E. B. Hawley, - • Wm. C. Cnufer E. B. HAWLEY & CO., PUULISUSII3 Or THE MONTROSE RESORT, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTERS, Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa. Oros—Writ Side of Public. Avesloo Business Cards. J. B. te A. I. MeCOLLUM, Awesome* ay Lan Ofbee over tbe Bank, lgoefrose blown ~ Nay 10, 1871. a D. W. SEARLE, A rTORNEY AT LAW, once over the Stare of W. Deosaaer, la the Brick Block, Unatrate, Pt. taut 0 W. W. SMITH, LIABINICT AND CHAIR IdANUFACTDRICRIA.—Poo of Mato street.. Montrose. Pa. bias. I. 18GO. . C. SUTTON. LUCTIONEIII..d bIeCA4NCII AGIN?. sot Ott ane.d.ruie. P.. AMI ELY, UNIT ED STATES A EVTIO VEER. Ace. 1. 1069. Addresc, Brooklyn. Ps J. C. IVIIHATO.V, CIVIL Erratical:a MID LAND rvirraras, r. u. addrera. Franklin ratty. zinecturbauna Co.. Pa. ✓O!HN GRO VEL, ANIIION ABLE rm. Ott, bosomy.. M. ntwo wire; Chandler's Soon. APnylers Mho In lest.nntestyle.. Cutting done on short natant. andrummest to at. A. 0. WAIIRSN, ATTORNEY A. LAW. Mony, Raab Pay. Ponetoo *lad E 00 'Maims att4oded to. OVet Or ,00r below Boyd'a Own. illostrove.Pa.• (Au. WO W. A. CROSS.IIOX, aittereey at law. Ocoee at the Court !louse, la the comoleelauee• °Mee. W •. Caosszon. Musatroor, Seat. eta. le7l.—U. MeKElalE. tt CO. D.sier. 10 Dry Goods, Clotting. Lane, and Mani ant, Ana.. \lgo, agorae for the great AlSlOrleall Tea and Curve Company. I.3llonttose, fitly 11. '12.1 LA W OFFICE d. WATSON, A uorney• at Law, at the old office of B. tley S. Fitch. Mortuose. Ps. L I. lITCtL TAU. U. it( V. W. It.MOll. ABEL TURRELL, antler le Wags. Ileildnes, Chemicals, Peal*. 0114, .tuff., Fumy G•vd.. Jewelry, Per Aimery, as-, Bock Muck, Montuma, Pa. ii.tabilobed (Feb. 1. MIL SCOi7LL & DEWITT. Attorney* at Law and Solicitor+, In Bsuk.ruytcy. MB No. 49 Ceart Stroel,urct t.:hy National dank. Ding nmt on. N Y. Win. 11.80nYtu.. Jane Nil, M. Amor milt r. DR. W L. RICHARDSON, PillrhlCUN d AtlMiltoN, tenders hi. profession, serrlce• W. the I.:Mien* of Montrose and •letnlty.- 011ce at Wen:elder . 4, on the corner east of Sur. * aro.. Poo ode,. !Ana. 1. Ida. CIWILES N. STODDARD, kalerlo Boos • and !Shwa, Unit and Ceps. Leath Pledteas. Male street, let door below Boyd 's Stare. Work made to arks. and repairing dons neatly. Illostrose Jon. 1 1870. LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND HAIR Ditre93/NO. Whop In the now Pono3lre t:Aldine. where he .111 se found real, to attend all woo may Wall{ auythsue in los line. Montrose Pa. Vet. 13. MN. D 23 IV. DA17029;"-- PHYSICIAN a sttatiEON, trader, taa szrvltea to too cltiseno of , :reel Bono and rlclulty. OCco at his rontihocc. opposite LlorogOn House, 01. Sand tillage. goo:. Int One) DR- D A. LATHROP, Administers Etscrao Tussahs. R&M. la the Poet of Cheetnot caaaL can and mutat In al/ Chronic Plonaset. ' Montrose. Jon. It '7l.—an3—lf. CIL4RLEY MORRIS, THE f Arrt apt HER, bar. moved hi..bop to tbe hui'dlue occupied by J. U DeWitt_ rob , . be Is pre pred to d • s I lairds .4 work In hi. line, such as ma king switch., purrs. etc. All work done on short notice and price. lot/. Pie 4PC tail =dor.. M. H [WITT. _Dealer al aunt. and Fancy fin Gaudio, (Tottery. /Lard- Drag.. Oita, and Paiute. 130. Di • sad gbtre, Mire, Bar.railo @ono. Gin, Provhdona. arc "Near-Millord, I a., Nov, 0, . EXCHANGE HOTEL X. J. HARRIIOG , Wir arleues to Inform tbepotalc that turior mated the Escsaore Ilotel to Montrose. be Is no• prepared 10 asztoatoodote the troweling pobne In test-elan style llootassa. - LITTLES & BLAKESLET ArreRNETB &T L &lye removed to their Yoe •CalLar. %Twit& tae Tarbeil itutue. BILLINGS STROUD. ?IRE AND tint I:I47AANCF. AC ENT. AJ . basinme amended to promo , ty. on fate term•. Dram ere dont cast of the bauk-o , Wm. 11. Cooper at C.. Po bile Arena!, 3iontrose."Pa. [Ane.l. than. Jai, 17. itat.l 911.1.11110, •raova. B. T. d: E. 11. CASE, JII ARNRSSAIARERS. Oak Rarnera,light and bran, at loarept cash prire, Alm', Mantas, Breton Blau krt.. Whip, and every, mud pertaining to the rin. cheaper tnan tie eheapett. Repairing done prompt and In good etyle. Mont-vee.ra...1.101. 29, UM. .7; D. TAIL, 61 , ‘16,s.TRICPTIC/118 AND $17130=1111. permanently • 10 Montrose. . obert he will Pn 3 mlO' I attend to all calls In his prornoolon with *bleb hem) farravd °lke and reoldeaye sent of the tour lionoe. near Fitc.l3 d Waroosi• oft. ce. Montrose- Febnutry lan. THE PEOPLB•B MARKET. Puul.ar Haas, Proprietor. Penh and salted News. Dams. Pork, BOlokna P..- of . be best lit:silty, constantly on hand. as pnr.• to puff llontr.ar, Ps.. Jan. 11. Inca -Iv VALLEY HOUSE. Cesar Bean, Pa. Sato oed near the Erie t.• • laad CO•01136 1001 hoope. R a tin lw tlearyp Dme •M onzh r rpa n r. Newly l4 or 6 aaed mm* e and deep ley apartment...paten fid tables.andallthlnpa armpit,. Ina • it at rivet hotel. Rao ..2 1 111Y ACK EMT. E:l4. lath, 1673.-tf. Proprietor. F. curuactrrL4 Ponies of the Pare, °Met flyer 1.. 74. L.•nbetm'a stare Orem bead bonerzt. AaNaehanua rae.nty, Pram', Has the .et lement of the desks , • of the late law Reakhosr.4eevased. Odle* bunrstrom 9to ltlictor.l in. to and frout Ito 4 1), m. Great Bead. uet. gd, tern. BURNS & NICHOLS. RIC • ..Re to Dra,, lictllcinco. Chemical,. Dye. cLta,Palnte.ol.laNatalati %Agoura. Spicer Paacy ut.asee.l . alesi tledieleca. Perfumery and Tollei ire,•r-sertptloa• carefully compounded. Brick 'lack. XOl4/0110. Pa. 11. Ream A nos ligeneta. V. len p • .1 PIIIXTING 41:4,1 :4 r 44. N hi ell Bigml Neatly RN Cam. •T TUII OFFICE. .*314. rho. IMM= —•- • - . -....."*.leammaimorvalMnews.W......slPrxr r innniCRISOP. • • kit o :, • - t, • - , • , . z. „el 0 • • TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOLUME 31. THE conEuir OF LOVE. In ball•ronms, at dances, 'Mid felt forms and fanr•es, 'Nenth brigbt eyes and awes, Loves fluttering by ; In fairy-like grottoes (But httely the hat.house), O'er Ilan ehantimg mottoes, • Is breathed love* fint Bight ; Anil bosoms are heaving In moments for leaving, And Cupid is weaving ills meshes around ; And Angers are squeezing, While paps is freezing, And (snide) -Oh, how pleasing! !inmost can't be found." Comes then gill:ling rimming, W hen moonlight is streaming, In lore's image seeming To hover abuse. And 011 f how entrPneing. In fairyland fancying That you are ,till diming With her whom you love. Then smilings on meeting, And hearts quickly beating. And diteuus-ckeniing. For love is so keen. And music and playthings. And soft little sayings. ASIA wilderness-strayings, And "Where have you been." Then patutionate kisses, Sweet; stolen impreases, While Cnpid confesses It all to papa, who First claims your attention (What cureed Intervention Then asks your intention, And where the duce are you r Rut love ban its siihlng. Its-sobbing null crying. Its poor victims lying (At least so they say); And pallid lips quiver • As It parting forever, When roaly they sever But till the next day. G And then 'mid more daucin;, Some siren entrsteion. Will Bet your eye glancing— Wel)1 not the right way, And then conies the action, Proehttnns sattsfact lnn, And for this attraction . The devil's to pay. Thus Cupid enenares And heavenward hears one, Then down to earth tears 01116, And calls it -Romance." And while one'. heart's wringing. We'll gaily be singing, And nil this is springing From wane witebinee glanee. • — The limp tie. MISCELLANEOUS READING A MIDNIGHT !MEETING I ulway did think my brother Solomm. a little hard on me. though I aitess tlia - there was reason for it. Mitte were too exact'y his w.ty , you see ; for m ue wen more the wAys of pleas:witness and his do paths of peace. But could I help it that I was not bon • parson. like . ? Eo,ryliody tsn'• ru a par-on. Indeed, I don't find that as a rule, it runs mucht .1/ :11M!.1 , 13; even if it did, you couldn't expect th two such prq.ons as Solomon could bormeed reared in the bosom of one home strati, • A long time ago, when we were boys to gether in tight blue jackets, with gilt but tons and deep frilled collars, I aced to try with all my might and main to imi tate Salomon, and when we were exhibit rd In society I always echoed verbatim o•very remark I heard him make: so the MSC= I might share his lame. Rut that was. I said lung ago, and gradually such close twllowit.g in Solomon's steps grew tedious, so I chose a wilder way. I was warned a great deal against this wilder way, but soonehow I lounged einuly in it whet. I found how difficult it wag to b. always as good as Solomon. Al er any paroiculariy jovial evening at the squire's or Jo I:etching's at Blugit (the squire bred the best lighting cock. in the country except Jo's, aid Ju's wane ky was the limiest that ever escaped duty.) von may goo Ili that my heart didn't boon, with joy at the sight of Solouton'i. figure and long face ; still on ordon occasions Solomon and I were goo.. ,friends, and I looked forward to the day "when he should convert me to his own ways, and we should read the book of ser moos aloud by turns through our old ng.. Cut ther. I knew there wwa pleanty time (or that. Well, we load the marked fight of the 4eason and I had hacked Jo's bin! hew h - rhe tittle affair wa• to come off on Suit day afternoon. and for all the we, k beton. we were excited (Joe and I and our chum and the squire and his chums) that w .pent every eteuttig together. discussing tier birds and our pets, not to n.-otioi he diva - ailing of a good deal of lb. 09nire's home brewcd, Mid of my old por and of 41 . 0•!'s Scotch. You tee we didn't lead so much in those day. as iron do now and so sae nt more time then Oct.( these light duties. W.- didn't talk miteltejther Our of Solortion's arrinone divided amotn.? wnald bare lusted us all fora week ; but we smoked—well, pretty steadily. The Sunday . came at last, and in the -morning I sat in my comer of Solomon's Pew. paying thr greatest at ten t ion to him ; furl' wouldn't for the world lie should know where ['was going in the tiftertioi or that I had theslightest *aren't Millet in Joe bird or the What . Was my horror, then,' when Solomon, it: the very middle of hie tlisciikirre. (I alwar knew it was it. tge middle when he liegan vto lay, "lastly"). alluded darkly to a be setting sin of the age, as a sport at which only Satan could laugh. "and he." con cludedlioloroon, as d I felt his eyetipon me:"clitickl , s with glee to see men so de grade themselves," I broke mit into a heat. Could any one hive turned trititor - aiid.tidd Solomon? I' kept . mfey.s down upon the carpet, and tried to make a resolution that thin' should be 'artr-litst cock-fight hat iminehow the. resorotion jumbled itself rin'aiith 'specialiitioneite7 r . to: bow the Slictre:would feel to-night when be was 'beaten, and how 1, , . , ,5h0ri1d feel whealpoiNated my £lOO mipainga *f:e - e "I shou'd certainly buy that cid) rfJ..t. and now I think or it, I might us well get :-oloition a new umbrella. I dare 63V he didn't mean anything eh. tit cock fighting, atter all. Ile always had whims for attacking our snorts, mid of course that innocent diversion most take its turn hke bowls anti . I had rorgiveii Stihimon by the time he had doffed Iris gown and joined mite in the ehurch•yard, and I only said amiably. •"You aal rather upon us to day, us usual. t"ol." •'lYas I he questioned, in his slow way. "Hard or soft it does but little good, Jacob." I turned the conversation gingerly. I could not easily pr..vr tis words to he untrue, it wouldn't be polite it I d.d. so I didn't. POFT?Y. I see von tt venue, thiseveni. g? stag Solomon's most until-tun:tie inquiry; he slowly removed his umbrella to his (eft hand, ;preparatory to g:viiig me his right. "I hope sr, tint I cannot say I am quite Pure." I bosu-rid' in that tray for the purpose of breaking it to him us gently us I could. I knew ttsolommt frit this sort of thing as sharply as I felt a razor scratch in shat tug, so I put it in that way. that I 11 ,, p,•,1 so, but I could nut say thst. I wasquite sure. "I am sorry that you are not quite sure, dacith„"said tie ; -I should hate lik ed to have Seen you at church to-night. I (buil. fel very well to day, so on [Vine ut and stdr the after unuo Stith Ole?" • I wish 1 could, tud I, us as pmotibl• • "bl.l the fuet IL I yr pr.itnis ed nn old frii•nd at Luelti,entiiti" Luck neuton luy in the direction exactly Oppo. Ott lo Biaely)... to go over nod nave u quiet chat with bin). 11e is nut able to 40 about touch hiina..lo I suppiise Solomon was .chakiliZ halals 'a its Willi lily manner, but his I"mg rin gers to•nii d to the to hate It- ni.,elves .ronnti mine, hold me hack. "Yon want u new umbrella, Sol." re. invkvil 1, iwn , ly preprint The waY lur he gift I had nt yture for lin; awl. u.ught, turning the conver4attun moth aounuwma e I am not fa‘teirn'." he •:l'd, iut•k lug hi.')() k triafri.k tinj. r his lot,g urn' IS; 01),1 live. Oren, Jaeo.b. I Shan See yhu •tatik ao:ito tint- to nigh?, shall I ?" A tt.••' iimoy end, bill I nJdeil p•s to 111111 , 111 Sr tie if I nail kilo. Is. Let me se e —a lii.te a as I Solintoiti old I part. d tery gond friends. lie looked mek a smile us I %%sired and '.ll,rriards I 1. ! 44.,1 Lark a' tom —with.. tout fur the ta , alle•O I turned as a ruich .d• his old pear tree chitglit his mt. wtiirh Ile lila ays wore nt lire very hark of his brad. and kept it: 111‘ , I he walked on tit the par-. , ,age d.•or without uo idea that his head nut bare.. I hurried cheerfulh. then, 4eieltito pretty sure I it safe Solomon wtild "lie in his Study ail the of errreror, and ut his pulpit in the evening. Then lie would driuk his cup of strong tea and sleep the Bleep of a parson until morni , g, with his lattice window wide often and a square of the sigh; ekv exactly before his eves. ••Nfy sleep is cidni." he used to say. "il my lust look had been on Heaven." And calm I believe it always was,though his bed was narrow and short, and h.-- t rough narrow too—vras long. Sol. nev er could be induced to spend rtii himself any m•iney wideli lie could spare to give way, and so he persisted in using stin the bed he had had as a buy. As for ale. had been glad enough to discard it fora better. Well, we hail rare sport on that Stoiday afternoon,and our hind came off the win , ier. though the Squire's was as plucky a title cock as ever. got beaten. There he lay when I he• insert arts ov , r, ailit I is comb tip and his mouth a littleop.•n,to if he was only taking in breath for a to attack ; vet as dead as II he were misted with s• tang. .1 , 1 gave us a sapper I ; then we thew:veiled a bottle of ia.rt apiece 4114.. r ,4!11 hug oar prow; then ,ve gate our minds to p easnre, and en med a good brew of Jo'. punch; and H0...41111re, ...41111re, though be hail been beatrit, wa•• one of the cheerfollest of as tilt. • • As it wit+ smutty. we let, mined t•• .‘epartne in goon tune. 10 wile! , it go , ' , wards eleven we SW otut., while Jo stood the lighted d o orway allowing htart t Lzoiabnignts after us. I hail waited I. make an app.ontm e at with hiin for t.o. 'text day. that we 'might c mc'utle the .jeatam for the colt. so I was a jute b. iiind the others in start in I •Takeenreiif ealle,l - pill 'aye the m money amd zne farthest 1, ..f4). Mind the n.der. Lice 11`1 1 111 It•g. HMI fee copied the amnheri that wm may h Aa'e. T-11 the Syire sim if he wayluysyiiii :12 th,r dark " This was J.. 4 parting j• ke. and when I auswend it I gave Na kindly touch t.• the pocket-book in inv breast p , eket. and the s.lqiiire. who heard us, called out that he ilarm't try t••-night, as there was a inmn behind tin; clouds. I war riding. a favorite little mare who knew every etep of the was between my Uw.si Jahles und pr, on iii the dark. r cuffing the flay.•r of Jus whisky. and singing °yet one of theaonga the Squire had given us: , Sold. fly th. mare to ule a deliherate Snip, and Foos vl Joe rrutn my m. 4.41 tltrumiiietv. Certainly at the etni of thi= laue *gate opened on tb.• heath. but then she underdtte AI quite well that .cite had only to lift and imAr this gate. and she had never before rousell Mr herr when I had been riliag sleepily home from Wag ly. MONTROSE, PA.. WEDNESDAY, PER 25, 1874 "Goad bye, Sul," I said, with great re lief, when we reacht4 the parsui,age gate. "Du lasked dbm n. lo.4cit;g dnwn upon the nhichi..e as if he had never •ren tt b,-Girt 111 his life. ..We both of us wul,l f,700(1 uuwv new thinzs, ucub—liew r..•w ai ms. "Ah ! v. R.,j.e.t.,t1 we do " sighed Lehe. r ally, as I felt the grip of his li gets relax. .iig„ Ynn'ry hmking all right, I'm glad in ee. D tit go and Itaaatty ati;itsg, 'S a woman iatah trick. and taut at ull Ike run. ' With five pounds your atandingvenges You shall daintily he lea : Baron. beans, salt iwer, ettith-age% Buttermilk, and barley bread. Devoted to the Interests of our Town - and County. Steady, my giro! Why, what is it?" c fed f, r she was shying back int'ibe Line, and Lehavine iu ev ry way like a lunatic. I gave such a cut us she bud not lelt since she was broken in ; and their, without a word of warning; she reared entirely upright, took me at a disadvau• tage, and sent me sprawling into the drteh; then turned and gallopeu buck Blagly without me. • I wag none the worse for :my fall. only shaken a little. and astoniYhed n er at deal; en I picked up first myself and then my hat. and entrained on to find the heath gate. I had my hand up nn it, wh-n the moon came ' , milieu , Item muter a cloi.d, and the whole level waste of heath was made visible in a eminent. Het the sight of the heath, in its bate,' ugliness. was not ulna struck me with such a chit!, and made my eve. , prick and me threat grow ap ic. I never cave a secohd Oda, in that d In-con), for thee• chute to me, or ty on the opposite aide the clotted gate. stood my brother Sob, neon. I emlld not have mistaken him it fhere h a d .1, b e en the fain test loiter of light. There he was, in hie knout and high ha', with his arms folded nit the t ,, n bar of the gate, the brown 'book ttrultr one of ti,etn, as usual, and hie ryes fixed steadily on me usni:,rnon," said I, growing very gild arid uncomfortable under his guze;"it'u• goring' c dily for you to be out." lie did rot answer teat, and si preen'. lv I weill cheerfully on : been--von remetnter where !'said I was et..lpu•d :lawn here. I dad not want, ru c itif nit where I haul been if he did no know. and I did not want to tell in tie: falset•ood tf lie did know. So I put him that way. intending to be guided bi hie 81184 . t.r. It War , SO I , llg in C4nUrn ; li that 1 to..k heart of graeo to try towther tack. "Where have v.os 11 , 49 h Sol ?" Another potie, and he answered in hi o:d. slow way : hero at h ,, trie exp•rhng yoh, Ji c •b; u•aitin4 atitt:l I cottlel aa• no loager." I'm i.orry for that," I .ai4i ferlitie a little to 'war him ap-ak -1 %you'd hilva be n wu bit- oily bud ronnd hs Blagly on hn.in-s- I Aare nc yun I. , .t:Ce 1 not now. I only went, on buiined- S"1." He made another pause before he an werinl, anti. though it was a trick Sid.ini in's and alsass had brru , I 1. , 1 invs,lf grow; tine iniforta4s4id. Wns c“ti d hi• not have stayed atinitne. Lis par shouldauu on :suliday aiYh is WI I the icy chill t urned A li at once e a elammv heat when Sblionmi a•hed m quorily. nod wi h.et •nrning hie Atasd Paz. irmo my foe , : "II 4, much of tug filthy lnt•re have . r.n nun. J••euh?" "11'.m —you have been dreaming, Sol.. moo." 17tiliuku. Votg fluzers which ha. fn rn ; t..peih ,ole baud towards tile; -Fly Its mud. still sub the untoov, g a ze, -rive worthless, in won I eln=ped me breast pocket anti mush • I hare a Mlle money lucre. Sul. - I , 111. 1 a- airhy as I c- aid. -.A iew p.m itlo or ; abd I leant t.. lmy you a newith. hrella. yours is :tettiuz suaohy, g inM town a morrow and Choose y. our." I tried to get up a lit'le rheerrolne over U. but gaz , damp 41 It a' out or ale; al,d, heaule•, he hod take' back hi lng. hungry,, utstrotelied han. "Ft wit .agam. Five, wurti, Iris ill-won Dotes, Ja.c.b I' "Ev«n if I had the notes, SRI," I be7ai tremhling like a hear in a storm. “even i• kind them—lia. hal what an abeam! hive,. *hat sh nld y. n with them Ant,l , --anil,' I *third. en tell deimera Iv at-a straw of Courage, "what right. have You to them :" "Tip-rt. is no rlght in the question,' ntio Solomon. and his Nee gr.w binge: and Mogen "It it , all wrong,: -Yon d olteti joke. Sol.' and I pretiy bruarly , ilionA I wss trrmblin Ike an y 11 0 :iil)-r ofw.pns."liut of cone von're joking now. and n's nither la. ior 3 joke, Isn ' t tt ? Come sling hum with Irv." I'm imt going your way now," he an Snell yon r I ado trying-to finish up lie scene in my hat 111111 101. r.. ••"f.••night ! It is midnight now." idcs my gmil. is it ecally ?" cze,num•d. Twt 8.. much anry.ri rJ nx ri diculwr•lv flamed :Ind uerrous under m• torothrr, ililei.l gize. 5.1..11,011 loin 111 , iVetrd as the word Hiss. d n y lip 4, and for the drat time I, I—oked no ay. Good night," he enitl. in hie slow, al, 3.-nt way : and the., I thick h, add three other words, 'which he ()Art, d d add to fits g,..) tire. *Web hr sti.ke s tow that I -,merit. hr.ird.ood fell so at gry with nun that I tli4o . t, even try t. ear. I wiiked-nn'rnoodity Acmes the hPilth. A I the:lienigit effects .•f do't• pu, ch hut! •rat, d ; nll flu. pleasure t h .• sport be.•H swept swat' tu Hlte Ph) II binhl ; U,.• oidy td,•a but' ti";sreF.ll m. was ih.• de , ermitiattmi - Hot to tmy my h^•tber S. , l..tuoti it Lew umbrella. I always earri d mr min key, and for letde may gueEti I thid ut grail auelom: roe in a' the gate. sir?'' he exelainpal, weet Mg mr with a hurried inep and word', (ace. ito t wd that yon'il ride home th.i you might be tt a quicker at the parsmw age- Tlitfce s , tit for you twenty tim e a least, sir. Mr. I know," int erni tired, 4-.llr. Solomon is into met him. gn aiiii tell then 8. ( (Iv 171 L t .11e . parish.la all al in ItrIllen: . AI the parish was up in arms and had atiLg:tilter,tl at the parsunpv. as, it eti to m.; hut, i.fritiaksst of lumatt' WaY4 there too. trip , On Wl's' mtrrots opnosit, the.f.ip.ta.auttl of 111.,0;.ti sky: 13-ernitl"lliti'anWil They tea nee eittittethitig - ttlttit ti awns "r smite womattith trick. ttid it may ;rti , . awl it mug 'tot At tiny ,rate. I 'reritetniwr uoNting a - t-r the first f, , w Be,g ht.:We:4 they tittereil, ailitig I'4 B , ,tue,timti— z ao,.tike; words nt —and hurl felt worse thus usual that ilia, and lonely and restlesi. Still he had insisted on preaching in the evening, au t afterwards • hail toiled up to my house to se,. if I Wad returned. Just once he bud' risen excitedly in bed, then his stren Oh had tailed ; and those who were kitten ng heurd hits hid his brother goo' , night, with the whuipeted prayer, -Ond bless vt•u." Then he bad lain quietly hack with his fading eyes upon that ehmp.e of heaven beyond th•• lattice. window, and died quietly at midnight: Wont ? The money? Don't ,ask• me what became of the money. Qver thus , five notes I worrietl m(..sellat last into th•• most serinuv 'bram fever that ever man came back from into life again. They were gone. No trace could I ever find 44 my obi pocket bo,,k. though .I merle it well known that the numbers of the lodes had been thken. When I had offered £5O rewatd and that did not bring them I dotabledit and off•red one hundred.- Who would care to keep them then ? - Who would kaep live limes which were stopped, when they could receive the available ones of equal ualue by only bringing the worthless old pocket-book to me ? But no one brought it. and then FAH - revised anew. offering. £:5O Tennrd for thol.e. five £5O notes. Of caors• Ito d to make out that it wag the old pocketbook that 1 Set so nitwit value on, tint after all I didn't much oar wno had the laugh against me if 1 e•nt•d only :let the matter straight, ant/ give it an air of daylight- reality. But tha• n .ver htmtglit them. Ano her enr•k Nn. I never sin um ner co•k Dmft ask ml• Aar mor . Itd Ure•uud•thirty year* ng: • —:et it rts•. vsnraTrEa The rletleit In the Vienna Eipeclilion , tinount to 1,0)J,00) 9 ,tins, about $1,0M,003, Tan lute atuoante I to $9,9.10,003. A sinirt Danbury vrtuntn d. work ((Jr e Grail.) , of nine, milks two COWS sad keeps tole: tiiimeu continued stories. "Cane to his death by being hit on the het with s long•haodlrl stewptn in hands of hi if 4" was the verlict in eneoent casein Illinois. "..;losel in cons° ' , lance of debt In Tot lami Ic,' Is the communicative announcement on tit d or of a fugitive trinle.man In a nelilibuiing The reason a hoy gave for bein; late af Abonl %c4l, I t the boy io the next lutotte M. 13 ViEht 10 ilalVe RAireS3il3,lZ Sown with a balmr.l.aud br wanton to hear him howl. ''What comes after T r asked a teaches or a • n3ll pupil who was learning the alphabet... H. re:eived the bewildering reply : "You du—tu •re Liza." A K•nturky paper pubiL.hed the names of all p s 41 , 1 in town who were drunk on Christmas. d ic. rue n ,nr used JA rectory es t is inure full than the old one. A ' , drew Jackson was accused of bad spelling and John Randolph defended him by declaring tint • . i mut must bee fool who could nut spell war i more ways than one." 'T Israe liies en - soling the Rol Bea," Isone o''tro p4inti.lgt ellaibitel by a practsur-in Main«. who cl ti 114 in hia 11.1vathetutnt tht toot wer:4**pip•tottrnplim.l direct from nttnr'e." A New 11 tmpAliire I trmer's wife fell into a N-11, and it was fuur days bef“re be missed her and made seureh. fie and he't,ltuuj!it Nei bouge u .ustutity quiet, bat be di,lu'l luauvr irltat ulnae There are a large number of saw mills buil:- log in •nHous sections of North Carolina. As lumber becomes scarce at the north, the atter). ion rif lumbermen is being turned to the grm.l pine mewls of that State. It is now announced on the authority of that 'eminent phy■ician." that it is not healthy torts , b fore 8 o'cloh In the morning. This appiies only to men. Wires can rise at 7 and start the nee as before. "Samho, where - you git Sat watch you carry to meeiin' List Sun.' r "114 do you know I ,sb a watch "Beuse laced the chain hanU 40t de pocket in front." - Go'way nigger! Sup pose you see a baker MIMI my neck, y,.1.1 tiui .Lir be a burn inside oh met" A young man in Peoria sought to secure bb. ,weetheun by strategy so he took tier out for t bent ride on threatened to pone overfingrd li.o tin lake II she wouldn't marry blot. It did wore. She offered to het hint it dollar and he (Wert% olve in. The Troy limes notes P. Singular fact ti at mire people ride in the horse ears ntt lair than in stormy any. and dint when extra cars pre ),vided nobody wants to ride in tiled', wliilu ten only one car in eneeybUlly wants o get in. A 'Nevada pnper says, "The ninny frlentts of .3141 Tbotorrum will regret to bear thnt he was .shed up by a surmount to day, on .Nimaa's while lying In wait td shoot a Chinaman. Phis wes ulwxys n world of disappointment. There were manottetore4 in eatifornin hon vaar 80,154,3.50 eig.trs. 35,050,500 were shipped to the Eastern States, and there were imported into San rranciseo dating the same period 1,150,512. • A ynung bean. at his sister's evening party ,egin to HNC, Why am Iso weak and weary?' when a little brother bruughl the performance VII a sudden close by yelling out, "Aunt Mary says it's because you Lague home ,an 141 e, and drunk most every night r A musk-lan. George Sharp, has Ills:name on 3 door plate thus : '3 Sharp.' A wag of a painter who knows something ale ut music. early one ramming in vie the lbliowing undeni able and very - significant - addition to It : A Texas editor, whose midnight oil must hire failed him just as he was going to press, prints the folloWing energetic 'opinion ; "Th. min who would water :totrolettm and sellit, 'wOuld sacalt into the-.palaces of the ling of Maga, and steal the gildings front - the wings of angels." A j strange"tue bits been: made of fish scales irt the minatteture of wdterproot m ttertal de• signed for dental plater, hut capable of being made Into waterp.oof cloth - knit other nsefiti, articles, The 1114 scales aro dittsolVndAniti4di!: biped with certain ithmus and adhesive sub.. afatteut. The niaterhilinay; het Llglily.pollMed and natured to any desired tint. TIFTYN't c ;TS. ,EifilA IF AQT. IN, suVANCE. W INT E R. Thou derk•rnhed man with solemn pace, And mtntle mottled niund the fico, Like the dim vision seen bY'SVIII. rprztt3ed hy t.p-.114 Vont th's bait 'Thou sad, Anil, train, racy thin and .1,11, Tcrthrset. and note pinehe I blue with . cold,- Neer mind I .Thy -goat, 114.11M1 and bhick, And fitting round thee so slte::. lfas glorious epantrtei and lei Irs'i.4 Are like a yonquenor'attedt firms& wart. Wii,, wove If In 1 nue'sawful i 419111. With woof of 'zihrr. warp or' Aeon"! :lore's planet glltleneAwtilv breast ; The mousing Fuse adorns My cart : The,weritoror the waniitirtilontrid " Clings to the tsurbin, lite or 'um: Orion's, belt Is shim% -41. v ' His )eweled, eworl loip h re !nightly, by Tile Pleiades iteeen. the Ovlow'e acne, Shine as thy shisnieleeker;te 'trtnr: And the great Dri.r.otar, a nnknowit; Rbizes'heslde Wee like a throne. Tace heart t throw,. on lon:r anl hVieic Sore -wort 4 and fittiux fm thee slack, bordered 'hy the - Northern ThnsitAlver arrows-shot hr ..ort, e . 3 ,— • Ist romtered sly the Milky Way - %PHI awful pearls unknown Whieh well make on ror in' the telett Proud Summer. britlegromn-like. may age. -Proud Slimmer. with -her roses'. abern; ' And dress of scarlet. bloc, and green, . Plegl(f. m arith 4uch afl iof it ,t We miss the faint, far WS, of , And tlmughiless dance. !bile with taut Brevities Ilk nr tenkl9 re; ft-,it Bit. Ilke a shale blew 944,11-11nd; lihn Winter heekons, with Ids Fro nil ttittiTt d .rher grow, Bare' , white churned wiirtri wniatlitfe 1111.9 W : W ; w Chili crentm nr , r ip. Wit thre not tlotnU hPn forille want , - We, fiat, to follow, go! To I.ttigllo.tl ,,, bt, to cunt.. to p1.,11, Yet. when we follow Wm., les‘rkieep The seri! , l ''RA rot to keep L it , nofterrol! hem itnad!ol...4-ma! Foriepring tictnnzJi hi...rgrtiis there ;land The memol of the , •Itv, With 104 N likf• Ftrre 101. , on 'A3'l•, No Rev!l yet. ein 1.11 , 11 th•qr womb, • . r Mous , at.rlsoing whe% I —Mays!hrh? Use sraEa ,f. The Infheir:. of thy 0 , 404:map on the tern, perature.of northern Enrooe iy neeotd . i.nr. to Dr. Cert.enter.urtutily v-ry. muelt essomerateol In that entertaining work. "The depths ,Of . 11 ) Sea." the coumeof thr Gag Stream ii well der. eribed. It may be eon.i len.l 44 intgl.tning o toe west curet uf,iltrlcr . within .the resist the trade winatt. These rams a weitwtril fl.,w whtrlt is known arthe ennatorisi mere'. 0- rest bung ti e rctost 14 _Frezil. fhe.lgres , rr nue 'lon rrent bends northwairl. with it the waters of the Am tz on tml ()rime!, and rafaing through tie. llsrib , tenn s I 11140 eb `hilt of Mexico. In that great ha. Lie into woo.), no nPrillettl Cnunte-furrent tall enter. it La for thrr heated, until.it mato-front through then.; outlet. the straits of Feriae. with a fl,r, which carries it a certain distance along •tte American coast. whence it colonel the Atianth townrd tire its r.herts , -mast •of Europe. in' ill "miror Mexico the: water Ia •at 'teepee, inwom one?. 1111 , 177 degrees in, winter. tiejo thodlronli; of Newtonnolland the'witer Is still 20 to . al .Jr erees warmer than the sormin. It " ' It to now- ascertained that t,v the-than' tio Mtrmtm reachea the yr Ighltenf ttge' ••11 g - thinned oat elniost to a Mot." In h , gennntigli: for the enmperitive mild snit MOW lbe mast of Ireland 'and Senthin.l,br. r;trim4) ter And o;h•re sesame n tone than the Gulf Stream. 4,..eviik Tit "On working up the teniiinrat ore reii;ths 2f tii• Porcupine expMition ot 1869. Dr.Carpenteg antletled hlnialf that the mon of cipa , r)arat iveit warn; water, 800 feet d.:ep, which we,bad e-- tablieltegl as eilallng, cud probably rupeing in nortlperaterly direction. eking, the wsat coati! 0 Britian and the tusitanlan pentnauhi,cuuld,no• be an extenelon ef. the Gulf Stream. but, EntlA ' t be due to the getietel . •eitealetifin' of the water.. of the ocean comparable with the a , ,cfreulattu of the atinoepbere," Thua the c u l l water the polar seas would he conatantly , Boo* toward the egg: tnr along , the ti atom igt, the ocean. 'lnn the the and lighter water. no *the surface of the tropical and temperate re glans would be ever flowing poh.w.Ard. STICK TO IT. "Ye. stick In it' whatever rnly be your call' ing, and success will inevitably crown your thrts-There is no saving more true thin ii"rolt iug stone gathers no 1130," Wd tray iii;trk , where we Will, those who are conatuntly SLgn leg, are obliged to change forever. while thin who stick to their hilliness thing 'to stick to. Are you a mechanic..., lino does labor wimetiturs seem.' iresome 7 7 pui away'_ such thoughts, take hold with renewed cuurige and "stick to it"-you will reel better t the brkwi that you aro will taste sweeter, Are you e fernier, and du yiratiften.thinit there is en easier way o.eunt a living than by the sweist.of. the' brow?-yours his greet mistake. the fernier" h re.ily most indq , endeln. man to the :wor'd his fortune is secured in the fruitful soil- his'f an honorable callinir., Are. you it-istlident, never discouraged, - stick to it," there are nom priceless ge m, oorwe olail th^ casket . nt krllllVi edge which will be y..Lit:4'it yo.fonly-pl.W4ie Ye., stick to your busitiedt young Urliti , L4el tint a false glitter draw vett away.-tbees etrhing done at tins, present time ty (lisp itig lab o r- . .any-way to., get rielt, foul,havc l ,tn work fir it. Still, nn one falls to see that ,the-e are the nindt . eitecess'nl Who stick to tliidr '11:1 I nets in'spite of 'Wind or file-tin ter - is more Despicable than the undecided inanr-oil. who sits an thefence.reidy'toJump either woe is nut worthy the name or map. In sll sateen deavora we should always thyt oat the light way an "stick to it." W 17.17 BLEAKS wiy to ir.vp JiiN It is stantmonly received' notion that hard study is the unhealthy elenNtlit La. college 11 But (runt the tablets 91 llut ,ntortOiLFfir II r frOnt the he.t tai rr nhil eatalnine, it is cleally 611141'11'4a.; d thtit the excess oI deaths rim the first ten treaty ' grAiluation Es -fauna in that portion o:the rises of. interior. shOolarship, Ferry tutu who inia Sites thoourrioulunt.finnwsl.h3o where, los and political veonotny Inlttrtat init., I Ile hours, and runi punettes'iian '144 dtz tt i,ndthe tin little lingers's : re heivie'r t than the lions of Is a- bllie'degtroyer: end" every_young man that follows it. is ns- the . 141 rly to. nni untimely. Init.. Those wht tm! been Inveigledlulu . theAilla of vire tidned litiptb *few hours sleep:eneh nlttitt blab - Oink. slid plenty rif " I 'iniashea" in tits w-tr upon hipery'fititeitna"nt thidatttr.' The brnine.- tho boat, tholungs. the llvcr, the spine, the Trite_. 31 o Ron.,D E-110C4133T roll., •41 the total d ..ei New,. 140.1..1 a• Ill . ! , _AP. e-. utrov.a,D , 441. INV* kA;41.014 OM, Cu.: •I' 11.15 e ~t. . lo Plsaic.Clo, Me eqnarr ..? an .nrh n, es )1 Y. aka. pr le.• I . Want,. •ntlo, 6 ronagra. k 4 SO; Yrs ,, X 73.. t lah r I (I , •rormr 11 6rgaij.ems..a nr a grr , ”t I earth 011.11110. r • 10 1 , .'1 . • hr t V. 4 II t.t,Pch ratagravt. r,l nr.arta n sfarr , agrs and drob,'; qr..; 0 1 .114n/tn., 10 sr, a ia,r. NIIMBER 8 • ?• 11 , ulei, the niej ever 4 iriet uh ffacuity am ; b.; the teiriev -rAtr gy nt prie4ion 1..4C11YA 'fl m .restmlilt. ,. UTI , III, likes , liitioi lou e %rally liuusger of this tittiera..tie" fall% late rulimun deeny. , I. gemerq'w.r the.sustipm of .the 'lawn - w S C/^ll losintp hotly is She mil bur ut C‘rmnsryilirpts.. , 2. Infi !elity to the I iirserlab)l4lle.l,tliat fnirtkbid'rhwtld hr tit , nlils3,' the MN rrr ilip - ptv , wnt genertilmr, ,3.:Br.cht*Trui. olliet 4, „'gsntl fultlM to :twit owls hms( onterptinn firdply: ItesAr tmrpi MVi , r.tro)ll l /kll 1 14 3 1 yolk 14 , s , ifs eittl.hte Nara that newer I.:.rrow,FIR,Y , 4. Bt. 11111.11 . i . n the suultght, arta,pevrer : ll:ght• enlorwt 6. Dues nth? r t ceriise *ha uu out-doors ad you 0411 VAIN tLe'3ill.l 6. Breathe pnve air. Live trill' open frinflorrs 1,114 the peljr It, opt Gtr you,' - 7 Prty . ciitit'n Ora Itc4rt cq:l a clean g i mp Ml 4. . a. Avon atlmnl tljaq Iw, lritn al" nli linant ttrun4 c ktt , 1111 t, tnnn 1 'oil) wen. • ;.,• • 9. 11,11 t!i-,lt •,1 c r.)l. feat and brIV!„.111,11:.) Iltnre+ tv-t rI, 'all 111..rer HAS erll3l, is Err only Ile i'Otihj s Irily. i 4 poeerbe lween nniNh-quut n nut Aar AU Apple: " Dank. hung wbile. . • • • 11. Q,r h, r ty ow,l meat per OAT : 13 5u,174 len% The 0,11,1111. 9 a‘liqul , l he spar 7,, ~. • 11. A val I I ,/p. hr trty sp,tov, porTs. spiers tivb pastry, Bnri imiwifectly ‘Vbriii. ~it and mini. -with' bestry lens 111 , !2I, 11eh and wild ipime.are thebestK r Hen or tood.„ • , 11; clo•lnit to tbe.bloo3,, AO et, upie t t to groin welittinr. 15. EA! slowly% miVitite yn-ir rwld iTett. t nortinz for tlarre . limirtcheinir trflr;sie 13 I g o anent at ttirt ta , .l?! b.; 11 . 1),: . ! Eno,ortAiii.g .enpvera... 9?} .. 4r4•4e. r, .11t4 lieniiv . IT. Sleep' 'rhea h'll4ili'arearli 18. Brie in. tetwu and ulusele, are built Of 't!if;' -rent nl:fir rl..l,4ll : l,llr..ire•woriwni rum 1 111UBS1(2..Wlirktri... Re isi.et ukn.ug,laly ...due:trent who cannut seleCi. :nod btOtell'rq bl4'tfoitiA. m•nteni, stulienoi' no mice a fel 'feint eine the 1141. Peoteet at ur 111. Iru Iv rmas ebb' and. xpmturr.- 26. liesifi4,/evturtl.l .nd rte f klu , n. As riP ire 1 ` 11. .7,i iiiilosogy . 343.4tiiibitil tee en Lle or "alera Each. !fru h'in'lre,hi of p.or.h. hise Ilefr lief 4' l . w 11w cryo.a,nairatio.l of Pre to . thrirtlothlnt Cat hyy?st,Colttl'it,4t 'ight un ;41:irqntable n. 7.1 11a7 rn' nfe ne ,It;i111 . or iter.coltui)nsii D ulcers lof hers u.l fire st.yre • 11 , 111 tiig• my s 'lllnhid/ R thia .v.poriut;ntit In filet lips G:ic~' t C "nem th it a r;,l t‘ l 4l , •turiiimin•l' to VA. 7 au annred work . arty ha f. two 4rtlrr 1 . !...0t5-fiv,.....urptin•Ls or 0, 1 1411. arr.' u Prn iboun In. oh kiovoge.“ 9 ll ,thrly .h'outlialt if an lontr V%!ben:thils 'au if 1' is ta be use tii.+'t;t;e;t us vi ro:n i aeloy. cov* the tahrlo 'or:: ..t...0rri.1 bribe tretle • Miry Calve; the "- ,brjr.,.naty 'be elm ily pi I Ihrttt4l.l Ott i011•'••i r 4.7c.1 to 1 -trly -01 mi.l4.irlini.% beviog hero preforniF,t, Illu Tabr reolovr l, d, r 'All oat ibr about twelve ,outwit u iotintati• Of the' itle;rittec'Which ft be toioietae.l ftee'a'ptirio l' at troll bite' Ui viaticum brio ail hot an I trukit•rtttely stront." «ttutiort of .Bette of Biala. Ors Avila; frith,..; Intwp tram this ~ b 4lll of silicate at pals; the .nateita`l allofeil to drala,, theu..,wrol) ; %wilt oliier, and when , t 1 4 , 1.1 be found to bnve • tun Valuable • learee, prtairriy nf,betag attlaleritotahle: If n 11l it ire,i 1 . 11 liaaivi pta Ira Rived each , year by pmerss. it will be one of the must, ever preente.l to the worli 110 TV To Eh' TO trnsELF M/..4PPY, to the M. 44 p 1 me, II yee went te, mi.te your, Belt ruiie relee, be Teitall 41114 Clue tit ypurselLan I your - 11 1 .!0'; core *boat any thing floc Babe nil fe:eliito to! any ion' yourstr: Never. think• tit eitjtVing the .tattil.netion of sertng others hop, ui ; not rdtbee .t yttu ten a amiiip4, tai.: be Jenl "us least :mother alt enjoy trtt7t you ttot. Envy every tine 14•110 in bitter op• in' 'any Ft... Trio. thou - yeor..telf ; t lAA: 'unkindly itiVrarila ;rein: and opeuk,ll,4lolyrof Minn: Be onno aim; ntroidl lent :nine Otte .altottltt encroitctr tiptin ' • .your riztit: ;be wiiteilfilt agtithi 11..4114 kiint t,tatte near your tiiiii4o„ohnp at knot .iikp 4 .r in al , . CanltMl'ednictali for e'virryttilnithoi Jo Yon; timokii it ht.ty not he oimitii ti piri=s.r" yoor ri itl. are just no inlett 'e..tteertiaa rte If It were it potiiii.or. at point . • Lte• rely imaohkee. no 1 t.4.p.1 ,rvi;!stit4iig ; tbot to • to )1) t in . 1)1 tyt,theils. L j ttpt , tpt!ttiFy . .l , y9l4, trkottier j , 11:1 Ir yo ir Irien lo.)•tast thry ettnAt nSt •tlitok i•ud - dgit'or ;vtitt'; nI, I'i tit eiiy ti lilt they. oh till I Aecuy titt,tiect- yen; put 015 .' ~ •, w camittpci ion it to ta 'their tooth:in you , eau, %, T Ven•y el 'rk 144 nitre, I Weritt," ; °tee: twenty. apprinitla - mi-- e'er IN twenty. yieinir flint) hi 01,:.7111 amt t•t 4. , et en hi thq ei!lient ,tri 41.11 I-% • t)ee ;it tie. or:11 In a pirtnur ;,, nrie.of alit ticwsp•iiicr, and 'terror-• ti inllienttn" eiriziini.n;i4;'' lir fhb " *la yili fp+ will 'r,et a, knit Ltrn.+nd lire: ; • 14.t1e Flinn . is no lack It. Thelltinit is Ms • sus rsit .in ax t t 1 r tlr o. " ' Carsts. 1 ' Id yo mg fellOte n impel t) • n• so. sit tstPrs Lhil • b u oi r!"* l s AN I "k loomv 0111 " his in teir t riV. wlso .li , Vines Ida IPiCall lig{ • ' l.) itlo legif!itll/ nP knonle•Ngs : ,r „ aj. .nn' some sc ly. to tent tis et slier thnin thnesl,r " ..shutty hite.str bat - the at ti . tantt , .,non . !dr vompiwilly, wistyteltiort nnething: -: rL;4I3,- sasritt 'twittl.t'?l U Wl:l,g!go-I:Adne.lll- nt,dNpregie ul I tz ,. ; 3I in Lila to t.l. - Ole torarr.l" , in.l-1111ity-iiiTress read to' Lain lictu tut In boring tlin lloesac, Taparl. I. ITN tulto Erzu trttArt:ntir *Strirlll. Adveribilna Unless 14:1:eg f!/10 JL Ai '2'. 711 111 1 , ...k • .!.7 4 C.4.0710ir.. 7 1 :4:1Jing-t'SCa47.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers