. »•; V-;, 1 ' ' '\ t ' '*£• .. l r,. *r v y *,. :•* v l -:■*•«*. . ± .*7 iV, . . » > * » v » v.■« V 1"; ’.f 4 , * r,vC, •*»■’? x %’ * i-'- ..V • ” . , fc . * X v ; ' a* f -e« , t .• «;-x '••■ 7 . V’>'''. • :Y.t- r v ’-'‘vaV'; x '• ■ >' • . 1 :. '-.•r.x' ’ ••• v ‘•« «*._ ti-i .yW-C?-*..i/V't _ r :-7,'fNj>>.W' •-■•■x-'i* v*.-v*•;>.<• -:• - ~. , s ’ ; . V ■■ ;,, •••,- *•; i r -K '* ,’i .. ,i ' S'* ' ** * ’■ ■ V ; y ;: .v‘v-' -,*i i. <• V, •’ ••'■»-'■- , ->. .l 1 W, *•• V;h' ** *?►?*«; ?«“ * • l-Jv <V\. -- >l 1 i **» *- v-T u f - •%*-' MO'>• • <.?i ' J >? u'V-J i;S : <•■ « n <>>»•'ii-r-ri- *-*;6-VS;‘i u’- ? l*r '- i.*.- *'-■ >* .•' . I w ' ft. ti 1 * v* *! ■»; fe. :v«-. ic3 l - ■_• '. . (.''■ •<•/!> (• I■ ■t. -?.***'* =.,«-t f *><• t , i“. i.>i t? ;; -••j V ...... ;; ■ 1 *■ V^!!i v:.|l •• 4*V- V ?.;:v : ' : ; ‘'vi.::;,' -.i '■ i•'fJ SJ; Fj &«,-<•• I'J'-w L> r./|, .r:' .• N -1 ( '.'♦'V,- .f I \ ,:’ -ri' l 0-.’'' T ,^ v '• : i ‘ --- J i i’.>’t-"-,r; V.' K;iP ;-r-: ft' ‘5 V: t '-s-v ;• »’ ;• ir ; i'! »*js nx&r&i A- -‘:•.^ f+T- ,A-T:.,U;'V- J '■ • A; A; ;:::^ IlfilWiiAASAiil liiiilSiililSf Mil j a : T^-i‘x A-’vr- A l -'' --•- t - ,*:'»>.u- r.; -A *.V.,;, le, trt;-;';’! -.':*„i .-r- -'- -. -i • -> i» en-d'vf-J:J.vw-r./j *-Vi\f;-T—:A•'-’“ A.Ci-’sV* V^-.-r-V.S Av Ay . .*T C';*^*.«'••}■» V T -ii V, i *i».:t;. c-r ■•' ■«* « ¥ •„*, ,, I .' , rIV „ '*> «•». I •-H'taA;?.**•-■ fe *‘’. F *-, ; i'i- »Zri Btibacribers hare opened a house for the abore pur- X pose, at No. 17 Bmithtield street, four doors abore th« 'AA- »>’?- • f f- -- •« **• d| Mononffahela House. We will purchase, or recede, on com- A * -i r^: A< Aj mission, for aate, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Cbeesf, lorn, Oats. Barley, Flax Seed, Grass Seed. Baled Hay, ic., upon whicn we will mate ad ranees, or purchase at the b«st market rates for cash fnorS) ALGEO * CO. V':i^n^rS- v o»n^^4^>^ ; 2 James M’Laoghiln, ys t Si M ill: f x-r V 3 r\EALEH IN GROCERIES, PROiyUCK, FLOUR, BACON, Av wA 'A-/-J A : ; ‘- ”3 Lf No. 10, comer SnUtbfield and First streets, Pitu burgle P °t6 c. roraci-.. b. totj.ra.... —peaxcis l. rouwu. <w.“ *, ZU>l T * D * Young A Co. <3 No. 88 StnUhfidd strut, epposite City Hotel. tv/Tanufacturers of cabinet furniture and .;'■ A’v"A''Ai^ :^:^, '’'^ , t'» , .'rtV i^; t } 4.- tr 'u' '^ , *2''^v"’ ij ijX CHAIRS, of every description. Materials and work- * ',v A;:" -V’' A'l: CriTAJj’a maaship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken A;j i ;I.-, ! .-r 1 ').->' t.:**-- . *>, ~'r. i At * ■*s in packing for land and water carriage. aue3l Wm. m g b Ft JFn /NOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, Masonic Hall, U : -\ Y- r H V/ Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in et > -1 ". »° d at modurftte rales. »og»:tf tt. * A. C. Duncan, OBOCKRS, and Sudan in Pmtaca, For rA;¥j/v di) iS '-n : \V eign Wines and Liquors, Old Monongahela and Ree ,'^s'.Atf''r^<-^. r J V.'-V.'*A'lifted Whisky, No. 291 Liberty Pittsburg. Pa. |jy27:v ili ATTindle,— } 1,3 '7: ‘VnV3wrftwrK- WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle^ - Harness 5 * r ;S Y»-ir«?i'-i» ■V'-ijyff Valiee and Carpet Bag manufacturer, ',:- v ‘ i.;. A-A‘*.-I’- ;V -- T 't :: t- •.■*• r - > - *'' jf * » No. 100 Wood Pittsburgh, Pa. j v29:t J.H. Mellor, tn^- f 3' A- J '> '•' /!..'- .»'■A VV'- L h. TTirHOLESALEand Retail Dealer In Musical Instruments, fcV; <-%W A>.T~ - ; '- A' ’ r -•’.'' A A t’ «•' 'U YV Pianos, Music, School Bcoks and Stationery, No. 12. f AASii A Z-2 : *“ ' - = V»-o ; ;»*Va Enterprise Works. t r*•■ <• £^*£7^ ■ 'J.-' } i"* l *-".' l , --r. *“ » “'??•«>►; i:. f r *•-;»• *| No. 130 IPood street, third door Mow l r ireinalley. v/e T:-i* \S*£ i .ViLtivv'lV* *■ ■ r'qr>OWN A TETLEY would call the attention of Sportin; tX’LLf*. .V •?-*' ‘d^;."" : A, ■>/->-."' A'i- f., .’■-.-' *■'. A l '. y" '' -H •) v.'*' : ;'’ •:.'(■> men to their large a*»ortTnent of Guns, Rifles and R*>- •■'''f-**'"'-‘-'A *1' Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever ‘^^^'*l^-''•'*' <; -'-'.!-^A->.‘ /v*-'’-' A' fA- '/uA./lft Jpened In this market, together with a general assortment A,.r*'»S -i tf Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of wbtcli .; v f r.’ i u' ■ ■*.'-.: /’:-2 A : .J- !•*. 'C : ' ; ' offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or s approved paper. marls r*.'. -■=-* -t Copartnership Notice. HAVE TUI3 DAY (April 111 b) a»Boclat-d with m., 3Ji.nvi. M®” Bl *- F - STEEL TUHBErr and SAML. C. CLANK! , ?•'’• P ' 'Jj v T.1;“';A ? •''"- f.♦'• ’ ■ f:S?'»•..-»*-■ y pth of whom have been for many years fn my establish i •r * tj ient, and are already extensively and favorably known to .it-Ws|rS4^' l r c -A'-'Ccastomers and the public generally aa superior work- ~s : 2! fA-?v’-2 : I'- S, ■ ,Vi ‘' -> •' : -.2.-''-'ij'>'AjAri’ kv! > -‘ ; 'i L “ , 'V. ,^')! 6n > °f correct business habits. We hope by this union ■' : V ' *v' > /-':- i ' r? ■•"'•' : ’ , A; *r“, ' ■ experience and ortlstlc skill-—especially in the watch d-- A.-jAix-i'irtment; by keeping a large and welt selected slock ri V ■"■^ArrA.v"'’-^ T>y:;c : 'fV , i r ® fc A-r v -r-'i: Ai Belling at moderate prices, and by cloeo attention «','■’'Arrj f~-' •‘■'*^"^2..’'''.«&*?] bnoiness, to merit a liberal share of patronage. To my xiaA'A* : ’ : r" - ■’‘vd'; - ' r '.' t ' : A' ;: - friends and the public in general, who bavo for many C. < •'; '''■ ifL • ‘~r, : ;\r L ‘• i ‘- l A^'A-'L''f-7 ?>. A.j'ara past so liberally patronized my bad Decs, I return my ';-f, ; x' t ;f-;^./'.f‘ A ; i and solicit for the new firm a continuance of slmi >-;i-v-Kr-So^i f t*fevora. W. W.WILSON. '>r?7? T April 11, 1855. Ar l'i-i-1 JsW>:«?'s- ^. L, 7 - i.v » --v , i' l^ r - n T-* I f* <*v- LiL VH: i-- J V-^-.;, v CN. ?^‘': •■>.>r } : ,? i- --‘r,- v -. 72c : ,;-^!iv.''/,‘C'f v.-- .; f-V -SSS|I»«PS7«f7®IPPSIiI i' ; A^■'-: ViAv’-C’?* JOHITSTON J). T. JOHNSTOS E. UAQEC. '• H^r.-i.-;*. U>\y A'c- 4 Klc«I«lor Carriage Factory. 2-,'r‘ 'AAV'C^A^' :l * IhNBTON, BROTHER A CO., PRACTICAL COACH AKKRA, comer of Rebecca and Belmont streets. All— "'s ■’-.' :’r ■: V .;•• ‘‘vvj; •2''V^ :^-^‘*-,^''A' 7: r t. city, Pa, have on hundani are manufacturing au .--•'.vN' 1 - ,'7-.-:-: /- -. 'r ;--“-*r , ' ; ; -,-V' •':«x'^ f-futf:f»f £ + .sJißive assortment of Carriages, Rockoways, Buggief, r' -; v' /r; v ‘ : Ac., made in all their various styles, with ; x'-2 :* ‘. ‘ j .:'- ?; : ; ‘' : C’*' S/’- > *i. : »-r.A-7'2*: -.V w’ regard to durability and beauty of finish, using in *'. i j.-t v ;>2 ' ;;••■ •■ ;f ‘r\’ •’• -9 ?-'~y5F w «k the best Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. Rt *'■ '• ■ ; Tr-.-v 7 ;f U' c ~- • ’i‘ V,.T attended to on the most reasonable terms. They ft-**! — ' ~ ' * < ' w 7''.;; ( ’••'^ : .>. :^’rrkT ? •—!2-.’*7 L. that all who may favor them witn their patron .'2 r . 2: r ; *'..'':;--‘l'J>;.i;- '-* : C- )cvt.\v’;y 5 ‘■; > '«7 l ,' l|wlU be^ perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. '■:> > - - •.* ,’• v Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every fi’ • ' v i; «• :itminutea daring the day. oct2&ly - -- --- . ; • .-v, *•% ■% .7-; ~;•'•/?•«-..! *; ;*-: '*■■ : ! .•'•':-7-.: •;■ ■'■■■•■.■_:• 1 - .I - ; •- ?<<i ;;,-;• -;'7, ■,‘.~j ry? : - ,?■•• *"'sK'* - *:*?■'' *!:= : •'fCe t&f&i&S ;. c. 7 y v ;^cv"/ry' 1 : 7:717c'Y • 7’(’r> i I goBEnT n patterxhi« LIVERY AND SALE tas*, . ■ ~\ ’■ - ■**--('< n : O' ■’ ®‘*®ond street and C tierry alter .1 r • r ( ; ;c-V'' r “ pittsbcrsh, pa. 1 .-- i c Y:■ Yrr;7 - .o -777:7." 77. ) fc’«.“ ,,oN mbopi ' '- J- -'."''; ! ,J 7'’'.’)- V -J &° In atore end for sale by 39 Wood opposite the Bt. Oherles Hotel. ■x ; -77;7;;7VrW?tV4- 5.’ ; -.yv; tV; t-.rv * ' J • W,;- •• v . r.i-‘ v . % ,'V•: A t- •' ■:'< ' i ;.v f t r,> V-V*’ 1 ' %'*. '’i .*, *■-? *‘- t y ’ •' ;.l 1 ’ ~ 1 k\V*< V • • • ' " Vi -v v -J' ?' i: V'- ■ HAA ' -*v . :24:z -'Vi;-•'«i>'f^il^M^ t '-^^ , ;i’f'; , sr.^ l i l '..' i ; e f *~ r V.'L L> > ■ - ; /l'* + ,-r ’ -\-,,vj ■•' ’,~ •' t~^S*ss’.- .•. t .* -v * / -• r ? « *\*f ••^V.'^-i^'i-i. c i'" : - ► V•’’% ' -i ■ - v ’5-' : ji*lifc’ , f" ,1''.: 7 ;::'. , ., - ,',:: -. ,:,...• , ; .'''- z•?!..-::',.:Y::'.4.7_; ■v b s y'* ■>' fa' V'A:" U* ;)Tv ; ■ ■: < -cii TO- V +.-i .• ■ -■? r:'": •, r.Tr: Si <■■ <r. ! 'f'"; V‘s .'V ■ y, f _ • >V:: v; ; MORNING POST: Printed and published every, morning (Sundays exoepledj BT GlltßOßtl M. MOSTBOBir.BV, oh thi >oara-wsa* ooKHtB of woOd -ahd fifth struts. *xr lM MB.~ FIto Dollars a year, payable strictly in • trance. BU DcllaW'trtll invariably bo required 1/ not paid within the rea^ ■ ■ glp copies TWO oa!« at the counter in the Office, Rod oy the Pews Boys. THE SATURDAY HORNING POST Published from the same office, on a large blanket else Ghat, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single copies FITS CUTS. . 49* No paper will be discontinued uniats at the disci*, on of tile Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid. 49* No attention will be paid to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this dty 49- Connected with the StiabUxhment of the Mamina Post u one of the largul Jab Printing Office* in the city, where an kindie/wrkU done on the t?unrtat notice, and most reaton . a tie term*. PROFESSIONAL CARDS^ . Robt, Ci o* spronli AT LAW-Offlca, No. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. decUOy A™**tEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, _between Bmithfle)d street and Cherry alley, fdeclfcly ATTORNEY AND "cOTOSELLOR AT LAW, . £?!?•*» «orn«r Fifth and Grant ata,, jatfclyj} PITTSBURGH, PA. A Tkamaa Means, ttornky at law and bouoitor in ohangbby. Office, next door to the Post Office, BteubenriUe, Ohio. xny4 B* P. Ron, TTORNIY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, fburth door below Mr. Body Patterson's Livery Stable. j«2s O* Orlando Loomli, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy4y Ra B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY at LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. j«2:y J. K. M'Ulowry, ACTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW-Offlce in BageweU's Buildings, on Grant street, a ..ul Ha llaz&n 9 A TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, above and il near Smlthfield. mar2T:y . Patrick MoSenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu piw by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain* log to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. f*bl:3m W. Buckmaster, Alderman. i \”FIuE, Grant street, between Fourth et. and Diamond Riley. Oonveyanclng of all kinds done with the great* est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examtn* ea,hc. ja3:g William Wilson, Alderman, |\FFIOB No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and J O’llara street, Fifth Ward. All business appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. febl&tf fi} H,AHl ' SURGEON DENTIST, (sue to Q. W. Biddle,) No. 144 Smilhfleld J , hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and from 2to 6o docs. feMs:ly J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth BtrteL, five doord ffreKgßg west of Market. x Office Hours From nine A. M. to Are P. &L dec-thy BUSINESS CARDS’ ’ ALT RID B CURLIKO. MOBOA.V RuDERTSO.N EDWARD DITITKIDOE nSJsUr L. RCtUWALT. Curling, Uobtrtton 4b Co., MANUFACTURERS OF CUT, PRESSED AND PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, warchoufe No 14 Wood t'.reet, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. £3* All other kinds of Ula.sware and Window Ola**, at low market prices. aplltdly Jacob ni’iJoiilater, ATTHOLES ALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and deal f T er in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, nod Cigars, No. 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4J3** Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of all ihu various brands of Imperial Cigars j. John moorhead, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MKK CIIANT, fur the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. [ap24 PHILIP RETMCU ItnOEKT J. ARPSUtoN Reymir * Anderson, (Successors to Joshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers In forei;n Fruits, Nub*, Spice*, Confectiooary, Sugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood street, oppo site the SL Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. opt! Henry 11. Collin*, Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Dealer in Cheese, Butter, Seeds. Fish, and Prodnca generally, No. 25 Wood stnvt, Pitt sburgh. [marG B. T. C. !dorgau, BOOKSELLER ANB STATIONER—has always on hand a general assortment School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac., wholesale and re tail, No. 104 WojJ street, below Filth, Ka*t side, Pittsburgh •Jf JKg~ Wanted, Rigs and Tanners’ Sempa. ap!s:ly WILLUM miller, Pht1a...... »n«. kjckcTso.v, Pittsburgh Miller dt Klcketson, WHOLE3ALE GROCERS, Importers of Brandies, Wine* find Segaw—Noa. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and • 4 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nail.*, Cotton Yarns, Ac , A constantly on hand. jyio Wm. Carr A Co., (Wm. Carr, late of the firm of J. Parker A Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, amt Dealers in Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monoogahela and Rectified Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, gft - F. Jt'DravoV Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dealer in country produce, offers L. r eai« a oholcestock of Groceries', selecte 1 for family use. Splc*'« of every variety and tho purest quality, ground'at hi* Steam Slills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Dumo'tk-. Produce taken in exchange for merchandize. F. IL D. has procured a full assortment of Landrcth’a warranted Garden Seeds, aul invites the attention of all in terested in rural affairs. j.tnll w. a. xxautm.... rucaAai.-o^..«^. Knglftth 4b Richardson, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and VJ Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Produce generally. Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbridge A Inghram, No. 11G Water and 150 First street, Pittsburgh, Penns. feb3 I7ORWARDING AND COMSIIBSION MERCHANTS— Dealers in all kinds of Pittsbnrgh manufactures, Lead ‘ipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. sep2B Wilson, Turbctt A Clancy, ATOH iIAHERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, 67 Market street, corner Fourth. mv6 New Coach and Carriage Factory 1 JOHHSTOIT, BROTHERS & CO., Cbmtr JZebecca and Bdmont strteii, Allegheny City. blh> QX WOULD respectfully inform their friend* the public generally, that they have Wg£SmW* commenced tho manufacture of Carriage?, r ~ lBr» Barouches, Rockawaya, Buggies. Sleighs and iriota In all their Tarions styles of Qnish and proportion, ill orders will be executed with strict regard to durablli ind beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to the most reasonable terms. Using in al 1 their work th .- ; Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they fuel enui. t that all who favor them with their patronage, will U tally satisfied on trial of their work, orebasers are requested to give us a call, before purchn : elsewhere. oct6:ly ITTBBURGII COACII FACTORY . L. 6T5T1N8...., Bigelow «fc Co., SUCCESSORS TO KM. BIGELOW, No. 40 Diamond alloy, near Wood street, Pitt?- I^ 1 mix burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pheatonu, Bug- VnS’flViflf 1 ? deserl Ption of fancy vehicles U?nf 1 finished in a manner nnsurpassed for materSe “ h ' Bkill of ' 7orkmanfhi l'' Y All work warranted r ***■ *\ ». ?•, - ■*** Joseph Fleming, CfSUCCKSSOB TO L. WtLCOX 4 CO.l OBNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keep.' constant!* on hand a fall assortment of Drags, Meal* does, Medicine Cheats, Perfumgrji and all articles pertain ing to his business. >#s“* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hoars. j«9y josh FLsnuno - „.cocuaAH njunno. Fleming Brothcra, [SC CCIfl BO R S TO J. KIDD It CO.] TTTHOXxESALE DUGGISTB, No. GO Wood street, Pitta f f burgh, Pa. ProprJetoia of Dr. M’Lano'fl Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pilla, Ac. JalO Jotw Haft* Jr. ( [SUOCIESOB to JAKIS M’ODFFST.j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Btuflk, Ac., 141 Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr4:mAely R. I*. Allen, TTfHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN- J V DIES, OIQARB, OLD MONONGAHELA AND RYE w BISKY, also, Rectifylcg Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, Bt. Croix and New England Rum,Clarets, Cham pal gees, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every stylo, and Demijohns of all sizes, I respectfully Invite an examina tion of my stock, ac No. 8 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, Penna. aprS:ly Jamas Bfelllngsr, MONONGAHELA PLANING MILL.-—Would respectful ly Inform his friends and the puhlicTthat his new ea tabllsbment is now in full operation, ana that he la pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand. Bash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would find It to their advantage to glTe him a call, as he can now furnish them with planed stuff suitable for every description of work. WM.O. UXJULO3 .. JAXZ3 cbjswsll. Herron 4k Orlawell, BELL AND DRABS FOUND&RS, and Manufacturers of *U kinds of Brau Work, Locomotive Bteam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Alpo, Ot'.on B&tUog Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 49" Old Drass and Copper taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at tbe Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fet9.ly m. usjirr d. BJisiSGsa .t. j. tiaaff. Ur ait, Rotalnger A Graff, WESTERN FOUNDRY, N0.'124 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. W. []. eJtITH W. W. UAi«...w ...J, A. UUBTIK. Smith, Stair A Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, aud Dealers in all tlndß of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Second and 161 Flrat rtrret, Pittsburgh, Pa. f,.b9 I'UE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John etnn A Stccklon,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse. 1a prepared to execute every style of Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing anil Book Binding, ond furnish every article In the Blank Ik* k, paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notice and on the tuuM reasonable terra#. Blank Bock and Btaticnerv Warehouso, Printing Office and Book Bindery, corner of Market and Second sis JnovtC North-Waatern Police Agenoy, "V[o. 89 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, CHICAGO, ILLINUS. AU.IS mXSITON. Of TOT J vnria iTTtano.V TO ta* T&AItSACTIOX OF A intnui DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana mhldullf r | 'HE late firm of JONES k QUIGG, having been dieaoh- X ed by the death of Joho P.Qulgg, on the 27 th lost , the bur n«a« cf said firm will be settled by the undersigned, at tii<-ir office, eorner of Ross and First street*. ISAAC JONES, Surviving Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30, 1851—[octty MANUFACTURER of spring and Blister Steel, Plough Slab steel, steel Plough Wings; Ooech and Ellptic Springs, Brass Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mall and Hammered Iron Axles,—corner ot Roas and First atresia, Pittsburgh, Pa. oct2:ly ISAAC JOSX3. U. B. Rogers A Co., MANUFACTURERS of ROGERS’ patent Improved Steel Cultivator Teeth. Oflicecorner Rosa and First Street, octifcly Plttstiurgh KUing^Schooirr /& ROBERT U. PATTERSoN, Proprietor, eorner Diamond ntreet and Cherry alley. The subscriber respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentle men of Pittsburgh, that be has recently erected a RIDING fcOUOOL, which in point ot nice, commodlousness and adap tation, undeniably excel# any similar establishment In the United States Its location la accessible from all parts of the city, while its high and airy ritualloQ renders it espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this moat agree able exercise. The Horses are docile and veil trained, and th* proprietor pledges himself that no paint or expense will he spared to make this establishment the firrt In the confidence of the poblic. oct22Tf —J. L UCSKtIT. Utehard c, Hoch-ing, MA N U FACT U R BR OF GTbT, SiLVER. BRAES, BRONZE, LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- Titt FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair i-treet. All kinds of Composition Ornaments, for Steam l cat*, Ac. All kinds of Gilding and Rs gliding, to order. Ollt Mouldio. e for Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish for Oil Paintings, Engravings and Lithographs, for Rale. 45xf“ Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored in the be-it manner. All From«*fl and Mouldings manufaetured in this eFtab lithment way bo cleaned without injury, with soap and water. J. WHITE, VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, ha* recovered hifl health so os to resume his old basin esa, and has opened hW BLIND MANUFACTORY, at No. 64 Fifth struct, near the Post office, between Wood and Smlthfield, where he has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and foney worsted ond elik trimmings, and is prepared to fill an; order in his line, on (be most reasonable terms. Ills work Is warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Blinds repaired. i69~ £lease give him a call, as be can’t be beat In work want-hip my7:ly lIXAVE Bold my interest in the business os Long, Miller 4 Co„ to B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con tinue at the old stand, No. 109 Front street. I cordially ro commend the new firm to the patronage of my friends. Pittsburgh, July 29, 1864. p. U. MILLER. B. A. LONG. 8. A* Long A Co., Bell and brass founders, and gas fitters, invito attention to their stock of OlfantWllorß, Brack ets, Pendants, and other natures. We fit up bouses with Gan and Steam, make Brass Costings of all kinds to order, furnish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jvDl WHERE will be found the largest and best asserted stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale In this city. Purchasers will- find it to their advantage to call at this e-l abllflhmcnt and examine for themselves; it is all I need to Insure their custom. C. DALY. N. B —Remember the Obiaf Stocking Corner. febl:y C. D. r pHE subscriber having the exclusive right to mannfac -1 tura and sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE LoNSUMING FURNAOE, is prepared to receive orders, and contract for beating buildings with the most economical I uruaco now in use. he attention of those interested is r-oiieited. Any information can be had of A. BRADLEY, N< n. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAK, dec24:tf | Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood st. JAMES I. LKDLII. MANUFACTURERS of Cot, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers la all kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mb3:dly / 1 IIIMSEN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials. 1 7, Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; also, Flint Glass in every variety. Warehouse, Noe. 104 Second, aod 133 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh2B I. W. Chadwick, Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobaooo, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth,Pitts burgh, Pa. dip* The highest market price, In CASH, paid for RAGS. ap2o:ly* j JUN ATWEU.. Atwell, Lee A Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pitts burgh. ap!B Dissolution of Co-Partnership. CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between 1 JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP BEYMER, In the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settlod up by Joshua Rhodes, who is authorized to re ceipt for all debts due said firm. JOSHUA RHODKB. March 27tb, 1856. PHILIP REYMER. -ft®* The undersigned havo this day formed a Partner ship, under the name, firm and style of REYMER A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary business, No. 39 Wood street I HILIP REYMER. BOBT. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. .QCOBQB ALUCBT. jgg- in retiring from the Confectionary business, I cheer fully recommend Messrs. Reymer A Anderson to my friends and customers JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27 th, 1866. tp2 Removal. SPRINGER HABBAUGH A CO. have removed to No. lO 295 Liberty street. . SPRIKOnt HABItAPQIT ...............wAHXAHI>KB FORSYTH. Springer Harhungh A Co., (Successors U fl. Harbaugh,) _ COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; Dealers in Wool and Produce generally, N 0.295 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. aj>s #•'l ■ PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QILLMORE A MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS. 1 ’ CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $O,OO PER ANNUM, OR SS,CO WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. UAntrACTutaxxa op Cooking Stoves; Plain and Fancy Orates, Coal and Wood Stores, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Parlor Stoves, bad and Djg Irons, 11011-'w Ware, -Portable Forges, Sugar Kettle*, Tea Kettle*, Stove Kettle.*, Wagon Boxes, j mbl6 8. Haven. Pinkerton A Co. laaac Jones, Call and see. No. 21 St. Clair nt., Pittsburgh- [mh2s;tf NOTICE. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. Nu. 20 Fifth street, first comer abort Market street. PITTSBURGH, PA., Consume the Smoke. Ledlle A Clam, (Successors to Mulvany A Ledlie.) Removal* PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. BUSINESS CARDS J* Li XRorahall, (Suocefißor to H. Lee.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MEBCIIANT, No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pu. Reference—Vi. M’Oiintcck A Bros.; Kramer A Kuhn; Brown A Kirkpatrick; Murphy, Tioruan A 00. Pittsburgh, May 24,1855 —(my24:3m*J r? WE would invite the attention of our friends and the public to a splendid assortment of HATS nod wh«eh we are cow openlrg lor the Summer trade, which for beauty of style, cxceodH anything ever of fered in the city, or west of the mountains. £9* Call and examine for yourselves. J. WILSON A SON, ipP - 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Dissolution of Co-Pnrtnsrshlp. THE FIRM OF LIVINGSTON,'ROGGEN a CO., Proprie tors of the PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was dissolved by the death of Mr. John J. Booosa, on the lltn of Match last. The business of the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued In all its branches by the surviving partners, u’.dor the name and style of LIVINGSTON, COPELAND A CO., who alii also settle up the affairs of the late fire. L. It. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOOIUIKAD, Pittsburgh, Pa.,May 4,1856. ] W. B. COPELAND. JOBS W’CLOSKIT John ill’Cloaksy A Co.* ■BTTHOLKSALH AND RETAIL CLOTHING MKlb vV CHANTS, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pa. The subscribers respectfully inform their old customer* and ibe public in general, that they have this day r.ssc< ia ted themselves in the above business, under Lh» firm <t JOHN M’CLOSKBY A CO. They respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. The previous business of each will be eettltd by th?m helves respectively. I-tH JM’LAUGHLIN, No. 96 Fourth street, nearly opposite • the Mayor’s office, la raarjuffwtorlitg Oeutlcmen's first Boots, Low Shoes, ties and buttomd; Congress and Buuon ed Gaiters; Ladies’ Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Llni-*, K!l;>- pera, and French Lashing Gaiters, of every ce-lcr and nU:i;; fancy Kid and SSntin Gaiters, cf the btsi ciai.-tia!* Mi— «•* and Children’s do., of every variety. N. B —All kiods made to order, on short nollc.t*. [aul'.* fioldleri’ douuty Lauds and Claims against Government. IWILL procure Bounty Land Warrants for roldiere, t heir Widows and Minor Children, and attend to bur-ires* lu the “ Court < f Claims,’’ recently estaidlshod by CfnjrcM. Office, No. 148 Ihir J street, one door above Siniiln-ld -t. March 19 1855—(mb2U) CntKLKS NAYLOR JAMK3 WARDBOP offers foe sale CANARY H!KK-* ol the moat Improvoil breed, b-dna very hi»r>lv, und fle- 1 singers. Bird Seeds—Cuuary, Hemp, Millet, Lop** «n i ml & ed Be*!. Bouquets wili tofuruisb»*d ct*uipo.»o ivt the i,n- -i FLOWERS, vit: Cametlaa, Lose Bui-*, H-iictr.-p.-u. A.' Evergreens (in pot>) for ChrisJmai Trws, In in !!.<• m l Horticultural Strtre, No. 49 Fifth *1 , n*-ar W. n.j Bounty bauds. TIHE undersigned aintiaues to obtain Bounty Land War raDts. The prereut bill io all wli i hnvr ».-i i u any war s'ioce 1790, 180 em-s, 'lVrm-- ra—h-rate. LUKE OOCKMHOUT, it: blam. ud alie>, mbliy between Wood Kt.aal ih-iu-.i. 1 Coal Work# for Sate SIXTY THREE ACRES OF LAND, with a-r-* <•( f U attached, and all the ImprovetneojH thrrc u iu «u.' -••- ful operation. SaiJ Farm Is filtumed <u the M ! i riV«r, 31 miles at>ove Plttsborgb, aod i* suppti-ai ai-.h a Farm House, Barn, Tenant House-*, Orehard, Knihoad, t.r; i an excellent harbor. •The vein of L'oal is five te,-t thick,anJ cannot *>.- i .:r,. ed to quality. For further particulars apply to KktliUlTiON ROOM FOR IN VENTIONB ANL) PATHN' ]’ And Agency for iho Purchaso and Sale of Palcht Rights and Patented Articles MOSES F. EATON Agent, Ao. SO Fourth itre'.l, J\ilibur j /\ f|iIIE subscribers have long been a.-quiunv | v. ■ V; 1 MOFEB F. EATON, and We do b.-OUlt u in r --. ::i mending him, to all wbn ruay w i.ih to employ hi* - m vi. - as a gwntlemau of undoubtwd integrity and ln dustry, in wbc.se exertions every reitaocH may bo pJan-J h-viilp H W. J." . W. U. Denny, Joim tlrabsm. James IJ. Child# A Co B- R Friend, N. Holmes A Pod-, Knap k Wad*. Kramar A Rahui. Win. Phillips, I. R. LivinoU-n. Wilano M’CanJh-es, Dm. F Johnston, A W. Jjoomis, Andrew Fu’tcn PltUburgh, Novemlx-r liTth, 1854 nov.T, jt? Writing Olaaaai— Duff’s College. i> ii. aotojtaa Gentlemea and Ladies’ Day aud Evi-uing Wrlttc/ X Clafires will continue open during thr rummer uu.l-r Mr J. D. Williams, whnre various rtylt-s oi Gectiamen at d Ladies' Writing are universally admired. No #=peciuu-uh of Penmanship are exhibited at the dr>or but those exr-ut--d by th« Teacher in tbo Institution. Tht> Frfni lp/al rlslm- n.. “ monopoly ” uor •* pate- t ” for hh» bosin.’fn, nor did he g;-t his Institution chartered to soil out, as has b-*m repi-aoviif dons In this city. Gentleman and Ladioft’ Vlsitlnq Cards wrl’ien in >1; Williams’ uuwjualled »tyh*. All kinds »f ivt manrhlp exeentod to order. inyUd lt« Kew Intelligence Office. f|HIK subscrifier has )urt opeuotj an IN’TKI.I.hiKtiVK J. OFFICE, at No 410 Liberty 6trt**t, in ih* trii otfics of John ! homyaou, Snip Agent; and as ho ha- b—-u Exploring Agent for the Young Men’* Bible Focietv of Pilhi burgh for nearly two y«ars, h*> llatteri htm-oli tliitt hi knowledge of the city and it* citiz-ns him f n t. t tii.B in furnishing witb help, and uLso in find ing places for boys,girls an 1 all o'.hers tirehiog employmenl. The patronage of the public Is solicited. --s«y, snd • very effort to give general Bntl&Tscthn. jell.tf OABRIKI. BARR. A. nilllken A Co. HAVE ON HAND, at th-lr extensive CABINET nod CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No fil Smithfield ctrc-r, assortment of Fancy and PUln Furniture, nhicb they witl sell 15 per caul, below ru-tomary mlr.i. Terms—cash only. d-i-27 Iv Wm. K. Stevenaou couliouiv to ma :ut j ture CABINET WARE of description, «t Lia 01-i btaud, comer of Liberty aud S«*venth streets * I ■ UNDERTAKING atteudeJ to, in all its hranebes. Gharlei. Barnett, HOltS K BHOKR AND BLACKSMITH, has ere-M-1 a new and commodious Brick Shop ou Cherr> uilev. between Third and Fourth streets, where he U prepared to *’o all work in his line with the ulmort promptitude. Having bad long experionee in the business, bn re-pecifulW eoßcits the patronage of his old customer* and th-» pu*-lu epwally. jvjt GRAND PIANO. MADE BY NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK. fpHE PUBLIO of Flttsburch and Aliegbony is reapect X fully Invited to call at the Masic Store jurog—, of the subAcribere, No. 53 FIFTH ST., examine a enperh fi*lrWTra FallGrandPUDO,prloeBloo» f U u *! u U From the Factory of NUNNS A CLAKK, N«w York. Thi elegant instrument is made in thu ELIZABETH!AN 81YLE,” the ornamenta, front pieces and legs being elabo rately carved out of SOLID ROSEWOOD. It h; full seven octaves, of the largest dimensions, and, in pointed volume, power, and liquid sweetness of tune, ir* pronounced alto gether unsurpassable. j?»o. Phillips. The subscribers will be happy to rereire ihn Tl-iu of thetr friends and the public la general, aoj „h--.w them through their elegant new establishment. H. KLfctilkß A mil) . Hign "l the O lden Msrp, roylS _ N<-. f.:t Kint. s;- t Bprtag Stock of Hamburg Plnnoi, CHARLOTTE BLUML, No. in v,Y,,; atrtwt. Pittsburgh, POU) Agent. llTlii'Tl Hamburg Pianos arc ucdoubt*d>y f I » 9 | " superior to nil others, both in rfmtinty nf touch and ruperiority of tone.. They have not omy received the highest marks of appr" batlon from the best European Pianlptu, such as LIST, THALBERG, And others, who have them constantly in their cwo use, bat also from our resident Professors. The folicwiug is an extract from a letter of PROFESSOR HENRY ROIIBOCK After describing the particular style two of which he wants for his own use—one Grand and one Fqoare—he speaks aa follows of their excellent qualities : “My little daaghter, who plays very well, must, with myself, havo a good instrument, and yours are iho only ones which can satisfy me. “ Instruments are offered meon the most accommodating terms. I, however, do not like them; they have not the elaatlo tou-'h and the tone of yours. “ 1 remain, yours, respectfully, “Ua.VBT Rotujocx, Pittsburgh, Pu ” For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUME. at the “old Estab lished Piano Depot,” 118 Wood street, 2i door above Fifth Also, sole Agent for Pittfitmrgh and Western Pennsylvania for HaUet , Davis t£ Oo.'s Boston Pianos, (which in the East ern cities are considered superior to eitbor Ohickcrlng’n or Nunns A Clark’s, nut which fact is not extensively kuown, as they have but lately been introduced here.) and o< her New YOrx and Philadelphia Pianos, of the best makers, at prices from $226 to $BOO. mhin •JOSEPH J. OLAM. Notice to 'Whom It May Concern THE PUBLIO SPRING SALES of Real Estate at Ku cbester are now closed, and the I>/u7diny Season has fairly commenced: Every citizen of Rochester is busi.y em ployed. Even 30 or 40 new families who have become cl Li zens the present Spring, find constant employment; and in a few days a hundred families more will be required to cur ry ou the work of the present season. !Die CUr Building Ettabtuhment is now uear completion, and will bqin full operation in Jane. Several Cars will bo ready for delivery, by contract, the Ist of July, 1855. Two ar three new churches, in Rochester, will be con tracted for Immediately, and numerous other improvements will be commenced, requiring a gTsat amoun t of mechanical and other labor independent of th« Car Establishment, which will proiably employ from one to two hundred. A prominent brlckmaker from Pittsburgh hsejuet pur chased trine large lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 600,060 bricks. Two gaDgs of hands commence work the present week, besides the other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood. Our Stone Quarries are already alive with workmen, and the road 1 leading to them lined with teams. Lumber fa becoming abundant and cheap, and tenements will soon spring up to relieve some of our houres, which now have 6 families, 4 families, 3 families, and dozens of them 2 families each. Any who d d not buy cheap lots at the four public sales last season, or the four public sales the present spring, can still secure good bargains *t private sale by calling on the subscriber In Rochester. down, % In one year and % In two years. M. T. 0. GOULD. P, a.—A few lots can yet be had at $6O to $lOO each; if applied for before the 20ih May. These lots are twice as large as usual city lota, viz: 40 feet by 120, and the price only from $1,50 to $2,50 per foot front. The present reserv ed homestead and magnificent profit of Grid Pinney, 4 acres in the centre of the borough of Rochester; also, tbo beauti ful 20 acres, building, orchard, Ac., of F. Reno, can be bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are not turn suchbargains within a hundred miles. G. myfl • CIUS. ATWXLL. Removal. SGUTHBERT A SON have removed their Real Estate • and General Agoacy Offlea to No. 53 MARKET ST, near Third. aug2 FOR SALE—Two Lots of 60 feet by 140 each, in East Pittsburgh, at the lowest prices. Inquire of angl THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fourth street. ,< '* * v***/.*. v -;V ;• . \- ; * x + -,V ; . V N'\ PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, AUGUST iO, IS55^ llatfl and Capa, .OOBJIfcUUB M'CLO'jK.ZT. Boots and Shoes. New Seed Store MCtioLrON a p \.nk. No Ltin-rtv fti-wf ’ » a ' * i ** *?•• r -■ - '• ' . " .V:V*V ■’ 4 , i I MISCELLANEOUS, DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. fvtATd ALT. DJ.HXAiifiS OP THX CVS ASD ZA& WITnOUT CUI'MItO, LKECinNQ, UUSTEIUUO, OB Tilß L’ftg OP OALOMEL. OFFICE 458 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST., NEW YORK Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. THOUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or JLIL Chronic BUndneP* with Films, Iritis Amaurosis and Cataract Fcrofuloap, Weeping or Watery Eyes are araouij thedise.vtrsof tho eye which r.re treated by-Dr, H. with perfect Fatisfucticn. All diseased of the Ear treated upon ficloutifio principles. Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. All letters poßt-pnid will secure prompt attention. We celoct the following references from among tbo thou sands of crro3 which have been sucqpc-sfuUy treated by Dr; Henderson: Wm. J. Fryer, 326-8 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwick, Printer, “ “ tJ. Goods peed, Glens Fall?, N. Y. •Wm. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. f Miss ilary Bellows, N. E. Station, Duchess «»., !.* Y. •Edward G. Solger, Brbtol, Conu. •Joho Seamen, Engiaonr, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. H. Gibiß, office Courier and Ersq , N V. tJames W. Klriy, Brooklyn, Ll. Jarvis Rodgers. “ “ A. R. R-?ovre, "Mf-graph Operator, St, NP/?.'s7aa Hotel. H. M. Ft-rrin?, Organ Builder, Houston Ht. R. B. Dooiittie, M. D., Hudeon, N. \. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkern, N. Y. M. P. Collin. o , Teacher Penmanship, T.v-f, N. Y. R. L Uopp, Albany, N. Y. A. Pillenbach, Schenectady, N. Y. Capt. B. H. Ilaviland, Athene, N. Y; John W. Hackett, HlDghampt'.-n, N. Y. •Them patients were blind, and had b) be led to the office. At the expiration of two wcoks they could go about the city a; pleasure. *Th»j.«« cas.'w of Amaurosis w«ra restored to eight after they Wire given up a.n incurable by the facnlty* and can be r<»t**rrL-l t? by any person who wiHhes to learn the facts in th-re rs'-f-J, bv writing to th»m. jans Plltibnrgh Doliar Savings livat 1 (iU!o», A’o. Ga /bin th Hrr-f, NE3T DOOR TO TUB PITTSBURGH BAKU, 18 Nt*W OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o'clock; Kbn, ou Wed mv-lay and Siturday ev**ning°, fr«-m 7 to 9 oVUw:k. Deposits receive;! of all sums not lean than One Do'lar, tnd r divi-Jvnd of the profits declared twice ft year, in June and rfinvtnb-r. The Trustee?, for tho purpoveof furthering the .lent oly-cLiof the Ic«tituti in, have entered Intir a guururit-e bf.tii, thereby additi'-pal pcouri’.y to Jap-i.-dU-re. ifiK-i;r ‘•nnt.-iiriint- the Chnrtpr. I’.y-Law <;, Rules bcJHe; lativ-T-fura!?•>.*»-* grafU, on npp'i'tition at tb;> i-2ice. Pr-.ndeni -G i'J »11G F. ALBRER vj.;e Pl'.EsiliiiVTa ; lf-’p v urr), John 11. ShoenN’r^cr, It.WJiiV, Evnivpp, :i.icm F .fohn-tnn, Grattan 'lurpht, Jer.it— H.uiltil-ir. , ’beohald Umhata-ttpr, Ainaii.b-r B-rtdb-y, i • n*'- >J. ti tin in i bill i j •*, W;!' lain J Au l^r^n. TP.r'fTrP 1 . : J.l.nti l>R;fi.Um»< Her-lman, Hi’’. Ifnrgw'jfi. J hi» M. Kir*patrv--; Albert Culb-'t '.-n. .'- bn D M’C*-:d, Kotn-rf t li;'r 1 •• r, Rr ■:> ft J tiardiQ*; Crtbo. V. ,u;»r Mxr, l.ail. A ion 1.1 A U.:-i.-r, .V. M. P. ifoek, J ho S CorjrretH. U-r.ry 1.. Kiu.r'-ftU, Chari— A. iXtioti, Lob-rt Ilobb, K«J KJnogb n, Riddle, Fre.m-> F-'La. Jam-H itiiaxif, (t-w'*r;*-> K. n. timers. J‘ttn-.‘.< Shldie, Jttutr.- :v tiuL.il, G-w-rgH S. WiiiinmS Iluven. At-snnd«-r Tfndlr AV.-r.-t.7rv »~l rr<,frL->--Cii.UtLLS A. O: I.T' *i ; ; l.< 11 v KAlifil BUS' AM> .’tIECHAMtiS' 1.1 KK. FILL AND MARINE tis-.m-.-inee Company, 01' I‘H 11. -.T'KI..-II: A Uapiui 8300,000 Aia-uut t,vure!y in- i rgMITS COMPANY F.rfc b-urM-r { -n Bnil-iinga, I. tl<-fvFurci oi«-. * - Marine hi-urac.-- on Cx-go fcti i I nin i>d i nMirar, •- • n G-x-i!by River;'. li.vilruid , ar;-j 1.-vn i O.srri.tyo prr:>>rel!y itn.:-*ure ujrn Lii.jk-u the tC:'-i lavorabi lerros. r*ir-KCTOR"'. II- n. TLnruae L. !'if-rent-.t. Ja?n«»« F. NerJ.l, 'fi'.iv; II Ar.n*tr J-.is’. C)mr!u« Dhsitre, Li P. Middleton, K. K. llclnvMd, <i-r-r<e 11 -1 in lx.-! ‘, F:*-i. 0 Bre-w*s"r, T'hiuta» Mande!ttei'l, J -an • T:!->MAS ». 1 S/MIKNCE, Prokfdtn R HcLit:-. LO, t-rethtv. PI IT* B RKFEBKNCES. Hon T. M. 11-.wr, Hon J K. M'CUntock, li-'H. P. C. Shannon, Or! S, \V. Black,? Uon J. H Guthrie, A B M'CV.morU, K#<} , Tilt-tux* J. l\f**-nan. E r q . M ! C<*odlv:i3, Esq O'! J lie ' ii LcA.'.rr, U-sn.J K.MorpWsl U. M. Kiddie, "I he -liftrarc-r «>f the *b--ve Corap'.ny i«; of the first olaas, sod ('ouibintr- th<» : sr« nod auu.nin! of Fire, Mr r;ce pn-j Lib* Iru-u'iuire. G*-ntiein-ii . ( ej.-Tut«-J sth.2-Jii;g sre as-x-ciut-i in h lu-vmu - merit, iui-1 intprePt*-:! n? Sb-ckhol-Jp! *. TIMM Ad J. lIU )>'-T S.t. Clm'leji Kuii.Jinf, No. ItiB Third -t. I* IT TS U l ktl! II AMU COM S KLLSV ILLS RAILROAD OPEN FROM WEST N KWTON, W**stmore!nnd Countr, to DAMaON’B STATION. oppo.'ite Kott Liberty, V**~- etti- County, fi'J milr« fix-m Pittsburgh. On and nßer th« l.«t of August. ih-» Tn-.iiiF of Ui« Pitts burgh atnl CounrilFvUli* Ibiilread will b<> run between the Hti.ire pointf dai'y, (.except rundayM until forth-r notire, os follows : Fir*L Train wilt foavo Daw-so-a’s Putir-n m half-pcwt C "’clock A. M., and reach West Newton at 7.35 : .'•>nu.>«-tin < : tDrre witii th-* f.ret steamer “Cbirn Fisher, - ’ and resell Pittsburgh nt ire.H, ifi-rnud Train lenvcp Dawsonti nt 12 o'clock, ucon; /»rrir lin: at West Newton at 1.20 V. M Flret Train will leave West Nhwlod at 8 o’clock A. M a:nvin« at Dawrson'H nt 9 05 A. M. Se.N»nd Train will leave West Ncwtrn at 0 45 IV JL, and :e..vh Duswm'f nt 7.25 P. M. STAGES will connect with Lhc Tnuus at Dawson’s for Conuellsville and Union town. The steamer CLARA FISHER will leave I’it ev ery rveniog, except Sundays.} at hnlf-pa-' i o’clock, pre cisely, {a ronnerf with the Train., ns above. FREIGHT will be transported each way dally. For ra’ea apply to D W. OALL>WKLL, E?q . Superintend ent. Wes: Newton, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Apenl, ou board the s-ti-atuer Clara Fieber. at her wharf, above tho Monongahela Bridge. OLIVER W. BMtNIiS. j>3l President and Superintendent. Bargains In Watches, Clocks aT'jevtrelry". ROBERTS & BROTHER. ARK now si.-ilhig their lur.'e and ciretully ?elec.. ted stock of Fiue Watcher, Clock?, andrlcli Gold JET at K roduced prices, to maks room raiasafor an entire new st.x-.k, wbb-h will he received di rect from the Eastern manufactories in a few weeks, for the Fall tradu. Ihirrha/ers duririog to buy good goods at low prices, should call immediately nrd examine onr stock, as wo are di’ti'finine-i to cln.ae ii out without regard to cost or former pii-vs. Dcu’t f -rijtit the place. i UOBERT3 A BROTHER, _ ... , •*! fifth etreet. door to Wood. ej'>T.i.cli*s, G. -'k-* and Jewelry repaired in lb.* beat mxnu-r. and wurranted. j v ej CI T Y tl OT E 1,. ( LATH «noWt»*H,) Corixsr of Smtthflclil ami Third strott^, JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTSBURGH, PA. TUTS large and cotnmodiou‘» Floure having undergone thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception r>( the travelinp public. CftAHdKS MOtitrUTE. jd 1 jA N » ’ W A St !£ A NTS W ANTED “ 40, 100 ACRE WARRANTS, hy; AUSTIN LOOMIS, Denier In Warrants. A-- . l>'i Fourth • Co-Partnership. WALTER P. MARSHALL uKwiitied with him, on th -2d day of July, JOS. It. HUGHES, in the Wall Paprr bueincFfl, ufider the name of jv9 W. P. MARSIIA I>L A Oi>. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A goad bargain can hi* had by applying hi-cm ut the office of the MORNING POST. jvi-Jt Lot for Srile. AOiMD BUILDING LOT, 2-1 feet front on Carson etreet by 100 feet in depth, in Birmingham, will lie sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. V. GILLMORE, irld at otfico of the Mormug Prat. SEMI ANNUAL D i vTti l ; ;N Dj TT’UIUc L .Vl'.rJu LY 1, IBn6. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORP, fO.V.Y CUARTFRFD 1810. PAID UP Cash Assets, July 1, 1 855, $835,530 £3. r CONTINUE to make insurance oa alt •acriptiona of ./ property nt equitable rates. ThW Company have maiutiiiued n position for honorable dealing for 36 yeaia, and‘is unßurpa.Hseil for rcsponnibHitv aud punctuality t>y any other flimllar institution in tho Vnited States. B*'mi annual statement of the ronditiou <*f thia Company on file in this office, for the exarainatioD of the public H. B. TBN-EYOK, Agent. Office, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitts burgh. jv‘i4 IL. ffli, Lemon A Co.’o Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGII AND COLUMBIA. M ■ ■ n THE undersigned having purcboficd nart of D Leech A Co ’a Oamti Stork, ii i i i Ea xre prepared to do a WAY' FREIGHT BUBINEBB between this place and Columbia. All business eutrustvd to our cure will be promptly attended to by u<, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co., Canal Basin. LLOY'D & LEMON. jy2s:dlm* JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA TIIER—The Magazines for August: Petereon’a Magarine for August; Ballou’s . do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress of Haughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; I’egsy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magazines, call or send to Iho cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDENFENNKY A CO., jy2o Fifth at., opposite the Theatre. COAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty street, Monon gahela river, for sale by jy2Q J. W. BUTLER A CO. aLmON-No.I Lake Superior Salmon for sale by )«29 HUNKY H. 00LUN8. /V V IW? WW) vri£. t. nxi’Bo.f. MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of BRASS WORK, LO COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al so, Cotton Hatting Manufacturers. Foundry on Reteccu street, Allegheny City. Offlco and Store, No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be pro re ptl yott ended to. feb9:ly JOSEPH T. LOWRY, Ao * f 3 of Fifth and Wood Strtdt, Pr™ P.™i r : France from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, I >ESPLCTPULr<7 announce to the public that be has JLSj commenced thn REAL ESTATE AGENCY, In connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Persons tn want of servants, in any capacity, or thosein wantof places, will be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. ittftrmca- T. J. Ulglma, Esq, Richard Cowan, Eaq, W. 0. Losue, Dr. AUx. Black, James Mackeral, A. A. Mason, Moss 4 Old. janlB Schuchman A U&unlaln, T ITHOGRArHKKB—Third street, opposite the Post-office, Si Pittsburgh. Maps, Lr.ndssapes,Bill Heads, Show Bills. Architectural and Machine Drawing*, Business anil ' biting Cards, etc., Engraved or Brawn on Stone, Printed hj Colors, Gold, Bronx'', or Black, In the most approved style, end at. the most reasonable prices. octl6:ly OMITVIDHIfK RESTAURAIfT. WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. r|MIE Undersigned has just provided a choice stock of X LIQUORS, and b ready at all times to serve his friends with the best of tiio season, in the way of edibles. Irish Whbky Punched may be had at the BJftVtnxsv. InnlhlT JOHN BAVAQK, Proprietor. „ Alexander Hayi, / IYIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op <_j po«,t.i the Court Ilouso, Pittsburgh, Penna.—has per manently R-eutad, and will punctually Kitend to all business entrusted to IlL* charge. RBrntsscß3: lion. W. H. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. R. V- • Mtlnor Roberts, Chief Engineer *• u “ Geo. K Elchbaum, Associate Eng. ‘ “ “ DaviflMUcbeil, Chief Engineer Pittsb’h and Steub. R. B. James Thomp-oa, Superintendent City Gas Works. Jam.»« R. Dny^CivHJinglor-er, Allegheny City. fap7:2w* r PartrerJiip of JOHN M’DRVITT A BRO. waedis- JL sol red on Or* lire’. inst. John M’Devitt wIU continae til thu old stand, and attend to the settlement of fh« hu.Mnvj.i of the late firm. JOHN M’DEVITT, „ WILLIAM M’DEVITT. PUteburgh, January 3d, ISoo—{ jnn4 fcevr Trimming Store, JVc. 83 Cnm-r of Alarkti rtrteL and the. Diamond. 1 RANK VAN GORDER rvspecfally announces to the !i puMJrof Pittslmrgh and vicinity, that ho will open his ■ ir,r Trimming Store on Monday, April 17th. Ilaring fitted urth** Dij.v.tvt ptoro rvjn\.tu the city, and filled it with a rtinl-!• t}••••; of th" latent style* of Trimming* and Fan cy Good.;, be Uniter-* hiui.vdf that h* will ofter superior In lilt:- jjmiL* and ende-ivor to giro full satisfaction to all who :a;;y favi-r Mm with th-*ir patronage. S -'W, d'.n't tor;;*t the pin-*..!—N.i. 83 Market street, earner Of the Diamond ;*prl2j FRANK VAN GORDER. KFitii.isJi 4ftDCLAt»BUiAL SEMISAKY. v.. t McDonald, m. a., pacrcifAL. fjpUF. next t-cr-sion of the Institution will commence OB 1. MONDAY’, th~6lh of September next, at the room car ter i-.f F-rr ,- and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the li-frrcr.ys —lion. A. W. Ltaixuiti, 0. Knap, Jr., 8. F. Von ouhoret. R. Milter. Jr. aag2s Agency ifor Soldiers’ Claims. JOCATIuN OF LANDS.— I-UIIOIIASK AND SALE OF j LAND WARRANTS.—Tbo undersigned has made ar ra c cements with competent and responsible gentleman to obtain CertificHt.v- or Warrants for Soldiers, their widows or minor children, «hi *re tr,tilted to Bounty Lands; also for the Location • f Ls ads. and the Purchase sad Sale of Land Warrant-. JOHN D. DAVIS, mhl lttf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Rcw Paper iianelugi. N‘>. 85 WOOD STREET. If INK FRENCH AND AMERICAN PARLOR PAPERS ; JIT i'i-.oc! In-c- nitle.ne. io gold, oak and marble; Hall Pepf'r u ,of various styles; i»K‘d : »nj I‘iuitt Paporf, for dining rooms and chamber*; Cln-ap r.ad low pririsl Wall Papers; Purler •, CVjlingn, Figures, Window Shades. A iurg- rnd complete of the above, selected f ( T scsion, v?Ill b? wdd ht the usual low price*. : ct 3 WALTER P. MARSHALL. 9400,000 a. i. UA'ixn ; nawiiL ani., jb. I3AGAS A AIIL, WIIOLESAI.It au-.l Retail Di »rs iu .Siltr, Fancy and Slavic DRY GOODS, Ncb 01 Marketand 8 Uulon »iTix’t, I'iUeburgh. apr4 K. wii S l r K ii O V ls‘K, HAANtY Si LR AND U\H)LKN DY’ER AND CLEANER, £7 Nv, 7 ISABELLA btnear the Emmet Hotel, LVfcALKIt In DOOTS. PHOKri, TRUNKS and LEGIIORN / and PRAID UAI’S, corner t-f Market and Liberty t*ls., No 174. Pilteburgh, Pa. jel4:y JO lift HITCUKLL, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DHUQQIST, ;tfk. a^ol UhiALfelß IN Fino Teas, Choice Family Grocorios and Willow Wara. CORK Eli OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. L~Bnow receiving a large assortment ot FRESH GOODS. in addition to hia already extensive stock, parchasad front first hfindsin the Extern markets, which, willbe sold at the !rv*>et market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and faxaliteii, buying by th* ■luautity, supplied at wholwsaie rates. iN?-Good* itelivere-i in the city tr»*n of charge. eep2l Stcansboatßf Alloy S Tns subscribero tender their acknow-fjv for the favors bestowed ppon\ML by their Steamboat friends, and would respectfully remind them and others interest- * | • «d iu buildiug boam, that they aro at all times prepared to f-jrah-h, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture end Cbuirß of the best material and work man-hip. T. B. YOUNG & CO- Oc rrrr Third and Smithficld streets, jyld, ’53 opposite “ Brown’s Hotel.” Mtt WAMELINK would resMctfully inform hl« pupils an iri«ndrf that ho will wntiuue hln protession a p lostnn-rn* . o tU PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orl*n< ten 1 Mr. R LEBER’S Music Store, or at his resi dence, No IS7 ECOND Street, will bo promptly attended to- *n6 Great Keductlou 1 N CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, nt 1 HAGAN Cl AHL’S, Vi'e will mark down on Monday, June 4th, cur entire :Uock of seasonable Dr; Gods, at r. large discount from former prices. We name, In pari, Borages and Tissues, U remidi oea, Crape de Eapagne, bummer Silks, Lawns of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Man tilljis, Challi Borages, Madonna Clothp, Ac.—-with a full and complete assortment cl Housekeeping Goods. my3l For lient, A FARM CONTAINING 63 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, witn a largtt and convenient D\V ELLING IDjUpE, recently built and of modern style; good Baru, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank oi ihe Mouongahtda rivnr, d miles above being one of the most Iviiutitul an i ptea.'tnr.t locati*.ea auywhore to be foun l. gtv-n '--n rheloreltu* lat nf April next. Kn-piirc ol H. CHILDS A CO., liiri.S.tf LUhWood Btri'-'f Paul ik Plurdoek, Commission and inmiwarding mkrouans, and J STKASIUOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Watorstreot,Cincinnati, Ohio. (apl:tf I. W. Chadwick, Dealer in rags and paper, no. 149 wood street, Piltrl-urgh. The bbjhret rric.e in ca--h paid for rogs. myl l:y Writing Cinsici—Dufl'i College. r pHE and Lidie.-i’ Day and Evening Writing L Cli*H-eswill continue open during the summer under Mr. J. I). Williams, who.se various styles of Gentlemen and Ladies’ Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of IVnmnnship are exhiDiled at the door but those executed by Uie Toucher in the Institution. The Principal claims no *’ monopoly” nor “ patent” ( r his business, nor did he get bis institution chartered to ;«li out, au has been repeatedly ,don>j> iu thin city. Gentlemen nud Ladio’ \isiting Onrda written in Mr. WHUhtitfi’ unequalled htyle. AH klndo of Ornamental Pen manship «x«< ut-d to order. mjr24:tlaw ! MOURNING goods. jj VAN OOP.DKR ha*? just received a large and j A beautiful of Mourning Collars, Sleeves and S-tw3 iu Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black lace and gauze Veils, biaok Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton, and sillc; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, in all qualities. Alexander ± Bajou’s biwt KU Glovea can always be found at No. 83 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Dia raond. novl7 HEW DBY GOODS STOBET I Iron Prt>nt«No,Bl Market street. OU K hour a hiiluir cow open tor the transaction of a x*ner al Dry UctfHlsbut'in'vw.Tre would respectfully solicit the of thu public, Volin* ronGilent that, from our ex* tensive and --HI ulork of SILKS, FANCY AND STAI’LK UOOD3, we run uuor such inducements as ▼!!! In tram entire sutinfactiou. lIAfMN A aiit Nos. n Market and 8 Unloo stoSst. >OuK; BOuKrfl lioOKdl BOUKoI Minsk Co’a N<) 32 SmithflelJ street, Is the place to purchase boob for nunrntr rending. Tbn most complete anil vurie j assortment of books In the citT can be found on our ebelrea. Persona leuvlne for the country rv.ll fln.l it to tll.iir advantage to call on us, ae we always make a deduction when selling a number at a time to one person. Doeatieks'Oreat Book, containing all hia letters. Com no” n,°, n u T’ “'•■•■vr.te-a—s 1. Fourth supply. The Old Farm House ; by Mrt. Caroline H. Butter Laing .Tro th “ M “ rr >' Monomaniacs; by the author )t Wild Western Scene.*. Sister llose; by Charles Diukans-12U rents. Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dickens— eta. Call lu and look over our counters and shelves, and sand for whatever you want in the book line to PLANES, PLANES, PLaNKS.— Highly Important to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, and Workers in Hard* wood, Irory and Veneers— Tho Fibore Plane 3 cannot be excelled In planing hard wood and Tensers. The attention of mechanics Is respect fully solicited. For pale at BOWN 4 TETLEY'S* j*23 _ 136 Wood street. XjUnk dkkss'goo. iUB.— A. A. MASON A CO. have just received another splendid lot ot Dress Goods, compri sing rich Plaid, Btriped end Figured Borages, Ttßsnes, Or gandies, Ao.'Ao., with come elegant styles of Flounced Be tsge Bofcw. [ *pB] 8( FIFTH ST. . ». - - ‘-•'m -*r -jfj,%■.. *•;■•*■ * *.'' ' * 1 '-t ;• :< s v'-''?- ;S > L^ r - r J V . •./ • •• '• ■ *• ' . MISCELLANEOUS. HEBBON & CBISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Allsuulst. Hay ward. Ko. 13.5 Wood Street, 11. CfiiMs*’ Sho*» Iloustj, Pit pbar?b. N**it -inr.r WM. A. M’CLIJKG, Instructions laMuilc* 91 MARKET STREET. H. MINER A CO., No. 32 Smi’.hflttlil ntreet. W. C. lIOP P Ell'S UNRIVALLED VENEER, HARDWOOB AND rVORT PLANES) MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES W. WOODWELIi, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. .JAU&3 CHUWSLL. Ware-room* 0? and 99 Third street* J- W. W. respectfully Informal* bis friends and customers that has now completed his spring Rfrv»fe Rgß of Furniture, which Is decidedly « *T I the largest and best ever offered fbr tale In this City, which will be sold at prices as low as any In the United States, fast or West. As he is determined to nphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility In manufacturing, he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers' Interest with his own, in quality and price, and keeps al ways on hand the greatest Tariety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The fallowing articles consist, in part, of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed In *ny of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plash and hair cloth; SO doc. Mahogany Chairs; SO do*. Walnut ** 50 Mahogany Booking ir 20 Walnut « 50 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut “ 50 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 ** •* Dressing Bureaus 50 u ** Waahstandsji 40 Enclosed “ 100 Common ** 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: SOWalnut “ 60 Cottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads. 20 Mahogany Wardrobes: 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry « 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 do*. Cane Seat Chalre; 24 Cane Seat Booking Chairs: 12 ladles’ Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Etigdires; Paper Mache Tables: Conversation Chairs; Pembroke u Elizabethan « . n*u Her « Eeceprion “ Ladies' Work « Pearl Inlaid * Extension Dining Tables; A™ " Ottomans; Gothic and Hall Chairs; of OOMM ON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabutit Mi ram? supplied with all ar ticles in their line. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to. *prs Arrival ef Spring end Summer Dry Goodi. AT. No. 99 N. W. SIDE OF WOOD STREET 11 a i lEoc f 4 CO., Importers and Jobbers in British, v • french and German DRY GOODS. Having receiv edonr large and extensive stock of spring and Bummer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part through our own importation, we feel safe in essnring onr oid customers, country merchants and city dealers goiters!, ly, that owing to these acqnirod facilities In purchasing, :rtTin°t? r rf Indocem ' nt3 t 0 bn J'" B “ ar» rarely met , °“ r „ dr7 .s o< r Jji B(ocl: b» found eubnana, do bbbLl otnnmth In™ of the most desirable decimal, mohair alpacas, plain black and fancy figured silks ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy costings, cassimcres, satinets, tweeds and summer panS looning; brown and black muslins, table diapers. * 'J" ,’J e , opened a eery largo assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Lecfcccn! JSi Tanct F of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; „ 50oda, fancy nettings, ;aconetts,muU and figured Bwica muslins and black silk coils, Ac. 6 'Ourcariety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, per cussion caps, threads, port monales, patent medicines, ior turnery, and almost every ertiele usually kent in the ca riety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver watches, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt Jewelry of newest patterns and a great variety of 30 honr and 8 day all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices for cash 0» ratislnctory reference. , N :S; —Aa nTl * call from '•nyers is rsspectfnily solicited. “ D. GREGG A CO. VA.\ OOltDhlliis TKIiuBUSG STORE, . ~vr w ,v,vf. S,, -> C ° P ’ Sn > Of I “? T KbCEIVING, a large and well selected ctcck of aU V the new styles of I.ADIKS' DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS • ’ Button., Galloons,' wiT’ Braids, Velvets, a a *?’ . CorjB ' Ribbons. of , Frtnch ’ B «** aa 'l Austrian KJIBIWIDiULEg, in Swiss, Jaconet and Lace. Collars, Edgings, Handkerchiefs, sIH> ™» , „ fnsertinga, Infants’Robes, " Chemisettes, Bandn, Cana A Walptn. full supply of Mourning GOODS: Crape «tts, Collars* Love and Gauze Veil*. Plain Linen getta, Blestcs. Gauze and Dotted Falls, mn, l A s , ™ Chemisettes, Italian andEng’h Crane. MATERIALS FOR EMBROIDERING—Stamped Collar! Bands and InaerUnca: French Working Cotton, Hoop? StUfato^and^Scissoiß? ° U Cl ° lh ’ El “^ Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Ribbons. nnnnSaf;° r VSf, nt of «BNTLEME,VS FURNISHING Collars, Cravats, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Pina, Needles, Buttons, Tapes, and everything in small wares • generally. . „?f r U4J ™' S E.D Qlovb, in white, black and colors. *- lzaa from No. dto No. 10, alwavs on fiand. Also—A good stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES—verv cht,a P- mh23 Sale or Public Property. IU accordance with instructions from tho War Denart parrment, tho SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and=TER. KOh, (No. 3, No. 4, and No. 6,) together with their equip ments, tackle, Ae. t w,u ho sold to tho highest bidder, at the points and dales following, to wit: ’ At Napoleon, Arkansas, on Saturday, tho 30th dav of June, between tho hours of 10 A. M , and 2 P.M.. the email twin bnag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments Ac, in lota or parcels, to bo designated in printed hand-bills prepared for the occasion. At 6t. Louis, near the Marine Railway, on Saturday, the 7th day of July next, between the hours of 10 A. M., and 2 P. M., the two large twin Snag Boats, BELL and SEVIER, together with tbeir equipments, 4c., in lota or parcels for each boat, to be designated os before in hand-bills. The items to be sold will be classed nnder the following general head for each of the boats, Tig: B Ist—Hulls, cabins and upper works. 2d—Double engines and boilers, complete. 3d—Equipments, including large purchase chains, an chors, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yowls, tools, ftc. 4th—Cooking apparatus and other ftimiture. The boats are scarcely two years old, round and substan tially built, and well adapted for use as Cotton Boats. Dlvlna Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac., Ac. 8 Their engines are constructed in the most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about 1&5 feet long, -2 feet beam fur each hull, exclusive of their snag rooms and wheel houses,and 12 feet between the hulls. The Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam for each hull, and 10 feet between the hulls. TERMS OF SALE—The Bell and Terror will be sold fbr cash, payable on the days of their sale, The terms of sale for the Sevier will be made known on the day of sale In all cases the privilege of dismantling tho boats of all articles sold to different individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time in favor of ths purchasers of said articles Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premises and judge of their value. S. H. LONG, L’t. 001. T. K, Sup’t W. B- Imp’ts. Bt. Louis, June 7th, 1855. jell&tawt* JOSEPH WOGIUDGE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 38 OoiQ&JICIAL, BXLOW JPIRI ST&UT, St* Louli, RXo»t /CONSIGNMENTS aCslCommjflgionswillmeetwith prompt \_j and personal attention, and liberal c doan&S will be given when required, on Consignments or Bills of Lading. in hana. Order*for the purchase of Load,Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market price*. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandize and Pro. duce will meet with eapccialoare and dispatch; the lowest rates or Freight will always be procuxoa,and the expense ol Btorageand Drayagoaa much.aapoeaible avoided. mtbrikcm: Pag?4Bacon, Bt.Louis; Ellis 4 Morton, Cincinnati Ohai less,Blow 4 Co., do; Strader 4 Gorman, do* Chouteau 4 Valle, do; Hosea 4 Fraser, do* Doan,King*Co., do; Springer4Whiteman, do: J.W. Butler 4 Bro.,Pittabh; E.O.Gooodman 4Co do* D. Leech 4 Co., do; E. 40. Yarnall 4 Co.,Phllmda: Wm. Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J. JL Buck 4 Morgan* Blow 4 March, New York. B. B.Comegys, do* Frost 4Forrest, do; Shields 4 Miller, do; Charles A.Meigs, do; Joriah Lee * Co., Baltimore. A.G.Farwell4Oo.,Boston; AbrahamJ.Cole, do Howard, Son 4 Co., do; W.B.Reynolds, Louisville H.D. Newcomb 4 Bro- do: T.o.Twicbell4 Co.,Commission Merchants, New Orleans. have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by Utter per mail,or when endorsed on bilUofloding before,or atthe time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGE, * Q BO Bt. Louis, Missouri. William A. HIU 4 Co., " BANKERS, H„ &o. 64 Wood street, Pittsburgh. OLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS:— 40 ehares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Monongahela Navigation Company; 20 do Citizens’ Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds; $5,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $5,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. fseps:dlw*wtf c. b. vriLswa. joszru tunzwia. WILKINS A CO. (Socotssoas to A. Wilkcts 4 Co.) Have removed their office to no. 76 fourth street, two doors east of their old stand, where they will continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COM MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS in all its branches as heretofore. ’ Wanth>— ' Twenty-five Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock jylg WILKINB 4 CO. * B - & JoB (Successors to A. Wilkins 4 Co) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS No. 71 Fourth fbrui, Pitt&urgh ’ IN THE numerous suspensions of Bints mil Bark.,. throughout the country during the last rir months Tue are satisfied that in almost every Instance thidr trebles have grown outof a departure from their legitimate bmd ness; and we, therefore, take occasion to are ire thenublic “ «>»t to speculations | n stocks," or P oth« ‘•ontside bperahons," shall tempt ns from the strict and £ Ultimate line of our business—believing that In avoldlns all such investments vre shall not only b« better able to serve our customers and. 'ensure their safely but that in adopting such a cooreo we shall promote our own ultimate benefit- [ [febsJ W. 4 CO. MAGAZINKB, BOOKS, Ac.— Ladies’ Gazette of Fashion, for August; Harper’s Magazine, '-'do Putnam’s do do Graham's do do Godey’s Lady’s Book, do Peterson’s Ladies’ Magazine, do BOOKS—A Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol • Star Papers, by Henry Ward Brother. ’ J ust received and for sale by IvSl >*• OILDENFENNHY * 00, Jy 3l nrth «t, opposlt. th, Theatre. - Jc NUMBER 281. BATES OP ADVERTISING AGREED. UTOK ST TSE FITTSBUXOB ffiXU USIJ SOarPAAltt, 0« liw; : Qf f-jucre, on® insertion.... 60 “ 41 each additional Insertion ...... 36 “ 14 oco wwk. 1 7ft ” “ two weeka,..,. 800 '* “ Ikf** week®......-.. ................ 400 “ “ f>n- month....- ft 00 “ two months - TOf ** three months.... 9 00 “ “ four months —......a............... 10 00 M ** rix months _ ISO# *' “ on* year- IB 00 3tanding Card, bU lines or loss, per anntaa-.«....»..4« 10 00 it ruAsußi: One square, per annum, (excltuWa ot th* 36 00 THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, JB9- Ba. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered In ona of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures EVERY KINO OF HUMOR, from the worst Scroflula down to a common plmpla. He has tried St in over 1100 esses, and never failed except In two cases, (both thunder humor). He has now In hla possession over two hundred certificate* of Its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles we warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimple* on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the system of PH** Two bottles ore warranted to cure the worst in the Mouth and Stomach. Three to five bottles ore warranted to cure the wont case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure ail jHumor In 'the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure Running of the Ears and Blotches among the Hair. Four to els bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. One bottle will oure Scaly Eruption of the Skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst east of Ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to core the most dee* perate case of Rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted- to oure the Salt Rhanm. Five to eight bottles will core the worst case of Sorofnle. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect core is warranted when the above Quantity is taken. ~ Reader, I .peddled over a thousand bottles of thlain the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every ease go sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never Bold a bottle of it out.that sold another; after a trial, it always speaks for itself. There are uro things about this herb that appear to me surprising: first, that it grows In our pastures, in some placeft quite plenti ful, and yet its value has never been known until I qLjcot ered it in 184&—-second, that it ehould cure all kinds of bumor. 4 ... . ■ K ■ In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of tne discovery, I,will state that in April, 18ft3, I peddled it and raid about six bottles per day—la April, 18M, 1 Eold over one thousand bottle® per day of It. borne of tho wholesale druggists, who have been In busi ness twenty and thirty years, Buy that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever Like it. There is a universal praieo of It from ell quarters. 1 In my own practice I alvrojß kept It strictly for hnmors, but since its introduction as a general family medicine, groat and wonderful virtues have been found in It that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease whiohwas always considered incurable—have been cored by a few bottles. O, what a mercy if It will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady; there aro but few who have seen more of it tfian I have. ■ 1 I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged ■peo ple, eured by it. For tho various diseases of the Liver, &ck Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma,Fever and Ague, Pain farthe Side, Diseases of tho Spino, and particularly In Disease? of the Kidnoys, dee., the discovery has done more* good than any medicine otqt known. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you get, and enough cfiL - Directions for tie.—Adults, one table spoonful per day. Children over ten years, dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can'bo applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the howols twice a day- -» Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren s'., Rnrbury, Mass. Price, ' •* Dr. GEO. H. KEVfIKR, No. ID Wood street-PittKfcnrjh -Is., Gon.ral Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny !i y- '■ my29Maw’ Substitute for the N«w Liquor Lawi-'Jli, URBAN’S ANTI-BACCHANALIAN ELIXIR, a safe and pure remedy ibr the cure of INTEMPERANCE. A concentrated vegetable extract, and as a tonic is une qualled. Forthefollowiogcomplaintsit isa most valuable medicine: Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Epilepsy,Neuralgia. Piles, Fei'erso/all kinds, Delirium Tremens, General Debility, This medicine is intended to produce a change in the sys tem, and n distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several instances where we have Bold it, we have had tho most gratifying results; so, to persqus who are really desirous.pf breaking off tho indulgence in'intoXicaliug-beveragea, this elixir win be a great help. Sold at SI per bottle at the Drug Store of DR. GEO. H. GEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, rign of the Golden Mortar. ap2s:dsw Harrell’s Indian Liniment) Tor Rheumatism, Bruises, Pains in the Back, Side-Sores <rf uU kinds. • [A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.] CosmsßLAxn, March 19,1855. Mr. H.G. 0. Caret, Zanesville —Dear Sir: May we «ntfc the favor of you to send us twenty-four dozen HARRELL’S INDIAN LINIMENT? Please send it without delay, as we have not half a dozen bottles on hand, and it cannot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint us. ******* ™ Respectfully, yours, Ac. Beall 4 Watts. For sale wholesale and retail at DR. GEO. H. GEYSER’S •rug Store, No. 140 Wood street, comer of Virgin alley: also fay JOEL MOHLER, Liberty street. «** Cough. Remedies. —lr. Geyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Geyser’s Pectoral Syrup will euro Bronchitis. Dr. Geyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis. Dr. Geyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Geyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure a cold in the bead. Dr. Geyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Con* gumption A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Ycatch, of Rokeby, Ohio, says: u I want you to send mo two bottles of your Pectoral Byrup by mail. There is a lady here who baa a cough and the doctors can’t cure her. I was in tho tame way, and tried everything without benefit, until I got a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup; I took it but twlca, and it cured me sound and well." • Ask fbr Dr. Etyebr’b Pectoral Sirup and take no othor. Price, 50 cents. Sold at DR. KEYSER’S, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. p. FLEMING’S, Allegheny. ap2sriow 49" Marsh’s Radical Care ’Trass will euro nearly eTery case of reducuablo Hernia. Trasses at various prices always on hand. Children’s Trusses of different forms and strength for sale. Elastic Stockings for varicose or enlarged veins. Abdomnlal Suppor ters-A dozen different kinds. Pilo, Props for the rapport and cure of Piles. Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Chept, and many diseases of the Chen. Suspension Bandages. AU these articles may be bad or applied at DU. KEY SER’S Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar; or will be sent to any part of the country by Bending the money and measure. ap2salaw 49" Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beauti fying the Complexion, and eradicating all TAH, PIUFLXS and Fsxoeleb from the face. Sold at Dr. GEYSER’S, 140 Wood j mn3o PisEKI N TEA STORE. S. JAYNES. No. 88 Fifth at., one door east of Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa., Green asm black teas, selected with great care, and purchased direct from the importers, for Ouh. The etock consists of all the different flavors and grades of TEA brought to the American market, and will be sold, wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. BETAIL GROCERS ate invited to call and get samples, and learn our prices. packed teas, Put up in mda&ic packages, expressly for the trade: Young Hyson No. 1, Imperial No. 1, “ ’• No. 2, “ No. 2, “ “ No. 3, Oolong No. 1, ** “ No. 4, “ No. 2, Silver Loaf Young Hyson, Plantation Oolong, Gunpowder No. 1, Souchong, “ No. 2, King Young Souchong, English Breakfast, Old Country Black. TEAS OF ALL GRADES BT THE HALF CHEST —ALSO— COFFEE—Fine Java and Rio. IX)VERING’S SUGARS—Crushed; Coarse*Pulverized* Pulverized A; While Clarified C; Yellow Clarified and best New Orleans. BAKERS BtIOMA, COCOA and CHOCOLATE, etoetc - Long experience In the bu&incta is a sure guarantee’ that every article sold will be as represented. This old established store has no connection with anv other house m the ciiy. v wwtcr Customers are warned not to placo any confidence in the SbLbhm^nt? 113 ° f p<Jrsotu formerl ? employed in this Et- Agent, by special appointment, for the sale of DB. JAYNE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES• Also, for tfc « sale of - . J**' L. JOHNSON’S TYPE. INK. Ao. NISW ANJJ VALUAIiuo At DAVISON’S LOOK STORE ni-tory or th. Chrtßhn “hurc'hfbv ‘ L tu r e to„ i ; t A,rP <!bl sT Th ' ! »«« “ bSSS and Na nl All-wise and BeniUoent Creator. Eater U * D 8 Note Booh of an English Opium rr.i« aD< * Nations Compared in ib*lr three lold relations to wealth, mcrairr'aad morality; by F»ev. Roussel, of Paris. i Adventures of Arnijas Lee; b}* Rev. Chas. Kingsley. Notes of a Theological Student. Mrs. Jamison’s Common-Place Rook of Thoughts, Memo ries and Panciea. Star Papers; by Henry Ward Beecher. Which ?—The Light or tbo tr-ft? Footsteps of St. Paul. The Dead In Christ; by Brown. Philip Colville ; by Kennedy. The Words and Mind of Jean* Kitto’e Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. Dr. Alcoti’s Works. The Young Housekeeper. The Voung Wife. The Yfauog Mother The Young Husband—Health, Ac. Harbangtrs vols. ou Future Life. Camming’e Works. ... M l f Em n 8? ls ‘“SfOTt and the Holy Land. l P,n ®, P * s^’’ IJlank »nd Butionorr f Fo * sale ut Eastern prices, by ry _ , j. a. davisqn. ft «rUd. Q “ ltKS ' »<*“*«■ -il2 L_ W. «. SCHJIKRTZ. ’ John Groutt. rti B .°. , t g e Kl f fe D h ,Uller,C<,rl ' et ° f BmithtMll and Frnr.t, S^lfi NNU tv L ® ALE -— A - A. MASON A CO. hate re th" l“f« lot of D« Laiaea. Good Mous do Ltinei at per yard; Gold Medal do. 12V4 rente. Hue EKeged»iUlne« IQ and “sio »4 -L; i T -7 > ')■-'■' r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers