E. B. Hawley, E. B. HAWLEY & CO., PUBLISUERS OF THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTERS, Vont rose, Susquehanna County, Pa Orrice—Weet Side of Public Avenue BU/LA'S & 117CHOLS, I,:.Ate I n Drugs, Medicines, Chemical. Dye. Paha...olls, Varnish, Liquors. Spice•.FaucY /CP : Patent Medicines. Perfumer and r fri.rescriptlons carefully compounded.— Rnrk k. ROWS,. rsaloste of the University of 'Michigan, Ana Arbor 15.5. sod also of Jefferson Lcdical Colle of Phila. delph:a, INI4, has returned to Priendsvillee, sehere he :11 attend to all calls in his profession no usual.:— Residence In Jessie Llosford's house. Office the same so heretofore. Fri,ndsville. Pa., April MM., 1874--43 m. EDGAR A. TURRELL No. 17D Broadway, Now York City. A tt,tidx to all kinds of Attorney Business, and eon. di/..1. vao.rs 111 nil the Courts of both the State and the ut,ed Staler. Feb ‘l. DR. D. W. SMITH, 1./s wrier. Rooms at Ale dwelling, next door north of Dr. Halsey's, on Old Foundry street, where he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental Work. Ile b.cls confident that he can pleltse all. both in quality of work and In price. Office hours from 98. M. to 4 M ots n 0... Feb. 11, 1811—tf V s., BEND, Ps. Situated near the Erie Railway De p.d Is s large and commodious house, has undergone thorough repair. Newly funilsbed rooms and sleep. uwAoartmettte,spleudid tablcca !Wall thloo comprie• st class hotel. HENRY ACKERT, !Ott, 1873.-lt. Proprietor. B. 7" ce E. B. C.ASB, IiARNESS-MAKERS. Oak Harness, light and heavy At lowest cash prices. Also. Blankets, Breast 8i613 ket!, Whips. and everything portal/3111g to the line cheaper than the cheapest. Repairing done prompt y and lc good style. Niont.oer, Pa.. Oct. 28. ISM THE PEOPLE'S MARKET. Ptin..u. Mazur, Proprietor. and Salted 31eate, Bums, Pork, Bologna S. ..etc. of the neat qoallty, constantly on hand, a pr 0..., to eon. onttore, Pa,, Jan. 14. liMl.-ty 'IIr,IVIAN & SURGEON, tendon his professions .er.ce, to the citizens of Dimock, Pa. Odle at Lb. lureka Hoare. will attend to all calls to his prole , 'lon with which heje favored. Ato: BILLINGS STRO UD. RE ANL/ LIFE INEUitANCE AGENT. Al austneer attended to promptly, on fair terms. Offle, drat door east of the bank of Wm. U. Cooper a Cs ?Odic Avenue, Montrose, Pa. [Aug .1,1869 aly 17.18711 BILLIAtre tiTIIOCD. CHARLEY MORRIS TILE HAYTI BAMBER, has moved his Eton to th budding occupied by E. McKenzie A Co., where he prepared to du all kinds of work In Ws Ilneouch tams ling switches, puffs, etc. All work done on abort notice and prieo.. low. Please call and see toe. LITTLES I' BLAKESLEE ATTCHNETS &T LAW, have removed to their A' Cqk, opposite the Tarbell House. R. B. Lrrn.z, Geo. P. Urns, Sloutrope,t/cL 15, 1873. E. L. /3/..mixszsx EIMZEM DEALER in Books. Ftstiooery, Wall Paper, N'ewejs pt.rf. rocket Cntlery. Stereimeopic Views, Yank° otions, etc. Next door to the Post Otto, Montruse Ps. Or . B. B.E.S.NS. • pt 30, Itr,'L EXCHANGE HOTEL 11. 11AIIRLNI3TV't wisher, to Lnform the public the having rented* e xchange Hotel In lion trope, h le now prepare commodate the traveling pobl!.• to fi r Pt-class pty Montrose, Mtg. tt. 1813. IL B URRITT. l••aler An Staple and Fancy Drs Goode, Crockery, Ilard waie, Iron, Stoves, Drugs. Oils, and Paint.. Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, Fare, Buffalo Robes, Gro ceries. Provisions, de. Now-Edillord, I a., Nov, 6, '79—tf. DR D. A. LATHh'OP, I.nl ulster. Flans° TIIIIIIIAL BAWLS, • :le Foot 0 4211estrint street. Call and consul to a.l Chrool Montrone. Jan. 17. '71.—003—..f. DRS. W. D-4 YTON, il YSICIAN & SURGEON, tenders his services to t tte citheue of Great Rend and vicinity. Office at til* ~,,[dens, apposite Bantam Manse, G't Bend - village. Ist, ISlZ.—tf LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING. In the LIVW Postailice buildLne, where he will oe found ready to attend all who may Want . anythirl B llbe. Montrose Pa. Oct. ID 1869. CHA ALES A. ST'aDDARD, r to Boole and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Leather ano Fiathoga, Hain street, tat door below kloyd's Store. era made to order, and repairing done neatly. S uLltalle Jan. 11870. DR. W. L. RICHARJ)SON, P.I YSICIAN & SURGEON, tenders ht. protegolot, •rvicft. to the aliens. of Montrose end vicinity.— omee hien:elder ;a, on the corner mot of Sayre d gron Foundry (Atm. 1, 1569. SCOVILL & DEWITT. at , rnry. at Law .d Solicitors In Bankruptcy. °Mee ao 49 Court Street, over City National Bank, Bing- Latatuu , N. T. Wx.ll.Bcoru-L, I= =! Dealer Is paw, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, 011 s. Bye staffs, Teas. Spices, Fancy Choods, Jewelry Per ru:ncry, (c.c., Brick Block, Slontruse, Pa. Established [Feb. 1, WM... LAW OFFICE. 'ITCH Jr. WATSON, Attorneys at Law, at the old odic or Bentley rt. Fitch, Idontr.e. Pa. P rrroa. Pan. IL "11.1 W. W. WATSON. A. O. WARREN, IiNEI e . LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension -Itd Excl.,' on Claims attended to. (Mee Oro ...,rt.eloa , Boyd's Store, Montrose .Pa. [An. 1.'69 W. A. CROSSMON, Ittorney at Lair, °Mee at the Collet Haase, the n. , mmiesioneem °face. W. A. Caosmas. Mon truAr. Sent. . 187 L —LE J. C. 1171E21 TON, es.t. P.Norszzu ma. Lass Bamaron, P. 0. address, Pranklln Porky. 8 tisquelyinva Co., Pa *JOHN . GROVES, +•tS I uNa.IILE CANOE, Montrose, Pa. shop over ~ .71,1,11,11er's Store. AI , ordere tilled to drstrateatyla. done on abort notice. and warranted to Ct. W W. SMITH, AKIN ET .V.iD MANUPALTURERB.—P OO ut Yalu street. iloatr.a. Pa. Lang. 1. 1669. M. C. SUTTON, AUCTIONEER, an d I.36I.THAACE AGENT: Ar, , 191.1 Frielld•yille, Pa. D. W. SEARLE, r ruitNET AT LAW. office over the Store of M. J , elieuer,i o the Brick illock—Montreee ,Pa. Oita 69 .1 B. cE A. 11. MeCOLLUM, irreaarve sr Law Office over the Bank, Mantras P• Montrose, May 10, 1071. 11 AMI EL Y, Address, Brooklyn, Pa Juue 1. 1e,74, MallV3Elt Esek4cautieraL IT THIS OFFICE:MBE-IP. Try trer. MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. Wm. 0 Omer TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOLUME 31. LA DAME AUX CAMELIAS Apo• Naottouo I think that was the play ; The house was packed from pit to dome With the gallant and the gay, Who had come to see the tragedy, And while the hours away. There was the ruined spendthrift, And beauty in her prime; There was the grave Historian, And there was the man of Rhyme, And the surly critic front to front, To see the play of crime, And there was pompous Ignorance, And Vice in flowers and lace ; Sir Crcesus and Sir Pandarna, And the music played apace. But of all that crowd I only saw A single, single face. That or a girl who I had known In the summers long ago, When her breath was like the new mown bay, Or the sweetest flowers that grow ; When her heart was light and her soul was white As the winter's driven snow And there she sat with her great brown eyes ; They wore a troubled look And 1 read the history of her life As it were an open book; And saw her soul, like a slinky thing Irt the bottom of a brook. There she sat in her rustling silk, With diamonds on her wrist, And on her brow a gleaming thread Of pearl and amethyst, "A cheat, a glided grief!" 1 said, And my eyes were filled with mist. I could not see the players play! I 'heard the music moan; It moaned like a dismal Autumn wind That dies in the woods alone; And when it stopped I heard it still— The mournful monotone ! What it the Count were true or Wee? I did not care, not I; What if Camille for Armand died? I did not see her die. There sat a woman opposite With piteous lip and eye ! The great green curtain fell on all, On laugh, and wine, and woe, Just as death some day will fall 'Twixt us and life, I know ! The play was done, the bitter play The people turned to go. And did they see the tragedy ! They saw the painted scene They saw Armand, the Jealous fool And the sick Parisian queen ; But they did not see the tragedy— The one I saw I mean ! They did not see that cold cut face, That furtive look of care; Or, seeing her jewels, only said, "The lady's rich and fair," But I tell Ton, 'twas the play of life, And that woman played Despair I THE HEAVY BURDEN "Rather a hfavy burden, isn't it, my boy ?" Clazence Spencer, to whom the words had been aidresed, turned from the ledg er, and looked towards the speaker.— Clarence was a young man—not more than five and twenty—and he was book keeper to Mr. Solomon Wardle. It was Solomon Mira", a pleasant-faced, keen eyed man of fifty, who had spoken. "A heavy burden, isn't it, Charley ?" the merchant repeated. And still the young man was silent.— His looks indicated that be did not com- prebend. He had been for some time bending over the ledger with his thoughts far away ; and that his thoughts were not pleasant ones was evident enough from the gloom on his handsome face. "My deur boy. the harden id not only heavy now, but it will 2row heavier, and heavier, the longer You carry it." "Mr. Wardle, I do not comprehend von." JIMOILE DEWITT "Ah. Charley !" "I certainly do not." "Didn't, I call at your house for you this morning r Charley nodded assent. "And did't I see and hear enough to reveal to me the burden that you took with you when yowl& 1 You must re• member, my boy, that I am older than you are, and that I have been through the mill. Yon find your burden heavy ; and I naye no dpubt that Sarah's heart is as heavily ladened as your own." And theii Charley Spencer understood; and the morning's scene was present krath him, as it had been present with him since leaving home. On that morn ing he had a dispute with his wife. ft had occnred at the breakfast table. There is no need of reproducing the scene.— Suffice it to say that it had come of a mere nothing. and had grown to a cause of anger. The first had been a look and a tone ; Olen a flash of impatieace ; then a rising or the voice ; then another look; the voice grew higher ; reason was un hinged ; passions gained sway ; and the twain lost! sight of the warm, enduring love that (ay smitten and aching deep down in their hearts, and left fur the time only; the passion Ornado. And Charley remembered that Mr, Wardle bad entered the house and caught sight of the storm. And Carley Spencer thought of one thing more:--he thought him miserably unhappy be had been ail the morning; and he knew not how long his bnrden of unhappiness was to be borne. t c "Hones ly, Charley, isn't it a hery and thank ess burden ?" The boo -keeper knew that his employ 'er was his ftiend, and that be was a true hearted christian man • ard'after a brief pause he answered i "fee, Mr. Wardle, it' is a heavy ;harden." " 'My bcy, I am going to venture upon a bit of fatherly counsel. I hope I shall! 1111 T. B. ALDRICH. STORY TELLER• MONTROSE, PA.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1874 not oflend.' 'Not at all,' said Charley. He winced a little, as it the probing gave him new pain. 'ln the first place, you love your wife ?' said the old men, with a quiver of emo tion in hie voice. 'Love her ? Yes, passionately.' 'And do you thinkl she loves you in re- turn ?' 'I don't think anything about it—l know !' •You know she loves you ?' • Yes.' 'rheu you must admit that the trouble of this morning ciuriefiom no ill feeling at heart ?' •O 1 coursemot:' qt was but a surface squall, for which you, at least, are very sorry A moment's hesitation, and then— 'Yes, yes; I am heartily sorry.' 'Now, mark me, Charley, and answer honestly : Don't you think your wife is as sorry as you are 1° • 1 cannot doubt it.' 'And don't you think she is suffering all this time ?' 'Very well. Let that pass. You know she is bearing ner part of the burden ?' 'Yes—l know that.' 'And now, my boy, do you comprehend where the heaviest part of this burden is lodged ?' Charley looked upon his interlocutor wonderingly. 'll the storm had al! blown over and you knew that the sun would shine when you next entered your home, you would not feel so unhappy ?' Charley assented. 'But,' continued Mr. Wanl:e, 'you fear that there will be a gloom in your home when you return ?' The young man bowed his head as he muttered an affirmative. •Because you are resolved to carry it there,' udded the merchant, with a touch of parental tenderness in his tone. Charley looked up in surprise. carry it ?' 'Aye—you have the burden in your heart, and you mean to carry it home.— Remember my boy, I have been there, and I know all about it. I have been very foolish in my lifetime, and I have suffered. I suffered until I discovered my folly, and then I resolved I would suffer no mole. Upon looking the matter squarely in the face,' found that the bur dens which had au galled me bad been self-imposed. Of course such burdens I can be thrown off. Now you have re. solved that you will go home to your din ner with a heavy heart and a dark face. You have no hope that your wife will meet you with a smile. And why ? Be cause you know that she has no particu lar cause for smiling. You know that her heart is burdened with the anlietion which gives you so much unrest. And so you are fully assured that you are to find your house shrouded in gloom. And, furthermore, you don't know when the gloom will depart, and when the blessed sunshine of love will burst in again.— And why don't you know ? Because it is not now in your heart to sweep the cloud away. You say to yourself, I can bear it as long as she can ! Am I not rig'i t ?' Charley did not answer in words. .1 . know I am right, and very likely your wife is saying the same to herself.— So your hope of sunshine does not rest upon the willingness to forgive, but upon the inability to bear the burden.— By.and-by it will happen, ILA kilns hap pened before, that our of the ('scam will surrender from exhaustion ; and it will be likely to be the weaker party. Then there will be a collapse, and a reconsola tion. Generally the wife fails first be neath the galling burden, because her love is keenest and most sensitive. The husband, in such cases, acts the part of a coward. When he m ight, with a breath, blow the cloud away, he cringe and cow ers, until his wife is forced to let the sun light in through her breaking heart: Charley listened, and was troubled.— He saw t i ruth, and he felt its weight. He was not out, nor was he a liar.— During the si ence that followed he re flected upon the past, and he called to his mind scenes just such as Mr. 'Wardle had depicted. And this brought to his remembrance of how he had seen his wife weep when she had failed and sank be neath the heavy burden, and how often she had sobbed upon his bosom in grief for the error. The merchant read the young man's thoughts ; and after a time he arose and touched him upon the arm. 'Charley, suppose you were to pat on your hat and go home now. Suppose you should think, an your way, only of the love and blessing that might Le ; "and, ! mitt) this thought, you should enter your abode with a smile upon your face ; and you should put your arms around your wife's neck, and kiss her, and softly say t) her, My darling, I have come home to throw down the burden I took away with me this morning. It is greater than I can bear. Suppose you were to db this, would your wife repulse you ?' "Repulse me ?" "Ah, my boy, you echo my words with an amazement which shows that you un• derstand me. Now, sir, s have you the courage to try the experiment? Dare you be so much of a man ? Or, do you fear to let your dear wife know how much .you love her? Do you fear she would respect and esteem you less for the deed? Tell me—do you, think the cloud of un happiness might thus be banished? Oh, Charley if you wontd but try it!" Sarah Spencer had finished her work in the kitchen, and in the bed-chamber and had sat down with her work in her, hip. • But•she could not ply her needle. Her heart was heavy and sad, and tears I were in her eyes. Presently she heard the front door open, and a step in the passage. Cer tainly she knew that step! Yes—her husband entered. And . a smile upon his face. She sew it through her gathering tears, and her heavy heart leaped up.— And he came and put his arms ribround her neck, :mid kissed her; and he said to her. in broken accents, "Darling, 1 have come borne to throw down the burden I took away with me this trioruipg. It is Devoted to the Interests of our Town and County greater than I can bear And she, trying to speak, pdlo wed her head ni.on his bosom, and sobbed and wept like a child. Oh, could he forgive her ? His coming with the blessed offer. ing had thrown the burden of reproach back upon herself. She saw him noble and generous, and She worshipped him. But Charley would not allow her to take all the blame. He must share that. "%Ve will share it so evenly, that its weight shall be felt no more. And now my darling ‘ we will be happy." "Always !" Mr. Wardle had uo need, when Charley returned to the counting house, to ask the result. He could rend it in the young man's brimming eye, and. 43 hi joy- in spired face. It was a year after this—and Charley Spencer had become a partner in the house—that Wardle, by accident, re ferred to the events of that gloomy morn ing. "Ah said Charley, with a swelling bosom, 'that was the most blessed lesson I ever received. My wife knows who gave it to me." "And it serves you yet, my boy ?" "Aye , and it will serve us while we live. We have none of those old burdens of anger to bear now. They cannot find lodgment with ns. The flash and jar may come, as in other days—for we are but human, you know—but the heart, which has firmly resolved not to give an abiding place to the ill-feelings, will not be called upon to entertain it. Some times we are foolish, but we laugh at our folly when we see it, and throw it off— we do not nurse it till it becomes a bur den." The Lan Man In a Procession —o— It is sad that there must be a lust man in a procession, but it must always be so, until some one has discovered making up the procession in a circle, and then giv ing it motion like a rotary shell, turning around on its own axis awl going straight ahead also. This last man is a weary. worn, pathetic creature, who looks as if life was a burden to him. He is a rusty, seedy biped, without. any good.clothes.— No banner shields him from the fiery sun. No stars blaze on his breast.. His ear never hears the inspiring notes of the baud. He catches all the dust of the pro cession. By-standers rush in front of hi with impunity. He has no price at all.— There is no pomp about him, no majesty of rnifti. He always looks sick. tired, disherelled and forlorn. Small boys jeer at him. Bus drivers contemptuously order him out of their way. Reckless , young men make desperate efforts to drive over him. He gets mixed up among news boys,. bootblacks, yellow dogs, advertising wagons, fan sellers, patint medicine agents, drays and frantic women rmbing after erratic cnimren, and looses the - pro- , cession, and by the time he regains it he is a poor, harassed, dejected man and a brother. The chances are that if he does not go off with shunstroke, or get run over by an ice cart, and have to be taken home on an express wagon, he will, as the re sult of his pathetic situation, get drunk with remarkable dispatch before sunset. So long as there must ben last man in every procossion there should be some compensation. lie should be made at tractive. Let him be handsomely decora ted and capatisoned. Let him have on two aprons. Let him curry a banner and have an an American flag in his hat. Let hint also have edrawn sword with which to keep off small boys and yollow dogs and thus the last man in the procession will cease to be the most wretched object in existence. Mark Twain on Chambermaids Against all chambermaids of whatso ever age or nationality,l launch the curse of Batchelordom. Because : They always pat the pillow at the op posite end of the bed from the gas burn er, so that while you read and smoke be fore sleeping (as is the ancient and hon ored custom of bachelors,) yon have to hold your book aloft, in au uncomforta ble position, to keep the light from daz zling your eyes. If they cannot get the light in an un comfortable position any other way, they move the bed. If you pull your trunk out six inches from toe wall, so that the lid will stay up when von open it, they always shove that trunk back uzain. They do it on pur- pose. They also but your boots into ingteessi• ble places. They chiefly enjoy deposit ing them as far under the bed as the wall will permit. It is because this compels ' you to get down in an nadelightful atti tude and make wild stieews for them in the dark with the bootjack, and swear. They always put the match box in some other place. They bunt up a new place for it every day, and put a bottle or other perishable things where the box stood before. This is to cause you te break that glass thing, groping about in the dark, and get yourselt into trouble. They ore forever moving the furniture. I When you come in, in the night, you can calculate on finding the bureau where the wardrobe stood in the morning. And when you come in at midnight, or there about, you will fall over the rocking chair and you will proceed toward the window a.id set down in the slop tub. This will disOist yod. They like that. 'No matter where . you put anything, they won't let it stay there. They will trove it the first chance they get. They always save up the old scraps of printed rubbish you throw,on the floor, and stack then up carefully on the table, and then start the fire with your valuable, man useripts. And they use more hair oil than any six men. They keep always coming to make your bed before you get up, thus destroy ing your rest and inflicting agony upon you, but after you get up they don t come any more till the next day. • Out in Wisconsin a horse kicked and killed o book agent, whereupon the citi• zens made a donation party for , the bone. He now has oats enoug to last him a full horses life time. • After (ho Confession There is u man living on Filth street, says the Burlington 'hickeys, who is a gout] man endeavorirg to train up his children is the way they should go, and us his flock is nnmerous,and too of them are boys, he is anything but a sinecure in his training business. Only a day or two ago, the elder of these male olive branches, who has lived about fourteen wicked years, enticed his younger broth er, who has only ten years experience in uoyish deviltry, to get out on the river in a boat, a species of pastime which their father had many a time tOrbidden. But the boys went this time, trusting to luck to conceal their depravity from the knowledge of their pa, and in due time they returned, and walked around the house the two most innocent looking buys in Burlington. They separated for a few moments, and at the expiration of that tuna: the elder was suddenly con fronted by the father, who reginsted Et:lrate interview in the usual place, and the pair adjourned to a woodshed, where after tniet but high sp,rited performances in which the boy appeared most success fully as heavy villain, and his father took his favorite rule of "first old man," the curtain went down and the boy consider ably mystified, sought his brother. "John," he said, "who do you suppose told old dad ? Have you been licked ?" • John's face Hill not look more peace ful and resigned when it is in its coffin than it did when he replied "No. Have you ?" "Have I? Come down to the cow shed and look at my back." John declined, but said: "Well, Bill, I'll tell you how father found us out. I am tired of acting hi this way and I ain't going to run away and come home and lie about it any more. I'm going to do better after this, and so when I saw father I couldn't help it, and went right to him and confessed." Bill was touched at . this manly action on the part of his younger brother. It found a tender place in the bad boy's heart, and he was visibly affected by it. But he asked : "How did it happen the old man didn't lick you ?" "Well," said the penitent young re former, "ou see I didn't confess on my self, I only eJniessed on you', that was the way of it," A etrange cold hght glittered i❑ Bilre eyes. ..Only confessed on me," he said.— "Well, that's all right, but come down behind the cow shed and look at my back." And when they got there * 1 1 II tv , She Proved Too Much. —O-- A l'i entsvdle maid, quite old, becom ing inixious about her matrimonial chances, recently concocted a plan , 0 de ceive a young fellow as to her ag e. This was the way she tried it; The old family Bible contained a faithful record of all births, m trriages and deaths,— This volume the maiden Mon - to her chamber, and selecting the birth page, she managed by dint of scratching and writing to change the date of her birth to a period eleven rears later than what it had legitimately been recorded. 'Then' the Bible was placed on the sitting room table in a coospicious manner. That evening nan' along the lover. He soon began to finger the Bible pages, and final ly reached the birth record, where and when he discov, red, to his surprise, that this Angelina was just one year younger than he. he thonght it strange, as she appeared older. Ile kept his mouth shut and continued to fumble over the pages. Next he began reading the death list, and made the very astonishing dis covery that the radient maideflACCOrding to the Bible, had actually been borne ten years after the decease of her father. Tne young man quietly arose and bid Ange lina good bye. and now swears that eter nal vigilance is hole d the price of liber ty.—Mificr's Journal. In the "dark days" of '64 there lived two well to do Irieh neighbors, each of whom had a son who had gone west to seek their fortunes. The old boys meet ing one day, mutual inquiries were made about the youngsters. "Well, Pitt, him is Mickcy making out wid his trip out West ?" ! tin dollars a week, and bossin' himself. And how's your boy get tin' on, Dennis 7" "Teddy, ye mane ? He's doin' splen did, the darlint I Why, his lasbt lethyr was bustin' wid greenbacks, and so asy, too." "And what's he doin' ?" "Fa's, I hardly know. hut it's in the government employ he Id." "The divil ve say ? the government ! What's he doin' for the government ?" "Fah', I hardly know what it is. but I think it's what he calls laapin' the boun ty !" When General Lee was a prisoner at Albany be dined with at, Irishman. Be• fore entering upon the wine, the general remarked to his host that, after drinking ; he was apt to abuse Irishmen, for which he hoped the host would excuse him in advance. "By my soul, general, I will do that," said the host, you will ex • case a trifling fault whiclil have myself. It is this: Whenever I hear a man abus ing old Ireland, I have a sad• fault of cracking his head with a.shillaly I" The general was-civil for the rest of the eve ning. Mr. Robert Smith (popularly culled Rats) brother of Sydney, was ready for all corners, at all times, although he occasionally got a fall. He was a lawyer and ex advocate general,und happened to. be engaged in argument with an eminent physician touching the merits of their respective professions. "You mug- ad mit,' urged Dr.—"that your profession does not make angels of men. "No,"- was the retort; "There you have the best of it; yours certainly gives them the Brat chance." Jr thy enemy. wrong thee, buy each of hie children a drum. FIFTY CTS. EXTRA IF NOT IN ADVANCE MISCELLANEOUS READING HUMAN BROTHERHOOD We call it a "gloomy world," - A vale of tears and nlgtit ;" But ourselves have spread tho clouds, That shut out the heavenly light; Would we help one another, Our sky would soon be bright. Listen, oh brother! I am speaking unto thee: Is thy hand always ready, And thy heart warm and free ? We can help one another, However poor we be. For the kind word helpeth, And when the heart Is sore, A kind look often Has a healing power; And the "cup of cold water," Is blessed as of yore. Try sir i i t, vi o n h g s w is i t t e, ' h r thy might; Is Letitd darkaround thy a l a ro m a pburri thee bright; T. help one another, Cheers the longest night. Scatter deeds of kindness, Even as ye go ; Plant the good seed freely, God will watch it grow ; Soon the fragrant blossoms Round your feet shall blow. When the way is steep and rugged, And sometimes the weary fall ; When sorrow darkly lleth On life's bright things like a pall ; Let us help one another, And God will help us all. a , _- A L WA I'S MORE. Wou:d I again might see her— Alt, only once again But when I then had seen her, Yet should I long to see her A thousand times again I Her band would I might hold now— Ah, only once again ! But when I then had held it, Yet should I long to hold it A thousand times again ! Would I again might kiss her— Ah, only once again 1 But when I then had kissed her, Yet should I long to kiss her A thousand times again! TO THE FARMERS OF SUSQ'A AND 'WAYNE COUNTIES Having been appointed District Depu ty for Susquehanna county, with power ... g autx.: Oranges of the Patrionp of Husbandry in the counties of Wayne and Susquehanna, I take this method of culling your attention to the importance of the urder to you, as farmers. The ob jects of the order have been so often clearly stated and defined, that it appears almost needless, at this time, to refer to them. I would briefly say that our great object is co-operation, and through co operation ae expect to _advance our inter ,.sts l in every direction. In advancing the cause of education. In establishing a place and motive for neighborly meet ings. The social phase of the order is one of its greatest benefits. Establishing friendly ties and associa tions, that make better; more social and more harmonious neighbors, thus enab ling each the better to know and appre ciate the good qualities of the other. It enables us to meet and compare ideas and experiences, to devise means of re ducing our expenses, and increasing our incomes, that we may make the farming business a success. To learn the fallacy and danger of the credit system with its consuming interest, and extortionate costs accompanying it, at all times en joining upon our members, to buy only what they can pay for, and de.nanding cash or ready pay for what they sell. It will unite the entire farming population of our country into one family, having but one purpose,one aim, one desire—the mutual good of all. It enables us by our' system to deal direct with the manufact urer and consumer, thus avoiding useless percentages. We, in this county, are now in full working order, and you can avail yourselves of its benefits at once, by establishing a Grange in your town ship. The way is clear and open, and you have only to decide and act. I will meet you at any place in the two coun ties and organize a Grange, on receiving notice by mail, (or personally,) directed to Montrose. The smallest number re quired is thirteen, nine men and four women, and the largest number that can be taken as charter members is thirty, twenty men and ten women. Any in formation you may need to enable you to prepare for organizatioc, will be furnish ed promptly on application. Hoping to be the means of extending these benefits to you, I assure you the urder is for your good ILS.. SEARLE, Deputy, Montrose, Pa. LONDON'S POVERTY. A Loudon correspondent of the Gin einnatti Enquirer says: "Every day I meet the most pitiable looking objects; imploring charity only by their kinks, for they dare not teach forth a hand. Beg-. ging seems to be a poor investment here They don't get rich and retire like they ao in America. I never saw such squal or and . wretchednese in my lifetime in America as I can see in London streets in one day. I don't like the extremes here. Here the papers are howling be cause the government does not expend more money in buying paintings for the National Art Gallery, while under the very shadows of that magnificent edifice people are writhing in poverty. Another thing that strikes me are the innumera ble chat itable institutions I see on every hand, all supported by private charity.— They ha,ve asylums for cripples,the blind, the aged and the orphans. But there is no charity in English law like there is in the Ohio statutes. These people are car es fur here only when they cannot care for themselves, and often not then; while THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT Contains all ttni Localand Genets) Neva, Poett7.B t c ties, Anecdotes, Miscellaneous IlcatUng,Cotrtspo, once, and a reliable clays of advertisements. _titvertlattit, Rates :. • One square, (1( of an inch aniirti,)ls week ',or less. $1 I month, $1.1*,• 3 months, $2.50; 6 month,. $4 50; 1 year, $5.50. 'A liberal dirtorint on advertisements co a greater length. Baldness Loeals.lo ay.& One for Infection, and 5 cis. a line eachaubsepaeat, Invert Intl.- 114niages and deaths, free ; obituaries,lo etc a line. NUMBER 43. the broad humanity of our law gathers the young under shelter —not merely to shelter, but to educate and nurture into manhood and womanhood and useful cit. izenship. Thy suojecte of English chari ty go from the asylum to the graveyards, while they in our country go from this kindly shelter into active and useful life, and repay an hundred fold the money expended for their comfort by the State." An old fireman writes to the New York Sun as follows, iu regard to the speed of American locomotives In the winter of 1855 I was fireman of the Wa bashaw engine on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. which then only ran to Fulton, on this side: of the Mis sissippi river. The engine is a"McQueen," built at the Schenectady Locomotive Works, and was pnt on the road in 1853. Since then it has been thoroughly rebuilt and is now u first class machine. I re• member on ono occasion during' that winter, when we made some extra time, and over a much poorer track than .there' is now. Our usual leaving tiniest Turn er Junction was 5 p. m., but at the time In question we started 35 minutes late, giving ne but 31 minutes to reach Black- berry station to meet the down train and make one stop at Geneva. Sam Spear ran the engine, and though we had three cars, the meeting was effected, making the wonderful time of nearly or quite a mile a minute. There was another engine running on the road at that time called the Nebras ka, built by Rogers, of Paterson, N. J.— This engine once made the run over two bridges, one male and eight rods apart, in 56 seconds. These bridges are located between Cherry Valley and Belvidere, on the Galena division, and the engitie was then ran by Harmon Vedder. In the summer of 18.56 I ran the en gine Ariel from Turner Junction to Franklin, sixty miles, in 73 minutes, and made three stops, but had no cars, and am quite sure that even more than a mile a minute was run part of the way. On the 15th of May, 1872, Mr. James Wood ran •Ogitie 341 of the New York Central, from Rochester to Syracuse, 81 miles, ib 82 minutes, drawing one car containing Mr. Vanderbilt and others of the Central. The American locomotive is a most perfect machine, and with a good track there is safety in fast time. We are now using steel rails and fish plate joints,mak ing ,with proper ballasting, as good a track as can be had, and there is no dan ger of derailing the leaders of a locomo tive, so long as the unevenness of the surface of the rail does not evercome the elasticity of the truck springs enough to throw them ufF, or relieve the vertical pressure upoirthe rail to so great a de gree as to be overcome by the side thrust, us the wheel impinges on the rail, and produces worming of the rail. This is very much guarded against by elevating the outer rail on curves, which is beiter understood by truck builders now than twenty years ago, and I have no doubt but a speed of fifty miles •an hour can and will be safely made over the new quadrupled tracks now being pat down on the line of the New York Central, a most perfect piece of track work. Our railway managers are waking up to the;. economy of steel rails and good road, bete, and with these the American loco ! motive can answer any dernhnd of the travelling public for fast time. TWENTY IMPOLITE TEINC4 • 1. Loud and boisterous laughing. 2. Reading when others are talking. 3. Reading aloud in company without being asked. 4. Talking when others are reading. 5. Spitting about the house, smoking or chewing. 6. Cutting finger rails in company. ' 7. Leaving church before worship is closed. 8. Whispering or laughing in the house of God. 9. Gazing rudely at strangers. 10. Leaving a stranger without a seat. 11. A want of reverence and respect for seniors. 13. Correcting older persons Op yourself. especially strangers. 13. Receiving a present wttfiont pn expression of gratitude, 14, Making yourself hero of your own story. 15. Laughing at the mistakes of otl. era. 16. Joking others in company. 17. Commence talking before others have finished speaking. 18. Answering questions that have been put to others. 19. Commencing to eat as soon as yon get to the table. 20. Not listening to what one is Bury ing in company. A monse that d lived s chest, says a fable, ha chanced all on hi lif e day ri to n creep up to the edge, 'and, peeping out, exclaimed with wonder--"I did not thi”k the world was so large." The first step to knowledge is, to knoiv that we are ig tumult. It is a great point to know our . place ; for want of this, a man in private life, instead of attending to the affairs iu his "chest," is ever peeping oat, and then , he becomes a philosopher I he must then know everything, and presamptiously pry into the deep and secret councils of God—not considering that man is finite, and has no facilities to comprehend and judge of the great schemes of things.-- We can form no other Idea of the dispen• sations 7of God. nor can 'we have any knowledge of spiritual thinga,except what God has taught us in His word, and, where He stops, we mnsrstop.—Csetl. They who once engage in iniquitous designs miserably deceive themselves when they. think they will go just so for and no farther. Ono fault begetkanother; one crime renders another necessary, "and thus they are impelled continually down. ward into a depth , of guilt which, at the, commencement of \ their career, they would have died rather than base Incur• red.—Southey. PCDLUNICD EYUT R lIMIMAT 11041111113 AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers