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A_ T-41)R —0h.6:: 14 " s . all •.' • Wood aiiasißidinid, F ......---tibetneen . . pa o .. and nearly oppo.iteliki Mayor' .office. . noTOI •,: 11 1 .111ah011,•- - ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery. 4' , ' Office in Barra new building, Fifth street, be wenn Wood and Smithfield. • augll • , & .111!/tskifil&i, A TTOIiNtYS AT LAW, ()tee :romoved to the resitlenco of H t S. Magraw, on Fourth st.,oncr -.laor.from.clerry.Alley.. . . , ap;l-y Wins ; t 'XITOR.7.I7.IrS ANII COUNGELLORVA S TA'W, • " s ' Pittsburgh, Pei. Office 'on Fourth 'ati•betileen withheld and Grant.' . • ' '. • ' ttiarl4-y : A TTORNEY AT LAW, ciitieein the bi:o4ing on ~t l2.the. North-East corner of Foglia and Stu ithßeld streeu. • . . noel 1-y Morrow, • • • • ALDT.RIOL'I , I; office north aide of Fifth Wood and . Smithfield, Pas b!itt h . . .3 • - - • • • • _ • .. Jamea , Callan,- , . A 'TTO . RNET AT'.LAW, office in .the chamber• 11„ occupied by Alderman 24.2.1 asters, on .Filth. • betmetieWooil. and Smithfield. apitiY .r: ``' ~. DEELEN has rentoved his commiesion and 4*_warding businela.from the Canal Basin to:his Apr' watehouse.on Third.street, nearly opposite the -_ Post °lce. , may3o • 0- = Diehard eovraia, A TIPRNEY AT LAW; - office in Stuatti A ing - n,Tinirth , st4 abiivc Wood. junel9-iiwy John Burrell,.. TT ; ORIiEY AT .:EASY; having returned ;tll trent! .! his Europtantour has ,tolrtnn office on the -sorth.east cornerof Fourth and gmithfield 'Per - ,1101111 having h.ul.business and, papers in the hands oil Samuel Xingston, 'Esq., deceased, will call on'thel e: above, as all-the unsettled business of-htr. Kingston -this been left-itt his hands. . ruarb..y Charles IL SILAViii • - • A TTORNEY AT I,AW.i . Pittsburgh, Pat tam ' jrallilitler to titre the proof and nel.nowletige ment of deeds, leases, contractai'depositis or other yrettintpt,. -be recorded or need in the States 43 Kentupky,lndinna and Titontesed. ',Office AsTa. 80; I ,lterayshuildlinti, Fonrth nterl2-1 , TTORNEY, COUN9I4LI.O}I.= ANp - NOT9:4 l 's :Pittsburgh,' Pa..,,hit•rh,ig =Signed the :iifileto ecretary P.:"Nay. and Fire Co:,, win mendsite.- .. 4. 4 1111y:to-collections and bu,uicu Colinecta" - vrith • itairigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. einesir.liours, 9 -A. hi. to 9 P., Office, No. I, iltuartra buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.;) second door -*art of= Wccid street. . rota-y : ' .. - " • Edwin C. lartlsons - • A TPORNEY.' ANitet OIINSEW/OR •AT -LAW,. - "Franklin, Venango county" Patina., will'attend promptly to all bnaineas entreated to his caro—,.col; notions maile in Warren,Clarictuane3efremonco.4. —•• ' , - - .IMrca •p-. - } J. A: - .l3tcickton &tat: -. : • . . -` himplryi Wilson et Co. • - Pittahurgb. Johralligter, - ' ,; , •.• . . Ilan:jot:um Kinnear,.' '':•',` p ra tddi n , Han....Altz..lll'Calmonti • , _ Hon::Janiet WiThon,Steubersi le ' Ohio. juy23.y " • - 4oin A.. Porkansossf •: ../44-IDERMAZtrififikt Ward;PennAttfeet.pbeasseen .11 Walnut tutd , l34ltra - istreete, where he may be ound at tall stinteS.— Those having houses or other ,roperty to sell or. renti can ; have the same punctu ally attended to; debtarcollected, and • all Ike 4itities of an Alderman will. receive prompt attention: , by . . ' t".. , .4 ‘ SSE N. Ac Son o • • DANKERS turd-dealers-in :F'oreign and Domestic , lifibtlg,tscharige, certificates of deposit, bank totes and specie. Drafts and notes-collected, and emittances made to - any part 'of •the Urtited Slates, - Na. 5.5 Market street. jan7-y - :Irohpator,"& Sttiehtfots, -- VIIIMKSETILERS;IiRINTERS AND PAPER Mi l() KERS, No. 414 Morket - street. sep ytetot CitIKSELLiR,- STATIONER AND BINDER, - No. 115 Wood atieet, three doors below Filth, ittiburgb, Pa. ,jan7-y - Jr, ' —74; P*t'terg"' Pittsburgh,itd bolts, n.arta , k, ••hinges aetarei Ise 6f . batmen scro-7 . , sep . wy tobiece, faller, mill screws 211:Cissiiiialsiir,"tbatitiatteltd st., stbove.Ttitird, BALER in Loom Findings, eirthiaeirig 'the Wants of Hind and POwei Loom Manufacture In,all branches. — Alio::LOOrlig Mass Plates, Clocks, Fadv3el Glass ; PieturesatilEVatietiGoods. • noi,lBl IrIENTi§T, has removed to the ilice or Vis kr :tattrtositlence io Penn streetf two' doors hvlow twin - - E• '' ' ' ' - nItHG pad. Z'aTnily,..Nediainio c:o.l:nr - 01 P!pn 40.Hapil o.reets,, Piicqtirgh, ay Phy sycians, prescifptioniac4itiatelyr i caripp,ppthia. c *of multi"4o4 hoursO -of 'clay - jan.2lsy- - ' - '3.. - • 11. 7 .„ DEHTISt, ot6ce and ivoidegicitin "s - ' , 4 - ;;t7:1;-...- St.. Clair at., a few doors biloW"Lib . Oa erty, near the Eachance Hotel. marl l.y ISBNIM FiZZEM ~'•Jtt ~ r. J • ~eu~f)~rn`: . . ftd.t . .!A ;'COL. 146. rvapigrai AND EDITED BY :-.1 ~:...m.ineorxer qf Wood and FOl St.. • . :.• :•-;..' - • .• - • • • 7riettei..filve do'llars a year, payable in "atiliineo. lifix.dollari will Invar i a bl y be required if not - peid jr_itWa the Tre.xr' • . . • . - - • • • , • Single copies, Twercr.wrs—for sale at the counter of the Office, end by Neweltoys. . • • ~ TUB WEEKI • CORY:IIER AND MAIIIIRMIBER Is. irablishea ttthoistdoioifice, on a double modiam sheet, at 'TWO PQA,LAASItt,:,yeat, in' advantei lile!F°Pie!? ?. 1 * FMTS• . • ,dri , cetlatng r • ir.crt Lrsts-Oa -One month, , $5 00 Two do, , _Three do, ;I Foui do, Six do, 10:00 Onc-year,• 15 00 .ver,ssamesittii; X:AT rr.r.Astraz. • • Vet*" bi • !7:4k;s ( LuA 2 COE". 01 4 illisert4cril... Two ? 'Three do, 1 00 One. week, 1 BO Two d0,..300 Three do, - • "'•4'oo Teafly Adl ' • ' ' Ciz.t.nozAlia rum Sqwx:4o._;." Six months, '4E9:00 One year, '3O 00 01 . 3 e'S:Igc!re , '915 00 One year, • - 00 Wier advertisements J'lgir....cAsava et friur lines. in proportion. • •.• • :', • TIVZ Dosciat a yeip;;;;.... Jo'kph C. '';'• 4.,110,01.14EY AT I.AW;oIHee is Wallaceliviiild tba, ink, on 9th at., between Wood and Id .Itreets.. - ikey 18-f - =. John L. Gallatin, • - ••.• A-TTORNEY AT LAW, Office Fourth st., Orant and Smithfield,: south side.' 7, Pitts. tpurgh,Pa. Will also attend promitlyio inisinesajd noVIA-11 . F • ..: • Andrew. Burke, . . • TTOR.NFX AT LAW, office Smi th field Idled, between Fourth atreet and Diamond Ailey, op. pornte Weyman'a tobacco manufactory: tP I6- 7 - • • - DlE;Candlefs & 31,Clitre. ATOAINEYS AND. COUNSELLORS A.T'LAW, office on Fourth street,'oppottito Patutrion , s.Livery Stublc, Pittsburgh.. . : Forward & Slyrartzwelder, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's he . ery stable. ' apl-y George V. Oillessor.. , TTORNEY 'AT LAW, Office in _Breed., build. A ings„ 49; et:, above Wood, PAtsbungb, Pa. sep2.dly ' - . • - . ClelemidoLoonitio, 47:71:TTOliNF.`t- LAW, office Fourth M., above Smithfield. - julyl-y Itedalo'r James S. Craft, . . -. ~..F.,:77 : / ,- - i , .;- 7 i.YV . , : , 7. ' i. ' -':.± .' . 7. -:. - ..I%;:':',i'''.l.-!' EIVNEI Sioviriiiirtlfe Juniata: Iroti IEIDW.A.BP 4ruc t uEs man ut acturiax . flail,, Farihouse, Siuithfield aboils•Viiiith 'it. . C. A. pv & CO., ' • - TORIWARIDINGts- COMMISSION htEßeilAilTS Canal !kelp, Pitiatnirgli, Pa. • inarMy Martin Lytle, ~diLY G ROCER , Smithfield street, next door tofiltthillit , teibyterims Church. june6 • Oecirite Coogran, ElinwAßnmr; se cohnnissops MERCHANT r NO. 26 Wciod st.; Pittsburgh.. • ,7..7 ,•New, Boolc.Store. 110 r . S. BOSWQRTII & Co.. No. 43 Market street, 1.1..• next door. to Third street, aro 'juin opening a uew ind extensive assortment or Bioko and Station ery, which they walitell,:Wholesale and retal, at the lowestap2s-y HILL- 1k BROWNE., • (anrcca .To notmsrup AND 11110 W ICE,) . TMPORTERS and manufacturer' of Wall Paper :1: and General Paper •Warcbouec, No. S 7 Wood Mt'et, Pittsburgh. je2o . . _•Wan. O'Hara Robinson, T ATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his office to. Li No. 8 St. Clair et. sepal - • _ lUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street, A between Irwin arid'. Hand Ms.. Pittsburgh, I'a. All commissions will be. promptly attended to. marry School Bools , 'assa Paper Warehouse. LURE LOOMIS, Agent,puhlisber, bookseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. • mar29-y • : Paidittonta 'Unrivalled Bleekingt NritIiIIIACTIMED and sold iv holesalo and so " tail, Smithfield it., between Sixth and Virgin • • oettl-v P. C. 'twist& TANCFACTUREA of Lard Oil and dealer in ill; Star Candles, Fifth street, near Market, S. W. side. WW. COLEMAN. 30113 F. ICRAAIW: JAS. W. HAILIII.SX • • cototnau, litilLotsto Co., IvrANCTACTURERS of Carriage Springs. sod 8 . 1. -. A4les, .A. 8., and spring_steel, and dealers in coaeh, trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, warebonie, 43 Wood street, op. risite St. Charles Hotel. • jan23l ILITLVANY 3 LEDLIE manufacture aud• keep 111.: constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse siOrner - of - Market and Water • artists, Pittsburgh.-- Our•works continue in full• operation; and we are constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to fill orders•with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and 4littlillo prices and terms. self-y • . AIrAWFACTLMER or I:coos:Li:emus. TP.UTII, AL Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa.• Always on hand a full aasortmeni of Plato . lind• Pivot teeth. of a ratiety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Discuspidatoes, Gem tecift, Sere* Pivot teeth, dm. Teeth and blocks nia.le to order; Dentists supplied w ith all articles in the pro. Cession. Al! orders Prom abroad must be accompan ied by t h e cash. trPlatkaa . alwayi.onbatut. nov ' ! ' ;Jamiet 1112.11mtly. Alderaism. :OFFICE on Peon' it., opposito 1). Leech & Co's., ptelietline Oboe. (Mice been from 7 o'clocl A: R hf.. to 8 o''cloct, " Dr. Daniel 31 9 31.061. CliftlCE on Smithfield, three doors groutflisth et., rittsborgh. dotelo-y ' " Dr. George Watt, OvficE, No. 77 SmitbfieW . oirbOt; seal . Worth rt., .Pittsburgh. aug2l-y -IVAN° - FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Ma- Instrtiments, No. 112 Wood street, near Yifth.. - - novl9-y P E nFa' ist t t t etlt"llita 44 1 ne4,signsSeaig forst e a m boat 71: houses, and fancy painting oreeery description neat ly executed at thesliortest notice. jy77-46ni J. Crawford, M. D. • ESPTCTFULLY tenders his services to the citi julk, xcns of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office, tit. Clair street, opposite the Exchange potel. scpt:l37d'Am• TI6, ECTIFYING , DISTILLEII, miniwholesale deal- IN er.in Foreign and DOMOrtiC Wines ant4Liquors, No. 114 Liberty. street, Rod . 453 Diamond Alley, Pitts burgh, Pa . )1 .2 /-7 , • • - Hugh A.rters, URDEON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few Q ij doors below St. Clair at., Pittsburgh. ap2B-y . . ZUCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN & Co., whole -0-irale and retail druggists, and inapuracturcra of whitt lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood and Second sla.l Pittaburgh,Pa. novl3l . I Martin. & - . I.ICCES.SPAS to Irvine tit Martin, wholesale gro -1 prOduce and commission merchants, and dealertrin Pitteiburgh manufactured articles, No. 56, Wood street, Pittiburgh, Va. apS-v . ,_ ..... TJohn ',Petoskey, AItOR. AND CLOTHIER, !liberty at., between Sixth street Arid Virgin Alio., youth side; leCttrlXlLAti, C.lllr. FLEMING, J. XLIMPATIIIGY. MgClurkein & Co. TITHOLESALE GROCERSi Commingion • Mer: V V !chuotairold, dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh .Nlanufar.turtri, No. 142 Liberty after[, Pittsburgh. deC g -y -lours% CARSON. S. J. 11' 1 . ..X10aq. ' L Carson. AXTROLESALE GROCERS and Commission Met , 7-V V ;chants, Sixth strett, between Wood and Libertiq PittsburglN Pa. • . Alum. GLENN o . Dookbinder j has removed to the NV cornerof Wond:and'Third etas above C. ,11. Kay' where he is .prepared to do every description tiflttdink and Bindieg. dec2.y •J. 111 , Colllste r, WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Tobacco, ,Finufl: and Sega . rs No n 25,.Fitth id-, between Wooddiid Nfaidielats,' 17418.burgli.' 1. If.' V111.1.1A311. • ••: • , J.•D. Williams-4k Co. , AXrHOLESALE Etna retail it . ocers,'Fortsarding and conurtiseicin merchants - , and !dealers. in prtnittee anti PittAnirgh Manufacture& No. lift,' Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets. eep; 8• P. C,. 'Martin 1177110LEALE and, retail., Grocer and dealer in Foreign, cnid ,PPLITC.Itia Wines and Liquors, Foreigi and Donrestic Fruit, Nuts, &cc., No. 60 Water ••••' • It anpieri ;Se Skil4l-oni. "VirMatIESAtE I GROETIS,; FORWARDING" tr: `V .Commission ~Dierehantst t dealers in: prodee'e and'Pittsburgh man ufactarei, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood eiriet; Pittaburgh; Pa. - feb2l Joh Sgett & AITHOLESALE GROCERS 'AND COMMIfiSLSN rr Merchantsi N0.•7. Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. i " - a I P-7 . J. & J. *'Devitt,' i .610CERS,',:tedlerei ttpioduos' NYand Pittsburgh rhaniSfactures . gerierally, No. 224Iiherty; Opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh." -ap2B-y WHOLESALt.ancI -retail dealer in Muaic and Musical IrOtttuntents, Piano Fortes, School BooktP had Itationery i .No. '122 Wood street, Pitts- , burgh. ; . - : jan 1-y QLE lit andqueen E sw .6 ard, C a E nd in and li Pittaburgh manufactured articles Nos.ll2 i; e and 4 2nd et., batween Wood and Smith field eta. 4-n147 .. . ...._. , . ~ ~..',".:....',..,, •;••••:.7. - . 1 ,.. -. " . ;• •-: ... k;',j - ,t- - . 4 . - s - 1'... 7. * ' - ;.-.';.:. , t,"._,.. 1- '4. .., •,--,,.4.:,-1-.;.".:*,,..i:•f.:1-'17,-',.." MEI i .- : .' ..- 'i , ' ' '' . ': • . ..t ..--1: .; ' .~` ' ::~.f:. GEO. G. D&OWZE, L. WUmarth, C. Ed.y, lass Establishment. Otto ICvatitz, V. Ulan'lN James 21.114 erg - 13iwar, Ogden & enowden, TWO!. xrittr.s John . Ax. .- , : .., :,-,,;., :..i - 76... ; , , -: - '.• 4 • , -?:.'l'.f_:. ..,..]..-:,,!.:,:,.;‘,4-,, , 1,-J-•-7-„:.::':,,,,,...,:':,7-.,.,. . .. .. . .... . : -........ , ...4i i ...-,..-;.,.-.... c.,.. : ...... ~...`.., -. ......•. , -1'...••• • ...- - . . - , • ~ EMU • "1k- „,. - . . . • Stile - et ::•* gels ' 00 1.• • `-d'%' • • & • - - 11714 - . MOODY respectfully Plitt Ward ft , friendstbethe intendeopening aSelectSblitkd VIGHT Lots, frontitig on Penn street, opposite in dice city; bellitaihitldonday of April nist i gn the lib the mansion of 14.A1Menbertier, the corner on baiement-oftbeThirdPresbytetisn Church: mer2l,tf•Ackinis . iitreet.'22/• - ten o cayloo; , the • others 20 feet leach by 100, all exten rrg to Spring - Alley: Betetsen - Frank' IroVille;/"Plurt Streets,t . Irtet; I 'Vi Lots frontingsnaitierly street,' ht antFatljoin itit PittistAnirt m Factory stretiit,'idicri2o feet by e 60 deep to Quin street omplasite the mew-Catholi Cburate,•on these 'fullv.ifillarms his friends and the pubila•genaral- t ine mecte d. seseD frame buildings, • ly, that open. the:above splendid • house tra title indisputable alai a liberal'extension of pay: the her day of May,nezt. ... • : , ent to suifpurchasertri they .will be:eolti to •tloso The Rouse being nowt and finished in ebn., most ;h l , couc e ril . Apply Alichael,' AB ep,, or Lewis commodious and cotivet.detit manner; and having it firo c i i i siin , their 'idarehoinics, or 16 -- ,Bimee furnished with the nnwestitid'inost beutifut style, fiwniture; flatters himself IVA he - wlli be a ble to : A ' variety of Cotton Machinery,. vizin 7 4ards, eomniodate his friends and the travelling public, in a frbioptles, Mules,.l4c., on . hand.for sale on very, ma e ci nner not inferior- to any similar establishment in Teneonable iirrne; and tifne, on large sales. 3: tht. ' • • : •'• 1" As t he 'House is situated near the Court Ilene, ar- 0ct194130t I rangements have been made to aon•e up meals at any hour in the day, this will be groat convenience to those who are in.attendatice at court. • tcrßefreahwents of .all kinds can bo had. Boar ders taken by the week or deli ' 020 3- Lunch every day at ll'octioek,'A. ap3o. .Wash ugton Ho!el; ' TAiIES kIL • • • • • NISTROIsG, Proprietor, Corder orst. •ty • Clair and Pato sifebto, Pittisbuigh; the tiyoprie. tor Legs leave to return his most grateful thanks to h'W friends and the public fir past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit:a continuation-of their patron age. The hauls° is pleasintly situated clear the Ex change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public meetings, diuneror supper par-. ties. . . Refreshments always retuly;. or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the flarket will' if. ford. .Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Ryder., received every "day daring the season. The grentestrare has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. - A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the establishment, P. S. A Hot Lund) Netted up c cell day at 11, A ap 18-1. Canal Uoat Holm. • • BY R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on the moat reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to their aavantage to patronize him. Persons travelling east or welt will find thiii house a convenient loca tion—lt is within one hundred yards of the canal ba.sin, nud-eonvenientto the forwarding houses. Eviisy information given to Iron Waaufacturers in ail launches of the Wanness. ilotue brewed aid Cart at all timer. be had at the bar. • . • nor tt-y- ilnant District Dot el. SAAC MURDOCK', roirneer of the Union 'doted I on Water street, haring been titrrnt our, his built a new and handsome house expressly for the &remit.. modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smalifislil streets, whiSli will be tnoWit as the Burnt Distriet-Hotel. lie is now preparedio stet amrierraccommodation and every comfort to the teteitior at - very moderate charge:. Ile is provided midi ample and convenient stabling. • . • ~ •:. • deel2-y _.._ _ _ _ a. r. srcasrr. JACOII wr.ACT.3. TERETT & Co., seholessio anddealers - in S Foreign Wines anti laiudra, carter of Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. Afferestees—Wm.flohne* & Co., Unary F. F.chn;ep. pc. Wm. Eichhaum, B. lA' eal,er. Their mock has been selected with great careoind consists of the chousest.qualmes. Imitable for Ibis mar het, to vilweli they would respectfully call *maims) and solicit a share ofptiblic patronage. it comprises the following in casks and hostler: ' • Sherries. Lithos", Teneriffes, Ports. MalasssCandisiss. Litsiors—Drandies-.Gios, Rams. and Wluakies.. suciaS axisbiteffe Hotel. CORNP.R OP PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., LEN lIROW-N, Peorairroa.—Terms 131,00 per I Iday. Thep ndernigned, formerly of the Mem-heats .110 tel, corner of Wood and Thin! streets: has Joanna this superior -establishment, arid furnished it anew throughout, with new Isaac, on hodding and-tmon. furniture. Great cm:has been taken to fill his lar will' the choicest viands. • A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon are provided for the ear of Lin f I guests, and a Porter will be in atte dance at all bourn 'to meet the demands of the trareiler. The Intig ex pomace of the undersigned to this basitarias, murex him that his calmest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unnuccensfid. lie feels altogether at lib-I erty to promise bin visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome. I at a moderate expense. ALLa: Bithwx. ap3-ritf iVeliv Drug Stare. ya JOHN I). MOLlti AN, Illoieselr end /llg Druggist, No. ttri Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, I ittshurgll.--The se:Ai:Tibet ; has just recels ed from the Elatarn cities, and is now ; opening at the abort stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of nil kitulS.l Dye :quits, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, I &c., together will :all Such articles us are usually kept fur sale at a .wlugesale and retail drug store. Ilia stock is entirely new, arai has he-rn selecie4l with care. He is confident that his articles, both I as to qpiality and price, will please Fitch as may fa- I vor him with a call. TnY 9 T- I Co-Parr lie i-viu.u.at COLEMAN having, on the first day 1 January, inst.,associated with him Jas. W. Had:oast and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in creased facilities for totinunicturing Steel Springs, hammered arcs, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by Strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair. et. —warehouse 43 Wood st.,icipposite the St. Charles Hotel, where can be found a good aniartinent of Springs, Axles, A. 8., apd Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every doScription, together with Iron, Nails dad Pittsburgh mantitlictured articles: tr:rThe highest price paid fur scrap iron. jan2i2 BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, bas rebuilt and eotnmeoced business sit his old stand, No. 70 Second, between Market and Ferry streets, Where lie will be pleased to see his old entwine!" and friends. Church, steambu.st, and bells of everysice, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cut from pattertis of the most approved models, and • warranted to be of the hnst materials. . Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c.&E - ., together with every vaiieti of Drags Castings, if rp quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A., F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti -Attraction Afetal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The byres and composition can. be had of hint at all tines. novl3-y G. W. 1.11,1d1e, Dentist. "- HAS removed to 140. 109 Smith , - field et., where hb will perform all operations on the Teeth satisfac- S torily. N. 1 .13.---Having lately made one ye' t of the greatest improvements in r / forceps that has eiier appeared he r fore the public, he has been table to extract teeth with such ease as to-astonish all those wlidhave • availed themselves ofhis services. Pittsburgh, July:24, 1846-ly Ilenry W. Williams,' A TTODNEY AND:COUNSELLOR AT LAW; (suecesaior to •Loanie & Office at the old istandi F,oarthatreet„ above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existingbetwcen henry W. Williams, Eiq., and myself; in the prac-' tice'ofthe laW; was dinsolved by mutual consent on the 20th ult., and the businetia will hereafter he con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer recommend to for whom I have the honor to do business,. nit a gentleman 'every' way worthy IA their confulvece. "P. lB-I ;.' -WALTER H -LOWHIP. - . . GENTLEIVIEN,LOOKAT THIS ! E;Titt, GI:OT ' IIIMG STORE. IYo'.'7!) Wohdit :, Sign Of 'Golden Star; ' • ANCICERI dr— lintYlEni lETAVE` on hand /in extensi vo and complete assert= .trient of Faqhionable and extra made NeW York' Clothino.; . Which cannot be'n'qualled by any other'its tibtrahment in the city: Our stock being at present very. JargeAnd.on.xiouti,to,reducu it as. much as pos sible bOfor! the first of January, we arc determined tor such , tbargains” as will enable us to OffaCt our object. S. P. ANCKER, nov24-y A. A. MAYER.. ~~~~ - y -.' ' , , MEE INIZEME ' r ",.:.-':' • :..: 1 .!)•:.. , ,.0.,•..,..Fi.R1L:.;r4Y...4...0. , .'';; .. IB7i.'i;i'''; d. Fulton, A OAIu mitE oubgclitaar-bvips ditßag . N . Q( his ; Book!rtoti, in Pittaborgh,. to Adelarpi, Elliott wobld iecbtothofitlibothioltikplitio"no&o of his-for mor customers: !ft:'•.; '. 11. ; - : 4I,II.IIERTTPART.E.It. Plninvaolt, October 201 k; 18-162. • • • TUE SliliSCßlßEß.frhavini ribnthased . the Book btore of Mr Robert Carter, will continue the bust. fleas at the old.slaiul4. TheAiviß p;1411 times have bn hand a larga supply. qf Tlcogoticar,Clas,sical and School Soap...kw, W.riting,!Latier and Wrapping Pa cr;Slatea;.ete.• • ' • I Vostanshierchantainaking purcha:ill *Atilt arc ineised to call, esaminc our stock, aml„asceresta our 'prices befog purchasing ell ewhote. ' • . • • •.r ~;: • .: I E,LLIOTT Ie:EritILLSUi •': :00120 5:6, 341 and 4th. . . Etraitt/MAN AGEhiipTs....• ; T EEENA,:ii F,Atipcan A;eut, now ma his f wen ' -1. s ' Beth trip, M'E urope, will in his alisenee Nina Pittaborgh Ciastindeletransactnil hnsinemi connect ed with his proltsSittrii through his Agent, JANES MAY, Merchant. Remittances of money made to.all parts of England;lreland, Scotland and the continent: of Europe. Colhivionioriogankar, debts, inheritable p o mmy 00 4 e ... 14,Rk5; se,archestsltde, copiessaf wills, deedaind document!! 'procuind;4n. '", ' {tr. Apprfili rr ldreirs lir*Vald).TAM RS MAY,. Meithastillitaice street, Pittsburgh. , 2,, 2: .:9e1 6 !. , • 4 0 0ellenerrerr011 Urgr,MV or& .. •., -. , ' -.---- MRS. RENTER, Wig itakiit,. Plegker.ly City, six donrefrokige 4tieduct t opposite' Me Cot/Wars Oltee, wiahep to- intinn, the pub -11; that she hal just commenced: the OrmainentSl Hair btlfilllelip, liable a - veky so perniiinock , re-' aired from the Eastern cinema:id Iris; and she is prepared to fill' , orders-at 1 the Shortest no tic ei j MK :in a manner that.easnot be sealed by any similar manufac- . . and motads'keelpUtm, solarge as . eatal Mir. Work, oath taintless' .igs, Wzuufs, Braids , Curt', :N4'0.12414 - . Gllltai r Finger lti4gs , Ike. S Gentleineria , : Wits TOrkprillirtrnindthes, fro. tic • •• ; • Mrs. ft. 'has been for mans years engaged in the butintritita,France and the United States, and train' ber Ing.and txperinne, she (he's confident in beim ahk - to gist satisrsolvan to al/ who- will farm Isdr with their patronse.... Ger pridi , siare more fiber:R . thati hare been offend - in dna eitylteretoform. ' - • mar 17-Iy. t.l„. M. McDON ALD, lki 1 and Bruits iiiii '.--.417' Fowl! irr. First Ptmet, nest. Market, is , ..,.... 1.-. Or/rimed to make Brii'ils. Castings atnl I-I:4k, Jima; works ,generally on _the moat -- 4 , -': ,- reasort,dde terms ; and aliortc - id nonce.- Ka iniit,.. inattliinists and all ttior using brass n - ork, to ci‘e hien a CZ!, as be is de termined to do all seork in bi* line eery low. I ratty nil s . Landreth'. 0.1,' arrears ted '“*Trieso.ltheredor 111 acc-r 1:12.0.1I Pllli.At ILLPILLA. rael• papas bearti the 1at..4. end warranty t-atasto Lad, I,,ALE-ra. F or LAI / . ky V.f„.giNCiIVIIEN, \0. 29- iNgtOr it., at the anted fennerlyotettpibd by GeNt A. Berry. E tract from the • 4411.04 of thilitaltrAg Coonnituc of the Ponnvlvattet tlorticulurali:ocirts, iniazti mouth: adopted and ordered to be Tirinte.A. I LAN-Till MIPS NURSKR.IfA !A:kill G.tIiDENS. ...Tricot _enceinte grained, apt oat Federal sitrect ; ar the Arsenal. • • •, • •The readiest Conte- i I non of Cabal:llns was matte lafte. Some of those' I new is of Iloilo distitiguished'uttraerymela are ten feet high- • • .4 The IrJectiou tit ; GRZEIC-11Mlita.maxra is valuable and extenerive. I I "Thir Nerseries are very correctly managed, sup pty,ing every pan of the Varian, v. detail - of which e, trill occupy too tnuch of nor ; apace, w.= thater o ro'! censure ourselves with stating that the cock is very f bite, and in every stage - of griowth, , tortaisting off • FDith.S.T AND OftNU: AhNTAL Exca- Glut!ENs, CItf:EPERS, with a miller:non of berbaccrious plants, fruit trees of the ' , est kial and MOse naafi/1y tuntlitina, late beds of; erred ing eppies, pears, plums, Ike., at at:Kaaren bud- ding, and stetting. a plan„turyi superior to that, of working upon smilers., Which tarry ,wlth them into deer:et - all the dive:twos the.parent stock. - • • IsHirtarnsr trims of the finest quality. hatTO 'been astattered over the counts) , from tete grounds, and May 'always he depended upon. The seed establish- j meet of these Hortieulturisits is one of the most es, finite in the Voisin, and its reputation is well stistain er Dorn year to,scar. "Tik nbilatt chance ofTwilature nettle farina of th, plants of the savor, family, they hair, catablishod another nursery at a seitable-arstestee,eu that tiegene-; ration cannottalre place, and 'which securea to the purchaser n 'genuine I,Kooning thus the arse, quality and primes* of culture et every dant, tho supply from their ground% iriectitnrimmiedavith I grint confidence." • " 4 • - Smce the date of. the I. lteport , from which allovu is extracted, the entire c's - tablirilmicni has been gilcatly. enlarged. The collection , of Cannalliatreni- Mamie all the finer L inds, nuatonsista aouro thou sands of various sizes; ao lilieivies with Hoses, and' bt6i desirable plants, both - tender and Itardy;' try ea, Sic. The Seeds:articles-111one cover fifty acres, and the *hold is, is it has been for /1101 e lima half a century, undcr.the successive management of father and son, the Meat prominent in Anierica". -- ; • Order* *received by F. - L.' SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues may be - rectiyerl gratis. mar9-y Ottawas nowsirdlt NAVE the pleasure to annumice to their friends that they, again occupy, their old stand at No. 53, Wood Street; v% here, they haie opened an eaten= trio WALL PAPEIt ,WAIWEIOLISIL, and will_have contently on hand an extensive assortment of Satin-. glared .and PAPEA, I /410iPws,Yell* and Imitation Borders of the latest stile; and Most hand. some patterns forpaperidt halls; parlors 'and cham bers, They ma nuGutare,,andi hare .hand at all times, Printing, Writing, LetteilWrapping and Tea Paper, Honnetand "Funeral Boarils--till of which they offer for male nit the most acconniandating tertna, and to which they invite the attention of ineichahts and others. ALSO—Blank Book. crfalkkindk and the beet qual ity, School Hooka, &c., always on hand and for Rale as above. aug-25 o:=Ml]l== let P.O. S.. SWARTZ has on Laud a lot coffin° Lawns ur which will bo sold at the very low price of is* coot,' per.yaril, persrins who want aleed article; at a lo* 'price, would clo well call. soon. . _Also on hand a good stock, of Nansook marline for Ladies Dresses very cheap at 'No. 106 Market street. tsegars t Segura t jf UST received from New York, alarge quantity' i , of. Hayroma and Principe Segars.of thi most popular and sureripr brandi now in irse. ' Also, an s. client article of' chewind'TobaCch add' several bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco 'for sale, B. E. WINCHESTER; No. 5 o;Third - stredt, two doors - fronr the Pott Office. . .! - may 9 JOhti .17111TLE I Rand Surgical lustrumeht 141anufacturer, Np. 140'WeOil streeti two - it:lora Worn Virgin al. •Piftsburgh, Pa:. - Alwayif on lfarid -axt eateitaiVe asaortment of Surgical ,and DOW. iciatrumentu; Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', }lair presseial and Tan ners' Patent Sheara. Saddlers' Tools, Truiaes, &c. "e 24 6/21616 12 1- BOXES WO • ' • • 50do. 101.152 _do;: 10 . dcl, - • 10 do. det; 't. For sale by FRIENDAFIEY & Co., decl7. 57 Water street ' L W" EDE oßtEress•Cil l itodeiefria**Garryi Pl6lol{l'll, Thud sk, -Pittsburgh, Ptis,stild Fpudt.lin Pudd fogs,. Baltimore, Md. • . Mr. Puffer respectfully atitiOnneeit thafh'e' has at • • considerable expense fitted up apnrimdnhir titn nr , rangod light for Daguerreotyping.purposes. LI ong experience in this art has enabled blip to otetiume b m y an ihio rof m th e e th 'o o b d je . ections:to cbintoon to:pictures tnixons Mr. Porter is,ewarelhet ;he iippression bag gone abroad (owing to the•mitny failures toprodue6 good plcturee.) that clear and .distinct Dag ue rrootypes.can not be nude in yituburgh:. ..ILis.xperimento s .how ever., since he has opened his Gallery, fully warrant. him in saying thatas good riictareicanbe diode hire as elsewhere.: • v.. • • • .. Ladies and gentlemen are invited.to call and ex amine Fp'eciin ens. ' • - • • Inerueticiis given; and instruminti and latorials, Cyrninlind won reasonable terms. ~ A.l4r4ers from country operators promptly atiend ei t o: ' % • ' -.-• •: no v26-tf ri ''"" ' • Wore* pilltisitii.-• •).' .: ' . filE4fibskiiber haw - to.ceised on - consignment it 1 few of Oliver Evouii celebrated Water .rillecs, manufactured, in Phiiadelphia, such as are now g . c.r), orally' used in the Eastern eitieir. They are vroonn tad M.:purify; Pump; River, or Rain Waterinleans- . ing it of .all Mama), Animal.,3rifstablo or. other 11.11 whol e some matter—renderin* iregital 'to' tlie6Oevt Spring 'toter, othervvito:oo faihtreicatlirea aii air. . tel the price paid will be rellincield, ..t.i • The subscriber, 'haring been appoifitod agent for. the sale of the above, trill revetvgt oniello and furnish them •at manufacturers prices. ; ..-' ...: -. . • • . .. ; . OVA COCLIRAN, Novl-3 No 26, Wood, st. MUMS OMR. AM CABUT WAREJIOdE. N0...1104.T.hird Street, 'Flit: subscribers would respectfully return their thanks to their friends 'and the Public, for the very liberal patronage bestowed since thecom tnence ment of the new firm, and would earnestly nolieit n continuance of the manic. They would respectfully invite those whow a ntt to purchase anything in the. furniture or chair line, to give them a call eau examine thdir extensive stock now on hand, ennsistinz of some of the most splen did Eastern and French patterns of Rosewood and ;tlshogaay. Furniture. Flattered by the very exten sive patronage received in their business, they' have, at considerable expense; made arrangement; iii New York; by which they will have the latest Easiest' and French patterns forwarded monthly, thus giving the of Pittsburgh an opportunity of patronising home industry; and limbs/ so their Own city What they formerly mould obtainonly in the East. flaring adopted the principle of small pretits and quick sales, they will be able to sellik is low rates'aritiny ofthe establishinettte in the Eastern Cities ; n0‘191.- . . , Itc/BERTS t^ KAIOE, s '.. Ito"p i list: sun Viap Store.. 7. 7 7 7 .41 CUB. if..POULSOS, ; (I,ato:.of. the 611811011 b Poulson At .Gilla haring, opened his new stole at ti 0.73; WOW street, best door to the entitefor Poortlt;iit"how , marintioteing and recei tele; from Ws Raineto. cities n wiry large assortment . of ham and caps 4d es.my deicisptioniwnrranted to be' snadotln 'the besitoannet and of tfielmostinntirieds. I Otter,ll43l, fine and •eommen fritishbg, Sea)etta, i Heir-Seal, Plush and filated Caps. ~. Also ' a Sae assortment of .. .ladies, firs, ` such as ' Elia Pitch, flenet and Cone y Mar wl Tippets and fu r trirominge,all.of trloolt he As for sale at eastern pnees fur cult, both wholesal d retail. ICountry merahsnm will please call ' id Claltiblit l'air ;Wyk bailee lurctinazing elsewhere::-., ' - 2 : . CHAS. H. P0C1.5,11; i N. D. rho Fall 1'a4 1 . , 00 for liars and Caps siseils. • 3/assey . Wanted in exchange for Itisinatnd I subscriber would inform the ~"/4 s A c al public that he has received his fall t••• ttoel. of Caps, all - of which hire been principally image to his order, and at his purchases' has hems made en the cash system, he is enabled to sc:l his .I . stock of flats and Caps lit unitenany ion prices for fair ttoCit does nil: the cuttings of Ik:uteri houses, bet are all s fresh utsoniketured article. Neither is his catablisensent. replenished with the old stock from eastern markets. The t Proprietor tieing a hatter nod Cap winnufactar,er, iby trade, as wallas profession, he is also, tenn i lifactunng and Caps of all descriptions, and for their neateers and dttrahility; cannot be M ai-1 ;pained. All of which he client. at wholesale and", trefoil, 41141,at ouch prices ..as ,caratok,fsit• to please laic purchaser. G: CILASSGOW, No. 102, Wood street, third door, below John D, Da, Vi!' Corrintercial Auction' Rooms. • septll. . l i FOLLANSBEE. St ILAYWAII.Dg, new Boot Shoe and Trunk Store, No, I S6 Lib- : city street, nearly app osite the head or .4 1 Wood street . _ . • .. ' . . F. St H. would respectfully announce that they:have in store and are receiving their• PALL AND . WIN TER SCPPLY OF BOOTS, tiIIGB I4 ,.TRUNKSIIke.., i consisting of upwards-or tice hundred paolteges °fall !kinds and qualities ror Indies, Gentlemen, Misses, i Boys, youths'. and childrons , wear. These goods have !we'd menursetared to mir order, and expressly fur the Pittsburgh niarkist--all of which we are deter mined to SELI. VERY . LOW, as from our Facilities in 11T0131 ,4 11 g oods we are onafired so to ijo ! P • g • - We would solicit an examination of our stock by. all in want orgoods in our hue, either. at_wholesale or . ; tail, as We feel confident'we shill ire enabled to pease. both in , regard -to quality 'awl prides... E . The most of an r goods are from-manufacturing es tablishinen ts svith which we are eanneeted. We shall continuk to rueeive weekly lithiithelsehottires:-Presii , and dmilrable goods, Made expresslrfoisiuettahat, .. FOLLANSBEE Sr, HAYWARD, °MIS!, No. 186 Liberty street. ;It It AT, ESTATE - st Aak.wcit. 1 JAMES tiLAXELV. ' 301itr '3. rrettEt .' 1 Aker:non, Attorney a t-L aw. BLAKELY & l'al T C}l kl.l. i 1 I ONTINGE to attend to, the sellttig and renting Cor Real Estate in the• City orPittsburgh and- vi ctnity. Having determined to devote a4atzepertion of their time to this branch of business, they With confidence solicit d share' of the patronage of the public; from•the . facility tilt:lpolices and the experi elite they hexer (the Senior partner haring-been en gaged.in the Real Estate Aisency.fot n e ar 20 years,) they behave that thrTy - triff give generaf satisfaction. Office on Penn. st.;;near the U.S. Hotel, and.Smith-' field st., betismen Diamond Alley and,FiEth street. iy7 AVllittism Moitee. TILL contimies in his old business of maaufactnr. kj leg Wap4plasi. Cartel Drays,;. Timber Wheelsi Trucks; and on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield; whore he keeps constantly on hand, or Made to order in the shortest notice, any amount 9f,work, by the hest of workmen mid good materials, and at prices to suit the limbs. Those engaged ,in the Salim re trade . ; and Furnace ,men; are requested to give hini a call 'before ptitihasing elsewhere. - • - • • ap7-y JK. LOGAN heftiest rectiiied the balance of his. , falland winter stock-of Dry Goods, at N 0.82, Wood st., consisting in part, of'super French and West of England Broad Cloths and CaSSiITIC639, Sal tinctts from 25 to 75 cents per yard, Welch Flannels, red and white. Flannels; twilled red. and green Flan nals, plaid intl plain Linable, &c. Mackinae and Whitney blankets,Woollen fihitta dtia Drawers - , Cora forts, Mitts an - d Gloves: Terkeri, Thibet-and Wool en Shawls; Calicoes of the latest styles; Twilled i arid Manchester Gingliainsi Irish Linen Table Linen, Colinterpanes, - Seetbli-Ditipers ; CheAti; &c; Alio, an assortment of Dress Goods, consisting .of Gala and California -Plaids,-barred Cashmere, and Dobes,,Mous. do LaMe, barred ,and .figured; black and fancy tilk Cravats ' all of *hieh he *ill ken Wholesale - andi retail; aa.low for cash's.* any other house in the city. . nos2l-y. DRUGGIST ANry-APCiTHECAP.I,Ird. 4:s,lfar . ket strget, three floors above Third ;keg,- ,Pitte buret, will have constantly on band . a wellselected aisortment or the best and freshest ilidieinelyWhich he will sell on the - 11 - lost reasonable - terms. Physi eiana aeiding ordere-will bo.prOmptly sttendad to, ancbsupplied with .articlUs, Ahoy may rtgy noon as, genuine. . . - PhYaieimnr - prescriphons 'will bti aemirately and neatly.pregared froin the best-materialslat any hour of t h e day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock &fresh and' good erfumery doe 30d - .. . . _ , • , „. .. .. . „. . . . . - . . . . ~:-,...-r.- --.--- .7 ,- _ - __ - _ -- „„•...;.:::::1::::.-' _=- ,- 4 , ,• ' : -,;;,-..,-.: .. r.: ;...•.,-. - ---,, -',..--...--..-...,-%.•,.. 74.'C. , " --:--Ti&.--; ‘ r. ' - ''''''' 4 ' - '"'''''" 7:- ''M; 4l : 4 't . . — ... -,,,, ...- .. .;. , :....47 , ,,f'.57;7.7.-, - idz- , - - -.',41 , :.- - .*.zir , ... , - , - . . , ..- tt..,-...4 , k , ‘,..... , --- ,,, ....~'^'. • ' -.~^ ~. ' -...! . . - .. : .! ' . .. ...' '..... ... .- . . . _ . . . • 't • t MEE SITOVIS, STIORS, 'I4IIOPIS. - NEIV PALL AND WINTER' SIA'PLY aterrprr than Erer, at Pull find Winter Goode. John M. Townsend. ..~ - SEM MU= EEO ==l9 • $. .: t 4 ~ ', _ I NEESE" "AintlVAli' 'OF 'NEW "IP9On9i •Narket istroctsl : • It : • idukten Fourth Street apil Eke DiamOpd. THE' Subscriber having di aposetrof hiti large stock of Fall Goods, has just returned frfini the: East' with a splendid -assortment of • . FANCY AND. STAPI.f. WINTF-ft law GOLDS, Whieh'have'beee purehated in the Nzw - Yong qxp Prm.aort.t.iiiA frianttrre,'. since the 'recent - grfq .depreeiat . ton in - pricer, and , far below.the, coat of im p,ortalion, is prepared tp offer unprecedentedbaiiains. tobn yens: 'Vi. dlpaca - Lostres, price only2sc tp yd. usual price 371 4f 3ll te •.4 50 (, Silk warp . • ' 14 yd. '5 75 Mous de Lain " ' 55 '3ll Fed Cashmere " .25 yd... f , ". • 371 Aferiuttos „ 371" Id; 4 1‘ . ciabuke cloth ' " 315. 4t yd. ft' `‘f Calico .* - Hi" ydj. -ff.- it: 4 , - 20 . . . 4d 121 .. 44 3,51:„. . . es 24 • ti 10 w .y d, yd; • 41* ' ' 6 4 Cant 6 P Aanne) , f • 10. 4' Red flannel all wet.' ' 4 , ",. , 11 . !• 1 " . White do do : 26 . ley& 'lf - ' 41;14.. lellow 45 ! . ido. ''!....:.110-: 4 ‘ ift• -.•• if . Scotch gingham 56 .25 if c. M :.,ss en :iet e n, . he7er . , I Tho'fadie" dre'requesiiinci4ont new and most fashionable Paris lioiNionstylea of LADIES DAM GOODS. Ombri Brocade Si Embosied rr " Ombri Chameleon Silk, Blue black satin stripe Sar i Plain blacit and blue Satin stripe cashmere D:11Cosso, ", fr St. Cecina ClOtb, Embroidered taileton Robes, Ombri shaded parisprintod Palo Alto Plaids, `Rich Galla r. ITMIED • SiIAWLS:•• - •••• -••-• . , • • Plain and embroidered silk Fringe Tlitbet, and-Alone dd Lain, Paris ;Anted Cashmere and Terkorri, Per-_ sian embossed, andtbanielion Brocade Silk; plain, black and embroider[ d•Terkerri With Bullion flinger Rich new style all wool, Amelia:Barred and Damask. worsted, together with a gicat Variety of woollen' -:.• • • • • VARIETY GOODS. " • liavea,leo en.liand a large assortment of the follow ing goods,. Be.atitifurb eve - style bonnet ribbons, Fieheli *oiled collars and Chenitzettes, entirely , new. storle,,plaiw • and . revere - bordoted,ldnan .t:acabric• ,Ifandhei!chiets,,ladiei , cravats ind !CarEs, white,.black. and eoPd kid glares, Lisle thrbad, blaik mohair, black and cold silk gloves, a great variety of moltair ad worsted mitts,vvhitemsd. black silk, Caai,%ere, Mei 7 e4 and sup. blaCk Moravia a' blacx, in grout amt White cot' Hcise, White -mid black French Kid Slippers, blame lasting, Kid and Satin. Music Shoes,•ltyante manufacture.. Also an entirely -new style of ladiee' blitz Gilt cardinals, and sicu coats, whieb ion Would particularly tall their attention. • • GENTLEMEN'S GOODS. tt , . ;nit received a very tine assortment of:French and gitglish • blue, black, biown,. and invisible &Oen . Cloths, black nd fancy French Ciisoiniaremneriv style. fancy Vestings and Cravats Merino Shirts and Draw= ere,. linen carribric .and Handkerchiefs; and a splendid isiortbiezitottloves, Hosiery and Suspesicl; Cr.. • . . . . . Domes Tics. . :Brown esid-,bleanbed Deilliagp,,CentenJ ; lanuele, Tichings and Cheeks, heass4 7 l,bmwe : 6lusliti; from, 61 to, 9 cents a per yard; end's large assortmont.of bleached Aiuslin,froze 6 to 1.21. cents a yard. latemtsame, WISOLVSALE ByTEAS_ Jun) 01114L13,• ate recmaided to keep this Bill, and and examine the abort goods, prnrioas to:intl.:Mg their pnithes q . de ; ABSALOM MOKRAS: 636 ( 6116ft Weft. SPLtNDID STOCK OF 'NEW. FA.L.I. GOODS. . . . I zr ..x.AZWER DAY,,talic great meaeure ir.- 1 4, forming the inhabitants of Pittalturgh and ther .;.surrountiing eeentry, that. they liacejuv.t received a • fplendid steel; of - New - Fall Goode, of tiniest; every descriptieda, a large' portion of whteit . baring been bought atAnction, at a great - sacrifice, land limn the Importers and manufacturers at. unprecedented!) , /ow piece, enables theirito offer'great induceinete to Cash bnyers; they would, thoiefore; respeetfitlir invite -them to call -and• examine their ist.earbeing Coolident that they will be pleased with the good' and prises. LADIES' , DRESS GOODS _ . our stook of Ladies' dress goods, is very superior and cannot be surpassecl,,conststinglit part of Super Satirratriped Cashmere, trathrs shadell„.do.; Splendid Figured, rim in , grent varietycalifornia: and Clennont _Plaids; dahtPlaidr; Chmans; Plain and figured and Satin striped Illoizslin de..T,ainea; .Super Prench'and Scotch Gingharrief. nets' style .Embroider ed d Sp/ ondid Cashmere and de-LaineK:abesis4.iperi,; can, French and hlnglish Clkinties'of tlic lateststyles; fie, , . 3.11X.91- SILKS!! . . ; We have a very, handsome. assortment of Silks, such as super Black and Mee Black, Fi,g'd and strip- I ed Silks; Super Plain and Figured' ehangeable, iro.; Ombrc Shaded end Changeable Striped, de.; Plain; Black. and Blue Black Satins; Wide India. do; Plain - Black - and Blife Blatt Silts; 'or 'atm quality' and" width, suitable' rot Manta-rim- .tc;-&-c• ' - SRA WLS! In' thin departineer we can" oiler great bargidna,, frtnii Aubtion salei of iinporters; 'Nhw "iriwk:atei among- which - .aria: splendid Tekkerri i Shawls; Super Cashmere, ile.;,Emlitoidered_Terker i ri, do.; - Pham - and 'Embroidered Thibet, de; Super` -theavy 'Ottoman Silk ,-- do.;4plendid Andia: Silki 4;1°4 'Kara Ilernani,-do.; Heavy French ` crape, do.-; Plain I and V.mbrchilered Cloth, do.; - Plain, Fig!d.. and En I hroidered lie Laines, do.; Spienetiri.Fttoritli ; do. all weal; lircicha _and Cashmere J.-erig Bhbwls; and an , immense :variety of differentAlescriptiona of. Fall and Winter 'Shawls, many of thein' 4 1 . athitlf the cost of ittttlortationli : AND •CASSDLERES., I F.mbrated in our stock 'of these ariaSupei french, West or England; and American' Clothe,- of nihilist every color—Heavy Tweed Cloths, 'Beaver alil'ilet -I.3othei for over-coatsr Super Black Cainimerea; Fait, cy Striped; do. in great variety, &M . : tic. BLANKETS! BLANKETS!!- . 1-, • - • Extra American, Premium'. 1314akete; ,Super Malt, .ing, do; Heavy, Twilled, do; ,Rose, 4oe Rad murk, ber °tether mac of e . xtra ''quall - ' Now. style- 44mbre Shaded. Cloakings; .liandsetna Plaid, do; : Heavy C ala do, fur do. ALPACAS; AND A very larie assortment of and.Mtritios,. of avery.qiialiti and. price.. Frotwit 4lter;nos and Doinbaltries, *both' Black And colored... ALSO, Cassinetts; Red, White and Flan nels; Tickings; Chocks, Diaperst Brovien 0.114 'Neap:h eti Table Linens. Shectings; Table Cloths; Canton Planneii;. heavy . Cleves; Silk and 'Linen -- Scarfs; Stocks; Collars, It.ci-ke. l whin ire are selling much lower. tltak.mehave ever before boon enabled to do.- ' , . . Tailors, Clothiers, and Country Merchants etre especially invited to exaniino our stoat Fl'eneh cloths, .Casitiner,es frestiwids we are prepared to sell Gonda:to those 'who buyto bell.7gain ds as they ten be bailght in the reruhritiay in . the Easter ern C#lo.-,and byjinving, n,buyer. , resident in , the east, attendant upon.the Auctions; we hate rare fa cilities feepreciiking new and . desirableGoodtc at the' lowest possible prices' we ..tere regularly. rerceiying now Goods every few ddyithrongh thit , . year. ALEXANDER f DAY'," locl6 7 75. Mark °tat.; N. W. cor of the Diamond. CliiitWaerithtp. - E siituMribefk have , tfliiulay eitired:inici Co 1, partnership, in.the paten : 9f Ffienl,lthey & Co., for the purpose of transactulg a.' general Grocery and Committsion busineau -- iindliaire taken-the berme o& cupied it: Ahoy 4:".C.04,,N0.:57 Wafts% itx:Weri where they will be plealeclto receive the frationage of the friends of the late firm. P. F. FRIEND; QED. RILEY, ,JAS. WOOD • o:PittitinitW Noiirither-Zt;lB4{6-dem2-- plttabtizgli,and Carinaßavine Rail Road • . • . Company. . 'I\TOtICE - is liereby giveri,lhat pursuanCe of a • iesplution (if the Stockholders, of the Pittsburgh. and Cotmellsville Railroad Company, authorizing an increase of tIC Capital ofsaid Company, and 'Rooting' an additional subscription, books willbn-aptined fox - receiving additional substription to tkua stook of the Company, at:the 'offlee of Wm, Larimer, -jr.kin 4th street, horweeu Market and Wood streets,Dittaburgh,- on Friclay , the 4th day of september. . The,books will remain operi'frodo..A.M:tratil o'Clock P. 111.70 said' dayi..ninaliore;day,to day (Sundaye eirceptedi , the requisite number of diariebeAubscribed, or until otherwise ordered. lily order Or the Directors. sep2- ROBINSON •Jr Preet. !' ,‘.-•.:..:;. 4. 4''': ,:-''';. ...';.— -; -..,', , : ;i:..'i r-, '::•:i '.,7....j.:• . ' . -,.. i .7:, , ‘.„'!.',-4.i'...:-.....1-.: ; : .51 7 1,.: -,:7','. ,, ;!Z:... - : ' EMU MEM .:~z PRICE, TWO' Wirt& Book 1 r. ' Ir. conansi ttk 1100 Alit) !MB gTREMTU . T" proprietor bf the Arrirnine PAit • I curl, and Martriaclurei respectfully infortils fihi ;friends and the 'patrons . of these papersiikply . Ihas a large and well ehosin • JOB TYPE, AND Able OTHEII . ..MATOtTiO/8 . ' 'Necessazy to a lob Printing Ofgeo; ip.prepared to'execute - • , • . itrrtr.n PEISa szturruco Or iviailr tisicrirWire".' gooks, of l ading, • . ParnAlets, Bill Heads, •• • Catch •- Blank•Cliocks, • • All kinds of BlanksoStags, aid - • Boat Ililjz with appropriate culf z piitttt cdt.llotiCp.and most IC2aonetbre 41p19. lie tespeetfiilly asks the patronage of -his: iliendi k and the - pi:11;11c iu general, in this branch or fii.e.bast, Auk: .knept'29): • " lialaPElik-; tnri Ooftl:loiliac , . la Pie 74 .P 104.1.71 holder, soul PCniii: ir r is le the moat completes •' rot &sleet ,datiipanibtt icor olfered-tolthtfpnbUe. lirtheshortspate of-21 inehba, is efu3toitteda.Pen, Peocil tend resery.irof I eada t and by ooernetion;alitfea either the T'en' or ib'ePencil'otiti oh& extends the holder to .6 inches, which iirbut• litditi more limo half thiii,:leogth: when shot up. Tl)ie a a recent improvement and universally approyed. - FOr-judia - by . W.. W'.* WILSON, eor4th — tn6 Market its. • nor 80.:" • ' •! • Blakely and 4fiee.t.'piodet4it'rt Smith told ! . : 3 A Gal.croz. Old #ool and 'New lianuttances made iittfits . ."4:4,lP4lolll.llouid, icntliMd and Idalei; ittses,orsititirmiCiderliiag tiid izr Great and Irelind.Z:?. • ..4 . 4j - r,;;R.:-/;,7 , 0 ,1.; . Peraons va3hieg te.sen4 for ibetabilitgailAßTe em, brought thO litov 0 iutireddlilllifuipdeditt 16th and 16th of-astrmiith.z . ....,: 14i_ - - . Brfek lioaue:arka Lt kip fr.l . !: Or in. Exchange for,lNltits-or. Window, , ; 674le; We are authorized to bar for sale, or ID CDCtlii4ll! ,. for Window Glass or Kahle, a well fulished•aid'itiii,:k ritantihl two story brick louse and rot; 19 - Ceitliorit! by 100 feet deep, eitasted:.on. Allegheny TORT :;.:: aboe the Glass House. ; wili.kC:sol4 at ti.rearan. r ble price, titip.lpiexpoptiopnb3ei , • - . Apply to DLAICELV. 7 eep. 7; . , • , - . 1102 • Rif*" it .. • • !•• ••• '•'..l.lll.ogkesay-Cesoetikyi:- "DERROXS; : deiiirra of • porbhasing • lots. inAitio 1 Cemetery ire :referred fin. inforrnatio*Ap r ibo Superintendeut, on 4he .grounds .or. Co . T)Aorn, ' Dryggist corner of Penn and 'Hand strholiFliitn: burgh. By order 04 . 1 .41. -j-.o ll4.l iTrr" .• deit • SoPerni eifireni: / 4 :9N°, 3I tP.*UNILft • fig, C T49. " " • :N.•.! • t- Airi , NO .* • 4i( R4lr*, souday, te.2d.oftip t -frwter t kigAstilayaviticomtir4NDUMlAPPM 4 1 :41,... - 44 ocas KniNiu.sxmizny. .LTAS. , l, l ).:VT,iretATltdfrollt.tior,Yoitia lgrae JUNI talldtst.topl(tirgoodi.l id& onble barrel gpris ; lttooolvots'i ritt;arrels; sinebbirrel PiitOli; and pocltfif: yitrtazors, SchiroOrs,. Spoons, ./ke.k • Galrl: x Ond Diarzidnd I Pointed' Gold Pei:57El4lM .Breast . p.ids; atindn.Shirt - Studa arid Croseerg , lleod 137goi.tiilleand Velvet Purges; -Steel Beads. - .Ascot:doom, : di Aso; .11 . 7474 • semigne - inlaid; dusical.tpuesi Tart4rfa. Fancy Goods on.vprs%dss4Fiption; : .. NI); 61 and er elot v , Sloupoorkfulk*,bittrififillard Dna* st, :teat ttf - - cam - boa. iodk. F 6, 'TIRE Western Steamboat Accountant:,. A a qTrAn d complete system of. Book Keepinz.,ranged and ptictically adapted,forthe use b. Ste sigeri rmit gut ng the great western rivers analalto; klklitplitßed in one. - set of books kept by IlMilde crotficd and re-cliened .tlTree times. To vvhick.'hr add - M .l 'lw Appendix; - embracing- various' additiondl mattnre nt importantinfunnation connected with the navigation !Of steam-vressels. 'Designed -for.tlie nie o£SDhutdp, Boak, keepers,§teamboat Masters and, bwhine..., ;fly P. Duff, Professor of the Theory andLiPpetien i of Book keeping,. ;Juit published' and ,fcir e by JOHN . „. . , SKIN AND COMPX 101 1;- - atthits indeed, every, other)aeaaon t i_a i eften lep,ullate in aiiieasinee,„: caused, insight - eases : nut of teni ! by the atmosphere] and !Apt perlonf; sfirippp*d . iioyo of 'the ii. - -'46rease it the el some of ilin'tficitiiiiidErilrbo take paijiat pills, and u.i.l'esa Baraaliiirilla; were ed inie On their skin a toftebing*lind clearing: billtik; Vint Oases; whitens the skin, and eausetea healthy. petit,- rationc that; be flit-skin-never so dissgokedi Unheal thy, or diseased -with pimples : or creok-led; taalr.otrt tan 4R41 tnorpllns-,_. the true and : genuine JONE.SOB ITALIAN. CIIEMICI.L SOAP , never_ - t.el,nure and dial;M:thete, :And to _make the skin aoaf-a`pd loyely. actk go and"`noethii?ift gih kin i that pbxs,iiiane u se it, on- ladies avid Infants iu Oldeitices•of ittuiiry;erysipeltis; salt rbittini;skireltel;', (mind,t e (mind, thaniiitie lisraftir .:iffneted ewe --vilsort ether: 7617iny Ifriiied. - Itiiindal ahlessed resi4Edyi , - -; - :)111 4t,-JACIESON7S Patent Atealpiria Waselople, ,! Libertyitreqt, head of Wood-at - the traspealace the - Itlosaish -Hair Diei.'Paial iite;oo 44ntslt -Lily White_ - Papilett.34. psTier,-=Slgn Ae.ii,:tarkoils. Si r Challuart street Nen • FPO _RENDER T11E... 1 11.D.M.AN. : 4A11i„ 1 SOFT; 'VINE AND CLEXIN;:te_II34B6,III6.- healthy, smooth, white and frui trul sO " - that di crop may epilog theretipm, , itETionis - have but to ex pend thirty se - Vert-tihd a half cents. And, reader, our only, object ; for selllug the articie,atrthatpritP, is knowing, it,to be all We state, that when yo once this you never !Will Vie 4Ught bise;': Whether 'it "In 1 &Lively 10 - embnlfsh, io drissi beautify, and ineeviv, to force- growth, stop falling:off; - and eurorigru i b,cr llandratti the JONES' E 011.41. HAIR .1111STODA TIVE Will never fail td nail • thii; as hundredi : Wizl tell yeti-With gratitude. -It drUsses the hairbeintiltd ' /7i and . ; Makfsred9r grey hair grow #rls-frsm..o - +it JACKSON'S Patent bititlipinoWerigiaisr. 1 89 Liberty istreet; hetili of Wood—,pricy tidal .m"'ist is and-a htilf cents, fifty,cents and one dolluy p r bold.'. At the sameplace is sold the Italiiii,Chernicalt4p, Spaaish, Lilly-White - mid nerlyalled • -'‘ -- • - filllg.potaayrotot effect on the - skinsof conneonlire- :Lpared chalk is not. generally, :knowa'.. how yellow rough and iinticalthi it makes the time;:besides. - what d' corpse liketplialook-it giie when applied.; They ahould use a ilnantifut preps, ation;putrely vegetable; Which giyosthe facearmsor neck; a natural; life-like 'whiteness, and ritaki:4 it smooth; it is- called Jones Spanish -Lilly: Whit..., and is cold,nt JACKSON'S Patent Itindintne._ house; SI - Liberty street, headof IVondi at; the sat. e place is Sold Jones , Coral Hair Rolitoratine , ,qtalit' Chemical Bottp au& wtrivalled'shavingsoop. . MANUFACTURED Togllcp9 ; "2A 'kegs Plug Tobaceo; sLadies , Tic:ist, do; 10 ' Vet., if do, 10 , 4 , Vavbl,- lii,store.cind for, sale by, ill'-DgITITT; ,ap2o . , st. . Plsnge SPLENDID assortment of rdiheganyand Role, L wood Piaiionjust tnatrturieit aro: well made of the lit, Room& Awl , 4llstxmlufri, ale and will be 'sold low for cash by .1 . .,4,:u4111 , ,, N0i,112 Wood 2d'door above' Sth.' ' Thetas:who are in wait oraJgoottinitittiitett; arc, reamptfully invited .to call and examine thepp , bo;s for purt r basing elnewhere, ae they . cannot bp p;p9l. led ky ‘ any in the donitry, and 'lrtir 1 : 7 4"4 ,4 0 lower than a n ybrought.from the eaat:l...One.eligaptgliosp v wood Piano witl/Coleman'a Patent :Zoltan-at/4th nient for sale by — It. BUTHE RS:CHILDS' Letts-41A from eyf, ,2 vols.; Winier .E.'veninj bjqiinesiffW - -' Mrs, Ellis's.Prose Writitigq, Hannah Morita Workei Lucretia:travidsonos j e itaao Podirg — '• Ladraf the, 141ariori pimilcce.a.o, complete, For,sitle),l A,%. Boswontwittie 43 Af a #4,tralfr . dEse2,-- MEM ..r -r • • MEE 'SEXES' 1116 ".1/0011S o,* iv i;;'. , s o ifs . ;;" •' %SIXTH -STREET, : NEAR: 4 1 / 1 1A714 '•: ,lOHN . alt}.ll‘.7, :PROPRIETOR, -F . iipv24l;•y , - rrntaintan.. • . . =NMI I Winfs.t. It'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers