. . . . . it 1 , , --- --------7--- 't . . - 17' - " - -. '- • ' •'' : , ''., -- - . , , , - i - - i - - - • ----, ' . • '. ' I . .. , . • t ~. . 4 - .- ' ' -'-'% ~ - , ~:-'• -..-- • .. ... , • • , : i • ". ": ' , , ;--: '. . •-• . ',/ ~, - ,:. T. t-121- - .M-ONTROSE:. DEMOCRAT''' . .A170:17 - ' ST- 'AS 111 .'5. - • . .. - i . . ~ . , .-.........._. I Arritlti392,vlo,..lcoflis. • VIA. ItAnx.o.4D: • . , rvir4s. Dqsarto c qt?Op ns 1311 S tn., roktttnnotk, Vl* SrAosta: . tdolitnese De . t Daily) 600 p re,',.20 6 . a . 4, 'New. SI Ilfbnt, (I).a . - 10 00 1/3' . ZiU ta' Wyatt' slug ' 1445 stn 200 pin; Fri en ds ...... 600 p in 800 a; .8 tat lon,;trt vs pax . .......... m 700 iughstuton,thi B.l:tike, vrettly).. 600 p In TOO p . 11 , m seppe 1000 a \ ta The Turk, (via Meouttoitg. ' begot ,) Mtirustl ruukhai.nock, And Wyal using pre &Atty. The Conklin Sultte4l4Bl)2aus.Tnesdais, 74taidais, Ind Sato..lays. The Ilinitearaton matt, (eta Silver Like,) runt Titia. lays, Thursdays, 'and Saturdays. Priendstille tuatl runs Tuesdays' Thursdays. and Sat The '..Nloslioppen gt*llindayP,WedpeidayB,BBll Fridays. AnorritrAtiae Siscrus c• - )A stags )eates dAny.toi•3lontruse Depot it 1" re turuk , zt. ti p.m • • . • • 4 A Stage leaves' daily for .I%Tesi . And returns at 2 20p. M. • , • , r,ontrct,ollll\2•4s , . • • ' 3Yr:2i:4010111 tAlke cffeel 3 i 011111 1.1" - rec. 21t , t, 16:4. ' " 1 " • s • pawl) Vratns• . . • • . Tra fia „ • ~ " 14-braltriyaiaz.. J.. X. X. ' A. 16. 5.00 1A..... ......41 - 001t4it0 , 10.4 1 / 5.00 510 110 ....... 'sls' 513 113 - .1021) - 040 • 522 1 211,.., , ....1.,..f1uatera.; .10 15,• - ' 535 - 10 . 55' 5115 5,35 1 ~ • 955 515 545 140., ;, ..„ ' 045 503 55,5 145 Lynn ... 35 '455'- 605 155 ...... 925 4;5 GlO , . , Lemoa 915 . 435 . 63(3', ....9 4g.; 620 230. ' , lateen • •SO5 415 615 :]4C ,Twiktrannock......b' 40 355 MI tralaa connect at Tuaktilkeapek 11 ' 1111 N. /I.going nOrtli afici - - I. 8L , i•K. , 1,11.1r., Preet: New Aavirittoments. • • • .31<ntrose,. Graded•tialtol: - Ilankrupt NOtice:•-•1". 11173i119 `Assignee: Groceries And,ProVl.iimi4Lions 47, Drake. • 1317annts4 LOb.A.Ls. Claallenge—M., • B. 13 :. A. Pcstival. • Grand Pi.tnie. . , Peterson's Atagazine. . Tnkc Noi.ice--4.4.lW.•Park. ' • , Teacher ? . Institatp. , • ;. ,! Netes About Tr: I .• We have ha arsevere'.'iliengin i ,. It' lias' not • rained in' forty-eiglit hours: The i'resbyierian , chureit . has another . new lull, weighing' ,60()..',poutitis. ThibinSen 1,1,,a his :a in broken by being caught in tf.l);:it in Fw;tel's taun,,ry, „ Win. A. Cross'inan , esq.„lins onnitieusi one of those fine stone . - uniks: in front of his residence lAalh street. • I We reecived call, at, our 'Saactuul troin P. 1. ci'Llanton, of IFilifiesbarre, and . Father :Nr Gueli,cll,of evenitig,last, in our absence. We . 'egret - very 'Much that. we were not.in, • , !vir. Leonard 'Searle. lias 16M the First al llault 'a lot onthe old Searle Rotel gt:oun'4,_, ;arta in connection with them win reitr 'fine `brick block, Wprl: haa:alft.eatly eonitnenced it upon it. • • • .. Judge_ St et,eter , ..'•teTis , .tis t we were wrongl informed US the length of his lirst; term of the Judgeship.',;..'t it - , was not five years but that 'he - was appointed tofu the canny:674ll the electdOir:ttioli . We feeeisr. : ed ourinformation, ,. froni. a Republican :suppos ing it wag - correct; ' • ' • • Tlio Ladles' Mt) Soulety: of 1111: EpisUrf:Dal f r Church will liohl a;Ti4-Part: in tau pa,rlors of the Engihu ; :ftotira,ion Tifpr,lnarkrast iilth. Supper,' rinisiKlayg of e01,1 . `-roe•lt:;. eid., tea, col fee, tou; ilalt, wilt ha sc;ri*U.:ut. 6 4aci Z•fich)ek: A. few usefhl aney.railcy aiiiclui will also 7 . )e 61- tcreil for s do. , Supper_ 50 ''Ucni9 4.1 a i'e,kel. ire.< cram and .I)nacir& • • . .. . . • There was tt I,tltiite , O . {3• s' , . iA-4 d'it •-t •••Ilg; ' f . 64 ' '''' . i ) i k 14; on the,grOuptis or. 1 . 116,.P ! ., 4: A., .112, wotat ~fotk Grasshort'pers tutl4tpicli'etl• iiine, restiltik ft a Yietors tiv the; 't`iippperr br a' scare of 21to . . . ]"l .. x - 1 , ..0 NINE.' - - ..0u...k5f,41..;.1 , r.r.f4 . • Tieing. 1,b,4' . ~ ... ' ,_a-y 2 Wii. - iser 131. - : ".• •• ri• I , Richards; 3b, '' .* 5' 0 Mrlij.rritlif., -;). - :. • 3 3 ;.; Pickering,.6.. : . ;3„ 2, lrassup, 1.1). ; - • ,'.-, ~..., ,5 1) Bern, 'p.' .-''' -'' -; '-'2 '. • 2 W r ii. , ..v,i), 'L' f. . - .4, 1 ". .11ollenbeelil-eS. - ' 4 . 1 LT7f3flF4. 5:.6..., . ".. :',:4-. ..2; 1 ~' 1 1 /(lTSe l i. 1..!. ':. ' ;'''::4_•.21.14,.. c: f. 'f.r 'f. 'J. - 1 . . ,, '3. '' BtrjA , lli. r.f.— *, linist6i: S.. t. i'. 3 &It., s, p. ', . ,;. 3 . 41L;i'll1% ~ .4, ) -' ,-, - l' 3 " , 3 Dtax1i,..;21).! '. ... ', ',",.., 2 • , lirosttiv 'l3l, .6. ' . '-'' ' 1.--b '-., Toth].l7 124 - Tutu) 31 27 Figs cutglifi''Ptellisl ' :1.4116, b ; gritssl) . "oppiqs . , 11. Flys muffed : •Pi6lted nine,.4 ; Grassbop -1 pm: 4. ,I.7inpirki,: C. :•Fti: - ...k.' Scored;, 11. nt./S -. c/101;111,, land , ji. , liicluils. - : -`,Firn s • of gunie.:l9,r, boars. . , 1 .' , •-•' ' -' ' ' ' . • -' • We cyjoyed riot, treat on lirlrsxynTenlng Atatening to the "Rettil:lng" or Itlys. yr C urnett, gave an entertainment :or .the benetlit of, s, ho . latdic4' 1 .(1 P;t tes- ell (zeta st though: '.4la.,flarnett tuot ; never appeared ni nuLRe tut -,puce . - ttrit:to lofoie; yet s4e fke'n 'ut*d, srmo of, the D.Pst clam literary erities, to tobitt.Retoling,..zs n.,,profe&.ion and rfrom tt,e TotT marked impressi , ..'m she c u ihe antliento on Friday eyeninglast;and Lbti, r good i degt* We think V 6 he 1111151 sueß l oo. acquainted with our ayurt morn rtyw the dill:lenity sped „ ,ers Larrybeing--eleartyluntratteel,:yet irs. artlettlietlan - i7as remarizaiile distintaness. 'We hope v.lit 'ter tosireits :mot Iter'Ort tertninment upon 1144 . 1 own • account' ~T:be tt;iwlo of the autil.t•P'e6: ltrere tleanhyously'<;st.ended' to he'i, ifilz.2 connection ye would tot forget, rite serriees ('?f: Ruh Lk.s . Itelay Cornet' Baud •uptht the, :1-1111 oecraion. ....kitbottl,4* their o is 'll . et bar music is clear and el:hr.:ninety smw.th ana l tiler 'ire ever ia every fr trootl, , C. 11156. 111.11kbalf th ' e Lathes ` . ILJd Esol,Clet3et .t extend diem a , unctithotia" TrAe of thfinks, f'"!iteir 1.1 1 ),‘3 4.1)0 t,.'rilttotO4'se.rvinek; yitiuhtlid le much .to Atte pleasura e.veninh.'s ea . I , -4 0,:41471 3 40 .i4' 6 /,' , • - 1 The storeliOuse of B. F. 13rodhead, at Aire . Dol 4 4ware . !..l'aier 43;4, was mitered Thunfdoi tklif;Augusi.' il'tlr ( by - itibliefseind ten liieces, hi flue aiselinere, 41. of shoes, two igabk Olf,-; ' cloth setchels i sw eral hoxog of silk throad, , ,ter , oral hwros of ladies' stockings, kid einves, rib 't, bons, rd)ity.rs 'knives, etc., stqloo. A..rewaria , otlidlt)isliterda for the recovery pf, he', ilia-: 'inr4 Ptlo fat 4e.alipreliension and p'on , iitiOn - tif / - ,'the thieves. ,- •, I' l These are of ihe Ammo Brcdhe:id f ily , cybp %vete- robbed " a few yeitti . ego,. and when:, the titicres Wer l t arrested io'llie roatlpthey tired -ott, tbe'aroclEi'orid:brottiefi-Oi l d killed one`ortgetii; on the S.pot. ~ The. murderers were soon caught and uftqr's lborongb trial At Strondsbur?, they i s • #ee both convicted of murder in lig fill; de greet' 'One O? ; t‘lio : prisiners escaped ' and was: rover 'more hoard of, the other ono Was -.F.e9tif-i liras oud.'lexiicttio.., These thieves and mit- ! dors:To Wkre'ytinglo,,en,And*lt is supposed that the on'e who esegpe.d tit fi halter, perished la a ' Patio swamp in his off6rts to avoid his pursuers. , ___H__,..0.,..0;•---,------ I , 1 2,,te .I..tw . Ceasas..e..s Jrufeim nstu Suooesa' ~. ' •;,. :: . ;.It .1 - s stated that .the . new emotiltelots` ithii. htiope tocitlent:T i ':-.. - ' , --., c . .., . ,-, ... - d- d h'IT v y cork #iv'elori nt .. , .. , • , • . toms mtro uce on t o 01, i , ~ A. verl.serlinuilit,:obtOnt . ; nt ilitt - bopfecr ., .tbo Peallq/31111.1111 railroad . hay. 9 Of „beimit.oo* . ; nn 4 (j Duriand.:Tr4r:"'eks', aiA'ns's.'7. - olisoctuaigo 'tbe" ParaiiiierOalift rel 4" Co:, +tn . thnrsday tnornmg lasi,Same' : w.iii not be imposed:OLOl4l6..r.roads of .the 0 ( 51 4: , f tb !!"° wereengligthr .4t'bi?4 ll tig'lioxe- 4 9 J panY. 'Stateinents have recently, been irigdc 14 —t t " ir d b wtY PT tlko.'o ll l l .4loA' 'Ati.d . :ift 01100, ..t: itiew:Twersifiat tiur uniforms , ':i,it' , in c l 4n l o.il d i li9 . Nuked timoppei,tioor •iike 4 iipesiiiiii.ofrolu,.* nMiu 'Me of On i..',ans3 - Iyartia J•ailroad, wiapb'', ille;lisxes deuttiii4ii6 ti3P 'ilit#, falling:iiiiii.n.7„ Ami no foundation. lii addiiion \ to tile - aid. 14 e head or iqr; , 100 . "' - qarilauv-the . w01 knew rorins pr,orided for tilt! Conductors' on the New. Esksnion and stkiiiliiiii ni&icsoi- tikebekuSn: iti r 1, - i•Grk. division,pl, 1,1 4 3 , - tortti,ylvilltill•rolfroad - is,:a '1 ` l': ` 4e-riu ' l ' e d I° the '. oo t ) fl' idn' cult)l lie h i gPimlLY...r,titchtii,,9i:lmx, , t4i bd.. - s tispe, nded iitattt4, gatoi.q , Lit and both bones Orbiii.ri,lght, - jeg,broiterr tr,mr • , ~..d& by a tamp,' -, Tbe.saiebditontalus i , WO,,onttotlile. ' lie . y„.as ,at ','On'o',.i.v.ukskacil-laliit;',liarttnenta, ellii - Pr 'w lllo 4.` 40 4- "c4)4cle• for . h :oniakiii4 Atiea 1j0,,4;10Tr.. : 11 9.0.01t,tipt . tiekots, &ad, - tiin .4her ' smiled. Tor carrying ;r n g" cvwfi) rtlitiii'a4 as:-could be- -40 •Reete ( L'"`''''blatiks . ;- etei'.':rie, 1 , 34 , atslgued ti;r,tieke*.l,4 L L '%4 l 4tTe tit*asgp.a) :.,,, *l*c: • Irched - beinieAhp contactor Warta on , hla ti,IP4: .:'/ - ",„ 1 1.",.-....., , ,i`i.', , ,,.. ' ....",. -., ~ A. . ; ., 1 . • :-- .-- ' •-- ''-- . ' ' . . 1 ..~;.. Y►:r:. ;5..: The mai:l'4l4! 4e . tis.on ifs Then your'.o4liati 4i,re rnottiting feast . l.lo - .ritl it little .oxidi t:?!. ,rust irtira i r tto. tiing aterz,) or iet.:11:: tipple or lath Naafi be iu fiiey 2ir Itath,ao that lbej: curt get rtriyi afit.k out thvir . r,ret.)feme., - In:nit:4l)er et(;) int zarte a. little tiatfion, Tike . ltitter gi5 .. ...5-wior to Ott inetr.nin7 l'eathens, The iron brr.oes szstenia while Wht a tpli,lator • "A Irian died under pettuliar•eixerimotioa6t'.it Newville, futtcliertutri struek hit+ andl errsaii ktitintel , I,otea • ,1, r att:nrtirsl4 - experiene,gi t6elittirattl thy r/Ditli , where 2to tiiisi. iitippia it ilad.eiliets- ; : l el, but aeverat examritod Cite it at: the.ir:opWitya iliit,t.twit'Avllsllo Itt 14 the tlitill.)..4o:ltilitit."%lo4w - • "veat.xi awl the tioa or tile tilu'ruti discloioa 411 '1,1a1 1 :108t1111ker• , leptible tpljfitoi.' ". ME15531 === Nrioit#4 . l4 y/.444mittta'. . alobi the stream that unites ,witlf - ASnake'Creek, at , Frankitn .l+artcs, fn the ti~vn ship of riMikliti; 'was visited .bi'ltwitter spout. on .Friday last,atid doOded with ..wv,er yety few moments sweeping . , out eqverts ‘and des:: fraying bridges an d doing other 'pillage. Also, a.,similar one visited the yallq. in the;Green 'neighborhood and alou by Ni.'B car:! ry log awly bfidges; hog pens,•ftild doing other . 'darnitge, , 44. . • railv'so•oflthe Bla.:kberry Crop. . ' .' The biaekherry t crop, which tit the. early part. .)f summer promised an al:mud:int 'yield, will, • net fulfill expectations, and , [jut seauty., Setae piatei tipa ixtruns -cold kd:. ti4st: ter i 4 the emtbe of this failure, and toget i hei with the_, drought of July is answerable for, a lack of did healthful fruit - ;mbleh is"'Wout grace with a certain wild luxuriance Misty, rocky hilltide awl moglected road-side tence this 'season Of kiie S'attr. 'torn' trOusere and scratched face and hands h ail. not be , so v e9tll.. 111011 - th t b part 'of mauY an urchin Oy, reason thereof. : • • -,' ; Talk ttf, ; is Conahleral4nlia Oee:n 'said - in medical jontlt- • als 'concerning the value of milk ,as s reuiedlal agent in ilertatoodisvitacs.; -An inteMiting - tirti. iihis"• -Subject . .lately tipkartl. in .be toiiden 1 f uini 1 , in 'which it:is stated; (in aittlim:ity . o‘.l.ir. Beni. Clark, that. in the - 'East. Indies «•arni tniltc tSuseil to' :t great t.as'a spreitic for`, 'diarrhoea.' A' bint,every four hintrs_ will cheek the most violent diarrhoea, StOriliell ,ache, incipient eyolera• and . dysentery. 'milk should' never be - boiled, but only heated snllielontl,t; to tie agreeably 'sv4med—not too lot'. to • sirinlr, littif, been - ;boiiediis LlQt use. gsat. . . 1 • ''''' .' • • • /••• 1 " 1- • i .. , This resuLts from u.protonged oveoheating.pt .the sltia accompanyin4 sweatinnollthose'n6t its:ed tO'i it: - Juvalids ,coutinetl ~to their lieds•in warra rooms and peisons cumitig :you', a:coi4 teutperature, an ekposetl to the p:el!t. heat ol 't,t p•tri.Fletp On, are _particularly subleeted to kt. : ;-:- Prequetit, Gatt,ing in Cold water itiittry service- Ail.. 11:titis is not saccessfal, ii tablespoontel .of. saieratus' dissolved:in.-A quart•:of cold water ,tteu :drys ' the . tutelerable itchiag.' As the eootpi.tiat ls: causei fr.v : . as overhmtibiof :.thl lio, - r-, the :most . neturitl . relict : is tir reduce the t .3 em p4rature or the' bedy. /tad remove the - ource ,if jrrittOrni,whicclo :It can be .tke lap cool •ater l is bents. ' :,• .. -. ,.- - ‘.: ,H . tc53,30.a; •!Wp, tip here, litTinieotne," says atstlbscrih er, "arts not in' the least Slighted by ttle potato bug. Several of our 'tanners .Intve • htql ,their Crop; 'entirely • iltstroyed, while 'others, with 'a , good:; rie.:4 of-eit rt ion, have..kept' the . bug down ' . ;r11.1 :saved their crops. This Colorado • 'test seems': to be - norespector of per*Ms; and yet, ;pie' old c .geraleitritri fiere'sa.);ri„ . his'croptiare 'riot touched, and ittribtfies . tai4 good fortuni to haty . i- k g toted the, Demogratile tieket last hating`, hicii before that a staunch, Repuhlicari l . if' this' 'bi .- trrie,` the 'COMing many a glorious i t ipporfrinity of eacaping thia drciided peat nexi . year."—,..Dvlrstown Demerte. Avai3..l,lcr'eleTip zaL.as. . • : :tCdcir4tfig: to' 1110, Ikliii . ld :ofgreizire rb , nta,. ' 4 1 . 1 top fables . ' , (11'e to'be , avohliii, it s'ay i s : '`They . 1 ji: ark: caild,iand ill dly - absorb ihe:,licatlatitl - Nitay : ity of the hody, ()Wittig. it of ititfe..r . i‘Ye have 1 litfai4:,ot "0.0" i . toliii ivitoin the..doet i or , coulti i 'Jot eure r entito, e day htte,ootibed s l he i used a• 1, telirble stAlifl anfcl'A)lsfleciAlAj itad ' - s;iiiiethiwi • 1.,,, - t'',o witlikier 311 ..heattti.'4•B"ii he forbad ; her to i Use it. SoOn sbie wltsleil. - We k:rtoiit.llealthy . •peo-;ikt 'who feel the 'twinge:3. of pain in the :,;I.)rsnlciers by"Mttind'iseit'' one. - They ateltatto- e : ? - ,9t , ,ty4t erthealthy: for ell, that. thtk it .tvill tie ',Jen. that 'Wealth ha• its own dituirAtitities 1 :. " Idtt• t - 't"'ic ':•• ' ,:zeu . 0..1 ~ , e . -- - - • :1,5• - •, - ;Liztof4atirprise.-: •.' ' • • ":"-.• ' '' i . •,...;. - • • The Etie Iladway ha's made arrangelu ts to ••„ ...... ..... ' ..;be._: - ifi. the sale . of through tickets troca' New ..Yor , :cito'•4nstralasia,Japitu, China. and` India. {The tint le •ht 'tie: the 'Erie' RailwaY•Xnioni'.o . ••' : it:, :;ndicria'nectionfsd4B:9)'.ranCiso, - anti tht. Oc•- Vtrr. :P•aTeitie st.earnshis at the' follo ?. 7p . t ing n... t•' i, t 'areugli. arcs ini: - a•-.liTew'York :- To tionel 14., liii : 4•.`e-las3 t ,..l'iS e l:';;- iliird - ehis;' , s'6s•••;•; te'Aneki:nni. i,,t-2„.•• - .8 and --13'..1)35"; 'to Sidney ; fßad and Id tki ; to .lti,thourne,:i.;,;3l33 a. id 4175 ,;, to , Tokioitalna, -s 3 * .... , „..,.. ;and tZ,150 ; . to. -S. ad' ngliae, I,t - 433 trld ,U 55 ; ici . ; Calm:tut,. $OllO, first •chts. . The stearnshipi, ;,•Cleiiinit,:qleigic. 'azyl l .f"qtielle, tfof nerly' rolithe - White ''.,Stiti-• line, are now: iii 'service between San - Flutteiscii and. Japtin and China. Pasien •getltpurchttaing tickets via- tbe : :Erie '• Ritilwa unifier the - nevi . arrangenwif,- -citu haVe r thei .`: he,. t hs., resei'veff at the .ti file 8f liureltaSe, instead : . 'inf waitht iin'til Alley rete.t.. , Sa - n - !'raneiito ; and are a15 , ,0.:-.allowed tw6 Ainadro4 i n (i • lift'r. , i'icninclg o bazgage free, '.. ... -....,.... , . • .::".•• • •-, • • - ~...,....,,:. •::,.-.,:: t ,.. :4 - ': t;.sa - 41teti . 3c.ak . 2 .644r7.-.... -; •-. ';'-; •.' '' •.1 . Last 'Saturday, betiveen • twelve And 'ore • o'cloc1;., p.' : rn.; two rul.ll-41. :Catered - the 4anking ',1.10 ire of-lhe Fislikili - i3ank, at I'lBl/kill, village, - -at 'a Tin i to . 4 - I;htyj vith - the excepf i . n n of q iel6 lll iii:r, ttose-oonAcete ' with .the institutioti.i-er i e t.t, ctitir . br Th - e . Cashier' 2 o - as"bu%ytillifs l desl -• anti t he litst:lntintation:he..l..of,the'preeentte: of the eirangers;was a': rnpe -- thrown tiyiriltirs', I.tt:• s t'd. :The Own- luitnediately prOled hint btiCit• - . t overtlie powsitcr,. the:' rope, ;stranding t o :I.l•ie xas linable : to - make . atyrn,iise.::;::They ere. 1 about to'grasp .what • ntoney lay, in reacli,..wlieit : 1•* - p*er,-byiicitatice4.:to . dance in the Wriitiol o i I , ,and'fiinine:ttlatelYi ekinv ti - the . ieliende sit:tiathi ~. 1. : "Inti • rushed •to• thq• reicue•-Of the .unfortntit4e.: 4.44 shier. - •.:The thieves;'when .:ith'f,Y ' frittild' - tfiey ..,. . . ~. wc.r.:- discovered:, heat a-..haety.reireat4 ; 30. ~ue•- ' needed in:escaping, -The Cashier was': re - 11041in ' I.:he. ii isen f sibie '.an id liiUt• -. berenliOtecl.inithe , iip* ,:ths..i.ii moment .inntger life wouiu 7 ii . li*i.l' ili*l.:Cir; 1 1 Ii'ICLAS 1011'4011g injuriei: areor.inp.Wer' 4,1.0.;! I The rolitlitt'ving cut terrible - ea:sin:tit in his neck . 7 -4,:o.fitr,:e :Don4rat,... ~. '•.' - ..- - •.. -;- 2 - •-- ... mid all the tickets he iitiawit belshoved -into :tin spurtiire in _like top` Of t- somewhat ilinilar fr .tq l k.--cilias"bapts:" Atte th* - arc ;dropped, ini.they r s 'arenot itt,vesiiiiic t theconducter; and at tbe...end of Ms. run the "satchel Is ritilocked* r. txtitl the tickets removal. B. IL Match. s i t Brackney. I-- ; -; • • ' Thep was ft mateli'ganni ofi Base Ball played on:Saturday, Aug. 14th, b4tween the Friends vile', B; B: 0., and - the Itrackneyvllle B. 13: 0., upon the grounds of the latter. The flame vas . . . , ' Well lda yed considering the con dition. of the grounds and the :ball-kith tieing decidedly wet. The following:ls:the sei)re : 'f, , ! . Priendsville. , i. ' Brackneyville. • ~- 0R; i i -.0 It ,Butteti; 'c. , \' 4 , 2,!evageg , :, C. 2,._4 'Deans, p. ,• • . 2:' D;Gngelk., c..'y. ' ..2 2 • Foster J., e. f. .2 , 3liorse, lb., -2 8 -Chapman,-81). \4; Wt . :lark, 2h., 3 0 'DeWitt, lb. ;2' 2,'Gake‘A., I, E 8 2 roster R,-1. t. : -' I . : _Mee, tb. • ; ," 3 0 Keeler, r• f: 1; ' Brf'Olitulison, p. • 4' 0 Sit`tryer, 2b.. 4, t 2!Rullson NI; s, s. 3 0 Daffy, as. i 2' ill',Elibben, r.lf, 3 I Total 1 27 `' ) f ' 1 27 12 -. • . -I \ *ri . i.Not3, ' • • ~ .. ; It 2 ,C 4 b'6 7, 8 9 Friendsville,' 3' 4 ;I:1 ; 2 0 1 2' 1 0-22. Braekneyville,l 0 4111 - 0 I li 3 '2-12. , I:Mph*, M O. Sutton, -Why some Pottle are iPoor. • • Silver spbona are used to. scrape kettles. ~,,us atm 3 .. : .Colfee, tea,pepperiand spices aredeft to squid I open and loose t.hetr strength.: f , . - .1 • i t r - c t'oltoes; in the cedar grow , `midi the-:_sprirts .dtre .not „tone's , a n4il the ,:potatOes rewortii ii&s.' -Ir II a • 1 • -. ' ' t;• -- II Moo ' s are ev .; er lanng utihnd Are soon gi)oil •;ed; I - . : . - -,.1. , .... 1, , , . . ... 1 Nita haiitile knives are put intohot water. • . The thiur is ifted in a wasteful ',Manner, and , , . It4o:pread pan lie lett ,- with the dongh stieking ,to it. • : ; , '- - • .• t - - - ••• • ; 1• • •.' . - t I ] . Clothes tire leftoft:ihe line•tO whip to . pieces in the 'wind.' "1' . .: .• i ,'' : •' ' 1-' ' • Tilbs and tuirrelillaie . left: itithe sun to dry Mid, fall Antrl. it ,l, -- •. ''.. 1 . . i ' ' -.. ' . Dried; fruits are hot taken - eareiof in season nud.be+tte 'xsOrmy . :„: •,' ~. . 'l . , • •-• .. Rags, stingsand: paper are thrown into the lire , 'i :'; i- --'; t ; :i I't - ' .' k Nrk . spolli. for *a tof Atilt', and tteefbeeituse !the brine l Want-4 Seal Mg.' : . I - Bits of meat, vegilables ,and, cold pudding's,' .I.lre r thrti l / 4 vu:away, witeu they; might be warmed stegped, ati4 servetfAs good as et 4. . . , Cheap Fashion.. ' : 1 - , t.-• " I ; . .. • • I observe, says' a !Paris correspondent, that white,"and it not white then eereit'aPProzich to white, is eV'ers i wbere 'the rage. ! ilhite• veils, 'White ' bonnets; .whits dresses, ,)white: flowers, white ribbcins, white fans—all must be white. Fashion ; has not been SO lightly! inclined for very many ,years past. The blarki•iliat was so universally. pritkoniztid last year a ; nd . the year - before last-jai ntirely discarded riow—black barege,•black g en:4"i° is no :longer seen, tin. iess,iof course;,i i cases of mourning—and the lighter the hue f year drees the IbetterA, All i sorts of Cheap ttow L materials', cheap in, th i eni.. , selves, .but exe,.. , 'Vey dear if made up by the fashionable dressmtdcetty are enorniously worn. There is. a ' pt&tictdar Style of Coarse linen knolin in Piris i as ,OTArd ---- whichlls sold there at -five sons a yard, and ; this is the stuff - which all Porta is trying its hardesF to buy in great quantities, mitt - make' up into moat elaborately trimmed:sea.sitle dn*ses. Onerd the most tie= trant women iai Prit!), appeared at 4 garden par-, ty the oilier dity in. a bewildering Costutne,oi ' Oxford, 'mid' she eras 'telling every one/who l'gathered about her •t 0 admire its multitUdi nous )developeinents of frill and flounce "that it cost her seven: francs aaq, a half Only: - She. had I bought. the stuff at five sons' a mird, and her Imaid had. matte it instead of thit drcsmaker. Icarious Aceldt3nt at Star i racell . ..1 I '• • - , On Friday last a serious 4.Ticient occurred at • • 1 ISta.rucca, the part, iculu.rs"of which- are tarnish nd as by a Correspondent whO Witnessed it. On, I'.,the 18th of . 1.1" y last, the barn of T.E.'.‘ Whit -I,taker was.Nrined, and a new ',one ; is in course lof erection in its plaice. On' ri 3 1 e. , t . last the ‘i '.• iworlantia were . - ready to comence shingling. IA scaffold having bean gaited o one' stile, llezil.' Nr.. Rock, •llirem .8;,1 . 3itt, ,, 1fr ..T. ; Toppin i i . !and Eugene K. Whittaker‘ttiok Vita positions ;and commenced work. " Within hp hour the seaffoliii • fell, and all the mend e,kiept Toppin I went' down with. it. [The distanclti was eight een fe4t. -E.: K. 'Whit airei - fortunatly escaped ' uninitired / . Mr. Bush ? t lad bis left brm disloca led botilki..tit the elboivl and at tile Wrist, and his right Wrist was also put ; at WI joint. lie was Ottterwie considerabie b uised,l but; his injuries in Are' apt"regarded ,as d ngerous. I Benj. Rept .was terribly bruised about the: head, and s ot her wittc lerionsly injuled. He suffered greatly dur , fn4 tie night anti on SaturdaY niorning was curried: on n bed liAlis hnme al l3tatlruCca where lienot i lies in,ii Very critical Clondition: Top-, pin; 11, , ;the - goild fortune to tivo i ld falling by "c4chl i ng hold of the eave just over joist which .was resting again St., the, barn ii np4l, which he lbced his font iiid .was enablElto Sustain • m dyl t u ln til ,n• : ladder ;Was . brought.--114isple . .isiluipeintut2idlread. i . 1 • , The I Pertneyh-ania and New York Railroad txtends.frbm.Northampton Street in the - ty of Witkesharre to the New York ff,tat i eline i the valley of the Susquehanna, and there for s a 1 12 ,conic Lion With the Bopthera .. ventral • ROl road4which extends by Way - - of Diego and inburn, to 'Fair Haven on Ltik4 - 10ntarici, and with 'the Erießail l ir,a, by:a third rail to the' a tit • Elmira, and'. Iso with the Alliersithaca an I deneta Railwa 3 y, forms it , cOnnection i with th *eir '`York" Central. Railroad Aria the Erie Canal' at Ganeva-,, "'This iniportant* Work is Wholly owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad c4lnpany, and cOnstitutes their xt!ortheni out int.. During the mouth of Inly,l there were tr i desl3i4tlrl fP?na'the Wyoming Valley, by`' this route, andhundred and, forty'thntWind tons of ,!urnino B coal from. the "Bradford . held. Be sides this theri , are eight passenger trains and I/ four freigi trains daily, running qtan the eit ieaot Ne 'York - and Philadelphia to the north. ern, tenni u;s. TlAsiminense business is over a Single t , itiroad,-fOr all but M* voiles;en and goes far' , o ',create the.sinipresSion ; in Western • Ntw Yoric,itnat the preient Of utfral'SuPerin itendent and Manager, who is pun':estimable Mend', Rptatrt 'A: Packer, with "keep ace with hiS lather, 1.14 n. Asa Packer, who' as' so long t . and ably presided over the Lehigh alley Rail road Company.—.Eindra Ad:eraser. ~. ea -i!...-. ..; Tr„e A.ecidentlgh T. Sesiett. _ 4 ' ' , President Jewett of the Erie .RailwAy Com pany', w*ie lei was broken . hy 4'411 front his ( *nage while ha'as driving flow n- Tow from Quai antii.6)undinsli York;ori Monday - eve ',,,, Alug,is,nit as good plipical eon on as could be expected' under.' he circumstances.. The fracture; ma not compound, as was supposed. t first, but: a simple,. tiabt,ure 61,02 e i:lght leg, which Mrill...not - pnivent. larJewitt'S attention .tohuSinei:i. ,' 1 :- .' • ',- , , • Worktitea are already busy ptatlitg Ail a tele araphle Ivlre - from las .house to:the trie upe,e, 'militia physicians believe that- he ' will J h wf able_ to attend : to ~..lie; interests; in its charge by the: eadctif tito,lv x ; Beyond the necessary loom venieoce-017" " Whig hfrdoolit ti 1 few 'WesltS,' nail the bones Ilthlt ..tolretber, the accident will Sot LI terfere ~ scrip uOr with Mr.. J4wetes .besi- - ; (*s labors - nor'' lirtpair Lis;he!dth. i Th l ithysi- efahs iditi :thsti . Mr. 4esretei:"rablist ' nstitn rwill carry him. throng!" ,safely and .atrik -I,e tolls speedy recovery. • 'At , ths`Fornees.:* :the tr,le _ itway. Company c ~,) • - 3:rrailie7ruti are opkiiig Mrwtfid all iltuppr tolu titnt. j*, `is .1 : o Mt JeWitt . t: Va . txlms l In the ,mori l n_ iaise,onOrtnes. I .Ill, , ,lltalea `island.;. „lie , attd_Wit Itelegraphie ceilinpinicationl betweett the botsofatid. the,,131,N it 1•14914rht• .that the -hCsineii - '4 tlitS - -cAtttlisitY . ilk-4i stiff% - .' Az. ' ' ::-.'. ---. : ::-::,•:.: .. ,:.• . ..:: -.-. ... , .-'..-'4Z:.I Italica trom.lndepenilense liquara. -. 1 1 ,Thel - . -. ...WOrkineti. - '„iiitt*:c.lunifi r tissioner.l' , E*- - n .dlgginClitp,:.,:the =.- - earth' - in .Independenc,e. Square lutVe , . turned , "up ia - number:Of. trop 4 Ihe retolutibliaryera.: .in some places it Apo been found neetteary - to gO . ,downto a . deptbiof from 81* to eight feet inntder to lay dralusAnd . . it number of relics' . lMlifi been found in these - e*- eatatione....Silverec.dfisbaYebeeft found -Pile was an aid' elk and.a half cent pieee t -Caroina 4„ Dei :Gracia, ..1708 ;" ohverse„."lllspniola ',et ird: t GI. M.."iN. - . ." '''Alsii,' . sotne halfi ciale:lof . 1803 and. 1800, and . a couple of ANLi . Jersey rhorsetterais, ."Nova9rusart.a' l- pennies:2,3f 1789;. A quantity or human bones .were turned bp in thelmain path leading lront,th . e entrance - et the State .'House; going sonthi.; St one side of .the path one et . tile workmen drove 'his, piek itaiii, stony.. substanci!,. ivhich, when . eipOsed wtgt. - feutid to be- a grave , :eovered with brieli: awl mortar; that seemed ttsbare.no foundation.- ' It _. , is'eupposed thatt - there was such_ tt fount - atiori , of .• .. wood, Which had .entireiy.deeaved. . The bones' of an adult and child were .found : in:the graver, : Bind near - it the handle'a'A drinking glass; a hitis.s hos.s or knob, and a section of an iron po l ,t . were also - found. The. bonealiad ! apparently. bee h tied, With a piece - of ribbon; fringed, which: had decayedlo a considerable extent;, :Aquati tity..of 'old cannot balls, .weighing from four' to biXipounds, have been . t.liecovered.--T.Q6nition. weePi; ‘ t , . 4B as Story. ' -: - ", ' --- .' " . .:- . ~ - he New-York bun- has . the following snake Ste: p in .a' late issue under, date of Aug. 3:-= A. fi urteen year old tieryant girl in the'employ , of erdme Ilrokway, who' has I•een apendlis a few: days in - the- wilds of Pike countyillad 'a narrotv escape on Saturday- - last fl'oni' . being strangled to death, by' . a brack'snake.: She was sent bflier - mistressout hito the woods tO;plek whertleberrles. ' She crossed ' the lakiy'n - krow . ;boat, - and, accompanied .by a . ' small bl Ick.deg; walked about three fourths of *a - mile nto the Wooite, where the betriea Were plenty After 'tilling her basketi . she . sat 'down . on, ,log ind tii. ate _her luncii..: As she • Was about 'to tart for honie' a', large black %snake . Sprang. : a out her neck and..hegan to ellok her. Thera righted' girl screaMed at_ the - top of her voice fOr assfe tance but there was no one near enough to heti her cries. At length, When she was so exhaus . ted that:she Was unable to cry out, the :8114u°' 'twisted its head aroutilsti that she con d reaCh ,it. AtAlrat she Was afraid to. touch It . ster. Then realizing., , that Idle ,mustido some, thing or perish, she caught the xeptlie about, tlt fleet:and. choked It initillt relaxedlits•hoid: and fell to the ground. The girl then „threw le vtinsta. rock and stieceedektin killing it: Elie tied a" steal! hickory, Witte arond, the syakes neck 'and- dragged . it 'home. • It tneapnreil six ieet eleven inches:_ , . . / :...:, i .. ThaFish amt. GamsLatv • Trout can be taken from 4prii•lat to Aute,st 15th, but with. hook and I fie only., Set lines are prohibited-in trout i,•41. / • rs.. Fine $lO., • • Pike can . be fished from July Ist to March. let *lth hook soil If 'caught oi . killed is any other gray,, lie piMili;y is s23:for.etteh of fense at any th4o Of _the, ye! •••• In streams/ where : trout nothing h.a.be nature,ot,i inches meshcan be tlirpivn atty.:X:s. . , . Fishing, with nets or sains of any kind with ,iss than three incites mesh for any kind of !lab is'eutirely prohibited t3:on June 15th to Alle. ,10th. Fine . 100 , and six MOriths imprisonment at diteretion ofyourt.: • ' A let or nets set "across said' tile canals, rivulets or creeks is probibiled. rine V 25., Deer can ha killed front Sept,. Ist, to.Deeerre her Isl.. Dogs found chasiitg deer can be shot ty any person; Wild turkeys. from Octl er Ist to Janniuy Pheasants from Septemiet 14 to,_Jarturtry Plovers from August Ist to January • Patricizes from ~ Noieinber Ist to, January Wix)denek from July : 4th ito January let. , . Rabbits from October'lst to February Ist: ' Foi, grey and black . equirrels., e from Septem ber Ist_ to January Ist. , ' ShOoting o r liontirigorit uuday is tinnislia: ble.by a flue front '$l.Q to *45. Fishing.Ti Sun 7. ihty:.4..punishable l .under the act- eroLibil.inp worldly cmplcsments . .. : • • All insectivorous birds are protected by law aletbe time under a pvitity of Ciro'. each bird iikjlled. For rObbing- Or destroYing a nest, $lO. The fine for , killing any gi►me out of the above seasons ranges from Vito $lO. Zeminile Obstinacy . She hoarded the Binghamton train.atLisle, . and ehtered the suaolong ear. Selittyl Vroman the gentlemanly . condti6tir, politelY„Ancorrnel her ot the fact that ,ehe:';ias 5in6X414 1 7; and" that she would :find a seat in the tear car. She was -going to Stay where she - was. He Ought tope ashamed of himself to alloW a lot •of men and boys to occupy a hull car jest.to. smoke in and keep decent people oaten it ; for 'her part she wouldn't • stand it, she was. going la'set .. right down . in that- cur and she'd; like to see any fellar Might:ll cigar or pipe whilst_ She was, in the Car. Shibelictred *lrontonlad some right, and she had a right to set Eh that - car end not; be insred by, nasty terhacker smoke or anybody else: &quay! tried to aspirin but 'twas no use; so he-went about his fare. 3. . . • , At Cortland there ,Was an addition to the ,cfc-- cop. - tits of the smoking car, all of whom were alikoking, and supposing they were. All. fight,r puffed away Suddenly; the female started for one of the gentlemen and -opened her, vials of wrath on. his innocent ; and unproteCW head, something atter Vie folloWing style: (during which the train . peddler bad _supplied the bal ance of the ear with .kig aro.) "how dare you 'ilte.olic‘them orful' cigars in the pi4ence nf a lady ? hain't you got ,tiO, manners ? don't you kriow that you hain't no biznesssmoke in this ere ear ? this ear, is tor. any bo that: ays their fare, and if the conductor - was If a man c t he'd - stop this train. and put you ,otr And every body else that smokes in;the preinnee or ladies. if 1 wag a man l'4l—bere she stopped,grasped the beet of a seat, and With a look of complete discouragement- staggered ~to a - window, Where shel gave vent to her feelings in. a more subs;an • I manner.. When the 'train st wed at _Ls= faykte the au ti•smottinputimmens rights . wo. , mail left - tile train, and as she pnEsed ' , ea; of the. tuti she t a look et pitiiiii corn on the pieak , minded- disrespectful'- 'oiectipants..e—Syri&nse Courier, ' ~ ..,- .- , -- - Alia Accident. - . ,'•:=',' , , ' ' •-,' -:.' 1 ' littrlay:eyealtig. *I I 4,.ihe time f9iremu monument of rag quo services, as savor per ilous were astlendirr faitairs leidintp;:. Odd k'ellowl'_ MI, isf. which 'Epitieopal services are held, the 'platform atliteleadi)f thie'etitifft &ray give \lkay precipitating shireoh, Mrs. W..4'. Atmeli, Mihtieflog auffivire, unddectgliier of Itwe, to tho gro44d r ieiow, a distaßooor 4botit - : Itln3..A.quew who la an-elderly laity arukqult:e ilenvY Atrileh will PetdW rOO OD Ler feet breai; log both linibe, 4tie at tl e . knee aud the other 3,1 1 utXbiankle, ihe.la tter hilug a '° o3 . l >eurl'i frit& ,ture, the borte,s s intering in iir. terrible definer.' ' XODO Or the °the 7..ere - iniuM beyond &lbw slight. bruises- - carriage * l ' 2 ' -. i , mweat t e L -LY'l procured and - ft, Agnew Nras 'vixen to 'our 1 bogie sitirei-ing &Ably:, Medical diaalstanee . mai at once etille Abe invkenAllthiliet '!, 11 .4 eY' -tif effort possWli pule ii;- alleviate herl9iffer- I ins, The iilletoril think it qniti, probable that i one of the Hubswill have to!be amPtttated; - $ 0 1 had ,hs -.Am frae - tilre , gm, Aitnew i ef; nail: 1 idol - de Atylitpathilal deeply witk her lit -Milli sad i at4ictiori-^ —,6 v.ftil j:;?tolta4 = 2 - -'::'''''/ Aatitherlinrelarzailionmersvills• :About` two o'nfeek on Monday morning last,. Charles - Sliblita r ;sim •ot .Benj. Sabina, merchant; at SummeravilloAwo miles below New Milford this county, We's aroused by ihei.alarm belief the: Motley dravier,"in I s the store' room belOW where he slept, and he immediately got up and listening, beard Anther noise below' which be knew came from burglars. , lie immediately -seized a revolver and "tired one shot , to lean thinn sway and Pitteed iiinigelf in a window ov er the side duoi where be suppessd they would make, their exit- - They did make a hasty rp t °treat at'that point and he-Bred four moreshota tkt them as they passed out, but without any fatal resultk Two cif the bullets were found lotiged . in the - Plank and fence where ihe,lntrg furs paasea over.", They made their ingress into the - store by prying open a back winilovii . Mr. Setphin_ had *check or some tl,BOO. soil. some $4O in lcurrency in a drawtovhich were . taken the draiver ben pried - , open. They took about $lO in chinge from - the aney di'awer-belonghig , r, Sabina; A new safe which centained -quitekan amount of money 'wits undiiturhed. A rvy iron . baior "jitn 'my" and a wrench was eft, hi the store..A grey summer alpaca dusteniwith a pocket Nil of ci gars was,fonud near the bridge below the store, to`Wa &rd Great ten The burglars beat a very ' hasty retreat in that direction under Young Sa bin's dre No chte to the ,thieves'has yet been bound but it is belieVed 'that they were: seen atiout tliCre on: Saturdiy • and Sunday. There were two in number. This is - the Same store that wits broken into a year or two_ago,.while Mr. David Summers - was priiprietor, , when tWo sates were.blown open, one of M m r. Sumer's , and one of Sutphin's. but no mouoy found., A Chapter of Fatal , Accidents at Ills , AllIfor&/ • On Saturday evening last, Wm. R:hinson (coloreo)of New Milford, horough, his, ife and little girl were thrownloom a wagon and ,Mr- Rol;inatin probably fittally wlfe very seriously hurt, the child escaped with eo serior results. Itobittion had been on trial at Mont rose, charged as an acolyte& with WellrnaK in the New Milford Saijngs 'f Bank robbery and was acquitted by, the/ jury on Friday last. He left Montrose somoftne during the day on Sat • urday for Nevi i .Milfo. On arriving at New Milford lietops(d his child had started for Mont rose and hywent to the livery stable, hired a horse; and followed after her, overtaking- her • softie ttta or three miles out of town.. On hia retti).a,. being intoximted, lie ma bis horse at full speed under the phip. down, the steep hills / aid 'as he was - descending the lea \ tontjust smith of D. L. & W. Railway within the borough limits; the horsidid not make the. turn in the road but ran into the fence opposite 31r,R ioba rd Golden's- residence, pitching them all forward into the ience, Rabbis, Striking - on- his hotd, as ft is supposed ,, upon around stone' Taking a deep fracture of-the skull, just abOve ,the lett ear and up 4o this writing (Tuesday morning) he remains unconscious and is pronounced by his. phytichuts as beyond any hope of reepozety. His wife hail her jaw bone broken and was otherwise seriously injnred,but it is thOught she may recover. - • . • On the ssme -. ereningißilis Brown, son of the widow; Brown of New Milford borough, was instantly killed by the nortlievi bound express train on the D...L. - .lk W. Railway,•while walk ing Upon the tntek just opposite the 'Catholic chnrela. - When secht by the:engineer 'he was walking between the two-tracks and 90 near the one the train was - upon ,that the engine Must inevitably strike 'him and he sounded the alarm whistle: Brown looked over his shoul deret ,the,tmin,but instead of stepping to the left,banCtradk - Where he would been out of danger,:he Passed •in frortt of the • engine, was caught nrien.the cow'-esteber carried .some dis tance andihcown from the track:Using instant ly His aglint,„as-deseribeti •by the en gineer,seetasit-titystory. -'He had left his moth; ers:houie .but a,. short time before: .The train was' running faster - than usual, as• - it was ,some twenty ,minutes behind . time and bass : areteund et ot less Wan three drawn or iet:Pen- Court 'll4r.esalags• 24. , Ori .'inetion of E. L. Blakeslee, esq.. Harry Stre.6ter, esq., nrrpyrunda, (sorr.orAtie Presid ing Judge) iraiadrniiied `tolkficiiee is Susque- Lunn Wetiunty. Is:401°11es was apPilinted 'Constable in Jes sup tivi3ship, In place of Lucius Smith re signed ' , , Michael Q'Bonke Indicted for 'larceny, plead guilty itnd is'tu be sent to the,House of Refuge at PhiAdelphia: - , ' • - ' If. Christian, indicted for larceny.— Verdititinot gunty. ' CorMtninivealth vs Titus Shafer, Siirety of the peace._ The Oottddischarged the complaint unplikided the costa,eac.h party to pay his own vidnessm. . , !nobinson (Colored) indieted Itts an ac contriice with Ebner Wellman and Edward JoluisOn fn the rohbery of the -New Milford Savings Bank, was: acquitted by the jury. 'Elnier - Wellman, the . principal, In the Now 3lilford Savings Bank robbery was sentenced te one seal :iu the _Eastern Peniterttiary, and Edwin Johnson', his accomplice, to the Rouse ot Refuge, both having plead guilty. Thomita Williams indicted forlarcen). Plead guilty acid is sentenced to one year lir the Pen itentiary.' . 1 - IVm. lkigherty indicted :for' kurglaly and larceny. -Plead guilty and sentenced to nue year and Onientha in the. Penitentiary. . inlet W. GO - w, Washington Clow and Wesley osterhout, indicted for acsitit and battery.- 2.Vot/e piorequientered. , ' %mans *spun, 4141 Sprague, charged 'with anion in burning an old building preyed to be la detnentd ereature.!coin the Nor house in Greenfield and was diieharged. Commenweitlth 'vs George W; Rees, indicted for selling lifinbr Without license.; G. W. Mack ey prosecuter.l :Verdict not `guilty..but defend-. to pay ebstsi,:i Are have lived in this county some time and have ye .to see isny: reason or justice to if:CrlittinalAaattrt that . exoneraies a man from gtdiyand punishes hirdwith &large hill of costs. CommonWealtir vs Ansel Merrill,' Indicted . tor, assault and battery Arial intent to;commit rape. tilen W.' Whiting prosecittOr. Verdict, not gA, lilty, Deiendent to pay his own costs and one half: Court costs. Proseeutor to pay the balance. s; • • Commonwealth vs. John =W. Chow and (311)w. - Selling! lignor ; no/le protteqtii entered: On :_motiopof tittles Blakeslee, John A:. tlormein agog'.t Lott.were admitted : to pt ac= as attorneys several COurts of Bus quebnotia coopt7. - - . . . , Octinteoultealtlt va, James Fugerir. Settled skid costs tohe iiaist by the defehnent,, 'riaaienil Stab) Als*dation The tweay.seeend annual Gallatin - kW this As sorlatiOu met et ~Vrilltasbarre on Tuesday morn ieg,,,..kug. 10th, aid 'was; opened by an wickets; of welcome [titß. W' Reimer; of. Wiikesbarre. An anpropriale 'reply\ was wade by IL D. Raw burn, ehairiaii of thotxecative - (hmitrattee., Aft& the enit)huent-61 members And the doing artmin 0 1 41elbuico btisluess.',tAT Association adjourned to meet at o'clock ix tn.. : . ' , Immediatelyafterassembling tin the after ncion W.: w r WOodruff, President Of the assfri: cation, gave an excellent addrese, clear and tor e* in argnnknt- supportittitPelloyhlic sehoo! system of Pe4nsYlvanie, in .on. inl - mittafileto. ty manper, Atfet 'a' brier dficuesioit of the merits of the-PiegOnt's address' Dr Copeland, of Wininning , :Seminary -- , Vias - Introduced nOit tirl - platiortriu.d discussed thOrmighlY ttlie ic*l . A- t , Omar inippqnry schools: to the ugh-0141es : I ` c , A peP"7 Adjourned to evening 7, •• 2 Al eight. 'io'elpek teachers' Again, assembled 1 i.6rt _and were addressed by George Fetter,: Prinei-`1 anti; '• - . pat °lithe 0 4 ' . 1° ,..: 411114134 " ) ' ,h ii 114 4 1 / 1 . 4 ' and :I /1)0. address l'll4, itself in:AgOitration , qti 9 e den F 'Tomer ; ig : Thoiighir Whith was : the `subject , - Idol ...mmonn..rommooms the 'ape, : • imioented. _The- gektai improve Anent and progresa of'iocietY witt, shitply a de; velopment "of thimght.' The', address , was , fel : - lo'*tal by a reading, groin IdissAiatrieli—a sort burlesque -epee -the: trailingidreeses of wo men. The idea''Wes Bugg test by-the reeding that ladlis should not ask to rote - until they can keeri :otit ofithe'roud. i The reading was fellewed)by an Midrai t- s f ront- Maria L. Sanford,. • Swaiihmore . College; rielware.couuty. Her subject *as itssims in morals and manners,. It •., Was well chosen, her pointS well' taken, her enunciation plahl and 4listinet, her manner graceful and Impressive, her suggestion's, espec-. 'ally icla;ting to the manner of teaching Morals, were'lxilh pleasing and instructive. She would net recommend tedicius leetures to pupils upon the kiubject of rnOra'kj. but ,words fitly 'spoken shoUld be dropped now and 'then during the every day; exexcist school:: After sweet' 'music an adjoureinent was taken to Wednis.. (illy morning at 9 o'cleielt,. The'seseions opened on Wednesday, ftorning 1V!Ill 'the 'reading of a paper by J. 14 Iticharil-:. sonfipon the importancaorthe,Atablishment - of,normaischeols in the FourtieNormal school Mst . xict. Atr. Blebards•ati/was followed Prof. 11, Ps Walker, of the ( Illavetik Normal School, in' brief remarkiupA the same }abject , arid the introduction/an" d adoption. of a. resolu tion relating to the establishment Of‘Norinal *hoots In such ,of the State as • have. net . already : secured them: A. spirited &lens siert then followed for more than an hour upon WOl various interests pertaining to normal • schOoli f nstruCtion; The' debite elicited much tbnyte interestltiditfrerard to , the suoiess and infPortirnce of such lechoals. ThnefternOon • 'session oPened, With npaper read by' E. A.: Angell; of State •Normal School, Shippenshtirg. upon the study of civil, government. The importattenof •this branch of science has ever been conceded but never re alized. 13. 8. Jones, Superintendent of Schools of Eric epunty, rend an address upon industri aFeduelltion. The study of the physical science was Tresented Sheen, of Phltadelolda High School College and Uormatschool disci. pllue was the subject_ of an able leCture ix E. 13: Fairchild, State Normal School Indiana. . The attendance' ai quite' large and a good degree of interest t raintained. The neat aunu al;niceting of the Association will beheld.at Westchester, Chester. county.--@anion.\ \ City ieurnat • • • ; . Bulneaa Locals. :TWENTY Ptscnei "Androsedggin Indrtuit of Loam, yard wide pleacbed Muslin at 123 cta at:Cheap John's. - •• - Mid , . ONE iluNniutn , pitees Sprague,and other itimdsrd prints, new :patterns, at cents ; at Cheat John's. . I -183 tr. .. . , , .._ . • 4 000 yards best - Calicoet ''(in ; , liatts) at 3i'eets. per yard, (this- weCk - oil) at Cheep o n's- ‘ . ' Kitt- onT Stunnisr goods 10 iter cent l , bt at Cheap John's. , rose, Ang. 18,,1875. er and Vitoon ED.-A good servant and a good wash I rover .. Good wages willbe pald.. Ap L Rosenthal, at Cheap John's store.: rose; Aug. 18, 1875. TAKE : ofrxes:. •'. iinetes t end necouritein . feirer of B. C. &tyre belit;the store / for'collection: - :Atter the ex giration ot 80 (lays will be in the hands ot theilustice. rose, Auirtist 18,1875 tyPretcte. •• : e .tor the benefit of St: Augustine's ebureb;'44ll - be held 011:1 the County ounds in gontros •, on Saturday, Aug. :There will be good music in attend. Bare invited to attend. st i 8,11,173. A p Catbol Fair oat 2.9 t ance Au T Peath Amide; Friday Pro of are inv . festival of Ice-cream and will be he hi at Dimoch Corners, at the 4y, on the afternoon' and evening of August .27th, in the interest of the erian church of that place. All lovers things a OW • time and a good - cause ted to attend. st 15,1875. The any an fora, Moe B gam of :the the in bp) ar tajnme (Bradk •Addl tontrose B. B. A. does hereby challenge all B. B. Clubs in the counties of Brad [Yoming anclaSusquehanna, to play one of - gamea of the National Garde - of mirror a ILANDSOME f a series to be played on tub theme 11. B. B. A., at -Montrose, hiontrese, doting thslof August and September. • SUM , ngements , will be made for the enter t (gratis) of all clubs accepting above.- 7 and Wyoming papers please copy.) !ss all- communications to • H. RosErrnar.„ Seey,ltl. B. B. A. rw!e, Aug; 18,•1875 neox's 3fsasztss tthiLadrs NatiOnalj iy on our table for •September, and Ls an ly flue number, eyett of this popular pe. • Yhe principal-ertg aprng= is a beauti -1 plate, 'The - Little biarauders,' ' after a by Bougereau, the great French artist. üble:sized, Colored, steel fashion plate e early fall styles, all' very' elegant ; and iful even as a picture Frank Lenßen gins a.spirit4d novelet, which is capital rated. 'the powerful and absorbing-se be Lady Rose,",by Mrs. Ann SG Sh pens in interest.: "The first quarrel" is story of rare - pathtks and beauty. ' The Peterson's, is only \-- two dollars a year, prepaid,;, and to clubs it is even low ipablisber claims it is the cheapest and f's bobk -in the world. He already be tions• out hints of the great`. things he ito for'the Centennial' year ; and as #s keeps bis promise% it would be well ins wbo design getting up clubs, and he splendid premiums he offers, to' be en. Specimen copies are sent, gratis,. i ate this purpose. Address. Cites. J. rr 366 Chestnut Sireet, Philadelphia, MEE ictbAo. 4 _the Eaystonelijoon._ • TS roitsted fifth every day; at thelley 7 loon. • •-•- •-• 28t1' • AND 411.4*Lar„ our. ,$/50.1"Soote, et J))htes 29 BEEZI—Iee cold birch bees on draught ystnneSs)oori., • ' 28tf . R Leases, dentracts. iitheego Blsnks and Ifuks no' ly printed sit this office. the Keystone ')l'Vest.side Pnhlie 4venye,. Hon2tzse Cuo Silo°. Pa. ia naina':—Picturee Wien in all the lat e . i Old picturai copied arid"eolarged. sPicridid lot frames fraes . for side cheap, i.' . ' - eta: W. Dooirrrtz's. rose, 4ollt, 10, '74—tf. • ' , i mar u r . n.! - - • PM I" 11, ENTER 113 been o eot unugu it sever' . . toek of all kinds, do o f appear to be aolhg . _well 'aa ' usual Th ' who Liam, tried,ll, sa ', itipaYs many times ' to:give theies . 4, at ithfs season of the y r; a few•pa pero i' Tit ) . Mr e s Condition Po der& They can 6 , obtained Of any dealer Lb . ~ edieines. .. , A . 1,c4 0x kinoilim t at he t lag . ntotiwiouti..l- All `ivo .W • it or otkartAid•dp welt ;0 at out clay.i , , - t ,/ . _ Li twiftte ditid' ; ', vizie ark. and. *astog p,ictum on. en Mil n M . raid); .Time/6,1875. ' &curl lieu tnti.AoitrtuttintAt, • . •,. 2.- .i • eletteentll - annual' Pidr q the Buford Agri , 16trill Society,- Wlll be „iiel ,on the rib Griniitf In flarford,on Wednesday and Thurs day, 1 eober, sth tied Ith. 1875. , The premium list 1 t.,,fAili be puldlibeo IteregleT.-`' ; ••• Pe otder of Cotntnlttee.' ~-_ l'- - 1 , .. S. E. Okurict*Rl,o ,o d7 ost, 110.875.'- - •: 1 ,' !,,,,- . , 22w2 -- L tritsit,ltt the Eagle Drug,Stere, Wept u Y 043140 a brae And well selected c 41. tut Onto andliedletuek Palnta,ol,l% I 18104 . 150 's eery lirge : ussortmeut of: nates, Combs,' Erns/ses. Penh:wry, et, soaps. _Physician* "prescrlptletut stuUttmuluied - St ',: . -4111; , liours or the, day 1 I. •'. f rit t him #i-PAlwlltgla :or th 49151 t i Jane, 0, - 11370.-14 ''' PARK. ty..olipE 4 ,o A : c 0 . ,!: ~... -''-'-.. ' ' . : .. _lleporteellbeel7 Week Itcpresply tot. Tux. Illowniosit - uselocuia by Rhodes &-'berrer, Produce Commis ' ' llOll X o t o baute• 0 0 Whiteblol Street, New York. ' ‘'Xew York, Friday, August 13.!1875- - • surrait. Receipts last sixdaays.. —.20,249 pkgs The receipts are quite libelal to-day, and ,the :general feeling weak and unsettled. Fine State Butter is net plenty - but eyen on this quality, which..luta been held aboutistendy, the tone is a trifle eash3r, and outside quotations billy excep ;tionally obtained in a -small way for strictly ,giltedge. - - • 28 ' 80e " , good to prhrin, @:s 270 Piills;tholco new made. u 81 OA 82c Pails, good to ~.,...27 •sa 29c Pails, common to gned.4 20 'tti 230 • R . Receipts last sit(l7,loo .boxas The market presents t y quiet appearquen , to-day,. 'A few ablppexa be found who want flinur - white'cheese and ri ll pay as high ull forlbetai but uot ovirouebietory in a hundrW make cheese good enough , to satisfy their ,sand: , lous tastes.. = . - • 8441 'N'Aciory, 11ne..•;., -. .... 1 10/4@) -11 !cr • State /1- • • iitatiaratetoo s lair,to geN;... 8 Gr/i, „EGO 'I- • , Receipts last viz tikgs4- The' 4 **Ald continua 8 / a W And Pri9 o l/W.ittiewt striMstb, though About former - range is State , 28 ' 0., %tiara? eitc4ceo 80utliorn - -.,•..4..;, - pa r pm PRITITS. " *.Apples have ve d emand be Sin some ' b t idert - t;-• anti ."L'ltt3h, lux X- - 1.0. 0..higb,04; yper descripti ons vif ' out Clirtage' ' , 0 7 41)1)10 A eitlartera, - Peo . c , 4 to sTo .' Itespe new; .; .; t0:.286 aka of low- Id like some ..to.it very unique Bui Tons MI S* ht-4c?=es: .. ',— i .Fanners all yOtt 445t:40'4 - about t o ..prueure Dew Dib**Sf machines- this year Will_pegleet. your tottresta if you fait. to Wl' exe.Mine the , Eureka iittivie.r before - pUrchtsalrg.• 8: Searle at Jones' lake will exhibit tim m, ino at any time, and ilder one for you at ce if desired,' J. R. ,Lyeas in Montrose , also / an supply you OD short-notice. Four Sind - dad 5 0 cutting. bar machines, also one Pony size, on hand. loan supply you,witi,the best and cheapest sulky horse rake in - th aka: c all and see ' ' R. EL Stanut, Agent. Montrose, July 1875-If. 1 • CLAIItYbY 'EXAMINATIONS PREZ. - • : There is ,o subject that requires so much study an # experience as the treatment of chron ic dice [The astonishing success and re mar 'le cures performed by Dr. Butterfield, are dile to the gift of clairvoyance, - to the life 1m study of the constitution of man, and. the curing of diseases from natural rentediis. Cures the worst forins Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles Fe male Weaknces, Astbma, ; Kidneys or Bladder. Will be' at the Citfferiy Rouse, , Binghamton' Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 19th, 20th, anti 21st, 1875. , • .. July 21,1875. - 80%4 _ . Tim ANNUAL TZCJIERS' INSTTTUTE,for SUS quehanna county will be held in Mentiose,com . mencing tit 2 'o'clock p.m:, of-Monday,' Aug. 80, bud, close with the. morning_.session on Friday, Sept. 8, 1870., • Usual Institute ,instructions will be giien in the day sessions, interspersed with 31ustc and Essays: Lectures 'and discussions each evening. Thursday afternoon will be especially} - devot ed to school business in the bands *of School Directors, li,those officers see fit to be present at that time ; And each one is urged to come and present such inquiries as have occasiona trouble or doubts in conduetit g school business. Deputy Superintendent Mr.. Henry Houck, of the School Department; will be present to,an swer inquiries. Efficient and Interesting In structors and Lecturers from abroad, In addi tion to our. own teachers will be present. All teachers in the county should make an effort to bepresent during the entire session, that our Lastitute may be of great= advantage to. the. .schools. Board will be furnished at reduced rates. An. examination will' be held, during the week for those only who are engaged to, commence teaching in September and have not a legal cer tificate. • W. C. Tronii, County Supt. blontrop,e, slug. 18, 187 S. 33w2 WE WERE exposed last week to 'a pitiless storm, that wet our feet and stockings, and in deed our person all over. In fact we took 'a craning cold, which brought, sore throat and severer symptoms of lever. The good Wife as serte.d' her authority, plunged our feet in hot water, wrapped us in hot brittkets,and sent our faithful son for a bottle of AYERS CIIERRY Pao- TORAL. It is a splendid medicipepleasant to take, and did the job. We slept Soundly through the nicht and awoke well the next morning.— We know we owe our quick recovery to the Pectoral, and shall riot hesitate to reenmmend it to all who need such a medicine. - Tehuacetur (Taco) Presbyterian. Jrar.l4, 1875.—tc. - ' • ef C. P. &saw &r-Co., • • . ' •61 court Street, " • , , \ Binghamton, have made important . reductions In everytliing im the.line of Spring and\Summer Goats, and , now offer the balance of their stock , of Sum mer Silks, Japanese Silks, Dress Goods,Shawls, 'Parasols, Cambrics, &C., at loWer prices than the same goods have ever been' , sold before. We oiler an immense stock of EfatillMeg Eni brolders,mnzing• in price from 10 cents to $3..,50 a yard. In "Kid Gloves. and Corsets, Opr c atock is always full and - complete. • • We will make It an object 'for the pee* of Montrose and vicinity, to call upon us, by offer ing the best goods in market upon s tile most fayorable terms. Binghamton, JuiyBl,'lB7s BAIDORWATER ASSOCIATION. , • The fiftieth anniversary * of this association will be beld with the Baptist ,church of Mont rose, commencing on Tuesday, August' 24th.— The introductory sermon, (Send-Centennial) will be preached by Pastor A: L. POstZ at 2 o'clock The Sunday School exereses will be ! e on Wednesday afternoon and event g,the 25th. The history of the association will prepared by:Brother 0.. N. Worden. The, m mortal ad dress by ,the Pastor of Ahe church. A commit tee on hospitality will be in waiting at the church to assipa to delegates_ their homes dur ing the meetings. Tho chtirches, are requested to give attention to • the apsxua„ NOTICE, on page 24 of the printed minutes 91 this year. ', • J.. E. CHESSIIIRE, Cor. Sec'". .` 3rontrOse, Aug. 4, 1 , 875. '.' . • .. . ~ I VE4XI 4. XtX-ifLGkMB • CNlMitfrelf—TlMarY Wtiodstock Ccinia. August 9th by Rev. S. S. Cbs.se, Cassius . M. Carpanter of Columbia, South Carolina to Miss: Alph , a Tiffany of Hanford Peno. _ • Yiritaxo&TE-81 - mmyr—At the residence of the bride's parenti in North Jackson, July: .81., 1815, by C. ,W.:Conrad. Esql Thomas I. gate; of - Ararat; and Miss Flora A. Sutliff,- of Nolh Jacksop. •1 '; •' . . . - ~~7AT~313, BAR •ln ;Liberty, on the loth inst. Mr Amos Barnes, in the eightietlyear of his age. N. Rositwartits^rs—in. Sanford,-Broome county, N. F.. March 14, Mary-C.; wife of S. H. ROtten= grants;, aged 43 years; and 6 months. . ‘; - Kiarsuar —ln Vineland', N. .1 , Aug. 9th, 1875, of cholera. infantum, L. Byron, only child of Sheldon aand Carrie Kinsman, aged year and 13'9ays. ! . 2WlLalailV32l :L"ry , ANDI' 'ANCY G'aODS,! Re4d,uotics= '.l2a 641 for the mail BO days HOSICRY,_ STRIPED AND -WRITE,: &C., LILS THREAD. GLOVES,' NECKTIES, CORSKIS, RUCHINGS. HANDKERCHTEPS, HAMBURG. • %EDGES, GNIPURE LACES, GIMPS PRIN-- RES, PARASOLS, 'COLLARS . , AND • ••••. ••! ; CUTTS. IN SHORT ever'thlngln say Ha° at greatly reduced prices. 411.,A1111ther7`Goodit *Mow . - - No. slopart st., Oat.. 'Water tit- Augul.f.lB7s. Tio': :. et*.;:;.T. - 7,',..',:rj ' New York Produce Market. • roViTirt. Turkeys and Siiring Chickeni are Selire. Itbd t wanted and prices: role strcniger. Fowls, Ire not plenty and what'id prime order bring MI Turkeys, State . prime, innali...9:l to Spring Chlckene,per to 249 ..ILNATS` AND STOOL I.lve Calves were nut plenty to-day owing to raloyesteiday preventing abipmeots,andp 'ruled a shade firmer. Live Sheep - ' 5 1 # to Live Calves, State prime 8 W . 23 Dressed Calves ; ‘• P9TATOES. The iupply continues liberal, and with orlir a moderato demand, prices aro not very strong Norfolk New, per bbl: .; .1 00 to 150 Centaur liniment. • There is io pain which the Odell? Liniment will not redeye, tin slatting • they will not subdue, and no lameness , which they will not mire. Thlit is strung language, but' it le true. They hive .... prodneetl more entre of rheurnathiso, • neuralgil , loehlaw.Palertap . rainii.gwei* ngt, asked breasts, sealda, burns. silt rheum, ear- c., upon the human frame, atd of straino, spa galls, etc., upon ,pnimais in one year than have all other pretended remedies s in& the world began. They are eonnter-I rtitant, all-healing, pain re. Hovers. Cripples throw away their eratehee, the lame walk, poisonous bites:al' rendered hArnaless„ and the wounded are heated without a s.car. Theteetpelaptiby tithed around each bottle. They sell as no articles ere/ sold before, because they do just what they pietend'to do. Those who now suffer from rhcumatisui, paf or swelling deserve to suffer If they will not nee Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. ;tore thin 1000 certificate* of remaricablo ebres, ineltiding frOzen limbs, chronic rheumatism, gout, runti , ing tumors . etc., be been re. eelved. . We will send a elreular,sontaining eartbleates, the recipe; etc.. gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow wrapper CentiterLln iment is worth one hundred dollars - for spavined or sweenied hones and rt r uleti, fOr screw•worm in sheep. Stock-Ownero —theselininients arc worth your attention. Noe family shottld . beirlthOat. them. "White wrapper family rule;!' Yellow' , t.rapperibr animals. Sold by all Druggists.— , 50cents per bottle ; largo bottles. $l.OO. J. B. Roes a Co:, 53 Broatitvay, Nei. York. Castorls Is more than a sabetitote , for Castor OIL It is, the only 'scrfs ankle In e.iistence which Is certain to asslmulate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither . ) mineral, morphine °Placebo', and Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. - Oct:2s. N NEW ARRANGEMEr • Tie Poolfts Sloto, I. - N, MILLARD, PROPRIETOR. lIMYON, Deng . let Apothecary.. PATENT - MEDICINE EMPORIUM • thenTe undersigned uronld respectfully announce to all people , everywhere, that to his already extensle• stock and variety of Merchandise in , the °rimer": Pro* yision.and hardware line. ti bas added a vn ry choice sesorttnent of MEE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PEE FIINEBY,,tc.. which he flatters him, If he can assure the peklic they will and it to their adult tage.to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physicians la this section of the coUnty he would , respectfully an nounce tharhe has secured the Services of R. Kenyon.' as Druge is t and Apothecary, whose tong examinee and acknowledged care and ability. e a title • bine to your en tire confidence la the line of cow ronndin_g medicines or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem Atm especlal favor to rtceire calls from any of his old Women or now ones. Will make fae rojrchr Ir -" a w es , ~ , ,,„ „. ..., . ..„K......11.4 -11..........—A . arr - x.- - sum, . never '1 V,itidi, it's all right." "That's jes' what I said, \ . ., ye know.; it's all right." The next. afternoon ,was caliesl down to f4e some one lathe parie .r.. There stood my sailer perfectly 50ber,,,,2_,....,_____.. =l,pVlsieci t e rr thing that is ordinarily ee ally kollcitiog a all 'remain l I. N. BULLARD, Powder! Powd,ert powder! • Blarjet Bido arid, Sbot Power, sbot, Lead, fins Tubes, gape, Pouches, Flaebs i leusa, 44 4 it., for sale by • • Montrose. Sept, 9,4874—tf. ,• iTh:3;42l)* Figurpi Da. Not tiq ! SELL` FOR YOURSELF:7a OUR NEW PRICE LIST FOR SPRING A.ND SUMNER OF 18701. - Ileavy cottonado 'pante, Stout Wool-mixed pants, Good ell wool pants. -French cashmere Dards. Heavy workingmen's suits, Scotch cashmere salts, Barris cashmere salts. • - Fancy check And stripe snits. Black frock coats. t Black dress coats, imported,: Black cloth rests, White linen vests, • Boys' suns, 3 to :9 year& Boys' cotton Salts, - $ !LOCI $ LOD Boys' mixrd sults. . / SAO Boys' fancy wool suits, 5.0$ 10.60 BGYS I . SUITS. 9 to 14 jeGlt* • Bois' school stilts, Boys' fancy stilts, Boys' finest easelmere Suitt, Youths' salts, all styell, good cottort;slatrts, Glood overalls, Good robber suspenders, Awl all other Goodi In proportion. 2'he abore prices are fig cash only, and are quoted for customers from a disuince. $l.O 0 FORFEIT. if the above vie*, Bet etas not fabilled : which prices areguaranted lli I)cr cent. lower than those _ of any other house In this city orrichitity. WEBSTER, .The Clothier. Binghamton, May sth. 11373.--tf DONLEY-4D 'CASEY,. • , it). 48 FE 50 1 Washington St., . Br.IiGHAIIITON, N. Y. Would res;iectflay call atter:llm to that; lugs stock : r,l7 . l , tn''',jcm . .ir RE which they are selling at from 15 to SO per cent. WO than heretofore. A tell eesortxnent, of • PARLOR, DLMING ROOM and KIT•CUILI TIME. • y • Parlor Setts, horn s4o' inward. Chamber Setts hunt s4o'npward. Mattresses from $4 upward. Pure Wool Mattresses from $lO to $l3. Oak, Ash sqd Walnut Extentio ti Tables front $8 to $lB. • Tort can do bettor by purchasing your goods Of as than of any dealers in this section of the eonotty. ire will not be undersold by anyone east of New To* City.— No =trachoma for packing or delkeerinif itoodi 4111 depot.. OP OUR ONDERviiiMMIUME We deilrita rays word. In thl s line we bare Stein's Patent Casket. and a _variety of other styles. POW noties, 8 bronds f ete, • The beers° and Carri4o attached to oar establish. went cannot bo surpassed fo this section. These wtU be furnished to those who require, se a reasonable fig ure. anywhere within a radius of twenty •ndlerr front this city. Give as a eel. , DON,IJIT &I UMW, Binghamton, Vey Itch. - • ,FIERRINO 84 FARREL 907 33raisikivcrovr VG'S"; MAIYUP.AO7III*IiB OP ALL KINDS , , • .111 1 .13ra lizl.4ll33uxig3fiser. Tie oldest and moil retail° dr= Isla* tatted Rates They took tie prtzem . tedal e,treided la the - WOBLID% VA= Al` iMirlo,22 . I. • • 4 ADS/leo tro warranted free igito,damlltaq 04,5 r ,„ . , . , BILLINOS MOOD, dont; Montrose, *Ay • $6 to s2oCrifilitirtrorl*Wati r tiAlraa 4:4torniocent=auriHn nioogi t. =at a% the flute, than tit' toll oator,„ taw dm mitt snl , handroinea7 pnrtlenleres - to az* II Ova. SiZ address at oh* D on deinr. ow to the t look for work or Inutistsp olet) fait %Z s is lament wlntr we ant; tat. - 13T1 of Ws , • 1 $ 1.00 11 .73 to ILSO, • • &OD 4.00 &00 7.50 7.00 10 00 , • &00 19.00 • 13.01. • 17.59. '•1 10.00 20.00 8.00 9.00 • 10.00 .1400• • . • LIG 4.00 1.25 9.50 4.00 $ • 7,00 7.00 10.00 BA 14.00 5.00 10.00
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