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The Proprietors of this old established line, having completed theit arrangements, are prepared to for ward. goods to and from the East (on the opening of the canal navigation,) on- as reasonable terms as any other responsible line, and are. determined that no care or attention en theif part shall be wantiok to se cure a continuance 'of that patronage so libertilly be stowed upon them for Several years past. The decided succeasOf the portable boat system, so manifestin the regularityand despatch experienced in the delivery of goods, the absence of risk of delay, breakage or other damage, incident to the old system, where goods have to be hurriedly transhipped three times on the ,way, and the merchantable 'order in which produce' has been avowedly delivered by them, has induced the proirietors to increase their stock- considerably this season. Their extensive warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other line,) affords them futilities to conduct their business with despatch; and to shippers the convenience 'of, free storage, if required, until their arrangements are .1 complete--while their long experience in the carry ing trade, it is presumed, will be sufficient guarantee to their patrons and the public that they will success fully exert themselves to give general satisfirction. Produce received forwarded, steamboat charges paid, and bills lading transmitted free of charge for commission, advancing or storage, and all communi cations to the following agents promptly attended to: TAAFFE & osconcon., Cori Penn and Wayne ets., Pittsburgh. • THOMAS BORBIDGE, 27S Market street, Philadelphia. O'CONNORS & C 9., North et., Baltimore. Trall2pOrtflitiOli Line. mititts.l - 1846 Qr. CONDUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping principles, though not claiming to be the only' line that is so vionducted. The proprietors of this old established lino have put their stock u, the most complete order, and arc thoroughly prepared to forward produce une tnerchandize to and from the Eastern cities on the opening of navigation. We trust that our long experience in the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interests of cus tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowed on .Bingliam's Line. , Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always he as low as the lowest charged by other responsible lines. Produce and merchanilize will be received and for warded east and west without any charge for adverti sing, storage or commission. Bills of lading forwarded, and every direction promptly attended to. Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, nor. Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittsb'g, BINGHAMS, DOCK & STRATTON, No. XIS Market st., Philadelphia, JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 North Howard st.,Baltimore, WILLIAM 'TYSON, Agent, No. 10 West st:, New York Independent Portable Boat Line. • .1 4 5 t 1 • • t 1846 I p o t; 4)43 FOR the transportation of produce and merchan dize to and from Pittsburgh, .Baltimore and Philadelphia; Ott-without transhipping. Goods con signed to our care, will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates.; Bills of Lading trans mitted, and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for storage or Commis sion. Address C. A. McANULTY & Co., • Canal Basin, Pittsburgh ROSE, MERRILL Sr. Co., Smith's Wharf, Baltimore MEARS, RAYNOR & Co., Broad st., Philadelphia Piektvorth's 'Way Freight Line. ••• 1846 .= . TXCLUSIVELY for the transportation of way jl'j freight between Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns town, Hollidaysburgh, Water §treit, and all inter mediate places. One boat leaves the Warehouse of C. A. AfeAnul ty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay and on accommodating terms. We respectfully solicit your patronage. PEOPIIETODS. J. Pickworth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Paris and Pacific. J. li. Barnes of boats, Push and Exoine. JOhn Miller of cars on Portage Rail Road. • AGENTS. J. PICKWORTIL Canal Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, " Hollidaysburgh, C. A. MUNULTY CO, " Pittsburgh: jy23 141'01cONGAIIEL A ROUTE, VIA. BILOWNSVI LLE. TO DALTIMORE, in 32 hours—rare $lO. TO PHILApELPIIIA. in 40 hours—fare $l2. ONLY 73 DIMES STAGING! _ . _ 'The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained by this pleasant passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place the New York:and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh,up on it. The superior and swift steamers CONSUL and LOUIS NVLANE, leaves !the Monongahela Wharf precisely at 8 o'clock every morning, and at 6 o'- clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid Coachesawait their arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Passengers and Mail, only 7p miles to the Rail iload at Cumberland. The preparations on this route are ample, and the connections complete, so that disappointment or de lays will be unknown upon it. By our tickets, passengers can delay at Cutnberland' or at Baltimore, during their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila delphia. Office in the "St. Charles lintel Wood st. Pitts burgh. J. .MESICIM iJr3/ Agent. Fifth Ward Livery Stable. THE subscriber, having bought out the well known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the ffifth Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that ho will keep at all times a stock of the best description of riding horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in short every thing required in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he is confident that no stock in the city will be superior' to his. His terms will be moderate. His stable is on' Lib erty street, a few doors above the canal bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public pa tronage. , 1 CHARLES COLEMAN. irr He is also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. oct2s-tf Wholesale Shoe Store. 111. CHILDS & CO., are now receiving their spring supplies, consisting of one of the largest, cheapest and best as sortment ofiOia of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies and Misses Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, menet and boys> .summer Cape. Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather,, all of which having been purchased at the lowest' rates, and selected with great care for the western trade, will be sold at a small advance above cost and charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. . mar27-tf Ville Gold and Silver Watches. THOSE who wish to purchase Gold or Sil . L OW ver Watches, or Jewelry, will find• it to their advantage to call on the subscriber, who ie selling all descriptions of fine gold and silver watches and jewelry, on as good terms as may be had in the eastern cities. Fine Gold and Silver English Patent LeverWatche . u Geneva and French u rr'" cc " L'Epine Watches. Ladies' and Gentlemen , s Fine Gold Guard Chains. is CS Si g 4 " Breast Pins. " Bracelets, Gold Pencils, and Finger Rings: Silverware, Military G oods,Lamps, arid a large va riety of Fancy Goods. • l, terWatches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the (i hest manner, and warranted at the lowest prices. - W. W. WILSON, Comer Fourth and Market sts. nate 2 lists!: al SPRING FASHION.—,Tust received by CR% expriss from New York, the Spring Style of Hats. All those in want of a neat superior Hats are respectfully invited to call. S. 3100 RE, No: 93 Wood at: 3 doors below Diamond Alley. roarll-eip • -, ,.':.•,- .- i . g .. '1... : i.;` . i..: - ,',';' 4 - .- . , - ,..i..., 7: ,.,.. , . :; ,, ..f. 7. .-!., , :, i, 4 . .'.f.- - "L...• , :.-,-•.', -..'...:.:,,. .il7;')::4' - ! . .,'5q , •: , ..c',, ,, .- , ..:1.J;2.i . ,':•1 - , , ,,..,.;'; • - _:,..!,.,,.-. Tapsoottis Generail Emigration OfEiee., REMITTANCES and, passag to T . to, and from GREAT BRITAIN' AND 4 . 4 IRELAND, by W. & J. T. Tappeott 75 South street, corner ofMaiden Lane, New York, and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments 'upon the most liberal terms with those desi rous of paying the passage of their friends from the old Country, and flatter themeselves their character and long standing in business will give ample as surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. 4 - Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, are long and favora bly known ,for the superior class, accommodation and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN 'or THE WEST, SHERIDAN; ROCHES TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCIUS, LIV ERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the'2lst and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and 11th, in addition to which th 4 have arrangements with the St. George and Union Lines: of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar tune from Liverpool, every fix edays beifig thus deter mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in creasing iintron age , while MrW. Tapsc °Ws constant per-sonal sunerintendance or the business in Liver pool, is an additional security that the comfort and 'accommodation of the passengers will be partied_ larly attended to. - The subscribers being (as usual) extensively enga ged in the Transportation Basiness between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities. are l thereby enabled to take charge Wand forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to contract for pas sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this City; the nature of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne cessary,) forward passengers further West by the best mode of conveyance without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for 'decline coating out, the amount paid for passage will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at! sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus affording A safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to avail themselves of. Application (if by letter post paid) will be prompt ly attended to . - , T' - '.F4. K ~ ~ ( '~ • '{: - ~ 4. ,-,..i.:,..,::: , , , --..., 'Fr.•::*,;'--...- A , :-.:,.',' -',.:''-4.• :;:ff.-i--- i_- ,-.f.•-•:-.• c.',,',!.-;..,,i, :?,,1..74,T.,..-•.• -';',, -;,!: ••[ s; ~- ..;',-;...t„,;:; . ::::.. ; i • . : . - 4 ..f,,. : 17::.,j ,,,,- ;1Iz . ;: .-, i ,.,';:-. '., k,. 'r amigrittion Cuts. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, mar 27 d&wy.Pittsburgh, Pa. ItOCILE, 1110TIIF.R.S & CO ARli l A.NB 4 6 • GENENTS FOR dL. BL.3SELYty MITCIiEL, .Igents. REMITTANCES to, and Passage to and from Great Britain and Ireland, by the Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packets. Sailing &On New York and Liverpool on the let and 16th pf every month. And by first class American Ships [Sailing Weekly.) Persons sending to the "Old Country" for their friends; can make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out in any of the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets; (sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every mouth,) also by first class ships, sailing from that port weekly, which our Agents, Messrs. James D. Roche & Co., there will send out without delay. Should those sent for not come out the money will be refunded without any deduction. The "Black Ball, or old Line of LiverpoolPackd eta," comprise the following magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on their regular appointe dav, as follows: Fidelia, On Ist Jan. Ist May. Ist Sept. Europe, 16th 44 16th 4 4 16th '4 New Yoilr, Ist Feb. Lit June.. Ist Oct. American, 16th 44 16th 4 4 16th 44 Yorkshire, . Ist Mar. lot July. Ist Nov. Cambridge, 16111 44 16th 4 4 16th Dec. Oxford, lid April. Ist Aug. Ist " Montezuma, 16th 44 IGth 44 16th 44 Notice.—lt is well known, that the Black Ball is the very best conveyance for persons to get out their friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to bring out passengers by. that Line, the public are re spectfully notified by the owners that no passenger agents, but Roche, Brothers & ,Co., and Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out passengers by that Line. We have at all times fur the Drafts at Sight for any amount, direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dub lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or any charge, whatever, in all the principal towns Lthroughout England,lrelantl, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or addressor by Letter, (post paid.) ROCHE. 11110 4 S & CO. No. 35,Fulton street New York. (Neat door to the Fulton Bank. MR. ROCHE. Sr., No. 75 Dublin street, Liverpool. Or to BLAKELY & NIITCHEL, myll Penn street, and Smithfield st. Remittances to En gland, Ireland, Scot . laud and Ati ales, PERSONS desirous of remitting money to any o the above countries, can do so through the sub scribers on the most easy terms. We are prepared to issue drafts for any amount over ..CI,OO sterling.— Remittances made through our house any day before the 23d of May, will be received in Ireland, by the 20th of June. BLAICELY & MITCHEL, Pittsburgh, Agents for Roche, Bro , s & Co., New York Paper IV Larchouse HE undersigned having bought the paper ware -Ihoust. and wall paper manufactory, late of lioldship & Browne, have entered into a co-partner ship, under the name and style of 11111 & Browne, for the purpose of carrying on the business in all its va rieties. They will have always on hand a complete ,assortment of PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDERS, of their own manufacture, and their stock will be improved and enlarged with periodical additions l i from the best Freed :factories. Agents for the well-known Clinton Paper 111111, Steubenville, from which they will be constantly supplied with WRITING, WRAPPING, PRINT ING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, &c.; all of which they offer wholesale and retail, at their store, No. 37 Wood street, midway between Fourth and Dia mond Alley, where country merchants and dealers arc invited to call GEO. G. BROWNE, SAML. C. lIILL. j e2O-d6m Allen,Kramort - EIXCHANGE BROKER, corner of Wood and 3d Li streets. Gold, silver and current bank notes bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern clues for sale. Drafts, notes and bills collected. REFERENCES Wm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bronson & Co., John H. Brown &. Co., 1 Phi l adelphia. James M'Candless, Cincinnati, 0. J. It. M 7 Donald, St. Louis, Mo. W. 11. Pope, Presn. Bank of Ky., Louisville Mfl. DUFF'S AND WRITING ROOMS, corner of Filth and Market streets. Tills is the only es tablishment in western Pen sylvania where the theory and practice of Book keep ing can be acquired in such a manner as to enable the learner to apply it at once to business. In ad dition to his usual course of instruction in Double Entry Book-keeping, he has prepared for the use of mechanics and others who arc not willing to in cur the time and expense necessary for acquiring the science upon.the Double Entry principle, a com plete course of instruction upon Suximx. Ennis BOOK KEEPING. A comfortable private parlor is fitted up for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship or Book keeping. Ladies' Class, 2t04, e. se. Gentlemen's Class, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 P. N. OCti- 111111a.-tll5llll Fifth Street Furniture Warerooms. THE subscriber would most respectfully call the attention of the public to his stock of Cabindt Ware, possessing advantages over any other manu facturing establishment in the city. lie is enabled to sell his Wares at much lower prices; therefore, he would remind those who want good Furniture at a fair price not to forget the right place, No. 27, Fifth street. (mar 23-d&wy) 11. IL RYAN iti an. Sltndo. A WESTERVELT, the old and well known A Venitian .Blind Maker, formerly of Second and Fourth sts., takes t his method to inform his many friends of the fact that his Factory is now in full op oration on St. Clair st., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of various colors and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers. N. B. If required, Blinds will be lint up se, that in case of alarm by. fire ' or otheswise, they may be removed, without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the same facility; that any other piece of furniture Can he removed, and without any extra expense. . jc24-d&Wy. fir; '.i'''. - '-' - ';';':.;' , . i ,:.': . .-. .-;,,0P164..• MEM : :1 ...',-:,L:-.!;',--"; ; -'7....•-‘ : ' _ : ; : :.'. ?.- :' - . 2 ...:i:::':i . ;: : . : ,„:, p, - ,; ; -,,,-,,,-.4, ~. ..,. =RIM The Franklin Fire Insurance Company ,• OF PHILADELPHIA. 'CHARTER PERPETUA L. $400,000 paid in of• vv flee 1631, Chestnut st., north side, near Fifth.— Take Insurance, either permanent orlindted; agaitivt loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of every description,- in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made- either per: sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to.: C. N. BANtKER, Prest. C. G. BANCESit, Seey. DIRECTORS: , Charles N. Bancker, Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai •D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Borie, Samuel Grant, David S,7Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WArtnicic MAnTriv, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. aug4-y. Tlnsurance Company of North America, of 1 I Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks, - Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, -John White, • John R. Neff, ThonSas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard,Sec'y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Uni ted States, having been chartered in 1794. Its char ter is ftrintual, and from its high standing, long experiOnce ' ample means, and avoiding all risks o an extra hazardous Character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. • • MOSES ATWOOD. At - Counting Room of Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. • oct23-y. AND MARINE iN§runNen COIUIPANT, New York. THIS well known and respectable company is pre ." pared through their pirrsßußG AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage by fire, Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Buildings in general, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applications for Insurance attended to without de lay at the office, No. 31 Water and 62 Front ats., by SPIRNGER HARBAUGII Ag't. . At an Election held at the office in N. Y.; May 12th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year; viz: Joseph W. Savage, Stephen Holt, John Browner, John McChain, William G. Ward, Wm. W. Campbell, John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; Marcus Spring, John F. Mackie, Joseph S. Lake, • John J. Herrick. And at a subsequent meeting iSf the Board, SO S EPII W. SAVAGE, Esq., was unanimously re-clec ted President fur the ensuing year. WM. J A M ES BOGGS, au 4-1 v. Secretary. ,i 11IERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of 1 - 1 .. Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 500,- p ,.,..,1\0 000 aid in. Office in Philadelphia, N 6. 12 Walnut street Wm. Davidson, Prey t; Frederick . Fraley, Secy. 'is old and well established Company con tinues to in. re Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, and Propert, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent, dec 24 No. °O, Wood street. IZZOIMM Agents at "Pittstrurgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safely Insurance Company of Philadelphia. FIRE RISKS upon Buildings arid Merchandize of every description, and Shrine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most-favorable terms. Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on Water st.. near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B. King 5: Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and community at large to the Delaware N. S. Insurance Company, as an insti tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia— as having a large paid in capital, which, by the oper ation, of its charter, is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his due share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in I any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle. divested of every olinn,airmi; feature, and in its most attractive forth. me I-ti • --- - Agency of the Franklin Fire laGuranee Company of Philadelphia. N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. rpm: assets of the company on the first of Janus ll34s, as pubhshcd in conformity with an act .1 - the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Ponds and Mortgage , Real Estate, at cost. Temporary Lodlto, Stocks and Cash Making a total of cpc19,6:13 • 1 Afforbing certain assnranee that all losses will be promptly met, and giving entire security to all who obtain policies front this Cirmpariv. Risks taken at as low rates as are c,nH:Kteni with secerity. oct 8 " - IVARitICK MARTIN, Agent. Pittsburgh Navigation and Fire Inan ranee Company. 21, Mail. - d S:rret. J LOG N, has removed to No 53, Wood I „ street, one door below Diamond Alley, to the store lately occupied by Clark & Cameron, where he has opened a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Store, and having just returned=froa% the Eastern Cities, is opening a new and well selected stock of Goods, consisting of French, English! and American Cloths, (all celery -a great variety of new style Cassimeres and Satinetts; Cashmaretts,, to new style;) Oregon cassimere, a good stock of summer cloths of ,LII kinds; late style Vestings; also, a great variety of; Lawns and Ginghams; Pyramidical Graduates and other fancy patterns; a variety of prints 6 to 26 cents per yard; a very superior lot orwhite goods, consist ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric; Victoria Lawn, striped and plain Mall; Swiss Ifice and barred Muslin; figured and plain Bobinels; black I and blue black Silks; plain, figured and striped; a large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown Musline; table Diaper; Marseilles Co unterpanes, (large size;) Moreen; a good supply of Umbrellas, Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as sortment of men, women, and children's Hosiery; a very fine article of Lisle Thread Hose - and Gloves, and many other articles not enumerated. He would respectfully invite his former customers and the pub lic generally, to an examination of his stock, to Iwhich ho expects to make additions regularly. ap4-y Pittsburgh, Pa, . „1...1...---..',.;.,,i,...",-,:.....• i .• .• --'l-'17,-..'7':- ..•;:ii.,:,?,,:j-:-4;.:,_,...:, ._- .. . ...... ... . ...:,..-".'.,i::;•., - -.f.:- ,,- .` , :q -- -' ''''' :,,...:,,;;!..;::-,.-f•-:.i.'::,,:-:,.-.'7,..,:',-,;: #:. !... -:,,--;:i•-:.-;-.:?..zlE:!.-.T's:'-'::--'4':,:iik'iti::,':::-,-:::-, MIISM isiie and Marine Insurance. NATIONAL FIRE 13=1111=1 liING & FINNEY, o j s t c . u CTOITS: 'William El , bs, Lewis I!mclii: on. Vied. Lorcaz J a'mr.3 :%la, It. W. l'oiadvxter. M. ALLEN, Pest, Michael Allen, C. Anbhutz, Thos. Bak - e•A ell, Robert Beer, Ronp.nT FlNsr.r. ..e3ciettiry atty.:0,14361u. Iteiuoved J. S. Lowry, Merchant 'Tailor WOULD inform his friends and the public in general, that he has removed to Wood street, in the Sr. CHARLES building, two doors below the entrance, where ho is ready to execute all orders in the neatest t(nd most fashionable manner, having en gaged the services of Mr. Jew; M. CANPELL as cut ter, whose attention will be devoted to that branch °film trade and whose well known ability in this par ticular having long been established in the fashion able community of this city, induces 'the belief that by close attention to business, he will be able to give general sltisfliction to all who may favor him with a call—having also made arrangements to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of every thing adapted -to gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Sus ponders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain, ing to a gentlnman's wardrobe, he will be ready at all times to supply any demand in his line. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that having entered into the above arrangement the establishment will lie able to furnish any article in the Tailoring lino, with a punc tuality and despatch scarcely equalled by any other in the city, and fur style and workmanship nor stir passed by any in the states. aug22-d3ni .J O. M. CAMPBELL. -::',', :'. ,l '''?: " •,•:, _. .„, .. ~ . MEM Lltleut!a Inreuttons' Outdone - by Nature. :11EADOLEFLITT,'73VWISE - AND USE NATURE'S. GREAT ' 1 0 05 -lEDY, -THE,_AMERIC AN- OIL, A MEDICO.% OF NATURE. ' rPHISOiI is obtained from a well 'nee; Burksville, IC9i t ck y, at the depth 0f.485 fedi below' , the surfiiee of the earth, and 170 feetlhrough solid reek. Itirearativb properties are truly 'astonishing, and as a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won- 1 dorful. Since the discovery of this Pa:Mee:a:of Na ture, numbers of remarkable cures_ have beed effect.' ed by its use. It. is Innsicent—Powerful - : - :Safc and I Certain in its effects. It has been used. with-unpar aliened success in the treatment of the following I diseases: Inflammatory - . Rheumatism; Burns and Scalds, Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of the Kdneys, Deafness, Consumption, Liier Com plaint, Phthisic, Scald Head, Cancers, Weak and Sore Eyes, l ßruises, Fresh Cuts and Wounds, ' Sprains anStrains„Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and Side, Totter, Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, Spinhl Affections, Seri:aim orKing's Evil, Coughs, Syphilis, Ringworm, alls. Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility. It is likewise very beneficial for Female-Complaints; in general; acts as a great Restorative frdm Languor, weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Exces sive Debility. Read the following Certificates, all of whiCh are authentic; all the persons therein named are no* living, and well known in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh: Prtuntaicu, Aug 22, 1846. . This is to certify that we have.used the American Oil for the whooping cough, among our children, by giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoonfal at night, which always enabled them to rest well through the, night. I also applied it to one of the children thatgot her arm burnt by turnitig over a tea, cup of hot coffee on it, the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound up, and has never complained of it since. I also was afflicted with a painin my side and breait, and have been so for 16 years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea spoonful twice a day and in 3 or four days using of the oil I have ben very much relieved, and do really believe that it is the best family medicine that I have ever seen. I applied it to one of my neighbor's for a strained node, which relieved her in a few minutes. We have also used the oil fora strained joint in our own family, which gave ease in a very, short time. We live on the east side of Penn 5t.,.3 doors south of Walnut, I am now as, well as I ever was in my life. MARGARET H. SMITH. Prrrssuncu, Aug. 14,1846. This is to certify, that my son has had the Plethisic for seven years, and was very bad with it, and about 12 or 15 days 'since, I commenced giving to him about 20 or 25 drops of the American Oil, twice a day. which relieved him in a day or two of his diffi culty or breathing, and he is now entirely relieved of his cough; otir'boy is 10 years of age. We live in King's Alley. NANCY KING. CirItINIIATI, July Ist, 1846. Sir: Having been cured of a very severe disease of the eyes and head by the use of the American Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to you, to send you the following certificate: I hereby certify that I was severely afflicted one year ago last winter, - with inflamed sore eyes and a very severe pain in my head fro* my eyes up to the top of my head, and continued ink, for several weeks. My eves were so much inflamed, and sore that 1 could not see to attend any business; nor could I tell one object from another a few yards from me. I called in a physician, but still got worse. I also tried a good many remedies that had cored othersr ! but in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard of the American Oil. I procured b.' bottle, and bi fore 1 had used a half a bottle I was entirely well, and still continue so. I will not be without it in my house as long as I can get the genuine article. I also gave it to one of my men that was working for me, that had the totter in his hands so bad that when he would grip anything tight in them the blood would burst out, and the use of half a bottle cured Lis both. I would advise all that are; afflicted in any way to give the Oil a fair trial, and I think they will be pleased with the effect it will have, &c., JOHN MURPHY. Sold at One/ tiler per Bottle at Jacktionli Patent Medicine Witehouse, 89 Liberty, head of Wood at., Pittsburgh. Tire ONLY macE I r Pirrsavrtcn where the Genuine American Oil CAN be obtained. Beware of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil. put in American Oil Bottles, and labelled "Amer ican It somewhat resembles the American Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healing,pow ors. W. Jickson respectfulltinforms the Public that D. flail & Co., the proprietors of the American Oil, have appointed hint their SOLE AGENT fur Wot , ern Pennsylvania. All persons wishing Sub-agencies will apply at SS Liberty street, as above. N. 11. Sub-agents wanted fur every town in the above District. A great number of certificates are on hand and can be seen at the office, sa Liberty street. headof Wood. aug 28-Iy. I. rrslits, as. EXTRAORDINA - RY DISCLOSURES VEWAIIE OF EAAI'IL• TO D U Ci4G ISIS. OME Druggists arc totaled into the error of buy -1 ing a miserable imitation of Dr. Smith's Sugar- Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, simply because they can purchase the spurious cheaper. ‘Ve shall in all cases expose such dealers throughout the country, who, atter being duly trtfortticd of the rascality of these imitators, buy and attempt to impose upon the public with such worthless trash. It is not the Su gar coating alone that constitutes the value of my Pills, but it is my invention, fur which I claim the right. G. BENJ. SMITH, M. D., 179 Greenwich st, and d Water at. E.LD AND JUDGE—IMPORTANT FACTS. We, the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lou pv,lle, Ky., are satisfied, from all the information thatave can obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN SIMITII is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pills. We are prepartid to supply dealers at the New Yerk price. Robinson, Peter 4. Cary, 492 Main street. J. S. Illorris 4- Co., 481 Main st. ' Rupert 4- Linderdierger, 511 Main st. Gorge Lapping 4. Co., 79 Fourth st. Ball 4- Alden, 81 Fourth st. 'l'hc following from druggists in New York shows I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in IS43t New York, June 16th,1844. Wethe,undersignedoinver saw or hearof "Su gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith Man ufactured and exhibited them to us about a year sinco. Ritihron 4- Co., 110 Broadway and 10 Astor Utilise. Israel Randolph, M. D. 86 Liberty it. Horace Everett, 96 Hudson st. John t7.rstrce, 97 Hudson st. David Sands, 79 Fulton st. A VOICE FROM KENTUCKY. 4300.61.5 92 . If 0.967 . 2(.7,499 72 I have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its Most ag gra \ iced form for three years past, and found no re relief until I used Dr. 0. Benj. Smith's "Sug,tir-Coat- . cd Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six boxes of said taluablc pills, lam entirely cured. They are a general remedy. J. K. LEEMAN. Ky.. Nov. 9, 1545. We certify to the above facts. Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally esteemed in this vicihity. HODGE GIVENS & Co, Merchants. • Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19,184 . 5. At the request of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's agent we cheerfully state that we.visited the office of Dr. Smith in September last, while in New-York, and found him to all appearance carrying on a very ex tensive business with his Sugar-Coatd Indian Vege table Pills. The extent of his establishment would astonish any one not initiated in the mysteries of the pill trade.—Louisville Journal. (Fiona Dr. Singleton.) • Snaithland, (Ky.) Feb. 21,1846. Dr. G. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing has ever been introduced that has sold so well and given such general satisfaction as your SUgar-Coated Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully, yours, S. F. SINGLETON. Louisville,(Ky.) Feb. 13th, 1846. Dr. G. Benj,Smith—Dear Sir: Yru will please send us 12 gross of your valuable Pilts. From present in dications we shall sell a large amount of them: We And that they go very quick. Your friends, BULL & ALI)EN. Louisville, Feb. 13th, 1846. Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: About two weeks ago we bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat ed Pills. Though business is dull here at this time, yet we have sold them all. You will please send us 10 gross through Messrs. Lawrenee:& Neese, of your , city, who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh. Yourii; respectfully, WILSON, STARBIRD & SMITH, This is to certify that I have used the Sugar coated pills manufactured by G. Benj. Smith; of New York, for some time, and believe them to be a good medicine; and also from enquiry in that city, I am persuaded that he is the original. inventor, and therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the int•enton. S. WILLIAMS, aug2l. Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittsburgh. We have forty letters from different dealers solicit ing the agency of my Pill,although they had the spu rious in their storeone in particular from New Or lelans, which we shall publish. Principal OfficeS—New York,. 179 Greenwich st; Boston 2 Water st. G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the bot tom of every box of genuine "Sugar-Coated Pills." AGENTS—William Henderson Druggist, 295 Liberty street Pittsburgh: John Sergeant Allegheny city. maylBd7ut. . 4, .)-dit,c,:;,,5:5::.144iri4.10,-6.*" =ME =ME i., , ,0. , .,,, , ..,..,;,:„.i,:'!.:, , ,.; ,t_.. i rin,: . !.. , ,, ,, : :.,- ,. .'..,..,i7,:. rkl;;4'4i;.l .:"..:.E.:--' ff=lll EMI ,~i~~f ~t~ttil - -j , ':7t. : :'^ - • - ±: -- 7: ',.il'..:?e; ! ,i...!.-:'!.':''.-:.i.:C''':'l:.• ~ij; •:';.:j.,• , ,.-t - - . ,.',:: - : ., . , ; , i,!-.-.;.-i-x.;,..,;:- Tls Ftinuil. at L'asti • Al CURF. FOR- CONSUMPTION.; Seven '77iousancl cases of %obstinate Pulmondry Com-, plaints' cured in one year! We ask the attention of the candid to . 11. few con siderationi. ' Nature, in ev'ery part of her works, has left indeli ble marks of adaptation and deSign. _ - - ; ;The constitution 'of the animals and vegetables of the forest, is such that they' could not endurei the. cold of the frigid zone, and vice vesai In regard to diseases s and its cure, the ada.ption is more or less striking. The Mops of. Iceland, the Wild Cherry . aril Pines of all Northern latitudes (and "Dr., WisrAn , s'llAxt.- sim" is a _compound chemical extract from theseo have long been celebrated for :complaints prevalent Only in cold climates. Indeed themcist distinguished medical men have averred that nature furnisheir every-country medicines for its' own peculiar disease* Consumption in its confiamed and incipient stages Coughs, Aithimi, Croup and Liver Comptaintform by far the most fatal class of diseases known to our land. Yet even these may be cured by means of the simple yet powerful remedies (named above) and which are scattered, by beneficient Providence, wherever those maladies prevail. * ANOTHER. ASTONISHING...OUREI Wm - Tares BALSAM or mitt! CHERRY, always trim:4- i phantl cure follows cure in its onward.victerious I career! - DAYTON; Feb, Llth, 1845. J. W. Whitmore.—Dear Sir: As youare the tog idar authctrized-agent in Dayton, for the sale of "Dr. Wistaes Balsam of Wild Cherry,".l take this meth od of making a statement of theta to you (which I hope may be published to the world) in reference:to an almost miraculous cure, wrought in my case by , means of the above Invaluable Balsam. Language fails to clescribe the salutary effects it pro duced, and the great benefit I derived from its use.,i The citizens of Dayton, and vicinity, well recol--,:i lect that on the 'Sth of August last, I received sect- - 'I ous injury from the explosion of a cannon. A pm , . i tion of its contents entered my right side and breast; and in all probability, some fragments or splinters of' the ramrod passed through the "plum," and pierced the Lungs. After the lapse of about six weeks, I was 'attacked' with a distressing cough and a violent pain in my right side. Some ten days -after this when in a par- Oxysm of coughing, suddenly and ULCER broke, and a large quantity of very ,offetunve matter, mixed with blood, was discharged; most of which found passage through the opening of the Wound: From this opening there frequently, passed a quatitits of air, supposed to issue frchn the -lungs. Maio , all this time my sufferings were almost iniolerableln My physicians, meanwhile paid the strictesti#en tion to me, and, did all in their power for mygOcov ery. But with all their Skill they could notireach the seat of distress, after the Lungs-had become affect ed. I was visited during this time by at least twenty Physicians. It was now reduced to a certainty,that infiamation of the lungs was rapidly inn very short time, was in the highest degree probable. At this critical stage, a messenger was despatched to Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physician of that place was consulted. Who„Qr. was made acqUaint ed with my situation, he rem d that nothing caul& be done by medical aid, if thimestitution itself was not sufficient to threw off the "a :Pease. My friends now despaired of my recovery, and had no earthly ground of hope to survive many days. Fortunately tit this juncture, I saw one of Dr. \Vis tas's Pamphlets, entitled "Family Medical Guide,” or "Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs." As I had often heard of dying men "catching at straws," I felt this doing so myself. By the consent or my Physicians, I sent to you.for a bottle of the medicine described viz: "Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," which relieved, me almost immediately. After I had used some hve or six bottles I sofar recovered as to be up and about. My cough ceased, and my lungs were restored to a healthy state—all from the heal ing and balmy influence and powerful medicinal vir tues of liiistar>s Balsam. Were it not from the external injury I seem my shoulder and arm by the explosion, I feel e: dent that I might have been working at my tra e (which is blacksmithing,) but this has proventedt By exposure, I have since taken several severe colds, and my only remedy has been "the balsam." And now most cordially recommend the genuine Wistar , s Balsam to all who are afflicted with bolds, Cane*, or Lung Complaints. I consider it an inval uable medicine—a real blessing to the world. Any person desiring fusther information, may call on me any time. yours truly, CHRISTOPHER R. SMYTH. City of Dayton, • M / ontgomery co., State of Ohio 5 . , Subscribed and sworn to, before me, Justice of t the Peace, this 11th day of Feb. 1845. EBENEZER FOWLER. Testimony of three highly creditable citizens of Dayton, in confirmation of the abate. We. the undersigned, being intimately acquSintedi with Mr.S myth, and hissing seen and watched over him during his late illness, do not hesitate to say that the foregoing is by no means an exaggerated statement, but is entitled to full credit. A. L. STOUT, J. 11. H. DODSON, HENRY R. SMYTH. • nr•The true and genuine " Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," is sold at established agencies in all, parts of the United Spites. Sold in Cinicnnati on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, by SANFORD & PARK. General Agents for the Western States. For sale by L WILCOX Jr., S. E. cor. Market st. and the Diamond Pittsburgh. may9-y. IV on'' Pills THE WILSON PILLS, as a remedy peculiarly adapted for headaches and dyspeptic affections, arc prt ; generally known and esteemed in this community; and the proprietor, so often es he haS occasion to write or speak of them, can scarcely re frain from an expression of his grateful acknowledg-, ments to his friends for their patronage and kindness' to him. His feelirms are the warmer'from observing' the "beginning and the ending"—thrown, almost in' juxtaposition—of so many nostrums and kindred pre- , parations' equally loud in their. pretensions, and much more industriously presented to the public; while his preparation noiselessly advances, even to . remote places, soothing and comforting the atilictedil and permanently grafting itself upon the affections of new friends, thud continually widening the circle of its usefulness. Although well satisfied .that his medicine has, as it were, a principle of perpetuity in it, yet lie is obliged to his friends fur the most sub stafttial evidence of the fact. In its natural history, if you please, the Wilson Pill differs from most other preparations in not being originally made for sale or with a viewlO peciipiary . profit; while as every body knows, the greatesil tyro (as a-general thing) mo sooner begins to dabble in' drugs than, he casts about for some cheap,pre:para tion or Most 'get up,' as the phrase is, something-1 anyling that will sell. Often lie attemptsitunder an assumed or fictitious name, as though conscious' his own were insufficient to sell it. The difference then between the Wilson Pill and the prepiratihns a I have just indicated, would appear to he thist The I consciousness of the value of my pill origi ated the idea of putting them on sale for money, anti at I price. The consciousness of the „value of money , originatestn most instances the many preparations have afluded to; and the price most take' is always first carefully considered, and the pill or other preparation made and graduated to suit it. The one is a DISCOVERY; and comes from the greet Arcana of Universal Nature; the other a trick or invention, and comes from -a not very popular quality of ham- YIDIJAL Nature. Reader! the difference here ist great. In one instance the value attached to the PILL is the starting paint; in the other, the MONEY. But it is not probable that some of the many:, prepara-1 tions having even such paternity were accidentally good, hut that possibly by this process of! "getting up" as they call it, by pulling and blowing, as we I clean wheat, they have been "got up" tot) high be fore their specific gravity had been carefttlly ascer tained, and have blown off never to be iheard of, I with other chaff' ,somelighter, some heavier. Whatever maybe the rationale , I musti repeat it,' that I am most profoundly thankful to me.friends for their discrimination in notconsigning my discovery to that compenduous category of "invention's that did not answer"—of "tricks that won't win.." The Wilson Pills are useful-as a GENERAL remedy, and may be kept and taken, in proper doses, in fam ilies, as a preventative of general ill health, or dis ease of whatever name, by airy member Of the fam ily, withodt any fear of the consequences of expo sure in the ordinary pursuits of business.. CO - They may always be had' in any quantity of the proprietor, in Penn street, below Marhurv, and of the principal Druggists of this city and Allegheny. jy22-d&w7m . New Drug Store. MJOHN D. I\I(W.GAN, Wholesale. and Beta: Druggist, No. 93i Wood street ; one door South of Diamond Alley; Pittsburgh.—The :subscriber has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wih all such articles as are usually kept foi sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, .and has been selected with care. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such as may fa vor him with a call. my 01. 7e.,,~;~3v~'~vr y a,.,-a~*~.'a'''3~yEi'~~rt'%'~tP "_ -:+_:;. , - .... :.%~'h. - 4 . .;-,;:- - i -, 7 1.;-,• . 4:: . ....... MEE =BE - CATO lellows: Care! . ! MORE PROOF OF THE EFFWACY „Op , OF'.WILD. C ILO , THE ORIGINAL AND GE2iNINEPiTP III TIDN - CONSI/MPTIO3f.' Coughs, Colds,Asthroa, Bronchitis; Liver Complaint, • Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breatlti4,,ald'in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heatt, Inflnonza, Croup, Broken Conetitition,, . Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and.. all diseases of Throat,' Breast and Lungs, the • most effectual — MlA - speedy cure eircr • known for any of the • is DR. SWAYN,E 9 I9 . • 7 : COMPOUND SYRUP' OF WILD. CHERRY. _ A Truly Wouderfal Curet V Dr. Swaverr.: .Dear Sir—ln October last, while en gaged with' Mr. Joseph Smith, in aeaw mill, near Waynesburg, I was attacked with a ceugh; from be ing exposed at night, which gradually increased, at= yeruled with spitting of blood and a severe pain in the breast; loss of appetite, fever, Etc. tic., which 'was I ;sciarcely supportable. I had a family who were' wholly dependent on my exertions for anppert, yet :Wee obliged to leave my business and return home. I was then attended by several Physicians', bUth still grew woitie, until my medical attendants gave me up as incurable. Subsequently, my wife observing in one of the public prints, an advertisement of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry,:procur ed me one bottle from Francis M'Clure, your-agent in Lewistown, which relieved the. I continued until I bad taken five bottles. lam now ible to return to my work again. write this to offer you mysincere thanks, and you ire at liberty to make it known, so that if any human being is suffering as I have been, he may have reeourte to your invaluable 'medicine:, ''Yours, JOHN P. BOYNE.. Lewistown, Del. CONSUMPTION, ;which has baffled the skill of eminent Medical practiioners, where invalids have been given up hopeless, by having recourse to, and persevering in, this unequalled remedy, have been radically cured. There are now in the hands of the proprietor numerous certificates of curet, which would astonish credulity itself, *ere they made known to the world. To those.who are afflicted with any of the above diseases, we say', live this medicine a fair trial; you will then be convinced this' is no miserable compound, but a safe axid•powerful remedy, and that curative powers stand alone and equalled by none. Dr. Swayne's Sirup', is the only true and genuine article of Wild Cherry before•the public, and we would say to the afflicted, always look for the writ ten signature ofDr. SWAYNE on each bottle before: your purchase. Beware, and be not deceived $ - Some persons may tell you that some other preps- I ration is as good: Heed them not. One trial,,of the' genuine Dr.Swayne's Syrup or wild Cherry will con-, since you that it is the most valuable medicine slis: covered. From the increasing demand for the above article; Druggists, Merchants, and dealers generally, will find it to their advantage to have a full supply of thifs valuable medicine. Remember to, enquire for DR: SWAYN PS COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHER RY, as there have been some individuals with the assumed names of phYsicians making great efforts to push si spurious article into the market under 'a fictitious name: The (original,and only) genuine article is only pre pared by DR. SWAYKE, N.. W. corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. : . I. Let the advice be repeated, do not neglects dish!' cough; iryou do, you may have oc?ision to repair; Why run any risk? Delay, has, and May agarril4ad to serious consequences. LMPURITY OF . THE BLOOD.An excettnt Spring Medicine: . Dr. MAYNE'S' COMPOUND SARSAPARILA AND EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. These great purgative and purifying Pills are cele brated for the cure of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Blotches or Pimples on the face, or any disease where a purgative or puri fying medicineis required. Thesepills neither gripe, produce nausea, or any other unpleasant sensation, and as a Spring Medicine for purifying the blood and &causing the body of disease,' they .sre:unsurpsissed by any medicine ever yet introduced, to the public. 3" Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by the sole proprietor, Dr. SWAYNE & SONS, N., W. corner Race and Eighth streets, The only agents in ' Pittsburgh for 'the sale of the genuine medicine are,' Wm. Thorn 53 Market at.; Ogden & Snowden , corner of Wood and 2d at., and S. Jones, 180 Liberty st., where it can be obtain ed genuine, wholesale and retail, at proprietor's prices. Sold by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; E. B. Hinman, Cincinnati; Dr.'ldegoffin, Mercer; J. H. Burton & 'Co., Erie; J. 8: Morris &Co.; Louisville; Dr. E. Easterly & Co., St. Louis; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Orleans; Denie& Son ' Columbus; Boyd, Cares & Co., Butler; Mackenzie & Haskell, Cleve land; Dr. Baker, Wheeling, Va.. Wds. R. Wood, Maysville, Ky.; Miller, Brownsville; Dr. H. Camp bell & Co., Uniontown; R. g. Johnson, Cumberland; J. M. Sharp, Dayton; and . by agents in, all parts of the United States. . .sep 18 ~~ ~~ .:j ; . ~~) above diaeaus Dings, Drugs, Drsigs, At N 0.2. Contmereint Row., Liberty street,!, , litig Got. den Mortr once more. 7 . - [JAYS & ROCKWAY, thankful for the liberal pa- ' Ell _ tronage, which they have hcretofbre received and wishing, to merit an increased Sharilof.publie pa tronagc, would respectfully call the attention of the public' to . our stria of goods which we are now re ceiving for the fall bade. . Among which may, be found in quantities mink purchasers, the following articles. Rhuebard Root, , ' 1 I .: 1 gitterice Root, • Flour Sulphur, I .I 1 i dd. Ball, Gum. Arabia, . r P:Oned Borax, i CaVd Magnesia ; Sal Scln, . Carb Magnesia,i I , Sp:anish Brown, Gum Aloes, : i . Gum Copal, Mehra Tarter,i. . , Roll Brimstone, Celemid I . - I !White Chall, Sup Carb Soda', i .. Ext. Logwood, Epsom Salts, i Chip'd do: Graubr do.) • ! i Madder,' • . airtalric• Acid, l ; •Yellow Ochre, Gum Seatiaitainy,; . . Chrome Yellow, . al Cowie,/ 1 . . do. preen, Salt Petre, 1 t . ROSO Palk. 1 Ttrther with a general assortment of Oils, Paints, Varnishes. Paid% Brushes, Dye Woods, &e. &c., all of, iNhich Will bo sold as low as at any other boise in the cityi . • 8009 Joha.lll. Townsend, DRUGGIST AND: APOTHECARY, No. 45, Afar ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts burgh, will Mire constantly on. hand a well selected assortment oflthe best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physi cians sending orders -will bo promptly attended to, and'supplied with. articles they may rely upon as genuine. Physicians• prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night: Also, for silo, a largo stock of fresh and good . et fumery dec 30d ToArms To . Aims lt Liirjr4THREATENED INVASION OF WEST ERN PENWSYLVANIA. by Col. Swift, •it,04.)0 men, notwithstanding which, J. AI. White will continue .to sell clothing cheaper than, any has heretcifore been offered in the western coup- • try, having the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets. He is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the great est variety orcloths, cassimeres; vestingi; and clo thing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season, that has ever been ciffered in this market, to which all can have the Right of ,Way. Observe the corner, No. 161, Liberty and Sixth streets. • • ' J. M. WHITE, Tailor, • Proprietor. Can't be Best: M. WHITE has just received at . . hislarge SY establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS for summer; also, a superior lot of French Satin-VES TINOS, all of which he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 187 . Liberty and Sixth streets. myl4 J. Itf.' WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor._ John D. DISS:111, A UCTIONEER & COMMISSION BIERCHANT, / - 1 Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittab'urgh, is rcady . to receive merchandize of every description on consignment for public or priinte sale, and from long experience'in the above builfiesiflatterslimself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. - Regular sales on , Mondays and Thursdays (2j• Dry Goods and Fancy articles, at.. 10 o'clock, A.M. or groceries, Pittibeigh 'manufactured articles; new and second hand furniture - , !cc., at two o'clock, P. M.• • - Sales every evening at early gas-light. augl24 rrIELE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM, or a sums .L mary of Christian Doctrine as used by the German Reformed Church, English and German.— Foi sale at our store; No. 115 Wood at. Pittsburgh. SCRIta & SCHEIBLE.R, Bookseller": MMI=W" ~? . `«F% ~., , , ESE Min EIMIN MEE r;>~, ...:~ , 111161 eafeal anti • Surgical pase. waft obtkiltimif life, without it gold, all, are nnenjoyed. DOCTOR BROWN, a )gularly educated physi ian from the eastern cit s, would respectfully an • )unce, to the citizens sof • ttsburgh;Allegheny and :inity, .that he can bo ,nsulted privately and )nfidentially t -every) dad 'ening at ins office on iamond Alley, a few ors froth Wood street, toWart_ . Brown gives his particuia.r attention to the leitment and investigation of the following disea see: All diseases arising from Impurities of the Blood, scrofula, syphilis,, seminal weekness. impotency, salt rheum; dtteases df the eye and ear, rheumatism, piles, palsey. Dr. Brown has mach pleasure in announcing to the public, that he is in possession ofthe latest in formation and improvement , in the treatment of secondary gyphils,practised at the Paris Lock Hos pital. The modern researches on' syphilis; its. complications and consequences, and the improved modes of practice which have been made known 'to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly who make this kali& of Medicine, their particts; lar study and practise. Many new and valuable •remedies have been latit lY introduced, which secures the patientbeing mrr curialized out of existence ,trangers are apprised that Doctor Brown' has been educated in every branch of medicine, and regularly admitted to • practise, and that be now confines , himself to the study and practice Of this particular branch,togeth er with all diseases of a private or . delicate nature, incident to the human frame. No, cure, no pay. Recent casea-ariielieved in a short time, with out interruption fridm business. • ; rzo.oflice on Didniond Alley, a few doors from - Wood street, towards the market. ..Consultations Strictly confidential. inyl24Sirwy rre r 'lqir;ve the Teeth. • FAR better is it to cure the toothache in one min ute, by using:Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, than to suffer the aching; also to cure soreness of the gums, cure softneis. 'of the gums, Mop bleeding of the gums, and alWays keep the teeth, gums and mouth pleasant, and in the best sMtesof health. Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEASERRY TOOTH WASH td the public, it is the painfulfiuty of the proprietor, to State that this article, which is the original, and only genuine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has been imitated by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes, Teaberry Tooth Pastes, and a variety of articles with the name Teaberiy annexed to them, when, in fact, this article is the' first that ever , bore the name of Teaberry, and is ;OM only one which possesses the real virtue of the' plant, and established all the celeb rity for it.s which Induced others to make use of its name, though tligy never did present its intrinsic vir tues to the public. , As evidence that it is the first preparation of: Teaherry for the Teeth, the copy of the certified records of the United States District ...". Court is published. . • , ' Eastern District' of TennsylvaMa, ta tart e ........... 2 , 4 ei . B d ... da it y roefmembe February, r remembered , AD p That o o t Doihini,the, .., .:. .. one thousand eight hundred and forty, • •*'..•'-'' .. two : .r a „ , 11 • ! •.. W. WHEELER, Of the said Dishict, hath deposited in this Office the Title Of a Boole, the title of which is in. the words' following, to vete , ' ' ' TEAMERRY TOOTH WASH. • - - . The right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in con- fortuity with th.S.Act of Congriss, entitled "An Act to amend the several Acts respecting Copy Rights." FRANS.IIOPKINSON, Clerk of the Dist. Court. 1542, Feb. 2d. Copy deposited: CHAS. F. HEAZLETT. The above Copy Right for !the . Wrapper of the . Bottle, showieg the Title of the Article in legal lan-. guage, and grinted in the legal form, will prove this to be the OrgiiaI I TEABERB.Y. TOOTH WASH, and all others are, bet imitations, which has gene out of use whereier the GenuintrTeitberry Tooth Wash is sold. Then;remember; none ie genuine but ( WHEELER'S. Certtficates of 'the Magistratis of the City of Philo delphin. • Having made use of your much celebrated Tea berry TootlilWash, I feel convinced that it is the best article II have ever known; mid hereby warmly recommend iti use to the public in general, as a 'pleasant midtefficacious article for preserving the Teeth *eh& Gems. ROBERT E. JOHNSTON. m , . . For a. number of years y Teeth and Gums were so much eutof,order as to prevent me from eating with any pleasure, and caused much pain: Having heard of Sybeelet's Teaberiy Tooth Wash, I do cer tify that I tried one bottle of it, and in less than two weeks my teeth and Gums were sound and good; I believe that the use o f it Would be an advantage' to many atheiii. '! • -J. GRAZER. Certifieal,eiSpf Members of the Philadelphia Bar. Having used Wheeler's Teabenry Tooth Wash and powder,4 have found them to possess cleansing and, purifying • properties, and while they whiten and beautifythe Teeth, they have a beoficial effect upon the Gums, by imparting to them free and healthful action.. i ' F. A. RAYNOLD. • .:. I have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, and its effects upon my Teeth and Gums has given to Ina a'high opinion of its merits. I cheerfully recom mend ii to the general use. H. R. KIiEASS. .. . My daughter has used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash ;(and powder) and has found its effects to be cleansing and purification of the Gums, and a sweet ening, cif the mouth. I have no hesitation in recom mending it as the most beneficial preparation for the. Teeth I have ever seen. ‘ C. J. JACK. .I • : . Certjficales of Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia. "It is with gratitude that I fiend the following cer-, tificatei hoping that many who suffer will be led by rtperusal of it, to obtain Wheeler's Toaberry Tooth 'lhael which article I , used, and it hasffectnally ei , cured toOth-ache soreness of the gu , removed scarf from my teeth, and I fully believ .haa entiryly Breasted-all decay of them. I trust that all who sof. tee; having either of the same species of complaint, will as soon as possible use Wheeler's -Teaberry Tooth. Wash, that they may be relieved. • ' JULIANA CUTHRAL. "Owing to having taken cold, but mostly in conse quence of the acid of a paint used in coloring prints, my Teeth became very Much injured, giving excru ciating pain at intervals for between two and three years.- Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash was used, and has entirely cured them, whicli n in certificate form I send, that those who wish a perfect remedy for painful teeth, and also desire a pleasant Tooth al ' NV 6, may-with confidence try Wheeler's Teaberry To th Wash. MARY A TAYLOR. . Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash" having re m 'ed scurf and cared soreness of the gums, which MA troubled me for two years, it is my belief that it is a highly useful article, and that it is advisiblo to those who suffer with the Teeth and Gums to make use of it. MARY SULLIVAN. ~., "Your Teabeiry Tooth Wash Cured the to'oth4che and also soreness of the gums in my family, wif!' maid you this certificate, that thosewho suffer with tooth-ache or soreneu of the gums, may know that it iv a remedy for them, and a very pleasant Tooth W un h. FRAS. PREVOST, • W. Wheeler. . No. 148; Catharine stile. • "Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash" having cured soreness of the gums, and effectually stopped Weed ing.of the gums, I deem it a debt of gratitude for the relief which it afforded pc, and a duty owed to my. fellow beings, to say, that it is my firm conviction, that those who will use Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, for the Teeth and Gums, will find that it is an important article. THOMAS J. M'CURDY, No. 238, Callowhill st. • From muelr severe affliction of myself, and others of iny family, with decayed Teeth and sore Gums; and the many respectable testimonials highly in favor of •WHEELER , S TEABERRY TOOTH WASH, I was induced so give it a trial, after which my family used it, and I rejoicn to say that it did perform a thorough end effectual cure for all, and is the best article that I ever knew of. I would recommend its use to those who may be suffering. JESSE MOORE, ' No. 127, Market'street. Many more testimonials are existing approving of "'Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash." Sold at WM. JACKSON'S Store, No. 89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head of Wood street. Principal Office, No. 86 Chesnut at., Philadelphia.• :c_ty 27-411 y I -1•1,11tCM 'MANUFACTURE' I 20 kegs Plug Tobacco; • . , •• 6 Ladies> Twist, do; • 10 of Va. dd• • . 10 " Cav , d, Is Lump, do; In store and for sale by J.-lk .1. M'DEVITT, ,ap 20 . ..222 Liberty st. ~" c MIII {~-~ ";_r• W. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers