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(ft. *1 ; ' „ -1 « * (. i * <* f i*. *•»/ u _. \ :es>.t '♦m. ■" '■ • ’ V r > :.i - rll -1 tenia < J z'&jj i-Y' 1 '! liAia^pg'SSMiPipd , .. .. • - i tP j ti C-'V' , «iis* ,4 ! r • i 'V*- I V;, /j 4 si-V'li* 4 ' 5?- **s.'tivlfp >P? ej *" '.w^-.V.'.^-Cj' l * +i‘* '- A ■* '• /i'l V f ■ 4-S. /J "1 smssmss^m^ r^Y'.'S a^^»!#«fli.'4iaW^.S£,>sV“-f. s*£r ?.* «i>-4 £? ;}.,s*4S Hy?>•§■-<£.>.•/? ffliiii Tll ''n:iir j frjrrr .I V-WpJYflj I’t’’ P %swrtT4 -:■ i y* 'iv-‘ \;. >:■ .v'N* G*/\U V 4l> €.-• ~.. f, » i‘- »»« BD(SSgSO!ia TOE.»?. BIQELOW.No. <0 lii*'!* V^ 1A ;H S r£f.r,' giea, Mid everrdwcriptlon of fancy vcbiclcfl ’•■*■ T /* of design, eleganoe of finish, shill of workmanship, ♦ ?'.-It S'"* A*> 2 *- •. V.>v \ J p •> r -had durability of materials. -.' -: ••>.*'.* s‘- ; v'-' I ’'.''!^?-.''’'*' ' ’ r! ' '•'~S'-. r "., '‘ • ".-lii f .T^DScrgMoTsYtiop ; .’.r-7> 1 - .V. • •. r,.’-': >-'». - - « .‘UIU M “ iMßortea do In sujm »nd for r 0« b, -J: •»■- •.. V•" •’- - • » -■* ••►• •-A..‘»n 'i- Ml 83 Wood «., opposite th« Bt. ObutM Hot.:. 4r, r ■.•.'• I*, p* > ,'o -0- ..• , n -k. ■ , O-,i. y. />:, - ..u, , T 'i. f. *“..,. I ' y • •'->*;■ Y l , tr ;, X ~, ~ -> t _: ;j„,, V. fP I, F.e C i •••.'-.- »i’Y f- Tp.'- •’V o-V I>. "V r .' r o '■ |!I fV. ;l r f • ’■' 1 £i£3r,:v ’rf•. '• f^Pv: ';- ’C; .’p''.:"> ;< • ■’* ’•■ _?r' ,-r-t- •■-»~ ..: . **,-»«■' ,'• =;., •■;; . ~■ Wm V^S^-^^-^VrVe 4 .' ’' ‘ ! V- - ■■ ' '"•'*' ;-> „ -. V<v ;j . ..'.,.ei t,' r..- .*"..'• ' ■ V-'P' ‘ -*• o. . . ~ / K -*\ - ' * _ 1 ?■ -'.*J r * **■ ;! vjtrr t ; P •*» 1 ' S - „ • • .' ‘ .'• .-, "• \ X _i> 1•■ tiS •» - t .•.'•Hf - ■ • ' . ■ ... r• ' > tv VM* Sifi.,* - *■: . - <*/. I• ■ ■- v » . : • . 1 * t ' • ■ rft fc&u-jC -g t-J')''\. »U ,(* -L - • DAILY MORNING post Printed and puhUehed taery nand nf (Sunday) cnxptedj BY QILbHOaB Ik MOSTGOMKRV| OH THI HOHFH-WIST OOKHkB OF WO<B> AHD FIFTH BTSIFTS mr ixsMS.—rn doium * y«»F, (ITHHCO. Bii DolUra will lnr»ri»bly b« rejoin*! If P*“ WI «T TWOOCIM—tor oil kith*oooottr loth« OScf, oo«l by tbs yswe Boys, TTTg battoday horning pobt Poblkbtd from th. imms offlos, “ * iS®* sb st, »t TWO DOLLiBS • ys»r, In sdranos. Blngls replss bs AltoonUnnsd onlsu st tbs 41«ors t~i ha, ihn m/inrt or satisfactory reference In this dtr. Jih the Pjicbluhment of Ou Marmnp Pad u SjTof W< laryat Job Printing Office) in the city, inhere aU kS 0/ rearkii done on the thortal notice, and not muon a bit terms. • ,j' > ; PROFESSIONAL CARDS- Robt. C. O. 8 pro nit TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, No. , Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Pa. declltly James A* Lowrlet ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pjttobptgh, betweenßmithfield street and Cherry alley. (decllGy ~ /.*! I »>**’ t « JOn» BARTON, „ T4W ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ufflei, eorncr Klftb nnd Orsnl its., Jn3.ly3| pirrsotrsoE, pa. ThomAi Dleint, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND 80IA0IT0R IN OH ANOlffiY. ORLce, next door to the Poet Office, Bteabenrille, Ohio. my+ 8. P. Koiii ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Plttebnrgn, Pa, fourth door bslow Ml- Body Pattsmon » lirsry KtAbl-. J< C. Orlando Loomli, ATTORNEY AT LAW—office, Fourth street, shore Wood- Jy*:y R, B. Ciru&h&n, TTORNEY AT LAW —Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Gjant street. _^' y _ J. H. ML’Ulowry, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office in Bakewell’s Buildings QP Grant street, J e2 i>. H. Helen, TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth etreet, above and near Smithfield. mar27-y Patrick MoKenna, ALDERMAN OF THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all busioeai pertain iuji to the office of Alderman and Justice of the be y Titmptly attended to. fehl.am _ N. Buekmuter, Aldsrmnn. OFPICE, Grant street, between Fourth at. an l Diamond alley. Con»evaQcing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal a'ccuracy. Titles lo Heal BaUle examin ed. Ac. WUliam Wilson, Alderman. OFFICE No. -147 PENN street, between the canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. All burinew appertaining to the office of an Alderman or J ustloe of the Peace, wui l*e prociotly attended to. ... Bondft, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn wun neatmeu and dr-NDatch. _ . _ ~l ai . a hi.- M.'RUWN DENTIST. t*uo bourr. mBto 1 oVlock. and rom 2 to 6 o’clock. jgj.* "j SOOTT, ÜBNTLa., A§=lg«-jjq» of Market. tc/2n*W? Office Ucuuj From nine A. U. lo ° TI r M tec-a>:j ..MnBGAX ttOBLBTSOS Axyn*!) B tOBUBO L BiBG'ViLT. KPWiBD OITURUHU Curling, Kob«rtioi6 « Co., ANOPACrUHEM OP OUT PKKSSF.P AND PLAIN JVX FLINT GLASSWARE, warrhoare No. 14 Wool bireel, Corner t*f Front street, i’UUbarßb. All oth-r Hindi of Utaisware and inJt * \'^\ v low market prices * "Jacob M’CoilUt«r, , -\TT HOLES ALE and r*U:l Cbrar inanufwtur^r, \\ eriu bll kinds of Tobtu-co, Snuff, and U£ara, No -a on hand a large .uppl, »< Tanous brands of Imperial Cigars J . 1- John Bl oorU.ad, WHOLESALE OItOCKK., AND CUIIMINrION MKK CHANT for the aaie of Pig Metal and Blooms, and Produce generally, No. K Wood_«lreet, Fittabonth {»M ' ..JiollXttT J. iXI’IBrON. Filial' ILETMSU K«ym«r A Anderson, (Suciwor? to Joshua Rhodes A Oo.) nTTiim KKALK dealers in foreUn Frulu, Nulu, Bf.lcet-, W U^Uo L o E ar J ;, Snear.,A,-.. No. 38 Wood sweet, oppo Bile the St. Charles Hotel, Pillst.lirib. Pa ?(_' HellfV 11. Collin®, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and F WbotSe Che.se, Butler. Fi-h. •-d ¥rod*ic« Renat all v. No. d 5 Wood Hlrwt. FiUabunrh_ ( m rt U T C. Morgan, «S-Wanta.l, Hags «n.l Tanners Scraps. split) tirUMi ulLLii, Phtla *»■ AicarrsoN, Pittsburgh Biller a lllcksli.n, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Importers of Br.ndles, Wines and Segura—Nos. 172 aud 171, corner of Irwin and Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Iron, Nalls, Cotton Yarn* A • constantly on hand. __ . - Wm. Carr i'o , rwm Carr. lat« of the firoiof J. Parker & Co.) WSSIESALK QIOCERB, anJ dealer* in Forego Jim and BranJles,Old Monongahela and . ty, No. ?•-» Commercial Bow, Ulwrty rtm-t, Httyhorgh. Pa J ’ ' t\ BL Drtfi)) Diamond, PiUsburyh. Pd. INHALER IN CuUSTKY PRODUCE, °H«r« f't «*>« « Tj choiM«tnokofUroceri,a,, wlr'tclfor.atnlljure- - ' n Tnriety sod the poreat quality, urounj at In Mill/ iuo, Dried Wuit*, Kor.i f n »Dd Dorn. ,t„ . Produce taken In eichanse lor werchnndua. , , F 11. U. hat procured a full naaortmeu of Lanlrr h a .arranted Qarlen Seed., and InTilea the a.Hutton el» ) ( tirasteU in rural affairs. w'a. uausii I. mcba*b«» Vnirlliti dfc Hlchardiont AND rOSWAKDINO MBIICUANTS, and CSi. De.W,in Bacon and aanerallY Warahnow fonnarU ocraried bj Burbridge A fogbram, No. 110 Water and 160 flnl atraal. Pittsburgh, peon*. _ - ! ' " <joraoiW«*on House* 1 rTUIK subscribers barn openel a house lor t * I SoT for -M., oon.tenm.nt, nt Flour, 1 Corn OaU, Barley. Flax Seed. Urasa b*«d. Baled H*J, *' • i 7-vBA.LEH in ko°ur, . dj Jtc No 10, corner SmilLfield and First R-reelf.J^ J bunch. Pa „.. T HOB. U. TOUNO TK&SCI* t. lUU»U. T D< Young A Co. No. SR Smithfi'ld ttrat, ' AND ■» «**nt7l/aCTUHKKS OK CABiNKT kukniturk A» i> M 0 IIAIRS. Of erery iescriptiim. JX-n warranted, and K.U *t n>Jucal prices. Cue taken in parking for land Mid waiter rarriag*. . Win Uigbf i Jr*i /"ILOTIIING AND PU[IN 13111NG STORK, Masouic ttall, C nK*t "«*'>“'*'>• c,oi “ ing m * d '’ “ rsSif" good style. and at moderate rates. __ 4 a. c. Dnßcait) WHOLESALE UUOCKRB, and Dealers in £,° r ' elgn .Vines and Liquors, Old Monongabria and R; tided WMakV. No. 231 Liberty at.: TNUabunth.L*'_ l - r ' A Tlndle, . WHOLESALE BU'i HrUil Saddle, Value and CarpetH»« nutnuf^tur,., "Jp* *** n (1 106 Wool ft.. PitUburnb. Pa : J> t? * plaooa, Huaie, School Boot, and Stationary, >n Wood street. _ ; YOUWARD?™ (55»m5iM J 7 all Mod, or Pitt,bar*h manufacture*. L« Kpe and Sheet “R ' EuierprlM Works. ■- T0l,1 “ 8 l„ th toßcthor with » R.neral aaaortruent cJaJrv Tool, and Ptahlns Tackle, all of which 1 ofler At the lo.Jt poealhle price, to -ah for irood approved paper. . Copartnership Notice. I B "oTg.v, and the “J men, and ot correct th.“.Mb de af experience and. artistic in o( larfavora. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1856. Fourth Street, tiveUmTd BUSINESS CARDS, yy 67 Market Mireet, cornerJWrth. aY - a.w'oouli and Carriage Faetoryl JOHNSIOH, BROTHERS & CO., rhmrr Bebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City. WOULD respectfully Inform their friend* JSffiRjSLs and tbe public generally, that they ha* e .-ximmenced the manufacture of Carriages n.rftuflhiM. Rockaways, Buggies, Sleighs ai> d nhariolfl in aU their various styles of finish and proportion. ° Ali orders will be eieoutod with strict regard to ‘lurnbiH _ , . , f _ nf finish Repairs will also be attended to i.n£ D.la* In .1! U»lr work tl ; - 1 W„,., jgjng elsewhere. . msmto* J). T. jonmtros «io“' *it#nfilve BRMJrtmeot of Carnag»i va ri oa g styles, with Cars, *O-, *°‘ ‘viautl of Tnl°h, uLo« In all 4etnct regard to durability *nd bea hickory. Ho* 'their v2*tha boat Juniata Iron wd •pair, attended to on the meet Jtrou •joondd.nt that all who may favor them Jaee will be perfectly satisfied on trial of tit -very fit i The aid Manchester OmnibUßes pass 'M :jtiwro minutes during the day. 3 . ~ UOIIKRT H PATTERSON’S , LIVERY AND BALE jjfeg|F STABLE, (gpjP iarner Diamond (tract and Cherry allay nprlArll PITTSBURGH. PA. T . ]t OF F.FTH ANO AT »,» P» AKMM, OB ».» WBBN PAIJ> BT.IOTLT ■» »«»0K PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "IOSr BUILDINGS, CORNER OF VOLUME XIV. business cards, * Fleming* j rsTimcssoit TO L. WILCOX A CO ] , /-tOBHKE iErKFT BTKKET AND DIAMOND. heep« I ( J oonsiantlv on bond a Dill aanortmcnt of Drusa, Medi . Oherttt, Perfumer J, and oil urliclo pertain | ln «^-?by^rdl I nß ,B 'PTeecrij.tloM carefully compoun led ot i til hours. 1 ■ - »*. uiw - 000 """ ! Fleming Brotnets, i f fl (1 CCIS S0&8 *0 J. KIDD * CO j : ■vrrnOLESALK DUQQIBTS, N ''- VV burgh, P«. Proprietor* of Dr. M Lam, - Ltfnt PIllB, John tlaft* Jr.i I HtIPCISttOH TO J ' MUJ M’O 0 f KIV. J TXT HOLES ALE AND KKTAIi. DSUUOLST, ani dea.ir W u Dye Mh *C..111 "'“O' 1 'XX Iv" Joor> below Virgin alley Jhueburgh. aprl.inA, b n. L. AUeiii Wum RSALK DEALER IK POUKION WINKS, BRAN; DIBI, CIGARS, OLD MONONGAUKLA AND RIL BKY, Ac-, also, Rectifying Distiller, No 8 Wood strce.. Brandies, Gins, Oordiats, Jamaica Spirit, St. Croli and New England Rom, Clnretib Ohampalgnea, Scotrl Ale London Brown Stont, Irish Scotch, Bourbon, old Monongabela Ry« and Rectified Wtaleliy, A PPj*j Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies i imported llarana. Regalia, and Principe Clgnre; llalf-Bpenlsh and Cigar*. all ateueh low prices bs to challenge competut Taney Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and Slriaes, 1 respectfully invite an eiamtca- Sn ofmy sSckTac No. 8 WOOD street, PUUtbotgh, Penua. ' - “jnra.a n«lll“S''t ~ MONONGAHKLA PLANING ly Inform hi* Mend, and the public. lb»t hi. new m übl.ahVu.nt 1, now In mil operation, I , .“L4‘‘ t for BanJd pared to furnish Boat Cabin*, and. ml all order* for Planed l umber, nith promptness* and al rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both Bides, conetjinUy. ° D !teh, J ix>orß, and Mouldings o[ erery desniptioßf.^M^ and Carpenters would find It toUld lf to civ« him a rail, as be can now furnish them ptofl suitable fur etery d«*criptiou ol Wbi 4. ura*.o:i "k . .>f llarron 4fc Crltwtlh Bell ani> bbass foundars. end M.nufkctumra of .11 kinds of Bra-s Work. Lccomollf .•■-am F.ngm , Plumbera, Ac. Abo. Oot.on ll.ttlDi; Slaoul. Foundry on Rebecca atr**t, no (/file* anti Store No. 12 Market *trv«-L, mt*bu’<h 4S-OUI Hrv* and Copper taken In ficto ?nr k- . or cash paid. Order? left at the Foundry or OtA-. promptly attended to. B. oairr -n- ansi*-'**- • • • T - * lhA>r Graff, ilelalngcr * Groff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, No 1-M si. eel, i»u burgh, Ta. MAHCriC'ri-surs* or Cooking Btovos i'iAio »°J £*“'> Coal ami Wood StoTva. Plain and Pane, f-ndo.A Parlor Siot?!s ~c* £ * n '’ n ' , » Hoilovr Waro, i‘o:lat.le I "-'h 1 ' Bogar Kottl.a, ToaK-Ule*, BtOTO Kattloa. WagoD Bin*. __ .W W. BAIE hmlth, Jlair A Hunter, (Ute BmHh A rHneUir ) WUOLKSALK QKOUIiUS, PlluDlxJK ANI) CoMMi. SION *nJ Dt-nJers In a ) l,n V* ° Manufacture*, 122 StfCviui ani 1--1 Hrst s>--j Pa. L— - W. U. Ml IT u. VV. H. Haven. ri>UK OLD PRINTIMO JCSTAULIMIMENT, .1 ' 1 ston <k Btocktou.) and Blank Bonk anJ • War*hou««. i?> prepared to erorv p-yl* of Commercial. Cnoal and Bt-'nmboa; J'i* PrtnUo. and Ho<. Bituiat, and *i«ry article in tb* Ulmih U" *• “B" and Stationery line, at tbo Fhortc-d uotio- aod i n tt.e l. resionable term#. , , , , , ,«• . Blank Book and Stationery W arrhou-e. \ nuiio.. and Book Biodwry. Police Agency, 69 WASHINGTON A.LLAS riSSWTOS. IMnUertoa A Co. MTC-TI tails JTTISTIO3 1X) TU* TfcASsALTJCS _ DBTKCTITK PUMCK UU*IN In tb« States at lllmoU, Wlscoobin. MUt>ig*n ar.u .ufl;* mhl9.dtf _ _ ...... N oileo* . . rpilE late firm of JONHS k yCIGO, having I e»l by tbf death of Jubo l Qun; i. jn tb* Ui U. buii.Defiß of d*U Drm will b« MtllrO by ihe umlt-rupue- . tb<-ir r'flloe, eornT of Uonfl and First Ftrreu*. ISAAC J‘*NtS, Sunlrtiu IMtlcbarch, September 30, Isil— t octiy ’U'riduc t insi ll» UulT’* lime Jonn, . ;<-pUK -i.-f > 1 uii'a/r a i VIIB *f*rt: w Kk of bprioß and Blister Pteel. l lodru , I qj i j,,... m;u run' i 11* 1 ’ 1 i’*'* l -1'•*• 1 11 “ . lUa.t.l Iron Ax left,—comer o! IU>»« »nd »«•>►' •'• | „i Ivnm.o-Lii • J"'*- ' h ’ Tl .. p im rlp»U'!«iln«no Pf.Uburgh, P». ' : J-J w fal. Vo.m«». O.T dM tr *« n !L E.C. l- - ’ K *° *' ’ v , I I ,«ll lul •" U***U r» pra'rnllj ISAAC JOSES - D ’ LiJ* m«-.»tuu- n u*.;« r i i L>. U. Hoffera &> Co., 1 j, n -* in .. , MANUFACTUHKRSc»MwaKRa , p*tedt improved. .*«• - »-„■ ’ Cultivator Te**lh. Oflinr corner Rom and *irr . »u*• j Wi.liMa** » yl oct'i:ly - - I TL.at^!::p_€ ,1 '" or^ v f __ " PUUburgh ftiiltug School. } * ~ Row lutciilßeucc Oflie® * . , . ysCH ««. »mBfcRT H. MffTRKSoN, Proprietor. er.ri . f , .jit. ; ; U •••er l,v .-i-i ’ IN . lM ‘ l . ' Diamond Cherry alley. Th**u.»*T»b*r j N- Uj L->r;,. in 1 /f*n r-KCtfqllr .OPOUOCr, to U.r U.l-* »" •■' !.» •..•«,-» »■■. ' ntl'V. -Ihli menu! Pittsburgh, that ha ha* - r «“ {^i * • >ipl»r».c A*n.* i•: '-■■■■- • UJ ; *•.. .* ..*|. r .t’,hat bw 80U00L, -hlch .u point h,‘ ‘ ! : y ..“'.'V. ip Ulion, uudrniably an? wmiUf oM ;. n .« v* ! ' ' v ' ' V, " V u - n \Au ».-1 *.«e si» tud- U cited Ptnies. Its Nation w fr-.m all jar | ti ,„.. a ■<-J the city, while its bit;h ami »lrv ulunirn r'na rs a » i ‘ : * '' -' • ( ■' , , ’ ; v « D .t rlally Baltn to the h-nUh, » y ni* n.o- t. - i- par-ru-.*.- t-i a., i> - »- * able r.iercpm. The to ionl*■** i **»' '«'" ,n *J, , ei.-v ,:r. x|mlKU u ... tba proprietor pledge himeolf tl*»t l V,, i wtllUnpimlu. mat. thu U- * r l “ l -' i' ‘ A. Tlimkrn At to. , CooMiwr o( tb« poWir. 1 ITAVE "N HAM'. »' '■ 'i‘r*\ '' BiciVrd A. BocUliir, I fi HIAIU MAM * V r 1 1 V i r akIIVACTL'IUK OF Ull.l'. MbV KR. I.R a a , r -taen. n F*o‘v ur: 1 r.m:i lu. juar- . v. M UIION7.E, LoOKIXG-OLASf, I’JlV'niAlT AND FILM h( , v ~ u ,, ; , u. '.-rl »-- r “ l ' r , y l-lk 1-HAMJSS, I'lxiii .ml Urnraml..!, No il tl U»’ r Tr --.- —^r nly ; Htrret. All ttod. ol Comport, on ornuuj;™. ' - Wul . l ; WW. Ac. All kiii'li* "I Olldtog ui-t H.eiWln.. u : c - -;, fQ tu .„ .•j ß ja E ; «M.I-. ,■! r.-rv l— •' M * Q.lt Uouldin.* lor I'r.mri-, »n.l T--.UD a■■ ■ tfe. u .1,0. .• 1 f>.r Oil p.ioliniia, hngn>>m« oud „ ... JTI UNP KIITA K . S'i W Impaired orMntaciM OH rw-md ml 1 - MooldiDja manufiwtarfd In thl» r-i.l lUhmeut m*7 be cleaned withimt lujury, w.rh »' "i h ” o»Uu>d w. No 21 ft Cl.ir >t . Pitt.burah- n,hl-. •( J. 1 BLIMH J. WHITE, trKNETIAN BUND MANUFACrUiiKR haa c-wo.-'-l V hie health ao aa to raetline hia old tmalneaa, and .» opened hit BLIND MANUFACTORA . *‘*\<£ *V ' nlar the Post office, between Wood and Smnhtield, e ti. r Muf aaaortinent of BLINDS, trimmed with pta.n an t fancy worsted and eilk trimming., and ■'V‘ r "'L' I ,' any order in hi* line, on the meet reae-nal-.e t-.m«. It irorlt fa warranted to Rite salialocUon or money refutm. AS-Old Blind, repaired. . .... aar Please gire him a call, uhe can tbe t~’t ui mausbip . Notice. t SAVE acid my Interest In the bnalnear r.a leing. Idnl. r t I A A o!,!,rB A y Long, who. with. John PhUMp-.wHI -0 , iluue.f the old aland. No. 109 Front commend the new lira, to tb« ratrooag. ■■ « f >'» , pltteburgh.July "U, lr&4- > a. a. ♦**•* K. A. LOI»K A CO., .. BKLLAND BRASS founders, ami las It. .J o in rite attention to their atock ofI 0-“ » : eta, Peod.nO. and other Bxlaraa It flI "> 1 0 ‘ ’ Ow and Steam, mate Brat® OaaUmta ot all kin.e l ml > ti.n-Wi lUiir.-RJ Pumps huJ iann hk *- 1 ■' ' 1 . . Attrition UeUl constaul.y oa baud- _ >• notick. iit , D\LT’S STOCKING MANUFACTURE. Vo ’2O Fifth, strrtt.finl corner abort MarUi txr t .\ PITTSBURGH, I’A.. w.rnuDK W UI b« (ouoi the Isrßeetan.l b«=t aborted W H »tok of 11031 BUY ever offered lor sale ln ‘ b '* Poe Laaera will find it to their advantage to tall at this retaldlshment and examine lor themaetvrd ; it fa a"^"^ “£*“ ££S£*. Onto!' Bmcdßd Coan.a. febljy - - Consume ibe Smoko. TOM 'a^fT’KK (V)VaUMrNG FORNACK. leprt*parwi to order*, anJ cwntractfOr heating buildings with ,h. ; Poroace now in uae. ne attention of th . • elicited. Any information can l» h riol 4 - JAW IS ■■ umuA.. Xo MulT&oy & mh&dly Removal* i'l miIBEN, Manufacturer of every rariety f \ miP, C l“«lM Window GlaaAßlack Porter, ,n. and Glarel Bottles , Demijohn, end Oarboye; also, Hint 11 J*" io^ereryrariety. Waretaouee, No,. 10-1 Second. an, 1-3 street. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 I, W. Chtdwlcll, T \KALKR IN KENTUCKY LEAP TOBAC'.i, KAOS ]_) AND PAPEB.No. 149 Wood .treat,below Slith.l >U»- highest market price, in CAB II , P«U for HAGS. -- , w LBI CMOS. Af^Kl-L. jous atwul •••/• J : L * a -v r --, Atwelij Lee * Co., WHOLESALE GROOBItS. DroUore and Comm *o--n Murchanta, and Dealer* In PitUlmrifh Mnaufc' ll ■ No. « Wood street, between Water and Irunt 1 burfb. . . Dissolution of Co-Partnership. TtrTF (tOPABTNKRSmP heretofore +\\ ting between JOPHUARUOTE3 and PUILIP RKYMKK, in .he W nol<ia.le Unit and Confectionary BnrineM, >* It.* ' »v dlanolrod by mutual eonsent. The boalu,** o. the ‘ r J ‘ u Settled np by Joehna Bhodm, srhe' ceipt for all debt, due laid firm. «»»0A KIT TB. March 2Tth, 1855. IUILII RKYMKK. PABTtIBBBIHP NOTICE. «-Th. undersigned hare this day /-rmsd a ~ „„j_. »>, H name, firm and sty le of Ith » al*tv DKBBON for.the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Couf«tionary business No. » ROBT. J. AJiDE&SON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. W ID [ally reoomnwnd Mobots. b*7 josui; A RHODES, tod cx»toin®w- . ISf r *p2 TH*«hnrgh.MftTcb37lb, L r BtmoTil. -PjaSOBB HABBAW3H 4 CO. have mnoval to No jjj .295 Liberty street. - iimsira TOBsnit carfSSSSSS^ *tr*et, Pittsburgh, P*. business gauds 1. 1,. Rtarahalt) r( trumnr to II- !•**»*•) WOOL I-fcAl.Mi AND C\*MM IScIOS MBROIIAN’T, N,> V.'j Liberty -trrH. Iltuburgh. P*. i; e frrmc—\s. MninUck A IDo*; Kramer « Rahm; Brown A Kirhpalrkk; Murphy, Ti-mnti A Co. Pittsburgh. May ) Ilats and Cap*. \\ K w»ulJ invil.* iht* attention of our friend* and ' M-he Dul*ti- to « polondil of HATS and wh'-rfc we are now tor the Summer trJ? whKli Or !..-nuly of «> I- «««■*? anything ...r of. f»r-j'ln ill- rtty, or *-l of U>" mr'jnt.los. »uJ It l”» r ' J ' l " 1 1|J0!| 4 80S, 01 Wood htr**«t, I‘itlt»burirh^ | L)li*olutlon of C o-I’Arln.r.Ulp. riMIK FIKH“F A CO.. IVopne ; 1 H t V„,w„ PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORK*. «M i by the druLh iM Mr. JoUS J. KOGUIS. th- Utn ! " f Tl'“ ImsmVss °t th« NON BITY WORKS will bocontlouod I Id til it- brunch > I v th. .o«bii« pi.rtn.Tß, uolor th« i D.mi uvl ptvb. of LIVINGSTON. COPELAND 4 00., who I wm uu.wt-.io up ib- uiuiruoi lb. 1 ; l t - I ';”‘- NlJST0Ni 1 CALVIN ADAMS, 1 J K. MOORHEAD, | pui.bnr<h.P» .M„vl. lhi.6. ! W B COPELAND I j',H f.WHIT i Jot... M'Clo.U.y » L«, I tuiMI,K,.U.t AM. HKTAII. M,UIUIh Mi “' ! W nir.T- N -a w...i »tr~t, lnu-l-otnib, P»- ! ,r- r-r' !r " 11 ' l " l " , ' u ' h " r " |ll r “. t<>n ' , ‘ r '' • . , , j lk ; Ljuv <• lh)i< «wSbo''l» ■ ? r ‘i t r/uVubo- Lumumr. un4*r lb- firm cl !h.[K, MTbWkv aCV n.-y r~i- | w « u, « i M b ,r 6olve.H rt-*f*«*:iT<sl>. _ . . . Boot* an‘i a»bo«». JM-LAUOIIUN, Nc W K.-urlb street, nearly opp™"' . the Maym**.■».■•■. i. m.uuf. -t uri ■« Uet.tl.meo » flr« *Wta. Lt.w M..«. "I '•ut:..e..!.f;...-te««.dß«tt"o Blatter. £*»*. 11 'at‘„£. - ■ r ~e,ot<ller.’ Bounty t-m.l. «n<l ‘ lllm * AgMlnst (ior*rnm«m. T WILL prurin* twuty Wuri&uLt lor ro»J^rs,th-n- I W.t t. *|#M avJ.-o,*«‘ .11.-D-l to hUAH.es. 11l ‘ ... „..,f C» ... " I- -Ullv I')’ OUUWW. i'll *. 'i.l.h'i N \ V LOR ! wm-i» i'• I Heed H(or«. , r_'n“‘ : “ Lts?. “* £ - ,‘ hf ' , 11 iM ,1; ■. Muir-’, Hi’po HD-1 ml* rl Tr-s - fr :uib« !*«-iUnd i ... ■ •- .r • JH i W -od , tl^ : '["■»■■■ I ->-■ j-i, !•-»' *<•"»*»'• L c C'■K ' ! 1 '.»• j. t u-..mu Coal \V o r U •"l«r «*»•■ N uLL« '..-I hiJ-1 ».t ;h- '.lUi-r- TfUi-.i-.- iu puc*-* 01 • 1 ’ uLL * ’ it- .. ..mi, , u M neti.^h'-U - v' ; ‘ “ hii> » - I WVi Itnun'iN l)>ru. T-ni-n: M •»-. Or »»4 r ! u "rh-' rj i I'i '1 ~l [V ; , n:i 1 t'** K«- Hvp!)'to ’•r ! KtllilimwN KOOM I'uU IN \' i: N r l«>N 'AN i' i I And Agency for the Pnrcha** and Sale of Patent 1. ! ° li'.ghu and Paloa’.ud Aruclos n ; MOir> F • /• . r.-nr i'-r« i.'.f- I-I.< » I 1 *«•>>•' V,. i.U I.A- U:.»- M> TWV» I > Ui l i;.-" ”'- h : ■ -uipl. ) l*» wrtm ■“ ! r.r u. ! .„,ir,^f»UC^«Y -.1 M, I i r«huiu. 11 i A 0> . N A u«, Krnnwr i iaihiu. ... v. ■ . } .! •!,tifti-u A t.-11 KuK<>«i V» Li Uun>, W. • .1. i ' T i v y^‘v,\. th* K an; A W-d*. . »! ! Wu) t'br.l:,-. \V. ■ n M’v-'ini j A U l^-mi ui) U ‘Jharlci. H»rneli, i , ~w S'ii ‘ka' S' ni.v;K.*«mi. i.« » “'V; “ V'r'-. .'.■•i-uJ-. I ,■ ■ |.,.l , ll'-t " <■- IT VA i 't‘ l'- V NUNNo ii. CLARK, NF.W \ ORK 'l'm: i-tui Ky: l ' l-uTi’tirnnd IM»uo, price S 1 UOI mm <b* F«u»y .4 NW*» * l '‘; ‘» t V,' \ 2umi™ ' ~,..,,1.: iQ.lrum.nl l. in rule m lL« tLJ/-A.UET UI AM . o • v | y •* t JruuC JiJm.’**'* uqJ io?' l» ru; ’,l “,.i *>lh> Bosbw.wi-. << >- ►**«> ! iirr'. f 11.. ;,r l -.-iJ.ic—‘-c.., end. in P »l»l -Inm". u ,c.j".»-u.er. Cl U.UUK (.tvlK.llßWd kill % ui.-‘.r| H .» j>< r‘-n-' r vs. r ;.T".'\’.v'r»M « h .- »*>*« »»=*■ ■••> -■ br.Uon bum 11..- In-l Kiiri>r»“ ~ ' l h j ‘l “ '"' "“ '“' I,IHT, TU a l.hKhu. Andolhm.whn bare Uu-ui ■■■ j'n ', "l' u but aim from ™r ratklant t"rol-t»ora. Tba .» an '“"'"'‘"htuSis lIKSBV HOItItOCK j Aflat (lapanbiuK ibe Barnaul, it Htvla tv.i a w li nan It la, . ... u r ... ». lit.,, I t.tul a.,- »K»bA nHollort of Ihfir v-1,-1,l '.uu.Ula- ~, 1 “Mr lilt la il.UpthNT, wh" fit- :• ;l t ,r ' mu , mv.-'ll, bBTt „ A«..l mrtrumaut, k,„l vuura ara '.b« cul, ! oLJrcl whldf .ibH M.11.-fj lU**. . . ' 1 '• laLi-uutuu.* ur- ju: mi Un w«> f t hC»--oinniM*aJii l c ( I I. b-*-tar. In nt l l,k- Uiaiu . Uiej ban! But tba elafiLk U«*» h «vi» i tbe t -nu « 1 V l41 *- 1 *• 1 rem-ui. yo. rr, n-Pf-ctfully, „ Knii!.*>; , K, I’ltlfbar.'b, Pa. I Par mu 1* CIiAM/tlTf. LIU MK. .t il •• " OIJ E.Ub- I Pinno \\* WvM alrwt, «1 -lonr fcbor* Ktuh. AIKO ntf *r»*Tjt f<• r br'tS'-nrifh *oi Western l PouiryiTar.ia for llaUft, I>arii d Co '< V>-tV»i Pi inns, (wbrh m Uw bahl f T « nib* ar»* cnnnH»*r»*i "up-rlor to .-illier Cbb-k<*rliit< eor Nunufl* Clark'.*, t ut whi-hfa-t W not ...tt-nhW-'y knonu. na Lh«*v b*TP l-ot UMy N*on Jnt:oda-M*d b**rn.) and o b. r Nf*w tm 1 Ituia-l-lpbU of th-- bcht , ttl pr;o-x frc ui s*•*> t>- i M » u - UI J .Ju3rPU j. i L.iM Notice to Whom K ftlay IJonoern. ri-Uia I’UUUC! PI-KINO HALS* »l K«U KrttuteHl I ar«-now ..nd th.i Sluudtnff h'" X cbeßUrr HJ K nttzm of Kocbwter is busily fin burly ,;ou t!“g 30or nM(f (annlluß who havo bwome ciLl Two or thm “• w N ™ ur | ' i ., u ’ t:J .. rilu „ mur iiui»ro**u.-;.ts lrrtl ‘ ‘ ! '" r iU ' in ' ”l u ' , 'niHin' -i vrr«':itßßioantol m**' hanioal , r«‘ uirin ( .. U f K»tablU.Uu>*ut, •"* ?!!?,', Til.lv I’mi'lcy ru.mi-.iK to two hundred. "I., l, ' h 1 , T tm „i.or tu.tu I'lttnli.irifl* has just pur- A luoiJiueiil L - 1 ;.nir a. led t" iun»e upon thorn l.ri.'st I- <»w;' hotels ».i« ooilt tits I’tutst week. t."''.los the oth.T yutds bmoUdor* i .livo wHh workmen, oud sud tenements ' h Tj Sd’d'imfbny cVsp lo>« .t the four public Sotos Au> '•no u■ ..nr rnt.il- Ui« prfiwnt pprlnß, can ! Itm bargains ot prmite sale by f, IHnR on the "eillSer in R«he?ter. T«nns-J ‘“p yet t.e hod ot *M to *lOO each; If F ;- e j f7r Wforo Ihe-bj h May. Theen lota tiro twice os opphed for before the --o n » , m anJ lh() pric , large musu» ■> foilt (rl , Dt . The present resery 'Tl homesto* mtLttnffl tent profit of’ Orld l'inney, 1 ocrea 1 ei nomrtu hnromrb of Korhenter; nl?o, tht* beaut! ful' toTto bedding. orchard. 4c , of ?. Bonn, can he tooght through thesnhsorlber at pent bargatns. and there a?„ oot too sucAharymns within 0 hundred miles. 'l. • 1 pv6 lUmov til* Q GETEBEItT A SOS hara winoTcd thair Re»l E»ut (5. and General Ago&cy OQlca to No. 63 MARKET KL D*»nr Third. I' 'SoHrSALE—Two Loifl of HO feet by 140 »ach. in Hut 4 Pittsburgh* «t the lowest prtnc*. I Qijulre ol »c S I THOMAS WOOLM T 6 fourth itieei. J‘J '-_V- jJt V ' - T ' \ K -Tt;-' PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6. I^s iiouw ty ■ 1-n.utU. •-,1 r 'i'ii;-'- t’ < it a ? T.aM "ur ’ ' ' '.n i,. ail »»i<> li»f* f*r?rd in 'i..l i;« - UK-icTKIB. »• 'T, 7 all«*y. V-i-M >t bdl Diamond Mw'H )L.->*V a V ‘VS R. \ > .ivr.: :\r *rvi>‘n in Mr A >1 l*eu tcy'ii d»« IQ :i I ] ■,.« Li fhD> hn? GitANi) IMA NO ~ih I-- i.Hj.; v ii- rt’.-M** the 'i jl ; ' ,f til, !.:• H*K A lil.’ l - ;i • a- 0 H o 1 1 » ; {■ • mi Kit ii s -f«'t. «. ;T MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND A UR I ST. ALt OIB.AUkS 0? TH. AT. "A. WITHOUT ObmNO, Luomna, nust*aiHQ, or tai YOR£ OPFICK 468 BROADWAY, 008- GRAND BT., NEW YORK. Uonri from 9 A. M. to 4 r. lu. RODQH. .GKANULATKD UDB, Inflammation, Acoteor oSoiicßlindneee with Films, lritla, Amnuroeie end CataSTscrofoloue, Wiping or . “h th« dlneaeM! of the eye .Vh are treated by Ur. u. P< AU Bar treated upon eclentlßo prineip.es. Artificial Kyos Inserted without an operation. All letters post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou »S" S«f which ba?e been successfully treated by Dr, B2B-8 Broadway, Albany, N Y •Alfred gouthwich, Printer, fj Goodspeed, Gl«n< Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroli, Mich. •Mrs. A.M. L. Wilson, New York City, V Y tMias Mary Bellows, N. B- Station. Duchess -o . S V •Edward G. Bolger, Bristol, Ooou. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. Darid Little, Engineer, N. Y. ,», NY Wm F B. Giles, office Oonner and Bn.]., .1. ' .James W. Kirby, Brooklyn’, L.I. A S R iI Telegraph Ooerator, BL Niohrlu 11. lai r M Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston Bt. R B Doolittle, M. D., Hudeon, N. I . Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N- Y . t MP. Collina, Teacher Penmanship, Tr,r, r*- I R.'L. Boss, Albany, N. Y. A. Billenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Oapt. B. 11. liavlland. Athene, N T. John W. Ilackett, Blnghamptnn, N. Y •These patients were blind, and had to be led to the office. At the expiration of two week* they could go about the c u) "wrheaeoaaw o( Amaurosis were centered to aliflit srter th« up as Incurable by the faculty, an 1 c„u W STA an/pemon •*» l “ 1 “* r “ U ‘” '*' a ! „ i .,' U cjuw*«. bv writing to thnm. ... Pttiiburgh Dollar Savlug# In* l » to 110 i», Xo. OH Fmsrth sirrd. lIEIT DOOII TO TaE PlTTSnuaaa BANK. I 8 NOW OI’KN ililly from »l" li o'clocS ; •», « "fl i nnJiy ind Saturday .toning., from , d 9 d DUNnltii roclrrd of ill mm not li». than On. !“■ l»o > diviJ.nd of lb. profit* declared t*f » yat. " ■> U" »0.l IMoiW. Tb« Truetrtii, for th« purpose of for If d- Lh» bonerol.nl object, of tbs I nslituuon, hire cuU-r. J lu.u L Knir.nl.. bond, Ihcr.by Rlrluj additional ’.curtly to 'containing th. Charter. By-Law, RnlM and 11-gu iftilnoe furnUb«J tfrali*, c.n applicant at Ui* uU:» lftUoQfi,lUrnU sv r^w _LaiiOKOK ALBKKK. Vici PKr3U>K?T-S ; John U. CharWn Knapp. N Oratlao Murphy. TheobaM Umbatn't?*', laaac M Prunoc*. WilUalu J Aoirn-n Hopewell Hepburn, George It- Mbit*, William F. Johnston James W. Uailroan, Alexander Bradley. William Phillips, John 0 Backol.n, j.nws nanlmao. Hill Ruritvin, I"L‘° n'iv S l Albert Culbarl-on. i'* 1 ! ,a, . „ j-ar*, Alonso A. Carrier. A M. Pol**. John B. C-sarara. Charles A. Collm. K. th. K. 0. EJrtoclcm. *'■ Krancis Fella. James Rhoads, Ueonrr r. unianors, •>“" Jamas A. liooo, O-orco 3. Behlsn. William 8. UaTan, Alnxnndrr Tindl- _ SKrtXnn ami 7Y«sursT—OUARLJ4S A. LuLiON. ITAHJiI Kits' A»B MKCHASUS’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OK PlliLA I*KLI‘UIA „„„ „„„ #»oo.oo« rilillA COMPANY -Barts Kira Insurance an Bnljdine*, L floods, Kuml nr., Ar. Marins lnanrMr. on ' Caret, and Freight. Inland lnruraner on Gc.rl.. by Klv-ra, u£, Canals, Railroads, and land Carrlam Also. Insuranra upon Liras, upou tl.o mußl laioraL,. term*. DIBBCTOES. | Hon. Thomas B Florence, Jam<« R NVJ»; Ueorpr II- Arm.lrc.ug, 1 EJ. P. Middleton. E- K- O-orxr IMmbold, Brr.l C Thomas ManderfieM. 'if... . THOMAS D PLoH£.NCK, KpviftO R- Urun»ui, Secretary. PIXTSQI'EQU &BPSREKCKB. Il»n. T. M U».., JLTVw *' 1100. P. C. Hhanuon, 00l B w uw i, Hon J. D Outhrw, A - u M C^) mr»n w. •••1. Thotass J. Keenan. Ei-i. « “■<>“ “ ' Oo J Il*i on Filter, Gen.J K.SI'-r.TW »• Th. I chnraoler of the .bore Company 1. cl the »r«t c 1... ,I,J combines the rare and unusual priylle.r. ul Hr.., .no Gentlemen* of "elrratej standimt are ae-avlatcd In I'-- coanapement, and AiJ.nL ■ .* Pt. Chn.rlri No 1l»S 1 hlrJ. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans gi|j 1 For Preserving Fresh FYuits, || ■ j., |j| Tomatoes, || jj| j|| DY IIERMKTICAI. SBAUKG i riniKSK CAN?, which are ml>l hy th' I wuhout tii., aid of a tinner, end opuu-d ■ am. ti 1 imury to tbo can, nr. rapidly amw< lot" .J , full dl reclame f-r futtiwt up frutt .«.j« -» l 1 and the work l« eo eartly performed, that by U»tr “ ■ • ! family may hare frv-h fruit and Tum.toe.cn their uUr all winter, at eummer prlree. „ . n-ir ,;.-| , 0 PIIICKS-Bot Cant, *J; Ataart, r~f”•. _ 1 ... pot). Three yuartl, s4,life Ual.oti, s.i p- ' J.ltrrrnt .Ire. neat, tu urJ-r l- war. a«»"Uj “• lr “" AKINUR'A CAN, which 1« clncd "Kb a M.l -'•t.rarj.' . Loir top. .o that when ufatn it may b. clraur-1 hka aoJ other v-url, bar born fully apprurrel by the Funii-rr t l> tb» Amoriran InelltuL. N.w fork. It to--h » « diploma or.r all other rolf rraiinrf ttana at the In • Clnrinnitl and "*> awar-Jrd a modal at the Mo Pair bold thl- »|ain K at tbo Smith. -nUn In.ntute, W' »■ Inttlou city, D. C It to claimed to l* tbo boat Can In lb m Au'ordera accompanied b, the oaata trill be vicmi lly lor ' r'rlalo, wholesale and retail, at the China .aIAIJ™- .are mure of , w Ww)d Ihl-ahureh. Uargaliu In Walchall, ( look* O. Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER —, ARB no. wiling their Her*. «n.l curetull) »-1~-• G&k ted stock of kina Watch*#. Clock*. mdnJi u..ld Jcwwlry at greatly reduced price*. make m j£fiSfor u entire new stock, which will be revived di rect from the £w>trrn manufactory in a l«" ti-r the Vail tnui«- , . t . „ i'lirrhoHers desiring to buy good good* at Jo- prt.-efl, . . _. should caJHmtuediaUly and examine our fU.cX as “•'* ; ** £ ~ T y COMMKtK’I A h rOM.SUiK, detenu,o-d lo ch.se out without regard to co-lot former I HOS i 1 » B UMf Man . fc *»“ ,b * *' , *°HOBKltT* A uROTIIKR, ; 41 Fifth Hired, next Jo«'r to M < v Ki« AN 1 VA-l' ri-1 '•• .i,. ( t VnruKr Watchem Clock* aud Jewelry repaired id lU t«* t• \ <.f Tr ; »J • ‘ ,_J w , ,‘ ns! r ,’-ulu:»«! at manner, and warranted. <W ‘ ' T »•• huii.ir.-d '*>• =: /’ ibr l-'«Vnie'r!'m'.*' b.n'.'. M-"- »" 1 r«h *»»•»> ““‘V '"i i ,1 .. h .-.nJ.. I. in " ‘ r ' ‘ t],K , , , , , | ... wla> have h»d husine-..- l U rh lr t l ,“'! M •b.-'-.ihi.-Cle UH-'.-HU-r-l the OTgauiXataM, L. U... 1W- ‘'..u-p, ..r IWIH-.1 Te«rh.n.. MU* ar- *atbnr- <f Uo<-h dwi'lu*. I 1 ’ hri r Hired *-1- of f''Tin N-W .list f'nf™ te all and UiprvTcuieiits >-f tr.N^ nl t-uourrencMu avtttal Ui4 J, Wllmn * Son, T » r UOLKBALK AND II KT A 11. HAT ASH I.AI' MAM VV I'ACTVILKItIi, No « 1 Wml Hm-I I i.M.jir*!,. ..’.’.red >0 furui.il All Article m U,clr 1 UiounDl. term.. P«tfc»l.r Atwolion I. ~‘ h a,..,Hm.nl d LADIBS’ KIDIMI HATS »n.I uLOWS.. »l o , o[ 8 A SILK lIATS, which i-winot b. nun-aion-i in tri< cily I,ANI> WARRANTS \i r ANTED — I VV *°> I so* 100 ACIUS WARRANT:-, by: I AUSTIN LOOJIIS, j I.in Daal.T In Warrant*. »M», *«■_. 91_r-'n rin < _ ~ Co^P»rtnor»tilp» WALT HR i' MARSHALL aanorlatM with him, on lb Al day of "nly, JOS. R. HUGHES, In U» Wall - u , 'J,rU,.o»m ? ..f MARgnALL 4 00 FOR sale vkry cheap. a BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, !M twt hj A 100 A gooJ bargain ran b« hail by applying m* »> thTnlll™ Of th* MOKNrNO IhIST. Lot for Sal®. A 000 D BDU.DINU LOT, 34 foot front on C»roon Btroot A iy 100 foot in dopth, in -- b. Bold ' h £fi Knqulro of f HKMI ANNUAL MVIDHTD, 8 PKU CK.NT., J ULV 1,1*>6 /ETNA INBCUAMUE COMPANY, of uamtfohd, coxx CIIABTKEBD Caah Amli, July 1, 1855, 8535.530 S 3. /'IONTINUIS to mate insurance 00 all -le-V'-rll. nn: or t properly al equitable re lea. Thle Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing 1.,r and 1» UDBUrpaeaed for responsibility and pun,'.umUly It any other Bimilar Inetitutlon In the United Males. twnl annual statement of the condition of this Company on ble in this office, for the eaumln.Unu oftb-public r Office, North tree! cornet l'lfth and Wood streets, fitts burgh. . il£* - U m. Lemon A Co.’# Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. UIK noderaipned haring purchas'd VgiA* KtffllA nar t pf I*ech iCo ’s Canal Btoofc, «r« prvpnml to do a WAY FR RIO 111 Shhin SS hUS!S this placa and Columbia. All busictH.- oar he promptly attend#* to by os, entrusted to oar «re wi bv I>. Leech * Co., »t the Warehouse formerly ore p USNON. Canal Basin. jv2s:dlm* ALL WANT THIS WARM WKA- J THER-The Magazinesfor August: Peterson’s Marine for Aupwt. | Ballou’s do Dickens'HTOMtoU Words for August; The Heiress of llaughton or the Mother-s Berret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Lift, Peggy Woffington. Magazines, call or send to lb, v. w! A aiLBKNyKNNKY A 00., Fifth st-, opposite the Theatre. /10AL FLAT— LylW ** **" ' V/ gabel* -10 AL FLAT— Lying at tie foot of Liberty itreet, Motion j gate la riTor, for Bale by S J - y '' i^ lt< Tyj 'Tj„'ruk« Buperior"Balmon for Bala by almon—ho- 1 1“ r ntNTty 11 aui.iN« i«2f> -- • - - 2 — T~ MAHON 4 00. have this morning re ”r> of tii\t Bonnets. IMM;k 4O * u , #*,■* tf * ■ . f *■ ppT>TJv COUNTY WABM BPSIKO®* i rj'IJE above celebrated WATKitINO PLACE will b 6 op®“ 1 to, vWtor. on an.t »,f.r th« FIFTH OF/ Tboy are li.oaU..l on Sherman » Cr, *“J' mil-, m.rfh-w-.f of Uuncannon. Mhu P'““ mil- went of liarri-burg. on the Central IUU ™J’ ) , baao of Mountain, which rcach-s ■“"‘'"'£‘“s . more limn Uv- lundr-d rent. Bhwman » Or«h .fforJ. splendid opportunity I r those fond of bathing, sailing: the surrounding l.»rt*au offer !^ n 3 * U 7f»hrough the sportsman ; aud lour smooth und shady row 8 a country un/urpafaed for bold and magnificent scenery, wilMiv-rutfv the *tn u-eineuts of the place. .. . ~ HOUSES, SADDLES and CARRIAGES can be BWMWI liintw Horn* taken to Liver? oo reasonable terms- Ut the MEDICINAL QUALITIES of the SPRINGS too H)H ’hci<n hardly be said. Their waters havebeon ana yaad by the best Chemists in the Union, and are pronounced uo. surpassed fur curing cutaneous diseases and affections ol t e kidneys. Th-re are some five springs in all, every one .f which U of different temperature —the largest being 63 degrees Eubriuiheit, and throwing out 03 **«*? SF-ven minuter.. Lad lea* and Gantlemeu's BATUa nave been ccnstro.'ted. wit h all the modern improvements, to gether with I’LUNG K B ATllrt, Ac., Ac _ . a Each day a Gou»-h Iw.ve.a Duucaonon for tha Springs, alter the arrival of the cars. . . , ... Bowline Alleys, Billiard Rooms, aul various other facul ties for amusement, in abundance The accommodations will be the best, and the charges low. Touia.—Eight dollars per week, or one dollar and fifty 1811), PAID DP. J. W. BOTLKR A CO < - /• ! «s* * •• *>*; ' - \ SUMMER RESORTS, to imga«* roomi*, shoalJ *Ur«ss the will be P»U to vi>ltors, the P«P' lrt “ r bavin* engJiSoJ the beat ol ferrouta. iiueio alw»j« in nt l'MAl*™mtiiui.lv»>toriJ inlmJed to r-atth tbe Perrj County Warm Itprinc) «hmiU bo aJJrroeed to Dumannon V. U. fh.-y trill l* tinoidUlaul) forward^ ii. ii. Emeu, Proprietor Warm Springs BinniCK. RKTItKAT. KEViiTiJNK Hi*TEl., ilCXTlNfithr.S Cc . OfU ««»* ~r,.l awl mw-.i &Ul PUltburgh, amL Lti - <,r ri.l- Tin- and plftre 0‘ t.at.iir ri>* rt u ..» the bank-* of the “ Dlu« Juniata,” L: lilt* ..uiiu-or- Oi trnic* Vrv*. lu clear spnog, trout • a«t«iu*i.in h«r<- diw-h'inreu tad mingle* Its „ the} iu"b Jews tbe i»r(M ot the s|. utiWitii. . . Th.* very OFn’ml po«!tV.‘n of this Hotel innkM it % desira hi.- i.la. r 01 urn :,. r a >v. w*eks or 'leyn, (or <nen of ~,.1 (I -,f Inrmli^f* —j-i'l-d and enervated with the turmoil. bust;- end brut of the- city. 1! I- on the l-eunevUinin Central K3d-v»J. where th- grout turnpike from .1* HuqicUm .»l fiber ««t* cot.Mlltr.te n,eking tuim < = J ini.™..., wi-ul Jj"« “ ,l V. bj the an .cl AUoona, Tyrone, Huntingdon and iloui-u i. a now brick one, four atoriee high, aparloiis ami rrwmV, r.-al? pspera-d, painted and furDiahed iro n b-Mmetil aliK, with ail tbc modern improTemenU and appliances . I Cold Bath'.. It i» .!». tinely vantßan-l. There an- auperP -eery department ot the Mono- Lam ecii-Fy - the "glorioin mountains.’ the bill, - T.-l-«iaph Uth.ie -.a iu the House, always ready lot R.cyiKs'V'iis i* i-ttr^ucßoH: Whiten. I *tr A f«. ilia Liberty rtrewL Jtm II oh.-ai.t r.:'-. d-hn Anderson ttiilinm S (lamp'-dl. M. Cl.ar.es Hotel RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, Foil the Prarantion and Cur- of IKTIIUITTOT and Rl anrraNT pavriio, Krv.a and Aoca, CniLU. and Fcvaa, hrai Anna Owi&ai. h.uurv. N.oiit dwriria and «Hotbw form-of diee*»e which hare a common origin In Malaria or a NATURAL ANTIDOTE, which will entirely . . ~.ai lani i,r imiH-r «-v.*u in tilt- mo«: Mcklj or v I.UTu. I .', irom a..» Arc. or M*. db«u» what ,„,r, or any injury from mmuntly iubulmg Mnmm or M ”“l InrUnllv ,-h- I. Lb- Ague iu peraons who hare snf fcrr-J for any length of time. fr»m on. day t.i twenty yearn. «, that theyVead nerer bar. analtur dull. t.y mullname;iti use according is dlna-Uflw. Tin- pattern a. once begins to appetite a,el strength. end r. Minuet not,! a peitna nent unfi mJi'al rut- *<* r-r tw- bf-itJw. will *n>w«- for ordinary eMM, some may require m .-e lilrw-tinn. printed In German, French Tad a.-a.tnpany eurb bate.. Fn.c Une Dollar lutarai 1. ' ' UDt j'^,' K q A KUGDEN, ITorldenre, R. I EVIDENCE a V ?AFKTV. N*w Vokz, ll, l?o6. ..P h ., Fever :" .r A rr^ U a'. M-t'-nry: Gum,,,., and rtrychnia-. hu. b.„ ... » ...... . ... >\ i- . t ci-h.-' iu i*. n * r..iv' t ..-uou ar<) wlstom-F in iu o-uni""'U.--n lh«t wcold :c.:..ri3un to Uieco-.ititution J4SIt . A R cn ■ i.TtjN, M P, Chemist" hi iDENCK r,E MERIT. "1 r« io' u • w-.aniv. I .Vlaj 186 S. .i_ / , i LK j,-~L rir Th<* <’{ meiilrina you J'/meoae dnlrViired .1, the ll.h of April 1 bare ->•« v:A .tm^V-r-^ :hr \ Ml- Hi rV.T-. , 1,.- *bO IIW lU Rl»<J 1 V of I'..lb' a-Kndinj Mr si-tHr, wh'> bn h h ,t for tiv«» J.r . S v-bf* bn. k.iboJ -uu.d OrTer p-t U had it fnr ur ( . D , Y „„ IoQR ,he ./’ u c I 'M,.; ru:i:r<y •urt*d by ’.■•urri'm w"u‘llt“'?i--rU 1 C K McGINLY.” e-ly. CAL'TI.’S To Ao l K FI V.KEKai. T»kr- no in. -•• ui- . Mer.-nrv, vluiniae, or . , ( ,«. r i, 11 ( r m-t.--T.ri -i'u.-v kud. the 'Virtue ot ' • yu-tt u tMju.-'ii adi Übt-* Th«* mo*t th*-v r ' VO •• t-r-.ik tlif ol.il-•• I-r .A Dine.'fcl ‘‘v tb«*y ~ .|,.-':J.itv. n<*! ui-vl.i h'-d thH - ■•-«! *" only ' Ry.r,Fmlrr th-t ii.- only K-vr ami A t ;u- r-me it tf lliftt harnilf*'# -.d tt- vij:h i» Hho.lca’ Kevat and AS>“ 1 urc - S3-F-, iy-MIIN vnViiKLl. and l'l»B|;l|l«l IM-H'.V <ll AIIT.OTTE BLIJIIC. llh W.V'i. winter. HTrsßlllilU, l* juet re- IS . Ur-.- -ue-k ... I'US.'V'I Ih, !»:»■> * HUNS. lUml-orsh. i lIAU.ET. UAHS A CO. Ikwmn. IIUNVB HKDS * CUMMINUS, New \-rk. | A. B. RMCHKNBACII. fT:, ~*•-« rtepUr ' IU M m- \!V h t\'* ttU'l Orand Piano*. h-»- U-n ma-W- «»«h !L- uunufsrtorw, i iVv ni«» <h. .*«• n.-.n&l KiiJ rvA ' 1 trHr.“{'OT , U«H > n. ! Kv,'rv I-,...- -"I Ibv It- .übP'Til'.'T I, w»rn<<.t»J Berfect i i « \vriLt-*n tf uartint**** will tw plv«n ll , m rt.rywvM t M.la«riiuii^ Ajii<i)rri( pi.UMK. j; ■, Hh Wood ntn-et. I MWlo '"’tolly Lertnrea are delhrerrd by person. of known ability Subjects: lb,nit Keeping '« * u<l "V”’ A •m' '•'■ 1,, aodliralton ; Tli* Arl of Writing: L'-iumareial U*. I*ollUfiil^K»*o!!C'iGy; Cotutnepdan'.i'oxrai hy . History, f»> Bosintjaa Lillies. , . pitw«*Tm The of tills Institution.nw “Xa of th« Unit .■■ln-lon in society and business show tWr utoa Teuco by entering their none for » busmen. edu, niton ang-fl ... - Platform Siculea Op EVIJIIY liKtiCIlll’TION. nullable for RallroaTe, to liuln An- for weUhin* liny. Ooal, Ore. and Merchan ,lWe ueminiUy 1 nr, l.sa-rs ni.i feel a.-eurad that they can be supplied with a superior and relbible article, and run ’“tL'.-blcale ie puarauleed correct, and if (after trial) not „,r ol Ninth anil Melon streets, l 4 (:J _ ... ii„o, TJHO r|i tn KIUaiTT A A liP.-TT ~ Election. nrrsc* or "Tits PiTrißUßuii Has Company,’ ) orr,C ‘ AusTUft 17. f rs iTK Sto'khrdderp c.i " Tb« P»UM.ur*h Uw I 11 1 ' »,V Tuft--a that an sl-clion, for the purl}'*" ©f i iV* two to s»rVt* as Trustee of the sap Orh C-pany .or ,'h. lorn, of «•* t“lv hour. of • 1 and fi oflcvK. P >*■■ >|K? . M CHRISTV. Twa»ursr. auc i Hnltil • ••-•• t/diu&ble farm for sale, nmitrnN TUWN.SUIF, WUTLKK COUNTY, Q ITU ' i , .1 U'"-;US aor**f < I wtn.--b are uud»r cul , !';""' S\r nri'tor. ab-mi to de-line hirmiiin, will t ration. b r u „|n ll.v on hand. If desired. il»apos« of nil bif h - j vMKtJ hIaKKLV, Kuquiw ol r ( t StfT ,. nt h and HoviVhfietil #U. ,lu « u __. - : -• r- Vk M. ARNOLD A SONS, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IS fashionable clothing. ‘ And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, N... so MARKET bTKEKT, between Third and Fourth, °i>lttshuteh. Keep uouetuutly nu hand, a lartte stock Clothe Camimeres and Vesting. Oannenta made to °„the ahorteat notice, and In the lateat aplea 0 "a»“ All orient promptly atteuded to. fau«l...m - „»„«a e. MAaanibt ••*»»“ “■ *mHa ** w. P. aarßJiiUL A Co., T MPORTERS and Deal-r* iu French and American BA- T imer HANGINGS, 87 Wood street, Pittwburßh. 1 A.S-U IK* m.nnfactnre, of Maaara. Ihdteoarl t Co., Fans 5 MtviuTA.NT -At thb. e*a*oo of th« year, when dbea-es j “ :S: M(dicm<>>htehi „ UK J of Wicfeey e celt-bra direction* will prove 0 s r oe(l y» according to acoompanymk be had only at the safe and efficacious* remedy. Thfj Drug Btore of Wood street. i ooa'puro ST'**' R » T«ry BU P »rior “om»mad. «tU i - B Ag6^ No. aoi Übtrty itr«t. ; J. 'C * HLMBER 6. MISCELLANEOUS, GRE VT discovery: I MPLE TEBTB, both by able A cal Analyalfl, have demonstrated the Jjejt Duno nK niiATH’B beautiful combination, called juuxaj TRIC OIL.” to the relmf trod car. of Palo. Bat Ih. people sss-sifeSß rSSS^ftSr Pilee, Womb Complaints, Cramps, BpnUna, j | 6OO M o Breast, Pelonfl, Wounde ofall Wode, a ’ w|ll express Its value to the people j Oil relieve pain t *'« freely fbr rellef WHI tbl» hoc . pared, neither offensive nor injorio"*, bat the above and many other wMfc tionw ,» •. beavytolo.ee OrSfhave, It la *£“ 0 - (terpentine, bituminous, or ooal tar, *c AoJ emtarnai a£ plkaUone, until their cuetom.ra •rkerned boule.atter boP tie, with the remark that “ the peio;” yet sochmen too mutants testimony to th. value of thU wonderful tiieoovery That a (treat many ladles are using it as a medldnal toDet arucm for themselves and their children, is ‘well known. aU pimpla, blotchct and eruption• ft d f!S!entS short J timo, you would scarcely credit it. It fmiuontjy reduces a painful willing In two honiß; has done mobaif 1,, hour-cured many effectually in air hours. If ladla knew the* soothing, strengthening and Aralins virme. lo thie ho induced to use anything eire for ■ios of any hind. wl . er just received from Hmiry Wiley, SCi-Bcar Sir: When I left home for eruptions, Ac,) I never expected to Ig-that my complaint would soon OU'gavo roe three bottles of your thins, as merely a palUathx, IJM aiyaoon be relied npou to theak you, _ o- ™. vou hxTbonlfiio ooine hero with your Oil, to make a for tuneta?hbyßa?There is not another aimUar medicine in KmgliSdTlf Sdbe world. I will wfite by tot^rtmuner It JSSWSeIr toglnaUone, wtoatate eurre, Ksfsrsssrt £5v5552S tlon, where pain ia relieved In one dav often *" half an hour. No! common eense dictates no I— and 60 9 letter, eay no ' Come and eee them. Are f ul^i )C £“ £ attendance; and I-adlee can consult a Lady. pnvatel Jd by dropping a lino to the office. Advice from a dWance tto iDg inquiries that any physician can „*£ promptly attended to. Alwayß anc oeo a stamp, as ora ear 'tl,;" a w. r y f Tli y^e n t'r“ud BbTrallTririthlr without the as I have two Pbyeiciane '^‘‘^fartols^press 1 urpo6d ' No. 39 Bouth .Eighth street, Phil*- V. U —The largest bottles ten times the cheapest Pwaaa notify me of any ease or failure to cure ia from half an hour lo three weeks, as I wish to cure all. f •*=r- For sale by PR. CTT3MR, 140 Wood ft faUgSO PITTSBURGH AHD COHHKLLBVIILB mmmm . railroad. ! npiLE PITTSBURGH AND CONNKLLSVILLR 1 I HOAD i* now open from West Newton to Omnellerllle, i tifty-alght miles from Pittsburgh, on the \ oughiogheny R TWfl new first class Road Is now open for the transporta ton rf passengers and freight, In connection with.the toe ateamer EOLIAN, from Pittsb rgh to Oonnellsrille, daily, “Tbe°ete.mer EOLIAN will leaye her wharf, abore tha, Monougahela Bridge, Mery afternoon at half past three o'clock ft*r VT'ht Newton, connecting there with the morn* ing irtin leafing at 8.30 for. Connallsville, and reaching there at 9AO A. M., In time for the Stage for Uniontown. Pare to ConneUsvUle —•-** A train will leave OonneilsrUle in the morning, at six o'clock, for West Newton, and connect l , h ; steamer Man at 7.30, in time to reach Pittsburgh a. 1 r M ?arc from ConoeUailUe to Plttebugb $1 76 Fare from Uuiootowu to Pittsburgh.. 3 -> The Local Freight and Passenger Train l Belleville at 13 2) P. M-, and returning will learo West Newton at 6.30 I>. M., stopping at all way stations for uTsem-cPcf business or pbasnre will Bud a trip by this route, along the beanritnl and fertile traU6y of •he loughlogbeny, one of the most interesting and profita ble In the western country. Tim scenery of the’ralley is not surpassed In beauty or grandeur byany In tbhMtata, and the field for enterprise and business Is unbounded. On both Bides of the r.rer are Teat deposits of mineral wealth, *lnvititur the attention of capitalists; and the river furnishes, ererj lew mi lea, abundant and never-failing water power for any amount of mills and machinery. a~.~~.ai** The favorable character of the grades, all towards Pittsburgh, will snarls thU Company.to freights at the lowest rates; thus affording a cheap, uniform and reliable outlet for minerals and other heavy articles at , “YorTrms epply to D. W. CALDWELL, Assistant Saper • « I ' the ° m “ rs 00 Sv E ?TSSn^' ' T President and Superintendent PiASOS I PIA.HOS i *\UKACTURED BY CHIOKKRING4BOHS, Boston, M ‘ami fur »1« by JOUN H. No HI Wood Pirfet, bstweco Diamond and Fourth street. Just received from then Q H H Q manufactory 01 Chlckertng * Sons, Boston,* “ “ icd (or sate invariably at Boitonpncet— Two of their first class Seven Octave Pianos, Louis i.IV, stvle with carved cases, legs, lyre, music desk, Ac. Ac., fin ished bact and front alike. Tills la considered hjp«»“ ol tasie to be the most beantilul pattern now made. Price *Twoflrst class Seven Octave Pianos, with csTTeJcnw, l,re, n»w st) le of tinted legs, the lyro and ends ofbeanUfnl carv'd t raoery work; flnlstled! back and front alike. Price elegant Rosewood, plain doable round corners. Seven Octave Pianos, finished back and front alike, and with Ohiekering’s Patent Iren Frame. Price l«IO each. Two carved Rosewood G-X octave Pianos, with new style anted toga carved case, mustj desk,and the h^ 181 filled with beautifully carved tracery work; finished hack and front alike. Price %i'ib each. Three elegant Rosewood, plain doable round corners, 0,. octaves, finished hack and front alike, and with Ohkkerlng s i Patent Iron Frame. Price $376 each ~ I Seven Rosewood and Black Walnut Sir Octave Planes, aU j msde as well ana with the same care »a their first class Vi anna and with Chick- ring’s Patent Iron Frame. GRAND PIANOS. One of Cockering A Sons’ New Bcale, full i.even Octave Grand PUnoa. of Immense power, brilliancy, and sweetness of loDe, with their New Patent Action, which render* J“® touch w> light and elastic that U can be played on by the moat delicate hand. Price s76o_ THE NEW PARLOR GRANT) PIANOS. Aleo, one of their new Parlor Grand Plane#, an entirely new invention, and particularly adapted for Parlor use price $660. PIANO STOOLB. A n*w lot of Piano Btoole just received. For ~1. by JOHN 11. MKLLOII. 81 Wood it, between Diamond alley anil Pourtb street. Bold Asont for CHICKEIUNQ A SONS, for Pittsburßh «nd VV-sl-ro I’eDtieytvonla. —— To Wholetalt Grocer*, Glqnor Dealer* end manufacturer*. rfUIK PDBBOKiaJiR b now importing a superior I of OIL OP COGNAC, of which %. of an ounce with 60 *ailon* pur* ripirit will produce a finoOognac Brandy. ffia KBSKNOKd Or IIOCH-KLLS and ®f JAMAICA and ST. CROIX HUM, AKAC. CIDER and PKAOH BRANDY, HOLLAND 80H1KDAU SCHNAPPB and SCOTTISH WIUSKY, are acknowledged bv Ihe New York manufacturers by tho great demand after them. Pi -'i™B for wUI teuWANQKB, U 1 Maiden Lane. Npw York. P. 8 —lmport.* ol Blstnulh, Manganese; Thorn’s Bit. Copalvo, in On la, Ao. _______ „ Kt AWA MANtJPAOTORINQ D'YbSOCIATION, on the Cheßlor'Plonk OABPSTINO, atrorymio*! PrioM ndP&BTKD PABRIOB of every vsrlety. comprisl g . Factory Warehouses, Darbys or et lB sod M S st PHU.U)B£^nIA. ‘VraSl eU or Ul4:3iu:b • ji.tr Bottling Kstthllllimsnu ' Boyd a morton hove • nM !S nineact tho business of BOTTLING, In oil Rrttanch M at 6 8 Liberty street, Neville Hell. M iff °t!lC “ P “ . Western Lsnils. „ TT7 E hove arrangements with gentlemen vV in the different Western States, hyrhlch Molce lands can be located ot Government price. of loco tins lends, either,lor speculation or for m-nT“llfllnd it to their advonteg. to*" >“» or our correspondents in lowa has to in ethically examining ihe lands to miry, and writes us that he 1“ IChS?. mmsrS^nthotrfßjMel^te.. fiS Fan Style tor Bate. / \ n* r ADL9ON will introduce ihe Nee Stjle >f Hete o. SiTOEDAT next door to corner of Fourth OS' Soft into end Cepe of " 7er J description. S au«2&dlw educational. I Pfnn tWHTTTDTK corner of Pood wd Hanoocti Streets. “1 Swtatf IWI lustuauon will «$»» on MONDAY, the 3d of Bjgggg** l Tuition and Stationery, per of Twenty 00 raia until the end of the term, or till nnt 6f pro ‘!,o’ed *»«■«+& aug2&td2w(cbJ) ouv« “j rpHl? undersigned hire **? 1 ship,and having Ciß FACTORY recently erected »t. ROOaESTEH, County, Pa., are now to for the m tore of RAILROAD OAKS of ovary description. 1 Address, “ Rochester, Beaver County, Pa." I KJCBK A RH< BATES OF ADVERTISING) iBHMD upon nr rat Pittsburgh rstsi fin Lists BOSPAUO, 01 LEM One bquiro, one Insertion..»t. «• *' each iddlttonil insertion “ " - __ 800 “ •' two wookß ’ t “ u three weeks...«~~»~»"*—**‘**** , *****' r *** “ “ one month.—• ——— “ “ two months - ggg “ ttareo mofitha —' wQ o “ “ four months. -o “ " montta "“ o 0 10 00 qt. *' “ one year— Btandlng Qerd, six lines or loss, per annum—.— One square, per annum, (exalnatre ol th« paper)-- 26 JfF.W AfrD DIRECT ROUTE, Unsurpassed for Speed & Unrivalled for Comfort. FROM PITTSBURGH TO Columbus, Indianapolis, Chicago Cincinnati. Terre Haute, Bock Island, Louisville, Vincennes. lo ”“® , 5 r ' 8t Louis. Evansville, Dubuque, JHytoS, Cairo, Cnbofiue, \enin, Memphis, Galena, /.sues villa, Vlcksburgh, Peoria, Newark, New Orleans, Pern, aan rur rareciPAt oirns re mi west am south, Via the STEUBENVILLE & INDIANA RAILROAD! Which ia now completed and in successful operation be twoen Bteabeorillo and Newark, 0. pall Arrangement. Oa ami after Monday, September 10ih, 1855, a dally morning ami evening line of elegant and nwiit ranniog steamers, commanded by experienced and accommodating nfflren. atll leave PUtaborgb ob follow*: ' Adorning Line, composed of ateamera SORKST OITY, o»pt Moore, and WUIUIAL,C»pt;.BIu»te, learn Plu.- tanA ereryday,(Bund.,. e»cti)is4)atM«clocfcjA. M., fesseogers dloe on board, andlreach Bteubcn ?UtoMb PM, miking an Immodl.torcmorcttoir wllhtm, EVENI«O EXPEESS mU 1N «(fc!UJ y »-a;-"*-* makes direct connection at SESTCTKK The Evening Line, compoeed of aUacyrn IfcsTUKK, Cot Qorfon aoJ OLAIU FTSaPU. C«pt Cordon, Ic.o MtSimreta ." err day, at 6 o'clock, P. M- !*ST fwneWfar. Son and r y «cb BtcnbcarlU. *1 J>£t U in time for the Mail Train, which learee Immediately, and makes direct connection for ttw aboto dtlef-tbua ar'Mtng night travel hj railroad. OS' Fere ae Cheap a* by any other railroad rt/zie yor Tbrongb and »* - 114 sssrissu r W, L. tikirr jnczts a?* nv FALL ©BY Uo€>!>!•* at LoWßiiOiteasß, _ _ H„. 74 Uißtttr STiitr.-t, pWfS»ifiBM». "®» ©sw i*,? rwx Otm ®EKB OOutt* amu-uKlIy .»i . eenjatn* «iww *vf fl*>* »»to*T s*•- r “ • * good* flat we fc*?« «■*** li«u AiJIH iV* Extra rafter &£*; Freccbli«teM; _ . MoasdaUtoM; ftoft; • *' NEHfILB W'OBft—TbA fc**t utt.rtx&en: »o t -.a -»7 Collanu Obemta<*t». Ele^rr**; Flouncing*. Edging* And Imwttinga; *«■ v..™- I T<*ofth*r'wlth > a ?«rge assortment of MOURNING GOOG.I ‘tormS.nd HODBE FUBSTSHINO DEPART MENT It wpII And we feel confident flat we can offer ereader Inducements now than Wo, bare tier boen able to o Her before. We solid! an examioa 100 o. our stock before porehaiing elsewhere as all will fi»d » !o their advantage to do so. , , ~ _• We will also be almost daily la receipt of now an I u. .ura ble flood, throughout thegason. BROTHERS , (Vormerly Young, Btevenson A Lory.) No. 73 Market »irent, Htteburgh^jM. ft rJPPPRE&T “• «• CDffliKfeT. 8. CDTHEEBT O. SON, General commission agents for the saio and POTchaee of Beal Estate, OolleeUon of Rents, Borrow ing and Loaning Moneys on Bonds ! in i“° r £*?"-■ *“f • far making Bales of Produce, Manufactored Article". Ac . for Farmers, Mechanics and otherH. Office,-s»Oi6u,Mnrket street. , ; CIUOICE SEW WOKRc— j Oakfleld, by W. D. A mold ; Henry YUI. and bis Six Wires ; Bell Smith Abroad; A Long Inok Ahead, by A. 3. Roe; News Booh; , . Maufl, by Tennyson, (fourth supply;) My Bondage and my freedom; Escaped Nan; Hidden Path, by Marlon Hat land; ' lowa as it is in 185$; Blanche Dearwood; Star Papers, by H. Ward Beecher i OUe, by L. fiL N.; Visit to tbeOsmp Bofore Sebastopol; Bits of Blarhey, by B. Shelton McKensle ; Habits and Man, by Dr. Doran; Life of J. Gordon Bennett; Female Life among tbe Mormons; Pea Pictures of the Bible, by H. Ward Beecher; Heart’s Ease, io 2 vola; Life of Sam Houston; _ _ , Note Book of an English Opium Eater, by Be Qoincey , My Confessions—tbe Story of u Woman s Life; Evenings with the Prophets, bv lUt. A. M- Brown ; Lipptncott’s Gaietteer of the World. . The above just received, together with a large stock of Books and Stationery; also, correct Maps of Sebastopol, 4c. Remember, the place to get cheap Books is a* B , f e» LAtJfPER . a BOOKSTORE, No. 30 Fifth street. N' n.W MUaio— uiiaadewyevaniDg fails— Jdo - J * They mk me if I think of thee. I set my heart upon a flower —Alice Hawthorne. My early homfr—- A. F. Marthens. The lore of one fond heart. The Bed Boyer—Geo. LitJey- Ilad I never, never known ihee. There’s musicin the voice we love. My early fireside-*Alloa Hawthorne. How sweet to roam. Flag of onr Onion—W. V. Wallace. The Saw-Mill, (Dio Sage Muhle). Is it anybody’s Swoetly o’er my sei&es stealing. My soul Is dark. OesianiQQe, par L. M. Goitschalk. “ Pnrtant pour la Byne"—performed tt J ullien a Coneor.3. Game King Schottireh— F. 11. Brown. Wellington’s March. Gipsy Folka. Bailor Prince Polka. Angler’s Polka—W. V. Wallace. Crown of Boses—grand waltz. The Angol Waltt; sentimental. . . Vt? Also a collection of new Guitar Music, just retired by Express, and for sale by CU £i4 ,in " r !L ßL &nh \t s«pO No. 118 Wood Bt, 2d door above Fifth NKW BOOKS—“Japan as It was and Hildreth. w , _ , . « The Hidden Pathby Marion Barland. “Habitsand Men;” by Dr. Doran. •* Memoirs of James Gordon Bennstt and hie Times “ Star Papers ; u by Uenry Word Beecher. n “Tha Escaped Nun, or Disclosures of Convent Lite. u Maud and other Poems;” by Alfred Tennyson. ** The life of Sam Houston"—ill OBtrated. « Doeatlckß—wbat be says;” by Or K. B. Doeßtlcbs, P. B u Danger Id the Darka tale of intrigue and priestcraft, u Heart’*-Ease, or the Brothel’s Wile” 'i rols. ft “Off-hand Takings, or the noticeable Men of our age, “ Oik or the Old West Room byUM. M. Battles of the Crimea”—wilh two superb maps. The Temperance Pledgo “Violated by the Carson Leagar, Vegetables all the Year at Summer Pr ihJ 'aW this day by & r '* le M rB LAtJPFKtTS BOOKBTORR 30 Fifth st. ri'itt; NanCuMaes bt laAcasaAt. U. MIN Kit & CU, No. 32 Smitbfield street, Memoirs of a Meet Itespectablo Family. E,JUe<l by Arthnr PenOennin, Esq ; 2 vols. Hidden Path; by the author tf “Alone. Seventh sup ply. Peterson's Magazine for October; Leslie's Journal do Ballon’s Magazine do Yankee Notions do All the new Looks received as soon as published. sep22 _____ lOWA Aa IT 18 IN 185 —A Gazetteer tor Citizens, »nd a Hand Book for Immigrants—by N. H. Parker. Japan at it Wat ani ft— by Richard Hildreth,Esq ; with a map. Poa King—a Tale of the Sea; by Capt. Marryatt Bits of Blarney; by R. Shelton Moctconsle. - / Gay Rivers— a Tale of Odorgla; by W. Gilmore Sims. The Hidden Path; by Morion Harland, author Of Alone. Habits of Men; by Doran. Harper’s Story Book, No. 10. Harper’s Picture Book, No. 1. Memoirs of Sydney Smith—2 vola. The Eseaped Nan. , All the Magazines for September, and Other New itnnVa H. MLNKB A UU., sasmithfiiaj st. CUUSUKS— ban* of FRtahqrgh; ; Merchants and Manufacturers’ Bank; Exchange Bank; Former*’ Deposit Bank; Pittsburgh Trust Company;' Citizen’s Deposit Bank; Mechanic*’ Bank. Many varieties of Checks on the above Bankaon hanf i Checks printed to order in any style d-sir«L , W. B. lIAVEN, Printer tatloher. gapg Market etreet. corner ot jecond. ■ moiKH ANTIQUE—Just received, 200- garde oi »■ extra quality Black Moire Antlqua. A. A MASON A CO.,2i>Eiftbgt. PURE LIQUORS of every description, for. medicinal purposes, can always be procured Bt, p ry .^ lw fciq M p 4 Corner Market et. and BATE’S SUPERIOR WHITE OiUfcIASK,. far ,L«ri Wagons, Carts, Dr •ys and Opmlbusrea, wittl *na for sale by [oug3l] UKNRT 8..C0Q IJOK FASB KK VIN G—U3v«rlng‘» Sugar; 1 coarse, pulTeriied, croatieS ao<l clnriQ«L at ftUga F. a. DKAvo’fi. NO. UiHatDoo i IV ,1 YLKK'B OHUUSIIA iUSMJSU 1 M bo well known for it, &Ug2& Ma-wg^- ukaNdT, m»oo om OI Ula o*tawl,a Grapes C at Cincinnati, old b, the dozen or ■fajhW, m 2 Corner of et and Virgin, alley. “ALL PAPKfI-fl —Velvet, Batib and Gotdiadn Wall i'a nera. In every variety, yritiL&ppropciate borders, for sale toy W. P. MARSHA \ 4 CO., ggp'A) 'S'FWaoi Street. C’ —HI6AP WALL AT 12U UKST as sortment J oat received and for taU by gepa) Wv VC MARSEALTi A CO 'KffTINDOW CUBiCAiNS —Giaird Ure*ra7Gt*r6d Blue, W Plain Green and Figured Curtain?, : u boleaale and retail, tor sal® by * s “ k ‘ s Bgpff) W. P. CO. GR&KN- 2,000 "lb? dry, and in otL for palu by . B- A. FASNESTOOK'«pCO., , corner Wgcd sta A A. MAftHN k CO. annoQacß thwlr of -* Cloaks, ©f-tiwixcirFaU styles, on 'HniTrtftly *nd Fri day, September 80 and 21. - u-.r.i »«?V«0 A A. HABON & CO. wUI open on TUurtiJ&x and Friday, . (bo 20tb And 4 21st lust, a eholea selection of Full Bonnots, Head Dresses, Ac. twp2«j *• *- V " ' v, it?. \* v - ». -v * *♦ t v v* ' \ Nfci.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers