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THI ITOaiH-WEST OOSJTEB Of WOOD AND FIFTH STBIKT3. *ST Dollars a year, payable rtrietly in B ivanca. 'Six Dollars will invariably be required If not paid within tb» yfjv s>i j&#?Bingle copies rwecnrrs— fbr “file attbeoounter In the Office, Bndoy the Fmff Boys. Published from the came office, on a large blanket site sb 'fit, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single copies riTBOJcm. . . - No paper wQI be discontinued unless at ths disera. . . on o£ the until all arrearages are paid. attention will be paid to any order unless Bccom panied by the monoy. or satisfactory reference In this dty Connected with the Establishment of ths Morning Pott is one of the largest Job Printing Offices in the city, where oil kindsqf work is done on the shortest notice, andmoit reason • aW^fcra*. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Robt* C. G. Sproul. Attorney and.cohnskllor at law—osice, no. • Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. declltly A,,,,. Jamei A» Lowrie, xTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield street and Cherry alloy. [declLly dOHKBARTOK, ATTORNEY . AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, i Pt® ce * corn « r Flfflti and Grant eta,, # joa:ly?] pjttsdoboh, pa. . Thoinu Meant, Attorney at law and solicitor in chancery. Office, next door to’the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. .. my 4 6. P. Rosa, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa, fourth door below ilx. Body Patterson’s livery Stable. . ♦ . - j«2S * . C.t'rleuitlo Loomis, ATTORNEY at law—Offic-o, Fourth street, above Wood. _ Jy47 R< B, CarnaUau, TTOIiNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between . Cherry alley and Grant afreet. Je2:y • J. N; lH'Ulowry, Attorney and counsellor at LAw-omce in Bakeyoireilnildiogs, on Grant rtreeL, j e 2 Di H. Hazen, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth streot, above and .near Smithfield. mar27.-y Patrick OieKenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFIIOE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice of the l’oaco will be promptly attended to. M>l:3m N. ltuckmaater, Alderman. |\FFICE, Grant street, between Fourth at. and Di&moud \J alley. ConTeyuuciugafHllklndsdonrwiththoffreat tst care and legal tccurnc v. Titles to Real Estate examin ed, Ac. jaa^ William Wilson, Alderman. 01 FIOH No. 447 PENN -rre*‘t, between the canal nud O’liani street. Fifth Ward. All bu.-itieef* appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice c>t the Peace, will be promptly attended tc*. ItonJs, and otli-ir document*, drawn Tsitli pnatuess nnd despatch. ttd>i:i:U' *£i'ZEs>£t!K **»AHb» PUKtiKO^’ DBNTWf, ffifjvPls§S ****** U> U ‘ Ui ' illla,t No * lu f T i houfi’, l.vm h to 1 (iVNri, and from 2 to 5 o’clock. iVM.VI v jt&ZnS J SCOTT, OKNTIST, fourth slr.-ft, S;v doors uW%KKJ=3k VrC?t 0f Tyyyy Oma Ik-uks From nine A P. M. AL>'Rll» Q- CUKLIXO M.'tMA.V lU-BtllTSOft ldwau) DrrußXiKir; nc?n»v i.. wrowai.t. CnrUugt Uobcrtton & Co., Manufacturers or cir, pressed and piain FLINT (« LASSWAUE, warehouse No. 14 Wool Mrovt, corner iff Front strew, Pittsburgh. £jj” All other kinds of UlrKswar* aDd Miudoiv Class, at low market price;.. apllrdly Jacob ffl’Couiiter, WHOLESALE and retail Ciitur manufacturer, an.l deal er In all kinds of Tobr.roo, Sauff. nud Cigars, No. 21* Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keeps constantly on hand a lanji* supply ol all the various brands of Tmp**rinl Cigar* j. John Bloorlieaxl, WIIOLF.3ALK GROCER, AND COMMISSION MRU CHANT, for the Pale of Pi* Metal and Lk-cm*. and Produce generally, No. UI Wood street, PittMiurzh fiuur atyuEu... KoatitT j. amciujon. Heymcr & Anderson, (Successors to Joshua Hhi*!** <i Co ) WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruits, Nuts, Spices, Coab*ctlonary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood Kre«t, opi.o flite the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa. Bp” FORWAUDING AND COIIMUSION MERCHANT, and Wholesale Dealer iu Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Irish, &ud Produce generally, No.do Wood street. Pittsborgh. ‘ mart'. B 'i\ <;. jtlorgau, Bookseller and stationer—Las alwayson hand a general assortment School, Ml-fccllane.us and Plan It Bookfi, Printing. Post and Cap Paper,*.*., wholesale and re tail. No. 104 Wo- - ** (-treat, bidow Fifth, Ka_-t side, Pitt'luirjib. g£af“ Wanted, Rags aud Tanners’ Scrap-*. nplorlv WILLIAM KILLEIi, Pliila WM . KK'KETaoX, PsUsburgh. HSlllcr & ltlcketioo, WHO LESALK (JR 1 >CURB.I a port era of brandies. Wines ■ and S*»gar«—Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwiu and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Lron, Nails, Cotton Yarn**. A • constantly os hand. j)-0 Wm. (iarr & Co , (lVn. Carr, late of the Gra nf J. PrrV.cr A Or.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in Foreign Wines and Brandi*-?, OM Mouopgah'da and Rectified Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial '.tow, l.iLwrty rtreot, Pittsburgh, Pa. y.u-.y DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, offer.* fr sal- a choicestooh of Groceries, / e'e tteJ for family use. Fpirrs of every variety and ih»* j.nr-et qaality, ground «t hin Steam Mills. Also, Dried Kniitn, Foreign and Doniesli?. Produce taken in exchanr** Jar raerchaudd:*. F. R-D. hat procure] n fu‘l nvjwrtm-nt of Lanirdh’s Warranted Garden u:i i iu rites th? attention of all in terested in rural affairs. j-iull W. B. ESUUiiI Z. niC2Ar.na>X..._ ...J. /. ulnsmt. Ehgtlib £• Ulchardson, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING M ERC'.I A NTS, aud Wholesale Deal.-rs in Fish, bacon and Oil,au 1 Produce generally. Warehouse formerly u.vui i*d by Uurbrldge 4 Inghram, No. 110 Wnti-r aril lit) Firs: street, Pittsburgh, Penna. I'eldJ doiutuiialon iluuic, THE have opened a house fur the above pur pose, Bl No. 17 StnittrticlJ atr**-t, fi>ar J-*t>rs above* the ilonongdhe'n House. We will purchase, or receive, on com Xnlseion, for fkl«, of'Fleur, baron, Che»-s*\ Corn, Oats. Barley, Flax ffecd, Gras? Swd, ltalvd Hay, A..'.. upon which we will tm-Jke advances, or purchase at the bent market rates for cash InorO! ALGK<> h CO. James* ni’liangtxilnt Dealer in gkockuils, produce, flour, bacon, An., No. 10, corner ffraithfield igid F.rst struct?, Pita;- burgh. Pa. novU No. 33 SnithfUld street, <jsjt.isile &!:; lly.r'. Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of every description. Material* and work manship warranted, and sold at reduce! prices. Care taken in packing for KridamJ water carriage. nugUl Wm Dlgby, Jr., CLOTIILNG AND FURNISHING STORK, Masonic Hall, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in good style, and at moderate rates. augfrtf ft/ft A. C. Duncan, WHOLESALE GROCERS, aud Dealers in Produce, For eign Wines and Liquors, G'd Monoogabela aud Rec tified Whisky, No. 291 Liberty stJ riltsbur.-h, Pa, |jy27:y A. Tlniile, WHOLESALE aud Retail Saddle, llsmef* ' Trunk. Yulis.* and Carpet Hug manufacturer, Ci No. UHi Wood st.. Pittsburgh. I’a. jv'A' v J ll.Melior* WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer In M u«l.-*kl Inatrumeut-c Pianos, Music, School Reek? and Staii.'uei y, No. 12: Wood Street. 4 ’ jttil John \Y. iluller 4 Co., 1 FORWARDING and commission mKRCUANTS _ Dealers Id all kind* of Pittsburgh uunufuctureH, Lead Pipe and Sheet l/'tul, f»7 Froot street. sept's Enterprise Works. No. lffti Wood street, Viii'd door b'lovj Yirym alley. BQWN A TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their largo assortment of Guuh, Hitler and It*- volvlng Pistols, the largegt aod best eolccted etock ever opened in this market, with a general of Hardwam, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, tul of w hi.*!-, wo offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchaser?, or for good approved paper. marls I HAVE THIS DAY (April Utb; asutcikted with m- Messrs F. STEEL TUiIBhTT and SAML. C. CLANKY. both of whom have been for many yearn in my establish meat, and are already extensively and favorably known t-i my customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of correct business habits. We hope by this union of experience and artistic skill— e-pe.cially in the watch de partment; by keeping a large nn<l well aeletut-d stock i : goods; by selling at moderate prices, und by close to business, to merit n liberal share of patronage. To in v old friends and tbo public in general, who have for oauv years past so liberally paironlxud my busiuees, I return my thanks, and solicit for the new firm a continuance of Mmi larfavors. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11, 1555. Wilson, Turbctt &• Claney, WATCH MAKERS, JKWELKKS and ALLYERSMITIIS 07 Market rf’rreet, corner Fourth. mv& New Coach and Carriage Factory t JOHNSTON, BEOTHEBS & CO., Orrncr Rebecca aud Belmont streets, Allegheny City. ORv*gj* WOULD respectfully Inform their friem’s and the public generally, that theyhav j T* commenced the manufacture of Carriage*, i i a—wfiM EaroochpSjßockawnys, Duggiua. Sleighs ar.-l Chariots in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabi’i ty and beauty Of finish. Repair* will uko bu attended t » on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work tl- * beat Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel r-tutf, they foel conri dent (hat all who favor thorn with their patronuge, will t perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purcb-i -aing elsewhere. octroly MEE J. T. JOHSBTQN. Klceiiior Carriage Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER &. CO., PRACTICAL COACH MAKERS, corner of Rebecca ami Belmont streets, All- • gbeny city, Pa., have on bond am! are manufacturing an extensive assortment of Carriages, Itockawaye, Buggb-, baggage Caro, Ac., made io oil their various styles, with Htrict regard to durability and beauty of finish, using in >•: 1 their work the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. U • palrßattended to on the most reasonable terms. They t ■•! confident that all who may favor them with their patron age, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass even- i.;. teen minutes during the day. 00t25:1> PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. H. UtOELOW UARTIS L. 9TEVSHS OCOSOB ALliEh Bigelow A Co., « SUCCESSORS TO KM. BIGELOW, No -id Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pitti • burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pheatons, Bug gies, and every description of fancy vehicles Dum to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed lor beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, -and durability of materials. All work warranted. novP ‘t'i' li PnTTKIISOX’S Corn.r Diamond .treet .ud »P rl^:tf Pirraßuitfiti P * ’ 1/in DOZ. WillON ai'KDPI Iw SO “ do Is store ml for „j e b _ jyl» 39 Wood rt, oypojlt, «b, Bt. OiirlM Hotel .. i-:"-Vt ft > VV ~"-W ;•: ;-j> ti V .. J t ,'Vi«». V/'. - • • .Kit ; :■■ ,v’S 'N ;-»»'*> 1 1-' - -r, ’’■ ••■; IV’ vV'v V&VV ■■ .?•■ v-r* V^V*: *v*j>v-'■•’■ v ’ : " w:- ••>"’*' • 1 ’•' ■■• -.. ■•- I '* -VV-. V ; '•> hV^r>V•' ' • • - - % ‘ ./,m: - . . . ■•’ V 5 f i •, v*.* ! / . - - I.*L' "'- '—■ ;.’:':V:V*V t Y ~ 5 ’• . ■; , ■ , -v- ? l .' i i:*' : .'':; -. , »i?uvi.•«- o . * ,_T, , ••• ■ - < > * , , %•• a r*- * * , V > i *'» . * . P -V V.'.?. i'x. '•*+'* i’ ■ : i- i y.: * ' -* “V -•= .; ■;.» - THB SATURDAY MOBNING POST BUSINESS CARDS Henry H, Cullins, F. it. Uravo, Diamond, Pittsburgh, /’a. Youag & Co. Copartnership Notice .!>. T. JOnNBrON ' ■ *■> . ; '> * PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “ POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OB $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS, Joseph Fleming, (SOOCESSOB TO L. WO.COX A CO.] CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keep* constantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and ail articles pertain ing to his business. 4®“ Physicians* Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. je:Oy JOHH FLXSUBa COCHUAH FLUIUfQ. Fleming Brothers, [SUCCESSORS TO J. EIDD Jt CO.] WHOLESALE DUGGIBTS, No. GO Wood street, Pitts burgh/Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Yermlfage, Liver Pills, Ac. jalO John kaft, Jr., f SUCOtSSOB TO Ji«rs M'atFFlY.j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer fa Paints, Oils. Dye Stuffs, Ao. t 141 Wool street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr4:miely R. Li. Allen, YTTHOLESALB DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BBAN YV DEES, OIGARB, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE WuISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No.SWoodstreet. Pittsburgh. Pa. Wines, Brandies. Gin®, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, St. Ctolx and New England Rum, Clarets, Chaopaijjnea.Scotch Alo, London Brown Stout, Ititd), Bcotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahcla Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, tmd Principe Cigars; Half-Bpanieh and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge* competition. Fancy Bar Kegs aDd Labelled Bottles of every etyle, uod Demijohns of all sires, I respectfully iuvite an esamira t»on cf my stock, ac No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penna. apr3ly James Olclllnger, MONONGAHELA PLANING MlLL.—Would respectful ly inform hb friends and the public, I hut his new es tablishment Is now in lull operation, and that ho b pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, uod till all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and et the lowest rales. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, ronjitanily on hand. bash, Doora, and Mouldlugs of every description, made to order. Bnildem au i Carpenters would find It to their advantage to give him & call, a* he can now furnish thi-m with planed stufl suitable for etery descriptlou of work. wsj a. 11nsrun i Herron A Criswell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of *U kinds of Bratg Work, Locomotive ateaui KDgini-, Piumlers, Ac. Ab*o, Cotton Itattlog Manufactun-re. Foundry on Ribccca street. Allegheny city. Ofll'v* und Store No. Id Market street, Pittsburgh. <tl«i“01«i Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work, ornish paiJ. Orders left at the Foundry or Office. will be promptly attended to. fcULly •u. (<&4rr d. aiisiauut t. j. mmr. Graff, Belslnger 4 Graff, \\f ESTUKN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Mood street, Pitts- Y? burgh, Pa. M. to five dec2o:y C.wkinz Stoves: Plain and Fancy (Jral-^j, Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fend. r*, Parlor Stoves, Aid and D'g Irons, Uo;’r w Ware, Portablo Forges, Sugar liettlws, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxen, mhlo w.u. e.viTU .. w.w.xum i. a. iitiniu.. Smith, fflalr A Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) \\J UOLLSALK GROCERS, PHODUOK AND OOMAHS- Tf fclcN MiIR.CHANTS, and Dealers in ail ilnds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Second and 1M First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. f*t>j VV. S. Hoveu. '|'WB OLD HUNTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John -4 fton A Ftccklon,) and Blank Book and Stationery Marabou**, la prepared to execute every rtylo of Legal, Ciunmetciul, Canal and Steamboat Job Pnutiur and Book Hind in-, and lurnUh • »*»ry article in the Blank Bock, Paper sod Stationary line,at tL- ehcrlest notion and on the most rce*i- nab!* terms. Rbiuk Book and s?taticn*rv Warehouse. Printing UfHr« nad Book Liodory, corner ef Market aud Second ew b covK. S’orth-Wutern Police Agency, NO. 51) WASHINGTON STREET, coroer ot Jvarborn, CUICAQO, ILLINOS. . LLI.N JM.N K VETOJC. Pinkerton A Co. otvoT* Turin stmiTtun w> tuk TEASsAcrton or a f.tniaAL DETECTIVE POIJCK BUrGNESa In the States of llliuoia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. mhlO dtf r J I UE late firm of JONES k QUIQG, l aTing been dienaiv- X ed by the death of John F. Qulgg, on th*< ‘-T tb inet . t.utf a ess of enld firm will to settled by ihe uedemigued, at 'heir office, eorner of Ross and First streets. ISAAC JON Efi, Surviving Partner, i’iitftburgh, September 3U, Isol—joefiy MANUFACTURER of Spring and Blister Steel, Pl«u<h Slab steel, steel Plough Winga; Conch and Kliptic >prmg», Ilrßfj Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mail and Hammered Iron Axles,—coiner uf Roi* aud First straatn, i itieburgb. Pa. ortTily •4AC D. U. Uogen A Co., MAN UFACTUKEUS of ItOG ERB’ patent Improved Steel Culuvu’or Teeth. Office corner IlcuA anti First afreet. Pittaburgh Hiding School. ROBERT U. PATTEKBuN, Proprietor, corner otM. Diamond street andCbitry alley. The subscriber J-t reKT>ectfullv announces to Ladies and Gentle mm of Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a RIDING SCHOOL, whi«*b in point otsizs,ccmmodlnuFoesaandadup i-tii'u, und-uiably txceio any similar in tbe (.'uiftol Btate6 it<j locatim Is aoreseible from all part* of li e city, while ita bigh and airy situation renders it espe '•ially suited to the promotion of health, by thin nest Agree exerche. Tbe Horses ar»* docile and well trained, and tl:< pro;-riefnr plages liiinself that no paint or expense »ul Lc i.partd to make thU eotablbbment the first in tte c.mfideni-eo! the public. <v>t22?f ttlehard t, Bucking, Manufacturer of gilt, silver, brass, buo.nzs, iajoking-glash, portrait and pic- T.lt FRASIES, Plain ai.d Ornamented, Nu. 21 St Glair •frr-»t. All kind? of Composition Ornament*, for Stfam- Ix-j-ji, Ai-. All kind? of Gilding aod Re gilding, ord- r. G.u Mouldln s for Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish f. - Oil p.xiu'ingr, Kngraringn aud Llthcgrapha, for s»le tsiT Impaired or deCace-J Oil Paintings restored in fte ie-.t rununtr. Ai» I'rsm-fi and Mouldings mnnuhiPturr:! In thi* et-tab iUbjnciit may be (.leaned without injury, with eoap and *... t .-r. C>. II and «e,t. No. 21 Ft. Clair flt.. Pitt«bu rirh- !inh2tf tf TrENSTIAS BLIND MANUFACTURER, has recoi i*7 l*-] \ bis health wa* to rusuiun hU oid bualness, nnd has opened hi.- BUND MANUFACTORY, at No. 05 Filth street, u> er the Post office, between Wood aod Bmithll»ld, where he has an uHsortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain aud fun -v worsted and Hik Lrimmlug*, and is prepared to fill ut.y order in his line, on the most reasonable terms. Ill* wt-:k is whir-nttsl U* give aatlsfucUcn or tuonryrefunded. 47ir“0.d Blinds repairs!. Pleojie give him n call, as he can't te beat in work tnsurliip my 7 ly 111 AVE told my Intcreet In the businees na Lorg, Miller A Co., to 11. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue r.t the old eland, No. 10b Front wtreet. 1 cordially ro :•><ii*mend the new finn to the patronage of my friend*, i ItUburgh, July 29,15 M. P. U. MILLER. K. L ’N S. A. Loh|{ Sl Co., 1 ) KLL ANT) URAflti FOUNDERS, AND Cl AS FITTERS, i ) Invite atention to thrir nt«y-k of Chandelier.*, Crack "ts. Pendants, and other fix tore*. \V« fit up huuwa »i:L 0:«H nud Steam, make Braes CarttlQgji of all kinds to order, furbish Railroad Pump* und Tank and keep Auti A:triUon Metal constantly on baud. jj:’.! NOT ICfiS. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. y<>. ‘2O Fifth stwi, first comer abort Market ,<trtr(, WHERE will be found the largest ami best assorted stock of EIOSIBRY ever offered for sale In this city. Por-basers will find it to their odvsntage to call at thin <i. tablishment an d examine lor themselves; it Is all ! need tr. in/ure their custom. C. DALY. N. B —Remember tbe Giuai* Stocxino Coaxxu. febljy C. I>. Consume the Smoke* r 1 IHE subscriber having the exclusive right to manufae- L tureaml sell SWEENEY’S iIOT AIR AND SMOKE l ■ >NSUMING FURNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and t- mtruct for heating buildings with the moht economical Foruare now in use. no attention of those interested is •-••liclteJ. An? information can bo Und of A. BRADLEY, o 10. 2 and 4 Wood street, cr of J. BARN DOLLAR, dec2i:tf | Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood fit. > vMLi I. LCULII .....Jussm, j cum. Ltcdlle ft Ulam, (Successors to Mulrany ft Ledlle ) 1 MANUFACTURERS or Cut, Moulded and Plaio, Flint anil Fane; Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all Kinds of Window Glass, Flafifes, Vials and Bottles. Ware* house corner of Matkei and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mh3nlly /'t IIIMSEN, Manufacturer of erery variety of Vials, Ditties and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottled; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Ohms in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Becond, and 133 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B I* W. Ch&dwioky Dealer in kkntuoky leaf tobaoco, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. •GSrThe highest market price, in CASH, paid for ap2o;l y:; Atwell) Lee do Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Uanul&ctutes, No. H "ft ood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. ' aplB Dissolution of Co-Partnership* r CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between X JOSHUA RUODES and PHILIP REYMEfi, in the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled op by Joshua Rhodes, who is autbor'aed to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODES, Maron 27tb, 1555. PHILIP REYMEB. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. £4)-The have this day formed a Partner «hip, under the name, firm and eiyle of RKYMEU A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary tueineug, No. 39 Wood street. 1 UILIP IIRYMErt. ROOT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. «o“In retiring from the Confectionary basinets I cheer folly recommend Meesre. Keymer A Anderton to my friends and customers __ JOSnUA KIIODKB Pittsburgh, March 27tb, ISSS. Removal* C PRINQBR UARBAUGH ft CO. have removed to No O 295 Liberty street. rU’BIKOIB 'BABBAUQ Springer Htrhaagh <fc Co., C (Successors t* B. Harbaugh,) OMMIfISION AtfD FORWARDING MEROUANTB; Driers io W9ol end Produce generally, No. *9b Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apb '" l -«- : a'\' '"!, * ■■'■***' ■ ' ’ ? ,l> ' • 1 ";_ f- „v- * “ '* J '.l , • it •* i \ „ ” i . ~<>-y.4 ;-q \ - i - <■ • JAMES CKS3" til. HAM rACTI. IKU.S OV .ji i-.. aotci xas Tuftac Jodii, N otlce. j.vo pun.urs. pmsuuiiou, pa., Removal. ■ CHAU. ATWELL. .ALEXANBER IORSTTE. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1555. BUSINESS CARDS J. Li fflarahali, (Successor to H. Lse.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 189 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, I’a. Rtfcrtnci—Vf. M’ClintocU A 8r034 Kramer ft Rohm; Brown ft Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tiernnn ft Co. Pittsburgh, May 24, 3855—(my24:3m*j Uots and Caps. rng WE would invite the ntteniiou of our friends and public to u splendid assortment cf HATS and which we are now opening lor the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, ercevds anything ever of fered in the city, or west of the mountains. Cali and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON 4 SON, •pQ _ 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. rpHS FIRM OF LiYINGSTON,*IU)fIGKN A 00 JProprie- X tors Of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was dissolved by the death of Mr. John J. Hogoxn, on the lltn of Match last. The business of the NOVELTY WORK* will beconttnued in all its branch' P by the surviving partners, under the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND ft CO., who will also fettle up the affairs of the late fir-a. L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOORHEAD, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 4, Dig;.. | W. It. COPELAND. John JU’Cloikey A Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTH 1 Nil MER CHANTS, No. 88 Wcod «lru«t, Pittsburgh, 1»». TLo subbcriier.s respectfully lofnim their old cu.ilomera and ihe public in geoerni, that they hiivi; thiH day ass .cia ted tbemeelvi*-' io th* abt.v* bunlueun, under th« firm (t JOHN M’CLttSKLY ft GO. Th*y <• tfxit)y . c-li.-il a -bar,; o( pabllo patronage. Thu previous t'uao»'.‘ a <A en.-h will l* r-etllfd bythun avlvv* r*sp«-ctively. M*t» Uooti ami hboci. JM’i.ArOHLIN, No. FuuiUi ntn—t. nearly cpftwile • the Mayor’s oQRS>, in manufa-: urii g U-MlemeuV first booth, Low Hhoee, ii*-H and button. <l, Cugri-e- eu! Button ed Gahorw; i.adlb*.'* Boots, Hail 8.h.19, Jeuoy I.iuJ-. bII pels, hu<l La*-hlnj: (ittiters, 1 1 ever* r.>K»r ami sbajo; iHCCy hid aud .°at:o «iai:.-rs, of tin-b« ; urn in la.-t. M 1 and ChUdreu'd do., wi i-xery \u/irty. V . B All kii.ds mud.' !.• <>u sb.-r! i.i.i Ic**. Imii" etoldtera* tloanty i.audi ami Claluii agalutt tjoveniment 1M ILL pro •a re Bounty l.*Ui i M'arrruits lor Soldi, r •>, thm Widows aui Mtr.or CbiiJ’fU, acJ ai:.-nJ : - bunlueas lri lii* ** Court ( f Claim.*,” r*v >ntly esi<bii*l»i-d by (JlHo*, No. 148 Thiru hi reel, one dm.r above Fimlii r i«*ld nt. Marcli B* 158&—(mh;wi CiiAIU.EN NiYLOK A«W Seed Store. J AMES WAUDKOP offers !..► anl* CANARY RI’IUH oi the most improved tr.-*d. v-ry hardy, and tine singers. Bird Heeds—Canary. Hemp. Millet, Hope on.l mix ed Seed, liyu^uelt* will le luruistied n-mpoe.l of the fiuvat HEWERS, v:.-. • C«ai/l»s Ume Ru.is, llel-.dr Everxreeus (iu ’ f.-r Cbrt 'im.is ir.-m to- Seed nn-J liorii.-ulturai Store. No. 4‘J Fu'ib el . MV< 1. Jrrdo Uoiinty Laudi T J'HK uud-'rstgnrd .t»ntiQue.» U: obluin B«-uuty Lam! M nr 1_ ranis. The press:*! Lilli i}i%ei to nil *!»•» have *erv**il in ouy w'nr more 17vu, ltVj r.t.i. T-tiih ru. Oerub*. LUKE C'JCKBIIIJ.)T, -T. Diamond u!:rv, mhliy betweru Wood st «u.l Di«JU->tt ! Coal Work* lor Salt' SIXTY THREE ACHES »)F LAND. » ilb i’*u i».*t.-* ot C-.U attached, i»l*l all the intprovem.Mitn th<Ttn>o m ful op-ration Raid Fsrni is sitnaiml tu the M aongiiboL river, HI miles aL’Ve I’lf.-burijh, and lx suppl.ed with ti Farm liouar, Burn, Teouiit HoUfes, DrcLi*rJ. Riißioid, kiul au excidtent bnrb -r. Tin* veiu of Coal ix five f.*.d t lil.-Y, un i r iuMj’. b»> ?u r pars ed lo ,uaJltv. For further pHrlieulars applv t.> MJIIDLv-‘jN k 1* • YNK, jsli.tf No. 2Hi» Libsri v street. EXlllltlllUN 110031 Foil INVENTIONS AND PATENTS. And Agency for Iho Purchase and Sale of Patent Rights und Patented Articles. MORKi ¥ KAT<J>>' Agcut. Su. So /bur;’. i\,W‘u r s'i fIMIK Fub3crii.t?ri« fomr *. ,un!n*i-»! <-.iLli>:r X MO&KS F EATuN, mid li'ivr no b.-'iVnU >u in mending Mm. 0- hi: w!i« m-.j w*.h !o *-tuj>li*y hi* *-t*rTii-**«, as a !*eatl«*nian of un Jonhs ol v l vabU* in- Jui-lry, In wbn.so •* *nr:i u.- • ; <*rv rvi»an'-* may ho ;dn. ** l. hwillnß Crulg, W. ib.hiii-'u. .'r , W 11. Iwnur, ,Min liniliKin, J»me' Wc-M, H. Child*' ft C-- , I’ K hririid. N. Ili.lm*** l A ."on*. Knaji A Wn,h, Kramer A Rabin. Win. I’hilh; !. P,. Liviaj*lun, Wilk>d M'Cundii-w, Win F. Johtn-lon. A W Loom!*, Andrew Fuitt-u Pttuburgh, N\.\»-iul'*-r -T lb, i ln-v'.T. ill' Writing ClßeteH'-Uulf'i Cuiie^r. I’HK OaritK-m-.'n tud Ladl-V Dr.? Willing llw* will ror.untn* op*-i» .lurici' Hi** »mmn. r under Mr J. L>. Williams, wi:on> v&riuuji nlyix* i.i uctitWii'Ti and Ladie*' Writing art* :-o cnivt-rraMr admireJ. .No ppwnr.fQ.- nf Penmau.thip or*' t'Shih.t.*J a: tb« .Ir>or h>i: t J,o«— «.xe.-uti*d by the Ti’-a/Jwr in the Innutulfon. Tl,*> |’rtt::*ipni <* 1 umii* i».■ M monopoly *' uor *‘ pace l ” f->r Li.-* hu-inor-., nor did hr c-t hi.-* inctiluli.u cbxrh:rc,i !o f<-1! ont, tv* ;.■»< l<-;n r**p**n:»-dly done In this r»ty Gentleman mi 1 Lade**-’ Vi*i f in;- f er'« wrill-n In Mr Williams’ •*')!«*. Ai; Mod* t.d i.lmatnentnl IVI uranship f.xe'uiol If' orJ'T. mvi-l •!♦'* Picw I rate I livelier Uflice. q>HE /Mihfl.-rii-er hi.- ju-t . r-i»'*d UK I N'TKLI.UiFNt’K X OM*'ICL, al -410 Lilw»rty rtm.i, in iho viril known othco ol John lu-tiii w.iu, bUp AiC~nt ; joJ m l.u hi’ bom Exploring AgnLl fir the \(4in; >isu'« llihlr .S-~:r? y r.f PUL** burgh for warty l**.) years, h>* tliiter* h'nurlf *hal hi:* * of th-i r i-.y M. I r.i r;‘.u *n - g:t m him grv&{ j»-it*.- U-:- Hi furuhdiliig hno^rk—.•(vi-* uiUi h ip. uti l aI-c> in l.i.d log pln<*« .» '< i boy f.girh: an ; -if. ..:her* -rekn.e p;r;j>lo\ The of tin* j iiblic u- mii.-iVd. Inm- . u-iy. and every rtloi t Ito re ,;*'3t ra! f.KU:d*-di : : jell U 0 VHit IEI im;k iUUliUru A. Co. HA YK ON LI AM i, lit Ih dr riU-nniii* ' AlllNf-i nri OH A 1 It MANur A'.'IMjIY. No m S -.ithti -Id ntr-ot, a lar<e a.*:aorUueoi ol Fancy and Ptain I'm tufcich tilay Tl' i hrII If) per cent. bi*l.-" ■•O'* cn H.ry r.u.-h Term*—rush oul) . d-r"- ly Wdi. lu. btevciitou ■ .-u: .mir* i.. ti,« ui.IN •• UX turf CAhINKr WARE : ! rv.-ry at hi:' bl-iU J, rorniT wi Lil'uriv uml r*-T.<iiiii 'treolr M* UNDJSJiTAKINO uttoadW tc, in -Cl p.i hiKu**bf». myl l Charlei llariicb. Hoa.s:*; fcUOKII ANU ULAOiuS.MI iH. I,*.*, rrrr'r.J n in'll und cMjnuio.il'm.** lin.K ?*h p ou Clierry u’iey, h--titi*oij Third utid E ur'.h i*trr»*Jr, whert' he i.i preparf.d to *'o nil in bin l : n» w:’!i thr utl:i:- t j'rmnj'titUilK. LLirlng had locg axperU-ne** iu lha bu-dm-rs, hr r»'ij-e'rtfullv uollcitb ihi* putiunafct! ot hie old cu.t’rim*r> ru.d tb tmlhV ganera’ly. j--.il GKAXD PIANO* MAL'E ItV NCNN3 S CLARK, NEW YORK PUULIC of Pittsburgh und Allegheny io reiUHct X fully Invited to rail at th** M u*i:- .''tore of the No. fc'J EIETU ST , mamin** a aufa*ri' N a ]S fc *W B tfn Fulttirand Plano t i>rlc« ) I DOO,u u ct U U From the Facw-ry c! M’Nni A CL\r.h, N*iw York. Thr* elegant instrument is madt* in the •• fcLJX IIiKTHIAN til YLE,” tbe ornKmeots, front rd.*e,w and ; lM*rng elabo ratelv carved out of SOLI I) RO." h\VOi d * 1; Is lull rcvi-n octaves, of the largest i!luioL'"im»!>. nod, in i i>iut (•{ volume, power, and liquid mippli.-** :. o- , )>;-ii.-unc'-J ul’.o gether uiisurjiatiAble. Tb>* RUbf-rnt-er:) ntH bo baf.pv l.- r.velrn .hr i; iLi ol tlirtir 1 ri^ tjil-i Kt'd 1 h»* public lu general, m l d:. « tluin through thru i '•-•f.U iu*»* <**<-.Mi•duuef:t H. O l.Sit I* K A fhi't . gprlug Slock of Hamburg I'lsnoi CUAItLAJi'TE m.UMK, N,.. Mfl «,oi Tbt* Ilniuburg i'iuix *• mi' undouM'»dlv I# * J 6 • superior to all oth,.-rr, li. 11, m ••fu/b. i.'y > V touch anil sup’-rurrity of tone. They have oot cmy received the high-td mark*, i tl - 1 • t batioo from the best Kurope&u Pihulm.-, :>a h tti LIST, THALBMRU, And Olhere, who have them constantly in their own Hie*, but also from our resident Prclirseora. Tb« id). wing lei an extract Ihm a Setter of PROFESSOR lIENKY UOUBOCK. After describing the particular style two of which he wants for blfl own wee—one Uruiul uud one Square—lie speak* as follow* of their r?.c.silent qualities “My little daughter, who plays r?r # v well, must, with myeelf, have a good instrument, and y.-urs are ibo only ones which cad satisfy nu*. “ Instruments are offered in eon the m-.-i ercomtauJaliiig terms. 1, however, do not tike them. :h«v have u.q the elastic tou’-h and the lone of yours. “I remain, yours, respectfully, “ ilfsm Roubock, Pa" For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUMK. nt the-old Estab lished Piano Depot,*’ 118 Wood street, -1.1 doer above Fifth. Also, sole Agent for I’li and Western I’lMinsylvania for HalUt, Davis rf Co.'s Huston Pianos, (whl"h iu the East* ern cities are considered superior to either Chh-kertng’a or Nunns k Clark’s, out which fact Is not titaneivciy known, sfl they have but lately been iutruJuo.-u her.- ) and o.lmr Now Yort and Philadelphia IMumv, <d tb- best makers, at prices from s‘22s‘to SSOO. mhiv< Notice to Whom It May Concern. f PIIE PUBLIC SPUING SALEH M Kslaie ut Ho X. chestor ore now closed, and tb- Budding ,S>a.<»u baa fairly commenced. Every citizen of Kochrst-i i* busily em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new familiea whf. have become citi zens the present Spring, find constant employment; hu.l in a few days a hundred families more will be inquired to car ry on the work of the present sea-on. The Chr Building Kttuhliihni’-nt is uow mar completion, and will be in full operation in June. Several Cunt will bo ready for delivery, by contrue*, the Ist of July, 186,'.. Two or three uew churches, iu lioibeater. will bo con tracted for Immediately, and numerous other improvements will be commenced, requiring a great urnouu t of mechanical and other labor independent of thw Car KMubUsbineut, which will pro-'ably employ from one to two hundred. A promiuent brickmaaer from Pittsburgh ha* ju*l pur chased nine large lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,000 bricks, 'i wo gangs t-f hands commence work the present week, besides the ether yards heretofore established in the neighborhood. Our .Stone OuarrwAare already alive with workmen, and the rood leading to them lined with teams. Lumber to becoming abundant and ilieay, and tencmeii’s will soon spring up to relieve some cl our houies, which now have 6 families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them 2 families each. . Any who d d not buy cheap lots ui the four public sales list season, or the four public sales the present spring, can still secure good bargains at private rale by calling on the subscriber in Rochester. Terms— 1 / 3 down, U, in one year and % in two years. M. T. 0. GOULD. p. o.—A few lots can yet be bad at $6O to $lOO each; if applied for before the 20 b May. These lots uro twice ns large ns urualeity iota, viz: 40 fe-t by 126, and the price only from $1,60 to $2,60 per foot front. The present reserv ed homestead an 1 magnificent profit of Ovid Pinney, 4 acres in tb** centre of the borough of Rochester; also, ibo beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of P. Kudo, can be bought through thosubscriber at great bargains. and there are not two suchbargains within a hundred rnile.% - G. myti Removal. SOUTH BERT & SON have removed their Beal Estate • and General Agency Office to No, 53 MARKET fcT., near Third. aog 2 F O D.,?'i LE T Two Lou * of “ u f <*> b > uo Dich, iu liasl rlttaburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire of *°S4 THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fourth street. ► J *\ v r OCULIST AND AURIST. tIATa ALL DISKAS23 0? TUB *IB AND lAfi tfllQODt OUPFINU, luciqrq, nusTS&mo, ok nra usa or oalouxl. OFFICE 468 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hours from 9 A. Al.toiP. M. ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acuta or Chronic BLindnesa with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect satisfaction. All diseases of the Bar treated upon scientific principles* Artificial Eyes inserted without au operation. AU lettara post-paid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from among the thou* sands of cases which have been successfully treated by Dr: Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 325-8 Broadway, Albany, N. 7. •Alfred Southwlch, Printer, “ “ fJ. Goodspeod, Glens Falla, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson t New York City, N. Y. fMiss Mary BeUpws, N. E. Btatlon, Duchess N. Y. •Edward G. Eolger, Bristol, Conn. •John Seaman, Engineer, N. Y. David little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B. Giles, office Courier and Enq., N. Y. +James W. BHrby, Brooklyn', T*. I. Jarvis Rodgers* “ “ A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, 3L Nicholas Hotel. U. M. Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston St. R. B. Doolittle, fil. N. V. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, n.Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Tror, N. Y. R. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. A. Dllltmbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Capt. ti. IL Havlianil, Athens, N. Y. John W. Hackctt, Binghampton, N. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to be led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. .* .)UJ»EUL ; S MYLUiiXxY •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to eight after the/ were given up aa Incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts lu these caeca, hy writing to them, ja D fi PUtaburgli DoUarBaylng» In 11U otlanT NETT POOR TO THE PITTSBURGH BABB, 18 NOW OPEN dally from ft to 2 o’clock; also, on WeJ 1. Ef-aday anti Saturday eveaingn, from 7 to ft o’clock. Deposit* madved of ail sums riot less than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Jane and December. The Trustee*, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, have entered Into r guareutee bond, thereby giving additional security to dspotdlora. Books containing the Charter, By-Lawe, Roles and R-gu* latlous, furnished gratis, on application at the office. Frcsulenl—Q KOßGE ALBHEE. VICE I’P.CiiOCaTS: nopatrcll Uepbnra, Johtfll. Shoenterger, Ororge It. White, Charles Knapp, William P. Johnston, N> Grattan Murphy, James W. llailmeo, Theobald Umbslaettar, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. I’enucK-k, William Phillips, William J. Anderson. Taomts*. John G. Backofen, Janies Herdm&n, Hill Burgwin, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Conl, Hubert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Goffiu, Walter P. Marshall, Alocro A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John 8. Ooegrare, Henry L. Itlngwalt, Charles A. Colton, Robert Kobb, K. G. Kdriogton, George RJUddle, Francis Felix, James Rfioads, George P. Gilimore, James Bbidle, James B. lioon, Georgs 8. Seklen, WUliam S. Haven, Alexander Tindle. Sfcrttary and Trtasurer —QUAßLES A. COLTON, jylft:Jly KAIiMUIKS* AJSD MKCUAMICS’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance t'ompanv, OP PHILADELPHIA. Capital .9300,000 Amoout securely .9^00,000 T'HIS COMPANY elfects Flm InsuTanro on Bnildlnga, OooiLs Furol.ure, 4e. Marine Insurance ou Vtaseln, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Gooda, by Riven*, I>akes, Canale, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Aleo, loaurance upon ijves, upon the moei favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James E. Neall, George LL Armstrong, Cha|J**» DlDgee, Kd. V. Middleton, E. E, nelmbold, George tleluibold, Frod. 0. Brewster, Thomas Manderfield, Isaac Leech. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President ErTiftß R. llttsooui, Secretary. PITTSDURGU REFERENCES. Ilou. T. M. nowe, Hon. J. R. M’CUntock, ll<*o. P. 0. Shannon, Col. S. W. Black, Hon. J. B. Guthrie, A. B M'C&lmont, Kgij, Thomas J. Keonan, Ep*j, Wilson M'Candlwss, K*q., Od. J. Ue-on Foster, / Gen. J. K. Morehead. U M. Riddle, The character of the above Company Is of the first class, and combines the raro nod unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Insurance. Geullemcn of eleTated standing are aasociatod in its management, and inturestod as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUNTER, Agent, j?3l St. Charles Building, No. 10S Third Ft. ARTHUR’S PATENT Self-sealing Cans ]||| I For Preserving Fresh Fruits, i | Tomatoes, 11 DV UEEMETICAL SEALING. H fI'IIESE CANS, which ore sealed by tho llousckiwper i without the aid of a ttucor, and opened eaaily without injury to the can, are rapidly oomlog Into general us**. Full directions fur puttiug up fruit accompauy the cans; and the work is to easily performed, that by their use every family may have fresh Fruit and Tomatoes on tbeir table a! I winter, at summer prices. PRICKS.—Pint Can*, $2; Quart, $2,50; Half Gallon, $3,60; Three Quarts, $4,25; Gallon, $5 per dozen. The different sizes nest, In order to secure economy In trans portation. ARTHUR'S CAN, which lfl closed with a lid covering the whole top, so that when open it may be cleansed like any other vessel, has been fully approved by the Furmora’ Club of tho American Institute, New York. It took a first-class diploma over all other self-sealing cans at the late Fair in Cincinnati, and was awarded a medal at the Merbanics’ Fair held this spring at the Smithsonian Institute, Wash- Ingtou City, D. C. It Is claimed to be the beat Can in the market. All order* accompanied by the cash wIU be promptly for warded. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the China and Queens waro Store of HENRY HIGBY, oug4 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Bargains In Watches, Clocks It Jewelry. ROBERTS & BROTHER ARK now celling their largo and carefully nalec- Wws ted stock of Fine Watchev, Clocks, andrich Gold jg^jiaJewelry at greatly reduced prices, to make room GBUBifor an entiro new stock, which will be received di rect from tho Eastern manufactories iu a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, should rail Immediately and examine our stock, us we are determined to close it out without regard to cost or ioruer price.**. Don't forget the place. ROBERTS A BROTHER, 41 Flflh street, next doer to Wood. Watches, Clcvks and Jewelry repaired In the best oiiiuner, uud warranted. }y2l:ly t'ornar of SmlUhHeld and Third streets, tTMIIA largo and commodious House having undergone X thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, la now open for the reception of the iraroling pub! lc. _ CllAßQia MODIIUTI. j*l LAN *> wrUKAiVTS W AKTKD - .0, 180 ACUS WARRANTS, byt AUSTIN LOOmig, M* tu»|«T in Warrants Stnoka, An.. M Fourth • Co-Partnership, WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the •id day of July, JQS. R. HUGHES, in the Wall Paper business, ufldwr the name of Jy¥ W. P. MARSHALL A 00. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY OITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying goon at the office of the UOKNINQ POST. jyIVH Lot for Sale, A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street 2\. by 100 feet In depth, in Birmingham, will be eold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE, _JylB at office of the Morning Post. SEMIANNUAL DIVIDEND. 8 PERCENT.,' JCTy 1,806. -ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY. Ob'HARTFORD, COtfy. 9 CIIABTBBED Cash Assets, July 1, 1 855, $8.15,830 S 3. /CONTINUE to make insurance on all descriptions of property at equitable rates. This Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 3fl yeats und is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar Institution In the United Slates Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company on tile in this office, for the examination of the public H. B. TKN-EYCK, Agent. Office, North-west corner Fifth and Wood gtreets Pitts- jy24 A. M. Lemon A Co.’s Way Line. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. *rrrffi 1111 —mil undersigned haying purchased jrts—«| nart of D Leech A Co.'s Canal Btook, are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and All business entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly D. Leech A Co., Oanal Basin. /LLOYD A LEMON. jy2s:dlm* C- JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANIJ THIB WARM WEA THER—The Magadxree fbr August: Peterson’s MagaziopTor August; Ballou’s do . do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words Tor August; The HelreßS of ilaughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magazines, call or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDKNPENNEY A 00., j y 2o Fifth st, opposite the Theatre. COAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monon gahela rlyar, for sale by j y 2o J. W. BUTLER A 00. S'" ALMON—No. 1 Lake Superior Salmon fbr sale by je2Q HENRY H. 00LUN8. ‘ >?§.■ ’/r' ■ \ -i-: . f. v: - V- i ' MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, iW 63 fburth strut, CITY HOTEL. (UT* BROWIFa,) JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTSBURGH, PA PAID UP. Itt® MISCELLANEOUS. WM. A. OAXtBOIf .. JAiU3 CWSWJU.. HEBBON & CBISWELL. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDEBB, MANUFACTURERS of alt kinds of BRASS WORE. I,o* COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al so, Cotton Batting Monuihcturerß. foundry on Hebecea otreet, Allegheny City. Office and Store, No. 13 Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. feb9:ly „ JOSEPH T. LOWRY, ‘ ?* Corner of lyoi and Wood Strait, Eptraneefrom Fifth street. Pittsburgh, EBFEGIPULLY announce to the public that he has commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Persons in want of Bert ants, in any capacity, or those in want of places, will be supplied Bt short All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to, 1 r ' T. J.Blgham,Esq, RichardOoxr&n, Black, Jauieo llackeral. A. A. Aljlsox), MsffltAOld. ' »•-***•’ Bstanobmaa dfc Haonlals, lITnOQRAPHEBS— Third street, opposite the Post-office, J Pittsburgh. Slaps, Landscapes* Bill Heads, Show BlUa, Labels, Architectural and Drawings, Business ana Visiting Cards, ete, Engraved or Drawn on! Stone, Printed to Colors, Gold, Bronte, or Black, in the moot approved style, etui at the most reasonable prices. octlfcly UEBTAUUAST, WOOD. STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. TUB Undersigned has just prodded a choice stock of LIQUORS, and is ready at all times to serve bis friends with the best of the season, in the way of edibles. Irish Whisky Punches may be had at the Biitidsbi. JsoUOy JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander Hayi) CfVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna. —has per manently located, and will punctually attend to all business entrusted to his charge. E£riBENCS3: Hon. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. R. W. Milnor Roberts, Chief Engineer •• “ “ Geo. R. Ekhbauta, Associate Eog. ‘ “ “ David Mitchell, Chief Engineer PittaVb and Steub. E. R. James Thompson, Superintendent City Gas Works. JamK. Day, Civil Engineer. Allegheny City, fap":2w• rpll£ Partnership of JOHN fd’DEVITT A BRO. was dirr X solved oq the Urstinst. John AlTJavitt will continue the business at tho old stand, and attend to the settlement of 'he business of the late firm. - - JOHN M’DEVirr, “ ; WILLIAM M’DEVITT. Pittsburgh, January 3d, ISss—{jan4 Few Trimmiug Store, No. 83 Omar of 'Market ttrat and the JMamand. JJIRANK VAN GORDER reapecfuily announcea to the - publieof Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he will open bie now Trimming Store on Monday, April 17th. Having fitted up the neatest store room.in the city, and filled it with a choice selection of the latest style* of Trimmings and Fan cy Goods, he Hatters himself that he will offer superior in ducements and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with tdieir patronage. Now, don't forgot the place—No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. [apriZJ FRANK VAN GORDER. ENGLISH AND CLASSICAfaEmNARY. W. T. MCDONALD, M. A., PanrciPAL. ffdEIB next session of the Institution will commence on X MONDAY, tho sth of September nest, at the room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the Meson*. Veedcr. ~ , jB/cTcnc'*—Hon. A. W. Loomis,O. Knap, Jr., 8.1. Von ouhorat, R. Miller. Jr. aagfffi Agency For boldiers’ Claims. Location of lands.—purcuase and sale of LAND WARRANTS.—The undersigned has made ar rangements with competent and responsible gentleman to obtain Certificates or Warrants for Soldiers, their widows or minor children, who arc entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the Location of Lands, and the Purchase and Sale of Land Warrants. JOHN D. DAVIS, mhl-Ltf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. New Paper ilangtnce. NO, 86 WOOD STREET. TJUNE FRENCH AND AMERICAN TARLOR PAPERS; r Panel ln gold, oak and marble; Hall Paper a, of various styles; Fjg’d and, Plain Papers, for dining rooms and chambers; Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Borders, Ceilings, Figures, Window Shades. A large and complete assortment of the above, selected for the season, will be sold at the usual low prices. oct3 WALTER P. MARSHALL. i. j. mom juhiil ant, jb. HAGAN A AHL, WHOLESALE and Retail Dt rrs In SUki, Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, Noa. 91 Market and 8 Union itreet, Pittsburgh. apr4 E. WUITEUUI^U, Fancy sn.n and woolen dyer and oleaner, No. 7 ISABELLA BL, near the Emmet Hotel, marl Ailmuiht. L. E. Ilayvrard, DEALER in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and LEGHORN and BRAID HATS, corner of Market Rod Liberty sts.. No. 174, Pittsburgh, Pa. j H l4:y JOHN mfCUKLL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No. 135 Wood Street* Jenyj] Next door to H. Childs* Shoe House, Pittsburgh. WM. A. M’CLUKG, DEALER IN Fine Teas, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Waro. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. Ifinow resolving a large assortment of FRESH GOODS, In addition to his-already extensive stock, purchased from first hands In the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. Good)* delivered In the city free of charge. sap2l Steamboat*, Ahoy 1 «**> . To* subscribers tender their for the favors bestowed npen yA ■SSSSSfiatbem by their Steamboat friends, and would respectfully remind them and others interest-* * * ed In building boats, that they are at all times prepared to famish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship. T. B. YOUNG A CO., lnatructioua InMuilo. MR WAMELINK would respectfully Inform his pupils an i friends that ho will continue his profession as instructor on tha PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders left »t Mr. KLEUER’3 Mosie tttore, or at his resi dence, No. 187 CiECOND Street, will he prompUy attended to- «n 5 IN CHOICE BUMMER GOODS, at HAGAN * AHL’S, 01 MARKET STREET. Wo will mark down on Monday, June 4th, our entire stock of seasonable Dry Goods, at a large discount from former prices. We name, in part, Borages and Tissues, Grenadines, Crape de Espagno, Bummer Silks, Lawns of.all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Man tillas, Challi Berages, M&donua Cloths, Ac.—with a full and complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods. uiySl A FARM CONTAINING 63 ACRES OF LAND, under a high elate of cultivation, with a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern style; good Barn, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bauk of the Monongahela river, d miles above Pittsburgh, being one r.f the meet beautiful and peasant localises anywhere to !'••< found. Podscdrfion given on or before lhe lot of April uast. Enquire of U. CHILDS A CO., mhb:tf 133 Wood street. Paul 4 Murdock, 2 EMISSION AND FORWARDING MEBOHANB, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. *Wat*rstreet, Cincinnati, . japirtf 1. W. Chadwick, D BALER IN RAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.. Tbs highest *rlce in cash paid for rags. myllrf \ Writing Clmiu—Duft’a College* THE Gentlemen and Ladles’Day and Evening Writing Classes will contlnco open daring the eummor under Mr. J«J). Williams, whose various styles of pentlemen and Ladies' Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited lit tbs door bat those executed by the Teacher In the Institution. The Principal claims no “ monopoly” nor “ patent” i >r his business, nor did he got bis Institution chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done in tills city. Gentlemen and Ladies’ Visiting Cards written in Mr, Williams’ unequalled style. All hinds of Ornamental Pen manship executed to order. my24:d»w MOURNING GOODS. FRANK VAN GORDER has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, oUevea and Betts In Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, block lace and game Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, In wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, In all qualities. Alexander A Bajou's best Kid Gloves can always be found at No. 83 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Din mond. oovl7 NEW DBY GOODB BTOBE. Iron Front—No* 01 Market itrett, OUR bouse being nowopenforthetransactionofagAner al Dry Goods business, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from our ex* tensive and well selected stock of BILKB, FANCY AND ftTAPTjR GOODS, we can offer such Inducements as will in. sure entireraatisfaction. HAGAN A AUL, apr4:tf Nos. 01 Market and 8 Union street. 1819. OOKS! BOUKb!l BOOKS!! ~ “ Star Papers, by Henry W. Beecher; $1,25. Clevo Hall, by Miss Sewell; $1,25. Mary Lyndon ; an Autobiography; $l. Dcestlcks’ Book; $l. A Visit to the Camp bpfore Sevastopol; $l. Mrs. Hall’s New Cook Book; $l. The Heiress of H&ngbton; 37 cents. Barney O’Rlerdon, by Samuel Love*; 26 cents. Trial and Triumph, by T. 8. Arthur; 25 cents. Panorama for July ; 25 cents. Just received and for sale at W. A. GILDENFENNEY & CO.’S, Fifth st-, opposite the Theatre. PLANES, PLANES, PLANKS. Highly Important to Cabinetmakers, Carpenters, and Workers in Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— VENEER, HARDWOOD AND IVORY PLANESi The above Planes cannot be excelled in planing hard wood and veneers. The attention of mechanic La respect fully solicited. For sale at DOWN A TET3LETPB j fl 33 136 Wood street. lUNE DRESS GOODS.—A. A. MASON A CO. have \u*t received another splendid lot oi Dress Goods, comnrl. sing rich Plaid, Btriped and Figured Borages, Ussues Or. gandles, Ac., with soma elegant style* bf Flounced rL m* Row. fwpfll 11 firm fiT OfLLOTS IN WELLSYILLK FOE SALEWA \Jtf which may he seen at our office. Thebe Lota will be sold on time, and but very little cash required in hand where the purchaser takes a number of lots, ’ augt 8. CUIHBBBT A SON, &3 tfarket st. ■+-• f.*-. • > .•■ ■■ - .• ' ' V-,**- T-.f:'* ? Xv . VStS V: :%K~ •• -y- v * e 'T :• *. Notice. Comer'Thlrd and Smithfieid streets, opposito “Brown’s Hotel." Great Reduction B’or Rout, HOPPER'S NUMBER 282. MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES W. WOOOVVEIiL, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. Ware-room* 07 and 00 TJilrd street. J. W. W. respectfully jEEggglEßEgaßt his friends and customers that baui raßßSlßHniLh&enpwcajnpletedlilaspringßtock h§3S *7 , ~v B ® of Furniture, which is decidedly »f I wgsstand beatereroffered foreale In thisCflty, which will be sold st prices as low os any in the United States, castor Wfsi. ' Iff determined to uphold the quality with well sea* soned materials, beet workmanship, and newest designs: and from the extent of his orders and facility In manufacturing he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of identifying his customers' Interest with hla own,- la quality and jjrice, and keeps al ways on hand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that ahouso, or any part of one, may bo famished from his Stock; or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in *ay of the Eastern cities: Louis XXV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plash and hair clpth; 60 dos. Mahogany Chairs; - 20doa. Walnut “ - 60 Mahogany Booking ei 80 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 30 Walnut « 60 Marble Top Centra Tables: 60 “ “ Dreeing Bureaus 30 “.. •< Wachstands; j 40 Enclosed 11 100 Common - 11 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 20 Walnut “ 60 Cottage “ WO Cherry and Poplar Bedstead#; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes: 10 Walnut « 10 Cherry “ tO Plain Bureaus; fO Dining and Breakfast Table# 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 80 dos. Cone Seat Chairs; 84 Cane Seat Backing Chain* 12 Ladies’ Writing Desks Hat and Towel Stands; Ktl guiles; Conversation Chairs; HUxabethan li Exception Pearl In laid “ . Ann « Gothio and nail Chairs; & Urge assortment of COMMON FURNTTTTTtra airi BTHAMHOATB and HOTELS, famished a* the shortest notice. AH oidern promptly attended to. Afrlvai ef Hummer Dry DAI No. 09 N. W. BIDE 0 j WOOD STREET. QUEQQ A 00, Importers sod Jobbers In British, • French and Germ an DRY QOOD3. Having recsiv edour large and extensive stock or spring end Bummer goods, purchased from Importers, manufacturers, and part through our own importation, wo feel safe In assuring our old customers, country merchants and city dealers geieral «’ 5?, th / s " ttc d u ired facilities In purchasing, thVtrade. todn '' mentS to tuyorß 05 BN »Wly “si rtock . B: ' ll found cashmeres, do* Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy sweM35 weM3 tod summer panla looning, brown ehd black muslins, table diapors. P L”,* ” °P CD ,« 1 bj's? large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; C 'Y ,hmey TI e tin g,, jaCO n I't Ls, mull and figured Bwii3 muslma and black ellk veils, Ac ® Our variety stock embraces in part combs,buttons,per- S£™l~"‘ P ?’ U ? re! ''V'’ port “euaies, patent medicines! ier tumery, and almost every artiele usually kept in the to riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of 52TS t £5 t, r n aj a .» srest5 rest T “ rift y of 30 hour and 8 day " W “* th ° loWeSt ptlce9 fM e,;,; -An e “ ly call frora boyera Is respectfully solicited. D. QREGG A QQ. VAS OOUDBR'S TiUJHJHIKG STORE; fto. 83 Market Bt., Co rites op Diamowti TDBT IIEOnyKG a large’and ncll°eS3 sto'ck of all fj the new styles of LADLES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS* Fringes, Battons, Galloons, ‘ Qtapn, Braids, Velretß, Arf 06 ?’ . Cordp ' Itibtxins. ummS’r of T French ' Scotch and Austrian AMBKOIDIsRIEg, In Swiss, Jaconet and Laco CollMß, Edgings, Handkerchief?, SleC T£?’ ♦.. Insertinro, Infants'Robes, Chemisettes, Bands, Cans k Waists ' Afnllsnpply offtioURNING GOODS: ? Crapowtls, Collars, lore and Qauie Vella, P afn Linen setts, Sleeves, Gauze and Dotted Falls, Pl rrA’eviffi ~„.? h op liz " tteB > Italian endEng’h Crape. IIATEBIALB FOB EMBOOIDEKTNO—Stamped Collars, Banda and Inaertlnp: French Working Cotton, Hoops guTtos“nd M^ra f 0a3 ’ °“ Cl ° thl JSmbrolte “8 6i{ *. Jlontua, Satin and Bonnet Itibbons. nr^nSslv I S Or^ 1 ?, nt of „ °bKTU'.MEN' S FOBKTSHING QOODS-Shlrti, Collars, Crarata, Tlea, Handkerchief, 4c. Pins, Needles, Buttons, Tapes, and everything in small wares generally. 3 a 'T? iE w bile, black and colora. arises from No. C to No. 10, always on hand. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—verv ohB *P- mb23 Sal* of Public Prop?rty. IN accordance with instructions from the War Denart partment, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER ROR, (No. 3, No, 4, and No. 6,) together with their equio meuU. tauklo, An., will be sold to the highest bidder, at the points and dates following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arkansas, on Saturday, the 30th day of Juue, between the hours of 10 A: M., and 2 P. M., the small twin Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, Ac., in lots or parcels, to he designated In printed hand-bills prepared for the occasion. At BL Louis, near the Marino Railway, on Saturday, the 7th day of July nest, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 P. M., the two targe twin Snag Boats, BELLnnd SEVIER, together with their equipments, Ac., in lota or parcels for each boat, to be designated us before in bnud-bills. The items to be sold will be classed under the following general head for each of the boats, viz: “ 'lst—Halls, cabins and upper works. V* 2d—Double engines and nailers, complete/ 3d—Equipments, Including large purchase ebalns, an chors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tools, Ac. 4th—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. jThe besta are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and Troll adapted for use as Cotton Boats, Dlviou Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac., Ac. Their engines aro constructed in the most efficient man-- aer, and are in good condition. The Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 150 feet long, 22 feet beam for each hull, exclusive of thoir snag rooms and wheel houses,and 12 feet between the hulls The Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam for each bull, and 10 feet between the hulU. TERMS OF SALE—The Bell and'Terror will be Bold for cash, payable on the days of thoir Bale, The terms of sale for the Sevier will bo mads known on the day of sale. In all cases the privilege of dismantling tbs boats of all articles Bold is different individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time In favor of the purcharora of Bald articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase ore de fied to examine the premises and Judge of their value S. H. LONG, L’L Col. T. Bup ? t W. R. Imp’ts. St Louis, June 7th, 1855. Jelltftawta JOSEPH UOGUIDGE. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. SO OoinsSßttAX, exxow Piac Siaiiv, Sti Louis, JdLo«, CONSIGNMENTS and Commissions willmeet with prompt and personal attention, and liberal advance will be given when required, on Consignments or Blllsof Lading, in hand. Order* for the purchase of Lead. Grain, Hoxnp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest marketprieea. Theßecelving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rates ol Freight will always be procured, and the expense of Storage and Dray age as much-as poealhle avoided. Pag rft Bacon, Bt. Louis; Bills ft Morton, Cincinnati Char .'ess, Blow k 00., do; Strader* German, . do; Chouteau * Valle, do; Hosea * Fraser. do; DoamKing * Go., do; Springer * Whiteman, do; J. W.Butler ft Bro.,Plttshb; E.O.Gooodman ft Co.. de; D. Leech ft 00., do; E. ftO. YarnaU£Co.,Philada; Wm. Holmes ft 00., do; Morgan, J. M.Buck ft Morgan: Blow ft March. New York. B. B.Oomegys, do; Frost ft Forrest, . do; Shield** Miller, do; OharlesA.MeJgs, do; JoaiahLeo ft Co., Baltimore, A. G.FarwellftOo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard, Son ft 00., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville H. I>. Newoomb ft Bro., do; T.O.TwlchoHft Co.,Commission Merchants, New Orleans. have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by letter per mall, or when endorsed ou bills of lading before,or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOQRIDQK, augO Bt, Louis, Missouri. William A* llftll ft Co.. BANKERS, No, 64 Wood lirect, Pittsburgh. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS .40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Monongahela Navigation Company; 20 do Citizens’ Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds; $6,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $5,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. fsepOullwawtf O. H. WILEIS3 josaru luuewiu. WILKINS * CO. H(Scocis3oss to A. Wilkins ft Oo.) AVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE to No. 75 FOURTH street, two doors east of their old ptand, where thev will continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COM MISSION BTOOK BROKER BUSINESS in all Its branches, as heretofore. 1 Wart®—Twenty-five Shares Mechanics’ Bank Btoc v Jyl2 WILKINS ft 00. “■ W,l “" JO3-LoBlww (Successors to A. Wilkins A Oo 1 BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS JS-0..71 fburth tlreeij PilUbursh. ’ IN TUB numerous suspensions of Banks and Banker. .iSSSIrtS,* die last six mosh?,e are satisfied that In almost ctcry Instance their troubles a r i “P“' t “° ftom their legitimatu busi- Mfi. 1 ?to &t8 ’ occ4£ton 10 “rare the public n<> in ‘fancy stocks,” or other “Pattons," shall tempt us from tho sTrict and le fti ou f business—belioring that in aroiding all such investments we shall not only be better able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, bnt that in adopting such a course wo shall promote our owb ultimate teneflt. [febsJ W. A 00. \jr agazines, books, *c.— 1 ITJ. Ladlea* Gazette of Fashion, for August; Harper’s Magazine, do Putnam’s do do Graham’s do do Godey’e Lady’s Book, do ■ Peterson's Ladies’ Magazine, do B00K&—A Visit to the Oamp before Sebastopol; Btar Papers, by Henry Ward Beecher. ’ IJust received and for sale by |W. A. GELDENFENNEY ft OO- Jy3i Fifth opposite the ftmtn. • 7V“'‘ , '‘*v v V i "’' I >* '"iT •’£ r V m wiir <■*.,< <W- > r, RATES OP ADVERTISING ~tmsao vron nr rue pit tsbv non putaa ■u'> ei]ufcr«, one insertion... “ .-..V each additional ineectlou. * 4 on*- week.,...,..., / •*. two vesku.. ~ - sou “ . l> thrc® ■wceti.w.......... - 4&0 ” “ one month.— .. ‘ - ... Soo *' “ two m0uth5......;.. 700 “ three 0 00 “ 11 four moathe 10 0® " “ elx months..,.-.,...-.,., 12 0® *' “ one year 18 tM> St*ndiQjjOai>j ffc j 3 |j ueaop j p*>r annum............... 10 00 CUATiaSA&LI AT ritASTJM: Ona gqcuc, por annum, (tucltwlve o I the paper) 55 00 MEDICAL OF tHE ABB, AS'Bs. KENNEDY, of Ho,bury, hu Jlscorered in one of oor common pasture xetuis a remedy that curea Prom the worst Scroflala down to a common pimple. He has triod it io over 1100 cases, and never tailed except in two cases, (both thunder humor). He has now in hie possession over two hundred cerlificates’of its virtue, all within twenty miles of-Boston. Two bottles are. warranted to cure a nursing eora mouth. One to three bottles will care the worst hind of Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the «y*tem of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst Canker in the Month and Stomach. Throe to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all .Humor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure Banning of the Ears and Blotebes among the Hair. - Pour i t£.Rix. bott]*s9 are warranted to euro Corrupt and : : ~ One-bottle will cure Scaly Eruption of ihe Skin. {Pwo;to,thre<j,bottle* are warranted to cure tho worst case of BingwpHa* Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of Rheumatism.. . . .j Three to four bottles ore 'warranted to euro the Salt Rheum. > ilfe to eight bottles will cure the worst cose of Scroftiia. A benefit in always, experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect, cure la warranted when the above quantity I* taken. - Reader, I peddled over a tbouoand bottles of thin in tha vicinity pf .Bystpu. J. know me ©Reel of IE in every case So sure AS water will axtlrigulah tire, go euro will this euro huuu>T. ! shaver sold a-bottle of it but that sold another; after a trial, it always speaks: Jot itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to‘mo surprising: first, that it grows ta our paaturea, iu some places quite plenti ful, and yet its value has never been known until I discov ered it in IS'lfi—tj-fCond, that it Hhoiild euro all kinds of humor. ~ What-Nots; Paper Mache Tables ? Pembroke “ Hall and Tier “ Ladies* Work “ Extension Dining Tables; Ottomans; In order to give some’ldea of the sudden rise and great popularity oi the discovery, l*wdll state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—ln April, 1851, t sold over one thousand bottles per day of it. Some of thp wholesale druggists, who have been In busi ness twenty and thirty years, cay that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my Own practice I always kept it strictly Tor humors, but since its introduction nu a, general family medicine, greet and wonderful virtues have bt-en fouud in it that i never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits— a disease which was always considered incurable—have been cured by a few bottles. O, what a mercy if it will, prove effectual in ail cases of that awful malady; there are hat few who have seen more of it tji as I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy,'all of them aged peo ple, cured bvit For the various discuses of the Liver, sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma,Fever and Agny, Pain in the Side, Diseases of tho Spine, and particularly in Disease* of the Kidneys, Ac., the discovery has eons more qjood than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you get. and enough of it * Directions for Cte.—Adults, oft table spoonful per day. Children over ten years, dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can b<# applicable to all constitutions, toko sufficient to operate ou the bowels twice a day. (( Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren si'.. Roxhury, Man. Price, Qi,oo» Dr. GEO. U. KEYSlill, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, la.. General Agent. AI3O, J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny : my2thd»w BSr A Substitute for the N«w Liquor Lawt—Dß. URBAN’S ANTI-B^CCUANALLAN ELIXIR, a safe and sure remedy for the cure df INTEMPERANCE.• A concentrated vegetablo extract, and as a tonic In une qualled. For tho following complaints it iaa meet valuable medicine: Liver Complaint, FpiUpsy, Neuralgia, PScs, Fevers ofc.ilkinds, Delirium Tremens, General Debility. This medicine is intended to produco a change in the sys tem, and a dlstastu for alcoholic drinks. Several instances where wo hare sold it, we have had the most gratifying results; so, to persons who ore really desirous of breaking off the Indulgence in intoxicating beverages, this elixir will bo a great help. Sold at $1 per bottle at the Drag Store of DR. GEO. H. KEYSRR, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, sign of tho Golden Mortar. ap26:d*w BarrelPa Indian Liniment, For Rheumatism, Jtruisec. Filins in the Back, Side-Sores of all lands. (A certlflcato from Cumberland, Maryland.} Cumdkelanp, March 19,1855. Mr. H.G.O. Caret, Zanesville— Dear Sir: May we u&k the lavor of you to send ua twenty-four dozen HARRELL’S INDIAN LINIMENT? Please eend it without delay, as we have not half a dozen bottles on hand, and it cannot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint us. * * « * * « - • Respectfully, yours, Ac. Bkall A Waits. For sale wholesale and retail at DR. GEO. 11. KEYSKR’3 Drag Store. No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alloy; alao by JOKL MOBLKR, Liberty street. Congh Remedies. hr. Keyoer’s Pectoral Syrup will core you. Dr. Key6er’a Pectoral Syrup will caro Bronchitis. Dr. Koyaer’s Pectoral Syrup will euro Laryngitis. Dr. Keysets Pectoral Byrup will core Influenza. Dr. Keyeer’s Pectorat Syrup will cure a cold In the head. Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con sumption. A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Veatch, of Rokeby, Ohio, eaye: “Iwaut you to send.mo two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by mall. There Is a lady hero who has a cough and the doctors cau’t cure her. I was in tho same way, and tried everything without benefit, until I got a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup ; I took It but twice, nod It cured me Bound and well.” Ask for Dr. Kether’b I*tCTOR.u, StKur nnd take no other. Price, 60 cent*. .Sold at DR. KEYSEU’S, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. FLEMING’S, Allegheny. ap2s:dsw 4S*Mar»h's Radical Cure Truss will cure nearly every ca*e of redttceable Hernia. Trusses at various prices alwayn on hand. Children’s Trusses 01 different forms and strength for tale. FSl**tlc stockings for varicose or enlarged veins. Abdomnlal Supporters— Adczea different kinds. Pile Props for the cupport end cure of Pilea. Shoulder Braces to relievo a crooked and deformed condition of the Chert, and many dfceaeea of tho Chest. Suspension Bandages. All tbene articles may be had or applied at DR. KEY BEK’S Wholesale and IU-DdITRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar; or will be eent to any part of the country by sending the money and measure. ap2sidaw^ G3* Balm or Thousand Flowers, for beauti fying the Complexion, and eradicating all Tar, Pimplu and FasoKira from the face. Sold at Dr. KEYS Kit'S, 140 Wood treat. janUQ PEKIN TEA STORE. S. JAYNES. No. 38 Fifth at., one door east Of Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa., Green and black tkaB, selected with great cure, and purchased direct from the importers, for Cash. Th« stock consista- of uli the different flavors and grades of TEA brought to the American market, and will be sold, wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. RETAIL GROCERS art) inrited to call and get samples, and learn our prices. PACKED TEAS, Put up In metaUic packages, expressly fop the trade : Young llyeon No. I, Imperial No. 1, “ “ No. 2, “ No. 2, “ “ No. 3, Oolong No. 1, «? “ No. 4. *< No. 2* Silver Leaf Young Iljson, Plantation Oolong, Gunpowder No. 1, Souchong, M No. 2, Ning Young Bonchong, English Breakfast, Old Country Black. TEAS OF ALL GRADES BY THE HALF CHEST —ALSO— COFFEE—Fine Java and Rio.- LGVJBRING’B SUQAUS—Cruflhod; Coarse Pulverized; Pulverized A; White Clarified C; Yellow Clarified and heal New Orleans. BAKERS BitOJIA, COCOA and CHOCOLATE, eto.. etc. Long experience in the business la a sure guarantee that every urticle sold will be nu represented. This old established store has no connection with any other house in the city. Customers m teamed not to ploco any anylienee In the representations ox persona formerly employed in this Kc* tabliahment. Agent, by special appointment, for the sale of DR. JAYNE*3 CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES; . Also, for the sale of L. JOHNSON’S TYPE, INK, Ac. NKW ANI) V A L.UAHLifj iiUußij At DAVISON’S BOOK STORE, _ .. , D 5 Alartet si, near Fourth st. History or the Christian Church; by Dc. ilaae. . ff 60 Lssay—Thounni—The witness of Reason and Na lure to an All-wise and Benificent Creator. last—The Note Booh of an English Opium Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared in their three told relations to wealth, morals and morality; by Rev. Rouasel, of Paris. Ttw Adventures of Ariiija3 Leo; by Rev. Chaa. KJngslay. . -»oteB of a Theological Student. Mrs. Jamison’s Common-Plautt Thoughts, Memt** riea and Fancies. Star Papers; by Henry Ward Bewcfcor. Which?—The Right or the Left? Footsteps of St. Paul. The Dead in Christ; by Brown. Philip Colville; by Kennedy. The Words and Mind of Jesus. Kitto’a Cyclopedia of Itibli..'al Literature. Dr Alcoti’a Works. Thu Young Housekeeper. Thu Young Wife, -The-Young Mother. The Young Husband—Uealth, Ac. Uorbaugh T H vols. cn Future Life. * ’ Cummlng*B Works. Stephens’ Travels in Egypt and the Uoly Land. Manilla Wropping Papers, Blank Books and Stationery or all kinds. For Bale at Eastern prices,*l»y Jy_l3 j. 8. DAVISON. j u KKOKJVKD, at £<o. 107 ilarfeet street, 1 case of ->• Gents’ Fine Patent Leather Congress Guitars, m J»ira* bJo article for this season. .price* loul jy2S w. K. sorfMKHTZ. *ZfT ÜBI3 K6SPAKCII, OX L*i>l ’HE GREATEST DISCOVERY EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, John Grontti IMPORTER OP BRANDIES, GIN, WINKS, 4c.—Dealer in One Old Monongabela Whirfliy, reach Brandy. Ac. Also, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Smlthfield and irf'ut Htreeta, Pittsburgh. SEMI-ANNUAL BALE.—A. A. MASON 4 CO. hate 10* ceived another largo lot of Do Laicea, Good Mous do L alnee at 6l£o. per yard; Gold Medal do. 12)4 cent*. Barege do Lainei 10 tad 12Mc.— worth 20 and i’fc. [)? 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers