Volume p;. : ...7 ,ti.. , :77 , ,:x.,,,ii7, . i:,a_/,. A rramomeni of llirntli. Vultandtoari; • ' : . • • • .i 1 fTi fi. rokhannotk, (Dally,)' l 190 P 12 6m, . - %%A STAGIS:, , - , • l o otrooe: 'Boot, 800 p m. 62064: ..... ... 1 sOp rn ayaluEing. tnailyo •• - '• 11,45a1n •• tiat ,(t kly • - sOOpmo weckly,) soon„a 7:1 orkin ton t r o aS.La wee trl eckl44. 0 0 p 7 m :00 p m vicoppeu,(t rt weekly,) 4050 a m • 400 p m• the New York;(ria Montrose, • Deitht.)Nevr Milford, n thannock,und Wyalualitg are ditty. • . , v. tp i t: a t t l i at ri I k a l sin. inStation mail rttuaTri eadays. Thitradaya, its Binghamton mall; (eta Silver Laieaynni Thurf days. and Sattlidaqs. • trientievine runs. Tuesday', Tbarsdaya,and Sat, • • Meatiopinturoatl rade 3tondaya,Vlciluceolayr:,and , . ADRyttottp. ItrAote.: stage ICaver4lity for MotttrOatabepotat 1 Ltd ,tzrrA, at 6 p: to , . • A Stage I etivos daily for New blittOrd ati CO m. od returne at 3 30 p. 112. • • B. 0, .roaDn hil; P. 16 . . gotrese Railway. • Irranatilent of Trains. :To take eifict on Monday; :, r c,,lte 5, 1874, , . ',,, j 'il Triune. ' , , , ~. , _ , ,Up Train.. ,;,,,517014031 3 • . . • '' ' IIO6TIIIT.IIIID. k i P. O X. , 6 . 00 ..Montrose. • • ' ' 10,40 6.00' 510 1,10. '....Allan's.:-... ;,..‘.1025 . . • 545 • 513 • 113. ' C00rti:,,...... ..... 1020 ' 440 65) 121) ... ... ..,...11unter. ' ..3016 • ,3 35 53.1 113:. ' .... . Dimotk:,... .... ...lb 06 525• 515 183 Tylet's... - .'..:..,;. OM • 515 50 14b..:.•....:bpringville 945 .6 05 ,5•.5 145 ' Lyon 095 455 HZ 158 ' Avery's '' ' 995 '445 510 2 08. ...... . ....Lemon • 915 434 52) 2`o Lobeak. - ....'. ~ .9 05 425 5:50 230 ' Matcy'a , 855 415 5.0, 245 .... .... ..Tankhannogk 1340 855 ' a trains connect at Tankhann'ock with P..stx.i &going north and south. • . JAIdEB. I'. Bt,i.g.BLEls,yreal. . • • _________ F e y kdvertiliements.' Soace in Bankruptcy. • • ' A dministrator's sale•—estate of, Roman snow _Executor'e sale-L-estuto of Akron Mott. =P niocnir J: R Raynstord. 8116114 m, Loteat Exchange Fair. Fair. Sake to Universaliats.'.'... A Splendid Motel. • ' ExOursion to Niagara Falls. Ane,ntion Soldiers. •" _ Annual Parade of the Montrose Fire Dek)art •nt. tlairvoyant Exam' inations. ;*, :sez About Town.' Our stmec lamps are; of . thetuielves, a Z/ Wring tliv T , ciwn tvuncil. , . The M. E. restival,ot last week realized ..rice it to have been successful. There 1m been a rain of terrorlto farmers) them. parts for along time past: It is, said cur carpen,ters are giFen to vice ?out these atiya--they tan so much chiseling, Ile Montrose Drum.. Corp will • appear in ;iv new uniform at the Annual Parade, on lursday, Sept. 2d. - • , Arii can boastoft i wbat no otb et ttarn ean i and is of a painted sideiralk„ is along- the vperty of Lewis Wtiliams(colored) On Spruce , 171. W. Glidden has, laid a very tastyatone ilk along, his reaidence on Prospect, street pd also others in anlabout. the pretaises. He .„.4.s a very nail and cony cottage home.., J.ll. Rayristbra, agent tot` the Central Ex. Company, and . coal dealer, has moved his .:artei i s to the old Cobb building: Mr. S. J. .t.uffer a ill also bo:tupy part of the building,in ..^,:manutscturii'of`.Cigars. Tewn.Couriell are pitting in 'a Barge _ )wpr across , Maple street, opposite JrtdgO Ty= residenm They are also . doing quite an itvcsiVe amount.of tilling on. Setth Main at., Palle Avenue with . the dirt excavated for new Thick B lo c k . It does not take long for a man with a small rntl 'Jo make it.. up'. We :wish' the editor of Roublican to 'distinctly unde.rstand that ''k.,l s Was intended as no allusion to him, and ztrefory it is unnectv.sioy for.,,him to apply ) ta is 7.e Court for permissio& to,'answer it . next ttk. 9, The Co' vrt refused to „grant 'limner a general cl....ense for promisojigtptubus n! the Detnocrats this county,. but from .tlie tone of, the last iNigicau, w e abOold thlnit he had got . a"small fti" license or "by meeaure" and that contin- 11wholly li..ilawley. As Grant bol Lied Butler so' liavo. the "claurt House 11.1ng" I)ot up Homer on all other subjects. Tliey Nltled up ' tlie *!'conntry, delegates" and their tn.lidates the 9th of August, but they inity bottled, the second day of. November. The Tea - Par,ty of We Episcopal Aid Siciety excellent success. It was well atten :kJ US will be seen whea we announce that the proceeds were about, $lBO. The foirowing , , me' of thanks is extended to the Firemen. The ladies of the Episcopal Aid Society thank .::,9'firemen of both companies for, their kind irs.A in lending their parlors for the Tea-Party ' IT+ Thursday evening.. It was a great sue principally owing to their:hospitality.— :Ry order of the Society. , Hterrz 13mnix, Sec'y. , ;The - "Ring" carry aboUt much pleasanter icts this week than they' have "even since the .:,Ixte ronvention. They find that the office of e, , r1.15, to ear** the key to Abe flew county out : iiuse that is teing built, has not been - Pledged P .;i ':any one and with tills patronage they hope It:, tie able' to riniet some of the, Indignant ele; rents, Whether Benson, .011i18W Shelaeo, IGate, Walker; or Barnes will be tendCred the . c , .(liti(in is xitt undecided, and whether either of titfie men will consent to be. mod in !that Way , '- L'lr longer, is a matter of grave doubt to their '4, friends. • Vete fortheltizig 1 ~ ' - ',.i'- ; : ' The lackeys of the "Court llimse Trine ran . `;,4lleniselveti weary, and cried themselves hoarse i ., ' a Convention day proclaiming th Captain .latt of Dimock was not 'a Local OP On m an, „rod, therefore, he must alt.' . be.;•put n n the 7. ,, ,'itadieal Prohibition ticket. ',They nettle ,how .".. !Ter, to waive their objectiOns iu a 'veqr ark- Q '•tli Milltller ivben the °Ririe slain, wascarried t lily This proves clearly that what a "leading 11.publienn" of Montrose said last all .itt still ,: • c. "It is - no ,usetrying Mi. a zoniination•un• let.s you get,. in th Biog.". • We are -informed ''.ist this Was clea rs demonstrated , ton large "um ber of persons the late..enivention, to be . , . .Irally true. ' .' . .' • . ... The "Operatic Cantata' :of : The Bartuqmte • till be presented iri, full , costume;with apprO -,rate scenery; &c. lit • the Coltrt' • 'Bowie on . . 2, ;lllrsday funiTriday,. August With and 27th, !. 'ET the Montrosit Musical.,Thilon. The scenes , s;liregent two days in the hay with mew= ug, spreading * , and raking the luiy, noon-day hteh, adventures with wasps,thunder ‘ storm, ••• kc,, with thorns of about . lifty 'voices:, ".' The I ._ Criinu tide been rehearsing for Onle thake on ?i , piece, and bsve spart4 no ei"Pe t use inTlr°' r.•ring costumes seenery'cto enable them to take it excel ',any entertainment' of tito kirid t'er witntlied- in this vicinity. , Theillnion flits principally of the, '411010 1 4 tlie la churches trf Montror, _every .boir', - *4li, rEpresented ; and it liftw t.lipir.ntiture Proretnent that the organization is kept uq--, Willie we arc confident the peoPlew4, o ' tend will have a treat ' welt worth. the InetteY invested, they cad assure Alirheselvee Abet . they tte patronizing's good eau*. . "_ A,Ptiz;le for the Children. • IVe give the•01111dt - ea giefOlowiairiadieOlud Lust! be , pleaseti to PublithiheneetkOrlhe first who Selves it. - • What hi tliat Isla& .bas -three. feet ,but no legs is al I body 'but, no limbs/has no toed its feet; 11 , ne heooitover. great . dint and neva 11i0 8, i 41 led for that purpose t, has one fhot at slacken& esl the other in the Mire at, its bgdP' r. queer creature in same,iespoote4uld very Poilelar among the - ladiet end some ;ever walks out, but goeswith. one: lo °f -1444.5 trend might - Itr‘, dragein• lAte ettter-feot;be him:, These feet have ratibi-het :10 utio,itO 14 a° bone the root. Dam 'Burned. About Hires - It'd)* In on' tliindity laSt, late bora be on _ gh g . tu Monitoring PerrigO, of Brooklyn ibis county, was destroyed' by fire with all.lts contents flow die fire originated and wbot was the tOtis sic have not tut yet, been able to ;ascertain. .11111 P - Anothor%dooldont at New Milford. On Friday last; R hu,y by thee - nime of FOrd, -.embed A:ty, the cars nt the, Dtpot,in ".New Milford. 'lle - was in the,liabit of riding cars, jumping off ;mkt* 40 'an . at leinpt to thow his 'etneitnesk ont..triday last; loost'han a leg, As he jumPeti,,lie fell, his leg .slipped under the trucks of the,eir lengthWise' of: the rail - Mid; the ivhet;ls passed over it from ,'the heel to. the knee. ills leg was amputated between the knee and hip, lie Is not asesident of. New 3111foril,hat,beiongs,lioln the valley somewhere: • 'Will other _boys, take warning' from: this . or must_ ,they continue till another, limb or ferhitiis - life is lost ? 1:3=10:1 iit.:llittildn's Day..' , - .• . The poPular ,superstithin ,of centuries' ago, that, if It rained. on St.Awithin's day, showers .would continue forty 'days, has 'kohl. good at; least :this year. Of the old Samin We have this history... -St. Swithin,. Bishop of Arinchester, and tutor'. to King Alfred was citaortized by the Roman Catholic Church. He Is said to- hive wrought, Many ininteles, the 'most celebrated being a rain ,of forty days continuance. •by whicli . hetestilled his displeasure at an attempt ofthe monks to bury hlin is the chaacel'of,the tainistry, instead of the open elturch- i yarti,as he t bad directed. Hence the popular • s perstition, that if it rains •on Si, Swithin's da i ~(July 1.5,) it will rain for , forty days thereafter, Se - zione Flood at Susquehanna Depot . A serious flood inDrinker creek, which pass. rs tlireugli, the borough of Suscitiebanna Depot; was occasioned - by the heavy rainfall of Wed :ticathiy MOnting -Ittit, and' a large : amount of datiliger Wits . "doric . ito . .bnildingtr and streets:— The wall in the. - rear of Gutcpburg,: Rosen:, haunt & Co., was . Washed away, and daniagei, • a - I are, estimated at :$500.. The wall behind the . , 'Cook blotk_started.to give way, alxint twit feet of it tumbling out, but between the falling of the water and. the:iietive Work done it was saV ed. The water tore , through- -Streets, pl4wing, canals, upturning sidewalks, Illiing callaA andl varions other pranks. ' 4 . Quite\' an amount of; lumber belonging to 3e.ssra.Tayler &aunt 'ai also. carried. If. i ii' " . .' .: . .! . , • • .a.:-.....----L..-.. tlaidas in ' nkbanuncli.' .: •.' . Ttit i• G. W. Northrup, .a merchant of Tunkhan uock, committed suicide on SAturday last, by cutting his throat. lie went into a room and' locked himself hi and some of the family fear• ing nverytliing was not ail right with him, fol iose( and stood by the dim. .He was heard walking about, the room and all at once he sud dentjastopped and the door was bur 4, open, and be .was found with las throat , cut and in a dy ing condition.' He has been a confirmed dys peptic for a number of years, and 'his had some businesi trouble of late also, which; undoubted, ly, ternporarily dethroned num i and the re-, suit is as aboyc recorded. Alt. Northrup ha Hot been a resident of Tunkhannock but 'fey:. Years. He was one of the ; leading members Of the Methodist church. He was , a brother-in litsv of the renowned Jay Gould of New York, Fractional Currency. It is supposed that a large percentage, per haps one fourth of the fractional eurreney has been destroyed by various accidediti, and the government will ,donbtiess gain a considerible sum by the failure i neglect nr inability of the , transient owners of this portion of Its paper issues to return them for redemption., It is" probable that ten of twelve millions of dollars may be realized by the nationallreasury,in this manner, but of all forms of taising money this is one of the most discreditable... , It exposes the people to a great deal of inconvenience and tinal loss mainly through a neglect of the gov ment to, perform what is one of its mist itn-, portant inactions . in - ordinary times' -the coin age of small denominations metalic money s to serve as a circulating medium for all the' , stuttla transactions of the , community. The ,goverument thus'profits by its own money_ at the. expense of the people.-- Ezelange. brand Picnic an the Etarfard Pair Grounds. The Patrons. of Husbandry of Stisr4tehanna county, will hold a basket picnic at the above place,`Thursday, September 9th._ ,A general in .Vitation is extended'to all . who wish to attend, .and an • especial invitation to the tarrneri and their families. The BrOoklyn Band will be in attendance, also music for dancing during-the afternoon at.. Tompkins Ball. Come early.— Patrons will wear their. proper regalia, and each - Grange should carry a guidon with num ber of Graute: . • 'Order of exercises. At 11 o'clock, a:- Greeting son ; two, Prayer; three, Address of Welcome ; four, Music by Band ; Re sponse to. WelcOme six, Dinner and recrea tion: 'A 2 o'clock, p: tn.; Procession to Sneak er'S Stand. The remainder of the extrel l ses will consist of Vocal and Instrumental .31 - Mite,. Speaking, Reading by Mrs. Weston, and dan cing by those who wish at Tompkltt's Ilall,and a good time ,participlited in by all. 13hvilar. Bowl:demlism On Tuesday, the I.oth inst.,Mr.Banittel Howe u 'resident. of. Bartonville, in the town or Wind r , sor, left his bed in the night, went to his stable, Mounted a horse and rode tt distance ofeiot een miles to the residencnot his brother-in-4w, William Bentaten, on ' the' Beiderrfreek - road, in a Somnambulistic-state.':air. Howe is -Sixty-six Years old, has been in feeble health some time, not able to ride,on horseback for several years past, and had riot . visited Ids brother-in-law in ten .years-. ' • . . They had heen"planning a 'visit for "Monday, August 16th, and ',his p int] being_ exercised about it before retiring r tloubtlesi caused this eogular•action. Aside from ierenca.and lame ness, uo ill Offeets have beep exPerienced, and on August kfith, lie was carried ltome. He slept awhile after his arrival, waking up all. right about eight o'clock a. m.,wonacting very much as to his being there, having no recollection! o f tutithing connected wfth hisejOurney.--Binc- Amitoo iirpubltran, , _ Tbe following 'Rein has been so extensively 'circulated of late that it Is eyident that many believe it to be true.: "There is 'a einns,of Per sons who imsgine they are dolitg Vbry jodici (wily by - advertising through the .medium of circulars:. They scatter a few thousand through -the country anemtneintr their business, and await the result, telly convinced that in so de - , ing they have taken.all necessary preliminaries. to success. Variens circulars are - almost daily. to be found on the domsteps and entry ways dr respectable 13ousett; Their fate is that tkeYlre either thrown into the street by the indignant servant girl, of summarily pitched aside by the Mtta of the house, who finds them when he re turns home, who desires no new method of lightening his pun*, The.use ettirculars may limited-cases, answer tier) , puiptgie, t tint the vast maiority of those whobave made, along by advertising have found - that I the• cniumns of ''Tiesparlet are the -tett sand. sorest, and in Abe, end the- cheapest inedi tne of communication between' tba' business world and the public." " • he _ . waterspout 9,r tr Wednesday wrouxbt ruin easea.de.. - M;4ltvlited' 90.1b0Zrle.frir - Milen,ettlit asi4 ; abn#lis c re,„ Mil/lirliflit , o l4 e gorgPo the C* l.ll.o * -4 ;i0 1, 4 1' 4 .6 , 1 % ; Waite %Tor through a.. tunnel exeavated, thriitglt 'solid rneli . 10 - ii4!.l - t -., ~ wide; ran under the hrldge, - ,Widek 0 . 008'6%1:Of.. .11.shig16 wirndelf._dith,-270' - feet I? )englif 'mid' 11$4-Itt'height.''l4l..woeden;l.irl,tle*doA!.4 . l6c(' .000:.f ri r iiii:ni that -it' ‘i•Faild;:fio - the •tiiiii.;:piove", intrtuttWortity,the coin t i.apy.filledl t if - Aid gnige With ditt and rock, ninijturneti the .witter from. its natural' come, through ,tlie• rticia; ' , i . , s 'rhe -work, - which - was . Ainiler. thh-diretlitni hrjotin MeCauley,',constuned fire yea? Aline, and cost Most of this went. went cloWn• an 1 wits destroyed 'in an:hours' time:. The Cisesule !creek emptieS. Anto',the.'3usquehanint . rlter abolit , one..half little front the bill, itiveourse•-' tneetingwith :t rapid. fall. , The ahlitll anis 'above the Fill overflow.: .ed, hrelie, and came down.against tlie Fill w ith fearful ferCe, gradually undermined :laid foreed its *ay against it.`., The water. - came through the tunnel .with terifie foice, made iiti eddy or whi r tpoof, and gradually washed the Fill . trot ,tini' boitotit:\* . *Thli; together: with the • toie .! 1 frOm,abore;etta4ed,the rein. -.. ..,,.. 1 lt'ation prey/ay, qaeli and all., The major= IV . 'ot ,the dirt found . its . way . . to the eceek, nti . 4‘4vas washeil ' into' :the Sus'quelian'tin, ,-. Nothing 4exceDt a i'eartiiiiliaaril NtaB left :if this Suppat.,cil .to be'substfintial rill . .—qunucionoi4' G,a:ctts., COntt. Proceedings.' '"• • • • • '' . ... - '- '.! In case of Hotel Lieease of Henry Counter,. of Herrick.. Ride tb,,show catise. wity.License _ should not be revoked or -give additional bail, 'granted. Returnable, November Term. : • ' Elltin Hicks' by her omit blend -Edward Ei enairs Jamei Hicks. • Proclamation in dlyoree. - A- W.: Bertholf esq , committee 'to take deposi -0,01?i•' ''''':` lint/bort Rogers - vsi Leonard . ' P: Hinds. ' Rule 1;686W - cause why supplementary affidavit be not•Strieftekoff and .judgenient trolered for ,plaintiff. for .want of settleient derense., „,... . ' l ' 'WM.:, Whitt, Exeen for -of James . Reyiolds; . l i tb.v;(l, vs Johnine.yrields any , James Logan.— Eicetunellt,`. Verdict frir Plapitiii.for • the land claimed. - Dsfendants to haVo it on Payment of 418.74 ; :with cots. arid intertt by. the. first of January next.' ,. -; ' • ' . l' . ' . . - :. . Ithamer Conrad et al. vs Horace Conrad et a1.. 1 Ejectment. , This was - _a;seefilid trial.of •tt:- c.BBe• which Was hist_ tried ayear or. tWo ago, L between .ffifferetit „betray'. Verdict roi.. plaintiff, eight-PinthsWef.the land claimed, ou l paying in- to Court ! $514.t.t, r.• •- , - : , ! ... ' • ' H. W. I)outiney vs G. W, NZ ton- et al.— Covenant I LVerdict for plaintiff. . ' I: A,.Jeryentpaiptelled In thri,ease . al Ferdinand ' WhipPie..visl - HOrris'_Tingl4. . 'Trial to coin; Inenee on' ,Ntontlay last. Fouttrainvencti On :Monday ntornitig,and iiijot reed Mt tic:Count, of : , sickness of "olie Of the jurynien, 111r,,N.N.111tek ' of. Franklin; . Until . ... Tuesdy. - - .Cann' 'called .- agairf'on Tuesday and !Arr. luck not being able to attend; the case Was' conlnued and jury tits charged., . ! ..., ! .• . I • i - • - I • • , , 1 I ,- ' • I - ; . -• • jlll4 I• . Photograph of a 1 Hl** . .. . The American . .21*'&8pd . kr4 , Rueter says: A page Of seild,te6o,llrade ad ertisements Is gen erallya map of a bundred men's Capabilities in life. When we contemplates doing- business in a distant' town ! 'n/e . take' up the paper•of that ' • ...t} Viand . from Itii •10C,91 advertising ,columns we 'ltrit.,, a true ' phiture 'of the men we have to • deal• With; a Com fete record of the town, Its commerce,-its bon e ',, trade,' . the faellitleaor its store peepers,' its auks, and •in 'alniOst every caSe fro can esti te: the character mid feelings of .the Who a a. soliciting publieTtrade.— men Tbaadvertising page is u map of the town, re cord elf its municipal'eliaraCter, a Inisiness con .., fessionorthe citizens, and instead of being the. 1 . opinienated Prochartion of openritn.it is freight: ed with the life thtught.s . ,iii. a hundred: 1 Every' family' is t , .a'Ostiin extent a mercan-, tileeitabiiinneriti nd :so far as the Misiness isf selling labor in return 'fort inoneY hi concerned, it should •be . conducted oil the - tame basis. 1 &ruin; is a secta , Misiness-firM of itself and the head of thela fly' reqUires cif the eemmer• cial Sagacity disp ayed ,by a New-'York mei -11 -, , Chant,zOnly As f -as the ciretimstanees alter. ' ,the casa. A wisii man, goes to the best 'mar ' ket.:' •_ •' ' - - c-- • - • I . - - , Speaking of these things;, We Must trace the true can intiiVidual 'andjgeneral! prosperity ,to the advertising columns' of 'the 'limy - liable • ; I• ; , : 1 •coutnrylpewpapez , H Some people takebold or a neWsAaper,itirn • over the pag,eS, and . siniij an, expression or disgust, exclaim; Atliat Paper 'is ,all advertisements," and . without any' more. 'tliouglit fling it under :the ' lounge where it may always ' stay. : • On ' taking;the ,trouble 'to - ..esti : . mate: tkip:Thstanfiitie. of .1 Ida . kin d o f perseri o - we flnd,ffiatirieverY case that his ex - 46%1mM 6u; go is only Checked by' his iiinitedincOme. - • . ' 'Another Beadin,Entertainment.. - ' - - - .;' :- !'" • ' 1 - . Ana J. G. -- Brintilt i .rr.--•Dear 4(74m : Many fof these : Who had .the pleasure of iistenlo, : to the• Reading, givein by yen last week, ter the I ;benefit of: Liesthe Aid Society of-St, Pirul's church, haVe i essed _ their earnest wish-that arrangements might, be made xvitli : ‘,you to fav or 10 again 'during your present ylsit 16 31-tint rose, and for your Own benefit. • .• ' I • ' ..In behalf. of I hiftnany interested,' wa-there fens invite ; you - . l6. : giti a *bile; . Readlng -- at such • place. 'and" Iline.a.4 may seem to yoiniost biting. - •,I, , . • ' , . . . ' Repine that ion wril probably consider this_ rriquest; and pledging', Jur 'zassistancein L mar fy • • irk;, out, needful arrangements. ' ' • ' . - •I - ~.. - We arri' . :Very., truly yours,..., :, . ' W-IL.Tessrik, ant. ~ Hon. F: 3. Streeter, . ' 8.. L -Baldwin; ,' .- - E L Blakeslee; ' W. A.•brosno,.i;:.'. ',... -.._.. . Geo.,?. Little,' • '''' RCV. G. H. Kirkland, - , . Rev. E. 'Android, L. L. D. Daviti .•Stimmers,.., t '. •:, '. a C:Forciliam, •H: H. Frazier, _- '_. ''. ...E..13.11aW1ey., - Hon. L. P. Fitch, - : : : 1.. '111on. Wm.' J. Triiii.ll ; 1 U. N. Tiffany. -.. ;; - .' . lt.L, - Webb; -'• • : Henry C. Tyler, - ;;. - ;-I1 ' :•:-.. A. B.Bnintii ,-, ' ' -' Qairin C.. Haliey.,. M. D; : ' J 11.; Williams, .BillintB_Strotid,.- - !'2:- .1 - -••- -,1 A...Lathrt . ip,'" -, iyi . 'm.lt. Cooper;': -!.::. - f!'W.,•.J. , ,,Hitlferd; ', ' `J•11 -1 411,•11. ,73. - : -..- ; • D.l.lS'earle, ' -• ' I • 6, - -N - .'S:toddard,..: ',_.',": ..:•••,:': Charles L.-'ii : rov..%n o l, j.'1,1.. DeWitt, ''_ :, •:. Elem. : 4 . l'ir.-Wat4ott,' '- - E. P.lfituiger; -'= - '. , J.ll.Hutiger.',..' .. ~I,Hontioie; Aug... 19, 18';"41.. • 13Y WI COIL W.. It .1 . 166 Es a t a _ trl*„. . , TREE'reit. AND D'IVERS.--Otnfietten ' all , My- hear! I y i m for the : compliment you pay. me .by.your noratnunimition just received; kAexial .ly as z bad already felt flatt cm! by the,intelli gent-and refined audience 'that gg'ected in laat •Eridt7 evening:.,l gratefully accept-your pro piisitlon, and would apPOint Wednmduy eve ning, Sept. lst,at the CAnyt libuse, as conven ient time and plum for..tuy'secuad Wading I.)e before you, if that toyouseetp suitable is atek,gentlerueu, appreziativ_ely, • • • • idontrod3l, • - 'T'easorti the Tuntet:.. ' " On Tuesday' morning 'last, about- i4t-v,:-..-y -yoling gentlemen and ladles of sietantee made up a "welkyng, berrying and -P:cnicirig' party; and,'aliouythe middle of the fpienoin praild :. ett with palls,lurieli baskilis ancr„tadi lice(lisor les for ei daylin We; woods, , and: amen s kimhes, smrted up- the D. L. & -W. tr4lc . towurd the lupnel.., Arriving -tbere, a irei t tat\ stain „came thtegh; and ani engineer 'Pis tts'estP.PW. °A to :tile chances of getting through t 1 , ,:. tunnel. With - ,out meeting an: itting,ana ta, repht was to 'the , er F ct that it !lac nil right—)aere would be no trOuble tram trums, it they I.ept the track they, ' eiv thin *i. Vpon" tbq other , track, hew,e r, :they - ssua , _* train ' ju4 tipterlog the thane , but us there VAS_PlantY 1 rooal oft the Leapt track, they,ront,..o hut 'Fpou rea•ch lug thee) +IMP el, 1101 , 1iniel. to theti,-/touisionent sad • they . Wieg anotheinin;oromg dliot r upont_ _baglo•:lA 4P oPi )0 4 0 dulfo o °.7 - AS no orte'iould ftair 4ther s .llllr l aWlng to the lit ,tticl .ineaining , eseh, gentle. trai i 249:11- iiddoil.l7 ti 04,014 1 -3 leAly o ludies artaxit pnn - MONTROSE ,DEMOCRA.T, , to.li to thetane, and hastily, take a po , rithin ltetvieen ilie:,twe",traCks, where , I,titi,re i, hardy. rootn, for: ; ,ti:. : man•to stand Arline 'co: trains:are rauttYstanttlterY "e,t111,..(pid,60, 'l* . gentleman -near es ..the ripproaching:'ehgine;.batt,, two ladies clasped 'tightly, tine:.'in ea . .% • rant, yelling 'ln Iheit , ear a Caution not to move aninch, but wheit the ei,ginePasied one of the Tattenstart led .byt he noise, made a slight-movement, and was strne4.:lty a projeettlig portion of tlie:lnenmo• tivejthrowing her supporter and the other lady baett:Ward aping. the tender, along the side of they* wern . :beingrAbliediidiert the engi-.• rieer,succeeded in stopping the' train. He bad seen!tlie peril of the party - its Soon as, luc enter, - NI the it:ninth of the tunnel ; it'd by his, prompt actirin..:donbeless saved their -,11yc4 To secs, .otIN later, and these throott, least, woulithave heep beneath the wheels of the 'train. Upon reacldng Jhe' - other • .enti i :of the:" tunnel, 4nd . enterging. into baylight;:bleett Was found streatn,tig down the back of. the :dresser:tile ,lati3.lWito bad been struck,'also over the face of the gentleuttin Who ; had r ,suppetited her Upon inveittlgatioli, qttiion deep pisiti had heen cut_ in the *back oil the lady's be but of widen she .AVas not herself aware, , her o;4lo,h:wing . deprived her of any sense of ,botilly pain. : At a spring near by, the. wound washo. and dressed,.apd, the injury prov ing-in 'be 'nothing scrinat the party continued the progratmite'of the day, which had been in 'terratind by :so narrow an escape freanit tun-, net lutrron-:-!Soranton7loo4l, • Demeeratto,tounti Gialventtari. • - 'The Democrats of Susquehanna county are reqUested t 9 assemble at theuSual time and placl!s dt itnhling delegate electiOns t on StTeRBAT. SEPTEMBER IS, • - • . . to eb!et two deleg.,rat from each borough,. ward dud township, to, represent them in county comieintiou, to be held nt Montrose,th the i.virt . . hot*, on Mrondax, Septemler 20, at tWo o'clock p.,in., Or thw purPose or nomi nating a ticket to be preiented for tbe_sulfrage of the people of the county, at the next genera election. - The aoininitteo order Afie'. folkkving to be made . one person for J'utice. i • • ,• On 3 .person fog Sheriff. , One person for Treasurer.. l ., • - ne'pergi for likg,ister:itteonideri. , ..: • Ttbo personsoloe Conoty'Comentilliaier.' Two persons for Countriuditor. - . One person for uprener, • • At, the time ot the _eleption of delegates to the k!uuuty Con vention;one 'pereon Isto be el. eteil in each election district. • and returned to theqonvuntion with the delegate, for County Conitnitteolbr the . ensubag year. - no iItOT.FALL OF TOM LIST DOT,Y. • E. - B;.l.lAvnatv, Chairtnath E. Secretary. • • VIGILANCE CONigl TTEE. . , AllulaclntTatrick =1 alsh, !lid:mei Clary, Chwi. Ragan . , • • At)l)Oria;--Tlinmas Sheridan, R. B. SwiMher, Wrn liinntiberv ; • ' , ,•-• ki,a nit --Li: a- Baldwin, is4tlianiel Wes!., jr.; Tno4 Boaket. '• • - Britigowntar—Jeremiab Baldwin, Edwin, Ty ler. Edwin HilL Bri)c)islyn-=0 B DeWitt, John Bolles, ,31 '3leVietfr. ' . • •Choconut—Davicl Stanley, Patrick Clark, Eti 1)onley. Clifford —John Stevens,'Martin Decker, Hew, ry Riveeburg. ' Minuet:- • C ti 31 ills, Ji)hn !refer,. A El Allen. P Phinney, A -, 11. AyerB; E ellainhers: , Fclrc t Lake-0 P Handrick, E Qrifia, Itfat the w Gritlin. Frank J.J.,uce, - .RTuttle;-.1.111 Smitb . .• Friendayille 7 —John.R . aglin T JohnFostei, I . tyan. Gibson-Silaslinwell, George Milliken, R M Orem Bend-4 M Rasbrock, IV S Barnes, _Julltt Denten . . • - - - • Great; Bend boro—V Reekhow,Thos Ge(i McNamara: _ _ . Great Bend „ D • Luik, Joseph Brown, C % Shistow.. • -.• • Herrick—DrAlotztee Lewis,A:l3 - Titioley, rienry. Lyon. • • ilannony—J W-Anstitc&D Stevens, Robert. Toby.• W':E °smut', W W •• Jackson—J C 1.1111, Wilke.shire Blasdeil. I Jetattp—Jacob Chimp, George Jobn Smith. , Le - -Tit( tas D!Payne, A-3 Titus, Thom- iyne, ..2•J 11cuy, _ 1: Utley. ' ! • La!larop--Anscl3igrrit,A L Ainey, W Green. Liberty—P 13 ‘ :Martin, Calvin Stanford, T. S Little Ateadows--Patrfek Shonnesy, L II O'Dowd, D-It Garfield. _ Montrwe=ibel Patrick, 31 A Lyon, tf , C : Middletow,n—M W Lee, Owen Smith, Pat 'rick Wlgte. New 31iiford—Wm VanCOtt, Lewis Writer, Tennis Houlihan. • , New Milford boro—Peter 31eCothint,'4 E Dean, Chet Hewitt, ' ' (3al42nnd=-J:.Tillniau; ,I; - E. .811ittti,; , *‘..0 . . 'Lece,'et -1 Rip,b—John J ,Harvey, Wm J Hillis, Jiumea. ;Logan. • ! Springville-W. .B Hendrick, .8 A. Sbno l k i - F L Fi.eb. , Syst=quehtenna Depot, E. W.—A- W-Rotvley, Dmir,i..C.Lsey, A _Benson. sipstlueharuia Depoi;Ail. Kett:him:l, J Pentiergreei. John Donahue. Sliver "Ake—Timothy Sullivan, Wm Ht`ary, Dan Donnovan; • • ! Thomson—J B 1% - hitacy, L 8 Aldrich, Ches ter, Stoddard. • ' • Business Locals, I. ExCILME Fatu The Fanners -and 3Seehinice Exchingd!fair will be held, at Franklin Forks, on Saturday, Seht. dith. - • • By uni t es of Coreoniftie. August 24, 1875, . . , . . Noxiet.• . ' . `The neat annual- seasioili'd7ttie'S squeliatina. ittisociation!,of .iinivetaallan4. will be, 1 - Aild Sugqueluninii,Deixit on WAncti.lny;'•and Thurs day, Sept.latinii , 24.. The:pub:lo,am edrilial-. ly invited o attend: Diatiuguialiell elergYipen them atitiond• lie irtattenilan* Letillere ben full Attendance and, representation front. eery Church. attd. Sunday Scheel in the „ , , '• , Vol • - .August 25, 1875'. ' " • - 8-4w2 Srr,Expii:!-' norm, .. I • !Of. all the leading' hotels In our. large :elites Were are ft* as uniformly satisfactor)dto all visitors the St. Clond , m Philadelpl4, on Arch street shelve Seventh, ander the,prOprie tOrship - Oeorge - Minim tor ';many . years and. ;stall. the.. sueeerfut manager Of the flouse - at''CrmSon Mr: has re cently ached thirty additional handsome raOrr.s to the 'St.. Cloud, and - s spacious .earlor, tin the first flOor i and maduit..if possible] more attractive and homelike- 'than 'ever. TIM hotel lids a splendid elevator,Aittlints the peculiarity ut n.4':over et;heitig.ha all rameets trst•elos;and charging secend•class rates; but; dollars :n day. The Room -clerk,Harry Denni3on, And - .llr ."-J. T. Skilea, Cashier - are both a4tralta b)y Avail thallor their piksitions;:.: August 255,18' 111, ANNuAt Parade of the illontroi Fire Def.ortment will take place; Thursday,t pier*. her.2d„at, 3 o'clock p. M. ' Line to form hi front of, Engine . 11Ouse—'-ltough tt• Beady, Ni.,. 1, Dlhntrost, No: .0, with Montriin Drum Corp and Bough Ready Cornet Band - will be in line - Honorary- Alembers are specially r4quest .ed to mitticipate, • • • - " • Lille of 3.larch.-Up 'Maple sirett g dOw n pike Btl't , itt, to FOttndry strect,'down FOundry and up Public Ai•entiP , .. to (chart House, thence a rotind ppt, Btlittiqt elturCh Turuplitc to Cherry ; -up C tkerry:-.7 peat- L ateFoundry . to Atoll Main street - down to Engine . House, • It the day is fine r a trial and test of atm:trat e s will ballad at close 0 ,!,Par,4,40L • • By order of. • It. It&ruifoitn, Chief :Engineer. 1874.. ;.; „ QRQ•qi PALE I • excursion party wilt jeave Strantnn - for i lilooftro ,Polis under the intopim of the . Pre9 . - bst&ian ChwelteS ot. jiyde Patti and litabob: eon, Tuesday - , Sept. 1411; at m. Tram will stop for poosetipro at` kiingtiam UV. fiug tergotitote ist*tionir tin`-the Lk' MAL Rm, arriving at,* :Fails at BPiLp , ,• • AUG U:ST Ex,eursioni , 4lg uillspenel-1 litmus nt Niarar9 re; ttri than. to_rtOlz, Mne's' h :I'bors "tinTy nioreing. .ttrs wi.l &trio tithed , ill.bn.,train on the .rettltll - .1.4p . : - . Evet'S .1 1 10111,9'w ill be Provided - tO. - mace trip en itiyable and jnexpeip,ii , e,.- Among- the features o the sisit,- a. basket tilenie in the Pere ',,riettivtlin Falls, Whieblit - fitted lip expresidY for iuch:purposw. .Tlie'iiseinbe)ll Of - the .party fpf ruislung their own'preiiisions.! 1_ Tieitets. for the num(' .tri . p (exelusive of tiet iti - sleeping ;coach) - as-follows From Heratiton.sll vO ; trout Clarit's fiutntnit, /think. foni . :and Faetoryville- '25 ; from .rsliebolson 110 - stations on the D. L. it - W.A. 11., - $8 00. Tickets will be sold at stations and otbot places that" will tie - duly desivated, ant) :may. alsO be obtained by, teal) of D., W. Titus, Station Agent at Nielvilotin; MI intendlo4.to . go, should apply .fur tie.hets on or heft re:Stip-. tentber 3d. • Soy otiditimial ftirmatioti desired may. b . : Qb.titined ttpplientlim . - Mdiolson, August 25, 1675. Art SoLUtt RA 1 (General Order 1%.10, 1, Series of 1875.) -• . The third annual Encampment of the Yet. Organization of Soldiers, Sailors anti aittartes, - will- bo held at llitrt. bake, SusquebannaCcouti ty, Pa., Wednesday:l lamlay. and Priday,Sept. 13th', ldth, and 17th, A. D:1875. ; Every, mem, berhl - the organization and all Soldiers, Sailors and - Marines living:, in - this • jurisdiction - tire not onlyrrequested. bat expected .to be "Present and to - dwall in their power - to - make this. years en- eminent:: a. complitte :success: , The. Soldiers Orphans belonging to . the: tlariord tO.Lool ;, -th9 "Telford Zottaves, of Susquehanna Depot, and 'tL Military Company from Gibson will be in attendance and,thelrpresencealette will qdd much twthe interest of _theoccaSion. Citizens, finale and female, and aIL Soldiers - and Friends a resPecttully invited to be present with iii; Th ,egislature having paSSed a special net for cur. be litme are enabled to guarantee perfect order in lid about the entire - grounds - and to m \a„\i. say positive y to all that there will- be no in tox 'eating. drinksold on or within reach - of the Encampment 'Ottnals. Only spelt things as are actually neccessamior the • condors and vehitre of those presenT. To all let me ,say come.antl.hujoy a dootlNtime With Its, you han allbrd to spend a day with- N UR! Soldiers each year, at, the Soldiers' Encamihnent, , Think of Lite - days :and .nights - they - Spent, or rather W -lured. on !the Battle Field; in Prison, on the -March or in Hospital to secure the unspeakable ' blessing 01l a Ina:ly free :government, such as we are now lierrtllltetttCr enjoy. DA, eyerYbotly: he at the'dEneampment the Tectind-day if they cannot be present all the time.._, - , -, ", Mal By er, of --Wu , 11. Teu.vonn, •-. 0en71.-Cmn'd'g.ll - et.. Organization or. Susq'a co. ji : S. N. .MercitEta. ; Atlyt. General. ' , • Aug.`.4l7-,ltt7ti .. • Ft: Citusts at the 1 1 pystaue &loon, Pm:mat:Ts roamed fre s h every day, at the Key. stone tiaMon. • 26tl CALL km Eximmaz our $2.50 Boots; at Clicap.John's, •' 29 ;lIIQII Ifcl At the 1.-.qsh BLANk Lc Other bltilks 4 -4 (110TC,E Ch6wing Tobacco' at the Keystcrii Saloon, West, side ptiblle venue', 31pritrose, Pa. II . ' 26if -, TwEsTi PIECES Androseoigin -Ond Fruit. of Loom, yaid wide Bleached '3ltrslin - at.l2 l ,,lets fit Cheap John's: - • . :jtiq L • ONE liI{NDRED . pickes Spiagoe, /incl other standard prinur, new. patterns, at 8 cent, at etiesP Joh n's. ~ilf 1,000 yarda best Calteoes (in remnants) at o ; ki eeta:per yard, (this - week only) at Cheap , . Jonn'a. • - 33tt Citi§tria OUT Sunither goods 10 per cent. be ' cum, : al, Cheap John's. 3ic+ntrose tub - -18, 1873. - • • I • , WANTEI.i.,-A c .,good servant and n good ,watzli er end Ironer. Hood %sages will be mid/ Ap plv tit H. Hosentlial, at etwap Jolln's store. Montrose, .Aug:.lS, 1975. • • • - • • - I'moTonnarna.—Pietures tithi.n in all thc.lat-: eat style:3.p Old pictures. copied and 'enlarged. AlsO I,_spferiditt lot of t'raines* for sale cheap. •at G. IP. Doot.riTtes. llontroie, Junelo, . . _ . . WATCIIiS, Clocks . atitl . 41eweirtr, repaired ut apart. not lee. &Intl warranted nude 'vain proth iseil ,at F.p.- i.eiliuistr . ...fiz-cir s - Stare. foemet ly•lstiell 4 31elimisii's:: .... MOntrote, July 28, 1875 tr. . , TAKE - Nolcx. • . • • - • -, , . , , All the note.s and .amottnt - in favor of .11. C. Sai'rels wilt be at thErstil . ra for collectton. Atter tliC expinition.ol, 30 tiny* Will be in tlie Wands of the JuStice: • 1- - - W 4. G. •Ettix. • Mont - rose, August 13,1375. - .. 83w3. Ttit nisi IPniTEI2 has been one of unusual : severity. i Stock of .all kinds, ilo not appctlir in. be doing i well as usual. , Those: who - have tried' it, say, it pairs many, times . over; . to give their stuck, alibis season. ottlio year, alew pa pers.l of Taylor's .Cortilifima / Powders. They, can be; obtained of any dealer' In medicines. • Gnionti Plasm _• . • A; 6icnie tint the benefit t St... Augustine's Catholic lelturett, will_ be. he d• on the, t.3ounty Fair .Gninn[ls in 24.1ontrns •, oy Saturday,Aug ust 28111.14 There will he gout triusje' in attend anee-•All are invited Itt attend. .• • I • AtigustlB, 1875. - ' s •t. . . G9Drir ll". • ;. ' - - -..- .• A;llielirox an oounees that he thinks of leav ing Itiontrose soon. All who .would like some Of his:w i nrit Would do well-to atteutl.to it with out ile)* .• - . - 2 —, . • ....- • .- His" whiteieloud" *lgnettes are 'a 'verY . unique andirleqng picture, an entirely new style.' iilinirtioSi i June 16,1876: . . 2 • niiiii 4 .l.-A. ; Tee-cream • and Peatlieti will be held at Ditnocic Coirrierit,iit the Aitatietny, 9n • the atterniii% anevening .ot Friil:ty:._ August 271.11 In. the' in .rest 01 • the 1 (.. Presbyterian church of , that pla All loyers Of good 'thinks a good 'time:and- a good cause are tosited to attend. - . '• - ' '' • ' ' '... ' • • BY tinnEn ot? Copt. - Atigust 18.).87,1. • • - • • ~, _ ' 1 B:ltuittis, at theogle- rug btoreiheeps, E • constantly on hand: a largeVand well geleeted stool:- of . pure Din.e;a4irid .?deditin* Paino,() • a 5 and :Varnish, also a_ very. large , aklaortnient.of Port AfOnnaieti, Combs,- T3ru , 411. and• Toilet Soirm•- Phyaieifina•, p•re:wriptions carelially :compounded at . . all .hours -the thy. and' nirr,6t. Glee Win a. cal. -- ' . B•ign .9f the POI• den arid Mortar. • '.." 3foiittOse, Juno . 0,1675.-01 • • Qjd.i4--' k -.'", -: . • .. 41:),T4T 1 ?!.4. 'Sr E. X' Alt IN .t.'r ro Ns Fr...r: r.. ... - •..• There : is _no, sulkject, that. requires _so 'much' tritily awl exi•rerience us the treatinent. ofehron- • it :diseases.. Tire. 'astonishing - 'BI.ICOUAR• rind re utarkable cures ptllorrneil' by :Dr; Butterfield,: l are due tO the: gift of clairvoyance, to Ifie,.life lcrtg-bturly of the. conittltution of ruin; Anil, the i e ring Of4isessestrorn natural rearedtes,-, :Curd II e worst forms of berofnla. t:atarrit, piim ,vo. I sle.WeitEness, Asthina, Kidneys- or illitddet. N 'ill: be. at,. the• Calfertz House,' aingletruton' . hUrsday, Friday, and .baturday, Septentber 23, 2. tit, -end Vitii, 1875. - ••. : . -•--- • : -'• - ' ittifalflt 25, 11375.' 'Br nOIVING AIACISIxEs, Fxrmeke nll you that-: urn aliout to procure •L'OirAtnOwing niftelthies_ this: Year will neglect otte.lnterest.if you, :exatnine tireitt .ItoWer 4erore , Searle at. Tom& lake the maehini, at any. tit:fie - o'nd order one for you°'at nude if :dcsirecl:, IV B. "..Gytins in i3lbietrott.e.'ittio, : supply 'ytin sbor& ' :Four Stiaidaid 5-,rlr,euttiu lOW Inachitmt, also pi1e,e12.4,.0u Acarrinipply yeti with the. !tea and cheapest sulky harere rake \ Iri: the niarket: 'r Call - suet see' : ;,' • •.- 'R. S Sz4nLe:, Attent...: IIoral:ow ; July 7,1573 - - -41;-; V c; sffsos tit co., . - • ' •r. • z (11. Court Stteet, • , • ' .13idglountow,' hay . iftatiticAniportaat,_reilttelions fa everything tlic-iiite of fitting and Summer Goodi4,-an flow: ciflier the balatice'of - iheir; sl,Ock of Burn- TherSilt;s, Japanese 8114,-Dri:vsl Gootis,Shawls,! farasolt,,Csinhrics; itc, at lower prices than thCatilo goods` ham i:vtr• fkefore.-- - We .offer, tu inttnaifsestescit of ilanitiarg-Eni :broltiero,riinging in orlon &rill) cents to 0,60 -Cdrsetsiatir_stock 1.4 airs:4 lull' anti mini/fele; make it an object for the people of Montrose one vicinit r, to..c4lll,ltion u!i',l:iv on. inky the . best . pe .goodii•On • unglir e,t_ upon favPtubtt terms': - .21i105; !IVpit:Elton Jul): I'lBls' ::, a 1 7 :, .. : _.t ~..: =EMI ---- IssTauTp -, , A , 111 Int held in Montrnsfenul alß•2',e(l4^.o 11, ni.,`nt Idontinx, -- Atig. 20, • i4Vi tin! morning eUxsic~p.un=b` Say; ;ilk.nftenoon will., ba ospeeisllN devot-• 'I4M i)uoicits ..the • bands . or School . , thole Officers see fit >to be present nful eneb one' is urged _to conic sfup inquiriess..a have oceasiOned r'/lotibt conditetit g school buithesS. _ciperin toident Mr: Henry . fionek, or Devitt:Mutt, will be present to an !ivies. Efficient end, Interesting In find' 'Lecturers: from 'Ares& in addl. awn test:ben „will be present. :Ail id sue c ninty should maktran effort to = during the entire semion, that eur luity• tie : of great advantage UM will be furnished at reduced rates.. An ion will he held. during the week for ly whi?''are 'engaged to commence in Septembenand kayo. not a legal cer; STltitip s -&E. • LILN ULO-s corons_ trridiiiinciusrs.'itAmEcuao GNI. 'URN LACII,I3. GIIIPS PION- , PAIL:S3OLN, • , COLLARS, AND ' • OUTS. i BUORT ) I u my lisle at gro r atlY reduced 'prlcei. 1101411:U1 Tlulta A • ,R ECM MilUn , •ry Goods Below coit. ' 21 Court Bt., 'Co?. Watct hit 1.31'..,1 1 . • August 4. 1615. ELT llcnry I jtcv. D 31i,sa • —Foit helps, lraft, y 1. di Ipttoit, it:\ , forlyktr I qtd, HT In chunk er An; Warqcr Ilenipq Ti 10E C. Mn.l Johnsm GnEa in twin Sylvv.st Art. Schi irrville. r {ire , -o 13(7 of a draught 26tf finks mid co. traes—ln Jes - up, On -the -16th insti, Rolitjlaon, IA ne.Blst year of her , age. tun-1n Biggitankton, N. Y. - Aug. 17th .ra, Infant= Cora, youngest daughter 141 And Vilenu D. Dutcher,.aged '6 and 24klays. . • " Dere of Cho] of Gem, month.l —Thurstoh Lew is, bt Ilarfbra, died i; aged 40 yeara, 4, months and w days. i , -At the 'residence of .Mr Eunice Lott, Pa., Aug.. t 7, Mrs.. Betsey Lptt, 'years, Arid 6 inonths: • • • • Levi! Jrine 0, , LOTT Of Lym aged New York. Produce „;„.. . Rejwlteil Ever; A.. el: Exiirespiy tot 'Truk ktrirtllo9ll immornvr I)374lhbd(ri k Sever;.Produce ConUnis• slon - Mhre hsnts, .24 Whitehall Slreet.2 , 4 ow? York.. . . .. • NiVork, Friday,.lu,glist 20:1875:- • - BUTTER: . Reeg o ‘ipts last six days .15,130. pkgs Fine quality of State - Butter is wanted the local trade. arid stuck just right bring full priceS. Buyers are very discritninatiug',l how ever; n"hich makei.tht.4supply that can bt rated as , nee luite liniited. Medium grades artiplen ty-and difficult to sell. satisfactory Firkins.... 28 " • good to pritne.'.......28 ,0•127 e. ' i4)4ek nevi- made ... Q;.(t2e Paihk•geod to iiritne., rails, common . ... 3ic . . - • • CBI:ESE. • ~. . , . . . . . , . Receipts. last six-dayS ' ..... 58,5801 boxes The Market continues dull and depresscil,.ll. l 4 is asked lbr fancy gocds,. and . in some instances obtainable, but oftener: is lltollgc, accepted for fancy grade. *Anything under iancy,ls slOw sale fr,mn 11c. down,indecti;loic- wilt buy some of tlie.,,C:rack faetories —Cheese' that would sell . . aS:faneron a rising market. • . .. .. !,- :' . ,_ StaiePziewry, tine.... '''' ' - :.- 9 @) ' lO . '9 ' State Dairies.....; .•. .............. VA -:li • . Statc•Factoty, fair to g00d... 8 11:4 I) . • , 1 • lteelints lost , Rix • • L 0,8 45 Pkgl; The receipts areriight again w diiy but the. tie; inand is tvetx.dingly slow, -The .shiindatice-• ot Fruits and Vegetables :tenth to check the can-. snintrtion or eg:.rs. Stock -is lo,ssing ; ; eery ltetivily,'espetially.oxi State lots, Many, agerageo 10 to 15 dozen to the PIA, where 4 to 5 dozen is the ordiitarv,losi; . . - ! ." • State and 'Penn.. • 20 • , c . Western choice brands, • Southern - . . Apples :ire. in moderme demand and held firmly.'Peeled peueli6 are iranted Arid price's rule firrii. A few now' cherries hAva been Pm; quired for. 01.1 fruits dull. . State . Apples, giulittaa. - ........8}410 -,1%; • l'eselles, : peeleksirite .... to C.. 4' - ' Rahpberties, neW. 2i 10 '• 236-' . _ • LTP.Y. . . There is a moderate demand - tor - dressed and 'priee4 rule about steady. eblekerri tate requeat at met prides, - Turkeys not: PictlY and firmly held. .. • r Ttitkeyg: State prhue;•atnalt.,..2o to ' , .22c Spring Miekens,per ;:to 31.F.ATS :AND §,TOCK. - Veal Callfe4 ftro "in active:demand find firm,. witli thlrne sales a frnetion tilfitier than we qupte Grallfert; dull and 'heavy. Sheep arid .Latntle Attpi,ly and dull. ' . - • Lire Siat.p . 5, 1 .4 to „ 6 ' Live Calve 9, ....834t0 ':93 . 40 - ,Dresse , l Calves: .. . . tisAGn 19T,1,T0E5., The denntnd for potatoes. continues ,low,and priceii without improvente.nt. Sweet 4. plerity and easier.' • • •• • • 2 Nnifotail!tew, Pei bbt.'. • , ta' Thera la no pato -which cher Centaur Liniment will not retinue, no.owolling they will not onbdue. and no tatneueis • , uhick they will not cure. Thti la strong • lanana . ge, tint - 'lt.la Irmo. \ They have Lik • produced Moro curet of rhantnatbroa; - neuralgta.locklew.pnlor.opratoa,cycl• OlitrPlC Hug!, Piked hreatti, ocaldo;horna. salt ear•aehe, upon, tho--hduoin frame, aid 'of otrnica,- tpavio, gatto, - etc.. upon:animals to one year Ulan have all vtlier Pr‘ttehdeti retztetileti rltutt; the world hcon. ,They_ are counter•lrtitant;nll•healltig, pain re. tferert. Vrippleo throst' t atrnithtir crotchet; the - Imnd pittoonono bites 495 rendered tan rtnletot t . init.- the - wounded are healed. withont sitar. Tbe iectpeis pub. liohed around enchhottle. Thoy r nen no no aratclet.orer sold beforn,"hecautetheydo .Jett what they pretend to do, - Thaw; whonhor Wont rhournottoit. piditi or dexerrot to titide.r If they, will pot toe Ceutsur Liniitientorhiw wrapper. More, thin lobo certificates of revoillolfgo titres:litchi-ding (Mien Unibit;ihrehtic rhertmations, gout, conning tuniorn. etc;; hned bsterr,rta- - cc I pd . ,:We w 'lettcllt elreuleicoittalulo toe rtillostee, etc.. gretit. tit any-ano reqoestlng lt, Vogt bottle pf tYe . ycitostr wfooitat..Faiklaor 1441notal lit itrtistl) onelistriare4 dutlara for amain - id *Viettnigtt:iitiritiq - ofd . or tot' +Tie w;stbrltt To .Olteep. gtoCketrient "-- r ib'emellbtmetiti aro evottiyobigteutloti. N 4 titiaily thotad bestrithout rAplterfatgilju et": Y. , 110w 'wrapper fur ! m ot ort e tho k ,... cenbt bottie t lergebettleti,Sl 2 oo. ,T.,l).llotkilAt Co.i 1. C:astaxiat tomnr thairkiitibtiltate for Cilium: (014 44,1442 1 . f Nicsrlielt_ 1 41 o !reil. whickb.rOttlini to 41 ,11 4 . 04ft'; t/I-Y' 1444 ' X el M! l I)4 ""aft i A tl t'i rlit e t Opt au tndnee. l l l o,ll l 1'?t411101 41,141 0 4 !tau liv#,)citllmilino or tileriaiNitalii• Dlt cukidtenieed et/J* 4 4 4 oer.. 014 1 .01,1•Ai .Instivetio T i will - berra smssioeks, intersper.ied • Avit4, !este - I;ectures And dintursionS eAch C. Ti c, Comity Sup'l. 13,1875. • 'B3w3 xmmxv CY GOODS! 4016. 12. en for the next CA days 1X41.431 . 3319:*: , tho ,realilettc6 of Air. . East flurrick-, Aug. 11th, by tr. John M.,Wells, of Terry, to' i ugbter.of Dr.-Furtuatt: :U V. E: Aug. 5, bYtlov. Thomas Stalk "oant.,,est daughter of, Gilbert y of. mei and Ernest:4. Lid:l'4lle, Pa; !or • Ang. 21,. by D. P. NV.,, Race. to Miss Hannah ITOOVEY-JAt, • .E. - eburc.h Aug. 19 ; by Ri i. Harnett, ry of: Dimock. Springville. CI.E11.: 1 1 1 120E3.. The, *aras. pl4Ep PRETE§. Centaur.. Liniment. lIMMM2M New ;_,Ad yeriset,m4s,- ,RQ*.llii•,fie.•:* , ,!.a T Sottbern ' r 15-i - t FURNITURE EN PORIUM 1 • 88 Waßiliiigton Street, Esszasha•233.tc , 32...re. Y. • Yrtu will Find the, AID BEST BMWS' B T OF . - • .. 3071MHZtfilr0= OP ALL KIND, At the . Lowest Tricee of' , any Store in i Southern Now York. .., . - _ . ! 1, Ail Goods OW aro WARRATE atßeprereult. • ED, ROBINSON. I=EDEEM AMERICAN PIN HEAD OAT MEAL The best to market.. Anita 18, "13, 4vr EMCIZTEI likrAh.M3.—jllos. BUT ter Jar& liC•1111 oulY 35 cents II glitione • 'August IS, "A.,-4w : LYON% DRAKr.; • TRY OUR NEW TEAS. . 'Only SO cents * pound. 41ack t °reap and dapan.- 2 The hest yen rfer lad for the p rico. ' .„--" • August IS, 1 21.--tw LYONS ik DRAKE.. -4-- , AFANIOCA, TAPIOCA; MACARONI, ItiCE FL,OCR. Corn Starch. Crashed Wheat. %heat tirtta, Oat Meal, Corn .Meal. Samp, tiratti n .Spllf Peas.great vatic tY, of Crackers, including those extra Graham and Milk tmlecnits that you can find nowhere else. August 144, LYONS & DRAKE. FRESH ROASTED COFFEE, 30e. . . . :fit r itund If Granted without extra charge.. . All sorts of .Splixe r immod or not, at lAuvet IS, 15,-41v S YRUP, MOLASSES AND SUGAR-A dozen different kinds. Loy; prim. !Anand 78,'75.-1R • \ filiC)4sl4];l . 151% • jLote of IL Some at 5 cents , • a bar. which Is not so cheap as others. `some et. /Wit° the- money. • "PRIDE 07 THE RITCREN" beats 'mu all. , • • "rust \ 'LYONS dr. DRAKE. 1:1 \ SCHOOL . I bIE FALL 14, 0 : T -r it in ° Mthg l ecil b !il will , commence on Monday Septembertith. 1875, and continua ( t 5) ,fifteen weeks, uhder the following corps of teachers.: Prior: Atournstu Evans. B. A., ` Principal. Muss A. .Tin.ra sinscit, Seitior Department. Mugs E. X. BroUNZI.X., Grammar -tahool. Mots Joao, 51a.r.r.u.. IntermedlateDepartment. Musa Farms J. Tuatiten. Primary Department. {Tate-Tioszd of Dieetors congratulate themselves on boring procured the services of Prof. Evans, he hdving come to them recommended In the highest manner as a sebolar, and a gentleman of elevated character and nfar•:ed ability; and they feel sure hat •Ilse hither.o excellent reputation of our school will be fully main• mined untier,his management, Of the other teachers hawed. No fuel confident that their reputation bar al rfiadybeen established as teachers of undoubted skill aid ability. Tninim in Advance. Schooli per terra ' $6.00 :Pow 'Department, per term 6.00 Grammar School, per term.............. 0.10 ibtermediate Departrscnt, per term. - 5,00 Primary Department. per term 5.00 All persou wishing to attend will fled it ad ,tantAgetraS to attend this school.. I Board can be obtained on reasodable term, and rooms for those wishing to board themselves. By order of the hoard. '• WM. 11. JgiSTIP, President. .A.M.osl'NlcifittS,' Secretary. liontrote; Atiost 14; 18TS.-4*.• . • TAYLDIVS FAMILY MEDICINES.. t Pain.and Lameness relieved in a short time by Oa Use of Taylor's Celebrated kW. The -great Itheutrianc and Netraligic Remedy. This medicine is not t cure till. bet lc warranted to cure more of the ailtiand ills to Which lit-ch.is heir than any other med'clne ever ills. *levered. Give its trial if you do not And it co. it ducts yen nothing. U may be aged with the utmost s4 dvantage for any kind of Pain. Lameness; Wonnds or otes oponimart or beast. Will notsmart-the rawest wound or lore. Full directions for use around each bottle. Ask your Mort:Mut for a fret vial. No Cure— No ray. •• . . Taylor's Cough Syrup or Szpectorant, for all Threat and Laing dleeasec: I. very pleasant to-the taste and Contains nothing injurious. Try it, and stop that coutb and take the oaronePo from' your Throat and 14m_gs. Ask your Merchant for a free vial.' No cure— to PA Y pTailors ContittlimPowS2rs for all kinds of stock and oultry.. Warrantel the beet• renovator of the system of run down crrdlseased stock. that has ever been dl.. Covered.' Try them foetal diseases incident to the brute creation. Directions for .tise around each pack age. M Cu re-•:No Pay. • I All the above medictnes for sale by Abel Terrell and 'aus liichols. of Montrose., and all Druggists and Dealers throughout 'the Country. _ - • ' 11. DHOWNINO TAYLOR. irctober 71, 74'. IBUS LINE. The indersignedlaa an omnibus line tanning toe,• ry train on the D L. & W.; and Erie - Itailwityfi at Greatßend va • - Aug order lor BhiPpis'o 'or . Re-ShipPing Baggage at slitter deist wilt treproraplly attendenito.; .The new river bridge:ls now eiiropleted,'lsnce they no retrying, , . • , - 'd.A.RRzB~.I~Bt itla ,on hand to coever peestinjors to . .soy paint to the snuoutidleg cou ntry. n - 7 • IL BUCHANAN. Propir. d. 1871.—tr. • Improved • • CUOUMBER WOOD PUMP, is the. ac knowledged STANDAIID of the market.by popular verdict the beet, pump for the least money. • Attention is Invited Improved Bracket, th.a. Drop Log the' can be withdraw•A with Log the plate, and Um Copper .Inch' never, Cracks, scales, o II last a. lifetime. k'or sale by the Trade generally. In drvier to, 4. you Ret rump; be see that it Us my trade-mark as *on do not know were to buy ,descriptive circulars, Jogether with the name and att. Moos of the agent nearest you, will bo promptly Dan ushed by.addreaslow with stamp • cus. 9. BIA,TORLEY, Ws tiftie dr i.. I - aoti- eMloPree rmilaoelphis, l'a, March 10..1K8..7-orn. • - - • rN In the Blatrict Court of the United TStates for the Weettqn Drettlel. In No Athos tr: Mills bankrupt. • • - •" Notice re hereby* even that there will bell third ten 'end mooing of the ermlltora*of the atiove-nomed Bank rupt, for the purpoire center:opiate& in the drriti Section of the Bankrupt Ad. on the tieventechth day of Bildern. her, ls7.s;at 9 o'clock a. In.f -RI the °Seder 'HI/WARD .‘_WILLAILO,Register in. BankreptCY. Bensoloa Pa., at alt creditor* veto have proved ' their debts are here by malted-PS be •pretreat aloha meeting, and at the same time and - place I shall '.settle my accounts; and the same will he audited, and I Mull there and then APPIT for my.titrOsign 4" aselinEP. • - -T. la. Nf MIAOW: Aiskipme. DartoOkoki,hlTukt.lo.l=, . , rcoupowriori xuttes.. •• , • ri(4lCs le itcreby given 13144 i an split:WOO Will 1 41 made ilithe President' .1 - tvice ot.the court or Column Pleas of haeltiehatiOnVoluifY, 00 the lOiliday of Aug ust, A; D., isiO,Se., the ; Incorporation of I.AAI Preshy 'tartan Church, tif-Pratikilit Forts. A :The object of such ittrorporatioti gee inipport of the Gospei, iu accordance with , the forma of the • byterias 411,11na United States of Aincrics, god thn hold. lukor property for church v i urte,. - .. 4 011SI-PINKSON. _• - ' ,1 . 04.110,04/11Wilf.L. 't • !Molar*, duty . ; Ivisoz,trriolt , , j !Tbr , Copartstertitiplibretorcip) eitgibagb4„., wean .rftL W, N. kit ' o Is v, wag •-ag:rooeromktutut countY,Tlaif - The Onietki , ot util be rearcilgtieri by Dr, 21.3.414,4rf1y, who cake kw* coothivio.e• or t oe IlberikYrittongitgot 01 4 12 04 P1e 151 / 1 fP4O TICIADY , 140t,90e.A*PAeirilMblirkr; . EVE= N El T 4x : Rorom i zarr t ThrPoules, Stai, PATENT- NEM= mown "The nntlereigned would ?orientally annonee to all, the people everywhere; that to his already extensiv etork and.varlety of Merchandise in the Grocery, PM efoion.and Hardwere line. He has added a vtry choice imminent of PITRX , DEMI. PATENT 7 4P.DICINES, BRUSHES. .FER• PUMEHT, dec.. :which he flatters bins if he can assurer thepublle they will Cud It to their advantage to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physicians In this section of the county ha would respectfully noneco that he has sentratllhe services of It. Kenyon, • as Dr:lnlet and Apothecary. le hove long experience and atknowledged care and ability..entitle him to your en tire confidence in the Ifria of componoding medicine. osprepiring preveriptiont, and who would also esteem it an npectal favor to receive cane from ady of his old .alto:nun or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi. • eines!: specialty, A leo Domertie and Foreign Mineral ,Waters—an extensive stock. Also nue Greenlee— LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OP BRE?, FROM SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTERS, PEAS. CORN:IIEANS. OYSTERS, BAL. La. In fact, anything sad everithl ng that Is ordleuttily ed. Respectfully Welting* adl legman I. N. BULLARD i. , . . . 'Powder! Powder! Powder I • ,• Blasting, Rtfte and BbOt PFrwder, Sinn, Lead, Gus Ttlbeit Cava, , Fondle., Flasks, ruse, de., du:, &a., for sale by . , Montrose. Sept. 9.1274—U. ixoxs a 'DRAKE OUR NEW • PRICE LIST FOR SPRINfi AND SUbIMER OF • 1 , 1 IEI7/3. • Heavy ChttimadoParita. Stoat wool-mlxed pants, Good all wool panto. French easaltneto,oauta, Heavy, workingmen's salts, Scotch CII salmon: Barris CIO simere state.- - Fancy check and stripe salts Black frock coat*. Black dress coats, Imported, Black, cloth vests, White linen vest?, Bois' SUITS, 3 .to 9 year& cotton salt): " • $ 2.00 $ 4.00 Bolo' mixed suits. r • 4.00 6.0:1 Boys' Laney wool stilts, . 8.00 10.14 BOYS' Strip, 9 to 1.C,. yearot LYONS aDRAKE, Boys' schonl snits, Boys` fancy snits. Boys' finest cassimere suits, Twat:4o.'lWe, all style.; Good cotton shine, • • . Good overalls. Good rubber euspendere, • And all other Goods in ;martian. The above prices are, for cash ondri and are quoted for customers from a distance.. • t . fin FORFEIT If the above price list ,la not fuldikd which prices are gmarnoted 11 per cent. lower than those of any, other house in %hill city or vicinity. WEBSTER, The dlothier. Binghamton, May sth, LYONS & DUAKE. DONLET CASEY,.' No. 4,8 Itr. WY Washinglon St, ~ .IVortld respecibilly call attention t o ~ their largo stock , which they are selling at from 18 to *) per tent. leek than heretofore. &fun assortment of TARLOR, " ROOM and EUTCHIR FUENI• Parton Setts, floin $O3 upward. Clamber Setts from $4l upward. .Mattresses from $-; upward. Pure Weal Mattresses from $lO to $l3. Oak, Ash and Walnut Extensto n Tables from $0 to $lO. Yon can do better by purchasing your goods of us than of any dealers In this section of the country. Ws will not be undersold by any one east of New Yort extrasharge for packing or delivering goods at the depot. • , . LINDER TAKING We desire to says word. In;•this lime we hays Stein's Patent Casket, and a variety of other styles. Britt Robes. Stirouds, etc. The hearse and Carriage attached to oar establish ment cannot' be surpassed in this section. These will be furnished to these. who require, at a'reasonable fig ure, anywhere within a radios of twenty miles Boat this city. Give us a call, Binghamton, 3isy.l2th,,lB:3.—tt Iwrite policies in the following companies: 7 . . Franklin Fire Instil-ante Cv.:P1i11.,A 5110919 ,513, 1 100, 0 00 1.' , 4; nti n ca tal, N. Y, ' ' ' ' " 2.115,000 Germanta, ' - " I,Xo.tilfil , . ilenover, " 1450,000 Niagara. - • , ..,. ... ... ." • 1,9150.000 Farmers, York, at 800,000 Queena,London. .. ......• .. " 10,000,000 No • Tignr-Cats"—All .National Board Companies, sod Mill consequence, Sound and reliable, baying long been tried and absays found xorthy, as all, who have met with losses : at my Af i eucyozjil testify. Those who have patronized me wi accept my thanks: And to I those who have not, can only say, promise to do by them, if they will favor me with an application, as do by all, ove.thern Insurance value kw their money. Very Respre • - piDlitY C. TYLER. Hartford Accident luouranco Company Policies writ ten front ono day to ono year by • 't HENRY C. TYLER • Joys tint . bissonic 'Denali Association at fictautcru. Y C. T YLKIL Montfoso, Decct1 1 24, ° 1874.-t iir4l4 11, HUNT BROTHERS, ' • SCRANTON, PA' Wholesale 4L'itetaU Dealersla - II ARDWARE,. MON, STEEL, • NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS 71'3ILDER's HARDWARE, •,,, • • MINE-RAIL, COUNTRISSUNE A T BAIL SPIES') BAILSOAD A MINING 81IPPI.1 UARRIAOE .SPRINOS, AXLES, SKEINS' AND ' BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and 1/".4.3H0R11, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPORES, -YELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, BOHN, dr. VICES. STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS • BANNERS, SLEDGES; PILES. Ac. te. 011101.1L.AR AND MILL SAWS, BOLTIN G. PACKING -racims BLOCKS; PLASTRR PARIS. - CEMENT, HAIR A GRINDSTONES. TENCH WIND OW G ANK LASS,JLATIIER & VI NIMROD P'S SCATAB. JILLTMILEY'S it 3P11.454.33. ergailo o f swing facititto %We will fttru.ia any kind of Rust Class (trans as Nachinet at a discount that will pay you to can bake • purchasing. Sava 25 pewee ni rot carrying 'sumo - meats around on trial. • Ail tostrittottnut audliattriunt fully aartanted. L inIIIRTOII. E. KRNTON,Dntattst Jb,,Akktesl7. Figurep Do Noi Lie 1 Sift FOR YOURSRLf 'Ea BINGII %PITON, N. iv - x tr 211 V OF OUR NC)110 Metter! SAVE N'ONEY sad• 40 - YOURAAVN 'AGENT ; for barbs; gottrcie. AViil 1,11--tf. HERRING 84 . FARREL, I3iroa► 4 twimar MktiUIPAQTIIIIi'RS, OF ALL RINDS O Sao 4106.42, akiourißaoir Mft"C8011 1 : ,E 3.411.3 71 11010 . Tba obbet sad most relbitibriirth in the - AY/Med tbsim.. Vany umlt- tEk* prise wells) ilibibled. at , • !AM &T I.OIiDON I Alt 841411 us vartipto4 trop trout &laptops Mod co. imam, . • , 111.LUNG8 iITROUn t Axoii ltoaicaie.7 8 '74.—it , ' Ski 6 1 4 20 l er ot a irfirtr . W1 1 1 1, 1 14 41".. ' tout s . au , wake moo aoorMwork tot net 1 their trot local ities, dorips ;heir spore morosittei l ,ffortiatgo. then at aoy wog elle. We offer era + . meat-, that 1011 pay boto4lsoself for every kouto ' Full-PAPtialora. 4eralr. ags., tent tree. Bead Wt= . fuldrese ot Ql)cit, Don't, dolly. No . w ta the noka. look tor' nwo. or oullikees thevrlidttil Wail is*C*l . 4lol4 wit offer. ,4E $1114944 a co,. urownium• .; • - 1 4 . NuNro: 4 i r ..Tms %was BVLLARD. $ 1.75 to SAO i I . 8.00 4.00 5.00 • 7.50 . . . 1.00 ••10 00 8.00 LIM • 13.00 • 17.6• 10.00 30.00 6.00 11.00 10.00 14.00 1,73 '4.00 1.43 1.60 .7:00 10.00 8.00 14.00 a.OO woo DONLICY 1; CASEY.; P.D. &UMMIU,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers