FIFTEENTH ANNUAL FAIR OF TM& ILtRFORD IGHICUTUIRAL SOW, ;Will be hem on the Fah , aretmd on WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Cbtrtabor 8 as 8, 1878. Priemlutu List, Cum I.—Horace Snb-Dlvlnion I. Deft draft or farm stallion over four year5.....84 2d $ 3 road stallion, MIMIC age 4 3 pair of matched horses 4 3 • pair horses for all work 4 3 single drive horse. 3 2 brood mum and colt 3 2 C. B. Dalistrad, Ifarford, Dunes Decker, Clifford, fames Goodwin, Tiridgewater.—Junorn. Cues Colts and Mules. est pair three-year old colts pale two year old alas three year old colt ....... two year old colt yearling colt pale mule G. M. Reed, Hartord, Chapman panting, Lenox, liar. ey Grlmcll, New Illiford.,-Junors. Cr. Ase 2.—Cattle Pull Blood& Sub-division I:—Durhams. Bost anthem boll over tu - o years old do over one year old.. do-- one year old do calf &wham cow over three years old • 5 do holler one year old. do heifer calf 2 1 Sub•dlvldon 2.—Devons. Best devon bull over-two years old do oneyear old do calf devon cow over three years old devon heifer one year old devon heifer calf Sub-division 2.—Aldsrneys. Best bull over two years old , hull over oue year old.— heifer over ore year old. caw over threcycarsold boll calf_ heifer calf. Sub illTlelon 4.—Ayratilres. Beat bull over two years oll. ‘ 4 3 bull over one year old 3 2 belfry one year old 3 2 cow over three years old 3 2 ball calf 9 1 heifer calf 1 2 I Win. E. Tingley, Garton!, Oliver Lathrottt New Mil ford,J. L. Gillett, Gibeon.—Jcoact. Sub-divielon A.—Grade Durban:* Beet \ Gull over two year. old 9 ,. 3 2 .... bull one year 01d4... 2 bull calf . 2 COW , .0 id 2 3d three year old heifer 2 2d two year old h. 9 one year old heifer.... , 3 belfry calf.. 1. 2 three yearllnga , 3 three ta b oo , 3 A. J. Adams, flarford; Homer Tingley, New Milford; EvanJeakine. Clifford. --Jonons. Subttrielon 0. rarl Lie Devon/ Ileet buil over two yeah old . 3 bull one year old - 9 bull calf 2 cow 9.3 2d 9 ad throe year old heifer\ 8 2d two year old heifer 2 one year old heifer 2 belle: calf 2 three yearlings a three calves 8 O. P, Wilmarth, narford, Ellram Stevens, Clifford, 11 9Ltree.Y. Lenox.—Junoss. Snls-distslen Best boll one years old cow twoyear old better_ three yearlings three calves Sabdlvislon B.—Oxen and Steers Best pair working oxen, ale Years old or 04.44. ..- 4 a pair working oxen four years old 4 a pail fat oxen pair steers three years old. pair steers two years old.. pair steers one year old - pair steer cairn (broke) f 1 S. B. Gale Ilarforol Lewis Ilndnard, Gibson, H. Harlington Bridgewater.--donexs. Mass 3.—Sheep and Swine. Bort fine wooled bock. three dne wooled ewes.. . do do s. Middle wooled beet lamb three middle wooled ewes.... do do lambs. coarse wooled bni.k . three 'CO.. wooled ewes..... do bock Lamb of each do lambs., boar 4 3 breeding sow 4 3 • • --- 3 2 R. H. - Carpenter, tiarford, Hobert Elks, South Gibson, 11. P. Bobbins, Bridgewater.—.ltrooss.• - Cuss 4.—roultu. Bert pair turkeys pair g cc:" five fouls Are spring chickens CLAM s.—Grain Bast peek winter wheat peck spring wheat Peck l le peck oats half bastMleorn In the ear hail bushol buckwheat.......... peek clover seed peck timothy seed peck Mat seed Chats O.—Fruit and vezetables. Best fall apples, at least three earl. fee, not less than Orl6 dozen of each 1 X winter apples, ditto 1 X peaches 5.... I X pears ' 1 X qtanees , 1 X grapes 1 X half bushel potatoes, le - oar more varieties 1. X winter squash x pthrumpki ee s X Xt heads of cabbage twelve onions.. X six beets x six tomatoes Linus Morse, Barbel, T. D. Reese, Cliffort Ell Barnes. Jackson. MUD 7.—Batter, Meese, and lima. Best Arkin batter 8 loaf wheat bread.... x pail better ...... .... 8 1 lota graham bread.. X Jri buttes 2 1 Indian bread X g heese 2 I roll batter 3 2 da Meccas x c Cuing B.—Vinegar, Wheat flora, Honey, and Sugar. Bret cider sinegur.... X* I eager I X sack ',beat Slone 1 X 10Ibe dralnedsurtr. I x 'albs honey.... .... 1 X snaplewup X 10 lbs caked or etlrred Flour to be eusainfactured In the county. Jenne Davie, Cllford, IL J. Decker, Lenox, Leander Grldia, Jackson. / Cuss 9.—Leather, ete. Zest two sides harness leather two sides upper leather two gees sole leather . - . . -... assortment of skins i pair Ina boots 9 9 pair Coarse boots carriage harness at set team harness 2 Articles in this clan to be manatetared in the county. CLAM 10.--Agricaltaml implements arid Caniagcs. Best common plow. cultivator. corn *heifer, straw cutter; horse rake, and diming machine. each 1 Best 3 - market wagon 3 2 donr bl car4 r e 321 limber du - 3 2 single do 3 2 tingle sleig AV innismid maim= to ~,,i r *WI alchlllftra I .. 2 eb... tater -. • 11.—Cablnet 'work, llardirare. etc. Most specimen doubt- I better pall 1 net Work , 'I better Orkin, X sot or strains I set horse shoes X rocking okair II lot tin ware X sewingnikchtno I cook store for coal 1 I ch parlorstore I co u ok rn store tor wood E. M. Osborn, Us.rford.B. W, Breed, Bitaddyn, IL L. Catlin. 13tidnewates.—Jcusts. Coals IX—Domestlc Goods. Ncets2arde woolen flannel • 2 1 5 yards plaid flannel 3 3 5 yards tel cloth I pair woolen blankets 1 50e 0 piths woolen socks 1 50c 2 palm woolen mittens 3 50c sample Woolen yank 1 toe :M s 11::: fkoZlng 2 3 2 10 yards woolen rnrPal 2 I re: carpet Joseph Williams, Burford, Mrs. - N. Chain, Gi bso n Brs.aucece Tamest, Hanford.-donora. ' Crush—Ormunenlal Needle Work. Best patchwork quilt I 1 . specimen silk cad q o I 1 t of any other l braider/ • 1( 3( X bonnet Al bed *prcad - 1 „is Lidice ennui X X worked skirt 1 X knit hood X x do collar 36 X tidy corer bwildcl X .hf pen:um worsted cm ..3( One shirt ' x x ' Cuss 11.—Paint Beat oil pairang s min d tingcd any othez i • 1 If exhibitions of photo. greats and (=brain= 1 X L. C. Rivalry. New 31iltord.,11ary E. , Teakins,Clfford, Loden Brainard, tilbison.—Jroona. Caen 12—Plowing. .gt, flowers, de. plaara riames 1 2 1 ',stalely flowers Coral da4 of thrti exhibaion otaratklal 1 20212/13 And fratt 9 2 Best plowing,._.__._ _. d bat plowl Ibird g. Go r4,tirtit do Filth' do tlitth - Brbonolloginj, livford, Otto Crinnen, llariera, e. Aloorth.'llorord.—Jooora, Coriarrsa or AJWASUEIIESZ.—D, Ir, Moe, toaroo,J,o,llotsbkiro. . StIPPRTICTENDENTS General Sopeilnfettileut, Amherst Carpenter. tiopefintentiont,ortforses, Ebner Teal tvintoodelit of Chita; G. A. lindsoy,MiT- Suparinteuclent of Sheep, Fouler;, N. L. Tlogley, - • • - Superlntendentkof Floral Hall E. S. P. fine, G. L. Payne. Assistants, Miss the Hine, Miss Rada Tingley. Superintendent of Mechanics Flan, John A. Sophia. Superintendent of Dairy 11.111,W. L Thatch er. Superintendent of Vegetable Hall, James Tennant. General Police, N. Tompkins. MILES AND REGULATIONS. The plowing match will he held on Levi It: Peeks' tarts, near llarford Village, on Wednes day, Oct. 2nd, 1872, to commence precisely nt 2 o'clock, p. in. The entry the will be one. dol lar, ($1 oo.) Exhibitors wishing to compete for premiums are requested to have their animals and articles entered on the Secretary's book, on the tirat day of the,, Fair, if- possible. They must be entered and on the grounds at 10 o'clock of the second day. o animal can compete for two premiums. Superintendents of the several departments will have all articles s,ystematleallv arranged. The Officers and Superintendents be known by their official badges. A sufficient police force will he In attendance, from o'clock of the first day until after the reading of the premiums the second day, to pro tect the property of the exhibitors. No provision will be made for stalling stock over two years old. Persons exhibiting full blood stock for premiums must show their pedigree to the satisfaction of the Judges. No animal or article shall have a premium awarded it unless it is deemed worthy. Judges reporting at the Secreta'ry's &Ike be fore II o'clock will be furnished a free ticket for dinner 4 3 3 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 ~icZmi®sioa. Single tickets, 23 cents; children under twelve years, 10 cents; team, 25 cents; single horse, 25 cents ; colts under two years, free ; clergymen and their amines admitted free. Ira H. Parrish, 1. Executive D. L. Committee. Jack Iline, son Tingley, IifiNTIY M. JONES, President. S. E. Canrerrim, Secretary. 4 8 8 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 9 1 A LECTURE co cvaa. xi. a WIC o 23.1 4 !tat Published in a Sealed Enrelape, Price Mr (kat. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Coro ol Spermatorrhcen, and Seminal Westn nom involuntary Emissions, and impediments to Mar riage enerally ; Nervousness, Consumption , Epilepsy. and Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self-Abuse. dc.—By ROBERT J. CULIIERWELL, M. D., Author of the- Green Book," dc, Thu world-renowned author. in this admirable Lecture clearly proves from hit own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually remand without medicines, and without dangerous surgical op erations, hoagies. Instruments, rings, oreordials, point. log out a mode at once certain and effectual by which trewy waterer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privatelyand radically. THIS WILL PROVEA BOON TO THOUSANDS and THOU SANDS Bent under mud. to any address, to plain realed envel ope, on the receipt of sea ante. or two postage stamps. also D. Colverwell'e - Marriage Guide," price 50 cents. addrers the Po til.hcrr CHARLES I. C. KLINE .k CO., 127 Bowery New Yerk. Post.Otheo 80z.4.588- TO ALL MOVING WEST ! BAGGAGE CHEERED THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES! WEST, NORTH-WEST AND! SOUTH-WEST! 3 2 3 2 9 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 8 2 2 9 1 FOIL SALE et all principle stations on line Dcla, Warp, Lackonanun & Western Railway. H 0 • NIC3oPt. 1!ItIX1137EICIITMLI • df&N*73 13.49.Z7/3.E1.1926 ... ,, PECIALINDECWAIENTS to Families and Col'onles a..h191' 4 1i.1...1 . rd, Tx. CA7.I:), X.VParllr,"EtelllS6S. ST. JOSEPH, FT. SCOTT, DEN VEIL aryl t raits 10 Missouri and Kansas, at the very• lowest rates, and [lane Weir household goods and freight shipped at special rates FROM MONTROSE, AND ON LLNE OF Delaware, Lackawanna a: Western Railway, Will Please tate notice that a Direct Connection le made at BINGHAMTON, with all erpreso trains on ERIE RAILWAY. Liir - Be earn to attic for Tickets via "ERIE RAILWAY" which can be procured at Odlco of RONTIIOSI3 STAGE LINB. MONTROSR. PA. L. E133.A.Ma13. Jr.,r 86022:e. '1.31111V 3?31311 , 11. INVESTMENTS. Municipal Bonds for Sale. There bonds are tented by vinare of the State Consti tutions granting the A,egislattires the -right to enact lam. authorizing CiticsAionntles and Towns to issue se marbles In accordance with each laws for certain Inter nal improvements, and {rhea so Issued there is no pow er that can legally defeat them. States may repudiate; Municipalities cannot. These bond-Aare a Branco op on all the property of the municipality. Including Railroads and mortgaged pr miles. Shrewd,far•secing investors are-changingtheir Government and other Se curities !Mathew desirable bonds. Any explanation will be cheerfully given. and Bonds in denominations of $100,W0,511.0, $l,OOO each, for sale by Courts .b Muiam, Bankers. S utiori rheum. Depot, Ang.l4th.ll374.—eel MUM FOR BALE!—A farm ot elity•two nue, ad- Joining the Bore' of Montrose on the Booth, I. offered for rude. It le well watered and has about ten acres In timber, Including a flne grove of beach and maple neer the dwelling, being the homestead dirtelon of the Samuel Gregory farm. For further particulars enquire of 3. E.Carmalt, Esq., or P. Line,. Montrose, Pa. Feb.. ISll.—non.—tL $l,OOO REWARD! BRIGGS' ALLFMANTOR is composed of Ammonia, Chloroform, Spirits of Camphor, Tincture of Tappline, Oil of Jumper. and Alcohol This compound is nm equalled In the annals of medicine for the cure of Bler• 7.°M r t i !qadliVe r iSEVA l PJ.P r afinte r at il counteract all poisons, banish pimple, cure scaly cup. Hour, itching, humors. Ott, it equalize; the circulation, insinuates the system, Increaser the action of the bout, without cutting the brain, cures llearthurn,Palpltation and Fire-tering ot the .llcatt, Dyspepsia. &e. Brim' Ailerantor aboolutclypomeseesmorecuratienproperues than any other preparation. Physicians, chemists and others are requested to examine and test the remedy and COCO trill impel= found different from represent, Ron. COUGHS .mpab.„ been said and writ • test,and many remedies have been offered for the relief and cure of throat and lung disease*: but nothing has been so eminently successfal or obtained such a wide celebrity, as Briggs' Throat and Lung Beeler. Ns. byTBotz - tah. Trral front Bunions, the piercing, distressing pain tram l Ind growing Nallso=not be Cescribed. Thatiatids gaffer, cot knowing there is a cure. .Brigga• Corn and Bunion framed. arena acid or trough compounda, haters re liable soothing, and effectual, and Just merit the enem a they hate aimed from an appreciative public. The Curative Is a healing ointment; immediate relief I, obtained by its application, and it will posts mare the worm canes of Pestered Come, inflamerland lacerat ed Bunions, the sorest histep„the lamest and severest Blisters. the most extensive Wiest ties on the role. or heel. of the feet. =mantled In theme of Chilblahmer Frosted Feet. The Wierantor for culinary coma and pteveutlng their formation in absolutely tinexcelled by anything known: PILES cent ur iesa a terror to mankind t w o , and ahuoat every attempt to care them has been balled. 'By unceasing study and experimenting. Dr. Briggshesthecovered and &towline cure for Internal, bleeding. external; and itching Pm Briggs' Pile Remedies. are mild. safe and aim • Come, Bunion,. Bad Balla, Blamed Joints and all diseases of the feet, also, Piles. Cancers and Banffelons Humors, sharply treated by Dr. J. Briggs 46 Co, G 97, Broadway, N, . Bold by ABELTDRILELL,Montrose,Pa., BUDITE E NICHOL% Montrose, Pa. Jane 19„1/13.. . . • ZEMPROVMD CMCULAB Es N 77 - 3s. z.r_, gemethin new =SETTS' PATENT,tha latest and PGI Dela In use. RUTH% 2111401FeIVATart 1114W3L, - • P o l u b is — smaStdianzritaibiei.Wilitaii4 fir /SPA% bY fIAY &Mos Xinktrale, ?a, reb. 7, lEM— . co b—tt. gar lthintiotmento. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, At Chester. Delaware County, Pa. (For Rcsiderits Ca. dots only. The eleventh annual session commences Wednesday, Sept. 4. Thorough Instruction to Civil Reginechng, Mathematical ondllatoral Sciences. Toe Cifteiliel and Engllsh Is Imparted by West Point .gradm Mee and other competent pmfessors. Circulars may be obtained of COL. TLIEO. HYATT. meet. P. 11. A EATON FEMALE INSTITUTE, MIL Central It. 11., Kennett Sqn.are, Ches ter Co—Pa., oilers all the Inducements that toast Irate o bums In connection with a thorough English Edam. (lon, at *lad per school year. No.ex Was except for in. strtiction lu N'trax,Dtrislc, Latin. French, German, Paint Ing and Drawing ' Eastern teachers, graduates at our best New En„ inc adand schools, hare been employed for se,. e ra ! S SWA years. Inquire of EVA."( T. ti T. INNE. Fripals. TIP WEIBENTOWN 1 7 1121111 LE COL LEGE.—Thorough Instruction. Ilealthtal and beantiful location. Ono of th e 11108 t carefully eoadrictetl and beet sustained Inetitotions in the Stat.r. For team, etc.. address Buy. .1011 N A. BBAKLLBY. Ph.D. ADVERTISING AT LOW RATES:: For S7O per inch per Mouth, we will Insert an advertiaement In 129 First-Class Papers in Penn. LIM sent on application to OEO. P. WELL Y. CO., Advertising Agents, 41 Park w N. CAMPAIGN GOODS For 1872. Agents wanted for oar Campaign goods. SELL AT BIGIIT. PAY 100 PER CENT. PROFIT. Now is the time. Send at once for Descriptive Cireniarn and Price Lists of oar Flue Steel Eng-mein:B of all the Candidates Ostlipal,gn Biographies, Charts, Photograplw, Badttes, Pins, Flags and everything suited to the times. Ten Dollars per day easlir,made. Pull samples sent for $3 Address MOORE t GOODSPEED, 3 Park Row. Now York !wave° WANTED for CIIAMBERLTN'S GREAT CAM PAIGN BOOK, tho STRUGGLE of 1872 ; A Novelty In Political and Popular Literature. A CRAPIIICIIISTOBY of thtf Itepubllain and Democratic Parties; limey sketch of the so-called Liberal Republi can Patty, an Inside view of the Cincinnati Convention. Tho minor tickets or side shows of tire campatyn. The finest I Indented Book Ponlished. A hook wanted by every American Chtatll. To peclite territory nt once, feria $1 for outfit.. UNION PUBLISHING CO.,Chlragu, 111.. Phila.. Pa., or Sort nr.Lield, 3111 POLITICAL GOODS, or ell Undo. TTREWORIC I FLAGS, L A NTERNS, ORCHE JOSEPII S. BADG ES, PORDE IFOR . AL, Be. 32 and 34 Malden Lane. Established 1843. New York srtd ;;;li7:5 4 .11 4/ ri-T I P - A I\ ''4 llllo/ rs. . A SURE CURE for this distressing complal fit is now made known in a (matter, (of 43 octavo pages) on Foreign Mail Nation Mabel Preparations, published be. Dn, YUELPS BITORTI. The prescription was discovered by him In sn'eh a providential manner that be cannot conscientiously saltine to make it known. as It bits eared everybody who has need It for Pits, never having failed in a single cru.e. The ingredients may be obtained from any druntist. A copy sent free to all applicants by mall. Address Dn. O. Buawn, .11 Grand St., Jersey City. N. J EICHLER'S RECIPES FOR LIQUC:RS Contain the latest Improved Itistructigns Brandies. Whiskeys. Name. Gins. Bitters. Fancy -Cor dials, Fruit. Syrups, Bay Rum, etc.. etc. No one engag ed In the Linnur Business can afford to do without them. Ash for them and examine them at the book (torn. Dellverettin mall, on receipts of $2. by Asollmnent e klux.rn. N. W. car. 3d and Callowhill Ors., Philadelphia Pa. Index and sample sheets sent free. palace, apsinlrs ecticulent. a gentle ellmulant to the circulation, a perepiratory preoration, en a. Weticine.a stoma Sne chic, a Marcel.. tinilan admirable iren era! alterative. barn thc ockoon I,cert and dally proven properties 01 . Tea RANT 'S EITIZTEECENT Stir tin iirentesr. SOLD DT ALL DRUGGIST BAELOW'S BLUF. Is the cheapest and best article in the Market ror Blueing Clctlics. The grout cc bas both Itarloir'.. ael %Viltberger's name an the label, end is pet up at Rl It. berger's Drug Rare. No. North Second hb+ Oda. D. 8. WILTiIiMGER, Proprietor. For tale by Drorals Is and Grocers. *l.OOO REWARD! For any Cl.O of Bllnd3lceding. / s 000 Itchltw or Ulcerated Piles that DR. BI PILE REMEDY falls to corr. It Is pmprtred precali to cure the Pike, and nothing elec. .Sold Ly all Druggist F. Price $l.OO. Agoats Wanted.—Acente taste mom money at work for us ticut at anything also. PI - Maass light cud permancilL Particulars tree. G. STINFON S Co., Fine Art Po/Ashen, Purtsand. Maine. q.30-vvr 3D-ix - FLAT! NEW GOODS. T he undersigned having rgtt ed , rerallshed an4reatoek e.t .e.roypitdylt.Ke. fonjr.,at lawevllle 7XXeN77`"d rhihe ; viU DRY GOODS! GROCERIES ! ! BOOTS & SHOES ! H.JRDWARE ! ! CROCKERY! &c., &c. As cm he round elsewhere, and at as Desirable Priers. O. M. Chant. . E. C. 81UTII. CRANE & SMITH. Lawsirille Ceater„Da., April 24, 1872. THE EAGLE Drug -Eitc•rei I 4.40* zracriszole db reicrszcox-its. PROPRIETORS BRICE BLOCE, MONTROSE, PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar. . . . Ifirt a tle , ti slre t tojnj ni onn „ Clo i Letha . ' a ka ' No moved Ptitts,;oll4, Brush es, Combs, Perfumery, Articles, etc.. into the Brick Store, formerly occupied By Guttenberg, Bowl Imam Eh Co. • • We hare recently Stied np this dere In Modern Style, and shall endeavor to keep well repplied vrith all article" pertaining to the Deng Badness. • We extend to everybody a cordial Invite:Sion to tall and gee as when to want of anyttdeg In our lane. and when-zee In want,, give of a friendly call.; To all oat Old ctortonters we deal:o to =prom oar thanks for the TCZ7 liberal patronage heretofore crimpled to us. We shill !fulmar to merit I continuance of the Min. - ' "TM Trill/ Yonne, • . . - /1. B. ffilliNS. • Xotrose, Die.'2o, 1871. AMOS NICIIOIJ3. P S I:T FL TOT ristrizm WILLIAM SMITH'S Extensive Furniture Weroronni you will end the largest stock of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON FURNITURE! To ho found In this oectlon of the country. of Ma own manufacture, and at prices that cannot fall to give ratio. faction. tle make., the very beat =TENSION 'MALES In the Country, and WARM-NT$ them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of oil kinds dune In the neatest Mantle, 03 ML I ST G.- 39 3:3 33 Eb ON VARIOUS KINDS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING: The snlfscriber will hereafter make the undertaking a specialty in hts loftiness. Hering Jur* completed a NEW and the most eireunt HEARSE In the State, all needing his services will he attended to promptly and at datlefactory charges. WDI. W. SMITH 8t Isom. Mel:arm% Pa.. Jan. 31. IS i2.—nos—t[. REVOLVING CARRIAGE GATE. (Pam!,TED, ll:q•roatte.ll, 1571.1 a claimed by our best Judges, to meat the necessity I sot (mg felt,of a Convenient. Fracilhai, Durable (late, en Indorsed by the highest authority In America. In entirely different from and has trimly advantages over any other Gate ever Invented. is Cheap and easily constructed and for convenience cannot fail to please all. Can lie opened and cloned without the opperstor changing hie position, lifting Or pulling a pound, nod If desired can he easily arranged to be opened and closed without dismonnteng. It et-moles no more ground hen opened then two poser whhout gate. this making It very desirable over any other Gate to farmers and there living fu Villages and Towns. Is In order every day to the year, no MOM 10 shut 01 In winter. It min• not ling or get out of repair. For further particulars address the midersigned, who will an far as poosible %loft the rums! COLIDI . CP IMDFYIVSIIIII and adjoining States, for the purpose of exhibiting and Introdnc - ing the same. Farmers and enterprising loon generally, will do well to give this specksl attention, as this Unto certainly will go lute general use. OEO. S. KACB:EY, Proprietor. Nicholson, Wyoming Co., Pa. June If. . ITA 7:7S . - . 0 . llt. 0 , VEGETABLE BIMINI a 0 . "Z . , ga..N. ib v.,... HAUB ,c,:\ ~, ; ''-'-: Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We min assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its, high standard; and it, is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prY erties, prevents the hair from tilling out, as it stimulates 3,-.2 nourishes the hair-glands. Tly its use, the hair grows thielcr and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most et°. as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST PREPA RATION for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, and Deakra in Medicines. "'Prim One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WEELSKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this' dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Mandfactured by R. r. HALL, 4 CO., NAZIIIIA, N XI, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known U ; ..1:t• j', as one of the most itk - ; effectual remedies OE4 : 3 ever discovered for 41‘.i. . ktiki3 cleansing th e sus '-AA f t - - s. tern and purifying 1 '4;43- ~,Itf. - -5. t, theblood. It has v, ,, j, --- ,, stood the test of N t - -c- • • A ,t o , years, with a eon :-.; - stantlyg,rowing rep . -.# f -- " 4 otation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe end beneficial to children, and yet to searching as to effectually purge out the great cot , ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. hope:ides, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powaeful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of &monides, and all scrofulous .diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other cam plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adaided, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and when they are manifests. Lions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing tho appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan" gnorof the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED Dr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Okarticts. 80W IW ALL DRUGGISTS ETERTIITHERL Sold by Abel Turnll, and Bums &ls, Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every. where. - ( Dee. 21,1870--y NTIC7I.—We, the underpinned. will offer to let (be buildlon of a Bridge, on Um Franklin road 'main? to Soramennille, neat June* Calph, on Mon4sy,Jaly Illad,llr2. MIRY BUNNELL. Z.III:BRWSTER. Supervisors. - , • J AMPS CA Pll. gidilgeWate r, Juno 10,1872,—w2 GM US YOUR MINION! DO YOU WANT b. tsoJi=ilo+--=-10 Sewing Machine ? O old friend. and patrons of Suspnehanna cootty— again in the acid sollcitinglyour patronage for The Original Howe Sewing Niacin, ESTABLISHED, 1847. IMPROVED, ISI Plc.,' call and lee It, with the improvements, at WO eon's atom. Remember the Genuine Rowe bah no medallion head. ROOMS AT- 56 Court Street, Binghanipton, N. Y., MMI Wilson's Store, Montrose, Pa. H. 13. DUNMORE Riontmose, 7,213 IS, 1812 AGENTS WANTED! ftfxr.T r e, - v _peN —altb Iliuttrations, titeuraves of the rresidents— beautifully bound, and printed on tinted paper. THE NATION Its Rulers, and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing like It. Strikes everybody attest the book they need. It Is on Fairy, lopedia of the Government. Single pages in it. area( themselves worth the price of the book, Ora a 0 pages and only ft fa A Bich Har vest for Canvassersdics and gentlemen-111,10Crh, teachers and Ftvdents. (me agent took "..3 orders in aim days, triarircutar atone, before the Look a),prared. $2 l a day tan be chaired to fair ter: itory. Write at once fro Circularand Information. NEW WORLD PCBLiSiIIN6 CO., Corner 7th and klarket Streets. Philadelphia. No Tenths, I.loll.—iv New ArrivaL—FRESH AND SU PERIOR TEAS, just resuired autl ror 1411 C lour for at 1"J: - WEBB'S. NTeur Crockery—FOß SALE AT It. J. WEBB'S. /assware FOR SALE AT J. WEBB'S Ashton Salt FOR SALE BY IL J. AN MB oraliges and Lemons 4 kj s , s LOOK. CIO LOOK MERCHANTS AND THAMMRS!! IN THIS COUNTY AHD ELSE WHERE!! TACO 1:7 13117 - V OF M. C. TYLER 79 ELM DUANE ST., N. 1141TII OMIT rO.l AND IF NO7'. WHY Sul PN FlLki, DATUM A PP. Cutlery Scyt hes, ,Sbnects, G Looking Glittifen. Lightning nod mane of her X Cat Sates, Steel. and Iron pole Anon. (the best In the World, every kind of Brush.. Door Lock's. Pad I auks, Knobs, liglifit'a„ri n rill(, " M e " ,l Koires. Fn Iza and Spoons, and everything usually kept in a First Class 111111Witre Importing and Jobbing House. No Mistake!? My rineero Thank+. are tendered to the mnny In my own County, (or the kind patronage. a. , atm" to the many In other Connticr, who may read this, and a general Invitation in berchy t vtll for 4 continuance On Weil as to 'bore wno ore willing to give me trial. who have not douu to, by orders or calls. Truly, riff. C. TYLER. ISlontrope, Match, .10. 1872.—tf. SUSQEHANNA MINERAL mum WATER CURE. 11I$ home fa now completed and Truer for accnmo. T dation of visitors and the treatment of Incallds. The following are among the dire:mos known to have been cnred,by the one of the Susquehanna Uineral Water. DISPEPSIA. GRAVEL, DIABETIS, KIDNEY DISEASES VENERIAL DISEASES..DROP SY. ALL IMPURITIES dl the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, ULCERS PILES, CHRONIC DIARRHEA, FEMALE DISEASES, RHEU MATISM. ERYSIP ELAS, SALT RHEUM, 7,CROPULA. Out a,sm.ocreaus TPiesorsesosi. To those who ontemplate visiting the Springs, we would ray that the DOUSE Is FITTED with a alcar to the COMFORT and EASE of our CUES Rl,ond we 'ball apart no pains In looking to their welfare. We guarantee a cure or decided help, or no pay. For farther particulars empire of, or'addreas A. D. BllTTallTegliD, & Bro., Susquehanna Mineral Springs, Rush, Penn'a. April: 11,1312.-a3 WOOL-GROWERS TREE NOTICE. Murrs. WOOLEN-MILL Is running as anal, mak tng all wool flannels, checked and white; also cotton warp flannel, the best ever made; all wool tweeds and casslmeres. A large lot of cloths on band, for saltier to exchange for wool. Please Oro Olt IM before disposing of - your, wool elsewhere. MILL call miles north of Montrose. . J. W. MOTT. Montrose. June 7. 1871, HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOOI . ATION, For thellelietand care ofthe Erring and Unfortnnate,on Principle, of Christian 24Ilanthropy. Essays on the Errorsof 'Youth and the Follies of Agt In relation to Marriage and Swint Evils, with santtar *ld for the ad:Hetet Sent free,Sesealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION. lox P. PlilloAlehshift Now XMLraxi. rIATIPENTELtS AND BUILDILS—MESSRS. DOOM V STONE, are prepared to do all kinds of Boum :au and Canreirrun Work, Brick Work, Masonry. and Mutiny, by.the Job or in any manner to Rat too toMm. Also, Bash Blinds, Doors. .Mocidings, of all kinds, cod Window Frames. to order. Pine Lumber constantly on hand. bbop in pork Factory Building, Montrose. Pa.. . . A. W. COOLEY, STANLEY STONE Monvose, DecemboL 9T. 1571.--424 m. FOUND! .• • • T the OLD COEDIT OEOE. in 14ONTDOSE, AIL nouoNexcE intsgs-un late or New YOTY iy Retire wetbLietion wtil be ven to all who win teror her w•ItA a call._ parPLAIN gWLNO ilono In the NEATKEIT MANNER. Vim COMM. Nay 101.—mtl R.. R. R. RADWArS READY RELIEF (3.31E4 TIIB, PAINS In from,Ono to Tvonty tillnutos. NOT ONE HOUR afct tr-AtT thtt sivetthotarnt need-OsTmt. SUFFEIt WIT!! mix. EADWAr I fIY RELIEF Li A cunt FOU I:rEltli PAIN. It ssa the Iln4 gust IA . The Only Pain Itemedy that lzedantly rhos the mootesentelattaa va'nr.alLge Itanaustlons, .1 cora Coottrations V 6 htther or th• Lune.. Etotrautt, litotrolt, et ether ptatota cr Gt.:X.14,11 one applham lteq TN FROM OTC TO TIVETITT I.lllCl , lltq. rooter two rtelast or exmetell or the tote the Hurt- Rd.rhidea, Idm, ertepled.Nurtam, raeura4k,_ , or prostrated hide y may soder, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF r=carM=M! INTLAIIIIAPION OF TUE KIDNEYS. - - INFLAMMATION OF TIM SLADDEE. INFLAMMATION OF THU !IMPE OF L CONoESTION S. POT: LENOS. SORE Turtoxr, DIFFICULT IIItEATIIINO,_ 1. PALPITATION 01."EILE IIEAP.T. UTSTERIeS, CROUP, DIPIITHEJEIA. CATAItItII, INYLLT- . NZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACEI,MHE. AIMA, COLD CYRUS, RODE CHILLS. The opplloollen of the Rondo YtellAr IC the ;Odor porde Irbele We pen or 41/Scußy er.lote,4ll 04.1 ma and comfort. Twenty dn , ipOln W. tumbler of water 'n fey overlent. rare CRAMPS, bt'ASMS. SoUlt STOMACH. strAirrnutim. SICK . HEADACHE', DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC. WLND TILS BOWELS, and on INTERNAL PAINS. Treed,. shnnldunae. corer bottle of rtalltres4 Wady Relief yeah thorn. A fete drone In water eIID rl7l7,7nertla .-" E1. 0 5r.T7,f,T,,, '" ..; *" ..0LLM1! ,. . II FEVER. AND AGEE. FEVEIT. AND AGUE en red fur Any seas, Thera is Ind • rtannbal encid In this Irnrl4 1104 1.14 am .4 • and nII Wirt 'alma..., 1141.44.., Fcorteri Ttphol4, aud °titer revel - n(311cl ItADWAr4 P/LI.S) so d• ideir 11ADWAVS READY RELIEF. Fifty cants per boDle r Sold by Drugzig. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PM*: NICTI CLOOD-INTIINAST: FLESH AND WEINuT-.1.NA1l tiKIN ANL ZEAC TIFUL cultruatoN SECURED TU ALL, D. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHINO.CURES, SO Qitlnl: SO HAND .51tE THE CHANOE..4 Trim BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER. Tun iNri.treNve OF MS TRULY WirSDIMITI, 11E1MeLs:E, TEAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Sean and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop throu g h ATISATATLILLIA-C RESOLVENT ennunnelcatea the /Rood, liwent., Vein, and other golds and jokes of the sestaun the tiger Pie It repairs ue wudes ..f ilia toils °Ws new and mato - 14 Scrofula, 8) philic Collsnmptlun, Glandular dlvmse. Vices In the Throat. Ronth, Tumor., Nal. In the Glenda no •t . oWar retris of thesystem Sore Eye, Strum.... Insch Slim li., Ears. and the winst brats, of Sian distesta. Emo tion, Fever tier Sceld Read. ring Worm. tote =mut. Errdpela, Acne, Shack tipoy Wormelo We Flesh, TIIIPUTIM. Goren 8 1..'olob l zg . a i ll s omaket1 ...:A v tLizf s u c i t i;l b s; o fdpmts., ere within the eurat7e 4 rao. of this wond. f) linden, Chemistry and a few .La tme will prove to tiny penvm using IL eir either of Wenn Rm. of dor.. Itd potent power to Core them. If the pathint, dOly becoming imbued be the wart. and accomposithm that I. oontlnunity progregaing. succeed. Is accreting these wastes, end rcpaira the sm.% 311 new mate. pat made from healthy blood—and WO the SARSAVAIUL LI AN will and doca.Lure. Not only due* the 5AR.1,12,1,1,01 , Itancrzre ex;el ell tnownedial agents In the cure or ;won:, Scrofula°, Constitution/O. and 51tin diseases; but It is the only positive lure for Kidney Ar. Bladder Complaints, entry. .4 Womb discs., Ommd, Diabet., Timmy Strop.. of Water, Inconel... of Uri°, 'Welt'. Verve. A betninerts. end In ell usge• where thou aro I tickdost do pe...or the water Is thin, cloudy, lamed with subgenera llke Wm white of an egg. or thread. like white ode. or Wore Is • merbld. dart, bilion• ePPLerener. runt whit* lume-dimt good% and when Were Is, a ;nicking, herd..; wuratlon ben paw..-watr end wile L 2 the Small of the 13... and time the Lome rle, WORM.4. — The only known and .me, Remedy ac. Tumor of 12 Tears' Growth Cured by Budway's nermtvera. tfee. zer, Mee, lely td,150. T.. f he. htd neat.. Tamer la C.. ef-eriee ar..l All tlee Doetwa mall ...evolves no bete fee It'. tried tWeg ttst oaf; Let ...11LIng bel,d fee. f yen: 1tee.1..1., and thought I ereal4 try ft; Lot had. Wet It, t o e.. I had serefed fee tend. yeea. I t 0.% tie Lett of Iteeleact, and mad teef a 11.4.1 . 41 oeft two all,. to ILedy Rend; ofel tten. I* eft a slee of c.o, le Le feta eel., mad 1 feel better, mentoreafeltattne. LL.n 1 bate for tottf• year.. Ter ent toned ens In the left ...So a fher beret!, one am .rate 11,1. lef yes La As lacattiaf oaten. Ire rac refdlsh It If ILtjrNAll If. lit .IYlf. DR. RAII)IIVAIr 9CI PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, tastcleca, efejtatly coated with trretpm. pergc. reguisol, purify. clew.. at I strengthen. Ita..way's teethe cur. of .11 diancthrre . of the Scorn-ash, Lir, lieureta. Sidney., Bledder, 3teryous IThearc., dleadeel , ("ea , if a- Me, CastleenCett ituffeettla.. DjaffePtla, r.o Lou. Foyer, o f et the Itottre... 01.11 oil De -I.lsllnenald of the lutormil %lam, Warrantrd to effect a positive cure. Purety VegetaLtc, ourdatolt.g 40 mercury. Illverate,ne doletertate env,. IX" Ohmrce follow:ex itymplores resulting from Dl r orders of the Itigtatlve Organs laws.hl ITe., rallnela of a. r...t In the hug. tha Sle-earb, heaeaea. Ilaantarn. ltt.mlt at rand, Tull mew er Weight le the Sear tar el the Pit of the atnantelh badten leg cr the Ilea,. Itterlei .11 lineal.- Fla:lariat, at tle/ Heart. Chalk, er faXeeetia, Somali/ma taste Yu • Waha talent, tha et, 15.11 Han. la the Poet. Iha.ehelef f. 10•• Iskl• Ii it ht. Shle. Ct, lad tudd.o fleet. Carting I. Lb. A fear &pan or RADWArA TILLS eltl free thaaialeas Tr,' all 11, 0w1...a:,41 el.4.talcaa. Isrto, a 5 aVtaa ;AI bos.. r A 111.: +Nt Tnr F.?'Send ono Imtcr aamp In !TA I , WAY Go., Nlaidom Lane, Nersr-rork. law - mato:a % , .rtlt wlll . Faa Yoe • April 3,1 572.-3.1. THIS VIAY, GEITEEMEN! 3Fir za r I, a=• c:•xL IMP SE HAY FORKS ! A, J. NELLIS , PATENT IMPROVED. Twenty-Two State Fair Premiums Awarded This Furl• Yitteen Month,-1 60 and IS:O. AT.SO NEWS GRAPPLE PULLEY, An Implement that Fray Farmer, Carpenter, ?Sawn nil rainier Stionlil Ilaye PiLecrol.crisis HORSE RAKES Band Bakes. Scythes, Brains, Grata Cradles, Iron, (A dm Brand) Axles, 13 et Springs. Cirriage Bolts. Ciro Bars, (Steel and iron) 7541Ccoasttc:or C O X* M .131 CP TES That atways ;Ives an A Alt3l WRISTLEI when the Coffee O Ready for the T, tie. TRY ONE and you will And the Coil eAlwart Bight! Axe?, Drlnd .3tones, Stotts, Piens. Rasps Incks. HIM,. Files, 'Knobs, Draw Fattens, ScSib Stones, Latches, Priint., OHS. Varnish. Stoves. Tin -St are, . - Lamps.,fie. liontroe, .11 . 11 y 5,,:11M Af. BOYD CP.) rA .yt 77 10 49. =CCIvI7 / 1 3. oPfO3LVel'lleiiginvenocar, .47+ J...ALkilwvyntulA2 k .„, t .014- . frbgi'M riff 71r, ,;4gA , . ISONTROSF., • • Proprietor. • Elea% Orme* Imre Ibis Mote drily cooeeettog with the U. h. it W., tbo Erle, sad the Lehigh Valley /bill Wale. r.bilveLLlZe—tt o not destroy wasted ed by boyeed the minus! poptsoi= o f r & oth means, and the vital rti . m dig nt o wob' or Inestion. Ifeadsche. Pada go the "hoeldwn , , Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dississm, Sour Eructations of the Stomach', Dad Taste in the !loath. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lung. Pain in the regions of the Kidney .and a bombed other paternPnymptorns, are the of spnn-s of Dvspepds, In these comp m i t ins it has no equal, and' the dawn of womanhood or - one Wide will pone shelter nate of its men/303n a lengthy adrenisemeet. For Fe aleComplabate, in young or old, married or single, .a the turn of life, these Tome Wen display so decided . an Influence that 11 narked Improvement it soon perceptible. For Indammatory sod Chronic 3Theutria. nom sod Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fe. yen, Disuses of the Blood, Liver Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sisci,Diseases are =used by Vitiated Blood, which is grnerallrprodaced by derangramas at the Digestive Or stns. They Are n Gentle Pur4litioe'lia well as ei Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of suing as e powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Omura, and to Bilious Disease. Skin Disease., Empticras, Tetter,; Salt4thenteg, Blotch.., Sent. P.n , r/... Boils, Cirbuncles;.Ringrnorrest hcaiddlesd, Sons Eves, Erysipelas. Bch, Sends, Discolors.tions of the Skin, Rueter, and Discasea of 'the Skin, of whatever name or moor. are literally dog 'op sod curled out of the system in a short tinselly the tas of these Bitters. eiCILIIIIO the Vitiated Mood shenever you find Ifs Impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Etop. dons, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find' it obstructed. Grateful dilillens proclaim Viz:aura Bernie the Malt wonderful Invigorant ever known. J. WALKER. Prop's. It., : ti. McDONALD da CO. Druggist sod Goo. Az.. Sin Francesco, California. and corner a Washington and Charlton St; afew Vern. sr SOLD BY ALL DRUGGLSToIaiD DEALKIL3, July 10, iii to e l) l etee:4\ awt , was pE s ETN:at‘ 74l , 33 3 eMettSi Or Sngar.Contcd, Couccutrated, Boot and Herbal Juice, "Aug.t.Ciliouo Granules. TUE "LITTLE GIANT" CATOAOTIC, or Diulturn In Parra, Phyale. The novelty ormotihrn Medical. Chemical and Phar maceutical Sclera,. Nene., of any liming takihr the lar•ge, repulsive avert inn:wino pill,, comprised at cheep. crude, aral bulky We:et:tents. when we can b careful application of chemical It lance, extract an. ' the cathartie and other medicinalproven:es froth the mot; valuable restarted herbs, and cuncenteate then Inton Minute Grannie, scaresly lamer that n' snug lard seed s that can be muddy swallowed by than of tho moat etualtivo etontache and fastidious tastes. Ear-dt lit tie Purgative fetillet repihsonte, In a malt eoncentrateil form. as tenth tathar.ic power as Is embodied inane of the saran pills found ferule In the drug, shop*. Prom their wanderfal Mantilla tamer, in proportion to their tin. people Wild hosier .t tried them ore npi suppmo that I li T tiro harsh or drastic I etfret, hut such Is not at nit the Case, lbw alnico:of ei it. n,c.i , rmal principles of which they*, , compass.' hein;ree limmotilzed and modified, ono by'` the others, as to portico a 1:11,0,14 searching and thorons h. act gent] y and hit:L.lly operas tug $l9O P. essard Ie Itembr ofrrred the proprto tor nr theME i'Ciktf, to may Ztftuin who. tlyri., will fool lo them roly Calotarl or other toga inertnry or any other ntioenl polron. Stettin entirely vegetable, en particular' mire is required Wt.L.:O USI.r.; them. Theyoilerain ao crak.OrLIIT.Ce to th e eanstilutiun. unit, or m enial:lon. ror Jaundice ti can nets e s Con. "Alpe tina, :apt., , Pain oho Shoulder., TO :shine:snot tiro Chest. Dia z' to,ss. snot Eructations oil tato *anat ► nen, tlaa taste In tuouth, lliiliour attach., Pala to reglou of siittneys, Internal rover, tri hi ed feeling sihnai Sto-nach,lttrolo of attood to Ilead,faigla Colored Urine, Unsociability and. Gloomy Foreboil Ingo, late Ur. Plercoon Wcasnout Purgation Pellets.. In utplatia tft of the rema-lial pee'er of my Purratirs 1 - elists over CO grmt a variety ti rlkedoes, ludoli horny that their action, moon Clio animal neono toy to foul enrcti o toot a ttbrnd or tissue escaping their h.:lvalve impress. Ago dues mat impair them: their' stgar.onetitig cad being al:elated in glass heriirs preserve their Orates antra panel bratty length of time, in any climate. so that mil OM 1111,13, rr..‘3 reed WhiCh IS ODIUM. Me With the pitio foetal In, the dm^ stores, iintup la sheen Wood or Corns. Reenters that for all diseases where a Laxative s Alterative or Purgative Is indiented. three little l'ellett ovitl giro the most perfect satin:lethal ball tobacco them_ They are sold by all enterprising Tivitifg . Lets at _5 cents a bottle. Do COt allowanktlhogri., st to induce you to tabs anything elm:Abet ho may say is juet as good assay Pellets heesure homakes a Lure. r pruLt on that whiatt he recommends. If your druggist cannot supply thentga a closefs ccnta and receive than, by ratans r..PLERCP, D., .Prophh, t. BUFFALO. It T.! 8.33.MX-s TISM. I" L-MLL• DRUGGIST, MONTROSE PA.; IF continually rectivbr DUMN747 starer , 0) r) is And keep, tomitantly on hand A full ariii4etlrabla nt.ortment el genuine DILUGS, MEDICINES, CRERICALS, LIQC OBS. Paints.. Oils, Dyc-Stn Teas, SO ere, and other Oro ceries, Stone, Marc, Wall and inclose Psiter,-Olass ware, Pruit Jar*, Mirrors, 3.amps, Chltunuyi, tie ro seee, 'Machinery Oil, Tanners' Oil. Y 1 eststoot OIL Its lined Whale ' oll, Sperm Oil, Wisc. Olt, Spirits Tamen tin c,Varnlphes, Canary Seed. V inegar-Potash, Colleen rated Lye. Axle Oreasc, Trusses, Supportert,Medlcse Instruments. Shoulder Brisees, Whips, Gone, Pistols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Cups, Blasting Powder and Fuse, 1, buttes, Strings, Bows, etc. Flutes PI fes. etc., Fl eh Booksatet Lines, Bar and Toilet Soaps, flaw 011 s, !lair Restorers. and lialr Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knives; Spectaties,Silver Plated bytions,Forks Knives. Ac. Dctstitt Articles, a Benersi assorttaeptot &MX 1" Fa..Nef GOODS, JEWELRY, and PE .a. All &bele-alb: eild best kids ol .P.ATtST in short, neatly cireor .I.ltai; tc4 restate the sick. 1.9 pleaue Mu taste, to dullght Dort le, to grails,' am Oast and al.) tr, conduce to tun real awl s'abstautial co:k(:zit uflifu. Euutnerntiou In iinpracticabld; ao It v.wold C a ucwepaper. Call at the Drag and arlet), blare VI TURILICIL. Ilontrue a, Jan. 5.1872. DOWN TOWN NEWVS. MINER AND 'COATS, Main Strcat, 6 Orin bvtow lloy4 • iCopler,4l93ltro FLO Ult, UI4OCERIL3, AN 1) - 1.1-B 0 .V./SIO.LYS. - *earn coustvaly reu tylugt 110 -nAtif hvre onhand, nfreshatock of Cloud's ig watt] ,F,Mcici we vllll4lll ' UIIEAP . 1.,, , CHEAr forces a r dxqui-;gu` . e.iireileice GOOD' TEAS COFeEE, SUG.AI4. MOLASSI.'S, SPICES, PORK, FISII; HA MS, DRIED': FRUITS, aovER TlitOrltY SEED, kg Wo,,b We created andmAde add Ittone to iini-Stocke Polls. and are now ready to t nrward Batt et to tho Commteetoo howl:elm New Yurk,tree or chergeott; makellhataladOsneenaento oticonetwonette. Cal) an (team! or our Mork .betore purehpeing o4t where,Vadcorottncesonntelree,o tibe .GOOD QUALITY - - LOW' t'IIICES i?: (.4, 7 611$ • • • 14INER, • • , moutrose. April 1.1 f• SO. • CIOLD4EW.EI.3II7--A . 'Fine • 'UR anat. =lather rarlal4 . or 3 . 01% - elry. .i,tsw Gold gqd 811Tcr Cabe() Watchcs and Watch (Thalns. 811 act and silver plated spoous,'Fork. , ,, I,ltrs; S.n.',inirs get. cralassortment et Fancy Doods , Nottont, PcTrinuvrz. &c. Drugs and 2.lelllclocr. Cargo stock. Unarm Pa.. 1)=.2%1/ , 4= l . TinuarT -:„. it. COATS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers