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' • • « :\ r •! " f V:' s v7 }■ -■ C j Y^ V ' " I .V t «'i , - : '.--,| *,*»V^°7v v*■! ,\x „ ... l%OLr • ' r ~ ‘-'"T.l 1 .-■ ftfOStfipfiJ IjQST Printed and published eterymomirig (Sundays excepted.) BY GILLMORE^HON'rGOMEirY, pir ;ai '.cOiata or. fcoo&AKD nrrn sfsstT*. dr i.£.SAfH.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly In a lvauca. BLr Dollars-will invariably be required If not paid within the yaa> «*Eiiifffo<opjMtwaoHaTfl»«ic3-fl»le»tthecoanter In the Office, and. by the News Boys. THE SATURDAY MOBHIHQ POST Published from the same office, on a large blanket sits eh ieti at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single copies 49* Ho paper will b» discontinued unless at the dlscr* on of the ProprletoraO until all arrearages are nal<L . No attention will be paid to any order unices accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference In this city. 49“ C<mneded»nth.iheSstabUA3nesit<yf the Morning Past is one. of (he largest Job Printing Officain the city, %ohere ad kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, and most reason' able terms. . . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Robt« C* G. Sprool. Attorney and counsellor at law— office, no. —. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. deolUy James A* Lowrle, ATTORNEY at LAWr-Office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Bmlthfleld fl treat and Cherry alley. fdeclLly JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, oprner Fifth and Grant ats., jftSdyy] FCTTSDUBQII, PA. Thomas ffieani, Attorney at law and sou<htob in chancery. Office, nest door to the Tost Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 ■ • 8. P. Hose, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. IQ9 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth'door below-Mr. Body Patterson’s Livery Stable. ■ ■ ■ jrtS O. Orlando Loomli, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy*y ; R. B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cbarry alley and Grant street. jaSby J. N. AX’Uftowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—office in BafceweU’s Buildings, on Grant street, ja2 . tt.H.Unzen, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 127 Fourth street, above and near Smtthfleld. m*r27:y Fatriek ffioKenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fnbl:3m K. Buokmaster, Alderman. f'VFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth st. and Diamond V/ alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examin ed, Ac, ja3:g William Wilson, Alderman* OFFIGE No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and O’Hara street, Fifth Ward. All badness appertaining to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to. 49 s Bonds, Mortgages, and other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. feblSitf Hi AElh, SURGEON DENTIBT, (sue to G. W. Diddle,) No. 144 BmlthQeld 4- ' I U" hours, from Bto 1 o’clock, and from 2 to 6 o’clock. feb!s:ly Aiyi'L»v J. SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, fire doors /52jg“gl west of Market. vH nw Ofpics Houks From nine A. M. to five P. SI. dec-Oty BUSINESS CARDS. ALFBID a. CDRUSQu«y/.' aiiwaan Curllngi Hobertion A Co., MANUFACTURERS OF COT. PRESSED AND PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wood street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. 49* All other kinds of Glaaswaro and Window Glass, at low market prices. apllMly Jacob JU'Coillstery hATLfOLES ALE and retail Csgur manufacturer, and dea’- f V er in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, No. 25 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 45* Keeps constantly on hand a large supply ol all the various brands of Imperial Cigars. Jotin Moo? WHOLE3ALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. [ap24 Rxymcr A Anderson, (3accessors to Joshua Rhodes A Co.) WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruits, Nuts, Spices, Confectionary, Bugars, Ac., No. 39 Wood street, oppo site the St- Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap2 Henry H. Collins, Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Dealer iu Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally. N 0.25 Wood street, Pittsburgh, (mart) B. T. C. Morgan, BOOKSELLER ANB STATIONER—has always on hand a general assortment School, Miscellaneous and Blank Hooka, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, wholesale and re tail, N 0.104 Wool streat, below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh. ■ffy- Wanted, Rags and Tanners’ Scraps. epl6:ly wiuJAat uiu.ee, Phlia— ww. ricsktsus, Pittsburgh. dlller A fUckstson, WHO LE3ALE GROCERS; Importers of Brandies, Wines and Segars— Nob. 172 and 174, corner of Inrin and Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac., constantly on hand. jySO Wm. Carr A Co., W(W m. Carr, late of the firm of J. Parker A Co.) UOLE3ALE GROCERS, and Dealers In Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Mooongahela and Rectified Whis ky, No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. P. R. Uravo, Diamond, IhtUtnxrgh, J*a. DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, offera fir sale a choice stock ofGrocerlas, selects! for family use. Splet-s of every variety .and the purest tonality, ground at his Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken In exchange for merchandize. F. IL D. ha? procured a full assortment of Landreth’s warranted Garden Seeds, and invites the attention of all in terested in rural affairs. janll Z. BICBA&PSON.-.. *r. a. fikomu. Engllah A' Ulcba-rcUon, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and OU, and Prod uce fenerally. Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbridge A nghram, No. 110 Water and 150 First street, Pittsburgh, Penna. feb3 Commission House. THE subscribers bare opened a house for the above pur pose, at No. 17 Smithfield street, four doors above the Monongahela House. Wo will purchase, or receive, on com mission, for sale, consignments of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Com, Oats. Barley, Flax Seed, Grass Seed, Baled Hay, Ac., upon which we wilt make advances, or purchase at the bwst market rates for cash- [novQJ ALQEO A CO. James M'haughlln, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROoOOR, FLOUR, BACON, Ac., No. 10, corner Smithfield and First streets, Pitts burgh, Pa. x nov6 _ JOHN a. YOCNC-. B. TODSO. T. B. Young A Co. No. CS Smiihfidd street, opposite. City Hotel. MANUFACTURERS OF CABINET FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, of every description. Materials and work manship warranted, anil sold at reduced prices. Caro taken in packing for land and water carriage. aug3l Wm. Dlgbji Jr., CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, Masonic Hall, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, In good style, and at moderate ratoa. aug9:tf IL. A A. C WHOLESALE GROOBR3, and Dealers in Produce, For eign Wines and Liquors, Old Monongahela and Rec tified Whisky, No. 291 Libertyst^Pittsburgh, Pa. fjy27ry A. Tlndle, gtogSay WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, Harness jaffiSESy Trunk, Valise and O&rpet Bag manufacturer, 5 No.lOfi Wood sL, Pittsburgh, Pa. jy29:y J. H, fitallor, •anryflOl,'KSALKand Re tall Dealer in Musicallnstrumeubi, YY Pianos, Music, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street. j»ol John \V. Batler A Co* Forwarding and oommibsion merchants— Dealers in all klnda of Pittsburgh manufactures, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. eep2B Bnteirpriss Works. No. 130 Wood street , third door below Virgin alley. BOWN 4 TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large osaortment of Guns, Rifles and Re volvlng Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever opened in this market; together With a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, ail of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper. marls Copartnership Notice. I HAVE THIS DAY (April LLth) associated with mu Messrs. F. STEEL TURBETT and BAML. 0. OLANLV, both of whom have been for many years in my establish ment, and are already extensively and favorably known to my customers and the public geuerallv as superior work men. and of correct business habits. We hope by this union or experience and artistic skill—especially in the watch de partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock of goods; by selling at moderate prices, and by close attention to business, to merit a liberal Bbare'of patronage. To my old friends and the publlo in general, who have fbr many years past po liberally patronized my business, I return my thanks, and solicit lor the new firm a continuance of simi larfavors. W. W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1855. Wilson, Torbett A Claney* WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS, 67 Market street, corner Fourth. mvs New Coach and Carriage Factory: JOHNSTON, BROTHERS ft CO., Corner Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, m-nryat ffl WOULD respectfully Inform their friends fhR publio generally, that they have VHBU£aBk commenced the manufacture of Carriage?, ~~ wLI. Barouches, Rockaways, Buggies, Sleighs and Chariots in all their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders will be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty of finish. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work tb.» best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel staff, they feel con in dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give os a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. octGrly : J. T,- J0HN5T0N...;.;... .J>. T. JOHNSTOS MAOEt. filcelalor Carriage Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER A CO., PRACTICAL COAOU MARKftflj corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Alle gheny city. Pa- have on band and are manufacturing an extensive assortment of Carriages, Rockaways, Boggle.., Baggage Cara. Ac., made In all thfiir various styles, with strict regord to durability and beauty of finish, using in a 1 1 their work the beet Juniata Iron and eastern hickory. Rr paira attended to on the most reasonable terms. They Del confident that all who may favor them with their patron age, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every fif teen minutes during the day. oct2s:ly PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY, a. 810EL0W..,.,^....,uia T1 H L. BTXVBNB~.. ..GEORGi ALEtET- Bigelow A Co., ! BUOOES&ORS TO E. M. BIGELOW, No. 46 > o^QHwDiamond alley, near Wood street, Pifcts jFr bnrgh—Ooaches, Carriages, Pheatoufl, Bug- 1 and every description of faney vehicles I and finished in a manner unsurpassed for a iIi r JSSPi Of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials 1 jST All work, warranted. bobeet h. Patterson'S rAmZU livery AND SALE «a . STABLE, Diamond «treot and Chnry alley *jirl4:tf_ . PITTSBURGH, PA Tin DOZ. LKMON BYKIJFT k V,V 41 ******* do '(a itore and tor fiida by #719 29 WOPd ft-, oppnHa tbt Bt, OhirlaiHoUl VOLUME XIII. Joseph Fleming) rsUCCZSSOB TO L. WILCOX t TO,] CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keep? coosiantlr on hand a fall assortment of Drags, Medi* ciaes, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain* ing to his business. 49* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. j«9y JOSH PLKMIR3 — eocsfua flimisq. Fleming Brothers, [SUCCXSfiOBB TO-- J. KIDD * CO.] WHOLESALE DUGGISTS, No. 60 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. ftPLaue's Celebrated Vermifage, Llvor Pills, Ac. jalO _ John Haft* Jr., [sucaiasoa to jakks u'qcfpit. J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, And dealer In Paints, Oils. Dye Stuflk, Ao.» 141 Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. apr4:ioAely 'ITT'HOLESALE DEALER IN FOREION WINES,BRAN* TV DIES, CIGARS, OLD MONONQAHELA AND RTE WIiISKY, Ac., also, Rectifying Distiller, No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, Bt, Croix and New England Rum,Clarets, Champaignes,Scotch Ale, London Brown Btout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongahela Rye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peachy WUd Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; Imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy Bar Regs and Labelled Bottles of every style, snd Demijohns of all sizes, I respectfully invite an examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD gtreet, Pittsburgh, Pence. apr&ly James OleUtnger, MONONOAHKLA PLANING MlLL.—Would respectful ly Inform his friends and the pnbUc,.that hla new es tablishment Is now in tall operation, and that be Is pre pared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plonk, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand. Sash, Doors, and Mouldings of every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advantage to give him actdl,a3 he can now famish them with plaDed stuff soltahle for every description of work. v> m a. uerbo.t Herron A Criswell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, and Manufacturers of *M kinds of Braia Work, Locomotive Bteam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Battiog Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. 45"01d Brass and Copper taken In exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fefc9.ly m. QOArr ....d. aitsinon —....t. j. oaarr. WESTERN FOUNDRY, No. 124 Wood street, Pitts burgh, Pa. ...............UOROAS ROBLBT-O* 1 ... EtHttY L. RISUWALT. w. u. s-mith w. w. hajs j. a. uurtxx. Smith, fit air A Hunter, (Late Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, PRODUOB AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, and Dealer* in alt kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, 122 Second and 151 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb9 fIiHE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John -1 eton 4 Stockton,) and Blank Book and Stationery Warehou-Tj. \e prepared to execute every style of Legal, Commercial, Canal and Bteamboat Job Printing and Book Binding, and furnish every article In the Blank Bock, Paper anj Stationery line, at the ahorteet notice and on the most reasonable terms. .-..BOBEET J.ASDISSOS. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, Printing Office and Book Bindery, corner of Market and Second eta [norlfl North-Wsstern Police Agency, VTO 89 WASHINGTON STREET, corner of Dearborn, i> CUICAGJ, ILLINOS. &XL kli fiXEItTOS Pinkerton A Co. onroT* tuna ittiktios to thi vaxsaicnoa or a cekxaai DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS In tho Stales of Illlnoia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. inblßMtf r'I'UlK late firm of JONES A yIIIGG, having been 1 t-J by the death of John F.Oulgg, on the 27th Inst, the buuioeas of said firm will be settled by the undersigned, at '.heir t-ttlce, «orner of Uofts and First etreeU. ISAAC JONES, Surviving Partner. Pitiaborgh, September 3U, 1801— |oct2:y Manufacturer or spring and BiLtsr steel, piongh Slab 6toei, eteel Plough Wings; Coach and Eliptie Springs, Bras? Nut Taper, half patent, Berew, Mall end Hammered Iron Axles,—corner of Roes and First streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. oct2:ly haav jo:;u. Pittsburgh Riding School. #9, HOBKIIV U. PATTERSI»N, Proprietor, corner iViiL Diamond street and Cherry alley. Theeubecriber respectfully announces to the Ladles and Gentle men of Pittsburgh, that he has recently erected a RIDING SCHOOL, which in point otslze, oommodlousnea* and adap tation, undeniably excels any similar establishment In the Coiled Stales Its location is accessible from all parts of the city, while its high and airy situation renders it espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree able exercise. The Horses are docile and well trained, aud the proprietor pledges himself that no paint or expense will be spared to make tbU establishment the first in tbe confidence of the public. oetfiS-tf .J. !. BSSNEIT. .v&Axcta L. VUL'NG •ancon, PUBLISHED DAILY, BY QLLLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT SO,OO PER ANNUM, OB $5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, business cards, El. Ai. Allen* Graff, Relslnger A Graff, HAH U FACTO OLIXS Of Cooking Stoves; Plain and Fancy Grates. Coal and Wood Stoves, Plain and Fancy Fender*, Parlor Sieve?, Sad and Dog Irons, Hollow Ware, Portable Forges, Sugar Kettle?, Tea Kettles, Store Kettles, Wagon Boxes, (mhl& W. s« Haven. Isaac Jones* D. B. Holers A Co., Manufacturers of hoGers’ patent ii*>roved steel Culuvator Teeth. Office corner Rosa and First street. octgily Jtiietxard C. Mocking, Manufacturer of gilt, silver, brass, BRONZE, LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT AND PIC- Ti R FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair btrtet. Ail kinds of Composition Ornaments, for Steam boats, Ac. All kinds of Gilding and Re-gildlog, to order. Gilt Mouldin.s fbr Frames, wholesale and retail. Varnish for Oil Painting*, Engravings and Lithographs, for sate. 4J“ Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored in the beti manner. All Frames and Moulding? manufactured in this estab lishment may be cleaned without injury, with soap and tfuter. Gull and «c. No. 21 St. Clair sL. Pittsburgh- (u»h26 lf J. WHITE, TVENETIAN BUND MANUFACTURER, has recovered \ hid health so as to resume his old baslness, and has opened hl< BUND MANUFACTORY, at No. G 5 Fifth street, nrar the Post office, between Wood and SmitbfieKl, where he has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and faucy worsted and rilk trimmings, and Is prepared to fill any order in his line, on the most reasonable terms. His work is warranted to give satisfaction or montyrefiinded. 4*)“ Old Blinds repaired. « 4Sy Please give him a call, as he can’t la heat In work mitrinhlp my7:ly IIIAYE sold my interest In the basinees os Long, Miller A Co., to B. A. Long, who, with John Phillip*, will con tinue at the old Biund, No. 109 Front street. I cordially re couimeud thu new firm to the patronage of my friend*. Pittsburgh,July 20,1364. V. U. MILLER. S. A. Long A Co., Bell and brass founders, and gas fitters. Invite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brack et!}, Pendants, and other fixtures. We fit up house* with Dai and Steam, make Brass Castings of all kinds to order, fnreish Railroad Pomp* and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jtfil * MOTICE. DALY’S STOCKING MANUFACTORY. .Y„ 20 Fifth street, first corner above Market street PITTSBURGH, PA., WHERE will be found the largest and beat assorted stock of HOSIERY ever offered for sale in this city Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call at this establishment and examine lor themselves; It is ail I need to insure their custom. 0. DALY, N. B.—Remember tbeOntAP Stoceihu Coasta. feblry O. D. Consume the Smoka* fpGE subscriber having tho exclusive right to manufao -1 tore and sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and contract for heating buildings ttltb the most economical Furnace now in use. he attention of those interested is boticited. Any Information can bo bad of A. BRADLEY. N» 6. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, dec24:tf] Iron City Stove Warehoose, No, 134 Wood st J AML3 *. LtDUI Eedlle A Clam* (Successors to Muivany k Ledlie.) MANUFACTURERS of Out, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mhS:dly Removal* CIHMBBN, Manufacturer of every variety of Vials, a Bottles and Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Carboys; alk>, Flint Glass in every variety. Warehouse, Nos. 104 Second, and 133 First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mh29 1. W. Chadwloff, Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobacco, rags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. 49*The highest market price, in CASH, paid for RAGS. ap2o:ly* JJHN aTWSLL. Atwell* Lee A Co.* WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce and Commission' Merchants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. h Wood street, between Water and Front streets, Pltts burgh. aplS Dissolution of Co*Partnersblp. fpQE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between, 1 JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP REYMRR, in the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, la this day dissolved by mutual consent The business of the firm will be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is authorised to re ceipt for all debts due &aid firm. JOSHUA RHODES, March 27tb, 1665. PHILIP REYMER. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have this day formed a Partner ship, under the name, firm and style of REYMBR A AN DERSON, for the transaction of the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary business, No. 33 Wood street HIILIP BBYMER. ROBI. J. ANDERSON. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1855. JJSS* In retiring from thcGon&ctlo'naxy business, 1 cheer folly recommend Messrs. Eeymer & Anderson to my friends and customers. JOSHUA RHODES. Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1866. *p2 Removal* SPRING EH HAEBAUGH A 00. hare removsd to No. O 295 Liberty street. fiPRIKQCK SAEBAQGH....M ALUIttDIB FORSYTE. Springer Harbangh A Co*, (Successor* ta 8. Harbangh,) (COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; j Dealers In Wool and Produce generally, No.-295 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap6 MISCELLANEOUS, JAMES W, WOOD WELL, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. , a Wfkrp*rooms 07 and 09 Third street. *BggSgflga»W- J - .w. W. respectfully informs j-. hidfrionds audcustomers that lieul fiKSgß&m has uow completed his spring stock }€3B luijy Vurniture, which la decidedly » ■ the largest sod best ever o(ltsred for cal© iu this City, which will be sold at prices us low as any In the United States, East or West. As he is determined to uphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, he la enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. He has adopted-tbe principle of Identifying his customers’ interest own, in quality and price, and keeps al ways oa-bafidthe greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which for richness of style ami finish, cannot be surpassed In *ny of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plush and hair cloth; 60 doa. mahogany Chairs; 30 dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Rocking “ 80 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 80 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Contra Tables: 60 44 “ Dressing bureaus 80 44 44 Washstand*; j 40 Enclosed *• 100 Common “ go Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 30 Walnut 60 Cottage 44 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut *• 10 Cherry “ 60 Plain Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcasen; 20dox.Cone Seat Chairs; 24 Cone Beat Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladies* Writing Desks Hat and Towel Stands; ttiguirea; Conversation Chairs; Elizabethan ** Reception •• pearl Inlaid 44 Arm 44 Qothk and Hail Chairs; .JSMCS COISWS! L k large assortment of OOMMON FURNITURE and WINDdOH CUAIKtt. Cabinc? Make&s supplied with all ar ttclw In their Une. BT&AMBOATB and HOTELS, furnished At the shortest notice. All orders promptly Attended to. tprft Saw ArrlTAl of Spring au<l Hammer Dry AT NO. »9 N. W. SIDE OF WOOD STREET. DULIEGU A CO., Importers end Jobbers in British, • French and German DRY GOODS. Hiring receiv ed our large end extensive stock Of spring and summer goods, purchased from Importers, manufacturers, end part through our own Importation, we feel safe la aasuriog our old customers, country merchants And city dealers general ly, LhAt owing to these Acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such Inducements to buyers as are rarely met with In the trade. Among our dry goods stock will be found cashmeres, de laine*, Portsmouth lawns of the must durable design*, mohair lustres, alpacas.plain block and fancy flgun?d Ml*-*, ginghams and fancy print*, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy vestings, casslmeres, satinets, tweeds and Bummer fania loouing; brown and black muslin*, table diapers. We hate also opened a very large assortment cf bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf haU, Itutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with lace goods, fancy muting*, jaconetts, mull and figured Bwus muslins and black silk veil*. Ac. Our variety stock embrace* in part combs, buttons, per cession caps, threads, port monales, pateut medicines, per funierv, and almost every article usually kept in the va riety Une, together with a large istock of gold and silver watches, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelrv of newest patterns, and a great variety of hour aud s day dock*, all of which nIU be sold at the lowe.-t pricee for ca*h or satlsfnctory rsferenre. N. B.—An early call from buyers is respectfully solicited. ,D U. aClKitßi fabxa _ I». OIUMG A CO. VAS GOUDiOI’S TUioniNU BTOKK, No. S 3 Mns.LT Bt., Corses or Diojom>. JUST KLCEIY INU, a large aud a ell eu-lected rto-.'k id 6!l th« uew styles ol LADLKB’ DRESS AND M ANTI LI,A TRIMMING.': Fringes, Hutton*, Uttllouj. Gimp*, Braid*. Velvets, I*«*, Cords. Kit'U.os A handsome assortment of French, Scotch and Austrian BMBUOIDKKIKji, iu Swiss, Jacouet an*! Lac-. OoUar*), Judging, Handkerchief*. SieoTea, lusertinj-s, Infants’ Robes, Cbeinizette*, Bonis, Cat-d 4 Waists. A full supply of MOURNING GOODS; Crap* wits, Collar*, I.ot® ami Cause Veils, Plain Linen setts, SltwTes, Gauze and Dotted Palls, Plain Swiss do. Chemisettes, Italian and Eng'h Crape MATERIAL*! FOR EMBROIDERING —Stamps Collar*, Banda and French Working Cotton, Iloop*, Linen and Cotton Floaa, OU Cloth, Erubruideriug Bilk, Ikiileto* and Bots-^ors. Mantua, Batin aud Bonn at Ribbons. A «argu anfortracnt of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISFIINO OOuD.S—Shirt*, Collars, Cram:.'., Ties, linndkrrrluefn, &■■ Needle, Huttons, Tape*, and everything tn email wares generally. Bsjou’s uest Ktn Ou»vxs. la white, black and colors. Sizes trum No. 6 U> No 10, always on hand. Al*o—A good Koch, ol HOSIERY und GLOVES—very cheap. mb - { _t>. u. »<x;ts3. Sale of Public Property. IN aroordam-t* with ioUrurtions from ih*i War Depart paruarui, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER .nd TER ROR, (No. A, No, 4, and No. 6.) together with their eejuip menu, tackle, Ar., will bo Bold to the highest bidder, at the points and dates following, to wit: At Napoleon, Arfcane::a, on Saturday, ihe fioiU day of June, between the hours of to A. >J , and 2 p. M , the small twin Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipment*, Ac-, in lots or parcels, to be designated in printed hand-bills prepared for the occasion. At £L Louis, near the Marino Railway, on Saturday, the 7tb day of July next, between the hours of lu A. M.. and 2 P. M_, the two large twin Snag Boats, BELL and SEVI KR, together with their equipments, Ac., in lota or pin-els f.-r each boat, to bo designated an before in hand-Ml la The items to bo sold will be classed under the follow log general bead lor each of the boats, viz : Ist—Halls, cabins und up|>er works. 2d—Double engines and boilers, complete. 3d—Equipments, lucludlng large purchase chains, an chore, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, t<K>ls, Ac. 4th—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. The beats are scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted for use a* Cotton Boats, Dir lug Bell Boats, Floating Mills, Wharf Boats, Ac., A* l .. Their engines are constructed in the most efficient man ner, and are in good condition. The Bell and Sevier are large twin Snag Boats, about li>o feet loug, 22 feet beam for each hull, exelusiro of th»ir snag rooms and wheel bouses,and 12 feet between the hulls. The Terror l* about 133 feet loug, Is feet beam for each hall, and 10 feet between the hulls. T Kit MB OF SALK—The Bell and Terrer will be sold for caeh. payable on the day*) or Lheir sale. The terms of sale lor toe Sevier will be made known on the day of *ale. In all cases the privilege of dismantling tin* bouts of all articles sold to different ludtrtdnuls will be recurved for a reasonable time in favor of the porcha“«rs of said articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premireß and Jndge of their va*ue. a. H. LONCI, l.'t. 001. T. fcL, Sup’t W. U. liup'ts.* Bf. Louis, Jane 7th, lS6f>. jetllltawts • JSO. PUJLUPS. JOSKPU BOtiHIBUK, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. SB OOMKBftCIAI, QXLOW Pm* tsTEtl?, St* Loals, 310., ('tONSIGNMBNTB anedCommisbions will most with prompt j and personal attention, and liberal tulvanou will be given when required, ou Oonsignmants or Klllsof Lading, in hand. Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Prodace, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Reoelvtng aud Forwarding of Merchandise eud Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rates Of Freight will always be procured, and the expense of Storage and Dray age as much-asposalble avoided. PageAßaoon, Bt.Louia; EUisA Morton, Cincinnati Oharleas,Blow A 00., do; Strader A Gorman, do; Chouteau A Valle, do; ilosua A Frazer, do; Doan, King A Co., do; Sprloger A Whitenum, do; J.W.Butlvr A Bro .Flttabh; E.O.Gooodman A Co., de; D, Leech A 00., do; K. aO. Yarnall A Co.,Phllada; Wm. Holmes & Co., do; Morgan, J.M. Buck A Morgan: Blow A March. Now York. B. B.Oomegys, do; FrOßt AForreßt, do; Bhielda A Miller, do; Charles A. Meigs, do; Joalah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A.G.Farwell A Co.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do Howard, Bon A 00., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville U. D. Newcomb AJlro., do; T.O.Twlcbell A Co., Commission Merchauta, New Orleans. have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by letter per mall or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDQE, augfi V Bt. Louts. Missouri. .-JO3BPH j. UU.M. William A. Hill A Co., BANKERS, /Vo. 64 Wood tired, Pittsburgh. HOLD oa Bale the following BONDS AND STOCKS;:— 40 shares Exchange Bank; 17 do Monongabala Navigation Company; 20 do Citizens' Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds; $6,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $6,000 County of Allegheny Bonds. feep&dlwawtf o. u. wilkqis JO3IPU ludewhj CHA9. ATWOJ- ' WILKINS A CO. (Soocsasous TO A« WILKINS 4 Oo.) Have removed tukir office to no. ts fourth street, two doors east of their, old stand, where they will continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COM MISSION STOCK BROKER BUSINESS In all its branches, as heretofore. WajClTlO—Twenty-five Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock. jy!2 WILKINS A 00. 0. H. wrumta - JOS. LUDSWItI. (Successors to A. Wilkins A Oo.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 71 j fourth slrtety Pittsburgh. IN TUB ppmetooa suspensions of Banka and Bankers throughout the country during the last six months, we are satisfied, that in almost every instance their troubles have grown out of a departure from, their: legitimate busi ness; and we. therefore, take occasion to assure the public in advance, that no speculations In “fancy stocks,” or other “outside operations,” shall tempt us from the strict and le gitimate line of our business—believing that in avoiding all such investments we shall not only be better able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, but that. 1 □ adoDtins such a course we shall promote our own ultimate Benefit. ; [febSJ W. A CO. LAND WARRANTS WANTED— *O, 80 too ACRE WARRANTS, by; AUSTIN LOOMIS, I *lB Dealer in Warrants. Stock*. Ac-. M Fourth » PpMe parkbb—Pratfs Itetetit, a speedy andqompUte Parer, for aft else* of fruit; for kalerwhui&ale rod retail, by [jy3(kwat # J JAMES WARDROP. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1855. What-Nots; Paper Mache Table*: Pembroke Hail and Tier “ Ladle*’ Work “ Ki tension Dinlug Tables; Ottomans; Wilkins 4l Co., - - s ' .f - ■*, . ■■ 4 , •. * t< *» w , ' * ’■ ■ • "* - £. MISCELLANEOUS. WM. A. aUUtOa. HKEKON ft CEISWBLL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERB, MANUPAOTUIiEHB of all Hods of BRASS WORK, LO OOUOTIVJS, BTRAM KNaiNE, PLUMBERS, 4c. Al do. Cotton Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Rebecca street, Altegheny Cltj. Othoe and Store, No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at tbß Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fefc9:ly JOSKPU T. LOWRY, No. 43 Cbnwr of Fifth and Wood Struts, Office up stairs. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he has commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, iu connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. He will also attend to renting. Persons in want of servants, In any capacity, or those in want of places, will bo supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptty at tended to. tUfcrenux—* T. J. BJgham, Esq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Aisx. Black, James. Mackeral, A. A. Mason, Mafflt 4 Old. janlS Schuchman A Qauulsln, LITHOGRAPHERS— Third street, opposite the Post-office, Pittsburgh. Maps, LandscapeslSill Heads, Show Bills, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and Visiting Cards, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed iu Colors, Gold,Bronse, or Black,in the most approved style, and at the most reasonable prices. OctlStly. BELVIDERE HESTAUKAST, WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. rfIHK Undersigned has just provided a choice eiock of X LIQUORS, and is ready at all times to serve his friends with the best of the season, In the way of edibles. Irish Whisky Punches may ba had at the Bxlvidijix. JanlUy JOHN SAVAGE, Proprietor. Alexander Hays, CIVIL ENGINEER AND BURVKYOU, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna.—has per manently located, aud will punctually attend to all business entrusted to his charge. RErniNcis Hon. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley R. R. W. MUnor Roberts, Chief Engineer " “ “ Geo. 1L Kichbaum, Associate Enc. * “ “ David Mitchell, Chief Engineer Pittsb*h and Steub. 11. R. James Thompson, Superintendent City Gas Works. James Civil Engineer. Allegheny City. |np7;2w* Notice* rpUE Partnership of JOHN M’DE'VTTT A BIU). was die- X solved on the first lost. John M'Devitt will continue the business at the old stand, and attend to the settlement of the business of the late firm. JOHN M’DEVITT, WILLIAM M’DEVITT. Pittsburgh, January Sd, 1555—l j*al U«w Trimming Store, No. 83 Cbrr.rr of Marktt strut and the Diamond. FRANK. VAN UORDKR rcepecfully announces to the public of Pittsburgh andvidnlty. that he will open his new Trimming Store on Monday, April 17tb. Having fitted up the neatest store room in Uiecity, and filled it with a choice selection of the laieet styles of Trimming* and Fan cy Goods, he IldUera himself that he will offer superior in ducements and endeavor to give full satisfaction to ell who may favor him with their patronage. Now, don’t forgot the place—No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. |apr!2) FRANK VAN OORDRIL ICaULISU'ABIi> CLaVsiUaL. SEmaARY. w. t. McDonald, m. A n ruact?Ai. TIDE next session of the Institution will commence on MONDAY*, the 6th of {September next, at the room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied by the Messrs. Veeder. K'fercncu —Uon. A. W. Loomla.C. Knap, Jr., 8. ¥. Von onhorst, K. Miller. Jr. autf’ifi Aevucy for fioidkera'' Clalnu* lOOATIuN OF LANDS.— PUROHA3H AND BALK OF j LAND WARRANTS.—'Tha undersigned has made ar rangement* with competent and gentleman to obtain OrilUrates or Warrants for Soldiers, their wldowsor miuur children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the Location of Lands, and the Purchase and Sale of Land Warrants. JOHN D. DAVX2, Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. N«w Paper Ilanclnga. NO. 85 WOOD STREET. FRENUU AND AMERICAN PARISH PAPERS; _ I‘anri Decuratbus In gold, oahond warble; Hall I*apera, of various styles; Fin'd and Plain Pupcrs.for dining rooms and chamber®; Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Borders. Ceilings, Figurw, 'Window Shades. A large and complete assortment of the above, aeledad for th<i kc-uccu, will lx) sold at the usual low prices. ortß WALTER P. MARSHALL. i-ufcJAJ. HAGAN & AUL, WHOLESALE end K«t»U D« sr> \a SWa, Ancy and Maple DKY GOODS, No*. 91 8 Union *tr«rl, Pittsburgh. i npr4 cr\v EUSCY SILK AND WOOLEN DVEii AND CLEANEIi, f? No. 7 ISABELLA St., near the Kinuist Hotel, air 4 AutuiicXT. L. fi. lUywrrdj DEALER in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and LEGHORN aud BRAID HATS, corner of Market aud Liberty etSL, Nu 174, Pittsburgh, Pa. j«H:y “ JOHN mtBITKLL, ‘ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, So. 135 Wood Street, XextUoor to 11. Childs' Shoe House, Pittsburgh. WM. A. M’CLUKG, UEALEU IN Fine Taai, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. 18 oow reviving a largo assortment of PRES Li GOODS, In addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern market?, which, n ill be sold &t thn lowest market prices. 49* Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by th» quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. 09“ Goods delivered in the city tree of charge. 6jsp2l StcamboatSf Ahojr \ o«& Till subscribers tender their acknow-«sk i^a^&w&ledgmeotsfor the favor® bestowed upon s&3Mßßsßth«m by their Steamboat friends, and fVt would respectfully remind them and others interest* * \ ■ ed In building boats, that they ore at all times prepared to famish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship. T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third and BmitbfleM streets. jyllL’M opposite “Brown's Hotel.” tnetrnctlotis InDtualc. MK WAMELINK would respectfully inform hla pupils an ? friends that be will continue bis profession as Instructor cn the PIANO PORTE and VOICE. Orders leit v t Mr. KLBBEU’B Music Btore, or at his resi dence, No. 137 SECOND Street, will bo promptly attended to- au6 Great Heductlon IN CHOICE SUMMER GOODB,at iIAUAN * AIXL’S, 91 MARKET STREET. Wo Will mark down on Monday, June 4th, cur entire stock of seasonable Dr/ Goods, at a large discount from former prices. We name, in part, Berages and Tissues. Grenadines, Crape de Ksgagne, Summer Silks, Lawns of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Uloves and filitts. Lace Man tillas, Chaili Borages, Madonna Cloths, Ac.—with a full and ; complete assortment of -Housekeeping Goods. rnySl For Kent, • A FARM CONTAINING 53 ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern style; good Uaru, Stabling, Ac., situated on the south bank of the Mononguhola river, 0 miles above Pittsburgh, beiDg one of »ho must bmiutiiul and ple&aunt localp ,es anywhere to b« lounii. Portueusiou given on or j store In* Ist of April uexi Kuiiuireuf 11. CIIILDS A CO., . IS3 Wood street. Paul A Murdock, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MKROHANS, AND ) STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Wateratreet, Cincinnati Ohio. (aplrtf 1. W. Chadwick, D BALER IN RAGS AND PAPER, No. 119 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. The highest »rice in cash paid for rags, myll? Writing CUneiMDufi’a College. rpHE Gentlemen and Ladies’ Day and Evening Writing X Classes will continue open during the summer tinder Mr. J. D. Williams, whose various styles of Gentlemen and Ladies’ Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are exhibited at thedoor but those executed by the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal clulms up “ monopoly" nor u patent” f>t his business, nor did be get hie institution chartered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done in this city. Ueniieinen and Ladies' Visiting Cards written in Mr. Williams?’ unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental "Pen tnansbip executed to order. my24:daw MOURNING GOODS. FRANK VAN GORDER has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mourning Collars, Sleeves and Setts in Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black lace and gauze Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, in wool, cotton and silk; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, In all qualities. Alexander A Bajou’s best Kid Gloves can always b« found at No. 80 MARKET STREET, corner ef the Dia momL novl7 hew dby goods store. ,ml Iron Front—Mo, ©1 Market street. OU R house being now open for the transaction of a goner* al Dry Goods business, we would respectfully solicit tha patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from our ex. tensive and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such inducements as wIU In. sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AHL. >pr4:tf Hob. 01 Market and 8 Union street. Booksi books! books) mine* & coV no •»» Smithfield street, is the place to purchase Wka for summer reading. The most complete and varied assortment of books in the city can be found on our shelves. Persons leaving for the country will find it to their advantage to call on us, as we always make a deduction when soiling a number at a time to one person. Doesticks’ Great Book, containing all his letters. Com plete in one volume, illustrated—sl. Fourth supplv The Old Farm House; by Mrs. Caroline H. Butler Laing The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs; by the author of Wild Western Beanes. • J uluor Slater Rose; by Charles Dickens—l2££ cents. Mother and Step-Mother; by Charles Dickens—l2U eta Call In and look over oar counters and shelves, and send for whatever yoa want in the book line to „ H. MIN EE A CO., jyis No. 32 Smithflehl street. PLANES, PLANES, PLAN£3. Highly ImportaiTfto Cabinet ‘Makers, Carpenters, and Workers in Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers — 3 W. 0. HOP P EE’S usury ailid VENEER, HiRDWOOB AND IVOR* PLANEB| The above Planes cannot be excelled In planing hard wood and veneers. Toe attention ol mechanics is respect fully solicited. For sale at BOWN & TETLEY’S, • je23 136 Wood street. FINE DRESS GOODS.—A. A- MASON a CO.have just received another splendid lot of Dress Goods, compri sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Be rages, Tissues,'Or gandies, AbV*o., with some elegant styles of Flounced Be rage Robes. I*l*l U FIFTH BT. ■ 1 •' - ■ • • •.• MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HENDERSON, •JAHKS CUSWkLI. OCULIST AND AURIST. MATS AIL DISIAHI3 07 TUB ITS AND XAB WtTBODT CUPPINQ, luoiuho, ousrmtNa. ob yhb uai or calomk; OmOK 458 BROADWAY, COIL GRAND ST., NEW YORK. Hoars from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. ROUGH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acute or Chronic Blindness with Films, Iritis, Amaurosis- and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Byes, are among the diseases of the eye which ore treated by Dr. H. with perfect s&tia&ctlon. All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principles. Artificial Ryes inserted without an operation. All letters post*peid will secure prompt attention. We select the following references from' among the thou* sands of cases which have bean successfully treated by Dr; Henderson: Wm. J. Pryor, 328-3 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Allied Boathwick, Printer. “ <■ t J - Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. ♦Wm. W.SmithjDetroit,Mich. •Mrs. A. M. L. Wilson. New York City, N. Y. fills? Mary Bellows, N. K. Station, Duchess co., N. Y. •Edward G. Bolger, Bristol, Conn. ♦John Seamen, Engineer, N. Y. David Little, Engineer, N. Y. Wm. F. B; Giles, office Courier and Enci., N. Y. fJames W. Kirby, Brooklyn* 2* I. Jarviß Rodgers, “ “ A. R. Reeves, Telegraph Operator, Si. Nicholas Hotel. R. M. Ferrlss, Organ Builder, Houston St. R. B. Doolittle, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N.Y. M. P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y. K.L.ROAS, Albany, N. Y. A. Mlluno&ch, Schenectady, N. Y. CapUß. H. Havfland, Athens, N. Y: John W. llackett, Ringhampton, N. V. ♦These patients were blind, and bad to b* led to the office. At the expiration of two weeks they could go about the city at pleasure. •These cases of Amaurosis were restored to sight after they were given up as incurable by the faculty, and can be referred to bv any person who wishes to learn the facts In these cases, by writing to them. Janfi >olKar Saving* Institution, JVb. C 3 Fottrth ttreel, NSXT D0O& TO TEE PITTSBURGH BANK, IB NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wed nesday sod Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not lass than One Dollar, aod >i dividend of the profits declared twice a year. In June acd December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolent objects of the Institution, Lave entered into a guarantee bond, thereby giving additional security to depositors. Pittsburgh D< Hooka containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rales and Regu lations, furnished grails, on application at the office. President —GEOßGE altirre Hopewell Hepburn, George R. White, Wilt loin F. Johnston, James W. Hillman, Alexander Bradley, William Phillips, John G. Backofun, James Hardman, LIUI Burgwin, John iL Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Cord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Ct-filo, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier - , A. M. Pollock, John 8. Cosgrave, Henry L. Rlngwalt, Charles A. Oollou, Robert Robb, K. G. JtMringtcu, George IL Riddle, Francis Felix, James Rhoads, George F. Uillmoro, James Shldle, James 8. Uoon, George 8. Belden, WiUium 8. Haven, Alexander Tint!ls. Secretory and I’roisiirer —CHAßLES A.. COLTON. Jylihdly • FAUItIKUS’ AND MECHANICS* LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital .9300)000 Amount securely invested....... 9300,000 COM PAN V effects Fite Insurance on BoUdlnge, Goods, Furniture, Ac. Marine Insurance'on Ve&wls, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance-on Goods, by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, aod Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the moat favorable terms. lion. Thomas B. Florence, James K. Neall, George [l. Armstrong, Charles Dingnj, Ed. i\ Middleton, C. R. HelmboU, GiKirge Helmbold, Fred. 0. Brewster, Tlicmn* ManderQeM, Isaac Leech. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. Enw.taD JL lUumbolo, Secretary. PITTSBURGH RSFC&ESOSB. Hon. T. M. Hows, Hon. J. R. M’Clintock, Hon. P. C. Shannon, Col. 3. W. Black, Hon. J. B. Guthrie, A. B. M’Calmont, Esq., Thomas J. Keenan, Esq.. Wilson M’Candless, Esq., Cel. J. Ueron Foster, Gen. J. K. Morehead. It. M. Riddle, .DANIIL AUL, JB. The character of the above Company Is of the first class, and combines the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Insurance. Gentlemen of elevated standing ars associated in ius management, ahd interested as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUNTER. Agent, Jy 27 Bt. Charles Building, No. 108 Third sL PITTSUIUItiH AND' COSiSKLLBVILLE OPEN FROM WEST NEWTON, Westmoreland County, to DAWSON’S STATION, opposite East Liberty, Fay otte County, 52 miles from Pittsburgh. On and after the Ist of August, the Trains of the Pitts burgh and Connellsville Railroad will be run between the above points dally, (except Sundays,) until further notice, as follows l First Train will leave Dawson’s Station at half-past 6 o’clock A. M., and reach West Newton at 7135; connecting there with the fast steamer "Clara Fisher,” and reach Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train leaves Dawson’s at 12 o’clock, noon; arriv ing at West Newton at 1.25 P. M. First Train will leave West Newton at 8 o'clock A. M.; arriving at Dawson’s at 9.05 A. M. 8«»cond Train will leave West Newton at 6.45 P. M., and reach Dawson’s at 7.25 P. M. STAGES will connect with the Trains at Dawson’s for Connellsville and Uniontown. The steamer CLARA FISHER will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except Sundays) at half-past 4 o’clock, pre cisely, to connect with the Trains as above. FREIGHT will be transported each way daily. For rates apply to D. W. CALDWELL, Esq , Assistant Superintend ent. West Newton, or to W. THOMPSON, Freight Agent, on board the steamer Clara Fisher, at her wharf, above the Munong&hela Bridge. OLIVER W. BARNES, jy-H President and Snperintendent. BKMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PER CENT., JULY l, 1800. /ETNA INSURANCE: COMPANY. OF HARTFORD , COMM. Chartered Cash A»eti t July 1, 1855, $835,530 S 3. CONTINUE to make Insurance on all descriptions of property at equitable rates. This Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 26 years, and is unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other similar institution In the United Btates. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company on file in this office, for the examination of the public. H. B. TEN-KYCK, Agent. Office, North west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Pitts burgh. jyfft ii. M. Lemon 4 Co.’s Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. n in THE undersigned having purchased pure of D Leech A Go ’s Oanal Stock, Ttfi il tiiia*i Tll'rfiiii are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Columbia. All business entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to by us, at the Warehimr-e formerly occupied by D. Leech 4 Co., Canal Basiu. LLOYD 4 LEMON. jy26:dlm* Bargains In Watches, Clocks 4t Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. jses> ARE now selling their large and carefully eelec- VjUvh. ted stock of Fine Watchea, Clocks, andrlch Gold Byj»Jewelrv at greatly reduced prices, to make room an entire new etook, which will he received di rect from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks, for the Fall trade. Purchasers dealring to buy good goods at low prices, should call Immediately and examine our stock, as we are determined to close il ont without regard to cost or former prices. Don’t forget the place. - ROBERTS & BROTHER, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the best manuor, and warranted. jy2l:ly In the District Court of Allegheny Co, Jambs Natsoit) w. J-No. 015, Joly Term, 1855. Chancery. A. Ibvin, et aI.J AND NOW, to wit, July 2b t, A. D. 1855, by agreement of counsel, J. K. BRADY, Eiq. t Is appointed receiver, to uollect and receive the assets of the firm of James Nel son A Co., and to dispose of the stock and tools of the firm, os soon as practicable, and to pay the debts thereof, and to hold the residue subject to the order of the Court. r ) From the Record. ■a l. 8. > A. CAMPBELL, Jb., Protbonotary. lndebted to the firm of JAMES NELSON A CO. are requested to make payment to the undersigned without delay; and thoße having claims against said firm, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. •“ J. E. BRADY, Receiver, jy26:d2w No. 89 Fifth street. Nkw and valuable books— At DAVISON’S BOOK STORE, G 5 Market st , rear Fourth it. History of the Christian Oburch ; by Dr. Uase. Prif« Essay—Theism—The Witness of Reason and Na ture to an All-wise and licnificent Creator. De Quincy’s last—The Note Book of an English Opium Eater. Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared In their three fold relations to wealth, morals and morality; by Rev. Roussel, of Paris. The Adventures of Amijes Lee; by Rev. Chas. Kingsley. Notes of a Theological Student. Mrs. Jami Eon’s Common-Place Book of Thoughts, Memo ries and Fancies. Star Papers; by Henry Ward Beecher. Which I—The-Right or the Left? . Footsteps of St. Paul. The Dead In Christ; by Brown. Philip Colville 5 by Kennedy. The Words and Mind o t Jesua. Kitto'ff Cyclopedia of jßlblical Literature. Dr Alcoti’s Works. The Young Housekeeper. The Young Wife. The Toting Mother. The Young Husband—Health, Ac. Uarbaugh’e vols. on Future Life. , Oumming’B Works. gtoph-nb s Travels In Egypt aod ttw Holy Land. Manilla Wrapping Papers, Blank Books and Stationery of all kinds. For sale at Eastern prices, by _______ jy!3 J. p. UAVlWflt ; J'UflT RECEIVED, at No. 107 Market street, X case of Gents’ Pine Patent Leather Congress tiftiten, ft d«lr»- ble article for this season. Prices lout. ..,«««,» jyua W. fi. SOHUBRTZ. c' .V •i-'S-'-Vt' VICK PBCSIDBTTS John H. fihoenherger, Charles Knapp, N. Grattan Murphy, Theobald Umbstaetter, Isaac M. Pennock, William J. Anderson. DIRECTORS. RAILROAD 1819, PAID UP. NUMBER 275. MISCELLANEOUS. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, Ba. KENNEDY, of Rcxbury, has discovered in on# of our common pasture xottds a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, From the worst Seroflula down ,to a common pimple. He has tried It In over 1100 cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor). He has now in his posse&ldri tWer two hundred certificates-of' its: virtue, all' within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure n nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles; Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst Canker in the Mouth and Stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to curd the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all glamor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure Running of the Ears and Blotches among the Hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. One bottle will cure Scaly Eruption of the Skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to curs the worst case of Ringworm. a. Two to threv bottles are.warranted to cure the most des perate case of Rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the Salt Rhanm. Five to eight bottles will care the worst ease of Scrofala. A benefit is always experienced from' the first bottle, and a perfect care is warranted when the above quantity is taken. Header, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of It in every case So sure as water will extingalah fire, so sure will this cure hnmor. I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another; after a trial, it always speaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that-appear to me surprising : first, thatit grows la our pastures, in some places, quite plenti ful, and yet its value has never been known until I discov ered it in ISlS—second, that it should core all kinder of humor. In order to give some Idea of the sadden rise and great popularity of the diaoovery, I,will state that in April, 1853, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1854, r sold over one thousand bottles per day of it. gome of the wholesale druggists, who have been in busi ness twenty and thirty years, say that nothing In the annals of patent medicines was ever like It. There is a universal praise of It from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors, but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that 1 never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease whloh was always considered Incurable—have been cured by a few bottles. O, what a mercy if it will prove effectual in all cases of that ewfal malady; there are but few who have seen more of It than I have. -1 know of Eeveral cases of Dropsy, ail of them aged peo ple, cured by It. For the various diseases of the liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever mid Ague, Pain in the Side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in Diseases of the Kidneys, Ail, the discovery nos done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best yon get, and enough of it. Direction* for Ge.— Adults, one table Bpoonful per day. Children over ten years, dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, tea spoonfed. As no directions can be • applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate os the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, JVo. 120 Warren sU Eoxbury, Situs. Price, sl,OOi Dr. a DO. 11. KETSER, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., General Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. my29:diw S3* A Substitute for the New Ltquor Lawi- DR. URBAN'S ANTI-BACCHANALIAN EUXIB, a safe and sure remedy for the cure of INTEMPERANOE. A concentrated vegetable extract, and as a ionic is une qualled. For the following complaints it Ua most valuable medicine: Dyspepsia,LiverComplaint,Epilepsy, Piles, Fevers ofall kinds. Delirium Tremens, General Debility. This medicine is intended to produce a change in the sys tem, and a distaste for alcobolid drinks. Several instances where we have sold It, we have had the most gratifying results; eo, to persons who are really desirous of breaking off the indulgence In intoxicating beverages, this elixir wiU be a great help. Sold at $1 per bottle at the Drug Store of DR. GEO. 11. &EYSER, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, sign of the Golden Mortar. ap2s:d*w Barren’s Indian Liniment, For Rfuwnatism, Bruise:, ifrini in the Back, Side—Sores of all kinds. [A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.] CUMBKUANIJ, March 19,1855. Mo. El.G.O.Carxy, Zanesville— Dear Sir: May we ask the favor of yon to send us twenty-four dozen HARRELL'S INDIAN LINIMENT! Please send It without delay, os we have not half a dozen bottles on band, and it cannot be substituted in this country; therefore,do not disappoint us. ****** * Respectfully, yours, Ac. Beall A Watts, For sale wholesale and retail at DR. GEO. EL KEYSER’B Drug Store. No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alloy; also by JOEL MQBLER, Liberty street. Cough Remedies, — lr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Keyset’s Pectoral Byrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Byrup will core Laryngitis. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup will cure a cold In the head. Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup will core Incipient Con sumption. A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Yeatch, of Bokeby, Ohio, says: ** I want yon to send me two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by mail. There is a lady here who has a cough and the doctors can’t cure her. I was in the same way, and tried everything without benefit, until X got a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup; I took it but twice, and It cured me sound and well." Ask for Dr. Kaiser's Pectoral Sirup and take no other. Price, 50 cents. Bold at DR. KEYBER’S, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. FLEMING’S, Allegheny. ap2s:d*w filarsh’s Radical Cure Truss will cure nearly every case of reduceable Hernia. Trusses at various prices always on hand. Children’* Trusses of dlfferentfbrms and strength for sale. .Elastic Stockings for varicose or enlarged veina. Abdomnlal Supporters— Adozen different kinds. Pile Props for the support and cure of Piles. Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked ami deformed condition of the Chert, and many diseases of the Chest. Suspension Bandages. All these articles may be had or applied at DR. KEY* SER’3 Wholesale and Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, Sign of the Golden Mortar; or will be sent to any part of the country by sending the money and measure. apSfcdaw I©* Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beauti fying the Complexion, and eradicating all Taxi, Puplxs and fc'axcaucs from the face. Sold at Dr. KEYSER’S, 140 Wood •treat. Jan3o G£OHtitt fiLKTOIIttK, T&OH NBW TOES, ✓ MANUFACTURER of the celebrated \g ' vS. Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic £%T K i f Sand Toupees, and every description !j£L of Ornamental Hair, for Ladles and jfcvWpjQentlemen. 7d FOURTH STREET, Wood and Market, Pitts* Btsrcoxa’a system enables Ladles and Gentlemen to measure their heads No. 1. The round of the Head. No. 2. From tbs forehead over tha bead to neck, No. 3. No. 3. Fram ear to ear, over the top. No. t. From ear to ear, round the forehead. For Toupees, to cover the top of the head only*—a paper pattern, the exact shape of the bald part. [my4 Co-Partnership, WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on the 2d day of July, JO3. K. HUGHES, In the Wall Paper business, uflder the name of jyg . W. P. MARSHALL A CO. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by 100. A good bargain can be had by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST. . jyl&t Lot for Sale* A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Garson street by 100 feet In depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. P. GILLMORE, jyi3 at office of the Morning Poet CITY HOTEL. (lAT* BBOWB’B,) Corner of SmltbJUid and Third strode, JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PZTTBBU& 08, PA. HIS large and commodious House having undergone . thorough repair and famished with new equipments throughout, Is now open for the reception of the traveling public. OHA&QI8 ttODZBATE. J*l JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARM WEA THER—The Magazines for August: Peterson's Magazine for August; Ballou's do do New York Journal do Dickens’ Household Words for August; The Heiress of Uaugbton. or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a life; Peggy Woffington. For oil tie new Books or Magazines, call or send to the cheap Bookstore of \ W. A.GILDKftFBNNKY ACO i? 2O Fifth at, opposite the Theatre. . iy2o J. W. BUTLKR ft CO. npiUAL AND TRIUMPH; or, Firmness In the Boose- A hold. A new work, by T. 8. Arthur. . i?!!!*’ ebowing its fortifications, batteries, and | oalUon of contending forces, and Rue-lau. an f Turkish siege works. Price 25 eta. Peterson s Magazine for Ladies, with a fine colored fashion plate for August. Just received and for sale at . , rt W; A. GILDBNFENNEY ft CO.’d, ' Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. PURE BRANDY—I have on hand a very excellent arti cle of Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Those wanting a good article can always procure it at Jyl9 JOB. FLEMING’S. O ALMON— No. I Lake Superior Salmon for sale by iq j«2O HENRY H. OOLLINp. To Let< ' ~ THB STORK, No. 85 Wood street, at present occupied by the subscribers. For particulars apply to jyl9 W. P. MARSHALL A CO. RATES OP ADVERTISING XQBBMD UEOli BY tag VITT3ETI&QB P 5233 .in unis nonruoit, oa usa; 'Hz square, rria losart'ou “ “ aach oJdltional insertion. “ “ ona west. “ *• two weeks... “ * 4 three Tveeka... * “ “ onr month.. “ “ two moatha... 4 ' three montlis ..... “ “ four months. “ “ blt months H “ one year - SUndlosOird.slxllnMcrlesu, per annuiQ^.-.......... 10 00 uunaniu Atriusmu: One square, per annum, (exclusive of the paper)-....*. IS 00 DAILY HOMING POST. THURSDAY MORNING::::: GOV- REEDER’S REMOVAL. Memorial from the Legislature of Kansas to the President of the United States. To Ms Excellency Franklin Pierce, President of the United States: ' The undersigned, ’ your memorialists, mem bers of the Connell and House Of Representa tives of the Territory of Kansas, respeotfully represent that a crisis has at length arrived 1 In the affaire of this Territory, whioh makes itita ; perative that you should interpose, so that oar Goverment (the wheels of whioh have been drag ging so heavily heretofore, and whioh have at last come to a stand,) may bo relieved of the olog which has been attached to it, and be ena bled to move onoe more in its regular conrso. A brief history of our Territory, written and unwritten, since Its organization, will enable you to See the oauses which have conduced to this end; and the remedy being in your own hands, we trust and believe yon will not hesitate imme diately to apply it. :; : ' . On the 30 th of May, 1854; (more than one year einoe,) the bill opening the Territory” for settlement west of Missouri and lowa was patted. The pnbllo ezolted by the glowing desbrlptioii of those who bad been in the Territory, and by the debates In Congress, regarding the future politi cal destiny of this newly opened country, imme diately roshed in by thousands from every quarter of our wide spread Union, No Territory ever organized by this Govern ment has beea peopled with half the rapidity of this, , save California, owing to the unnatural stimulus above alluded to. A people thus nu merous—thus diversified from birth, education, previous associations and present intentions and objeats—required, it seems to us, for their gov erment the most prompt action on the part of those called on to preside over them. From the month of May until October, there were no offi cers here; the Governor appointed to organize the Territory, under the provision of the bill, arriving in the latter month. So soon as it was ascertained, by rumor, that he had arrived,.j(tor he has never in any way made it pnbllo) it Was presumed that ho would immediately order the census of the Territory to be taken, an eleotion for members of the Legtslatlve Assembly to be held, and call them together at onoe, so that laws might be enaot'ed for the preservation of the pnblio peace, and weal. Bat what was the course pursued 6y that offi cial ? 1 r The citizens of our Territory received him With open arms, and even in Missouri, the State bordering on our line, he /was tendered a sap per on the day of hie arrival, to enable him to meet with the distinguished gentlemen of .that section of Missouri, together with the private citizens of the vicinity. Received thus frankly and cordially, both in Kansas and on the border, urged time and again to provide for the eleotibn of a Legislature—tbo people knowing of no laws in force, and the Governor himself haviog no Bettlcd opinion upon the eubjeot—appointing tho Justices of the Peace in various sections of the Territory, some of whom enforced the Pennsyl vania, some of the Ohio, and some the Missouri oode, noting as a matter of fourae undor his in | atruotions—still, with all these various impera ' tive necessities urging his compliance, he heed ed them not, but assumed himself to act as the lawmaking power, by prescribing the various codes above, and usurping the power of the Ju iciary in issuing writs, and sitting as an examin ing Court upon a charge of "assault with intent to kill,” tho prisoner being at the time incarcer ated within the walls of a prison, and before.dis ohargihg him demanded hiß reoognizanoe, whioh was taken, however, by a Judge, whose district had as yet not been assigned him. In the midst of all this confusion, turning coolly from those who had thus warmly weloomed him, associating with those only from one par ticular section of the Union, persisting in not adopting that coutsb which alone could produoe order from this chaos it is not singular that loud complaining ohould be hoard, and that sinister motives should be attributed to him for hig con duct. The Governor then commenced his course of speculation, beginning by arraying himself di reotly in opposition to the opinions of the Gen eral Goverment, as expressed, by. the Attorney General, in relation to Delawaro lands,|by pur chasing property on those lands, and stating that the opinions of the law bffiaer of the Gener al Goverment were inoorreot, and of no force if oorreot; thus setting an example of Insubordi nation to thoso less informed, audwhleh may end in a conflict between the people of this Ter ritory and tho General Goverment, unless' the rights of the squatters on those lands are reoog nized in conducting the sales of them. He then commences a tour of observation through the Territory, for the ostensible purpose of preparing for a census, &c., bat which, from his subsequent conduct, proved to be only one of speanlation, for he wag known td.be a share holder in many of the various town companies throughout tho Territory.. Finally, in the month of February, when the snow was two feat in depth, he orders a census to bo taken, (the her culean task which had eo alarmed h)in,) and it was so taken in about three weeks, under the unfavorable circumstances above stated, . 0 A proclamation waa then issued for an election of members to the Legislative Assembly, to be held on the 30th March, .1355, saidproclamation' containing a section olaiming, by the. Governor, the right to deoide contested election,s thereby olaiming the right, to overrido the will of the people, as expressed through the ballot-box, and to fill the Legislature with whomsoever he ohose' —virtually disfranchising every man in Kansas Territory and also enacting a Maine Liquor Law, providing for the destruction of liquor.riudsr certain oiroumatanoes. '■ After the contest was over and the resnlt known, he delayed the assembling of the body until the 2d day'.of July, more than three months afterwards, and that too whenthe whole Union was convulsed on account of -alleged outrages In Kansas territory, and yet no." law for the punishment or prevention of 'them. When at last they did meet upon the call of the Governor, at a point whore they, had previously in an informal manner protested against . being oalled with on avowal of their intentions to ad journ to the point at which they are now assem bled, for the reason that tho accommodations could not be had; were thero were no facilities for communicating with their families or constit uents; where they oould not even find the oom inoh food to eat, unless at an enormous expense, there being no gardens yet made by tho aqua? tore;, where, tho house in which wo were oxpeoted to assemble had no roof or door, on the. Saturday preceding the Monday of Our assembling, and for the completion of whioh tho entire Sabbath day and night was doseorated: by tho continued labor of tbs meobanies who * * « . * * * . f . . And men who had assembled there for busi ness or otherwise, had to oarnp out in wagons and tents daring a rainy, hot season, and chole ra broke out as a consequence of the inadequate food and shelter,and where, under all these cir cumstances of annoyance, they finally passed an aot adjonrning to thia point, where ample ac commodations are provided,, and where the Gov ernor himself previously made it theseatof Gor erment, they wore met by bis veto, whioh is herewith transmitted. The bill was reeonaidered by the House in whioh it originated, and passed by the majority prescribed "by tho organlo aot, then noted upon by tho other Honse. and also passed by the same prescribed majority, * oopy of whioh proceedings is herewith transmit ted. Upon our assembling at this point in ac cordance with a ooDcurreut resolution, passed ond contemplated by the law,!transmitted to you, we passed various bills, whioh were sent to the Governor for his approval. Ou the 21st July he returned the bills with bis objections to signing them, (ell - of which we herewith transmit) addressed to the "House of Representatives of Kansas Territory,” and. “ to the Counoil of the Territory of Kansas,’.’ respect fully—by whioh he assumes that we are not the “ House of Representatives of Kansas Terri tory,” nor the " Council of tho Territory of Kansas,” whiob, to say the least of it, is a gl*" ring inconsistency, yet not more so than .the rest of the doohment, which" you will, .bJTtoSJ by reading the points made by him. briefly state them, without argument, to enow their utter fallaoy, so shown by himself, as "we are confident that you will perceive them at a r ' ' ■ • <•; . ’V S, ■' i 1 74 3 00 4 00 4 00 4j «• • 00 lO 0# llo# .................... noo AUGUST 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers