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J v !-v;< ? -';'wk:::•••',:'«.••►•-’ .•*: j *.,.'.•••: ; -Vi f t < vV V ] w* V 'i -.Ji. liK ►. <:• 6 iVI * J .f -| "a»C *«.,» »*• V k't. f} • »j r' i .•' f f' •. 1 .§'^l •is' •ri*' •* r. .** f» *J ' J *' , ' » <‘* • 1 V v; i • V'f ! ||V: V; •' V.l ! aV.sV;V;VV i v' ‘V* 0- <■' 1 : - ’ > ; -W:.-»4,-{ r »*N'n ■»•«. ...'<■ ■* *-*7 C v i .'•. ( . v f 1? -. v . o -■' * Vi:< 1 \Trx~" • iwSTOfi*?^ ,, *' T t'‘ W! r ; Sv'- : '-t; *|K ; cV'- ' t HilSSfgFSS^pSv:' .XWsVV^f% rt'f ‘:'- : 4 J ;V‘ f**-'. p»TKTgVtt5p < s'’V t >>® •y- r 'i'Ca>f<Kfs! i‘c.“/iff '-W r '-;. - 'b>p,»b\r,ht -> £ V-/ r -v v **£-yV *f^§^S^HK t >-^' il i»* :^‘’? fF"K T? v?**j -*.t\*i v« * : '\ : ■ <■ r ’ gSggggv. '*S ’f -i't+£ T JV* ‘i IT *-» ■*-•„• .0 l! ~~-- :*-•'®^a : r f#-; npW’vi ‘>;.v Pi*»v;-7 ,V ,'•' ''A- -*" ? I; 1 -' 1 > ••' --f f -H £ ?/v f>!>i. m■* r,': , - : 'f'‘'^-•■;*>' r , “T^-rMii.,. m “ E^mu^M-'ciarij^, John sr-Upm. J imeo W. UaUft.ll, 1 hinipa. chM . Art > ut hn,i, M»s|£g*«jK{f: V. **h - F rn -*V •-, -1 J ““>' h ? , a t L T' M ' ’ John iron:, Slitfe;' ' <f?fc i?J •\*’ 1 J “ m '“ U “ “ h ni,.Uo NjAd.KU— *• .-1 ,:..« EuiffiA IHTOEASCE COMPABT lifitflfti' rr-L 1 • 1 of PITTSBURGH ;:: - i -1 »u.r S“.=.r. u «....» . ~~~r mm ' t ; r,, -®ife'^AjyJ{j4ii , ?^Vt^ , '<*' , ?'»' v t^ift^ | Jir;* ,^.n*tf»*.t.r i*.tb*^'. -“*t ‘i 8 OariJ Ucoaadt«BA. -’i* ••*■' a « p l “^u^^°-“"^ '*™— - v r; '* ‘f'u£."-~-'* t ?l " c-> * ■'j* ,, ‘"3 , v Ilogemarj, tor lb* 1 hftir , Turkish Oft’iQ, ;lf u tew‘» * :, ‘ r ' rf V' T h*-*.^* 3 i/ " t i->«v & *<•?!'.- ■;,. j? i for p l?£ ot ui. c* ltowne " &nd wdnea * 0{ *** 6fc,a: SiillS f 4^^ tk« Pittsburg r .id S'&- •*■ --.>'■ i* f -M-:,.c*ifildhtb**™ 40T ,t rLEMINQ EROJ i' ■iV .v-VS't- « FLEMING HBOS. '^^^.l^jV'^^^^>‘ / -^&Bs»»»»«» ,arfc " , a®w* ! ' ”' ; ,’»‘vt\ r -- r r‘;.'-f S'?>*? T' : -''- *;'• *•'l^LDS'mSS^' o n» on bond ond BROS -•£”.£ >. v.y :;■« *’ , 'V^ 1 ' V'V°r^'V -v\ If' #:^®=>?a^-:.-:' : i'''';4 v .r::^ -o - J - r . 41 v;- . ~ «•«. t- •■'< i - ’ ',■■<., I •„ ' , '" j* -' .M ;>■'*'-■’ ~ - ' ■'■ > >■ *-< . ■> v.\ .'.' •"' ; -, , _*-••■., <■.- . t * >' , _ T■' S** 4 '7 ~~ r y ' 1 ~‘/%*-''-****• "*1 ;cOf/.is, ' '* f r.' , .- l V+>&S< •.. A .<•.;*l-'.-•%& *«*• )V i^’-'•%*<;* ( *v f - ; i*s ;•’ i ;!.■ > V l W'-^"* ! '- ’■‘ ‘ ; »*"-■-■■', ■■■••■' ■ .. . v-srj§f >. -4;v - , ; f.r, -Jr&i\ ;•.:•'•■ •-.-.; ,-' K*t^-‘WJ , 9S& , ty'sAt&tt' *® * T <v H . V. «WS»HSW : SI«ife ■• ' - ■••'>.•*; tigrjWr" •:- •.:, ••y ir-. • Vi'vis 'v- v- ; ; . m.- .. r J .v~ r -i-£* £> >' I.* «•#.-- ;.~« ,V , '■'» . \ ® v • B- si . "* t> 4j»\ , *«« L ’ .• »»- *'t : * w 7 J'*; v.:. » 1:, T;iii CSIV POST. WEDNESDAY MOaWING:::::SEPTEMBER 12. Btoleh Iron Foubd.—Thirty-seven barrels of the iron stolen from the Portage Railroad were reoovercd yesterday by Mayor Adams police. John Lythe, who is now In jaß oa aa9 ’ pioion of being oonoerned in the robbery, Borne time since had asked permission of a nw named Whitehead, residing in the Third yard, Allegheny, to store the above mentioned lot in a coal shed, remarking that it B 9J n ® days before he ooold Bell it, and that he had no convenient plaoe for Btoriog it. Mr. White head, without stopping to inqnire about now he came In possession of the Iron, granted his re qneat. When he ascertained that it had been stolen, ho was anxious to get rid of it, and cheerfully delivered it to the officers. Mayor Adams Intended to give Lythe and Nioh olla a farther hearing on Thursday, but the ev idence of oompliolty is ao strong that he yes terday sent up final commitments against them. TffEAtAs —Mr. Dav dge, Ute of the Broad way, New York, finished a very sucoessful week at oar Theatre on Saturday evening. Aa a low comedian, Mr D. has fet? superiors in this country, and is oertainiy ahead in bis peculiar line of any person who has trod the Pittsburgh boards for many a day. His Paul Pry, Poor Peter PHHooddy, and Dr. Pangloss, were mirth provoking to a fault. This, we believe, is Mr. Davidge’a first essay as a “ star.” His success here must bo truly flattering to himeelf, in more senses than <no: and however muob wo may condemn the system, until it is abolished we hopo true merit like his will meet with the suc cess his excellent talont deserves. Rowdyism Pcnished. —Two well kncwu row dies, named George Lull and James Braddook, wero arrested on Monday evening by officer Dougherty, while engaged in the innocent nmusoment of kuooking inoffensive people down ia the streets. They were placed in the tombs, until yesterday morning, when Mayor Volz fined them each ten dollars for their ••fun.’’ Brad dock paid the fine, but Lutz being unable to raise tho needful, was committed to jail for twenty days. Maw Drowsed. —A man named Fc-tcr Petti grew, a deck hand on board the steamer Caledo nia, was drowned in the Ohio river, near tho Marino Railway, on Muuday evening. Tho man went oat in the yawl to tako a line ashore ; the night was extremely foggy, and he fell over board. Every exertiou was made to rescue him, bat without avail. His body was not re overed. He resided in this oity. Tub Western Agr iCCLtrniST Mr. Dr. Ramaley, of this city, has issued the first num ber of a neat paper, bearing the above title, which is to be devoted to the agricultural inter ests of Western Pennsylvania. The typograpbi cal appearance ia exceedingly rpm. and the mat ter soems to havo been selected w<’h considers bio oare. Wo have no doubt it w:T meet with proper enoourageuient. Mas. Dpffielu mvde her second appearance last evening, to rather a thin audience, in the character of Margaret Elmore. The exquisite acting of Mrs. Duffield should command greater attention, as it is reuliy fur above wc hu<e be id treated to of luc years, with bat r-re ex ceptions We Lope to &ee % full bouse this even ing UuY Dbowskd —A s.'.n cf Mr Kaiph Frost, w t the Mayor's police, w a drowned yesterday evening, while baLhing in the Allegheny river, opposite Kuapp & WaJo's fouc.lry, in the J-ourth Ward He was aged about eight yours. The body was found soon after the unfortunate oc currence had transpired. pASSiaa Spurious Cois —A man earned C. M. Kissinger yestorday nude information Alderman Parkinscn against Mary Sobwimble. for passing a “bogus’ half dollar Ho sold her a half dozen bottles of Clark’s Stomach Bitters, and she gave the spurious Co.o ia par*, pay. A warrant was issued for her arrest. A Fiao was presented to tho Jackson Blues yesterday moruing, at the St. Clair Hotel, after wbioh they left for New Castle, accordicg t, previous arrangements. Tub public sale of desirable dry goods at Thompson’s, No. 106. Market street, near Fifth, will bo continued this morning at 0 o’clock, by P. M. Davis, auctioneer. 8. H. &vqo, Agent of 'he Pennsylvania Riib road at Cincinnati, was drowned by falliog oil the ferry-boat croseiog from Covington, Ky., to Cincinnati, on Friday morning last. Taxes were nineteen oases of drunkenness in the tombs, yesterday morning. Norfolk Bofferebs, —At a meeting of the Board of Trade, tbc undersignod were appointed a committee to solicit aid for the sick and needy at Norfolk and Portsmouth. As it is important that immediate aotioa should bo taken, we beg leave to a»k those who have not already givon their mito, to do 30 a: an early hoar, to either of the ' ommittee. Sahcel P. Subiveb, 130 Becond street. Wm. S. Lavelt, 68 Wood street. Walur C. Ron, 207 Liberty street. Fbahcis K. Sellers, 309 Liberty strert. H. L. Risowalt, 17 Wood street. Blue Sla«*t ana *uoJjit m'.nmi *nm: oondu In i the AheO* o! W-IA. Lute Uaeu lU * >dr t*» mal**° r fl 1 better production fr. m the vegetable kingdom In thw 4 ( ( Ho-utter's Stomach BUtein. Thee* celebrated Bit era '1 are entirely and their «mUnabon of such * ni'urn u to guarantee peifcot safety to b«ua* used by bah J young and'ld, mile ot*d female, the later m par Jen.« 1 received the most salutary beneM ftvtn the the ot ‘ I tbe*e Bitters, «b-n a)l other treaun-ni from th« n»-*> '! BkU'fal bands bars failed in rumoring tbem from a *Ute of ,1 debility to perfect health Fur «ic by Dn>cg«t» B^^al.y, '5 and at wpS - L ' l A*r Clarb'o Stomach Bittern *rc by all »ho h»v tried them to be tb« W Uml.y of the „ 4 e, for the core orDj.ptpsm, Ootoivenew and «<• .• ordered state of Ih. Lleer and Stomach. ha '” nf4 l The proprietor* do not protisad to ciucum people ln-m using otter preparation* that t»n> palmed upon the public uDder the nam* of Stomach Blu.-rfi. f-r found that only one trial was needed to i.-udor B ucu camion by CoUCM A Claek. No 22 Market htreef ties IL K.rT6t&, 140 Wood btr*-wt, and . y Druggi-m Ifonernlly ~ f i 'i'V» »i i u.<i h Life Fire and Harino Insurance Company ; COSXES OF WATER *‘\ I'HAUKtT l 'HAUKtT STEER IS i PITTSBURGH, PA. 'j HOB Eli T GALWAY, Pr*-«Ufnl. 1 ji« p. M’OftL, Secretary. , * Tbia Company male, -aery Ineurabnr appart.ibln j,O l.r S with Lit L JtlHJvri- . r ■ jv i I *. apalnat Hall ond Cargo lU--J os Alan. J[ rtn an d tributaries and Marine Meae Blearer' Loss and Damage by Pile, aod arfnlDib .ef A " J ftu M and Inland Narration and rr«c«p»rt». n. Porile cl the ,j „t ths lowest i.toa .'onaia'.enl will. <•»(■ -J Pollrier mu'" 1 tt> *ll parties. — n —cTU d and for sale by arack on "* a l-LKMINO 81103. J MP B LACK IN -SZASSiSiajvi&rM' I and for salejiy ' 10 bbla £r»dni»d " do 20 bblfi Crushed j just MOBiYed and (or 4 xNDEBBOK, i “ No. 89 Wood «treet._ | riURNITTOK ktaS. M ' d by the fuh * rri ' r Hint polish. V«» ‘h® ilth fall directions for a so. icr. Price aentt per M Msrkrt «. told br ! tag? B ! _ B -! rfAO UKRTROY RATS AND ROACHER-Uso » Ixa of lh» - ... „n . 1 MAHON S 00. h>™ jA* l rtf'* l _L Exoolulor KstermUif.tr r li ceier !*'“• -J„L ___ or pu,n WKk s “^ r7 1 by b ' w fi«w Sri,. \ »«p* NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Reported Expressly to the Dally Morning Post FOREIGN NEWS. arrival of the steadier arago ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE Nxw York, Sept, il.—The steamship Arago. from Havre, with dates to the 29th August, arrived at o'clock this afternoon. Bhe brings BSO passengers . -.Queen Victoria had retained toßngland. Gen. PtUlsstar telegraphs, under date of August 24th, that on the previous night the French carried the Russian ambufcade on the glads of the Haiakoff. Subsequently 500 Russians tried to retake it, bat were repulsed with the loss of 800 men. Napoleon, la a letter to Qen. Pel Ussier, thanking the army for the victory at Tcborusya, says he looks for a speedy termination of the siege, and adds that If Sebasto pol does not fail, he knows by Information that the Kasdan army cannot again sustain a struggle through the winter. * The Russians are sail to have doubled the garrison at Sebastopol. The Russians have launched several vessels at Nicola©(T. Seventeen Russian gun-boats came out of Riga on the IQth and fought two hours with the Bristiah screw steamer Hawke, 60 guns, and 8 gun corvette. The result was In decisive. STILL, LATER, ARRIVAL 0? THE AFRICA Halifax, September 11.—The steamer Africa arrival this morning with Liverpool dates to the Ist lust, being one week later. The main features of the news consl’te in details of the battle of Tchernaya and the operations that preceded it, by special reports. It turns out to have bo«*n a derided victory for ihe Allies. Another Russian attack upon the Allies' linos in the vi cinity of the cemetery was anticipated. It is announced definitely that Omer Tosha is to lake command in Asea. Tb»-ie la nothing important from the Black Sea. Rattu or Tcqkrkata..—The reports of General Simp son sod PeUlseier state that the Russian attack on Tchrr nava was a deliberate effort to raise the eiege. If they had succeeded In holding the heights, they intended a fur ther attack upon the four points. The documents found oo a dead Russian General clearly Indicate this. General ftimpton estimates the Russian force at 56,000 infantry and 6000 cavalry, with 100 guns. The French had only 12,000 men, and four batteries were engaged. Tbe Sardinians had 4800 men and 24 guns, and the English on ly one bat- Ury. The Russians advanced three times with determi ned bravery and thrice carried the ridge otowning the heights but were repulsed; their ratrrat was covered tv the Russian batteries. General Pollissier calls the French loss IT officer* killed and It GO wounded, ibe Sardinian !<w 250 killed and wounded; the Russian 10-a 3U»o killed, soCo | wounded, and 1800 wounded prisoners The Ru«Biai>B id | mil great losaes. three of their General# ware killed. The Russians cug»ged in the battle had just arrived la tbe Crimea. Geo Simplon says Redan and Maiakoff were bombarded On the 17th, with as much effect os was anticipated. Trine* GortsrbakofT telegraphs on the night of the 27th. that affair# at Sebnetor-ol were unchanged. The fire of tLe allies being ec-a<*ionaUy very »trcug. It Is reported that General Blmpson b Ul, and that t<*n B-ntrick hse taken command. The allies nr- preparing to cross Tcbenmya, and active owratk'os ure delayed until thle movement is effected. Umar Pabbawa* to leave for Trrbiaond. Nothing relln *bl* wn* r**c«ivt,.J from K.nrs or Riserouu TL» Rusninmi have i e-estublithej communications between UenHaiie and Arab&t .... The allied *t«-: in the Kaitk hn* U*-u ordered to r*M r- Ifom before Cionstadt. Tbe dUabled gunboahi only at- re turning beta*. private letters state that the Russian lo*a in the bom bardwul of ?weatr.rg is not !e«s than tA)OU u»on. ix* Nord. on the con rnry. say* that only 60 men were killed, and lb.»t 1300 guns io various fort# remain to Thu same noaitioQ on tbs batteries, wholly uninjured. PRUSSIA. Tiie Prussian circular Indicate* that that gi-verurueM an-l the Qerroacle confederation oocupl— prevUely the sumo tk<,- t'ou as they did *g°- V ' AUSTRIA. Tb« Austrian pap**' l ootnplaln that tb** uaUtfc6.«i vt n.e W-Jtern power? to Turkey U fast ''hiaglntf InU »u a* '.u»i occupation of Turkey. Tb* reply to tb** Auatrin-o rtmn. elian<v*, by Gr«at Britain, W said to hate *t*t«d that tb*. 4 u«#tlrn of nationalities could not b# latto-du eU lnt« the pr**««Dt rrisl« Tbo depot of the I'ailan r<iTttiL». »t rumored furthor the Austrian Irontier* A Berlin lotte- e»ys t-.at Court N«-»w.lroie ha* i^m-d another diplomat I ..'letter, sUtlng that the Ctar 1* otilln^ m makn honorable t#-tn« • ' p-ao- There »re ruuior« cf a new ti•.n ct ;wo hundred CiU.uit. of :• irica UKK.VT BRITAIN. A luJ'mnl ehSlUp* i* prvt>oa».i. wuh » »w»« to pr»*MUl a -uitaM** \• tji CLane? Naplc: K nut Uokr !.r.j Uat .<*Sqv. kiaaiu I'hn potato IjarTMt In I rd»uJ if, vD L-Li sa L :uc, »«rr? « oV HUSi’K ; tir i,^.♦-t Ir< hj Frivol utilmp'.i uai l’i<* f »* **•, „*(*• ory , ami u :V>u- flila# B KI11! I' M. A ouimii«-ou L»a Lcvn apv-iunlfJ t<‘ U»« I option. A rntror »» prevalent In IVrb* ' f b* io*> lut tar y abdi- •- ,1 Qu«*u I-a oil* Otl:«r Import*..t Htut»»rr for. Th* export of Breadilutfi ii prohibited froiu tb« lUt-in States The political ferment* •'oquuo*- at NapU». UR.KECE. Tb« rurratit crop of C- phalonU ia ►adlj d«6-.U r*t DEN MABK Thf Kie; of IWirnirfc it on a tW*U to lb* K ' 2 ••> swr..«*n Thrt OIJ t ! -be tOUfcd iurf to prrpJc x iLe g .'rprcmeilt. We bare Bombaj dates to July 30tb. A formidable m Ftirrcrtion had broVen oat In Bengal among lb. Sambo.* atuJ other tribe*, numbering from th riy to lorty thousand. They wm dwtroylnr rrarythlng European »ll *i< quiet at Sbangbn.aul Canton. The Inaurgeut' o*j> losing gre-and In the North. The Norfolk Sufferer* Baiti*o&x, September 11—B/ the Norfolk boat lhl> morning we learn that lort> deatha occurred lh*r» iron' f«rer oc Saud«r There had Ueo a considerable dlminu l , Q 0 f Q OW At Portamooih on Sunday there ir«r» BiX dea hi Among the etc Urn* to the »« 1 Karthall nod Flea***, of Baltliaure . Dr Cfayeroft, of PbUa '•lphia. Dr. fmlth. of Colombia; and Dre Gooch aotf XlDr*o of Richmond: al‘ of whom dfod on Sunday Dr Balfour, of Norfolk, ual o dead. TL. «-»er U broken w»l at Boffolk. lfl miles from Portsmouth. The people are uy mg In erory direction. Uaitixo&k. Beptembrr 10, 0 P. M.—Tbe rommlit**' l"* 1 to the boat tor Norfolk tbie erectur. to make ■Tracgnmeate to bring to Baltimore 200 orphan children, to be quartered #t the new House of Refuge, no* !» prcc*** of •vwcCkiiu and which i« being prwparcd lor their They will nveh hare on Saturday. The ladiea of the rarfooe rhurrt.e. are making Ibe rfotblofi to U »«nt down fo tbett) The children will l« purlhed. end their (M ejothlnc borne,! Tl.fi Pay Line baa Tolunve* red to bring them > hr l tj f ,-e , , Large I>l*lne Klecilott. A leuiros . ri'ieivieJ, but -hey d° l, * Jt vhnnpv tb. ib’.rarter i f the v. it. »v pr.vtou.ly reported . ilorr»h. BrpubUceu. luuh. the l«f, but ill. |*ll r-eelvel bf Ui. Wbl*randW»'r d«tror« th. |.rr.bnM;i: v . f tn Mil l-y the people. The LlVi-li, vrirpcuMl ’! 1>«“ *"• Aml Maine Ui me". »oJ Wl.lg*. bn.. » dK-uI.J m.j rll; '. s-netor. enJ Jlepreoeol.livee, who will probab.y eI«T Well, or H—i Th. > ole Li th.. heaviest «« «b, .1 eeO log U ; ,»i> bIAPATCiI- i P..ftTLlM> Ml ,|.t TWUIWd Mfoilo.. : irtTM M0.r.11 o:«» LU'l UwM i\rU«(toi > * r-" l1 ’ I[ .V 1 “ 17t«- >Vl>«m , ■&<! need, WU*. I’-- 'Hifl tarn* rereWed from ItW town* show the lallowm* tou * Tb* j IROI t n.^Mi! ,,LttOK _ " ' “° ,r . !A N Institution U «-du.-.i> U * MsINK.-r MAN (»• Mltcellaneou* Il«m». I t-pea bi»y mid K' tr; ui "AM V ' W 1 M. Mr Kv«a» K N., bn* b*«n to Coo*re*« from 1 '4 0O , Ttz-8 Tne election o( K N-> f%* L»*ui. *od *u.l «| **r.U U*» uutnet. *« :j «*• .-•• •«’»• t* nil txt UjW*-i«>l»e rU ■' IUI -.<•’» , /Vci . A p-ute K N Coii*-’uliyn, tc u< into* to rHat* < 1,1,1 [.nii j' • > »<■ :t- ’■ .i • I '-< • ■■> ''*••• •• ••• • • • *’ H‘’'t n o, «.*• t t-*r , , &r'-® u The ciU***in» »t Columbia h C , *te about U- oxt»iml *l-1 . to tbe *otlereTi M hurt** and PnmaoUib. The Ct» Conndls fubff-ribe $1 . , h „ A ot timber tb»t lay «rro»» tha thr«» b punwr train nB tt. ronrt, .• »bjo < >» tbe luth, killing tbe 6ram.c, rn.il tnj urlo*Condu.-tor IV etberel 1 I anil oth-r- PIANOS! PIANOS! MA.NI'IACTI&KIJ BY i NUNNS & CLARK, j MW Tuk£. AJ<l> VO> HA 1.1 BI H. KLISBEH &. BKO , ff*. 5 3 nrt* stnft, » A rm 1 nKCiiTBT', lh« fln*t ftrw of ft lin?« mvoi. • 01 Sunn* 4 Clark's untiTuUed Pianoft. ThUggCggagga . boice lot will oompTH*- — BESBEESInI i 6 Octave square rornerr. reword. < Ter tJ J 0(] y ; wrings*. “ W ■ 6* , Octave, do 'b» , Octave, round '•c-ruarj. ros**r>r.i, rervp-J. **u*Ho • | a* doable round coroerft, flnUhsi all amuo « \ do ' do CUITC-1 Iftj;?, hlual'»llfdt; ,\'l iio !:<-u>l-*?rprDtine, very elegant 7 do do do ft . do Pull Serpentine, aplomllJ pattern llj do *l® I Tbf above t*!l positively be void at New Vntk /■ --lory >nWo«i addition for /reiqht dc ' H. It LEBER. A &R‘». Bole dilute for Nunns A Clark, for Pittsburgh i h an l Puijndvhat;'..i, i Fifth atrwiL, oearjhe Post Offlou. first arrival 0 V FAL „ L LoWot? B ? 8° I>S aw- Vo 1* MABKET STREET, TITTSBUBCII, -&3 ' Blow nr TUI CKIUISAL 1H UITI. , vVB DKKStf UOODd DEI’AItTMKNT It unusually .ul, ( ) uuJ route! na some of the richest and moat desirable Ouoiie that we hare ever been able to otter, such aa jSxtru super Bilks; "* French Merino*; Oaabmerve; MouadeLaines; Plaids; Strtpaa; Cobnu* Ac NEIDLR WURK—The best aeaortmsnl in me ' _ Collars, Ohemiaeitei, BleeTes; /‘'i ROUND OkMIaN- Klnunciugi, Rdgings and lowrtlngs: \JT auglS Ant Velvet. |>o™U- W c..U >»• roster , (XJ -nrim.u, w, Mu l USING GOODS jiCUTCU HEIM.™ ‘*' and HOCSE ntRSISatKO DEPART- .. “ MRNT is well *utplied, and we teal confident that w« can rpiN—lou pigs Tin jutd in Se«,r« and Iv-r offer greater inducements now than we have ever been j **u by •’ w M• T ■ able to Offer before We solicit an examination o> our Young Uv.al, stock before purchasing elaeahore, as all will fl-id it to r l *** do jj l6 , k ; their advantage to do 80. X. M caddies Young Myron au-1 lilacb Tenet tVe will also be almost daily in receipt of new no SMITH. '1 A 1 It .t lit s Thu. hlB floods throughout the season. - - 1 - - bleuoooa ** LOVK BBOTHKIIB, \ TUNIATA bLtXJMS— (Formerly Young, Stevenson k Lots, i IJ bo tone E. H. Lytle’s Jun Uta Lumps, sc p 6 No. 73 Market etrvet, Pittabnrgh. Pe. j 61 loos Juniata Bloom.-. t-r ~*" v ®y 40 , BW NOVEL, AT author or "Alone."—The Hidden I .‘“A"— - - p el^,n T"*tt Store,' Path, by Marion Harland; just receired and lor sale R p . rT ,- gxitEKT, one dorr rest of ll.e Kichangr r r.'„etSl JOHN 8. DATiKIN, 66 Market «.. I MO ; a8 BD d CUrIM EIGAIIH tor Bale by (auglli! a jA '\ ES HUSIhKY-HXi dozen Udlre', Ueott’ and zhildicu’s Hummer lioaiery, ot every d.-rcrip'n;m m-.vvJ augl3 -aJJonflcro hao' HIKO BBOS._ HAVANA BEGAR& I have joat received a splendid lot | of pen trifle 27ut>ana JSegtrs. I flAfr&r can always obtain it at JOB. FLEMING S, “Sn 4 3 Corner of Market Bt. and Diamond. , D— iTCOOKTBKMEDY VOK INTKMPBHANCK Per- ; ffißß who wiih to refrain Irom the nee of lntoik.a n * met nan now obtain this eelusbie remedy. It le Bold i ßt liquor* can no bottle. In some cwea one bottle the low prioß “ft m „ tap i ß ; and If deßlrßble, effect* a cure. Mr« a,, Knowledge of the pa y con be ndmlniß " (JCTHBKM, tieiit. Bold only In the city oy o Mortet BtrMt toi 1 * f ' rsi ■. i -■■ - 1 ’fy liA_i FROM INDIA . 'J' v * •-■ . .V . J. * ," - p . ~ ’ COMMERCIAL POST.' •»*»» roR «**“ PITTSBURGH BOA RD OF TRADE AMD fIKRt'UANTS’ SXCIIAMGE. oynciiiia. president— JOHN SfHPrON. Pint Yxct Prcndzni —Wm. H. Smith Second “ “ Wm. R. Baown Secretary— Wm. S. Haver. Treasurer— John D. Scully Superintendent—'6. T. Nobtuaw, Jn Committee of Arbitration for SipUnJMtr —T. 8. Clare , V. P.; Jso P. PIA&S, Jis. O’H. Fcm.LT, R. T. LUUH, W B. Holmes. Commerol&l Summary Per Africa \ Liverpool Mabret, Aug 31 —Cotton, Dennistoti's Circular quotes pricea ap stiffer bu: not quolablv higher. The mar ket closed firm; the sales for the week ware 61,000 bales, Including 5000 to speculators and SOOO for export. Breadstuff.;; Brown* Shipley's Circular quotes Bread- Bluffs as dull. Some Circulars state that there was an ac tive speculative demand fur Coin, and prices bad slightly Advanced. TUe weather bad been farsirubl* for the crops. Provisions —lUcUsTdf'Ptt, Spence A 0-' .jodo Ptorlilous tfl unchanged. Lard bad advanced 6J Money Market, Coo-’d.* f: r Mr,-.-; qu-.de at A Lrv eh POOL Markets —Cotton—Orient?? middling 6\<§.7-ltl; Uclan-lafalt middlngj <'>•* I; Mobile fair £v- middling ti0 4 (gT ;; .. The clock of lo port is 396.001) bales Toshalcs'D PtUay were 1 - 000. of » hi-M 2000 balcfl we re -old to 6(wu'i.i.rk. The markets < '<■« -d Bloady BreedPtuO- —Brown A Shipley White Wheat *t IIeMt&LWW —Red -Of l l . 4 J(rtJU?;; ! : mixed Corn 3?-,6d. Jlichcr.UoD, Spence A ic ~qiH tu ycM .w and mixed Corn Linseed Oil Fteodj- an ar'iva demand. aa.e; at Lie; Sugar advanced '-.'.dt# 1 • Mnrknt firm Cofle« RCUTe ftnJ prices unchanged. Ton cl.mil bioivdy, with moderate domanJ. Advtrcs from Manchester me rat"« L»v-<rable. Produce Aug. 31.—BarlDg, Brothers A Co. np'i! the mark-i* h< evid-ucln/ an active deiuanJ. Sugar adrHT.r.-j a*. Odfee steady. Tallow firm. While Wbi-ft' 7<:.«v WJ? 7*«jTn. Fi..-or 4A-* Iron market r.rm, WoUb rail* on lxu:d at s<>'. £;< lus I U SO-. I.ATVtV LiVfBP'W'L, Saturday, S.-ptair.bor 1. kbv..n A. M. {iigland * Co. report that ’he w*-n’.Lfr, nhich baa boou j'av. r ill - h\ has chiim'.l u Kllght decliu - * in sh 1 r-tulT.-,; Wheat to I low«r, wilhiu tin: !iu-l 4 liiy*. I"- ur «•o I ; Corn 1•• Rui-vii advanced l* The U i.;i;d i* rotiuo. J. n.-l b* La«hkM. Tallow, wirb an a.-’.iv,- rp-. ui.Htn - demand, ha advaoc-d Is. L'.vtx n Mostr Mxr.r.tT, Augu*: rd —7 ba Eupry market id bUchtlv cosier C-muois f«.r urm-v quoted ,»• 91, and •>r twjiu* ! 9':’ . Bullion in the lt-.nk of K'-vland ba? de- £') 70,000 Ampriari tecur te- atJ >l TELKOBAPH w A BEET Ni a v u.F' pir.i'T 11 • v- ri. ■ * . . r'pnn • Put j.c.% , . 5... V f. : »»-.w \VI - ? cn-MV <a r - ■ ! !•• • sl,» .. ; l V.. T- ' : »: Pw *n : i <n-l .h-- . .*• • at *'■ !>••» tnu «>'>' "I* M ‘ 1 dui:i>it!i tut IHt *> .‘.ri.L/ '• )i n = :. l > A-;! c<>T.< i tirt:: ruJ! p’. trv.lv ; -rut, ; 1 : - ) • u, pnu j:-nvr. (Urriil.; • n:. \S: al pat- - * 0- * at jt -• .: e cvu ii.' f« I*l. au- C'-rn Juil. nuJ j -6aU l't- T«tli. v. m rf. «t P... 1 .i. ** .a i.SJ-. uiij i. 11-tts’ 1 .» *. u>. t.< • r SI -«tii *' ; '- r ' t . t . VI - AUCTION bALKb. Aurlloux'irliii t*«. t I Jf. r ... H, - • r.- ! • • *.» wl r-'t.- UN Wid LA*. •, t. Gi*-o** v N • • lu-w. *U •• • £HJ > r - - cl I v 1> H i; * VIS. A-Cltr***- r n. b Tit', i.-: l. M >- ■ ! i • 11 •1. . f til • U 4 \ Ul li ANr ' i' 1 ' “ • 1 f ‘ \ f .»;jh»o. rnur.» 0-11' ' ■ ■' • w i:l t.< u ' L«-t* i£%;li*4 u.* b l- »• :'*> * •« ft'OL' ’ *•: ! ' ■' ‘• ’• i •; t, »i » * *l#Do- J'jJ «1 r '-J • - - ; one l. D!f >■ 1 fco l »e: U‘"« N-n? t. Lmwl t;. •:«- -*r * « I •*>» * rth la’>r ,v it' ,t A n J’ 1 K '[ ‘ 7 T 1 Cas'jrpaßsnd for Ppobd * Unrivulle-d f&t CviufuM KK.-U 'iri.'kt STKUBKNVILLK k INDIANA RAII.'KO4I»! VFb'.r•'• H r.ot larwt-b i’’ •• K*U Ar r * lift «mr u t On ti. 1 »!:-r SJ-d Ik ». * a < mor r.; n*• n Tb- Mrtri.\o* Un' ! %Q'! 1;M H A I , Op . »ill» nt r 1 K\ KMM* >• ti: •• W * ;i -c; in in* Wr<> i- *j?»""l * os' > " n rr. : ‘i hr V t.tw; 1 o- --«>!•••’• • C»|*l ‘i.-nlrn, tr J i LA h A I : ' H► K fttt*bur/b • 'i'Tr 0• •.*• •• ' ■* *• ; »!*■••; n t-c-aM. m-.l >-*«■!• " in ittttr for th» .Vt< > ,nw - ' i '' 1 mat'** ' ; >.l i *.r -! W U J •- > .Li I K l• • ‘\ , \ . t ui.kl 1 : j V l . R’- : -• . Buck K--i'r. lur* v mid 1 r»<•*.!«•«I l’> »ini*D*! i; Hmu. .< t.t*« !• r Ln t * | nr ‘ in> ; r^niimunlilP - i-r-ii-txvii- imr >r . ."jiO- -run.- l'-r t.-- i'*“. 0.. lVtim.-.u-tnp. p't mi'Otl:. 1 ‘ .a ri! h ju«*' 11-.I 1- . I**. ntoß M-bip aud •. t«jf m-r '*i. ' II !&!.<>? miVibfWiitlar„'u 11./ •■•...■ <>■ • •: i draft i un «'ljat. i »i. m • I.it»- : u rnl » n : ’•> l, r 1.1 5 n t Df ( m 3 '‘on* l ruc'-U'ti —ob f-*r nrr*~iu.-Tj' Th(*a* that a’t-n-i i-ulv in .• ihn uJ. <( thr Jh* Is 1 n t i.T h< ' 'i*'- 111-n r<'rt cr U < o l Mil I . tu .. <• CYLir*.' Hail.** fppOM.r U.- l‘>.»ti>tlicr Y VV J t NhI.NS. l*rlt»ol|.Kl A A MAMIN & 0> ft , l*ttaU< r l-t iLelr nU-J 1 klcO; i! i ! l r.xiU'-fi 'r, ;:s jjrWs I>tKK fi KMM' M K F.f —M*rp Su m'»• A., e|>l rk, Ltovt-A. "tilt*' lt*vj-r. .'M’iM b utL^'T, I*epi*r, WLU<* an 3 Hri-wn Mm uni .'tl F K I'KAW .V. 1 Cl'»t’YiNti H'jnKr- t:i r > i:r a 1 / Books lor null* Hy V 1 BI.A'JK - MUJ lit AM iwfii --J u*’ wrtvl, -'J\J vr.r !•> >•! dttra (juaht)- Uiiufc .V iirc AQl!ju«- A. A MABi.'S A 0 ) , 'J;'' KiM h *t A A. MAbvN h U> Ini'... „ . uf • i-l i lair 1 'rt- U ;-:i MI.K 6- i">LAll> l>»' ' S 1 M<-n Hs, '•':•!. ■'»• ■ -n ;i tie atylerf o( I'lni i I Iji / 'Oil I'KUJi -a'."a. iiA.-O.'- A I'' «. ‘ »I•' ■ * si '■ * 1-t i i iuH., 3(>o plt'-ne id li«'" pittlu • <•!* r» .1 A • ktiil !‘ar MIH'IU* _ hU,f ‘ V DH KSl\ b rUi'TKH-K'i *»M» for •»>•; t.v A _ B * faiinkst.il'k a c . V'-irViIRINO >'■ l-bi/> |tu!liu»f':«• I! 1 rnnjj ro-N'iv*-! aiii tor H/X i, JVIT ATWKLL. I.M, A ( AIL HPKLUK 71* .b. fn, , LXJ - n i :>t-r Kirft. Mi-l W-• ! *tH /lugf H ' K8 ”‘" 7 ” r Vik'nrVjl, COLLINS -J oP >l^""' lu “ J r hknr’y H. COLLINS QUIIOMK Yktuftt-KV - r. ~*? V*- •**.* 'S .- ✓ i: •<> * .* i Thi Bivm.— Lae; evening, at •Ausi, wo*d 4 i«et \ *•• ;u:bes water, by the pier mark- Weather warm aoJ sulUy f pHKATftE— J C. FOSTJCK, sole Lwaee mJ MiDft- I ter; Wsi. H RiO>, ritogo Mana.er; C&a&lb* Fv<tek, Amlng Hanagtr. Treasurer, J. V. Bourrrg. PKICES OF AbHISBIOW: Boies and Parquette.. . 60c. I Prlvata Boma, large : Second Tier !»/ [ Private Boiea,en>all. ■■ Grapaahot" intends leaving ihie evening ; UfiMtei'eeoarinaliate, IJH ««■» Pltr “ Third night tf Mrs DUPPTELD, l»i« Mi» hAI'K e •• ts.at s Ilemnhlll >lll WJSSIYSB, when ehe “i'l afprar m LaJt, Trane >u the Tni fine ete«mar Fanny Fern, Capl =• u * 1 ’ wil * 1 •• pohool for leave to dev tor 81. L.ula and all Intermediate landing*. WRIIsngBAY EVWCISG, SrtMMau IJ. 1.-, J VS ]U be presrutfia Th. fine netr parttenger st-anter •' Kmma Graham ">a, it , e School for VT^c/nnteah^'^ detained yeelrnlav ; .he wH l-M** '«»* lb “ Tl7J« e/,‘ 'j2.Jh ' for ZiaesrHle Tax Bteamor “ Roaalk,” Capt. A. Sheppard, IB the regular Wheeling packet thk morning; ab“ le *™ “ 10 c,olock ' Thi n«imitr for Clnd until. singing and Dancing. Tstcu.mer ' l-'aJriCor,' CaoMlarXell, xili leave tbn To conclude -ith the Furce t>l ~r; direct. »U~ .*«. Uw.11., ' The Two Boh»ycht,...- B o W ,e, Mr. A. W ffw*. wa w.mlil InTlte rh*m tu jrlvu Lh-i KDJt-n't-ir j. I.**. offWra a cil Arrive l no NSW eTiHW' I |ILU " D 0 “ " tarjl - „ r, V K WiS K K OSLntS . Wrt .„h. »,* ,L«>r Hr 0 K«;.. i fb. i «-POK ° S 6. i%k. * K other, t:.r Ur. C. H. Siamifl, U R “ mle-ffliet. ]( ) U RTIO WIS U.Bt: on Jerk 1T,4 fc.t - 0"*- 40 f«,<; el-p.W , 0V ft ft TT „ M ft,, win b,,»ppu.4*fi. 4 bci^AOtoeh*. ; ETHIOPIAN THRUSHES! io diameter and 2i two C J u,le ” ** ! 7Y'<vj* of \\ culuiz no< ■ travdi*<] ' in diutiwter witu 7 JWt fitrolm. ‘ ,u ' wu * ,u 1 moN D A V EVkMNi], bKPTEMBEU iota/ IW* »t Jl'K«,«pon, anJ (l„ '-oiihU-u 'l-.n-.. = - •nnteo.lrj t,y Mr. I«»ar Haui.'tt, Jr „ I JOHN W. M’CARTHY bio ultrnllon Tbo hull ulloj-ll.iT nn .tlr.ftll.lr, , s 4 ] PoSteV Mid SHStribUlOr , trnll.u'lt by Mr L. M Spoor, cl Hoil.vrriK n. Tbo tlnAft-r , w, u „ tl . t ., u,. p, sting .nd Diiitributlng o( all in „• 1,-. b.,1.1-. r.« i- Mlrnt-rtebcJ ' kln&tc-f Thi,;.b« l .,.uKrt»t*.oJa'by Mr.l iu».ti,*r .wbo u. | uili.s yua ronckrt*. lectoeks, exhibitions, in. I, nl: .i ll ,.|i o noi Ibfllwl Mr llsm ' Alt mmuniciinn—oilher by mull, telegraph, or othab Ink. n grrat pain, in the ci.nstru. Hon nr » 15 ... . to t'.o olß.ie t.f lla Morning Poat, «ll! ry | of. io a tnan o i-nndierabii otporlcnro, bar ng r , iV ,,p -: cnpt oUontinri. op" ; g.god in bo ol bnildiuitorftr.nintorfMnr.ro. Many of tbo , f .. : - - - - 1 I.oro I, .non (ho Wesiom iratoro o»o ih'lr rnperiority to ] Notice to Coutractora. , . .., ~r. | > " »ft«r ■ o»«<'l.KD PROPOBA L 8 will fc« rewired at the F.ngjn*«r a hi- and »kiU J-hf :o n» mo- ' . i iyiQ-.- of thn North-wußtern Railroad, In Butler, But;er uti; l.<. bvl tnJou h r««t «•«•«> ti-frUHiDbU.-r r redenrk i n) , uly _ i- cri na., until the 2tlth of September, Inst., for Ib-i ■ l <ir l •’■r rauMuri'H oo d--"* U»6 feet: beam :*.5 ' ,;ni.! U»t i- n rl-J uiaa-mr/of Buctiooe 40, 41, 44, 46, M. i I V ' ‘ ‘‘ . «»,. u wltb Ihraolalhrn ■il and of part ol th* tiorthurrUm Itadroad, between , * t! 1 '!•- 1 1 f u I'’'’ l Nub 1 ' ” . '1 r-a-'-t-orl BU-i itutl«r . aUo, Section S 6 at Now Castle. , tarl.ro m tl. lOixtar acJ *24 fvo*. lon»t. t*i- • 7“° ; i* M .3]*B»nd *p«etlitaUc>nB ran bo seen at tb« Knjfloeers . Jars :: tnr'-taa la .UauiuUir, Willi /* fee*. »tn>k«. HiaeaWh .ju-.iid Ihuier, on uod after the 10th last. All proposal * f . «htrb ho tl«s«rTrn rreai !• In mar k«d afl »Uf hon iho outaldo. • asi built by Wa.u Miaou, U>e «Uh h»* \ \ vt.'lw MALONE. PAINTER A GCNDKR rr !,' Paintiu* by Mee»r» Morphy A Hpwff. whar " thsr ] » , ( rt- Ji.pUytt,! iwtoniT the rn-Mtur U. ih-lr b.winrMe, ha , 1 A nhwH V Uysca, Imp'l and 0 P TV** hobbit cb«'4tH iwe'd Black Teas ; _ \ cittir* V il. aud iJ P ToaJ , : Ulo Ccflee; ■ Unit lair to prime Sugar, pruu«* Rk'*s ; (r<i bbls ii*'l M W hue Sugafi 60 l>b:s N. (). MoUsecs; Vv lth’» H. 11 , T o bb I * extra floe Syrup ■X bhi* No 1 Bait; LOU N'> 1 Marker*’. i . 'j'.i Ci Irr 1 in- t r) 10*1* S’ C Tar OlrU JU-4ID ; . i*j unM ,So. 1 lU>«tii b< ep . . I.t-i laTufi’’* t.rat.ls » a* ahd i IL Ittha.'-o |f.nJ» r '4p® Tltrwa on thr puneli f f tb» J J u.:ira K »r UulM b; M«*wr- C«*J .+*• I t ,-wvr cn Tljur-vlay ti.T .*1 L^-ul^ • r*. *• rm i J 2 lSr ini--.. I', ;i»btt rg h, fc»i4«benTlll« »od WtifeliUß Ptclxii Orphant* c'ouM Bale. \I ;l l BK tAfrkKKl* hi I’uSiio ;>n l‘ plwml*-*, V\ -.:i TiU’Hbl- tV, * 'h. «; Sclwk, M. ; 5»!» v ■ •*;, •• •?j ?.*»H Cw.M-Ut* ;he property of D««U i tbit ulimbi-) M 1IJ)IN0 IATT. ►l'.wio the j ' , ra«*r ' !ao »-.J Marbnrr fro-utia* ou Teua •trrvl :u 1 -, Jw*f, hdU running aioug Maruory street U* tb* 1 • wtu- r. tb** graat P*on«Tl*anla KollraaJ D«p>t. ( Tei «• —-q.. : iu hai.T, on* tbirJ lo cm« y**ar, and it,.- r*. <•< ;a.i iu 100 to Ui t..--urM tv bond uO'i »nm i m\\L iot#r»at fr*B tb- da*p cfttarmatio-. uf tb« w *' ‘ JtIDMON’D OEEKH, soriiiA uukkr, f^r , Administrator*. rjtflj' UttihP iIC H->A V »-> u/-d i. r iu£»d*ring tbe nfetu . ! ,-m H,ib. u.n. tod ieU.Atrlr »Uw, t<*om»tiou aaUfcW’ pri , „ a ,„.i r Mn~rt! tL« ik>o: all rhnp*. chafes, t a, - .-n lb* nuD'lo »r" b* tt- It bas brru poM lo Ihi* e»y !,i' tb- i>»*t d»- »**rs. and bn- *iw*}« «?'vfO aaiitfacUOO. B £.-*•:. m>v r:-»r* ai.d a 1 <'thcr* having *br c*T* rb..drn» *: . t.-.d !; tu i'rreiloot articU ■ Oh- far* *si hands with «hLa eoap «Wf day will bod !i.o£n*-lr*» ft a* Irvin chap*. rhafrt, and rouffhn*f“ ft • 'l,r*l'n T‘ rvm r* Un. kr , tu*fc» a lathar n: tbn l uo-i fi'lt *: 0 •. ,n teilrm* to r«t; in th» morning, ! rune :I.f u.-r in -bar **t#r It l< a’-® good Fha ring i “>*l' I'rV"** 1 «*«. j"*r rail# 8o»U, SOo U'.n.tv >. U CUT MB BET, bS Market JAraN a- IT Wi- A.-iD \rf K. HUJrefb, an'bor <: tr.n IJirtrrr « f L' P 1 iu t: it n U , u i-v ur tb«» OU R«tm i V, ia;ovof Kur-. io—'V A Kor Zauriville hi * i.f Uitrn#y. l\ Marki.o*i« W.r KMiIA ÜB.AIMM. f« un „,v jlirtn b* W ‘1 i-imui f* . , ..... wl! i •"**• for ’b« a * *t. i» 1 i : ; p.--.,0l s» ! I"r unli; tt * F .. -n , t, \V Al'N K.' I* A V . A OILDENFEKNEV A tX.\V. ki . (ippoaKt* tb« Tbew r**. y 1 -i : * Utfctilar 1 utitiftf l*»ckeC f«r Wh«clli»| Slarlctia and n.* t i*« *«.a «v.«..ha con'o'i I Jfr i •• li lia:>*»r«u, o<rt. i**»« '.ir U»- ».«*« »u(»r »s«* h»*.» » •' n r .,rv -n»»)a«. »: * - **■«• *. I’ M , ) r fr- •' • If I-*.-. •Cf. *pr r "« t- ■•■*■ - : - . i a! 11 \UTUS. -• rv r.f J-.. 1 ti.j 13.! n -fiv V\ V kt.Y\\ vj ’•\ VI *. - Ll . ,K 11 F?* 11■'T. v'-i-f ' v- I O'tt, W V #*:m »>;•• »•»»«• *•* ;*“* ~ - ~ ~ »n.J »!'• J* •'» '■< *’*’•*' > V *. \ f. r ! I• • I; t; H W A!U I . I t '< >.V»Y .'.liUOUintf V ~f l*x i» . V : 1 etlei \V H MAN h s y_l V .. j H ! i r *’•> va i U't > ,ci i j;. !b»< tor on!** by B A l-AllNfcKTOnt 4 00. *“*•'«* \ ’•I V . • ■ . . '■■■ r » y* *i h Vvi V - » ♦ t * *, _> B * * * V. U . • ■ 'VS *> „*Y<l * • rr» tu JtN rr. * tI.-w Mr Vr-ti-rirk I/f.-Ci , ~u ;i,r hUu'.«o*i-ie U* r fornlnut • tvjlr JuUJ*'* l b? E El Hi- o ty M'CHfct » •* O-'.l Et -u. . ut kr.ow.~h!* .4 Si-r o«r*r*. *«■ »< a in*- fm-ti! to h.-r ownt-r Le »Jitr FOBT OF riTTSBUEOH Ainu' rib t,.*: '.J?«r-ori WrxxlwM-i. Ji r> * r k'*- ~ i <jtr• m-. I'-ul--'.«. 11; - 0-n iuvti-1. !’••'• ’ ■• a . K'.. \ I n, ll«fii!rn. *.* «. tV-»* »-.ii 9! !• <1 tm() *1 lie >Ji.-li.<-fcn Ni> l. li-f W*.. lM|l> t tr*| I.M!UO-r. .'tr.jV- l> . 1,; h-T i. Wh-*lili,J Mid-***. M'CnUttm. 9t Ln.' • A«®*»ult : J .t I-"-;'' !b. V 1-*'*b rt* •• v <- Ul .„, K ■ *.'<n 'iiititt! i»*TUirru r !«if J. I.tt'Wujirl !« ! utTM*. hr? * n* * I < f.« t iT-1 t li-il--! b , .mi *- D N*W \-a-.irr . J - V« • Ml s -i li-r u- rj l.i.'imcr, 1. :;•> M ’Ah-* i«.< I ... I • Sli. r . Fl* !/•1-' , . ; , » W' I!. bTKAMBOAT.^ ,_.ii d p!'.trn*&r>. *r>-l ui •' » b > ill 7-« J. -■* ALI Jv »• 1 1 i- - V. • M'U.t *• i il * I Aa! ' .«• V ,'J.I r*M-> « il * VVi>»iic; t n il -u i» • « V* «»'•*' • k , A Vi ■ •. -» l-«rl , ; to .1 i_' *L i i \<i * »l'. A/ «f For (lu< 1 u >i A( < .fk a M r .>.,*«»<- »»'!•'> c ” *•■ ! ms n.i' K. hc*n\ * tal«• f 1 -Ib. ii 1 For S«. Lonli, TS« .--air.-- 1. ft*'*'- K fiat *U. iv... -- • »■' *- »al na«»- ;<.r> •u-ULa.M.A*. ’ -W. .= H 1 - * k . » '■•n***.* - * ;•* • y r '' il.oK A I Ko. hi. Loul*. ■j I A N N V KKK.N. V . i MD ’•>? #UT«>iX.I .Lt.f y • r . i,x j.»;T' t <*n >■»»"!. *r t ... FIAA’K *lt K S K-. A-: » r* a"! fO or i i liuunX PimVKKJ*—One and i*o .: l' i, iL L 1 )•. - «r». w ..h £*«■», ni'**h>njc Machine*, Ac —or tbe Kor SC. Luuld- ) . «, r* : m nwi.f.i t» 10. out. mar! tr<« adapted f'.r tuanol *<•• T , KNIiKA YOU, D»p ; -' ? '‘'•a- • .r-L,- : Call cud examine ibera, at 4’ Flf b at. j» \S*?“ru C.TX.t. li -.H« t •• M1.*...'..' t\_ * :r , eruji'4ifci« r' : ‘‘ ’ ' • m bf.liftl l I.AN I'B c>7 lb* ino«t tollable teete-d r&* ..l. t- !" A ', ; f< r ;bte IvcaHiy can be supplied io Ur£t» quan I-• ••o . , 47 M-thatm*. (a# P &) JAMES WAUUR.JP. I'i.lN H V h, ■ , . _ _ - ,— — - - • ... .. i I 'ifSOl lU.a:K.!.N(J - l b*v<j reodTrd an article oi J. K. Ueibonr, ; Jp f li.vkit.,: -uj-ri'f t > auy unr to use U !i.\).r. uIKK.I., CT 1. t IS. >!., . (at " J> "*«“'• I mak - •'•!•!. •■•ni! U pat»u.t !*atb.*r, aud withr-u: any j K h tHI. rtlt ba*u.': 100 it exp-rim. ■in | _ , ul{lzz u flr*t r*U aroiole gf t!:u kind, i . - -..npl:* j (rt , JO.l. Jl.Klll.Su, f ■ 'i! :•) mi-L »i• h 1 e»tniewrisw. a I'I.a.UAKu- _ t ,. Comer o' Market st and Dtsmood. ' y " I |> n -VA V? OK GINGER—I have juat .-rceivad (OI'IKTY FA 111 , I) a Ijrj, kii.iii'.y Ihl* uXc*U«Dt Medicine. .Tti ASM < ] FAIR .1 ibr Al.wkkm Cjlmv ; JO& FLEMING, ■ !»i • . f.-r W.-u-rti r.MT yhai..» ■••• , Corner of Market *t and L'Wmoo t i»! I’lT'l t\ IKG 11. n .h«- -i, ,-l. 41' Kl ! , : , , . ~, JT,.' V i.j /, er v lor in «u:-'trial .KT.IKIK, I-.:-. .. B \,, „, b ,procuml .1 . ..- bo a-ivmrv>l-t'on <rai ,• j A * j o g_ FLEMING*?, ;:t !•••■ ■' J u,' 1-t .-o * k‘- * ••• _„..i r Mat k-t •'t. ao-1 lMaU»"ii I ; i* ; 'v- ; . t- BM.n.Un I' *urr s >*‘ M r i - -'■ - -*■* ' :ir Li-o ; tt.K uLiuikb will l-e f .ri. !•-..«*. • /ih f. K J,.'. .',.3,,, t: i. w'-i T»ark •: i icon.; .»•» V.' < •j.V + ::. uhi fj» ..WT-) av c(I.TO-t f?r •.•in; -f ‘k n . . | ii r TV* a els. i > a-lmtasi'-o. 1 \ sr'i-’-.- for eiblbllioiv. »'*' ’■ ' fbn (. . }*. as, L«'i . it 1 .;,! «e -,v.. V .r..ui' •i F‘' a * *■ A mpf’.cul i‘- ii'P t- u'hr-, «.••• ;«W'- H'.'a A HA KUA IN OFKKKKD ' I 'H >i M • mr til- tl\ Lul. 1,1 I ", u' t ui-.n m.J h.ijninlnj{ Uw Ivpf’t rf iho M«t9- tLii-f i.i. K»i!r. *t, In lb** onJ • v.* vl r j [’ ruiLrb of M'KEKMMKT V ur of lh* l.'l-or« - : , : .i) wl.KI* \ v *U «t l.\i In u«m-:L. frv-uUt i *vt 'Q« ' • i. ; - d l *.ti I at tlir i-'J.rr .-n .-in.-.Klr *tr.*ri . «»..J . 10 *1 } .!i■ 11 • Ul< I Si* "I t»* - i .. I *.•, nil I;u .L-p-l< l- • • <- 1 ' 1 »" ' 1 it, • (i r ; - w l.u'n «ui .1 fix ui- U *ot. ~,* .'i:er |T*t«*rty .-«'j 'j* fouuJ. *uJ it will l*' '•'•’l' l ,[ -fr ulea to *K-v*i it the Ci-uhi4lm;S.« 1 i! l. hit- 1 UKU T OILI-Sluliv. oi tL« ii. IV-i iUir’l - T VV. i I ..Ts, JMi-r-tir, h. A I) .'U»( "l. I^' I HK I'AliON IN >bW KNULANL*— IttllHtVL, N- U., JUQf yth. ;,J H A .P i j.—oeOll(im«*ti tfor tir** Joaru . 1 !.«>.• B A t'«hn«-t.»-K .* S'rrmlruyi- Tot un an lln-1 uih*'.ic in tov pru'iiiv, rtlV «UftitV>n »»» flrst U» ]• ,c H iu,» whirl- I li»J iVI-d I- .rmlnJoi- «no. With c.lo ,n,l. , ink. .nJ uiJ ~;t, .1r,1,.l 1,. r n^i. ;ii..-ih.n l l.»f I'rntcrlUJ It 1.-r hu n.lr-"l.. i t i-atiinili. mi l In » lot . : . oo>r > .lb , ..malito IM-..VD.r. In inr <oa.- It Bluii'i' toti Ik ut lb* m.-Ji r... IT. ..:'tit .»»V tr. m "O- p.U.B! **-"7 rl„l,' ,I*o-. • I m-i-i I,noun It to Jo b»ni..M..l I »t» lrdu'O.l to i-ioKk i ;.i- htrtUin.Mit t.'.ft in lionokt onvl li'.iiltint It l. I'.k mo. i i jlutil.l.' Vinw.iwt- r«t kuo» i.. mr .-ti n.l-nro ia tu " worm''■.inns' tt.»t 1 i-.- oinwi-J i. u, n.hor Itl.ti.i.. .0 HI" "* *> ' }’r-.. ar ,..l .in 1o I u Ilk *'.hlk atj.l rnlni. tv ti A PAIIN KsTIM'K A CU . ■■oiuor "I Wcoj .U.J iflT.t •trciTr.. I’itl.i- M'l * | li >. tJronn'n It °* •lt«*nion Itlanr. rplllj Kiuon... » A proporatl.m ft utm.-ii.-i -[•o .-t,,-. 1 In orj.inirv ■llnul""». u..'.|.i ru 1 . 1...1a ».,..Tt la nil , ot pro.trinoui! tbr Jigi-nll' t fuacli.no It jr I inf ■hu.i.l. l.«nn« tl» pr»t«l«no® (.1 opd.taio ■ obl.T. «„l sumuior i-nmpUiul., ■' V'?! * r Vi Ti, at, i.n.l v In iiviJii.il at tiwlet ihoolJ U » Mlwut It. L-. t "no- —Bo mr- to Jk I Ibo If'auio* h.-ODOf, «hk h 1- , i.- »,v v mtljWN. at hi* Drun hu-.I Cticmii-ul r ' l- I'unujr C‘( Kirth mid ClirtPtuiit dtroi'trt. I'hllu-ltt! i.t«.v , nud for s*> by ail tb- A).,-'ttecurit- >n the li au.l (» A Co , • SCULLY <* Ci). XT KW MUSIC—OII as dewy evening fulls—duo J J\j They «>k me if i think ft the*. 1 my heart upon ft flower—Aih’. j Hawthorn*. My early home —A F Mnrthcne The lev.* of enr fond heart The KM R< thj-Oeo Llr.leJ lUd 1 never never known the*. Therv’i* music in the voire we tovi%. My nariy fireside —Alice Uuwthorue How sweet to roam Flag of cur Uni'D—W. V. Wallace i r, ] lu Allegheny by The daw-Mi’l. M'-u- Sage Muhle) D. P. SCHWARTZ, I* it nry ix.dv’3 huvnens 1)1 rtmdaw LEK A- BECKHAM. _ HwtsHlyoVr my senses stealing n\/i ; iv THF COUNTHY' —FN PHle: a roiDforUble Mynouliidark. , . ip 11B - Al (. It.iu . flowers gripe vine*, Ac—nil In <<ui- ’ G peoP lk»- 'nr I'lnmixliftte pofStWMon cau be given, if re- i rafh.r Piir.ro P-k*- p,,< ! r . ‘"h, ' f .i i u u healthy and agreeable locution | Anglera Polka M T. Wal.a-e. , uln-d. HltaaUHl in * * on lb /Washing* n road ' Crown tf Ih M-s-avand wad, ibreo mdeWrcro ihe l mut i _ Tho AQRP i w*pr. s € ctlm« nut, , , . Price s2,'ioo. termfl * a *J; rocur | na * uU -, tl *,. a t Utinl Also a colletthm ot u«iw Guitar Music, just raeived by persons who nru Jemro F CUTU BERT i SON. ! Kipreas, and for mlc by CHARLOTTE BLCMV., ibecity. bd Market st sepC No. 11H Wood st., 'id door above Fifth at. •“£;. . , T ISTTsSJ-a Oa'aatwsr for citlMM. and ! UMUUUTS PKKMiUM KaTHAHION cools th. h«ad, Boot fortomlgrsnU-l.yN. II I’.rUcr. ,YV -nd rsmosss nil symptom, of headaefcu. L 4“ **' ■ ’"' h ; PBrS ° M U, “ V.OUrS KATIIAEION ‘ “ P ki.«-. W. Jf I A ” L '”' r WIuSH VS I>ass’cSl KATHAHION mts of Blarney . “ o«,Vrf» ; by W ailmcre Slm«. I» ths most -ralusbls ecquiiltion to the toll.t, retaining ths rUulllM. by Marlon Harland, author of A .or a. KEVSEIt and E. K. SELLERS UaMts'd Men • *™J aD a u<i at 26 cents per bottle. Hurper’ii Story j DU.'Mutlon ot i'artnerihip. - "" Harpers p bmith—2 vein. milE Partnership formed by the undersigned and Jamis Memoirs of Bydny I O » NsiL) lQ ldr rylng on “ ib« Ownden Coal Worti,” The Ei<cap*‘ • y«pidmb#r, and all other N»w under the name and style of JONhift, O’NEAL AMI LLER, AH the Mageilues for y * un ISAAC JONBS. B> 32 Bmitbfield *t. July 7th. 1865- JO . HN ‘”‘ p ' 7t V’ AWN GR.ABB SKKU, suitable for fail sowing—making I j a .dof*. iunooth, pennanant sod; at the Ware* house, 4? 1 iftb ptieet. ( sepo) JAMBS WARDROP. AwmMT^FKBMIuT KATIIAKION il 11,. unfair \v KATUAItION R U n,u-» •hn Hair *o\\ anJ glossy. '-»•*%'A COFtfKK—SO bazfi, prime,for sale by Vot ieVKBYBKB, UAFT ’ eOOTI ' antl J „ P 3 SMTTH> MAIB 4 HUNTHR. •ib cents. * ual ® I ' t w.-I** 4 ■.: , - » p « -w i « y amusements ‘-jit- c.*y I'ip^w. • r. •* e-: q; 1 Y t* ; - liftrtiu/., „ . U. l»i« CitUillfv i-A . l*n) keg.- NoJIi Mj-trt- I A* kegi S L.. Puda . 'M <■ <« tl !='. T-!.» «V . 5 J>y nr-jiOii Wpx Paper ~n l 1 t /A' Wkrli : 4/ iw lie 1 (V-nJ*. M»'.l . J 'KD Itro Hr- v'tua. u »t< •■• »ad i : •*!*• !•? ATWKI.L, 1 KR 4 f./ S<‘ ' Wood H uv* A \ J'! iLi OINTMKVT tor Pal* *t Da Kfc Vakil's, * r..-i!.»! U •• -I mii'.l Vlnrln nil*/ \ )rf . , ;u AM) UltKlU fKOTv»KAL >or «*!•» a Ur KKY*EK’*. • -:r-R. •••«! \ trjctb (•' Nl ui l>b«Di' Court hftje vi \ l*H n, tN# i>n.'p*rir n > D»*W Ore-r. ) , ln , ...J,;, . J-h- WirJ wf tb »CUy N'icoiY ~ I . i, : •r. t . u T-D “j . »nf>la *> *r n j«* V i i>utf **t r **«-l. l£.. .t Mr-.l \ .Utv*-t, Bl«« .l-l .«~t. „ HATLRUW, SrpUtoh^r j il; i •• m i l. < ;j U>« 5 T :«;*<- ud» IIQ hUT, 1 nifl ttilrj iu cno aoJ ti# ; .-.«luf :u *.<• r.. ’,*• st- ur.vl !.■* nJ , »u>-, : t it. u. Jw r.. utrm*:».-u m th« k»i.* «-REEK. - jfH! A wKXKH. .Vloiat Jt i Mx> ’.»»*■ w*.i nj- St. * '^;wr.|.TV •>.. A M -- lir ■W ' u \ H\ K.i . i7_i. Acralx H vliaßg* Pan*.. '■tl'* i Putlfcrn i'tV'’ 4 ’-' pp.t.*bui*h Tnwi vVcipttto-: CtUiruV LMDOriU li*bk; Mt«ch«nVa’ Bonk. j]. liV tat .rt.aa I Ch*.k* CQ the abofe B&Ults CD luiQ* - - L i.«. k.* > •■ .'TJfr in uny - t Tl<- .l^:u*-L W iIANh.N, I’niJter ac*t . Uti«Drr f . Market i»: jt at t «-r, t mula, la/ | f l'Or’ HtwUV'At' ' AtcriuN Th.«. lucro'Oif. . 1 Au.'iid r U ndoefc. nill >•** wH.st C(ui'!i« r cud £fd«*a h>» m*. .-crcnr of Woo 1 pn.l Midi «ur< *tf-- >- ‘ «■ ► n*w Ti p linger, mu U HAVK-.S .-.Lin.Kiuß VV HIT K <1 Kh‘ AdK, lor Ur: «■ \\ i u..iu L)r v- fcbJ reo-i » - ■ tor -air bv ' ! "Uk-l’i lIK.NKY 11. r Ii K - h K \ 1 .S U —L.'TrrlQjt’B Fulfilled £u*tvr (•(•tkfpr, j'ul li*t ii»>i, rru*U**J and alaritlod. at p R. PKAVu’S. Nf> 1. Diamond. _ * , W ► K *« I'H ’I.KIU HK.MKPY—Thin val.if ••i.rttel*, A] wnll ku. *u u-r 11/ umav c»ir«» tan b< ob:<uu«d at A J ' NO f»n VAUKKT ST. Nttv h.--k ftiMreili. “ To- H'd !ri> I'eih !•} lUtlftOJ •• llat-Ur. f.u.l Men by l>r I‘oruo. “ Meiuoita id J Allied UorJoii UeDUCIt ROd bia T.Uino •riir Pep-re." <>> U«<!‘ty Ward Ib-eoher Tli*- l f > -d Nun. or bi*.' l(Wiun?H of o.»nreti! Life •• MnuJ 1.u.1 oihei Poems ," by Alfred Tennyson. ••Tfe- I.Ue.t :*am H.asU't*"—illustrated. •• l) sH < ticKa— wl ul lu; a*?*." bj Q K. b. DOMtickM, P » •• purser i’.» lb>« bark ." » ul* of iMr i<u.* ar.J pi Iwdot e.:t •• Henri's V«e, or lh« ■ Wlfn” - v..U. midland TuKUjkj, »-r ih» uotl-rubli* M*n of our a;-.-, bv H-orve W. Huu^y. ••Ml lh n and uiv Fr«vJ.' tu t vl-red. l>oO>;iU£* "Olio or the Old VVast Boom; ' li. L M M *• tlttUlra Ul liio Crluioa" Wllb two eU|'«rb mtpM. •• The Temperance Pledge Violated by iloCsltbou IB , cents. • Pr<**h Fruits fcud \ rjcwtubleo all l tic \«»r at Puuiuier rrloes;" —l'-I^cenu. The above revived tills dnr b\ htpnw*. and tor mh>« at l.ACmiK’* Ih»OK.PT>»HK. 30 1- ■ Ul. -•[. v.. ** aL** * 'pen nt 7 : pe.'frvtQ*DC<; to h»glp %■ 'm Asu'sTc UAL),. AM» VtKMIM JK f->r sale low * lip KEY*KR'*, ».■•fQ'if Wo*vl ctr>?«: and Virgin alief k w \ a aSI- i ■ fit i’uWi>Kr. i t/n K*Y*KU?. « u-r \V -1 auJ ' IriOO *ll-y - .-t;l .»f jh*- . ll*« «-r boUle, n Dr KhVrERV. r : tt >M #1 no 1 ' lijclq nil*-/. hauk - j , or'buM..'! *aJ Mauatft :uui«* 13*.0k. !' \l DA V 1.4. Au'’ i r’f-’-r .1 s|m 11 n.« H »Xa HU'S Is . I') llt> Llh 1 J MEDICAL. Tho Graefeaberg Dysontary Syrup, A fijjtrtjj/ atul iofliUibie remedy In I>iarrh*r-a, Dy#eOtery« liltHxjy Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cbolora Iniautum, and the Asiatic Cholera, If taken with thd first *ywp* tom?. via: Yomiting'andjliairbcea. it n*v«r [ill* to euro the worst possible cases of hoarrl complaints, generally m a fuw hours, seldom beyond a day. It Is purely vegetable, and taken in almost anyquantity is perfectly harmless . Price 60 cento. The Grefenberg Groan Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chilblain*, Corns, Sores, Swellings of all kinds, ltheumatin’., Ery sipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Fame lc tbu Sido or Book Iroiovdiatfly relieved, Inflammations of the Bowels, and for all eases where there is inflamma tion. Pric* Twenty-five cents Marshall's Uterine Catholicon. A certain . ore for Prolspeus Uteri, and for most of tha dietrasMug romplainirt incident to Females. Pro pared by Ur. Thar. Pomeroy of Utica, solely for the Graefenberg Com* jjaoy. Price $3,00. Tbs other Graefenbarg Medioinoa are Eye Lotion. Health Bitters. *■ 0-/TLsum/.'tive Halm. (.'hudren's [’anacea. >«wr and Ague 2*ilU. Libby’s W« Ointment. Sarsaparilla Cbmpottnd. The Graefonberg Manual of Health, A com pjute bend boot of medicine foi tamliUe-prlce SO eta. 011 l 5814 Broadway, Mew York. CAUTION. The public la requested to beM In mind that everything p re pored by the Qraefonberg Oompany has Ihelr seal upon It. Bpurioua articles have been Issued oloaely reßembling tho genuine in every particular eicopt the seal,and the utmost care abould be observed before purchasing. Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. KKYSER’S, 180 Wood .treat. )yi:s^oia_ Aa- A Fact worthy or Record and Atters- Oua--WRKIHTB TOKTO MIXTURE, a guaranteed and c „;„n cur, fur fKVEII AND AGUE. This preparation let the treatment of the above disease, and perfect eradlea- U..U Cl the cause, Is one of the most Important Chemical verien of the 19th century. Ita neotralltlng effect, c-n the polaonoua gases sre Instantaneous, and cctß like a Charm upon the whole Nervous and Muscular Syßtem, re storing Che toue'of tho Stomach, and Invigorating the Dun etitulion. Oroibara,wHl And this Cordial after ihoy have used a bov Urt or two, a thorough regenerator of the E7otom. In ail direction* iro lo be found the happy p&renta of heOtby ctf enriux.who yxuM noi havobocn eo bnt for thia oxtMoidl- Ary preparation. Andit is equallypotentforthemany <to» eaaea tor */hkb II la recommended. Ttoufland sot young ineo have been restored by oalnglt, and aot In nalagUla* stance baa H tc benefit them. • ___ PERSONS 0? PALE COMPLEXION, or consumptive Imbitfl, are restored by theoee of a bottle os two to bloom and rigor, changing the flldn from a pale, fal low. sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. 10 ’ J TO TILE MISGUIDED. TU«e are soma of the sad and melancholy effects pwdtt cad by early habito of youth, via: wcekn^s of the b«xfc and limbs, palna in tha h«ad, dimneon of sight, losaofmusv cular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritabilltf, derangement of the dlgostiTefancaoss,gen«c«l debility, symptoms of consaniplioßS,efco. . ■ . • Mentally, tha fearful effects on the mind are much tO'-M dreaded. Lew of memory, confusion of ideas, depreutoa of erdrita, to aodety, Belf'djßtnut, lore'of BoUtnd*. timidity, etc., are someol the evils produ* . contemelatina marriage aboaid reflect that a oouad mind and body aro the most ne* cestt&ry r*qulaltes to promote connubial happino&s; indeed* without these, the journey through life becomes a weary nil ?r bn age—the prospect hourly darkens the iter; the ; mind tshadoved with dwpalr, and filled with tha meUoeholy reflection that the happiness of another be* | comes blighted with y our^UTI O N. BaldTuAs tod Hord’d Hair Ucato- j D r .M.or«e’s Invigorating Cordial baa been oonatettaltod r«r—poQUETiii.noca, Of. Peh. ®, 1*65 ’ lha will have the propria* TbL- k* u. ®itiry Ui«t 1 base •• IttJßD’a HA Hi KB- j tor>a ftc-simile pealed the cork of ooch bottle, and U« siov-t;-' tbr« auniu 4 . and m>- L«*Jw**bfcU t’ : following words blown in the glare: • s ' ox, Biorao’s Invigorating CoirAlftJ, a H. RING, Proprietor, R. *1 The Cordial is pul up, highly concentrated, in plot ties—price thre* dollars pet bottlo, two for fire dohar*, lot twelve dollars. C. H. RING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. ?. Sold by Druggists throughout the.GnlUd States, Oanad end tbo W eat Ladlea. Unllk* the general remedies rwcited to for Ita treatment, inch as Quinine, Arsenic, A'., which leave the system worse than they found it, It Improves the general health, purtflet* tbe blood, and nilmolatee the different organa to a regular and healthy action. prepared under ih« immediate enpeniaitni of an 8-mmet.t Cbembit, uniformity of strength way always be lulled ft n ltd unprocodented demand, and the thousand* u r testimonials from eminent Physician*, and others *bo iietn thoroughly rnred, are a sufficient guarantor of iu Huncrlociiy over all other preparations. We t an only add, in conclusion, if yon are suffering from Peer sad Ague, try ,< «*£«»-' WIUOfTT A CO.. »41 Market at., Philadelphia. And ell r.ape-tthla lrruggiata throughout the United State* and Canada* „ . . Per sale by GEO. U. KKYgfift, No HO Wood street, and E K. BBLLEIW, Pittsburgh. upiff:diwBmw nut uvvofc.l W»U* » luOtf lifOWlb of UH« h«ir. C,.rr (la, a lumiMti, vf \fb»Whlp Mootesuoi, c> m „,l toa'jdkrnj (S -Qknui ■ I*t.-tloii>i lo OKing vuur u.ir [lender I grnuliy troubled iriio ni7 fc&lr coming out- Allot Using ibrao bullies Ibe rcnini Ding la *troD4 anl firm, and preount. a nth, gloeny and healthy .ppaaiame Your., truly, II R WocowOEtn. Ct , Frt- L^t Tuis l" tool 1 li*T« lawn ludos •• Ucat/o 11-Uii lUmrna" .Uui: ilmw month.; and. non, u here my hand Ul 1. u ~*.red 'lib »mm If 0 " 11 * cl l “ ir ' UmCit th.« ...h- on„. I h... L-h ■*“, *- ’ h * DJ '"'"‘La' GW. U. KKYSKMI. . . . No. 140 Wood street aj-SUk lieaiXocKie an»l Weurmlgla op Kwat YHAta Ccmi* si OAK SLY’S DKPURATIYE bYRUP—Mr William Trliable, M’Ke’ivy'ti Row, Bayards town. Fifth Ward. wiyo b« was cored o i Sick Uuadacho of eight year* flooding, by thro* bottles of Oakoley’s Depars tjT* lie ha-1 tried raricua phjfliclans without i cure. Lie la sow entirely well. Oakeley'u DepuraUfel* for Rheumatism, Scrotal*, Tetter, cvndall eraptire diseases Vor sale wholesale and retail, LR. KiYSER &, No. 140 Wood street, 31gn of the Golden Mortar. Price T 5 cents per bottle. *P 3 _ g&ffisT KIRK'S TKANSPORTATIOH ANTICIPATING the want of facilities for transporting Freights to and from the Eastern Cities, via. Pennsyl taaU Canal and Railroads, we hate increased oar stock c-f Boflti*, Ac , on same, 10 a DOUBLE DAILY LINK, which gives u* B capacity of over 1200 tons per month each w* Wa aware our friends, ami those iiisposed to patroniie tho State Improvements, there will be nothing apated on our part to r-ndsr general satisfaction in lotwarding East ern and Western Freights with promptitude and despatch. KIKE 6 MITCHELL, Canal Baein, Pittsburgh. I*B. To Wboleo&U Grooeri, Liquor and Dlanofaetarcrs. rpHE SUBSCRIBER is now Importing e superior Quality I of OIL OF COGNAC, of which %of an ounce with 60 gallons purti Spirit will pn>luets a fine Cognac Brandy. K33ENOES of KoCIULLK end OTAUPB BRANDY; ol JAMAICA aud ST. CROIX ROiLAIUC. ODER and I'KACU lIRANPY, HOLLAND SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, end SCOTTISH WHISKY, ere acknowledged by tho New York «ts by th« greet demand after thfem. Di rections for ase will inriuiaWy be giTen by PR. LEWIS FBUCHTW ANGER, P. ft.—lmporter ct Daguerreotype Chemical*, PLatina, Bismuth Mangaume; Thorn's Kit.Copalva,Sulphate Am monia. Ac. dnrtliß » ‘ "irTlag'd Greet Worn. nfBK LIPR UP UKGftUK WABHINfIfON.—The first vol* 1 urne cl the above work id uow ready for delivery—the volume will be ready hhortly. it l« ne*tljr gotten up— printed on line paper, with three .or more portraits and plana Price fcZ.oO P«r rolumo. Thb edition Is published exclutirely hyeubsorlpuon.cnd paydble on the delivery ol each volume T. J. HI3NEK A CO. are sole Agents for the abore wots. Ode-*, No. -0 Fifth street, opposite Mason's, 1.1 Dr. G.B. Sbnw's Optician Store. , ~ fty- orders addressed to T. JK. A Co. will be strictly attended to. Canvassers wauled. aug2alewlai CARPETINGS. DKT.AWARE COUNT* CARPET MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION, on the Chester Plank Road, two miles below the city Hoe, offer to boy-rs this season, AX MINIS TER, APISSTRY, BRUSSELS, 3-PLY INGRAIN, DAJIASh and VENETIAN CARPETING, at very reduced prices for rash or city acceptance, (interest added > TUo stock, comprising also IMPORTED FABRICS of every variety, 4&n U examined at the Factory Warehouses, Derby, or at tbe Stor-s, Nos. 18 and 20 N. SECOND at .PtHLADELPULA. Wocl l-ought, Spun, Dyed or exchanged for Carpel*. JeWiJni.l* Jr SIDNEY JONES. Watches, Jetrelry, Silver W^rel AVERY .SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT of Gold and Silver Watches now in store, from $lO to $275. We arc the nxjluuiTe Agent for Ihe sale of the celebrated C. Frodsham a Jinpnn-'U.I Timt4itfpert ; also, V. B. Adams A Son, Stoddari, Cw|x>r, Taylor, Johnson an 1 other approved Watches kept lor sale at U*3 than ifiuxkrn prices—owing to llghUT expenses, and e desire to retain our home trade as much as possible. Sp*rla! attention Is devoted to th* repairing of Wsl-hts and Clock*, Jewelry, Ac. BUr«r Spoons and other goods manufactured in my own sboo. Tm« Ware. Jewuirv, Military and Fancy Goods in large variety. W. W. WILSON, comer Market and Fourth _ Mscusfica’ Uaivx or Prrwcuaoa, I August 81, l&So. ) rpup STOCKHOLDERS of tbe Mechanics* Hana of Pifts 1. -burgh are herubv notified that tho third instalment o! por hhnrewlil bedue on the 10th of October proximo, laU the twnrth aud lust lusUlmeat of $12,50 ptfr sh*re on On- doth N teuib<*r following, payable at the Bnokir-g House, on Fourth t.truet, as per resolution of thp Dcasd of Directors. iwpll UEO. D. MoGREW, Outdo* r. CnUi.sV Deposit D*«a, i Pittsburgh, September 4, 1845,) THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS of this Bank havo this Jay declared a dhlJund at the rate of PoDR per • ont. on ttit' capital slock p*,id Id, out of the profits of the last Ox months; psytble cn and after the 11th ln*t. E. V. JONES, Cuahler. J, Wllmn <9t Sou, WIUiLBRALK AND RETAIL BAT AND CAP MAND FAOTVRKRS, No. 91 Wood etreot, Pittsburgh, are prepared to furnish all articles In their Hoe on tho mcmt reasonable term*. Particular attention Is Invited to our aarortroeot of LADIES’RIDING H ATS and GLOVES, also uur Si SILK IIATB, which cannot be surpassed in the city neps 1 >LO*.*MS --Ito tciua Lake ChompUiu ; I*) luO Juniata; for sale by eep6 JOHN MOORUBAD. P’lo lRi.'N—K-0 tons Hill Furnace;) tu “ *• (Rough end Ready;) 2UO Anthracite, NvB.l and Z, for Foun dry, for sale by (bejfi) JOHN MOORUBAD. iITRICHT’S PREMIUM HATHARION stopTtbe H»ir V> rvom falling out, and produces a luxuriant growth.. WRIGHT’fI PREMIUM KATHaRION Removes all dsndrutf and disease deposits. For sale, wholesale, by R. E. SELLERS A CO. [angifi MAGAZINES, Ac Ac.—Putnam tor August; UnrpAr for August; Knickerbocker for August; K&aklne's Half-Yearly Abstract. Just received ami for sate at W. A. GILDBNFENNEY A CO.’S Bookstore, Fifth bL, opposite the Tbeatro. SKI ANTED IiIMKDIATI! LY, l'Wu UOOD COOKS and VV tour Gtrlß, te go to the country. High wages paid. Apfty tt BAKU’S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 410 Liberty street. sep3 ACID TUM.~(Worahaaeen "oil Vitriol,' O judt received Mid for Pile by huk3 IT'HR partnership heretofore existing between the sub -1 ocribers, under the firm of MUEPHY, TIERNAN A was DLSSOLVJSD, by mutoAl consent, on the Ist inst. The business will be aettled by either of the partners, at the old stand, No. 4S Wood street. Pittsburgh FRANCIS TIERNAN, MORRIS JONES, _ Pittsburgh, Sept. Bd, 1566. N. GRATTAN MURPHY. «rThe undersigned will continue the JP 1 ? Qgou IrutiTwst, under the Arm of JONES A * n the house No. 48 WOOD street, lately Tterean A 0* MORRIS JONES, FRANCIS TLERNAN, 4^JONES A TIKRNAN the WHOLESALE DRY GOODS BUSINESS, JAMBS.Mo- LAIN, to take effect from the let Inst. The stylo o! the firm to be JONES, TIRRNAN A CO, Pittsburgh, September 6th, WW—(sepB.dlm*wlt; * J ** ■*-. ......w l A * ~ DR* MORSE>B Ii ViOORATING CORDIAL, A fSKFOUStfON m MXDWUTM. Huul RtftVored *»d Uf*,LMgtbM»d • MORSE'S I N VIGOBATiti 0 ELIXIR, IT will' wpitco weakness With iatrangth, incapacity wit efficiency, irregularity with uniform and natural tivlty, and thir no', only without hoeard of roaetioa, bat with a happy ftiTn-.-t on the general organisation- B«f in mind that ail maladies wherever they begin, finish with tho nervous syatom, and that tho paraliiation of the norfe cf motion and eencatios la physical death, Bear in mind, ai6o, that for every kind of nervous disease, the Hlixtr Oot» dial la the only reliable preparative known. CURB o? NRKVOD3 DISEASES. No language can convey an adequate idea of the h&CU. diate and aimotbmirnijuto-cn change which it occasions ts the diseased, debilitated and shuttered nervous system, Whether broken down by eiwsa, weak by nature, or impair* e<l by dickneße the oust rung and relaxed organisation ii at once braced,’ revivi&ed and built op. The mental and physical symptoms oi nervous disease vanish together on* der its influence. Nor Is the effect temporary; tor the Oofr dial properties of tho medicine reach the consUttttlo* and restore it to Its normal condition. LOSS OP WRMOR?, Confusion, giddiness, rush of blood to the head, ne!an< choly, debility; hysteria, wretchodness, thought* of self destruction—foe* of Insanity,- dyspepsia, genaral ptostrf tion, irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, disease! incident to males, decay of the propagating fiinctioas, hjv terbi, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of the besrlf Impotency, convtipstlon, etc-, £toa whatever causes arisisg it la, If .there bo any roiiance to bo placed oh human test! many, absolutely infallible. A GREAT MEDICINE FOB FEJtAXBS. The unparalleled effects of this great restorative la eU romp) aints Incident to females, mark a new era Is tile enosis of medicine. Thousands of etirn nUntfl have been invented— thousands of Inrigoranta concocted—all purporting to ho specified In the various diseases and derangements to which the dellcats formation of woman render her liable. EVERT WOMAN OF SENSE, Who 4&ffers from weakness, derangement, nervousness, tremors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whether pt-oili&r to hor sea, or common to both sexes—to give the fur iterating Cordial a trial. MARBISD FERSONB, NtTs L.»mb o, Ct NjfeiTion, P«l \ ISW. P2X7AB.cz> BY DR. C. M. JACRSOH, Philadelpiiia, Pa., m xmcruALLi ocaa LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAUNDICE, Chronic or JVerwKis Dtlukly, Dismiss cf the Kidneyl> and uH dusases writing /rosi a dtiordetrd Leva- or StowasJL Such • 65 Constipa tion. Inward Piles, Fulness, or Blood to the Ural, Aridity of the Stomach. N6o£<auisartbarn. Disgust for Food,) fulness or weight in the Stomesh, Boar Eructations, Sinking, or Flattering at tha Pit of tha Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried end Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at tho Heart, ChoaX , log or B allocating Beueation when in lying Posture, Dlmnada of Vision, Dots of Weta bofcre tho Sight, FeTO mJ i Dali Pain in tba Head, Deficiency of Perspiration I Yellowness of the Birin and Eyes, Pain in the ! Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Sudden ! fflcshee of Heat Burning In the flesh, Constant Imagln* tags of EtU, and great Depression of Spirits. The proprietor, la calling the attention of the poblla t» this preparation, doee eo wit a feeling 0f _lJte utmost confi dence hi It. virtaeij article; atlonto the nieeaees fbr vhteh it is recommended. . , , It b« no uaw and oairied article, bat one that has Stood the teat of a tea ixara* trial before the Amsrscan people end its wpuutioa ami ale H usotlla! by pu« paatiecaexiist. Em testimony to:Jaftw Spnobss s=i weC te=ra PhyeHans arniiadfrida. eijt tea« -area =» saaetgj to Sasmee. tny ffith mj - Eton, sifaEoasMsl&ffito*, is £* hid gratis, of all th j "prinnpol Gmt* »r-i" Hanarbcttry, ISO 'Arch attest, Fhilv by Dr. 0«3- H- Sorier, 143 Wool (treat; & A I FehnwSodt A Co , Eo. SWsod e_i»t; Fleming BroCbstt ! 60 Wood street; H.F. SaarttaasiJ.P-Flennig, Allegheny } declthdewlyia : . l>«al«r> 141 Maiden Lane, Now York. FLEMING BROS; MEDICAL. AO ENTS: Pittsburgh Da. GKO. H. KEYSEB, No. 140 Ww4 Si Do PLSM3NO, BEOS., No. 60 Wood st. Bo m }L, S. gBLUSfiS, Wood strcst. Allagheny Oity...BECKEiAM 4 M’RENNAN; Do .. ...JAMBS T. SAMPLE A 00.; Do! F. FLEMING. Agdßt or Ohio .J. D. PARK, Cincinnati. Japtlrdawly DR. HOOFLAN D’B CELEBRATED GERMAN BIT TEES, Prirate DUease«« . DR BROWN, No. 41 damond Alley, ae- entire ettentioo to anofioe WBf Hl< busings is mostly CO traced to fTfeote |35 JgfeL YcntrtaL Dutaics, and such painful oflectlpns, «9 brought on by imprudent*. youthfuUndolgen«andexwffl. Syphilis, Syphilitic iSrapUonS, Brethral Discharge*. Impurity of the Blood, Wl 2*22iBjjjj‘ aes of thn Venereal Organ. Shin Di&oases. Scorbytto&up* lions, Tetter, Ringworm,' Mercurial DtSWSW, Woakne.-rt, linpotunuy, l*iles, Rheumatism, Female Weas? neas, Monthly Supprusdionfl, Diseases of Joints, WW* in Aoo, Nerw.us Affections, Pains In the Back and, Lwo* 1 rritation of tho Bladder and Kidneys, sucoefififOßy Cure guaranteed. . „ _ Twenty 'ears’ (ten in thifi cats) <hAWes W. Brown to offer aesuranc-.a ot i rpcody odre to all Yno may corns under hia care. " Office and Private Consultation Boon a, 41 Diamond all^y. Charges moderate. nov6:d*wly RHKHMATIfIM. —Dr Brown's newly discovered remedy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy tor' that painfui trouble. It norer fails. Cilice and Private ConeulUtion Rooms, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at homo. Dots:d*wly Joseph 'White’s Carriage Repository. JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying onbush Jgßgtt? ness in his spacious premises, (nowft£sQ§g|ar* lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh andftg»Sgi?6|J*“ turnpike, near the Two Mile Tlfflii U: n.brtveei’ lift-burith and Lawreneeville, nrSpeetlttUy iuviUw lUe public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, Ac. And he particularly Informs gentlemen pulrhastrt, that one price only is made. FourteenycaS* experience in the business, enables him to place before hu patrons the some choice collection of Carnages which, ao mauj years past it bas been his particular department’to, select from the various and most talented Eastern maun* ucturers. The success of his new system Is esmplet^— the economy of his arrangements will supply the best aha most fashionable manufactures at moderate prictt> • Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, widen tha mania for decorating houses of business has hesjradupen the price of goods, (owing to large rents.) JOSEPH WIUXM will eell, on ready money only, at mubh less than the tmoal profits. [mh&daw] in the test manner, with dwyt To Printer*. THE undersigned, proprietor* of the PLYMOUTH AD* YERTISEU, wishing to embark in another enterprise, offer tho entire establishment for sale. The pap^r? n tecond volume, and la now a good,prcf.taple oaiicyEa. Tha jobbing and advertising the preaent year JW Teuto $1,600. The subscription list to large, ind to Idly. With a lit-la or onion it can be donbled-Tba mate, rial la nearly naw. Eaymenta made ««S- * o ' ‘S practical printer, thto U an opportunity Possession will be given at the clotO oltblsTciuma nur All oommunlcatlo ns relative to tbeabovotan buad dreaSei to tin, aubscrfbera,K Ohio. [aagll-dawin ■ BOBIHEON A LOCKS. ts«w Bottling EltublUhmcnt. _ BOYD A MOKTuN have t»partnenmll> » transact the business I ‘ BOTTLING, In all Its branch es, at 6 8 Liberty street, Neville Hall. They bare constantly on hand a BUMllor MU«».l*. INDIA ALB, pat np In pint bottle*. will find It to their advantage to give UB a “11, And ««h 100 lor tbemeetvee. We uiro bottle 0 EUjwrior attKl»<? PORTER, SARSAPARILLA and MINERAL WATER. , • Terms as favorable as any other hoUM in the City. orders pnt up at short notice. BOYD A MORXON,. jeliim • No 68 Liberty st-, Netfll* B'JILUINU LOT A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIB rtrert, and «ttm<Ug bnca 109 feet to Wide allay. On f, h n ™. F1? 2h13 Lot Let ia a Cellar Wall, built for ;eo small fcfiold is in a desirable location for a r 'ffmlclear from low, end on faturuble terms, H'i t\®e r }, rT T.srolts. Incumbrance. Enquire of jWrinaJoet. Boarding School. CL£N h oiel /“\E BUMMER BOAKMMTIOUSt-IW fe dtb „ tt» (J and Qronnda orsofTa-edftr oßt of tto house, above purposes. Tte fi * sa 4 , a^f«ofSe^ grounds. and Ok» the beauty, extent and variety o' eec i tt ded from evety singular advantage of t^S/P.. a' inost desirable location thing ottfectloß*bl®, refldA . Jfor tsrnis» apP^J rot either a Male or « Frontatawt mhMetf ■ . --ir-VsShaid'jiKrt, ha»o MINKS* CO, Books: fr«h surplj ° f jjannettand Ills Times; by* Memoirs of Jam® l u Journalist. u„grcedoln; fcT Frol. Dougin's. My Bondage .LmSiii Hail and, author of.AloO*. The Hidden PaOi; liy o! Fate—* Story of Light and LarfcntßJ.tr Fashionable Lite.. £he tteary at nors, *n» OIK or the Old West Boom, an the weary at rest. , .-_ aa nf ConVtsnt Life— The Escaped Nun, or EndMOJM Ol urn the Confessions of a Slaler yij, Pardee. The Confessions of a PiettJ Woman The Jcolons Wife—» norel; by »ls> lleecher'B I'en Piotoras of the Binl*- BUr Tapera. Bell Smith Abroad. Fot Gale by bep9 |_J BMP Jtleftlflb? - • t»®8 T J ' II MINER * <W. No. SH fimltbflaW Bln-_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers