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"l. '•4 -- - - ‘ , 1 , 4„4.-.4. - 67 - -.. --;-,4--- ; r,4-4.1 , vtt, , .... . 4 ..,, .., ,' .f. 12''t u , .-',,'-". ~ ~- , . ." , 71' 7,54r' t" .. i :,''''-' 'll.l'` N'*•,..tk"j ^ i ' ' 3 . .....1: ' ',". ',, ' ',-4 .. i., , -....-, 1 :' 16-3^,,..,.,„„,,,, ~ 0-..,„ ~.”,,,,,,-.s, ~ ,,, 4 ,.,,, , -%::,...„p.-,w,, , m , ...,... - .0 , ..3.... -, , ...:', -; ,,. , - ~1- ~ ~. % , - . 7 -, : , , '-`-' , P..416.9. 1 / 2 ' ' , ',-,:., - .n,. y-.;,.'^ ~..< ~.;?. 111-44 r,.. :",-. -. ',' ' ,.; ‘ -',;' , 5A' . 1.,:,-el;" e. i . 4,.....:', 4 ''. - ''. ' 1 '..", ,'''' 'f l'- '• ;.. . - 4 '' '.: '''' -;* l''' ' t o . ~,,„,.**..-__ 't' •,;z, i' ' . 4 4f , c ,,:,;f' , . 2 Y 4 '''' -` ' . 2:-71 ' ':-:' ;; I C' '''; i ".4 ".. i ? : '' ', :` ‘ . ". :e'' '' . ' Z :‘!--'....' . t ;.,. ' . ' ,''!' . '* 43o: -.. .- • " •x,„.'„,": , ;.'.r.: : '," . ' -Th. : • .‘ ~1"Z ,7 , ' , t.'• _,;!':,1 , ..:• ,_ 1. : 1 : , :,... ' :: _.• -11' ,; : , : ~. ...,:- ' 1 :77 -7 ...::::•.:' o'. ' 1 ' , T.." ' r'-..-- , v4i-: - :,.i'7., -..-- -- ~.:;.-,,,, , -...- _ . --,.: -_- .!- ~,.. . ~. . , ~., ... ~, ~,, 7 • --- • ,,, t. , ..1p , W4--.7, - -',. c., ,-,`• ~ 7' .' • ~ ~,,,, . 0 4X. , f, -, z;. 4 - - ..: -, . ''.'",::::'., - , , - •-.-- :. - - ' ,1„, ,. .6 034 ki * :^j , ;: - ,i -- !'" 9 .;r,: - g, t***" '• -, --_ :-..:`' _. .. :- *__.' • ' , :;#1 *..6 ~:' ,t4-4•fti7.1 1- 0-- -- ••=' -' l, *:' , l?i:-.:7: - . - •,• 4 ,, t' z. i-,, , ,:',' -.' ~'.-, -,',' `,,, .11-;=":- ',./, `A= ~: -, '..:,,: , ;-.17: y'. & - ..;it:'-',17,%:i ' , .. -, t '::;;i:-1f. % ."..; :f•-.-;1' • , :v- , ' -r - -,:: .' .,!r-,, i : •- 1 ; ,,,- .i. , ,4- , :6:V'.4:1;;;c.5‘' - - , ,. ,-; -.T i. , -,- ,-: -',,,-, ~- - • ~ ....• , - - ;_",.... , .:-4.-11.-' ,,. ‘ - ,- 4- ~,...; „;-,... , ~,, . , ---.-- -,--, : ,..-...-1,,:, ~,..,,,, , „r.,..--v;,, --,--: - il , i- , 1 - _- • , Mai :.. .: -4'' . , f.'':,.,,4%''.'iL.: . _. , t ,~ ^ w':._ :r.4•.~ =M=WEI MMM ~. EMS .„ r t : ,•Ar. MEM NtefiteN ~ O l[ A[ B B:~ I - ~..1;..:' Oi~B • C~O~;$ D Pretusied t e drirtreAtteruoosr. PITT4BUR9Ii. 'TRADE. e. • cpaincxxii*S . 7l4l . *ten, bf;ListkPilt- .1: thipton 'EsCpitT PITTII4IIRGII. 7 wilriiiaTiMpt..tus CHLNNEL'ANE:I4LLING , ARRIVED.. Wiseonsin,Grace; Cio. • ' Alberni:b . Smith, Wheeling.. Petnsylvania, Gray, N. 0: • Lehigh, Clayton, N. O. •• • • Wellsville, Catlett, Wellsville. ...• • :. •Wiltaington, Dawson, 'Steubenville.: • Michigan, Boles, Beaver..' • • Consul, Bowman, Broansville. . Louis M - Lasie, Bennett, Brovrosvillei.: • DEPARTED. New England No. 2, Dean, CincinnhlL Arena, Hazlett, Wheeling. -Wellsville, Catlett, Wellsville. Swallow, Turnhill, CM. Wilmington, Dawson, Staub. '`,llprthern Light, Hutchinson, N. O. Michigan, Bthes,-Beaver. Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. -Louis .sl'Latie, Bennett. Brownsville. The new steamer Brooklyn, Capt. Boies, on hes trip . from New Orleans here, collapsed a flew . sseiir Memphis. No authentic news of the result. 'CITY PRICES CIIILRENT. • costur.crED EVERi Arriatzoo:c. , . Flow—From river and wagon.. 4 0600 00 seeds—Clover, from wagon, ' 3 50Q3 75 . i From store 3 75.91 00 :., • Timothy. - 1 73'92 00 - F 1 . 1a x 1 0091 10 Einns • '83, 9 1 00 jthes-:-Scorchings. 1 - 4 5091.73 • , • Pots. .. Keg bratn.,—W hcat..... Curn 2800.300ats Rye 4.0239 -00 ;- Barter • . 3700.0 istsr—New Orleans. • W/0.8 . 2i:dams—New 3aao .10 bheitc--Westem Reserve' • 43 61 .reathrts.- 7 ,ltentucky 26a0 29 iliaubto ..... 2 250 J 00 . • . 10x12. 3 51:0X 00 .cern Airco!. • ' 450_ 00 Qried Peaches 1 9-501. 37 App1e5.......... 50a3 8100 09 •Jtailk • . 5/60 La .tie4.74loer9uni Mains 1 . • Shoulders bides.. /Alai - 4 . roPig. Metal r . O 2? lion (Joniaga). • I'Ksils 'OA) • ' " Lomas tux . Count t d Oresez,l riiday Evening, March 12, 18417. 5 '...The 'weather .fius been unusually disagreeable ettitto!d - to4day, accumPanied with a continued art•theivy.fall of snow, with but little prospect ol antalutement. The river is unusually high, and rising quite Eat The falls offer no impediment to itieigation The queenly Sulthna . came up over theni this morning in fine style. Operations today hive been light, the weather not warrant. ingioutiliror business. • Flour--We !vote a sale of 103 Ws. from store at44,6soretaillog at $1,735. • • ' iron-We date hog-round from Wagons ni cents; 'Alarm trtie.i . Sides le. From - store, Sides 10011e4: Flame Gig7c.; Shoulders Z/c. ~~ rd— We quota a tale front storeisf 404) kegs si;auritry : lard, riel/c.i..sales from wagons ...Ceffes,-,lte quote &alert of-15') hags Rio, at Utc. : I{/U.Then?-Dull at 9Un. ..trark-liolderaartuaskiti,l4/Pait for Meas.= *OM is fin-Prime. • .--.‘••• • ' • . . flearuSitlei of 20 hlids...:of prime leans at lie: ' Frrighls—Tbe rotes today to `New Orlcani al e 404 fur pound freight ; ttlor 80e. per bbl . • corn *C:. rim bushes: wet bbls St. • ;•• . - • "{lsms , • , St. Louis, March .9.5 Ttie we3ther last•evening was quite disagrees blekl a storm ofwind and hail havin ,, set in about two o'clock; preventing much of out-door business. Sales, so far as ascertained, were as follows: - Flour, two of country, embracinv ' 300 blils. to , fill an order, at. 54.50; IFleat, 240 sks prime at 75c and Pld_stra rnedium,•at 08c.; Cora, two. - lots embra cing. 510sks3it gooidgunnies at :Ric ;.Larit,.So bbls at Tic and several small lotsit_ritan ; a small tot. of raw at 20c.; Freights are quite firm at yesterday's figures, and few beats are Contract ing, The rivet continues to swell-slowly- Executors Sale. T nKExecutors ofthe Estate of 0118i1ITOUS Sal1C101; - ' will sell at public auction. on the premi ses Thursday the ISth March next, at I 0 o'clock, all the tools belonging to"the soap and chand lery,establisliffient of said deceased. Also, l Morse, 1 Cfirriage and Harness, I Cart and Harness, I coun try market Wagon, 2 Guns and a lot of flushing tackle, and a number of agricultufal implements. 'They will' also let, - fora term of years ; the soap and chandlery aforesaid. The premises are in good firdnefind calculated to manufacture soap and can dles on a laigescale. Apply to G: R. Riddle,. Esq., at ,his: office, bth street, Pittsburgh, or to Mrs. Mary .15andol,Ion the' tr,r7emises—,aossession will be given on din , first of April next. _ 1111. Perinea indebted to the estate .will please melfis irifinediaze payment; and those having claims iiilhpresent them properly authenticated for settle inept. • JOHN FLEMINP, G. Beni. WM. DPIIEN DRY, _ AllegbeCannty, Feb. 3d, 1547-d&wtd • . PATTE SON'S BAZAR AND LIVERY SABLE. FIORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR. HIRE. ILody Patterson", jii.AVING dissolved partnership With his brother, ' the undersigned • now informs the public and syriends that he is prepared twfurnishat his newly erected ind extensive establishment en .. IFourlh street, helween Wood and. Smithfield, . payria g es for hire, and for All other braiicbes.donneeted , with his line of business. — lfisfiorseg niiiither - for .siddle or hafness are of Ate..fieest description, as they have been selected 4i.n0).. - sitirphaseil with great. care and expense fort is purpcksc.'ktis CARRIAGES, • Which nre of every description are new, costly, and have the wok modern improvements. In Abort the subscriber flatters himself that his I:lrons's, lULICIES AND CARRIAGES will be found unexceptionable, and arnjet at reason able rater, ' Be infully prepared to receive horses at Livery, by ithe day, week, or year; and Drovnin and dealers who may-wish to dispose of their Horses or Carriages, eah be accommodated, as he is well prepared with ntabling and 'sheds for the purpose. ' CARRIAGES Can be left on commission for sale, or on storage. Por, those who wish either to buy, hire or: sell, he is now able to give complete satisfaction. Marl3-d6mp R. PATTERSON. Q 1.7 g AR-34 blals. prime N. 0. Sugar, received a per steamer Northern Light "- aod for sale by FRIEND, - 4 11 EY Co., marl 3. 67, Water_ street. NO.. MOLASSES-90,5b1a. Plant rd attion olas . nes, per streamer'c': Northern kjght and fer tale by F 14510, RIEIEI4 Co., marl 3. • .• - 57 Water fluent. O Yes, Oleos. IOU can always End at G. Schneekts, on the ear neeof Fifth and Smithfield ate., fresh Oysters rued up in every style, on the shortest notice. Also; Ground .Nut Candy Fruits, and Pastries of the hdicest kinds. Call'and see. novl3-dtap Let fIpHE third sit:lir of a Brick ' House, onlitc corner A 2 or 6th anti ileioß etrcete t 4;opily to --.GE.ORRE,/48MOR, ritstEor, 2 .111)!Falt iILiVIaIirLEN WOOD AND SNITLIFIEI.,D IMAMS, . ' Thatly opiostO ME - 1000s Oficer...), 110 . . . BY:virtunora decree. of til Orphan's Court oral leghimy County, in No. 64;March Term, 1845 i The undersigned tui Trim:tee for; the sale of the Real Estate of-Dennis Murphy, deed., will expose to sale by Public outcry at the Court . House, tbn City of Pittsburgh,i on the 4th Monday .of March, 1847; at 10 o'clock , s A. M" the following described • Real Estate, viz: .. • Ist. That part of the Farm belonging to the - said d Estate, bounded and described as follows, viz: -Be ginning at an Elm Tree, thence by land of James H. Hays, N-68 E 1.21 perches to a post; thence S 221 E 192-5 perches to a post; thence S 65 %V 82.5 to a sugar tree stump; thence S 881 W 23-9'perches to all:taker thence :by that part of said farm in the Diagram of Partition of said Estate marked "B" N 44 W 99 to a beech; thence N 77 \V 16-6 to a beech; thence N 61 W 18-8 perches to a post; thence N 39 W 7 to a post; thence N 60 W 22 to a post; thence N 141 W 44 perches to apost; thence by lands of James H. Hays N 631 E ;10 to a sugar three stump; and thence N 45 E 42 perches to the place of beginning, containing 183 acme and 37 perches, being the part marked "A" on said Diagram of the Partition of said Real Estate, which said described piece of land contains about 96 acres of stone coal, with a dwel ling house and barn erected thereon, on Beck's, within (along the front) about 66 perches of the . Mo nongahela river, on Beek's - Run, about 3 miles from the City.of Pittsburgh: the soil is good, about 60 acres cleared, and the stone coal is of the beat quality. This tract is well timbered, has several excellent springs midstream!, and has a splendid orchard of all kinds of fruit' of• the best varieties. • 2d. That other part of said Farm, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning ate post,alience by land of John Doran and James H. Hays, S SSI \V 881 porches to a pcist; thence S 771 W 50 to a post; thence by land ofPoter Brindle N 351 %V 1571 perch ci to a post; thence by land of James 11. Hays, N 82 E 24.7 to a beech; thence N 77i E 24-6 to a Linn; theaceN. 631 E 51 kost; thence by the first described part of said farm marked in said Diagram "A" S 141 E 44 to a post; thence S 50 E 22 to a post; thence 539 E 7 tria post; !thence S6l E IS-S to a beech; thence S 77 E 16-6 to a beech; and thence S 44 E 99 to the beginning. containing 100 acres 156 parches, being ;narked in .laid Diagram of Partition "B." This part of said firm contains about 65 acres of stone coal and has about 40 acres of cleared land. 3d. That lot or piece- of ground situate in the City of Pittsburgh, hounded and described as follows: Beginning on Front 'street, at the distance of 102 feet' Eastwardly• frem Wood - street; thence along Front street Eastwardly 21• feet to the line or the lot marked "D” in the' Diagram of Partition, thence by the said line northvjardly parallel with Wood street 80 feet; thence parallel with Frontstreet westward ly 21 feet to an alley; thence along said alley south wardly parallel with Wood street SO feet to the place ofbeginning, beinirmarked"C" in said Diagram. 4tti. That lot or piece adjoining the above, bound ediind described as fAlows: Beginning on Frunt street, at the distance of one hundred and twenty six feet from Wobil street: thence along Front street—eastwardly twenty-four feet: thence north. wardly in a line parallel with Wood street SO feet: thence westwardly by a line parallel with Front', street to the line nr.lnt marked in said Diagram "C.% 1 and thence by the said line southwardly parallel with Wood street SO feet to the place of bcgitiniug,boiog' marked “D,".in sild Diagram. Terms of sale of kill the foregoing described Real Estate, viz: One Garth in hand on the delivery of the Deed, and tlio balance in one, two and three years iu equal plants, with interest thereon from the day of sale. ' he said.baJance of the purchase money to be secured by Judgment limed and Mort gage on Cm proper!). sold. • N. B. The share or thinly of Heisler Murphy, widow of Dennis N get a lien on the laud till bet pithy, deed is to female in die I hands of the porch death, subject to ih payment of yearly interest. . ! Hi.Nitli WCULLOI;6II, febl7-d&w ttoiar . Trustee. ... ......„ _ Sten.m Iron Railing. Vootor,r, 4 5004 . .75 A) O. 000 U .00 1000 1 t. 70 08 709..) 00 3720 40 003 00 Ile) 08 800 •el 700 7i 7011 7j 7-0009 GU 2703 31 .3:561 00 3 :060.00 Ridge Re:td, nine; puttoonrood street, PLitedepWd.! 4 T this establis3ment eta" be found the greatest? ~A,. variety of Pia . 4s and beautiful Pattgus for later Ititturics in the U led State., to which the attie4.: lion of those au tvau,t °fatty . description,. and *spec.-, s i ally'for Cemeteries' isparuculariy invited. • 1 The,principal p et all the handsome Railings at , Lam aPtlill, Mond ietit, and other celebrated teme-; toles iu the city and county of Philadelphia, winch ! 113 , 10 been so higl.ly . ethanol! by the public prcal, . were executed at this manufactory. • i A largo Watc-libmn is connected with the estata-; j lishtnent, where is Siept constantly on hand a lerge ! stock ofroadyinede lithe; Itattasset, 011.1.talleXTAL I Doe States, 4501 i CllAtes, new style plain and or- : 1 itamental Lneerriarm, with an etleastec assortment of lane POSTS, Penparats, 111413 A.A03113, 4.C. Alen, din great variety, Wrouzlit and Cast iron O&tt.t. r.thrrs, suitable fat; Itailingt, anJ other purpose.. 'rile subicriber Weald also state that in his Patters rata Duigning Depliinviciit be iiii itiligOlCa same 'id the best wilcut in the country. whose whole atten tion is devoted to the busthess—firming altogether 01P0 of tbe most coiipletn and systematic establish media of the kind ih the Union. !ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge nal , uttove Buttonwood PUltoldpitia, .11 , 1rcA 12, 1517.d6m0. SIIIING STYLE. ; HAT D 4 S: AN CAPS. 'THE Fubscriberi wonld inierm his cmtomers and A. the public, that be has received direct from New York, the latest and most approved style m Hats and Caps foe sprin, awl summer wear. Ile is also daily mantifacturing Alms arid Caps of all descriptions,-and ple.lges himself to Inttmlt his custorners with art article thlt, for neatness, tiara bitity Mid cheapzies.s. cannot be surp,asse I. Western Merchants are invited to call and cc-- amine his stock, is he feels confident of being able to please both in quality awl price. G. W, GLASSGOW. 102 Wood st., Third door below Davis . Coin. Auction Rooms. . _ . . N. B.—PerEousipreferring a Pittsburgh rnanitie tured Hat to EastCin Hats with Pittsburgh names may rely on getting the came by calling as above. mar64.i3m ! G W. G. ADZES AND ;GENTLEMEN, who design pur- Li chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their old Blinds renewed and made better than when new, will please take notice that A,.drew White is now permanently situated on the corner of Wood and 4th sts— Show rodm on the second floor of Mr. Ken nedy's splendid Looking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4th se, Ail orders thankfully receited anti promptly attended to. Please call and see be fore purchasing elSewhere. marl 3 THE undersigned Proprietors of the Mosroxostic- LA House announce to the Public, that the House is open for the reception of Visitors. They Ire conscious of having speed no expense in fitting "tit the Establishinent in such a style as to render :very comfort to :the Guests. They hope by con dant care and attention to business to merit the pa :ronag,t so liberally bestowed on the late Mononga . :aela House. TKPORTER and dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, would respectfully inform his friends and the pub.ic generally, that he is now receiving his Spring supplll of hardware nt the old stand ofl Walker& Woodivell, No. 85 Wood street, which he will dispose of the most reasonable terms: He will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct from the manufacturers in Europe and this Country, which will enable him to compete with any estab lishment either East or West. Western Merchants are invited to call and examine his stock before put chasing.elsewherO. mars f 1;13UNO between, (late vNone d a Y nd o r i t ia c r i k ty c; ) Manufacturers oft Mustard, Ground Spices, Cu,nups, &c., &c., will open during the present week a largo assortment of articles in their line, which they will wholesole in quahtities to suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices: All articles sold by them warran• tea. Merchants intending to go east would do well to call before leaiieg the city. They may be found at th warehouse, No. 27, Fifth st., in Ryau,sbuild ing. sep7 T ° PRIENDS ANr3PATRONS.-I have disposed of my Bakery„in Diamond alley, and for the fu ture will e receiv orders at the•coliker of the- Nagle Saloon—for fancy cake, confectioliary, calf feet jel ly, ice creams, pyramids and - every other article ne cessary for aupp.era, parties,. balls, weddings,&c. The Saloon will be open for ice cream, on or bfore the let day of April., A large amount of money has been expended in order to make the Eagle the most attractive and pleasant place of resort in the west for the approaching iseason. Proud of the patronage we have received we will endeavor to deservo'a continuance of ANDREWS. mars , Wood st. TO light draught steamer Amu, in good' ; running order. She carries about 1,00 tone, has void Hull and Engines, new boilers, a comfortable plaih cabin, .and is , well adapted for Towing. She will be sold at a low - price, ,and ,yea iohable terms for good parer. Apply to mill ' i • 4A.MF,S MAY, t ,•••'• I ' •1: 't,.. ~.r~.4. =ME MISS e ~ — t-... '"---..''.r. , :•44 - te -.. .: ....-...44.7.e.'.:;7c.;;,; , ...', ,, ;. , : - : ..i-s fr.K ';:i=',;:... - 7' , , f-:-.4.,...,,-:•.:,,,':P.---_,..ir,:e;.:.,,.--:-....,.:_t:'...;:. MU= I.= •• • •=i-t - MEE , i ,_ Valuable itaisi,llstatelar MONOIVGATJELA nousr., o , n the corner of 1116 r and Smithfield streets, PI7TSBURGII, Pa JAMES CROSSAN & SON Hardwarei Cutlery, •findlety, &c: JO!IN WALKER, E.AOLE SALOON. For Sale, ;!•_.• k-``- - "1" • 1 ENIMINI MEM =IS Pure Cog. Braqdy;.. " Pale French " ltochelie do; Gin " ';.Tamaica Spirito . Scotuh Whi:Acey; The above half and, quarter Oipes,par ties to suit purehaset:s, by Domestic Old Peach Brandy; Rye Whiskey; Domestic Gin; In whole and halt Bbls. purchasers, by marl 3 . 100 BA RRELS Ronaanite Apples, in good ship ping order; 39 Boxes , " " do; 12 fible e, ri do; 12 Bbls splendid Newton Pipins, for sale by' P. CeMARTIN, tor of Smithfield and Front tits. 3000 Lib;.ooHiabmcs,sheoiutfdee:edj For sale by P. C. MARTIN, marl 3 GO Water at N. 0. Sugar: 48 Mtla N. 0. Sugar, just reeeiSsed and for sale by marl 3 , r MILLER RICRETSON. CORN JACKS-200 Corn Jacks, for salo'by inarl3 MILLER & RICKETSON WIITE;ISH-70ts,:st0an1 osat 7 . by mariAili4%ciLs) ATACKEREL—No. S, Large; I n 30 Barrels in Store and tbr sale by marl 3 •MILLER RICKETSON PICKLED HERRING-30 Barrels Pickled Her ring or alewives, in store and for sale by marl 3 RICK ETSON. F RESH FRUIT-100 drums Smyrna Figs; 40 bss M. R. Raisins; I cask Zante Currants; 10 bra Prunes; J. D. WILLAMS & Co., 110 IVood at. Fat sale by luar2 SAL bas Prime, fur sale by ma J. D. WILLIAMS. & Co., 110 Wood at 1 - 3EPPEI 5 bags Pepper rec'd and for sale by mare J. D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood at L. S. Vt'aterinan, LE .Zi G Merchant, rc r h o a c n e t r, , d eo i e ai n e r an i o in p n a r d : and c For. and `{ warding Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. 31 Water, and 62 Front sueuts, Pittsburgh. • feb23 eILOVF.R.SEED-13 Mts. just received, in st.,i and fur sale by L. S. wATERNiAzz, 1623 No 31 Water and 62 Front eta. ICORCIIINGS--3 Tons, a piitno article, itt store and for male by L. S. WATERNLIti, feb23 No. 31 Water and G 2 Front .t.t. ALAILATCS3 Cashs, in stnre and for lode by 177 1.. S. WATER:4 Y. No 31 Wilte.T and Git Fronts:. ) OM. BUTTER-13 juat reed, in store I 1,. roul fur Kac. bV L. N. WA.T.111:11.11, rc1,23 No 31 Water and 62 Front at. I . IION—SO Tuns asiiurled, in *tote Old for c:.le by L. S. wATFlnt.v.s., fe`..1.3 No 31 Water and IFront ht. NT A I I.S--3CO Kt:3 *snorted, in *tore . ntt t r sale 11 Lc L. S. wAT No 31 Water and 6.2 'root xt. /1 11DXE'S Pound Lump Lyrkebborrli T ,, haceu; in (awl) IX d t) I.IW LO C;OVO coriAi.,7nruent. Ity L. S. WATERNIAN, No 31 Water and 62 lArbut P.ON.EI; To!Jleno, Lump-s•a, 12't •nd 16's; store and by L.:. wATEr.m kN, No 31 Water and 62 Fr,ut ut rifyrnis A lINS-10,0D0,1!o.. aanoriedlNne., in I L ; atere and for ease by 1.. S. WATERMAN, 12::,23 No 31 Watrr and 62 V not I.t. 0 PANISII SCLE LEATH ER-100 Sides, iu store awl for sale 11 L. S. \VA TF:11;4.*.1, feb2.3 No 31 Water and 62 Fiont ORIRTING--7 Bundles Skirtinfz Loathe ,in_store 0 and fur sale 11 L. S. WATF.R. feb23 No 31 Water and 62 ont tit. 8: 11 ARNESS-3 Rolls Illael. Harem, 11 Leather; 3 Il.o?la Bridle Leather; in store antl :vr sale by L. S. WATER:II,IN, **, No 31 Water and 62 Front els. MANNER'S OIL-10 !This, in mots, and for nio by L. S. WATEItNIAN, 11,633 No 31 Wzttr anti G 2 Front Ht-q. y .SE !N :ED OIL'- 10 1.11,:s, in store and for sale by J L. S. WATLIIMAN, D. 62 3 No 31 Water, and 62 Front sts. T 7- ENTLTKV LEAF TOBACCO— 29 ltirdn, in I L SA . store and for size low to clone con»ign cent, by L. S. WATERMAN, futill3 No 31 INlferand 62 Front hra. 1 I..NT received and for sale law-2 ei best quality New York Coach Varnish. Also, I qr. bbl. Leather Varnish, for sale by teh:lo ROBRItTS & lANE, 82, 31 .4. 0 MILS. Copal Furniture Varnish, Nos. 1 and 2, Stnith's New York make, on Imnd and for sale by the gal. or bld., by noun:l7s & K E, feb2U • • No. 1;2, 3d st. LARGE lot of:Mahogany Plank and Vdticer4 /I for sale by nouncrs & KANE, 1'640 No. 82,11 st. 3ocin FEET best quality Rosewood, on hand JV and for sale by ROBERTS & KANE, No. sp.. 3.1 st. T)OLL BUTTER-25 bble fresh, just reed and JA, for Sale by LAMBERT 4 SIiIPTON, fcbl9 133 and 135 Wood st. APPLES-25 Bldg in good order, rota 13 by steamer Ilibernia, and for sale by febl9 LAIBiI3FItT i¢ SIIIPTON. YE IVA NTE,D-2000 bushels nye wanted, for , hich cash will he paid. by MILLER & ItICKETSON. L',RD -2 Barrels, No.l, in g ood order—for gale by MARTIN & mars 5G Wood et. (LOVER SEED.-75 Bushels, in store, and fur sale by . BIARTEN & .T.IIITII, , 20 GO, Wood st. . 01 LACK . S.MITHS Vices, Bellou-s and Anvils, for sale by GEO. COCHRAN, feb2.s. . No. 28 Wood st. DOTASII , --2 casks, in etore and for sale by feb2s. MARTIN & SMITH, 5G Wood a. iTOULDING SHOVELS—A superior article for l sale by GEO: COCHRAN, Rib 26. No. 26 Wood st. BAtt LEAD-12,000 lbs. Bar Lead, for sale by fob 9. JAMES MA Y. 1 . TOflL-4 Sacks prime Wee); for sale by feb9. • JAMES MAY HILL & BROWNS, • ' SI*CO6IIBOI . II to If oldahtpb Browne, MAC:I7FACTIMERB AND 131P0FLTEIIS OF PAPER HANGINGS, Na. 87 Wood Street. r HE increasing demand for American Paper has induced them to enlarge and improve their Fac tory, and their facilities for manufacturing are now equal to any in the eastern cities. Having adopted the eastern scale of prices, they take pleasure in in viting their friends and dealers to examine their stock „which is now larger than at any former period, and may be found as follows: French, American, Satin, Glazed and . : Common Paper Hangings; Gold, Velvet and Imitation Borders; Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-biiard Prints; Curtain Paper, yard wide, plain green and fig'd; Transparent Window Shades; Writing, Printing and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet Boards, 4-c. mar9=d3ria CORNER of Fourth and Market street, has now on hand a splendid assortment of Gold and vpr Watches, of various patterns and qualities suita ble for all uses, and at prices as low as can be had in New York, Also, a large and well selected stock of fine Jewelry, Silver Ware, Lamps, Military and Fan cy Goods. A superior stock of -Gold Ppurcand DWatch and Clock repairing done in the best manner, Jewelry made and repaired to order. mrls QUNDRIES-19 kegs Lard, .S barrels Cloverseed, 0 1 bbl. Fresh Roll. Butter, received per str. " Northern Light,i) and for sale by EMEND, RHEY & Co., Mall 3. LT Water street. '-':-!.'•-:„)--.•,,.,-,-,.-;•.-!. ~.1..5,,41.i,f-:-Fi EDE , 07• - --,,<•; , 14A :•,_..,-, '•.' ,.. ' , : , .7.... - '';', - ]'.; ''.:::: EMEM IM=O ''',. : '•lV -- '• -- ' ,' " .,..'z.,::?.‘'.7.:_.'.;;:g--,•;." -,,,.,,-..,i::!.!,..-ti.i-,t4,:i - 1 •% : : -'!.-.i,.! ,, :.•,'.t%-.;::-.:''!:7,...iz'Y:.2.::'. '', .•,:'" MANE ForeASlEliialxlmg• ' C0N5167;1413 - or Maderin ,Nine; Stierry do; 'Port - du; Lisbon • . , do; 'Miatiga du; viirranteit pnie in whole, t. , entisp, for sale in quanti- P. CT MARTIN, mithfield and Front eta Liqrsors. Domestic Brandy; Ramified Whiskey; • Raw do. ~ and in quantities to suit • P. C. MARTIN, mithfield 'and Front eta. Green Apples. Bacon. IVilson, ECM ~- .-~`. EffiSSl : - :::......."=if.-';.: , f!,.* - ":'• - :',..7• - :i.::: - . , :.4 , ' - ',! - :',.:•:,.. -- ,!''L.. - ..gi:: 1.-,7 i.." !,..,-'e '' . 7;-"k'''. =ME _OIYC 1844: 191JNti4:1( 4bl3r. T 1847. ,LifF-tajrn Pgl3;eager SteaMer 37.kr.4 AAC.-1)1111VTON,, - Cap t. A. G.• INlAsorr., WI rail aregUlar piicketbetvkmon -Pittsburgh and Cincinniiti, leaving Piltsbargb every Sunday at 10a'-, clock, 21.151. . .., • • : Tbo Isaac this spring, expressly for the trade, and offers to passengers every comfort and superior accommodations.. .febl3 MONDAY PACKET. , The reg ul email and passenger steamer ••464. , MONONGAH.ELA,Capt. Stone, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Chian na:ti, leaving. this- port every 'Monday. at iO, A. M., and Wheeling at IO,'P: the, same day. Return ing, she will leavaCincinnati every, Thursday s at 10; A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Monongahela. was built expressly for this trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and su perior accommodations. mar.3l 1817 . 'Tate sda7-. Packet. . : 1847 • The regular mail and passenger steam er HIBERNIA, N0.,2, Capt. J. Jam, rEvrta, will vnn as a-regular packet between Rills burgh and Cincinnati, leaving,thia port every Tues day at 10 A. M., and ; Wheeling at. 10 P. M. of.the same day. Returning, she will leave Cindinnati ev ery. Friday at 10 A. M. For freight of passage ap ply on board. OrThe Hibernia No. 2t was built expressly for the trade,.aqd offers to the passengers every com fort and superioraccoinmodations. janl2, 1847 1817. Wednesday Packet. • 1847 H NEW ENGLAND, No. 2,Capt. 11 7 ,,,, e1 5. TC DEAN. will; leave. Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 10'nrciktit; Wheeling'every Wednesday evening at 10 P. Mr;`and Cincinnati eve ry Saturday at 10 o'clock, ,A. .feb2o, 1847. TIIVICSDATf , PACKET. , 1847. • THE WISCO4'2IN, Capt. R. - J. GRACE, u will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning At 10 o'clock; 'Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 P.M.; and L'incinuati every Sunday at 10 o'clock, A. M. fcbl9 ,ITUitDAY 'PACKET r".. r et% The reiViar mail and passenger steamer nixti3-31ESSENGER, Capt. Linford, Will run as a r4tilar Packet between Pittilbur ‘ gli and Cincinnati, leaving this port every. Saturday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P.M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati" every . Tuesday, at 10 Welk A. M. For freight oe.passage apply on board. The Messenger was built; expressly for this trade, and often to her passengeril every comfort and ac commodation. . ' mar 23 F,NTLYRDAY RAcKET The regularmail and passenger steams' CIRCASSIAN, Rapt,: Isaac Bennett', will run as a regular Picket' tietween 'Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port-every Saturday, at 10; A. M., and Wheeling at Iq,r.P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply onboard. The Circassian was built exprecaly' for this trade, and offera to her pastengera every coinfort and ac commodation, mar,23 TFIIIIISDA Y PACICET r"IPt 1; 3 THE new U. S. Mail Inca:nor ACADIA, 1 -r 'r Al 1' 1, rs - aa.t. .1r , -run ea a regu lar pas,.enger racket -betwoen' Pittsturgh and the thove putt during the Beason of MS, leasing every Thura.tty at 10 o'clock A. M. Tim A c adi a m ootr and has superior accommoda tions. For freight or passage appiy en hoard, or to ap9 J.'is.l•lvrros JONES, Agent. MONDAY ['AC K E -r. T.l I regu!ar ntad rand pasenger steam rl3 N ON ( 'apt ain :Maclean, Nv ill run as regt,iar pac:;:et be.:Nrean Piuslnugh and Cinein nati, leaving Oii3 pprt er er 4 y .NlQuday at G o'clock, P 11....Lur:,:rL: wittleave Cincinnati every :It 4 P. M. The iaion W. 1..% built expretrly for this trade, anti atio r - . 14 o.c y aecc:mmndation. For trei4lit or pasiatre apply or: lirrtl. 'rriaytt For Cluctir.tstatt and Lotthry : {7,7% p uew cl 97,:tidid p:osencer trentn• 4. 44 CULUDI il I A, O'NEAL, Master. led ;•-' , 1:4.1 fur the :It:Jett au.! intrrmailiate putts, regular- weight or pagsageaptilv on boar4l, or to iv! NVILICItiq Agent Vor CIIICIIIIMTI end Si. Lent.' r The par,-w. ngrr steamer PALESTINE, 'On' Capt. W2iliamat, learn for tho 2.1.10 re and r.ll tuterure,li-Ae p.ata regularly. I'orCnabht nr par.arge appty on boon!. je9. ------ Tliet.dikr Veveniux Packet. _ 'The 'new cincraidebanfpaseenger ateani 4-:,,,hrtal DECLARATION, ,Capt. -Verbena, 'viii Tut, raglan:. paeket between Pal-burgh and leaving th;!, pert every Tuesday evening at 3 Returning she nil! leave Cincinnati every Frv.l:.y y eninz•al 3 o'clock. I'l.e oXera superior accommoiratione to pus4engurs. For Height or passage apply on board. ye] For - 17Inctnititt2 1_7077.7 The ,vel! known fast'runnlng steamer 1311.1 A, NV. Forsyth; Manter,..avil I run as n Padwt,:ravlng every Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling,, at 10, P. M., the same d'v. Ile.turning, she 'leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10, A. M. For freight or pa.!srlge apply on hoard, or to FOESVTII & Co., Agents. N. 30, Wnter street. c!►avtlie 'Legfilar Packet 'flit steamer ARENA, RT.r.gr.. FLEE EON, Master, Will !pave Pittsburgh for Weli;;,;‘le and littermediaTh landings, on Mon days, Wo.inr,dayK, and Fridays, at 9 o'clock, A.M.; and Wellsville for Pittsburgh on Tucsdays, Thurs d 3.yu, and Satnrdayn, at 9 o'clock, A. M. kor freight or pasa•age app :y ly on board. decs For Wheelltfig...--neattlar Packet. The splendid light draught steamer cLe. 7 .2.4 DOMINION, S. Tvurt, Master, will run as a regular paeks , t between Pittsburgh and Wheel ing; leav ng P4ttsburgh for Wheeling every Monday, Wednseday and Friday, at 3 o'clock, P. M.; and leav ing Wheelmg for eittiburg,h every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply en board. novs ill i t t i tir 4._ 1 i,t4 A T C 6 7N . J.r c — t or , i l e lt r No'Stsll - id f i : • : 41 and Market sts. The only Institute in the city where a thorough and systematic course of instruction can be obtained in mercantile and steamboat 110 0 K.- II NEPING. Writing Classes day and ,evening at the usual hours. Mr. DutF has a few spare hours to devote to assisting in arranging Merchant's or steamer's! Books, in any case of difficulty. Hours of business 10 to 12, and 2to 4, day Classes. Even- ing, do. 7 to 10 VIRGINIA ROUSE, CORNER OF FERRY. AND WATEN STREETS, .PITSSIIVRGII, PA. sTr.viz:vs DEACII, Proprietors. reb2G-41Gin Notice - to Contrnctord OFFICE OF ENE MONONGAIIELA NAVIGATION CO., Pitt.tburgh, March 3d, 1.541. 13ROPOSALS will bo received at this office up to 1. 3 o'clock, P. AL, on Monday the Pith day et April next, Itir the construction of an additional cut stone Lock, at dam No.l, to be filly-six by two hun dred and fitly feet in the chamber. Proposals will state the price for Cash payments, also, for payments in Certificates of the Company payable eight years after date with interest. Plansund specifications ofthe work will be exhibi ted at the offive ten days previous todhe letting, and information respecting the same, will be given hy Sylvanus Lothrop,,Esq., Engineer. PROPOSALS willzdso be received at the same time and place, for loaning the. Company Twenty thou sand dollars, upon the bombs or certificates afore said. J. IC. MOORHEAD, Pres't. mar3-dta.s (Gazette and Journal copy.) NV A!. PAPER, GLAZED A ND UNGLAZED Qfyic. very variety tof patterns,.att from the latest French Samples. 15,000 rIECES, SUPEEIOII GLAZED rArgit. THEY will be sold for cash, at less price than they can be purchased in Philadelphia or New York. THOSE having houses to paper AND artteaS buy ing to sell again, Will. find a better article or ALL PAPER, for less MONEY than has been 'ever offer ed in this market before. Call at the Wall Paper Store of, J. RIIIDLE, feb2Z-2.m' Smithfield et, Pittsburgh. Window Paper, • - 36 INCHES WIDE. 1200 PIECESof great •variety of PATTED:Lys, at eastern nines. To be had by dozen or single piece, at,the Wall Paper Store of S. SHIDLE, feb22-2m Smithfield st., Pittsburgh. Broslees Bellows. Tim received eh assortinent,largesizes,Bratiees t). Hand Bellows; also,' Parlour and Kitchen, do. Wholesale and Retail,. JOHN W. BLAIR, decl6. - 'l2O Wood Bt. =EMMM i'J ~~ ,:;~' • AT , - • ry EMAINING. in the Poi; Office, r at Pittittorth; March 15th, 1847 - . .Persons ealLizoiforlettata whose ,names are on this Lisi;will-"ploase say thoy are adveitised.- - • - - - • Abei,T B Adams Amy Ell n. Adams Magd*na Adams Ann • :Anderson W C Aiid John Andrews J M Adams. Mile. Austin. Richard. Adams John Anderson William Addis J A Arrs George • Adams Eliza.mrs . Armstrong Elizabeth Alexander Elizabeth mrs Auld David AllisCM Enoch. . Adrnyer Peter Algeo Robert . Ashvrorth Mary Alexander R W - Atkinson Henry. Alvord G G . Balsley Samuel • Boyle Owen Bailey Robert Boyd John C Bailey Jane. • 2 l3othner Martha A Backens L E Boreland Mary Ann Barton Samuel Bond A Barelay Andrew W Bonner William Barrick Leonard Boyle William Bassett mr "Bosh B F Baughman Jonah Brown Thomel A Raw E Drown Joseph Barber Adam Brown Samitel Barclay George BroWn Joh.n A Barns Maria . Brown Sarah Jane Barclay 'William Brown William Bauman Reuben F Brown Henry Barclay E ' Brown John "A Beall Charles S Brown Thomas Doctor Benn Hugh Bryant William Beck Simpson Brawdy Josiah M Beach Alfred Bradley ..Enailine E Beans A J Bradshaw John • - Beck. Elizabeth Bramly Josiah M Bean nir Brady Hugh - Beebee Elizabeth Bruskeur Intrepid M. Betran Mary Ann mrs Bryan :'W F - Blessing Jacob Bracken James Blakely Robert F . Brauff Alfred Blake Henry D Brooks Ellen W Birch Thomas S Bramble, Blake & Co Block Catoarine Brindell Marion Blythe D G Bryant William Blanchard -Israel = Briggs John Merin Alfred Bucher Milton Black Mary E T Burns'Aralrew Black Jessee Buznon Lewis Bldck Jon llurgana' (we Bayard Robert Barton Isaac . Bannell William Butler J II Bollinghouser George , .Butler Charles S Bolsford Samuel N Burbage Jesse* Bower A Rev 's Byers James Bonner William Byrne B C Galhonn Thomas ' Collins J L Callan James Collins Sarah H Cable William " Collier E D Calhoun John. Connelly- E G S mrs Cassiday Thomas • Cooper Sarah Carman Elizabeth Cook Maria L miss — Cameron David A Conner Ann Cavanagh John Conner James Camp henry Cooley Thomas S Cameras L U 2 Courtney Henr Campbell Sarah A Conner James" Campbell E 2 Conner John Campbell and liugkcs Coyle Nancy Campbell Cyrus Covenlieven E Ann 2 Cheney John Cook Charles Cherry Thomas " Courtuev Newton Chart Jatie mrs Corns George ' Clark John. F Correy J 2 Clark Hannah Coady Charles ICoeperJ S Crawford John Cochrane John 2 Craumer F B Cooper Wm Cranston Alexander ; Collins Thomas rati st n William Ccultvr James Craudell Theodore Collins Charles Craig G Robert ICollins Mary Crosby Pearson Collier Frederick Crawford Mary Cummins Samuel Criswell W- Ii Cummins Henry Curran William Day Margaret Jane Dillon John Day W S 2 Donoughoo Michael Dann Tclwin • Donaghoo PatriCk. Dawson Simpson , Donaglioo Wm Dann Ruldah J niiis Dougherty James Davis Lewis Dougherty William Davis flarvey Donovan Robert Davis Shadrach Douglass John Davis Sarah Donovan Abigal Detord Briedon Donovan Michael Deaver Alexander Dobbins Pitt W Delavan George M 2 Drake Matthias • Dean Szmnt..l Cant . Dravoe Peter Deng Frederick Drake Jacob Dennison Barclay, jr Dugan Margaret Dennis W P Dunseth James Devol T Capt Dungan A bagail Dingeday Jacob Dunlop George • Dike Mr , Dunn J B Dingee C A W Durnain'Charles Device James Eaken Wiliam Eaton Nancy . Eekman Henry Ebersoll Abraham Eaton William Fairburn William Faucett Isabella miss Ferguson Margaret Ferguson S H Ferguson Samuel Flannegan Jony miss Field G 0 Rev Fitzpatrick Soreph Fisher F A Flannegan John Flinn Edward Gallagher Thomas Galbraith Martha Getty J J Gardener Thomas Gardener George sea Gilchrist R C Gilchrist C R Gillespy Thorrias Gibson Thomas Gibson Wm Gilchrist John Gibson Alfred A GillespY Lucy Glenn Wm Glenn Harriett Glenn Timothy Glass George Gotschell John Godin Lewis Haney John • Herriott James Hammond William Heisson Ann Hammutt Samuel Herron mrs C B Harmer Daniel Herroy Ford Haberocker Joseph Herr Anna mrs Hampton John Henry Catharine Harnos J W Ilearte Adam Harrey Elizabeth mrs Herron James E Hammett H W Hill Robert Hawey Henry B Hickey John Hague Richard - Hill John Haney John Hisox Amanda miss Hart Thos S rapt 2 Hippert George Ham Geo U 2 Higgens•James C Hartley George 2 Hines Elizabeth Harman Nancy Hill illte Harden James 2 Huffman Andrew Harrison Elizabeth Holmes James P . Hershman John. T • Hoag_Cktailotte E Hartsell H H 2 Hoek Simon ilartley'Maria mrs 2 Hoffer John Hervey Eliza Holster Fanny Harris George Hoge Mr Harrison Charles Emily Hatter Daniel • Hassler Ann Hasslett James Horn Joseph Haslett Ambrose Horn Lester Haslein J A Hooter William Hausa' Peter Hastings Mary Hawk Maria I t Hatton Daniel " Jolul Days gptiraina Herriatoille Amoa Hutchison jolkn, Irwin Nathaniel angles :John , - . ,• F _,. mass Allison Thomas II Alexander Sarah Anderson 'William J;lliott Joseph Elder Basel 1' k:spy Wit Mani Evans Joseph E , ans Anna F Forsyth & Baker Forsyth & Duncan Ford Thomas Foster John E French Sarah Fiiedle Joseph Freeman Nancy Frithey F A Frances Mary A Fuller Wlt • Goff John Gould J . Grazier Jane Gregg James Green Griffis S.enica Green James Grant John Gracy James Green Matthew Groover Motolena miss Green Isaac. T Grant James A Gregg James J Lieut Graham E C . Graham Catharine Gray Daniel Guthrie I G /Wiz John • tiughes Thornere ' Hussey G St Hyatt Eli Rueter Tilivid 4 Hasler Rineholt Ranter Rohint. Hutchison Thotnee I . Irwin * James APR MEE IN=l=l _, ;~, f . i,.; .-. . ~: '••• - , ::,.-1.::. , ..1..7.:.-':.:'; '•'...:-1i'..?;'..j::',.. I=E=l MEER }~, Ingram J P Israe: John. Irb Joseph B • - Jackson Joseph Jackson , Chadoe Jonah John JoVan Choiles Jennings Richard Jones Martha Jenkins Mary • Jones Joseph Jeffries Margaret miss Jones Mary Ann Johnson David R Jones Evan W, Kennedy Wm Kerr Samuel' Keller Joseph W Kerr Sarah miss' Kehler Rebecca Knigh George W Kettler Joseph Knox-Matthew M Kelly Hugh Kussick Moses Kelly John Kuser Henry Kerr W C Klinefelter John Kelley,Webster 2 Knox Catharine Kerr D F Kimberlin Joseph Kincaid Margaret miss Kunkle Wm Lombardes Mary Sand S M•F mrs Landes Joseph Laumere Robert Leine Charles • Luce Z C Lewis Samuel C Leonard James H Levy D C Leaper'Edward Lewis Edward Leonard Samael Lewis IV H Lincolm H mrs Lipton Robert Lister Peter - Little E Margtiret Lillie John Logan N J . 6lackeY Wm Morry Jacob B Mathews Martha A miss 'Miller Rebecca R,,!. Macky Wm . Moorhead James T Mann Mary . . Morton Rachel mrs Mace L H Morey George,. Wartha & Wood Morris Andrea; - , Matthews Hugh II Mona John • . Macklin J A T Moore W J Masterson Patrick Morrison Tessee Margins Samuel ' Morrison S R • 2 Macky Thomas More John Marks Wm Gen Molley. Edward. Marshal Samuel ~ :Molloy William Marshall John Molloy Mary Miller John Mulherron Johu Moog Thomas. Murdock Matthew Moyers Samuel' ' Mullanney Timothy Morgan Margaret Mulholland Patrick . . Moley Daniel Myler Samuel Morgan GC Murphy D El . . Monroe Margaret- Murphy Dennis Morris F M . Bride Isabella P' 31 . F.irland Lewis MBride Thomas 3FFarland Rebecca M'Caveley John I,FFlrland John !vtAnulty John l*Gee. Wm M•Bride A M . Gsrr P M'Alleer Ann nick: I:PGinnis Win • ItEClelland Mary M'Ginly M M . Cullough Samuel INl'Graw James MsClelland James • 'M Fatland Levi MCullough Joseph M'Graw William K JrCultough James A M'Farland Joseph XClusky Manna 2 M'Crrec , or W N M . Closky Ann M - Gsa ;I s m James MCdsh Jamea, sr. Garr P M'Clees Ellis II 2 Mllvcaine David M'Clary Mary M I ',tyre . William MClintork Robert MlCee R II MCandless Mr r MiKinehart II M Carty Elzaver M Kee David Mtarron Charles ' M'Keever Robert M Cartee David M Kinsey James 31 . Ca1l Henry N Kce Jeremiah 3TCordy J R - M . Kcc Robert Mtrunibe Marg't mra M'Kee Lidea NI miss 4130 y 'Thomas M . Kargue Robert MCue-Michael M'Clure Andrew M'Curdy A • 1 4, 1'Clure W W M'Cormick John . M . Lean William MCoriaughry Ilannah Alloine Alexander M'Cutcheon Mary A M'Lnre M'Cully James Dr- •- Keown Mary' -- M'Creary David DC Williams Robert MDonald Owen ATVey 13 Samuel MDonald .I%lr Edward MDermott John ATRobcrts Jute M . Do ey J 1%171th Patrick )'Masters M miss Nans Marshall Nebhull F. Newtot) 'rhomas . Neels Aun Newton 0 Newmyer Godfrey NeffJohn 141 John Ohishue L Dr O'Donovan J Orandorff F fl O'Brien J T Patton Patrick Peterson James Palmer Robert Peters Charles Palmier Richard Penn James H Page Vincent . Peterson Ann . Patton W A Pinkerton mr Paine Charles Phillips W H Pattenson Eveline W Pinney John . Parker William Pickett Meehan Patterson James 2 Phillips William Patterson Mary 2 Plawey Joseph Patterson John Potter Samuel Pearson Jessee Pope Isaac P Penn William 'L Price Harman Penser Jeremiah S Porter John Pecco Agnee Poormaa Hugh W Pennyman %VIA Patrick Quick Jobi: Ratignn Pe* Ray - Wm Ramsay Diiid 0 Rea Irwin IV Rea James Ranisay Abdill Ranialey J Rafferty B Rea James Reams Solomon Rynall Augustus 'Reece Evan Reader Abraham Reissnyder %V Rhoades E P Relgin John Reno Solomon Rhodes James Reno Alfred D Rees John Riche,Wm Reed A P Reed W Richardson Hugh Reiter Jacob Richards Lewis .St Clair Elizabeth miss Splome Wm Salt W W Speer Wm Sands James W Stafford Francis Sands John Stark Henry. 4 Sands Caroline mrs Stela Thomas . Sanderson Mary J miss Steen Margaret. Scott Nancy W miss Slerling Wm H Scott J P Stewart Samuel , Scott W Stewart Susan - Scott James S Steivart Hamilton Scanlan Maurice Stewart John Scully P Stewart Anna M Sechrist Adam Smith Mt (Penn st,j — Sedlir Joseph Smith Thomas N Sees Emanuel Smith W - • • Seiger Ano miss . Smith Wm Sewell John • Smithlesse _ Sheaffer Emanuel Smith James 2 Shannon James Smith-Gisorga W Sharp Thomas Smith Joseph B - Shaw John • Smith Mary Jane mrs Shaw Thomas Snell Stephan D Shay Henry. Snodgntss . Jamas Di Sheridan Wm orsjimse Sreuggrafis Jane miss Shackles mrs lipodgcass Wm ." Sheele - Towle Snively Henry , • Shanty 14achriet . • Snyder mr (Inn keeper Sliejor Peter c Darla' A •. • • i r •;: . - • . EMI __:.j. , •?, - ,-;. - .; . , , .:...- 7 .e:1::. : ; MEE ==il .'.4 . : . ;•-'' - ..-' ;. ...,:.".; .....•..z....i . ....i ^ '::' •.',.!-';.: =gel eM@ai . , •-,. •- ' ' E . - ' Johnson Lenis Johnson David Johnsion A Parket. Jones David Little Jane miss Lindsey Robert 2 Lightner J Linhart Solomon 2 Luckett Elizabeth Long Geogre Lackhart Jolty' Long J Henry Lyons George Long Robert. G 2 Long Alexander Lompre John P Lockhart Robert Lynch Mary mrs Long Hugh B Lynch -Thomas • Logan Archibald Lloyd John Nelson N a thaniel Newton Chatlet Nichols Wm North James Nuby•Moses Nichols Henderson Nothing S F 0 Orr James OakforlEdward 2 O'Leary Jeremiah diver Wm 013yr:1e Michael Quin Patrick Bing B J . Richey Robert P • Riddle Br Richardsiiii J Richey J . ' Rendfust Henry Richardson. James 2( Righter Clinton Richards - Miry miss Robb James B Rollins,Wm Cain Rollins gm 2 Ross Amelia Rowan •Maria Roberts Charlotte Ross Wm Roberts Evan Rev Robb Charted Ross Samuel W Roney John A '- Robinson. W P. 'Robinson James - Robertson John M Rogeis JOhn Ramsey B C Richards. Wm 2 y', Vtg - , So . iyers-Wm Sp - ratt David, • Stephenson -I triiss - Stephenson'Abrabank Stilley.John 13 Stilley. Johia Stiff A • 4 2 Stockvrelf.Tolur,W Stone Wm W Strong E D • 4 Strickland James IV Strader Mary K Sutton Hannah Suitor Margaret Shive Abrabaitt, Shimp George,- • Shipinard George Shoup Bridger miss Simpson James T Sirwell Richard Jr Sipe Lydia - mrs Skeen Wm Skinner Louisa mrs Slacker Margaret mrs Smithson George p Smithers John Sparks James L Spencer Israel Swan Charles Talley P C Major Thompson Mary C miss Taylor Eliza - Thompson C miss Taylor 3obri C TitzeU John Taylof Douisa Tieroy Cath'n A miss Taylor John - Todd E B ' 2 Taylor Maii r Ann . iiiiqa. Tom:mind Eber Tharpe George Townsend E A Thayer Nancy . mrs Tripolett Jackson Thomas John Tucker James Thompson Jane miss Tucker Sarah miss Thompson James M Dr-Turner Obadiih Thompson Elizabeth mr.Turner Ruth Uppronian Elizabeth mrs L'pton Levi T Van Nicholas Vannoy . Mason Vandergrift Joseph 2. Van Wickle N - W Walker G S Woodbtirn'.& Stoops Walker William • Worley Mary E cur* Walker Joseph 8 Woods Charles' Wade James S Woods Robert Wanderly George Woods J ani es- Ward Constance Wright Joseph Ward James S . . Writer Mary Watt John Wynn Josiah Watt David Wynn Major ' Watson Mar.ery Wynn Hell ryt l J Watson R ( 117 : • Wensell Mary miss Watson Josiah Wharton James Cr Waiymen G W • Wherry A Weaver Jacob White Walter - It Weed Orman Whigham•C Weitzel) Jacob 13 Whitfield Henry' Welsh Livingston Whitaker A M Welsh Thomas Whitaker lames, jr. Wells J T Whitasall J M Wills John Vv itson N H • Williamson E H Thomas. Wise Philip . . 'Williams Helen Maris. Williamson W P Williaius Bose Ann Wightman Carolina Williams Isaac . -- Wible John F D 2 Wiley Matilda Williams Elieh S miss Wiley James Williams William Williamson David Wilson Wm C . Wiley Martha miss Wilson Zacheus . • Wight man J R mrs Wilson J . • Wickersham James • Wilon Sarah Bmrs• Milky Wn} J • Wilson Ilenry - WoogJames $• • Wilson Thomas M Wollett Catharine mil' • Wociley Calbanne mtr 2 • Young IV :NI 'Young ;amen L Capt 2 • Young liafAinw Young*Sanistel • Yarnell Oivid Young 3 G ' .Young John Young Robert -A Zeigler George W 4 • IN I TiALS Carpet end Dry - Goode Waorehowww,- NO. 110 MARKET STREET. - • ILOWERT.D, T o'n,p s oar, - r) ESPECTFULLY informs his Mends azni.th• IA ; public generally, that he is new .receisingst large andoplendid assortment of N • xw STga. I.mi-cc, OIL Cxcerns, &c., direct from the Important and Manufacturers, composed in-part of ' Superfine Brussels Carpets; ' • Extra .do. Tapestry Brussels Carpeting; . Soper Imperial 3 ply . do; - • Extra " " do; 0. - Superfine Ingrain do; Fine " do; • Common " -. do; .. 5-S, 3-4 and 4-4 Plain Venitian do; " 5-S, 3 4 and 4-4 Damask " do: . f'-S, 3-4 and 4-4 Tapestry " do; • , Steam' Boict Trimmings. .• Brown Drillings; , 4 4, 5.4. sad 6-4 Sheetings ; --6-4 7-4 8.4 Table Linens; ,. • -• Linen - liapkinx; . . • . Crash . anorDiiiper ; Iluckabuck Toweling; Carpet Stripes • New Style Table Covers; , Oil Clothe from 27 inches to 24 feet wide' eves: . oii„ - any size; TOGETI32.B Walt : • . . Rich Embroidered and Printed Table and Mania • Covers ; • " Figured Floor Cloths ;. Chenielle, Brussels, Tutletl,.and Rngtiii Clienielle, and Sheepskin' Deo} 'Matti'. Manila and Grass •do do; - Brass Stair Rods, Flat and Ovid ; Damask and Striped Stair Linen;' Carpet bindings; . • . 4-4,5-4 and 6-4 Plain - and figured Indian Mattliqg I Colored Spanish Matting, &c. &C. Persons fitting up Steam - Boats, Hotels, or Prima* Housss, are requested to. call, as he feels confidtnt they will find it to their advantage to do so beiiirw purchasing elsewhere. DRY GOODS,: lle would alp) invite attention to hit exterwirs Stock of NEW SPRING DRY GOODS, tembraiing every thing in that line,) now opening at the &boss stand Ott-No. 110 Market at. •mar9-3mdaW rpo tbe Honorable, the Judges of the Court ofQuar. ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. , The petition• of Jelin Neter, of the 'Borough or Birmingham, in the county aforesaid, humbly show. eth, That your petitioner bath-provided himself rid, materials for the accommodation of travellers 'and others, at his dwelling-house in the county afore said, and prays that your Honors will be pleased tis grant him a license to keep:a public house of enter. tainment. And your petitioner, ne in duty bound,. will pray. JOHN NESEIL We, the subscribers, citizens of ;the borough .of Birmingham, do certify, that the above petitioner is *of good repute fdr honesty and temperance, and is' well' provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of travellers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. . - ; Johnston,Win. Sr., Charles Ried, Jobn Ditibrich, Francis Stein, Martin Orth,l, W. Daidter,:J . ..; Fleming, S. Garrison, John Stine, Joseph. Wainwsigbt, H. A Cathcart, W. A. Mowrey, James , ~ marl7.3t** . . " ".*: — ..Proposals for Coal. . ROPOSALS will be received until the c'Oth in s t. . et the office of the Superintendent of the P la- I T elphii and Columbia Bail . Road, Parkesbur for ) supplying Bituminous Coal,' for the use of Loc mo- .-.1 'se Engines on said road, the ensuing season. —.,. The proposals must at the quality of the COal. • . the quantity that can be furnished, and the price at':.. . . which it can be delivered at Philadelphia or Colup. 'i . bia. making allowance for the usualdrawback. WM. ENGLISH,- :lc . .:,.. Supt. Notice Potter, Philtura., and Col. R. Road. , s . -; . "' s P Ansinuan,Cheotur - County , March Ist, 1847. • S ' ' mar 64.20 in..... . . Fresh Arrival 9r Spring Goode t ' THE eabscribor would respectfully invite the at- tention.of his customers, and public generally, to his present stock of .goods suitable for the ap, • proaching spring business, consisting of French, Eogllsh, and American cloths, of the most fashion able colors such as Cetron; Olive green, Olive brawn, Moss green, Claret French - black, blue, and Invisi; bin green, &splendid assortment of American, Eng• • lish i and French Cassi Meres, entirely new style—a handseine•assortment of Vestings, new and elepnt patterns—all of which - will be made' to order; at the ;honest notice, it, thq:most fashionable manner, at moderate prices. The cutting depaitment attended to by Mr. James C. Watt, whose skill and long praut• rice of the most fashioneble cutting in tho 'Easterft cities,. renders him 'capable of pleasing the most . fastidious. 4 large assortment of ILZADY mans ciornuta_la • constantly on hand, wbich for neatneis, and dints bility, in not surpassed by any in the cit.), silk. awl satin handkarclbes, scarfs, cravats; and stoeks,'Llt great variety shirts, white and colored, !moat P t ' . erns; suspenders, gloves , and prosy article suitable for Gentlemen's wear,. Gan be !hued at •.this catate lishment. P. DP.LANY, • 1 .- • -.- .No. 49 Liberty street s ,' matB-daw4ni N. B. To Titioes--Watt's •shotddet. Measure system rof . garment ciAtling Tor 'sale -pa`ea invariably .10. • • • - V I A OII /31W. 94141118 9 L9Olll FINONOSI4Iict , 6nitrVieid St;loove 3d. MESsRP:',l,33tins Staitb & Machine Catd ; `Agejicy, Manufacturer's Finding Estistilishl ment, Sind 'avant in Clocks, Looking Glascinat,r ) Fnuning Glass, d4=. • PoY..4l,77.feYndat-1, ••••••-t r. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers