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',... - ..1.. , ..,:.1 -, .' . :.' , .. ,. :!'.'• . -'•;':.';'''.' , mm;s .; _t 4 - :•-'-',.•i•-,z: t, s .• %'' .e, , =BE =EI 1111 x. -~ ~..;~.~ r. .-11‘13118ING VLILIETT. O:Y.Mra. Sigourney proffers the following-grace ful and deserved tribute through the columns .of the National Intelligencer: . . TO MRS. MADISON. •; . Tors isprone away..ln sweep Charms of youth we fain would keel; ; . . • Sparkling lustre from - the eye, From the cheek its ruby dye, From the smile its power to rest Warmly in the - softened breast. #! Yet, he sometimes leaves behind , Mental treasures-more refined, Jewels Of the heart,, that grow Brighter for , the touch of woe ;: told in fillafp alembic shriven, gems that catch the hue of 'teal : n. Lady! of the noble - mein, , • Still in soul and grace a queen, He to thee strange love hath shown, Spared youth's gifts and left his own! L. it. . Lirs.=-oh, how glorious . to make every thing -pleasant—to throw sunshine - upon eve 'ry,ciond I Sweeten life by smiles, kind words and 'sunahine.. Make joy to spring in your path; and lovo to glow on every face. instead of shOwing angry ;leelings to the boy who sweeps dirt upon ':you, say to him - with a smile, my little fellow, be . careful," and pass on. Depend upon it the boy will not trouble you again. To the man who puts his doubled tist_in your face, say, <, my dear- sir, have more respectfokyourself," and it will•change his mind in a moment. Do you ever meet a per . son Own at the heel Squeeze his hand and point him to an acre of sunshine, resting on the fairbills. Has pciverty brought your friend to the bluest Open your heart and your purse. A large ...beartsand bright dollars will steep the cloud from fate. Sweeten life we repeat. There are sor row and'pain and disappointments enough, in all conscience, without your adding to the amount. There is aloud call for smiles, love, kindnesi, sweet words and cheerful looks; if you have thing; these you can liestow,and add a large amount tothestock of human comma. and human Ldp . Tat Carob or. A curse?--Miss Isabel wood; of Frankford, Pa., writes thits,of the mirth , 0,14 flaw: , Isabel should, says the Reveille, con dOet thle laughing choru s of a household of them.: " I love it--I love it—the laugh of a child, New rippling and gentle, now tnerry and wild ; Ringing out on the air with ha innocent gush, •.. . • . Like tho trill of a birxl-at the twilight's soft hush ; Flciatiagypen the breeze like the tones of a bell, Or:thetrittsid.that-dwells in the heart of a alien. Olt thelapin of a Child, so-wild'and-so' free, . Is Ike merriest sound in the world for met" Tita - .4ir. or Vowin - -We do not: recollect ecer;tohave seen a more forcible illustration of the tenadty 'with Nybich the lust of poker is .capa. Ide seizing °poll the' mind, than the 'following, exhibited in the form of a Oriental parable: A Grand caused his Viziers, arm to be cpt oirantlproclaitned that the arm should be three:tt tit and whoever caught it falling, should succeed in . the'Vizter's -place, but upon terms to -be served the same:as his predecenors: at the ex piration of the - year. When the croWd was comes togethel. to catch this arui;one man diligent mull dexterius,thin the test, caught it. :E.° he AV as. 1 Vizier valid, at the years:enJ, his arin:. was cut oil ard:throWn. tip - as berate;iturl he himself, with his left arm, caught it 'again, and after his se. ,cond year his-lett arm ixas. cut off and thrown up, ,suati , he caught it with his mouth! Ce'lleridge pronounced the following sonnet on - ..lVigkt, by he late Rec. I. Blank() White, the finest • and triost grandly-conceited in our language - "Mysterious Night! when our first parents knew f hem, from feport divine, and heard thy. name, Dillividatit tremble for this lovely frame— This glorioulreannpy or light antidil uc t • - Yet 'Reath a . cerreut of translucent dew Bathed in the rays oftliegreat setting flame, • ... . ; ilesperus with the hosts of heaven cage; • And, to ! Creation widened in man's view. Whereat' bare thought such daricrieds lay concealed Within thy beams, 0 sun? or who could find, Wlidst fly, and leaf, and insect stood revealed, That to such countless orbs thou tnad•st us blind ? Wby do we, then, shun death with anxious strife--:. - 'sir-light can thus deceive, wherefore not life?" , CarfsrnT IN ;PLTTICOATS. — The fUIIOWITIg is =given as the letter of a lady of Kentucky, whose husband was engaged to fight a duel, but was ta ken sick before the time of fighting occurred. The L .opposite party made some remarks that seemed to;inply . that the sicknest was aieint. She at once addressed a note to the second: of the adverse side, couched in these words: Sir—My husband is sick. If he is unable to be on the ground to-marrow, I will take his place. , i Yours, respectfully, ItlanasustL--." Eptattxst. Said Torn, "you're a jackass," to Bob in a pet, u'As fontr,•eared a jackass as ever 1 met." Said, Bob, in that spirit which christians enjoy, "I know rng as near ons as can Le, my boy !" ZPIDUAX ON • PALE FACED LADY Why is it that on Emma's cheek The lily blooms. and not the rose Because the foie has gone to seek • - A place ,upon her husband's nose. Louts POILIPPE:I3 REMINISCIINCES Or NASH ' litit.—At a presentation of gentlemen a short •; time ago, at the Court of France, (says the Nash : ville Gazette,) about fifty Andericans were present, ainong whom was &gentlemen' from this State.- - Qn the latter's being presented to the King, our . Charge d'Affaires mentioned that he - was from Tennessee. " What part of Tenneseel" enquired • the -King. 'On being informed, he remarked that . . be wit; from near' Generul Jackson's residence.— , -He . then proceeded to make enquiries as to the present condition of the road between Knoxville and Nashville,. and spoke of the Cedar Groves in this neighborhood. lie said when he was in Nash. " the Graqd Jury was in session," and the • .:-:hbtel being much crowded, the guests were to sleep Mill in a bed—this, hp added, w..s Called bundlin4 "Is such the custom now t" he jricosely. as.ke4 " Not at all," was*.the reply of the young gentleman he was addressing. "We have become more refined—now. we only sleep two in a bed "—at which the old King laughed hear- In the Ilrolveiine State, on one o ccasion, Judge a facetious man, was alone - upon the bench, and one of the attorneys had just finished the or , gument -of some cause, and the judge was pro. ceeding.in his opinion upon the case, when a large -*bulldog came up on the side of the judge, and look-, sid down . upon the lawyers with a very judge-like aspect. His honor was so . intent upon the ques- I .tiOn before him that he did not notice the dog, and "in a few minutes g ave the decision of the question. which chanced toe against the attorney who had spoken. in The case. The latter Asked the judge "if that was the opinion of the court?" .I‘..Yes," replied the judge. " Well then," replied the discomfited lawyer, like - the opinion of the bthrr-member of the court." When the judge turned round and saw the solemn laced dog appa- rently ruminating.or deliberating upon the case he bad .decided, he burst into a laugh which ran Phe electricity through tbe court room. MIIII , 4 Another sun- illumes the mOrn,— Another star tho night. l2 The bill for the admission of I , risconsin into the 'l3nion was finally passed by Congress, and hai be .!come a law. This makes the number of States thirty,—a matter-to be borne in mind in firing sa 'lutes and arranging the virgins with fiags in Fourth -'of July processions. We are a strange people,— '.falvvays talking About a dissolution of the Union :find" decline of national gresagess, whereas the - Vidon is growing.firmer and ON nation extending tiad,increasing every day. Tlie Congress - wiiich !` bat just Olosed, - bas added three new States—Texas, • -lowa and Wisconsin, and one territory—Minesota. t It is gratifying, especially, tbat; concurrently with '-i-tiiis;Oxtension of. political power, is the spread of Principlei in re.publitartism. lowa and Cimino havi,eaclt model Constitutions-..-tha l as t, biki! =giving 'the highest: possiblescope Val liberty, and thedeast play to selfish monopoly. • • ..—Cirschtunft matiztarer. - • ~i 4?, .4tt AnsissB Tszit. FOR ;GOVERNOR,`: FRANCIS • FRANCIS It.. SITILNK, . 1A,?..t.',,, EOM ..,,...,_ 17'; . ~%'.:,....„5-.,i,,..i..-:'.,!...'.7;;, .., .. . .. . - . - ..,... .4*.p, , -- - ::- •. - .:;' , F . : , i -- .1_., -, , , .. - k•:i': ,-. :i' r•:..,.:1,-L E!!l!M4=fft'M L. luauwx, .Orros. Annyaomarroa. PIT TSBURGH: THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, 1847 ..0 alocitaViv NOMINATIONS. • or Al COlniTre FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, 11.10,8 I S N G TRl3l'l'4l4 Or AtoiriGeittritli COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA CANAL COLLECTOII'III OPPICL P4tsfiurgh, March 16, 1847. Number of boats icliared, 12 Amount of tonnake, 646,165 lbi Amount of tolls received, . $505'42 14E1'1 G. CLOnit, Collector. - ExEceTtvi Hoxon.—The Pottsville Journal calls Gen. Inviir, the Federal candidate for Governer, "the Father . of tll4 Tariff of 1842" Gen. I. has been.too modest heretofore. An author and no one aware of it! The Father of a Tariff; and not a soul alive that knew a word of it before the Journal made the announcement! Will that paper send its a lithographic copy of Gen. limn s ori ginal notes, and we will do any reasonable favor in return for the Curiosity? To be serious. The. Federal candidate Is a clever fellow—but as to his being the anther I:4' any thing either statistic or literary, beyond the price of Iron, no one who knows him, will or can believe.—Pennrytraniau t azr Would it nt l yt be a good idea to appoint a committee to inquire into the paternity of the Tariff of 1842? This bantling certainly will nev er be cast upon the overseers of the poor, for want of persons to claim it as their offspring In this city there are htmdreds of whigs who will be qual ified . that Mr. Fnrward is the real author of the Taritlof 1842—that it was written and prepared by him when 'Secretary of the Treasury under President TYLER. There are others who claim the honor for Hon. 'ANIIIILIA STEWART, of Fay- ette county, and.hence the peculiar friends of that gentlemen have dubbed him " Tariff Andy." It may lee said that the authorship of that defunct tariff was claimed far Mr. STElrawr only while there 'w'as a hoPe of his nomination aa the Fed- eral candidate foi Governor, but now that the con vention has decided that his claims must be post poned for thme of 3tr. Turin, the Federalists are determined that ithe latter gentleman shall hence forth be proclaimed as the father of the Tariff o '42." This new humbug will no doubt be exten3ive ly used during the comirg campaign by the Federal fists, to catch votes. It will be a good-enough Morgan " unlit after the election! Important from New Mexico. We publish 'to day a long and interesting letter from Lieut. Ant r, to a gentlemim in St. Louis, giving an 'account of the insurrection. in New Mexico. • • The St. LAinis Union, from %Os/eh Lient. Aasior's letteriis, taken, contains additional par ticulars of the insurrection at Taos. A friend of the editor writes from Independence, from whose letter we make the following extract : ‘• Gov Dver had released the Mexicans at Santa Fe, charged WO intended insurrection and been at Toes a few days, where his family resides. Ou the 17th of January, the mob rose on the few Amer. icans there, and assassinated them, among whom were Got'. I.IE.NT, STEPHEN LEL, Marshal of that District; Mr. 1..;-EAL, (supposed to be JANES WHITT. LEAL, LI S. District Attorney, though not known with certainty )Gen ELLIOTT LET., ot St. Louts, and' Mr. Tuut.r,r, who h.;cl a distillery in the neighbor. hood. which he defended, with eight men for two days. -This ontbieak was anticipated, and some 01, the instigatort had been Imprisoned. The Mexi cans slew not' only the Americans there, but all the Spaniardsisupposed to be favorable to the A. merican cause. About 20 Americans must have I beeri'murdered,' Tile - if the news reached. _Bent's F. 011., a sm.illi company was sent out to aid the stragglers and recover what property could he oh twined. All of the cattle and effects of the Amer icana had been plundered. qt is supppsed that Santa Fe was to be attack ed immediately; and it is thought it cannot be de fended successfully, as the fortifications are not finished, and 411 of the effective men, except about 400, have gone south to join Do:virus:v. Pass it Road. The subjoined resolution was. unanimously adopted on the 4th cif March, 184 7 4, by the De mocracy of r'ennsylvania in State Com'ention as semblcd. IC:fLxiiresses, in language not to be mis understood,the united wishes of the Democrats of the KeystonO State: REsoLvs.ti, That the removal from the various of fires at Inisliington, of every opponent of the Naito,' at -administration or of Democratic Principles and Measures, him been long rolled for and is alike de manded by time voice of the Democratic Party and the best interests of the nsuntry, and ought not to be longer postponed or delayed. • For the Morning Post THE RELIEF MEETING. Mn. Enriun —I went on Tuesday evening to Dr. Herron'a church, and went early, too, expect. ing to see kilarge number of our citizens assem- bled to adopt measures to extend further relief to poor unforninate Ireland. Knowing that some of our most eloquent speakers had volUnteered to address the meeting, I anticipated before I went an immense crowd, and particularly most of our Irish people, who certainly ought to have felt some ! little interest in the meeting. Put judge my sur- 1 prise, sir, when I found nothing before me but', empty pews! There must be some mistake,, thought I, perhaps lam too early. I sat down- 1 after waiting half an hour a few gentlemen came , in who looked around them in equal surprise; a few ladies Came in also who seemed more surpri sed than the gentlemen. I glanced my eyes on 1 those present, and found most of them native born citizens, and I thought of the numbers of my coun trymen in Pittsburgh, and hung down my head in shame. Bishop O'Connor, Dr. Upfold, Dr. Herron, Dr. Biddle, Dr. Beatty, of Steubenville, Hon. Judge Grier of the United States Court, Judges Lowrie and Patton, Hon. Richard Biddle, Charles Shaler, Esq., and other eloquent speakers were there, and I may say, they alone constituted the audience!— Where were the thousands of Irishmen who have made fortunes in Pittsburgh, and who if they felt no disposition to assist in the great and good work of relieving, the terrible condition of their surering eountrymen, should at least have been present for the sake of appearance, and for the credit of Pittsburgh? Judge Grier was called to ,the chair. Rev. Mr. Ewing made a few remarks, he seemed sad and dispirited', for bow coruld he as an Irishman have ' felt otherivise I On the motion of Judge Patton. the meetipg adjourned, to assemble again on the call of the committee. Aliwere mortified:at the result of the effort. - I thought' the call of another meeting useless, and so expressed myself to a friend present; but a lady, whO heats my remark, said "no—it wont do to give it up—try again." The ladies, God bless them I are always right; and I advise the committee to try again.- Perhaps it will be well for theCUmmittee z tu say in their notice that no eollecttoha' will jaken up at the meeting, for we have a feiva Wialthy Irishmen in - Pittsburgh who will attend' the -next:meeting if they have such an assurance. HIBERNIAN. - ~. • , ‘l - - - - 7- '.: 1.,•.,':;" ~ „.. ,;,;.,,,;;;..:,'-',.;:-:•:',;_, . '-.., ::...- 7Zi.,.;',:,:',f„,:t.t.Vi - ,,r, , ,, , ;,..: ;..".,:;',, ~ ~,-. •-.-::,',.. Ctii::-:,.,-.?::::. ',;-:.'t.;.-t-L=::. .: , :ii ., e'c' ,.- , , ; :- '4.' - ' - '!:•;4': ' , .t. ,, it ''' . . ,, ,. ‘. '1. "':,,...• ..!-1:A.., , .. f , '. - %•.D. , .Ey4" ; .1 - Z,;,:,1:,' 4 7.. , -,; .1.41-','.r.i'W.,;;!.....,1•'-'.',..,•-,-T.-.•,,,,,'-i-,f,'-',..:',••:-;...Z...;,,,...;;•...,:..",,,1:*:::,...t ' ~..-..,,:4-..;,,,,,-,,,i1.",,,ii5.:-...,.7..i1i;1'1.t:::::..."'•;.--i..,:',-...:: ::::- . . Q • ".: , :ii . ; , ';',. '.•,':;';'"-s s i : ''': : ::l-;;',: :• ;P ,:' ' ''''..- I'Y : -'. - '-' . =NE IMIE • Hums. AND Hiataxr.—The Harrisburgh Tel . egrapb thas'epeulta .of its" Federal. neighbor, the nHarrisburgilliAlllgerie"ek," the itecridite4 - otgad of Gen: liv.ust;lhe _Federal cainlidaie for Gi:iv emor:, " Singid dat &bitted .=The.public lantbastil% that was 'given to, the. Pa. Intelligeneecin =the Whig Convention yesterday, for its forgery and pen(er goo of its proceedings, and its falsification of the position of its members, we should 'think well cal culated to.reform any othei animal than the "sing ed cat''-which presides bver it The additional dose administered - to it in the Whig meeting last night r would have disturbed the 6 1 ompostire of any I but those hardened in iniquity-and lost to shame. It was singtilar Abet norm were found to step for-, I want and soften the blows or anoint the wounds., If the Nortb American has n 6 further use for its , certificate of it should be sent to the In- 1 telhgencer in this crisis, without delay. The brotherly love of the federal papers at Har , risburgh is only'equalled by that of the four beauti ful concerns of this city, We have never yet heard of one of these editors speaking a good word of his neighbor! They have.all lost sigh: of the gold en precept, "behold, how good a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." FRAM SANTA YE. Through the politeness of Col. Ron Eta CAMP BELL we are enabled to give I to .our readers the following interesting intelligence. Lieut. ABEAM' is on his way home, in consequence of sickness, and when at Turkey Creek-wrote- the foliwing let ter to his friend Col. C:—St. Louis Union, March 7. My Dear Friend:—As I expect to have an op portunity of sending this letter before the mail from Santa Fe can communicate the intelligence I have received, I will endeavor to write you a few lines. First, on the 19th of last month, Gov. Bent, with all the Americans tesiding in Taos, waQ cru elly massacred by the New Mexicans. Eight Mexicans had been arrested and imprisoned.— These persons had atran.red a plan of attack upon the city of Santa Fe, which was deferred, in order to extend it, so as to produce a complete revolu tion throughout the department of New Mexkci, which was to have taken place on Christmas night, but the arrest of the conspirators frustrated this plan. I lett Santa Fe on the 28th of December, but received letters from that place up to the 12th of January. A battle was fought l ot Brazilo on the 25th of December between , Cel. Douiphan's command and the troops front Chihuahua. Our men gained the field after a fight of, 2•I minutes. The Americans camped at Brazho at I o'clock, I and were scattered about, and while in confusion it was announced that - the - Mexicans were coming. Col. Doniphan succeeded in forming about 600 oil his Men in line ot battle. A Lieutenant rode out trim the Mexican ranks,' summoqing our troops to surrender, and ordering Ctd..Doniphan to repair td the Mexican camp 1 he inte?preter tolethe messeng er that if they wanted to see the Colonel, they had better come and take him. The Mexican Lieut. immediately displayed a Marl: flag which signified that they Here determi ned neither to ask nor to give quarter. The elle. I my to the number of about WOO, immediately charged, but a well directed fire from the Arileri cans' rifles soon decideethe contest ; the Mexicans cans' fled," leaving about 50 killed and wounded, and a hoWitzer. The Americans had none killed and labt 8 slightly wounded. This Ivictory decided the fate of - El PassO," of which place Col. Doniphan took possession on the 2htb This late success will doubtless quiet the per turbed spirits of New Mexico. but cur little baud of men are in a dangerous situation. From the official returns, that fell into my hhnds when in Santa Fe, I find the population of the Depattment of Nets' Mexico, estimated at lethalt.); this in• clucks the Pueblos or Indian villages. As to the character of these people, the horrible murder of Gov. bent, together with the A mer.calisl in Taos, on the 19th of January last•—the plan off cruel maisacre of all the Americans in New Mext-1 co. on the night of the 25th December last—the battle charge of the Government troops and tnali-I tia at lirazato, under a black flag. gives one a faint idea. They are entitled only to be dealt with as outlaws, bandits and pirates. Near the crossing of the Arkansas. I lost all my mules ; they were stolen by the Pawnees. On the evening of the fourth day, while all the men were in the traces laboring to drag the wagon to Paw nee Fork, a band of Paleness came out to meet us; they were 17. in number, and I had 14 men well armed. 1 went out and rnetthe Partisan, told him t was an officer of the United States, and that the government would revenge the deeds of the Paw- Imes, %%Ito had been killing our people and stealing our animals. They excused their rubbers by saying that some of the young men, over whom they had no control, were guilty of the theft. The next morning teu of them came into the camp ; all night the men were talking so I could overhear, saying that they would be delighted if the Lieut. would let them make smooth work of the whole 17 Indians, but I would not consent, and this morning, I could scarce restrain them from falling upon the 10 Indians and wiping them all out." Many of niy men own ed the mules that were lost, and they were exas perated to the highest degree at this misfortune , and irritated by the idea of dragging a wagon of pros isions, and a sick man to Pawnee When about to start, I found that these Indians had taken one of our axes to cut the ice, and let their animal drink, this had not been returned, so I I called my men together, and ordering two them to stay with the wagon and sick, command. ed the rest, eleven in number, to follow me. The Indians were on the opposite side of the river, and as.soon as they perceived our movements, hastily' gathered their animals together and tied to the sand Dills. Seeing it useless to continue pursuit,i as they could even out trail my worn-out men on foot—besides having plenty of horses, we therefore returned to the wagon and took our line of march., On the night of February the Ist, we boat four mules which were frozen to death in a snow storm, Feb. 20th, Mr. Brown whom I met carrying the mail to Fort Leavenworth. and who kindly let me have some oxen to carry the baggage of the men, lost two mules. froze to death, and the next morn ing six more. I had to dig some of the men out of the snow, that lay above to the depth of five feet, one of them was dead, the other half frozen, but we still entertain hopes of his recovery. We were on the head of Turkey Creek at the time of the storm—entirely exposed to its fury for thirty six hours, my men were obliged to leave bedding, provisions, guns, and cooking utensils covered up with five feet snow. We had a long and difficult march of twenty-seven miles when we reached Cotton Wood Fork; here we found the wagon , master from Fort Leavenworth with plenty of pro visions, and we are again all comfortable. While in Santa Fe Col. Price kiln:ly furnished me with the testimony of some of the insurrection isle; whom he had in confinement. They were not allowed to converse together, and yet all give testimony the same effect—in fact their evidence is so similar that I shall only send you a copy of one Palliated from the Spanish. • Testimony of Don Jose Maria Sanchez. On Tuesday last, the 15th Dec., I was called in the name of Thomas Ortiz, by Miguel Pino to the house of the former, in the evening, which I will verify. ' When I entered I found the following persons asssembled. Don Tomas Ortiz, Don Diego Ar chilette, Don Nicholas Pino, Don Miguel Pino, Don Santiago, Armijo, Don Manuel Charvey, Dun Domingo Boca, Don Pablo Dominguez and Don Juan Lopez. The consultation Nap to forth a conspiracy a gainst the actual GoWnment. Don Diego tioechi lette commenced the discourse, and said: I make' the motion that there be an act- to nominate a Governor and Commander General; and I would nominate Don Tomas Ortiz, for the first Owe, •and Don Diego Archilette, for the second. 'This was unanimously carried, and the act Ogned by each individual present..; After this Was eoneluded; they commenced a I discourse relative to the method of surprising the , guardsmen at Santa. Fe, and taking possession of the place. They decided upon the following plan On Saturday evening, the 19th of December, all were to assemble with their men - in the Parish church Having divided themselves into several parties, they were, to sally forth, some. to seize the ' R. y ~.: -. :''..4'::.',.::.•!' =IIII ERNIE .--: . : , ' . .'..F . '::.1' , ' ,1,- ;. - ::-Ir. , 5'-: . .::,1 - : - .••7_;. - i...:'.'. WFI TURRET CREEK, Feb. 20, 1847. • - , - pieces of artillery; olliss gia-te the quarte rs of] the Colonel, anh othelne diet:peltwoof ;the Gov-I ernor, if he should be;here, and if nat., - to send an order te-Tasai, to seize him; , because he was the' one wlio. would give the: most trooble. This act was also-, agreed sm by: all. The sound of the church bell was to be the signal for the assault, from the]forces - concealed in the chnrch,:and those) Which Don'Diego Architette should have brought] near the city. Midnight was the timeag,reed on ;, all were to enter the Plaza at the same moment, ] seize the pieces of artillery, and point them into the streets. The Meeting now-dissolved. ] On the 21st, luvent to the-house of Don Ortiz, and he and Dons Diego Architects told me that on the evening before, they had concluded tot suspend the-assault, and - agreed to Mr on Saturday, the 20th of December;' for which reason I was , called, and they toldjne before Don Bias Ortego and`Jose Sanchez, until they could gain over the people of the whole _department. Tomas Ortez was going to El Blado; Don Diego Arclailette, to the valley of Taos; Tomas Baco to the Rio Abaxo. When I entered, Bias Ortego delivered a letter to Tomai Ortez, from 'the priesCLeyba, of San Miguel. liwai in answer to one from Ortiz, aqd TOCIIiS Ortiz commenced conversation, and told ' DOn Diego Archilette, Leyba was a moticalculated to excite the people, but because of - di health, could not come to the capital. Archilette said the priest was all talk; Ortiz got offended, said he ] would wait there 'no longer, but at once put the first plan into effect. - Thomas Boca then 'came in to take leave, as he was going off to sound the people—Ortiz said that Pablo Doninguez and 'Miguel Pino would go and sound - the Vacarrion at Rio Tesuca. Tomas Ortiz kept the minutes of the meeting. The many inconveniences I have suffered have disarranged my materials for writing—so you must excuse my letter if the periods'appear a little rude. ly turned. Believe me, yours truly, J. W. ABERT, Lt. D. S; T. E. Col. ROWT CA sent St. Louis, Mo. LOCAL 11.IAT'VNRS 0:1"The Mayor and constables were busy with ladies yeiterday. A dashing and fashionable col ored beauty, whose name we have been requested to withhold, was arrested on the change of stealing a valuable {lress from a lady in the Fifth Ward. The claimant made information that she saw it on her in the 'street, and followed her to herl borne in the hope of getting it by some satis. factory arrangement, but failed, as all knoW 7 ledge . of the dress In quation was denied by the fair one. The Mayor was applied'. to; an ar rest was made, and alter 'due consideration his Honor concluded -that the testimony was suffr ciently strong to require her to ask bail, which was given in the sum of two- hundred dollars.— fir. Alden appeared for Sarah during her exam inatioir. She will no doubt appear in t!lle Quar ter Sessions to meet the charge preferred against her. Another affair occurred in which the parties were all ladieFl but it was only a surety of the peace rate. The one prosecuted could not get bail, so that stie"walked up.. We cannotioo much admire the spirit man ifested by the Nail Cutters of this city, in resist ing the attempt made by some iron mastrrs to re duce their wages.; They will not work at less than tie highesOprices paid, by other establish ments. Fortunately. as a class, they are not poor, but able to run loose until something.better offers. 'THEATRE To.nig,lit a i...trong bill is nifered to the public. Othello with Addams, Oxley and Mrs. Lewis. In the anerpiece we shall witness the celebrated de n:watt,' of Irish charaCier,'Barney Williams. Will nut The house be cro*ded Erform.—lke nniice in *lc Dispatch that Gco. ibtrkens, of the Bank Exchange, has' cleared the I liquor out of ii:....put - 4441,i•i11" beieafter keep a temperance house. It be one of the best houses of this kind in the city, only to be equalled by the U. S. Bank, to be reopened by Beale. We hope both may succeed.. Temperance men should encourage these houses. Burg/dry —On Wednesday morning the house I of T. 3. Fox Alden, Esq., was entered by some who.vvent to the bed chamber. took Mr. A : 's coat, brought itdovert stairs, took a ten dollar note from a pocket book, and left, taking no other arti cle. Probably the thief may be some rascal whom Alden has saved from the Penitentiary ; he called to-tet - back his fee.. Haviland,.ttho fell into the Hay scales cel lar is improving'. He is.determined that the city shall remunerate him for hisloss and sufferings! , There are various opinions as to the validity of his claims fur damages. Some say he will re ceive, others say he will not; and there are a few ssho.think the street commissioners ought to be mnde pay-him. Well, let the Court, lawyers and Jury settle it, if they can CrWe were much pieased• yesterday by a glimpse at the bepignant countenance of our arni. ble cotemporary of the American, as portrayed upon canvass. It is to be seen at the Looking- Glass and Picture Frame store of John T. Mar pi; Wood street. cc . - The Mayor requests that the 'license mon ey- may not be exacted from the German Thea tre, because the company is "composed of ladies and gentleman 'who unite for the purpose of culti vating a taste for their native literature:' (C It may he some comfort to a, certain class of people to inform them, that the authorities are making some improvements in• the cells of the Watch House. Having never lodged in these apartments we cannot speak of their disadvanta• ges, but we doubt not the change now being Made will be n vast improvement upon the old arrange ment. -()Yesterday was anuther cold day, with a ten dency to improvement. it will be warm epough before many days, we dare say. What is said to be singular, by those who observed, it was St. Patrick's day, and did not rain! 0:7- We are requested to state that the annual contest between the Literary Societies of Jefferson 'College, Canonsburgh, Will take place on Thurs day, 25th March, at 6. P.M., instead of 10 A. M., as heretofore published. ozytile understand that Reidels counsel has not abandoned him- yet, notwithstanding the de cision of the Supreme court. What the "dernier resort'' is we: are not infiirrned,bilt we are strong. ly inclined to the. opinion, that the poor devil has gotleo swing. ccj'. A correspondent notices, with proper spirit, the Relief Meeting the other evening, in Dr. Her ron's church. We hope the committee will "try gj'We regret to state that Miss Porter is lying seriously indisposed at the, St. Charles Hotel. She will be, missed from the Theatre by her many friends. 1, -- -Clinton" has a communication in the-Tel egraph. We dispise toad eaters; so we make no reply. .. • • Mr. Gliddon eminences - the second course of Leetureithiw evening, in the same place. See advertisenient iI!EIMIM .'. ..:;' A - t: ~..'-. ~-...- - ' '--- '' -.• •: . .'-'f - • • ....'..-....- -- ' DISTRICT COURT--Martoft.l7, 1.847. I Before Jraos Lowitzi. I Andrew. 311Cluraelal, ys..llerc.kiall etAi. Ejectment ,!,Vooda, .Igrandle.ss - and Biddle'', Dar Plaintitrs;-Sleicalf, - Loomis , and Forward tor De fence. Verdict for Plaintiffs. ' • Joseph Baiker;:v City of Pittsburgh. NVoods and Hampton for Plaintiff; C. o.,Loomis for-De. fence. - . • Arne* O'Hara's Eret's, vs. Jacob _acad. Scul ly forPlaintiirsi ..Shater for Defendant Defendant confessedjudgnient for $866 64.' cc, Is it a sign of gooA times when ladies are worried to death in search of servant girls 9 If yea, the present must be very propitious, for such complaints of the scarcity of help we never heard. Ladies of caste are in great distress ; the obstinacy of -those-who were born to drudgery seems .to their unaccountable.• Some have the audacity to ask an advence of wages, which will in ,all cases be declined, on account of the tendency 'a coMpli ance would have to make servants arrogant. This would be insufferable. The next step would b the demand of a glace at the first table. The wages must be kept down, so they.all say, par .ticularly the wives of men who are so strongly in favor of the Tariff for protection. • • OrAWedne.sday evening..at the Hospital of. the Sisters of Mercy, LIWIZENCE CAIC..AI7III,N, M. D. The'Medical Faculty and his friends are" invited to attend his funeral s from the Hospital, on Penn street, this aftertioon,at i.past 2 o'clock. oZ?The Birmingham robbers are off; the Inde 'pendents have deserted them, ailcr a most trouble some and expensive chase (CeA. A. - Addams arrived in the city on Tues day.morning. : oj'Complaints incident to the female frame, form a part of a treatise published by Pr. Vaughn, and which is in the. hands of agents win; sell his This vegetable article is lhe - only rem edy. kNV 11011 for the numerous ills under the above class , of complaints, and females can rdsort at once to this article with confidence. Pamphlets fur nished gratuitously, where the article, is Sold. See advertising columns. . • On WedneEday morning, 17th inst., by Rev. Dr. Riddle, Mr. M. D. W. Looms, of Cincinnati, to Miss E. W. •DILWOUTII, daughter of Wm. Dil worth, Esq . of this Olden. Srganti Gas Burners. T UST reeet%ed, a further supply of Cornelius & ft) Co., Improved Argued Gas Burners, for sale by JNO. 8, M'FADDEN &Co., 85 Market street. Mackerel... 1, KITS, containing 50 %a. each, put up-ea press)), for family use; for sale by ' P. C. MARTIN, corner.of- Smithfield and Front sts. Dried Apples, and Peaches. JBUSIIRLS dried apples; V5O do , do peaches; - For sale by ' • P. C. MARTIN, mailS corner of Smithfield and Front sts 1, 5 1..0 1 d e . 3 ° L ra efu e :s - to arrive and for sale by marlS P. C. MARTIN, Corner of Smithfield and }'rout sts -------- - FIGS -2S drums Smyrna figs, for sale by " P. C. MARTIN, marlS corner of Smithfield and Front sts. • •• •-. . • • -•,.., .. z„..iw;=...;=,,......tiliWrikekle.t6;xe-i4-e4-.11a..:+1.4.. BEE ~_ •: ~i . REM :, 7 .. Married, Orimges and Lemons. OINIANITI: A.I'PLLS-11) bbls. sup. Romanite apples, in good shipping ortlor,for sale by P. C. MARTIN, marlS corner of Smithfield and Front sts. PEACH BRANDY.-5 bldg. fresh Peach 13ran.ly, just received per S. B. S.vallow, from Nashville for sale by P. C. MARTIN, marl& • Corner of Smithfield and Front sta. I - 3 ()LL -BUTTER-3 bbls. frost), just received and for sale by I P. C. MARTIN, toarlS • Corner of Sraithfi(!ld and Front eta. cigars. 501000 Common Cil, , ars, for Eale by • FRIEN DOW EY bc Cth, - 157 'Water iltmet rrLOPOSA.LS \ - I[TILL be received et the Warehouse of the sub- Ij 1.0:2 Water street, until 2 O'clock P. M., on Monday, 22d inst., for the delivery at their works in the sth %Van', about twelve hundred bush els Coal per day, during the ensuing year. . The contract will be given in whole, or in part, as may suit the partioo. marlS-dllt GRAFF, LINDSAY & CO. etOPPERAS-2.5 !ibis of Well's Copperas, first k . ../ quality, received on consignment, Mr sale by GEO. COCHRAN. No 26 Wood street. SCYTHE 6Ni:IV-13—Received and for axle by GEO:CO - OMAN, marlS No. 26 Wood street. VICES--Wetherill's bright Vices for sale by GEO. cOCHRANi marlB No. Wkod street TTAY FORKS--5O dozen hay and Manure Forks for sale by GEO. COCHRAN, iourlS No 26 Wood at. TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber tenders his acknowledgement to the public for their liberal patronage in times past, and solicits a continuance of favors, and promis es to merit the same by selling all goods In hiS line at as favorable prices, and keeping as general an as sortment of school books, account books and all kinds of paper as is to be found in Pittsburgh. A few leading articles are as follows. - Ndw in store: 750 reams cap writing paper, different qUalitles. 2110 " Post " " 300 " crown* medium wrap>ng paper " 120 grossbonnot boards, a superior article; Cap Day Books and Ledgers, bound, 2 3 3 3 4, b and 6 gra long and broad; folio. Cap Day Books and Ledgers, full bound, 5,6, 7 3 8, 9 and 10 qrs long and broad; folio; Remy Ledgers and Journals, 6 to 10 qrs; Medium - do -ft lined for - records, sto 9 Cap Rooks ft lined, 2to 8 qrs. full and bound SCHOOL BOOKS Eclectic series, complete; Cobb's do " new and old edition; Emerson's do " Sander's- do " Elementary Spellers, United States Spellers; Frost's, Willard's, Hale's,Goudrich's and Res: sell's U.S O . Ilistry, large andscliesal editions; Olney's, Smith's, Huntingdoni and Mitchell's Geography and Atlas; Olney's, Purley's and Mitchell's Primary do Morse's Geography, Quarto; Mitchell's Geographical Reader; English Reader and introductory to do, together with a general assortment of Bibles, Psalm and Hymn Books. Also,coustantly on hand, Printing paper of Rob ertson's manufacture, different sizes for News and Job Printing. Printing Ink of Prescott tir Co.'s man i aracture---fine and common; all of which -will be sold for .cash at moderate prices. WANTED. 100,000 pounds good, country rags, for which cash, or merchandise at cash prices, will be given at highest market prices, at the book and paper ware house of LURE LOOMP, Agent. marlB N 0.89, Wood street, Pittsburgh- T . guar the Honorable the Judges of the Court of ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of William Hutchinson, of Jefferson township, in the 'county aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitionerhath provided himself , with ma terials for the accommodation oftrtivelers and others. at his dwelling house - in the county aforesaidj and prays that your. Honors will grant him "a license to keep a Dublin house of entertainment. And your petitioner, m 3 in duty bound, will prey: WILLIAM HUTCHINSON. We, the subscribers, citizens ofJefferson township; do certify, .that the above petitioner, is 'of gond re pute for _honesty and temperance, and is well.provi ded with house room, and conveniences- for the:Se commodaticin of traveleis and dthers, and that, said tavern. is necessary. H. H. Peterson, .Andrew Bedell, Wm. T. Peter.. son, Samuel Heth; Jr., H. H. WElhinny, Benjamin Labbe,.E. Peisival,..James Lobbe, Lewis Huffman,, Jr., Jesae;Lobbe, John Keenan, Petri Ctuften. marlB-d3t • • - - MEM M=M - - - • - _ I rndiiliVromis von.. Tun POST I -ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, MEXICO. Pal LA March - 17, 1847. Thtirsday, G Gen Scott Arived at Tampico on thi,lBthe ult, and embarked for the Island of Lobos citt.the 241 ultimo: Four Brigades of the U. S. Army, under Gens. Quitman, Pillow, Twiggy and Shields, were cm. barking at Lobos Island, destination unknOWn,blit generally supposed to be for Vera Crni. General -Worth's Brigade is hourly', expected at Lobos Island. - Every , thing. denoted 'intense excitement; at TatrMico among;Arnericans. Santa Anna had issued a proclamation; in which _ . he declares:that most nexampled distress exists in the:Ailexican Army, and declares his determine. tion immediately to march and attack the enemy. He also advises his soldiers to procure-their-pro visions in the hest v i.vay they can,— , •rise kilt and eat,7 is his arlCice, as they are deiened by their own Governmen-t: - PITTSBURGH Tup..t.,ritE MANAGER, STAGE MANAGER, . . PRIVATE BOXES ; SINGLE TICKETS 75 crs. Dress Circle, 5074nt5.1 Second Box, 371 cents Pit, 25 - ig" I Gallery, .• .90 . rittsT APPEARAN,CE OF MR. ADDAMS First ...lipearaticc of IFIR...O.i2R.W.ErIVILLI4 , IIS, The euecesatul delineator of Irish character.. Thursday Evening, March 17,- ~Vil) be acted Sliakspeare'd celebialad Tragedy o OTTIBLIO, The Moor of Venice. Othello Desdemona.. DANCE.. To coeclude with the Irish Drama of ; • BOUN G00111.1•VCK. : • Paddy osRafforty. MR. WILLIAMS ISlargaretta 4' - Miss Attor.itsosr. Doors open 'at 7 o'clock, curtain will rise at-71. The Box office will be - open daily from 10 o'clock - A. M., to 1, P. M., and, rpm 2, to 5,-P. M., whore any number of scats may be secured.' - - E*trit' Stile.iif Splendid Feign - Mire. - THIS. AFTERNOON, (Thqrsday, 14th inst.)'nt 2 o'clock, will be added to the sale of Furhithre, &c., at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of'. Wood and .I.li strreets, . - - I splendifFrench inlaid mahogany, Secretary; doz. mahogany chairs with cushion velvet seats; - I crimson velvet seat mahogany rocking chair; 1 splendid act branch mantel lamps with glass drops; 3 astral-lamps. mariS JOHN D. DANIS, Auct'r. A LARGE and splendid Assortment or Mahogany J AL and hosewood.grand,action Pianos, with-me talic frame and with all the litest improvements, which for durabiiity, tone arid touch; Are warranted to be equal to any made in the: country . ; for salelo* for cash, by . ; . , - F. marlB r :No 11 Wirclst; 2d door above sth. • LSO, one elegant.ltosewood, Piano, ;with' pp! e - i. man's patent..Solean attachment, Ivor for cash, "t F. 111-I.'2ll.ls'S, marlS No 112 Wood at. - • • Second. tiara Pianos. • FLNE second band Pianos,of 'aifferent maw:tine tories, for sale at P. I.ILIIME'S, marlg ll2Wood st. "FISSENCI.:F.....-10 Gross, in - Store and for sale, by • HAYS & BKOC.KWAY, . inarlS I<o 2, Coaamercial, - .ROw, Liberty st. NIERVE and Bone Liaement-'--4 gross' Butler's 111. for sale, at the Drag warehouse of , BAYS & UROCKWAY, marlS Liberty it. near Canal BasM. _ liarrel refined, for sale, at.the Pru L e r i warehouse cr Sr. SAO CIVAY, .u*.rlB Idberty si. near Canal gasin.:.' Q Pit. Tlinit—tfiNF.- - -4-Barrels, fur sale at- the 0 'Drug ,warehouse - • • - - DAYS &BROCKWAS, Liberty sr: near Cana), Basin. ..,11tESIl Garden and Flower Seeds, from RnsselPs Garden; received and for sale by GAYS tz , BROCKWAY, , Liberty st. near Canal Basnn'', fin LORIDE LIME-2 casks in Mora antrfor sale k_,l by HAYS & BRQCKWAY,,t mar IS . . Liberty st. near Canal Mann. Q !PHI Rinetting- gioss, Fattnants, fur link at o.tho Drug warehouse of . HAYS & BROCKWAY, Liberty st. near Canial Basis. r AMP BLACK--1 case best Engliale; 'for tale at Lithe Drug warehouse of • , • • • RAYS it BROCKWAY,. matlB , . LiLerty at. near Canal Basin. I NDIGO-2 croooir Moil/ it tiii Drug warehouse vr . • - • .• 'TUTS & ARPCXWAts Liberty et. near canal Basin. CARB. AMONIA-4 Jais t fur sale at the Drug "warehouse of HAYS 4 DROCKWAY, inarlB • • Liberty at. near Canal Resin. TIAINtS, Oils and Varnish, of all kinds, for sale at the Drtig warehouse of BAYS & BROCKWAY, near Canal. Basin, Liberty at. all Paper. and Borders.' ' rniCES REDUCED. • • rrappatis PALMER, No. 47, Market street, between 3d and 4th sta... lESPECTFULLY announce! to the public that Ihis present stock or WALL PAPER ADD BORDERS of Lila own manufacture is very extensive, and.daily additions are being made to it, as they arc finished, of new and splendid patterns. Also, a well assorted stock ofFrench Paper and Borders. MOT recently reduced the prices of the above nrticlea,(and others, in his line, not enumerated,) he is prepared to sell the Cash, CHEATER, than any establightuent of the kind, East, or West ofthe mountains. • • marl7-d4m r IIE undersigned, a committee appointed at a 1 meeting of theiComrnissioneni of the Pennsylva nia Railroad, held on the 20th day of May last, with power to convene the said Commiisioners; hereby give notice that a meeting of the Commissiontra ap- . pointed by the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvnia, entitled "An Act '0 incorporate the Pennsylvaniajtail road Company'," who have been qualified agreeably to the provisions of the said act will be heldon Thursday. the 25th day of March:A. D. 1947, si 10 o'clock. A. M. in the room of the Board of Tracte, No. 23 Philadel phia Exchange, in t e city of Philadelphia, to receive the 1 11 reporui or th committees appointed at the aforsaid :fleeting of th Commissioners, and to transact such business as shall come before them, in conformity with the provisions of said act. 1 .HENRY WELSH, - g 2 Itelltß-T TOLA ND, 3 ROBERT ALLEN, 3 B. M..HINCHMAN, if THOMAS TUSTIN, 51 marl7-td ai REMITTANCES BUItOPE. .-P 16 4 4 BLAKEtY & MITCIIEL, Agents fei the old Black Ball line of Liverpool and New York mckets; also for a line of American Meichant ships, :ontinue to make remitiances to ENGLAND, _RELAND,SCOTLAND, and WALES, with prompt -3CBII end despatch at reduced rates. Apply at eith sr-of their offices on PENN• St., near the Canal Bridge, or Smithfield at., near sth. feblS,4l4l, PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS,.:AND SPRING • - AND AXEL FACTORY: ' ISAAC JOB'S& sum! T. rturca. . JONEIS MANUFACTURERS of Spring and Blister Steel, Plough Steel, Steel Plough Wings, Coach and Elliptic Springs, Llammered Iron Axles, and dealers in Malleable Castings, and Coach Trimmings, gen rally, corner of. Ross and Front streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb26-d2m To sttbscritiers and advertiser* in, Me - Daily Post and Wcekly Mercury and Manufacturer. HOSE indebted to Sigler, Sargent and Big'cr, T and to Bigler & Sargent, are notified that their accounts areleft for collection at the office of Alder man Johns, and thatbnt &reasonable period Will be allowed before anita are brought for the recovery of the sante: 1.. • • 8.. SARGENT. inarl2-dlwfswlt • ' - ~. ',.::i... .. ~_y',.. !-.',.4..- -7 ,:',''Z.t . : . ..--, ,:Y:t..,;•75::. =ME MEE WNW .C. S. PORTER., Fossza MR. tDDAMS Oscry. ....Mas. Lzwis. - .lAiss IIEnTRA Ltyns Pianos. .~.... ait entire inn cannel 1311. of THREE'lligrOlogial Le.cttrree,..at the I.[i.. THERAN ctitateli t imThurgday 18th, Friday 1.06; - and Monday 2,2 d. March, at Ti P. a. • •-Sesszers conionslijilustiated by splendid Picrestot A nDin.onapm,,etinuren - Monstira and AItrIVIMILISt latest Boors ¢r. ikc.:-.Tbe Origin, Antiquity, Siete. . ry and characterbsucs,of the , IUI.I.MMIFICA,T.I6II - . Iftiman and Anifintl, in the Valley of Nile; com prising the rrstionale of Animal WOrshipkita origin • and causes; the funeral dogmas of the Ancient r.gyp. tians, as unfolded by , the POI +Yrus' suet. or "Boon or THE DiAll), For"fulther ,partictilars see,,Prcspeciturete and itre.• grammes. _ • ' - - .L. TICKETS, with . prospecteened.Prograittrnejfitiealis at the Bookstores of Kay .p - Co.; Woodstf-rglifiAtik; English, and Johnston & Stockton, Market at.; J. L. Read, and Cook 3 ellepdt r dth SC; J.' B. ISlVadden & Co. and Yeageatarketet.; °Lithe StGhtrrlecnotel, and n et the dpor ofthe:Lutheran Cliure.h, en the eve. nings of each Lecture, , - • Tr.ans—Geittleman , s Tickent 11,09;:tadyfti cos.;" Juvenile persons O . cm for the course of three( lectures. Single admissiou-Adulit‘Ml'cts.Jeieridle persons 25 cents. roitrrt Bodice. UALDANE'oif this Itonsiins.L-Espositlniof , the epistle to the 'Romins, with- remarks on ther- Commentaries or Dr.- 141.iiknigbt-4!roriimor - Wiwi , 'Stuart, and Professor Tholock: By Ifiabirt litildan‘i Esq., from the fifth Ediehurgh editien4l vol. See, 150 pages, price 0,00. The Wickliflites or England in the -Fifteenth cen tury: by Mrs. Colonel Mackiy, anther of tbe-"Fam-' ily at kleatherdale." -- '..--, ' - , . - .. ... Bersonal Declension and Revival of Ileligion.W. the soul: by the Rev.ioctavius Winslow. ' , ' .:-',-.---• Jane Taylor's Contributions - of Q. Q., 2 vitlis.lBinioo " " ; Memoirs-and= correspondence,Asr Isaac Taylor .. _ .. 7._ --•-• _,- " " . . Essays a in Rhyme a nd Poeticallte , mains. , I ~ " • Mothers.. and Datighteisr.'- .„- is " . ' Original Poems ~ ' - ; 1 , ---'-' ' ' " '' Dispidy, a ILO,' - , • -,,,..--' *: ,---, -3 Tales of the Scotch , Peasantry:iby: Bev—Henry J.Duninh, D. U. : - ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, -,- I mail? " ''' ' ' ' :' '_' '-'-' - - "._ ---, -- -- .15i0,61 tiliakeVet...•.; - ' • -• Auctioni ewles. 'JO-1N D. DAVIS, 'ALICTIOXE.E.II..• SOUTH-EAST COANER or WOOD astn.rarro.•mittlis. ON.l'inllt.S,DAlfimOining the 1101' o'cliiek, will be sold without - fieserie:toreltise sundry consignments,- an extensye assortment of foreign and domestic staple: and Tansy Dry Geoda,Stc. At; ,e'clock, - P. M., ularge quantity of vthttablel household Furniture, among. which are, -- triallogsi!iy dressing bureaus; dining, kit ezikfast 14 . 110 card tables; high and low post bedsteads; mahogany werlti:Sianditi wash Stands; fancy and common ehaira 'seder; rocking chairs; children's claim feather beds; .mat- Mssea; bed comforts; blankets; look ing',glassett; te I" clocks; wire fenders;" wire Sarni tset splendid mantel together with a great oftifelio: en. utensils; one cooking , :store; &O.; glAimirtar - it queens Ware, grroCeries,t.c. • At 7 o'clock, P. iIL, a handsome assorinien;; ; pt fme pen and pocket orks,a garie ty of hardware, scale beams, speonciefi E violinf, cordions, German fancy goods, gold a ii&Arillret watclies ' rn ready ade clothing, a'retail and 'stap le le dry goods, &c. marl 7 American ciapy. '• L•alaace, of a Detail. Dry Goods St4re Attetteati Also, Furniture, - .Graieritir;:;lVeOtrs * ' - P s r, o 'l l a d r ethh3Lll balance of. a-'Retail Dry Goods Store eiiiii.l7,7lf7. prising "a general variety of nearly every article , in that line, togetl ei.niih. a largci lot,: tied Shoes, saeh as Ladies seal "end It - Minh:ea shoes and . slippets,.men and boys boots, uppe t and Mottre,esi;.- childrens bootees; "womens'guni ever Shoes; fe,,-4• - At 2 o'clock in the afterndon, iithisehold Ftiini ture;and kitchen utensils; a - fetv , vvhole and hilfbiti-. en Cavendish TobacoM4 boxett .G.ttintid:Niatt. - 1; At o'clock; same evening, a..-larg assortment new and second band Watches; &among whinti*el some few Leveri,Prasi Clocks; latl7 . . - - • - Steel e.std: 311anutoet orY. • - _ friTE: subscribers having enlarged :their establish. - ..L. rnent for tbe manufacttire of Steel and on the corner of o.liara and Liberty streets, rdt,ll Ward, PlttsburgL lire iioepared -to furnish' fileter ercry description, 'eftlie best qiiatitY; anclAreingle.- termineci to: make it thi-interest et'consumers to pttri; chase files firom thein—respectfutlyinvite the patron-" ago of all :who use the atfirete.". • • utarl6-y • . • WILLIAM lIIILL'ac to., INIDEENS, AND DEAINRII FOREIGN AID pOiI3FSTIG EXCEIANGE,, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT;'DANA:NI/Tip, AND SPECIE * . . . '2% 1 0.64 iVoodst., one dour above Fourth, East et*, • Plitsburgh, - Pa. `CURRENT. Funds received on dOesit, end Mil. Viletionii made on all the Cities. throngboutiNS: United States. Sight cheeks - on Daltimore.PliihideP phis, New - York, Boston and Cincinnati, Onstasitly for sale in sums to suit.purchasers.. The paper •of the Ohio, HeotuckY, Virginia Banks bought and sold on the most fastrr. able terms. The highest premium paid For Foreign and Amesi can Gold and SASer coins. . : Exchange on England - , kelaW Germany, end France procured, &c. rnarlo-dewy Heospithl - Noitice. PROPOSALS will be.receised until the lat dayor Apri1,1847,. for the sale of a Lot of ground, con. taming not less than one and a hale acrej,.or more• than seven- acres,, situate nut more than two miles fram the New Conn House, and suitable for a Hos pital: Each proposition will contain a brief deicrilf! Hon of the Size and location ortbo loit as well as Mad. 'price and may bo addressed, post-paid, to the chairman or any member of Committee.. I ' • • THOMAS BAKEWELL, Chainitan. Committee-30m Graham, John H. Shoneberger, Wm. Latimer, E. D. -Gazzam, T..M. Howe, R. S. Cassat. • .- marlf.dtapl Removal. - - ROBERT. SNYDER, has removed his office _1 J . to Fourth Strast, - biefreco Wood and Smithfield. ista,roext door ta.RoadyPattploon's'Livery . Stable. mirls-17. , • • Cisipairtitierabillpi, TOSEelli 11.IIILL, laid of ttier firm of Pirrn. A. Hfl) 0 A. Co., and WM. C. CURRY, late of Erie, Pa.,. have entered into' copartnershipunder the name of Hill 6r. Curry, fOr the purpose of carrying. on the. .Banking and Eschange.busiries icy allits branches, at. N 0.65, %Vied st.; three dmirs below Poiartbr, where they solicit the custom of their friend's and the pub-- iicgenerally. . JOSEPH H. 111 L -L„ mrl.s-tf WM. C. CUltitr. .POPLLAIt PHYSIOLOGY. . PROP. Mr iRRILL would respectfully insomrcso ' that lie will commence a course of Lectures or. the general principles of Physiology, as appliadfire the Prevention qr. Dieease, and the preservation: ct man, at Parte 11A.14. on Piidai Elt(fog, Mardi 19th, tit 71, o , cloOk. . • These Leetures will be, illustrated y numerous. large Paintings, Diagrams, a beautiful Skeisora, splendid Models; Lc., so "as to reader the Various subjects treated of readily understood,... • The Course will consist of 10 Lectureir ; and 'will ho delivered onMonday and Tuesday, Thoteday and Friday evenings of each week. . ; • . itr Far the subjects of each Lecture, and further. particulars, see: Programmes. ; - Tsar's fur the Course--Gentlernenesiingle Ticket,. a1,.5.0; double ticket, (admitting a gentleman and La-, 62,130. Single •admissi e n, Tot one °Vining, 2:5, - cents; Juveniles,.lo cents. . I Tscarrs, with Programmes for . aa/e at the Booke.. s t or e of gay 4. Co, Wood at, Johnston aniiStockton k and Elliott fr. English, Market sL; J. L: Read, and at Cook's Literary Depot, 4th et; Bind at the does of- Philo Hall, on the eveninge of each Lecture. -marl6.lltl Clandrents Fahey Shoes. • At No. 8, .Fsfrie Street. • HE beet assortment of Children's Shoes, 'weer offered in the city, (of his own make,) all sines and colors at No. 8, Fifth street. Call and look at thein. ' • (mar1.5.43t) 8. KEYB. Spain end Summer 'Show GAFFERS. lied half Gaiters and all kinds ofLadies fine work, kept on hand and made to - wide? it No. 8, FM srreet. Ladies are particularly rogues., ted to call and examine his Gaiters, hall Gaiters aad Fancy Shoes. ' (mar/ 0433 0 S. KEYS. oxcu4ri_o:4L ONvprYopc,P;as,,lnvul4, and Ilwrtmo for sale in sums to suit porchuerr. N. HOLMES & SON, ktiar.* . tr ..xchangeßrokeri;No.;4lMarket et. .COVLZPTIO)1111 ON CINCINNATI, Lotiiarille, Louis, sad All kjr aceeinssble-poinUe•in the United States, 'made promptly,andropea the lowest *arms, by - • " N. uctudEs & 3QN, t;lo'.s6,Biaskivut. marl 6 dtt • I . I - • - . ......,:,..:..i• - ...-,,...,:fl • • '-,-,- .- ~..:::,...fll;.' .., ..'... ';'.;-{'. .'?;''''-'4.,: ..;::-'..k.1 ::: 44 .k.':,•' , 4 P.; ........7:,; , : , .::_,:-• .:,•;:,, ~..,' ,•,-, ~..4 .,;:t n -1, ; --- -'''';'- .. -•'' •-" ;':'.", It tr 1: ;; • t,,:;;-:',i';."..X... ~:-.::-..-;,,.•••:='..;.;.,P...it,,1 IF;'>:;.--P. ~ ....Jfp:::::_: ‘ , .,._-_ i „,,,q:,1 ••••.!:. ; :‘,7, - % - .:1:; - •:•:,; , ;.*-:,..,..:.. 2 , 4 0„; t , ;:•.s:;_t, ' • •:: "•-•-:- ' -"' - :>`-;::s7i . ' --.• '. '- - r '"" - -.'" -, :'7! , ::s f:%.. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers