Vo11;x/ael 34. i.,tio#',.:#' 7 olit,)#i)'4'.' Circulation ineresatuos 'MICR** reit ittly iopit thltortberail!eiziurylviint,R• s . . . . Gol4 oloed in New York, 011Shturday '"The.. hest Currency the, wOrld:ever tit," ot frightened the other .day when bunking! house suspended in - New York and ran dpwv some era cents on ttie dol— "/Cimidrettlating tnedintri that which one Raluxfte ia worth 86 ceut3 Oil the dol— lar and Oe next, moment is Worth only beeause the failure of gle fati wits rePerted., time for seeking abilityontegrity io tho public men this Stati*Oil''county is coming 'very fast.— SllOn'it will be the higheStrecommenda gat - for Official station atofplaees of high ;the - Men chosen to fill them, 00 - (krivn sought either vates s . delegates, or dotainations:- It will'be the tr.ission• of Pit , sDeintenttie - ilartY , •tq make this role tri rill suck cases tkfuture: :TFiee, to it that you send Men to the Ming. conVOlizion in whom. you have the Moil :implicit confidence; men pledg 4to - ilopp.rson or personal interest, but who are simply pledged to carry out the . puregrinelples of Democracy, and who tire ratty to "stand by the right thongh t , ' ' '& ) tiOtivens fall" and we. shall have no ors: . of Abe result. If we mistake not, tip- t, :""Joseph' s:' coat of many Colors" wlipb tbe "Court , House Ring" have tii de for themielves will be found ?dul -lea land `covered with their politiCal lood'ofter the second day:of lisiketriber ) 1 4eix ..Tlie people have been sold. for , •..,(I,;'f.ty picas of silver' we should think to:their' full satisfaction, ' " . ''acre is trot/. e ia the radical ranks Dnulford•cOunty. The ," genius of their 4hippers-in in not equal to ,the task of seleetion among. the applicants for office so U 1 t. the "outs" may I not- destroy the "Wlmot's district, of the state,— la..en Yankees on the northern bor— . der, us they did in, '4B, sniff in .adVance the political change, which ia sweeping or, r, the country. NoW that their slavery is ridden to death they . must nat. , ur,‘lty.t ill back to their` ancient ce. :Winn hope or promise is there for them its 1,;;0 principles' or practices of the re r.ljean party ? Whit hare they to gait from 'high , taxes, high eidariedeurecisted -eurreneY and Ciesarism l'ilree Presidents of the United States, Atif'.ret; Jackson, 'James K. Polk, and AntlyeA , Johnson were' all borti in. North Ccurulitol ; were all - elected ,tatite,Presi , ttt-ney while'citizens, of, thestate of Ten acdall lie buried beneatb the, soil of,ilie latter state.- Nik and Johnson immi,grAnts, Jackson was , made a of Tennessee. by , the '.act of cilia-- oreettng It into,, a state out of part .CarolinaL There is a project plaN, the 'remains of the tore. . 1' I.lellta, together and eziet a grand Ir 6; ,:;.,:tnt over:them ; but i!ll be t'w bet , tOr.t;;I:V-tirtii lie where they tire,. in plact•:t, familiarly.known and dear to them tbeir lives and nearly ossocia.;ed C.,11 ihc.ii'niemories in the affectionate of the people. iftiw do :the, "country delegates" feel a ti rju C Li n a e . d a y o upon finding that after all Cieir efforts to keep out of the "Ring" *...liv-Int",ttigot their fingers right in it Ti/ i• Candidate . for Sheriff we are dn- f‘iy),l4 by' those who' claim to know, in E., , Oublican party, gained his.,norninal tottloit &er 11.1:).Benuon of Jaektion, by tral; t wins the office of depnty to John linweii Moutrm, and that this was zn tvernen t ' made some-two knonths , agoapd thatwhoever votes" for Harvey . li.; Sherman for Sheriff,- votes, for John EL-4.01 for Deputy at the same time.-- 'Do baba and 'mac '4.4 the depntysiiip; the - - bribe that has nominated •.,fieriff us a general, rule in the. lie— pristidin party of late. 'How do you like t f , ryie? We, heir men talk - about ciAntrol delegates in the. Radi: ciyl c' , ? .. .nyeution, as they 'would. of their :11,3rk , s and cattle. This sounds Strange frol,i parq which claims to noiseaS all .into igenoeusque atans.coma h to Vote for the Iling I Pittsburg . ..American Manufacticr— erunnoiisuiera . what may . be considered /iv . C..mimenoement of a . new industry iii ti,h; eauntry.' *Bus. flogrs & Burch fur.la of *at city ihaVe Succeeded in the - cuallifscture of tin plates cost which 'ecables them to compete lwith the im porttA article, - 17 p to !this time the coat: ofica.ing' ,sheets suitable; for'tin• rang Ilan beeu so great:as Willacf3 it ell': i4e 1 .1 out: of the Poweriur oar American r t id*rep Compete in price with As a result we itnport?.hl tlu"rittg the fiscal year ending Juno 00, 1;211.176 cwt. of }tin plates, -valued ' 15,1:4;6,52,924. Rogers-IS,: Barcli field, hoi:ever,liy taking alivantage of the f4td4tleil for,. 1 404 Aleitig' ` : an extra ; *irou* iti - the puddling ‘liirnace by the ~ u s 3; of , natural gas and :blast_; :are eni%bled , to; make ',out of our ordinary pig - iron' sirects .-u.itable • for tinning without thw.. 'ii e Oily ounce of ' harcoal. They are:, rl4kpig'Ait present 30 to ',3s l boxes Per 4aly toali.•firo Zeetiog the Picea of Eagtish do ,htlafa it furnishes a bettur article. 4 EA nR43l'Fr: : -Thfl'L. .41•Ztri4iile ,raii..7,ED' LAY 7 REASUI2.e.ROART2rO. -- , the: State •Trettehror's ft,-repor or iStillyleshown that!' Wm. *anti re r# 'eat 1-14 al "f books . e ii,FBukapo6 eatopart4el7 arid in, : 1868 ieeeived $4,02244 for the same eervio -. 7 liitaiting, in - the;:two years over 00400.PN services. of .little scot:tint and It was krivateij . oplainea Ltrive r Tersol4 :this . ctioilei••tvie 'not given 1141,1x.',7t!:pityrilfor at ; peradnal nee hut to aid in carrying tbe,eleations for the` , ' This a!ity;piie of the 01411 Y s‘#'liY .., :iil:o l l l ho:Pec44,l;s . :stie•Pill/i4 f 4d. JO e'ntSbiiihi: 3 4PUbblitits •to-iairY 'tte' -.• • 2- • elections=one witv:Vnit was combined with mnny—but is itei titeicitekielitlie.people have *ft plandm ed anAdefinuded, C'rder t : ofkeep in 'th44lantle of Ettp RepnbliOan party. When, these accounts were settled l'aov. Thirtrittlit was Auditor General, Ile nor titifed.to.the pareeiness ot both ttems.- 7 11 . 6 ts 'therefore restionsible ' for '..these amongst r i mmerntis. -other fritp4s Perin— trated :pion ; . therietisiary. W ill people :cow for .11 - ini for a Place - where he an con tinue such 'ltetion? _lt is 'said- that-eels like to be skinnedwhen they got used to it. Do not the peoille like to be;defraud 'M because the_y_am getting used to it ?- 7 - Illoomiburg Columbkw. . - •';g:,ctat . . - T 'L'iN.g:' - : - _ The imperative demands of .trade and travel for short lines'and rapid commiani cation in EuroPe 'hav'e resulted iu two projects ef more - tluin ordinary"moment;; Oneis a railroad tunnel . under , the straits !rem .Dever to Calais,' the other a Similar tunnel under the Straits , :of', Gibraltar from,Enrefie to 'Africa.,, : ygislation in referenne to - the. Franca enter— prise has been obtained in both . countries and there seems to be no scientific nbsta des to binflepin early completion of the work. The distance will not reach lorty 'miles: tile soil to - be bond' or tunneled is. ofa chalk - character, stud' the work can be , proseuted with ease and torripar— t :alio rapidit . .There will be no' difficul ty in ccbtaini t g the necessary, 'funds to carry,on the work when. all thepnlirai naries are se4led in:adc;;finite planner.-- Capitalists iq both,Countries have signified their readiness to embark in ',the enter— prise., As to the union between= Europe and Africa,that is,r‘oposed tohe Consum mated by an under-water turniel,i, extend ing from Tarifa or Algesirs,?n - t4e Oasts of Spain, to Ceuta and tajier; I on. the ;I.loroeco shore. ' ; Therdisianee will he in the neighborhood of fourteen, , mili , s., .The average depth of the water at tins. oint is only about 63 feet: .;,In the ,water road between England ".and s France it is 2,621 rm. itis' stated 'that if, theAunnell from Europe to Africa: be ran'ene thou— sand feet under: the``' bed of thO,Straits; it would be, 3,000 . feet ender the sea level, while the entryand exit galleries would each ben, trifle over three miles in leagth- The Tntry.rind exit galleries of the Fran :al, Engllstitunnel will be double that -.. length. The Erfropean papers , are di's— ( cussing both these projects in an. earnest ,manner, and in money centres the finan cial aspect of-the enterprises is being con 'side - red by the money' kings, - of - of:; the he Con— tinent.. 'Travel 'and tradel - are,', potent agencies in, preserving peace ancl harmony; between. nations, and ,henee: whatever tmds toincrease • the former should re-' ceive cull attentionl,from ,the people and geverninenti of all enlightened nations. 4. Til Rin i R u.,,y JIA D. The 'Philudelphie. Pubuc• Record, .in commenting On,. ,the instructions lately forwarded to the collector: of that port that,the new agricnitural or mechanical tools that au immigrant brings with hint for his personaiuse' in earning his live lihood, must pay the Slane heavy duty imposed'oti such- articles when imported for sale or profit, sarcasticallY says_: : , -."If they cannot 'be paid for, of course they tnitst he forfeited, and . the man's itriple ' ments thus taken away from hitu."" ( This practice has the advantage Of :initiating the immigrants into, the beauty of our system of,government at ,the outset, The -.very moment he lands on 'our hospitable shores lie feels the grip of the treasury on his. meagre . pocketbook, :Tle conies' from a land of., \ 9ppressioil • thaland of, freedom, and the\first i thing we do for, him is to ~ tax the very tools .he has brought with him for earning his liveli hood, for supporting his family, land for adding to the national Wealth. ' ,This, we do before . those tools have „ever earned, an3rthing to pay:for their coat,: id before *he man . has eYen secured an employment; for earning anything. All weilave'now, therefore, to lay . is, that if ' this''be the liw, it had better be changed as soon al possible. We concede for 'the present all that anybody desires, us to =concede. with, regard to the - general merits ofthe pro tective tariff systein, as applied to goods imported to Ve_ resold, evrn when, these , goods are tools for theprosecution•of in-! dustry.' But'When ' it Conies o grabhing for deht the individual teels of the' poor immigran t,'whO;, ignorant of_ our beiii4i, ful system of - taxation, has innocently laidont all hie spaze cash in anew set of the implements of' his vocation, bought just before starting, from his,native land from aitificers familiar to hiin by their tong acquaintance with. their.handiwork, and,oult with ihty-idea out to arrive des titute and dependent. on our shores, but ready:tor self help and solid work if need ' be orrthe very day of arrival-when our is government, we.say, with its millions - of dollars lost annually by fraudulently or good naturedly conniving at 'undervalued mercantile ini;pOrtations, 'conies down in, this' way for i i ta, pittance on the'poofr inv migrant,--we t h ink ~it is, engefied , in die - Iraceful mean business i and we heartily hope ithlaws.which sanction this outrage will he a feted by ~ the next congress." ' i ' Mr Mackey, :having exhib ted names ,440 places when die lies:flee _lar a balance of the sinkinr fund ,oe,tichOtes44:lifill now committeetoo ttieo.l,-*1p1,.144. ascertain is at ::interest :they llay. for the i _ kilos to hey have, .to 'whoj and what ieptiritt :glioloy,it.6::osoty , ,4l4 - .o* :eventual :return of` the State itiouej~ t a i have on hand. If tie co mitt .~ cannot, ip*pel.lite' , Aietike*•to. - teetifvztheir can 4101t"-04i . r, 00 . 0 - d ° will all dine" epeutence ;it. robber.::s i ear .:were' to snake confe ssion bu,t. s Erie to jna#e. iviititiitien..thoughih the ,thlllieih4o4; =MIMI . - , .•• and`enjoyment of the ill.gott ri ll , m.—: gt%l.Maeltkrif,-confeasioli iCtOo4apqttittl `oni;:iitidilmy 'that'll) fins Orned State's, "requir ed alI '.l3e 'knows. :Let`-him appk-4r - before the:House-committee and his tale— hiin refuse to appear Olaf:in& lila' 'better-c-hut lei him , be followed ltp by • , the ?committee and driven to the wall I lie has iefusedi 'to submit his books as ttesired by the Committee, ,bnt after giv ing partial statement'about the co-ndi tiott of tho fund; which be de: sires the people - thel,pablic to i belittutwas, volubtary, how , 14t.in , 'fiet rCftoe to' helnows to mepbers AssemblY i wito hhve a right to ask for ihe itiformation„ Whether - .they are - a legat comittee be no madly or, just eictiao for au oflicer to,refase,to give the public any information *regarding his office that ;may he of a general mtereat., - the right of the pdblic knaw-hoi are ,being„condticled : ,It is the has-, - Mess of !their, representatives •, to funtout. As the louse has Appointed a committee ta'actfor, leen' show* . that it has'nuide every endeavor to;", get the • information desired.: -Irony officer refuses toanswer them, lee them .g,tve his name to the phb 7 lie.% 'Whether means can, be found to 'punish his wrong Action in refrising to testify is not of any present, importance.; It is the fact's, in the case, whatever' they that till .public , just now want, :As to any political iffectlit is'of little impor -tanee'whether Arackey opens his shell or-not, A refusal to answer will-probabty tell more than all he_ will say..`,lie is ionietthat emiert As a gabby ,witneai—as a - dutub One 'he will bo prolific.-=-Mooins. ,burg Cotumbiaik. B,t7SQUELEA,VNA • COUNTY MOCRAC.I" . .° -'' 7. • The I):inocratie County Con vent ion to , , nominate candidates for ',county officers will.meet on igontlay, Se,ptember '2oth, '1.87.5'at 2 o'clock r p,' m.'' The Offitiers to be:elected, oio . ` the' 2d day. of Noyeinher, are, a President Judge, Sheriff, Treasnier,. Register and Recorder,f' three,. 'County comMissioners Mid , three' Auditor& ' •By 4he provisibns of the_ . newConatitation,. .iiq person etio, - s''Ote ,- Fit ; ': 6 A,tr two -;county; commissioners, or for but two Atantors hence there. will ;be, .cerlainly, 4)ne coin-; Inissiotier and olie additor of. each party elected: . The cOdnty commissioners_, and , auditors form a -biiard of 'finance for 'the , tai payer&iif the , county, 'and. are antegia lative,hody, to ocertain extent, as lien as,. ex e kxl entive, and hence, occupy -the 'most Os risibie positions among our county officials. 'We have, always, ad vowed 'Unit a taitiority representation, upon this beard Wes just, under the' principles of Refilib-., lican government, that ''taxation' without ieiresetatiOn'• is unjust, 'andwe'lvOuld not: under any iioxi'll'atatiaes' aPPriie the k not Prohibition office Seekers or their partisan adherents, from a repreSelitatiOn upon this board. • , 'ft is generally consideret that the office of county anditoris s\ rnerelA .gure r head, arid simply nominal; which impression undoabtedly comes fret', the small amount. of money that officer ' dram:s 'lrani - the peOple's treasary., The importance of an tflige hi this county as Well as every : - where else seems to tie - ‘derivtid from the salary and perquisites in : it. IThe "andi tors of Stisquelianna - - conn ty ..sh9iild be the: most; competent I bairn -s, it, and Men of the sound est , _ - judg ment and . of unquestioned h nesty` and ~. capability. ' It has been 'lna a leq he lure . eVer. 'iline-e we btu, e been ae liPainted with the: airiirs:P - f le CoPtlitivt For instance, lake the couut et:del:went of the past'vear which .arnou its in the aggregate. to ''nearly $55',000 atlelip cif Sinlisanii. items toii.:murnerotts o men tion here, all,iof. Which is audited jai* few! . hours, Whereas, in other .coupcounties it Often , Occupies ten days =or two -ivee s to l utidit . a less _amount. There is one of three things inevitable. l l'4e auditors haVe' iiad unlimited confidence in the commissioners, are prodigies .ih ~expertri es's( in niuthetnati cal calculations orelse their Auty,has been: omitted, ',We have seen their salary for yearly service (in_ the county" - statement)` to•the ttioamous, sum of s s2o,: ler ;the three,-.makingvi:sal f , for each including traveling fee: -- 1 - ;. 'Aire are-:oppesed I to high salaries,, but we beliPve thWia li'tt)e..\' ""more mo,tieY qt -= peCiiiind lon. thesuditors 1 for,actual Service, retdeied, will .be Jirlincittly, satisfactory to the people • irtio'itiay' taxesl'and ought to bt? to commissioners ;who 'are' ivil iiitg-tc(render the Most - min lite acCOritit: Of their, steW4ffshipas public servalits'Of the peortle. .. • . .: ''. ' ' . Ilerice:we ' , Say. to the members el _the, •:WinoctiltiC petty ; Oat. .*:oo:t"e4P:k r4 ; l 4 : stratioo:of,:titte• . Democratic; tachea .tlit♦ office of:AuditOr . firikiiiii` that of fcounty commissioner ieee 6 3ve . eonlut .you, welltll4 you have the,Jlght man.in, the-right plat! ;for liotia.:of.4teee y ;oificeii ! , i•.‘let, not tiersorie.,or_ ,othOr onitifioti, • .gOveru. - Islothing but "the e4risiffttiiet:Of iieioii:OtZtiie.l . l)e*;6l44 Snegueti4U4'. - 0 0 ftlitY,4:k0 1 9*, . pre ail :.in ct~aiinty, ...state Ati,i3;4ticiii,(AUtli lt.tit- be lieriildett , !tiy 9f .. cao4l.jorOrt - e: .the people :everir'oiftciat 'posttion be= pability they Q:tati - diaittei . ._ tjFiVfi..l4ll44ll)aztji.4 4ok4ud bauebi;ngtbe:otiice:they: seed and :betray :: ipg Eittrthet iltirietiiese: — iit'.• too at lti t` Aiile4h;olit: ,4 ) 4 4 l3 '9tg .o:fat hafe'i44S- , 1 ,1i0.00444.00 : -O*r0*...1 - 040'444)ilifk, It*Ot 410: . :ii:44 6 .0 4 4 . -*o4 l t l .oo*''t# *440 so l e. but In Ahc't-ifeath of isaa62 : 4;\,,Siitgety7an, luounced fli0;?A, 1 014o i'Oomnieriial,:: strarigeAllicloSSA The' &ceased had - =-a. - checke.to histiiry~ :Of his early hit. ~vt know.: little.:oeyogc# tte fact.; - thathe.: - viiii young stun ..of:bright talents and - menial prOmise, - witli , a apec , ':.; aril :tendeticy : :tedevelope`iii- innehaulearta.: When 7 aliOti ao...*alta . :18 1 46;) under-:lie paint , - Of tnting .hi4.tniddle - Lforl Atmearedin;:Ohio . as - thei , prOprietor-et a I,‘..{.;reat - I.4),fal'l)..rannt ? "'. designed to trate* the 'vieeif keeness,n4 .1 . 0 force 1: the principles ef : total - ,.abstinettoe. - Thai I SAkceiis of. fint:o . tefprio,- - *olo47:not to short 'titnehe foinid himself at' Fredericksburg, tYayne :county, 'bankrupt, and: eompellea . _to suspend operations,. at . Sell :out' his concerti. Thus situated - 'he aet : about 'looking 'for tit heihtistiteSs g some 'knowledge-of,' wood' type thatitithettire, fie foundsoon : pa,r(afte.rw4r4sl - .welt to the lir) titers of Ohio): a partner . ler the• - ..prOSecut ion,' be . that business in FrederickSbitit - under of :Day &':Meritt:.! A -. 4.ttli-"tocili - .and n Lry dr.im it - orse phae?,..' : ' The next sprung Mr: - 4 Meritt" statte‘tout:,.. with one horse wagon loaded ty pea,Wh ich lie: . sold , - 011 icily country Orin Vra. in' Northern 'Ohio. • titconragea -liy . the re-, :stilta 'thiS"trip„ the flew anent - ,nn and thiniitabtnied so liberally 'Oat' the next :,41)fing - Mt. (lleri t" set out u.d nit hie teani and - . larger ..load.The ; r esults' of that 'trip:, were not known for inariy:yeari, ter the:peddling- partner:.7failett to re, 6n to make a report? haring decamped with lead, team ? ' and ; the ni:!adii of the trip.-- - t 'The typo continued for ny'yearsi,:at — Frederielishar„: r'fitibee= quentlynt • fitei n fiat by . Mr: Day ` and, a brother, but . "liferitt":returned", no More. Stibs.equentlY, as - 111reac.V, ind i cat e d, - he to riled :up tinder his. - I . Voper naine,Jsattif - -M. Singrr,, the . sewing Machine patentee, character . .he.- has.,. long been 'known to 'ale wht.cxtent ire was , the real. iOelitor of the machine hearingilia diSPuteil,it- haying; n tee allegekihat it Was Chiefly. the 'yak, Of - other britilio;'-i.but, en tee, and as shell securel 'at),,iniorrnoos: inpnne,. whiekj,for , pist Ii t eptir-iiGu ed largely` iii the . kratificv.tion; .01 . , the: time of'.late bei ig,'spuit in. Europe Iris te in' respect; to pednuiary fqtthei.. ,eiiedts .. iglier attain union 1.. b •ti untp) ambito') lie was not' '' . ot)ef) known, Ana', biB .record :can hardly die held'Xtli Fair :the.' emulation Yenug' tueir:•,. . A' Princeton siusinti)h. - _ 13D 108 BREACH OF Ti1t.911.8 tkoo - , 000.. , • ; r e c I .c 1 up 10 —• tit e, --T . ut Au cat' . . D. ' Brown;'jot - Prince art;' • was arrested by Sh ertf: Walton; of • Mercer"county, . 'on . tiies:day:and - placed mader $3,000 bail to, .appear before - -the• , . upreine Ootirt on the .. 18th lust., to: pa. m ;bad to an '.stver!to theinit: of '• lice Noiee„ in The snn of s69,9o(ii [ fer• . each'of proinise.— The_ alfhlaVit alleges . a 'lime .:fratid upon the part• of the defetidat4... The plaintiff 18 kngwn a ".the.garilner'S. - preity'Azugh'• ter." . 1 het tather. ,employed' by 13rmipi's .The defendant- is mar ried, btit'ii'sitit 'for . divorce is pending in ,the State' Ceurts. He is very•licalthy in `his own right, and will hilierit_a fortune 'at tlie,death . of his Mother. He iudnoed Miss Noice - to - accompany '11,11n,.t0 Brazil stating that the laws ; of that country al lowed of "marriage between divorced par ties, pitquied: they' enibractitl'tbe'religion of tt,e real Vpmf there he claimed thatlthe Ertnperor *had ,reVtiked the law and urged her toacciinipai;y him to LiverpOol, - Where • they • Woald he rriar .,Arriving there 4. he *insisted- upon ..retnrnitt at Once to simeriea,"-ati•'iriipor-- ; taut • business: culled hither.? - They reached New - Terki - and .Miss - Nnice phiced:Ja.n. Carriage and the_driver direct cd• to OrdeekFtO the Astor iltinse,.whitli; er ißronq would fallow. Pro .to appear "and.'- after- waiting reaSo.nabli . s time she reettrned'qo: - Princettl: to faiti her niothc. , r . anillather.tleatL: :;13rown, re;- ,fus'ed to - have anything to-do with her,and after takii4' legal - advice the' young lady ! in st tit fed the actio n to 3 amore-cited: The great Weal-thltild social statas cifithe.de !fendant ~lives. t o,-.,the 68.6 great . _ promin iMee,and the . esti tern en t i great Through-. font the' -to w n visuallyquiet of -Princeton. i - • 'burs Items. grasshoppers- are •reported to be I kalaging the crops in North Alabama.. The` latest .`rednotion of wages of Men in the - employ i ,of. oe Allentown Rolling Company is'flieNto-twenti-two per i_T h ar..7op,ooi:i pan pera in' England Ana thig 'notwithstanding_ a. decrease, of lour al”1 a half ney cent. in tile, 'number di r 't!e(!4 4 Y; 8 • 7 4• . * , • The grasshoppers continue jiyigig south , ward in:Nebraska, and huve, appeared lit Larati!io City. ;These that ' , alighted did semi `to have - done mach It is sta•eil.frorn Hong.Kung that dur log the nrit_fortiiight the . oew tea sea son the ,''e'lporti of tea, iron), liankow. 'reached 24,0p0,000 _ . The loss by the.. destruction of crops through the rP - oent ffooda, and-rains , svill amount to.abont the same'as ibeloss by the; &linage/ firn roundmbets $2OO, 000,000 i - The tn4jority Or the Constittitiona in' Alabama), js 16,500. the deleg4tes elroted ej - ghly.ohe are Dem °crate, 'twelve 4leptiblieali.g; and' ones In dependent;; . The crops ,in , the Ottawa, district of Canada, "a''vi suffered greatly from' heavy rains. .'lll 'tiaands of fields of wheat and oats catino hp Ott-by the icythe or reap. 1, 1 EO, ma i it is loelieved that .much Hof the grain that is . "lodpftd" Will rot.'.'''' -, Two hu t idyed barrels of been have n ;pot/ reil in the basin utßaltiinore to des [troy' the'reffluida. The oil it is said, :deo! Idorizes 4he!globales of aulphuretted by +linen generatad bylhp sea twatiei action l ivon gripillic tnattri • , - Grasslia*rs iu -vast; untabers-are still seen •Ilvingisonth- - i - aereas the, line .of the Union Pacific, Rail►v,►p. Arany, ot thern have settled' down at Grand low ftland i rCentralcity,-Miod River and hustings, and are-devolqink veketatfon. - - :D. B. liallepc' and Theodore, W., alias "Ngle 4 ”-;i-tiOrn, reethitly 'irreeteti T or '6(a4plilit,y ,Treasupy, fol,ihify,. •tv ore brotigiff ".o*iire‘ thi't New on,Wrilneidafl4o4l-uog;When .Waive l tlfl lotion` and' 14 default.of $40090 bail. were;committed to jail. • , , nat,iopisl. 0611 - ventiOn 'of thee Atli cieot Or4ler Uf Druidic, ir4rsBlod . 'at tIP' Ottatifi, - pajilatiday.tikatea the - following oilici.rB - 3 J. N. A.; Philip of Indian :4)04s ; G. A.; Oiiirikt Kiel; of Br . 00kho: 1 rood dent 113 i .; 'Ve l u m e Philip. - - tbe - oiotis, iin sojiio t poihou of the Abu th slid' west have been d 1 1 ,44 u out: by' beau ,:raint,i; "otbeia Ahoy, are•iii; melt tiOStrayed by-ilrought. -- 1 ia peointryttie- ease rn-parti of MississiiiPi;ha abamy, and Georgia, where the yield of corn is not expected tiq l . he more that five to seven bushels polo dere 'and cotton from fifty to threo hundred pbunds per_ acre . . ' • ,liatnettse b014..pf at Iphly hay°. beAu t'ouaid `i fiu cilbolt - Nev l ltla,„ a distutice\ of abolit thirty of, the tracks of the Central Paul& Itailway- The Material, is found at all points on it small inurkuttitn-,Achich ext)lorers'say, is a mass'of A 'coinp,any; is toglig ed hi- operating the wo - rks;.- and a t(mn has been laid out which bears the appro.. pride iiane or "Itiferno.t' , • . • : .The, railroad War betwen theSt;' I.4iittia .K.artaas City - aria Northern, ,and the:Vs sottri CCinpatliee,Which begun last ivceit t. POntin - tteS, grid the _if i ni r nibal and St. Joseph ',Railroad CetnPank has entered the arenit . ..,by .reducing • the taress, ':and ro tickets to $lO :Which .hia! b6eit - owl - .by . the St.',l4iiiS, and,; thz Chicaoo"' awl : Akan Railroad 4is said the trot .be(ween the roads will ;.include freight, trains as well'aa - Passengers'fare.., . • Grahain,:ex:Govertier'a North Carolina died Wednessl4 - at SaratOgly oil • _heart'a i sea ea: 7 — Hp will be buried ut Millsboro; North Carolina,. On . Saturday.'-' William, A. 'th•a -• hint 'wael)orn. in North Oarolina ° in 1.80; was admitted to the bir,iit .1825,.and gun. his political career in_l•B33 as ninon ••• ber of the lower branch Staterl,ep. ialatureiAoi'• which . he ..*as','subsecittentlY . . sevAtimes elected ,speuker. Bettreint 184 • d •'43 he repreekitited. North Caro , : linnitt the United States'; Senate. tics was !or' his- 'State fr . om 1845 te..1849: the,':itoceiSion "at' 'Arr. Villmare to the Presidency; ha was apr-i pointed Secretary - 9f the - Navy, 'arid that !dice Oa - June, 1i3,52,•: - when 're signed • on for : 'Vice President on the ticket-'of General Set,rtt: During the laSt Years of the' civil war was a . .SeuatOr: in! the 'Ceti Gin 7 gresi.: • 'His - fait: puh!le' 1:40.14.1 11• z.s It's, at delegate . 40 .- the' - Union 'Conve Aloi) l'hiladelphialit 1866.. . • =3ll===l TELEC;MA The ItoZirmea Episaopil Chnrch. NEW YoltK;, Anon. op, Cu Hi; mins, at moe.ting here on . Monday ni4 2-, preliminary to organizing a Rl2irrii4 cad "Episcopal •Chiireb, said there were notrl l fifty ministers and forty -corLirre:ztitiotts. of that Chure'a. hi- the ttiiited States =rind Canada. ' - New iLdxrertbenionts. . , AMERICAN PIN HERO O ATMEAL; The.. best • ictiket Ar.girt.lB, 4vr . 113 1 1 1 01%Ti1l VrT.ELMILL'.-41-TdS, --BT ter dare,..te.., at only i cem to a Au b otist - • LYONS ii DRAK& 'REY OUR,' NtiVrft'EA,S. -.• • • Only 50 cell:A et :rooeuct. aud-Jaßatt. The heft you ever• bid for the' Flee: Augast 15.--tw.;LTCCSS & Diagr. • , 31 A N lOCA, TAPIOCA; lIACA110:41. 1:IcE P;.clat. • Coro Starch: Crokhed :Wheat; Whett Grit,', oar. Veal, Corn Meal:ls3aq), Gothara,tplit Pthiz...greafrare ty of Crackero. in elndloz those extra Grim and Ilatk. llutsealis that son 2./444 noishere et4e., Augner IS, ',75,--4w .LY . ONS 1/11AYa. HESH-RESAZ;TED=.OII7V: I ,';, 30e Giourt s d If wanted win:loaf oxtra cis qa,. dit eta o Sp!tot.. grouud or Oot, at • . - Aegutt • • INONS. SYRUP, 1 . . .E5.: .5UGAR-A dozen different kind's: • - .l»w prices. - A 11,036218, ";.5.;."•• • •!1;C • • •. • ' LYONS D114.KF:." -. 77. • • • i: 4 . 4°.34 0 11 S/01:1 0 ISCsi . , • , Late of i t- Some-et centt..a: bar, wtd AP:tot, to cireag othrm.. tiome tql cake thti OP TEE KITCHRN" beats 'em Atignet 38, '75.-4w . :LYONS & DRAKE. 134.1,M.RUPTCY. • In the District Court of the . United States' for the" 'Western District of PennsylvatilA :In Re. A moa Mills :bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that there will he e :herd f.,,en oral- meeting of the Creditors tithe ahrere.catee4 Rank. rorthe perpOses conymplated .in the 4 2Ath Section of the Bankrupt Act. on the Seventeenth day or geptem her. 1875. at 9 Welock a. in., at the ol?.:ce of EDWARD N. WILLARD, Register In, Rinkrtiptcy. Seronton and ail creditors Wh a have proVed their (iebts arc here by notified to be present at said meetilig. - and ittbe same time end pla I shall settle my accounts, acd the santewill bo audited, end I shall there and then apply for pay discharge its-assionee, T. B. Wnzrx - Ers - axLlgnee. ' DimOck, Ad at • . . ~ 114024TR05.E . GRADED SOGOOL.—TIIE PALL' irs: Term of this reboot will comrooncc oo 3tonday September6th. 13Z, and eontinno (is) fifteen -. creeks, under thefollowing etcps of Withers :,. ... . Pko7..Moirmisit Evans. ~‘ MINI A. JULIA benior Depertment. , Muni B.:1d. Bcnticatm; ' - '• - Oratmiter achoel. MIAS JULIA 'MILLER, Intertamilate Department. Altai PANIct-1. Department. The Board of Direttors toiMmitiste thentselvei cm baying procured the serrlcaeof Prof. Evans, Ile haeing come to themrerottimeniled in' the highest imMner 9s a scholar, and a gentleman of .eley.tted ehdrarter and niarkedAbfilly; and they feel - sere 11;.t the hi:her t o excellent reputstLon of our school xi!!! fully WWI - mined ander his management. Of the other - teachers named. we feel confident Hist their reputailon has al; and ability restdy been established as: teachers, of •midonhted Ekfll . , TS/it'OW' in AdVitirle4l3.. MO &boo'. per term ' • - 450) tfeutor.,Departreeut; per term • 5.0 Grammar School, per Pam. .... . .... 6.10 Intermediate Department, pet , - s.fx) Primary pepart meet. per term ..... . )51X) . . All persona wirttlng to atten.d achool will find 4 ad., vantageona to attend this *cheat. i Board can be, obtained on ,reasonalde tetras; and rooms fa thole 17i4l.tig to board.th orn sel Fed. - • ' BYlnt der 'of the• Beard. I W 51., JESSUP., Preolidat)., AllOB Nrcnot,s,lSecrotary. liontcom. Atigusl ,l4 . l e.Z. - -4i; - Al-I,OIVS FAMILY' MEDIOXIcES. • • • kain.and /MIMI es relieved In a short time lify tha use of Taylor's Celobratdd 011. The mat Rheumatic and Ncurallgic Iltinedy. This . median c isnot a. cure all, butts warranted to care more of the ails and ills to Whicti flesh it.. heir than soy trther•med'eineeser , .cotered. Dive It 4 trial ; if do rot and it so: It, meta ion: nothing.; It may no need with the utmost adyantage for any kind of Paln:Laraigiess. 'Wounds - or. Sores upon roan od' beast . Will licit s.eart the: r4Weat wound or sore. Fall .direetiona for use around each bottle. As your itterctrint fortrireo vitl. • NoCiu re.— Taylor's Cough 15;yrrip or kapectorant. for all Thrust and Lung dtseases.i: Is yery,pl_,eseaut to the taste and eon - tains nothing Injuribus. Try lir and atop .t - tist crinab and - take Una soreness from your Throat and Lungs. Ask 'your literetokut for a free vial. No curt).— Wo pay. ' Taylors Conditir n Powders for All kinds of ntuck and poultry: Warrattethe best - retrovstor of lhe system of run down or dian.tied etock,llial has ever been - dis• covered. Try them for all diseases incident to the: brute creation. "Directions for' use - ,aronnd each pack age, Pay., •-•,, • - - All the abovraddicxesiorttle.hy Abel Tonsil and Norma & Nichols, of• Montrose. - and all -Druggists-and Dealers throughouti the country: • • • - • II; tiiutfST\ltvft TATLO.4IL Ot. tober 21 ' IV. ' • 1111-1(1-11n. " - . in-qu. ~,,„4 , , ,,.. . I_, 1 34 . Ers ,' - - 4 ,9 ' . 4 + \ 1 't • ImprtiVed . ' cIUCITAITIEIt" Att e.l .Wo9lk PUBIP, Is the- ac, ( P - 1 tn ow I e aged STANDARD" of 33 /0, 1 er ' 'ay fitomaftettb7 Popular verdict. ,• „„i4 1 the beet puntp for tint.least \\\,......„ "g.... - .tooner.' , Attentlon ts Invited Distch,ley's Improved Dtacket. the,llNp..- - . tck. Valve, wb feli can 'be withdrawn with - disitteting the jeltely and the - fltippe.i !whet...which, never. cracks, scaler..o ta and nlll' Met 31 tiPtiLlIC. FM' $3,.4 P.Y. liellat4theTratiCgengr 3 B V. in cnier to eure - chtit p)u.get• Agitchley's Pump. he ..airefollnd see tbatit has tny 'trade-murk att .. , -. , l a w n.. if yon. do not 2 knew• where to hp y, deacriptltte eirenlar, together With the naine\and ad. dre4a . of the atont nentert you. 'will be promptly Aun- - 1 Agted by 4 ddreesi ea: with stamp .. .' ' ' - •_. . i... 1 ex&s..o. BLS:ref:MEL — l/IPintratture^ • 1 -' ' - • ;6 0 1 / . .Couiner :4 44 kar.,:ftiladviolYit, 34, : iiill4lo., . 1 05- —OLT -. : •,...:,-. . . • ,1, -' 1 DIS* . LUTI9N. -, • ;...s ••• ." : Thecioptrileioblp L ;,heretofore 41ttinr. beriirein Dn. -;14.-Green of Vitt4r, Scroquetnrapa /!.I. iblirdip , 41.8tolpoilly mainti convenui . 1,11 , ` - 1/.1., C. NAVET'S.:'- The prietiee,ot !latrine ' arm 0411- betpatina .Pr.; *Acker; w o nokaJor nontlauento or tilpOron_aspo of 0jt,011•44-lelitimv an 11044 y, •oti,,-froairas. i im."—§w.;, • • • , •-•- • ww.so.. i ' r !4:,. - ; . - wmgg. -7':,:-,;:.'--7_f'4.4i::4'-,--._,__;':,•,•:f._,:y `STARLT3= tt VOGT - ,DRY GOODS, BOWS MADE CLOTHING, & OAI S, &,C. Drees Dowl;:ttgatvi asiortment.' Prime; all the nor and fancy patterne in the aarket. - Whitl`Goothita great variety. BLEACIIED AND UNBLEACREP suirrlNG, ,CotToNADys,... g`PRIPE StII,IITING,, TOWELING, - GAIIPET WAI4P, . &O. cti SLIOES The largcstocic In tow n. lest class gOtAtat lest Tricett Dan Can be; holtAnt . .. qt .- any' other pattlea place. " • k. - Ts ,t - r . . • —{APS: -- • "'' ail thil#teiit at; tee . . . . it V.,..-1_1.) 17-31 . 21. DE • CLOT lIING.- ..' .. a full iino t . , and gno good, 3Fail mado•ana tripattd. • Call and Exa c re my ittoca: tefcia• linreltai.dag *No whare. 114 a 1 the undurabid for.tue . , 5314# ;treat riot' god.'s., by an) - no in or out - of town, ...-C • • ••• -• • Blitterskilmod. Prompt rotnro ut • the higifeaMai. cot price, sake gjearisiteetl, bills casi , 64l as;soon as re- • • • Wit; !IA EN. New AtUford,..inver • - ,• Street, NIW : GOODS. As we itive' last returned 'Jrom the Pity of gefosTark after purchasing a farmland well selected sleek .of PALL. AND - WINTER' .GOODS' .LYONS & of) all Ir.inakbousht from :Arst hands; sr e are now pro.% pared to Offer goods at; Klee* that will satisfy the clos s.Spsayer:.' We have also' added to our' large stock of Dty (lopes, an, immense atpak of • , • t for Neu end itie - nevi; ilreparett te make • 1 t ... • . ~_'',,...' wOO Wl l 2 gi Ye; u..'n, call 4 n il; k` i , Lavoitlrikl clste ettgvvii for tho a ' .r 11471, .1 • •, ,• ,i •• • - .- ~ - •.• • ' •- ' ' workmen - • , mites and srcr,fiernen, Wise cull find cizam. ine our stock before rot Tatt.c7...afe 411.4.f.wh ere: , Thankful forlittez IFipeiror a motif:natio: of the same. We febein,z . .. 4 7 • • coraiiEr Ap:ii f2.1:137'4,-zt. - h. atttle . • . wotild call the fttriett!eit of tt.ierublieweit4tifig; .*1:4 . 1:*4 li#iii . ji ? 4,4i't.LE.Zii : _F; . : ar'stitng the oaly ihe All Work , Warr, • v- I,s 1, intotliS - *PLONG. a. COLVIN', 41. Seisfa If il - 04 P4,-1911111, 1t55,.-47. A NEW fc,TOC4 .- 0k4.; • ° receirod mi for 4ro . ,'• .; , QV P 4" / NE, : _ ' ' F it For ale by W..OlL'j • ' , LEO. Ath EINE§ Vv . ' - ..At.tho.iurd of [ I 3 Nivea:** ClllValtlaizonir' For Bale • Afoiltrosi, Aprill'•'Jo4°•. • • I ~'~` PLAI MEI Mann • - 41, ttr; VoutlQ4c, euNTRAt ,- ‘ to, ei fouttqn'al 'twin .614110 X tilw, • SrimecAlry,tatclit Vapointadtispet 4 - e i ptvd worlfmen. NbUlmo,:Jottary MIMI i :,• , :-": - .,'.,v::,..; - :,.. _-„-.--. g10w.,..-Adviirtissinents;--.-. 4u# ikativid v_y0_11, 6 4 . 4,:i.:,.HAy-pE;N . ii,t.; airtavnitivitott,"l4: MEE r: NEW' GOQDE3,' ~.:.!! '.'';', .-:_i ri •; ~.; . 1 . ' - 11:j ' NE . %% i- ; GOODS. CLOTH; CASS'IMERE.I,'A'am!BEAVERS, itsu.i.T,lvii i, ;ia : ti: `h I =IIM ENE to otT2:.wcintiw'at SIT,SQ_.ITEIIAN. NA Er 4pOT PA.; i.fitqcV.•o:lC - Aivraehto 011NO'S4E. - _• • f •YOU. M. - .BA thrO.VAY I • ' ' ••- .• !NI F° ‘: V • ......" • ~' '''', ,- '', -'' ' ~..* . . : ' ' ' ' ' lg ''' ' x F •:',,.-:,`, ''!..,_ ~..,., ' I et - 4: 1 :1 ' 1 .t WAiatiN.S v 454 1 - ~ ,:-,- i , „ , 4 1 31 1 . o. v 11 1 16044 4 ,10 for indoat," - l', ~ ii4-: , t ~,- , :qw;•.! -. , - ,...;:t .--k,. , l'i'sAv - 11 ,1 , A' AtiAttrenliQEM: .f — .s- - 7 z t i-,..pitxl o::sEmitit.. , oro iiig 4P. , ),: i ~ • -: , : t= 1 , 1 ~ .„,,,... 4 Z i C* 4l ; , 4V41:, 131-Ulaer"'. • it t o a tWie S 44 l4l i di telgtti .b4 p g aratiV opoditt. ettv,r;g: • .64.• - !JP. - '• .„. - Tho . LitY,G7.l Ctlfhtii to ran g ; itnien-ipnit Thawin g) bl,lll covy Como, j".Wlty le ?" Dc. '. : cito Iv io o ntr#o rti4a.e4l .ont ent*e gook of the follow rln g00(14,23 mak room for hill gOoda G4LI.COES, • I ALPACAS. ' 1 Asks - s , Bois , AND 1 YOMLIS' Xt.oa,cl3risaliaticie !Ctiothlzsg, MEE OTION' dm - . t • stroFi's; CASSI:!:MI.S, ' CLOTHS, It 4 .OgfILKWS, : BLOW BHS, "ao,l Je:vel;7l Jim aporltne4t. Ldni Prices. I f you wzrat to dtr 'Well, 4 '' Collin ilD,cl.oe.f how chiv wow% Spe6ia ~ ltdea, $ 2 , 5 0. 1 Mena''-:flootg. - 10 .oassimere.Suits. Montpe, ,tcify Y 3, lirr. MEI MEE • Thiq aril - 12 It et)lll7nuncicl with thn g7ceat. e-re: 1.4 tf.,nte arc as , wor,iietral and eatik.factory as otcr.-lit r,•atort , guy or ta+•ee btor to its youthfal color, it removes ail era pt.ino it chlog and dandruff: tho vealp ny i.i tk:u - becoluers white. and efiest. By frtts to vra , ..., , rtiet, it rertfires the capillary - .glands* to thane - L.', sred.making ...I Au a nreiodng nothing iris been :'ti ..-,1'.?,c6m1. rr de4irabt”: .1 1 r., A. A. Bay' Itit,it o !As,c,ye e( ! )la, ,,,, itaiot•otta„ rasa of it,: "I eon,leer tt the peel. peep.irat.lon for its inteuded put ;•. or, , ag • FOR THE WIIIS'KETIS. • - . . lareliar..tion :asp telted the co'nt of Ws bmirdroun gray or aLrOther undeair able shafie..fol,:o'Am or h a It, at'ditctution. It Is easily one propmutiod.' and quickly and e feettudtx p rt.glZ CI: 3 a pertual,cut eolorvelueh will neltber rah - F •I• • - ''...1c.N8RA.:CT1.311.411 BY.; 1:1.; /IL C 0.,: .41161artit,1 SOLD., ALL. DRUGGISTS LAND DEALERS Lei • ! . 4. MEDICINE. . July : L I, ":1.".75. C P ills, ' • LC.. • - ; FOR ALL Itir: URPQRBS • FAALILY PLITSI.I, • CEM/VG . _ • " , frOvenif. ,, . , riproldice. Dye. er...achaod Breath, and Dillieuenees, v..: Criwpklnt. Drnagy. Ter. pip Sa;:2-Frhearri:e 4.4 Wroir Pitetlyingth, ~.Luck:--eyeltez:i4l Their tney eseA all caner are • la tale; 1)=i:owe:- fa! LOCII7e. oat :ha h0:1- htrrnors of the Wad*: itlik :::::: of el Aorde rod mg= •luto action ; :hey p(.r:.. h,ral;h and tone to thL• whole be:i , g. They cure. net l'the every day of but fOnn . dahle end,danger• vat: di, , icasp.,,Moht 44ital pnyti;.•:ane, moat emlnept ele7e..yeAtt,'lrrkfit , r ~ e ad eerflAcaLes •,at cur& per.fornred,coi,:i of gruat tl;e3 , have derived from 'Phoy are the :3atest and best'physte rjr •ht drat. t - :id ai 7.,. 1 .1; Its ctrectuaL Beira , taey-ap ! , ,t,y.:otakv ; . and, balng purely cig••l:o3, - .; thvy art.. vvAlray • - , • . . rat.r.utz . v ra • . • , Dr. -.1% C. Ayer I Lowell - , „ - • Practimlv.). Analytical - SOLD 111: ALL: DlteitilFiTS AND DFALgRS IN I" July 111, :all •i -; . _ 3i.Exr , • If gewitt • ..k—Dentett havt - oviled..ll,lr4t elute' meat mleketol South Alain Streci. 'White 411 kinds of Inn at Arlil kept and earl at the kyivest• cre4h prlce4- 2.11 meat be ilelleih , s,l within 'the beTougb. • ca'.l mi r fl eee. tie ih 4. give ti, yew . • plitrotagell: (e*- ery;;-'ll. • . • - •. ••' WA!. y C 11SWITT, ' , - • 11.WiSTI". lrent!:,6so; June - 9, ' I • ti EXECUTOR'S , • . ;719i:Pn1ig".)(!..1 egtltio of El Greg ory,j;,.te-o' gz:dgr-y,:tter, F;utqc, sitstessert, - 111 te . .; p4l - lie 'tenant , or, 'as prom It4st; the Mrs* 12 t.sro as - the grk Gregory tr-rraj` ... on; -- j . j . tiatueduy, October 41, 1674. p;',rti culprit stlitresst Vitt ttudeislgnect at Brooklytt:ttuvrq's. T , , Ezecutor. "..Yale - 4.1615:—)X1 : i • 1 - I V ...71 Irt , rn .. C, ' 7:* - JP - ‘•-1 2 ! 1 P. ! • • ~ .. It : !:, ,lEqul , l Lins:33,lnt tVr 1 4 0140 64,41111 e use: A inlaabbi'mrablratior, rlik.orrictied brr. ivecti;brated Env , 01,:thoiti,,,t and h‘lrse-firrier.-:. ititriginced tu the thr. , .:1r ISM ; - and sin 0: that tiate, by its Rraar mereA ate 'cure. orAiseu.es; . --it- hfll:wCitf ft)r ?t:.-011:`rhat. soiltl wide repututfon .o sichty dee! givves - , tow a the c8"411 ittbitarnta ttrr ri ;;;;;;;; . • • - 2'• - A - r . . • • • , It hal olt-eddy 1.1.14. waft,: :co aid admiration of thon9pds.e , f liontilolcla for IN , raytty: carat, ordla• eaises store taTerzal Poplicat ton are (Jf ar math hripor twitoe. ft aaptcfnUy mitniratl .1;4; a faaallirreroekly for it4,ll.,enl)ar ek,sritlG9l cottsbitiatiori;, pq.4.evillg no hank pike tlntfure ui Cay4raitror rettlepper, of elattearvi vKMivsa LitiptelitA• ire Lan elly tom- ROeo,l itt.talf 1nat4.04 of, -dlio.ltialt Cwt. ur.kf:ing. It by nal-41 , 9-4 eur7. for • • • : lIIIr,QIf'ATIS ,Z.. 1 DIM I 81).1i2.. TfiROAT, !COLIC:, cafr(..lfS, - TOCaIiA4IIE, • 'Etlif.f,FiES, SPRANS. • 1.1.7 -, t1i.i.00, cilLff 3 , Cff ILLS. VROSTI ?1 - 10 • )).01,CPB • •:17X, 11(313.N.5. 4.)? -. • r- rolsatiOtSit.-MECTS. • ' Vetetlrdoutalff and direcitit.,:nctiumpatry..eltat bottle. , ly • er . V.O, - 1-- atoll if tt Goes notisive iood uxL4tl4ii return'. the bottle hi 41 full and your looney, vi , lll. rtf4';..lciell;•:` - ipall s for G. E. S, 1 3.0 11 1 d like to Owe. • O. C,t,,2r;,p.tiett)r. • . , - Co:, N.. Y. A. 1 - ";. ru rautseolo at tek Wiufeiato „andt .t&L liare%ii th 4 31,ttutreee, gar : u. a..3VEDB 24.40 . (7411 ft. it, CharaUdeil awl, -thel'llerne Btuoulltlttg.Glimaf.ha, Plagek... - and entrtioltqt Irak" the moot colepleto and mottlel . eyar Inveltopt, r 0 gatsheicti4kn otigpi . 1 t I:ktrto, theaarrawest, Fintttm out,.to - ,...tutpineatteettmuetat irioN andpaysyribu Matt or kAitupt-pt, allejly CRIMP - !NU the ;Norio. lato:ohatoe, Alt tie theAcid:era and ,-_ , . , t o lm v o tia'od4; t)athertß ,adlea—witetllek• of Hum O o ltacar Niet#terf grattle„, equally' Ilnietted and. ea, eranpluty I , IodY of. tee ReIIMOILL' rdogautk v ' fi,niptkd And chaapot- than thp-,old stylactint4.Etakhine., • • . .; trittrel „to, 1;4 •11:—Tarotory fug :are and poi ffantreoui. Aqui4 4; le;e. ,• , • • pAIinFRS Tis-Xu Xerrtys r •=. ;' ltatt s itet 014, p,atit• la tall, kiff. ( IC I E N I - pxE; ANA;94s; - at th'a montroieitCa6t 201. ( " • - • D. A. liouttit , a, July 14.1M—ti` `.l , • 1300 TS, BOOTS, BOOTS, HATS 'COTTONiUtEI3, 40A13' coi - roit:s Cfe licepectfullr S. TILLMAN 4. CO. '- (Cheap John ) 1 ' - -1 1 ':"Number .. 33. .6.l4artis ements. HAYDEN & TLEMENII Dealers In STOVES; TIV. 'COPPER. I k, SHEET 1110N — WA HES,' HOUSB • GOODS,AND WILD. •s r EIIS HARDWARE &o. - • Avows tor , BLANOHAR . BABTLET ACO SASH, WAND, "DOORS, WIN / )OWB, CORNICE 41OULD -"• INGS &,0 eitielOwt will sell at Illenetutrdi Bartlet & prim N . AII;S; SCREWS; LATCHES, 1117TT6, SASH , AN MIND -FASTEN ERS...AND HINGES, HOES, FORK SHOVELS, RAKES,. ; WIRE GOODS, Spoclarliduannagis du Pans, Palls, , CoolCrs, lad a! " * IRONS CLAD, , FIRST PREMIUM, MILK PANS. (JoitN nAY,DE.W; Agent:j OTSEGO COUNTY LUMBER, PLAT. - FORM, SPRING 'AND BUG. .GY TirAGGONS. Unsurpassed furl Style and Durability. We neve recently 344 ed to OUT selection of num, THE CENTE*NIAI. COOK, made by Rathbone, Sara C 0.,, Albany N. Y., and Me Argand Bane Iturnlngirartdr; Stour. spd Cunard ettt Stoves, manufactured by Perri 4, Co., Alban, N. r, ti t also keep the celebrated . DIAAIOND BASE: BURNING AND FEARLESS . COOKING STOVES:. Ratiabone, Jewett & Ranaifon, Rangee,, with Coger Rey ervor nd :fickle Mountings of the latest improved Josterns.''Repairing ,proinptly, , done and orders 'tot bbing solicited. • RAYM & CLEMZ=S. New Milford. May ' • :I=kett,cl 'Whist ' We hen just returned, from the City of New York witlsa splendid etotrof goo l ls.ooluistifig of 2027 0 OMR, GROCERIES, BOOTS. SHOES,' DRUGS . .- ItEDICLNES, CROCK 11.01:1WARE, '&c„ . And saintlier goisis asually kept in a country store. Creme one andAlLand satisfy yourselves that we are selling as Cheap as the cheapest. We are always wil ling show our goo As. • • w. 4F s INDERLISD. Br cknei, Pa— May 14th 1875.—M; • 'The ,Placo to Get Your DRUGS & MEDICINES Where you will And a MI assortment of Pare Drags & Yedicineit, . Chemicals. Dye Stuffs, - Jewelry, Per. turnery. Violins and Violin Strings. Paney Goods, Yankee Notions, Pocket Books. Cigars Tobacco. Flu Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Table .Cattiery. Solid Sutra Spoons, Plated Spoon., Knives nod Forks. Gans, /munition, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Medial Igiurnments. Dental . Materials. Lamps , sadLamy Chimney., Teas Spices, Baking Potter, Sea' Dios Farina, Gelatine, Taploca. etc.. etc fhll arsortinent of ]Machine Oils and all kincir , of Varnish, kept constantly on letad. Pre - Aro sellthg our Watt Paper at cost, and maim • Ciosirg out our Glaseware,at a • Very:Low Figure'. Get,* can of oar Mixed Chemical Paint, ready for • tow, and do yout, cwn Patatink . . ' W 5 • .. ith our large stock of goods, we feel confident that everyone visqlng Montrose, will And it for their inter est to call and ciamine ter themselves before punka ing elsewhere. Montrose, June 9. 1575. • . THE ASSIGNEES OF S. fl. &D. SAYRE-OFFER FOE. SAT,F, IMPMED NEON EIRK MOWERS Ooe bundred . Dollar Moirer for DierY Mower - 141errantein The itteepest end beet.— Save time,. save. money.ssve annoyan ee,b3rbuying bolus :I Manufarturedand for isle • • . 13. IL a - tr t SAYRE, for Assignees. Mbutra Se June 9.3d;1675. tf2s DIIOIIVDEPEN.DRA7 • Sewing Mao ine ! Tris GREATEST Atar4vrivetawr OF THE AGE t Sews trom but 1/iit Spool of ,Thread. It has bat all working parti f -ls sounders. and sews more rapidly Mae any-Machine la the Merhet. • , • . Bdirz';elti,ng. . . , • -.. • . . . ._ it Oqtrthineilturitblitty with Bewatriuld Shuptleity.twt .. hii All:the hlo4ert Ihtpr°Yr:Merits. m , _ Asir). 4 - PutieLAss• mamma, ON A at.Aes WALNUT DIA FORAM), Wmxited. tamp; roil 41!3desii: • • 111111NOArE,;;D4NT SAVIISIO AAA y Dec. 94, 3M3:: - • TAxiva3 brit . ) stilt truir com 114 moral. - . Niosin,sz.P.ll%.# 4 4 r JOri.N s TAItI3EI44,` PRUeR, . . Nine Stages and-ltacks thii floase Milli cos ttettinr thip Mootrovo It* thin Lebtgh , pAllroadAnd We D. 4.4.1dt ,W:. alltouL, digU. , - " DV kliiltirkt: tam"' Good 6 9.toteloaricc- -- / $ 1 9110:0 1 1 who contoroplateJoking contracts wile Ue"flew _VPert Tor the lovertiOn ot adrertiserouts. ek ool teat cm* to flo w P.Raweli 41 pc otk, for whet ?AMP/UM-BOO* #111109 4 . 0 " an t edition,) oontaining nett of .oser neorpaLirto aa ortireetes.likkowing tke cost AdlrertigolDQUES tak en far *Wog papers Inassay „Mites. em tremeadoer :itiootten • host pakilakers* 11401414 cha to Book. *ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers