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V '■' :7‘ i v (' • -j. . . w • ;-•• - ••■•*■ 5 * v ' \.r cv'* «* 7 -_- - - **<*l u ' •' 11 trt i '-T- u • ‘ > ‘j ' $) - ~^ --Vk ' ‘ I® m :' ';•' *f|| feVj i t£-'\v. *- *• j \ i'*i.. : :'4S^ ; . . V V/J f t. T V Ito*****^ '. \- '..- V o v: r--:'if ■^►., ; -.-c tx-,\i •i?Ji«'t?^? : ,> ''*! ! v.'<A;*f •;. ■/ ’ 1 '•-. «• ~ •'»■’' '; '■ ■ 'Y>"* 1 i~' : ' ■ v •■••’ ‘ r Y —••:•■■ ;^ l -'V Va « *'V* ->‘=''.-.iV.s >■- . ' ''-'•'••••.■ _**: . q*'VrV%» zs?£iZvr*s%;? : -” ■ .... r !r f'-qT, •: i ; .‘' vY'i'YYY J, ; ' • t Y v ■ > 'Y- ‘'Y - •• : ■ -- ■ —- A '.u'c' -?• kr'v , THI SOMB-WIBI gotsts or iro rx rta mini r^iro-Dollom ft yi.r, strictly in • iVinde. Ifo DoiiariiirUtli\variab'ly beraTdfrnu'lf nbt paid within tha yea? j 4®*Binglecbpi*«tWv<iis2S— far *al# at the counter in thf Office, and by the y*ws Boji/ PohliiLed from the sacY offlca, on a large blaukatsUa •h -et, at TWO DOLLARS a jew, In advance. Single eeplw fl<recsrre. 5 No paper trill bo 4tsco2tina*l ualacaat thedltcre -’on of the ProprietonO until ill arrearages are paid. • 4£g"“ No attention ttOl' be paid, to icny order unless accom panied. by»thaiOewr, hYthia city. «*T ConMtiedikiht/a Establishmentrtf Chs Morning Pott it orv ofXhs lafgut Job Printing Offices in Che cily,'where all k.ndt of work it done on Ott shortest notice, and most reaw able terms. ■■■■ *.s36®Wiim,cbtfNSL^ ,! AT LAW—Office, No. A—■“•courts street,-PUteburghj Pa. docllrly ATTORNEY ATLAW—OIBco/Fourth stre*t, Pittsburgh, . _k*tTreenBqilthflElfl street and Cherry alloy, fdeclluy JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY c AND "COUNSELLOR AT LAW, , P, 1 ??** * orn « r and Grant its., Jmsiyvi....... pa. ■ - Thomftv sieaiia, and solicitor in chancery. Office, next door to tbe-Poec Office. Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 r-- r ; •• =•■ - r~. ...' .0» -JP«. IX«cx, c . ... A TffORaKY AT LAW—No. 100 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, /X Pa., fourth'doot "below Hr! Body Patterwo’s Livery stable/- - •- - jg 23 C?»:Orlanclq £4oOx*atß} ATTORNEY AT L AW—Qtlce/Fourlli street, above Wood. .jy4. y - - --: - :■ •: : c ~.." R,'Bi t>arxiahan, ATTORNEY AT on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant etreet. ; j-2:y ! • AH.'M , Clowryi Attorney and' - coun sellor -at in Bakewell’a Buildings. on Crentptreet, . j«2 ; _ v *u* H -Uanen, r ATTORNEY ATLATT~TTb.I27 Fourth street, Above and ■toqarPmUhfleid^-• MniriTty J - ■■••*’ : Patrick. HXclfcenna, •' ■ ALDERMAN OF .THIRD WARD. OFFlCKcoiooi OranfAud Fiflfi’, itreats, (fctmtr), oceil- Ajdei'mah Eefrts,) where ail business oertoio ing tatbe office brAlderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fobi:2ia >- W*.BttOtemaatex« Alderman. street, between -Fourth bc. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great- and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate exam In ea»Ac. _ jaS:; . y llltani Wtlioni Aldmnan, No. 447 PENN street, between the.canal arid V/. vHara street, Firth Ward.- All business appertaining to the offlc« of an Alderman or Justice of tho Peace, will be promptly attended to. * Bonds, Mortgagee, and other documents, drawn with neatness aod deeoatch. fpbl3:tr S«BiwPS, H.ABL. aDHOEON DkNTltiT.\-ui-. to G. Biddle,) No.-141 SmithfleM *■ TV- .! . hours; from Bto 1 o’clock, and from a tD'sVelocs. • f e bls:ly J SCOTT, DENTIST,Fourth stivet, live dwre QSfigsgwest of. Market. pOmczrAlcuns From tdne A. M. to Cvc* : P. M. derrOry iinus o cunuso «,.8.i..»-.i.... k ..iioaCAK scunar^ox. XDWAttD niTuaroa*..... uti.-uY i. ri.novtalt. Curling, Robertson A Co., MANUPACTCREkS OP cur, PRESSED A.\D tlain FLINTGLASSWARE, warebou-e No. 14 Wcoi “!r¥.>i, corner cf Front ecreet, Pittsburgh. £3* All othsr Kiadi of Ula**wjire and M iudow Uir.fi, ot low market prices. apU:uly Jacob JU’Coilliter, 'XT7‘HOLB3VLK and retail Cigar msnufacturrr, cud <b?a'- f T erin all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 2£> .Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Po. . . ' rig* Karps constantly bu hand a large pupplj of all iho various braode of Imperial Cigars j - Sj* WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CIIANT, for the sale of Pig Metal qtiJ Dtoorap, and Produce generally, No. C 7 Wood i»p-* yujup pjtnkb ..L....nontriT j. Heyiner A Anderson, (Succea-ors to Joihua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dcilera la fortUu Fruits, Nut?, Spice?, Confectionary. Sugars,Ac., So WWoo-.l Birtet, oppu «ite the Bt. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, p 6. apd ... --• ... ~ -; , • - • !.',...f; , ..- ,' ~,,..,,q‘.•:.,-,;7-.I Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Dealer In Cheese, Bu'.tar, Sectb, Fieh, and Produce ccnerolly.No.2T} Wood street. Flttaburch. 'tr-uru 11 T C, llorgau, Bookseller and sTAnoNtr. —ha* alwaysoa huni a general assortment School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Gap Paper, Ac., wholesale* and re tail, No. 104 WoMvtrert, below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh. .gg*Wanted,Eigsand Tanners'Scraps. gpln. I y srtutastiiiitES, Phila-.. ..-.w3r."nicKrteon, Pittsburgh filler £l RJclcetso:>, GROCER. s *, of Brandies, V*'lnr* f f and se^ard—Nos. 172 and 174, corner nf Ir\riu and -Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Kail*, Cotton Yarns, A'.*., constantly-on hpnd.y ~ ••;■ . -jrjo W(Wxn. Care, late of the firm of J. Parker A Co ) UOLE3ALU QU3CER3, and DealersldTottdfu Wines and Brandies, OltT Monongahela and Rectified Wins *y. No. KW Commercial Row, Liberty etrert, Pittsburgh, Dealer in country produce, ©tors f r .-ai* & choice stock Cl'Grcceriea, xelecte i for family u.=e. Fp:rvs of every variety and the purest quality, ground at i.to -Bteazn--Mills. Also, Dried Pruits, FVrvjgn end L , oa«;i>\ Produce taken in exchange for merchandize. . . F,R. D. has procarcLa full assortment of Landretl.’j ■warranted Garden Seeds, and invites the attention of all in terested in rural affairs. j : 1 TT. B. XSOLISU ..... Engliih <fc iUcliardioU) COII3IISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealer? in F'Sh. Baoon and Oil,and Produce goasrully. Warehouse formerly, occupied by-£aihridge A Inghram, No. 11C Water and IcO First ttreei, Pr.tsl'urrh, Pennn. THK ?übscrib**rs hare opened h hou«o tor the kloto pur pose, at No. 17 Smitlm-dd stre-t. tour dour.-t above the Hoßoneahela Sousa. We will purclm-e, or foviv**, on com mission, lor pale. con>lgnta;»ati cf Floor, Itvroo, Cheear, Oom, Oats, BarLey. Flax Seed, Uyasa Seel Baled Hay, A'v, upon which we vrili make advancer, or purrh&*.y at the- b*st market rates for cash fnorCj ALOEO A CO James Kl'Daughlla, "paEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR. BACON, Ac- No. 10, corner Smltbtleld and [’.rut btreet-, Plxtb hurgh, Pa. . ■ ; r.ov«'- Jons a. r0u.N0... -..thus. d r0u5{i.......».r&AN<. , !3 l. Vot::«o. T' B. Yohng & Co. iV0.83 S'hitbf^lds£ruL, *pp r -tiU City H>&l. MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET FURNITURE AND OHAIRS, of every description. Materials and work* m&sahip warranted, and soli at reduced priced. Care taken in packing for laniand water carnage. aue-H . . VVm Digliy, Jr., CLOTXnNQ AND FURNISHING STOKE. Masonic Hail. Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in good style, and at moderate mtea. fturt>:cf_ K« A A. C. Dtinoau, WHOLESALE GROCBR3, and Dealer? In Produce, For eign Wines and Liquors, O'd MoooDgahuia and ltec tlflad Whißky, No. 201 Liberty st.: Pitteburirh. Pa. fjrSTry A. Tiodle, fe-Sstfgli WHOLESALE and Retell Saddle, IlarneSfi W&pliilayTrnnfc-. Yailie aml-Oarjxt Bag. manufacturer, •a No. 106 Wood 6t., Pittsburgh, Pa. j \-2'- t :y J. ii. IHelior, *TTTHOLES ALE and Retail Dealer m Musical Instrument.-. -j f ;Pianos f ttsfiio, School Bcoksand Stationery, tfn. 122 -\Vooditreat,. ' • • : .ianl John \V. Butler £. Co., Forwarding and commission merchants— Dealers In ail klndaof Pittsburgh maCAifacturu*, Pipe.and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. s**p2*l Enterprise Work*. JVb. 133 fF<?od street, third doorb&i\o Virgiaallcy, BOWN A TETLEY would oall tho attention or Sportlo:; men totbeir large assortment of Guns, HU!?? and R»- TOlTlng.Pistois, the largest and beat selected stock ever opened in tKU .market, together with a General assortment of Hardware, Catlery,Tools and Fishing Tackle, all yf vbkh "sra offer at the lowest pcssibloprices-to cash purchasers, r.r for good approved paper. :• . = : murH : - C6p«rtner»Mp Notice. I HATE *THta DAY /April Uth) -associated with la Mesar*. P. STEEL,TuRBETT and SAML. C. OLANKV. both of whom have.btca-ibc many yfar.i in my <jf.ubii*h ment, and are already extensively and favorably known to _ my customers and the .public generally a-j superior work* men, and of .correct business habits. We hope by thisucion ' of experlenco and artistic e kill—especially fti the watcb dr -P»rttn?nt;.bz -large_aud wei! selected stock t.r goods; byaeUlng at moderate prices, aodby close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of'p&tioaafce. To ms old friends and tbo public* in general, who have for man.. .year* past so JibdTaily patronized 3ny. bitsmsss, I return my thanks, and solicit for the new firm a continuance of aim.*- larfavors. W. W. WILSON. Rttsburgh, April 11,1855. : • \ , ,*• "Wilton, Tutbatt A Clancy, WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, .(57 Markets met, comer Fourth. nn6 ,w ; .Jfcw CQftc.h:aad,Carrlag» factory * _ . ; JOHNSTON, B&OTHEB0 & CO., Cbrner Etbtcax oud Belmont itresl j. Allegheny Oily. vjy WOULD respectfully Inform their friend - and the public generally,-that rbey tun ■ - ----- : -^@^g*s^y r 'gtnnmenc&d thcr ‘ln&nu&ctate ofCntri* g? , T'.rc-SfiL.' im-ilw- Baroncbesjßockinrtiya.BngglM.Slelgbest. i Chariots inallthelrvyrioos styiaa cf finish and proporfcle: . Airon3erffwlllbo''execatod wlttrstrict regard to durabl' - • • l ,ty:»nd.seauty,of,fldi3b.7iVfl>itlniwiU nLrabaattemled • • tifdnidst ‘ Üblaft itfnli tbeir'wflrk ti •• best Eastern Shafts, Palos, end Wheel stuff, Toel a a. xlenfrthttt-all'vrbotavoTthßm with their patronage, will t > perfectly-satisfied on trial of their work. * ' .• utf a call, before purcL_. aing SteewEertT ," ootOflv a.`s?~ '~`•t J, ?. JOBHBi6n.. .j>. 7. JOa.VbTO.V-. iiA'i! «. ■: i j Kleeliior Carriage Factory. JOHNSTON, DBOTHEB .A CO, 'JHACTfiOAL COAC>[ QUAKERS,coruex. of Ilebeccaftcd-BelaioDt • wl.Cbsny-<3ty,Tiv.,h»Vfi‘on Jhnnifanii nia jnunufwLuring.tu j r extensive assortment of- Carriages, Hockawaya* iiuggl* i imet regard of finish, using lu «*l - 4 theinrotk tha hfest JUUmth Ironand eastern bloknry.. R- • -'■-palrasttended'fdbnth®tmst : reasonableterms’. Tbeyf-! ■oouMflutthaf all who may-favor thetntrUn thair p&Ulit ■ nge. eatlfifled'on trlalofthfir ’WorK. ; The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses naas every i v; teen mlnuteadurlng the day. . ~ ~ oct2&;ly . . of. Go*ptrtD«ri%lp» \ eiHting between X:3of ntIA;JIHOT®S and PHTUP-'BBnufßi in the WhWßSfttn -gcalt• tntffkffifecOoflanr thl9 d»j> dissolver by mutoat budaeai.cf the firm be eaiUed up by Joshua HhoG6v' whoTlßjrothor'Md tore* dftbUuhleaatd firm. JOSHTJ&.- BHODKB, ' -~51ai0h.2Tt3i71555... ;.„ . ,f.;VEIIiPfItBYM3S|L ' : _ - -PAi£TNERgSjP- NOTICE. . .—, 4s*The 'xmdei-rfgtiedTiaVdtlrta diy forard'* Partner* . PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. ship,, under thaname, firm and «jle of RETMER A 1 AN- OEoaoi ALbci.r. DltfcSDM'.forlhtt’.triißeactlon of the Wholesale Fruit and Bigelow & Co.* ■ Confectionary tnxe&aa, No.i3?:Vfoo& street ' «SUCUKSSOHB TOE.U. BIQELOW, ho j ; r -rHILIP BEYilBn. Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pi«~ * ‘ JJOBT- J« ANDERSON •burgh—Coachee, Carriages, Pboatons, ntlsbutsb,-March 27th, 1865. ‘ ' nod ATery deso’lptiouof fancyTehtcUs t - ... , • order,- and fialahed In a maimer uoearpastCu t(«r besuty-or dcsisaj, elfgacco of huish, skill of worKmanshi}-, and dtlrabwty of materials. ' - • • ! .. All work warranted ' 1 r<; *'• V;.- : ;-‘r-' ,; ' ~ ROBERT H PATTERSON’S LIVERY and sale Corner Diamond street and Cherryailev eprt4;tr • - prrraßUßQii. pa V:;! .'-f. /■; rr - Tnn WZ. hm ON SYKW; ' r:: - hrtV 30 " _fe*i»ra «iS for sale by W Wood it n opposite tin fit, Cfctrtw Hotel y.y^y. EBB < r : '~ **’ v i/V-.r '•' POST . PJfHR'VeA’jtmDAT iIOHSIHO post- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS John Jloorheitit, Henry 11. Collins, Wm. Carr & Co, F, R. Uravo, Diiunond, Pitiiburgh. Pi. z. KicoAan^N omtni:alon liouae PUBLISHER DAILY, BY, QLLLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “ POST HUILDINO.S,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT sti,oo PER ANNUM, OS *6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME; XIII. > "■BUSINESS 'CARDS. Jompb^i^mtng, CfBCOGIS3Oa tO -k wucox * co.l OBNER MARKET VtKEEtt ‘AND DIAMOND, keeps coDfiiantlv on hand s'IUM iiwrtment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medld&b Oheste; Pexfdmary,’and all articles pertain' Ingto .* /*V-' ‘ • ° 45?*Phy3lfilan&’ Prescrlptlonßcarefully compounded wt all Lours. " ‘ -• '• - -je^y jobx Ftincto. . Klemlnff Brother*, f3trccas'aoß.B to J. Kit>h ;a co.J YTrnOLESAEE tJLTGQISTS, No. fO Wood street, Pitts- Yt~ burgh. PA. " Proprietors of Dr. Oelebrated VernufugeyLlver «icL~ ... jelO T ..?Z ISJ J3qlmrßnJTtv.Ur*i ! MZ ■ ■ [ ii’ooFfif.7 “* WHOLESALE: Afro aETXU* JDROaQIBT, und dealer in Points,Oils, J>yaBtulE3 > 40.' t l4l WoodeyreeL three doore below Tlrgfn alley, Pittsburgh.' ' apr4aaaely ; R. L. Allen, rr * :r - ; - TYTuOLESALE DIALER Uf-FOREIGN WCfES,KBAN YY DIEi,jCIGARS, r OLDMOSQNGAHELA AND RV£ WBIBKY. R Wcpdstreet, Pltteburgh, Pa. v.-'ii'.-. v Winen, Brandies* Glnp, Cordials, Jamaica Bplrlts, St Croix undNew England Rum,datetsi Champklgnes, Scotch Ale, Londbn ; Bt4Wh-Stout,' Irish; Scotch, Old Monongahela.Tßyo'und "Rectifl 9d -Whisky,' Apple.-Peach, Wild Cherry and,Blackberty Brahdies; Imported utrana, Begalm, Common CSgax*, all at stieh low prlceß aa-tb challenge competition. Bar Krgfi and of every tty'll, and ’ of ail sites, -T respictfaliy invlte «n examlra- cf xuy stock, ac No. S WOOD etreec, Pittsburgh, Pennu. apc3:ly James Malltnjger. - MONONOAHELA PLANING MlLL.—^Would respectful ly inform hleftlepd* and the public,that his now ea tfthUabm-ntds tiowlaluU -ana that be la pre pared to furuLsh BoKtCabins, and BU all order* for Planed Lumber, with'promgtheefl, and at thdlbweet' tiled. Board aiul Plank,planed on onedtbotb'fefcta,constantly on hand. . ‘ - S&*h, Dsori, anil Ho hidings of every description, male to order. BulM&rs and Carpenters-Would And 41 to their advantage to give him a callout be cacx now furnish them with planed stuff suite-bid for.evary descriptiou of work, wa.a. iisaaos^. v •• Herron Orliwell, BELL AND of -11 kinds-of Bra* Steam Engine, Plumbers. Ac. Abo, CotionßaiUcff Manufacturer a. Foundry on Rebecca etrwt, Allegheny city. Ofbce and Store No. 12 Pittsburgh. 45F- Old Brass and Copper-taken; In exchange for work, or cosh pail. Orders left at tho Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. . • , . feb9.ly m. csiTF .....n, aiamoca. 4. uaarr;. Gr&lT, Beiitnger A Graff, XT7ESTERN FOUNDUT, No. 124 Wocd street, Pitts- Yy burgh, Pa. Cooking Stoves Plain and Fancy Grates, Coal end Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fender*, Parlor Si&ve*, hsd and DDfl lron«, ' Holl-w Were, Portable Forge*, Su<ar Krttlve, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes. . mbli w. a. tiuiii _w. w. Smith, flair/ A Jiunler, ibßinclalr.) ; i - WHOLESALE GROCERS,. PRODUCES AND COMMIS SION end Dealem in all lindx t>f litUlurgb Manufactures, &2 : B*«Jird*nd 151 First itreet, Pittsburgh, ?■*. .. . . .. t>b^ .. . - . ..W*.Br Hayea. 'f’Wß- OLD -PRlimto BBTABLIBHMBNT, flata John -1 fton & Stockton,)- sad. Blank Book end Stationery Warehouse, is prepared td Execute orcry ewl° of Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steambca’. Job Printing and Book liinJl ug, aha furnish nvcry article Inibe Blank Bock, Paper tad Stationery line, at the ahorteft botica and on the most re*>?aabl- term#. ‘ ‘ 1 LTiuk Rook and Stationery War«fcNl«e, Printing Office nndJiYok I-.ioilcry, corner of Market andSerondeta fnoTlO North-WcaterA Police Agency, \ T 0. 60 VVASiIINJTON'CTREBT, corner uf Dearborn, ll CHICAGO, ILUNOS. alllv mEimcx Pinkerton * Co, hVTcre TRtia ?n« faumitmc* c»-a ccobu DETLWVE POLICE BUSINESS q tbe States of lilinoia, Witccnsin,Michigan anJlndiana. mhlWrdtf . ..... THE late firm bUONES A QUIGQ, baring been dissolv ed by the death of Joho'F.Qulgg, on th«27th fast, the bus ness cf saldflrm will be settled bytheufidereigued, at their efuce, corner cf Rasa and First streeta. ISAAO JONES, Surviving Partner. Pittsburgh, September 30,1631—{oct2ry liaae Jones, MAN UVACTURLK of Fpxing and BlUtsr Steel, Plough Slab steel, steel Plough Wings; Coach and Kliptic cpnugs, Br.i£s Nut Taper, half patent, Ecrew, Mail and ! lumioeTcd Iron Axles,—corner of Roes and first «tre?ta, rtttAburgb, Pa. oct2:ly uxic Joet/5 d, o. koaesa* D. B. Rogeri A Coii MAN CFAOTUHERSof lujGKßß*pataat improved Steel Cultivator Teeth. Office earner Rosa and First6tre<jt. pettily Pittibnrgh Riding Sctxooi. f*, KOBSRT H. Ptopriftor, correT Diamond street and Cherry alley. TThe aubacriher ancounoeeio the Ladies and Oentle ii t□ ot Pittaburgb, th&rhohas recently erected a BIDING bCUGOL, which in point oTß(e9,oommodlouffoea3 andadap undeniably excels any similar establishment In the Tailed Htnl*t3 Ite location Is aoeessible from all parts of the city, while Us high and airy eltcallon renders it etpe n-tlly suited to tbs promotion of health, by this most agree* üble exerclee. Ttie Horace are docile and well trained, and !:>'* proprietor pledgee himself that no pains or expense » le spnrt-d to make this establishment the firvt in tbe tf**nftdence of the poblfo ort2!Mf i. ta:;>rir. nithard c, Bocking, MA N U FACTU It kK OF GILT, SiLVKR. BRASS, BRONZE,LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- TtK FRAMES, PJaln and Ornamented, No. 21 St uJair e*r r--t All kinds of Coapobition for SUam- v ;< a:s do. All kinds of Gilding and Heglldtng, to ord*r. <] !'. MouMin a.tbf Frames, whoieade and retail. Vomiah lv i 0U i’alnHngs, Engravings and Lithographs, for sale. Impaired or defaced OU Falntloga restored in the fc‘sl manner. Ail Frt iu»». and MooMio'px manufaetnred in this extab li..Lm«rrit may be cleaned without injury, with soap and «\Ti*r. C«li and wee. No. Sl'St. Clair aL. Pitt»bursh* (mh3«Hf . J. WHITE, BLIND MANUFACTURER, has recovered V Lis health so os to resume his old business, and has opHisdhii BUND MANUFACTORY, at No.63Fifthitrvet, ttrer the Poit ohlcftj between Wood and BmUhLoM, h here hn has an asraTtmenttif.-BLXNDS, (drained with plain sod :'r. nc7 worsted and. silk trimmings,- and- is prepared to fill s'lu.c-rder labia line, jontbre gyaennaMg; terms. Jlla w»rk is warranted tu give eatisffiction or mohtyrefunded, -£&• 0;d Blindn repaired. iMcaa*' plvodiinx a .caii, as he can’t be beat In work ninnUilp ’V ’ ‘ •" ' my7:ly IfIAVC eoM my & C0.,t011. A Long,who, withJuhnPhUUpa,wDl ton ii:iuu hi the old tiaad, No.-109 Front elrcsL'. X cordially re* -> JDfiiLDd the new brm to the patronage of-my ftieadjf.' i iti.*burgh,Jnlj S9/IS6L _F.II.MILLER. S, Ai bottg A Co. r *S)ELLAND BRASS RoUNDHRfI, AND'GAS FrCTERS, J_> Invits aitenUcu tn thfrlr stock of Cliandellorfl, Brick* Pendants and other fixture*. We fit up houses with Odd and Steam, crake Braes OkflGngs of a'H kinds to order, ihrcdsh Railroad rttmpvonil’ , 'anklßtilnga, aad keep Anti- Attrition Metatconajantly tm hand. jv3l NOTICE. -* PALY*B STOCKING MANUFACTORY. -Ye. 20 Fifth .zirtciyfirit corr.tr above Markel street, - - PITTSBUBGLH, FA., . i WHERE, will -bo ffiiinitha Jargest aci. bflfit Bs&orted stock of ITOStERY ever offered for E&le ta this City. Pcr-h&fltra will find ibtp theirady.antsgft'to call »t this oi tablisbment and examine tit th&huelves; It ts all I need u ■ insure thtJy-euetnm V. C.DiLY;. N. li —Remember the GSiAjLJStoceikg Conran. leblcy . . ' OR. CoDgame (tie Sinok*. THE subscriber hsvfog the exclusive right to manufac ture an* feH «WEJSi«ErS II0r;4IB AMD BMQKE uotffiUMlK6’.EU&£JAC23ris.pTßpM?d to: receive ■,n;»utract far-heotJQg:frolbiißg9T:Wlttivlho moat eooooxnpcal those iotereeted Is S'-’licKeth Anyiufcrastton rcao be -had-of A. BRADLEY, Nts.a and 4 Wood #tre3?.orofi JJ*BAR£» DOLLAR,; dec24:tfj ; Itoq City Btove Warahoase, >Jo. 184 Wood at.. Msiiß ' <fe Ulam« •" (gtrocdSSftre'to Malranj k Lodlis.) T. J'i^iDTUiaqtsx>rCul. t Hoßia£4 aadEl&Jn, Flint M U *JI kind* or ‘Ware house corner ; rohSally . -. • !•-’ ~ r " i ‘ l ' , ‘ t “ Removal.- , ■ /I IHIfSEN, 2iaaafSctdrer 6f et*T : cf'Yials, Vy, Littlfs And^WfodowOlsad,BtacirPorter; Wlnejand <JiHret Bottles; Demljohua anJC&rbdytfynlioj'TUnt Glass in every variety,•■ IVarebbiiseiNo'S. and 133 Kir««treotwTltUbtfrklTf' , P«r ir -" ir '-''-" mh2B i. W. ' Dialer in Kentucky rags and pAEEBt-No.dftft Wood streetibelow-Stxlh,Pitts burgh,Pa. ~ ~ <_■} • ; A3jf*Thrt highest matkei priee, Ib- CA-Stt, paid for RA<*3. '■- - • . : ly*. ■ i JJUS-4.T.W111 ........ xj.lii . i.-.iV.'.rWn, ATffiLL t .- . Le* 4fe-Ca«j-> m WHOLESALE GROCERS. Produce AOd 'CoiiltDlMfop*. IJerobarila/and -Paatari lo Pittsburgh fiksufactbres, j No,sWood etrcet^'B'oLif^wx. >y^ater Pitts burgh. w X ■•plS- ASr-In-retirio s from tbo Confectionary badness, I eheer* fully recommend filessru-Reymer A Anflersba to my friends’ aiid,eustoine p » ‘ JOSHUA' RHODES.! - Pittsburgh, Match 27 th, 1856, ■ . ; r ;., • •‘ 1 Removal* rT; '" —— PKXNOER HABBAUGH A GO. hare removed-to No. S PSING Cft EABCAt33*.»W«MM«..~.*T*«-»»■■? ALtUIMHA ’ v Bbrl9ft«i Btrbfta|a ACo. r ; V!'.-;. , (Sawessora to<6.HaZbafigb;)X ; 4. FQRWAfIOINQ-bg^OHANia; *» ,xf <*•*:?■ ft- «pi . r -yoi r * tci .Esoi.cs iis stj ad ./lUad Cluwxu.' ILtkrVACTCZSZZS or •b. B. tOIXJIEfi. Ofotlcw* Soucs. puuups. .jcatpa i. L T ii,M, PITTSBIJUGH, TUESDAY. AUGUST 14, 1855 BUSINESS CARDS. J. li. Maralinli, (Succoisor to H. Lee.) WOOL DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 130 Liberty Ptreet. f lttebargb. Pa. W. M’Cllntork A Bro*.; KTRUK-r A Ruhm; Brown &. Klrbpatrlcki Murphy, Tlt-rnnu A Co. " ~ Tlctaburgh* 24,1855—(my2413m c ’) Flats and Caps. pfa •. .WK -vrouldtovite tho attcnxioa of our friends and _ / Mtha public ;to a aplendll assortment cf HATS and «B%CAPS, are now o'pcnb g /or tho Summer trade, which for beauty of style, exceeds anything ever of fatedin the dty, or west of the mountains, £3* Call and examine for yourselves. A WILSON A SON, • apG , 91 Wood street, Pittsburgh. DUfOlutlon of Co*Partuorstilp, rpHS FIRM OF LmNGSTON. ROGOE.Y A CO.. Propria- X‘ tors ef Iha PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS, was diseblvedby thedeath of Mr. Joan J. Roaaix, on the 11 to of M**chlast.- ’ 1 •'.••.«.-.i . ~ ; ThebuelußS3 of .the NOVELTY WORKS will be continued In idl lta brenchtß by the surviving partners, under the hataeMdjstyle of LIVINGSTON, OOPELAND ACO., who will alsoFetUeup*he.*ffairsof theratohro. ‘i \ V. ;• • L. R. LIVINGSTON, CALVIN ADAMS, J. K. MOOIUIEAD, .Pittaburgh,Pa.,May 4,1555.1 TT.B. COPELAND. JOBS tfCXOSKIT. M'olfeSEt. John ffl'Cloafcay db Co>, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING MER CHANTS, No. 3$ V/cod street, Plttßburgh, P*. Tbe Bubeorlbora respectfully Inloim tbelr eld customers and the publia In general, that tboy have this day eaa ->< ia ted themaelves lu’ tbe above bU3lno»e, unier the firm cl JOHN M’CLOSKAV A CO. They respectfully solicit a share ofpuMlc patronage. 2'h«'pre>)oua biuineifl i f earh will be ictUid by them eelvee reepectively. feL9 Boots and Sitoee. J’ iPLAUGHLFN, No H 5 Fourth 6treet t nearly opposite w ths Mayoe'a office, ieuauufa«tariiig QefcUemfJi’d hrei Boots, Low Shoes, tics end buttontd; Congrec? and Button ed Gaiters; Lodleh’ Boat*, Half Boots, J«nny Llods, Slip pers, and ; French Lathing Oeiters, of every color and *btoe; taneyELl and Satin Gaitera, of the best msterials. Aloes ©Tory variety. N.TJ— All klbds made to order, on phert notice. JenP lionnir Lcmii and cielun egelnit Government, I WILL procure Bounty Land Warrants fur Foldirrs, thalr Widowe end Minor Children, and attend to huMcest. hi the Court cf Claims,” recently established by CcQ;rr?l«. Clfflee. No.liS Thirl street, one do-ir above buiith i<*M ut. March 19-dSSS-»<mha)) CIIARLKH NAYLOR ttew Need Store. JAMES WAEDROP offers U>r 6 al« CANARY BIRDS of the moat Improved breed, l*ving very Lardy, and fine fingers. Bird B«tfds—-Canary, Hump, Millet, Rop** erd mil «d Bead. Bouquets will fee turntshed compos* Jof the finest FLOWERS, via i Oamelias, itos© Bud*, Ueliotropea, Ar. Evergreens (in pot' l ) for Cbrbrtmtu Tree.'*, from the Swd aod llortlealtural Flore; No 49 Fifth st. il--‘JO Bounty Lnndi. TUB undersigned tODiiuuoK c.-» obtain Rminty 1 and War rants. Th« present UUgivtstoall who b»ve.--e:Ft;d i-» any wer tinvr IT'JU, ltio acre?. mndcretf. LUKE COCK3HOOT, It? Diamond alloy, ohliy betwWn Wood st.end Dlsruon-i Work* for Sate. SI XTY THREE ACRES OF LAND, eilh 250 arms of Coal attached, end all the improvetnorvu thereon In ful operation. Said Firm U «!tue’.e»J on the M enne;*!!*! i river, 34 miles above Pittsburgh, end is f-uppbe-l with a Farm House, Barn, Tenant Houfcj, Orchard. Ueiho&d, eoJ «n excellent harbor. The vein of Goal H five feet thick,and caunct bo surpeis ed in qtialifv. For forther particniara apply to MCIIOLFoN a p. YNE, Jelfi.-lf No. 2J5 Liberty ptrwL “ exu i bu iu¥ kooai FOU INVENTIONS AND PATENT?, And Agency for the Purchase and Sale of Pate&t Eights and Poteutod Articles. M05F.5 F EAio.t .Vo, Pi) /rtsrrfA itrr't, *i. rpnr. Pub.*rntvr« h»T'.' 1od«{ bt-rii will, Mr. X MOdES P. KATOJi.and haro do ;n in r^i:. mecdiaz him, to ail who may wi»h to employ hi* wnrive* m igeoik-m&Q i f uadoubUd oad l n try, lavheee e\ericn.; nerv ri-ILni-o mav ho jt r t »»j jOrill** n. Crafj, W. Hol>ina?B, dr tV. 11. iieonjr, J< hn tir&hain. James Weed, 11. Childs A C>. 1\ 21 Frieod, N Holmes A Son Knap k Wade, Krnxsr k llahm, V.'ui. Phillips. 1. JC UriDcati n. Wilkju M'Catjdlrs*, Wrn. t. John*- A W Local*, Andrew Fultou rittsburjh, l^-i Wriltog CUii<«*-Uufl , 'i UoSleg*. WHE Gentleman and Lodim* Day and Evroin- Wrl'in,; Cltsf-ea will cC'Utiuue Juflug tb» •uramcr tscJ* - Mr J. D. Wiiliaa*, whc-u* Tari>xi« »: 1 i»-* of o • t.t ; ec.f n and Ladle*' Willing i*r» eo unmubalit admireJ. No of Peamau>hip are axbibdod nt thedoor bat tho-e ei’"ut.-i by tba Teacher in tho Institution. Die Priorlpiii aluuii no *• monopoly " nor “ pat- t ” for hi* Im-dne**, nor did hr his Institution chartered to evil out, as ha» t*<;u repeatedly done In this city. Gentleman and LadL-.V Visiting Cards written in Mr. Williams’ unequal!**! style. All hinds of Ornam-oUI P- o mauabip executed to order. rcy2-i :»*• New Intolllgcnce 0(Qc« subscriber liv Just rprned an I N TELLI iE.-iVE A OFFICE, at No 410 Liberty stri-st, in tho well Kxo*n oflleeof John ' horapnon, r’.fclp Assent; and as fce hai L*m Exploring Agent for the ioudj Mm'< Bible Society of i l:tn burgh for nearly two years, be Caller.* biioaeit that M-* knowledge of th* city and it** clusrn* cries him great f»cM two In furnishing houspkf*.*pers *itn h•*lj•. and also m find ing places for bays,girls and a>i Ovhcrt Reeitog eop-oyment. The patronage of the public Is ►ol'rti.sl. Twon «esy, and every effort oeol to give general *atbltr.ri >u jell.tf _ • (J All Hi ill. HOIR Ulllliken A Co. HAVE ON IIAND. at tb-lr «x!«osi7:» CABINET and CHAIR MAN V FAOTO A Y, No C>l street, a large assortment of Faaoy and Plain Furniture, niii :* they wi'l tell It p**r mi;. be!*-'* .-u*:r>u2 nr> ra>e. Tenarf—-cash only d**.*-T It VYm. K, Sttv MI»o» iN'nlinu-* t.i i;ia-TiTr »"- Ul tnre CABINET WaKE of -vrrjr description. iv: l,n tmad, corner of Liberty and Shtcoll; eircit. M* UNDERTAKING ntt.*ndi>J m, m ull us bian-h-*. myll Cliarlrb Harnett, HORSE BIIOER AND HI U'KSMim. I'M wstM a new and commodious Hrlca Shop on Cherry ail- v. between Third and Fourth sited*. »h*rt> lis is prepared to c 0 all work la lib line with th« utmoit pr*mptrod.-. Having had long experience in the Lu toes*, he r«*p***u'ui!v solicits the pa'.rooej;* of hi.-* c>.d o j-'.'uier? uu l ih« p.r !»,• generally. ~ v I Git AND PIANO. M.VDK EV NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK TUB PUBLIC of Pittsburgh cud Allegheny is re?ptu: fully iaritod to call at the Music Str>re •; of tho subscribers, No. tZ FiiTII ST , uxamioe a superb flnHrTn Pall Grand Plano, price Slooo,y “ w 1/ w From the Factory of NUNnS A CUaK, New V'orfe. Tl.i > elegant inetreoent U mudo in the •• Md/ABETHIAN StYLE," tho ornaments, front pleraaaTid being o’abo rately carved out of SOLID BOSE WOOD. Kis full p.-ren octaves, of the Urgent dlmocsloos, r.ml, in point of volume, power, and liquid of tr-ne, ip prottouncM al;»■»■ gether acsurpartable. The will be happy lo r****.ivn ;h** tDIu of their friends and tho public in general, end nbow thi ra through their elexant tew cstablDhment. 11. IChRIIKR A nno , 81>rn <<l the O Mon Harp, inylS _ No. (•?. V.f.i, Spring Stock of Hamburg Pianos. •• CHARLOTTE Bhtmn, No. liH w,. O J street, PitUburgb, eole Agent. Rra'ffiß Hsmburg Flancp arc urdnuhtedly f! B I I» superior to all others, both in elasticity of {'Tuch eod ffupaiariiy of tone. ■ Theyhavo not"only received tho highest marks rfafpre halloa from tho beat European PUsUts, surh an LIST, THALBEfIU, And others, wbn VfiiiYe theia constantly la their own ner, but alw from our ru. e ldent VroTcwors. The fulluwlnf; la uq ektrtcGfrom . . * ' rnoFKssoit nSsti roubock. • • After describing tie particular style two of which he wants for hla own use-cue Grand end one Square— he speaks as follows of Ibelr rxcrilent qualities t “My little daughter, who playe very well, munt, with myself, hero a good instrument, and yours ere the only ones which can oatlsfy mo. “ Instruments are offered me on the most accommodating terms. I, however, do not like thorn ; they have not the elastic touch and the tone of yoma. “I remain, yours, respectfully, u liana? Roacock, Pittsburgh, Pa." Pr.r sale by CHARLOTTE BLUMJS, at thn “ uld Kelah. llehed Plano Depot," 118 Wood street, 21 door above Etfth. . Also. Sole Agent for PlUßt>urgh and "Western Pennsylvania iotaaVtt, Davit <ff Co.’* Boston Pianos, (which in the Bast on cities aw eoceictered superior to either Ohlckerluc’s or Nunns A Clark’s, out which fact Is not extensively known, es they have but lutoly be«n Introduced here.) and other NewYors and Philadelphia Pianos, of thn beet makers, at prices from $220 to £SOO. mhlP Notice to Wliom It May Concern. THE PDBUO BPRINU bALRB of Heal Estate Ht Po theater arc now closed, and the Building Seacnn has fairiy commenced; livery cUteoa of Kochruter is huciiy em ployed. Even 30or 40 new families who Lure becom« uHi sens the present Spring, find constant employment; uud in ft few days ft bondred families moro will be required tc cur ry on the ?vork of the preaent Beaton. The Cir.Diiitdtrg StfabHibmnit is now tear -'ompli-rinc, and will be in fall operation in Judo. Several Carp will be .fitady for delivery, by contract, the Ist of July. 1800. ■Two or three new eburchee, in Rochester, will bo con tracted for immediately, and riumerousotber improvements - will beconftnenced, requiring a grokt aruoun t of mechunicul and oilier labor independent of tb« Cur KfitabMshmunt, whloh will probably employ from one to two hundred .. ApKimlnent brictmnnor from Pittsburgh his just pur* chased nine larno lots, and contracted to make upon them forthwith 500,000 bricks. Two gang? of bands commerce work the "'present week, besides the other yards heretofore established In the neighborhood. QttBt<ms Quarries *ro already alive wi»h workmen, and' fhe road leading to them lined with teams. Lumber h becoming abundant and eArnji, and toneman'a will soon spring up, to. relieve some of our houeea, which nowhave.D rajnniHa, 4 families, 3 families, and docuna .of them 2 families each r: Any wht> d T d not hoy cheap lots at tbo four public sales last season, or the four public sales the present spring, cap still secure good bargain.* at private sale by calling oa the subscriber 01 Rochester. Terms— % down, }.s iu onoyvar and *A lb two years. M. T. O. GOULD. . P.*k— A few lots can yet bo had at $6O to $l<)0 each; if applied for before the 20 h May. These lots sro twice ua lsrge as usual city lots, vir: 40 feet by 125, and tho price only from ftt.fiQto $2,50 pur foot front. Tho present res-rv -oi homestead aQd isagnillceut profit of Qyldd’innsy, 4 acrc.s 'tn thecßatJfihfthe Rocbestcf; olso,tbebeautl .ful 20-kerA, building, orchard, Ac., of P Reno, can he bought through the subscriber at great bargains, and there are nottxvo tuchbargaint within a hundred G. myO - _ •' •V- '• • . * ’"BfetanoYjrt*. Ct .CDTHBERT k SON hove removed their Real Katate O# and General Agency Office to No. 53 MARKET bT, near Third. aug2 FOR SALE—»Two Ijots of 50 feet by 140 each, in East Pittsburgh, at tho lowest prioes, inquire of - augl .- THOMAS street. -i. h •' / : ‘V* : v / *' i '. y T *« T *»'• . ' v H - 'r <i' ? ..., ~ ..... •.*•;.***.*] *. •« MISCELLANEOUS: DR. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. KZAT3 ALt DISZA3C* 0? TEI STB ASH IA» WITHOUT CUTPINO. IXSCHINO, BU3IX&2SO, OS fQSVBB Of CALOMEL OFFICE 458 BROADWAY, COR. GBAND 8T n NEW YORK. Hours from 0 A fil. tb 4 P. SL THOUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, In&ftmmatioh, Acuter.r Av Chronic Blindness with lritis, AciauroiU and Cataract Scpofnloua, Weeping ot Watery Eyes, are among the dis-ftfe? of tha eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect satisfaction. - - All diseases of tho Ear treated open BcientiflO'pri&eiplcA. ArtiSd&l Eyes inserted wlUxout an operation. All letter* poeVpaM will eecure prompt attentlonr We select the feurowtog reftTonoes froia-among tho thou sands of cases which baTa.haen auciciSfully treated by Dr. llenderaon: Wm. J. Fryer, D25-BBroadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Southwlck, Printer, “ “ tJ- Gcodspesd, Qians Falls, N. Y. •Wm. W. Bmith, Datroii, Mich. *Mxs. a. M. L, WUsom-Now York City, N. Y. tMlsfl Mary Bellows, N. B. Station, Duchess eo , N Y. •Edward G. Bolgcr, Bristol, Conn. •John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N.T, Wm. F. B; Giles, office Courier andEnq., N. Y. tJamcs W. Kicby,.Brocklyc*,*Zi> L Jurvlt Rodgers. u “ . A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator,Bt. Nlcholu Hotil. R. *d. Ferrlss, Organ BttUder. Houston St. K. B. Dooilctlo, M. D a Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship. Troy, ff. T. R. L. Roe c , Albany, N. Y, • -A. 3ii!ecbach, Sohensctady, N. Y. Oftpt. B. H. HavUanil, AihentN. Y. John W. llaatett, Bloghomptoa, N. Y, •These parients were blind, and h&3 to be lad to tha office. At the expiration of two weoka thsy could go aboui the city at pleasure. *Th«?sa es?*3 of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they ware given up m incurable by the faculty, and can b« referred to by any peroon who wbhea to learn the facte in cases, bv writing to tboni, ' Jang Pittsburgh Dollar Having# inatttutlon, Ac. CS Pburth itftet, NSXV DOOR TO THE PITTSBURGH BANK, IB NOW OPEN dally from ®. to. Sttfclock ;#•!», on Wed nesday and tiatuTday evenings, from 3 to W o’clock, Depofits recnlvod of Ail sums hoi less than One Doß&r, and a dividend x>( the profits declared twice a year, In June and December. The Trust ewsfbr the purpose of farthering the benevolent objects of tbe Inatitation, Lave entered Into a guarantee bond, thereby giving wlditlonal-eecutlty lo debitor!*. Books ccntnlolng the Charter, Dy-Ltwu, Ruler and Rego lallone, furnlihHd grails, on eppllcatlon at the office. ./Y«ufeKt—GEORGE ALBBEE. VIC« PP.ESIOO.’fT3; Hopewell Ilepburn, John U. fihoenberger, Georgo R. While, Charles Knapp, William F. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, W. Hallman, Theobald Umbetaetfer, Aioxander Bradley, Isaac M. Fennoek, MUlUon Phillip?, William J. Anderson. ttrvuEs: John G. Bet*kofan. James Hertlinan, Hill Burjcwio, John Jl. Klrkpauick Alhvr; Culbeityu, .John D. M’Cord, Kobrrt Che;Rer. Rofart Morrow, J Gardiner Coffin. W'eltet P. Manta.!!, Alonsft A. Carrier, A. MiTolleck, .L4ia 8. Cosgrove, Hftrry L. lUngwait. Ctarlra A Coltcn, Robert Robb, E G Klriogton, George R. Biddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, Uacrge F. OiHmore, Jtmea Shidle, James S. Ifocn, George fl. Selden, William S. Haven. Alexander Tindfe. Secretary a*<it Treasurer—CHAßLES A. COLTON. j > l'hdl V FAHfllEito' ASD MhiCUXSTUS’ UFE, FIRE AND MARINE fiutiirnnce Com»'.tnr, OF PHILADELHUA: Agent. Capital i .9300,000 Acaoout securely 9^00,000 rillili? COMPANY efl-«:t3 Fire Jn«uraoce no ttntldicga, JL Oocds, Farnl are, Ac. Marine Ineuratu-e on Vessel*, Car|*o and Freight. Inland In.«nnir*M on Gcc\ln, by P.lvers, Lake*, Canals, Hailroud*, and Land Carriage generally. Al«t\ inaurancd upon Lives, upon tho most favorable terms. Hoa. Thomas C Flo*f*oce, James E Neail, tlrarve II Annatrcn/. Cbarle* I>log<»e, E*l IS Mjddletoc, E. IL RelaWd, linurgn lielmtold, Frod. 0. Brewtiar, Th'ujj.t MuoJrrbe’d, IrtaoLerch. TUOMAB R. FLORENCE, Prealden* E.'.vrvJvt' R lliiiiivoLo, Secretary. PITTSBCROa BEFEatSCCfI. 11. . ; M Uow*. lion. J K. M’CUotoci, IL'U. )• C. Hhism-o, Cul. |L \Y. illaci, Hr.n -» B Guthrie. A. B FrCalmont. , Tl>-rmv< J Eoi'oan, K*»i, WlDcn M*Candla<j, Es-j, Cel. J Ha on Fcit»r, Qua. J. It. Morehead. K. M. KUJIr, 'i'h*<ih<»r*-!-r of the above Ccmjr*ny i* of tb« firet clats, and cemtir.«s the i are add unusual prtviiegoa of Sire, Ma ries and Life Insurance. lient’-mru cf «4«vated standing are associated In Its m&dagrment, •«ml interwtod as StochholdiT*. THOMAS J. nUNTJSH, Agent, J) '-‘7 B J.Ctiarlea Building, No ittS Third Rt. PITTSBI'IIUH AM) COHAELLSVIIiLE RAILROAD OVEN FROM WEST N KWTON, Westmoreland County, to DaWFON’S STATION, opposite East Liberty, F»y etU’ County, 62 roUes from PUtaburgb. «>r. and att>r tho Ist of August, tho Traiae of the Pitts burgh and GunnriDvlll* Railroad will be run between the nborr daily, ;cEcept fundsya,) until further hoU-.yi, a> f di’.irs : Fir«t Tn»in will leave rawson’R Ptatlou at halfpast 6 h A M , anl rvach West Newton at 7 : pDQ&vodng i her.* T>it:i tha fast BtcaioT *• Clara Fiehcr,” and roach i'ittHhurgh st n.>-,n. iecr nd Tram leaves BaweonV at 12 o'clock, nooa; arriv ing »t W...;i Newton a! l.tia P. M. Mwt Train will k-avo W«»t Newton at 8 i/clock A M,j arriving at linwsoo’s at 9 U 5 .V. M. J - * '-‘'cd Train will learn Wust Nnwton at 016 P. M., and teurh IVawiwn’n at 7.25 P. M. FTaoes win connect with the Trains at Dawson's for ConnwiWvilltf and Unlc-ntown. The *t«-atuor OI.AIIA FIdLiER will leave Pittsburgh ev ery otenloi, (i*X's*p: Pandays,) at half-peat 4 o’clock, pre ci»**ly, to eounuct with the Train* ns above. KitKldUT will »mj trao each way daily. For rates apply lo D W CALDWELL, Kao , Awlftnot Supuriotetni cut, Woat N.-A’.in, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Agent, tti board the st-nmur Clare Flab- 3 *, at berwhatf, abtivo the Monong»h«l«» Bridge. OLIVER W. BARNES, jjdi President ood Supetintendent. fiurgalns la Waichei, Olookf A Jewelry KOBE RTS & BROTHER. -a: AHJK.now MlLitlg thMr and carefully s*lec* teJ block of i'iQc Watchn?, Clocka, andrlch Gold Jewelry at greatly rrsluced nrifea, to tnoko room Qinftftwfor an entire new stock, which will bureceived dl reot from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, fay the Fall trade. Purchasers dealrlcg to hay good gooJa at .low prlcas, should call Immediately and examine our stock, a? me are determined to close li out without regard to cost or former prices. Ivu't forget tho place. ROBERTS A BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, nest door to Wdod. aSriWat-bw, Clrnkj. »nl Jewelry repaired in the b<at acd warranted. jy2l;lv CITY HOTEL. (UT* HEOWS’a,) Coruar or SmltUfleld and Third air««t«, JOHK P. QLABB, Proprietor, piTTsuvuan, pa. riMilß large and commodious House having undergone L thorough repair end famished with new *iulpmonU Ummghout, Is now open for the reception of the traveling public. CUABQI3 KOQg&ATI. Jel JLANI* WARRANTS W ANTKD - 40. HO, 100 ACRE WARRANTS, by: AUSTi« Looms, t«tfl D**Ur In Warrant*, Rtnoks. Ac.. 03 Fourth » Co-Partnership, WALTER P. MARSHALL asaorfated'wlth him. on the 2J (ley of July, JOS. It. UDOHES, In the Wall Pap»r business, udder the name of jy» W. P. MARSHALL A 00. FOR SAkE VEBT-CHEAF. ABUILDINQ LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST; J.vlSrt Lot for Sale. A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street by 100 feet la depth, In Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Kn'iulro of QEO. F. GILLMORE, iylll at oflUie of-the Morning Post. HUMI ANNUAL DIVIDENDT& PER JU LY^Bof.'. .'ETNA INSURANCE COMPAKY, OF FiAHTFORD, CONN. CIIAHTEBKI) - - 13]9 PAID UP. Cash Assets, July 1, 1855,-8833,530 S 3. /IONTISUE lo make Inßuranco on all cescrlpUobs of * i property at oquitabln rates. This Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for tUTyean, aud U unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar Institution in the United States annual statement cf tbo condition of this Company oh file in this office, for ibo examination of the public. • U. B. TEN-EYCK, Agent. Office, North-west corner Fifth and Wood streets, pitta burgh. jy 24 it. I>l, Lemon Co, 1 * Way Llnel 1 BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. THE undersigned having purchased part of D Leech A Co.'s Canal Stock, gasa * ga£^lnpß ” are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business ientxosuKi to our cars will be promptly attended to by us, at the-Warehouse-formerly occupied by D. Leeofc JtfCo., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. jy2s:dlm* ■' ; JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS THER—The Magazines for A ugust: Peterson's Magazine for August; Ballou's do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress or Haughton, or the Mother’s Secret • Mary Lyndon, or Revelations. of a Life; •Peggy Woffington. For all the new Books or Magazines call or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A GILDRNFENNEY A CO., ' jytf) .Tilth et., opposite the Theatre. COAL PLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty etrret, MOnon* gahela river, for sale by Jy2o J. W. BUTLER A C*V ALMOH—No. I Lake Superior Salmon for sale by! O Jo2o 'rfisNßY Ur9oLtlH3. ... \ •' ' i .» -: f-* + .» L k . + *►•* £ s*,t • • > u ** •« Hv- r ' • .S\‘ DIRCCTOE9, % , -J- K f . '** vn>^r^'f£ ~* :^**&* MISCELLANEOUS, WM. A. HttlßOr? entswru- HK&BOBT CSISWELL, BELL AND BBASa POUNDEK9, MANUFAOrUUERS of all Ulndn of BRASS WORK, LO COMOTIVE, STEAM ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al ec,Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Alleghany City. Office and Store,.No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASSaud COPPER taken in exchange for wort, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will ba promptly attended to. fob9:ly . JOSEPH T. LOWRY) No. 43 Comer of Fifth and Wood Vtndi, Office npatoira. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, KESPEOTFULLV announce to the public that he hao conunenced tho REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Perec* ns m want of Rervantß,' Ln any capacity, or those In want of placed, willbejupplied afebort notice. All bueintsn entrusted hla care proxnpGy,at tended to. J. Blghara, Richard Cowan,• 0-Leslie, Dr. Alex. I;lack, Jamea Mackerel, A ( A* Mdflon, MaffitAOU. janlB ' Sebuehmata 4b ilaunleln, r miOGUAPHERS—Third street, oppoeUc thv Post-office, AJ Pittsburgh, Maps, Londßcapeß.lUu Heads, Show Blllfl. Lntafe, Arebiteottiral and Machine Drawing*, Business and Visiting fingrarfsd or Drawn oa Stone, Printed In Colors, Gold,Bronze,or Black, in the most approved style, and at the moat reasonable prices. octlfely BELVIDERE RESTAVHANT, WOOD STREET', BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. frHEK Undersigned has just provided a choice stock of JL LIQUORS, andla ready at all timed lo serve his friends with the best of the season, in the waytof edibles. Irish -Whisky Punches may be had at the Bslvidsss. i&nlLXy JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. CAlezatider Uays, IVIL ENQINEJiR AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna.—has per manently located, and will punctually attend to all buelneps entrusted to his otarge. „ _ Bsrjniscss: n 5W * P- Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. P,. W. Milnor Roberts, Chief Engineer “ **' •* Oeo-it, Eichbauio, Associate Kng. • •• “ David Mitchell, Chief Engineer PitUb’h and Steub. It. R. James Thompson, Snperitrtemlont CityGns Work.-. Jamoe K, Day, Civil Kpalneog, Alie-ghenyOity. lapTdlw* 1 Notlee» fpHE Partnership of JOHN STD3SVITT A BRO. was die- A eolved on the flr>it IneL John M’Devifct will ccntlnu? tbd business at the old stand, tbd attend to the settlement of the busdußM of the late firm. JOHN H’DEVITT, wiLU.wi m’dkvttt. Pitteburgh, January Cd, ISss—{jan4 Uaw Trimming Store, A T o. ,83 Garter of Market strut and the Diamond. ITUtANK. VAN GORDEU respecfnliy announces to the pnblicof Pittsburgh and vtoiuity, that ho will open bio new TrimmingStcro on Monday, April 17th. Having fitted uptbu neateot store room In the city; and filled it with a choice selection of the latent styles ol Trimmlngo and i'&n cj Goode, he llatteTa liimseit that lie will offer superior in duceaenta and endeavor to giro full flttiiafiiQtion to all w},o may favor him with thrir patronage. Now,don’t forgutihe plaoi«—No. 8J Market &tre.€t, corner of the Diamond. |aprL2] FRANK VAN GOBDJSK. ICffiGLiISB AMD CLASHIC AL SKIOIWAHV. w. t. McDonald, m. a., pstnciPAL. n[IHU next session of tbe loetltutloii will commenca on X MGNDA Y, tbe frth of September next, at tho room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by U>« Messrs. Yeeder. ityirrenew—Hoo. A.V/. Loomjj.C. Knap, Jr., F. F. Von onboret. It. Miller. Jr. aug26 Agency for rioidlero* Claims.. LOOATIuN OF LANDS. —PUROUA3B AND SALE 0* LAND WARllANTfi.—The unjeirlgned Lai made ar rangements with competsnt fend rwpdnriMa gerjMm?n to obtain Certificate.* or Warraota for Soldier,s tb'eif widotvi or minor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands i aim far Ihe Locadca of tand-*, eiDd lb*- I'urebarw and Sil* of Laud War rant*. JOHN D. DAVIS. mhl4*tf CVifter of W&M and Fifth ntrr-*ta. New Paper flangings. NO. 85 WOOD BTREET. * I7IINE FRENCH AMD AMERICAN PARLOR PAPERS ; . Panel DoccrarPm:* lu gold, ouk and marble; llall Paper*, of Tarioas etyies; Ftg’-Jend Plain P*sfcr.»,id»dhiin£rcc*aiacdvbMnb<jr*; Cheap aud low prtrAi Wall Papers; Border*, CMlla?*, Fifun**, Window Shades. A lartt» and complete nswtoem of tha erlec<ed fer lbs season, will bi sold at tha o?qal low r.tia-o. ocid WALTER P. MARSHY I.L. 4. J. lU3A* HAT-AS a AllLj WUOLS3ALK «cd «r« lo ar.J SiapU. Dili' (JOODJSj Noa. 91 Mwkst »od ti UaK*a »tr*et, PittaturKb. *pr4 k. vviiTTKiioiiHib, Fancy silk and woolen dvkr and clkakjir, No. 7 ISABELLA £L. uear tko Luicei lloUl, CUT 4 Alls-;usi»7. Li E. Hayward, DEALF.II ic BOOTS, SlluKS, TH.UMC3 and LEGHORN and mu ID IIATd, corner cf Market tad Liberty No IT4, Pittsburgh, Pa. jtrllir aoTitrs»TwoiiKt.i, r ~ " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, So. 135 Wood Street, JoS;. 1 } Next door to H.Childs* Fho* Uouso, Plt.sborjh WM. A. M’CLUKG, BEALEII IS Fine Teat, CholceTamUy Groceries and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. IS now resolvinga largo assortment ot FLESH GOODS, in addition to bis uiready extensive stock, pureluuwd from first hand* in the- Eastern market*, whi-h, will be sold at the latest market prico?. lIOiK, Stnair.boatn, and families, buying by it** quantity, supplied at wbobrnale r*t««a. ffi" Goods dr 1 Word lu the city tr~f? of ettarga. St«aoil)d%ti) AUoy : Taj; subscriber* tender their *oknow-£>* f for the favors toatowed uuouiM nfanirmSElthap by their 3teambr.ai friend#, and Wf would respectfully remind then and others interact* * 1 * «d iu building boat?. that they are at all times prepared to furttlah, on the mopt rrasnrable ureas, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chains of the best material and wort majichip. T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Comer Third and HmithGeld strata, Jyl2.'M eppeyit* 11 Brown'? Hotel." luitruutioni in Pluaic* Mil. WAMELiNK wou*d r*opef.tfully inform hU pupil# an : friends that ha will continmi his j.rvfessiuu at luetmetor rn the I*IANO FOKTR and VOICIi. Onlers lott -1 Mr. KLED CL'S M uwic fii.»ra, or at hia re-d* dear*, No. 15" chCOND street, wtii be promptly attended to. %U>' Ciredt iUduotlou IN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at UAUA.N A AEILi’4, 01 jußKt.r srnssr. We will mark tlown on Monday, June 4th, cur entiru stock rf seasonable Dr. Goods, at a large discount from former prices. Wo name, ia pari, U«*rag*3 and Tl?su-*», Grenadines, Crape da Espagne, hammer Silks, Lawns of til kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Glove* and Mitts, Lorn Man* tilled, Chilli B**rage«, Madonna Cloth*. Ac,—with & full anil complete assortment of nousekbepj&g OC-odi. my2l Ear Kent, AFAKM CONTAINING £>3 AOIU3 OF LAND, under ». high state of cultivation, wfth 3 large and conreutent DWELLING HOUSE, recently built aud of modern style: good Baru,BtabHng, Aa..dta.'tted on the couth bauk. 01 the Monongahalariver, 0 miles above Pittsburgh, being- oue < f the most beautiful and pleasant Hitywhere to be fbund. Vosrerslon giren c.n or je’on*l n« Ist of April uer • Enquire of 11. CHILDS & CO., mhB:tf 133 Wood street. Paul A Murdock, /COMMISSION AND FORWARDING SLERCHANS, AND O STEAMBOAT AGENTS—N'o. T Waterstroet,Cincinnati, Ohio. l»pl:tf I* W. Chadwick) DEALEBIN IIAGd AND PAPKR, No. 149 Waod3tr*ct, Pittsburgh. The highest *riue lu cjub paid Tor rage. pyiUy Writing Cln*»o»—Dnfl’t College* fTMIE Gentlemen an>i Ladltw* Day and Writing |, Classes will continue open during the summer under 31r. J. D. Williams, whose various styles of Gentlemen umi Ladies’ Writing are ao unWemlly admired. No specimens of Penmanship are ozhibited at the door but those executed by (be Teacher la the Institution. The Principal claims do “monopoly” nor “ patent” f'r bis business, nor did he got his ifaatltatlnti chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly dono in this city. ' pGentlometf &od Ladiea* Visiting Garda written in Ur. Williams’ unequalled style. All Wnds of Ornamental Pea* Clanship executed to order. ravU4:daw MOURNING GOODS. FRANK VAN GORDEK has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Shave* and Setts in Orel*; Tatleton and Swiss, block lace aud gauae Velb, black Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton, ondeitt; Ribbons, Belts, aud Crapes, lu all qtulitiss. Alesander A Usjou’s best Kid Glove# can always hi (bund at No. 63 MARKET STREET, corner of the Pin month n o\ 17 EKW DRY GOODS STORE. Iron Front—No, 01 Market street* OUR house being now open lor the transaction of signer* al Dry Goods business, we would tuspoctfullr soli, ii tbe potronagu of the public, feeling confident that, from.our ex tensive aud well eol»*cted stock of SIXKB, FANCY ANT) ftTAPLE GOODS, we can offer isach inducemumo as will In sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AITL, •pr4:tf Nos. 01 Market and 8 Union street, \OOKb" r >K»I «OORh : — ilOOKtii iiOOKSI DOO&ti; —Mm* * Oo.'s, isn~~i Xi fimithfleld street, ia the place to purchase books fjr eummbr reading. The most complete and varied, assortment of ,boots is the city can be found on our shelves. JPersoaa leaving for the country will find It to their advantago to call on us, as we always mate a deduction when selling a number at a time to one person. DoMtiokß* <Jmt Book, contalulog all his letter*. Com plete Id one volume, Illustrated—si. Fourth supply. . The 01<1 Farm House; by lira. Caroline R. Butler Laioc —st,2s, 5 The Winkles, or tho Merry Monomaniacs: by the author of Wild Western Sceues. Slater ltoeg; by Charles Dickens—tenia. Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dickens— ets. Call In and look over our counters and shelves, aud"kead for whatever you want in the booh line to , H. MINER ft 00., No. 32 Sml'hlield street. PLANKS, PLANES, PLANES. Highly Important to Cabinet Makers, Carpenters, and Workers lu Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— W. 0. HOP PEL’S UNBIVALtID VENEER, HARDWOOD AND IVORY PLANES) The above Planes cannot be excelled in planing hard wood and veneers. Tot* atteatlohoi mechanicals re>p«c(. fully solicited. For pale at BQWN i TETLEY 1 ;?, j*>23 13d Wood struct. Fink dress goods.—a. a. mason & oo.hav» just received another splendid lot of Drese Goode, compri sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Kerages, 2iunee, Or gandiea, Ac., 40,, with some elegant vtytee of Flooncwd Ls> r*a*Kf>W J»p6] FIFTH BT. si':-.- JAMKSW.WOODWELLr CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER, Ware-roouu 07 autl 00 Third J- •W. W. respectfully: informs*:* bbfrbndgando\wtom«?ra that heyA M^S^sS^^'haanowmapletedhißspringßtoci fSd -of Furniture, whith is decidedly« % ■ the largest au-i Deaf ever offered for cate in City, which will be sold ut prices- as-low &s toy lathe United States, Bast or West. As he Is determined to uphold the quality with veil sea* conod materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility tn manufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at tho lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of identifying his customers’ interest with hia own, in quality and price, and keeps al* ways on hand the, greatest variety, of .every .dea-criptJon of fmfnjture,‘'lVom in® clteapeat’ feed plaid set,-to the moat do- or any par torque, may be furnished from hie stock, or manufactured expressly fo or der. The-following articles eonsisty-ln -part, of his stock, which for riobuesa of style and finish, cannot be surpassed Id «-ay of the .Eastern cities: Louie ?CIV tete-a-tete Sofes; • v .r (0 Sofas, in plush and hair doth; 60-do*. Mahogany Chain?; i ' 20 doa. Walnut • . 60 Mahogany Kochlc# ■“ 20. Walnut " “ 60 Mahogany DWatip; 20 Walnut u 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: SO « Dressing Bnxeios 60 “ “ Wwhstandf^j 40 fcnolortsl u 160 Common :-.»•■ 20 Plata Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 2d Walnut *• . 60 Oottag? ' “ SW> Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut •* * * 10 Cherry « : 60 Plain Bureaus; TO Pining end Breakfast Tables and Bookcasw; SAat’Chdr?* -t -24 Cane 2<*st Rocking Olialra- • • 12 Ladles’ Writing.lSwka;— *“ UatandTofrelJtanda; . WhaMioiaf ... . • BUgulrss: Paper Mache Tables: . OouYersatioiiCiiatrs; . Pembroke - ** blixabtihan “ Hall and Tier “ Keeeption « Ladies* Work *' • . 4?earlluUid “ . Extension Dining Tables: Arm “ Ottomans; Qothic and Hall Chairs; of COMMON FURNITURE ud WlNltaOll CHAIRS. damn Sara supplied -with *ll or ticlaaln thftir Jins, ; ■ STEAMBOATS FOTELB, furnished at ths shortest notlea. : All orders promptly attended to. Arrlvtl q* Sprtne aha Hunxoitr DTV Ooous, D AT No. D 9 ff. w. SIDE OF WOOD STREET. GRE3O A CO., Importers and Jobbers in British, • French and UermanDßY GOODS. Having receiv ed our largei and extensive stock of spring and etunxatr pn<. jo, from importers, toana&cturers, and part through cur owu importation, we fee! safe In. assuring odr fiU customers, country mwchantfl ami city dealers general ly, that owing to.these acquired facilities in purchaslE'V we can offer such Inducements to buyers as at* rarely mat with in th» trade. *. Among our dry goods stock will be found easbnerea,de ta.nes, Portsmouth lawns of tho most desirable design*. • mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy figured aIuST ginghams atid./ancy prints, latest styla; broadcloths, fency yeatinga, cassia grea, satinets, tweeds and summer can La loonlng; brown and black muslins, table diapers. - « e have also owned a very large assortment of bonnets, newert styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and leghorn* xml an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; sir 1 “ COi P o< “ , f-*ncyneiUi»gs, jaeonett3,muU and figured Swiss tnuKlmg and black veils, Ae. “ Oar Tariarj- srock embrace. in part ecmlj, button., Mr iraler. cap-, threa d,Krl oonales.pat.nt medicine*, tar ruoory.ana almost .very artielo usually kept In tiler*. rlet7 Mr.,-, tojother with olarge stock of gold knd sllrer rratenea. vatrh mntert&ls, alassas, cold, and gilt Jewelry 0 ( r S u i :rl 'i-,"“ d f-’Mt variety of SO hour and 8 day Mocji-, n.lof which will be sold at theTowestpricWfbrcasn cr oaitsUiciory reference. r K. « —An early cull from buyers is respectfully eolleltad. _i! 6 ®*, D. OREQQ *■ 00. VA . ol {®DBa’S TUIiH Itll.NG STOBE, J * ,f ’ Mascst Sr., Cop.reb or DiAstotro. CST RECEIVING, a large and well eelocted stock of all the n*w styles of LADIES’ D’dLfiS AND MANTILLA TBIHMtKGB: IrnngM, Bcttcnr, Galloons. Braids, Velvets, Cords, Ribbons. c { f Scotch and Austrian ► .JB-UOIDEUIEg, 12 bwis?. Jaconet and Looe. Oou*r», Edging*, Handkerchiefs, M Inwrtia-3, Infants'Robes. Chemisettes, lianda, Cacs A Waists A full supply of MOURNING GOODS: P . * Cr&p» ertts, Collars, T eve and Can» Voila, PUtu Linen eettu, Sleeves, Gaute and Dotted Foils, Plain tiy. Cbcaiixeitcs, Italian andEna’h Crane MATERIALS FOR ’ Buatia and InaertinffH; French Working Cotton. Hoods! Uurn and Cof.cn Ffor.y, Oil Cloth, Embroidering SiEJ. fitnieU/Sand Scisjors. ... . ' Mantua, fiatin and Bonnot Ribbons. A 'aro* a»-*crtmeut rf GENTLEMEN’S TURNISHIXQ Gi;uD6--£htrta, Collars, Cravats, Ties, Hondkerchiefo, Ac. lms. Needles, Button. 1 *, Tapes, and everything in email jrnbraUy. Bajoi;'* iimt Kid Gloves, in white, black and colors. Sued imci No. 0 to N». 10, aicays on /f«nd. Al*>-A £-od stock Of UOSIKRV -and OLOVES—very ‘ - • *■ mh23 .... .t'.vMJU. ah;, ju Sale of Public Property. : IN fbCi-ordaure with.inatructiems from tho War Depart* psr.Rjeot, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER, KOU. (No. d. No. 4. and No, 6,) together with their equio muiiu. tuck!”, At*., will btj w>ld to the highest bidder, at ibv poirr n not! dai<** following, to wit: ! At N«j.o!eon, Arkansas, on Saturday, iba £Oth day of Jmi*, bi*tw«..,u th- hours of 10 A; M., and 2 P. M- theamaU t-*m enag float TERROR,together with herequipmants," Jtc., in M.uor pir«*ls,to hjdobignated in printed hand-bills Tot tho occasion. At St. Louis near tho Marino Railway, on Saturday tfco 7kb day of J uiy nert, between the boars of 10 A. -P* M-i “'»•» 1 - o twin Snag Boats, BELL and SEVIER, togKhor nth tbelr oquinments. Ac., in lota or purcels fop each txwt, to be designated *3 Iw&ra iq haod-billa. ?be ituiun to b<* sold willin'classed under the rolIOwla”’ ‘Derul head for r*ach nf the boijta* Til: 51 Ist—Hulls cnUna and upi>er work*. 2d— Double engines and boHers, complete. W—Equipments including, lorgn purchase ehstna, an cliorp, clfidn 0-i.l-les, cordage, tackle, yawls tools, Ac. •Uh- apparatus and ofl»er fiiruiture. The an* soanwly two years old, sound andleuhrft-u -tlttily built, ami well adopted for use asCottpn Boatß.lurine B.dl BoiU. Flontiug Mills, Wharf Boata, Ac., Ac. Their engine? are couatruotsd In the ffioat flfflolaotiaan u<-r. and are in good condition. .1 . j The Bel_l and Sevier a?o large twin Snag Boats, about 150 /eet Ion;;, 22 feet beam'fur ew.h hall, exolurive of their tfnag Tcr-ow Rad IS feetbetwoenthe holla. Tho Terror is about 13J foet long, lA in^r-baum tot each Lull, and 10 l»etww*n the hulls. * x TERMS OP BcU and Term; will biec-ld for" rfcßh, payable A the days of their sale, The teriofl of sale for the Scvlar will he intdc known on the day of e^fe. . rln-all oases the privilege of dissnaotling the bpats of ill ■.‘ttricU's sr-ld to differeriCiotnvrduals'ttfll be towered for a in favor ef-the purchasersof flaidorticlea. • IndiTlinalfl and Companies wishing tp purchase are de*- tired to examine tho premises and iudge-of their value. S."£L LONG, LT'CbU T. E., Bupt'W. R:Tmp’tii. St. Jnne?tfarlSf»p. - jell-itawts : JOSEPH MOGRtUGE, COMMISSION -AND FORWARDING SIEROHANT, No. S 3 00XK2SCUL, mow TJKJ BiaXSTf Sk* LouUj Mo., " € (ONSIGNME NTSosi Co tamiEsionßwlllmestwlth prompt f and personal actuation, and liberal will bo given whenreqoiredipa Conriguutcti or Bills of Lading, in hand. " ~ - 1„ Orders for th« purchase of Lead, Grain, Cixap and other Produce, will he promptly ailed at the lowest market prices. Tho It wiving and Forwarding of ilercimndija and P»* dace will meet with especial core and dispatch; the lowest rates of Freight wllUlwayebe procured, and -theexpenea of Storage and Drayageas mucinaa possible avoided. - lutnaisciti: i u- • Pag r A Bacoi?. St. Loutaj Ellis A Morton, '. Glnrlunatl CharlMs/lllow ft Go., do; Strader &-.Ooma», • do: Chouteau ft Valle, do;. Hojea.A Frazer, - ” do*' Doan, King ft Co* do; Springer A Whiteman., do; j.W.ButUr&liro.,Pittshh; E;O.Gooodman.£ Co., 1 dif-' D. Leech ft Co., do ; U. AC.Yarnall ft Oo.,PhUada; Wm.UoHMaACo., d0;..-Morgan, J.M.BucKft Morgan: Blow ft March, New York. B.B.Comegyo,. ..• dffe Frost ftForreAt, do; Shields ft Miller} ’ t do; Qharles A.Melgv do; Jc:dah Lee ft C 0. ,: 'Baltimore.' A.Q.TarweUftCo.,Bo&ton; Abraham J. Cole/ • do-. Ho ward, SonAOo., do; W.l3.Reynolds, . Louisville' ~ n.D. Newcomb ft Bro.; do; T.O.Twichellft Co.,Commission Merehants.New Gtleana. have an opec.poUcy which will cover all shipments to my address, when Advised by‘Utter pet' mall, or when endorsed on bills of lading before,or- at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOQRtDGE, - ‘ angc ... Bt.Louli.Mlsflourl.;a -*Vc»i M flood strut, PUUbunh. HOI.D on sale tile .following BONDS AND STOCKS.*— *lO shared Kxchangoßauk; 17 do Mouongahela Navigation Company ; do Citizens' Insurance Company; $3,000 Mon'ongahcla Navigation Company Bunds; $5,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; ‘ ; *■ $5,u00 Comity of Allegheny Bonds.. fsepftdlwtwtf C. U. W1LK154«..a~..«. JQ3IPB Ufo*Wl9r . WIUKKEB A CO. {SCCMSSOUS TO A. WILKtSa ft Co.) _ Have removed THEIR OFFIQB to No. 75 fourth street, two doors east of their old- they wiU continue tho BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COif- MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS in all Its branches, as herotofo're: 1 ; Wisto—Twenty-five Slioros Mechanics 1 Bunk' Stock. jy 13 y? . wiuciya ft CO. o. ...*.«jos. ltoswio. WlUclns ft Co.t (Succe?aow to A. Wilkins ft Co.l BANKEUB ANDVEXCHASQE BROKERS, A o. U Bsurth strut, Pittsburgh. IN THE numerous 6us pensions of Banks'and 'Bankers throughout tba country during the last eixraouths.-no are satisfied that in almost every instance their troubles Lave grown out of a departure from their legitimate hurt □ess; and we, therefore, takeoccaslon to assure the public ia advance, that' no speculations in “fancy.stocks,” or other “QUtfid*ropemUonß, M shall tempt us from the strict and-l«- gitimate line of our business—believing that in '*79, all such investments we shall not only be better able ™ serve our customers and ensure their safety,.hut: u> adopting such a course we shall promote our own benefit. " : [febs| ' W. ft LU. _ Magazines, books* ac.— Ladlcs’GaxeUe cf Fashion, for Anf* 13 -' Harper's Magazine, do Putnam's do . - Graham’s do Ho Coder's Lady's Book, noons— S£ar pjpgH. ty njnrj Ward B««!jer. * CO . JySl Hftl>tt,oppo,U« thsTtaatre. NUMBER 279. MISCELLANEOUS. William A. HIU « Oju, BANKERS,, .:;,,?;7'-' . ..--, : . ■tastsD upon nt rut pitTzuvßon P&isa tin ttrrid *;mMajat t oa us.it '‘a* one In&ftrtion. ■' “ each additional insertion. ’* *• one week 1 *ft •' " .two week 5....;... gqq “ " three weeks... “ “ cue month,. »«..,w;ftOO 4 ‘ U ■ t W aflßthi. l Mi.«4ni...Mri»..Wn»«- 4 „5« W , ;l .vj “ three months.... ~q CO V “ four montha... .. 1q QO . “ *’ ' #lx months..; 12 0° ** “ one U Ott dttndlug o*Td,.clx lines or let*, paraTtnwi7i.. Tl|tllJ . M jq (jo : csinaimwar puadtiaat; One square, per annum, (axahHireotth# pap«)„..J.~ » QU miscellaneous. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AOS. Or ?#■ RENNEDY, of Itoxbury, has dlecoYetol in ocs of our common-pashcrc weds a remedy that cures- EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, from the worst Bcrotinla down to a common''pimple. He has tried it in ever 1100 cages,endnever foiled except Iq two oases, (both thunder humor), v He has how in his pussies lon over tro hundred certificates of-lta virtue, til within twenty miles of Boston. .... Two bottles era warranted to cars'* nar&iug.sofa ■ One to three bottles will oure tbs woraHUad of Flmplea on the foe*. Two to three bottles will dear the system of BU*J. Two bpuies are warranted to cuts tbo worst Canker in tbs .itoaih'ft&d Stomach. * 1 Three to flye bottles are warranted to cum tbeworat case of Etjsipelas. ‘ One to two bottles are warranted to cure all ;Homot In tbeEyea, Two bottles ora warranted to cure Running of the Ears aod Blotches among the Hair. foorto diz bottles. £T3 warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Clears/ . c ; . One bottle wi 14 care Sady Eruption o t ihe' Skin, * ‘ ;! . Twoio three-bottles are warranted to cure the wont eess of Ringworm. Two to UufclfcrtUffiiarwrMtfliltfldto care tbs most dee* parate case of. Bhanmatfffia* --- Three to four bottles to owe the Balt RheUBU;. • ... .r':. : ■•• : -j five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of Scrofula. A-beneflt is always experienced from the first bott&and cure Is warranted when the above quantity ts peddled over a thousand.bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effeer of idn every case So sure as water will extinguish fire, eosara-Vfil-thifl cure burner. I never sold a bottlo of it but «ha» sold another; after'a trial, It always speaks Tor Jtsolrf There krd’Two things about ttdsherD that appear to me surprising:, first, that ft grows In our pastured, ineome plact&.quifc plenti* ful, and yet its value has never been known untDldisoov ered it in 184&—oecond, that it should core : all kinds of humor.' ' - v - - lit order to give jrome ides of the ffoddoa.dse. ftnl great popularity of tho discovery, elate that in April, 1850, I "peddled it and sold abbot els bottles per day—la April, ISM, I Eollover one thousand bottles perday of It* ' Some of the wholesale druggists. who have been In busl -1 neis twenty and thirty yean, flayf that nothing In tho ftnn&l a of patent medicinea was over like It. There 1b a universal prnsbof itfrom alt quartern - -■•* In my own practical always kept it strictly for humors, but eince Its introduction as ft gcuerat family modldne, great and wonderful virtues bare bwafouod-ln.it that I never suspected. . : Several cases of epileptic fit*—atißeaee which’ww always considered Incurable—have been cured by n few bottles. 0, what a flierey if it will prove effectual in all cases of that awful mslidy4—there are bat few who have goen mere of It than I have. .■ Iknowof several casca of Dropsy, aB ef theta aged peo ple, cured by It,. For the various diseases of tha Liver, Sink 'Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma,Fever and Ague, Pata In the fildPjDiseases of the Spice, and particularly in Diseases of the Kidneys, Ac., the discovery ha 3 dene more good than .any modlciao ever known. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you get. and enough of ifr - • > Directions far Gk.—Adults, one table Bpoonfoi pet.day. Children over ten years, dessert ffpoobful. Children from five to eight ycara, tea 'Epo&nOit - As no directions can, ba applicable to all constitutionfl, USoflufflciant to operate on the bowels twice a day. - r . Manufactured by 1-^ DONALD KENNEDY, So. 120 TTarren si . Rezinrry. Ifais. Pricot SlfOOi Dr. GEO. H. KEYRKR, No. 140 Wood street, PUUburzb, Pa-, General Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. my29:daw Sobstltnto for the New Llotior fcawi-DE. URBAN’S ANTLBACCHAN ALLAN EUXIIL a eafo and sure remedy for the cure of INTEMPERANCE. A concentrated vegetable extract, and as a tonic is une qualled, For the following complaints It isamost valuable medicine: D>jtpepxtiL,Lixfy Complaint. Epilepsy,Sevralffia. Pda, Itexn qfaU kinds.Ddirtetn Trtmens, Gmcral D&iiily. Tbismeaicinaifl intended to produce a change in tho sys tem, and a distaste for a'.cohoho drinks. Several instance* where we have sold it, we "have had-the most gratifying remits; so, to persons who are really desirous or breaking off the indulgence in Intoxicating beverages, this eltxfr will be a great help. Sold at $1 per bottle «t the Drugstore of DR- GEO. 11. KEY6ER, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, «gn of the Golden Mortar.- apS&daw i • BaireU’* indtian Xilnimenti 4 Per Rh^aiuitisn t Bruisa ü ßxi7ii fn Vie Such, SuU—Sora of all kinds. (A certificate from CumbeManfl, Maryland.] ' Cukberi.ako, March 19,1556. Mo. H.G. 0. Cittcr, Zanesville—Dear Sir: May we ark the tavor of you to send us twenty.*foar doien BARRELL’S INDIAN LINIMENTI Please send it without delay, aa ; we have not half n dozen bottles on hand, and it cannot be substituted in this country; therefore,do notdleannoint us. * « • * • * •• Respectfully, yoore, Ac. . Basil. A Wasra. For sale wholesale and retail at DR. GEO. U. KEYEER’B Drug Store. No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley; also by JOEL MOHLER, liberty atreot ■ - . Remedifli, ir. Keyseris Pectoral Syrup’willcure you/ D*. Keyset’s Pectoral Syrup will ouro Bronchitis.':. . . Dr. Koyaer’s Pectoral Syrup will cure laryngitis. Dr. Keyset’s Pectoral Syrnp will cure' Influenza. Dr. Keyset’s Pectoral Syrup will care a cold in the head. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient Goa* sumption. A recent letter from Mr. Yeatch, of Bokeby, Ohio, savs: '• - ** l want you to send mo two. bottiea of your Pectoral Syrup by mail There is a lady here who has a cough and tno-dootors can’t euro her. -1 was in tho some-way, and tried everything without benefit, until I got a botile cf your Pectoral Syrup; I took It hat twieo, and it cured mo sound and well.” Ask for Dr. Ketssu’s Pecrcuu:. Svnrrp and take oo other. Prlee, fiO cents. Fold at DR. KEYSBR’S, Nd. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. Allegheny. ap2stfew Radical Cars Trust will cure nearly every of redoecable Hernia. Trusaaa at warloua prices always on hand. Children’s Trusses ofiliCerent formaandalxangth far sale. . Elastic Stocking* for varicose or «jl*rgod vein*. AlMlomnlal Supportsjrs-Adozen different kinds. Pile Props for the enppott and cure of Piles.' Shoulder traces, tn relievo etcrookod and deformed condition of -tho Chert, ;isd man* dlstnrss of the Chest. Suspension Baudngea. AU these articles may be bad or applied at DR. KEY* •SEE'S Wholesale and Retail TRUSS'DKPOT, 140 "Wood street, Blgn.of.tho Golden Merer; or will bojeuttoauy part or the country by. sending the inenav-and meaaore. ''-•ftp2&daw : 93F Balm of Thouaziiid Flbwei*!, for beaati ' fylng tho Complexion, and eradicating all Tis, Piartn and Fazcat* from the face. Sold at Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood treit. JftnSO PEKIN TEA STORE. S. JAYJVES. Ho. 88 Fifth it., on© door east of Exchange Bank, lMttsburgli, Pa., Green and black teas, selected with great care, and purchased direct from tho Importers, for -GuA. The .stock consists cf all the different flavors and grodee Of -TEA- brought to the American- tsarkefr and wfli bo Bold, wholesale and retail. at tho LOWEST PRICES. EEC AIL GROCERS are Invited to call and get samples and learn our prices,' J. . . PACKED TEAS, Fufc up iu mdaSiC packages, eiprerslyfor"the-trade: Young Hyaou No. 1, . Imperial No. 1, . .. .. - No .« i Ko - 2 ; • : ** . u : No. 2, .Oolong ,No. 1, .. *t “ No. 4, « No. 2, Silver Loaf Young Uywo, Plantation Golong r Gunpowder No. 1, , Souchong, ' No. 2,' ' ' King Youog Souchong, English Breakfoav. .'Old Country Black. TEAS, OF ALL GRADES.BT THE BALT CREST: - -•• —ALSO—" ''' • COFFEE—Fino Java and Bio.’ : • • « LOVERING’S SUGARS—Crushed; Coarse Pulverized' Pulverised A; White Clarifled G; Yellow Clarified and best New Orleans. -- BAKERS BROIIA, COCOA and CHOCOLATE, ofo., etc. Long experience In the buricesa is e sure guarantee that ovary article sold will ho tie reprca..nted. . •s' This old atabliihcd tion has no-caziKUian laith any otha Tioiut in the city. - - < - Ciatoraore are warned not to pia&> -any ccnficUiux in tha ! wpresentatlona of persona formerly eoployed in this %i* . tabliahment. .-AgaUt-ly tpidal appointment,'for Cit taUcf DR. JAYNE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICISESi ' Also, for tie sale of' : - /•’ Ml L. JOHNSON’S TYPE, INK. Ac. • . NJ4W AND, YAlxUAitub £Uußjs— * . ?-•••'? AS DaVISON'S BOCU£ sxoas, _ ..... si t niarpburih «-'• History of the Christian Church; by Dr. Haw. ; , _ Prise Kisay—lheism-rXhoWitness of.Bedsoa aaa Na* tare to an All-wisaaDa Benlfiwnt Creator. De Qoiocj’a lost—Thu Notebook of an English Oploa Baler. • . - ‘ C&thbliaandProtestantNations Compareddaw*”■tare * : fold relations to wealth, morals and morality, y Mom. rfea and Fancies- . - Kicro’s CrclopMla of BibUcal-Li'.fratar^. • iJr Alcoti’s Works. • The Young Housekeeper. . .. Tt»e young Wife. The Young Mother. The Young Husband—Health, do. ilarbaugfcra yolb. on Future Life. Cumming’s Works. ' Stephens’ Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. Manilla Wrapping Papers, Blauk Books.hud 'Stationery of all kinds. For sale at Eastern prices, by ■'Jrtftns;;;: - - ...;•' : ::• *. vJ. 8. PAVIBON. ] U*T KlsU&XYtil), at piq. iO7 matKet street* A. o*“® of V peats* Fine Patent Leather Congress Gaiters, a dcslra . ble article for this season* Prices low, -•■•* \7. R BOHMEUTZ- NOTICE is hereby giVtfh to the Ot'jckhoiutre m n hbarpaburg Bridge Company that 3. C. DlCHEYm notauthorized to receive money as eolte-'to? of pany, alter this date.- By order cl ih > Uoai-i of Mmuge TUuc. WALLApJS. J 5 24 PrMUtnt SJurpsbarg Dtidce Oo- * ?r> -***’ V \
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers