1 - - 1 ' • 1 v * <. “S • , , . f'- 1 i * « <ft. ; \ iH f" -•"•,•• •.a ;■ ■*■ - v 1 * •*-' v * ‘ >* 4t*\ .U : v r ; J V 4 »' aV O » I- 1 --*.'v'’i Am i ~■ ■ * . . - ■ • ■„• «•: * >+i . p ‘nt -7 „ V s .*•s . 1 . ' S'* * ‘ l l V‘ m? * .y ‘i )» *, •• ■ .> • ’ , 4 1 *. &i .•* i:•. ** ..*. , 1 I' V . v I • . ■• • . J <u .•- ;,} I ~ <:., • ••■ . ■' A ! .' ‘ft; •■- ft v' ‘'* ;■'• ” V'.’ ft ‘-a;,- :\,V; v- ; :.r«v '-VO 1 -• ’•■ 4.0 k,v ;„ -'O' ->:>■ nOi'O'OM' •*.vc; V ; •. f■ £ * 'if } v av*, I v>, t.\:'tf^\“ V "Or i.T.j -u t * I-.* ' - •*» ; »• » v.V *• • \ * *'* ■> 'f * •“» ■» . * / ■ :*r.i • *■ ; .1 >. . ' J 1.-. •-! j * '-.V . 4 ~.VV •Apl.-fl C { V - >'; t . f /, I -v* \> r:" f i *>U t : c ‘ ,c; i m * /»'>• :tt a^wv<*(; ’ r.l*** - ? V; *j’ '<:*• rf?-' tj V/.t.* /• * ■ 'Tj'- v ■ j. n j ;:m A" f£e\Y‘' '%v>>rvr : . t , fWXc; ■ !: *■' \f. -k'.tc': fl.::'.'. ’’i > ft Vi ''f'i ',*7-;<;•■: •f- < '.y. - KW:*- - V,.;;tAv i!Vf 1 t*'i''•V- IV'-'J i*k~i s^ t . ■f»• v .-• •'v; :i *'.*.■:«;*. .- •>.- fr I r.: J • c:- 1 : r!C' : 'A ; .* '*[: , f- -* r"i • r^ , I v *^ , T/ ,,, o : ''' ,,, 's' • ' X - r ‘r-'' t '"■* •• «S'.’;• I• *. .• .*.'!• :>•■"!<;;?■••■■!;?•:'p\t; *»'«: .'V-v'^;'•''':• *•■•»-’.'(: ,- *v- ~ ; ' r u ; "'■ .•■: • , 'tUS ;V ' ‘,'i' .’■' ' V’V'?;' .•!/••-,V- ’ ''V iv , '.fif-iV-S' ‘‘i “.;.y}Hy '■ r i „i cj;,-P- ■.!•;•’, "71. -iv.A r | ..?{ < ' < ' t7Vu T r-:J.; f-r, A’j 1 ,J ~ ■?. ..<! «••• *• btwo, ,*>* ■ *•■*«..?l k~ a VrA"-^>.•.-•!.-i.-'..'-..v.'V': - J - ■ f J?iU77iond, Pittsburgh Pi if'’*' «•■ J &S s IHS , Sr J l^ s s L pi H iViisiSipspill Er'^stSSSSi! j* 4 4 v i*-r‘i'*- t,"5 T’HB EtibHa-ibew ha?e opened & hoaaa for thn «k j-*(. i v^'" T •'• ;• .'VJ ? r -'A^ux/,*:, oT',•%.'•*!*'l X PO3C, «i No. 17 » tbe B^ OTe P^r- SH^sa@a®r*s* k‘, f ; jiV{"r tj JV0.38 RoM " ; SeSSS«SffI , 4SSSS?*^«s? W?v- 5%5-' •’q ~ “ •. r.i-5 T ''; •.-' a-c- 5*7x3 MjTrfV.W' ; - V! ■ ' >-'' '•’■/* * i V<s- .tT -S ,-A. h--':.l ‘-V '£<■s -,* W-t J. > - fV i r-' O'' •-' •‘-'■s '■■ v- «<,’ r »iv : !i A; • V-t f 3 '? u i’ .U4.V v-v •’ *-* '■ r -- ■’ A' t ' <£ f» -iv• .•. ■, -v ~ i'. “■ v^v: %V f- f ' :•'? I OIT- - S - •'^•r' *- ;r-v aW .'• 1 i ?: 'V^-v-v-'.-Vf. h i f - *~ . .. . £f^eo/-f' ■IZ-h'iSS' - T , *.VI , v. A ft •; - - -•; .■ • ••• J’f.'-O-': >' * ... V-. -A‘ iv 1 --.- AV - ;; !■< .ft ■? ; * ■- - -ft- , • v ;I- " ft' ..' .-■. *;.< - • * *v»» feCfO »fy ;ft--:< ,v - : K-i'ft"ftV- - ft - ' •” V 4 ' ftft'ftvftift'.',-'"; ift" ft v - - - t : v / E,. .r-'v.r': - *• ! *.* r • \ 'V »<■*:•* ■ **v-i : > • - h .i,V v *; WV’w V * . r ' • ' -”SV; -• ryi " • • \ ...»•*• » r |.noosws,?®®sS ooa CH FACTORT. <~V«« Wood steMt, Pltto. '" ; >- V -‘ 'teas»&a«««"»■.•:,sas work TifrahtM ; : •■' ilP"' V:v^..V 4 i/;r : ~; :..",:z . c .. ~:-,_:.:. .., , ,- t . _ B. CURUffn oward DiTaaiDoi ".''.l BGcraTsoN, M^sSSRg^SS;",, 14 Wmj ,lreet ' lo™'e°^ Ja of «U M „ re . nd Window Glus, .t j TpOffluSufraS®""’ T*rioua cw,* 13150 “PP I ! of all the -♦ J'Si’ Roym«r 4lfc AniieM^Jf Bt J * * SD * B soa. WHOISSS°dI J tes J S h "r e |^ eS I £ ° o^ TV Confectionary, Sugars,4c. Ntv lfw^* Nnti ’ rfta the St Charlw «»«, oppo! and Bookseller, a Sgeral assortment EchtSl l,w *?‘ °n hand fooke. Printing, Postaud aD!i Blank Wo»J ctreat, balon^inh’J'h"kolesaleand re ■63-Wanted, Kbits and «kie, Plttatmnfh. *■—' jgcrapa. .&pls:lr warns —=s-5 ___ mr Minor 6s, lUck«£ST'° :, > Plt^ur K h. oonatactly. &&i5 /rp - Wiu. Carr & Co., ' * Of.the firm of J Par-tar A fV. l 3K£wsSSE£SaBSSS CLOTHING AND STOIiP M« a n n r A *» „ Kfth street, Plt^barghf 1 sood style, tod at moderate rated. augfetf QfiOCEas, Kid De&lenin Pro*uca,For A—-- ' A. Timtle. “ e§SlikTrosr 0I v a it LB “* “«W1 Saddle, Harness _______□ .j. _ J-U.ltteiior, ‘ ■— Woid Mnsl °' Bcboo ' 800^ I m"s’t!S!^ r ,X e “ 24 ■ ■ '■ ■•.«» •— - x J>ol -. AND'roSmgStM CMEEOHANTB - Worka " ,M “" Tjomifi™3*>aK<j,. H onW 4118 Mention or BporUD ooi»l?^pSi!lBi*J^rfe ns *>rtment of dans, ltio». and id,” KSSfesSS goods; by EeIIID2at nmderntenrhS? JIS'l. 00 i° te< Lfi t 0 ot to buelniito P E. OT ' V' I *!* clom ““"ration old at ‘ M i f Il«‘‘onaga/ To my • years past so liberal?* n . G®oera] r who bare for maov ;; buatoesvl return mv '< ItrfttTora. ‘ * *“■ n «'rflna a continuance of elmf. ■J rittjbnrgh, AprU 11, 1856 W. W. WILSON. WATtmMa’g^o^^lL * Ctoney. ' 67 SILVmMITns, Jhartota inall Bo^ea.sSjSS >n the most twioßaHe terrain T!ain-i attended to xst Eastern tvnlS? *? *J 1 -ttelxTOrkil,ft tent that aU »St&n fBel «- «• Wtron,g ' vwJll b “ PotcHtsers are requested to etva n* • «a«n *.„» teg elsewhere. • TOll3 * caU> befcre purcha : - —-• • - oot6:l y (onMenttut,Vl wk?ms°r«r!S S 'is!* blo tl [*P ß - JtMrfcil B*. trill ftror ttom tritE^ejr jigtriia. ThrPlttslS?:/,,?, 115 ®? 1 °“ trial. thelr worli.. ’ •> mloatS^| h rin° J t^‘,°^ eiltgr oninibas ” f a- ~ t L ;-y. Jr; •' PmsßuS^Vr?' aniuFT ■t ' - ■r^'i r , w „ ®*° re ond for ule by •w wood m oppo.lt, ut, Bt Obui,, l^ r : i r-:T> :f- * •-t ■■■. ' '■. T. : ,• •■; ; . ■' '■• f ,'■'••'■.•• - „■•< <-."?:% »’•- «e* «?'"'T't''-- £ V*tU .- k -. -' »r_ ’’ *- j. J ; V, .v V -"• ;•-‘‘ * »• *.«• r..' 1 , v .. ;.•'" if;! K. C' f** •-* * / f\K*i J v r ’ r , , ■'>; >*■>?■l^2.r' : "“,v: •f-c, VV>'’»» '-. *»,»£«> u '•■,.! I*- t V»* f; «Y*' W«£*'•"frl"* ", v *•> ,>•■>■• ■" ,r 4, ," ■■■ ”” • . '■_ ■■. •„ . i,pf -v • *, :■ t ■ *• s’ --■ ~. • .> .. ■* - r ,*?.n *•*• v-vw l •*• * :■ DAILY; MOEN3BSPS’ %)ST BT QIU.MnHBIT!'? fSindag, excpttd.) on tHi “WMoaBIIV, *- >PC*hBB [OP- V&OD iKD Firrfl STBXBI3. • iwncef** y*»i p*TiM«etriotl> lh’ within th» *•“ <B«rt»Mjr be required if not pild OosMd B^ C th^jS,|^*B®^ i,lf “‘ l * *>U» wnntor In the PahlhihM POST ’" I Umeof the larffut Job Putt PEOMMpNAL cards! 1 AS^lggggJJ ATTOBNEr — .Wsyiman. r. nt *“" A — - --Se Pe • os, PPORNIVZ AT Le.W-bt0.1.09 Fourth street, , Pats tharth door below Mr. golly Patterson's Livery U. Orlando Looter la2B ..(1. A =ORM AT LAW--Oteee,-Pourth attest, above Woad. .04:i . . Attorney- a?I/w.SI!£ “ all an • ~ . Chuny alley »nil QrimtSil£?/ auttfa atree '. be twee rrr ~"" 1 i? 2^ ~ taaT27rr AL » B /~\VFIOK oornor Grant and FifVh ® ® WARD a**»*aSa^^i£^-«oshj?sh l s^si«j , febl:3n 3£*“ dl6^ ~ jaS:| toUl Btrwt * AUh?f D th ° C * nal «* to the office of an AHm... artt * business •pDertalnfmr " ust,TO or twiT wf W i *oUlor documents, drawn with - - febl2:tf from 2 tp6 o > ?loc^oa« houra, from 8 to l o’clock, and feb!s:ly j NIIaT > toart & street, Ore doom HOC “- r «‘“ nlne A. H. to :..•; deeSKfcy . BUSINESS Cards' pOBNBE ooniuLfitiT qn hand a fall a&aortnH'^ I kwp* «ll < hT^ ,tlios ’ F ««riPtlona MrrfuUj oomtmaM a t jKSy Joss FUtfota. HUtiao. S^^SS ! ss“s,a« fs®@ssa^s , «-s?£a fessss^SSS^as; - ~ '* >br3:l w " j Plane ‘ on too.? 04 PUnl[ ' P*“M ooobo orlK.thSs4rJsS.tr oifS 4 miaeto tod U totbet, aa„ wlU> plaoS a. maioir. ' fcKLL AM) Plmnlli k,D f B - Cf Bag Wcrfr, T^mcS d Tr^ i r£? tCt ?? rß Cf f®b9;ly M» Oairf.. .. ——«« W burgh. Pi. ‘ By * No - 1J WooU «tre«t, putg. «0»1 SS * *“4 Oralej, £*r°t S»t«T T " i| £V? » n i F “oy fiUllo* Vi» D »g 1 rtrnu, BUg»r Kettle T2 t 5 b i?| fotF "’ I w, a. w Smith, 1 • F ' febO te™.BSsni§ls«^L CHICAGO, lI,LINOS. ' Pnremoir. d<toii jam “■ BaD ' jß ‘ s - Ip the “ mhlfcdtf D °k’ Wiiconaiii, Michigan and Indigos. J.M b U ;? h ß eTJi^S Q^ a ' «-« dta,,. b «'a™ Of ua flm mu SSfISSf".: OB tb» S7lh hSHb, tUir “ to * Pittsburgh, SfPtOß^^is^^ B^ 1 ' Pwta.r. St ~'. Plo-gh h t*inga, Bnas Nut T*Bw?°f£ir ngB i and EUptle iUo^ cM |S Q N i^2£fSrsli fp^t » Scr * w / M ‘ u “* PiUeborgfc, p* Curnßr °* Km* tud First atrests, Gct2:lj Hite JQBZ3 !-»»»* BU.. octaiT TeM * L itoa amt l‘trs: streTt! 1 «#2mmauss£zz sßsaSSraS !&S: s«s SCHOOL, whietfySnJ • HIDISfI tatjon, undeniably Ixexia } c, ??®® <^oUfae ss«nd*dftp. United Steiei li ln the tl-* city, while its high end from * I lllll * of ciajly suited to tbsorom renders It espe -3* ->xercta, tO S* CtS'Sffl 1 ;™ 1 the proprietorpledges htaseim.t no Ml^S * n ' 1 will fce spftnd to m*k* »hia e„ , psini or vzpsci^ esteblUhtneat the Orst in the ! ' ost22tf ] MSgf^^pbuna SHSSSHsjBSS ftrOil hlmlJE!, M MJrttall. Vuniih jKa* s - a’-sast,. S a:?/:!£;“^.,.sr.js*£,« s | O.U «i H* 21 81.01 al r_BUPlt taborßh. r mh2(>lf j SSffiSdUSSißts. recovered he has an aaortoexit oftfrYsna**rr? B^ ’ ITfaffre fscty warned *nd aUk trtmwlSSL ll^? ** th P ia{ o aad A?"?*"* “ oli work li warranted to rira t,rms - Ula •**•0111 BUndj rapS^j^ or m°n»y refunded. m^l P p‘'“' e ‘ T * hto ‘«U.«b.a,n’tbobe,ttn work -1 S PyT;IT «S3;S?lisS3iKj& commend (henew firm fcn th. I oordiallrro ntteburgh,3uTy 2?m? pttroa4 S« «J my friend?. 1 MILLER, 8. 8. LOSQ JBO. ? HILL Jr 3. IJELL AND DBAM BODKrftna „ . „ inrlta •jVemtoo to tttlr BtB,Pendsnta, and ,thJw££2" %ofl t d<d i”** Brack ' a s > »ndPt»»in, m»>» with furnish R«tlroadPuininusdlBnk?iM.? klaii to order, Attrition Metal .^^ .2 s’ .‘»<l lw>P Anti- HO^ior iVS? 'MANDPACTORr. *»** u “ rw Buruhawra will flttlifc to their idvtn^L^ 1 * la thl» city. esUbliahiaeiitand«*amlaef6r(i ieias «|^. t f' t to Insure their eastern, - _*?“?!-?«. oeed - Vbw R '“ emb " ,ho Pa^aecMN ———■——-• ■ ■ - - o. d. J- tare and Mil BWEENIHPS Hot* tofracMiNQ FuaNA^iJwff^2SwvS^ A^? l BMoKE contract for beiflflA AttfldliS*S»K'S?*®* I i ft cowers,and Fnruaca ncnrterSiS~7i^aSvoi^-.S^ 4 y J&U{S B. :•' ■ • : -. • , ■! :*«uiiZ;viZ£r-* am J-uua <^!^lj. SSy of M H«^ g h : ; KCtnOVAl* '•: ■•■■ ..Vi - . ~ Clarei Boltin Wine and First -, m M 4 13$ — * i , mh2B DSRAQB burgh, p». Wooi featow Birth, Pitt* RAO8 The bl « h “ ,t ault *» PMW.m-OASU, P. 1,1 ror ,Vt>2o:ly» JOM , , , M Afattif fitxATtTUfi, burgh. °°* ap!B.: ,j Confectionary bt^gg^^^WMWt-WMI Htfsbnrgh, Man* J 8M _: *&*&■ J - MPEEBON. Pltfa6ur»h.Mßwh »th »«*• - JOSHUA KHODBB. „ 1 '. ' ’ . —•- £ phinqeh' Hiai(inan , *7s , \ O 205 Libert/sJSet?^ 8 ?- 4 J “” remorsd to No. : SStlk®B#C Unß -4 Pw4uM B ‘ n,rAlls '' No ' 2Bs L,^r •■ ’ - v ,«'*r j _■ ~•v * •- -*'!>■*.-.£*&* * * -V--- BUSINESS CARDS —!L UI T 3TUL —l>. D. loOfiis. Spring Slock of Hamburg ’ ofoppr,-. tb ° irn ™ extract from a letter of nt Pro&£sors - Tl» following la eu , „ . pbofebsor henry nonitnrtr of which he myself, hare a gold 'rnrtramen^lnd’’’™** 1 ' 1 ’ mu,t ’ ,rith oow which c»n satisfy mu. ' Dt * ouni ar « Lho onlj tcima. I, ffka. 0 ?)* 110 mo i" t ““““taodutlng elnatlc touch and the tono'of ycura"' 1 ' 1 ' ‘* y lm, “ ” ot U, ° “1 remaln. TourB, reepertfull}-, For eale by CIMRLorrE BLUM?' , , l ,‘ b “ r Eh, Pa.” Ilfihed Plano Depot,” 11 8 Wood etreatSlV' 0 '.d' 1 * Bahib. Alan.sole Agent for IdtteourS an? J . J ,bo '° ri,th for hallrj, Davit tC CVrßjjbm Pol. We f*°. r . n P«"»jlvanla wn dtlea are cooeldered «upUlf r t o 3 ii' , ‘ti', ln tho Bast Kanna A Clark's, cut whloh&ct ia'not Cbiokwln S’» or *« they hare bn! lately bean , t ' T , oly k “"«. N«w Yon and Philadelphia rEf . ! l h ? re -> * nJ »'her prices front $226 to SSOO. l«nos, of the beet makcra, at - Notice to W tin in *• — ~—— rr®fl PDBUO SPUING BALKS o*LuV O t, , [ C '^“• jL Chester are now closed, and th« tstmo at p.o fatrJy commenced; Uvory dti2eo baa ployed. Even SO of 10 S7* toulS o hlv' ba "“' Mna the present Sprino, find coniit™, ,?.„i b ooomo clti a few daya a hundred Lalliea morewl “b^„oufrSd°, n ‘ 1 in *7 on the work Of thenreeent aeawn r8 'l“lrod tocar ' The Git Building HttnbUthmtnt <j *»,*,_ .and will be In full operation In JuDe !m l ,leU ™, ready for delivery, by P con,r« °the “t £‘ WUI bo .dTOa<M°for Imm^irtety.ttl'namwSoSlri'nr’ ll *■“ •%*£} PfO’-Wy employ fronronato' t wota“S m ” ~t- wminent wminent brlcbmaber from Pittabunpj, ~chtk«l nine large iota, and contracted tn Si,™ JUBt |hrtt W lth_Wo jo kbricb 5 hlSd.? 00 *** wort the present iha o*her T a?d* J nco established in / J firJa heret o^re •Our Stow fiuarrier are already alive irirli tr,i. the road leading to them lined with teams k ’ ' tud lumber is becomin gabundafit and cTuav and » tnllfloon spring up to relievo aom*. nr n J iT U tanem< 'n , s now have 5 families,! frtXa, “faSte ’ ,hlcb them 2 famtUesplth ' - i “Y ji - an “ dozens of iJK orfeSisH; •"» "? Peon re good bargains subscriber iußoobestef, : Terms- ■<down £ i!? « Ule andKintwoyeara. .; '» nmu?r llt ■ few Jot * <» n yet be had at tmumuV’ for before tha 20. h May. Thea! lota s,re $ ,re [ utual city lota, viz: 40 feet bv 12:, . W ‘ . a ' 4 . ffnly.lrom $1,60t0 s2soner Pot Tb’ tlw price |&3sf sSIfMSS fi i “ ‘ “V- 115£SSSg~5 .-s-,7irS.-, business cards J* L« Q&fthftll raL H«tg ana Capa. «••»* “<1 «»mia« for your«S”“ nr HE^uts?o?' l wnNfla-m “« r »wp. X tors of Uio.PlrraßDKUH^’jSSrKr^*^ o - Proprie- W,,^, 2n?”,* ni “ yle of WVINOSTOH c»P P ifA“S , ; s ,' J . U n J “ r l!,e '" ll UP the tfSrtk®™ * co ■ »“o i Jims M'ClOaKli John -COSBELIOB M'CLOaKXY. cuaxts, E no SSj *AJirZ7. of pnblio patronage. solicit a ahar# « l l“»»pSi?e^. S * neifl ° f wiU 1,0 *eUled by them ttJy dinntfc —‘ —---'■- fab9 , J. or^To p«s, w rranrh Lalhln. OtLi', 1 Jon " y , O'" 11 '. Slip- S «J BM «no gatlo Oa°* “ „P,h„ k" y “ lor “"J »b«r£ JataiLn iS3 £l3”^ Al,v n ' BM o[ as k^SS}'“" s i-“ *“ PLOWKRS Tiz Sina i.t ! " nl,h V, l ofth„ Snrst ET CT *r»n.‘(ta U r is“ f U ' U »'«P«. •»“ IJrirth-uttura) Stow.' No. l!F lm , wS>J ’ ‘’o' 1 any wor.law JTM, ICO Te™ ’'”' J 13 ffib] unu cocub fctta - - - fiWV THEBB «KM°O?L!*" O attached, aod a i> ,hTt ;L\,7 * V U > wjvh . acre? of Coal fol op*ration. Said Farm ia^itn*f J^° tB t V ryOD >n bu«*«*». rtrer, 31 o>il M th " « OMS.hrl. c i l oMunL f r P : ,«!cl“° J 4 J nt ;' •* «n**- MOUOLt'oN i p-YNK, Ko. 235 Liberty ptoet. tot. b th.omc »t pleasure. “*7 oould gout the cl ty ««tor*d rtght after referred tobr «bt boollnd cm be tb '«'^ L^*riilS^tSra UM to lo *°* f r :U . ,n «“■ 08 fourth streeL T 8 NOTopm d..W f IBE """MMH NK, 1 nesdiry ands»tatdar™Sja^t 2 r^ clo S lt;p * ° a ffed ' Dapoaila recalled qjt Zn J? 017 tw^clock. and d£2SS? »ftS2SSy^‘ ,S^£to*S depodtorfli . >cereby girlng •ddltiocMcurlty to “ &sS BSS«!K. W "“■■ Frtrtdml-osonais AI.BBHE Hopewell Uapborn™ D , Oaorgo B. White i? hB 1 U.Bho»rger, Wiliam P. JohoitoD Ch.rleaKn.p, Jam« w. Heilman B ' Th^Sd a Maby. Alexander Bt*4| Bv TheobjJd UoUetter, Wiliam PbuiK7- wmr.m'/'f*- Tinttlj Anraon. John G. fiackofen *'*^l, JIIII UurgwlQ ’ Jamca Herdmi Alban Onlbartaon. JK?. 1 ?! 1 ''* Hebert Chester! ’ p.M’Cor, J Oanllner Coffin w.*!? 1 S o !™* AJonio A. CsrrUr, FK, 3f «a!!, John 8. Coagrara. ~‘ “•'•J'llock, Charles A. Colton FAJnsm, I HO. Kdrlncton S 0 Bebb, Francis Pell* ’ George U. RJdJ, '■ "org. P. Gillmore, Wtolß.™, A®r? J for wvivTinvV^vV® 6 * - ' ~ M>*Z?* md And Agency for ,ho o7pit.ht T ~ mosbs p.ea B io“ and PatontBd Articles. LIFE, FIRE AND MAIINE -Va. so n OT ;r^;-: ( ;- [ ;- j • A#.u».. Insurance Comnam 'T'UI; enba.rrila.ra havTToTa i Capital. OP ’ , JTfJR# « cldte, i ~ OPO ° M, Wm'Vhimpi"’ Hram.ri'Kahm 11 , 5, 1 Hon. Thnmaa B. F!oran« E0 * d J* a ' Wiljon Sl'Candlesj Wm' Oeurga IL Armstrong ° ' rh?.!’ V- 11 ' T I ■*-* ■“■sesas 8 ""* ***»•«• vzi*gr*g&^ *-%'Sfc^&saj| {?k J &z °" af Gentlemen and Ladas’ Vi,it( n » r-ia •. . i V** ch*rccwt of tho AboveCcxananv l- ft r » , SSSSS- &- j -' j m l|v * Ute " iKe ' UCC <JOICO. ~ 1 h- 2: Exploring Agent tor the i„ ' , '“° J « ho b« been ** bunjh for nterl v mo Urihe Z', knowledge of tb/cl:y«£d lhat h '-' tin In furnishing w « fh f.”* 4 *? S r **t »t>g pliers for hoiV SSuiTflu J hd »*-* ati lu find- I Thß patronigp of tho public in t,taj)lf '>' m,!n! '■ EAILRO A H - - :- OABRIEL BAKU [V} to DAWSON'S BTAtlOJ;7o;ri3u S«riiJli? OU S t} '' TT AVE n\ C„. I C»«« J, M toiler fromMS'* *« l *>' ««?*■ -<* *«•>« fiWJWK&as; _ Termß-e.gh ooj,; . w “ Myr ' tM ' _ i Fiwt Turn vlll ism iw*« n ,. a , M £ « n^B^E?V7uf ! «jg\ • , err„. TJORSB uriOP? f l, rfn eC Bar »«‘<i " > 05A* Wton * l 5 °Vl«ck A. M.; '" lh «*■’» 1 : c " n “»»»Tlll"«/tSS«tow? “• E '* lD,ot for S3SS?SS I uppl* to D. W. OALDWeEI,'K»r C AtTl!o ‘lV'j' *“ r r » t « | ® nt ; West Sexton, or to \V. TTOilPBosj* , iiiJi a ft r *? t ' n ' l ' l on board tho »t earner dir. Hebee .v£. H ' P»W“ Agent, MononKebole Bridge. ““ Pedant and BupwrlntinJimt- grand piano, NUNN'S & CLARK. 11 NEW YORK T“s£S° t f 0 Of tho frabsoribora, No. £3 FIFTH 8T examine « 1 1 Si boo.u “ gtTu From tho Facioij of NON&8 i ni„i“ V ~.u * ‘ Si YLE, (be ornimeDU, front nbcea anJ u,,« n. ■ , f N ratelv cirrerf out of SOlld RO3KWOOD J j? iw ° Ubo ‘ ooUT«,of tl l ,l,r gMt aim» D ,100,, aoa io I, f ctco Sffi Vrot^'Tfi uS , «ssiu , ss tff'pSbiiTLS "» «. or through B,,ir d»j»oi u»«ret.bllfbSt *“ J “ h °"' lhv “ 11. KLSBk'R ,t BRO Hiß'T <.I tfcn a ..Man H No. f.;| f„„, MI LL, | r < r * ~ * PITT jburgh. Monday ■•> 91 wi-,™ tSON 4 SOS, jUWocd airtet. I'UlßhMrifi. i ROBERTS & BROTHER. »tock° offlM* wreluUraoleo, MM Sf£ Bhoul.i MnimmßjfiSSr S °° J ” * l lo " P rt «=. determine tooliTo..? our " tM *. ** *»w» prio e .,. Don't towt'uwplS? ‘ rei!anl 10 cost or r °racr 4i »»h!*2 bb ? T 8 4 “Rornra, Otf Watchaa, OitoStV .Jj nol< , door t 0 W°oJ ln»nn>T. eod wurantod. ° J ‘ J wo ry r, i , oirf.i in .tbi beat | CITY HOTEL.. (Utt mowa's.) JOHN P, GLABs, Proprietor. PJTT3BUHGB, PA. T n^ B »nd commodioa* Hon** JL trough repair and furniAhart^tiv* 0 ® undergone throughout, is now open for the rooeDtsoß^ W f^ DsplQenta public. OnAM*B KOD< r fwepUon of the trawling JUAfB. j . WA NT I^- ?,I, ' V;UtKA M^ Hoj 180 AORE WARRANTS, bj- I AOStlflr LOOM IN - W’.rt.nß, Btenk., ««„ m , UTAI/rBR p. him Tf 2<l day of Juiv jrt« t> •>ihTtrnn u*lQ| on tht P»Pjr business, na«e'of UUaHSS * ln tha w * u • - w. P-_axA.itam.LL 4 00. for sale VERr A btoddjq lot in allkqhwtt crev goA“-.A^^ a , Sfe» l f*„Vjw<y«»sAs SKSII ANNUAL DmiIUND, S PKK JULV 1 Mdfi **»* ISSWBAWOB COMPANY p OF BABTFORD, CONN ’ Chaetkbso . . .' . 1R r . .. . PAIDUP. *'• wSr®? msintalned a position for honorabl* dealliw in r *$ bu o»c North west corner " , wa— jy24 BoSSJSSffS™™* JfJ prepared re do n WAT PBHairr 3-S? ~ J «a i-ffi.fr J I TIIEII-’rW, M° U f' LL J’ r '^ NT I,nlfl WARM WfiA MWs . do' <£) '■ New York Jottmal Uo , w*™’ Hoaaaijold WoiJji for August; s£Bsges&txr*~> ■ yifth Bt., oppoeite the Thfai'ra. 'by“ u mm . iv°o J -v __ J. W. BUTLER A cn > ALMOH-.No. 1 Uk. Su pwl „ra.Tm o a7brlS7W-' : - ' henbt-u. ooLtiwa. ♦ • 4. ' COKNEE OF FIFTH PER ANNUM. OjT EN~p AIITST RICTLITIN ADVANCE. _ MISCELLANEOTJ DR. HENDERSOJ oculist and adst, 8,1,9 WJSJOPPISO, omo E aara% L m PatfecTSitSS y Will< * “■ *n*»4 tu. with ‘"» t *“P“ '.diSkipta. All i«mlLwithout an oper»tl< W, ”“ ure Prompt pt&sr* S&g§&&£* £ -’- IfSSßsElr®^' &SHSSSS&.; A.E>llS Mh ,Bc&'lS;tai T « T o»pt.D. H. HavUuS.Mh J '^'J' v J ° hn W - n«*«t^ g £^ p^D% Y . 1 TT lgii UUll A ° c 6 si, iTbvii.. . mmmm «• ' ' * . . • • *• f * * tV I miscellaneous. ffM ' *' aDlSO ' >, CTMn'n lAUI3 0»131f JLi, UKT a CRISWELL, BIiASS FOUNDERS, M nn?mTreS K SI?. 0 . r . ail klnaa or BBABB WORK, LO itLtt? JSNQINB, PIOMBKKS. to. Ai w.Ootton Batting Manuraotorera. ’ foundry on Rebecca attest, Alleghany City. ;^SSsS« — feDVrly JOBfiPH it LOWRY ii I 2SfflsssffiHaa , i ®ss T u ? t “« sjassar.sS.S-«s Befmnut-T. J. Blghua, Baj, lUch.m oowaa Em w M.fltA'ou'' AWS ' BllKk * J,ua « M*otenO, A. 1- . B«bNehuiAu UaunUiß. i , S?S. a4 v H^? s^urt sliMt, opposite th. Poat-offlce J Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscapes, If 111 Heads, Show Bin. v?«*iriS' rch } te=t . ur “' “ J Machfas ui Viflltbig Owtla. eto., Kngrayed or Drarra on Stone, Printed iSid et .t ßron Blsck ’ ln 018 01081 approved style, ftnU at the most reasonable prises. octl&ly »KI#VIDIDJIIfi KGSTADft&NT* rnH°E ¥?' W , Araß AND JOMT BTKEBTB. I irormn? sn l'J has . i lm:t JwMed a choico B tock of irtth 14 ?* 811 tJmM tOMrTe Wj Msnda wmLwd e ? f thB,eaMI >. In tta way orediblM. Irlah | hb f7, P “ ldl ' :B bo h* 4 «UW BnTIDIU. _ianlluy JOHN BAVAQE. Prooriator. C 'roe itJoS T?™ I‘*R 1 ‘* R^ ’ Fifth *»»*. °P- ,h ,,s °nt t. Houb «. Pittaborgh/Penna.—has pe£ „ „ _ „ , awe&woss: uon. w. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valiev II R n' ?? bwt * Cblef £n«in«p - ny u 7 V*' Uoo. K. Eichbaao, Associate Ung. • >i < 4 5?™.?!f CheU ' ob i er Sn « ln '»»' Plttab-h and ateub. R. R. Jamea Thompson, Superintendent Citydaa Works. Jamee E. Pay, Oiril Engineer, Allegheny mtr. | a p7 £*« Kotlov, I’UK Partnership of JOHN M’DEVITT A 880. iraa die aolrod od the Brat lost. John M'Deeitt win eoSttait ui«> business at the old stand, and nttsnd to tho settlement of >ho business of tha lata Arm. JOHN M'DErVTTT, , WILLIAM H'DEVITT. Pittsburgh, January 2J, 1855—{Janl Ncvr Trimming Storn. FNo. es Onwr of Market itrtit an d the Dtaaorut. RANK VAN (BORDER reapecfolly announces to tha . Pi ttaburghan J rldnlty, that ha wlllopen his -aW Wmalnr Store on Monday, AprU 17th. Haring fitted up tho neatest atom room In the city, and filled It witho n^ el< k *^ n of **“ l,test oi Trimmings and Fan cy Goods, he flatters himself that be will offer superior in ducements and ondeayorto giro full eatislactlon toall who may faror him with their patronage. forgot place—No. 83 Market Btreat, oornor vf tin) Diamond. (aprld| FRANK VAN OORDKTL KSaLWH ASB CLASSICAL SBHIHASV. I' MoBOUALD, M. A-, Fsihoipil H th « InjtUatiou vUI commenca on n.r rf »J^ Y : B '^ Qb< ’ r »t u>« room »r- Mwira.vSk? UUlty etnta ’ “““Pl'-l by th» JT. V - Lo ?°‘ i ' 1 a Kn * r ’ Js -/ s ; tt y 5 « L~,.£S* no F f « r SoldUni?" Claim*. dwa ™ PUKC , Ii A P : ASD SALH OF itANiJ WARRANTS.—The made ar »hSn<Smfi! W ' o “f, etaDt Mj responsible gentleman to fni'Ji fi U,^ r " BrrllI ’ M fnr B“l4l»w,th?ir widows or t t. n :;. l ! Jrß %' ,ho ,' irs •? ot, ' d t 0 “minty lands; also for if” Location of I-ands, aul the Purchase and Sale of lone „ -'OUN D. DAVIS, Comer of Wood aou Fifth streets. New Pi oper lianglnga. pINE IMSCfI AND AMiiiUCAN PAUUmPAPERS * "*■ la gold, oafc and mtrfcla; UaII Papers, of various si/les: Sl£?.? od i7 llin rooms aod chamber?: Cheap and low priced Wall Papers: ’ Borders, Ceilings, Fig orw, Window Shades. A large and complete aaportment of the aboia Cot [h. ertiflon, uIU L ,o!J at th, usual low prilS J _ VPALXEB P. MARSHALL. itrwu Pittsburgh. * r * os M «J 8 Union N* 174, Pittsburgh Pa ‘ ofiiarfeet atjJ Übertysti*., - * * J«U:jr WHnr po Mn ’cUKI.C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUCKIIST : , So. 135 Wood Street *’ ;«• S«l tor to HJJhII;U’ 8ho» Uon<U), PUL-buißh I WM. A. M’CLUKG, UEALEtt IN 9 Tea*, Choice Family Groceries and Willow CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS. I S C'LE c<,l, ! n,? ,“a Sod's ;,-^ <JcK><i! '-'?” I ! ,8r ?l i “ tree of ch.ru.. St»»n»boatß, Alio* i SS^SSSMSi^JTi lurslflh, on t?« most r^onahirf% at a 1 tlmefl prepared to Corner Third and SmlthfichfatrMta, opposite “ jirowu’s Uot' lb* PIANO FORM and VOWK*’"’"”’ 011 " d*nc#Sfc iw'bßWTOfflSi'f wLl S b StorW> ° r , at hlB TMl to. WJII ' atrwt » wUI ba promptly attTOdod «u& ' 1 N CUOIGB SDMMKB GOODS?;, lIACJAK <fc AIIL’g, ’Wo B m mark d JL J ' ii / £r STREET. »tc«k of aiMon,!,?,, I)?, QoSl l a , )r oi' ln ' J 4 !! , - cur «" U « former prices. VTo tmi K 1 dlsooqnt from .Urenadlneo Crona Je Stnwjna au J Tiaaueo, kind., Embroideries H^ g “ 'm nrnm " B ' lk *. Un. of all . Wlth * A OT LA ND. onJor a MonongJ!elVriT„ Jl^n eltU .“ tod °“ th » SO “U> h»nk ofUii the “o«bt*atlfiU’, a j^ l .!u„^I 9 i !it . t f >ur K h ' being one rf found. I‘flmaiislm !?, P ltMa “' local!'im anywhere lo bo Bnqulre of ‘ 8 “ oa " r of April dmi. xnhS:tf CHILDS A CO., _ 133 Wood utr tmt. Dpffig “*• 149 WocJ Stroal, myliry ** ' Mijheet ?nco in oast paid for rags. 0( l , onmanslip s^ e^,?|,tI !j^?V? B f mir E li - , No epedmsne by the Teacher In t£ ‘ o i‘™i at those executed “ monopoly'' uof .fnatenr Ve °hi' a 11 1? Prind l ial ohdt“« no bn Institution ohaftoTto .ell aM 118 ? 6t done in thlß city. “ *“ u out > “ hue been repeatedly •mtnabip execute! to ord-r A kindrtof OrnttueuUi I‘ctj. _ -,_J mv24nUw MOtTßsijjQ GOODS. and Sotts In Oropo, Tarleton and Swiss t gausa. VeiU, biaote Hosiery and Olovea ’in and ellb i lUbboca, Pelts, and Crapes, in all 4 ua’uH ra 011 ’ Alexander 4 Baku's best Kid Olooe. ce , found at No. 83 MARKET STREET, corner of mood. uu " ,th * —uovl7 HEW DBY GOOD 3 BTORP J -* J —-* Iron Fronts No. vi . OUH house being nowopenfortbetran^4j** r#e ** al Dry r “^n U of a ««**. f.troMgaof the public, feeling coitfd,nS? fc llclt <h « MMITs and well eoleelwl B twit of RTr K«V/?S, o ' Jr STAPLE GOODS, we can olter rach indSi^ 0 * AND ■ure enure eailsfettion. “ H In??? B »£ m in - _J^^!^8 A D N nfen^, |>.UUK«f UOUKSI UOOKSI— th° p, ““ «• £ country will' find H to their edykotam hfcin In"** for “** ZSSSSL' dalUCtion *■>“ etYtC; '-33?“*? HoU; b ” M - SJ.“£ Wuta, orWlM^;^^, 510 • MonominJal '“> ty the author BUter Boro; by Charles Dlckona-liU c . nt , H. MINUR k CO., No. 32 street. M L t N Ka >„ - Uighlj important to ACa bloat rMakere, Carpenters, and Workers In Hard wood, iTory and Veneera— HOFPER’S \ SNEER, HARDWOOD AND IVORY _J" PLANES* • a&or.B Planes cannot be excelled la planing .hard wood and veneere. Tee attention of mechanics la respect fully solicited. For sale at BOWN A TETLEY 1 ?, , ~I3&ffpq<Mtri»t.,j.; FINK I>UKiU UOODS —A. A. MASON A CO. tuv« jut received another splendid lot of Drees Goods, compri •log rich Plaid, Striped and Flgared Ber&ges, I Hetties, 4c. t Ac., with some elegant stylos of Flonncad Ba» rag* Bphaj. ft fIFTH ffp. NUMBER 278, MISCELLANEOUS. WMtTOom.tTtcj 68 Third. &S»||feaiSSh3 > wffrS;,,! 7 - “spectrally Informs L, I|pß«jfeaggs rr=?i mds “*£ <*wtoia«ra that haul wnjpleted his spring stock Flmll and boot from ‘hearten* of his orders and ftcUlfyln manufiSu’rW? priiL * b “* pral '"" »*"“« -'urnltnr^Uh?!^; inro^U?h l s. t r 1 the prindpleof idenafying his customers* th J hl v. om ’ ta -nnslity “4 pries, and keeps a!- ?*£“““ h, ?4 the greatest variety of every dsecriptfcn of SS’SJT’ fr . c ; m cheapest and plaineet. to the mostile rant and oatiy, that a house, or any part of one. may ba sJ?klu>dta>m »is stock, or manufactured ejpresaly to or iMah^i'^oww**rUclM “““H ln P» rt > of his 7 stock. Swfe&sa.?? c&Kb * s «^ Louis XIV tete«4eta Bobs; 5® S°*“. la plush and hair cloth; $p dot. Mahogany Chain: 20 dot. Walnut «* 60 Mahogany Rocking ** BOMahoganyw™,. M Marblo Top Ocntxe Tablas: 80 <i ,1 £'¥ ln S Bureaus “? 11 Waahatandj'j 40 Enclosed “ ' J 100 Oommon ** so ar?l5 1)r “ s & g Bureaus; £%SSgt v *S , « l * t 60 Cottage *« *M Cherry andPopl.r Bedsteads; “was? 17 w^£r“"' 10 Cherry t* 60 Plain Bureaus: fiO doc. Cane Beat Chairs* ’ gssgMg DoaversaUon Chairs: «jl»r lUche T * M " l Bliisfcethan “ nS” o ?*.. " deception “ , “4 *<** “ Pearl Ihiaa ■* La4iea\Work •< Arm mi “tension Oiling Tables; Sothlo and Hall Ohalra; ticks In tbdr line u “ ul *»PJ>llw »ltb all air- uf FOTKLB, farmed at tb. abort*, AH orders promptly atpmdM to. B.W -pv QREQa 9 ! gj w j JP? 0 i WOOD stbekt. 1). “h a^cf'lPJ, 11 Mtlf «d oar largo and eitenalro atook or 8 rweiT ' .osa^ssyaßsSsSSSSS? s iis ms%sm *nl an oitoniive rartatTrf rSrtSSf' 1 , brald Bn S %*n>m, wltlilac»Lroo{!5 1 • er^^ lov,>fl Rn< * Smia BMauTina' bWdufroi? ‘ B,laaU “ d < ’ Bm '* 3 clocks, all Of which, will be so! nLSL? 01 ? ® n4 8 <**7 or catteactorj reference **“ ‘ to lowest prices for mb "ba _Aa , ‘ rlyc “ 1 *»>*«» 1» respectfully solicited. I _ »• GHEGO4 00. | VAN Ko °B3^ B. TCBX BFCRrn\'fl KZ J Conaea or Duaojrp. J the new styWf ° ana Trelt «l«tal stock of *U - t-MifUSi him ISTV'I».m atop,. Cofyi* * Velretfl, A handsome assortment n * v** *. „ Ribbons. Sleovea, ~lnai.riiw Hundkerchlefd, Chmliattea, iKSf *obu, (4^ W ' y of " ,S “ Q MM: C “ pa 4 W ‘ ,S “- Ha|n Sleeves 1-ove and Gauza Veils, Pl.Un Swisa j«o p>tnvni. r «« Qauee and Dotted Fa/la matuuau wfis&sgg“-u» &*2So£2}: Bomlj and inserting, Franch UWV 3 | _3 4?Ii Kl ool ltm, laoon end Cotton *W» oil ™»«.° ri S n 5.' OM “ D * Hoona^ B title toe. nd Bciseora ' 1 Cloth ' Embroidering El Ik! Mantua, Batin and Bonnet Blbbona ownELSSSffi.: f cSW B msnaiHa SltlffromNo 5 No®M 1 “l^ T e%”^“’ d bl “ lt * na wlora oh^T~ A «** rails th “ P°'P ,S “id iletce following, l* W h gtcat *>Uilor, at f m a. y or prepared fcr tho ocauiori in P rlnt 'J baud-Mfe t ° S h'!li r * U^°t^Wu i spm e S S ll v a ’|n i ioS and ,h » f “ llo ' ,l “S ■m T ? u ! l t s ' eablll3 and upper workaf' -a—Doubla engines and boilers, comnleie r. KssSiiSSpas; Their engines aw constructed la tho mut im\t * aer, and are in goo<l condition. noat - efflcienircau. The Bell and fierier ore lares twin Rma b*. a » . feet long, 22 feet beam ft>r eachhhul a 5* B ? ftt ? ,abone 160 snag rooms andirbeel houses andl« isSeC? UB^V ,f tilB{r Tho T.rror is ahont mTf'UoJ t^ hu,ts ' mMttifp'S l u,< ’ r TißllS OF 3ALE-~Xhe Beil-and __»• » cash, phyahle on the days of thoif ?aU rT K I Wj ! i 801 J for tin /eyior will be mSn'taomAjJ"'«M* In all cases the privilege of dism*r*M»«r» *? e L . articled mid u difforoat IncUva™”? wufbT^^e 0 / •“ rsaeonebie time in lavor of the puSSi, or^t7'S, r °, r “ ImiWdnele end Companiee “pirS^f’' .'M j s i?VSP St. Louie, June 7tb, 1866. i euptyv.B.lmpte. jeil.-fitawta -Bgasasssfe™ CssdSteiisr ff « fS r £Z °r qnlt * I ' oB or Bllta(3; dues Hill meet with ejpocinfcare onddfcMSwa 0 ! 1 wtMof Freight will always topmaM..? f w J2 w,,t of Stonge sod Drajago u mnch-ao posolble avoided. P ° l ‘ M _ . ' • BOTCUSO2B; •• • •' &B&ST% Sgsuisj ttSfe' S ?‘ rch { NewTork'. 8.T 1 2^f nti4Mor *SS: Xr ’ do J . %o- Oharlfa A.Mdpp, <j o! joMWafln r>.i*i-.r°* A. G.FarwellA Co.,Bontoo; AhSSjwJ Howard,Bon A 00.,’ do;' ' LonUrlU, t. 0. Twtjhelli Co., HawtSrlMul ° ( n cpPD i l o . llc -'' of InsarMjeo, wh'.ob irfll coTm II •nlpmenln to mj oddreos, when oavued by Utt«r o«r on bills oflkdlng borors.or stiho JOSEPH® JKM&MK, T_ ; Bt. Lotus, HlifloufL " William A. HUl'4 Oo.i 1 IiANKBBB, . ss?s??s?ias^^^w.. 5«%00p Couoty of Allegheny Bonds, a u. muuss. WULICINS & CO. v HiTTTi B °c-oceoaa to a. Wiikxks * Oo.) AVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICE to Wo. 76 FOURTH street, two doora east of their old rtand, where the* will continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COV[ MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS In all Its branched aajjeretofora. * Waktid—Twenty-Ora Shares Msohanfes' Bank fitn^v' jyl2 WILKINS & m 0. U. VHLUKB - - —... WUfclns A Co., (Successors to A* Wilkins A Co) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BBOKerh A'a. 71 Ibnrth tirul, PiiUbwSr JN THE numurou. suspensions of Bank; . ni< . . . throughout the country during the u,* all mo., 4 .?*™ ar. satisfied that in almost every Inatance wo have grown out of a departure from tbei. troubles ness; and we, therefore, take occasion fo bail, in advance, that no speculations!!! "fnnewaEiEl?* Public "oiifsldo operation!, shall tempt us fJ™.? Ml ?> or other' gitttnate lino of our bustoass—be]i..SV n \r l o »Wct and le. all eueh Investments wo shall not- vvwS a * ln ‘voiding terv* our customers and ewmrethera. r **!“* ahlo, to adopting such a coarse we ehaU t™ Mfaly ’ lmt that- In benefit. rfi.ua? - Ptumote our own ultimat« \7. * 00. • Harper's MapfziL* BhloD > for August; Putnam’s uu ’ “0 Graham’s do • ,r ®°dey*s Ladj's Book, . ■ jo • , "BooB3—a VWtti do . atari'll th ® c *mP hrfore Sebastopol ro,r^'°'b, w,irU P«oCbjßj-. * . jj3l W “VIf?h L ? KN,KNNEY * «)., Wh at., opposite the Theetlo. -J q&ekd j .'o; fl.jai. s, OD9 (iuerUpo.... | w " each additional lnjtdtUou'-4v*<.**i*<. 28 *; ;; ■«*•*«*-« „ a « “ three Week#....,, .1 *.7........ 400 “ “ on# month aOO “ two months. „ „h.f.;L *7 Of three month#. 9 00 “ four month# 00 “ *ix months 13 qO one year 18 0» atandtng Card, ulaljnea or less, lO ot> On» «gn»r«, per annum, (cialmlro ei th. paper)-..,.. » 00 THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. £9" Da. KENNED?, of Jioibury, has dleootefed fo one of our commtmpatiurt mail • remedy that curt* ; from the worst ScroGula down to ft common pimple* He has tried it In over 1100 cases, and oarer failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor). Ho has bow in hie possession orer two hundred certlflcatao of Its virtue. all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cuifa a nursing sore mouth, on the tJT'” b ° tUw " m can > «■» wont kind of Pimple. Two to three bottles will clear the eystem of Biles. JZX'ZZZi,™ tom ” C “ to, » : o“;r,r bo,tiaa,M,, " r “ tßito -*^-— tW ° b ° ttlM to our. all,Humor jn Two botflea are warranted to our. Banning of to, E-, and Blotches among the Qalr. Pour to six bottles ere warranted to euro Corrupt .ml Banning Ulcers. ..-t. . _ . : On. bottle will cure Body Eruption of the Skin. Two to three bottle* ere warranted to cnr» to. wowickw of Ringworm. I o^lo m T t 0 feat bottlM m warranted to curs the. Salt Itee to eight bottles Will cnre.'the worst ease of Soroflila a J b ” B a, w»ys experienced from the first bottle, amt oure ls warranted wben tho .tori <*£&“£ JBjwinilMaaieiOTsf a thousand bctUejof tbuinthe” Jkinlty of Boston. I know the effect of it to ererveaL Bo.enre as water will extinguish. fire, eo bum “IUISs SSI humor. I neversold aboule or It int St Sold wothST after a trial, It always epeake for Itself -There are i.a tto^? , j£, ntt ? i ' ,hBlb 151,1 appear to me eorpristog^firet. ln 0 J“ ln some place. nil, and yet its value has never been known until t hium IZot. 184^“nd * lb * l In Order' to giro some Idea of the ‘sadden rise and mat popularity of the dlaoovcry, I,wlll atato that InAoril. IBSA tenJ “o' ll hhout rlx bottles per day—toAnru’ WM,T Bold over one thoneand bottles per dayof It AP ” * come of the wholesale druggists, who han fawn fr* v n »t neestwentyandthlrtyye.^f^ftalnottdrgtoth,^ 1 , JSSSS: “* “• to my own praettes I always kept It strictly Ibr hornet, tot since lta . introduction ae a neral- ltaflly meafcto. ™ ln ' !l ‘“’ 9 bem to ™ 4 ftiutl aweoiwe'SfiF f iJ 7111 Provo effectual in all cases of*that . Iknowof fowral cases ofDroMy, all of them aired'tin. ' *• r various disease* of the hirer •fiefr: Asthma, fever and Ague. Pain |n »*,« the Spine, and particSrff inuS^Poi' SySSttrtVwT' ~-» and eS^”/.^ 1 - 01 " ** 9“ *«, fKiwSoni for Vtt. —Adults, one table spoonful per dav tm years, dewert spoonful. ‘children from S “Poontol. As an directions can hs SJtoweL tolce ad’ey.' 14 ’ 008 ' ““ SUIM ' at to <*«“• °» Manufactured by • DONALD KENNEDY, -Va. 120-TRrmrt c!:. Jtarhuv, Xair. \ ■ Price, sl.ooi , Dr. QEO. H. KEYBBE, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh nencril Agent. Abo, j; p. FLEMING, AllegSTy ray2ftd*w , <Sr A Snb.tltuto for; the Mow Lin nor DE. UEBAN’B ANTMACOIIANALIAS ELIXIR, a uA» and aura remedy for the cure of ■ A - * I ' ■, . INIEJIPEB4NOE. o«ract/ «»ru. tom, k ODe . &>ctai ia lnt7odeT\ o tanl, and a distaste for alcoholicffrinta. sHereMan 8 where we have eoW it. h«o lostaacea raaulta; «o, to who .re moSt *“ lU^ off the Inddgoice In InmrfA a «»lrona of breaking DIE'GEO. H. KETBEB, No Ho wtol Xl?/ 08 Blon ot Mrgln alley, aign of tho Gold«i MoS? ■ itfS3Sr° f [A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.! Ma. H.G.O.CIMT, Zm.eartKSSJ’^'i 19 - 1866^ ISmln !$J3m“ NT? < PleS“^i a l t 4 iXnfoff‘^ alto by JOEL MOBLER, Lltert?.’trelf ‘ Tlf * ln 1 I D^K°eiS? !C ? rSl ,o^°P WilUara I MoeaaUattarfrom Mr. J. W. Teatch, of Rolreby.^Uo, I BrUVbylar &£?. Jw'hW tht doctors can’t cure her f w.. * cou * h “ a [tried everything withoSrbeneflf ,A | 6 . ”™ e “ d your Pectoral Syrun: I took It Wi V-* 1 SJ l » Settle of aonnd anj well •> P ' k l(bnt tBIO >. “01« cured m> street, and at J. P. FLEMING#Adfe^ ' 9hndr*n“i Tru«?f o ?,fi!AfA.“l' rays TO h“i for cate. raaaeaofdiffOTeutfcraisoDdltnngth A SnreSrfe'AS? Talnj. fc?t£erapport'andmfreofrala Ual *’ rsKdSSaS^*^ .» whoS,MdfLton'rSnsa'fifiil&fllDß-Key street, sign of the QoiC mJmr or IW Wood p \ r S“ Dntr ? by 88h41 »* *• iSSwlS , £2£a“ ir JuSO PEKIN TEA - STORE. Ho. 38 Fifth at.,ona door^^f Baak| rjREENim EL&CKT&aJ? SKLKOTKD WITH o^MSSSSSS. (Qi) loarn.oor yricos. 10 **“ 804 S®* MfflpUi, •W. . PACKED TEAS. “ “•Ko.£. ""'.■ PEAS OF All OBAVESBTIBEBA^CBiST awrMtt&wWwoib»«nKS,n( e ‘ . OoitooorsmeiMrnainot to 'nii—„.. i ■-<.-. .a» of ~ . DS- j/rm-s 1 ■ •' ' kiggHBON’S TOB. TTO i .. I 7V E ' V v AJjUAHES~ESoKa_ E „;• ; Tto ?<*• Book of an Bn g m Oflum "' ties ana Fancies; 9miaon ' l3^ao ® ®o°k.of Thoughts, Memo wS^SL^S. 111 ? *«» B^chor. KUbS'Sjvurt JUni of JSu>. -5 “ Utnito*; • ■ ” Xba Ydong HoaaeieajMr Harbat.gh'fl “Vt&» .ftr?'" " . ■ Camioißg’a Works. , f i• • 1 4.“I^SSS , SS?g“* 8UU »""?.;. . — J.JL . feapfrdlTfAWtf M... lXJpiffrlQ, J Qenta^Mp^l n^ C j Wo *. iu7 sirwt, 1 cub of' W^lc.a'fo® ■ ' ; ' • ••> W. g, gflfftfgßTZ. v* hereby given (u toe otonJcOolder* in- t* : m,t nS£2J? bu . rg Bridgo Cofflpw»7 Ox*t J. C* EZCQXViav r WTw, w money «S collector or ealtl Go e. P*oy, efter this date. By order of the Board of Manege r . ,' t u ' .«/ TUOS. WALLACE. J. T « Prutfent fibarpeborg Bridge 00. ’?" «« eirr/nivala 'rdtaa *£? US#: cuAitanuu at pUuuu; ICELLANEOUS' EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, "V . ' /«'•*. '5 !*.•• •Y\ S'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers