'ME DEMOCRAT. E. B. HA WLEY d• CO., Editors Wednesday, Oct. 21, 18 74. Dcmocratle Stale Ticket. }OR JUDGE OF TUB SUPREME COURT, IION. WARREN J. WOODWARD of Berko County. FOR LIECTRYANT GOTERSGEwe I 110 N. JOHN LATTA, of Westmoreland County. FOR AUDITOR GENERAI„ JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, of Green County. :OR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS GEN. WILLIAM WCANDLESs, (y . Philadelphia. Democratic County Ticket FOR CONO [MSS, JOSEPH POWELL gf Bra(lfbrd. FOR SRN:twat. EUGENE B. HAWLEY, of Mon t rose FOR RF.PRESF:NTATIV ES, CHRISTOPHER BYRNE, of rboronzil. RHIN 11. FITZSIMMONS, of Stinvehanna Depot. FOR DISTRIt T ATTORNEY, .GEORGE P. LITTLE, of Montrose F4ll COUNTY SCRY EYolt, CIIRISTOPIIR M. GERE, of 31ontrose. FOR CorNTT COMMISSIONER, A. B. WHITING, of Great Bend. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, TRUMAN BELL. of Lathrop. - Tuohy, Nov. Electiok - GoI-I closed in New York, on Saturday night last, at 110. lowa and Nebraska have ben carried by the Republicans as usual but with re duced majorities. The deb-gates to Con grebs in these states have been sobdly Republican but it is nuw believed that the Democrats have elected one member in lowa. Bartholomew Laporte is Oh the record as voting for an increase of salary and taking the same, while a member of the Legislature. Do the tax-payers and hard fisted yeomarry of this county and dis trict want such a man to represent them in Congress ? If not, vote for Joseph Powell, a self-made man, who has risen from the ranks of the poorer cases and understadds their wants and interests. Winter is coming on, and the price of coal is going up as the mercury falls.— While laying in their fuel for the winter the . voters of Pennsylvania should re member the men who put an unjust an.i unnecessary tax on anthracite and bitum inous coal in the last legislature. The alithora of this shameful tax make the dishonest pretense that the money is paid by corporations. The corporations collect the tax but every dollar of it is paid by the consumers of coal. It is a fact that every honest citizen should hear in mind that all the opposi tion to Joseph Powel,for Congress. comes from office holders, office seekers, and Ring-musters generally. It is emphatical ly, a contest of the people against official corruptioc and ring-rule. This fact is to patent to need ventilation at our hands. A look at the situation at once verifies our allegations. We will print a list of these fellows, provided we can find room, that the people may see bow the facts look in print. Bartholomew Lapnrte,Repnblican nom inee for congress in this district, ,owns 400 acres of land, does everything in the way of selling wheat and stock in a wholesale manner, and yet since he has been nominated has come down so muck from his high horse as to wear a ehecked shirt„ carry his coat on his aim so as to show it, walks on foot through the streets of Towanda with a basket and two doz en eggs on his arm, and banters almost every merchant in town for a little high er price on them. Re evidently wants to be a "middle man" on political matters. Salary•Grabher Laporte The following is the record of Berthol omew Laporte, the chronic officer seeker of Bradford county, as it was brought out by Mr, Elebree, one of the leading Republicans of Bradford county, in the controversay between Laporte and Over ton (hr the nomination. Coming from a Republican Leader, we do not see how Homer Frazier of Montrose Republican can deny it. He charg.M ;tillage for 041 miles when the distance is less than 150 miles.. The following is from tae Legis -41ative Record. The Republican will please copy. HOUSE OF REPRESEIiTATIVES. ILuennuare. LarcurtX. St pekoe or 142.15. April 1853—0 n vacation of increasing salary of Members to 'Rio, Mr. Laporte noted "yea." se aPpntra Gorr Lepisloitce Record of that date. See oleo House Journal. page 859. The salary of Members wae forteetly raper day. For Surelon of 1855 31r. Laporte dreir on sole r)7s On lleage. 941 milea circular elk. pr. tulle... 141 00 StOttoriery 1000 Toter (see Iloueu Journal. page 1(rn).... 165100 For Seesion of ISSG Mr. Laporte dress. on Wary 160000 ettluare, SOU tntles 15 c:Per Stalinism SSO(1 Total, (tee Leglatatty° Llocul,page 760 J $ ta's du Total ataottat draws, two Stialoas.... ... $1.115600 To the Democratic Voters The battle for constitutional govern ment has begun. The people of Ohio and Indiana have declared that independence of Radical rule. The 'victory at the polls in those Stater on Tuesday last will be us memorable as the contest at Lexington and Coi.cord. Self government is triumi.hant over centralization and usurpation on 'which the Radical party depends for power.— The next .42ongress will represent the people. The rights of the white race will de• mend the respect of the Federal govern ment. Ohio and Indiana are sovereign States, and their people, free from tyranny of Radical power,maintain the Constitution al rights of their sister States.. A large majority of the members of ,ongress elected in these States are Dem ocrats. Let Pennsylvania follow in th.- triumphal march to a "restored and un defiled Conati tu tion:" Every Democratic voter in Pennsylva nia should now resolve to go to the polls in November and aid in redeeming the State out of the hands of the spoilers. Farmers, mechanics, laborers, toilers,' merchants, business men, the time of your deliverance has come. Rise up! Gird yourselves for the con. test on the 3d of November, and join in the great victory for constitutional gin! eminent, gold and silver money, honesty in public trusts, economy in ouplic ex penses, free, honest and fair elections, revived industry. peace in the land, and prosperity to all its people. I salute you greeting. ,lotor MILLER. Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee. Headquarters, 1014 'Walnut street, Octo her 15, 1874. Don't be Cheated Twice It was the Proverb of an honest old Quaker,who had seen much of this world, its sins and follies, and who had profited by his experience : "Ile who cheats me on'e is to blame, but if he cheats me twice, it if MT fault and stupidity." Applying this trite proverb to the Ite• publican nominee for Congress, Mr. La porte.and what is the inevitable conclusion as to his course in Congress if elected ? In 1855 and 1856, he was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and the first time he had an opportunity to show what was in him. Of his notable acts in this capacity, (let us be caudtid in this examination) we find him VOTING EXTRA PAY INTO lIIS OWN POCKET ! and using i almost his own admission (see Towanda Business Item of Sept. 27,) dishonestly taking mileage for a great mane more miles travel than he was entaled to ! True, lie sneekingly creeps behind othen men, and whimperingly pleads his great sorrow for doing so. " There is no safer rule to judge a man's future conduct, than by his past acts ; and with this record CONFESSED, what can we expect of him at Washington in these days of bark pay, sal , try grab,Cred it ifobilier corruptions? Men's characters do tent change as they grow older, but rather harden and be come confirmed. By looking over the Journal at Washington, an abundance of illegal mileage will be found for a pre cedent, and scores df names recorded in favor of increased salaries and that too by men HE can easily call floNoitant.R.— Should his thoughtless mind too sus c?ptible to influences effecting his pocket give away to the terrible temptations that will beset him if elected, it will be poor consolation, indeed, to the honest voters of this district, when he manly creeps behind Ben Butler,sayiug : - HON. ORA OLE men did so ! I thought it was right ! I know better now ! lam sorry I did it !" &c. VOTERS OF BRAYOIIO COCNT't He who cheats you once is to blame ; if lie cheats you twice it is your own folly and stupid ity. Can yon expect that the candidate for Congress of to-day thinks lees of his own pocket than the Legislator of twen ty years ago? Does the fact that other men do it, justify the taking of that which belongs to th , : people; or does age confer the right to charge unlawful fees in traveling to and trom attendance up on public duties? Where are the works that give evidence of repentaucti ? Rather cast your ballot for Joseph Powell, the honest, upright.business man who by industry and merit has risen from the poor, obscured farmer-boy td be trus- ted, admired and respected by all with whom he comes in contact. Who has come up from among the people{--knows well their wants—is thoroughly informed on all subjects—has noyer want:owed in the dirty po . ol of politics— who 14as not spent two years of bargain, sale and dirt ealing deenagogueism, to get his nomina tion ! Mr. Laporte is every inch a rofirriciali has always been hankering for. place ; never has failed to be a candidate when there was a reasonable chance, • flnd for the two cast years has been with might and main whaling away, fighting every body for the place he thinks he has se cured. He wide debasing and ui4orthy combinations ; was willing to and has embraced men whom he bitterly assailed in the past ; and has exhibited aidegree of moral cowardice, and submitted to exactions upon the part of his Conferees in permitting himself to be thrust aside —after a two years lease of officm—pro vided he could secure the present Inotui nation, unbecoming the dignity la an honorable, high minded man ! FELLow-CrrizExa I Look this squarely in the face, and pronoun judgment at the polls on the 3d o vembor.—Bradford-Argus. Do you Hear the Slogan ? Terrible 011traus is the Wog ! IT MAKES OUR EAGLE SCREAM "Carry the News to"—llomer. The most significant and decisive vic tory achieved by the people since 1857 was Ma won on Tuesday the 13th, in the great states of Ohio and Indiana.— The latest telegraphic reports estimate the Democratic majority in the former state at about 25,000 arid in the latter at from /0,000 to 25,000. Ti!e Ohio Dem• ocrats elect fourteen, of the twenty mem beri of Congress from that state. In the present Congress the delegation stands thirteen Republicans to seven Demo crats. This shows a complete turning of the tables. The congressional delega tion from Indiana will probably stand five l i Republicans to eight Democrats. The atrocious gerrymandering in the forma tion of the congressional districts de. prives the majority in Indiana of their just representation. Nevertheless the Democrats gain live members,the delega tion in the present congress standing ten Republicans to three Democrats. Of the I thirty-three congressmen chosen iu these two states of Tuesday last at least twen ty-two or a ma;ority of 'lever are Dem ocrats. In the present congress the Re publicans have a majority of thirteen in the Ohio and Indiana delegates. West Virginia gives a Democratic ma jority of 8,000 and a gain of two con gressmen. Last year the delegation stood one Democrat, one Republican and one Independent while now all three are Democrats. Arkansas gave a majority of over 70,- 000 fur the Democratic State ticket, and the uew Constitution. Such is the verdict of the people of th• West upon the issue presented by a radi cal congress and the national adminis. trillion. Such is the response of Ohio and Didnina Co the wretched but malig nant appeal of the radical politicians to prejudice and hate, and such the voice that goes up from these Democratic em pires in condemnation of the paternalism, centralism and Catsarism of the party in power. The popular dissatisfaction with the conduct of public affairs by that par ty has dins volced itself so loudly and empbatiely as to attract the attention of the people of the whole country. The influence of their decision will by felt in every state yet to hold electious. If these states lately bound as it were with books of sleet to the party of the administra tion, have found it necessary to sever the bonds which hold them to that party,why should nut Pennsylvania, New York and even Massachusetts go ant do likewise ? Neither Ohio or Indiana has had a Mann- Kernble ring, or a Custom House clique, Or a Butlerian band of brigands to bring its people to then' senses. With just so much greater reason, therefore, will the voters of Pennsylvaniii, New York and Massachusetts repeat in November the judgment just : pronoun:TT,' upon radical ism by the two: great western common , wealth& Forward, then, men of Pennsylvania The gloriou s examples of Ohio and Indi ana must be gloriously em ulated, Th• enemy is Cowed and panic stricken. "Like a Feared beldame dreaming of the dead, And walking m the dark. fie must not be permitted to make Pennsylvania his rallying ground. Organ nize I organize ! and prepare to make our coming victory in Pennsylvania complete and overwhelming. Joseph Powell's Position Correctly Represented "Our thanks are due the editor of the Montrose Republican foi the kind adver tisement he has given us, on the usury question, in his last issue, and but for a few falsehoods respecting Mr. Powell, oar nominee for Congress, we should not have a word to say. We give below, the facts in Mr. Pow case which we can assure the Mont rose Republican will be substantiated at the polls in Bradford on Tuesday Nov. third. These are from the pen of a man in Bradford county who knows whereof be speaks. "We wok early occasion to glance over the column of the last week's Reporter for the purpose of satisfying our anticipa tions, feeling confident that the junior editor of that paper, would, either per• sonally or by prosy, attempt to stay the strong current of independent (alien, so manin ally tne purpose of the peopin to the coming election by wad ing Mr. Powell ns the President of the First Na tional Bank of Towanda. We admit without the least hesitation that be does occupy the position, and we point with pride to the circumstances which brought about such a result, as confirmatory evidence of the trust re posed in him by men, who realizing the necessity of selecting a prominent, cum petent, responsible head to a financial institution, which by virtue' of its nn- doubted security,and through its absolute conformity to law, might establish in the nunde of the people 1.4 this community, the firm idea, that success may attend the following of legitimate moneyed trans actions, without the necessity of divert ing the funds of a contiuding public, or the inheritance of widows and orphans, into channels of speculative risk and in• seen city. This b.:ing the only mark, where these desperate office-holding editors can point their arrows of assault against the solid armor of Joseph Powell, they direct their entire buttery toward it, hoping to poison the minds of the people by the demagogue's cry of capital arrayed against labor! But we thank the gentleman for presenting the issue at so early a day, as it gives us ample opportunity to answer it, to the entire satisfaction of every fair thinking roan in tte District. The amount of capital invested in aid. log and conducting industrial enterprises 111 Bradford county by Mr. Powell, are, when compared to his stock held in the NAtional Bank, largely in excess, both us to amount and general importance. An equal partner in the most extensive Tannery in the county, with the financial responsibility upon his shoulders, he supplies the heads of few less than seven ty-tive families with their means of sup port ; Secretary and Treasurer of th e Schrader Mining and Manufacturing Company; until recently the superinten dent of their extensive lumbering estab lishment, and now in charge of their ex pansive mining interest ; contributor to the success of the Towanda Nail Manu factory ; responsible head of the largest mercantile firm in Northern Pennsylvania of which he may justly claim to have been the pioneer of the cash system— whereby farmers were enabled to sell their products fur money, and buy their goods ten to twenty per cent less for cash; and added to this, he conducts the farm upon which he resides, in a manlier that would meet the upprobatior., and add credit to the ability of the most progressive patron of husbandry in the district— and indeed for amount of products grown to the acre, or in systematic meth• od of cropping we doubt if he has a superior in the county. We speak of these transaction reluct antly, with no desire to parade their ex tent before the public, but having been attacked for hie connection with a Bank ing House, it Was eminently paper that Mr. Powell should be correctly represen ted to the people away from here, who are not so well informed of his intimate business relationship with the productive industries of the country, as are nine out of every ten iu this great county of Brad ford. We believe this a sufficient reply to a weak and groundless attempt to array the employed against the employer, but when its force is directed against him— who with the recollection of every mid dle aged traisness man in thi+ communi• ty, began his career with nothii•g but bare hands and an empty purse, securing but a meagre salary as clerk, which was cheerfully divided with a mother and sisters dependent upon him for support struggling to gala that confidence which was to stand in lieu of capital, and which alone it unforfeited would afford him, after years of constant effort, the means by which be hoped to attain an honorable competence—it is nut difficult to realize the degree of reluctance with which he can be persuaded to permit his name to be used, and his business affairs paraded like auction goods in the public market yet who shall say that such a man is not entitled to equal consideration with the man who inherits his broad acres, and by commendable economy increases their valuation." The day of assessment is past. The time when taxes must be paid. to secure your vote, has also passed. Nothing now remains but to marshal your force for the coming battle. We do not ask, are you ready ? for you ought not to cease tour efforts until the third of November has closed upon us. There is work for each and every Democrat to do up to the very closing of the polls. Look up the Luke warm and inspire them with zeal for the success of Democratic principles. En courage your fellow laborer in the cause of Democracy by counsel and assistance of every needed kind. Provide means for the aged and infirm that they loose not the privilege of adding their votes to the Democratic thunder that shall shake old Susqueliana's bills. Come one and all to the rescue of our country 1 close up the ranks and march in solid column, to victory. CONSUMPTION CAN DE CUBED. SCIIENCS'S PIM/SONIC STIMP. SCREECH'S SEA. WEED TONIC. SCRENCS'S ILLANDEARE PILLS. Are the only medicines that will cure Pul monary Consumption. Frequently medicines that will stop a cough will occasion the death of the patient; they lock up the liver, stop the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage follows, and in fact, they clog the action of the very organs that caused the cough. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of two-thirds of the cases of Consumption.— Many persons complain of a dull pain In the side, constipation, coated tongue, pain in the shoulder-blade, feelings of drowsiness and rest lessness, the food lying heavily on the stomach, accompanied with acidity and belching up of wind. These symptoms usually originate from a disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so affmted, If they take one or two heavy colds, and if the congli in these cases be sdddenly checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged, remaining torpid and inactive, and almost before they are aware the lunge are a mans of sores, and ulcerated, the result of which iq death. Schenck's Pulmome Syrup is au expectorant which does not contain opium or anything cal culated to chock a cough soddenly, Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the toed mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, aids digestion, and creates a ravenous appetite, When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the symptoms otherwise of a billions tendency, Schenck's Mandrake Pills arc required. These medicines are prepared only by J. 11. SCIJIENCK & SUN, N. E. corner Sixth and Arch Ste., Phila. And for sale by all d •'sts and dealers. New Advertisement*. JA. IIDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned. no andi:• or appointed by the Court of Common Picas of l.us. quasi:lna County, to distribute the funds in the Sher iff's hands arising from the sale of real estate of Martin Conrad, will attend to the duties of his ep pulutrtient at his office in Montrose, on Monday, Nov. 2.1, 1874. at o'clock, p. m., at which time and placeoll persons Interested In said funds most present their claims or be foreverdebarred from coming in on said fund. W. R. JESSIJP, Auditor. Montrese, Oct. 21, 1874. 42-..4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—lathe rotate of Den). II Dia, deceased, letters of Adminis tration to the raid ertate herring been grunted to the undersigned, alt. persona owing meld rotate. are requested to make Immediate payment, and Der -11"1111 haring claims against said estate nro requested to present them without delay. RAH S J A . IX, Admin I.trat ore Ararat, Oct. RI. - pd. T AYLOR FAMILY MEDICINE/3 l'ain and Lameness relieved In a abort time by the se of Taylor's Celebrated Oil. The great Rheumatic and Neurallgic Remedy. This medicine Is not s cure all, but is warranted to core more of the ails and ills to which flesh is bele than any other med.ctne ever dis covered. Give It a trial ; If yon do not nod It so. it costs you nothing. It may be used with the utmost advantage for may kind of Pain, Lameness. Wounds or Sores upon man or beast. Will nut smart the rawest wound or sore. Full directions for use around rook bottle. Ask your -Merchant for a free vial. No Core— No Pay. Taylor's Cough Syrup or Expectorant. for all Thr..t and Lung diseaces. IA very pltusant to the taste and Coulson. nothing injurious. Try it, and clop that couch and take the ca from your Throat nod 1 rings. A•k your Mercha nt for n free vital. No Core— a° Pay. Taylor. Conditit. Powders for all kinds or crock and poultry. \l'Arrants I the beet renovator of the Ayctem of run down or dlneaced snuck. that has ever been dis covereti. Try them for all Meaux.; Incident to the brute ercattcm. Directions for .ace Arnaud each pack age, Mo Cure—Nu All the above medic ore for vale by Abel Turret! and Burnt t Nichols. of Montro re. and all Druggists and D.dera throughout the country Ile BROWNINO TAYLOR. October 21, '74.—ly MUSIC BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS. . 46.3X1L0ri.41,(121. SCHOOL MUSH; READERS In 3 Books. By L. 0. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. In Book I. which la for Primar• Schools, we have a ii years' course of study. very plainly laid out with abundant directions to teachers. and a large number of sweet songs, for the little once to sing by rote nn,. by note. Price 35 cents. In Book n, the cosrsv above indicated is continued and 'becomes a Mile more theoretic. The book is ft Iteti for the use of the younger scholars in tirammar School. Price 50 cents. • • • In Book 111. port nlnang Is introduced. and the car Is trained to harmonic singing. Yor Higher Clatoots .0 Grammar rebottle. Frier sii cents. . . The music In these charming and ocelot boom was selected and arranged by the practiced hand of Mr L. 0. Emerson. and the theoretic part has been well tent ed he Mr. Tilden before placlng In the Reader.. For HIGH Bt.HOOLS. nothing su-rends the above Readers better than •The Hone of htnging. - 111.00.] already In extenelre nne. If that has been used, try ••Choice Trine." ($1 00.1 a collect'. of the bent :1-part monk. The new Singing School Book, 'The Song Mon• arch. - LIS etsAls attracting general attention as one of the beet boo s ever made for Singing Schools. sold by all dealers. Either book sent post paid for retail pries, OLIVER DITSON & Co., CHAS. R. DITSON S Co„ Boston. It'dway. N. Y. Sept. 2.-2 w. [Stoy 20.1`+71.—1y.) SHERIFF'S SALES.--BY VIRTUE, OF writs Issued by the Court of Common Pleas of SoUquebanna County and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue, ut the Court Rouse M Montrose, Friday, November 13, 11774. at 2 o ' clock, p. In., the following pieces or par cels of hula, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Liberty, In the county of Susquebanns ned State of pennsylranla. bounded ard described as follows. to wit : Itsglnningiat the northeast corner of the old Baptist church lot, thence northanatarty along the line of lot now In possession of Joseph Bailey to the center of the highway at the northwest corner of id nalleY'e lot throne aterl along the Footh hue of land now In n0:4,1.1 0 °n of lea Hanley to the north east corner of Russell Southworth's land, thence nouth only along the east line of eats Southworte's carnet parallelwith the north line of said Baptist church lot to the place of En-ginning. containing I re. more or lets, with the am:met...et. I mail dwelling home, some fruit treer and all Unproved [Taken in execution on It writ of JI. fu. is PtiCht K. Sherman And K. B. Sherman. A ',so —All that wagon or earrlnge shoptwo A° lea, ba•icg a front of Y.S feet and a depth of * 6O loot, and a one story Astir building or blacksmith chop tieing con. netted with the math building or carriage vh. , p by a paint scaffold eighteen feet Ity twentv-eight lent ,tuoring two floors and a runway front thy ground to the cerond floor of call paint ceaffold. raid runway or inclined plane being chant At fret in length and about 9 In width; on the front of rata wagon or carriage chop Is a platform 22 fret by 161 n Mee: Minnie opnn a lot or wore of land In tit- Village of Springville, l i n the not:m [7ot Suonnahanna and State of Pen ncytvatila, decerib. ed an follow.: Bounded on the north by land of D .1, Otrella. on the east by public highway, on the south by I. B. Lathrop. and on the west by land of D. J Owen, containing ang half acre of land, more or less, en which in also one dwelling house, barn, and sleds (Taken by virtue of a writ of hr. fa ri D. D Searle land A Lathrop. owners or reputed ...merit. and E. B. Other, C 05112.0.11 ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel rf land situ ate in the borone of Great Rend, In rho cunty of Sttequehanna end 'tate of Pennsylvania houn o ded and described as follow,: Beginning on the south ride corner of William street and west side of Grant street, thence southerly on the west aide of Grant street, ISO fent to a corner, thence westerly parallel with William street DM feet, thence northerly partake' with Grant street 18( feet to William street. thence easterly on the month side of William Street 120 feet to Grant the place of beginning being lots 103. 101, and 99 as laid down on Wolcott Plot, surveyed by T Boyle, to gether with the appurtenancem, end all Improved &Tait. en in execution at the colt of W. R. Blossom vs John Rases ) ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate In the town/1111p of New Milford. In the c o unty of Sustmehanna and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and deem-1110d as fnilowe 11,orrinninc eta stone Or a corn er It bong a corner of 11 B. Vancott's land. thence south 9 de green scoot IV and two tenths porches along the /ant s of 11, B. Vaneott and Weston to a corner of L Wo.ton's land. thence smog land of said Weston north 88 degrees west 69 perches to a stone for corner. thence by lends of Tracy Hayden north 10 degrees east 07 and six tenths perches to pant and clone, thence along lands of T. Llayden and Stephen than north 344 degrees east 65 and four tenth perebee to the center of - highwty leading holm New Milford to Jackson, thence along the center of the ,sine south 09( degrees rant 9 perches and 9 links, thence north 344 degrees east 52 perches to post and stones in a line of land for I morly of James Boyle, deed. thence emu lands of the same south SO degree. cast 89 perches to a post a , d stones fora corner, thence north 43 degrees cant along Lands of tho nose 60 percbee to a stoke and stones. thence email 44 degrees east along lands of li. D. Van- con 9 and eight tenths perches toe stake and StOnes for corner, thence along lauds of 11. B. Vaticott moth 49 degrees west 131 perches to the tenter of the men tioned highway. thence In north westerly direction along the center of said toad or highway In perches and IL toot. thence tooth 474 &genes west along lane. of sale Vancott to the place of - beginning, containing 78 acres and 99 perches, more or leas, with the appurte navels., a two Story dwelling house, a good barn, a small young orchard, and about.% acres improved.- (Takeo execution at the suit of Wm. L. Phillips Ts Ira D. Foot.) ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land silo ate. lying, end being In the township of Levox, In the tummy of Snequenenns nal State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deecribed as follow.: Beginning at stake and atones the northwest comer ofa tract of land in the warrantee name of George Eddy, thence along said warrantee line by loads in poste...lon of Isaac Woooruff south 0814; degree.. east 2.1 i perches to a dead birch In the northeast Corner of old warrantee and la line of lend conveyed by Wm. ltst flay and wife to Gardner A Pease, thence along Feld warrantee line /oath de-re„, e weet 70 perches to s stake and stone thence north tkly, degrees west VW oerches to t hemlock eepling In line of rands John Dopes, deed. thence north lx degree east along .814 Dopee's Ilse, 70 perch. CS to the place of begionbig, containing 100 acres, be the Same more or has, with the appurtenance.. one imam house, frame been and other oat buildings, 9 oe. chard., and &met 70 acres Improved. Cyaken "ies etc. cation at the suit of Phillip Sharpies, executor of Bat eh Carmelt, dee'd, vs D. IS. Clark and J. 11. ) ALSG-All those two certain lote ,hereto in the boy ough of Susquehanna Depot, in the county of Mastro- Mune and State of Fedor ylvania, known as lots lee 111 and 356 se per sus rep by Erie R. 11 Co.. situate on the south side at street. bounded as follows : On the mirth by E street. on the east by lot of B. Clancey, on the south by lot of Si. Warner, and nu the west lot 01 - Bey; sold lots are each 60 feet wide and run eoutb from E. street to sold 11. Warner's land, with a house on one lot. (Taken in execution at the Salt of S. N. Mitchell vs John Maloney 3d, and John Maloney ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in the township of Auburn In the county of Susque henna at d state of Penesylvania hounded and describ ed as follows : On the north by lends of Mervin Ben nett and Samuel Brundage, on the cast by lands at the estate of Patrick Comisky and N. C Werner, on the south by land of belts of Ella. Bennett, deed, C. B. ROPeOgrant and Henry Sumner, and ou the nett by lands of Johnsithaa Bunnell Intl Mervin Bennett, con taining 160 acres of land, more or less, with the &pour tenant's., two frame duelling basses. 9 frame barns. and other outbuilding., 9 orchards end shout 103 acres Improved. (Taken to execution at the melt of O. 11 Lountla vs 7, F. EellogC4 Take Notice.-All bide Must be arranged on the day of Pale. M. 11. lIELII.E, Sheriff. fitterire Office, Montrose, Oct, 21, 1874. AMOTOR'S NOTICE.—The andersimied,. Auditor appointed by th e Court of Common Ilene of Sag. quelimma County. to distribute the Node in the bona, Of the Sheriff. mining from the sale of the real estate of joke phluipe. will attend to the donee of his rip pointy:milt at {he office of Warren et Son, Jo lidootrove, on Tuesday. October 2.7. 1074, nt one o'clock. p. m.. at which time god pines oil perrons intergetod In wet food ingot pref.t their claims or bo forever debarred from coming In upon gild lurid. A. O. WeieltftEX. Auditor. itoutrose, Supt. 80, '24,...w4 ssio,000! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COMPANY Our Stock has been 'selected with great care and bought at Borrost PRICES. To all in search of a good bargain we extend a•cordial Invitation to call and examine ..alr stock, and take prices. We are prepared and willing to do well with you, and it will undoubt edly be to your interest to call and rive us your custom. OUR STOCK COMPRISES : Dry Goods Department Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Rose Blank- Ready-Made Clothing, Men's, Youth'a, and els, Shawls, Closkings, Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Boy's Suits, Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Over. Underwear, Dress Trimmings, Corsets and coats, Tahiti's, &c. Buck, Kid, and Wool Skirts, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, dm. Gloves, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Flannel and White Shirts, Knit Jackets, Hats and Cain, Trunas, Umbrellas, &c, Bows, Scarfs, Ties, and Mufflers. Full Hoe of Millinery Goods, Zephyrs, Worst- A tine variety of Cloths, Castors, Beaver, and eds, Germantown Yarns, Furs, and Cassimeres for Custom Work Mess- ForniAWTI; Goods, Carpeta um taken, and good fitting and and Oil-Cloths. Workmanship Warranted. lEtlarrsLics rito,bois, Lap easel Nicarso 331ernaals.ertio. ak 0 GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO DI. S, Demur, Managing Partner. M.,0 I rose, October 21, 1874 liT ow Goods Just PLec:sel-veci! LARGE AND bELECT STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Buffalo Robes, Wolf Robes, Lap Robes, XX C3vNiEI3EI 332.x.i7i-NXICI3TEI, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & AND GROCERIES ! MONTROSE, Oct. SI, 1874 .—BY VIRTUE OF WRITS il is E a ß ne rF d r4 by LES eCoort of Common Plena of Suaque• hanna Connty and to me directed. I will espose to wale by p u blic vendee, at the Conn liOnye In Montroae, on Friday, Nor. 6th, 1994, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following pieces or parcels of land to wit • MI that piece or parcel of land situate In the town. ship of Thomson, In the Courtly of Susquehanna and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol low a to wit : On the north by public highway, on the east by lands of 1.. F. Searle+ and P A. Crosier, on the south hy lands of Griffin Cook, and on the weal by lands of Wm. Witter and D. R. [find. containing about two acres of land, more orlemitvith the appertenauces a one arida halt story dwellirot house with wing. barn. shop. some fruit trees, and all improved. Waken In execution at the stilt of Sylveater King v, D. Al Bar. dick. President; E. C Dow, Secretar ; Wilson T. SLOW,. and P. h. Cargill.] ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land Oblate in the township of Springville, In the County of Suronehan no. and stale at Pennsylvania, hounded and detwnbeu. as follows. to alt: Go the north by land of N. P. Liam's, on the east by public highway, on the south by the abutment of bridge over the M eihoppen creek, and on the west by the Me-hoppeo creek, containing about a nerve of land, more or !else with the appurte 111111C06. one frame house and shop, some foil treos,und nenay all improved. fTaken In execution at the suit of Thomas Kleiner Vi. John W. Grow and E. T. Bald win.l AtSO—All that tertAin piece or parcel Of land situ ate in the township of Auburn. In the County o Sus. quehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described an follow., to wit On the north by land of James Lott. 00 the cast by lands of Wm. N. Bennett, on the south by lands of Milton Harris A. D. Tewkw bury. and John Smear, and on the west by land of John Setter, containing about 4 acres of land, more cr lea, with the appurtenances. S dwelling houses, barn, new store house, a good orchard, and all improved.— [Taken In execution at the suit of G. L. :wisher vs. William 'White and L. C Swisher. ALSO—AII that certain piece Or parcel of land situate in the township of Jackson, In the County of Stnignn banns and State of Penury:Armin, bounded and MI trilled no follows, to wit: On the northeast by lands of George Curtis, on the southeast by land. of Lewis Marsh and Anthony Sternback, on the southwest by land of Reuben Rill, and on the northwest by land. of Horace Aldrich and C. H. Estlbrooks. containing 154 acres of land, mere or lens, together with the amnion. mane..., O. frame dwelling house, 2 barns, an orchard, and about id acres Improved. [Taken in execution at the snit of Reuben Dill vs, John Ilendricl son.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate la the township of Lenox, in the County of Basque h Anna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and descrite nil ad follows. to wit: On the north by latio. of L. Doran, on the east by lands of Wm, Pratt, Wm. D. Miller, and H. Coleman, on the sou th by hinder)! Was. Pratt, and on the west by lands of B. F. Breed, con. t .in Ing ISO acres, more or less with the appartenanees. one frame litue, barn and sheds, and other out build. lags, 2 orchards. and about 00 acres Improved. [Taken In execution at the salt of Charles A. Gunter, assigned to A. W. Gardner. va. Mary Gardner Adler. of John A. 1 Gardner. deed, and Nathan K. Chase, T. T.J ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel ot land 61113. ate in the borough of Susquehanna Depot, in the Coun ty of Sump:wham. and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and datribed MI follows, to wit : Ou the north by • land of Wm. C. Frith, on the east by Or.uttl etreet, on the aneth by land of Jame. Tichuret. and on the went by hirer duvet. containing X acre, or there a hout,crith the appunenances, one two story dwelling house, and all Improved. [Takeo at the suit of J. A. Lyons, ea signed to E. 1. Carr, vs. Hiram Huth and James H. Smith.) ALSO—An that certain piece or parcrrof land situ ate in the township of Ararat, in the County of Sus. quelianna and State of Pennsylvania. bounden and dee- Wibed at, follows, to wit tn" the north by lands o" m. Ilowen and lands now or late of William Wilson. on tho east by lands of Nelson Pewter, Ohba Ogden. and It. M. wheeler, and on the south and west by lands of atorss. Nichol* d Co.. containing about 181 acres, 11101.0 or lees. with the appertenances, ono Immo house. 2 trame bares, and other out buildings. 2 orchards. and about .19 scree Improved. "Taken In execution at the Colt of R. I. Carr. tieelgmed to Thompson Bodle, vs. Peter Dann and Z. K. Dunn.) ALTO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land alte• ate In the borough of llontroae, in the Coital: of Sus qnebanna and state of Pennsylvania. !mantled and dee cribed ae follows. to wit On the north by land con tracted to J. A. Howell. on the east by public highway. on the south by land of D. W. Glidden, and on the eat by land of J. A. Howell, Containing about l) of an acre, more or leae,wlth the appurtenances,one frame .hselling house, 00112 e fruit. end ornamental trees, and all Improved. [Taken to execution on sundry writs VD Oeo. H. Burgess." ALSO--Ali that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Dimoek. to the County of Sueque henna and State of Pennsylvania, bounden and desalt'. ed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of J. Young, on the south by land of James Ilartin. on the east by lauds of Thomas Jonas and—Oriswold, and on the west by la? ro or--Itisleye, containing 1110 acres of land. mot . r lets, and about .20 acres improv ed 'Takeo In es atiort at the suit of S. F. Lane. use of H. C. Tyler, vs. Geo. T. Corwin.) All that certain piece or parcel of land eltnate to the township of Great Bend. In the County of snout:than na and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and demeaned so follows to wit: Beginning at a tonic, and stones In the corner of lands nova or h3rlnn7ll et Lee Wrath, thence north 214 degree. cost 813 and el: tenths rode to corner of lauds occupied by McDaniel°, thence north 80 degrees and 50 miontes east by alcDautelle land 73M rods to a 01000 near the weal side of the hlgbwa3, thence north 1034 aegreca cast 41 rods to an elm stump thence north t 3( degrees east 45M rods to a birch ran ting, thence cant 575 rods. thane° moth 1636 degrees root by line of tracts Gil and 60100th rode to an original corner. thence south 1 and 37 infinite. west 0334 rods to a stake and stones. tbenee wink I degree weal 160 rods to a chestnut Gab. thence north 07 degrees and 3 min. ores west 61 rods to a corner. thence south kW de M grees west $4 rode. thence south 81 ;3 degrees east ISO rode to cut hounds of sold tract, thence southerly along the same 44 rods to e point 40 and four tenths rods from the southeast corner of said tract, thence westerly par. JUST ILECEIVED BY Clothing Department (08 ALL KINDS,) READ & STROUD slid with the south line and along part of mild month line 4.1.5 rode to place of beginning. containing 1000 acres of land, more or lees with the appurtenances. 4 frame honor, 2 barns. steam saw mill, and shoat 175 acres improved. Also another piece of land situate in Liberty townoldp, County and state afo. maid, bound ed and described as follows. to wit: Being the whole Of original lots numbered at, CS, 75, and 70, lying to , getter in the tract formerly of S. A Law, and contain ing in all 443 and 17 100th acres of and, as surveyed by Wm. Wentz, April 10 1051;. excepting from the above described premises, that con tin parcel of land sold to Aaron Young by deed dated Feb. , lads, son. ate in the town of Great Bend, County of doisquehenr a and State of Pennoylvania, bounded and d,crlbhd as follows: On the wept by a lot owned by Doctor Ed ward Eldridge. on the south he the einem mill Im.con. raining 50 acres, more or less, being known as the lot formerly contracted to Joseph liendrietonn, being the some premises t onveyed by said Content and wife to said Darns. [Taken in execution at the colt of Wen .1. Content, assigned to Aaron Young. •a. John portle•l ALSO—AII those two certain pieces. or parrots of land situate in the township of Middletown, to Susquehan na county end Stater of Pennsylvania. bounded and deem - Died an follows : The first hounded on the north by land. of John Parnell, Corantine Galusht and Samuel Williams. on the met by lands of John Condon and Timothy Murphy. on the oonth by land of a. W. Dodge and on the west by lands ofJenkin Jones. Mary Prichard and Samuel Williams. containing about lob acres of land more or less, with the appurtenances. a frame dwelling honors. 2 frame hares and other out buildings. 1 orchard and mostly improved. The sec ond place hounded on the north by land of James San. demon, and Glee Jones. on the east by land of Thomso Soon, and S. Dodge on the e nth by land of David Thomas and on the west by land of Edward Jones and George Jones. containing about 40 acre of land more or lens, mostly improved. ['deiced and token in execution on Sundry writs of f fa Ye I. C. Dodge? ALSO—AII that certain piece or panel of land situ ate In the township of Brooklyn In Susquehanna Conn ty and State of Penneylvaoln, bounded and described as follow, no wit : On the north by lungs of--Mon roe and Ansel Sterling. on the east by ontilic highway ' lentlldg from Brooklyn to llopbottorm on the south by lands of Ferdinand Whipple and nu the west by land of Ansel Sterling. containing &nacres of land more or less. with the appurtennrices. I frame dwelling house 2 barns and out houses, I orchard and mostly improved. Otelredand talieu In execution or a writ of ,if fa vs. aoupti M. Kiuner and D C. Kinnev] ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land situate In the township of New Milford. in the County at Sow quehanna and State of Penneylvool ',bounded and de. eribed no follow*, to wit: On the north by lands of hire Batch, on the south by lands of Y. W. Boyle, on the east by public highway,and on the wool by lands of F. W. Boyle. containing 140 perches of Land be the eamemare or lees, with the appurtentines„ 1 dwelling -house, and ont Moldings and all improved. {Seized and token in exematton on a writ vs Donnie McDonald and Thome.. Tierney T T.] ALSO...AiI that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate is thettownships of Liberty, Franklin and Great Bend. in the County of Susquehanna nod State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows. to to' t : On the north by lands of Chidetwer and Mott, on the east by P. Bead and others, on the south be 1 awls Travis, and on the west by lands of Travis and Marsh, containing about 55 acres of I 0 1 mote or lege, with the appurtenances, 1 frame dwelling. house, 2 barn and oth er one hull lingo, an orchard. and shoat 6.' acres im proved. (Seized and taken In axecntloreou a writ vs. Ellen 11. C 001.7.1 ALSO—AII those two pieces or mumlsof laud situsie in the township of Lenox, in the County of Sti-qucean na and State of Penuolventn, bounded and deseribed aatollows to wit: On the east by lands or Emery Hard ingthe south by tondo of Was. Bather and Otto Williams,l on the west by lands at Jesse Howard, and on the nosh by lands of liorace Tingley, containing el acres more Or ISSN with the appurtenances, I dwelling house, V. barns, an orchard of shout 50 acres, and sit im proved. The second piece bounded and dirteribed as follows: On the east by lands of Jesse Howard, on :be south by lands of Otis Williams Henry Cook, and --Barney. on the went by land* t 0 B. 13 Robb. and Alonzo Ransom, and on the hortit by lands of Alonzo Ransom, George and Horace Tingley, containing CO SUSS of land more as kV., with the appurtenannea. one dwelhog bongo, 1 barn, an orchard of &boot 75 tree., and shoat 60 acres improved. [Takeo in execution at the snit of Grow & Brothers ea. Jesse llowarti.l ALSO—AII that certain plree or lot of land situate In the township of Spnngville, county of Susquebaci. nit, end Stained Pennsylvania, bounded and deeterlbed so follows, to wit : On the north by public highway.on the east by land of 0. T. Spencer, on the son. by land at A. C. Lone. and on the west by land of P'. L. Pleb, euntalnin,7, about X acre of land, with the appurtenan ces, a few (Mat trees, and all improved. [Takeo in ex ecution at the stilt of A. Bitteubender A Co. vs W, A. Welch ] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate in the township of Auburn. comity of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as MIMS/, to wit: Beginning at a post end *tones the southeast corner hereof and the nurtheast corner 01 a hot numbered 233 upon said mop, conveyed by thu said W. D. Cope to James Heller and extending thence west Slang 11111 north line of last mentioned lot, HS perches and SOSSO tenths aril perch to post sod stoueo nod the southwest corner hereof, In the exterior Soon dary line of said Thomas P. Cope's tract. thence north I,X degrees nut 64 and four tenths Perchca to a post and non., thence west 13 and nine tenths perches to a post and stone., thence north 14 degrees we., 5 and three tenths perches to a post and stones thu northwest corner hereof, in the aforesaid exterior bouudam line, thence cast 169 rib six tondo perinea ton post and stones In the dividing line between lots.No Mai and 227 thence south alone lest mentioned line 69 and seven tenth. , Percbee to the Plane of becoming, containing about tit notes and nine tenths 01 an acre, more or less, with ' the appurtenances, 1 fent. house frame barn and out , building* 2 orcuarl and mostly trnpruvcd. [ T.id , -n in , execution In sundry. wens lit "fa Ts. John W. Lon,] i Take Notleo;--ALI bids tniat Ad ru ranvet on the day , of IC 13. lIELME. &Ref Elboriff's Office, Montroso, Oct. 7. 11. HAND BILLS PRINTED AT TIM OPTICS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers