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Qne Sesarli4 eib' 00 One , 20 .00 . . _'Advertiseme:nis i 43-V.,raibs of four lines Joseph C. 111 1 .8.ibbiza, TTORNEY AT LAW, office in Wallice9ti build 'Mr, on 4th it., between-Wood and Sinithfield ..treets. • nov IS-y - • TTORNEY AT LAW, Office Fourth St., be .llL„ Mena Grant and Smithfield, south side, Pitts. trursh, Pa., Will also attend promptly to business in -hrtadjoining,.crianties. 'IIIIcHAEL.DAtt 111.0EIL&It. P. C. 11111t7CNON. • . , Magehan do Shannon_, AItORNEYS "and Counsellors at Law. Office • on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield, and nearly opposite the Mayor's office. nove-y - • William &'M/Nihon, ATTOltlig.fir saq..A.W and Solicitor in Chancery. ~Offiee.in Bares new building s Fifth street, he , weert Wm - Olt:nil Smithfield. augll . _ Blaigr'ssw & AoisctfOllNEYS , - AT Office removed to the residence Magraw, on Fourth st., one front Cherry Alley. ap2l..y AitTTORNEYS-AND COUNSFIJORS AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. O ffi ce on Fourth 'st., between hrield anti' Grant. • • marl4-r E'dzatuiit! Snowden, , AT LAW, office . in the building on AL /he East corner of Fourth and Smithfield novil-y Al° l7 ° A ..n , oftee , dsorut side of }lntl street, beititied Wood .. and - Staithfueld, Pittsburgh., • iseP/Osy • • • - Andrew Markt, . A .TTORNEY AT LAW, effia,e, Sinithtield street, AL-• beiegneri Fourth street-and 'Diamond Alley, op - prime Geo. Weyman , a - totracco manufactory. a.lB-y mes •• an , •A,4 ITURN.EIy,AT LAW, office in the, chiinhers ji occupied by Alderman 11.1.'ltlaatera o .on Fifth st., .7.batween.Wood and•Smithraeld. . aplB-y • lanDissidlein & RI 7 Clnre. A ,- ~. Ti.NEys AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, . , oftee cin"Forirth' street, Opposite R.. & R. 11. —. attersiiii's'Litiry Statilv, PitiAargh: 'seplo-y . .4 viartzweldir, TIORNEYS LtIV, Fourth street between -,alL-Wood and Smithfield, opposite Pattersom's !iv 'Oeorg s R. Gillumore, ktriailatgv office in Breea'a build tnii, 4th st. ). Above Snood, Pittsburgh, Pa. - - C. orlissidol6oolosim. liliTflitNEY AT LAW; office Fourth it., above Stoith44l. - • ' ' - i~l o..)3EELEN ha's removed; his commission andfor . srardin; bissinnes from the Canal Basin to his eye israrehoture*ati Third street, nearly opposite .the Posi Office. . -inay3ol ...10lizhard'Covrau, TTORNEY AT.LAW v oflice. in Stuart's build :i• 41 : ingoraonttli.st;,' above Wood. jnnen-dlvy ' Marcell, LAW, having returned frotu ,• g4rope4iitour has. taken an office on the =lapilli in' it ebiner - or Fourth and Smithfield. sm. Per ions having fiid bisinnintrid papers in the hands of fintenet Kingston'i.,Esq, deceased, yvill call on the --above iitsidl the unsettled business of ldr. Kingston ha. been Loftin his hatidn. . - msriy i 6 TOFINTY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corn-1 ;MittiiiierAs take. the:proof and acknowledge ` bent of deeds, refaer, efintractss depositcs or other writings, .to . .reConaid 'oi used,the " States of Kentucky,'liidiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO, Poutth street. . marl2-y James .S. Craft, TEORNEY., COUNSELLOR AND. NOTARY, :;11; Pittiturzgh -Pm.; having' resigned. the office o -.,*- ecretaryP.Navvsurd Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe cially to congetions and business connected with i navigation, insurance, accounts and reel estate. Be inead 9. A.:. M. tor 9‘. P..M. Office, No. 1, iituart't buildings,. (No. 84 Fourth st.,) second door • mud of Wood street.- .. Cob3-y TTORNEY AND' COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Franklin, Yenango connty,_Penna.,, will attend promptly to all business .entrusted to his care--col actions-made in Warrei4 Clarion and Jefferson ar.rna to J. A..Stocktrin & Co.'' ,riphy, Wilson SeCo. Pittsburgh. ' - John Diglet, Kinnelir; • Franklin. ' M•Calmont, Hon. Jame s Wilson,Steubenvi le, Ohio. juy23y - •, gLDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between . Walnut and O'Hara streets, where he may be ound at all times.. Those having houses or other ,roperty to sell or rent, can have the same punctu illy attendeilto; debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman-will receive prompt attention. oct27-y - . . , 1011ANKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic lUD Bills of Eschange, certificatea of deposit, bank .Dotes and, specie. Drafts and notes eollected,and emittanees made to any part of the United States, Ne. 55 Marketlitreet. jan7-y " ' Johnston & Stockton, OOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER NA JD • KERS; No. 114 Market street. • sop 10-y Victor:Scrlba, bOkSELftR' , STATIONER. AND BINDER,. BNo. 115 Wood street three doors below Fifth, . 11 rilttOurghi - - -.- Jan?-y' _ :•.- •• •• ... , ,' • . - Jaiales Patterson, Jr, .q . . . , .-,•- ORNER - ofYirst and Ferry streets, Pittsburih, . p a ,, ,maplificturer or - loeitu," hinges and bbita, t 9 61P,..fullecjinili..ana ..timber screws; hOusen screws for rolling mitten-&c. '". ' , ' seplo-y . DI. CallulrLlP-Pr Spitttalleld stfi , !above Thtid, - --D ,T,E,,,. , . in '.Loons. Firiaings, :embracing all the Wats of `ltatetand Power Loom-Manufacture iri all brAinches: - Mae: Looking Glass PI ate.% CI ocks, Prairies, Ghisi. Picthres ael yarlety_Cromis. ~ novlB-y, . ' . - • - ..Win . A . : Wrisiir , T T) IST tine .Temosed: to the place of his for user resiaerice to Penn street, two doorOrt!low '''' rwin'''' ': ,'.':: ' '..... . '.. ..'" '-- '''''' ' •-.-aPgBl - .111dgar Thorn's- Sto,te;. cloak , * 9 1 .pcon 4 hirtra i t Pzy, coiripounded. tiaciiii2.ll6.had-at al l hoar...of-the day or-niglit.- laa2l-y •:; • - -_--.-..- . -',',-• - • - •-pil..vari4,ar No•Flot,_. ft 4 n- 4 • ' ,_,,:-: DENTIST,Office and.residerlsain ' 1:i. Clair it., a few doors Wow Lib ;erty, near the Ezehance Hotel. marl 1-y j-; • • •••-', • ~ • ••T•if-,'i••"•-- , ," , t.t,_l_i••;•::.•••!,.' •• • _,-• '..-z,-..." --". 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One inontb, Two de; Three , do, Four do, Six do • •One'year, eitligeme'nt4 AT n.r.Astrat .I . .. Tuio Squares. . Sit months, s2o 00 line year, 3O 00 in proportion. - • FIVE DOLLARS a year. . John L.;Giallattn, 13.snioral. EdictlA.a. Wllfori; John A. Parkinson, R. Holmes & Son, ~ .:'.._. , .', • .:'..,'!1 ' ,', . i.','- , ,.1 : - .: i," ,!:, ..... 7 _._.„...:', -- .4 . - -, • ,. , - ,!.. '. , !':::r :' 1 :• ; : ;; •::.:.!' : t - ',.: 1- ..,,:ci: -,,, -.-," ,'-•z , .• - :;• , ;- , ..,i-.7'' ',.•:'-''.-.', : ... _ . ...... -,,,.....-., -:::.•,`,,, INEESEE ''i -. :: . ':!.',:: - 74 - -; - ' , :::: ., .i - ,-T Brownsville Juralaif.ftlron Works. . EDWA.H.D HUGHES manufacturer of iron and naileOrarehoilse,Smithrield'aboire Fourth at. eeplol-- ~ A....llVA.nulty it co.* VORWARDrivi G & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Cinal 13nsin, Pitttili4igli,'Pa. tatrady FAMILY GROCER S Smithfield street, next door to the Filth Piesbyterian Church. ' juneti -• _ George Cochran,_ volitv:minrxe. toNIMiSION 'MERCHANT r No. 26 Wood it., Pittsburgh n0027-y New Book Store: _ T r S. BOSWORTH dt Co., N 0.43 Slarkct street, - I ~next door to Third street, are jost•opening new-and, extensive assortment of :Rooks and_Stion ery, which they will sell, wholesale and re:o, it the lowest prices. ap.215-y. • _warm. c. 17ILL. . OtO. G. I.IIOWRE. $5 00 6 00 7'oo 6430 10-00 13:00 HILL & BROWNE, (sucensens nocnstur AND DROWNtO TMPORTERS and, manufacturers of Wall Paper and Hamra! Paper Warehouse, ,No. S 7 Wood re et, Pittsburgh. je9.o Win. ()Mara Robinson, T ATE U. S. Att.Miley; has removed liisThofilee to JU•No.• 8 St. glair - • • • sept4-y - . • L. "[Yip:nest's; . . • -, , - . T UMBER' 2CIP.ItCIIANT; Office eit Penn street, _Li between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. All comm*ions will be promptly attended to. mar4-y School Book and Paper Warelaonce. LUKE LOOMIS, Agent;publisber, bookseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. mar2,B-1 . Uuriv silica Blacking, ATANUFACTURED and'sold wholesale and IT -111 tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin ct2l-y 11ftlfrFel.T.Rftthosftrile rt 4 nOcaiir aATadrkdeetal;.riVn side. mar 24- WH. COLEMAN. JOHN I. JENNINGS. JAS. W. HALLMAN Coleman, Hallman & xy AN UF ACTURERS of Carriage Springs and j_ Ailes, A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in coach trimmings of every description, Manufactory on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street,,,op posit° SL Charles Hotel. jan23-y Vlint Glass Establishment. A t rULVANY LEDLIE manufacture and keep AAL constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of - Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.— Our wake continue in full operation, and we arc constantly adding to Our stock, which enables us to fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepl6-y- T ANUFACTURER or Ittconnisertate. -rr:rrii, 1.11 Smithfield street, two doors below Filth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a filiratiolllol. l lll 01 Plate and Pivot tectlii of a variety of shades, :is simple Plate, Molars and lliscuspidatocs, Grim teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, Bac: - 'Teeth and blocks made to order, Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession.. All orders -front abroad intuit:6o accompan ied_ by'the cash. Platina arway ' s on hand James Blakely, Alderman. iMFFICE. on Penn st., opposite D. Leo& & packetline office. Office hours from 7- o'ciock A., M., to 8 Wel ock. P., M. Dr. Daniel ➢l'Aleal. rkFFICk on Sreithfield, three doors from Sixth st., Pittshort,vh. declo-y Dr. GCorge Watt, OFFICE, No. 77 Sutithficid street, near Sixth st., Pittsburgh. aug2l-y F. Blume, TIIANO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu sisal Instruments, No. 112 Wood eruct, near Fifth. ' nort94 111AINTER, Fifth, near Market st., Military flag., jr Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel houses, rand fancy painting of every description neat ly executed at the shortest notice. jy27-dGm J. Crawfixrd, 111. D. D ESPIfT FULLY tenders his services to the nib _IV :nos of Pittsburgh ,and vicinity. thrice, St Clair street, pposite the Exchange Hotel. septl9-d3m ECTIFYpitI DISTILI.F.II, and wholesale deal r in Foreign ind Domestic Wines and Liiloors, No. ild Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley.,Titts- Intrgh;Pa. jyttl—y Hugh Arters, QIID.GEON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street; few doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. up:22.-y Ogden & Snowden, SUCCELSORS TO AVERY, OLDEN & Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of whitelead, red lead and Enlarge, corner of Wood and Second es, Pittsburgh, Pa. norl3-y Martin it. Smith, SUCCESSORS to Trviee it' Martin, wholesale- ero cers, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured article; No. 59, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y John rpAiLoa AND CLOTIIIER, Liberty st., between Sixth street and Virgin Alley; south side. seplo-y . f. IeCLERKAN, G. X. FLEXING, J. KIRKPATRICK. S. AVG , lurkats it. Co. IaTHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Mer -4 chants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 142 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. dec3-y _ iottxt - CAitsOri. 8. J. IeKNIGHT. Carson & Bl , Knight, WHOLESALRGROCERS and Commission Mer chants, Sixth street, between Wood and Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. dec 4-y \'T M. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the corner of Wood and Third sts, above C. H. Kay, where he- is prepared to do every description of Ruling „and Binding. dec..-y J. 11.HColltster, AOLF.SALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, Snuff, and Seg.irs, No. 23, Fifth at., between Wood and Market sts., Pittsburgh. foct2S-Iy. , I. D. WILLIAMS. THOS. MILLLH. J. D. Williams & Co. WIIOLESALIt: and retail grocers, Forwarding and commission merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittstnirgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeist corner of Wood and Fin streets. . 'ILITHOLF..B4..E and retail Grocer and dealer in 11'Foreign and' Doinestie Wines and _Liquors, Foreign and DomestAc Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. 60 'Writer street. seps-y Lavinbert ; 4‘. Shipton, TITHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING & fl Commission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh maitufactures,.Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa." feb2_y ; John Scott dt. Co, :WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION IV Merchants, N 0.7 Commercial Row, Liber t ysued, Pittsburgh. ,519- • J. 211 , Devitt, - 117'HOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce TT and „Pittsburgh. manufactures generally,,No. .2241.ibeitj; eptiositelth 3treet; Pittsburgh. np2Sl • • John H. ltiellor, NITHOLESA.I.F. and retail dealer in Music and ' Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes,- School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh:. - jan 1-y c ci -- •44ibLESALE GROCERS, importers actin plate aid ctiiCetir!ira . ro,, and dealers in' copper and Pittsburg' maniifitctnred Mticles, Non. 112 and 114 2nd st., bstireen Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-014-y ~~' -. Martha Ll3t4, M. C. Edey, Otio Kuntz, Jamas Millers J. ,Brystr, P. C. Martin, MEE 71 - Z. •Ir..' • . I'. • SEM ipy r ,tls l 3 . v.4o:lj:";:sA - T,viti) - 4Y,TA;N:KA:pirri:9..,]:_i . ...B4: ' stect VM: 'MOODY I. espe . c.tfully annonaces to his old _ friendsthat he intends opening a Select School in,this city, on the first' Monday of April next, in the baseinent of the Thitd Piesbyterian China: iitar2l-tf Franticlin liottsei Fourth stirtiri; '.- 1 Biltrieen SmitAfield and grant Streets,. Pittsiburgh CIIIIISTIAN ScHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect 1 fully informs his friends and the'piiblic general-' 1 ly, that he will open the nboveitilbridid .Hotise- on . 1 the Ist day of May next. ~The House -be i ng. new;_and, finished in she most commodious and convenient manner; and basing it furnished With the newestand moss beutiful style of furniture; flatters himself, that he will be able to ac commodate his friends and, the travelling public, in a Mariner not inferior to any similar eitablishment in the city. i 5 As the House is situated near the Court House, ar rangements have been made to servo up meals at any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those.who are in attendance nt court. ia - Itefreshments of all .kinds can, be had. Boar-. ders taken by the week or day. ilti - Luncli every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. a. 30: ashingt on Hotel, JAMES AIIMSTRONG,i Proprietor, Corner of St. Clair and ,Penn streets ; Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to hisfriends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The lionise is pleasantly situated near the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large roomTer public meetings, dinner or supper par ties. Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, oitli the Choice:it the Harket will af ford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received every day during the season.. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the estsblishment, P. S. A Hot Lunch served up e - rery day at 11; A. Canal Dont Douse. B R. DOSSErr, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the moat reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their advantage to patronizehirri. Persona travelling east or west will Mid this house a convenient loca tion—it is within one hinidred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. Eves) , information given to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business.. Home brewed OR: can at' all times be had at the bar. novlo.l Burnt District Hotel. ISAAC MURDOCR, formerly -of the Union Hotel on Water street, having ;been burnt out, has built a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District lintel. lie is now prepared to offer every accommodation and dery comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. lie is provided with ample and convenient stabling. decl2-v • -- -- - it. E. tiTEREIT. I JACOB WT.AYER i \ QTERI:rr & co., ,v ialeaale and retail dealers in Foreign WlLif,l ato, Lititiors, corner of Market and Front street 4, Pats:, irgli. Pa. I:Verencec—Win. Ilolnies & Co., Henry F. Seliwey pa, Win. Eielthaum, U. Wenvor. , .tuck 4:IA been selected with great care, and 'eonsisir of the eboisest qualities suitable for thilt inar ket, to which they would respectfully cull attention and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises the . frillowing in casks and broltleii: irinrs-31.1tIrrias, Sherrie, Lis - bony, Tenerlfres, Ports, MaingasCalaionas. Liquors—Dram:he; Gana, Itulnt , , and Whisk:c.a. aug23 Exchaugo Hotel—, oRNEit OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL LEN lIItOWN, Pnorairrrin.—Terma Bl,f , t) per illy. Then ndersigned, formerly- ejf the Merchants llotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew throughout, with new bedS. new heddinu and new I furniture. Great care has been taken to fill his cel lar with the choicest viands.. A handsome omnibus n and a baggage wago are pro - vided for the use of his guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex , perience of the undersigned to this business, assures him that his easutest purposo to satiary all who call, cannot be unsuccessfid. altogether at lib erty topromise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expense. .&LLFT i finowN. ap3-dtf New Drug Store. mr, JOHN MOFIG.kN., If 71,1csair and retail Druggist. No. 933 Wood street. (*e Aar South of Diamond Ailey, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received tram the Eastern eiti6, and is now opening at the alio% e stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnislies; Chemicals, &c., together v. , ih all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. llis stock is entirely new, and has been selected with care.- lle is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will' please such as may fa vor him with a call. nlytt-y. co-Partnehip WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day January, inst., associated with him Jas. IV. Mailman and John P. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered. axes, American Blister and. Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of , dealers is respectfully solicited, arid hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favorsiso lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on SL Clair at: —warehouse 43 Wood et., oppnsite the St. Charles llotel, where can be found a' good assortment of Springs, Axles, A. 13., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every description, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh Manufactured articles. DThe highest price pail for scrap iron. jan22 A. Fniton, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, las rebuilt and commenced business at' his ohl stern!, No. 70 Second, between Ittarket and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of-every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patients of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c., together with every variety or Brass Castings, ir re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. . . . - - A. F. is the sole agent for ilabbill's Anti-Attraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all times. novl3-y G. W. Diddle, Dentist. HAS removed to No. 109 Smith . field st., where he will perform all operations on the Teeth satisfac torily. N. B.—Having lately'runde one of the greatest improvements in A 7 forceps that has ever appeared be fore the public, he has been able to extract teeth with such case • as to astonish all "those who have aVailed themselves of hie services. Pittsburgh, July 21, 1846-ly henry W. Williams, A TTORNF.Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, .(successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams ' Esq., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidance, csplB.ly GENTLEMEN LOOK AT ,THIS ! STAR ;CLOTHING STORE. No. 7Q Wood et., Sign of the Gotain Star, Pittsburgh AlttltEß &. MATER, Tir AVE on hand an extensive and complete assort: I 1 meat of Fashionable and extra made New York Clothing, which Cannot be equalled by any other ns tablishment in the city. Our stock being at present very, large and. anxious to reduce it as much ay pos sible berme the first ofJanuary; we are determized to offer such "bargains" an-will enable us.to effect our object. S. P. ANCKER, nov24-7 A. A. MAYER. '-'7!,i7•.."4't',,:-'.-.A--''..,-::.". - , '-''''.•.::: l ' ~-,..',, ...:' P_;,l. .. . ie; . 4_i= WALTER H :LOVVRIE , . I Superior Building Lots' for Sal" LOA the !Fifth TIGHT Lots,lionting • onnPenia street, opposite the mansion of Dr. Shoenberger, the corner on Adams street, 22i feet by 100, the,''othprsl.o feet leach by 100, all extending tcr'Spiing dlle3.- • I. Five Lots' fronting on . LibertY street,-at and adjoin. iing _Factory street, each 20 festby 160 deep to ;Quin: cy street, opp o site the ueivCatbnlic Clitirch; on:these are erected seVrin franae - Tirleindisputeble and a:liberal, eatinaioa br siay ment ro saitiauichasers. They -7EI be sold to close the 'Concern. Apply ' , to' Michael or Lewis Jiutchison, at their- warehotraes,',.or,to „JameS S. Craft, Esq., at his office,-S0 Fourth street— variety of Cotton Machinery, iizitrirds,- Thr °sties, &c., - still on' hand igr sale on-very, reasonable terms, and, time, on large ;gales. _ octl9-d3m . - A CARD. , • MILE subscriber having disposed pf[hiii Bookstore in Pittsburgh, to Mesdr3.4iilioft'arid English, wouirPfecomitiend them to the liatronage of his for • mer customers. ROBERT CARTER. Pn-rszunoH, October 20th,'15413-. t l i ' THE SUBSCRIBERS having purchased the Book store of :Mr Robert Carter, will continue the busi ness at the old stand. They will at all times have on ban a large supply of :Theolog ica4 Classical and School asks—Also, Writing..., Letter.nneWrapping Paper, ,lates etc. ..;.- '.. • Western Merchant& making Fill-chains in , the city, are invited to cult, epanine our.atock,'and ascertain our prics before purchasing ell ewhere. ELLIOTt Er ENGLISH, ect26l No. SG, Alarket , st.; bet. i3d .and 4th. -EUROPEAN AGENCY. NEEENAN, European Agent, noW on his twen tieth trip, in Europe, will in his 'absence from Pittsburgh continue to transact all' buiiiices connect 7 ed withl his profession, throughLhis Agent, JAWEs MAY, Merchant. Remittance* of mondy made to all parts of Englahtf,lreland, Scotland and the continent orEurope. Collections oil egaties, debts, inheritable property and claims; 'searches made, copies of wills, deeds and documents procured, &c. Vy- Apply to or addreis (peat paid) AMES MAY, Merchant, Water street, Pittsburgh. octG i orsaamesstal HMI-AV ork l . ' MILS. RENTER,, ;Wig Maker, Allegheny City, sir doors/rai n the A7uedizet, opposite the Colleetor's Office, wished to inform the Nik ita that she has just' commenced the Ornamental Iltiir business, and has a very supexior,stoek, re ceived from the kastern'citicsand Paris; and she is prepared to fill all orders at the sliortest notice, and in a manner that cannot be txcelled by, any similar manatee , I and ietentletkeept,ng; a large as, i sortment of Ornamental flair Work, such as Ladies.' I Wigs, lilands, Braids, Curls_, Necklaces, Guards, Bracelets, Finger Rings, ec. ainitleMens' NVigs, : l'unpries, Swatches, &c. Mrs. It. Rs been for many years engaged in the, business in France and the United Stites, and from I her long and ex perienee . rhe &els confident in being I able to give satisfaction to 41 who will-Lime Teri-t with (licir patronage. tier prices are Morfi,'), l beral than hard, been oirered in this city hete'roro'ib. mar 17.1 v ttik. , .M. NicDONALD, Belt, and Brasi ~---; Founder, First street, near .3larket, is s.; make flra.s Castinms and ' prepared to , ni,.....e , „, ; I . f.', :i ISI - 3SS W.IrAS generally on the most i - - -- -4. reaaerrlble terrns andsho'rtest notice, t lie invites mitchinista attil till those 1 using brass works ti. give him a pall,i as he is de i 1 , terrinued, to do all work. inthis Lue,very low. may ii;-ly i ___l______ Lander th'el IV arenaxted Garden Seeds; - 1 - 1111 E (r Fltcm PtmAtiELPitiA. :kacli paper I I j beats the label and - ssierantyAf I.)Avrp. LAN- Dacru. For sale by F. CSNOWDEN, N 0.29 Waler ; st., at the, stand fiirmerly occupied by:Geo. A. Ilerry.l Extract trim the , Iteport of the Visiting Committee [ of the l'ennnelvania Horticultural Society,' unani . . - , , mensly iadopted and ordered to be printed. 1 LANL4F. I IPS NI.7.ItSEIHES AND GARDENS. I .-These extensive grounds are on Federal street, near the Arsenal. • • • • The earliest colleo ' tion of Camellias was made here. Smile of those now in possession of those distinguished ittrserymen arc ten iliet Ing,li. " • • .• The selection of G REF-N-4101SG' MA NTS is i :tillable and extensive. The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup plying evkry parent' the Union, a detail of which would ocempy too witch of our space, we therefore content onrs.n.lves with stating that the stock in very ! large, and in every stage of grotith, consisting of Ft ift ES TiAND DAN A MTATAL , Ti: ES, EVER GREENS; SLlit U BS, YJNES AND CREEPLES with a cdllectien of hilrbacceo us plants, fruit trees Of the' l best kind and most healthy condition, large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums, &e., as Monks for bud ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that of working ' Upon suckers, which carry with them into , the graft all the diseases of the parent stock: • • "Gan.o.e.rr SEEDS of the finest Quality have been scattered ever the country froth these grounds, and may always be depended upon. The seed establish ment of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex tensive iii the Union, and Its reputation is well sustain ed front year to year. "To obi - late the chance of mixture of the farina of the plantslof the same family, they have established another nursery at a suitable distance, so tha; degene ration cannot take place, and which secures to the purchaier in , genttine article.' Ehowing thus • the age, quality and process of culture of every plant, the supplylfrom their grounds is recommended with great connilence. ,, •,,,• Sit* the date of the , Report' from' which the above is extracted, the entireestablishment has been greatly enlarged.. The collection of.CaMellias ern tonnes all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou -sands of various sizes; so likewise with Hoses, and other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c., - The Send Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it hair beim fur more than hits-century, under the 'successive management of father and son, the most ptominenein America. Ord rs received by F. L.:SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y James Howard & Co AVEithe pleasure to announce to their friends that they again occupy their old stand at No. 83, Wood idreet, where they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have contantly cm hand an extensive assortment of Satin -011ie& and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation borders of the latent style; and most hand; some patterns for papering halls, parlors and chant -hers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper; Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of which offer for sale on the most accommodating terres, and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. . ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the,best 011- ity, School Books, &c., alwayn on hand and for sale as above. aug 25 I=:IMM=I UrEO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a Lot aline Lawns which wilibesbld at the very low pried bf 181 Cents 'per yard, persons who want a good ankle,' at a low price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand a good stock of Nansook menus for. Ladies Dresses very cheap at jel3 No. 106 Market, street . . ' Segars tSe gars it • ! - F UST received from New York, a large quantity t.l , of HaNanna and Principe Segars of the most popular anihsur.erior brands now in use. Also, an excellent ailicle of chewing Tobacco and 'several bales of s4eritrr etiba Leaf Tobacco forsale. R. E. WINCHESTER, No. 50, Third street, two doors from ithe Post Office. may-9. John Cartwright CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extansive assortment - of 'Surgical and Dental instrtiments, Bankers', Tailorm", Hatters', Hair Dressers''and Tan ners' Pat Put Shears, Saddlers' Toole, Trusses, &c. je24 BOXES Sslo Glass; 50 do. 10x12 do; .j 'l9 do. 9x12 • do; 10 do. 103.14 • . • For sale by FRIEND, RHEY & ,Co., decl7. 57 Water street poRTEPA ritit Tictile r i:r fan G atlery, Philo Hill t .Third and Franklin. .Baltimore., Md.,. . , Mr. Porter respectfully announces .that he has at considerable eiponse,fAted up , apart:meats, and at rauged light For I:azier:it otyping ecperience: in ilits.art has enabled lo Overcome, Many of the oliftcti mill too common ttiPlitntettalten by. this method. . • • Mr. Porter aware that the inipreision stas gone'l abroad (on to the that• fhilitres to'prOduce geed pictures,) that blear and distinct Daguerreotypes con not be made in Pittsburgh:- Ilie-eiperiments, how ever, since he has opened his dallety, fully warrant Inin in saying that as good pictures tail be mido. hero Si elsewhere.' - . • . • ..Vadiea and &entlemen are invited to call and ex lonians nein - lent; • '" • Structions giren, and instrunients and materials furnished upon-reasonable terms. • " An orders from country operators promptly attend ed ' • nov2s4l' IfE subscriber has received on consignmenton few of Olivet Evan's celebrated Water Filters,. rifanufactured in Philadelphia, such as are novii eralljr used in the Eastern cities. Theiare'werren: ted to • 'purify, Pump, River, or Rain Water,°les ing it of all Mineral, Animal, Vegetable or. an ther un=- wholesome matter—renderiug it equal to the finest Spring water, otherwise on failurb; (if iced aiitlitic ted) the price paid will be.reftieded.r,- , ?,, 2 -. 4 2. t .- The subscriber, having been appointed agent fo r , the sale of the above, will receive orders and furnish them at manufacturers pricei. . PITTSBITGII CRAIG AND CIDINET WAREIkSE. No. 82 , , Third Street, Pittobnigh. iIPHE subscritrers would respectfullY.return their _IL thanks to their; friends and the public, for the Very liberal patronage bestowed since th e comm en ce ment of the new: firm, and would earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. They svould respectibllY invjte those who want to purchase anything in the furniture or chair line, to give theni a call anu examine their extensive stock now on hand, consisting of some of the most splen did Ealstern and French patterns of .Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture. .flattered by the very eaten. sive patronage receivedin their business, they have, at considerable expense, madearrangemeitts in New York, by which they will have the latest Eastern and French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the Citizens of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronizing home industry, and finding in their own City What they formerly would obtain only in the East. Baying adopted the principle of small profits and quick sales, they will be able to sell at as"low ntes'as any of the establishments in the Eastern Cities. • novl9•y ROBERTS S. 'KANE. New Tint 144 LEIS. IL POULSON, (late of the firm tr,- Poulson & having opened. his =r . new store it No. 73, Wood street, next doer te the 'corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei vingfrom the liaatern cities a very, large assortment of hafiraud caps of every description, 'warranted to be Made in the best manner and of the best materials, titter, Seal, fine and common Bluslcrat, i Sealette, Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps. Also, a fine assortment or ladies, furs,' such as Lynx. Fitch, Genet-and Coney`Muffs and Tippets and fur trimmings r all of which he offers for sale al eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and - Coantrymeraltants will please call and. examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CIIAS. H. POULSON. N. t.. The fall Fashinn fur Itato! and Caps r.eceiv ed.—__,... sey27s'. .... Slone): Waited to exchange for lists .and Caps. 4 THE !suhicilber wculd inform the public that ho has received his fall' stock of Caps; all:of which have bees principally made to his ikr,der, and as his purcha'ses has been made .on the cash,,systent, ha is enabled- to his stock of Hats land Caps at unusually low prices I'm; cash. Ills stock duos not consist of the cnuings of 'Eastern houses; but aro all a fresh manufactured article. Neither ie his establishment replenished with the old !stock from eastern markets. The Proprietor being a hatter . arid Cap manufacturer, by trade, as icpll an profession, he is also daily man ufacturing Hafts and Caps of all descriptions, and for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur passed. All pf which ho offers r.t wholesale and retail, arid at auch prices as cannot fail to please the purchaser.. G. W. GLASSGOW, No. 102, Wooll street, third door below John D. Da vis' Conunexicial Auction scptl2. sior,s, SHOES, SHO. NEW FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY. Chcaper Man Erer i -dt -- ' jFOLLANSBEE & ILAYWARD , S, new Bout Shoe and Trunk Store, No. 156 Lib erty , street, nearly opposite the head of Wood street. F. & IL would respectfully announce that they have in store find are receiving . their FALL AND WIN TER SUPPLY OF BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Sic., consisting of upwards afire hundred packages ()fall kinds and qualities for Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys, youths and , ehildrens , wear. These goods hare been manufactured to, our order, and expressly for the Pittsburgh market—all of which we are deter mined to SELL VERY LOW, as from our facilities in purchasing goods we are enabled so to do. We would enlieit an 'examination of our stock .by all in want ofgoods in our line, either at wholesale or retail, as wo feel confident we shall be enabled to please, both in regard to quality and prices. The most of our goods are from manufacturing es tablishments with which we are connected. Weshnll continue to receive weekly from those houses, fresh and dasirablc goods; made expressly for our Rahn,. fOLLANSIii:E.Br HAYWARD ; No. IS6 Liberty street. REAt. ESTATE AGENCY. xxetre BLAKELY, JORN J. xtrrettr.t.• Alderman, Attorney at Lntn. BLAKELY Ift MITCHEL, CONTINUE to attend to the selling and renting of Real Estate in the City of Fittelairgh and vi cinity. Having determined to devote a large portion of their time to this branch of business, they with confidence solicit a share of the pattonage of the public; from the facility they possess and the experi ence they have{the Senior partner having been en gaged ill the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,) they beliive that they will give general satisfaction: Office on Penn st., near the U. S. Hotel, and Smith field-et., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street. "William 111cliee. 'STILL continues in his old business ofmanufactur iug Wkrons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, betii•een Wood and Smithfield, where he.koeps constantly on hand, or made to order iii the shortest notice, any amount of work, by the best of workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit the times. Those engaged in the Santa re trade, and Furnace men, are requested to give him a call before purchasing else Where. a i - . Fall and Winter Goods JK. LOGAN bas just received the bahmco of his fall, and winter stock of Dry Goods ; at No. S 3, Wood st., consisting in part of super French and West of England Broad Cloths and Cassimeses, Sat tmetts from 25 to 75 cents per vard, Welch Flannels, red and white Flannels, twillid rod 'and green Flan nels, plaid and plain Linseys,'ltc. llfackinac: - and Whitney blankets,Woollen Shirtsand Drawers; Com forts, Mitts amtGl o yes:. Terkeri Thibet and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of the latest styles; Twilled and Manchester .ginghams; Irish Linen; . Table Linen, Counterpanes). Scoich Dispers;.Checks, fro: . Also, an assortment of Dress Goods, consisting of Silks, Gala and California Plaids, barred Cashmere, and Robed ' Maus de Laine, barred and figured; black ' and faricy Silk Cravats, ail of which lie will sell wholesale and retail aglow' for gash as any other - house IC the city. ntiv2l-y John:sl: - Towniend, ' DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45, Mar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which be will sell on the mat reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders will be prouiptly attended to, and supplied with articles they 'raay rely upon as genuine. prescriptionii will be accurately.. and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the 'day ker'night. • - Also, for sale, _a large sleek of fresh 'mid good erfumery dcc 30d • ~}. water F . II ter'''. GEO, cocxa N, No 26; Wood 0 ..V.REttli - ,A.TtRIVAL OE' 013,41 63 Market, 00 Street," 2 ' " - Zetteeen `Fourth -Stied , and Ihe - Dirmiori;:t. JlHEStibseriber having disposed of hislarge stack ; of Fall Goods, has just returned from the ,Eaet with a splendid assortment of pArcy,Aza) ,STAPLE 'WINTER DRY - GOODS, Which' hafilieen'ptirehatiedin 'the Ntiv Yoh. x' Aivn PinaniiPirtk Manama's, Gillet: , the iecent great 4p7'iTiation in prices, and far below thotost of im riortaaon; is prepared offer unprecedentedbarkrains 10 buyers. iz. - - - Alpaca Luatros, price only 25c Ippyd s usual pyida 371, /6 44 37:, // y c k ,4/ . :// to cc po ic • 75 Mona dc Lain 6 " lt} yd. " ‘' 31: "yd ca " - lilarindes ' u 371 44 yd. - 64iburt clOtir -t 0 37/ " yd. •••-•-•:''', 450 Cati Co. fc':•lB}cc yd. fc• :25 12} .r. c4 . _yo. 0 . 15 4‘ 4 " .84 Canton Batumi lO 4 yd. " 32.1 , Redflnunel Wiatil "25 yd; , " " White do do - 25 4 yd. - 4 ' c4. -' , 814. Yellow : dia. do" " - 25 ' " '11;1' Snotch - gingham - ''" 25 a yd. " cc Manchester - - ':151 '6 Catainet 37i 66 yd. - g, • •.4 - -,50 , 450 f y d. iC “1 . -14icahretwinetotedso ciltatmlQTAMilmike hew Midmost faidtionablePiris"tinclEcinddnitigia ' LADIES . • Ombri Brocade Silk; ; Embossed ' Ombri Chameleon Silk, ' Blue black satin stripe Silk; Plain blues( and blue Satiu stripe cashmere D E Comic, " " St. Cecilia Cloth, Embroidered Tarlatan. Robes, Ombri shaded' ac " Paris printed • • • Palo Alto Plaids, • Rich Galla EZERE2I Plain and embroidered silk Fringe Thibet, and Moult de Lain, Paris ;.rinted Cashmere and Terkerri, Per sian embossek. and chanialion Brocade Silk; plain, black and einroidered Terkerri, with Bullion fringe; Rich new style all wool, Brocha; Barred and Damask. worsted, together with a great variety'or ;Woollen VARIETY GOODS I have also on hand a-large assortment of the ing goods, viz: Beautiful new style bonnet ribbons;' French worked collars and chenuzetteS,entirely - new , r •style, plain and revere , bordered . Luien _Cambric 'Handkerchiefs, I adies 7 cravats and 'scarfs, ivhitee,hlack and col'd kid gloves, Lisle' thread; bladk Mohair, black and cold silk gloves, agreat variety ofinohak' and worsted mitts, Avilite and Mica silk, Cashmaie, Aipiteca and sup. black• Moravian Hose, blacx, in grain and white cot Hose, white'.and black 'French - Kid • Slippers, blacx lasting,"•Kid and Satin buskin Shoes, Ryan's niantifaethret Also an entirely new style of ladies , black silx cardiallk and sacx coats, to which we would particularly call their attention. GENTLEMI::.N , S-7GOODS. Just received a very fine assortment of.Piench and English blue, black, brown; and invisible green Cloths; black.and fame) , French Cassimeres, neiv styl i fancy Vestingwand'erwmte, MerinciShirtsand Draw ers, linen cambric and silk Handkerchiefs, lad a splendid assortmentolGloveo, Hosiery and Sdiriend. DOMESTICS, • Brown and bleached Drißings; Canton Flannels, Tickings an d, Checks, heavy 4-4 brown Muslin, rrOm Sy to 3"cents a per yard; and a tarp,o assortment of bleached Muslin, from 5 to cent a yard. • 'MrscliAartS,- WIIOLESALE /11.1VERS - AND .s Cennits,• are requested to keep this Bill, and eel! and examine the above goods, previous to: making their purchassur. dec3 _ABSALOM 'MORRIS, 85 Market street. - SPLENDID STOCK OF • , z NEW FALLGOODS . : A LEXANDER 11: DAY, take great pl ensure in. in :l-1.-Ibrming the , . inhabitants of-Pittsburgli_atulithe surrounding country, that they hare just receiked.a. splendid stock of New Fall -Goods, of, almost, every. description a large portibn . of whii.h. having bought at Action, at a great Sibrifice; and'from the Importers and manufacturers at unpiecedentedly ; low pricer, enables them . to offer great - indueemets to Cash buyers they wodldi therefore, respectfully finsite them to call and . -- examine their stock, being confident that they will be pleased with the-goods and prices. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Our stock of Ladies , . dress goods is very superior and cannot be surpassed, consisting in part of Super Satin striped Cashmere,Outbra shaded, dci.; Splendid Figured, do. in great variety; California and Clermont Plaids; Gala Plaids; Chusaus; Plain And figured and Satin striped Nfouslin do Lainci; 'Super French and Scotch - Gingharns•. now style Embroider ed do; splendid Cashmere and do Laine robes; 4neri. can, French and English Chintzes of the latest styles, &c. &c. . _ SILKS! SILKS!! We have a very handsome a.ssiartment. or Silks, such as super Black and Blue Blaek, Fig'd and strip ed Silks; Super'Plain and Figured changtable;:do.; Ombre Shaded and Changeable Stift:cid, dn.; Plain, Black and Blue Black'Satiniq'Wide . lndia". do; Plain Black and Blue Black Silks, of - extra quality and width, suitable for mantillas, &n t scc,. SHAWLS! , SHAWLS!!. . - - In this department we can offer great. bargains, from Auction sales of importers in, New York and Philadelphia, among which . are splendid. Terkerri Shawls; Super Cashmere, da.; Etnbroiderecl Terker ri, do.; Plain and Embroidered Thibet, do; 'Super heavy Otterrinn Silk, do.; Splendid 'lndia Silk,' dm; Extra ifernani; do:tsliciavy French' Crape, do.; Plain and Embroidered Cloth;c1o.; 'Plain, Fig'd. and-Em broidered De Laines, do.; Splendid Fren* Broad, do. all wool; Brocha and- Cashmere Long Shawls, '1 and an immense variety of . different descriptions of Fall and Winter Shawls, many , of them-will be Old' at half the C'oat of iinportatiblit. , CLOTHS A ND . EASSMIERE.S. Embraced in our stock althea° are Super Fr t6 tlcil, West of England, and .Athericau Cloths, 'of almost every color—Heavy Tweed Cloths; Beaver and Pilot! Cloths for over-coatst Super Black. Cassimeres; Fan -cy Striped, do. in great variety, &c. &c. BLANKETS! -BLANKETS!! Extra American Premium. Blankets; Super Whit ing, do; Heavy TUilled, do; itoie; de; and unit her of other makes of extra quality: LADIES' CLOAKINGS. New style'Hinbre Shaded Cloakiaga; Handsome Plaid, do; Heavy Gita do: ror do: - ALPACAS Atqll MERINOS A. very large assortment of Alpacas and Merinos of every. quality and Price. French Merinos anci Bombaiines, both Black and colored; , • ALSO; Cassiitetts; Red; Whitt and Yellow. Flan; nols; Tickingst Checks,Diapers; Brown add Bleach ed Table Linens. Sheetingst, Table Cloths; Canton. Flannels; heavy Gloves; Silk and Linen Scarfs; Stocks; Collars, Sc. Em., all of which' we are selling much - lower than kie hai-n before been enabled to do, - • '• Tailors, Clothiers; and Country. Merchants are especially invited.to examine burstoek Of Dvach. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings ! :. as we areptepared to sell Goods to those who buy to Sep again; .as law as they end lie bought in the'reglllat icay the East ern Cities. and by having a buyer resident in the east, attendant upon the Auctions; we hese rare fa cilities fori A - wring new and desirable Goods, at the lowest possible rites; we. aro. vigplarly receiving new Golode etitrfluw-days through the year. -. ALEXANDER 4-DAY;i' octG 75 Market st.; N. W. cor - ofthe Diamond. _ Copartnership. pill. subscribers have this day entered. into Co _IL partnership, in the name of Friend, }they & Co., lin the purpose of transacting agenemi Grocery and Couunissioe blginess, and have taken the house oc cupied by NI: D. Rhey & Co., 'No. 57 Water Street,' where they will be , pleaced to receive the patronage ofthe friends of the late firm. P. F. FRIEND, GEO; REM Y, JAS. WOOD. • Pittsburgh, November 2S, 15.16-dec2 Pittiburgh and ConnellivUle Rap ROad Companp NOTICE is hereby given; that in pursuance of a resolution ofthe Stockholders of the PittsbUrgh and Connellsville Railroad Ciimpany, authorizing an increase of the capital ofsaid Company, and directing an additional subscription, books will be opened for receiving additional subscription to the stock- oftlie Company, at the office of Wm. Larimer, jr., ita.4tit street, between Market and Wood streets; Pittsburgh, on Friday.the 41i day of6eptenilmr. Thettooksvvill remain open 'from 9 A.M. until 3 'eta - lock P.M.of said day- and .firainday[ to day - (Stuidays excepteoapail, the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or•qultil. otherwise ordered. By order of tho Directors. ' sep2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Presq:, ~ .. .. ~ ... +:,4 ~. PRTCE;T,.,,;.,:07.,:,(T,Nr-:,,f'5 . : i....-. nook AndJob..PrlntlnglalltAitt N. fv . ..consntn-or..woon=itte rrryet STIOSES: , IPI_LE. proprietor, of the Morning .Foot and,Afg* cury and Manufacturer respectfullyinforni,i, his friends and 'the' patrons 'of these papoiii,;' has a large and well chosen assortment of . JOB TYPE, , AND ALL OTHER MA.T.PALOk - • Necessary 'to a-Joh Printing - Odlce,:ttedethatifhe is prepared to execute I..MIrXi.PAESs PAIIKEENO OP Z.VEAPOItSCAMIC9G 8 001 15 -. Dille nr,Ladhir,',' Pamphlets, , , Bill Heady, , 't A 11: kind s of Illanks, Btrrge, :stfornbeat and' bwl' Boat'Bilta With irpprciprlite cuts jptint9d. ciiitbilratort. est notice and , mostreasonibleternis.-•• - He resPectfully,askelhe-pationag& and the public in - general; In ihisbranch'of `life bray. nest. 'tsept•22) S. BARREL Gold. I.ens. .11tagiere Patent Extension Pen hold& and Pencil; rpHIS is the most complete, convenient and use ful pocket companion Oar . offerediothti In the short space of 2i inches, is, con,nined.a,Pen, Pencil and reserve of leads, and by one Adtiort ithlka either 'the 'Peik sno the out, and 'extend's' thti holder to 6 inches,'ilthieb is, but littlit poro„tbs o half-this length when -shut ups. This ,is a recent IMProiement and' universally apkoved. For sale by W. W. WILSON; COr:' , lth grid Market eta. nov3o. ainkely.suld Mitelte/4 i erre. 'on _Penn, and Smititfielilsfs. , A NEWTS _fat the Old Blaek Bail of .tilyer. . 1 ,ii_ peal and New York - Packets:`' - ."' . -•-,-, - Remittances m4deits "usual to 'England) Irelsa4, .. • 3cotland and Wales, in Batas, of one pound sterling ind.upwards—payable in any, town. 13, Ipe pis - in Great Britain andlreland. .. . Mmve : ' Persolls wishing to` send for thairiiienifieitif' ." i f:: , . thgm brought out by the above splendid lint, oaths 15th and 16th of any .month. Brick /rfoz!se and Lot for Shit,, 7k Or in Exchange for' Nails a. Window. Gigs!. We are authorized to offer for sale, or in efeEinge for Window Glass or Nails, a well-fsishedned tub::. stantial two story brick house and lot, 19 feet Mont` '• by 100 feet deep, situated on the ',Allegheny, river above 'the Glass It will be sold ate tepee. ble price, titre triketc4tionable. Apply to BLAXEI.Y.kc MITGIIEL, sap. 17 Real Katie* Agenti. " Allegheny Ccimietei+l" , TIER.SONS desirdni of purchasing •lotir:iii ihis Cemetery ar.e. referred ,for information "to,ithn Superlntcndent .op the,, grounds or, tolF.:,,,Tnorzi, Druggiat, corner of Penn and 'hand "streets;: plus. bur g h. By order of the Board. 4.:C.IIIBLEI`Ti -, dui 11 . ,Soperintendenl. M9 l /CONG4HE)LA. u o um Ca4NGE OF 1101.tg. ' 0 N and alter Monday, the 2cl day of r i~oTetnber~ the stem:obi:rats CONSUL D LOtliS will commence their single /tips; tenting dnily.at 3 o'clock; P. M. . • , . dct2B BltaicratEti, 'James". Cd;rettisigh`;' - 1 - 1 - AS JUST teceited fioin New Yorkireilaigsrad.• dition to. his stock of goods; such as ,double barrel Guns; Revolvers with six barrels; single Wpm' ,Pistobi; table and pocket Cutlery; .Razdie, Stiiitors, Spoons, and Silver Pencilsi ,- Dianibild -Pointed , Gol4 Pens; . Gold Ilracelets; ilreast„Pins; . Rings; Shirt Studs and Crossesi.Bend Bags; Silk, and Velvet-Pursei; Steel Bendel . ' AeCiiirdholii-R, 10 and 12 plain semitone inlaid; lausital 'loxes; ,Toys And Fancy Goods of every description: • -_•, ' No. 61, Alarket fit:, Simpioh's Retil*l:4tteereiiTilird and Fourth'sts: - - •r • 'qt./PUS' " • •.131, Jteamlbositititiitlx igrabwrtiVz rilHE Weidera Steamboat AeceuetlaiirulgiiiSidiXid complete . system, of Book Keeping„stOdiged and practically adapted - for the use of stein-less navi gat.ng the great western ri Vera and lakes, exernOiSed in one set -of books kept by dolibla entry, closed • and re-opened three times. To which is added nu • Appendix,- embracing various additional matte's of important information connected with the-navigation of steam vessels.. Designed for theuse, of Schools, B&W d: keepers, Steamboat Maste and owners. By P. Dtiff, Profestor Of. the Thtory and. Pinetice of • • Book keeping. Just : published aild,te'r. sale, ptice .4 81,50, by JOHN 11. MELLOR, . novlB • . No. 81 Wood st... I Fran . 'ix& :Alitiff".'os2llP . LEXION, at this pied - , • i 'I i n deed; every; "other)fielsou-, is often re - Waive ill Appearance, caused, in eight cases. out of teu, by - I the aftnospheret and what persons 'Oppose chsitaso of 'the blood, is simply a disease of the- akin". If • some of the thousands who take purgative medicine, pills, and useless Sarsaparilla, were to use on 'their skin a softening and clearing balm, that opens the tpores, whiten,/ the skin; and canna acierilthy peispi. .. ration, that; be the akin 'never so dilifigured, imbeal ' tan a thy, or diseased with piroplea'or freek.lps, sunburn, and tuorphew' the. truo aid genhine TONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SbAP never fails td - Zara and dispel them, and to, rciake the akin cleat•and lovely. It acts so mildly and soothingly' ori ; the skin, that physicians use it on ladiet and infants„ - in old cases ofacurvy,crysipelis, - salt rheum ) sore head, ringworm, and it .(raind, , the genuine Jones> soap) has often effected a cure whim every other remedy failed. It is indeed a blessed retnedy. Sold at J.ACKSQN3S Patent Medicine . Warehouse, 89 Liberty streee,head of Woodzat the same place is sold the Moorish Nair - Dye; Coral flair Restora tive; and Spanish Lily White.; PRIKaiPAL OITICE—Sigh of the American Eagle, 82 Chatham street; Nei York. . • Pro* RENDER THE HUMAN. HAIR SILKY, SOFT; 'FINE'AND CLEAN; to make the scalp Malt", smooth, whith rind fruitful,- so that a. • good crop may spring therefrom, persons have hut to ex pend thirty.. seven and a half cents.- And, reader, our only object for selling the article at thatprici, is knowing it to be all we state, that when you once try this you never will Use aught else, whether it be merely to embelish; to dressi, beautify, and preserve, to force growth; stop Calling off and cure genii's or dandruffy, the JONES? CORAL HAIR .RESTORA.- TIYE will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will tell you with gratitude, It dressesthe hair beautiful- . ly, and maket red or grey heir grow dark from Me roots. . SOld at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse. 89 Liberty dtreeti head of Wood—price thirty Seven. and a halrcetits, fifty cents and one.dollar per bottle. At the same place is sold the- Italian Chemical Soap, Spanish Lilly White and unrivalled shaving's:4li Jy2ii-tr rt"poisonous effect on the skin Of conimen pre p chalk is, not general!) known. by•les , ted how yei low rouih:and unhealthy it makes, the skill in time; besides. what a corpse like, palidlookHliires when applied: They should use a beautiful prepar ation, purely vegetable, which gives the annum" or neck, a natural life-like whiteness; and mcikGs it smooth. It is. called Jones , Spanish' Lilly- White, and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware house, S 9 Liberty street, headof Wood; at the lame place is soldlonce Coral Hair Restorative, Italisa Chemical Soap and unrivalled sharing soap. • -:• • . TiIIrABBRIPOiI i...IIIANOBACTBSED TOBACCO; 1:7 .20400 Plug Tobatiel • , ,- ;.-'64.44 7 . 'Ladies , Tivistiaol . 10 `. .. . La dies, 4 * 10 " Caod,.l. Lump, do; In store and for,tudlp);kl 1 4 14-le.J. M , PrSITT, op 20 2.22`Liborty st. P.astessee. r I L ENDED "asaorthient of MahOgani ind Eine. I mod& Pianos, jut finfebed." Theme ituitrunient aro well made of the latest paterns ; and beet materi als and will be cold low for cash by F. BLUME. No. Wood st.'24l door 'abode . N. B. Those who are inivant ore goadinatrythent arc.respectfully invited to call and examine thesebe. Corn purchasing elsowhere;aathey cannot be led 'by begin 'the country, and 'will be 'iald lower than•any brought from the earn: . Ono elegent•Etose. wood Piano with-Coleman , e Patent dEolian attach, ment for saleby F:-LiCUME. M VV . o t te li f ltD ye S ni , c i_e g tt T e: t r i t s i : b om y Mrs. Ellto's Ptooe Wsitiogot. 'Hannah More , o 1Votko; • . 'Leicietiiltivideon4 Igo idd Lady:ottimAtanori Atm. liomano; complete. - For ailet bi; •. 7 H. S. Ebswelirrit & Ca. . 11 , . 43 Alorkat _...........„.., „. , , '. `' w`. stvpi tiidt pp 04.8 I , lvo. 657. - d r -STBEir, NBA& 41R-0122% .TOUN FARAEN,•PROPRIETOR,-: • ' :nuv24 y:.;;;; • prilynuanii,• : • : • t: ..~. • , • • .3% ; r , ,1 • -4..7, 71: • , • - - •-•••-• if.tl,6-,' - • ' .; • fr""" •• • ; • I..;? • • • , • • - • EMU NEU ME= 14, - ...i . '.1 . 4* . ;;'i .. ;;: .. .;.. , .% , : •:).*if ~.."ri,l; 7 : i. , . .. El= ; ~r: ~;~;°. EWE f , .{~~y • : " '..-;,,...,._'F..,;;;;Y*....r--.•.•.- _ r .2. • • MEE IN= i ~ _ ~ ; i.', INEEME =EI EMI v Y Main f , , EMEI ,:.,; . :.: ,t. .~ ~ y,, ......,..... ~ ....- e , ....... - ..?.:' - 4 . ; ... -. 1 .' - .7,1i : :. ::•*;:".':.......'.'F.T....'?..',. MEER IN= MIESI .s- MEM :,.' . : 7 ,;:: -',,,;'::'!.. ,„.,... ,. ..Z: . '_„: . :: . ,t:. - :t:1::':i . . MEM 7.' • • ";' ;;,; `~:~, ";!y . ~.... REM ' ~ `rl .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers