4,71 -- ::':is . "!''T. V.: 7N70113.iti-O' ?9 , „...i-- ~,,rang gifoothoht- i i Tillycl A;;•`, , l:i .. ~ . ~.: miortieuriuniamins. iii ii r.l:o 4 .l, : inni this month, Anglia, the grOse jalkikyni . s4aldivat bncat ery dote; at ,4%Ytl one, it, li ! liable , to' - burn 7 and' ilry •, out the roots and the spaces to fill with false k and wild grim& Those who are about ~. ttrrnoke ' skew' lawns for ,another year should' now commence • .the labor of trenching or pleming, or subsoil plowing Very deep. .: The lawn should. be mode l , and allotted to settle a week or: two,, dttr— . Initiviibiihiee - good , rains before sow=. log the .seed and leveling up, and the ' 'seed 'shentld be sown as earl* as the sm . sot ,o ' coo 'lug ts - an . requent rams ,comes: on.'., Seme writer's 'advise, the tvie of` ruing; lti.F3'el oat*, ete., -to he 'sown Silt ' the gr ss seed ;.. but, as 'according to '_ the generallair, the stronger overpowers and' pultiallY. destroys 'the weaker, we bitv'e tonnd the use, of any coarse grain . .. injtifins rather than bene!icial. . :11l the • Making of lawns 'we haNe hat-Übe-hand inK tir very light sandy soil, and when compelled to do the best we could; with— . oat' top tinkling, etc.. we have msed oats, ii) t4u falloUrthe purpose of htlaing:. A from blowing , and have made our second swing of t;eed..,after • the oats had grown an inch: or ,50. , ., , ~ - ' •:. - _ .., 1 ,,..:-................ , Preserving Manures, The Poston' Vouiwil of Chimistry datos.t)lat the sources of, , loss iu the Atnnigj•is two;' first, the'escape of volatile animenia,and other gases ; 'and secondly the loss of valuable salts by leaching.— .The first difficulty may,. be obviated ,by coveihig rile excrement with 1 eight, or teu inche,s-of. - good doll '<or -loam, whfch tvill absorb all escaping glom A bushel orso of plaster may be advantageously, scattered Ofer. the heap before the soil is thrown on, The. whole. - mass' sloo l id.be perfectly 'covered,. leaviUg "chitnnefv" fo,r, gaseoui The danger of leaching .rnay be avoided by covering the heap with straw .or,,hay sufficiently thick te.slie,d most of the rain. if kept iu this way: * sufficient time, the manure will , untlergo'spontuneoui ilepompositiou, the preducts,of which will be: ready for ini tuetli•Ate, assimilation by plants: ~.The usual process carting -manure to the fields in'the autumn to Waste, by both of'the aboic processes, some of - their most. valuable constituencies. - , (,i'rutt From Barren Trees.: rsinsh to' deseribe tO=you: a method of tualting'fruit trees bear that .I blundered Som,e4fteen years ago I had a, small apple tree. that. leaned eonsideraby. tirm :t strike - by it, tied a string to limb nuAl fastened it to the' stake. ,The next year that blossonti:d full and not ~...auotiter,blowit appeared •on, the, tree, and, as Tim' Bunker said, "it sot 'nu a lii,g l 7:4nd• came to, the Toots,- n - seituenfty,at formed fruit binla. a cottple . i,pl y e ar trees . that W lame. ere` lae •etiotigli 4 td- bear, but n4ver blossomed; I_ &K)k,a coarse twine and yivund lit Several tunes around the tree above the loWei ' 'liriths,*turtied it as tight" as I cOuld.--, 'Du. next spring all the top atiove - .Phe cord blossomed. as whi'te' is a Sheet,. • tittle was nOt pne 'blossom', 'below =where the cord was tied. „ A neighbor, seeink my tree. • loaded with' pears, used this method ,with.the same result. I have since tile; e experime on several treesollmost -with the •same 'result. I ,thilik itu•much better was: 'than eiitting off the. roptit. • In early summer, say June or duly ; y Avind. a - strong twine. seveini times around the tree, or a single limb, amd 'Ot) it,the•lighter the better, and you will be pleased with tlik result ; the next ter`vr.spring„tbe ,cord Int.y, be taken How to. Prepare Tomatoes. Choose _only „those which are large coimaiatively_tanoothe, firm; and tlwr ourlily red-ripe—it la an absurdity to ote rer'small or, imynatare specimens in a Eafackand you can't • find such wq are , . liererecoininended; you Must not attemPt , tfl•vat raw tomatoes. Put them, in a tin .pan And pour over them boiling waiter, pouring it off , immediately. , This, so les sons the skins that • they can nettally be pulled AV easily, without any violent ap— . the knife. Then with a very sharp knife'shce them acrossi, discarding, the-,ltrst Piece, which has the bard base ''. of flie eteM. and the last piece which is too stnall. - i - litake the, slices thin rather tlxiiti thick,lteip them large and whole, and.pihr them carefully in layers in a r,i•etty'ilish delicately sprinkling salt and OTer theta. Then put theinaway , 4y, get _thOronghly cold in your cellar'or clrigerator., . Prepared thus they', are ?imply nnihrOsial, and only . a pagan could coAftliont. If ,:anybody wants to add sugar and vinegar to the seasoning, that ' • can beAotie at: ,the' -- be' table by :the eater. ...`Slices: of the yelloci tomatoes jicattered ' , among : the red sometimes make the dish look very tempting. • _ For stowed tomatoes,, peel as above, but cut two. pieces, not in slices. Put these in a tWoluart tin hasiti or in a porce— Min lined saucepan and add salt and just • ocugh:water :keep thCal from burning. While they ere simmering comfortably thiowiti vetylittle riemr,, a good:. large gioar of ,Dice butter ? and enough fresh not da tracker broken it4o, small bits to thicken the mixture, Without making it llic ; :e . ,ll4.l43diklg. It shotild thin enough t'' from;•the.spoon,\and yet mot be' watp.ry, TlifS",diatis'also_is exquisitely. inviting; /T,Thires'ire. lather methods 'of rig with 'rice ;stuffing and halictik„„etc,,— . -,but in no guise are - thtrl, good, asilfi -,- those described • ahaVe., = ' The greitt-drairback n gmwing thse successfully andlo profit is in failing' to have a larks proportion of head. - To • undo them bead. tnifortu and yell, hoe ' off.e v eßpecii,ally %Li .dry weathei),- And aS sotto „tnitlisitifitce dries after rains: Don't allow n critst form around them; A - thimbhittnil of:,, salt scattered °rot them , B i 6 PullY will be boned very befie6eial. • . illsorvest. Efieryilling should. be' fully prepirvd for-eitUing`grain,liefore harvest, is begun, 'Whkat, and:,l7o that is left until dead 111)0, inoy - be thiiihed as it lo out, ,ft iE .::`test 4-4 _cut before.tbio period is readied.. ;Whin the grfkin ikircu soft if t can'.l4d 'pfuebed'iti two `with • "the thutub.nail,„it, - ,lB.itt good order rot vat . bog, and Wilt:Mit glen out: Vats do not tifilittC*o - ItutY,be cut *whey the largest. pertion' : orlbe.orop ripe. 'Cut mach al poisible when the dew is pn. 1 shelling: - Out barley'aS' near „ty ripe na may be. The conditions 'bebig rigtit,4l:4 Safe . fit ellt,l)ind. and, obeOli, , grain the ;iiiime day. imddeif Wan' iieeured. • inik4ria,stionkinfe thud be rioLimp isMflk,doi4ictit obpv. 45iitot 04 0 iry s . soil for the r atlit a'trt* , linuirf, fOr Ole peiic Ih4rti`, :10.8:0;l ar 4 1 10.4144Ht,010wt00,xtil litelAttn -144 dr , *iieret .- to that :or,l ' 1 -' Plllllol 4 oltti - ' r' Tito Raeleptor coat. wir",rinintolii:"watEtt, at. Ord coat, for settle three or four seasons 'We've been jolly comrades, but now; We part, old companion -forever ; To fate, and the fashion I bow. You'd look well enough at a dinner, I7d 'wear you with pride at, a hall::;: But 1 m , dressing tO,,night f',o'a Wed , mg--,; own—and you'd 'itotito'at all: , You've too many NV the stains about you, • You're seemed too-muchwithcigars ; When the gaslight shines lull on your collar, It glitters like myriad shits ; That wouldn't leek well at my wedding They'd seem inapProprbite there Ncil doesn't use diamoncilmwder; 1* slte tells Me It ruins the hair, You've,beett out op. Cozzen's piazza Too late, when the evenings were damp:; When the 'moonlieartts•:were silvering etoi- And,the lights Avere . ajd out in the camp.;. k You've rested nightly - oiled stair Ways• 'roe Often, When swept eyes were bright, And somebody's li ft dress-?not Nellie's— IN ; bite. There's a reprobate lonsene.ss abnut you ; ,Should I by ear you to-night, I believe, As 't eame 'Atli my htide from the altar, You'd laugh in your wielted old slecye Witenyou,felt:there the trernulMi - PressOte, • '.. 01 her hand in its deireate glove, That - is .ine shyly hut proudly, Her trust is as deep tls her. love, So go to your grave in the wardrobe And furnish a feast tor the moth . ; glove shall betray its sweet secrets • • • For younger, ntote innocent eleth ; 'Tis time to put: on yout . Sticeesior---. It's made ut a fiteltion that's new . ; Old:coat, Fru afraid it will never *Set as easily on me as_you. ' • Whitehornes 6oarding4loitee. : - This js to certify to 'all . hotneless;thid hungry People that 1,110 about to estab.: Mt a . ,bnardiug-bcruse.. 'in, .tbis city;- *Mob 'will be 00.1 db cted ' purely: on. thißiiinri•=. bit,s'A thetieali, plan,' hot a;little 'after in s , . ), oot . ons, since I e,xpect to,,,be•the..landlora of *a 1"I survey. . '''. 1 , - . * - - • ...'. , : Si `gle-rootna will' be ..,...given :td single. g ! nt. -open itod double' inputs. to donbin gentlemen. - ' . '. . . GueSts deSiring a room,-next. to the ;tine 'oc;Cupied by the boarder-Who . plays: nn 'the accordph can liaiejbe sanni by app plying to , an:o paying little extra 'therefor, 611 can't afford - to, furnish my gnesti all , ,night,for nothing. I shonld like as ninny, musicians b,Ciard hire us possible, because-. it'inakeitevert thing so ' - , - • • Especial ,induce,rueilts . ..Offered to fami lies with int - hit:rims, childreiti since there c (+thing. so Cheering the. weary board.. Er aS'httle • .footsteps the floor, and tiimbles on the,si ;dd. ' • A large gong 'will be placed at the Bead of -each bed with: Wires- running t to the: aflice" , _Wherehy every ~,gong in the''',llCritie will lie eounded,at once; and thereby ev ery boarder be• the trouble of li , akilig'himeelf up in themornitig. 'NO eitrai charge: • • . . • Itrti tat ion bais.of soap .Orttvery washstand iu the, house,' - and; 'if:the:soap doesn't froth the,htiarile' re _ :t-re expected . . 111verY advantage • will .be. afforded • for hOaiders to leave . Pay their bills.. Old boots will not be taken in change fur board, as' this is uct'4l-.lumbef yard. • If' 'btxitders desire anything all they will have te . do will 'be to ring •the.bell; and if it isn't. answered they. can'.ring again. don't coat anything -in this • houie:to ring the bell all day. - This hotise will be cdndacted On 'truly' temperance principles, So. that it welL'des erve 'to:be called. an,(.inn , temperate-4 mean a tetnperate . -.• Boarders are expected to change refer with the 'proprietor—if ..their refer. etices will be of . more 'Use to hira than the-en° he haS.ot his own.. In no case , tgil l he .exchange for a ivpitie „ • All,. references most;-certify :that-the .bea'reis have,nOt been :in ; the kgislature or peni ten limy more . than .'one year. That they. have nev.r . .heen hung, and that they hate never, committed' suicide , .tinless under 'exceedingly provocating cumstaneek, - . , People..with.extra. good , et are re= gnested to stop stepping ...here, but those with' Small appetites' 'lll . l:lease stop and. be .stoppers. • - , '.• : The board at. this .linuse• will 'depend much on the Weather, .ano.•therefore will be weather-boarding... :We don't want anY'here-ders they• will be pitched oveihoonl.:.. . • Its thetonseqiiences: of , 'oiereatitig,nre terrible, and much more calamitous, thin: ncetiting stall, :the' on thlitable: will be•liglik, because ..I,.,doift want. any sick.boarOrs aboulithe'. ho , uSe . fonr.iny count when I can avoid- it. •. • ' - teal Iniitation-bntter.i.Will,- he on this table every day, and ornamental hash in all its.'variations.'..;•* Last nighi's sheet will bt:.this morn ing".' tablecloths at this • Boarders be expected to take their ,coffee with a few grains•oftilowairce.aiid the spoons will be chaitud to the iable.H not as a reflection' upon,%the' honesty. 0 the guests but ilea safeguard to-the spnonF.l Bids will be made up every week, na-' less boarders especially request thUt . thev be let alone for a longer period, atd all complaints that there .are:-'not -bedbagar -enough, will Mire , respectful attentiOn,. Na injury -will be tilltiwed to. be &nal to muaketoes, as it has _bee proied • that thesC! 'huniane• insects destroy smaller: oiteii which would otherwise be in' the. air; make life a burden. The stair•ritiling will he spiked to p 4 ,...? vett,genteel - boarders from sliding : 4°lqt! to brealrfasti , or up again. arried cou pies are requested to bring their mbtlier-iti•lai along; as they makel everything more lively 06,4 the 'how,. aud,..l want my guests here to have every ooinfort of a home. . Free sidewalks run .to all the - itrams, and 'Ws bouse is situate !Within walking distance of tile post-office: Being - the, man Who ;originally kept tavern Itliana,it can tieskTri that :competent to even teach a large class of landlords and then lave *ugh' 14100: edge'of the:business left,tO carry, on, the best boarding-house in .tixt 'State. What .ean't be found Iny table 'can b r e found at a neiglihorini.ditiing-tiall.-- Terme nidderate only One dollar .a day and one dollar n night: One 'dollar and si Italfn,:week,or by the ma ith llity centsj Meals betwefu -times iva- be charged something extra, although..-theY will aothing ',extra in reality. ‘, Rooms:in attic vll be vorrespontlingly high.' Itialt4i4r, and no freeJiekete. IVA§=oTuic Wins:lmo!, Hatibiz Aionth Boston lady wiitivoentlylo. 7 , terropted by it benediet as o wbv :did uci:lnarried.-...s4ol'l'ell!i#.‘:-'` fib prekr4 :to an old. dooort4i4ilio.e. ae: lie 114 t sure 'she. tat- *ied that:‘ ' , atu - nld be breiiltiotheconitriandinents-,--thint 'not ouvet-ittY Alcighbor's 42.et - .l* tub:. jest 'dropped. • - tUHEOIsTTROBB ' . ..rDEMOORAT. • •. ,•.. ••••••. • t41.00114.40* +II 1O g, rto, 'a 'tried' anti „proved Oiptructeer for truth, honor, und . lionesti , •tW hest und. gives 'the largest in . - teiest. • 4 AtilkE the eon ritge 'to be ignorunt of a' gh:fut nutn,ber of ;things, in order to:4voit! the ;culuinity of being ignorant of every= thing, , . • - Before you scold be sure that Yon are rikht vonrSelf.- He 'that attempts .clense..%bint with a blotted fingers maleeS ... I L , 4reaL . t,qlplur. The schoolboy counts the time till the retain of,the holidays: the minor lon $ wise'of age ; the, lover-is impatient nnti bels niarried.i - , Ptpitic feeling,now is apt to side with the.persecuted, and Onr -mOdern martyr 'is lull aS ,likely to he smothered' with roses.as If you would'•win success,. actual; : p cOurteons,: honest economical, agreeable in your personal habit* and regardful of your health. .; ' Yet have I ever heard it said that sums_ and-tale•bOarers have done, inore mischief in this world than: poisoned bowl or the assassin's dagger, -' ' One cannot loam •everything ; the ob.= (Opts, of-knowledge bare, be— yond‘the powers of 'the :strongest mind to keep pace with the . m all.' • ... . . • ' When 'doing, lyliat: iS. right; the /ler rt. ,is 'easY, and.becomeg .b?tter every day ;.-but when praotiei rig decit, ',thei. mind labors and everyday get's . NOor g se• - ?: ' ''' ' : ' • . . W hen, twci, lo,v. in r t . . hearts Iri torn asite - der, iit is l'al :tie better to be:the - One that is driven «r .intO.aption,,than , the be.-: i 'lriered twain ilnit petrifies at - lienie. . ,1 43 that Christian ity..better than an elevated hitirpoSel.is , -ti 'good and en no ling thing: . btit.*e . -cannot begin at I l l) k top of 'We niust . irinit .npfto. it - by 't h .Often diftionit pathot daily duty - krovet( 2 Ms desire is the heart of ;yeti tit_ is :a •gerin'filmfiwhith :nii,ir,•Sprinkai poi! S.on tree s . whoi4atinosphere is pest dill) tial and the taste of Whose fruit . is death. '... - It !we vould - .give liurselv'es ' , only half an • hour's rOtlection at the ejose•of every day,lve werildPreach'4o mirselves several: of the best sermons that could he - uttered . . . . • ,;: eYerY_ u.'`E ; c:k l l... :.` • l' , •. , The-,beautifui lami. ot. time and s.paee; onee.!diAoe i titki -by our inaptitude' s ure holes:slid 'dens. If tt e hive he distikibt - 41 .by - . rash' ii6d .stuta hands, instea 1: - of honey it-'a'ill yield.ua Res: - .:'- ' -';-. ... • Y ' - - Deels.ieu•and premptitude;even thougili a mane, uMy; err for; vyatit - of due. - &lib eration, trill, in' - thei'. long.'.: rim, tifore often :eoueede to.: •stiOes,s ,•that a _slow jadgemeirt that eArnes:itoo late. ~ - ::.4'he - firsit. Step to at. -greatness is .to " e. hOnett,rsayS the proverb ; but the proverb: - fails- to:state the easel 4tron'g "enoiigh.— kionesty is net Only At:- ArSt seep toward greatness, but, it is gre'atlieSSitself. The oppertunity of making happy is more &wee than we: ; the pun— ishment Of. missing 'it is never to meet with in , again ; 'and the use -we make of lt•leaves us an .etertfai ,sentinitint c of sat-i lisfaetion of 'tepentanee:. Lorsl, We know what.' we.are, but know not what . w.e may be. Of all. the Vinimals which fly in the air, Wrilk-on'-the ground or swim in: tbe sea; from Paris, to Peru, [roil) Jaiau to Rome; ',the - most foolish animal t , my opinion, is man... i t If we would ihave powerful .minds, RT must thilik; if vrd would have ,faithful hearts, we niust love.; if , we would hare yi b apious muscles, we \ nmst, , liihi)r; an "if these three--, tlioright, Jove, ,labor—sh-- elude all tliat is *aluable in•life.. '' . , FeargnidCa., mare to . their duty. - than gratitude.; for.oue, man who is virtuOns from . flie loie of v irt front the o t ion which he thinksihe.lics - mitler to the Qiver Of Ail,. -there are 10,000 who „are good frdin Apprehensiitn, of riun ish men t. - . hFear is implanted in as as a `prese,rra—, ve from evil ; but its' duty, like other passions, is riot to .oierlieur reas , on, but to assist it ;trior should it be suffered to tyr— . .. . an nize in the imagination to raise phan -1 . -, 1 tomi of horror, a beset life with. super numerary distrefsee. ~ The, best th, ng to give your enemy is forgiverie'ss - ; t your ppkione,tit, tOleranee ; to t.,. fiiend, y r /waft; to your ctiild,, a ( t u gcldil example ; to a fattier, deefrenee ; to ycn r mother, ccioduct.thAt 'will, enike her projud of, you; to yourOlt, respect ; to.all men, cbairty. „ Disdonteots are sometimes .the ;'better partt of our life.' n i rl know ot irell fAiel; is - the most useful ; joy 1 may 'ohocise 'for pleasure, but tulTersitiesare the, blst for profit; and sometimeilliose who dcl so far help me, as I should, wOoni thetu want Much of the joy I hate. If we are fahltleks, wi fip6ll ati,hpyed ,tlje .w with &pin we ligs.ci6at ackacwledge houestly t - virtue enough„to bear neighb,Urs' weakileps, , our null, imperfection, imperfection, f nr vanity'. 1 • - . , . The - iniituie‘of one crror. with I mudi truth adulierat6s thq whole; as the chit: ice.of pure liquid is rendered. dangerous_ by the infusion; of a drp.of poison. We should:Therefore bewareof all errc.il, r how. ever slight and;inconsi :rattle it:ma r• :pear. One error, may on-lead td a 109 t o —aye;. to 1,000.• , Wax has.been used forsealing since the 'earliest ages. The oldest vale app'ar to }titre been impressed on• white war.‘Sub ,Sequently yellow war•was used., I At a more recent periodp‘sealingtwax'wa6' col— ored red; and about 014 fourteenth cetl 7 tiny it was cOlored green, and.soniiptib*a black. ,' , .! ! . • - I. -lint alone io know,i biat to:act' attnrd ing to thy, kudWietlge ii , ,thy destinioon— proclainA the voice of My itimosti so'ni, not indolent Coo temptation . and ,stndy of thyttelt. not:fur the broOding over I emo tions of piety —no, for. action was I dist. etioagii;en to thee ; thy. actions;;Aiict thy actions alone, deter Mine "thy worth! • ' • Love is a bet:i'till .i.f i coldness, al sweet fell-:of bitten*lA a patn full of plelasant , ode... Lo e. is'a etsame/Oli, xhi9 ll l 'drams nothing, into, the month hut' ai ~ anti nouriibes -nothinz. in 'Mk._ body , b t. the tongue., - ! - lii tns.) lati ohOjde . til b0, ,, i r love but: - to `ti it ' 1 14 • Fi not al 4 tied.. ~nut , cri . te-... no a .afire with e,yes, and _Cannot be ' u n tied' cwith hands; made fast *mit - 00u,gillyc, nOt to be •untosid with fingers.l; • -, - , • , , 1 There is 0 third filt3iit , , flarty to 01 our ioargaius:' The nature and gout- of things ' ,titites:bri iteelil the gtl4l4litr of 'll' -ruh iliitusut of, erery , contriiet,,f3o, th lt t °Rea EifiVi,tilliitit; C,f.ple t.i. iu,..,45. -:. If you sera. Air, iiitgrate - fol .totteerc 'serve ikluttbe ulin.o •,'ht - 1 4 ei'd. ,IO - Your fe-bt.., iiverY trok . e 4t*l'itipll4: Tile Is,sliger the'. pillueut 1 I li'oll4iffil . pli -- tlie: l ..b.i.tel: Pr yo'6 tor ° - ct interest ou cot:upwind interest: ikOe sate and vsage .of 31:10;ezeliequer, . '...1 &iv= 134irrixe, 'Fax i STairriaJleq , ' . ' - ' • • Deer have had cousideraule eXperienciivith theVegetide. l ,,Por dyspepsia, gtzitinti debility andiltin Oire , bo6a, the Veeetine is superior to anything w4lch I:hate over used. commenced taking Vegetttie about the middle ol last winter, aud after being alew bottles. it entirely cured me of dyspepsia: and my bided never Nva's in so good Order as, at the present time. It will afford rue pleasure to glte-any furthcr wirti cellars relit -I,ve to.whot I know, about this...good medicine to any nue r keho will call or' addresS MO at uir feuidenceasu Athena street. - - • _ • . • . Verl; - resPecilnliY. MONROE PARKER. ; • 4 ~ 486 Athena street.: • • D'VseretrA.. - Sl'4ll."l . o.NlB—Waut of. appetite. risttp. of food and Nrind,ftront the Stomach. acidity of the steniach.ficart. burn„! dry:ices and, whiter:els of the tongue in'the tuonajog, aense•el di - stet:sloe Jo the stomach And how . aordetim ea rumbling *.pain .040 , 4'01(1 , N: Whittle. occasionally, interrupted. by .diorriu ;- patenetrk of the urine, • The inciuth Is. clammy, or ims a sour or hitter taste.! Other frequent symptoms are wttterbrashi pat- P.-tit* of the- begat, . headache. and disorders et-the senses, atvßetliktf , double; ele. There is general debility 4 1;111001',11k a ovation to motion : drjeetion of thaPktr ,Atp, disturbed sleep, and !rightful drestrta. =• • ..(4:1111eti Fifteen 4)lllld r 4 le81 1 : Skarrte lizuwitai. 'Mi., 44.17, ST2: M. It:`. iFttv.Ext,Tert: ' • t A • • Dear sir=l have had dyspepsia In Its ardrat forM fen the in cen vears,•and'hare taken litlndrt , ds of dcilhars' 'worth-of medicine wiihoilt.ohntining any• relief. In 'Beptetnber last I rocmen.6ml taking the Vegetine.afeee. which time my health has steadily 4 inprovest. . • icy food digests evellottid I-harem:load fifteen •pOtttons :of flesh. There arts several (Ahern- to this place tit •,14,0g the Veget, ne, all have - obtained relief. 1 1, - ou r t, truly. `NIA' ALL DISEASES'OF TIIE BLOOD.. If V‘gctine will relieve pain. cfuotic, Pnrifyan cure knelt nisettSeit. r6tOrilla. PIO 'putiO. , t to. perfect health Atter Crying ditretent phytdcians, many - remedies, staff , +ding for, years. is it not conclusive.proop g you 'At e a *4lP:ref you on he ettled.2 Why is this lue.dlcine per. , terminiriinch great cOres.l. It . .worhs in ' the blood in he nitiiil 4 itinir - Can truly be called the ft tAsat, ltluod l'uriil er. file greja tun rce r I ',Mica se originate* in the.blood • and no nuidicine that &ig not ant direct ly nporilt, to Intrlfy and. =notate' has any just, claim upon pubis attention. • ' • Dear by your. a tong t conti vied by tdo • b, ke debility . . . il. 'IL S'iititxs ; ' • Vicar . $ ir—l will mostaetrfitily add my teattnininy to the great number you WIWI already received la favor of your Irma and. geed. medietne. Vegetlne, for I do hot think etiongh cnn he said 'in is praise. for I was tronlited;ov'er thirty . years with that dreadful dletaise, Cato rh,:and hut such bad connhing rpelis that ft•Wollid Fertin ag though I could newt' breathe any ' more, and VeiTet Ina ha, cured me ; and I do feel to think Gial all the timetthat there le-io geed U met:icinettr Veget lite. and I alai think it .the of the best ateillelnes.for coughs t and wee filttklng feelings at the stomach. 'and advise everybia y to tyke the Nee:m.lns. for l can aapure thorn It is one f the hest:medicines that ever vvas. Nil L. GORR, Corner citiagazinot!and :.Waltittt. Etreets, ,C.'unbridge, '314745.. , . • , kI'PREQIATION. • • (:gAnt.saton, 31use.. March 191&11 4 - Q. R. ST .VZNA :• • Thio ff , ao 6ertity that htvc used your rilllocsl rte. Paratin o tVvgetlne) la my family for reveral years. and thill dint, tvrefula or Cankerous -11tsmorous or. Ithounit enate:_init L eauuot be excelled and as a blood.4llmbir ana' awing urgilleine it la the beat thing I ever aud have' nae 4 almost evorytbing. '1 eau cheerfully recommand It to any orie in need of au ch a medicroe t ' • route re•Kiect.thily.\ . I • . Dlltzi..A. A. Lil'.'sZSNteltE. 19 Rttascll • AL -7 114' - r.S • . i FIN.E..STOCE AT, ' . R. & Co.'s. Montroie, May 14,15,3. _ ' C A ;l2 Fer • • .1- A.Ri',ETS:IVF 30 bE. ': # . 4 !IT 11:1 73 . For Sale tip B. U. LIMNS .Ik. CO. SUG4E., TEA, C9Fi'EE,, ; • 1 r -6riccikoerlem 'kVA .tND WINDOW • • A:l:lige 4.mt New' PutternsOeeeived Every Week , DireetlFroul the.. . I 4 " . ., 5141infailtory; , *. • 1 • • 11. E. NS itc CO.' . S rac:r'cbl. W2?irehrt,cl.." . tOnt'it, • . • .. 0; N. T.. ' • . and John alarl.9"piwirt Thu*. rvirot 41ack ;and oloted—from 'NO.B to No. I.loAtt dOZP.n. /*urea te Lp • . R. F..l* Won't rove, s3t7 • • Woltldxalluttrntion to h. ve PER° AND_ SOMME .Now on tale, In nc 1)11t Ct) Ithotad trot(( .off be - so Fefeats thnse 1114 w re ,to .e ha e.not • Itient,ly wftlismr e oul s %%:' , ,t „ . and tills itlitTlllB. -N,,,qw STYLE OF PI; 'IIAWI.S; WATER-PRO NELS, 13ALMORAL, A A!ELVETS, H AV 1:1 WOOL - GOODS, CA I- CLOTHS. PAPER IiANGINI t. • tO .4.ND LAP ROBES,F.VI 1 ! • • Iac)3,CAPS;'BOOTS 'AND BARDNITARE,IRON,N - STEEL, !STOVES. . 3 •GROPERIE, ET! In, great 'ariety, and will be sold favorabl Wins, and lowest prict !- i New Milford, May:lst, 1875. AT 1 1'14P, IiPAD OP NA) - SPRI- . , . N SEED NViIEA.I ' 1 ND TIMOTHY S • Oardea qvais of all kindi,the very' t, • '1.,, Coffee, Fitb, name, Lard, - , • ' . . Forty comp of choice canned geode, A milting In pa . art of. Peaclfq, Tears, Pitons. Cherries, go neee. Strateber -riei.Pine Apptcp. Curti, pean'i, Totna 1 , ,, rem; Data, Turitey.l.obBter, tinceoturb, Peach, Qu nce Anci Apple Better: Detil led ilam. And lout of othee *. ing#, quite too .unmerons to mention. all of which -wilt be -sold It all kindfCof "PATROL te , " kir revy pay at pricy.* that will • _ . . , ~ -• ZIZIO,f '37: ClCA2lallp cAItit.II.C;AML,.. ... , • . —i - and etsietly It pon thg: principle of live and Jot leve. , , ,Call and Ape At : • A. N. BULLARD'S. - -.lllotdrmte,April7, ISMS.. , . . -- • 3131AiillOOD 110 IV LOST, LIOW STORED !, l'nee in a Ilatted envelope. bnl eit cent*. • - • • - Juat, publiAlled, a OM-edition of Dn. etrhYruirstile DetEuns.. - ren flpiette on the radical = curd .(Witham medmine.) of flpermatorrlera or beeline' Wetatuees, In. Noluntary Seminal Losee4, 'lmpotency, . Mental • and Piths - Mai Incapacity. Impediments to Siarriage„ "Mo.; etito Coneutuption, SPilepoy , and Fite, induced by etdf ictlukenceor sexual extravagance, &c. • . The celebrated author, In this admirable Repay, clear. ly siemonettatee, front a thirty pure' eucceeetnipractice tradicallyhet,lhe I "medicinee,theappliuttiou of telaffe:pointing tnt Itetaixtv6l-cure ht one eimple, certain, end ktrectuAl.' by menne.nf. Which every enterer, no matter what hie eon, .4btlen may he, may cure Idatecifsheeply, ptlvately.,:and ide'lee'ure 'should-1m In the Winds .orisves". 4, 1 0 - theta - no.. • S • . , em ;tinder Isi to. poet_ paid. inn receipt of liar mute or two l t oit statminh. • Adorees. she pohlie.h t to;\ t• • eaAs,:pr; ELME, - • wery, Nett York; 'Pent Draw Nlitt Bn'zr*•libciut/Vepthit3. ..• Ovors of.esrd'roorn.Porthmouth Co.'s Mills 1, • • - • - Goo • CINCTICVATI. iittY. .9.6. 1511 R. Sbrnrens : - tr—The two bottles of I!cgettne furnished me *gout my wife has Used with great beiiellt. For m 6 she has been trsuhlrd with Prziness and ess; these troubles are now entirety removed e of • , . as also iroUbled wit dyspensicand general . lid has eb en greatly honented. . . TITOIRS GILMORE,. ". • ' " ' rf V9;4; Walnut iitieet. ItEt ABLE EVIDENCE , _ .. • 8614.. by all Druggists Everywhere. -4ess than N. Y. PricesL nod other At Low Fires at 'l3. IL LYQNS s (10.% .pnEss pOO p AND ; ".COLOPED ere :N war TO A.. IsT.EULLAR 1; to Set aom - • •- - ' seellaneous vettisementa 1,6 - LOHZflraaP•Z:.-.tttigZZP. Alta L I EN Has lust rettirile ruin ork with . a lige and eitaplcte a...sortnlent of, , DR y. GOODS, CLOTHI'NG, Filling ~.‘"ttininoraiv" • • ', • Our ktoek 14'3m . p g ht, with vars. : wil .htretofure, etTer.:tlieitirgest, • -:1 • sussutltreet. stud hest bargrtie . s.in the coluity: 1 , • r i V''Blitter knit Prrodube_sitiPped. Eligliesi price Money 'advanced 'when desired. Great 8en4,1 July 70), 1875. 1,. . ' • I I iii ~ir ~ .- ,: . `_l S:1 - 11:Nt R: BI.NGTIANtr ;01N''N '''Y 1 , • I, - --- 4 "r...V. ry PI ix T'4 -ER, i fi sT I iTe ,', , , AND COMMON CIIIIINEIS' .. , • . j 1 : it . IN DVCEMEN'I'S ,IX Lf , , Bronze L2nips.,Opal Lamps, AU mas , 'Lanips, Hand- Lanai ViT pis Burners, ichs, Shades, Shade lielderk 416 e., &c. . . • ALSO, .1.%.1•7117A0T1.711Ell OP 'l,`l‘ .. ; 1I - , ' • D - JA.PIDANIE WARE. .1.0 1 1 . .. ~.. . , . p r k eo i qyarantettii as Lout to any Ilinixe. in ~'ilitthernlif''eto )'ork, M .." , Orders by all Promptly Attended-To. , , Unrch 11. lh. - EVERY STILE TAT GENERAL SIDPBo IMO Corbettsvilli• s w. Y. , . . , . .. . . , V 4 toConklin s u 1118 Hotel is situ:llea mime MIT roau feadinz front Ilingbani..on to onto 0, c. 0.5.! .. ta on, op, T the Delaware; Lackawanna, and We#tern Railroad. Partle•stroPiiiqg at ;Ma St.stion will 'tied It v conik, ti lent to call on me . as' taro proper conveyance to carry them to anv plata they I want to zo. i haw been rmiLt lag my Ilouso,and Barn making it more convenient to enter tn i m the public.. Thankful for the many' lavorsof my old friend!' and will be glad to see thera,all when going tiffs way. ~, 4- -. i 1-- . .- - --,....::,.- ,:- -- ..,.,;,:. UorbettiArille. N. T.. January 6,1875. tt . ' i • ' : 'I- , I). ',I. 311.711 riff . l'io r* , tor ' ' i - _. ~:.' P ,',l'..„—, . • • -----.----, VEST acciL'PRINTING • . .. , --. ' - AVINIII3 t .LOWEgiIiATTEtt . . ILIP ' ...Woltre.contiunaljyaddium new material-to out offlcis, and with• Mi r ,. ':".• • 1,3 . . Large Stock of JOB TYPE and FOUR Printing-Presses, we Defy.,Oempetion i Both In ,Pricre and Quality, either in. Plain Black or Colored Wt - irk.. .11"...kViq,ir'',.t'oitrSift SPRING.. 4;, -. ..S.I4IgAI.Ei NEW 'GpoDs,. MDR Roan & Co, Ie the place! who; lop' Will find , the hetteaortrynt, 'newest ri.)ldr, and lowest pricvi in'' NS 4&, CO. DRY GOODS: MILLINERY - GOODS, READY MADE BATS, CAPS. TAR- - ' - ! PETS,. sr,c. - - - ,t . • I 1T 1 , 1 1 16 !v Stock of : C.0004,- .b-a, i " H ouse Pu'fniskilsig Goods, •." • 41Pecae .: . - (BIenT and Coliired,) • . • I .. . • . D res Goods, of Descrption,: . Q tqlta and Tal!le bprods, • . Umbrellos!ad Pitracole. . . , • • " • tlintie, A" Sheeting, and oitter . ntrinilar ,• • ' • I.l!rands, • • 2 •• • • Flowers and Stint" Gooda, andFreue.b. l oshin,la ands nultlingt ' ' Sha Is ; (S • 7 Lltan •• - 1. - - .1: • nele,.oF l•:' aUd CkilOred), • • aiad • • Rnials.'Lestairaud - Idarrocco patcl!cts, S, BLACK [ PACAS; LINTS, :. FS, :FLAN WHOOP . SIERY, i :PETS, oil ' S.I3tIFFA; - L SJIATS - ,:HOES, ILS, . xi. 1 . . on the roost BUlLlirrt vifr P IGATI ON , OLOV I ER ED, ' . • Bona; Scitice i lieSpereblefs. corsets, • - korricall end Imported B 1 Ck Since, . ; Bursts: fLa,P ,. /Oes al l4 *! t o B, . . G°Ye''.Btlle,Jl.llol.4. thri4d A lexuario'stird Bobdlera b*lfLids. 4 - 0 6 lererituie anaot Ewloli.X!ills.• El tkOP JAMT/S. ' Sunlito ll #. C9/ l ltot.' Ci!Fg.! 3 call 6 + Tie!, e:, Vic : • " . 6 ekOri we keep •Is 3 - very Extetleive giask ,of f l i 3e i l o t t i°ne4l ,l; ° r@ d ll, i `je til kTe all * Y Dl r tga FIGURES as any perfy.' Floees ar4 cotarluee yaw , . • selves ofthe ism - f '• • 4 .• •• ; I , - _ • . • -` VIOTC/A3l*Ad l ailOring : Ft-Flotir.; Sugar tc.!ictr., • • etriled U as %silt& iiehortment of -NEW SPTi.lNWOigS.tifkiiFie; 00AT' , -1 " gia B /*Pv-'4 0 ., .": • _-: OUTlViDlifiillo6ll 7 s CO. • *.ja.iyaissum)En*wfakuier, ,, *w o o, brolituk:lssu -• re Bo] 1d GEORGE cats and Caps, '•tlfe. • National Tiofel r.emairl hereitiitil our' lan'y •`i B4Lcl,sTait,E IS' COMPLET i R ON tHE 01.41) GROUNii , cmrHo PEC I A NEW 660p8, :NEW GOODS _.,~. d ___ IfEE . •,, , • , . . .. . XCiiioliii' l l- 6 ,, :: 464 i eic . .., .... Irony!. rethros.-.guitraatited. 14 - [hi - • GEO!. 44EA iLINi I FOOT Sk -, HAWLEY; 57 'Court Street, ARE . NOW': RECEIVING' AN ILf. MENS' & BOIS' CTOTRING. CLOTHS, CASSI 'X he dustoin ilepartmemt Is now 4 :tindf ,.. r 'the charge of S. H. 8,%.13-:. COCK.'litte of q.ew York 'Oity, fortn;-. erly" with il::Co.,.lwhich is a full gual•atitee'titte catindi be beaten by anv house tii.tnis city. it Our stock; 'comPrises all the'latestyleS, and will be told at, baton prices. • Doti (t• lorget the place, - (Oppokiite Eiehanite I r;: Jour; C.FOO;l'. • MngtOtaion, S; Y., ApAl 71.11„1;,%1. : ItUre At W. W. Sniith 8& Son's Itztait4lveFuntjtitmiAr.ar:roomr . a Fjlitirsittheit!rges FIRST .01,ASS AND?CelllitoF. T.3'''S . ..X,-t`',stE. Ttt be fortatila this beet lot, of the 60mi1a:7,01.111a 6 . irt. manufacture, and at prices that caahliviall tolivesatif faCtliit. 1124 meld tbe yery , , Ex./T*l6N •141.,-E lli ttptC'iiiut l ii,.ana WA.l:l..4%ttblpf: • IT JO 2a. co 3. of iiiiiE PURE - NQ. k AND .. . ... . . . Irbo inanserlbern ractility In - bbs b. r EN and , tbeincis nnesling knee_'4.l4P fiktfitnictuel - cUrte - . 74a40w:.P‘.,=;4 7 - e -7 . EL.: :... .:,, 4 :6 -.5 , : i ....- .. :- SHOES, grolinda: A. S. MlNgli: io or.: - GE-Dfila tit Storoiltiol Otinciftsvillic . MENSE STOCK OF • - ItI4J.SIIING;GOODS ~: ~~~D-~`rurrx~ Sprtng and summ6tuhde. O. 314,1.1d.WLE,V...?. t x- 4 0; ne in the n'efti4t ; .I\T „lag JEC., t A1110158141.1,1)8;:', fATR4SBII4*S,,' ,/ OM MON, 4Atil,f.riatiS EK homulei !Mite 1.14..; , *( 901 11 ‘ 1 0t It ' ItaV c itrjuLt. goal:deka * ,leont SEA Eibitht 19 g4,4•en o j;3 l 4"Prc i tal44,-Pla a fil.• lArtitit 110Si''‘`' „ . . , Isnz—smo-4t. gIiMS . i ) , 1 .,P . .10 1 ,111 dvraretetc,v,, • 1 , - N7-72 r 2 1. • - - ` ..yr• 2 ) :',`V . - 2 • 2:2%;,„ - t • : lialli ^,:, 6ornetoC MATT pik I~e~'a},ail: isitri<)::srme ,, '"!''.) - ::_"".- •,- •-.. '.-..1•••••• ; 4 ;.. i.• atcl . 2*. d,f ;;-.; ,:d•• 0i.1.T41% 1 Z,t ;Olt. • • • 1 - - • ; • ~: l'hanks WattilSleir lifer 'sat :Onus.," ItTst virotad,be niorathanStat they luoltssottletl.isrmnits t: ns, it .ywyul(1.01111: apd Isttld by tti& middle ot Issivh :text. • : iFeb.4,4137t. • ••' • • ' - ItEW FIRM, t.,„ t•N-1:w sxont • • . .„ ' i I .1 a ‘ :ii. I , . •. , : Sl' lif:ii I; :& -..iSA Y , ~ i 1, r. 1; , - .. •-". i ~,,,, Tilt RE .., . v r. .J ~,•„ . ~-;,. , .•..., ~- ,:.:•. , ..,,, ,,, _:. ,, ,,„„ 1 , tare 0pe.ne.4,14t_./.4e .014. y?clataii, (TX ti..lVONn„iu We Crick Illock'Sleintroie, gild ae Aar( be pleased to vq.ki all 0..1 i,•drtolirl ftlettila andlube mitt*. 11 CW : oue* Vic jiopulo gitia. ,3.)ctr atpck will coneistuf 1 - .. . '..' ..- -,..• .1- ivf.:4,1.11 , '. , - ...”,., - .. :.. ...; .,. : . , .. - .• ~ • - Nallvtild i - ' • /31:ALL KIND 11; • .• ,, r••• •• '; - • endeICERI34 MLA • ! • 'ln Wietr'rittarititles ruld••vireiety. • Sr:it& are;"Wboa .fifare.llidtkOhir Lilig*. linttiniVP; °Wv+ 601111:givelmiarttil3r attentlou to the Grocely Trade , titld keep it full axe.ortmout of Tts.s, Sugar. Cofftei, ; 'az9Perie Provila(ini, „.• , . 'in ttilrvalet. t , Salt and tioar. •We Khali 'ken> con .statalt on:hand'ffne briada Cot Sklar at italeh feefdthin oldpricefnnliwarrant,it .pleaaa. ,clo - pdatlpliTeact), promptly to'diir tdw 'anatomy t r.. ternia.nlll- he atrictly 2 , 2. 2- • - Vici , eiibtsrev3r, icaiiknrproduc4)- Thlif it As ill , be xvell:.to re:raerti; fier,itathis - will be the beeret to our low pcieest We •aeotariildent that by calling and esainlnFtlg calf good:4 and pricea) unr.will And that it fay yoilr inter, est td try•har go ixt..4' d terihs ' • ” Jarianaini . ,3turittvar, Mar:. 131.b..',14.• OARTER, • Al3hitiT 7 r4 1 • . , tt t •..&- !..!".."4•7141. 4 . °X . ' : • .-.:=.I)EALENr;Tif f i .:;T:f , rT : , • :. , .. pi ,•,,:::. IA .: : ::. ! . l T)., , 1_ w.: '• .RE. .. , ......,.. : 1„ ,r .A.„ . .4.., :L.,...: „...,. . ,-.- tgON - -;‘.3 - tEi4,x..n . i At:-- '-- . rmaxiontr o urnlitE 79 .ff.A.t.ilcs'. To 9 Ltf, ,ri z.-, .113 ,- vire;ert'Ait 19114,03. SEX,T& , !RINOS; STEEL . ,T.ER,E,% ;.i 6 A 1 4 6(gtiet hod the Ipprokri4 iIIUIIDICK MI) :CIITTIR.#3: ,n;' , : i , ),i : ',.',`- 'Vr{l.4.: • 4 ; i l la t i;•;iii n ' gi:•= t. " "` ‘. 1 • f• E . • 11‘• OCIVI4111;•1€116...;:24; ' " the Clie4est Piace . . •. • . ... ~ is-', : i - f~ •- OROCJIR I I'ltclpt~;3afrk; XiuUding;; _7•H r'• . . , ;3li4ir*AittAk,24.4.ol\7*::Liem. I .I KHOISEALIi. . AND -WIELViIiAaDWAAIt, '..I,(jARItIAGE 000i)s,. ,t.. BLA.(IK,SMII'HS', O.AX`X'ANNI:I)..IiEATITErt .13EL',e1NO i‘ • .11.1J11gElt, PE1.41.1N . (1A.Np;,,,.,` PAOMG, IITO4 ETC., ;',E O::.; • ' r IY r m eAliP/ 10 for' -„,„'• • 1 [ t i t , MCNRY •DISTOI.4 . • 6 44. L i d ' s e 1 inated-Hind Oit - < • • - FI •si gt.CO. $4 Abe AVorla .„; Ilugtmutil.on, Oct. 1411.14 N, 1:7 ri.4;:tertixasirtig)* - , 7 .,:. '', inider`l ' '',-,,,,::: .........,..A. ,, ,; 84 iiinink i k's" tSuctery4l6);.% • g i , .;•• 4` . . '4l; fkoritigaill.. ~ , 11', 1 lOr -britgru. ~. iLAn tio qiiihr mi 14+414 t 4 .111 'be prirx4;tlY.Latidelf - ; ' .• ItATtuaws a 'ii - Alkiet, -, ir/ 01141,1 4tpft,'APrill; Ins. 344 MEE c"! ,PBAPF!ii, IN w . , 44 €3} - 'w;-L t•,,, " • *-;-= NEIV:PRICES. - u. MBE =ME '" "X1M.47, °A4r.tPfor OHM .L`ftutib . - er..34. ; 4 'etseetlitbOui - STROUP. Genoral 2. -7-7-7-7-7-7-7- 7 -7 7 - 7 ,-, :;•'..4. - -,t..ItI . SURANCE 'AGENT, - - Turcdopi.tromo•4;p;xsi i . y, upua itispire”lnted,-*100,(100,000, , . f l ~ Flys, LIMASD'A.CCIDINT MSDIA.Nci , I , f,fverpool. tonilorr&Ofotte • • ../),,,' ~ IttuAl C anatitan sutatattea,f;o r of 4toritreal,o 4 7 41 : into.. %Capital' ''. • •.• foi.ixo• ISTut.trti4inirie4 , 4 ' • • j 3,2; k, ~,,, _Penn. Piro Ins. Co, Plallst.: " ' ' Iztio-iii National—New York', ,' ' " ' '' 1 4 • - 0 0,oco lye. • 17 nion.gutual • ••.: ~- • ; • • i 1 4..i.ecn I,ycotointx Fire '.. 4 •, , SG,COIO2 tlercitattle - ' ''-f'-:' , " .. '''- . ' • 4 tn,o4! Lancaster Hire Int. Co. ' " "1- Itton,/, ..FirOlissocl44loo of Palls. ~ ~.,.; noJso A kqrtniattia of Pltteturt.r. '• . , thomq-, :t. , enosyl - istuta /us- Co,: I' ll /1 1 1. . - .: - Latntst - Plinio Int. en—of Phila. NV Zo city lin- Ins. to. Prorltlence. R. I ,fin . V.),..YJ :4,41k nD.. illlnia, Proylnence, R. I. , ' ' ' 3to,r , y) wake,rto.wtt Jot; 'O, .Vatertown, N. Y. • • Oki.. ari Ihyma int,Co-e ~y. Cnotraland snrplos,-; 114.f10e,,t 'Ulm Vlrettis. ,u-.... Ifirttord, Cr. • • .41 f.„01.,1 ilartlOrd riro rus„ - Ce..l. nott al indSraplos ' s3;Ooo,cor, i 4 t foroe Ins. Ctr.'.Cofornints, O. • " • " • -' . "Warn t, itiokytne Fite Ins ''.".(en'ark: N . J.' , .• • •,.,(r,owl.n {, Thtounder*lgned Is SPECIAL AGENT tor the foll lo;:tx.rowantes for Northern l'ont, trlsau la : • - Fife Association of 1%118(101411a. : LaileaalVt Hire leetirallre Company or Lancast er. .IThelosurance Co. of thtit ß ate of reputiltaniket 111.13delphia: • • I '!` ' ' • • • X.* X4 el , .X 2 . Conn..blntnal Life Past.:Co„ . Airectt I • - $ 3 3. 1 )91,00 American Gllo..Platra.et.., t 4•. '• ' ' . ' it t0 . , ,,,, , -' .• . 49,, ...P.C , MX: 1 131V11'.: - "'" Thaiwletsrsl st, to „ , ta rtro .. rd,Ca. p . _ I island Stilot/O.M.t roßway Paettrors $3.50.6r.0. , . "rhounderSlgnottltit.beert.w...)lltncninin ittitid,nlort.f,t thenatt 17yvara.atan'llsnran'coAgont.:WirotilostrIncd 4.1111 C-onanainlea We slwopt been prompt li paid.. -; 0 (nee rtie po Stnlit. in banding east, from . Ranking .31' :St r*. CL.Cocipei A: Co., Tarairtke street. , i't ' • BLIPPrGS 'STROM Agent, CLIMILES fl, SIIITII, Office Manager. ; 1 S. I,INOIJOIN, Solkitor. • - . 3fontrote. Nov'. I . - Vl4. .;-. 1 E • .f: IL Itan:NZl. "1 -G insiziNas.'l ii.',o.llLA?(Duc. •-, • , • :BIN(HADITON ../KARBLE . WORKS, 11111114 BROS. 11111111DIN6, MEE DE tLFIIS I_ YD MANL:PACTUISKRS OP Vittiatt -Al4t4l4:4listoro GRANITES Narble and Slate Plantle,e, ~,., ~, '2l; Chenango.St., •Near Drpnt; .044, 4 ; . TIING/lAMT (IN . N.V NEVYotkTiti.BuNt.l. : • "The Loading Arneriosn Newspaper." /TEDIUM Dailr.tl o >ipenr:S'etni!lt'oolBy,-?3:: Weettly,? Totta, , vit.tre4i itieltibseillyer';'Speehnen eorde;4 and lialvext hang ItatekrFteei Weekly. :14,• club, et et inoetr,oe)y 11. 7 .Aildreor. ' ,• 'Tit I'RIBCNE. ''Sr. PAILLOiIeItOANS moat bCriattfel in stile *tilt totioesor wade. NV.LIZ•TO STUIf is rter lObacedln any Or. lain 4. ruc:ool•e4 bytto ez. ra at C of I rear, 'para. iorly • vollvd t , 1.30. ;WI , a taiekia.llthil , AR3lnit.l - a a ISOCIi 'ttinlln ha IITATION of 4 , 1 e ITV. SMAN VOICE • PERIL WATER SP • .4. 7 NEW 011(.111:1YTILWL, P-3; VESPER, GIIAND and , C VIALIVV ORGAN% - • -4, !in UnbraeVreneb('asof4 combine . VOWING 'frith great 'Volume 4/ Wool suitable forPAIII.OII. - -r 121117114711. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS •h f ire great powww9./.i a Gee slafiluwg tone, vit.t all i*.o4iiwwn lawproventen to, and ore t/..t 1.4114 T , ANOS MADE. Thew: , Oranns dnd - Muses an Trarrruned for *IX yearn, VICES EXTIMMS, 'EY LOW far mai or purt raub'ona balance) in taciatbir nartnentn. Secon4 l •4laldinstronicais 'gsplieat bargains. Pianos mod Organs to rent until Paid for aa per eorjrnet.. AGENTS 'WAX.' TED. special inducements tattle trade. Abb. r'rorilloctarat ti 'Ana her; Man/et:Tx_ elinrike,Sshotic ,Loajeisetc;''lLLOri. MC4I.7•ALOGURIMATIAD. . • ILf)ItACE 7 WATI:II.I S SON% 4.BlBroaihri:ty,"Ne* York. P t O: Box MOTE lIAS DEES TRIED 3117.1EXT.7131033Et.A. has estabileht4 itself as a perfeet rt-gtilator and tam itzmanv . f4m disnrders of the ayst , m ar j em; from im• pr - ,00r artier: of the Liver and Mercer. . IT IS. NOT A Nii1:810, but by stimulating the to• erettrOnignits. gently and gradually removes all inapur. ities.vad regal:lles the entire system, - IT IS NoT .1 110CTC 1 RED BITTERS.bot la VEOETABLE'-: TONIC ArNotka.lofats digestion, and thus stimulates the appe tite for rood necessary to inr4.7orette the weakened or inactive organs, and gives strength to all the vital (or. cAtatiEs 9w:4 IfECOii3IWIDATION. u Ale .1m7,6 • and rapidly mere:WlT 'oaks' tutify. Price One Dollarg bats ..•. A. roar thuvalist for IL JullN sruN nuiy.LowAy x CO.; Whoiwale,Agent.L'ibla., P 4.. 311w4 MORE AOENTS WANTED.. niatiat Deeds of Pennsylvania. First.•,Etlition Exhausted. ...c.pmpretieitaive. ta and •honorable.."—N. A. t 11. S. °turtle; Phila. "'The Illotrraphiei are tcitbli wafted fur .their ticruraci.--The "Over 1101 pa pal no Jibinty toraphitestithouttr.”—Suudny Thnts., "YOhr sOcellot - tif Gett.tObtirz is the twee., full -est. and very beat. Idst,oty or the oratet , t battle of mod urn Tim ed."—Col J. IV NI chOlgon. NO b. "No ol cl ler thould.be, , ,itrithout it. l* —llvt. , 3l.l4..Gru, Windt!. pails, ".just tribute to distln7nlshed Fart - icua:`—A. G. Cur tin, "The fineat Goof: I have Yet teen."—Col, 4. E. Patt-nntt, 11,arriFburg.• . — Your (I , :tiysbutg• tet tlke)ustest get ronresented."—Gcu. d 4 l'ayster t N. N. A T d reA.. DAVIS & CO.. l'abllflhers,l23 ar,et.tu „,• mtvi . . . PE.NIVELLOGRAPH' • miIinETHING NEW 1,014, JIMPRTR. ( cetired by' t:op.l.rig.lit.) Wills% is an Invention ...kr4r ordr ONCii the re;sult of year.* et abAdt, us Atidr bed - cot Webb* . exptes6Jonl. Ireolinevi cak,t, filitilttes fiht.f . h, AM. approaheti by 411) , othor of Ficteav; 31En cane LI 'Wanted nuw to killeftor-•• dQrs. for Copying and .Korova • gmall picture of Fr:it:nth , f. ern Tlntylies, Arnbretypei. Pbotoplphs . 4 Dniforrorypel., into the new proem WWI, will please eve.t3,buily. wriget enda per inanent-butill.rs IttWurecl: Sentrfor full ll:Arne:l.es ,to tnitzrl..oy G c0.7/I.ptudle., ilozkin '4lplils. Pa. • ..• • `._ - ,ill . . ,COI7GPS. 'COLDS, lIOARSENESS, = btlD ALL TIlitOA ) T DISEASES WELL'S..:'.:CARBOLIU ••• TABLETS. PII,T UP 'ONLY IN . -BLUR BOXES.' • • • A TRIED ANI.t, 1:1141E0x. • Sokrby.Draggirti pkwoMlly; imd 32-4 w. Johipitou. Rullcolv; &.. . Philadelphia,Co Pa, . , • • •, . . - AGEI4. TH WANTID'FOR, 11LNonoug , wolit, 001)S. By the ••itialiftoll*• VIZEB TILE*/ ITAN,` , wbose fame - NM reaellcd.rrrrYwherre., Add huteorlet be is lickratrifie3geti to he the-peer of ILA UK. TWA IN and as a"eketchwriter'haa no kiwi lb thle conntry.— ;rho htgzett tb)ng set; will at aixtd, even thesd dui: ituips.everytxxly trant,l and will have it. tOoptgee or his t?..;m, +author and '1:50 comic cues_ Territory go trig raptdky,, atpinte apple at twee fur cirtuLtro to It, . Metannty !M ganvona 1 L Phila. 31%4 , • 4 ri, =. i f , lima or, T . 4 ,4:/..- , , 4, 3 ~ ,Nct. p ; i w • l'rtlf tarn ...5:...t,,;. -, ::-.: ziratas. ,At . :l e _ • , • ... an t Saul hotoroht ~, all to rtatc. -:,. .; A 1.51,3g0 crircu'it r and Vatunblo .7 , •;,% . - • " • Eimples frets. 136 - 1 4 e. lid 3 - 6 o rad- - ~- -;., • ':". drima on postaiKard. .Mul.do.• • ..... .• • . Iss but writa at °flea tq ....: n''" . . ' " 1.31.„ RZED,int qrs..,mser Tor". !'~]STI,LItI3tA CF or $Ol/L C114111311N1i.” pow or - Mei wernlay f4acinate and geld the' love and alleettolueof.aay pneott they elate**. tuatanpy. Th if Mitttple tdt utal ;tequiftroput pll cad ighißeas.ftee by mail for ibget tier with- a Ithirtiage tattle, fignitiatt Ora cle, Dream t% Pinta to tallied, Wi&OlL;ti Sat:L.le, "Vtineer book-. Attila:ea, 'l'. WILLIAM 'CV. Puha., Pa. " •' illw 4 , , 40.4 -~?'.4500.. in W&7 Street *Mn le.nti to 'fartnn4.. • At'r: imge book, en : tltlod : .-`l4lr.and Id Iwni, - of, Walt Si vote." itrina 11, ing OrtrYthing, KENT PRIM. J(11.1$ lIICKLINt; A cu. :Banker" slid Brokers, V. lirtnulway,N4iir Yckrit. 3;w4 VVANI3EDft, the bee' ti Ovals:stand fastest. sellipg Bible ever putiiistuid. 'bond for our extra torn* toilirentli. ttaticatal Company, Kills , delPWlte, • - titel utitiint NTr • Sgents for:tho liess Priz° 11.1 Package* in, tho world. sleF le poekatte; Wit eluguut prixo, part- 14; tile cents. I. or oitiell novelties send, stsing...Eltdtti*s l P.lii-UCK, pity 6 • , ird, Xtllo. 1101,v4 it' ALIEV/ 1 4 '10 4 )41.40114-:-Nui, rip9614.1t; lit se 911; Wr Iu ;01 , ' ?gtit 1r tkirwerld, '7I,44IVIONAL voirMill IN 1T raeritiOcii &.141 by . Agats: Milroy*, Et. WAl t took i ik 13. [l:s . riacteitlp 1x1840.1. Dauchy col
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers