Tbure* day and eight new eases. Yesterday there was but one death, and three new cases. In Portsmouth there were eight deaths and five new cases on Thursday, and one death yesterday. Nearly all the new cases and deaths are among returned citizens. The Bev. Mr. Jackman, of Bt. Paul a Oh arch, died on Thursday. Dr. Huugerford, of Baltimore Is very IIL From Cuba. Nrw Orliahs, October 4.—Tho steamship Cahawba brings Havana dates to the Ist instant. It U said that Governor-General Concha paid the Black Warrior Indem nity, under the apprehension that another fillibostenng expedition was in contemplation. A decree has been pub llßhed requiring that the names of mechanics eomingfrom &D d going to the United States shall be registered periodi cally. Yellow Fever. Baltimore. October 7.-The southern mail of this morn ing brings New Orleans papers of Sunday and Monday. The yellow fever continues to prevail in the interior ol Looiriana and Mississippi. At Trinity, In Ohattahoula county, Louisiana, the fever has been causing dreadful ravages, equalling the mortality at Norfolk. Indian Battle* St. Piths, Mjwnxsota, October 6.—A letter Horn the north western post, on the Redwood, states that a battle was fought on the 21at nIL between two bands of Chippewa* and Sioux Indians. Of the Sioux 76 were killed and 17 wounded. The Ohlppewta lost 4 killed. Vessel Foundered. Niw York, October 2.—The schooner N. Crowell, of Nor folk, from Goantonamo, Cuba, for Philadelphia, foundered on tbe 10th September. The and passengers were brought hare on the brig Leouiee. __ ya- F4ver and Ague.—A Out of Bight Months Standing Ourtd by Boer have's Holland lifters.—Michael Kelly. No. 117 Seventh, near Grant street, say 6: •• Last July, while running on the river, on a cotton boat Diving between Natchez and New Orleans, 1 was taken with Fever and ague. For eight long months I suffered with this dreadful disease. The greater part of this time I was una ble to work, and spent at least fifty dollars for different medicines, but found no permanent relief. Three weeks ago, one of my friends insisted upon my trying Boerhare s Holland Bitters, saying that a cure was guaranteed. After taking it for one week, I mu' t state 1 was a sound man. I have been at work now for two weeks, and have had no re turn of the chill# and fever whatever." 1 certify that the above statement is true. Thomas Adams, Diamond House, Or at R. Cheater's Gothic Hall. CAUTION I —To prevent imposition, be careful to ask for Boerhave’s Holland Bitters. Solti at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $6, by the propri etors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Jr, A Cu, Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh; and Druggists g,r' Mly. •_ "E? 9 "s®“Clark , « atomaeti Bitters ftcKnoalwißwJ by all who have tried them to be the best family medicine of the age, foT the care of Dyspepsia, OortlToneM, and a die ordered state of the Liver and Stomach. They hare no rival. The proprietors do not pretend to caution people from using other preparations that are palmed upon the public under the name of Btomach Bitters, for they have found that only one trial va» needed to render saeh caution unnecessary. _ . For sale, wholesale, by Coligm A Clahk, No. 22 Market street; Ore. 11. Emm, 140 Wood street; and by Druggists generally. auction sales. P. g. DAYIB, Aaetioaoar. MISOELL AN BODS BOOKS—On SaturdnV evening, Oct. 6th, commencing at 7 o'clock, will w* sold, at the Commercial Sales Booms, corner Wood and Fifth streets, by catalogue, a collection of valuable Miscellaneous Books, embracing a variety of cuolce literature, and standard no thore. the assortment will be found the complete works of Dr. Uali, tb« Phrenologist, 6 voU; Antiquities of the Anglo Saxon Church; American Oratory ; Poetical Works of Pope, Thom.ron, MILon. Bams. Fhakspearv, Tup per and Oasian ; United States Naval Uistory ; Fox's Book of Martyrs; Schoolcraft’s American Uistory; Benjamin's Architect; Stair Builder’s Oulde; Humboldt's Aep*<-u of Nature; Archdeacon Paley’s Works; American Constitu tions, Ac. • Catalogues can bow be had at tlte Sales Booms. octg P. M. DAVI3, Auctioneer. RPHANS’ OOUItT SALE OF BEAL ESTATE is 'IHR SEVENTH WARD—By virtue of an order cf ibe » it phans’ Court of Allegheny County, on Tuesday, October at 2 o’clock P. M.. on the premises, will be void, by order <•! William Wilson, Administrator of Samuel Wilton, deceased, the following property, belonving to that estate, vis.—Lot No. 12 in third plan of lota laid out by Wm. Arthurs, hav ing a front of twenty fret On Centre avenue, near ih-N H corner of eaid avenue and Arthurs street, and extending back (preserving the same width) on« hundred fret, on which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and sta ble; subject to s claim of $1,200 for purchase money there on. A'fcO, the undivided equal half port or portion ct si: thos# two certain lots of ground, being Nos.-it. and ‘£C in A Miller’s plan of lota, having each a front on DeviUler sir»wt of twenty-four feet, and extruding back one houdred and four fret. Said lot No. 26 didm hr f ur chase money amounting to SIC 7 . -100. Terms cash, par money. ociS P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. / ’\KPHAN?’"u.»UKT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL KS TATlt—On Thursday evening. October lit*!, at 7 1 a o'clock, at tbr Merchants’ Rx.-hanxe, Fourth street, will i~ sold, agreeable to adjournment. by order cf the Adm nia traters of the lau* David Greer. derKrosed, the following vs' liable Beal Estate, fix : That very dk Irable lot cf ground situate at the comer of I'unn aud Manbury streets baT.ng a front of thirty feet six inches on peiic street, and extend ing back along Mar burr Mree* one hundred and ten \wi to Prewerv alley, on which 1- erected h b?ick bnildlng. Building Lot- iu ihe Ward, finely located on Pennsylvania avenue, Magee, Forbes, Locnsu Mckory and Bluff streets The last mentioned Lots are in a rapidly improving neighborhood, and will be offered In a body, fording a rare inducement to capitalists for Investment. »f sold entire, they will W subdivided to suit purchaser* Terms—One-third cash; residue in ono and two y.ars, with Interest. Tide indisputable. ocl- P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Watches, Jewelry, Sliver Warel Avery SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT of Gold and Sliver Watcbo* now in itorc, from $lO to $.271>. We are th»- eiclnrive Agent for the sale of Lhc celebrated C. Prodshain'« Improrrd (hmnomstrr Tvnt-Urpers ; also, F. B. Adam- A Sou, Btoddari, Cooper, Taylor. Johnsoo an I other approT«l Watches kept for sale at Uu L\un EaXrrn priori— owing Lo lighter expenses, and a desire to retain our home tradu as much as possible. , . Special attention Is devoted to tbo repaint**' Wsl-'be* and Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. Silver Spoons and other geode manufactured lr» my own shop Tea Ware, Jewelry. Military and Fancy in largo variety. , W. W WILK-N ang2B corner Market and Puurth M*. AKPKK 'Fdaocrbuku—CoMtaTs: Nicaragua, by R 0 Squier; Bears and Bear Hunting; The Aracauiana; A Trip to the Panama Railroad; Neweooes Ooneioded —'• H h * u ■■ ■n v i.' The Duel; First and Last Love; Our Books anti Author* . A Day Dream; The Little Chorister; Doctoring Begins at Hone ; Cora lie ; Rurbel; Monthly Record ot Current Events. Literary Notices ; Editor’s Table; Editor’s Rasy Chair; Editor’s Drawer; Mr. Slim’s Piscatorial Rxperien'e. Fashion*. , Also—Bayard Taylor's great work on China, India and Harper’s Magazine—the best in the f4l, ‘ at cants per copy, at LAUFPBK’S ROOKhTuUE. oSa F No. oo * iah J* n eL NSW BOOKS! NEW uix)KS!! Tbe Newcomea, by W. M Thackeray . lh* IroquoU, by Minnie Myrtle ; Pictures of Europe, tnr 0. A Bartol . Cleve lUll, by Ml*S Sewell; Memoir of Rer. Sydney Smith, by Mr*. Austin . The Old Iron, by Joseph Barnes, Sr ; Poema, by John O. Suxe ; Maud, and other Poetoe, by Alfred Teimyer-n . The Be* Kin?, by Capt- Maryait; runny, the Lhtie Milliner : or, tbe KSeb lh l 1 Trial and Triumph, by T. B. Arthur; Tbe Yellow Mask, by Charles Dickens. The Schoolboy, do Reran Poor Trarelera, do Uouaebold Word*, for October. , " t rec ' iTed S’oVldkhfbwev * CO K. Fifth at., opposite tbe Theatre Tr*{jßH LJQOORS —l have on band a ter? fine * P of pure Wines and Brandies, for medicinal purpose* Those trlehlng an article they can rely on can always purchase it at JOS. ARMING 8, corner Diamond and Market at. TiBOWN’b BBMtMCK^» _ JAE*IOA‘oTSaKIt-Anotler B »PPI» of thle celebrated medldn, receiret^ T>ATOIIkU)K f S HAIlt DYE —Acknowledged to be the B beet Elr^^ TnJWH BBDSUES— A aery large and fine atoortineut of P Flesh Brushes, embracing erery T *jQg T, yJgjJJj l Q b7 iiUNK HAVANA B&OAiiS— 1 nave just rreeiTed aether 1 supply of genuine Harana Segars. Those wlehing an excetlont .rtlole of ffcgnr. »n prcour. li.m « & OCLfc . - - — ; — AO ASS A R OIL—A fmpply of the gonuino OIL for beautifying and promoting tho lh< hair, jojt received by Jo ° „, L ,, corner Diamond and Market at TTON'T BKLIWk IT !—Unless you cnu satisfy yourself I ) that the statement* made concerning the properties of aHeimfltreet k Co.’s Inimitable Hair Coloring, can be fullv substantiated by fact* : and that a trial in c ®-* those using it of a most curious anil singular phenomenon —that U, grey balr ‘“^/yoSth color with all the strength and healthy growth of youin. It U composed of oil and stimulating spirit*, so compounded that it can be used as freely as water, and with as much gaiety, not coloring or staining the skin In the lenßt; and it also imparts to the hair a gloas and beauty unlike'that ffiren bywnv other preparation; and In every case it will restore the natural color of the lair, where age or slckuu has turned it grer. Fifty cents P° r bottle. Sold by L Mtl K J 8. L. OTJTIIIIKKT, 63 Market rt. _ WH LNVITK an eiamiuai meet of BUk» — Rich Striped Moire Antique Batin Striped and Plaid SUU#. Black Satin Plaid Silks, (on« yard wide ;> Splendid Black Fi&ured Silks ; Heavy Plain Black Bilks. nrn 11 y A. A. MASON & CO. 26 Fifth Kt. IiOURKNT-That Urge three story Brick Building cn H Third street, next to Duff’s Collego. This property has been thoroughly repa red, painted and papered, and would be a good stand for e Confectiooary or Millinery Store, or would mit for an extensile Book or Printing es tablishment, the rooms all being well lighted end conte arranged. « Mart* * WkLLLNU UUUBK TO LET—On* two-story dwelling, containing eleven rooms, (well calculated for a Board ing House,) altoatod near the foot ef Vine street, for rent ing uouse,; MILLEK 4 KICKETBON, sep2B 221 aDd 223 Uh t n ? «*• N^o 08 —*” EEOS. gALKRATOB-lttbo«» pur. ‘U.“wU,INB. T^3 W “^^ 08 » I °“^ r^"K ™ CK -* «>■. ADIKB’ CLOAKS— A. a." MASON a CO. h.ve a large , variety of new and superior styles o[ Ladles' Oloaks, In nil materiale-Moire Antique, Qrey Beaver, Black, Brown and other colors of cloth. ~ ifiLLi BHAWLB in excellent »tjl« 0 Broche Border, jurt received. ootl y INMAB-li bbb Ibr Bate a oojj^hb. •#\ COMMERCIAL POST. PITISBOKUH BOARD OP TRADK AMD bxciianok» OPPIOBBB - WILMARTH. jTirtl Vice Prexi&ent— T fl. Clarkl Second " " Gxo. W, CAfla Treaturer —N. UoLHxa, Jr. Fvr~r+tnry —JAMES P. BARR. £icucrinlendenL—&. T. NoavaAM. Jo. Committee of Arbitration for October— Gao. W. Cass, V. P,; Ifaiah Dicbxt, T- B. Updixe, Saml. I'ilworth. J. B. Cakfisu>. DAILY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Ornoi or the Daily Mobjmro Post, 1 Monday, October 0, 1855. | jXOOß—Bales 106 bbls extra from whaif at $7,60 : 60 do do from wagon at *7,12U; 14 do rye from "barf $4,62i£ GRAIN —Sales 100 bushels Burley at 80c; 600 do Malt at 11@i1.25. WHISKY—PaIes 20 bbls rectified at ooe. bUGAH—6 hhds good fair at 6O days. BACON—3.OCO lbs shoalders 12c, cash; 3.000 Ins nama 12%a, cash. Fisn—lo bblH No. 3 Mackerel at $9 OHKBSIfi—76 boxes Wratern R«>ervc 10c. ABIIES—I7 casks domestio Pods at 3 1 4 c, time, Nsw York, October 7.—Cotton easier bat not quotably lower sales to-dav 1200 bales: New Orleans Middling ty,. Upland middling 9^ h The Block market Is dull: Sterling exchange quiet. Flour unchanged with an active demand, and sales 30,000 bbls at previous rahn. Wheat advanwid Bto 8 cents per bushel, with an aotWedemand; sales 26,000 bus at $2,10 for Southern white; Canadian $2,20; Western white $2.12U, and Western red SLW- Corn in moderate demand and unchanged • sales 63,000 bus. Pork a trifle lower; sales 360 bbls at $22,26. Freights on cotton to Liv erpool heaTy. • ' ■> i -*>'- •-= Ph ladilpiiia, October 6—Cotton doll and prices favor buyers. Floor: more inquiry for export; prices looking UD • sales 1600 bbls standard and good brands at $B, and 300 bbls of a better brand at ss,la^; a sale of 200 bbls extra family at $8,75. Wheat: receipt small and in good de mand; pale* 6000 bus at $1.86® l.S6ks lor good and prime Southern and Peona red, and $1,70®!,72 for inferior and prime white. Whisky firmer ; small sales iu bbls at 41®42 and In libds at 41. lUltiiioei, October f>.—Flour firm ; sales 4000 bbls How* ani street and Ohio, yesterday and to-day, at $8; City Mills held at $B, but buyers off-r $7,«7 l s Wheat aud Corn un changed- Provisions dull Usaay rain has been falling throughout the day. EMBROIDERIES— a. A. MASON A OO.' bar. opsufj a very large and well selected stock of Kxnbroiderira Fine French worked Collars, Sleeves and Sets' U„ot Banded Collars . Jaconet do Crotchet do loom Thread Banded Collar* , BwUrt aud Jaconet Pull Sleeves ; (jo do Gauntlet Hlecves; Embroidered llandk.tirchie.fij ; Swim tt' d Jaconet Fiouocings; Edging*, luseriinga, Infanta’ WaiaU ; CrapeCoilar*. Mourning Beta, An Ac. 7'i'ttOdkuiKti—W> bhds N. U. Augar; VT -10 bbls N. 0. Molasses; tiOhalfbbla do oyo bags Rio Coflee ; 30 pockets Java Coflee ; 20 bblf? large No. 3 Mackerel . 2»»0 b ie* 6a, Sa and pound lump Tobacco, various brands; 160 b&lf (bests Voucg Hyson, Imperial, 0 V. and Black Tea; 40 boxes 4s. b* and 6s Star Candled. MILLER A RICKETBON, ITil ami 225 Libert? at. p.i \ UAO? AfkiCA.S FklA NUTS; t_/\J 160 ' HgH do 6 bait** noft AlmondH: 2l)00 Cocoa Nut*, fr*«h. Just recrir«l and for sale by KKYMKU A ANDKRdON, -a, •>- N>. '.\'ri Wood Vhl \T*~ r ‘JOQ hose* Ibdjiins 10 niht* Dribs; drums F»is#. 6 I't&’H l*run«*r< ; * ca. l (i* Preserved (Jlbg’if . b cask* Currant* :. •JO g*«Sles3 RaUlos . •20 box*** !*»ruoni«; Jtfrt reoeired u>ul for sale by KKYMKK A AN OKUBON, >TV - No 00 Wood atruel. | i \ BoXlia MAWAROM . 1W 10 do Yftnu'‘*t*Hl; 50 French lvlr* I‘ap‘T . Jost ii'Ceitfil and for *»U by RKYMEK A AF?t>KR*VN, No no Wood i- t ini.* .•Mr4»U , rnpA. 3 d • U.IU-? Praabe* . •J i!i Jo TVar-i ; " do do Plain.; ;> j.i Hrv»rinJ . K> 1c JliarkbprrT Prundr; J U9’. f**-**] 1 0.1 M* 1 ■ '■ -'*l-1) h(ppVi REYMKR A ASPKKSO.N _ / UißKat—J4o to*.r» Uu* day rrc«t>.«l and lor ti*.« by ( ) 5,p a i IIBNRY H COLLIN*. I MU-INCH CUiM7.fc>— h*o pww c-l **pu-.>»a>d »tyl«r* Dark F FrrDfh ju.-t I A. A MASON A CO. i«r|ju ]IAS Sc >r li KKPKTIU SoA r ' \\ —L l.>r ri'tDi’Tln*; lan. saUrnropM, and of lb* c-km F. t rurinp »or»\ roni-h haiid-% and rwDtlrrlofc Ui*m ,m«v.h. port *t.J whit#. U <aniif-t t ch*-»p and w* im popularity Dno wander. Mother* it In th* l rurs-rv. k ->a:l-raen u*»* It f**r nhn»tne, *D*t all ar« ftatUti«d cf r.* "tj'r 12'.; |-r c»k*. bikbnltul A.*p i h ->-onj;*Di~: by a - VV*alh-i Table, of grvat u*e to .•▼•m utiH. »u.l it- prWieUoD*"! th*> weather tltu« far have U«*u *.rup li-Uwilk* i»old, wholesale and retail. by *- I- CITHItERT. ‘jT Market «tr«*d. r | c A \ i.aWs—A lr*« ivon*) IvanU r«u* 1 tiT»* ('oimf i a»*l T..*n-hH- and U-tUs, Idclo ' dm* .Scb;»>l and Pc -t . »nIU- BUI* Tale* aod DatiM . with t» tr-* i : Juijolal tw■*» m.» l'y M McKlnoej Pr!i*<* a I ,frO. i,r ?»;•• I-t \i A tiII.DBN PKNNEY A Co. •«pU iiprwit* :h* th«a!r*. 1 IUB.E *.'<• I’UTf IVpt-t . /J. j.. M»*U. >•. do pure ( »Aki n :,j pure A «■ *.««. pure M c*la." I . I.MI 10 MctelC.l, Li‘ 1 t-eo 1 , P’ ran* cl" r.M.« puie Oar-nu«* Pepper lu Jo tlia2-«*T . Mi t>< v-« d*'.«n ff* p»J"*rn 1 lnvlt<- :)>.• attpatu'n ■( dpnlpm t«* tb* l al-ovp M pl-j Y K. TJiiAYt). S.> 1 Diamond t.i.i- Ut.<* »irc*f« . I r lua. bitter v. "nrruurw, VT Ar . *or ralp bt rrpl'.. H K.\KY II O'LLINB. 1 air ' ArtKTITlt, Cti—rlutUf-M »'i.| ll«*abfa trsior-vl by ur-c oi Uj- LUluliul li.tur*. $1 |»**r Ifc-ld at W MARKET ST ri\CR!'KNT! NK— SO bW- j u»t t**d and fOT «*!«• bt I “pVt HKMINU IiUOS IMV'OM PAI-I> UV ilw-jual riTHTMU Rinl !«-f #»»** by \ „y‘U H.KMISU HR.* _ ""“'" j " l “‘'VtKM.'vVmios ■' J ;u„ JO ’' AY Klt'rt PKimillAL ANI' I'll.L* ■ Jo-I,'r"' (or ..I. By [-.-,.-41 M.KMINU BUDS GIIE LfK-li, BW. !» Bilioijr. lU.u-..aJ C»r«. *’"»“• *HKMiv'uCOLUN». (3 u i^— w |j K XvY WrtlTK OMTON I’hI.N'JKS-SofM f«xi -tyl« XX joat rr<*tTt»tl of tltf al*’*'’- . , iJ*pl3 A A M \*>N * CVT. Ji Fifth *t. “mts -4 fro bags Filbert* , ’ib ba** English Walhul#, W b*£* Brn'-il NuU , })0 brnfß It lea Almonds: lb Bordeaux Almond# . •_0 Airily Alnion>l> . la Alru-»u Wrouod Nut b bniti'olc \V»Uiub 1000 Cocoa Nut # . 15 bext*n Altiit hJo Ju*t ao<l lor fftl** br KKYMEU A ANDEI^uN, - S\,. ,1b Wot-1 mn*»i ri'UMATV KhTvJlßii* —3) doirn IMuU-. 10 do tiuarl*; I 16 dozen assorted sires Olive Oil; ! 20 bote* Citron ; Joat received and for sale by supia RKYMKR * ANDERSON. UU 2.MK) lbs for sale by «"p2O n A. PAHNESTOCK A__oo_ PEK.IN TEA STORE, No. 88 Firm Bta*rr—Just r*- „l,ed. a large stock of ORBKN and BLACK TEAS, consisting of all the different flavor* ond grades, purchased direct from tho importers, for cosh, and will be sold whole sale and retail at the lowest prices. S- JAYNEB. cell [ Gazette and Dispatch copyj 1"" *EMUNB—2U box.w fresh Lemons just received and lor J sale by KKYMJSR A ANDERSON, o<*tl No. 39 Wood street 1 SUlltTft ANlTcoLLAKrt—Just received from the Facto ry, a fine lot of Shirts, (Freuch wrlsta,) with or without the new style Byron Collars, by octl L. HIttSIIFIKLD A SON. fvILK "siiIKrH~A.ND DKAWERS~JuBt received, an a«- O sortment of 3, (i. W and 12 threads BUk Shirts and Drawers, of all sixes, by i octl umortmeul L. IIIUBUFIKLD A PON. SCAHFd AND TUCti—Juki n*eeiv*Hl, a iino tuifortmpul of fancy adJ blarX D* Joinvllle Broils, unit Op«r« ond Oxford Tieo, by L. UIRBIIPIELD A BON, ocil No. 70 Wood «lr»~*t. SUKLLAC— 4 caee«just rrooiTwi urn! ior k&l* by octl FLEMING HRUB lAIU> UiL—6 bbls »>nw received and lor Hale by j (>o a __ KLEMINOJJROB. ( - lUALK—flash received aud for Hale by ) ortl FLKMING BROS 1 C" ■iiIEOBOTB—I0 _ lbs received anil for Rale by J FLRMINO BROS, ita UltlWdo. »djjr -i.^' UM DROPS—3OO Rh Lemon, in 5C> boxen ; It 200 do Raspberry, do 200 do Vanilla, do 300 do Rose, do 200 do Liquorir*, do Jnat received and tor sale by £nll RBYMKR A ANDRRBON. ktion of our superior astwi 'll r ANTED A Conrscrio!***. Steady employment will W bo riven. KKYMKK & ANDKItfION, "gjpjy No. 30 Wootl street, of (be above, XSLSGEAPH MARKETS. rvfRiPKD BLACK SILKS—Jout received, a variety 0! ihe above, of excollent quality. , wpl4 A - A._MABON ACO. 25 Filth at. (11 AM ANTIQUE TRIM Ml NUB —Every description or cow colored mil bluet Moire Antbrne Md Pliuh TrimmtDge ju»t A ' A iU “° F Vh £ e k e«pl4 _ Faß»H'sATK>i'— io m*i* juHt rnvivfd and for aal« by V IvKYMKK * andkkson, No. 89 Wood Rtreet. \m iLrfNfcKi’owU*"- wT'wTil receive in a few days a M aosortment of tbo MAgON * T NOUBUS UAHHEiTrWIaT ANU PATKNT BRRKCn I ) QUNB, from $lO and upward*. Call at the Kntorpm* Gun Work?, 130 Wood street aug27 R' OLL BB.IMKTON Bepiy TYROWN’ti~KfidKNcTK UK UINUKR—I ha?o just rt>ceiTe«i b a Ur*, .udpl, of lU» Mp l Cornw of Mulurt m. and Xlhunond. J%E W ® JFOSe MIS EM Jfß ®-V. Th« RlYitt.—Last evening fit duek tb<;r« wert< U f.~ •* • InchM watnr, by the pier mark, and rising The .learner “Grand Turk ” arrived on Saturday, with afall load,fro.,, St. Lonla. Tile “Fred. Lorenr" and “Great Wert ’’ are looked for this morning. TH. steamer “Boaolle” 1«"0m regular morning perk. I tor Wheeling; she leaves at 10 o’clock. Tm steamer “Twin City” is now loading for St. Loois She will leave to-morrow. The steamers “ Mansfield ” and “Clifton” are advertised for the same porv. The steamer “Grapeshot,” Capt A- M'RrkK will lear, this afternoon for Cincinnati. She is regular In making her tripe between this and the Qneen City. Tub St. Louis Democrat, of the 4th says: The river at this pointroee two inches In hours ending VhrU' f«t on ih- fewer rise more rspid y oday. on „, tßni |. 0 r falling’ three Get on the worst tiara. Nothlug new from the Missouri. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. flirt 6 DtOlTffl WETKB IB Tits CHAWWBL. ARRIVED. Summer Jefferson, Woodward, “ Luaeme, Uennett.lirown.ville '• Cul. Bayard, Peebles, “ Bollan, Henderickson, West Newton. “ Aual 11a, Dickson, West Newton •• Michigan No. 2, flsrst, W •’l 1 ”' 11 ' Gen. Larimer, Huohoator. ** Rosalie, Doyle. Wheeling. «. Clara Fisher, Gordon. Sieubenyill*. 4* Emma Graham, Ayers. /Uneaville “ Convoy, Wolf; Qalllopoli*. “ Gro mi Turk, Gallatin, 8t- Louis. DEPARTED. Btsamer Jeffereon, Woodwrti, Brownsville. “ Luierno, Bennett, Brow iihtHl*. * • Col. Bayard, Peebles, fillxaboth. “ Eolian, Handerickson, Wewt Newton. “ Aquilla, Dickson. West Now ton. *• Michigan No. 2, Herat, VMlayiU*. “ Gan. Larimer, - "* ,| 10Pl * ir ' «• Forest City, Moore, Wheeling ». Clara Flaher, Gordon, Steuben till*. “ Orb, Moore, St. Louie, i. GazeL Shuoinn, 81. LouU. “ Fairy Qneen, Reno, Cincinnati. *• Chevolt, Mclntosh, Zanesville. *• BraxU, Groce, Cincinnati. - Lebanon, Williamson. Cincinnati Plttaburghf SUnbenrlUo and Whoaimg Packets. I JEffLA The DIURNAL, Captain J. A. Snorts, aud UsBSaMjLH,. FOBBST CITY, Captain 11. Wit, will run tie regular DAILY PAOKKT3, between Pitteburgh, Slenbonville and Wheeling, stopping at all Intermediate P °The DIURNAL will leave Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Krtvrning she will leave Whoeliig on Tuesdays,Thursdays and tfiuurdayp, * l POHEBTCITY will also leave Pittsburgh Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock. A. M.—/2rtw*»‘«o, aho will leave Wheeling on Mondays, Wednwdajs and tn duya, at TU o’clock, A. M. tor frel2.t or nov29 No. 165 Front street. Regular Tuesday Paolast for Wheeling, marietta and tlalllopolla. The now and splendid euramer CO.N'Ui, 1 Wou», Jr., Master, K. Dad&xoh, Clerk, leave for the above anJ intermedia*-** ports erery Tu«*dny, at 4 o clock, l*. M., positively. For freight, or p*ss*g«, apply on board to jy23 * GM. UAItTON, crr_C. BARNES, A/rot*. For Zanesville 7h* elearner fcilUA GRAHAM, Caj-ta, t _BS2LJhMo!iac<i Avia*, will '.cave for the above and n ports ou TUESDAY, October Mi For freight or passago ari ,l > f,u fcn<irJ ' pr to , . orl« 1 BARNES A CMLHSQW*>D- Air-nt*_ -iiuji- Tbe fine steamer IiKA'AIL. Cnp’a.n K. J- I -fIPC-Jbrtn..-* will leave tor the above au.l mterra ffiSgSffißdiMD port* THIS DAY, at 5 o'clock A. M . po*i tively. Shippers may rely upon the boat luring or p«»«. A,.,l For St. Lotil*. Th<* .loirnsr MANi-l'l EI.D. Capo I\ uttio. I TWfii ..)*>■ •• Clark, Uo«r«»* . will !<•»•« *' lh" ■kMBSK-... .... i-.it. ou MOSDAk.Oitobr tlb, »t 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board For Cincinnati. The steamer QUA PBS HOT, Captain A. , iv M iun»e--will \**rm tor jggggßjjjllth* above an 1 htterio«*di»t* ]..<rt* on rATUR- Da Y , the oth instant, all 1' M. For rrel«ht or t apply t-n U*rl. or to FLACK A UAHS F«i, Agei,’- j— The steamer OldKTtt.N. Oaf tain 0 'V » t_Ugg!LJh D x£T ; Clerk, ? l*spriet>; will leaT* f»*r tt.« and lnteru»c«iiute jvirts ou MON DA 1. October %ch, at lb A. M For freight or passage applr ptJ boari. nr to IMKNKS A FLACK. Agio's _ .. .. Louis- The «teain*>r TWIN CITY. f,pt n t \ i flgft ftltm, Clark. J. S»‘E*ctß. wit! ear.- f * j£Sgfflrc&ftlx>Te> and intermediate [•> tt- on IjA\, October Slh, at 10 cMocfc A. M Fur freight or passage apply on board. i ( t-' , c ,} JOHN KI.ACIt, Agent IKVE33 CLKIIK, Si. Uvia, Hu-, (*t W . S Nerrr, j office.) J K. DARIKiCtt haring iang er.perwt».-e •. Receiving and Db.-hargtug Preigh: for M***m*.*»>.t*. > tf-r superior indjccuienia to fttwmbcxt.o dectrlcg a IdSCHAL'* LMI CLERK. 1~- l ~- fDIL BROWN, N»- <1 Liamuud AC."*. 1*- ■ , rotes his entire attention L- an uts. * ; r* U r | Ills buMn«w U moFtly confined r» fcfo, Vrnrrtai DitmUi, and rach palutul affe fL*Z brought on by Imprudence, youthful Induigen.-e Mid n, *•— HvpbUls, Syphilitic Eruption*, Gonorrhea, G feel, S’ rv“. - f* ►ethral Discharge*, Impurity of the Wood. with >. !"'«■* s> iof .he Venereal Organ. Sktn W-" ' l'' Kr J; , u.->,»e. Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial ujinsi rt'eakDeea. l*llea, lUiCUJuatUi:i. lerna!- •••* nese, Monllily nl the Jr.lnti’. lUtula in Ann, Nersous ABsvll-.nA, Pains In th- Rarfe and U toe. Imtaiu-n Of th- madder end Kaiuejn, suc.-e..»fu:i> u-.:M Cure guaranteed. Twenty years’ pr»ctl*e (ten lo lub* ” lf Urwo b> offer aasttrances ol a iperdy c«f a:. *’ ui**r come under hb< care „ . . (.Ulce and Private Consultation lUk ids, U D ur,i ::J ‘ "'i Chare-* moderate. n * Tf * ,u * 1 ’ iIHBCMATIsM AND ,N KUKA L‘* i A I’* I'll l *W .S 1\ hereby Informs ihe affi.clrd that his ron»-Uy l;-r the above meullotwd dlevase* l« ooe that vrlh .‘urT- il* l w;li warrant a cure tu any case of this kind. 1 hie reinedr a m Devor known to fall when prt»j«srlj *t;h Mauj suffer th« tortur* of IhUeompUint for montlH *n years, "hen a tew m'.cthj a-uid pr-tur- « .-.itain, ..»!• and speedy remedy. v .. . X ,.» V 7* Office and I’Tlvate CVt.«uHu»g lUxuan, .V- *1 I>iAV • 1 kli-y. I VU.VHOWN continue* l«‘ U consulted «« r ‘•h- oreot I / afiOttßT DIHEASEh Hb su.vees in long etandmg Cftaa. is utmiaallvai. Tfo. affikte.l ar* invited t«» rail with OQi delay. Person* ufflfoled with \so-real Rheumatism, Hlea, or S«mlual lability, should not delay in get hb advfoa. Letters cooUlnuig a fo« Immediate.y IMvaU Room.*, No <1 Diamond alley, Pitts burgh r ~ MOURNING si HOUSEKEEPING UUVOikiUS. u hooks a- council WOULD respectfully Inform the public that they have taken the Store Room, NO. 7 5 MARKET tTIIKKT, and have now open a moat complete antortmetit of the »1«’» • good*. By giving our whole attention to ih**e branebe* < : the boldness, U> the exclusion of goods, we think »* can offer advantage*, both In assortment,'inallty and pn.-«, uot to be found lo storw keeping the usual variety The HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT embraces all sta Ola article* In Dry Goods used In furnishing and r senSSo:u..m house. LAKKLV A lUOIiBY otT.r for sal alrable Real Estate, via Ad Iron Furnace, situate lu Armstrong county, nc-CT-i -ble to lb. city daily by canal, with IW seres ofUud . thr~ strata of Iron ons aud two of coal, with engines, machl nsrr. Ac . capable of making TO tons of meiftl weekly. »‘n the (and there are dwelling bonws, store bou>i*», A< Als<>—Two Lots Id Allegheny City, on Falrmoum street, Tl 6 by UO feet. n . , Two Lotis *0 by HO fwt, corner of Uenry and DethnJgv streets, in iteis A Berger’s plan of lots, East Pittsburgh. Twelve Lota in Temporancevllle, fronting on Worden st aB4 Acres of Land in Versailles Township, near Mr Keesport. _ 1600 Acres of Land in Benton and Clinton Counties, lowa. 500 Acres of lAod In Muscatine County, lowa. Apply at the corner of Seventh and Smilhfiald streets, Pittsburgh. ... "'r'^.w Mkcaaaujs’ Base *>r riTvamjimu. i August 31, 1x66. J THE STOCKHOLDERS of Ibe Mechanics' lunk oi IMri burgb are hereby notified that the third m«ta. o! 112,60 per share will bedueon the 10th of t>-tt'b«r pronuK\ and the tonrth and last Instalment of $12,50 per share on the 20th November following, peyabfe at th« liiinaiug House, on Fourth street, as per rw-olutlou oi the U »rd ot Directors. l«*pl| GEO. D. McGKKW, t.»».-M*r. " ■' Latiw rpilK hlgbeat market price paid *r4o f BO aud 1«0 I acre Land Warrant*, of Ululate i«*ue. Albo, for 80 and 100 acru Warrant*, tunned under the law of 1W»0- Apply to wp2l:JiiW H AVE wwours'riusMiuM katharmn ■ L/Tot, try it, and you «»' uvYer be ,lltal u ““‘"’ffwaHra premium katuarion, Or von may get ® worthless artlc.e. .... iAor a*Y. by all Druggist. :* «n£ par bottl*. wholesale Western Depot, Dr. Rhi SKll, R. K. .HELLERS A 00., and JOHNJIAFt- .... . ViTiiTriHra PREMIUM KATUARION «U>|« the U*'r W ZZm falling ont, and prodneee a lujuriant groaih ”” Wltiaure PRKMIU M lIATUAIUON __ „ii Hundruff and disease by R. E. SEI.LKRB A CO. laugK, n«&jly F 10R menl lMotform LffitrK'lSSrl-tll b. -Old very Urn, M LA.:™** IkXtow, NoJOKfthrtr.fi: Win. H. Talcott -0., Mivn»AOTUKBRSofuII kind* of LOOKING A £™tralT and PlOniUK PKAMES Also, «l)d -,P'?RT£. lm™rtedand Domralle PANOV UOOIiS. Bale dealers In , a fj n asaorUnent of all article, in We base jost ren , u „ n Uou of ilaalers tn our sit ok - wVg»’n“dant%s«nofl.rtl>«n inducement, bolb a. m price* and quality ST., corner of Fourth. »«;it24:d‘2* - “ ’ A CARD. HitnMrt TAKEN THE STAND lately occupied by my AVINQ TA * street,) for tbe porpotm ol con- MI TAILORING Win™, 1 would tinutDg th« ODOT friendfl uod cuetomern of tbe old lD*rm &q #ntlM nf>w slock cl SwThI'caIsIMKMS, VESTINGS, etc, etc., which will be offered »l attended to, and ert ,f ° r S““d most fashionable rtjle. cu tml in Uie beat BnQ m JAMES DIGBY. „ep2(fcU2s(?yi r<\Q MBTAL-200 tons OoaL P ftD d for sale by_ J»ttJ-j --- — 7i kNTLBMAN, residing in the country, wishes to a Girl of from ten to tw«lY« years of m». For -nnlv to 8. CUTHBBUT A SON, particular* apply to w Market street-^ W ABH—A new and excellent fof deandng the teeth andnurifying the braalh. O article for cieaaeiujs JOSEPH PLUMING, A large supply o n»er Market and Diamond. eepl4 B 'WN A TKTLKY. A. FA.UNBBTOCK A CO. • ... . .... *.. •• •» •. . - ' ' **• K \* » *- + r ■'■ u ‘ . * p fc ' v - ,x • K* 4 STEAMBOATS, For Si. Loot*. J. K.. Uurlroar, Private Ulioio NEW STOKE. ilo the tK* BLAKELY * IUCIIKY. corner of goTpnth and fcmUhflpld pit*. last Obarcoal in y& J. W. BUTLKR <t CO. > s t> J}' ' . ■' •>* ii £ » fc.” Jfc, « f ?•**• "• -^vSC* AMUSEMENTS. rpIIBJATH.K—J C. FOSTER, sole L*-f«*« and Mana- I etr: Wm. 11. Rieo, Btage Manager: Oharlb* FoMTta, Acting Manager Treasurer, J. V. Borettj:. pricei or amtibsion: Boie? and Parquett*.. „60c j Private Bolus, large -$3.00 Second Tier 25:. j Private Boxe*, small f 6 00 Boxes for coin n l p**r?on<» ‘<ls cents. securing seats, 12Gj cents extra. BsT* First appearance of the popular New York f&TOrite Mies ELOISFi BRIDGET MONDAY KVfCNING, Octobib 8, 1?55, Will ha acted, J£ VADS B—Evadne, Miss Klolse Bridge* ; Lodovieo, Mr. Mcßrido: Colcnna, Mr. Foster; Vinrentin, Mr. Dubois SINGING AND DANCING. To conclude with To Part* anti Back—guo7.7.le, Mr. A. W. Young; Miss Spriggins, Miss Lillie Canter. Donr# - pen at T ; performance to begin at 1%. i HAUSiVsn A COId. WOOD’S GRIAT NATIONAL BABY SHOW ! NEW CITY HAL L j mu yorß da vs oxly. Coafttencing on TUESDAY. OrtoWr 10th, continuing • 1 IT Lb, 18*.h uud ‘ 34 Premiums, amounting to 53,180 ! ! ! WUI bo award-d (<• lb» FINEST BABIES, TWINH, TRIP LETS, QUATKRNB AND X\iin(,*T >\l /piii/fif ,'n Onr lltauircd. Illgbeet Premium, SI,OOO ! I l rjMIOSK to compete for “ Prize*.” ebould apply for cerLiti'*Hl*!fl immediately, as thu applications in New York. Boston and el*ewh*re greatly exceeded tho number limited. OVER 250,000 PERSONS Vis led the Baby Shows hold In New York, Bouton and Albany, with the greatest delight. Mil. BARNUM will be present, an.l deliver Premlumß in person. The New York Prtxe Baby, Foveihl of the Bofiton Prize Bnbio*. and one Quatern 'or fjur at a birth) are enguged lo be present. Cortlflratos aud all iolurmiUion in reference to the Baev Show in Pittsburgh, can be had at 'W A- GILDENFKNNBY A CO.'H HOOKBTORK, Filth street, opposite the Theatre, t* «_ Aduib-sLui. 2;. cents; children under ten yearn, hwlf nrL. octfiull * * DAN’ It IcK ’ S (J li K A T JS COMING. DAN RICE renpectfnily announces to the citizens or thin vicinity, that his Ureal K<iae*trinn Kitabllihinont and Trained Animal* Combined, As organized for 1805, will have Ih* honor of appearing before them, at Pittsburgh, for TWO DAYS, Friday and SUfuniuy. October li»lb auJ 20th, in front of the AMERI CAN HOTEL, Penn street. 03r Admiasion. 25 cents. Performance commences at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M-, each day. The three gre«t fontures that distinzaish DAN RICE’S OIU’.AT SHOW from every other extiioitien in the country are as follows: 1 The Brilliant Array of Prof«shloDal Talent. 2. Tito Beaut.iu I Stud oi Horses, Ponies and Mn’es. 3 The most perfectly trained Wild Animals ever exhibited. Among the Equestrian Talent, the Mlowlog emlnm! Artists will appear : Mr;. Dan Rice. Mad Rosah n. Ma.i’.le Jonta, the Vocalist, Mad'He Georgians. F H. Ro«stnn, W. O. Dale, Young Jean Johnson, O. Rirhardenn, Cba.*!. Nnyif. I Bhowles, Wm. Walker. A. Lovell, Geo Miller. Mnster Chas. Reed, DAN RICE. And hn counterpart, Lilltt JfiA - '’ Lipman. In h»« 7/>ol/)GICAL COLLKCTION will b« fonnd the ittuj*«*oilous uml m>itfWGt Mephunt, Italia Rookh, who, linens other I>jiU i-nt pagocwu* tricks ba#> been ’.aught lt> WM K Tin: TIGHT livl'K IMN r.ICF. Will the pub!i-- thrre will b-M»oUilog don*? at hm KrhlMlion but whnt i« X'W/, Wc,r,il'rtu and .Vr'T'ili tj Instruct'.v+ Uun.'i* «a:.h exLiMllotu DAN RICK will introduce hb< thcn uv’h br.-n Escdilor, t»c-! tb«‘ famous pair (.f y.huiaUtl Mul.-S, Uusfct to perform point* of tbf tnoirt tau*!i*ol* hd.J ln-*r«3!Mr f*nl* of UbrMrh th***, wiii b- i*t hibiied th- uiOft jM-rlrr’.ly irhiurd AU*TKA LI AN UK A ll *-*»r c-wt-turfl A Lnl.iiu'. Han! witi b«-vl lh.» Clmod Proc«*poon. atl .| i.fu«- th- --riH-tR f.t ldo'rlork A. M. onOw-JRj-: tih.buw. C JJ. CABTLK, Aic«t»r. U‘-i_Thh Company wLI uibibit at J »UN'STi>\VN ..Monday, Octoter 15Ln. UtioNIKR Tu«*Uy. ** IJU»- UltEKNsatUt.i .. . \Vedn%R-lay, “ l'th KA ST LJKKKTY. Thursday. " ISLb- UI.TLEU Moudat, “ -Ai. JOILN W Still E*os?rr and BSistriAutor, ;V and LM-stnb'.i'inß o: a i- WiLi. »V* c 3 l'.-' V-.R <VNI*HIT». I.ECTL'KE?. EXnil’.ITMNf. * m. MGnnw —e.tw* i>y m «>. «••*>;• "i «•>«• '...1 I.' I ■ till, v! ir.- Mti.lL,- 1- «ll! Pr • I ' ' u ' •" I ' • 1 ‘ * *'' Co*SperUcl«i and Surgical Operation* I'acirtft Thr Blind May See. — It 1* rru'i I '* ut.'i'y . * IMA '-M-KM p\i: 1 r.-i t- nw R.-'.'M. t-.iv • f *.up«nv ! v 1- an rUht l«- i'- (T!;'o:ii 'Hi-. .Y u--i •!•!*:. U, J-.IU fl the li-Vt t. \ •i. V V:.l.f«h i A T ifcT sun; 1 <• 1- '* ■ •' » iiift '< 1 , ~ \r «... Pa. Auc«-t I.»M .-...1 , >| r * t, I « thfc K»- >1 »o>P“^‘ l|,. ol r jWt|U , U*!<, tOJ ll*»t Ih.‘ 1»»- >! ih«! Cuf*a, * 1 tint ... j.j.Ki-j oilhout difficulty ,i :;i >• i’n . rii., il l |Vi»o. Wim* rni. ’ h.- 'i • > 1,1- ( r hr’t l • (Ml 'Vi.’l- l. h-»r ~»kS»* r - - .L- t, » r«- i- I i :•* “ *•' 1 \ " , ' . .. w. n «r: ..i • huU t>r in. .4.U.. «• - -nm I*’ v »• urt-u-ii/-. 1 lo ,n» r. •• r,: « • l,„t 1 .-an T-..J I ' ,r J» T » uh ~ lr „ | r i|... i i:;y .i im'in< t. r iht* lm»t -M. I. >!■»' ! -■' r » !u ' , > • k ..,,,,.1,,, .-i,- t-u> o Ti»)ii:»i-i*- ivn.i ■•or--. 1 Mnv.iLX r *u '• thr«- • r *• h» firm ' •i - ' A l' nhi.fr' J-. 11 I li'r vll ht* •. ut. \rC. pai'i.« t IU t ull J 11j drrn. l'.i UK'.' H Krf'i-'K. Virgin a'l--* ■'* U * It r»i t Si- Curds* . iSALt-ltf IN Kf-.U. U-TAIK. .-T l ™, [) Tr-r,’,-, L.n I Mutl.! .uj »U U-rvurf.- „f UI . f.n lU.r s. Moo.. 10-.UO.O'J. U> U * njrai.[**:•', •.n.l L...J » .rrnr.H 1 A**” l " • Ih.. »,r ..I U. in lb. 'ST CL<ll U 05 nillm fn lu M. I l.«,l -I n..U»ln-n .U'i' Xbol-M*. »u:v«y <>f tht- crr*»l l‘u»' li-‘ KaUroiui rn •*«•!« the Ml.-fl.*- »t lin. |-'lil. mil 111" ninnwi.iM mlmnUn-n It t«- ... » I-1 1 b«KDn-*. «... mm." II -1 111' l*nt»‘ «'l Ut-n In lb- NfltL li*rUlt-V£V CxVi jvwrnor . M'riU'"< :n Uuu.Wm H U 11..ij. J U«ofc<*r lion. M. Ku-f. rMiK»t.- to C-n^n-fl* K,0., A H~Urr. Attcnry* *t Ut Uorup A Oak*. lUn Rft h Kct. T. M I'ullt'rU'U, > f C i* UnJ Otnrf KIKU’S TKASBI*OHTATIOM link. ANTIOiI’ATiNO tin* want of for transporting Frvighifc U uihl from the KaMi-ru Cities, via lVi:ti*}l Tania Canal and HAilroa-l-S h« T * in«wu»*l **ur sUvk of lion la. A'e . -n faint*, lo n IVjCHLh l»A11. A LINK, « liu h iHvt-a us a rapacity of over l&«w) Urn** per month rufb wh/ \Tr »«.•«!> our fri-uds, and I hoi— .Ji-pi-fM p.ACr**.tiir»« tluj tUate unprov-tufutf. tli-n- *i'l b* u- 'hln.; our part to r*ndrr cvnmi! s-itWar'.i. d in i.-i virJiui; r. „„.niiw„,',nr,..*i.u.ub tll^n j Canal Uafin 1 1 bt-.biir.h. l*a. _ A l'A 111). 1 HAVK ju«t v,-.l from til" Knftero Citloo, i ( f I I'ISI'V AND t-TAI’I.K UOOI'S. rrobmeing Uie matt L 4 Ie%.rMrCLOTHS, OASMMKRKS nod VKiT ivTm ih„t 1 h-t- erer lihherln dl.-rel lo the puldlo. Ur-e number o! It LACK Cl/ITUX. ol vrhir.h 1 here nd««y» kept » Rood neeortmenl,l here been «t .on jarw,; mk ud’lTl K MKKEh-'V hul INVISUiLB ORKI.Ntf, *hh wJ .Ud«‘of ltltOWN »n.l lltUB. ►•ANtA iAH»IMtIIW an urii'tv ‘>f lu*- highest ki** • SL'bxl*. PI.AIN DHAB end PUKILK „, rl , lU W ,H ns the Utrfl Figured style*. And ol *A--'VI!KK, VKIVFT end PLUSH VKSTIKdS sn on l„r„- tele IH - the letter embrneing "ererel deli cti'.- leiHerii, net rriidly oMhined. ninDWTOlt I Imvr procured thoHernei».nl Mr JNO. OARPINThH u< Foremen. temiller to the trnde in the Went M the m ,enter . t ■■ On pm rr's Itolo " luring nuide oil the Men ties ol rutting, the ehlol rttMe 'fhl- 111-. »n-l heme end, «ed »iit,» Urge fund .1 eiperim-e from .1 prnrt.ee of r-> - „ te-n ! jeers. there » little uht .! hn i.' l'ity tn | le»re e.l, <-hOHe e-u-iU-tu h«» tuny u'l'- 1 ' . , , Mr stork ol lli'VS' OLDTHINH i» nui-ti Ursor t.nin »l huv lorroer |s.|lod. i-xlnt-itiuit nil the r.rlely ol Mtjl.e. ■ om -1,0,, to the ..eiuon. end ~t jjy jJ''gfON EK. wpMsl.ulD. __ Nn 60 Wood Mrret. _ A HAKUAIN OFFERED. riMUI under,,*..-.I . ff-rs lor s.le MX LUT3.of ground 1 fronting ut-oti and adjoining Ui* U-pot <-’ f tb* ‘ iiu ' burgh and Cnnmdlsvill* Haihvad, in lb* m« and thriving borough of M'hEKSi'OKT. K-'Ur M ib« Lot* arc M 7 i, in width t.v übmu IJO iu depth, tK-utiog at on* vud on thr. IVp-i. and hi th* other on hiur.air tdrvet ; hi.*! two of them ir-mllng i«.t then wbolfl length on other strain Alko—TWO l.i'TH, 1 !*•**( in wi.ltli. fronting the other nld** of tin* . nn l in d.-fiih 1-1 -«.ne tl the Lot« bor it»• ring for it.** wtK'l- Ir-tigUi i-n Jen mm <Mrr**t. No tmtter pn'pHity i-.ip t*- f-und, nod it will b«« pohl low. part <>( tlii> i-HNUifnt takt-n in pt;~-k of the Oounellsvillo Railroad, if JrHir-d. tj Ku P. tIiLLMORf, ftflW of U.I- Mt riling Post, daw i! Aiiju-t ;:i, iv Harr's Ofllre HUTKLS, House keeper*. Mmiulh.m ur*-i«, Mcclinutv and Meoharles arc invited aud ■"'li*'il***i cull and obtain their Ilwlp ami their A ppiejitioeH AU<\ ihe working claflflcfi, lx.ih male iiU'l temnle. rhall 1-* attended to, and btmioesa fouuii for them on fit' rt tjoii>’•*,«l BAKU’S IN TELLIGENCE UFFIL’K. No, 4l't l,\'-er!y street. No answer returnpii !•• appiloaiiuiu- by mail, unler* »*'- companicd by a pwtui;* f-I *l inp. _ WSEn'A'NL) >ToKKri H>K UrNT-ai the tat* Oflicu, f)3 Mark*u street. „ . s**!'— TV WILLING HOUSK Tw I.KT— ii" two-story Dwelling 1 / Uousv, fUuaieil on Ue.llor.l *** MII.LKK A Rll-KKTSON, •-1 ana -I'Si Liberty »t. wpVn r J)KKSONP HA \ IMi KKAL K.-TATK Iti.lmi.h Man- P ufncturial Art,. V- t.. JOr""' , r Uooare, f>n»> or Sure K™m« to l.t, will tidJ !. Intlwlr lut-,oat u give u. a call We a’so attend t<> U e collection ot Rents, lnau ranee.’ Borrowing and Loaning Moneys Ac., Ac. Office, No. 1 rep*!! »• OUTUBJtRTjk SON. Air ARb'K TOOT 11 WASH AND TOOTfI POWDKK [or W tale at D». KKYBEICP, repT Coiner Wood atreet and Virgin alley. *#• A Pact worthy of R*«ord and Atten tion—WßlGQra TONIC MEXTTJRK, a guaranteed and certain cure far FEVER AND AGDB. This preparation for the treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradica tion of the cause, is one 0 f the most important Chemical Discoveries of the 19th century. Its neutralising effects on the poisonous gases are instantaneous, and acts like a charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular System, re storing the tone'of the Stomach, and invigorating the Con stitution. Unlike the general remedies resorted to for its treatment, such as Quinine, Arsenic, Ac., which leave the system worse ibow they fonnd It, It improves the general health, parities the blood, and stimulates the different organs to a regular and healthy action. Being prepared under the Immediate supervision of an eminent Chfmist, uniformity of strength may « *»?■ >*’ relied on. Its unprecedented demand, end the thousands of testimonials from eminent Physicians, and others who have been thoroughly curad, are a sufficient guarantee or i t? superiority over all other preparations. We can only add, in conclusion, if you aro suffering from Fever and Ague, try If and 6<.cured/ . PETER T. WRIGHT A 00., 241 Market st-, Philadelphia. And all respectable Druggists throughout the United titatea and Canadas. For sale by OEO. IL KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, and R. E. SELLERS, Pittsburgh. ap27uUwSm is 4®-Blet Headache andffeuralglaorSi3Bf Yiars Staadiko Cimn> bt OAKELY’S DKPURATIYE SYRUP —Mr. William Trifcibln, M’Kelvy’a Row, Bayards town, Fifth Ward, says he to cured of Sick Headache of ' eight years standing, by three bottle* of Oakeley’s Depart* tlve Syrup. He had tried various physicians without a cure. He Is now entirely welL Oakeley’a Depuratlvele for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tetter, and all eruptive diseases. For sale wholesale and retail, DR. KEYSER’B, No. 140 Wood street, Sign of the Golden Mortar. Price 76 cents per bottle. ap9 49>A Substitute for tlic Mew Liquor Low*—Dß. URBAN’S ANTI-BACO HAN ALLAN ELIXIR, a safe and sure remedy for the core of INTEMPERANCE. A concentrated vegetable, extract, and os a tonic is une qualled. For the following oomplaints It Is a most valuable medicine: .Pyspeprla, Liver Cbmplaint, FpUepsy, Neuralaia, l\ies, Feocri qfali kindt. Delirium Tremens* GeneralDeMily. This medicine is Intended to produce a change In the sys tem, and a distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several instances where we have sold it, we have had the most gratifying results; so, to persons who are really desirous of breaking off the indulgence In intoxicating beverages, this elixir will be a great help. Bold at per bottla at the Drag Store of DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, sign of the Golden Mortar. apS&dav SHOW For Rheumatism, Bruitts, Jbint in the Back, Sidcr-Sorts of dll kinds . [A certificate from, Comber land, Maryland-] Pmnumiiß, March 19,1866. Mb. H.Q.O.Oa&zy, Zanesville— Dear Sir: May we ask the favor of you to Bend os twenty-four dozen BARRHLI/8 INDIAN 11N1MBNT? please send it without delay, as wehavo not half a dosen bottles on hand, and it cannot be substituted in this country 5 therefore, do not disappoint us. a lit; *r# • • . i Ewpectfoßy, yours, Ao. BiaiiAWara. For sale wholesale and retail at DR. GEO. H- KEYSKR’B Drug Storej- N 0.140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; also cy JOEL MOHLEB, liberty street. Etmedlei. Dr. Keysar’s Pectoral Syrup wfll care yon. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrap will cum Bronchitis. Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup will cure UryngitU. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Byrup will cure Inflaenx*. Dr. Keyßer*B Pectoral Byrup will cure a cold in the head. Dr. Ksyßer’B Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Cod* lomptioa. A recent letter from Mri J. W. Yeotch, of Rokeby, Ohio, says: _ “ I want you to send me two bottles of yonr Pectoral Syrup by mail. There Is a lady hare who has a oough and ihe doctors can’t cure her. I was in the same way, and tried everything without benefit, until I got a bottle of yoar Pectoral Syrup ; I took It but twice, and It cured me sound and well. Ask for Dr. KxTsa&’s Pactosuu. Stbup and take no other. Pries, 60 cents. Sold at DR. KEYSKR’B, No. 140 Wood btrwet, and at J. P. FLEMING’B, Allegheny. ap2fcdaw Sj* narsh’s Rtdloal Cure Truss will cure nearly every ea*e of rednceable Hernia. Trusief at prices always on hand. Children's Trusses of different forms and strength for sale. Elastic Stockings for varicose or enlarged reins. Abdomnlal SuppOrtsrs-A dozen different kinds. Pile Props for the support and cure of Piles. Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Chest, and many diseases of the Chest. Suspension Bandages. All these articles may b« had err applied at DR. KEY* gRR-8 Wholesale and Retail TEUBB DEPOT, 140 Wood street, nlgn of the Golden Mortar; or will bo sent to any pa; 1 , of the country by sending the money and measure. aptibaiaw ; M’CARTiIY, c“tni”£ d&ii' 1 ■sni;*’ i: mar M-*m ,c t • T'.tiv-»tiw M a \-w’- : uiii'-aL has 6:*ro ~ vUt u.»- Apulioation r t ;vJ .i -i '!*'! to Oriel lu- t)- m r»*f pr.<w - . »rt> . 1/aI.U’J I* unSry Ad- rar: il \> -d mCj r*»-L -»cd <Uw Barrell’* Indian Liniment, DR. HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERM AH BIT TEES PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa*, wiu irrscTUiU-T ecus \i\Zl\ COMPLAINT; DYBPKPBIA. JAUNDICE, xrr Xrrwti a Dthi&y, IhxraxfJ e/the Kidneys, and a.’.' in* iteJ ‘i nsin-y /nw»,a disordered lover or Stomach. Such as Consti po tion, Inward Piles, PulneferOr Blood to the Head, Aridity of tiießtcmach, Nsasrailleartbum, Disgust for rainefls or weight lu the Stomach, Soar Eructations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit cf the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Horned •Dd Difficult Breathing, Fluttering atthe Heart,Cboak- Iru • t Suffocating Sensation when in lying Posture, Dlmnes a of vision, Dots of Webs before the Bight, Fever and Dali Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration Yellowness of the Bkin and Byes, Pain In the £U«, Back, Chest, Limbs, Sudden flushes of Heat Burning in the FlMb, Constant Imagin ings of Evil. and great Depression of i Spirits. • The proprietor, In calling the attention of the publle te ' th» preparation, do«a no wit a feeling of the almost confl ! Jeoce in its virtues and ada; ation to the diseases for which It Ir recommended. t .. . . It is uo uew and untried article, but one that has stood ‘ ti,, lr *t of o ten years’ trial before the American people, u« reputation and sale la unrivalled by any similar pu • naraiKiue nUDt The testimony In Its favor id<‘B. prominent and well known Physicians and Individn .inrftii oaru 0 f the country Is Immense. Referring any 1 *ho may doubt, U> my ~ Memorabilia," or Practical Receipt . Rook, for Farmers and Families, tb be had gratis, of all tb : Agents for the German liittera. ! Principal Office and Manufertory, 120 Arch street, Phlla by Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, 140 Wood street; B. A rabnestock A 00., No. 6 Wood street; Fleming Brothers tiO Wood street; 11. P. SwartiondJ. P. Fleming, Allegheny decl&-.d*wlv to IH.UH CITY COatMBBCIAI. COIsIrKGK i OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, AN Institution to educate the BUSINESS MAN. Col -I,open I>*v and Breuine, from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. I * v • «300 1 Students and upwards have matriculated at this School of j practu-aJ Arts, taught in « practical manner by instructors | of practical experience In the business with which their . *rld are connected. teami or Tcmoit: 1 Book-keeping—fall mercantile course, time unlim ited, Including eommerciil calculations, all lee- 1 lure<», and Practical Penmanship, - * $35,00 Pam« course for Ladies, (apartment separate,) • 20,00 Penmanship—practical—time unlimited, - • 10,00 Same course for Ladies, (apartment separate,) 5 00 Penmanship, per month, }-jJ® Arithmetic, * * * penman»hip and arithmetic, per month, • • 0,00 Higher mathematics, languages, surveying, engineering, drafting, mechanical, architectural and Oiuamental draw ing and construction —as per agreement. I Those that can attend only In the evening, have all j Lhe advantages of the day student In lectures and Instruc- I h®- College (now) comer of Wood and Fourth—soon In “ College eppsrito the Poet Office. I F. W. JENKINS. Principal. PIANOS! PIANOS! M.4NUFAOTOBED BY NUNNS &. CLARK, tuw roas, axo roa sali bt H. KLEBER & BRG, k 0 53 Fifth stmt, a few doors from, the Post Office. ■OB- J pst arcuvsn, the flret few of a large invoice of Nunns a Clark’s unrivalled Pianos. Thiß choice lot will comprise— -6 Octave Bquare corners, rosewood, over-re H B n n strings, Ac. . U * U * 6U Octave, do do do Octave, round corners, rosewood, carved, musnu ract 0- •'octavef double round comers, finished all around. 6 7 !} jo do carved legs, Kllrabethlan riylc. rt'a do goml-serpentlne, very elegant. ■; do do do A?: jo Full Serpentine, splendid pattern. 7 do do do Tha »fcov« will pcßirely be .old at Now York Factory P r,c.,, unttoul additwn for BBOi 8010 Ageots for Nunne A Clark, for Pitteborgb * and Western Pennsylvania, u 63 Fifth street, near the Poet Office. irrineTOreat Work. TIIK LIFE OF OEOBQE WASHINGTON.—Th« first vot i "m. of the above wort is now ready for deUrerj-tho Mcood volume will be ready shortly. It la ne-Uy gotten up-printed on Sn« paper, with three or more portralte and nUns Price $2,00 per volume. _ P Thi«< edition is published exclusively by subscription, and DRvable on the delivery of eaoh volume •j j S.XSNKR. A CO..ere sole Agents for the above wore. Odk-s No 30 Fifth street, in Lauffer’a Bookstore, where the books will be open for subscriber’s names. &jr All orders addressed to T. J. R. A 00. will be slrfbtly attended to. Canvassers wanted. aug2M*wBm Real Estate Offloe, Com* of Seventh and SmiUifield strtels, Pittsburgh. BLAKEL* A IUCHBY offer for sale a valuable Farm in Adams Township, Butler Oounty-141 acres, A Coal I’roporty of 400 acres. The undivided, half will he sold, with 161 ncrea of improved land; on which, among other buildings, l« an excellent Saw Mill. . . , Forty-eight Bnilding Lots in the Borough of Manchester. Thirty Building Lots near tho northern end of tne " h A’ James B. Irwin’s plan, in PUt Town ship, (a Joining Sixth WaidJ will be sold very low for r t;.Sdir' c " r “ e ° lnBl ° ujxnfiwan. S otioe* mllK partnership heretofore existing between the sub- I scribers, under tb« firm of MURPHY, TIERNAN 4 CO was DISSOLVED, b-r mutual consent, on the Ist inrt. Thn hueiness will be fettled by either of the partners, at tho old Stand, No. 48 Wood stroet, Pittsburgh FRANCIS TIERNAN, MORIUo JONES, Pittsburgh, Sept. 3d, 1866. N. GRATTAN MURPHY. 49- The undersigned will continue the Wholesale Dry Oooas under the firm of JONES 4 TIERNAN. in the house No. 48 WOOL street, lately occupied by Murphy, Tieruftn 4 O. MORRIS JONES, «p4:dlm*Uw FRANCIS TIERNAN. 4®“ JON 4 TIERNAN have associated with tbem, in the WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSINESS, JAMES Mo LAIN, to take effect from the Ist Inst. The style of the firm to be JONES, TEKRN AN 4 CO, Pittsburgh, September 6th. 1866—(wep&dlmawlt) _ Watehsi and Wateli Repairing. Wot WILSON, Market street, corner of Fourth. Gold and Silver Watches from $lO to 4300. Sole aaenev for sale of Charles Frodaham’s unrivalled Timte Watch Repairing attended to promptly, and done i Jewelry! Silver Ware and Military Goods at Eastern !,,££•« sspia k '.* ’ i< K \ r V\. V- ,• BOERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS KLEOTRO-OIIEMISOHK AROMA Edit Holla n<hch Kndden Bitters, TWO YEARS have elapsed since tho Introduction of this valuable medicine into the United Stat:s. Boring this time it has gained a universal popularity an a remedy for * Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Loss of Appetite Debility, Oostivaisss, Blind and Bleeding Piles, &Uny of oar most worthy citizens testily to its wonderful efiioacy in all affections of the stomach and lire?. As a tonic, it never has been equalled, for the relief it afford# In oil cases of debility or weakness of any kind is almost In stantaneous. In nervous, rheumatic and neuxalglo affec tionf.it basin numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected o decided cure. When eminent phypidena prescribe, and their patients bo unhesitatingly recommend, surely we may cease to doubt, and eagerly t*st its virtues for ourselves. > FEVER AND AGUE. A Oste. of Eight Month* Standing - Cured by BocrJutvt* Holland Rittm.—Michael Kelly, No. 117 Grant,near Smith field street, say a: “ Last July, while running on the river, on a cotton boat plying between Natchez and New Orleans, I was taken with fever and ague. For eight long .months I suffered with this dreadful disease. The greater part of this time I was unable to work, and »poat at least fifty dol lars for different medicines, bat found no permanent relief. Three weeks ago,one of my friends Insisted upon my toy log Roerhave’s Holland Bitten, saying -that a curt was guaran teed. After taking it for one week, I must stats I was a sound man. I have been at work now far two weeks, and have had'no return of tne chill# and fover whatever.” I certify the above statement Is true. Taos. Adams, Diamond House, Or at R. Chester's, Gothic Hall. HEADACHE AND DEBILITY. Mr. Silas Liscomb, of Birmingham, says: “Ihavefound inßoerhave’s Bitters a remedy for headacbo and debility. My wife baa also used it with the greatest benefit." Mr. A. S. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, also remarks that he has experienced much relief from its use for headache. BEAD THIS! A Hollander** Testimony.—Jacob Rinsfees, livingin the Holland settlement of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Bays: “After Battering for eome time the misery attending an utter pros tration of mind and body, I bare been restored, by; using Boerhave’s Holland Bitters, to petfeet health.” The fact of this remedy being in such high repute among the Hollanders in Wisconsin, Michigan, New York—ln fact, In every Holland settlement In the United S.ates—argues much in its favor. STRENGTH AND HEALTH RESTORED. Mr. John Davidson, living ten miles above Pittsburgh, on the PennsylvaniaCaoal, sayo: “ When Icommenced taking Boerhave’B Holland Bitters, I could hardly walk—now, t enjoy excellent health ” WEAKNESS OF THE STOMACH AND INDIGESTION. Another Great Cure WjfecUd by Boerhazc's Holland Bitters. —The wife of Peter L'o Witte, living In Holland Town, She boygan county, Wisconsin, suffered much from weakness of the ttomach and indigestion. She had been under a phy sician's care for come time, but the disease seemed to baffle eveUrhis skilL She purchased some Holland Bitters at our office, which has given tone to her stomach, her appetite arid strength are returning, and we firmly believe that this is another great cure effected by your medicine. We have still to record many 'wonderful cures effected by thin remedy, but nrust wait another opportunity. One thtng you <**o rely upon, whet we havepubllshed are Item persons much respected in our community, and are literal ly true. • J- Qunrrcß, Editor Sheboygan Nleuwbode, Sheboygan, M is. A Case of Two Months? Standing Gxtrtd by Boerhaw's Holland Bitters —George Henderson, of Pittsburgh, Rajs: “After suffering tor threemonthswith rheumatism —a part of the bo severely as to confine me to my bed—l bar e been entirely cured by using Boorbave’s Holland Bitters. I have had oneatlaek since, but found almost instantaneous relief in the same medicine. It Ib, in my opinion, a suro remedy tor rheumatism.” NERVOUS AND RHEUMATIC) AFFECTIONS. This changeable weather is likely to produce a great deal of sickness. To persona troubled with nervous ot rheuma tic affections, we would recommend Boerhave’s Holland Bitters. On referring to our columns, you will find certifi cates from some of our first German and English cUiretu.— Pennsylvania Stoats Zeitung. THB WORST FORM OF PILES CAN BR CURED. We are at liberty to refer to several well known gentle men, who have used, thoroughly tested, and now recom* trend Boerharo'a Holland Bittern as r. remedy for pil-'a. We are not at liberty to publish their names, but will taka pleasure In referring any person to them who denies this statement. t , , , ~ For this affection, one-half of the prescribed dos# sbouta be taken—say half teuspoonful, morning, noon and night, one hour before meals. The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has in duced many imitations, which thu public should guard against purchasing. Bd not persuaded : o buy anything else until you bavo given Boernave’n Holland Bitteia a fnir triaL One bottle will convince you he w infioitely superior It is to all these imitations. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the sole Proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Jr., & CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, corner Smithfleld end Tblrd sts., Pittsburgh. And all Druggists in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Birmingham, Manchester and Tempcrancevillw. sop2&tdawly OH- WORSE’S 11 \ iOOBATING COBDIAL, UeaJtl Restored and Liff< , Lengthened MOBSB’B INVIGORATING ELIXIR. XT will replace weakness with Jstreogih, incapacity wit offldency, irregularity with uniform and natural rc' tlvtty, and this not only without hatard of reaction, but with a happy effect on the general organization. Air Bear In mJnd that all maladies, wherever they begin, finish with the nervous system, and that the paraliiation of the nerve of motion and sensation la physical death. Bear In min li al9o, that for every kind of nerroua disease, the Bllx ir Cor • rttat the only reliable preparative known. CUBE OP NKRYOC3 DISEASES. No language can convey an adequate idea of the Imme. diate and slmoat miraculous change which it occasions in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impair ed by sickness—the unstrung and relaxed organisation la at once braced, revivified and built up. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish together un- dar Its Inflame*. Nor Is the affect temporary ; tor ttx* Cor dial properties of the medicine reach tho constitution itself, and restore It to its normal condition. LOBS OP MEMORY, Oonfarion, giddiness, rush of blood to the head, melnn cfcoly, debility; hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of *lf destruction—fear of Insanity, dyspepsia, general prostra tion, Irritability, nervousness, Inability to Bleep, diseases incident to nudes, decay of the propagating functions, hys teria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of the hear i, mpotency, constipation,etc-, from whatever causes ariping. It la, if _ther» be any reliance to be placed on human twti mony, absolutely infallible. A GREAT MEDICINE POR FKMALEB - unparalleled effects of this great restorative in all complaints incident to females, mark a new era In the annals ofmedidne, Diousandsof stimulants have been Invented— thousands of Inrigorants concocted —oil purporting to be specified in the various diseases and derangements to which tnadeiie&te formation oMroman renderherJ table. Who goffers from weakness, derangement, nerroumeiw, tremora, pains in the hack, or any other disorder, whether Mcnllfir to her sax, or common to both grre the Mrrlconting Cordial e trial. * MARRIED PERSONS, Or others, will find this Cordial after they hate us<d o hot • tie or two, a thorough regenerator of the eyßtem. In all directions are to be found the happy parents of healthy en suring, who would not have been so but for this eitraor-l:- nary preparation. Ami it is equally potent for the mauy die a«Mfbr which it la recommended. Thousands of young men hare been restored by uslngit, anJ not In a alpgle In stance has it failed tc benefit them. PBR3ONB OP PALIS COMPLEXION, or consumptive habits, are restored by the use of a bottl* or two to bloom oed Tiger, changing the skin from a pale, yel low. sickly color, to a bwuxtifulflorid complexion. TO THE MISGUIDED. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produ ced by early habita of youth, via: weakness of the back »nd limbs, pains In the b«ad, dimness of sights toss of iuub* enlar power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous Irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility, symptoms of consumptions, etc. Mentally, toe fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of Idess, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self-distrust, love of solitude, timidity, etc., aresomeot the evils produ ced. All thus afflicted BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are tbe most ne cessary requisites tt promote connubial bappincFß; Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage—the prospect hourly darkens the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, und filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with your own. CAUTION. Dr. Mowa’fl Invigorating Cordial has been tounUrfilted bv some unprincipled parsons. In future, all the genuine Cordial will have the propria* tor*D fan-simile pasted over the cork of each bottle, and the fallowing words blown in the glass: Dr. Bor»«’a Invlgoratlßg Cordial, 0. H. RING, Proprietor, N. Y| The Cordial in pat op, highly concentrated, in pint tie*—orice three dollars per bottle, two for fire dollars, tor twelve dollars. 0. H. UING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. V. goldbyPrnoglatathroughout tbe.Unlted Btnv*s, Oaned and the West Indies. ,1M AGENTS* Pittsburgh Pa. GEO. H. KKYBKR, No. 140 W&t m I Do. FLEMING, BROS., No. CO Wood fit Do. - R. B- SELLERS, Wood street. Alleghany (Sty ..BECKHAM A M'KENNAN; DO. •• JAMES T. SAMPLE A CO.; Do. J. P. FLEMING. Agent or D. PARK, Cincinnati. [apllrdawiy ■ VHUB&IATIfIM.—Dr Browo*B iitwly r»n»««ty Hi ftr Rheumatism Is a speedy and certain remedy for that oalntul trouble. It Barer tail., , and Prirata Consultation Rooms, Ko. 41 Diamond ABcJ, Pittsburgh, Pa. The I>dc-,or la nlwuje at home. novEldauly “ipTirown’BjßMence ol Jiimiilcii •Ginger, riims liaaiffl ft a preparation of unusual excellence. T Irfoldinßrj diarrhoea, incipient cholera, in ehort, in ail Ae, St prostration of the digestive function* it Is of lues- Sblo rSnn D“ rt »!S th " of qpUemin nhol.rs and summer complaints. It is pecnllarly.efflcK.lOus; no f&ml v Individual or traveler should be without It. JcLtmox—Be sure to get the genuine Essence, which is prSpSed only by F. BROWN, at hie Drug and Chem U-a) Store, N. R. corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Phil*' el phi* and for sale by all lh* respectable Apothecaries io tbe Snlted States, and in ViII.NHSTCCK a c.u, s«p«:6md4W Ftlmer’a Calabratatl Epicurean Sauce, STANDS PRKKMINKNT for flavoring Soups, Gravies, Fish. Meat. flame, Ac. We advice all good Ileus-* ives 10 try' it; Price 25 oents per bottle,at allflrocorjaud Fruit Stores In the United States and Canadas For sale by M’OLUHQ and Q. 11. KEYBFIR, FUteburgb. P. T WHJQUT A CO., JanlSjlawlj U 241 Market stiwt, Philadelphia. *■ * “■> * £ -V . ' , % * ’ _r„J ? ~ ' .'V j ; RHEUMATISM. CAUTION I A pEENOMENON IN MEDICINE. BVEBY WOMAN OF SENSE, SCULLY A CO. AuJ In Allegheny by p scnwABTZ , LEE A. BECKUAM V. ■:„>% .it . - - v .••• i . *T. i 'i-'. C -=> „ - 1'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers