.COMMERC-Irilis.,llE — COßD. PITTSBIJRGU BOARD OF. TRADE. COMMITTZ' TOIL .O . CTOB 1i Bell , :W. W.:Wallace .. Lorenz, "14!.pared 'arid:corrected every Afternoon. PORT'OF PITT SIIITROTI. INCHES WiTSII. itt4:3rirEL • ARRIVED r•t- • • - tt" Consul, Bowman, Brownsville. LbuislPLaiae, Bennett, BroWnsville Arrow, Atkinson,',Beaver. Orteota,•• Gorden; Beaver... Ifichigan, Boles;Benver.t.. Dl. patch; Nelson". Motibniakela „raitinotuit, Poe, Cincinnati; Alert,Gregg Cincinnati; • . Bn4eattn, Gt:11; Cincinnati; • Ilansbler;liouton BPKeesport. - DEPARTED: t • Oneota, Gonion, Beaver. Arrow, Atkinion, Bearer Louis McLane, Bennett, - Consul, Bowman, , Micktgan, Beaver. Dispatch,. Nelson, Monongahela city. Nashville,Miller, Cincinnati; ArnerittaiCalhotan, "Cincinnati; Newark, Herd, Zanesville. IMPORTS BY RIV E R. Zlfonongafirlii • Improvement —Per strCoitsitt-26 kegs eeils, 35 chairs, 25 boles, glass, 33bbls Per tit. Despatch --1.10 bbls whiskey, -52 bbls Per str. Louis 3rLarte--.30. bbls boxes -glass, 5i tons pig metal, 12.6, boxes glass.: _ • - IHIL•DELF1111 Sept. 24. Frot AND. lkftsr..---Since our last report there has been further; advance in Frottr_anci..Meal, ceived on Saturday, which lies, in a measure check ed the dernand:--Opon the receipt of their letters • Cambria, holders purup the.prices of Flour to $4,75255; which had' the ',effect, for ;the tirue„Of +driving buyers for export 'frcim the Market; but on Tuesday i and , siacecmost holders have evinced a disposttion to realize at the inside figures. and we finte,sales at that of about 4,000 bbls. fresh ground, for export.. Yesterday, some., 203,000 'bbls. were taken .at sornething less, probably at a reduction of 6}c.; but to-day the market closes firm at $4,75 # hid.; with further sales of 2,000 bbls. • Otherwise we note sales of several parcels good, old stock at $4,50; 800 bbls.. choice 'Brandywine -at $4,87.3(it $4,94; and 400 , bbli. Leechburg choice family at $5,50. Sales-of varions brands for city use at from $4,37i to $5 # - bbl.; some'lots of scraped at $4,25 (a54,37i; and tour at s4rasi;2s bbl: .44r Flour, the stock of which has been very light, has also improved. Sales of, 2,6QQ. bbls. at ,$3,2.3, leaving the.market nearly bare, and most holders asking $3,50. :Corn Meal has been in gocid.request, but the short supply has restricted operations. We note sales of about 5,000 fresh Penn'a at $3,25, with some Choice lots at $3'371 the market at the close quite firm; and prices Laving an up , Ward tendency.' Grain—There has existed during the week a good demand,for Graio, but from the absence of stocks and. very limited receipts, the sales have been but moderate. The news-s - Cambria, receiv ed as our last report closed; bas caused • a further improvement in prices, and we notice sales of about 18,000 buihel. Wheat, mostly Pennsylvania ' open ing at 1,0301,04c.'f0r good and prime reds, and 1 . 2 05 1 81,08 c. for prime white, but closing to•day at something lesslhan these rates, so that- we quote the former.at '1Q1,03c., and the latter at one 1,05 c. ..Sales of old Southern red at $l, and new at o:a9oe. tr bush. Small sales of Rye at '65068c, Corn has been in active 'demand; and seVeral car goestave beeh taken on arrival at 70e. for, good Southern yellow, and 68c. for . white;.. 71c. for prime hrsey, and some - lots of Penns round yet. hiw at 72a73c. s bush. ~The total sales reach ahout.l2,ooo bush., the market closing with a good demand. Oats are rather dull, with small sales at 33031 c. bu, closingat.the last figures; - - Afdats--Theadvices from Europe or a continued finnness, and advancing rates in the markets abroad, have had a faVorable influence upon the prices of Iron here and with a light stock, holders are'very firma"We notice saes of near bOO tons, in various lots, at frorn 's27 to $3O ton for Charcoal Pig; for Ist quality Anthracite' and s2ira22 fdr 2d. Small sales of English Bar 'at s7seBl, and American hammered at $72. Blooms are dull of aide at $52 , .'&03 p , ton, and Boiler Plates at pip .54-c.,p , pound., Lcad, without sales, is held fumly at $4,25 # 100 pounds.. Sales of 8,000 pounds Sleeting; Copper at 23c :{r pouad.--Amnsploanian. - - • Henry W. WI/ltakne, A :TTOP:NEY AND COUIVSELLnit• AT LAW, (succUsioi , to Lowrie & - Williams.) Office at tile uld stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, EN., and myself, in the prac tice of the law, was - dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the busing= will hereafter be con tinued by HenryW.•Williams, whom I most cheer fully recommend to all for whom- I have the honor to do bisiness, gentleman every way wurthy of their 'confidence.- • ' seplB-ty . ' - WALTER H. LOWRIE. ITOOPING COUGH AND CROUP.—TO PA RENTS.L--JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT is without eiception;tlfe Most valuable , prepartion to use for the above 4iseasee. reconverts kIOOPING mild.and tractable disease, and shor tens its duration' more than one-half,•and produces a certain and speedy `recovery. Froth - half to one tea spoon full will certainly cure"the CROUP in in fants and young•children in half an- hour's time.— The lives , of hundredi of children will be saved an nually, by keeping it always on hand ready :for eve ry emergency. • Prepared at No. 8,• South Third Street, Philadelphia. Forsale in Pittsburgh at the PEICIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street; near Wood, and alio at the Drug Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City:.' • • `,sep 23. lOW TO GET RID OF ~A GOITRE. , -7Many 'persons labor under the mistaken idea that Goitre (an, enlargement on the throat, producing great deformity, and often death from pressure on the wind-pipe and large blood-ressels,) is incurable. This is a very great mistake.. This disease, as well aikficaoruca, are eradicated from tbe system . Sy that pleasant, yet powerful- medicine, Zayre's ALTERA- Try.k. 'lt is as certain to care when properly used, aalhat the sun gives light. and. beat. All is wanted flair trial of its virtues and the tumor will begin toditainisliiiiiie, and gradually becoine smaller and smaller until itentirely disappears. Prepared at No. 8 South TIIIIED etrieti Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PERIN TEA. STORE, 72 Fourth street,- neat Wood, and also at the Drug Store of P. Schwartz, Federal street,,Allegheny City, _ se. 23. Flue Late in they Fifth Ward • at dmetton. - , T 3 o'clock, T. Al„ on Saturday the 3d day. of October next, on the, premises, will be sold without reserve, •• 1 - Eight Lots; treating on Pena street, opposite. Dr, SlMenberger!sithe corner Lot on - Adama street being 22b feet by 100, the others . 2o feet front by 100 back to Spring alley, Also, five'Loti, fronting on Liberty street, oppo site the new Catholic church, each, 20 feet by 160 back to Q uarry Stieet, with - several frame buildings thereon. , Title indisputable. Terins- 7 .1.Cai1l or an - approved endorsed note at 4 months with interest, and the,/residue in-three an nual payments with interest. For further informa tion apply:to:Michael Allen or James S. Craft: ' ,sep2.3 ;-,', JOHN D. .DAVIS, . ~ . XTEW BOOKS—Juet teemed at. .COOKSO,- '&5, IN Fourth 0. Arhibald Werner.; or the Brother , ' . Revengeka romautic.tale, by Chasz.Sphidler. The .Widow'ls Walk, or the Mystery ofCrime,,by , . . -The .Vespers, or the. White Cross of St. Luke, by Dennis. Hannigan., • ;. ,The Algerine and other tales, by Ifarry Danforth. .Juvenile Library No. 1. -Mother Goose, by Law. renco, Lovechild, withi eitht splendid illustrations from original designs by Darley. ' Living Age ; No. 122 ; American Review ,. , Demo cratielteview and 4sarrrier>s Library for September, along with a numerous assortment ofnew works,juat publtsbed and for sale at Cook's Fourth rtoDEs• .A.LCORN, (Late of New York icity,) IV No: V Fifth st., between Wood- and Market, Manufacturers of Mustard; Ground Spices, Catsup!, open during the present week a large assortment of articles in their line ' which they, will wholesale in-quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warrae: ted. Merchants intending to go east would do well to call before leaving the city. They may be ibund attheir. warehouse No. 27 Fifth street,: in Ryan , / Building. • ' sep7 \~ ~0~ The St. Louis Union of the 25th ult., days:-- 'We itaie.received several letters 'from Santa Fe, giving a sketch of the condition of- things at that place after the , army under Geri. Kssaxxx had 'lx, s i . ken'posesioa of the city. They all describe the _ people as apparently to - come under the _ authority,of the United States. -31anY of the cit izens left before the arrival of our anny,.but were returning,' after they were assured they had inith 7 ing to fear, and 'were ehgaging, in their former oc cupations. We received a, letter, dated August 24th, six days after the army had been in posses sion of the city. Gen: -BusrirrEv was acting as Governor, assisted by the former Lieutenat Gov ernor. It was : hought the army would remain at Santa Fe, untildespatches were received from the Gaited Statesi but of this no ane was sure. A por tion of ihe'-cortnand was retainettin the city;as' a guard , but a large - artionr •Wee. encamped - enca in P some instances twenty. miles from..the m General'a head -quarters; this , was for the purpose of procit ring forage for the horses. Gar correstaindents all describe the country as being extremely poor, and not,well adapted to agricultural pursuits. 17— :ITILEY & PUTNAM'S LIBRARY OF . CHOICE 4 READING, No. 64. Memoirs and Essays, il lustrative of Art, Literature and Social Morals, by Mrs. Jameson. No. 65 and 66. Travels in Italy, Spain and Porto= gal, with an excurtion to Alcobeca and Batalla, by William Beckford. " No. 67 and 68.. Hochelaga, or England in the New World, edited by Eliot Warburton, Esq., author of the Crescent and the Cross. Wiley . and Puttuun , s Library of American Books, No. 17 and 18. Mosses from an Old Manse, by Na thaniel Hawthorn.- Altowan, or incidents of Life and Adventure in the the Rocky Mountains by an Amateur Traveller, edi ted by .1. Watson Webb. • - • _ Lectures to Women on Anatomy and Physiology, with an appendix. on:ater Cure, by Mary S. Grove. Greek-English Lexicon, by Henry - George Liddell, M. A., late Student of Christ's Church, and now Head of Westminster School, and Robert Scott, A. M., with corrections and additions, and the insertion in alphabetical order of the proper names occurring in the principal Greek Authors, by Henry Driaher, M. A., Adjunct Professor of the Greek and Latin Lan guages in Columbia. College, New York. The Trees of America, Native and Foreign, Picto rially and Botanically Delineated, Scientifically and popularly described, and illustrated bynumerous en gravings, by D. J. Browne, author of the Silvi Amer. icana-. Leontine, or the Court of, Louis the Fifteenth, by Mrs. Moberly, author of .f Melanthe," •" The Love Match, ,, &cc. The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, No. 4, Living Age, N 0.122. Shakspeare, No. 102, 110,111 and 112. Chambers:information for.4he People, NO. a. Ellen Munroe, a sequel to the Life in London. , The above along, with a numerous selection of choice works just received and for sale at COOK'S Literary Depot., 85 Fourth street. sep2B. • Splendid Bargain... House and Licit, r .„ WE hare', for sale; a -neat two stormpriA brick house, with fitiished basement, oV L VallltAre., situate on Filth street, sear the new Court Hopse. The house is new, containing &atm. corn fortable Robms, and will- rent for $l5O per 'Annum. Price low and 'payments easy. Persons wishing to seethe house and learn particulars, will please apply BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Smithfield st. neari Stln JUST RECEIVED—Another largi addition to my stock of-Diamond pointed Gold Pens .of the best makereiand for sate at the Ancest prices. Also—A large assortnient of Gold and Silver Pen. oils, Tooth and Ear Plclut,Ttreezers, jet? - W. W. WILSON, (37 Mal .ely and .2111tehell, Offices on Penn and Soiithfieldsts. AGENTS, for the Old Black Bail Line of , Liver. pool and New 'York Packets. • • Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland, Scoiland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling and upwartiev.-payable in any town of importance in Great Britain and ;inland. ' Persons wiehing to send for their friends can have them brought out by the above splendid line, on the 15th and 46th of any month, !IY7 New York Piano Fortes. ' TWIN H. MELLOR No. Si Wood street(between tj - Diamond alley and 4th street) has received and for sale three new Piano Fortes from the manufac tory of A. IL Gale Si Co., successors to the "New York Manufacturing Company,• which will l sold at the same price as in New York city, adding only the price of transportation. The quality of these Pianos is now so well known, and established, that it is not considered necessary I to state wherein their superiority over others -con ' sista, those who are desirous of purchasing can be fully satisfied, as to the quality of tone and Workman ship, by calling on the subscriber. The patterns of these Pianos arc-entirely new 'and such as are now fashionablerhi New York city. They will be sold for cash or on a moderate credit for approved endonied paper : sop IS NEw FALL GOODS. THE subscriber is now receiving a large and fine "assortment of FALt. uen WINTER Dal. Gaps, recently purchased from the manufacturers and sun porters, in the New . York and Philadelphia Markets, since the ffreatfall in prices, and will be sold twenty per cent cheaper than the same description of Goods wereleter before offerred iii . this market. All those' wanting great bargains are requested to call.at No, 5 Market street. sepl6 Sugar and Molasses. 4 5 }IHDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime 25 bbls. Nos. 4 and 6 Loaf; 10 cases "Lovering's" D. IL Loaf Sugar 118 bids N. 0. Molassesp . o store and for sale by LAMBERT & SHIPTON, 133 and 135 Wood str 10BACCO-10 b:cs b:cs Hutchinson's ss; 30 bps Price & HarwOod's ss; 10 "•,,J. R. Grants ss; 15 " Layton's ss; 55 . " 165., Balt. plug, and Ladies Twist; arriving this day. and, for sale. by - aug2s ' L4.II4BERT & HIPTON: BOoks. - IL RS , OAKE SMlTH'S‘Roorns; Hours of Meditation; '\ • , • - Thinks Ito Myself; • ~, Irving's Sketch Book; The Neighbors; . The Koran. For sale by . • • , H.-S. BOSWORTH. &.CO., isep3G r , . • No. 43 Market street I ILO WINES. & LlQUOR&—consisting 01 kJ Port Wine- . .• ' Madeira Wine; Malaga. do; - Rhenish doi—in half and quarter pipes, and on draught warranted pure; Pale Brandy, of different brands; Dark do, - «" • Holland Gin, fine flavor, Peach Brandy, 8 years old; Apple 'do, 4 do' do; ' Old Rye Whiskey, 8 and II years old, Part of ,the above Liquors from under Custom Howie Lor.k, for Sale in quantities to suit by B. C. MARTIN, 60 Water st. .AdnaintetrOtorte Notice. Tmß Subscriber,Adnaistrator of the estate Of.jas. . -, Long, late of Upper St. Clair township, Alle gheny county, deceased,. requests those .who are in debted to said Jamei Long, to make immediate pay ment, and all those having claims to present the sane properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES li. ROBB, Adm'r. Upper St. Clair tp., Allegheny co. eep7w6t Joseph Knox, formerly of Pittsbearhg, TTQRNEY AT LAW, Carlisle, Pa.,Ntillprac tice to his profession in the counties of Cum• berland,Pauplain, Adams, Perry and Juninta. • Business-in.those counties intrusted to•him~,will a bettented.tor with•promptness.; . • my23-113tn&ivr ; • • - ~ .. FROM SANTA TE dcild Pezai: JOHN 11. MELLOR ) 81 Wood street ABSALOM MORRIS • 1.1„, THE STAUNCH low pressure, /.• •=1 shi built Steam Packet, JULIA • PALMER,. - --••• - r • BENI A. STANNAND, having been put in complete condition for sea, will run upon Lake Superior during the season, commence ing 3d August, between the Sault de SC Marie and the.,various ports, as business may warrant. The J. P. , ,is well furnishedin every particular, and is as fine -a heavy weather vessel as any 'ship that floats the seas: , . Has good upper cabin, • state rooms and family saloons,• as also single berths, ladies cabin and steerage'cabin. All well ventilated, and will accommodate 100 cabin passengers. Freight in large quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with or without freight Will be accommodated at the vari ous landings upon the,British and American sides of the lake. 14r One or two voyages will be made to La Pontel during the Indian payments, inafi two pleasure voy ages will be mnde .entirely around the' lake-coast wise, during August and September,siving to plea sure travel an opportunity of enjoying the most de. lightful, unique and interesting scenery ins the known world. State rooms or mingle berths can beisecured in advance by addressing W. F. PORTER TAYLOR,Managing owner,„ • Sault de Ste Marie, Michigan. July, 1848. jy2o-3tatk3m N.B. Property consigned to W. F. Porter Taylor will meet with immediate despatch as ordered. James Blakely, Alderman. .OFFICE on Penn st., opposite D. Leech & Co's., packet line office. Office hours from 7 o'clock A., 814 to 8 o'clock P., M. For CYnglnnat.` . THE, splendid 'nal* and light droughi • -- .I,leßetp . cts ... s . enge . r . late . a s mer . SE N .11 R , lea - vi 3 for the above-and intermedi ' 'ate ports,regtdavli., For freight or panaage apply on board. - - - -seplelm - For Cincinnati. • Tbe new li lit draught packet steam er•Ck.t.,l•FOltltilA; Captain Hunter, will eave tor the above and alt intertnediatn ports this, iay, regularly. • - For - freight or passage apply' ntt board, or to • J.W.I3UTLER & BRO., Pectmd The Califernia,WaS built expressly fertile above trade, and will her trips regularly dttring the . . season. • , , augis For ctnoinnati. , . - • THE tiewand light draught passenger steamer WESTERN, Capt. BAKER, will leave for tho above and all intermediate ports regularly. The Western, draws but 12 inches, and was built expressly to run in •the trade during the low water season. For knight ot patsagn, having superior accornmo (lanolin, apply on board. .. " - ' • 15 For liordovlllow.Rognlar-Packet.-- jetimit The,new and splondidlaassenger steam er .TONN4LEIJKA, Capt. J. IC. Moody, w run in the trade from Pittsburgh ;to:Louisville, during the season of 1846: • • • .The Tonnaleuka was built espressly for the krade, and is elegantly -furnished in every, respect. Forfreight or passage apply on board. , Vor'elneintiati. • . ' • The well known, fast'running steamer CAMBItrA, W.Forsyth,Thster, will run ass regularTdcket,leaiing every Wednesday morn- FIT at -10 cocloa, and Wheeling, at 10,1 P. M., the same days• Returning, ishe will leave Cincinnati every Saturday, at 'lO, A; NU. For freight or passage apply On board, or' to FORSYTH & Co., Agents, No. Sp, Water street. For St. Louts.—Regular Parket. The new and splendid passenger steam er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Rugher, veil run, the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du ring the season of 1846. The Tom Corwin, was built expresily for the trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect. For 'freight or passage apply on board. may 10. ---- " i , o; saint Loids...ii.e.gulaiiiaiiicei.--- o ffi tt i The new and splendid passengersteam er 13RUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wili run in t e ton o from Pittsburgh to St. Lou,s during . the season of 1846. The Brunette was built expressly for the trade and is elegantly found in every , respect. For freight or passage-apply on board. apl4 For Cincinnati and ' St. Louis it,: The passenger steamer PALESTINE, Capt. Williams, will leave, for the above an. intermediate ports regularly. For freighter passage apply on board. For Cincinnati. - Aeor Cincinnati and Louisville. 'The new and splendid passenger Meam er COLUMBI A, O'NEAL, Master, will leave for the above and intermediate ports, regular• ly _ _ For freight or passage apply on 'board, or to jet - D. WILKINS. Au• .Tuesday Eveu,lng Packet. __ 4:gtlit The new and splendid,passengar steam boat DECLARATION, Capt, Vorhers, , wd Tun asa regular packet hetWeen Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening at :3 o'clock. Returning she 'will leave Cincinnati every Friday evening at 3 o'clock: The Declaration offers superior accommodations to passengers. For freight or passage apply on board. CINCINNATI PACKIITS. MONDAY PACKET. The regular mail and passenge r steamer MOisiONGATIELA . , Capt. Stoney will Tun as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin nati, leaving this port every Monday At 10, A. M., and 'Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at. 10, A. M. Por freight or passage apply on board. The Monongahela was built expressly for this trades,' and offers to the passengers comfort, and su perior accommodations. mar 31 3fONDAY PACKET. n t;4 Till: regular Mail a'nd,paAnger steam er UNION, Captain Maclean, will run Rf a re g ular packet between Pittsburgh and.Cincin nati, leaving - this port every Monday it G o'clock, P. M. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday at G P. M. The Union was built expressly for this trade and affords every accommodation. For freight or passage apply on'hornl. ma (..) TUESDAY PACKET. 434 THE regular mail and passenger steam or HIBERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter, will run as a regnlar packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A. M., and ‘Vhcoling at 10 P. M. of the sane day,— Returning, she will. leave Cincinnati every Friday at 10 A. M. For freight o'r psasage apply on board. The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade, and offers to the passengers every comfort and so. perior accommodations. al)] WEDNESDAY PACKET. listTHE regular mail and passengerstearn er NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. D. Page, wi run p as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day.— Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Saturda) at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The New England was built expressly for this trade end offers to the passengers every comfort and nape xior accommodations. mar2o 1 THURSDAY PACKET itZ%r THE new U. S. Mail steamier ACADIA, - M. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a sego ar passenger packet between Pittsburgh and the above port during the season of 1846, leaving every Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. . . The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda tions. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. FRIDAY PACKET. THE regular mail and passenger steam Cr CLIPPER No. 2, Captain Crooks, will run as a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pius. burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P.M. the same day. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 coelok, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Clipper No. 2 was built expressly for this trade, end offers to her passengers every comfort and as aommodation, mar 23 SATURDAY PACKET.' The regular mail and passenger steamer CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac ;Bennett, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every . Saturday, at 10, A. M.,.and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The Circassian was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac commodation. mar 23 SATURDAY PACXET. .:The regular mail and passenger steamer MESSENGER, Capt. Linford, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every -Saturday at 10) A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. ' Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 Welk A. M. For freight or passage apply on, board. The Messenger was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers- every comfort and ac commodation. mar 23 LAKE BUPE.IIIOR.i-: ..:`gym _ 'v`"`, _.a I:~~?.+Ysyr,. pAttl'Et4,27ll tiage.gogrithitoffee, IL)'aod`for ealelow by - - • - T .:.barFela .:V5734411g.. _Dow , landing and for sale by _-• 6028 ..MOLEILEA. 12.1.tRi.TSON; _ niIRPEDLOGW(IOix-:-'5.1; Odpited Logwood now landiit and foisalel.4 13Pe28 MILVE44 lackrz.sox. Dmr.rolpti . cra;Aßs--Aom Vtiticiiipe cigars, in store And for sale by seFi2B ' .14II7;LER 4 RICKETSO.N. • . rrIdtDDIERT OIL-15 Bartels Tanners Oil, just re. J_ calved and for sale by ' _ .MILLER & FtICKETSON. • • firtA.B . CIDER-0 Barrple Economy., Crab Cider, V. received, aid for sali) by , 5ep.2.9 - IIIiLI ER & RIegETSON. • AVA' COFFEE--20 Ord -Governmeot-Java 1.3" Coffee e in storo and for silo by sep2B & RICKETSON: - anton RI e. arrels. AI'ITRTHER supply:or OA above just. received and for Sale at rnanufseturers prices, by. ,sepge G.FORG.F. „ COCHRAN, 26, Wood street. • TARD., 100 kego, - N'o. 1,. doo consignrnent; J . And for sale by sEaras. nep24. ' NO. 17 ,'ity ktieet. • • - Libe• • QUOARHOUSEMOLLASBES;-6 bbla..Gobdels,, 1.3. S. H.Maltumes,,, is Bun* and for Bale by aepP. - P. SELLERS.- RKFTNED DOR AX--1' Cate; just received and for leby 8003 iiitocKwAy. REFINE - D - CA.MPliott.Z4 Bark.), jusCreeei via and for sale low for cash. sep23 HAYB & BROCKWAY. IrfASTOIL 0.11.---1 Dbl.., far by °CP 23 • • HAYS da HR6CICWAY.• BP.TiNtAir Hidiii,j - uat.received and for sale by aep23 OPPiRTS—:2O Bbla., for lade low by • C sep23 HAYS & 'BROCKWAY LIVE O.IL--/ 13b1; for sale by . se .23 HAYS & BROCKWAY, UrLITE-4 Bbts., for sale by . nep23 - -HAYSiIk BROCICIVA.Y PR. TURPENTINE-6 Bbls, for sale by S seo3 & BROCKWAY. 610N5:=75 Bores Lemonsr for very, low, Lby ' (jyl4 ) ' JAMES MAY. Ty IDES-411 Missouri Ilidee, for rale Iwo; to close XL consignment. (je26) JAMES MAY. COpN-117 acka;rn,for A* by je26 i JAMES MAY. METAL.-1" ton Scioto Furnace pig iron for I - sale by (j e 26) JAMES MAY. - - VrINEG AR-30 bbla eider vinegar in store and for V sale by (se.p2) B.- RIMY & CO. - . - - 5 DALES MIR., suitable for Plaiterers purposes, for sale by (aug22.) MB. RHEY & Co. UTLEIVS Nerve and Done Linement 5 Grime, just received and for sale by sep23 BAYS & BROCKWAY. I,SSENSKS.--.10 Grose, for sale by J 'LAYS fr: BROCKWAY, sep2.3 N 0.2, Commercial Row, Libarty et. TINE.GAR---10 bble.CideTYfriegai; 11 • 2 Wine ,6 for sale by sep. 22. T.D. WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood St. HAMS -15 Prime Family Hamm; for sale by .1. 1). WILLIAMS & Co., 110 Wood et. • LASS-1001)0:5:a 6-8, 7.9, 5.10,9-12,10.2;,, and 10-14; fur sale by aep. IS. J. 1). WILLIAN9 Er. Co., 110 Wood et. A A. MASON, 62 Market street, has just readll . ,. another case orthose blue and orange prints, selling at the low price of 61 eta per yard sepl6 I . I ININE-100 ounces just received and for sale by .6. A.. FAIMPSTOCK & CO., sepil.corner's!' 6th and Wood sts. CASTILE SOAP-10 casesjait received and for sale by B. A. PAIINESTOCK & CO., sep9 cor.6th and Wood st. DEFINED lbs just received and for sale by • sepO• D.•A...FAFNESTOCK & CO., cot. 6th and Wood a I rLOUR-25 bbls supeifloo family flour hi store and for sale by MARTIN & SMITH, sep2 56 Wood street. VA. Twist Tobacco--19 kgs Va. tobacco, No. I article, in store and for sale by 6ep2 MARTIN & SMITH, 66 Wood street. POT 2V.511-: i s c;ike - PiiiashTN - O: 1 article, on hand and for sale by .lye? MARTIN & SMITH, 66 Wood st. V ENEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very best quality, for sale at 11. H. RYAN'S Cabinet Ware ROOMS, N 0.31 Fifth street. irlA - - PAPERsaIe by—our aug27. &nitlifitict street. MOBBACCO-25 kegs No. 1 six twist tobacco re• .. j ceased and for sale by M. B. 11.11EY & CO, sep2 N 0.57 Water street. Cotton 1n DALES Mississispi Cotton, for sale by .3v (aug29.) M. D. RHKY & Co. _ ~,, ------ C- - -7- 7 ------,------- OTTON—A few bales of Mississippi Cotton, for sale low'by GEORGE COCHRAN . , ivn No. ,26 Wood at. T ARD OlL.—premium oil of Cincinnati manu facture for sale by ,GEORGE COCHRAN. je26 No. 26 Wood st. C' AND CRUCHILES-100 nests just received and for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK Si CO., aep9 corner 6th and Wood sts. CRAB CIDER.--12 Barrels superior Crab Ci der for sale by P C. MARTIN, IY 60 Water street. LEMONS. --100 baxes lemons in good order, for sale by P. C. MARTIN, .3 , 20, GO Water street. EA S.-1 20 packages Y. H., Impl., G. P. and Powchong, of late importations, arriving and for sale by rang2s.l LAMBERT & SHIPTON. - - 13SALMS & HYMNS, for the usa of the German Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, En glish and German. For sale by jell SCRIBA. & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood et Lard OH. AFEW barrels of a superior quality for sale low to close consignment, by sep 17 GEORGE COCHRAN, 4.8 Wood street. BEST JAVA COFFEE, ground and put up int pound.package4 received and for rale at the PEKflt TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wood. je29 VINE SALINA TABLE SALT-50 baga (small X size) very fine Salina Salt, St for table use and Dairies, for sale low by P. C.. MARTIN, 1Y 2 7 60 Water at.- OLD PORT WINES-20 cases superior Old Port Wine, for Invalids, dbr gale by the case or bot tle at the wino store of STERETT .3. Co. septa 8I Market street,Cor., Front. C - LARET WINES-20 cases "St. Julien Medoc," 1,5 do. family use and other. brands: For sale, low at the wine store of • STERETT & CO., seplB No. 16 Market at. oor,Front. OLD SHERRY BRANDY—An excellent article on draught for medicine or other purposes, for sale by STERETT & Co. sera cor. Market and Front.. jiiLAST INDIA and • Wine Bitters of delightful d aroma, in bottles, and on draught, for sale at the wine store of • .STERETT & Co. _seplB con Market and Front. \ET BEDSTEADS -Mahogany, Birch, Unpin, Cherry and Poplar high and low poet bedsteads al ways on hand and for sale low at the Furniture warehouse of T. B. YOUNG & Co je6 31 Hand at. Mxtsgttett. Netts. . EO.. S. SWARTZ hail on hand u lot of Wary au perior white and colored Muequeto Netts which will be eold cheap at No. 106 Market street. jel3 RECEIVED—Per Canal 'Boat great Western-- 100 pee Cherry Scantlint--Sxs tree 6x6-0000 Lights Window Sash suitable for thetern trade, 12z18, 10a12 and Bzlo. _For sale by le6 L. 'WILMARTH. OROGANY VENEERS AND BOARDS—JostM received, a large assortment of the above, and for sale at F. BLUMES sepB No. 112 Wood , street, 2nd door above sth 7ARDROBES-1f you }cant toliurchase a good wardrnbe cheap call at, the furniture warehotuie of " T. B. YOUNG & CO, j 717 31 Hand s.t ASPLENDID assortment just' eived from the East, of entire new Patterns. They_ ean be had very 19w at the Wall Paper. Store of aug27. 7 41m. J...SEIDLE, Smithfield Street; PIECES aof Glazed and . .llnglazed /..Wall Paper, °fray. ownznanufanture, on hand 'and for sale at the lowest marker:price.- aug27.d aug27.dltn J. SHIDLE, Smithfield. street: New Pashionetrilati; OF a very superior quality, for sale by , M'CORD ar, scp3 corner of Wood and Filth eta RAYS 4.I3ROCKWAY J. Crawford, M. D. ESPTCTFULLY tenderi bis setiices to The citi- XIL - tens of Pittsburgh and • vicinity. Office, St.- Clair street s opposite the Exchange Hotel. sept.l9-d3m ,- • : " Latest rove liapment. . B EDSTEADS ordifferent kinds with GaszinVs iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now in use, Ibr dale low at the furniture warehouse of ane. 1 T. IL _ YOUNG & Co, Hand street. ____ _ __ _ TABLES—Pier,'Centre and Card Tables of differ cut patterns. If you want a good article cheap call at the Furniture Warehouse of T. B. YOUNG, & Co, 31 Band st. OBACCO.--75 large and 90 small boxes Missou. T ri ttibacco, of prime quality, just received on consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash, or Pittsburgh manufactures. august 118 TA AFF.F.: & rpnE MEANS OF PEACE.—A Sermon delivered in the "Third Presbyterian Church" July 12, by the Rey. D. K. Riddle, and published by the re questof the Congregation. For sale by , aug24 JOHNSON & STOCKTON. Six Cases New. Pall Prints..- JUST 'RECEIVED this 'dab embracing all the new and desirable styles in the market; and will be sold at:greatlY reduced prices, by - sepl3 'ABSALOM mamas - , No. 65 Mirkct at Wood Street Property for Sale. MR AT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood I . street, occupied at the time of the great fire by Messrs. King & Holdies, is :Offered for sale. Enquire of [attgb] J. K. MOORHEAD. And 'DO Lfti2ol.CB, JUST RIXEtVD, a beautiful assortment of new style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corded and plain Cashmeres and IPLaina and for sale seplo ABSALOM MORRIS. 65 Market street. 300. I,3AG*' Green * Rio, Part prime; " Old Government Java; Arriving this day apd for sale by aug2s LAMBERT & SHIPTON A A. MASON, 62 Market street, Simpson's row, invites the attention occountry merchants and others, to his well selected stock or fall goods; which is now opCning. Selling only.for cash, we can offer such advantages to purchasers as' are seldom posses-, sed by thosewho sell on the credit system. sepl;6 For Sale at the Wharf. JUST received per Canal Boa -10,000 feet inch poplar; 10 ,000 " " seasoned; 45,000 " 454 Scantling. ' , L. WILMA RECEIVED this day, seicral packages of very rich new style Persian—embossed Ombri, Bro cade, Chamelion, Striped, Plaid and Poult 'de SOie, and Black Satin, Striped Armour Dress &Ike, and will be sold cheap for Cash, by sepl3 ABSALOM MORRIS, No. 65 Market st. AA. MASON, 62 Market street, has just receir . ed and now opening, a large stock of Prints. Brown and bleached muslin's; flan nele, ticking, cheek, stripes, chintzes, gingliams, caihmete and mous de Mins, shawls, cassinetts, cassimeres, broad cloth &c:, all of which will be sold at exteremely low prices. Interesting to Buyer& ! WE invite the attention of all who wish bar gains to a fresh arrival of seasonable Dry Goods, bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at exceedingly low prices and will be sold accordingly. PRESTON & HOSKINSON, No. 81, Market st., between Oda and the Diamond.. aug24-d 1 m. -. New Dress Gingham& IV Et t ltia r n e oz h o o n a l d ia4 . l c d ot a c cu i I d l r a e sLo a r ti n h l g e h n a t m o . w f b t ea i ti c led and plain, at remarkable kin prices.. Also, an article of embroidered Giti . gham;—very beautiful for Dresses, for sale by AMALOM MORRIS, sepls No. 65 Market street. Storage. HAVING a very large and commodious ware house, we are prepared to receive (in addi tion to freight for shipment) a large amount of Pro duce, ikc. on storage at lowratea. , iy.3 C. A. AfcANULTY & CO, Oanal Baain. 50 BBLS. Pitch; 60 Rosin; 160 Boxes Tobacco, various 'sizes; 10,000 Seed Icaf Cigars; On consignment and will be sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by seps TAAFFE & O'CONNOR. FISH -150 bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel; 20 "" 3 North " 10'« ss II 20 " Herring (Al!wires) 5 " No. I Salmon; in store and for sale by [ang2s] LAMBERT & SHIPTON. JUST RECEIVED—LETTER., moat BnoosA, Aaia Minor,. by Mrs. E. C. A. Schneider, jwith an essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty to them, by Rev. B. Schneider, and an introdUctio. by Rev. E. Heiner, A. M. Published by Rey. Samln Gutelius, Chambersburgh, 1846. For sale by jell . SCRIBA & SCHEIBLER, 115 Wood st Segars t Segar;ll f J UST received from New York, a large quantity of Havanna and Principe Segars of the 'most popular and superior brands now use.. Also, an excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale. , B. E. WINCHESTER ) NO. 50, Thinl street, two.doors from the Posi Office. FINNEv% THEOLOGY.Lecturei on Kystem atic Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral Government, together with'Atonement. Moral and Physical Depravity, Regeneration, PhiloSophical Theories and Evidences of Regeneration; by Rev. Charles G." Finney, Profesior of Theology in the Oberlin Collegiate Institute; Just received and for sale by [sep 11) LUKE 'Looms, Agent: George R. White & Co., dirpoie of their choke stock of garages, I'V painted and Gingham Lawns, summer Shawls and Scarfs, at reduced prices. They will also dispose of their entire stock Of . Cloths, Caney Casaimerez, and Kentucky. Jeans, at ticu orig lar branc h: cost Of z - WI th hei ey r business. intend relinquishing this par jy22-2ra (Chronicle. please copy.) THE PROGRESS OF NATIONS.—An Essay on 'the Progress of Nalions ' in Productive Industry, Civilization,Population and Wealth; illustrated by statistics f Mining, Agrieulture, Manufaatnres, Commerce, Revenues, Banking, Internal Irdprove mental. Mortality, Emigration and Population;-b y Ezra C. Seaman. A few copies of the above work for sale by. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, aug2o corner of Market and 3d' sts• . - - 1 itDOZ.Ottif,OOiddri&Co.is brown hefty:Wines CJI JO . do; • -do; pale do - , .5.- c ort 6 g , - do to rw ,togetiler with a generatn - Sseilliient bfothei rich old wines.; For96le at the•wine = ' sep ;STERETT & CO., CO - ?' Matlint end-Pront stst T Bnndrles• Tierces fresh Rice; tfl 14 bbls, Conklins inapitorond• Ltird OH; 10,000 lbs. - 13acon,j•Shentlders. ' - On hand and for-Sale , by-:= - ", • • SELLF,RB.•• • . sep24: - • ;', 2- • No. 17, Liberty street. eIIfAIYLPAGNE-WINEI.-- - ki 10 basketsquaris,} "P. & Co." pmt ' Chainimgoe - Witte' now lar;dingortd for sale by sep.2B MILLER &-RICKETSON. • • • , • Bra:tees' Hollowe. !-: - TUST received an assertment; large sizes, Braziers tl • Hand BeHews; also, Patlour and Kitchen; do. Wholesale andltetail, JOHN• W. BLAIR,i; ttet , 29. • ••I • • ' 120 Wood. at • 8 R004.5-50, doz. Popteroya extra; 4 60 . 4 g Medium ;. 60 ic tonitaon; In storeand for sale by ' sep42. J. D..WILLIAMS dr. Co HANDS WANTED-2 Dedatead makers, 2 Table maltere; • • 8- ininde to make other Cabinet Aillteer, , • None ,need apply-but first rate workmen:• anB ' H. 'RYAN/ (Journal and 'Chronicle cony.). , 10,000 adVa Dres# Sllks. all Goode New Books: By virtue of.a precept under the hands of the Hon Benjamin _Patton:lt.' President of the Courtof Carnmon Pleas in and fOr the sth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Juatice Of 11 - 16 Court of Oyer mid Texmiper, and General Jail D'efir - Oryf in - and for said Pistriet, and William, Porter And William Kerr, Ksquires, Judges of the same courts, in and -fcir the said County of Alfa , gheny, dated the 16thAday f May: t in the year of our, Lord One 'th . onsand eight hundred and forty-six, and to me 'iirected, for holding a'COUrt of Oyer and Terminer, and General Tail Delivery, at Abe Court House, in the city,of Pittsliurgli, on the 4th Monday : of October next, at 10 o'clock,:, 31. _Public notice is hereby given, to all Justices of the'Peace f Coroner and Constables, of--the; County of Allegheny, that they be then and there, in their proper persons,' with: their rolls, records, inquisi tions, exaMinations, and other remembrances, to do ;those thinge, whieh to their respective offices in their behalf appear to be done,- , -and also those that will jaesecute the prisoners . ' that riOw, are' or mayan' jail of, said county. of .Allegheny,to be then;and there to prosecute against them as shall Gived under my hand at Pittsburgh, this 15th day:of September, in the year of our Lord 1846, and of the Commonwealth the 68th. septl - 5. ELIJAH TROVILLO; Sheriff , _ Ely the President of , the United States. .IPlpursuance .; of law, I, JAMES K. POLK; President of the United Statei of America, do hereby declare and make known, that publidsales will be held at the undermentioned'Land Offices in the Territory of lOWA, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: , I At the Land Office at DU BUQUE, commencing on Monday,, the twenty-third day, of November next, for the disposal of the public_ lands within the undermentioned townships, to wit: ' North of the baseline and west of-the fifth principal . neer:dean- Townships eighty-seven and eighty-eight, of range eleven. Toiamships 'eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighti-Sevem and eighty-eight,Of range twelve. Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six - , eighty-seven,' and eighty-eight,' of range thirteen. Townships eighty-four and eighty-five, of range fourteen. , At 'the Lariii Office at IOWA; CITY, the site de signated by,the President, under the act of eighth August, 1846, for the office of the lowa district, commencing On Monday, the thirtieth day of No., vernber next,, for the disposal of the public lands within the undermentioned townshipS, to wit: North of the base line'and west of the fifth principal meridian. ToWnshipseighty-two and eighty-three, of range twelve. ToWnships :eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, and eightYthree, of range, thirteen, , Townships !eighty-one, eighty-two, and eighty -1 three, Of range folikeen. • Townships Iseventy-seven and, seventy-eight, of range Sixteen! Sections one to six inclusive, the northeast quar ter of Section seven,•sections eight to fifteen inclu sive, the northeast quarter: of Section seventeen, the north , half of.section twenty-two, sections twentythree,, :twentrfour, and ' twenty-five, the northeast quarter of seetion twenty-six, and the northedst quarter of section thirty-six, in township seventy-six; and townships Seventy-seven, and se; venty-eight, of range seventeen; The north half of section one, in township seven ty-six; township sevehty-seven, ,(except sections nineteen, twenty, twenty-eight, twenty-nine thirty, thirty-one, thirtytwo, thirty-three, thirty-four, and the southwest quarter of section thirty-five,) and township seventy-tight. of range eighteen. • At the land office at FAIRFIELD, commencing on Monday, the seventh day of December next, for the disposal of the public lauds Within the .under mentioned townships, and parts of townships, viz: Nor& of the base line and west of4he fifth principal meridian. ToWnships seventy and seventy-one; township seventy-two, (except section one, the north -half and southeast quarter 'of section two, the northeast quaker iof section three ' and the north half of sec tion twelve;) the west half of section eighteen, sec tion nineteen, the southwest_ quarter of section twenty, sections- twenty-nine, thirty, thirty:one, and thirty-two, and% the west half and southeast quarter of section thirty-three, in township seventy: (three, of range sixteen. ' I Townships seventy, seventy-one, and seventy two. township seventy-three, (eicept the north haliiind southeast:quarter of section one, and the ' j northeast quarter of section twelve) the south half of section twenty-nine, the south half of sec - J don thirty, sections thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty dime, the west half and southeast quarter of sec t:on thirty-four, --and the southwest guar* of sec tion thirty-five, intownship seventy-foot-, ;of range, seventeen. • ToWnships seventy, seventy-one,. sevrity-two, and seventy-three; the south half of section five,' sections six, seven and eight, the southwk.st quar.-1 ter of section nine, the ; southeast qiiarter cif section fifteen, sections , seventeen, eighteen ? nineteen, twentY, twenty-One, and twenty-two, the south west quarter of section twenty-three, and sections twenty-five, wenty-sii, twent*eVen, twenty eight, I twenty-nine, thirty ; • thirty-one, thirty-two, thirtylthree, thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-six ? in township severity-four, of range' eighteen. - Lands appropriated by law for the use of !schools, military, or other purposes, will be exclinled from, the sale- The sales will each be kept open for two weeks, (unless the lands!ar&sooner disposed of) and no' longer ? and no private a Aries of land in the town-' ships so offered, will be admittted until after the expiration of two weeks from the commencement of said! sales. , Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this fourteenth day of August, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred andlOrty-six. By the President: JAMES K. POLK. JA3IF.S. 11. P/PLlty +Riring Comrnissioi,eroffibe Genet-al Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to:the right of pre-emption to an lands within the townships above enumera ted, is required to establish the same to the satin- faction jof the Register and. Receiver of the proper Land Office, and makepayment theretor, as soon as practicdhle after siring this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of Ithe lands embracing the tract claimed; oth ervvise Such claim willbe forfeited. JAMES IL PIPER,. 4rt6ig commissioner of the. General Land Office, augfeli-lwlOw IDILES! PILES!! PILES!!!--DR. JAC.R.- SON'S PILE AND TETTER EMBROCA; TION is the only medicine that will cure this so very common and . troublesome- disease. It not only immediately allays Inflammation, stops all bleeding, subdues atlntolerable itchiag,but-.ef : fectUally cures, in a very short time,persons whose lives have been rendered miserable for years. Ifs application produces no pain, but rather an agree able. and pleasant sensation. If • persons afflicted will only call and hear of the great number of ca ses that have beenleored, they will be astenished: A gentleman of this:city, wholmd been under the knife of the surgeon two or three times, without being cured, has, by using two bottles of this Em brocalionl, been radically cured! It sells beyond ail precedent! TETTER,AINGWORM,SALT RHEUM, and all Diseases of the skin, particularly those that are attended with disagreeable and troublesome itching, are readily cured by anointing the parts effected, night and morning, with a small quantity of Dr. Jackson's Embrocation: Astonishing cures, have been effected by-this .medicine. - For sale by. Dr.. D. Jayne; No B,Sonth Third st., Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. • aug2S-d IDIO LEACHED MEETINGS AND SIIIRTINGS.- 13) The Utlention: . or purchasers is invited to our geral stock of these Goods, - 4-4 superior Sea Island Shirting !Angling) 15-16 fd it Iss it a 7-8 12-4 Hamilton Sheeting; 5-4 " • _n 9_B - • .; mar 17 StIPA & P.ENNCTIC Wanted; for Cash." bagging hirgderneces for 1 000 .I' srl l ri S ch a vg i ll p I} cents per pound:de. leered at my store SI Wood street, or at inj , 'rag room in Virgin Alley, between Wood and Smithfield. sep2l MO. H. MELLOR, 81 Wood sheet. frAil".kts*,!.9 ttt*elysisera: - - - Jtetaped igtaldsng L• lid 4a( m[!.,11. by aV. tuanser. Si bpr of ENVINZ SUGAR. COATELiPILLS• Pas apcm Coln& I 1nP:c124M,7, t ,_ghs Cs4rt, Usk* arms DislitclCoarl /Sr es Basabent Das. or Elcvo Yens. rtLIGICKNER'S SUGAR COATED VECETAILK PILLS are the :first' .Medicind ever known -that willpositiecZy.cure Bcad aglie.,Ciddilsess, ,Measles, Salt Rheum, . . R hontnatis.M,Piles,. ' ...blearthittn, -ispeptia, Scurvy, ' CheleraMorbus, Small PozoTanndice, 'Coughi, Quinsy,- Tains in thellaek ; • WhooPing Cough) Inward Weakness, Constunption, Fits) . Palpitation of the :Heart,. Liver complaint, - • Rising in the Throat, • - Erialpelas, Deafness) 1., Di.op*OTA.sthrzia, 'lettings of the Skin, •Fivers of all;kinds) Gout,Gravel, Female-Complaints, Nervous,t'omplairits, And all other diseases ori g i fiatingfrontimptiltics a the blood. ' . Dl' They have cured, since. ifitiodtictiotii Over 2,ooopersors, Who hatiebeCngiN;63, up as, hope less cases, by the most emirientPhysiciifis, I:*"' They are patronize& atur*reCotattieriderl men of the highest distinction„among Who're kre•!. llon. David It. Porter, ;Hon.-Henry clayi Hoh. John Q. Adams, Iron; De.ntel.Webster);.', Hon. Martin Van Buren,` Iton:;3; C. Calhoun; Gen. Winfield Scott, - Col..R;3l.lolinson, lion. James K.. Polk; : Gen. Lewis Casa, IrrTheir virtues art so infallible th,af the - menoy . wilkbeteturned in all - cases they. do not give braver. sal satisfaction.. Although but tweend•a half 'years have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first introduced to the public, the:sale of their,. in the Eastern and middle States has , .ffir exec-ode& -Drr - Clickenees most sanguine expectations, 'During the: past rear, alone, no less than 10;000 gross of bares e been sold in the, State of.New..York, 5,000 in • Pennsylvania, 4,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in New Jet -, • sey, - 2,000 in Delaware, an (1'3,000 is th e Nerr England States, requiring the constant -.employment of 27 .hands, exclusive of printers arid engrayers. In the.. same period, • upwards of 200,000 impies of the "Family Doctor" have been. ordered by agents in every _section -:of . the cGuntry, *These: facta must-- show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickener , siSugar Coat,— - ed Pills, beside, belng the very best medicine in the - - world, are held in the highestestimation by the public.. We might extend this publication:Att tin indefin• -- ite length, if ..wo deemed it expedient to publish all .tersin3onials we have received ) not onlifrOna agents butindividuaili and fanailies,',whe have experienced - the henficial - effects of , Cl ickeneerr. Sugar .Coated '- Pills, but we , deem it unneceSsary, .The.mostin-. contestible evidence of their unprecedented success ) : are the numberless imitations and Counterfeits which •- have alread y a pPeared,notwithstanding the brief pe* riod they have been before the, pablic. ...KVen some of our staunchest pill makers- have had. the audaciti to,irnitate the Capsule of ,Sfigar, rirder disguise the ingredients of_their comp.oundrt, andpalm them off for ". the "real simon pure. Such paltry shifts canner. 1 ast long and exposing . their hideona deformity; ,Truth and honesty must inevitablypre. vail over rascality and deception. • . 7 •• - For sale in Pittsburgh by ‘V.SI. JACKSON, at his _ Patent Medicine iVarehouse, No. 89, Liberty street, head of Wood. st., Pittsburgh. Price;2sc. per box, -, Dr. Clickenees principal office is 81 Barclay street, New York. • . - - Ltftr- Beware of an imitation article called Tin. proved Siliarboated Pills, purporting to be patented ) as both the pills and the pretended patent are for , geries) - got up by a miserable quack in .NeW , Vorki who, for the laSt (Mir or five' yeats, hak made his living by counterfeiting popular Medicines.. 1* - Remember, Dr. C. V. Clicker= is the Original inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and Mat nuthing"of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in June, 1943. Pureha.sers should, therefore,aityaytt ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable and take no Other, or they will be made the, victims, of ft fraud. - DuRIFY TIIE BLOODAND CLEANSE TIM BODY.-=Ft is an astonishing fact, that a very, large class.of diseases can only be cered.by such remedies as will enter into the Bilion i - and ClITtl• late with it, through every portion of the body, for only by this means can the remedy be brought into immediate contact with the disease; and tci•at. , tain this desirable end; no preparation has been so Uniformly successful as DR: JAYNE'S ALTER TIVE. Scrofula, IL'ings'Evil, Cancer and Cancer: cuts Tumours, IFlrne Swellings, r..tilaritement of the Bonrs, Chronic. Rheumatism and 'Goat,-Eruptive dis-.. ' eases of the Skin, old and indolent Ulcers, Goitrous. Swellings of the Threat Fic., are cured with. a certain ty, that has astonished every beholder- Itisi be sides, one of the most pleasant articles That ten be taken into the stomach, "operating as a tonic; and removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections, and imparting a glow of animation and health, une qualled by any thing in the whole itlateria Medica. For sale at No. 8 South lbird 14ice $1 per bottle ; or $lO per dozen. For salt in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORP,- n Fourth street ) near Wood f and at the Drug Storo f H. .P Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City. - aag2.S-d IHE. SKIN AND COMPLEXION, htthis (and, indeed, every, other) season, is often repulsive. in appearance, caused, in eight cases out : of ten, by. the atmosphere; and what persons stipposs disease of the Wood, is simply a dis.dase of the skin. If some of the thousands take purgative medicine, pills, snit useless Sarsaparilla, were to use bn their' skin a softening. and `.clearing-.balm, that opens the pores, whitens the skin, and causes ahealthy perspi. rationsthat, be the skin never so disfigured, unheal..' thy,.or diseased with pimples or. freckles, sunburn, tan and morphew; the true and- genuine JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL-'SOAP never - fails to cure and dispel them, and to make the :skin clear•: and lovely.. It acts-so mildly and soothingly oh - the skin, that physicians use it on ladiesand - infanta, in old ease's of scurry, erysipelas, salt rheurri;sore head, ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones' soap) has often effected a cure when every other remedy failed. It is indeed a blessedremedy-. - Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine 'Warehouse, 89 Liberty street, head of Woodat the same place is sold the Moorish flair Dye, Coral Weir Restore...- tire, and Spanish Lily White,— ,; • - - PRINCIPAL OFrice.—Sign of the American 82 Chatham street, New York: TAKE: NOTICE - ALL THE 'PEOPLEtoniveY RE.Brovtn—l'hc celebrated meciiiine'n of. Dr. T. G. Evans of Brownsville, Pa„. are ..nem, , for - safe wholesale and retail, at Jackson's hfedieal Depoty No. 89 - Liberty btreet, bead 'of wood; `Pittsburgh. Wholesale Dealers.and Agents ,supplied.-; Dr. Evans' Sovereign and Gictrid.Restorite tire' a certain cure for the Poser and Ague. Dr. Evans' Vegetable . and An4l-Aysfreprio pills, price 25 cents per hos, - - Dr. Evans , Arneriem freg-etable Irerriifrge„ price 25 cents per . bettle. • : Dr. Evans , Tonic , Eye Water, an intlitible curd - for sore eyes,. price twerity r &ve cents per,bottle. Rev. Dr. James Reteiii , s Black Syrup, for the cure l 'of Coughs, Cold, 'Asthma, Croup, Ilionchits and Consureptibn , - , -prite one - dollar. Remember Dr. Evanti , only Depot, iti.TACESON'Bi No. 89. Liberty street; head of Woods jy2. 11110 RENDER THE "'HUMAN HAIR SILKY, SOFTi - FINE AND CLEAN; to midge the scalp healthy, smooth, White and fruitful, to that a good crop may spring therefrom, Persons have but to ex pendthirty seven and a half emits. Arid, reader, our only object for selling the article at that price, is knoWing it to be all we state, that when you once try this you' never will use aught else,ti , hether it be. merely to embelish, to drets, beautify, and preserve, - to force growth, stop falling off, and cure acres or:' dandruffs the JONES> CORAL HAIR _RESTORA. , TlVEwill nererfail to do all this, ' it S hiiiidreds brill`' .tell you with gratitude. ;,'lt dresses tad hair beautifid ly, and makcs red or grey hair grow *Phfrom the roots.' • L. - • Sold at JACKSON'S Piitent Medicine Warehouse. SS Liberty street, head of Wood—price thirty seven undn half cents, fifty tents and one dollartPer, bottle. At the - same place is sold the Italian ChM:cue - al Soip;:r Spanish Lilly. White and unrivalled , shaviakioap., • • jy2s-tf rpm poisonous effect-on the skiff orcotatonpre- pared chalk is not-generally known hp ladiesf . ' howyellow i rough and unhealthyit makes the skin in time; besides. what a corpse like, palid look it gives' - ' when applied; They should use aliediftifut prepar ation, purely Vegetable, Iv hicligiveilie"fdet arms or . neck, a natural-lab-like whiteness; 'and Makes it smooth. It is called Jones" Sflanish, lint White, and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medidine Ware honae, 89. Liberty street, headof Wodd; . - tif the same place is,sold Jones' Coral -Hair Restorktive r Italian Chemical Soap and unrivalled shaving spay. . - •• ' . • - • toiriiitatitiorii . . . . T"' e • i -,.... • . partnership berefofore - existing' hetWeen i., ITtmker.4- • Dickson day rlissalseti by mu-, teal consent- The affairs .of the "late „film will be settled Vy 1 1 . H. Ranker, wile will elantinue the Bak.: su7 and:Confectionary, at theold stand imVittb, near Market ntreet, :..P , - .. _ ~ H. •RUNRER, sepl ' --ROBERT DION.SOL - , L , _ . • . • ' Lanhas 2' Lai1.71281 ' - EO. S. SWARTZ. has on hind.a lot ofEne Latvian ' which will be sold at the rerj. low.price cents-pet yard,persons who want a good article, at a - f low price, would do well to - call- ioorr. • Also on hand a good stack of:car/soak nursling for Ladies Dresses very cheap at . .". iel3 Ido . 106 Market street..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers