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Single copies, rvro cznis--for sale at.the counter of the Office, andtrliews Soyras.• • • • TUB WEEKLI uncatiliD:lntlFitTlifßEß . . . • • Is published at :the same office, on a.double medinut sheet, at".TY7a.DOLL,W a: year, in advance; sur copies, SlX,Cania. PER 13QUATLE OF T One insertion, . $0:50 Two do, - ' 0 'l5 Three do, •• • . 100 One week, . 1 50 Two do, 3OO Thre9 do, ' • 4 cro lt e ar!-i CRANGEIS-BLI . - One Square. Six month, • $l5 00 One year,. . - ..... 20 00 Larger-advertisements ii tcr Crows or Your lines. Sheaanon. • Trottsxy alt LANlgGreenaburg;Westmore ,tl iia4-40:111 practice in. the West etor.elitit4,,pulianay - • • 71V11 31.1111419:4, . ATTORNEY it LAW:and. Sciliettor in Chancery. Office in enew=budd►nSi'Fi fth street, be ween Wood and Sraitbfielii.. • . Dliigraw -llVECnight; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office removed to the residenc.e of H. S. lifigraw, onfourth t., one door. from .Chekry Alley. . Mr A TTO YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, .1 - 1. Pittsb rgb, Pa- Office on Fourth st.; between Smithfield' nd Gant.' mari4-...y - Editund sno*dcal, T A raRNEY-A.T LAW; of f ice in thebnilaing on 1 - 1_ the North EaFt coiner of Fourth and Smithfield streets.• ~• novll-y , ~''..,',..i,.i. ' ',:•: , ' 3,•;.!•: 4,,::',''; ; :• - ':*;.' , .•i?.:;',-V.• - , •?_4 - , -.- ;.".7.', 1 ..,: i ..4;,„ ~ ...::4 i . 5. .' :.• - : . .4-' , '' ', Y ''''' -:,•1.:?•.A.;.'.. John W. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, having returned front his European - tour has taken an office on the north cast corner of Fourth and Sinithfield sts. Per sons having had business and papersin the hands of Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased; will call on the above, as all the unsettled business of Mr: Kingston hai been I his hands.' • mars-y , t „.. _ ~4 ' 4'. ; - . .•, :1 'i•- 4 . .-; ;.?'.: . 4 ,i- , , ,, ..;,i,,4t?.-, . ~ ~.-. MEE ••••• - • ' It. E. Constable, ,TIFALEB..Ix:Fancy ainl z Sple pry . gOods, 83 1 _LI Market street, Pittsburgh:. • novlo-y ~S.Y'~' Y ~.,. , , ' i V ................................... rUBLISBED • 411(1)...EnitEti BY L. “A R dsrrtis nB, Terme of ELVE. ULM OR Lag: One month ) , .-- 0 0 Ifr 5 Two - -do; •• • : : 00 Three do,' ... - .7 00 Four do, 8 00 Six - , do, 10.00 'One year, .... • 15 00 veptisementst .T. AT PLEiitilii. . ' , - Tipp Squares. Six months, . 00. 00 One ear, 3Q 00 in pioportion. FIVE DOLLY:II3 3 year. Flaintlton Bruce, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, office' North side o. Fifth streetibetween Wood and Sidffifieldsts., pittsburgh; Pa. Collections made on reasonable R Morrow, LDERAAN, office north. side of Fifth street, It; between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. seiilol, Andrew -Burke TTORNEY AT 'LAW, Office; Smithfield street,' between Fourth street and Diainond. Allex, op posite Mr. ,(co. INToymansa tobacco Manufactory, -apl6-; Jamet Callan, ATTORNEY -AT LAW, office ;in the ch*lerii, occupied by Aidermanlll%setere; on Fifth ft between Wend and Smithfield. • •=' • • lii,Ceindlesslle, 3.l.llDiure. , • 'A" TFORTifE,YSf•AND,COLINSELLOItS•AT'LAW., offite on Foerth etreet, opposite IL & IL" Patterson>s Livery Stable Pittsburgh: • - so 10- • - L . -Forward it, Swartzwelder, eA : -TIORNEYSAT LAW, FOurth street b'etwered Wood and Smithfield,'cipposito Patterson's lit -aside. . ap7-y ---------- George 6111 more, TTONNEY AT .LAW..,,Offiee inalteed , s build - lingo, 9th et., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. sep•2-dlq • C. Orlando Loomis; A TTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth st., above Sulithgeld. • julyl-r • Removal. A BEELEN has removed his commission and for , warding business from the Canal Basin to his new_viarehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. _ • may3Ct-y Richard Cowan, A TTOIMEY AT LAW, office in Stuart's build ings,, Fourth st., above Wood. juncl9-ilety • Charles M.liays, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. " Cona inissianer to take the proof and .acknowledge ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other Writings, to be recorded_ or used in the States of Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office No• SO, Stuart's buildings , Fourth street. marl2.-y - • ' James S. Craft, ATTORNEY, COUNSELLOR AND .NOTARY, Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office of ecretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe cially to collections and business connected with navigation, insurance; accounts and real estate: - Du- siness,hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. 1, Stuart's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,) second door east of Wood street. . -fob3-y Edwin C....yirilsou, T TORNEY AND - COUNSELLOR AT LAW AFranklin, Yenango county, Penna., will atten promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col /actions made in Warren t Clarion and Jefferson ICEFT.B. TO J. A. Stockton Sr. Co. Murphy, Wilson &. Co. }Pittsburgh. John Bigler, Hon. James Kilinear, Franklin. Hon. Ales. M'CalmOnt, Hon. James Wilson,Stenbenvi e, Ohio. juy23-y --- - John A•Parkinson, A LDERMAN, Fifth. *era, Penn street, between -Walnut and Wilton streets, where he may, be found at all times.' Those having houses or other property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu ally attended,to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt attention. oct27-y N. liolmoa &. Son, BANKE RS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic BBills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank notes and specie. Drafts and notes collected, and remittances made. to any, part of the United States, No. 55 Market street. - " jan7-y Johnston dr, Stockton, OOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND• PAPER MA XI, KERS, No. 114 Market street. , sep 10-y Serum &Scheibler, B • - - • - OOKSELLERS,STATIONERS AND BINDERS, No. 115 Wood street, three doors below Filth, /Pittsburgh, Pa. • ,L • jora-y James Patterson, Ja7., p. CIORNE R of First and Ferry; streets, Pittsburgh, vv Pa., manufacturer of locks hinges and bolts, •tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen .screws for rolling mills, &c. • seplo-y . - "%Vaia. A. Ward, yi k ENTX$t, has removed to- the place of his for ■ merseeidence in Penn street, two doors' below Irwin. aplS-y Edgar Thorn's RUG and Family Medicine Store, -corner of ink jj Pena and Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy 'Tektite. prescription s accurately compounded. Medi .c&nes can be had at all hours of the day or night. jan2l-y Broorirrville Juniata lioni Works. EDWARD HUGHES -manufacturer of iron and F warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth et. eeplol C. A. 'lll , Annlty'it Co., 7161PRWARDING, & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Canal,Basit, Pittaburgh; Pa. ' mar3dy Martits.Lytte, ITAMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next doer JC I to the Fifth Presbyterian Church• juneB ;7, , 4: 7 4 , :::.-,.. , tl 1 - 1 f ~ ss '-':' , '''' - '-;L'c- , .:::; - .:.: ,- . --',-,.)v-.J1•:,-;-'i',-,,,..,'.-•:',i !'',-;:',:: ORWARDING ;COMMISSION MERCHANT I No. 26 WOW' elt; - , Pittsburgh. . .riov27-i New Brook - Store: N S. BOSWORTH & Co., No. Market street;. next door to Third street, are-just opening it now and extensive assortment of Bcioke and Station ery, whicix they will sell, 'wholesale and total, at the =MN= • & BROWNE, {SUCCESSORS TO HOLT/SRO AND BILOWNE,) -MPORTERS and .inanufactuFeFe of. Wall Paper "nd General Paper Warehonse, No. 87 Wood ••nt; Pittsburgh.. • . je2o Wm. O'Hara Robinson, • LATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his office to No. 8 St: Clair st. . • sept4-y • . L. Walltnarth, T UMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn street, 14 between lrviin and Hand sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. All commissions will be promptly attended to. mar4-y School Book. arid Raper Warehouse. LVICE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Woodstreet, Pittsburgh. mar2B-y •Pilkinton's Unrivalled Blacking, MANUFACTURED and.sold wholesale and re- Smithfield_st.,,beiween Sixth and Virgin oct2l-y itirANUFACTChEIt. of Lard Oil and dealer in 1! Ste Caddies'; Fifth street, near Market, S. W. • • mar24-y WM. COLE:NAN. JOHN F. JENNINGS. , nIS. W. BAUMAN. • Colemo.nilinan & Co., ANITFACTITWERS of Carriage Springs and 111. 'Axles, 4..11., and spring steel, and dealers' in coach trimmings of every description, manufactory on St. Clair street, *alehouse, 43 Wood street, op posite St. Charles HOtel. jan23-y ULVANY & LEDLIE manufacture and keep 11 constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and 'Water streets, Pittsburgh.— Our works-continue in full operation, and we are constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to fiU orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. sepl6-y tr ANUFACTURER OF Irtconntrrrumr. TEETH, AL Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment ot Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shadeg, as simple plate,"Molais and Biscuspidatoeit, Gum teeth, Scree'Prot teeth; &c. Teeth and blocks made to or t idlll:lentists supplied with all articles in tile, pro- Atsition. All, orders from abroad must be accompan ied by the cash. 1)::r Platina always on hand James Blakely, Alderman. OFFICE 'on Penn at., opposite D. Leech Rz Co's., packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'clock A., M., to 8 o'clock M. - Dr. Derkiel 111 9 Men.l. OFFICRen Smithfield . , three doors from Sixth at., Pittsburgh. deelo-y 0 .. FFIeF., No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth at., Pittsburgh. aug2l-y ---------.-- ---.7.r.0. Is. Blame, 1111ANO FORTE manufacturer and dealer in Mu sical Initruments, No. 112 Wood street, near Fifth, norl9-y antea 1V11.11.1.er. PAINTER, Pi h, near Market st., Military flags, banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel= houses, and fancy painting of every description neat ly executed at the shortest notice. jy27-d6m J. Crawford, M. D. RE.SPTCTFULLY tenders his services to the citi zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Office, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange Hotel. septl9-d3m RECTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal er in Foreign and Domestic \Vines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond, lley, Pitts burgh, Pa. A.l—y Hugh Arterl, SURGEON DENTIST, HS Liberty street; a ftiar doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh: ap2S-y UCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN & Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and ntanut'acturcrs of white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood and Second sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. novl3-y _ _ . SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gm cars, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. bG, Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apsl John Dllelosheyi TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty at:, between 1. Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side: • 1. D. WILLIAMS. THOS. MILLER. J. D. Williams EbiCO, • Av ltO n L d E c S o A m lL s a i n o d u r m e e ta r i c l ha g n r t o s cer a l, d O d oza e r r a s i l on e country produce and Pittsburgh ManufaCtures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Fifth streets,. sop. 8. W o L r e E i S g . n 4 L a E n d a t Do ail c G l r v o i c n e e r s a a n n d d Li dealer ga in rs, Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. 60 Water street. seps-y NITHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING & Coinmission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures; Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, 'Pittsburgh, Pa. febsl-y WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row; Liberty street, Pittsburgh. al9-y TIIOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. 224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y XXTHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts burgh. janl-y WHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tin plate I and quceneware, and dealers in copper and Pittsburgh manufactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114 2nd at., between Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y - - - - MOODY respectfully announces to his old V;friends that he intends opening a Select School in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l4 Dr: Win, lit. Wright, r--- A fti ,..„,._. . St Cl ,aofffiewcedaonodrsrebseildznycLibn. • • . 114. . crty, "near the.Exchance llotol. CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive assortment or Surgical and Dental instruments, Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers' and Tan ners' Phtent Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, &c. j e 24 Henry W. Williams, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (successor to Lowrie & Williams.) Office at the old stand, Fourthstreet, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac ticeprac- ticeof the law, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the business will hereafter be con firmed by . 'Henry W. Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom I have the honor to do business, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. eeplB-ly WALTER H LOWRIE -; • . < • • - ' s= t• "t -^yr )7; ... `:~' =EI .. ... ~ ..... ~;. ~ t':s ~. L: ~~a•rti~`.4:~ fit. ~ ~?:.t' 7'4+ : ENE .Geoiige Cochianv GEO. G. Enow-sx, 1!!. C, Edey, Flint Glass Establishment. Otto Ir.nutz, Dr. George,_NV aid J. Bryar, Ogden &. Snowden, Martin ,:k.. Smith, P. C: Martin, Lambert dry Shipton, John Scott it, Co., J. & J. 111,Devitt, John H. Mellor, Jamo• Park, Jr., C 0. ,& Select School. John Cartwright MIME - ,_:. ~ Y MOM ±l- f .A17,7 5 - . '.7*-:'..',?•.;•• OMEN PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1846. Franklin Mouse, Fourth street, Between Smithftehl . and'araitt 'Streets, Pittssburgh CHRISTIAN scmciirerz, Proprietor, respect fully informs his friends and the public general ly, that he will open the, above splendid - Achim on the Ist day of May next. • • The House being new, and finished in she. most commodious end convenient manner; and havihg it furnished with the newest and most beutiful style 'of furniture; flatters himself that he will be able to ac comniodate his friends and the travailing pPublid, in a 'manner not inferior to any' similar , establishment:in the city. As the House is situated near the Court Moose, ar. rangements have been made to serve up meals at any hour in the day, this will be great convenience to those who are in attendance at court. . 10-Refreshments of all kinds can be had. Boar , ders taken by the week or day. ir-r/unch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M. ap3o. . Washington Rota, TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner'of St. tf Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh,. the proprie-., for begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron age. The honise is.;pleasarttly situated near the Rip change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a large room for public, meetings, dinner or supper par ties. Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the; shortest notice, with the choicest the Harkei will of ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell, Oysters, received every day during the season. The greatestpaire has been taken'in the selection of wines and liquors. - A variety of newspapers are regularly filed in the estvblishment, P. S. A Hot Lunch served up everyday at 11, A. M. ap IS-y.' DOSShTT, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penne, By It. Boarcling and, lodging, by the day or week, on the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it' to their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling east or west will find this house a convenient loca tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses. Eves) , information given . to Iron Manufacturers in all branches of the business. Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the bar. novIS-y Lafayette Itefreetory. ATOS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under Lynd>s Auc tion store. The subscribers have fitted up the above place in superior style, and they, feel assured will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may visit them. - . Arrangements have bean made to have a constant supply of Fresh Oysters, wkich will be served, up to visitors and families on the shortest notice. 'Other i luxuries,a ndies ' fruit and pastries of the choicest kinds alis ys on hand. Their Bar is filled with the best bran s the market can afford; and Regalia, Caift tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior quar ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto is, every luxury in its season. Prices moderate. novlo-y OGDEN & GIBsON. --= ISAAC MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel on Water street, having been burnt out, hasbuilt a new and handsome house expressly for the accom modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt District Hotel. He is now prepared to offer every accommodation and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate charges. He is provided with ample and convenient stabling. dee I 2-v sTcnirr. JACOB WEAVER STERETT & Co., wholesale and retaildealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors, cornea of Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. References—Wm. Holmes & Co., I.leniff.-Scirkep7'• pe, Wm. Eichbaum, U. Weaver. . . Their stock has been selected with great care", and consists of the choisest qualities suitable for this mar ket, to which they woild respectfully call attention and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises the following in casks and bottles: IVines—Maderias, Sherries, Lisbons, Teneriffes, Ports, Malagas Calabrias. Liquors—Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Whiskies. a.itg`2.s CORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STS., AL LEN BROWN, PROPRI ETOR.- - renns sl,oo,per day. Theu ndcrsigued, fortherly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of Wood and Third - streets, has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new I furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel lar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon are provided for the use of his guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this business, assures him that his easnestpurpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be unsucceastlil. Be feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode; liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN. ap3-dtf COLEMAN :N a l s Al so re, having,associated t o h n h t 1 fiim l r a s s t day \v V January, Hailmau and joint F. Jennings, under the name - and style of Coleman?Hailman & en., will now have in creased facilities fur manufacturing Steel Springs, hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel, &c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance lo the new firm the favors so lib erally best Owed upon him. J!actory on St. Clair st. —warehouse .13 Wood st.; oppritite the St: Charles Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of Springs , Axles; 4=..H., and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of every - description, together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh Manufactured articles. tt3P-The highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22 "DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, hati febuilt and cornmenCed business at his old stand, 40. 70 Second, between Mrukct and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased t 6 see hilt did customers and • Church, steamboat, and bells of every sir, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, Bt.c. Etc., together with every variety of Brass Castings; if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-.4ttraction Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all time's. riovl3l G. W. Biddle, Dentist. HAS removed to No. 109 Smith /. .i field st., where ho will perform all V ;10 operations on the Teeth satisfae terily. N. 13.—Having lately made one of the greatest improvements in • forceps that has ever appeared be , 1 . ftoore extract tpublic,h teeth w he liitahs such n i able ease as to astonish all those who have availed themselves of his services. Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-1 y TILL continues in his old businces of Minufacturzs 0 ►ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks, and Wheelbarrows,,on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield; where he keeps constantly on hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any amount of work, by the best of workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit .the times. Those ef gaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace, men; mall requested to give him all before purchasing elsewhere. ap7-y . a GEO E-= PM:4oin •ND 31ArrorAcTunr.n.Or Pumps and Hydrants, Which are superior to-and cheaper than any in the city. Please to call and examine for Ourselves. FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN SMITHFIELD AND CHERRY ALLEY - irrHydrants and Pumps repaired. janl-w6&dy GEO. Si SWARTZ has on hand a lot of fine Lawns which' will be sold at the very low price of 181 cents per yard, persons who want a good article,-at a low price, would do well to call soon. . Also on band a good stock of Nansook minibus for Ladies Dresses very cheap at jel3 No. 106 Market street. . .......,.................6.11 - Lualzoomeat., ,-• :-..- • . ,', Y..,f'..,• 7 ' 1 -'' ' '' ' ; '' f 4 ••:'' !I '4 'l ' ' 4 :1: 0 - - i ' .' ' '' ' 7 , - ''' Zj'; , .; -:': . 4 ~.. -;''.: ] -I j . r... ; 4 . .' .0 - t'l.,;-'77- ~ , .; -;:--_-: Z; - -",;..5--' ; - ,,.:1,.;:•,-,yti ,:,...,, ;';.,.'lsf,-.=,,'" .:';-.i, . -'----A.7. ' -, ' - ' - :, , .;' --. j: - 12' ,. ..k - : •.;,- . .- - :- 1',4.A,1 % .--; .T ...;--,: ;',t.: - ....',..--' - . .., 4, ..,,,,,,,,_;.-.';',f-,':;-!- -,.,... , ..-• ." - . .-- ENE MIS 1 ; .7,:,,'::!...; - :...t.;.. , ; : . Canal Boat Bowe. ilutniDistrtet Hotel. Exchange Hotel, Co-i'artricrehip * A. Fulton, William DlciEet. RGE BAILEY, Lawns t Lawns i I MEE =NM S=SRZI lEEE I .Lard 011 at a#lloltr.l ed Price., , THE subscriber respectfully inform 'his friends'and-the . public In general, that his new . ., Factory is, now eompletsd, nad.with a large addition to 10 machinery, he, ia,prepared,to make considera ble tfirantifi:s of 'asuperidrlirticle of Lard Oil, which he is determined to elboap, fully apprecia dug, the old proverb, thet-:"Cjiiinble sixpence is, worth more than, a sloW Shilli Ile feele'cOnfi dent that consumers' would find t to their. advantage to give him a•call and examine r themselveS. Woolen maaufacturers, mac nista and others, are respectfully Wited'tu'eXaMine his superior oil, Flfth street; near Market, opposite Bunker's Confection ary store, and Messrs. Samuel M , Clurken Liberty street. M. C. EbilY;, Pittsburge Lard Oil Manufacturer.' - A superior quality of Star Candles, always on luffid, - of assorted sizes.,... mar24-y OrnamentalAiiir Work •• • MRS. RENTER, Wig Maker , AlleghenY City, six dooisfioni the Aqueduct, opposite the Collectors Office, wishes to inform the pub ic that she has just commenced the 'Ornamc - Mal 'Hair business, and has a-very superior stock, re .:eivecl from The Eastern cities and Paris. laid she is 'prepared to fil1:1 all orderi at the shortest notice, and in a manner that cannot he lacelled by any similar manufac- . . .. and intends keeping, a,,large as sortment of Ornamental Hair Work, such as , Ladics , Wigs,, B . ands, Braids, Curls, :Necklaces, Guards,. Bracelets, Finger Rings, &c. Gentlemener Witti, -- Tanpries, Scratches, Btc. -- ' - . ' :".. , : 7 14.:ip al V ...-,-. - .. t Mrs. R. has been , for many _ years ong business in France and the United States . - 4 , lier long and experience, she feels confiden trbit g I able to give satisfaction to all who will fircoxalft with their patronage. Her prices are more litierif than have been offered in this city heretofore. • ' - mar 17-ly VENITIAN .BLIICD 1 0 /1.C71 , 0104 1 .? ...... ANDREW ',WIIITE-.S c:r::-, VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. PITT STREET, ILETTSEEN . PENN AND LIBERTY, A T K t i l n ie ka jll d D , :t p ir ou ol o F F e a r c ruad w tiberty, adjoiuing.• made i l t i l e; i o tt ri s t b in um ue h s to manufacture the best article or Allegheny, without lair of contradiction, which will be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. Also, VENITIAN SHUTTERS Stationary and Revolving. ' i • : 1 iir:r My Venitian Rhoda ere - always kept for-sale- 1 oy H. 11. Ryan, oii Fifth.street. octl4y, _ . M. McDONALD, Bell and Brass - .- Founder, First street, near Market, is 140 . zki' prepared to make Brass Castings and Brass works generally on the most ,:,.. reasonable terms and shortest notice. —' He invites machinists and.all those using brass works to give him a call, as he is de termined to do all work in his line very low. ' may 27.1 y • _ • Landreth's Warranted Garden . Seeds, • DIRECT FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each paper bears the label and warranty of DAVID LAN DRETH. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 29 Water st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry. ,Extract from the 'Report of the Visiting Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani mously adopted and ordered to be printed. LANDRETH'S NURSERIES AND GARDENS. "These extensive grounds are on Federid street,' near the Arsenal. a * ' • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was made here. Some of those now in possession of -those distinguished nurserymen are ten feet high. ' a a • " The selection of GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS is valuable and extensive. f ,-...,f.fThe Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup 44,;oxery part of the • Union, a detail of which !Vetilil oecupy too much.oftuespace, we therefore ' content onrselves with stating that the stock is very large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of FOREST AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVER GREENS, SHRU BS, VINES AND CREEPERS, with , a collection of herbacceous plants, fruit trees of the best kind and most healthy condition, large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums, &c., as stocks for bud , ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that of working upon. suckers, which carry with them into the grail all the diseases of the parentstock. " ' "GARDEN SEcns of-the finest quality have been scattered over the country from these grounds, and may always lie depended upon. The seed establish ment of-these Horticulturists is one of the most ex tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain ed from year to year. • "Tii obviate the chance of mixture of the farina oft the plants of the same family, they have -established another nursery at a suitable ilistance 4 so that degene ration cannot take place, and which secures to the purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the age, quality and process of culture of every plant, the supply from their grounds is recoituriended with great confidence." • ." Since the date of the 'Report' from which . the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and other' desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the whole is, as it has been for more than halt' a century, under the successive managethent of father and son, the most prominent in America. . la - Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y rptlß subticriber begs leave respectfully to return his grateful acknowlegements foi the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon him for years past, and par timilath to those who so generously patronized him Since his misfortune by the.late tire. Having consid erably enlarged his busines by associating with Wm. B. Roberts as a partner, ho would earnestly solicit a continuance of former favors to the new firm of Roberts gr. Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten tion tb business they still give general satisfaction. M. KANE, Jr. - _ , The subscribers Would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed to their now warehouse on Third _between Market and Wood streets; south side, where they trusby Etriot attention to business, to merit a sharp of public pa.: tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive stock on hand, which has been got up with gierit care, in the latest style and most substantial manner, con sisting in part of the following articles, viz: Mahogany Wardrobes, ; Dressing Bureaus, Book Case and Secretaries, It Section Bank Sofaii; tt Plane do.; Divans; Ottomans, , " Victoria Chairs, - " French doi " Plain do, " Centre Tables, " Card do, Bureaus of every description, " End Tables; Marble Top Pier doi " Centro do, ,‘ Sofa do, Pressing Bureaus; • " • Wash Starklii; ' ' Mahogany Work Stands, " Hat Racks, " Rocking Chryirs, " -Sewing do, " Music Stools, " Arm Chairs, French Bedsteads; " Butlers' Trays. Mahogany, cherry and poplar bedsteads, warrant. ed proof against bugs, and superior to any now offer. ed to the public. Also, a variety'of Windedr chairs, of the best quality,and a new style of armchair with spring seat, well adapted for offices or societies, with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. We have at considerable expense introduced into otir new factory on Front street, a steam engine with machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale and retail, at reduced piens. The attention of Western Merchants, and persons, moving West, is invited to our new, and extqnsive establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re quested to give us a call, as they will find they can purchase from us for less- than they can Manufac ture. Orders Born a distance will rectivel prompt attention, and the furniture will be carefully Tiacked. Steaxnboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no n tice and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & KANE. N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to. marlo-y & IC. =EEC • NOW Hat and.. Cap Store. 4. . CBS. H. POULSON, (late of the.fir fa ink poulson. opened...bite new store at No. 73; VOnd street, nextaoor to . Corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and rete* ring from the Eastern cities a very large assortment of bats and Amps of every description, warranted to be made in, he best manner and of the,best materials. Otter, Seal, fine and common . 4 , 4lskrat,,Sealette, Hair-Seal, Plush and Glazed Caps.' . - Also ' a fine assortment of ladlei; - fitrii, such ..as ' Lynx Fitch, Gonet and • Coney ..14ullii: , atufTippets and fur trimmings, all of Which he offer, for eastern prices for cash, both wholeindy.',l*,:patitfi!:: Country merahants will please cal to DWf. my st--efore purchasing elsewhere, ti, It.POULSON: - • Ir B: "the Ban EnsitwaforTFWaa and. ad. E.., ~.- , .t, ' 7yr, A Card REMOVAL ~ ; s :q..., f `'.';'".1.!.•::.!7:ii,...:1'.-'::::.,,1.:i .'.. - .,'J.r, -1 ,- ,- ; ; - • , ..• - i'.:-..1;•, - .: - .',. , : ~.-.::::::::, 1 .,- .4::t;',X:'. '-.-.,. , '...::::.!, 1 ,,. .r - :•: 3 , ... , .:: , ,, , Itioney W anted in exchange for mat _ .71 C .64 0 ;- a "1-1 , 4,' 4 4-- - 4` THE subscriber would inform t e IS ." public that he has received hid`-fall . 7 stock of Caps, all ,of 'which havo been principally made to his orde,g, and. as his purchases has been made on the cash , syilein, he is enabled to sell his stock of Hats and Caps at 7 unusually low prices for cash. His stock-does not consist of the cuttings of Eastern hoeses, but are all a fresh manufactured article. Neither is his establishment replenished with the old stock from eastern.markets. The Proprietor being a hatter and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as well at profession, he is also daily man ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, And for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur passed. All of which he offers•at wholesale and retail, and ritisuch prices as cannot fail to please l'Ofe purchaser, . , ' ''E.... , Cr. NV; GLASSGOW;-, INoi-102, Wood street, third duotinkit/914tMDC 1 ~,,ii. Commercial Auctioratobins ! l4464i.,''.. 'l , ieitP2`. = V. , -la 4... , :''''.. , REAL. ESTA.TM AGENCY. iiitri BLAKEI.Y, H .7 - - 7ON , lllTther I 7 ;;Atiderman, - - .' - Attorney at Late -I-: - BiLAKELY & MITCHEL, ,_ i f - I - NUE' to attend to the selling and renting ~,,, -, • i Estate in the City of Pittsburgh and vi- Oi.-• , _:;,.axing determined to devote , a large portion orihe r time to this branch' Orbusiness, they with confidence solicit a share of the patronage of the public; from the facility they possess and the experi ence they lime (the Senior partner having been igi gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 years,) they believe that they will give general satisfaction. Office on Penn at., near the U- S. Hotel, and Smith field at., between Diambnd Alley and Fifth street. .D. 7 - FALL GOOPIP sonnet" , - Rib buns; Velvet and Bonnet Silks; French and Amen can Flowers, in great variety;'Braid and Straw! Bonnets, cheaper than ever; a full assortment of gentlemen's - wear, such as Cravats; Shirts, under, Shirts and Drawers; Cloths, Cassinieres and Vestings, all of which will be sold at a. small advance over New York cost. W. IL GARRARD,, sept 16 79 Market street. inivcriiity Law School. r p}rE . FALE SESSION of this department of the j Western University, will commence in the new University Building, on the Fluor Mcilmay or SM.- FEEDER neat, and the SPRING SESSION of 1547, will commence on the FiRST MOSiDAY OF '~EDIILLLiY following. This institution having so far recovered from the effects of the great Bre of April last year, as to hi've the new building, nearly completed with increased accommodations for all its departments, it is hoped that the Law School will be found to present increa..4= ed facilities and attractions to those who desire to pursue a regular and thorough course of legal eduaa-; non, and to Frepare' themselves creditably for ad mittance to the bar. There hill be. daily recitations by the'classes — en :tongued lessons, so arranged as4o embrace, within a:two, years course; all the .pflucipal and most portant : branches of the law. Occasional lectures on law and eguityy,will also be delivered.as part of the course. THE' MOOT COORT, designed' roi assisting' students in .acquiring knowledge and readiness in the prao, tice of the law will he resumed am - soon as the nuin ber of students will justify. ;The degree of LOD. or LAW will be Conferred on students of the institution, according the rules usual in such institu- • Lions. Any further information that may be required can readily bo obtained on application to the Professor, WAiran H.Lowntc, who has his office on 4th above Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. 'TEnsts—Seventy-five dollars a year, or thirty-see en and a half dollars a session. aug6-d3m Count , 'braille Rail Road 'Company. N ° r T e l s2 l it i i s o l a ke :f L y e g i t v o c lo ti ld at er i s u St ar he u g c ts c b ° urch a and RailrOad'Corniinny;ltuthorizing 'an increase ofthe capital OfinhiCompany;and directing an additional subXcription, books wilt lie ofiened for receiving additional subscription to the stock of the Company, at the office or Wm. Lorimer, jr., in 4th street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh; on Friday the 4th day of September. ahe books will remain open from 9 A.M, until 3 o>clodk P.M. of said day; and, from day,.to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of shares tie subscribed, or until otherwise ordered. By order of the Directors. sep2 W3l. ROBINSON, Jr. Presq. Acrostic. "JUST IN TIME FOR CHEAP BARGAINS.'. Just . received, a splendid assortment of Spring; and and Summer goods, Unsurpassed for quantity, quality, or 4 Style. The Proprietor of this establishtheilt Takes grent pleasure ill informing hie friend's and III( public In general,lhat he is now, repared to fill all order. that his Numerous customers may favor him with. Strangers and Travelers would do well; iii 4ibiting the Iron City, to Call and examine his extensive and well Made stock of ready made clothing. He has a corn.. plate assortment of English cloth, to which hC would itttlite atteittion, also; Frmich clothe of every color and quality, wich he is Offering at a very small advance on eastern prices. Remember at this storb you arc not asked Vivo prices; being • Convinced that eitiall profits and quick sales is:the best way to secure custom. Hating in his employ the bestworkmen, he tan wai rant Erery article Made at hig estatdishth6nt to fit well; And to be of the best materials; he would again in cite Purchasers generally to give him a call Before purchasing in any other place, ~ As ho is confident that he can Sell them as good goods at as Reaionable prices as any bouse in thiaeity, ' Going so far nolo say a little cheaper. Sill his goods are new, and of handsome patterns; purchased Irrthe the oast but a few weeks since. The subscri . ber Now returns his thanks to his friends ,anct the public in general; and Solicits a continuance of their favors: Iron City Clothing Store,No.l32 LlZiiiy street. mar 7 - . C: 14,CLOSICEY. .Allogheny Cemetery. - - DEMONS desirons of purchasiui lots in this Cemetery are referred , fur inforrnation - tO the Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn, Druggist, corner of Penn and Hand' streets; Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT, decll Superintendent. _ ?>j,- ; ;if MEM PROPOSA.LI3- FOIL' 1ND1,A1.2 °PODS. -Q.EALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian 'Affairs,l 4VOThington city, D.lC.;_luntil 10 o'ClUek, Set . rcley, the 14th.day of November hext, for furnisitv ing The following go l oils in" the miantities annexed, or thereabouts i for the use °lithe Igdiansl and erable fit the following places, viz . . 'Work. BLANKETS. • - 1 01/0•• pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets 'to mhastire 601 by ; 72.1 inches, and weigh • pounds ; ; ; - • • ,-_ . -,.93opairs Pi-point white Matikinac blankets, to. _ • measure 54 Iby, 66 inches, and weigh; 6 .pounds pGG- pairs 2-point white 1 ackiniCl' blankets, RC,' - ineasUre -bY, '36 incho, ; and ;weigh :31' pounds ' , , . 340 paira.T3-poidt wl ire M ackinac blatticets,ko rpeasure 50 inches, and weigh 4* • pounds tt , I 1 4 ite lackin 310 pairs -point w h ite blankets, to" - measure 31 by 46 inches, and Weigh . - .3* _ • pounds , ; - • • 219 pails 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets; to measure 60 17,72 iinclies, and weigh 8' p?unds .1 ; ; 200 pairs 23 - pointNcirlet Mackinac blankets to : men - sure .34 by ,69 inches, and weigh G. • poun4:;;- j I 55 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets to measure Gd by 72; Mahal, and weigh • &Alla ' ; -q,OO .3 point gentinella blue Mackiiirth. : blankets,' nieasure 60 by , 72 inches, and . weigh 13_pinint4 t "240'pairs . 23 point gentinella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54-by 66 inches, bud weigh 6 pounds. j • DAY; GOCCI - i,S. ' • LOGO yards bine, fandy and gray list cloth • . • 35Q do scarlet 1 , jdo do ,22a do . grass green do 1' da 2050 'don blue saved Usti, do - 700 - 1 do 4 'scarlet. do- ; s do `j ' 100 .dp ' , green -do ! do - b 0 pounds worsted yarn,„three-fold 88 dozen cottons flag handkerchiefs 100 do Madras t'' do! '; -"' do blackj silk .; , 40 do •8-4 cotton sliawls' 25 do 6—.4 do. H I 30 do 4-4 do?' j! • ' ; • 18030 yards calico, dorneetic- , I .1000 do do! - .tngligh and French,.; 1200- do bleached cotta 'is 5000 do unbleached 1 • jdo 3500 do do ".• cotton sheeting ; 4300 da -domestic' Checks,'Stiipes Mid plaids 100 dozen wallet' sock 4 ' ' - .7300 : yards plaid linsey 1000 do flannels , assorted 1600 shirts, flannel -125 do calicb : ' • • 1, pounds' linen thread ,280- do cotton do ; 20 do se-Wing silk • 350 pieces ribands, aseicrfted_ ~; 97 . 5 yards_ bedticking '5OO - yards satinetts, 400 do Kentuc 7 gross Worst RUE A , f ,, 840 poundsibrasisketils 785_ tiff - Tattles; 40 nests japanned kettleai3 in a nest) 76 dozen butt.ber knives - 14000 . gun-flints.l • ' • ••• .&t Si. Lonlio, Missouri. :13LANICETS.! ' 1020 :pairs 3-paint white Mac.kinac . blankets,tto _measure' GO; by 02 inches. , and weigh 8 • Pounds I t 797 pairs 23-point-white Mackinac blankets,' to measure, 34 by:66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds , , 417 pairs 2.point white Mackinac blankets; to measure 42 by 156 inches, and, weigh 3* pounds I, • 300 pairs 13 -point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 36 by 30 inches, and weigh 4* pounds 430 pairs - 1-point white Mackinac blankets; to 'measure 32 by 46. inches, and: weigh ,3* rich fall French ish Cash id Mous. as; Gala in plaids; rench I o t aid .pl aid ;s; a full inent of Broche, 'ashmere colored plain and >idered plain a.nd , Alpaeas in M. de plain, hlk colored pounds:. • 131 pairs 3 point .seartet Makinac blankets, to measure '69' by i 22 inches, and weigh 8 pounds , • ' l li 1 1 • i . 100 pairs 2/ - po i nt sc . et Mackinac blankets, to measure 541:71:0 inches, and weigh 6 pohnds ! . . 1 14S pairs 34Mint. • grlen •I'ilackinac blankets, to measure 60 byl 72 inches, ana weigh,B pbunds; . •1-• -. : . 150 pairs3-point gentinellis blueMaekinac Wan.; kets, to meastite;6o . by 72 inches, and weigh S poundl .. .„ . ~• :,- 73 pairs 24' point genthielli blue Mackinac blankets, to me sure 54 by 011 inches, and weigh 6 poundS DRY GOODS. ' 600 yards blab strouds - . 500 do scarlet dd ! 1500 do blue, fancy, and gray Est cloth ' 217 do • green do 372 do scarlet ` dd • ad .r . 2750 do blue saved list do • 350 do green do • do 820 do scarlet 'd• ' ' • tbi ' 485 pbunds worsted yal 3 fold • cf% 4 , 3 68 dozen cotton flag kerchief! . ! 40 do Madras • . (dp• . 66 do black silk do 40 - do 8-4 cotton shaivls 20 do -64 dO , do - • 20 * do 44 do ! do.: . . --.... 0000 yards domestic calico. 2000 dd English and French.dd . • 2230 do bleached cotton 'shining 6000 do unbleached dd 0. do ' ' 4000 ' do . • ; do .i• do sheeting', . 1500 d6 domistit lieeks, stripes; and phtids 300 dozen woolen — sOekS 1800 yanls plaid:linsey . . 3400 do flannels, assorted 950 flannelistiirts • 500 calico 'do I ~ • '• ' 135 pounds linen thread : • ; • 7 4 do cotton ! dri i'l. "do ,;sewing silk .; . 20 grOss i•bisted gartenng • 300 pieces tibands, assorted , : 100 gross fancy and' clay pies I. . . 50 pounds vermilion. • .. HARDWARE. 1300, ponndi braids kettles -' 50 -•Tiests iapanned,kettlis, Sin . a nest • 400, tin,kettles ~.• - ••'.:25 grifiti - sqltaiO.aWls • 7000 fishhooks 254 dozen fish lines - s •• 25000 needles, assorted • i .100 dozen combs, assorted '• . s 10 d s c issors • • . 14000 gun flints i . . : 10. gross gun worms ... , • 200 dozen butcheri' knives • . AXES: . . ' 25 dozen axes;tcrweigh'from. s to 5/ pounds 25 dozen'halfaxes, to weigh 3/ pounds: • • •12 do squaw axes, to 'weigh 3 pounds.., 45 do' . hatchets; to weigh,l/ pounds.. , ~.. .. 1 To be delivered at the place where triantif4Ani ed, or in the city of New York or Philadelphia as may be required. without additional expense. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c. There will also be required, to be delivered in Yew York at the same time, the following agricul tural. implementik • , . ." , 200 axes, to weigh from 44 to 51 pounds 200 half-axes, to weigh 3/ pounds • 1100• weeding hoes,-different sizes. 8 cross-Cut saws,4 of 6 feet and 4 0f.7 feet in length, . . .. 75 drawing knives, 12 inches in length • ... MEM LP• I j t - 3 3A f 1.4- , 4 if F r 111' ; , I 1 PRICE; TW I , EVEN . . • , 1 1 , . e q. fr - ,,1 . ?.,....-,.. ~ .• A . ,S et I i K'..t.: Cc. ~ -n ~; E r:,.;:,1,::•.!:..r.,,,1.-,1.•:.,•-•:i.;:•E 60 augurs, in and, finclh 150 lb. brass k The sum of sl o s articles, andn the q minished -to meet. exhibited of ttirm;,it to be of the test Op The following it,„ able at New Yorkt , 180 axes, to weigh from -. 180 half-axes, to weigh 34 pt. 1000 weeding hoes, assorted sizes 73 single-herse ploughs, with Clem. . : • iron mould boards . ~.' . ~..,, I , 450 pairs trace-Chains, bright straight lints, eat.. chain - to be 6 fest 4 inches ifilongtli,stbd to weigh not less than-31 pounds '.: i. 55 log.ehains, each chain to ; weigh.. 25.inflculdd 850 best No. 10 Whittmore cotton Cutts .. „, • • 20 cross-cut saws, 7 feet in length ••• —,. • 20 •• do do 6 feet iii length' •' '- 1.00 iisingle-Cut" cross-cut saw files ''' ..-.• 4.50 hand saws, of good quality . ..120 hind saw files-, • _. 15 drawing-knives, 12 inches in length ••i • 18ACtatttiartens" screw augurs, id equal prophr. lions of a2-inch,"'-1-inch," and "11-inch,", 'quarters;": "socket-Chisels," in evil pitt;• portions of li. 1 arid i inch •-:. 75 planes, complete, equal proportlo4(l.oo l fori and jack" I. ":"." • • - The sum of $2OOO is . iii be eitiebded la thf above articles, and the duentity will be increased or diminished to meet th ‘ at sum. 'As i ne.satrtple 'will be exhibited of them, it mutt be sindersteed,thai they are to be of the, best quality. GUNS: • • - . .;in addition to 'the above and foregoing; therii will be required - 660 north-west guns...two-thirds of which must 36 inches in length of barrel; ~ and one-third 42 inches; to be delivered at the place l'iliere manttfaCtured of ih the city of New 'York or Philadelphia, as rimy be required; samples ortheni are deposited in the office of the Commissioner.of. Indian Affairs.. I ~ • • . . . `.,•:..There will also be itqUired 100 Indian CHI* • •thore or less; bogies the - department has not 4841*. able earnple_it is expected that each bidderwill tier • 'Company, his bitilwith a sample of the artieleittS: proposes to furnish. - , I.'he abOve proposals may be divided itrte, ivifil parts, for each place of delivery, viz: ...... Ist. Blankets. • -„2;1. Dry Goods. 3d. Harclivate; to include the agrictiltUralithplk ments. i 4th Axes and hatchets., : . . :- . , sth. Northwest guns and Hike. ..' . ..,. The lowest competent .responsiide 'bidder Will receive the whole or any part of the contract ac cording to,the above scale, the department resets lag to itself the right to de, terming, whether the till : ' ,der is competent and reisponsildeor mot. . . ,4. ; schedule of the arti . with samples, m a y. ... :be seen at the o ffi ce of the • missioner of Indian c oa 'Affairs ; in Washington, exhjl iting the amount of .money to be expended for eaciiarticife; but jhe de. partthent reserves the right to increase or diminish the quantity of any of the articles named, or sub: ;•stitute others in lieu thereof., The whole amount in money tit bef 'applied td 'the..porchase of goods, will be about $85,000; of Which some $40,000- will be wanted on 'the. sett: ;board, and the residue in the west... Goods of A: knerican manufacture, all other things being equal; will be preferred, but as all the samples of blankets 'end cloths on hand are of foreign manufacture it ' Will, be necessary, when a domestic article is bid tot; that . the sample of it should accompany the bid, to enable the department to decide whether it blot', equal quality with the samples to be eiltibited. •i, The party proposing to supply the articles will . make an invoice of all the ite,ms embraded inilie • ' .above list, and affix the prices, in dollars and e'en* 'at which he or , they will furnish them, deliverable in New York and St. Louis respectively,,on or tid fore the fifteenth day of May next, :aiming the qUaritity of each article as specified in this adver tisement, and extending the cost, making an aggre. gate of the whole invoice before sending it on.— r The goods will be inspected at New York or St. Louis by an agent of the United States, who will be appointed by the department for the - purposi, and to ascertain the conformity of the articles put.- I chased With the samples exhibited, when the coil 'tract shall be made, and with the terms of the thn ftct itself, which shall contai9 a clause, that if the articles are not fernisher - withia the tidie,pte: • scribedoer it they are\ cif insufficient quality, in Itili Opinion of the agent a \ foresaid, and if within foie : days after notice of such insufficiency the party --.... shall not furnish others\ in lieu thereof, of Abe te qiiireil qqality,the Unit .l States shall be authori zed to puiatase them of others, and to charge any increase of price they may be compelled to ;pay . herder to the contractor, who shall pay the said .. difference to the United States. . &ids Will be required ? in the amount of the bids, with two good , etireties, the sufficienti Of whom to be certified by a United States judge or district attorney, for the faithful performance of the contracts: Paytnerii will be made 'after the ; contract is coMpleted, dnd,the delivery of the geed' atNew 'York and St. Louis respectively, to an agent of the de.partment; upon a duplicate inviiice certified by him: ' tothinunicatiOns to be Marked; "Prot:malt for - Indian gods.” .. . The bids *ill be submitted with the folid#l4l. heading, 'and 'thine will be received 'that nieiot trilide..,in the Seriff and terms here prescribed :.:. • ' ' 'Nil (or We) propose to furnish, for the seteitiof this•lnditiii Detiartment. the following gotids;.atthe psieelliffied to them respectively, viz:, '• ` ' . ( ( Here insert the list of geode.) ...,..".tieliverable 10 the city Of New York; br St. Louis; on or before the ...'-...Z . - day of '.-::—":.- next ; hod in case of the acceptance of his propoial(the quantity tieing prescribed by the department,4l (or we) will execute - a contract according be this agreement, and give sdt/sfactory, security to the departmeht, Within ten days after the acceptance • of this bid; rind in case'of failure to enter into such Contract, and give such security, I (or we) ivill pay to the United States the differente between the sums bidden by die, (or us,) .end the suni *fah the United States may be obliged td pay for the same articlet," , tact and every bid must also be aCeompanied with a guarantee in the following formi to be sign ed by'tme or more responsible persOns; Whose suffi ciency must , be certified by some one who is known 'to the department, either personally or by his offi cial position: . ' • '.l(or -we) herelly goarantY that - the above' bidder,. will comply viith the terms of the • advertisement for "Proposals for Indian goods;" 'dated '-October 1., 1646, if the contract should be awarded to him; and enter into bond for the execu tion of 'the same Within the/tithe prescribed. , • . . (sasz.), • (sane..) VAn bIiPLIZTXE:CT; • OFEICE AFFAIIIi, October 14846.• • • . W. MEDIU.; • • • . •••, • CommissionerOf Indian Affaits, - datT4inviji4nov. •- . • • . James Intypriarell it Co, ' • • • AVEVid pltsaettre to apneunee to their !Mends . jelLthit they:egala occupy their old stand at No. 183; Weed ent;'Where they have opened an eaten. sive.WAII) PAPER WAREHOUSE; taxi win have . ..olititsittly on hand an 'extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER lIANGINQS, Velvet and Imitation Borderit of the latest style; aid most hand seine patterns for paperinghall's, parlors and chant. hers: They manufacture , and ha4e on hand at th .Aeit . Printing, Writing, Letter; Wrapping and Tett Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Bourds--i of which they . :offer for sale on the most accommodating terms, and>to Which thej, invite the attention of merchants pad others ALS-Slank - Boohcistidlitkixds and ths best spl ity, School Books, Er.c:',.idwiyaenliittartuftetds as above. • „. . . ;.~; ~: d;.: `.. I, i. 1' =MIEN --- . -- ^•. , "%;*l , .Thx.k . _ - t- , - MINI ~ y _ ~. - ••;.;, ' . 4 • : :4, • - , : . • ,1 - • .: 7 41 rjt, ; ~,,, ~.., ,-5c.,,,,,,,. ~.,, ''..... i '', 4., / . ' 1W.r.....', . 5- 4.-.C5' , .' .. 'i : " .: :- ' ••-• : 1 -..•-„:%,.,:::. I- , ~ -,--;,' -•:, .• • ' >' • %, q.''-',' : -11•••;:•:5 , 1 , „, •,•,,..- ~,, -,i',,, - ..- , ,....:: - 'O4- ' • ''-''-' :-: ''•• ~;., 1" : •. - • -?•••• ,v •••••-••,4.-.:i.-405:e :f ',;, , • - • P';:i.' 7 ,5 , ; .-, ..,-1, , t+,-;ei,' , •••,[,..,,.;',4., g_&"!''.,c..;l:lif•i,.,_',.• , •, - ;-'.. - I'' , . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers