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' ''.0.4.4:- ''"C %-`,-• ,' '.' •,it ' -i "--.' -", ,Arta It ., 4.'4 -,‘ •,,, , v 4 t'. .'l, ..c.--„V'iT- ::=, ''Z.l4 .4, ~.4 , ~.,7, ~t=:..,-.21.t,,-,,,,t.,-Ffez.s-.:4-tt I 4 .i.-;:6,-, "." ys, ''.::, :,..4441k15,4-4 • ! , 4--.4-t ,tt '...}.;" '—" '''. '' 1'a1.4, ' - :4 :ii':l7, .'• ,''' ' ' <;'''t,'*- -..."1 -21.. ' .:47;44:Zre>, ..5.:.'::!4- ' • . • , Z'''' '‘' - -- --- ---,' - " •-- ' ' MEE ;‘. ' 't'l "- .;!'1 . 1, fA: , I• - ^ 4 a t .44 ; s • .1 -I `: : NEE ttr - arty: tart rncs. ...iiiiih•l l !tortatibre Boat Line, -". .:1- 1 i8[4: 0 ,. Won:. L.Le tiiinli erta r iiga Of"frelght-betvreen Pitts ,X • lbOrgh -width Athin6M 2 eities; via Pennsylvania i !linpmventents ' 'llaltinaoro.and Susquehanna-rail road.,,' L •II IL,. i . I I : • , • The PrOppeto, sof this oldlestablished line, hnving complete d their ! rangements, are prepared to for ward sot:lda:to d from the r.ast (on the opening of the canal smviga 'on,) on as re able terms as any ait !other , resPonsibl line, and areaetermined that no care br aft / emboli, 1 their , part shall be wanting to se !cure a continual': e of ;that patronage so liberally be [stowedullon,•theila forueveral years past. ~• , .,.!The :decided isuccess of the portable boat system, 'BO Iniglifeitj* til , regularity and despatch experienced in ' the, dative:6' r g 0.0 de , the absence- of al I risk of delaYbrnakage,other damage, incident to the old . systein,Whete g oilshave to be hurriedly. transhipped 'throe, limbs drt the way, and. the merchantable order in which rprOduce bas been avowedly delivered -by theni s ims induce( . tho proprietors to increase their stick coLimiderably this season. Their extensive warchinuses At . f34ql point, (uneaqualled bytuay other line,) affordikthentilacilities to conduct their.busine_ss wilh ! despatch; and to, shippers the : convenience of free storage, if I teiMired, until their arrangements arc complete,- 7 while their long experience kr the-carry ing trade,. itis presumed, will be sufficient guarantee • to their patrons aryl the public that they will success fully exalt themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce - receivbil forwarded, titeamboat charges paid, find bills lading transmitted free of. charge for • connuissien, advancing or storage, and all communi cationslo the fullowing agents promptlY attended to: • TAAITE & O'CONNOR, ' • Cur. Penn and Wayne sts.,Pittsburgh. . THOMAS BORBIDGE, 278 Market street, Philadelphia. O , CONNORS & Co., alai 2o 7Y-y;_ I - ,North st., Baltimore. - :•utiiii4hainis Transportation Line. •.--; :i , 1 • ' ...44. - - . ......41, - - a: .-- 11 ) - ' 1846 r7u4-r: ,#. • •, CtON DUCTED On strict Sabbath-keeping princiPles, kjktbotigh notclaiming to be the only line that is so , :onducted.; The proprietors of this old, established litieltive put theik steel: in the most complete order, andlare thoroughly prepared to forward produce and tnereliatiilize• to altd•from the Eastern cities on the opening of 'fiaVigation. We,tritst• tivat our long experience in the carrying busines,and 'zealous attention to the interests of cus tomers, !will Bemire to us a continuance and increase of the patronageMeretofore bestoweif on 'Bingham's . Line. 9 ' Our •arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the! utmost despatch; and our prices shall always be as IoW as the lowest`charged by other tesponslble lines. I' Produce and Merchandise will be received and for wardtid 'cast and west without any charge for adverti sing,MOrage or commission. ! Bills !of lading forwarded, and every direction promptly attended to. ' . Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin cur. Liberty and Wayne sm., Pittsb'g, ' • I BiNGHA3IS, DOCK & STRATTON, ' No. 276 Market st., Philadelphia, - JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 North I toward st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, No. 10 West st.,Ne;v York Independent Portable Boat Line. .846. --fze- Folt the .transportation of produce and merchan + size and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Philadelphia; ill," without transhipping. Goods con signed to our care, will ,be forwarded without delay, at the[. lowest current rates; Bills of Lading tmns mittedi and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for storage or Commis sion.: Address C. A. MeANULTY & Co., Canal Basin,, Pittsburgh I ROSE, MERRILL & Co., Smith's Wharf, Baltimore MEARS, RAYNOR:&-Co., Broad at., Philadelphia tpiekwbrth , . mr.y Frei g ht. Line. '1846 - 6 , kCLUSIAELY fur the transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns tow4 ilitllidaysburgli, Water Street,. and all Inter mediate places. (hi hunt leaves the Warehouse of U. A. AicAnul ly &'Co., Pittsburgh, every day . (e.xcept Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on having their geode forwarded without delay and ou accommodating terrne:' We respectfully solicit your patronage.. PROPRIETORS. .T.Pickworth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and Pacific. .1), 11. Barnes of boats, Push and ErOine. Rain'Miller of cars on Portage Rail Road AGENTS. J., PICKWORTII, Canal Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER,9 " Ilollidaysburzh, C. A. M'ANULTY & CO, " Pittsburgh. j,0.3 , • - DIONONGAIIELA. ROUTE., VLF. BROWNSVILLE. TO BALTLMoRE, in 32 hours—fare $lO. TO PIIILADELPHLA in 40 hours—fare $l2. w ai n ONLY 73 MILES STAGING! 6 .474%4.. U. S. MAIL. c ry • The areal Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained by [his pleasant passenger Route, hasinduced the Post Master General, to place - the New York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, - on it. The superior and swift stoniness CONSUL and LOUIS APLANE, leaves 'tlinisMonongaliela Wharf precisely atB o'clock every morning, and at 6 o'- clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid Coackesawilit their arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 73 miles lo Ike Rail Road al Cwnberlund. The preparations on this route are ample, and the entinectiond complete, so that disappointment or &- lavemill betinknown upon it. .our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland or ittltirriore, during their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila delphia. . °Mee in the "St. Charles lintel," i Voed st. Pitta burgh. J. 9tESli lAI EN, Agent. Fifth. Ward Jiiv•omiii.abiC TM' subscriber, having bought out the well known Livery. Stable kept by C. 13. Duty, in the fifth Ward, respeciftilly hiligans his friends and the public generally, that lie will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding herSes; buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in short evrpfy thing required in his line of business. Atbusisterable portion of his stuck is new, and he is confident that nu stuck iu the city will be superior to his, Ilia termswill be thoderatc. His stable is on Lib erty street, a few doors above the canal bridge, where lie respectfully solicits a share of public pa- Igr He is also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. eetZi-tf Wholesale Shoe Store I - IR CHILDS Si. CO., are now receiving their spring supplies, consisting of one of the' largest, cheapest and best as- sgllel sortment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies and Misses Florence Braid f and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Palm Loaf Hats, •mens' and boys , summer Caps. Also,alarge lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather, all o r which having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold at a smalLadvanec above costand charges. All merchants wishing to e urcinse will find rite their interest to call and examine their stock before intrehasing elsewhere. mar27-tf ' Fine' Gold and Silver Watches. TITOSE who with to . purchase Gold or Sil tda• Ver ir Watche, or Jewelry, will find' it to their advantage to call on the subscriber, who is selling all descriptions of fine gold and nil err watches auri jewelry, on as good terms as may be had in the eastern 'cities. Fine Guld and Silver English Patent Lever Watche 44 44 66 Geneva and French as 4 , 6 " 64 L'E'pine Watches. Ladies',And Gentlemen's Fine Gold Guard Chains Bracelets, Gold Pencils, add Finger Rings. Silverware, Military COMIS,Lamps, and a large Ca riety .91 , Faacy Geode- . inr - , Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in , the best manner, and warranted at the lowest prices. W. W. WILSON, corner. Fourth and Market sts. - Rats! nate - • =6PIaN(.I- FASillON.—Just 1r received .hy , express front' New York, the Spring Style 4 of Hits. . All those in want of a neat superior Hats are respectfully invited to call. S. M(K)RE, N 0.93 Wuod at., 3 doors below Diamond matl.tzwp. - " 4 . : BLAKELY .5. MITCHEL, Sgente. REIIaTTANCES , to, and Passage to and from Great Britain and ereland,- by the Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packets. Sailing from New York and- Liverpool on the let and.l6th 'of every month. And.by first class American Ships [Sailing Weekly.] Persons sending to the" Old Country" for their friends; can make tl c necessary arrangements with the subscribers; and have them brought out in any of the eight ships comprisingthe Black Ball or Old Line of ;Liverpool PacketS; (sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of evorimonth,) also by first class ships, sailing from: ;that port weekly, which our Agents, Messrs. James D. Roche & Cu., there will send out without delay. Should those sent for not come out the money will be refunded whither.' any deduction. The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd ets," comprise the foll Owing magnificent ships, and will Saillrem Liverpool oh their regular appointe, day; as-follows : 'Europe,— • -New 1urk,.... 'American,.. 'Yorkshire, 'Cambridv, 01nwd,... Montezuma, 16th w 16th '' 16th Not ice.—lt is well known, that the Black Ball is the very best cons eyance for persons to get out their 'friends, and as "other passenger agents ads crus , to bring out passengers by that Line, the publmare re- Spectfiilly notified by the owner.d that no passenger agents, but Roche, Brothers & Co., and Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out passeamers by that Line.. We 17ari - 6 at all times for the Prafts at Sight for any amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland,. Dub lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co., ',Bankers; London, which are paid free of discount, or Any charge, whatever, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Applyto, or address, if by Lotter, (post paid.) Tapsteott , s General Emigration oilier. arto,, REMITTANCES and passag to t a. and from; GREAT BRITAIN AND . IRELAND, by W.& J. T. Tapcott 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi rous of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and 'hatter themeselves their character and long standing in business will give ample as surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, are long and favora bly known for the superior class, accommodationl and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN er—rue WEST, SHERIDAN, ID ES TER, GARRICK, HOTTING!) ER, ROSCIUS, LI V ERPOOL, and SI DDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and and from Liverpool the 6th and I I th, in addition to which they have arrangements with the SL George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar ture froni Liverpool, every liv edays being thus deter mined, their hicilities shall keep pace with their in creasing patronage, while Mr, W. Tapscotrs constant per-sonal superintendanee of the business in Liver pool is an additional security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particu, larly attended to. The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities. are thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities •for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise .attainablei atul will, tifrio Cessary,y forward passengers further West by the beat mode of conveyance without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline coming - old, the amount paid for passage wil l be refunded in lull. The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, thr any amount payable at the principal Cities and 'Towns in England,. Ireland, Scotland and Wit em; thus affording a safe and e . xpialittutts umile of Remitting thiMs to those Countries. which person: , requiring such facilities, will find it their interest ,to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt ly attended to Remittances to England. Ireland, Scot- land and Wales. PI.III.SONS desirous of remitting money to any o the above countries, can do so through the ettlk- Scribers on the most easy terms. We arc prepared to issue drafts for any amount over £l,OO sterh Remittances matte through our house any day before the :I3tl of May, will be received in Ireland, by the 2.oth of June. TII E undersigned having bought the paper ware house and wall paper manufactory, late of Holdshiti & Browne, have entered into a co-partner under the name and style of dial & Bri,wiir, for the purpose of carrying on the busineas in ail its va rieties. They will have always on hand a enniptlie assortment of PAPER DANOINGS A Ni) BORDERS, of their ow., ma inn:tour°, and their stock will 11,- improved and enlarged with periodical addluous from the bent French factories. Agents tbr the tvt;Jl-known Clinton "Paper Mill. Steubenville, f winch they will he constantly ,applied with WRITING, WRAPPING, PRINT ING PAPER, noNNET U Alt DS, &c.; all 01 much they Mier wholesale and road, at their store. No. 37 Wood ittreet. midway Imtween Fourth and Dia mond Alley, where country merchants and deal era arc invited to call. corner of Wood and 3d x.c„ANG V. RIME ER , r r•et ~ Gold, silver and current hank notes bought and bold. Sight checks us the eastern cities for sale. Drafts, notes and bats cull rutted. CHARLES COLEMAN To Arms To Arms I! J § TIIREATENED INVASION OF W EST ERN PENNSYLVANIA by Col. Swift, with 10,000' men, notwithstanding which, J. M. White will continue to sell clothing cheaper than any has heretofore been offered in the western coun try, having ite largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets. Ile is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the great est variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, and olo thing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been offered in this market, to which all can have the Right of Way. Observe the corner, No. 167, Liberty and Sixth streets. Breast Pins tittgrttion. , - ROtORE, BROTHERS & CO. '4.IIIAiOE - NESTS FOR r • • 4% 184 6. • -444 • ..40n-lst Jan. Ist May. tat Sept 16th - 16th " 16th " Ist Feb. Ist June.. Ist Oct. ... 16th " 16th " 16th " tat Mar. tat July. Ist Nov lady << Rith ht April. IA Aug BRO'S & CO. No. 35, Fulton street New York. (Nest door to the Fulton Bank MR. nocii)r, Sr., No. 75 Dublin street, Liverpool BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn street, and Smithfield st REMITTANC TAAFFE &O , CONNI)R, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, mar 27 d&wy. Pittsburgh, Pa BLAKELY & MITCIIEL, PittKl.orgh, Agents for Roche, 13rn'. Paper Warehouse CEO. G. DROWN C, SAML. C. HILL EOM Allen Krniraer, Ettli'Ll/LNCEA. & l'u., John D. Davin, J. I.iirclize, -1- Pittsburgli, Josoph f Janses Atay, A 1,-i. Bronson & Co., } Philadelphia. John 11. Brown & Co., M•Canilless, Cincinnati, 0. J. It....trDonaltl, St. Loins, Mo. \V. 11. Pope. Prcs't Bank or Ky., Louisville J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor Can't be Beat! 1 M. WHITE has just received at his large fj establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin YES TINGS, all of which he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the moat reasonable terms as usual. • Observe the corner, No 1157 Liberty and Sixth , streets. myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor John D. Dav to, AUGTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner-of Wood and Filth streets, Pittsburgh, is ready:to receive merclmiulizn of every description on consignment for. public or private sale, and from long experience iu the above In:sines, flatters Maisel t that he will be . able to give entire satisfaction to all -who may favor him with their patronage. -.Regular sales on Mond'iveand Thursdays of Dry Goods and - Faneymiticlee, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of -groceries, Pittsbergh Mantifactured articles, no* and second•lrand•forniture, &c., at two o'clock, P. M. Sales every evcnthg at early gaa-liglit. augl2.-y _' :y ~: -: ~ ~ris~~~t ~nt~~iF~~i ~~- The Franklin Fire InsrnsaitnSC'tinnpafirj, Or . • CHARTER[PERPETUA L. s4oorooo paid iq flee I63,l,'Cliestnut st., north hide, irearfiftli.-- Take Insurance, either permanent or lintited, against lose or damage by fire, on property and eliectS of every description, in town Or - country, on the racist' reasonable terms. Applieations, made either pci: sonally or by letters, will be proinptlY attended to. C. N. BANCKER, Prod. C. G. BANCKEEL, Seey. • • . . DIRECTORS: ' , • Charles N. Ranelter„ „Jacob. R—Smith, • - Thomas nett,- George W: Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, • Tobias Wagner, • Adolphi E. Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown; - PITTSBURGH AGENCY WAiIRICK MAartrt, Agent, at the FNcliauge Office of Warrick Martial, & Co., corner of Third and Mar ket Btrects. Fire risks taken ,en buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding 'country Nu marine or inimid navigation rinks taken. . aug4-y. . Fire and Marine Insurance. /11HE Insurance Company dr North America; of Philadelphia, through its dilly authorized Ageni; the subscriber, ofliirs to niakii permanent aud limited': Insurance on property, in this city .and its viciuity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. . . 16th D , •c kt • DIRECTORS. Arthur Cl. Pres't. Salnuel Brooks, . Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W.'Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, A mbrose White, John A. Brown, J ac ob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wan. Wel sh lenly. D.Sherrard,See'y. This is the oldest insurance t ympany. in the Uui- ' ted States, having been chartered in P 79.1. Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of, an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. MOSES ATWOO.D. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones &Co., Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. 0ct.23-y. NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. COMPANY, New York. THIS well known and respectable company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance ef every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage by fire, Dwelling Douses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description. of personal property on the most lievorable terms. Applications fur Insurance attended to without de lay at the office, No. 31 Water and S 2 Front sts., by SPIRNUER HARBAUGIi Ag't. At au Election held at the office in N. Y.; May 12th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, viz: Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Holt, John Browner, John McChain, William G. Ward,' Wm. W. Campbell, J nh n Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; hlarcua Spring., John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, John J. Herrick. And at a subsequent meeting of the Hoard, JO SEPH W. SAVAGE, Esq., was unanimously rt›.elee- Aed President fur the ensu nig year. WM. JAM ES "HOGG S, au 4- I y. Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of'. Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital :a/0,- 0W paid in. Wien in Philadelphia, No. 72 Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pren't; Frederick Fraley, ' Secy. This old and well established Company con tinues to insure Budding., Merchandizc, Furniture, arid Property, l not of an ettra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHItAN, Agent, dec 24 No. 21, Wood street. JOSIAH J. TIMMS', JR K [NO 6 FINNEN, 4g,ty , at Pittsburgh, for the lblutrare ihtlttal Safely Insurancrt'ampany of l'hiltblphia. :1111.1: RISKS upon Buildinp and Met - chainlice to every clezeriptimi, an..l Ribi.v upon Irtal/n ~1 targoei at 1, v.... 15, taken upon the most utable terms. office nt the warehouve of Kilo! St Holmes, on Wait, fit.. near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. 11. king_Sf. Finney invite the confidence an' patronage of their fro-ails and community at.linTe to the. Delaware M. S. hisumnite Company, as au insti tution aiming the most flourishing in-Philadelphia— as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation of its charter, iv constantly increasing-4o wielding to each person insured his dim share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any respousiliilit) whale ter, Iwymiti the proluitito aettiftlly paid in by him; :11111 therefore ELY poert,soind the Motaial priociple divested air every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. nov 1-tf Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company or Philadelphia. N. E. corner tu" Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. ai,ctii of the cotnpatty on the ling of Janua ry. Is to conformity with an act of the l'ennzylrania Legiciattire, oertr. Honda and Mortgages Rea! Kat.de, at coat. Temporary Loana, Stocks and troll, New York Ttlat tug a total of 9909,t;5i3 42 Ailionliou certain assiirance that all losses will lie promptly. mot, and rising; entire Somali* to all wbo obtain nolictes from this . 011111:11)V . Risks taken at Da low rates as air consistent with security. cwt. b WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. Pittrburgla. Navigation and Fire luau ritzier Company. ..ti Sired. Allen, .1.11-lint/., 11,31,%% ell !to I,er t Beer, RORERT Fl NNI:T, Secretary atig'2lL(l,;ni. T K. LOGAN, has remotes! to No S 3, Wood rt) street, one door below Diamoird Alley, to the store lately mestpord Iry Clark & Cameron, where he haa opened a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Store, and hat ing jmt returned Iron, the Eastern Cities. is opening a now and Sr ell selected stock of Goods, consisting of French, English and A turf-Sean cloths, (all colors,) a great variety of new style Ca.siluei es and Satinetis; Cashmaretts, ra new sale;) (begot. Caasimore, a good stock or summer cloths of all kinds; late style Vestings; also, a great variety of Lawns and Ginghams; Pyramidical Graduates and oilier fancy patterns; a rar of prints 6 to .26 cents per yard; a very superior I oh white goods, consist ing India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric; Victoria Lawn, striped and plain Mull; Swiss Lace and barred Muslin; rigurcd and plain Bobinets; black and blue black Silks; plain, figured and striped; a large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown Mushns; table Diaper; Marseilles Co unterpanes, (large size;) Moreen; a good supply of Umbrellas, Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as sortment of men, winner!, and children's Hosiery; a very line article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves, ' and many other articles not enumerated. lie would respectfully invite his former customers and the pub lie generally, to an examination of his stock, to which he expects to make additions regularly. apd-y J. S. Lowry, Merchant Tailor WOULD infirm his friends and the public in general, that he has removed to Wood street, in the ST. CH %RI ES bedding, two doors below the entrance, where he is ready to execute all orders in the neatest and must fashionable manner, having en gaged the services of Air. Joi n s CAMPELL are rut ter, whose attention will be glevoted to that branch of the trade and whose well known ability in this par ticular, having long been established in the fashion able community of this city, induces the belief that by close attention to business, he will lie able to give general satistliction to all who May !liver him with a call—having also made arrangements to keep constantly. on laud a general assortment of every thing adapted. to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Veatings, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, SUS ponders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain ing to a gendninan's wardrobe, he will be ready at all times to. suppl y nay deinand , in ills The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that having entered , into the 'above arrangement the establishment will he able to furnish any article ill the Tailoring line,with a punc tuality, and. despatch scarcely equalled by:any other. in_the.city, and for style and workmanship,norAter paitseithy any in the states. aug2:2-d3ut 't eAMPBELL. luau rstnce $1",99.915 93 100,967 77 297,499 72 D 1 II L 1, 1 ,1 1, William Ebbs:, I.am us I I uteliuma, Furd. ,renz, . 1, James May, R. W. Poindexter. M. ALLEN, Pje3.t, onrrzo ,111*,14 - aK , 'E X T 10.41. 0 RESiDNizieR Yr DISC tr.o &UR E S. • umvainc Or rRiUDS., TO 1111,11 61 8 . • SOME Druggistli arm misled iiitiil"theerrer bOyi-, ing a miserable imitatien elf Dr. Siiith"s.Spigare . Coated Indian Vegetable PHIS; 'siniPtybecinie they can purchase the-sporieturehsain . : -Weithall le en cases expose such dealers"thronghout athe country; who, after- being doly iiffrortned, :,Ofithe xnoCalitY.of these imitators , buy and attempt . to ite,Pose.uPos,' the public public With such worthlenilliiielt,.'lt is notathelin-, gar coating alone ' that ' eteietitlite.s the value of my. Pills; but it is ray inviiiiiefe;. for • Whlelt'T clainx_the right. G. _ BENT . SI.I - 04., M. D., :1 _ 179 GremivileliiiCandt Wider st:Boston. M.IICEDZILAT/Wltt ' READ ANDUPDG.P.-- . ;131F BZ4.lst7' -FACTS. We, the undetaigned,•wholmiale deliggists. in Lou- " WhatAND ALL NERVOUS' COMPLAINTS. though the causes may not be explained, Ky., are satisfied, WI the infurmatirin Since their effects are duly ascertained, that we can obtain, that. Dr. G.I)L - NJAM not INSIMITII, Let t delusion, prejudice, or pride,' is the original inventor of; the.Sugar=Ceated•Pills. Induce mankind to set the 'ineaiiiriiiide; We are prepared to supply Ideitieru at the. New Means which; tho' simple; are by Rea:ken de-slin'id York Price- = - To alleviate.the ills of human ! Robinson, Peter 4 Cary, 492 Street: • • ... DR: CILRISI.I•E'S GALVANIC ItINGBANDMA:G -- Co., ' 461 Tddin id: • Rupert 4 - leindenfiergerr, shl sjaiit et• • - George Lipping Co, 79FSurth. - • • MITTS remarkable invention,.whicli has received But/ Alden, 81 Fourth at. 1 - . rive universal aPerobalimi.e.l . -BieMedieial proles- The following from ilniggisiti in, New irOrk•slienis . slon'df.Great'Britain, comprises an entirely new ap- I in - vented "the'Sugat Coated;Pills in 1843: ' • plication ofGalvanism . , as a remedial agent, by -meatus . New Yank, .liine 16th,,1844. of „Which th e ordinary Galvanic Batteries, Electric • We, the 'undersigned; iieVer4aw or hea , kl Lit "Sit: and Magnetic-Machines;'&e.; ate entirely dispensed gar Coated - Pills," until D. G: lenjamin Smith man- with r and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied) ufactured and exhibited them to us abOut a yeareipee, without : any of the objections Which. are ineePerable ! Rushton 4Co ,110 Broadway and 10,Astor Meuse . 'from the general mode now.-in. use. Theatre:li; dos- 1 Israel Raudolphi' Diartfat. ; cs, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanise' ;sap- , Horace Everett, 96•Ifidstlif , • plied by the Machines,.has been pronOunced,aftera John Ca.stree, 97 Hudson et: I " • tkivand impartial trial, to be de cidedly . injurious, • and'. David Sands, 79 Fulton 'St. ' it was to remedy this radical defeetthatthis neveap- A VOICE FR6till KENTUCKY. Plicallon was ilrejecied; which, ifles unceasing I have been afilic.ted with dySpepsia in'it i s Most a ik and periererante has been brought Jto its present gravated form for three' year past, and found no re- state of perfeetion. The 'Galvanic .Rtngi utur*ei all relief until I used 1/r: G. Benj:lSinith's "Sugar-Coat- the purposes of the meet expensive Machines, and ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six boxes of in many other respects arc more safe l 4d . certain in, said valuable pills, I am en ti r ety cured; . They_ are eceninplishlng the desired effect. a general remedy. '• J.K. LEEMAN. The Galvanic Rings used in connection with the Paducah, Ky. Nov. 9,1845. ' , • Magnetic Fluid, are confidently recommended in all We certify - to the 'alto* facts. • 2 • disorders which arisefrom an enfeebled'and unhealthy Dr;Smitles"Sugai-Ceated Pills" are universally_' state of the nervous - or vital system, and these edits.- esteeme d i n -thi s v i t a l it y .- - ;plaints are among the most painful and universal to 1101XIE T- dIVF.NB & Co, MerchantS. "which we are subject. Thevarise, without exception; Paducah,'Ky. Nov. 19, 1845 • from one simple cause---a'derangement of the Nerv- At the request of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's agent oils System—and it was in.. these cases that other liillv we cheer state that we visited the office of Dr. ` remedies ' having so often failed, a new agen t was • Smith in September 'last, While in NeW-York,, and gicatlY needed, which it is confidently belietred, has timed him to all appearance e.anYing on a very ex- been found in the Proper and, judKitalus application tenvive business with his Sugar-Coatd Indian Vegc- of Galvanism. table Pills. The extent of hid establishment would The Galvanic Rings have beemtwed with entire astonish any one notinitiated in'the mysteries of the success in all cases of Riitemssiszt,aeute or chronic ; pill trade.—Louisville Journnl. applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, Tic-Dola (Vim Dr. Siggleton.) rota., Toothache,. Bronchitis, Vertigo; Nervous Sick Smithland ) Feb. 24,1846. Headache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy, Dr. G." Benj. Snith.—Dear Sir. Nothing hati ever Fits, Cramp, Palpitations of the Heart, , , Apoplexy, been introduced thathas sold - so - well and given such Stillness of J -.Spinal Spinal Compliunts, Lumbago, matisfactitm as your' Sogar-Coated Improved Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, Dizziness of the Head, Indian Vegetable )'ills: lieryirespectfully, yours, .pain in the Chest and Side, General Debility -Widen " • .F. SINGLETON. ,ey of Nervous and . Physical Rnergy,rdall NERV- Louisville,f Feb. 13th, 18.16. ' OtIS DISORDERS. In cases of confir ed Dyspepsia, Dr. G. Benj. Sinith=---Dear Si : Yru willpleasesend which is simply a nervous derangement of the diges us 12 gross of your valuable P . ts. 'From preseittin tireerganii, they have been found eqiially successful. dications we shall '4Oll a la's amount of diem,- Tbeireltraesdilla"7 effects upon the sYstem must be We find that - they go very qui k. Your friends, witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive 11111.1. & ALDEN'. for the preceding complaints they are op:tally reeotn- Louisvi le, Feb. 13th, 1846. mended. The Rings are of iliffereet prices, being Dr. Smith---Dear Abot t two weeks ago We made of all sizes, and - of various ornatnental patterns. ' bought 2 prima of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat- and can bc "'or' , by the most delicate female without, ed Pills. Though linsinesa lajthill here at this time, the slightest inconvenience. In' fact; the sensation! yet we have sold them all., lion will please send us is rather agreeable than otherwise. 10 erns.. through Steesis• . Lawrence & Reese, of your The Galvanic, Bells, Bracelets, Bands, - ' city, who wild forward them to us.via Pittsburgh. Garters, Necklaces, Years, iispectfully, • In some cases of a very severe character, and of WILSON,' & lung -standing, the.preiver as applied by the Galvanic T hi s is to certify that oire esc , s i the Sugar Rings is not sufficient toarrest the progress ofdivease coated pills manufactured by Cr. Benj. Smith, of New and ultimately restore-health- The improved modi- York , fur some time, and believe them to be a•good fication in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, &c., entire mealleme; and also from enquiry in that city,,l am remedies this objection; any degree of power that persnaded that he is the ariginal inventor, and is required can readiy b e o b taine d, and no complaint , which the mysterious agent of Galianiam can effect therefore, is entitled to the tae 'suit of die inventen. t. WILLIAMS, will fail to be permanently relieve& =These articles ang2l. Pastor ` milt Church Pittsburgh. are adapted to the waists, arrne, , wrisis' ander', We hate forty letters front iliff4rent dealers solicit-. "r any part of thel)(HIY, with perfect conveniende.' imp t h e agt . nc , o f my rill a nj„,„ g h they head th e spit .. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater bene-' nous in their 'store—one in particular from New Or- 'fit in cases of Bronchitis or airs of the throat' leans, w hick we shall publish. generally; also in cases of Ncrvoui Deafness; and Principal Office*---New York, 179 Greenwich st; w ith almost uniform success ita a preirentive for Apo- Boston 2 Water St. plexy, Epileptic. Fits ; and similar complaints. ltr- G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the hot- Christie. Diagnetle Pinta tom of every box ofgennine "s ugar -C oate d pill s ," is Arail enaneetion with the Galkanic Rings-and Acr.sys—tVilliara Henderson Druggist,2os Liberty all their modifications. This compOsition has been .street Pittsburgh: Mtn Sazzoint 'Allegheny eity, pronounced by the French Chemists Ito tie one of the mini 847 m. ' most extraordinary discoveries of nunlern. science. It - Mars's triscnilene Oritdlotie-iilliiti-tuie:"is helieve4 to possess the remarkablo po wer of Ten -.tering ihe nerves sensitive to" galvinne action by this "-"), Si, ever , WI 2I , Ai . " ) etc 21 ' 11 " / " '$ Ga e - k e means eansinga cthiCentration of theiinflue nee, at the Tilif..llllloll.lCAN OIL" I beat of disease,thus guying rapid and permanent re.- A 111 OF NATO ILE. , lief. No other composition in eliendstry is known to frill IS obtained trout swell near Burksville, I produce the same effect, or to briput a siznilariwo j_ keeteek2. ,at the depth of Iss feet below the peril to the nervous systein, by mea is ofan outward ,urtitce et' die earth, and 170 feet through sulairock. local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains math- Its curative properties - are truly astonishing, and as ing capable of the slightest injury; Its .applicatirm is a Itomedial Agent it may well be pronounced won- agreeable, and it is as harmless in' its :miler' . as it is derful. Since the discovery of this Panacea of Na- beneficial in its results. Ytill explanations and direc tire, numbers of remarkable cures have been effect- 'bons accompadfit. The combined. inventions are in .41 by its use. It is lanocent—Powerful--Safe and every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at prices Certain in its effects. It has been used with until' , widiin the reach of all and the distoverer oily re: a tiell u d success in the treatment of the following quests a fair trial as a test ,of , their aerprising efficacy diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns and 'and permanent - benefit. Scalds, Chaim, Piles, Flatulence, IntlamMation of Christie's Galvanic Strengthening Platt the Kidneys, Deafness, Consumption, Liver Coin- ters. , Plitiiisic, sieald .14e 4 .1, Cancers, Weak and These articles form another valuable application Sore t:yes, Bruises, Fresh Cuts sett Wounds, oldie mysterious influence ofGalvanivsd . They are Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Paina in thellreast and 'an important adjunct to the genuinellalvanic Rings Side, Totter, Influenza,. tilccratett ...S t ore Throat, and their modifications, acting•upoulthe sante - princi l'onsumption, Bronchitis, Simons, Dicers, Spinal - ple,but having the advantage orrook ° tocil applica- Affeetions, Scrofula or King,* vil, Coughs, Syphilis, ttion. They are confidently recomniended as a man ning" win, all Rowel Complaints, all Chronic dim- I able addition iri the speedy cure ofillrenniatism;acute Impurities or the Blond and tleneral Lebelity. or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a pbsi- 1 It of likewise very beneficial for Female Complaiuts tive remedy in eases •of INiin and - 4Vea4ness in' the' in genced; acts as a great Restorative Crum languor, Chest or Back, Painin the Side,iu A , anatirglrestions,' weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Execs- and in Weakness or Oppression of the PtileionarY sive Debility. guns.: In Spinal Complaints their effects are of the R ea d the following Certificates, all of which are most decided character, and they have often been' authentic; all the persons therein 'rained are now used with complete success. Thai-are also of the i t , ing , and well knorrn Cinciunati and Pittsburgh: greatest advantage in Pains and . Weakness ef the P 1771,1 0. 11 '401 Aug 2 2 ; IS -15 . Breast,and are highly recommended fur many of those This is to certify that we ha.c used the American complaints to which females are esjuicially.liable..As oil for the whoopuig cough, among our children, by an effectual means for strengthening theitystemlvhen giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoonful debilitated with disease or other catties; area certain ' night, w hich always emilded diem to rest ° eli through{ aid in Constitutional Weakness, malty Proventlve of the night. I also applied : it to one of dm children} Colds, and In all effectiOns of the Chest, generally, that got Ler arm burnt by turning over a tea cup ofC the Galvanic Strengthening Plaster will be found oh hot cotlee 0/1 it, the child sensed crying by the time I great and permanent advantage .lit a few words; it the arm aan dressed ante boned up, and has neser embraces all the iirtnes old,: best tbnie preparation, complained of it since. . -was , inflicted loVitt!a; ivith the important addition of the gailvanic influence, pain rn my solo and breast., suiljtitra hires ita:feq" . 16, which is neither impaired nor exhnested, while the !^ 331, - 1 ""un'ln'"r l . "'ILK lx - 17, - action continues . These articles will be found entire npouulub twfc. a day and in °* - `-suTru!"3* - :-. 41 4 1 110,i, Ay free from those objections which are a constant - th e o il have Lai wry inuchrorevOil:autribi rosily source of complaint with' the orilMary plasters in believe that it is the best fstally-itaaltuale that 1 have common use. ' ever seen. 1 applied it , to onc.of my neighhoes for a strained WIC IC, a Nell Mowed her ni s re,w . m in ute., We have slat, usual the oil Jima strained joint in oar own faintly, which gave ease-in a very short' time. WO I'v e uu die east:ode of Penn id, II doors south of Walnut, 1 am now as well as 1 ever was in toy life. AIAIIGARET 11. l'Arrsuunou, Aug. 14, ISIG is. to rurtify, that lily sou hat. final the Piethisie for ta•vun years, anal was very ball with, it,auti about 12 or L, dap; ounce, 1 cottvuencell giving to him about 211 or 115 drop*: of the American Oil, twice a day. o lnvlt relle,tlli 11110 ill Ji AtLy. or LW() of jo s , ddh culty of In eathing,,iinil lie is now entirely retie ttit of his cottglt; our boy is lit yeses of uge. We live in : ISANLA lilNi . Ciscutruert, July lut. Sir: flaring berm mired of a very severe disease of the eyes and head by the. use of the American Oil, I feel it my duty to OM public, as well as to you, to send you the following certificate: I hereby certify that I. was severely afflicted one year ago last winter, with inflamed sore eyes and a very severe pain in my .head from my eyes up to the top of toy head, and continued : so for several weeks. My eyes wore so much.intlatned and sore that I could not sec to attend any. business, nor could I tell one object trine another a tiny. yards from me. .1 called in a physician, but still .got Worse. 1 also tried a good many remedies that had. cured others; but in my case they hided. du , April, ISIO, 1 heard of the American Oil. I procured a bottle, mid be fore I had used a half a bettle.,l was entirely well, and still continue so. ..I will not be without it in my house as lung as 1 can get the genuine - article. 1 also gave it to one of my men that. was working for me, that had the toter in his hands so bait that when. lie would grip anything tight in them the blood would bursa out, and the use of half 'a bottle cured us both. I would advise all thar•are afflicted in any Way .. to' give the Oil a thir trial, and. [ think they Will lie pleased with the effect it wilPhave, &c. Sold at One Dollar rierßottic . at Jackson's Patent Medicine Warehouse, S 9 Liberty t 'Jtcad of Wood st. t Pittsburgh. TILE ONLY PLACy. trf 'Pirrairuncli where the , Genuine Ariverieart Oil CA `g tie glitaiiied. Beware or a 'Cotmterfeit Seneca Oil. put in American Oil Bottlei,-lind labelled" “Amer-- ican Oil." It fiollieWhat Tesenibles 'the'Amerfban. Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healinittew= W. Jackson reipeettUllj..iefim ''s ‘ the . Public that O. & Co., thn proPrietors'OP the Ain's'aiican . Oil, have appointed him their SOLE .A.PENT. fun West ern Pennsylvania.. UI persons wishing Sub-agencies small at S 9 Liberty street, as above. N. IL Sub-agents wanted fox evcry, knwn in the above District. . A great ntfrober of certificates are *on band and can be seen it the'ottce : 89 laberty_street, headof littettrelitt Z - 411 in j A POSIT ter The great eclelirity and success of these sni cks havecaused them to be counterreited by maprin rapled persons. To provide against imposition, Dr. Connate has but Pile authorized agcint in each city et the Union. The only agent in Pittsimrgh, w. W. wrr.sQN. ' CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS, Of the highest and most respectable characteroare constantly received, regarding. the extraordinary value ind success ofthe above articles. It.is holiev cd that in the -city of NoW 'York alone, upwards of EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during ct.perind of less than a rear, have been entirety relieved of the most painful chronic disorders, noise of which have completely 'battled all former elfortli of medical art. -indeed ninny of the first physiciansJ, of this city, who disapprove or the Galvanic and' Magnetic' Machine, constantly recommend this application in their prac tice, and with the exception of those who arc too peetudiced to give it a trial, the invention has re ceived unanimous favor with thel most intelligent among the American Faculty. Dr 4 Christie is at all times ready and most happy to give every thcility to physicians, and all interested, fortesting the truth of 1 his assertions and th%elficricy of hip discovery. • Only agency in .I.lttsbutgh, corner of 4th. and Market street. octl4-411y Al No. 2. Comnierrial Rozr:Libertisireet,"Pig Gol- • Tr &VS & ROCKWAY, thankful for the liberril pa jj which they have heretofore received and wishing to merit an increased share of public pa tronage, would respectfully call the attention of the public to our stock pf goods which we are now re ceiving. Mr the full trade. - Aniong WhiCh may be lbund in quantities to suitkpurchasers, the following articles. Illueliard. Root, Liquorice Root, Flour Sulphur, Gum Arabic, Ca'd Magnesia, Garb Magnesia, Gum flues, • *JOHN MURPHY Cream Tartoi, Calomel,' • Sup Cal b Soda, EpaoMSbibi; Glauber - .Tartaric Aci4 Guin;Stanununi,, Chrome , Yellow, '• Hal Copavia,, - .do. Green . , Salt Petre,s = • - - Retie ' Together with a genepkassortniunt ofOils, Paints, Paint Ilriiihes,Tiye IViiods, kr,.. Ste., all Of which will be 'geld as low as - at' any other house in the-eity. , - .sepl9'.: /1111E.1 - 12.1DELBERG CATECHISM, or a. sum j, Mary , of christian Doctrine, es used , by the ' German lieforined.Chnrcb, F.nglinh and German.-- or ntcrin, No. .115,Virinid I?ittobargh.. act SCIUEA &"SCHEIBLEIt, gookiellers. MIEiIMEI Drugs, Drngg, den Mortar" once more do.' Ball, Refined Borax, Sal Soda', Guth Coital, • VON Br - atorie, Calk,Nhite = -'Madder;'' Y 4311 0 .0 7 OCITre; Health iellte.aikrin 0 0if f e 4 4 0 illiPgaldi - Love, letterriendai,Jl.l o all; s iiteosiefsjOyed. BROWN, a golarly eflucated ian from the' eastorncit xrice,to the. citizens of ttaburgh, Alloglielfi , and inity, that he can„be ,insulted Privately and: czindentially, every_, day waning% at his • office, on jai - Attack Alloy, • a., few. tools from Wood , atref/t, awards the market Dr. Brown Gives his particular attention. to the reatment and investigation of the fallowing disea , . , , All, diseases arising from Inanuritiesof thel3lood scrofula, syphilis, seminal weeknessompotency, salt rheum, dis eases of the eye and earirheurciatispi, piles, PalseY , . - - -1 - - :' '- , , Dr. Frown has Much pleasurein announcingt,oi the, public, that,he is in, possession of the. latestein formation and. irn.Provement , in the treat.ment st:c secondary syphils, practised -it.thikaria .Lock Hos' pital: The modern researches on syphilis,, its complications. and consequences, and the improved` modes of practice which 'have 'been made known - . to theimblic but recentley, and to -those chiefly who make this branch of Medieine,. , their parties. : . ~t .. .. la study and pracise. , .Nlany new and valuable remedies havebeen late ly introduced, the patient.heing villichiecures mer , . cunalized out of existence Strangers are appnsed that Doctor Drown has been educated in, Oery, branch of _medicine and regularly adm'itted - to. practise„arul that he now . confines. himself to the .. , , study and practice of this particular branch,togeth er, with all diseases of a.private or. delicate nature, incident to the hurnmifrume.. No cure, no pay, . „Recent cases are relieved in a short time, with . outinterruPtion from business. , . . , , , 0 . ..01r.tce on, Diamond 'Alley, a • few doors from Wood street, towartls.the market. , Consultations strictly confidentiaL „. -myl.24lBswy Dr. - Osborne's Indian 'Vegetable Itestora' ative Pills. Prepared by Dr. George Bennett; of New- York city. fpliE unprecedented succesathat has attended the j use of these pills in the practice of theproprie tor for the last six or eight years, hie induted him to yield to the importunities'of many who have used and been tenefitted by" them,' and 'make -arrange ments to plate them-witliiir the reach of the public generally.' In doing so he feels caned upon to say that the Indian Vegetable Restorative Pills is deci dedly superior to any with which, he is -acquainted. They combine the properties of: many of -the best vegetable medicines (used nine other.pills), in such a manner as to afford not. only immediate and tem porary but permanent relief. ' . ' ' The valuable tonic.-which- enters bite' their com position, by their' action. upon the.secretory organs hold in check .the purgative principle, and induce 'a gentle and natural operation, without inconvenience or pain, and while they restore a natural and healthy action of the stomach, liver and bowels, they. - -crease instead of diminishing the strength- of the pa tient. The general opinion that a.powerful and vie lent purgative is necessary is founded in error; they in general irritate the stomach and bowels, derange, the secretions, and are productive of very serious' ' consequences, and it should be known that the great mass of pills 'in general use are composed of-the most powerful and irritatingpurgatives, and act with too great a degree of violence, producing that de rangement in the system. that is followed by con stigation of the bowels, indigestion and costiveness. From these facts-the .natural inference. would be that- to maintain uniform health iris 'necessary to correct unhealthy secretions, expel morbid humors and.purify the system, by the use of a medicine that will act efficiently yet mildly, assist instead. of de ranging the organs of the system, and thus, bring na ture in its proper and healthy channel; to accomplish which no inedicinwis superior to the Indian Vegeta ble ltcstorative Pills; their operation is, in ordinary doses, to promote a natural and easy evacuation, and at the sametime by their tonic property impartsigor and health-to the system;. but. when a powerfal and speedy, operation rit necessary,it will be accomplish ed by , increasing the dose,, which may be dcine with perfect sathty, as they arc .entiruly-Vegetable.. - . , • . They have. bocci:used as a ., family , inetlicine for years; y many -of the first respectability, and althol they are.. not recommended •to 4 4 heal all.the ills 'that flesh is heir topt yet it'has been found vet+ rare that it has been found neetwsary forthose using them to employ any, other medicine, and tliCir occasional use will almost invariably prove an effectual preven tive to disease. They are-exactly'adapted to-the use oft:amities, travelers and seamen; they-cleanse the blood,cansing a free circulation—open the obstrue- , boas and promotethe secretions of healthy-bile,and ; consequently are an excellent medicine for nausea, indigestion, nervous disorders, dejection, liver core.. plaint, pains in the bead, side 'and breast, costly& 1 ness, loss ocappetite, urinaryobstructions, ague and fever, bilious and intermittent fever, dysentery, Then:: matism,seorfula, and are eminently useful inalL fe male. cemplaints--and inane wotd, all diseases aris ing .from . unhealthy secretions and impurity-of the blood. Numerous testimonials of their etfieitay in particular cases, might:he added,;but :theirroprietor prefers presenting a few certificates of their general character, from persons of unquestienablarandor_ and veracity, who would not in any degree lend their influence to proinoteVonythitligi that lallioi of decided 'utility, and rely upon-their -intrinsic meritii-to gain , them a reputation, feeling. a. perfect confidence that. none will abaUdOn . thuit use' who give them a fair Reads of families-should-always keep . a -quantity of Dr. paborne's Indian .Vegetableßestomtive Pills in tho diciest.; -they:never fail. For those who are subject to fits, headache, gidOiness, - dimness of eight or droWsinessatising front too great a flow a blood to the head, should take these pills in preference to anything else, as they area sure remedy: - Females who value good.health should never be without Dr. Osborne's Indian Vegetable Restorative Pills, as they purify-the blood, remove obstructions, and give-the skin a beautiful,-clear„ healthy and be-. comingappearance,: It has heenadutitted.by anum ber of physicians that females cannot too-highly-value these - - - . CERTIECATES-' - -.,. ' - The following certificates are-from the Bla r es. Newman and the lies..David-Webster, mi" - in the Methodist E. Church,Ncw-Yorir. Conferetiers. ' •' - - , New Parma, Sept. 5th,'45; -' Dr. Osborn--Dear Sir: I have used your Indian Vegetable Restorative Pills myself Land made use or them in my.ilimily,and most elieeffully recommend them as a very-vrdnable rainquiedicine. —. Respectfully, ,' ' . timbres NEwnerr. Idartmumoi August'3d; '45. D: T. Otbarn—Dear Sir:' I have for sometime past made use of your Indian Vegetable Resteritive Pills, both myself and in illy family,.ait do Moat cordially recommend' them as a' . superior faally' medicine. Their 'action is exceedingly mild antlelfie.acious, and so far as my experience goes, they are all dial you recommend them to be, Itespectrully, DAVID WEBSTER. Letter from the Rio. George :Bowes. Etac Holm, Walworth county, Wis Dr. Osborn.--It is with pleasure I inform yeti ei the great benefit Which . I have derived from your pills. I hive been iit a decline for some time, whlch has greatly alarmetlreei more especially as my plaint was a consumptive "one, and I have also beer', very billions, and have-labored-severely with pains in my head, and my eyes have been so affected mite turn of a cloudy, sallow and other disagreeable com plexions. My wife had suffered also from great weakness and severe pains, and as your pills have so wonderfully relieved. us, we have sounded the name of them all over our neighborhood; and wher ever my extraordinary cure is known, as the most valuable preparation for purifying the bloodnndreg-' ulating the system. I .should not have known the worth of your Mils had it not been for the F. Dewit, of Curldebirckvitle, Sullivan Mutiny, N. Y.. who with great kindness sent me a boi to try them, and to that box ofpills I owe toy health ; and as the agent here is out of yourpills, wish you would send me a package of boxes as soon ter possible. • Respectfully, I3otympc. . , . DinEcnorrs.—Dr. Osberne's Indian Vegetable Tf„ . storative should: he taken every night fora week, less or more,'4,the obstinacy of the - disease, or circumstances arel - The usual dose is from 2'tes, accord ineto the constitution 'of the:peraon, bet they should be taken, in sallicient - .quantities to operate two or 'three-times oelthe: bowels.' Very' elicate persons should begin with but Iwo, and increase as the natut e,of the caseinay require. --Those mere re treat or of -v ery coutive.habit, , may begin - with thrde andincrease , to. six, or. eyed More if-it shall be found necessary, and- they will effect a:. sufficientlyhappy change to!guide the-patient-In their future use,- Each box contains tn.:1111 , 35 to4o Sold, wholesale andietail, at W. JACKSON/8 - Patent Medicine Warehouse, No. 89,. Liherty. st.; head, ofl "Wood, the ,ouly place utPittsburgh where the genn. ins Dr. Osborn's:lndian Vegetable Bestoretiv_o can . - . octl/Pdltwfirtt, HLORIDY of I l itne,linittoiwaiorftir octla' ' ' HAYS -••• II 3 I:I/tr i ll - I fit t l;s,to; a • tare toiluire ill • ir'6l 'r -`• MORO PROM' OP - Tmir inlckcy DR: - svrix kis - comrolYsti'L'irittila • 04, Pi , ;KTI•tzt ;,Q, I 4•M-44 - 31, •THE 011.1011,AL -- AI4D - OZNIIIFIE I.2FAIUMIXIIII4 tijts • Conglia,,colds,MbmsoilrouchdlaiLivietAlongdaint s Spitting. SlDiktl4Pilficulti-. of Bteathing,Painin, the Side and Breivat,Talpflation of the Ileart, :Inlinelt.zavg , {94giAlrlklagwAtiPsfilifb Sore Throat, Nervosa Al A alitzlf; • • and' all 'aim:l4los;of 7roaf, • DratA and ' tangs,' thit'-`s"*"' • 'uml • t sp e ed re l i reiver7 ,‘ 'knir46 for; ,, .•"' any rot': abovedise DR: , risl}w,, • • COMPOUND tl - 110 k 0 Y . A. 141t.ty Vir oud,e chttirp.toe ;=• -•, Dr. Swnvarn: DeaT,Sl6-: Ntabiclitiac, ;while en- • gaged with Mr. Joeeph,Smtlh,jola - 4w mill, near . • Waynesburg, I WAS iitadetkivith ' a cough, Om be. lug exposed-at niglil;'whiClinadinidliiticraaed, tended with spittintrof Milo& itiviralleticle'olll in the breast, loss of appetiteilaver,= &c.:;ar,n., , whfch was I scarcely supportable.m? hadse fnniily:.vbb wore Wholly dependent on, my ere/tit/tut-1W suppert, yet ' I was obliged.,to Jena°, nay husinewsand - rettstp., home. I, I was then attended several physiciantrhoth still grew worse, Until thy medical attendantskeye me up = as incurable. p übsestiitently; triYWifo'labierving in one of.rhe . public .ptants,_ an -advertisemcn!. : ofidDr. Sivaynent ComPonnd Syrutilif CherrY, prticiir-• ed me one - bottle fiem Francis APClnnq yetertiltedo in Lewistown, which relieved ma,,Lcor4intiCiM4, I had taken five bottles. am;now able to return to my work agein, write title to-offer youaitteete thanks, and you are at liberty to . Flake it known,,sp that if any harden - being . auffeitheni-1 hhie beee be may INe l recourse tojettr.kuttluablegoedicine. • ' .JP P BOSTE,, ' •" CONSUMPTION,• which Ant baffled thiarskl&er. eminent Medicalpraeti.ionets, alters iptralidi been given up hopeless, by having reconisele,ln' perstivering'inciluthineipialled te.tifedyV 'bevel tte4l* redicallycured. -Thertarenowinlhe handcofitelit proprietor numerous certifi . vites . of cures would astonish credulity iVere' they'itider knoWn to thezworld,' To 'those vhcp-int . idniclied • I witia:any.of the Above diseases, we say,gptelthie,' mediCine a fair trialiyemwillthen be coarnaceil s is no miserable compound, but a'Safe and' Aps remedy, and that its curative powentstand elonnausdl equalled _,• Dr. SWa by yne , s n Syrup' le the and Omani article or :Wild Cherry before the Publici:end wee! would say to the,alfiieted, always look ; fotrAbe_writ-A ten signature of Dr. SWATKE on each . hottle before . your parehase. Ileware, Mahe - net dedialgal :Some persotis may te.ll.yon that Somentherfyinatiftwl ' ration is as good. Heed,ffirrttnet--'i04.1011111-kr genuine Dr. Swayne , s Syrup &Wild CliertY. cort-' since you that it is the mnst_valeable . medieltiedie=: - cov er e d. ' I From the increasing demand forthetdurren., s Druggists, Merehents, and dealers gentrallY; sat, find.it to their advantage to have a'ffiltiapply bf llii valuable medicine. Remember ,to enquire,* # SWAYN.E , SCOMPOIJND SYRUP OP WILI? CH RY,'as there have - been scniii.individualiiiitbitittii-! assumed names of physicians snaking greaV.effortert to push kepurious article into the ,market .under-n fictitious name. . _ The (original and Only).,genuine article is only pill.- - pared by DR,,SWAYNE, N. Ww corner of Eight)! and Race streets, Philadelphia. Let the'advice be repeated, do not negleet a alight cough; if you do, you may have occasion to regret d. Why,,run any WOO Delay has, and, may, again kind. to serious 'consequences. IMPURITY OF 'TIM 8L00D. , :-AtOeicellitliti= 'Spring Medicine. Dr. SWAYNE , S - COMPOUND:a, SARSAP.AItILA AND EXTRACT OF TARJILLA I r d These great _purgative and puri fy ing Pilla r are 'eel& brated* for the cure 'of-Dyspepsia 9 Sick .Heedo6loo Lees of. Appetite, Low Spirits, /11otchesorpituplm,, on the race,or any disease where a pfirgstive orpu lying medicine is required: Thesii - pilis neither prodtieemenses, or any other -unpleasant seninuail,_ and as rt:Spring Metliciniitfor putting_ the idaortNak: ,Cleiesing the boay'ordiselie; they are uriwarpaise( by any inedieineever yet intioducedlcithe publtelir , MazinfacturerlaMl sold, wholesalel4ld ietailim. by the sole proprietor; Dr. SWAYNE St 89#41;;;.t , 14, VT.'eorner Race and Eighth' Stree—te`Piiitati. The. only 'agents• in i'ittsbingk foithelide tifthis genuine medicine Are, Wse...Thora,. 53 Markect,nt.o.., ; , : Ogden , & Snowden, corner or Wood and Id S. Jones, 180 Liberty at., where' it tairlgr' ed genuine, 'whelesale -and retail, •.aL .pmptidlosti; prices. ,Sold by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; E. rd IL Hinman, Cincinnati; Dr:Mego,ffia, Mercer, J. I Burton Co., 'Erie; 'J. Morris'&Coi;''lmiirivilibE4 Dr. E. ..Easterly & Co„. Louia;AndrmOlirer,&;..., Co., New orle.um; Denig Bt, Son, Cole**boyd;„ Cares 3t 'Butler; Mackenzie - lie Iliskell," - CIAMZ'' land; Dr. Baker, Wheeling, Va.." Wtn. Wood, Maysville, Ey.; Miller ' Brownsville; Dr. Cam %ell& Co., Uniontoive;lL - E:Jelinson; *Catiibeidifid; J. M. Sharp,: Dayton; and by agents in gastsroff,.! the United Stateti. • - Wipeou t !' 19114.- .„ MLL WILSON PILLS,. as a. remedy xecutilak. ) . E adapted forheidacheianddyepeptic of are ,preuy generally known- and -esteelsietl , -inihn4-A . commtmity; and the.,proprietor, tat Winn ,sutlishasK . .occision'to Write or speak of them, can scaicaly Crain from an erpression of his patent aangetiellaf ments,to his friends Oar their patronage and ambi*. • to him. His feelimp pre-tlie warmer frettlehirrihig„ L the "beginning and 4fie`eidinge , —ihrovviiatmest id - justapositistrizanymortemntandlid parations egatelylotufzutotheirl.wetentnonet and ' much more industriously presented te , ,the,..pldiliei while his prepaintiert rioteeleindridvuiceit, evetths remote places; soothingaid COrsliiiti4 the 011ierM,1 and permanently grafting itself upon the - hreithitial- 1 , of new frienda,thus continually wideidng of its usefulness." ''Although well Saline& thidliel riled i eine }nisi; - mat' &pried* of it; ygt _ohligecU to hiaftienda,lbr thernogistalis.n slant iat evidence of the fact. In itsnaturallistory,A. you, Pill dilfei4'from Modetlier preparations in noilennk,,, originally 'Lade for sale with to profit; white al 'every 1 et- ody (as , a genetal"thMg) no sooner begins to dabble tlnigt that, he naidsitlidut ftir'eome' lion; ir nunig‘get ap,rati theidiritieliknotnettu l r anything that will sett. "' Often he Ottetgpts an 'assumedbaniniaitbolaghtenietifoilat ;. his own were' bietilEciehf to-self it:',Theitiffeiraiet then betnieen the Wilson Pill and the`preparationw have just indicated;: - would appear - tele thiin.lhevt consemiuMed of the value of my orighiate4 , theidea of putting therdee title for.moneY,:antratA,. price: The . consciousness &lbw. Talkie of: ritsgOv originatee m most instances the s irianilireparittiertni:: rha:T alluded to, and the most likely to tikes is Owe.vs-Sid carefully'egriitideind, and the pill , otherpre.pardion made and graduated to Silt it. one is a Insgoveitv,ara . gomel`from of Universal Nature; the' other a. trick or. Itieeittiory , and comes froel "weed Very popular iiiialtiYOf vinuat. Nature. Header! the difference herein''"' great.. In one instance the veggie attital):41:000 PUS( / is the. starting point;. in the other. the. =NET.. it is proli that .some of the many • r.epanay. , -. tiona having seven such paternitylvens , ,ar iood, but tha c t a ftossibly by this process. of ~ cgetting,r,, . _ . up" as they t it, by .puffing.. and blowing, as WO 1C e clean wheat, they have, been "got upir too high be.: " ; fore their specific, gravity lad been.carefedly neer- Mined, and:lave blown off never. to be littard...or r ,".4 with oilier chap.-tioete lighter some heavier. • • Whatever may be the ;rationale, ,I mast repeattit iK i:: thatl am mod profoundly; thankful to my friends fait , - their discrimination in not consigning my discaseryt to that compenduoue category of a ioveutionelliat:..did not answeri , . 7 .-Of f;tr.icke that won't win..” The Wilson Pillsare useful as a ON?rcaer, remedy]- -. 7 and may be kept and taketOn Pieper dolma, in ; preventative , ofleneral . 111 heilthow ease of:whatever nettle, by any member tif : 3 r ily, without any - fear of the . ecmseituentesteetlocio• - • ,': sure in the ordinary. pursuits of. bnsiness. - otr-They may always be had in any 'quantity - 4f the. proprietor, in Penn streetilielowhlarburyOuideftlitC, principal Druggists of' this city and Allegheny. jy22-,41.5zw7in: • • .Versttlext uttntim.' •VirESTERVELT, , the old and well known - '.. Venitian . Blind Maker, formerly ...of;t4trolondt - r and Fourthtsti., take's thiS Method to inform his roOPY/, friends of the fact that his,Bactory is now in full eration on St... Clair st.,_, near the old Allegheny, - *Bridge, whein iconateirt supply of Blinds of variants , colors and qualities,'is constantly ' kept on hand and 2 - " at all prices, frenitwenteenbi up to snit custorners:,v N.. 13„ If . reqnired, be pot: up , . no r *it Yes m+case of nierrs.:by fire,.nr othuswise,. they may, bWt. s. iemoyeAwitheut the aid of a screw-driver, and with. , the 'Same"facility that any other ; piece of furnitnfe ' can be removed and without an .je24-ddary:ny.n •111 • -.1.i35; assorted , numbing, longandl .dde.,.‘JtJkl shortoreel Cotton Yarn: - 15,,,000 Calpet":-Charli;r. 10,000 ISA lininicatrintott , Batting. *1 • Pri.1.1;4'.F4414-*Mirao sale.lwte-ciity„pf uountrytnid 1 t • • - 11,..14 Sit Aar street: . - 111==1=12=I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers