THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. ICI wisr it CO.. Editors Wednesday, Feb. 18th, 1874. (nld closed in Nra T. rk. nn Saturday flight last, a $1.12j. A FITITI has hien I refionieil in lire 1 • S• H• es Senate t'r tin th e Legtela. tare M (4,11 g /VAS restrain the L7,.lar, P.rilia rallroad fT,m rauti,.aiug Ia eharge ill gal anal rec. a. A. the 117110.11 rtettie it a 0. rill 7».**) r •nul ..13 I Its, • pea undo. ear, I vi•l.4, nV e"ngrrga ever s vc P , 11 , 1•1 the e.a,:ktry has air••rdeil a pretti, fair ..i, ,,, r•titlity •0 the,as rrg , ra• it alio. re , i,mr.r t. , ti er.r.ltvimi of the 1 , 411- a tr., Mr. :•••, cr.•:ory It;eibtr ept•m f`; ii.• sze,tc r lie mint. to 111/4“11- , Ai Ter w'•10, sill Ile re (pi r.,1 to V . 1 3 *Cr tile f - iil . l.4 , tiail Cntrrocc ,tout 1 , 11 mill IA- p r .t• ; wru f..c rni nary a •• t Ite ht.- t rrt el" it 1: ft v A 1. )?•••• r ••• r p :IC • the frac! v.': t' Cl, ••• I'S vri h slyer r ttr . p• .J1,1•.al , J! c pmy. A Nr , lx Yotit: .; ntn 1011 - t aid'r own- TlarrSl l of 11 Er , lrl:3l, r. WII4I 11.1 , 1.. lirtry rocol ect 1i Iv.S. I , w. 10,1 u ' wa d ..T. t. , ‘.1 it. hi...! It. /w.f.,. ih ,t. u 10 1 - M. , 1 y r w,ll 1.1 titv 414 hr •1•1 I h 1... r t 4,r thrre C...1.111e, with ;111 WWI 1.0. xl our IT. two n• titre • did' ott , yt-ttr, i 1 ; roar t at h n' 1' • ••••‘..r. lin t ,a , r , ..• , a,k at 141111)611, r• 0 11prs ham s%,'l• a 1,14: .r or witbclit tlw 1,1% 1.. r Tl 4 F. Nap'. ModulliFlB of Lop(low pro r -r h. 1 rritt wt h th it 0.”1 ho h ft' rti G. tog rr wag I,A:tido- rti r t., „r h.• urr ord.ll l . !Mu. I I'l 114.31 v. tio HI it—fra•tut:iy. i. 4 11, • 1,0 111-V ar.• et,,Artiv ~r & i v,. n d II at la tile Arm hy stii.p..ri 44 all 'lle w..rkinett 111.1%. f• Z • lit, kl n•i/e., he- I % , ..T1 I ••• •k 1 311.1 ..f 1.14Je •1 1 .• sin - 119115.445' 19 1919•111 Tin, !ler - 411.• . r thnt mig;.• I. e 111. are F,lltritti.. - 1. rvi...11 I .t /tli'l• hr Crela. Tun... .^tc.••• And i , &id rent a4:t4r. Iclittit.t Let:- GRA DI ALLY the Rikt.blican press of th.• ottr.try tr eotutt.g to the lute nv no wt, th a t l e I,..ttielttot I•ttaine.B to too I .4,1 i•atty I. ~rry. ThP riill.itle l ll l ll3 I 4 1 , 11r -r •ays ti %el-ultras a%r 1114 verf et . % that II a I htte•rs t .111. e IR sf 8.11 to'dt.: ••nth ir th,t tbis i.... 1. eso•to. luet tl tilt a !)( 1 . I a ro the 11.-pu li tart TIM' V. It- ' , mu t iM trg every it r I . Ole ii• I w keil diu•St.ut nick nt t! C •Ii I. I: ,* .•.•ei , r I Ati in is rAn.." Lit zoit a Gaud: inns: le II I.i tliril. Wellk 1 . Tine Ott . e to - ay line n.. 1.)1i• I , . 4111 I ng eu.stan. them e t are r in r,il, st n ill he. i e Try and t party n ill he le• r for i:." TRW Salt. Fn• r .t•.. Bu ;run thinks it has a. • tir , ltf-d ap ". the t'• t..r P. Ctsir It;.iff. The .t• ck• of tit, (fomputty a 'wont. w t.54,1p0rt.0m. all or %; ireh. rt c-pt st`t. •n • 01* .rt h. i. ,It the hat de •.f th. BIN:. I.f t• urm. It has n.•t r I• r. n. t•c G t t meta G runt. BMd the ti••t trorgage lM.nd built , h- r ad. 1.• the C ntp,t I ,, if,*sett t , tirlt tiAble t the it.t' rep , due , he G the, I 1. nu. it ie o,llh- It t.• br.• has it can p.y t r .1,j..1.:1,-,41 -3 n..r crni d n g I^ ua ito nick. l'ut aF •• ch it uld in. T“lvr *143.411 "m y sir : x*o to bo 11.1e stoekh bier,. the Buil-tut b beers that the ott•ers mere'y receipt f..r their 41% Wends. af ill that the awi °alio-meld is rmol , h, rt.aldr ita Ring m unl oa d ji g ek oh the N.% York market. where it it tooted lit 71012. talon the threatened it. anti cat n-li male the mid ler shares .of 1,0 vaillr. • A lilt A t the Attorney General The Sure Iris a ,ordict orgt Eva .6 fig. elSO.Outt. to pip - . He li• s it, joil lattyrr.are I••• king up a propor quibble or flaw with which to hm i . !demoun r it is eu . l‘ a-rtrird it. 'be I...wilt:apart, that Evans dt d !h. terii-or dra!ts to II o f:. a t. y am tri .. ali d Morbatiteie a• B. I) ; tisdri phis, that Le I Vali gatt be to 11155 C .11, rubin•.t arr. Ch,Ckrdralin ution that tHnii; Thal isiie late bondsmen I.•cra all about dm— tr.oractiorot, a nd sour• lx ride, that is worth, vonsideratie.•• These a%rt.iti is and ea !pro, ee' Information are al: ..yrti to the Str te cfneiule. If Banta has not the money perhaps romp Inhel m e n h u ge .gl•u uIQ ••clt a luting to be. ca.l - upon. Get thian the a:stutb• book, Sir. Gem rah and es e if there be nu way by a limb ma‘ route by it , ofttf, , ! err Were. urtkb•y ."1..• , . `•fl d f.• t hap it was thought Mr. Evans would dis gorge; but, as he does not, perhaps a dis gorger may he fonnd among his friends and endorsers. The people haven pardon ahre•euriosity in this, matter. It is n tight lime for money. The treasury is short a matter of two or three millions in one way and another. It is highly desiratile to know who the fortunate lads are thnt have captured the money before the state ute of I mitationa shuts the door of in gni ry.—liarrisburg Patriot. SFCRETA RY RICHARDSON has been beard from in the matter of the Sanborn con tract.. Various persons having been em ployed by the treasury department, under the act of Congress. passed specially fur the pu-trise, to collect moneys due the United States 'governmant, which the in frternal revetine bureau, f.r some reason not very clear. was unable to collect, the bolo , * of representathes, by resolution, cal ed upon the treasury department fear information upon the subject. The secre ; tary if :he treasury has furnished trans : cr , p+ it. part of the c-ntracts, but decline to give the names of the persona or cor porttions alleg d to be indebted to this government.. .in the ground that it might ' do inliotice to the parties charqd with the edn. sa nutil the allegations are estab , ielied. Coingr. as, if really in earnest about ii.vestigating thi4 m or a lly hum ess, a ill not likely be satisfied until it is dui r•d with %%horn these contract! - were m who Illy Intr. ire at'- from whom the mo ev due, a list amounts have been c II creel tool how much the government has been obliged to pay for their collec t on. Eva% the grent popular idol of the day. Geeera!Graiit, wi:lrtuall before the honest inatgnat ion of Mt tilted constituents, when. flit• vile Iraek cornea to be fully cauvaas ed and ?Imbed in its moral aspects, No 1111111 can alai d a.:.ainst right public judg ment, he he ea, r sto high,socially,mentally, or politi , atk. and in a free government right Hittite jtidgme , it is always an sa sertion 1. - . clue Democratic principle. It ir a gl riz,ti when intelligent men woo ba,e been antagonistical to Dem oerscy are let constrained to honor Dem• itcrs• princ•pies. Is title a time for the gnat t ine holt )red Democratic party to dent its faith, or to shrink tram its main etiance, before all :he world? When good men of both of the great political are striking at the time ten lug, treci.lioa crew or rounders, repeaters. and alba' rt.!' No, this is the time for Democrats to show their faith by their works. This is the time to lop away the ;1• ray. 1 lirvich. a. to nominate tree men. To te e rr again a gorernmunt reattrg up on good print. plea and honestly conduct. ed. at. must nominate and elt ct. men of pr uciplc. There is no vtber possible way We must lay a good and sure fuundatif upon that, alid Will our anperstructiire a iII firmly atand.—Pitlxbarg Post. The Gruu.^cr■ Malcom On Weiill. Sday last the Sat ittnul Grange in s••sat••n at St. Lome adopted a plat form declaring the prittetples . add purpos,s or 1 3 ,811 , 1116 Amine thl , e ie todevelopv a nether and nigher nta.thot d, t..eithulite the comforts and attractions f honn•s and tore! gt hen the al t:tellittent ''r the purt•dit of loisio.dry; to foster :moots! understanding and co operation. inViolale the laws, t•t r duce -tpettsee luAlt ittattiduAl and co-operstite, u buy lees and produce inure, to die e. martial ce the credit system, mortgage Al t. m, fashion and every other system tet,dieg to prodigality and bankruptcy ; to 3.041 lit igation as much as possible arhitiaiio-, and endeavor to suppress per so a:, sects• nal and national prejudices. The p latform further declares that the Patrons of flu.bat.drvarenottheenemies .•I railroads, and that they will labor to iucteas•' the facilities for transportation, Inn will epintSe all efforts nit the part of c.•rporat an,ti to op press the people by nn ju,t ixactiuns ; that they are opposed to eleetsalre salaries, high rates of inter st and ezorletant pert ettlik,:e of profits in Irate; that they will do ail iii their power to promote the cause of education a• d Rein mend the establishment of ages (mituutl tittd ttldtltitrittl col g •s. T e serum is emphatically made that the grange—national, slate or local—is not a pylitttal part it or organization and that ; no grange, if ta nth to its obligation, can discuss political or religious questions, lint its intmahers are urged to tufinerce for !go..d the action of obtainer pulitical or ganizattni they may he att iched to as a dui) . which d.-wives upon every American citizen. Women are admitted to the or ' der, and the co-iperation of all g. od eitiaens is invited in their offurts for re , form, that eietitually the last. vestige of tyranny and corruption may be ntoolied ,rOlll our midst. Donor to Democratic Principles. The country - it now paying , he honor to Democratic principles that m all our hi,tiiry it bas ever bestowed, and by duirg 'Amur* 'melt' in this grand trib -1 ate. 1i is hot to Democratic leaders, not to pthiticiatis, it is to the true'princi- I, „ , i pied miuerrie free government that even our political opponents have betm ounttrain.d to uo homage. The repeal of tne measure tvhizb 5 , ./ disgraced our .tiat until te,gitiature is in itself u minor affair .43 fsr w merely pecuniary consid tra•ions gu, but as exhibiting a healthy I reepvt - for .right.publie opinion it be tokens a return to vanity and honesty on the part of many of the peoples Jerre ' tentative/I who hare fur some years past been carried away from the Hoe of bun atit . duly. It ii ua olmnie for men to steps; but what shall be sa:d of the few cowardly brazen-faced demagogues who undertook in the very face of popular dis gust to pollute the capital %lilt their heartless boastinge that they had done t , right, and would do so again. The coup try will take these men at their word ; alter their terms of public service shall expire, most of them will not- have the opportunity of repeating the outrage as • Congressmen. Never more be officer of mine, is the fiat of the masses of the! people all over the Union. There were and are derelict Democrats as well as de relict Republicans; although, po'itit ally, Ithe Republican party must bear the die grace, and is entitled to its share of honor fur its repentance. wae not originated bs the Democratic party; but for the Re publican party leaders; but for the Presi dent and hia personal action, the rank deed would never have been consumma ted. We say again, that the grandest move meut of the people and of the Americim press, of this emir try, is that a Melt has sh-tned their representatives in Washing ton into the appeal of that most iniqui tous ut,asure of foist ii‘gupoil one cities a an unjust and uncalled for addition of back-pay and fore-iiay, to salaries wliieh I were already extravagant omparml with the actual service rendered. When th e whole history of this et' upon t he fai r fame of ( 7:Aggress shall be indelibly im bedded in the national archives: tho=.e nu principled leaders who vainly sought to brave the honest general sentiment, wild I wish that some angel tear could fait upon the pages and blot them out fdeever History, if tr le, is, and should be inex orable. Men may forgive or forget. hut history should nut, and cannot do cithes, Gradu illy, ever since a few diet , nest, corrupt men by t nsern pions means lound their way in - 't sews of political , power to the Senate and House of liep• resen tat ices in Washington, Congressional month v has sunk lower and lower; it descended to the lowest depths of de gradation, and exposes its hideous de peavity in full view of the genet al faze. • History will portray these unr...thful pub lic servants, debauched themselves, at d debauching those with %%hum they were thrown into c intact, in trti , nolots; but befornolo it historical day shall route, some of them at I. set. willrate that the • people of the Cui•td States have not tet descended to the base level of sue:, fellows, and will repudiate theaa at the first op portunity. • Tlit Ruin■ 01 Jutnestovin Jamestown was settled by the intrepid j.,ltti Smith, :Afar IS. and wit , . it, et knout., the tir,t iliq„ll.4l Stoat t i p. 1, t. tit, this continent. It %%a; u liei ii Lila then ; tt is an island 111/W. lie long since fired a pa,,age thretv.:ll the narrow tut el: that c „ +,utet,tl it tuth I main land and left IL an the effect of atteuttat:un did tout Pakl For awnrly itmile fount this noble James' has been g.ti: i:i un tii.• land. Su much of the 4,d to,‘ n us lek, under water, and, at 1 , 4 ,•,s "11.11.• tact lu.t.te been di,Cutreed ti Int .!r -hris that is left The 41 i.u,ser ruins of time church are new :Ha W.. tv yards fount the tNatt r, aid tiiii.t. io time, he stibtn-rged 5-0:e 'I• laken to krown and p i ne as it is. luis i some tiiirty•t;v, fr,t atio‘e I ht. Ic eightettit Ittrt ayualr. P etttt'Jlt- to aikeertain I i Xto t dillr of tl.r c. 0.• strinniun of 116,3 Litiociiiig, ior it is not the first church erected lin•rr, It dolibtl. SS liudt early in tio• cs-nttiry. A. the bite or it :3 in- ettnitqf in tio• tiny t res deeded to I iie an tlitirtties ell t for 11.11,11 c ; s‘.ne should ih, coun ty or Ivate to pn-o•Ne n from :nil her Ct.- InOlition, and to lireteut it from e‘i r tintl,r the non trol ,i 1 1 eir,,,,. The Island is titiu uu lit d•ii% aN, a Z ,l,„ er, and li , eee I lie griator to Iviott, for Helton in the pr. to pr • tote 11.1 s. memorial of 11, first set tieniei t uf giniu.-I.ymLtury roplii/111. The Osier Justices The United States So pr-rne C , inrt has be-n presided over by only via io eighty-six yeaN of its exist,i,cr Ut these, three were apptinted by Wa,hing ton, one by the elder Aakons.mie by Ja, 's. son, and one by Lox('ln. Tile 4,exenth has just been appointed by President Grant. The first appoint eve were Jay. in 1787 who served eight years, Rutledge four and Ellsworth tire yeats. - Adams appointed Marahad, who held, the MTh e thirty-five rears_ Tunes, the choice itf Jackeom served twenty eight years. and Chase,the appointee of Lincoln nlne years The following table will show the :iv or each Chief Justice at tLe time of his itp. pointmvnt and death Jay Ruithledge Ellsworth. Marshall 3.11t1 farm It one ett the tts,t doNieable In the :party and 1.n0.d in the tillage of •nntntner... oolty, i . J. Th,re le a good 3 30-, ' , louring Milt ti4o . LW, Plr.ater MM. and filaek.otottt Siton In mid l Mare. The term In directly no the :ma of the D, L.. 6 Itallromt.l'i miiee trout be d , -not In New NI t l'ol d,4 and mil.-. Iron, Ito, Non York & C. h. n. the (roust B«nd citation : 191 eaten of Laud. 18.: of , I- w.di watered, het tag a ItotlnZettentn of wt. tor rn Oh,: ittrnoin it. aton a ne‘eed al ~ 1 nat. r ell It: Op, to be irons. barn. aatel rat• tl« vaoi, It I. well 10ur. , ;, 13.; tt ads o dood ettitl,tlton. odnnteel to go/tains vista. and to will titled i.e ot dairying. Thorn le a laran •ilt dot Whin uea ly paintiol,nlld a liftuilful front port with larg, borne barn, a lutge r.s7lape and tool barn. a hove rattle barn a Ith two ~,pll le t and.. 'Cede and •taldea for feeding at of ret rbling coo.. 3 Illurder In tiorvflels. •ItIAV bar barna , tee bouro ben k rub.° boos •, Lori. bane. - . a nd x or-Itnnly of ;,. - .lllro haft. John Yoniu,rs, o briikeinaii in the em- „a";;;;,.,f„R„,,!,/,91„ 8 ,!;';,t, ploy of the Midland Ilailroad, in N..r. terscassii . addriten )n. wicti, while attempting wi t h two other ; R. L. SUTPRIPI, emiipalittmo. tort) ter a house of ill-repute ; Milford, tirooltithanna County. Pe ni-ar the depot in Norwich, on Tliur dit; 214. '373.-69. night, was shot through tce hear, by o •lln:Yes; Folt t BA/11. - ..t/3 omit named Albert Liollites, who lived in I; the house. !Wines sas subbequeuity rested. The affair Creates much eXekr- nient in Norwich. Yowls was 21 years of age. and n•esded in Owego. Two Quaker girls were ironing on the same , Otte ask:A the other what she would take, the right or the kft? the answered promptly, it will be right for me to take the left,and then it will:be left fur thee to take the right." it f • ONI nose HAIM AY.—Arrangetrical of Train..' A . .11.1 l'n take effect on 3500d4y. Juno 2nd. ISTI. 44 Do.. n Tram.. ri, Train.. Isorruw.urn. NUILIIIRTARIi. $ ~.., .. Man t,noc .... ...... . 1 .... ..... 1.1 0, 11 ,, rerr• • •• ' . , I ,91 00 thrytters 111 , 0 t, 40 i • ''.. • • 5• • - -1.1.11 Aln ..,._ I 4kmprk 1010 570 • r4Oll 'ALE OR PACIIA!44:IS.- A FIR S T ClAss . 1.4 u Ii . NI . .. .... Tele . . .. . -, .. 974 55 , 0 T' rivrelllnt, boa.. mad barn, to...that a VI • ^ ..• of . 1 , d 1 550 - . r" , rl.•CTIlic • . 910 t . ' I° l'ustlE are over !2-1,001) idiots In this ', o) . Pk. , .3' . 4 !mit tr,.....••,0,.1..s ~,".',7.'0. „ ' 200 540 •. 1 1, on 950 91) , 971 4:41 COUntiy, who ore acknowledged as such ; o ß r l 7lTet i .c.. ' ll • ::r ' n .q pi a ' h e: ' in ' a eo r yf::: , I Pler.. "' ,l ll „ p h .' t..11 4 1" . 12 . ? I 2 9 25 '5 4i 6 1 ' ;1 " 1 . ... .. ... :.; . 1 .. " ,n r . s . :: ... . fi 10 4in ' ; liircbArch illy. Dec, 11. 1054.-a.n. 235 nlO ~ 1.4,4. ..... .. 901 /+1 i 245 6N 14 yeev . .. .. ~. A• 5 , 410 , ____.___ A GEILIIAN diviins is aramdiog ten days ' 7 ; 415 .645 ... ..Tnekb.nonerl4 n sr, ,55.5 , ._, . .. _ , ._ „...,...,_„.,..,,_.,......„..,, . . ~. 133 . 7 . E D i: ry ALL et) ,, i ,p4,,,,, N . IN , ,A II 47. , I ri: rnn4;4. , c ,, r . : . T:4 o l , 4 . l4annck, ...lin I n . Ct. ....y.. JAS 1.111ART.41.1ri... "------'" ...." ... -. .. -'' '-'_ "•'" A circus el pliant. wintering at Louis ville, is on the watch for the man who tossed him au apple fulled catarrh null: The ability of the human ho ly to resist the causes cat diabase depends titian its rigor anil.i . upon the regularity with which the several or gans perform their timctions. In the winter the ; most prolific sources of siekntss are damp anti ' cold, and it is therefore wise and prudenetta lot. 1, lily the system against then, lay wholesome stimulation, I knee It is that Hostetter's `Siam-4 ach Bitters prove such an admirable safeguard against the complaints Oust common at thi s season. The ingredients of thin powerful yege- ; table Intleorant comprise three essential meal cinal elements which acts simultaneously %wen the tliga.taion, the circulation, the semi ions,and the nerves, infusing strength and regularity into all. In this way the Bitters put the body in the best muisiblc condition to escape an attack of j rheumatism, or intermittent tever, or indigo!, t ion, or billionsnes,, or of pulmonary- disease.— cola and damp nre very depressing; almost as 1111101 RI as Care,sive heal, anti a protective medicine is quite us needful in winter as in satin- , nor, The eonotterebal stimulants sal titan isely taken in the form of idiots to "beep out the I cold,' have a paeeisely opposite a deal to that • product-it by Hostetter's Biltsrs. Their first re cuib mieereded by a reaction which ilvvitrilizcs i and prostrates the system; while, on the ether len t il, the omit• and vitiliting operation of the , I great vegetable invigorunt. in not only immetti. ate but permanent. There in no revulsion, tin j rtsverse nervous fiction. The physique is' I strengthened. the appetite Increased, the bowels', IVD11:11t-ti. the stottiat li reinforced, unit these conditions rtstil dyspepsia or rheuma tism, or or intermittent liter, or genenil debility, or nervous wrstkitess, is pres ent in the system, expel it With this mire and Iturutt-ss antislote, which is not only invithalde :114 It preTPlllive of , ickne-c. but aim . ) a remedy 101' :1 large c1,1,c of disorders. New Advertisements CAUTION ! I t o. am trnolrk en, F Warner. pith, MI ineml It woo , . or on tn 3 aco.cut, INI II pa ) uu drbt a! r ht. C. 0 ... Ong T o A' L WllO%l IT ros'ermx. at , it iiititttstitt mit the sit.noirriwini will petition rb• 1.,1•111nr. lb.. It. r.. 1.1.11, iretries• in In tab. - pi:W.ol,lbl Rop , ohlfenn of Vehni ie.- nib. Moan or bl'elittlinoWS. Atie. , . F. C. Ti sent. T C. Aubbru. Felt Imli. & T•DITOIt'S vl1"ler: —Tie nnder-Azn..d. Andie .0a 01 app.snl...l H . ,. Poo.. of tin yea it.ti t annll to tl , 4lPlAnip the Pinar in Sher ifro hamlp .14taz lie Pale al real r-late of M.a.n rt hAni p. n Ili p.l 1., Tile Ow., of Ai, pp rothlr,-1.1 a. Al,. rep .$1 NI. ntrn0,1n...4...y, Aprll 7. 114 to "lie p. . it t:nir a ptipprPana inn , td fun& rnn•l weretst lip tr rta•tur or itt- Anevereelp,rea Ir. to tnouitti. op Url Said fund M. u. JESAUP, Auditor. ==2l DI?. W. W . :011T11, Drwit., 111 , m, at t.. - door north of nr. ..reo wh,•r, wrkultl al in 11 Int of 1 1 . 1.111! 11 Hr vnt. k 1111 •.0 (.1 - 11 .(tiller boon, Um. 9A. a to 4 1 . .9. 91•,ninmo. , h 11, I,74—tf WE= Efl==il %Ilene* I.r nO of Alton", 141-1111,..111 1011 111, tt, n'. thc built thy nttac r• =OREM • ••,•• • •nii tt• 4141•1,••• //l. n op.; t.l I. t t ill, 1.1/i• 11‘ 8.1. 'l.: --Oxy 1,74 .tt ' ••••.I••• . • VII, • h • ate 4 ir: :10 • Inlt tt rll roAke• knun lrll , to•tr Ini•n• t, In' furl, rt dulnart-ti frGin corn 1.1 on -aid rw,d L 1.1,W1N, Aotittur Moutru... Ft bru ry I ti•in It, 1 - tontle 1,1 11 e o c • it.. Inat Jr Myst, I 1..1-1. LI it, in 11.4) . I hvt •ts: their focene, For Sale noal .Estate for Salo. r"' - `: 7 'j '1 h.• .•IT. 1.1 ;• slly the Ecui v, : T 1 - F Ilk / IT o rt 'I . 1 , 11 a Iiio• arc; roe oi rrnli. .111.1 , t for a ..z , n•;, - . AI it 15•ra , ,..1,r1r%`.... :•I I. II LIIV ..rat II cie,h..-11. I,IE, • yr •....rta A . "1/ 11 , 1 SE {NT) LIT .tv • the a of N. \I +.l 10,1-1/11 11, .I.d .nr , •I • I. a 40.4 41, , .1 - 64 t flted kart'. 11.1, autl •.t ' A 1..) A 1 ,Pkt of FIFIY ACEICS r •if mi. , fr.) PI ~,,, •‘' I.t . r...the' A-Aprlncl P,11.•) H ; ,•• 1• 1111 d k. A p.vat 31,40 luck 1.141 . H. n r• I111•11•1• i. L. , 4 • TII E MO - EL PROPER-IT knots, 4* M 1.0 RIJN 110THi. in ~lhoon 11.1 . 4 . 4 . not.on.ioe '4) dm,. of t•N 11.51,1. N ar o ll ILIro• and no , n /Age) or /Or (.1.11O11.:; 4.11:p on.. fo- , h. r.,inrfact 4, of ( Brandy, in rood rnonf rg ord., r 1, - tp. , -(i by U. V. %oi , ,cl. ,, ,oprd.siki.(lu o vri vet. ull-I,niatij ~eut I o UP. Ofurc V•I id 1.161.0 pi up . • %.* Or= Made ettor 111,0 the ettreitueet. even [O,l ..tarn,. For it,th Wen 1 1.11 to, et K. N nee, h e y, 14,,teee A , I f 1 . ,. Metittoe- er et the ”h•criber eh the 1t... Moore Fere, Itret.tenatet, pa. April 31. 1573 -tr. LUABLE FARM 3Eica• SR 1e• The raboerther offers for ogle the valuable farm Lmoom .‘51.1.2231..X1CL CI I' fil X .. I42iCP 0.9. 4= 84 51361 44 46 11l 87 A good 1100.. e ors rly new. rood water handy. and Int cotosinin; ono aod 011,111,113 acre.. of laud. to rt.ty floe or 'our troll /row. trozinninf Id near, nanny 10 ',knot. and ltioactn. Plainior II I. Also. a Fact 43. IV,lgron 00.1.. nod (Wirt 11111 Situated about heir a Milo front Ilt+t new d. 1004 and little MN' 01.1 unite lona 31ontroor. Please UAW!, :IC E. L Oluiwtetr. or the Proprietor. IL C. EnS. footman, Pa. tra—tt FOR BALE—The farm late of Nathan Al drieli, de'd„ situated shout half a mile west of Mnutrnse Depot, in lin),Jltlytt taw uship,enu Mining about ill acres of hind mostly hnpruv Inquire of th• itylersigned, executor of said estate, al, New - E 1.1.101" A 1.06101. New Milford, Jam '11.18;l1.—tf pAukiTs AND Di LS Ifoittrose, May 14. 11413 C LIMPETS. M•y 1 4 . 1 1- For sale he n. LYONS 41: Co SUGArI, TEA, COFFEE, WALL lAD WINDOW PAPERA. AND NEV I ITEI:N i:EcKivED EN'ERN' wEEK. mitEci Fuom TIIE.II.\Nt'F.% EZEZIE SiDOL THREAD. COArri eLth T. T . JO(IN t 1111(EAD 1111 E. (.41.1.:!) 7 1 : IV) \I N. S 'F) N 130, AT ''''' PEI: IMZEN. Fur El I i!IMEIST! PROCLAALITIM ! - ; !lie .et,,n.l .1, plare. iu emia ..1 off, r at sale. by yeachle the C.l- IT Y E (1110[)D EEO EI.E inlg sue- orpareek tll inv la•fore the 11,1•4 ,, al0t• 11.51 estste sat,' Sh,..ltlon Mear:i jd ; :,•s „r pi,„i i p g o td In 1•:11 1111.1 drink -mime in 110 township 1111.1 Bridge Still I ort all , 141%t.. y.:11 1 " 11'1,111111.1,,:tild nn 1115 time WIIIII, silt br F14 4 1411-(1 nall all inch I oorrn “. 11 , 01- te `MP ••1' Nrisk.llt.• .111(1 nitaef!). 1% 11 ,1 11r ru try the t! 003 gliali!” i,f ,uir giro : .n.i ...n A nsii- r r ~ sour 11: 41 11 , S I; r-t 0311 4 .;`, .1 •out And .91L:e your lii,vs. A i,d k v,- 1.11th:11 4110 1 / 1 1 1 11 A. N. BULLARD , to -4 1, part. 41,,r1 /10. ;sl‘. 4,-1 111,4 'IA 1 r fri 11,0 . 0.0 1 1 1111. 5.11.1, 0. M cK. rl.• ...14114 1,1 'II 4:- • ( .) la ennit2tntly ro.elvinct Ilrze 1 , 1 his ,0,1,1, of Ch,,,,,(;rneerit, nn.i ; • shunt I net., nod :11, r. 4- 441 %Vheat ()141 .51121 h.A h''.u.r 5 4 11 1U4•• , •1 1, 4., {(rd. tell %V heat and firai ,. lll, lat , l. till 11..11, dried fruit, and lwrrte., 144 , 4 ut. n wire I. no,. 1.11. nary, 11,11-• and Nr,..!t•laitit , 44 all 1., 111111,4' 11n11 , 0. 11 •..........10t... .. No .14„,11 , ,, flltapl 4 .1 milt,. ..11 • ri4l , I awl 1110 eery 100 l quaint,. wpiCeS. r 'l4- .1113 r • 1 :s1 ,- , 114 :41.4. fin,o - atios er tektl , , and elos,e, rat.lll., 1120, 00 . -. 0 1 roe -ao• • 51; , -0 .44 pod 50 th.• pot and ter 1:474! ctrort 1 1 . 1 11111I • ry nod 1,,1,ave. , and ei•zar.. ' ,o %I me o d a.yrry 1 3 1ze 04,4 k t•ry ,sl. /11111 11, 1,r11.“ 4- ~,,, frr•rn ilo Ita• ..1 •.•• tii1(1111it 1111,1 All AL e .1 4 . W prices • to in , cur.-0 5l 15...4;t1 nos taurt the •, for 111,11 or 0'1,4 pay - MMME the h..EI. of S 1 .1. ' • Itrsie. r Mo•rOnl.e 111.• I‘,llll , it 1;1 ,, it, y, rshrtlr) rsks.l,.., st the Isms,. r‘ 2 it!, I=l • •)1.. • r. 11 .11119 Wal r 1. L".. Mix-talc 33/ ac Is- AT omit r• on 2ro . _ us. ei.l w...ct- ....tin Ll,l u.• y :Jc r pn, 'Ol .t It UR N•. 1:1!111 N. 2 39" I Pt M 4 -i.l , 1„• 1,111..... f That. l ottrad. in Len ox ~t 1 f . I 'l,l If orrok. u, :lir Ittet,e of A Ayrr-. I te-,L.IT oi t Fri t:,' art, it'll (in, 41 liii• m! of Sa. f-I It. 1 fAmes. 11' 11 tm A I ;,64‘ , In niky, Stiinr,l.,y. Altireit ;tit. ) . A r:tt at the house having en, erell info co l ffirofpf,hlp. cr nnw ,r,o_rell I or Mr.. Gettry. Ia Jacktr , tri, on Mondtty, 31art_11 its Ail .t of so - tirC in (21C.1.5e 9tfl HOl3l , S11 , 114)111!) 3 1)(1,11, th 4t , of .kmltreete WErgi !lrwin , • rr . • th i,l LI., )11,1, 1111 TUI l ilia. Mag) Blat ; , L3r.,...„y. nt the hon. - c• IA A,•11- hr -c 1it.11,.11 In :,I,l t tit'll.llll/3 Ih p..t. ott Vt e:o FR3NI A W..EELBARROW TO A COACH. M art i 1,11 N;rm. - Pt . ..1111,m 1. at Pitina. v, li t.I tit bona., on gErAiiiisi; IN ANY PART OF THE BUSINESS •inil Ai at fiend bon,. 101 Fruit'. Mareli Lay. at the house e WArii Smith, tinrinerly eitined br Bela in . I.i.wrty, int Z.. • • t r I.tit h i . t I y at .1 0010<`. sit •V-0,11.1 1.7 , 1 X . I:. t 1 Atiesi .1. mimitiAiiiner . e t /Ilk J., HOBERT a MAIN. Lanesburo. Ps .oc , t 6. 1E3.-0 JOIIIN Fx r BuoTnEits, UAltl) NVA 11E, 1.1:(1N, N ;AEU VELS. c,, -/ )El: ' J I: A IL, ci,T.'• I L.S.C. A 1 1 417 SPIKrt 11.41L.10).1 MINI NG SrAPPL I Es. (Mk): /A GA SPBIA.G.S. AXLES, ShEISS BoxEy, Bvl. Ts. I'M and II ASJLERS, PLATED LiAN , S. MALLEABLY IRO,YB. II CBS. S PUY FEL LONA. SEAT SPINDLES. BOWaj ii„ &z. ANVILS. V WE% STOCKS and NES. 14...43W1e ASIPM Elo). SLF;ImiE.S. FILE_. , A.. •. I.3IWELA R Atiß 1111.1.1.%.Vi M, BELTIN.I. PArEING TACKLE. BLOcK.S. PLASTER PA RI. V.ti:T. II NI 6 HIND.TONES. F . gm:gum w \ I.F.Avirhs ?MEE %.7 , ; PP.ALRV. • t: II /t; 71 V.‘1.1.1- . .1 - I: ' INEMMffiM=EMI , 14 4 4 . 4 156 I BV. 5141 e. 4 ti . Mauch 1'11.6.6. . .1.6 650 416.6166 4.7 rlc ..Lkl hkiiem IS 6 1 1 61010 6 et... PL i indelph Is . 1 P )I. A. 11. •. U. 40 I 5 m . 13. , 32 . 1e0 5, 7 l'"wata.l4 710 R. in.: .0•13.. 7SD al 1 : . N„ 3r lenv i c. 7 l:lMTia%; ggt v p th . fa " . TV " .: i 4 * ,ll! V aT 7; ' I ' .; ' MI a tri ; Athol& at t: an p. U. arrialup at To•vr •nda al • 0 :IA p.m. .: IL A. PACF:F.R. Smanint;nPent. • E Miscellaneous. I=l B. IL LYONS & Co.'s CARPETS AT 20 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N, V. Prices— c-rooerle Al Low Fignw+nt I=l 11. L Hear Yo I Hear Ye ! 1 N. ItCLI.AItI). -- i COC:rfF• APPEAI 3lnntro.r .13/1 7111, 1574. THE EAGLE UMZEMMMI=EM • 1(.t•t: .1 I linrio, Lay. / . .. 4 f r , P , try II ~1 .1...p: 1 I 1.. .k.‘ , ” I, I at cummirCqiam ` l .l•''"'• • h I. .."1.1!1.:,S1.1e, S. ifnln n i ut 1in0.1.1•%. L:t! .1.1 I I . I 111, VIII t Ili I I. In Lano3boro will receive prompt attentive ACRASTON, ?A. I . . 1 . . . V. 49 141 9 1 , 1... F.lm,r tt 15 4. '4 14 4.9 . 5 t 5, 105 949 ... .14 to,rly .... 1110 t 1 9119 3:19 19: 10 00 .. 91.1090... . 114:. 499 95.1 I ~,_. 1M .2 09 1040 ....T0 , 44.4.10 ... 1105 457 0 111 1 . 6 621 11 1.1 ... IV 9910•199 . , 111 (5 715 CI 515 03 11 99 ... 1.40441114 , 9 .t 1 405 1151 , 0 11 14 10 19.... 11.,41,091 , c 4, .. 9 7.1 ' 901! Al i!N=l NOTICE.- Know all Mat by theft. P.otental 1 • -- riot' I. John Lard, do Intend to s-k the 14%.:14- hours. of P. tors> les Os now In sst pus. a Spec- I. .. _ . tat crt, to eissOslo ton to churs, the wow to another 1 Th e risEstOVlatutl TlClOrllterl Pr esbyterian save ruanty of n - tine Annmem..ea Is, Juts. Lord. Plaintiff, vs. I —Pot Crisis Perry DuCits . Pain Killer has bees m. n i. 5,..r,„...1,,,, ;;;.;,,, a d AIM..a tins et, Veit s. stiown as a most useful tamily . medicine. For' C 01... TITI.r. -A ii Art too enable. John Lord to loge llin senni; ate-Au rettuin ease, to. 1 patina Anil twins we know ottllang in good as JOHN LORD. . the Pain-Killer. Ipr runny internal diseases to equally good.. We speak from experience,. A . CD [TOR'S NoTIc R. The nuderstgool taring and inniltv 10 what We know. No family ought - be.n • uppolutrd MI Auditor, is the Oryhassef . rosot to he without a bottle .t Dam' ;Pam-Killer. of Susqueloinna County to dtnrlbutr the Isola In the f -- panda of the administrator of tbu estate Di e.ll. WO' I ti w ALERNRS. PF.7I/1V DAVIN At. Stllls Prod., R I. usurtio. derssueci.w 111 Wendt.. aid tho're or ht. apiaont. 1 ~ , trent at the other of Warren 6 Sint. Its Slontrusss. 0 I '• • ~,,h, —Although a xi ranger to ,you I alit not Weduessday. %Corn 11.11174.4 n I &cluck. p. ma. al whir,' to your lova halide merlithie, Pain-Killer. I tone and nl.ser All pll4ooo , 1111,11,1 ed it odd Imo , now flamed tin acquaintance in• 1847 and I am on urs.eui their data.. or be tow,r debarred rent rota. ; most Intimate term+ ti flit it still ; my experienea tug In tp.t rata land. VA. WARREN. Auditor.. ;in its tote coalition My belief' that there is rpi Montrose. Feb. 4. 1/414.-4w. 1 medicine t 941.11 to Paill-K flier for the quirk and ASSIGNEES' SALE El= OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is lien be given [bat I will,on Tuestl:l3'. the 24th day id 1i 4 74, at 10 o'clitelt a. in lite coital). lit Susquehan na and at,.te tti Pe•rm•} It artist, on the• I+retni..e•s lair ill Amos II Mills. exp.oe• to public sale, I.y rentlnr, iii'• lag personal property al .linos It 117 H., hatikrupt Two near platform non-nos, 2 new 'sernail hand buggies, I second b. ret akch•unt wagon. I cal ter. it quantity of 8a55w....1. Fl , .1.11 nud lumber. 2:5 bob MD -01, rt cal 1 , 1111 1 10% lot' runs. 9_a pair. wirgnii 1-104.1 Mt spokes, lan rally n tivantity of and onfo le i borat. qtrantity of light illl.l lira•. 1:11 6ur'e nail,, a qt.:tidily nl paint, c 1 14:tilli 1.61, ' 1 n 511.444. al 011111 S, heel., 4 un ' ftnirltrd nn he r b.. 4 I :1 I , tnnttn4 gears. pinitiorm tn. he., 3 iniatlortnn 3,ninen gk•ar and s% - 1 " .1. 3 3 !inn I,r b un ti, th.r "ii clnth, I get cr Innds, GA Iron 'l,nnels. It* ,N;IgOt1 'of rtr,i knits. 4 ‘t.nnn... 1.4 _nn Inn nkt t,n.1,, Ica black , Mitli 1.16 in . ['hiding I mint II and m, I Ph. 1,1 fru'''. Jo' h , ;1'.4•1/;;111 1.”1111, and Itch ;hhg, 2 I, n rinnnn, lion% I prkii, r. 41;.., Hunt oilier article,: tn.. inutuvrt.lin , to ninentinlit. 'terms ur rql‘r•-- , rlth F. 11. Wit Li ,7te, ANnnignce. Inimork I's ..hut titno. ts 74 «WWI' $ ILK —By girt e of an ord. r th. Orph:m. Cmiri 01 sll,ii.p.• count, It. him 1%,101. iht. ontler.igneil, Ex r c tl i,tr of the r ime of Shvillon Menellanj,l3t. 1,1 the JeN , up, vtid couni v. th-tva.- 1 ,‘ ill on 'Flot,lay, Ihrluth (I.iy of F.-I'm:try A I/ 1873 ufferonon, oo 'the 1.." V iqu,n 11,e f,l I 1 , 0 , Int .111 re-dite 11,1111. 11 4, 1.- , ..111,11t, , 1 , , 111 1,11- .1 p: I l' . l r , tiro I p . r rir.••••r. in Frr , on 1 t.:, , i.rry 1-rrn S V %II:111;N TS, WU HEADS, 1114! ADS, \•• I EN V F. 1.(.1 3 E•i, 1 1 1.;:s1 N ES S CA B.1)S, I N 1.4 C A 1{1)S, tt'EDUIN:.; 1.'074T KIN. I.E BI I 11 Sl.l • p )(; 11 AM lES,, 1:1 1:C ItS; P.ECETI..k BELS, l' TS, 1 rlliS. CAT.I LOG LIES ? • 1: )11:• 4 . BODIZS, PAM Pi 11Xfti, CEIiT I 11('ATES, B IN P 4,, I'ATENT 1 )1.: P.DS, Nu _ E rc., FoTc. 7 !! 32 4 . 09 13 410 0 1: 7.) IT 121.4) 10 30 1.214, 1006 1199 4. le 74 3 sl3 700 400 ..,e run. r Coto plaints, Ahht Throat( Croup, Brui,s and (ute, I have used kin aIY and i',amtl n siwill)- enre in every Cage. Yours. Truly, T.. 1. (.3 Mein En, fl D. Jlldeitif,r by 011 r own r xperienrc wiumver miei• nsiLes a lied id lenry Pula-Kineri win not tail to recommend it widely tv nn un- equalled liniment. and enhutble it lirrml remedy for colds and various other comnlninta..—Ercryt Month. The eilleary of Peri) Datili' world renowned it, Edit r in nil dimniies ni Ihr bolt etew in tint seourize. the Asiatic cholera, lins• Leen molt !minted by the mint convincing nu- Monty. Miniiinniwitnii in China and poll,, have written home in cotionimiline of this remedy ite Irrtun that whould i. 741 cbillietioll 10 the n 1110; slll , lllli, while its populiffily in conitrlaniliea nearer Inane is amply 1.1 . 414/1 . that tile Vitt . Ura claimed tor it nil• mil noel tangible. Among Ismils ineiliemen it unrivaliaL—Bnetniv Tlw Erehi (;,1.7.11r nl nolteri.saya /.011 , 11,11/1C w Inn! it WIC.. on liiis broad limn P-rry font-Krt,l.Eit h. not t ”, a moat Vliklnkle remedy for physical pain. In the coontry, ruilr,. I physician or 11041 , W:11 v. the Pain-Milder rlierishrd as the and it never deceives. Pram DAVIN ' PAIN-Kii.t.rn is really a vat itslite undirnnwn4 sn.t. unlike most of the ~t tee tiny. it 1v0,11.3 mane physttinng. It p..rttett , :ttly le , eittit , n. where phy• F 141.1 1,4 a, not Twat: 311:1.•y keviii,ig ilia hand, ill ~ f ten mire the necessity of minding ow at mi.lnfzlit for 3 doctor. A bottle should he hero in retry Trundler. stun• onr r,arirre that it not only pckw.,*.ses aL In vii tutor rlaimed for it, lan in many instances nl,y other remoly Wit hare orur a. - - I kiwi,/ of Govel LJberly. Januar) 11th, It:{. El= urn') AND 11017011 TON. 11 Aidor Ph,cr, N. , 7r P. g, ~ 1,111 , rr In thr old (Hondo of thi. 112. , 1111 y tr. in ll* lormer ,r, illlef:11.,1 irrt,llta .1 to sal' terve. to at Ih.• 11- .Nl4rvpo,....sts..asol so =prove it from lan In •Iroo. to. flo , loss , ~,,,, rwtsvol-y n 11. b. • rin!rd In 110, Iwo inronrghout. and great ~, I I P... lek.e. to Oyu It e fre.4t etel atteethe 3,313,. r•pls , ral•. TPO' / . /11 "/ 10,,,,rtn0.,nt ..ill he .14 h..rrterore. al, tpry. of vrn, V. 13.433 ,l'elre3 liurr 131 ell CI, 3.11 rcgo , nr luclutles Ilse 11.11.8i11 Ea TA 61) Ta YLOW. MILIMT4IIII. There wII be able entleirm iit on Current Lnerature, An nail -cienre. VitrilF.'“'F. Pb' VitilY. or T 11 .I , ,itirht author or Vo.orie line, in Ihe title of the St Hal Story beguti c ^k 141 \I.N OhT T 3 NV. 0. lieexplat trill begin in All r 11. I , FIIIII- , K.NCYS h J Whittler. will' co, It •v, In nun In,ore n d Li IN TliTtrildTM: TEN. by a C0n •7,0 le• )4-oh,' re ter. liietory . 01 \ Ell S r VTR S is the Brltivh o r the .1 amtnry 111,11, r, wilt be COO- 1.1,, VII LAW' I • L ALI/ tlf F 4t. t . Esucnt.•r lt, 101 I V. X .I P IN' I lIE T - NITEP STATItS. 1,30,1 A W..11* in I h.• tint number or the , u 111 h. • rl by tit Itiv• rm,r baud urr ••1 h .1 r-e, EV I I A T [..1: (IF Tii t... ,, 1.1'1111 . F..8T.hy W tl It:, kt.r. it • Ibe New TanoLlty,.. • and - .10- . 11 1 .• fp ~,,, the 0.1...ent , }.11 .• I IF .1' re•SIOGIC %PHI. ba. lteM•l oa t ". .• • NI,. Ito el.'• lilr nn Coskred riot." NJ r NI: 1.-. orl v,lt • i vy4rl a. , ram I I b. 511.111 Ir.Arti. , rw of — txon , l* td; 1.. Ow a: ..rae of a I . li7er'• Ks. pvrio 'n. Cnltrortnri I rtNt;ll9ll ANn SOCtif -1 y h. E a Nfld..; and James Parton rr..l e S,A-131 I I. • tF t.F.11;11 Nl,Pltraln NONT- Aut.t-10-tch. t ttetholi t' oft.. rt.. ut 114. lIIN r hr l'l.itmet.t. Ser. cant n... 1.. the ./taller• of the "North Aut.:dean 1.1.4- a vuu r, t u edvan tsentuptun. $110; fM 4.0 nuch wittiltiouul Copy.— •ttNiehr b., the •qo:kr pent for $OOO4 year. utbly and obobrol $ nOO Lb b. `.l .... rind r vrry Smurdny.... uOO Th. ry v.l nrdi . and M. Ntcholne.. loon Itutu !•.00 , —. by no.o ,bu•Crt h. . r ut Ly n u‘Oncy , rc_imerud 000, Tor Ts) 4 - - . 17 opb) C. B. PERRY & CO.'S, Printing II TALMAGE, `cPURGEONI II T. Dr Witt Tottoonce Is *ohm!. of DIT-Chrafccfn I' nt Wo,k, C. H. , nurgeon. horde) Coniribuh.r. tlbo. writ., for tw. other vapor In-linionca. Thr nontitnoont. Chrornoo. Pay lamer CoTomb... Ito.r. 48,y otta, ry it. r. OHRODICHS JILL .Rad• IN, ,N,., ....toorf f onoon. No nontoroltsm. On ninon. r.cetnly obialchwl V4l nuntoriptlon. in rte loono' - otoolinto wort. , naroinn wines aid cues ars wont trot. AGENTS WANTED. I 1 11. W. AVAIIs. I . 4sh , l v it.r rk i o n 2 Chambers Bt., n wassiamo. 0m0uwyrn5...—.................11111M10X111111N1EN11111. Veamommmil .tisgassimomffst....s• i Thle Trt It pat n• la AIN TIOUT TIN CANISTETIS I tb..rubjrept.t, II! tart'ngth, labia la carlalatt • de,‘filerannu. and get ► tau and try It& tnetllt, WINN:a it NTIIIII11.•• . . ftepeUaneons. 'KIND WORDS. Wt• Iko ye te-Ite,l the rAlli-R 111. ER, Mlll 65- The Atlantic Far 1874. (nix RII'ER,IRE PRESS. Cumbtidgc) un I is. F-11 , VS 'NI) WI .VIES will be wld Ir irrr Igo.. g' a gill ir 4. , ..f 11,11/... and ..11. st.l II be. oATled t. (Mot ••. .. • ... .t iutrlrrkvl In keep lb« .1, .0 • ..... rtboolol.. t ••••R gnarl,. sod • • •• •• • •• t:,l to m.a.o it t ;le r....!; Tu. fl. /11. , VGIITON X. -.4dn Pp.*, t Mn. TII E BOTTOM Una ration Out of GOOTS BINGHAMTON, N. Y An Immo)F.e Stock Junt Bought from THE GREAT FAILURES el New England, at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN F ==! GREET UNITED STATES - TEA 00., BURNS if NicnoLs,4llB, M•viltrose. Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers