T .ls o cat gtxtelligence. RELIGIOUS SERVICES • D.aPTIST CIIITYLCII...Rxv. T.& Omani D. D. Pastor ti aCIb s th Services 10. if 11. 01. and I'p. m lisbtistb School. IS m. Prayer Mating. Wednesday Eresdnds . CATUOLIC CIII7IICII UST. J. Bie.rnon" Sabbath Services Second banday la each Moab habeall School hasiediately before law EPISCOPAL CTIVIICEL .Rzr. E. A. WAlcartntn.ltoctor. flabhatb Sonicol. 10,I( a. AL cud 7% p. m. Sands. School 12 m. Wook.bay Services—Wednesdays 7 E IL m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL ....Rev. A, D. Atimotara. Siabhath Services 10.45 a. ra. and i. 30 p. m. Sabbath School 8p in. Prayer Meeting . , Thursdays. - 'LW p. m. . PRESHITERIAN CIIIIRCR liev:J.C4. Ileums Sabbath Services 10.43 a. m. sad 7.1{ p, m Sabbath &boat 12.15 p. m prayer Meeting, Thersday Evening.— "X P. as Political Meetings. F. E. Loomis Esq., of Swanton, R. B. Little, EN., of Montrose, anti others, will address a meeting at Ilophottom, on Friday evening Oct 4th, 1872. Also a mass meeting nt Harford, on Batunlay afternoon, Oct, sth, 1872. !calico. We are requested to give notice that the ser mon to young people which the Rev. Dr. Ches. spire, pastor of the Baptist Church. announced to preach last Sabbath evening Was postponed to next Sabbath evening, on account of the-un favorable weather. The young people, csnecial ly young men, are earnestly Invited to nttcnd on Sabbath evening, Oct. 6th, 1872. Divine service to conamenemat 7 o'clock. The subject is " The Elements of True Success." Various Items. Read a abort Biographical sketch of Hon. C. R. Ruck:slew on our first page. There was one thing in the procession, and on the platform with the speakers and offiders of the Radical Mom Meeting which we omitted to report in our notice elsewhere, and that was II pumpkin head. Pumpkin heads cannot vote in the reform party. To be serious we say that when 11....n1ieal party of Susquehanna County will story to suet. tow carricature to show their hatred of an honest man, so. whom they are al most entirely indebted for all they know—lion. Horace Greeley—it fully shows their chamete and the desperation of their cause. " Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad." One of our leading Grant Republicans in Montrose estimated-- and he is not far out of the way—that there were 1500 persons at the mass meeting last Saturday. The editor of the .Re publican said that if there were not four time. as many as we bad at our meeting, he should be disappointed. As there were about 1200 at ours he most have been disappointed. We wonder if it made him groan any. We zive below the names of twenty Liberal 3tepublican soldiers of Aubnrn, this county, all but moo( whom volunteered to assist in saving the nation from the attacks of armed rebellion, and now they volunteer in the army of reform to save the country from the mantle of comm. thin that threatens to smother out the very prin ciples of Liberty for which they perilled their lives As they fought side by side with Demo crats on the bloody fields of battle, they are now ready to do so to reinstate honesty and capabil ity in office, and to establish peace with " Am nesty and Reconciliation." Citarlo L. Law, Elias Titman, Orlando Park, Terry Smith, Pat Malone, Peter Cits,itly, Jas. ltdenbnry, F. J. Monahan, Thomas Adams. .14n Hon, Henry Kintner, David Voss, John Williams, E. 1.,. Adams, A. L Mitchell, Jacob Titman, D. C. Titman, John Reynolds, L. War ren, Clwen Cadden: Wriendslllle Fair. Tae Friends ille Fair will be held nt Friends on Monday, Oct. 28th, 1872. Ry order of Committee. 118 =iMl Mr. Euston :--It is now more titan a jets since anything in regard tb our prosperous town has appeared in your columns Being under the impression that a bit of news from these parts might be acceptable, I propose to jot 4lown a few remarks in regard to farming, build ing. &C. Our farmers arc Jubilant over their n•ell-filled hams and granaries, and they may well be so, for it is years since they have housed larger and better corps—sneh as hay, oats, corn and buck .wheat—than they have this, There is an abundance of fruit. Every or chard in town presents a Irnitful aspect, and as we pus along and gaze upon the luscious ap ples, visions in the dim perspective, of sweet cider are brought to mind. The Catholics of this place have just finished a splendid church. It Will be remembered that more than a year and a half ago their church was destroyed by tire. The present one is lar ger than the old, being 40 by 80 feet, and will seat fully tive-hnndred persons. It was dedicat ed on tbel,Sth toot, Right Rev. Bishop O'Mara, or Scranton, and Bishop of the Diocese, per fuming the ceremony. The sermon was de. liveretl by Rev. F. J. Dtmin, of Binghamton.— To illustrate how fine an effort it was and 110 W appropriate to theoccasion, it is but necessary to my that it was gotten up in his usual brief, pointed, and well-chosen style. Rev's Ilorrigan of Binghamton, Loftus, of Troy, and Bralioney of Friendovitle, were present in the sanctuary. The generakappearance of the building reflects much credit upon the builder, /Ir. L O'Day. Buildings wherein the "young ides" will be " taught to shoot" are being rapidly constructed in our midst_ Mr. James Hays has the contract to erect the one known as the Ward School Masa The Brackneyrille hotel - has changed hands. Mr. Mahoney-, the former landlord, goes to Great Bend to take charge of a house there, and Mr..l. Finch, well-known in this nod neighbor ing towns, taking Mr. M.'s place. Mr. Finch possesses all the requisites for a popular land- Lni, and will, undouLtedly, do well in his new business Pclitics arc all the rage at present—friend Horace holding his own despite the attempts of the Grantnen to vilify him. We will roll up a nvijnrity for him next election. Cheatln; In Coffee. This is the age of adulteration, and as wise old la lies often remark, "you really can't tell !what you're ratio' "—and that is a fact—or drink ing either. A great many people—cunning people—always buy their coffee whole, bemuse you can't be cheated if you buy the berries. How tnneli innocence there is in the world! Lau e do these lovers of the Arabian berry im agine that there are several tnorthines working in Harlem manufacturing coffee berries. They are made from chikory—which costsafew cents Per pound—mixed with ground peas. So well finished is the berry that only an expert could detect the imposition. Themes nothing about these berries unhraltby ; in fact, as good coffee ma be made from them as is generally obtained in restaurants. Mixed with fine coffee;tbey are riot detected, and enable grocers to cheat and make money. Another "Dodge? Kr. Dodge attempts to corer his tracts in a communication to the Northern Prnrurytranfan, which wa copy bekto. EDITOR NOIITITER3 PpirSINYLVAPIA:,./ aaa Informed by my friends at this point, ' , alio base obtained information from citizens Qi Bush, and ogler townships orkl boroughs, that j have openly declared that ! mxt a "Democrat," and that I hare some money to use for the PorPOs° ofeither. compelliog gr. Ilelonetotaymetuish" money, or forcing gr. Kent to retire. I am at so moused of employing Parties to approach Mr. Kent, and insistnpon 4.1 s withdrawal. To inch accusations I say that I have always been a "Republican" and at no time have I said that I was, or ever had been a "Democrat, that I have ever done anything to interfere with Mr. Helme's or Mr. Kent's chants:sof election, excpt to use such means as a poor and financially unfortu nate Independent candidate has a right to do, is false. My card declares the only object I have in entering this field, viz. I want to bo the next Sheriff of Susquehanna County. And my warm and personal friends who know whether I have money or not to expend upon the uncertainties of an election, his4e induced me to ask the cit izens to vote fdr me. I have the secret pleasure in my own mind of trying to he gertlemanly In this undertaking. To my friends who have promised to support me. I desire to say, that if they cannot aid and assist me without resort ing to such trieksais are used In the "Political Trade" generally, that I desire them to remain silent, but go to the polls and attest their friend. ship, which will be grateitilly remembered, My agent to receive money fkom Helms to solicit Mr. Kent to withdraw will be, llawlcyton, Sept. 23. 1873 A Convenient Table. The following - table will very materially aid persons not having scalm at hand to measure any article wanted. Allowance should be made for extraordinary dryness or excessive moisture of the article. Preserve this table and It will be the means of saving you much trouble and vexa tion of spirit: Wheat Sour-1 lb. Is I quart. Indian meal—l lb. is 1 quart. Butter, when solt—l lb. 2 ounces is 1 quart. Loaf sugar, broken-2 lb. is 1 quart. White sugar pounded—l lb. 1 ounce is 1 quart. Best brown sugar-1 lb 2 ounces is 1 quart. Eggs—lo eggs are one pound. Sixteen large tablespoonsful are 34 pint. Eight large tablespoonsfull are I gill. Four large tablespoonsfull are ; Si gilL Two gills are pint. Two pints are 1 quart. Four quarts arc 1 gallon. A common sized tumbler holds . 4; pint. A common sized wine glass holds !.,1 gill. A teacup is I gill. A large wine glass is two ounces. A tabbo3poonsful is 3 ounce. Forty drops are equal to 1 teaspoonful. Fourteaspoonsful are equal to I tablespoon. —we Obituary. Isaac Bee:chow, of Great Bend, Pa., died in Slaterville, N. Y., Aug. 19, 187'2, aged 6l years. The subject of this sketch was born in Rock land County, N. Y., Feb. 16th, 1811, and when but three years old moved with his parents, in to this County, and with but a few a-eeks Inter. mission has resided in the town of Great Bend ever since, He became in early manhood identined with all the affairs of a rapidly growing county, with it arose step by step to posts ot honor, oc cuping a sent in the State Legislature, and be ing for fifteen years an efficient Justice. He nev er coveted official duties and honors, but in the broadest sense of the word was a peace-maker. He had a high constructive instinct, rising above a majority of his age. A strong parti san, he grasped with earnestness every Issue of importance relating either to the town in which he lived, or the political party with which he was identified. He was a man of strong mind and strong will, and of more than ordinary judgment. Convinced of the correctness of his convictions, he became as steadfast as the hills. It was the great motto of his life—" to think until the time for action came, then to stop thinking and act." Ho was-in the strictest sense a moral man— honored and loved most by thoze who knew him best. Even his enemies were compelled to ac knowledge his sterling worth, and the general correctness of his life. He was a kind husband and lather, combining earned and deep affec tion with great decision and dignity. Ile never identified himself with any church, but was always a ready helper, and in full sym. pathy with the moral improvement of the peo• pie. As he approached dissolution he seemed to realize his state, and in view of death ex pressed no fear, but on the contrary great hope, and although of full age would often say, " Life is so short." lie expressed in the hour of death a willingness to die. A life like his, combining so many excellen cies, how fragrant its memory. "Like precious ointment poured out." A large concourse of bereaved friends laid the clay in the oarth. The memory of his vir tues still lingers with us and reflects strong lus tre beyond the portals of the tomb. The earth , precious odors will lose none of its fragrance though the clay be broken and scattered, Ile leaves many to mourn h 6 loss, but we trust our bereavement will be his eternal gain. Great Read, Sept. Gth, 1872. P. Liquor Lour. For the henefit . of those interested, we give below the Act of Assembly prohibiting Hie sale of intoxicating drinks on election day : Skr - riox 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Thitt from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or per. sons keeping a public house or 'drinking place, either licensed or unlicensed, to sell . spirituous or malt liquors as a drink, to sell, furnish or give away, to be used as a drink, any spirituous or malt liquors, wine, or any other intoxicating beverage, on any part of any day set apart, or to be set apart for any general or speci'sl elec tion, by the citizens in any election district . or division within this Commonwealth, where an election is in progress, during the hours when, by law in said district, the election polls arc rc quired to be kept open. &mos' 2. Amy person violating any of the provisions of the first section of this act shall be deemed ~fmilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be subject to imprison ment in thejail of the proper county, for a term of not more than one hundred days, and in ad dition to the 'above, shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars and costa, at the discretion of the court. MICAWBER. SECTION a It shall be the duty of the con• stables of the several townships, wards and boroughs of this commonwealth, under the same penalty as mentioned in section second, to make return to the next court of quarter sessions of the proper county, the name or names of any person or persons offending un der this act: Truckled, Nothing herein shall prevent any other person or persons from pros ecuting for such ofitace. WILLIA3I ELLIOTT, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. JAMES S. RUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. ArritovL - o.—Tbe thirteenth day of 31areb. Anna Domini one thousand eight hundred and aerenty.two. JNO. W. GEARY. Farm for Sale. I Optill offer for sale my farm, which is con sidered as good and desirable as any of its size In the township. It contains 100 acres, about 90 improved, and more can be had if desired.— All the land lies gradually sloping to the south east, is smooth and dry, treeG,mm stumps and rocks, and !swell watered by springs and creek. Also a never-failing well at the kitchen door. The house is nearly new aud well finished, and there are two good barns and other neces sary buildings on the premises. Plenty of good fruit on the place.. Per further particulars, ad dregs me, or call at the farm 1% miles southeast of New lilliford.; - , - - -.- Also 180 acres oflond near lowarnlls, Frank lio County. lowa, -which I wish to sell or ex ehaoge for a small place, or aromrty to a rail road town. . LO IM WRJTEFI, View AfiLford,ldet. Bd, 18q8, --• The Royal - Insurance Company. The annual meeting of the shareholders of tho Royal Insnrance Company was held in Liver pool, England, on the 2d ult. The Chairman of the Company, C. Turner, Esq., M. P., presided on the occasion. The annual report showed that the receipts of fire premiums for the year had amounted to £697,261 12s 11d, ($3,486,305) and the losses by fire, including Chicago losses, to £ 3 84,060 3s sd. ($1,020,300.) After provid ing for unexpired-liabilities, etc., the net profit for the year amounted to ...tt18,851 15s 7d. ($344, 265.) The business of the-year showed an in -0.0180 of £185,425 in fire premiums alone, ($027,- 125,) A very Large proportion of this vast in crease of business in one year. has been produc ed in the United States, where the Company is rapidly extending its business and growing dai ly in popular favor. The tire reser% e fund of the novel now amounts to £488,466 42,445,3301 This places the. Company amongst the most se cure and solvent fire companies of the world.— The total assets of the company are now £2,- 290,923 his thl. ($11,454,015) to meet its life and fire liabilities. The chairman In his speech, mov ing the adoption of the report, referred to the progress of the company in America in compl6 mentary terms, and expressed his belief that the people of the United Stater were patroniz ing that company, and others from Great Brit ain, because they had bean found prompt in set tling all claims arising from loss by tire—even in such extensive loses as those of Chicago.— The entire position of that company places it in • the trout rank of insurance orgunii.at ion.; and while the hudni.ss of the ve•ir, 1811, must be highly gratifying to the United State, Agents of the company, we have 110 doubt they n ill stilt further increase their hatuinems during the current scar, and appear in even a still more favorable position in the next annual report.— vc Tunes. L C. DODGE A. W. STtLES, Agent New fford Busquelmnaa Pa. Insurance Notice The undersigned, out of no ill-feeling to ant' one, published an (Alicia] statement some weeks ago, of the impairments of the capital of sev- I ERRORS OF YOUTH. end insurance companies, represented by some l tour agencies in this county, one of which \vie, . A C D, T it T a L y EN. F. l . AN . whonnfferead fur years from Nervous rt tore DIVA V, and All the erects oi the Andes of Cincinnati. At the instigation of i yonthrul holl,rrella Rill. for the kike of outTerlng loa the agents, or seine other per.ow, the Prt wialealt, ! manity. Pend true ha all who Ili,/ It. tilt. receipt And dt- J.B. lienneti, wnile a letter to the editor id the cr'L1,',1.5t..,i'1i.,"X,.14,,i‘n,.17tir1,"'1dre,,Un.11::,b,,,,7,h,,i,`,.il ho , " . 7 Repu Moan, denying the statement, whirl! WILS ~.,,„,..,,,, d .. j . ..., .„..' d , j ",.",Z ) : j ~ .6 . ,,, j i . , l :,, L jr . [ll/HM.124 ill that paper. We now find the fol. u 'JOHN It OGDEN: lowing statement published in- the New York i No 42 Coalar *treat. New York. Times, Sept. 21st, 1872. whirl' makes the Andes I Insumnc Company 6 4 289,1a5 27 worse oil than - .. nothing. According, so this statement parties I Mctv A, drerttocincnto. in this county, and elsewhere, holding policies i C.. in this company are not insured. Mr. Bennett r ''''''''. is also President of the Amazon and Triumph I EDITOR'S NOTICE -.The nnalawslarned. an Atoll. —companies also doing business in this Stale. , IL .r Appointed A, the d ualqa.• of the endue'. Court. 1 SI Mild rsconittlend all parties who desire . I, , , ,, Ml i Thr u t , h , c i, %`k u T i n r of . t. , t , nt , ii , u , . h L ... 11 no . t .., { ,.. 0 . t 1. 1. 1 i t s t:1 tan , l , e ,, lla& sale insurance to apply Ili; policies in old, rube . 'Stephen 'n Co . allFl ti ' vre ' / I le::. ' oil '''. .1 1 11. ', :1111 irt l;:1711.1C; r of laic companies represented at this agency . il!• Up pcbiut olcut , at trio toftlr, in Mont.... on The Nl,rtli America insurance Company, of, Fria,. the VMS day of taroahor. 1071 at one Philadelphia, ineurponttett 1794, , ~iock 111 tbe Afternoon. •All pante.. traleTtoal,.al areht•re ; ~,, rnittlrt.ti to app,ar and prrt•nnt thrlr elahl.. At the Franklin, of Philadelphia. • also, Once and piece or An r.rt!ser thdri marl. Peamylvania Fire Insurance Couyati), of , . o iI', BEEILIOLE, Auditor Plailarielpititi. ' I hiontrote, Ocl. 2d, 151'2. _ State of Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia. The old liartiorl Firs Insurance Company, Or I lartllaril, Ct. Home, of New York. The above companies lost - over iii,000,0(10 is the Chicago fire, with ii was promptly paid, awl lice companies are in as gdod corpiii ion ~,, they " , re previously to the lire It eosts no more to insnr , WI good companies wen it does in dou'it thl one., tsr estrties applying to this ag-aer NI ill get reliable insiii._,, BILLINt,S zi rocu:1), .(gent TRIUMPH' eon Tw r.x - ry YE. Its. —More twenty years ago the Musynsoi \ titr.icr !e debt in the west. Its cures of the various external diseases of horses.aad cat tle, 1tN1 ,, 11611- ed the planters and farmers of the Mi.sisappi and Ohio \ alleys, and is demand for it sprung op which necessitated its man Mirture on an ex tensive scale. Soon the disetiver y was made that it was a grand specificfi.r rheumatism, goal, neuralgia, earache, toothache. and other external idiot:ads of mankind. Then it was tried as rt heilling, pain kiting application, in races of outward injury, a telt as cats, bruke.:, bum.. e pasta., Mc.; found equalh set viectilOr. The fame attic new rvtiiilly for 6.111 C of the most painful ills that afflict mankind and the lower animals, spread rapid!), and . I'I'STANG LLNIMENT still took raid: in every State and Territory of the Union as a STAB UMW CC ILE. Ton lILUAte Row exec ITS 'DT Tr the man deserves well"( his roust ry trim makes two blades 01 grAss grow where only one grew before, sorely he %Ili , prelucee .t glorious (*PM of hair on a comparatively barren o'nlp deser ves the hearty thanks of dn. party. All honor, therefore, to PROSIIrttEIt E. T, i.vopi, for unquestionably, hls Te'llt)Wtet Ii ATTIA eons :1:••• coo plieitre this object :urn whiskers at-e shy of m tkiu their niye.trtnet, in force. or the fibers of whose M.:151301re doe , Ihcre •'nrtznificent dist.,nees" tor crlii• it r•xEcuroirs NuricE.Letter+ teEtautenta.rr to the Wu:4611:410n City Mcs nitre sto e,e-Inteo: N•11.4% , 1 Mild It. I..te ut Drouldyn this omit PERSUAIIf.II 1110•1 a ontl,tal ett. Su.,oehlnen eenrty, It., here been arant..d to the court:rev of fibrous thwetotternent that has ertr p ‘ rrn ,, , ,, ln ., iteted to the edict estate, are yet been inventetl. 110th s-v-, +we tide isetl ft r tv g,l . ;t l ;l7: l ; t l,l, Stf ' r e k i j ' 7.; - - Use it, as, by all odds, it is the best aritide fir , Is auks knows lb/ rams without delay. . improving the growth and beanty of the hair, , E.t.t.tn`r A Lototn, Executor. keeping it free from scurf a utl tland raft, prevent- s 'P L " ^ - / 811 - - "'" ing it from becoming harsh, der and gray—giv• ere beetil)..nntled to tbe Mg it a gloss and it Is it to " " o r V d tT n iV . birity—that rich'aio. rhemtstry has ever r . rivol- esncson the rani eAutt% Vett trom vegetable kttigittnn. , r•folc.d. r•oe • it, •hted t.i ealtiestate, are here by onrlttell in make immndiare payment In the Admin. disco h.tvlect delete ertinot the enter. are t-tpi-et..l pyres there et the . .qttre of J. It A. A. 11. Met:idiom. JULIA M. TIFFANY, Adm . r. flrillreivater, Sept. ICI. 11.12.--Irti. B USI N ESS 'LOCALS Two Hundred :Tien Wanted On the Montrose Railway from Tunkbanno,l to slont rose, to drive it through to its coin ole Lion. PERRY Contractor. Dr. E. L. Gardner Would inform all those whom it may concern that he has IrD his notes, judonents. accounts. and leases, In the hand.: of S. Wilson, and requests all creditors to pay over to him their f eApectire indebtedness as they tall due. Montrose, Sept. 4th, 1872. F. Churchill. Jmniee of the Peace. MILT over L. S. Len stare, Groat Bend borough, Chtsquellan na Co., Pa. Ilam the settlement of the dockets 'of the late Isnxe Heekhow, deceased. Office hours from OM 12 o'clock, a. m., and front I to 4 o'clock p. m. Great Bend, Oct. 2d, 1872. Strayed. • Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, on or about the 14th of September, six sheep —four ewes and two lambs, (one a bunk.) .The owner is requested to call and prove property, pay charges and take them away. , J. B. WALLACE. Dimoek, Sent. 2.lth, 1872. ZyYtARFi=dGESB. McCanTaiv—SEAnt.e—At St. 1':1111'8 Charrh, Montrose. on Wed - n[2day. Sept. 25th. !K2, be Rev. E.,A. Wnrriner. Rector, Gen. Wm. 11. McCartney. of New York, and Katharine E. daughter of Leonard Searle, Esq., of Mont rose. a~dT~~. lIMIRINGTON-At his residence in Bri kgewater, on Sabbath evening Sept., 22d John Ilurring ton Esq., aged 75 years 7 months and 15 days. NEW YOBS PRODUCE PLCUJIKETS. Corrected weekly by Mullins, Heiden Sc Co., MS Washington . SL, blew 7 ork. Butter, pall ..........., ............. 2.1e,.27 " firkin 23025 Cheese, dairy, per lb 110_4012 " factory "......, 12©13 Eggs, per dos 24025 Flour, per barrel 6 0066.50 Corn meal, 100 lbs. '3.00C./ . 0 3.83 Wheat, per bushel . 1.6401.65 Rya " 113Q75 • Oats • " 4400 Corn al 63004 Bops, crop of 1871 Tallow •' ... Lam per lb Potatoes poi: bbl Apples ' Turkeyse ' per , lb Mam • . Ducks ": • ~, Jptgiat goticto. Valuable Hints. A v doable habit of body la absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of Intellect. Nor is this all. Beauty of person cannotco-exist with an unnat ural condition of the bowels. A free passage of the to fate matter of the system through these Enteral waste pipes, is as necessa, y to the purity of the body as the Bee passage of the otlhi of Belly through Its solvers Is necessary to the health of Its tehabitsnw. . . Indigestion is the primarycause of most of the dis. tacos of thetilschar,ina tit, guns, and one of It. wont common results is constipation. This complaint, be- sides besides bang dangerous in Itself, has many dim areenble COllCUMltalita—each an nn unpleasant breath, e satiate chin, contaminalitg blood and bile, humor.. [holds, Itennache, loss of memory, and general debility. Hostetter'. Stortmeli Elliot a remove all them soda by removing their Immediate norm In the dcestlre moms end reAtalarlog.the action of the intestines, The tom. bluation of properth•P In thle celebrated preparation is one of Its chief merits. It to not merely a stimulant o n tonic, or an oath bilious agent, Or a [terrine. or a blood depurent. or a cat hark, but all these rotation ele ment, Waded 111 OLIO powerful reptorritim. It lend. activity and vt.,, , ror to the Inert and enervated stomach, relieves the lalmentary venal of its obstruc tions. oral Om unto to the membrane which lines It. gently pilmnlatep the dver, brie, a the nerves, and threes the animal spirits. No other remedy pollealaita. such a variety of Ingle. le virtues. It Is to three char acteristic Vlrlatal that It owes its prestige AS n house hold medicine. Experience has proved that It is ns hart:ilea, as it Is ettimclou., and hence It Is as popular with Oa , weaker sex us whit the stronger. Ilostett,'s Stomach Hitters are sold in bottles only and the mole lan.tk. blown in the Oast , and engraved on the label is rho the tent of genuineness. beware of counterfeits. Testimony of a Prominent Physician, nuring the pert eight years I have bad frequent opportunttler of *gine...lug the effect of Ittrutra's flung 1:11,,113 ot.m p,rno..llrerit4o. form Dyrpepola, Leo. of Nero,. Diergy, Sexual VeaLnee•, Plarrhoia, Se, I him: Loom n It to prove auceoistill In many Carer, where Aliophatic, Ilonneopiithic and Ilydrophat lc trimtnnint had felled. I nail continue to won It In each complaint. with uniform success, and have no henltancy In pronouncing It the moat elliencloim reme dy yet Wee°, eevel Gtr dieettess nriiiing from a illsorded Stomach, Liver, liedneynat Bowels, Yours, very truly, 4 1111TOTt's NtrricE —The tudeletizned, an And!: or appointed by that .04,14144 a Cohn of hneyaelmu n e ( . .3.11V. lo f:4011 ,. .t3t , the futot• to the handl of John Tattorat,ailtuittlatrator of th e-tato .4C. S. Tanner. duct-owl. v ;It ntseol to the tlotien of bin appointment at Ittv take In- Slontoaen. on Saturday. November Si. 1.71 :a 1 o'c'oek. p. %vitt, 14 1000 and placo all iter• attn. Intern•t4 din said funti•pAttat pre-ent their cbahnv or be fortvuennbarred froth Cnvnin.l tn ou aid fltnd. P. W. SEARLE, Auditor, Mor.trove, Oct. 2, ISI2. N EC t:Tuit'S Whereas lot tars testament., rs to the estate •A• Thnn Is Johnson. cleceaseal zranltal to then tolcr.igned, all persons In .0.`t.4,1 to ealti est te. are rrtptoet•d to make Immediate Tioyaggot, mod tboe. It tvlet; Ja m• ooninet the same. urU requeved b. pr, ent th without delay. nri'lg ,,3 '•••• • R'S :CL CE The uh "... ilerelvord ha% I tiag been A MP by the Court of Coalman '."1‘""". as dietritatte the fend, Arkin; from Sltertrii al F.-tate of Fa h T.otiplone.ol Liberty. get ee static, than n l . n llleiteterto the dot; hie euratittiniont et hie ehice, In Mdlnir.e. 231 . 11. 1 ..1 . 2..tt 2 it't li p. -11 hlt h time 1100 pioco,li parlari• intereatial :nee a , I end. or be far t, r froat at, 1.1 1.111:EN, Antlitor .I..ntruit.,s,ptemh. 10:.t. notterento-t. Ls at: °cent opprtiotull on andltor. he !he t't,rt lAttutonn firutpottla mos t..tottrir. to duttrthoto the fund, In the 11.0014 or the •••11-edr. u stn; from 010 Slteritr et sole of it, real e-tdote ur ti. 1" hepthy 2 1v, that he at dl attend to Lb° clot et of tie Appointment at hl- tare 111 Nlotitroo, t Thtirtodty, net. aft.t. taw. t o u't lurk. p. m. All permits 111 , 1,r:tea .5 111 attiotor and l'n - abnt foot , ' rdolot, of be forever barred from uoralnglu On fold rumt UXF. TTf.lrffq NOTICE! Le:o,n , thttlm , titttry in the ' , Lee of Jeho.. ILIt som. dtewtsed. lore of Leto,. htt.hih •••-111tJalot,..y. ha. Lt./Itl`ll 10 :he yoharrit.c". nil per-co fetich:el to the eatri e-tare, nee r: vet -toll to ctdice Immediate p tytnent anti thote fte: t 'hoot ot tifottmolh 14 !lin A . ..LAW of the . t tiddo rthitht. to Teske known the tame without dell P MMM3BiIIM A 1: 4 1 , N y Oj e l f c. 1 . t: ;; T L. 1,2 3 e hnn ~,I n. r tno i been ss ykkeltarken elortner. nn Auditor to f dist rlbuke the toed,. In h.encle of the slkokeff.trinlun honk the sale of Real Estate of W. 1' Ittkkesll nod Sohnkski will atk end to the dutte. of bin appointment. tit Sb. oinee on Wednesday Ver. hi, ISIS, nll o'clock, P. M. All persons interested will appear and present their elating, or be forever de barred from coming In bu snid fund. It. 1.. BALDWIN, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. IS, 11372—5e4. 1:11TTORS Sorter...—The nnacrozned haring been 11. appointed by the Court of Common Pleas. of Sus. quenelle's County. an Auditor to distribute the Node in hind. of the Sheriff. arising from the sale of the Real Esta, of 11. C. Hibbard, will attend to the tint tee of Me appr imment, at his office In Montrose. on Tuesday, Oct 1:,187.1.5t I Welnelt p. tn. All person a Interested will epreler um. prr,e it their claims, or be forever de• barred from coming In on .Id (end. ,Mr.S. M.. CAUMALT, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. IS, 331..1-:-w-1, I'DITOICS NOTICE.--The undersigned, an andltor /X appointed by the Conn of Comm. Please of fins• goeh toot County. to 11;etvihato the tnnat• m rho hande of the Sheriff. arri,logr from . the Sheriff's sale of the real eptato of Jacob Decker, hereby gives notice that be will attend to the duties of hie appointment, at hie orrice in Montrose, on Fri! ay rant day of Oct, ISit, at one o'clock. p. m.. whenand where all persona Interest- ed le mid food will prevent tiplr claims or be forever debArred hum coming in uu sold food. A. IL Mcootitrar, Auditor. Montrose. septembcr 1872.—w1 DMINISTRATOR'S VOTIVE.,—In the estate of Mary S. t tontun. into of Iltidgewaer, £eon's deceased, Letters of Admiutetiution to the said estate ow:tot:been granter' tattle rinderstmnd, ll re.r.ons owing taut estate, are requested to make imue-dmte. paymeut, and CI porpous having elstuts ealmt .old estate are requested to present them without JOIIN A, STANTON', Adair. Bridgewater, Sept. 4th. 1672.—06. VIiTOTE. of Aortin rho:nave( the troverhipaLvtbrop naviutearma county. Ita, deter..ed.—Lettere , of Ad mintrtratinn upon the evnup of the above named dece dent. hvvtot; been grant 44 to the undermined, all per rum. Indebted to eald estate are hereby braided to make lonnedlate payment; and those having' rialrn. against the name, to ',meat them duly authenttented !losable. merit. . 15. P eRANDALL, Adm'r. Lathron. Pa o Sept. ittb ie;i—w6• rpxrcunars NOTICE.-.l.VrtrciAs Loters testa mentary to the aalate of home Iteckbato hue of firma Emul. demmymi, have .hecopgraated tattle rubscribors. all perrone indebted to infld'eetate are regard., to make 'lmmediate payment, nod them having dame or de manda aipsitist the tame,-will tumult them ultlont A. 11: WITttINC7, - • t VINCENT IthClillOf9, f Allr. (72.—56. TWINY .IP3OIII. 40=17 , 1 1 . IN . S'l' M ENT S. municipal Bonds for Sale. 'Mean bonds arc issned by sirturii or the AMU Consth tedious granting the Legfsleitires Cm rigit to enact Miss authorizing C I ties,Countles and Towns to Issue co. curitimin accordance with such laws for certain inter , not Iniprorements, and when so Issued t bore is no pow. es that tan Itnally defut them State* may repudiate; Ilunicipslitles cannot. Then bonds are a first lieu np• on ill the property of the municipality. Including Itailroads and am:fungal pm bhrewil, raoseelng 'unstops are cbrumingtheir Government and other no. entitles Into these desirable bonds. Any explanation will be eneerfally given. and Bonds in denominations of 5100, RIG, rsoo, goo tub, far sale by Canna As .IduAzn, Bankers. Stiednebsnas Depot; Attg• 14th,inns—ef3 .... 840 1 25Vtl 75 Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of an order of the Orphan Court of Susque hanna County. the nudetalgned, adownlstrator of thu estate of haze P. Pnruham demented, wlll sell on Thersday, the 24th day of October. A. 1). 142, at one o'clock, p. m., the following described Real Estate, to : All that certain lot of land titnate In the townehly of Lenox, County of Susquehanna and State el Pennsylva nia, described as follows, to wit : Bounded on the north by a public highway, on tha real by lands of Andrew Halstead. on the south by lands of -Utley and on the west by land. of the canto of John Brunie deem, ed, coutatoln: shout four acres of lea, be Cho same more or lees, with the appurtenances. Hale to take place on the premise!. Terms made known on day of eels. AIIM FOR SALEI—A farm of strty-two ferns ad- F the Dore' of Montrose on .lba South, It offered for sale. it In well watered and Ms rimatt ten acres In timber, including a On,, grove of bench nod maple near the dwelllne. being the homestead division of the Samuel Gregory farm. For further part (Cohns enquire of J. E. Carman, Esq., or P Lines, M ontrose. Pa. Feb., 7, ItR2 MONTROSE BUM J. T. BARER, M D. P. 0. Dam. Pith, Lanca.m.er. Pa. Mart t e s;t arrival FOREIGN AND, DORESTIC FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, LACE AND PACNY GOODS WHITE AND WOOLEN GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc. TRIMMED, AND UNTRIMMED RATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACES, ETC, ETC., READY MADE CLOTHIIVa: FOR MEN, I3GYS, AND YOUTH'S WEAR, PIECE GOODS wurnE YARD, AND CUSTOM WORK GENTLEMEN AND LADIES GUTTENBERG. ROSENBAUM,&co MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. 4 Jnst published. a new edition of DH. ell i.„ ef • CULVEIitt ELL'S CELEBRATED ES SAY on the nattiest cv nen without mod!, - duet of Seenataroturns. or Seminal ~., ‘Y ea knes•,_ Involuntary Seminal Losses, impotency Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marri age, etc ; also, Consumption - , Eel% ell.), Arid Fits, induced by self indulgence andal:I11.11 extravagance. Or Price, in a sealed envelope. only U cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable essay, clear ly demonstrates from a thirty years's encecesful practice that the elm-mint consequences of self abase may be radically cured withoet the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing oat a mode of core at once simple, certain, end effectual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter whet bin condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. reirTilis Lecture should be in the hands of every ymith and A very man ID the laud. Sent under real, In a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on script of six cents, or two post stamps Also, Dr. cal werweire '•.Marriage Guide," price Meta Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE .1 . CO.. 127 DoWery, New York, Post.Ofil. Box '4 AS6 f ETIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. On and after June 10, 1872.tralna oa the Lehigh Valley Railroad will rou as follows: sotto. Noma. No. No. No, No, No. No. 85. 9. 7. M. 2. 4. p. x. 910 New York.— 700 9 (X) No. 92 leve. Towanda at 710 a. m.;, then', 750 a. ni.; Waverly. flO5 a. tn., arriving at Simi at 9 00a m No. al leaves Elm Ira at 5 Pip. m.; Rav rly, at art p. m.; Athens, at 630 p. m., arriving at 'ow nda at 7724_4 m. Drawing Room Ctrs attachertto t Ins9and9 mauling through tram Elmira to PloWelp a. It. A. PACKER, Super( =ldea. 1 OF THE SUE.4I HANNA COUNTY,I AGRICELTU AL SOCIETV I Held Sept..l7tb, 18th, and 10tb, 1872. Division I.—Horses. Best Stallion sire of best yearling colt, J. - P. Tingley. ISO 00 2nd best, It S. Searle, , • 300 Bost Heavy Draft Stallion, Williamparpen- , ter. - 600 2nd best, D. V. France, • : 800 Befit Quick Draft Staihon, E. L. Weeks. • 600 Bountus Dzacin, Adm'r Lanox, Pa., Sept. 11, Int 1. C?11 4 P2it".4:00 IMPROVED ettairinifn WOOD vamp. T.lsteleas, Durable. Eftlefeut and Cheap. The best pump for the wart money. Attentbm Is erpectally invited to Dlatehley's Patent Improv ',racket and New Drop (bet Vdlve, which can he withdrawn will, sot realm I ns the PutopordDturbing thcio I n ts. Also. the Copper Chatober which never cracks,, and will oallaat sty other. For sale by Dealers every There. Send for Catalogue and Prim Cuss. 4 4.BLATCTILVT, Wrr ro Coosserre at . ruua., Pi. 1672.—N0. Sd.—yl OF FASHION! DRY GOODS! DILLINERY GOODS: GENTS nATs AND CATS, OF ALL QUALITIES, AND LATEST STYLES. ALL IN GREAT VARIETY AT THE Well-known Store of 3iolltrOEC, May 22, IS7Z.—V. . 243 100 010 Elmira 12 45 618 945 351 151 943 Waverly 12 00 533 9 00 313 130 10 00...... Atbenr...... 114. 52i 850 4'lo 906 10 40 ....Towanda. ....II 05 6 57 810 521 11311 Wyatheing ...1001 715 545 305 11 50.... Garyville. 943 405 651 6 14 12 12.... Meant:ppm+ .... 920 653 fl 15 11.1 , 4....1deb00pany .... 9 13 621 0Z 230 12 43 Tnn lc hat, nortr9 1 . • .111 PI, Ki Bta 442 150 ITa 7ston 25 2MI 4 8 r., 600 2 13...Wilkes.Barre ... 700 215 480 ... 730 435 . .31anch Ennui_ ... 11 45 135 P. K. 853 650 Allentown A. N. 10 47 1253 840 605 ....Bethlehem .... 10 30 12 00 913 6 45.......Ea5t0n 10015 11 33 10 30 8 81....Pbtladelphta 880 7 44" M. D. SMITH, DEALER Di HARNESSES! SADDLES!! TRUNKS !!! COLLARS!!! WHIPS! SPURS!! LIGHT LEATHER!! ETC.. ETC. Eixamcwatokuntaa2a.irs a °apt ! , Marco 1812,—tt: Wirc•Ealuzia. Maisest. 2nd best, Marshall Chrtannin. B`oo Best Brood Mare and Cult, George Cool 000 2nd best IL C. Conklin. 800 Best Single Gelding over 4 years, Jerome Bush. 5 00 2nd best, Wm. H. Cooper. 3 03 Best Single Mare, over 4 yearn, E. L. Cool. Diploma 2nd bast, H. H. Frazier. 8 00 Best single horse: not raised in the county, Jamey E. Carmalt. -* 3 00 Best pair matched horses, raised In county U. C. Conklin. 0, Ot) 2nd best, H. IL Vancott. 3 00 Best pair matched horses not raised In courvi ty, B.l‘. Stark. 0 00 Best pair 3 yr. old colt, Samuel Horton. 400 2nd best, John J. Young. • 2 00 Bat 2 yr. old colt, (gelding or murej.Edwin E. Tiffany. u 00 Best 3 yr. old colt, (gelding or mare,) Aaron Reynolds. 3 03 Best 3 yr. old stallion, L. T.Birchard. 3 00 Best yearling colt, Horace Brewster. 2 00 Fa Lest pair working homes, H. EL Harring ton. 200 Fr.st.st single working horse, C. 31. Chap- .; man, 2 00 Dsvid Stnners, (lankier Babcock, Enoch WA—Jut:mks. Dlvision H. Class L—Durhams. Etat durham Mill 2 yrs and upwards, H. C. Conklin. $3 00 b •st, Win. 11. Jessup. - 300 Btsfdurh.un cow 4 yrs and upwards, Win. H. Jessup. 3 00 at durham bull 1 yr and upwards, Win. If. Jessup. 5 00 Brat durham heifer 3 yrs old, A. A. Churcb.3 Ott Best club= heifer 2 yra old, A.A. Church. 3 00 Best durham heifer 1 yr old, H. H. Skinner. 2 00 Best durham bull calf, A. A. Church. 2 00 Best durham heifer calf, Wm. H. Jessup. 2 00 Class IL--Grade Durham. Best grade cow 4 yrs and upwards, F. 31. Williams. 8 00 Best grade heifer 3 yrs old, H. C. Conklin. 3 00 13. st grade heifer 2 yrs old, Best 4 grade yearlings, W. 11, Jessup. 3 00 Best 4 grade calves, 11. C. Conklin. 3 00 2nd best, Win. 11. Jessup. . 200 Best grade bull calf 2 00 Best grade heifer calf. 9 00 A. ❑. Fish. .1. Tewksbfilc.y. 11. Sherman.— JUDGES. -, Division 11, Class lll.—Det oils. Best devon bull 2 yra old and upw.irds, J. C. lion ter. *3 00 2nd best { E. T. Tiffany. 3 00 Best devon bull 1 yrold, D. J. Banker. 3-00 Best devon cow 4 yrs old and upwards, D. A - J. Banker. 5 00 2nd best, C. J. llollister. 3 00 Best devout heifer 3 yrs old. D. .S.;J. Bankcr.3 00 2nd best, D. J. Banker. 200 Brit devon heifer 2 yni old, C. J. Hollister. 3 00 2nd best, E, T. Tiffany. 2 00 Best devon heifer 1 yr old, D. Lt. J. Banker. 2'oo Best devon hull calf, Drinker Lt Noble. 200 Best devon heifer calf, E. T. Tittnny. 2 00 Class.,ll 7 .—Grady Devona. Best grade bull 2 yrs old ohl and upwards, W. T. Austin.. 3 00 Best [Jade row 4 sears and upwards, ro. J. Banker. • but. E. T. Tinny 2nd but, C. 11.illister. 13eit 4 grade yearlings. 1). 4.t. J. Banker. 300 21.1 best, C. J. 2 03 Best 4 mules calves, E. T. Tiffany. 3 00 24.1, J. llollistcr. 200 Best grade bull calf, E T. Tiffany 2 00 Beet arade heifer mll. D. &. J. Banker. 2 00 11. If. Skinner, P. C. Conklin, Orrin Prichard. —J —Oxen and Steers. LCI-43 V.- Beq. pair worting oxcn, .70;uaa Pettis pDO 2a. P. C. Conklin. 8 O) Beit pair steer% 8 years, F.. T. Tiffany. 8 00 2nd, Wm. Austin. 2 00 Best pair steers 2 yeant, James Ca'pia. 3 00 24.1, M. A. IViWallis. 2 00 Best pair fat cattle. Horace Roberts 5 00 Cie:. ll.—Ayribires. Best a,1,, - sbire bull, J. F. Butterdele.. Best ayrshire coot, Christopher Byrne. Best nyrshinfluifer 3 yeur,, J. F. Butter tiekL Best ayrshire Leiter 2 years, Christopher 3 00 Best ayrihire Leifer 1 year, Christoliber Byrne. 2 00 Ile.t ai rAtilre hall calf, Chri4toplir 'Byrne. 2 00 Horace Brewster, George Harrison, E. C. Pot ter.—Juders. Cho% Yin—Herds. Best herd 8 short. horns, Morris it Dal . ~,810 Best hen! g devons, D. & J. Canker. 1V 04 Best hen! 8 ayrshir es, Christopher Byrn 10 OCI Best herd 8 grads short Irons, IL C. Conk, Ile,t herd R grade demon", E. T. Tinny. 5 00 Best herd 8 grade ayr,:dre::, J. F. Butter : field - David Mardi, M. L. Catlin, W. F. Austin. Judges. Di, Won Best fine wool buck, Wm. Taylor. $3 00 Best 3 fine woolewea.Nut. Taylor. 3 00 Best a flue wool lambs. Taylor. 3 00 Btst coarse woof buck, Morris (S.. Halpin. 3 DO 2d, F. 11. Bunnell. 2 00 N( - Best 3 coarse wool ewes, Morrissttlialpio, 3 00 2(1, Morris & ljalpin - 2 00 Best 3 coarse wool lamb, P. 11. Bunnell. 800 Best middle wool buck, D. S. Gregory. 3 00 2(1, Wm. T. Austin. " 2 00 Best 3 middle wool ewes, F. U. Bunnell. 300 2d, D. S. Gregory. 2 00 Best 8 middle wool lambs, C. M. Chapman. 3 00 Clam IL—Swine. Beta boar, Edgar Harper. 4 00 John Brown, L. T. Birchard, E. T. ,Tiffany.— Judges. Class IM— Poultry Best trio turkeys, Drinker and Noble. $2 00 2d, J: J. Yotmgs. 1 00 Best trio dark brahmas, T. F. Butterfield. 2 00 Best trio light bralanas. P. C. Conklin, 2 00 2d, R. C. Jessup. 1 00 Best trio hatuburro., E. R. Austin. 2 00 2d, E. R. Austin. 1 00 Best trio legborns. J. R. Lyons, 2 00 Best trio ducks, Drinker and Noble. 2 00 And, Z. A. Lindsey. 1 00 Drinker kt, Noble awl Dr. Lathrop exhibited some One troutlens, Dr. Llalsey and J. D. Lyons some One Bantams and P. C. Conklin:a pair of Cochius, all of which in their class would have been worthy, of a premium Lad one been offer el, and we would recommend that there varie• 6...12.4 4.. ea.. .a. 1.1.11.. an.u. son. R. IL Bose, Anthony Beck, D. S. Johnson.— Judges. Division W. —C 1 ass L—Home Products. Best June butter, Mrs. John Brown. $4 00 2d, M. Hall. 2 00 Best September butter, Horace Brewster. _4 00 241,11 C. Conklin. . . "2 00 Best butter mado by girl less than 18 years • old, Melissa IVells.• • ' ' 200 2d, Emma Wren, , • .1 00 Best cheese, J. F. Butterfield: ' 400 ' Class IL—Seeds: ; , : - Bent bushel - corn in ear, P. C. Conklin. __Le_ 2d, Joseph Powers. - • , ,90 Best white winter whmt,Samnel Horton.i 00 24, tleorge Walker. • 40 Best sprang, wheat, I L Lindsey. - 2 00 2d, Wm. 11. Jessup. 20 Best hats, - WM. Scriber. . 100 B. Brewster, Daniel Sayre, W. E. Babcock.— Judges. ansit lll—Vegetables. Best assortment all apples, 31. L. Catlin. $1 00 241, IL.C. Jessup. 00 Best assortment winter apples, G. N. Allen.l 00 3d, N. P. Wheaton • . 00 Best assortment pears, H. C. Jessup: • .1 00 241, 0. F. Fonitutm.. 30 Best rs.sortment quinces, Mrs. James Biro. nell. 100 Greatest variety vegetables, IL C. - Jessup. 3 00 23, Ira Vadaldn. " CO Best 3 cabbages, Hiram Hibbard. 1 00 do winter squashes. Z. A. Lindsey. , 1 00 do pumpkins, G. Q. 1131. ' 00 do 12 onions, H. L. Catlin. LO do 10 boets,..Z. A. Lindsey. - 60 do tomatoes, H. A. Deli:. 30 do ()mini pottges, A. Lindsey.' 30 'doassortment Mt-e, Mauna • •2 00 23. N. P. Wheaton. bO Best elder vinegar, Horace Brewster., Co do maple sugar, A. J. Adams. --1.00 C. F. ltead, W. A. Crossmon, W. J. Turrell.. Division V.--Claea 1.4-Carrlit&s: Best double carriage, W. T. Ittozkry. t 8 00, " elegle " Lirent, 4 . ! . 1 ott. " . Democrat t;iagon, N. L. Catlin. 400 . Class IL—Farming Tools, etc. Best plow, Boya:war - Ikm Beam, & D.& D. B Sayre Best Milt ivator (Carharea Pulverlzing,) It. Peck, - • • Beet horse rake, L. R, Peck. • 100 washiag.maelalne, Barringer's Trojan Steam Washer and Bleacher, W. R. Whitbeek. 1 00 . Class' lEL—Leather. Best 3 sides sole leather, J. EL. & E. P. Munger. • 1 00 .T. A. Hawaii, L. Campbell, Hyde Procter. jr. —Judges. Committee would recommend, discretionary premium to WI. IV. Smith for. sprhag bed, al so S. li. Sayre d; Bros. Or well curb. , Di v kion Manufacture. Bzat 10 yrtii flannel, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffany. 100 Mrs. Dr. Kent. GO Best woolen carpet, Miss Jesse Bissell 200 " rag cur p et. Mrs. Dr. Kent. 100 2nd, Mrs. Orville Hancock. GO Best p . ttir woolen socks, 31m. IL Hall. 60 pair woolen mittens, 31m 0. B. Thug.' 0 " linen cloth, Mrs. James Bunnell. 1 00 " toweling, Mrs. L. T. Smith. 1 00 " piece eamithere.. Mrs. 0. N. Tiffa ny 2 00 Mrs. M. L. Catlin, Mrs. IL H. Harrington, Mrs. J. C. Morgan.—Judges. Class IL—Ornamental Needle week and Fine Arts. Best patch work qnilt, Mrs R Kenyon. 200 ', quilt cd any kind, Mrs. Lyman Ely, 200 " spread, Mrs. Oliver Trowbridge. 2 00 t;dy, Miss Annie C. Searle. 1 00 " tine embroidery,-Mrs. M. Barrington. 60 " collection-flowers, Mrs. A. N. Bullard.' 2 00 " vase flowers, Mrs. 0. N. Tiffay. ; 60 " bouquet flowers, Mrs. M. liarringtOr4. - - -05 " exhibition engravings, E. C. ForamL. 2 . 00 " lamp mat, Mrs. L. a Carpenter. 60 4 specimen worsted work (beautiful afghan,) Mts. John H. Dusenbum 9 59 3 00 i Ornamental needle-work, Miss Ellen But- terileld. • DO Penmanship, 3lns C, M. Chapman. 1 OD We would also recommend discretionary pro. mium to Mrs. Z. A. Lindsay on Penmanship, as also discretionary premium on bed Brand to Mrs. I'. C. Conklin.. Committee find it very diMcult to decide on the merits of many articles, as they were all beautiful indeed, but have done the. best they could. Mrs. G. V. Rently. )In. T. B. McCollum, MIL U. J. Webb,— s ludges. Class lll.—Uncalanemtadartlclei. Your Committee on looking over the list giv en them for examination, at once came to the conclusion that the time granted themafor that duly was far too limited to even bunt up some of the articles entered, much less to carefblly compare the, merits claimed for such and to Judge according to said merits; in fact ibis' of some could Only test their merits. And in the outset your committee would rec. ourtnemddhat in future fairs tb articles com prised in this class, or in the mokt of them, be entered in the classes In which they would nst orally belong, and if no premium is offered leave it discretionary with the judges to give premi ums for the •ratrie,or give them honorable men tion. as the se verni cases would'merit. • The following articles, etc.,were catered and examined by your committee, viz: - Nos. 1, 2 anti S. Toilet set, artificial flowers and snowballs, by Mrs. A.. 31. Vadakln—nice. No 4. Specimen wax work, by Mrs. P. T. B. Emmons, which was elegant and very beau- . . tiful, and voted worthy u premium. No. 6, Specitrymild Wink—fine, by Mrs. 011- vrr T:rmbridge. No. S. Pair slippers, by Kitty Stark, very beau tiful and co , nfortable to have in the-family. No! t, and 10 Lady's nightdress, eery nice; and the only fault found with the same was 'tvins . - - - a pity that wbett worn its beauty shone unre vented ; 311.1 Some nice stocking yarn by Mn. H. C. Conklin. • . . :Co. 11, Farm gate, Smythe's Patent, to be ap preriatv,l must Lc seen, novel in its structure and dcsi,,,m and open sesame at command, by Gco. S. Mackei. Nos. 12, 12 and 14, Toilet set, hearth rug, nod leather basket, very nice, showing , 13110.1: tient aHlication. etc., by Mrs. P. C. Contrite. erred hr—skrieltiaVt i I your Committee by oar progressive fanners; and -Eureka: ntowittc machine, by S. D. Maddox. No. 17. Light William mower, by L. R.-Peck. No. lt), C.abiziet organ, "Silver Tongue," by L; I .bell. Y oar Committee could not, judge its merits no 'twas locked, and zip the key htit. Not. lit anti 20, Wreath hair flowers antpea,: men burr work, very fine, by Miss Litho Na. 21, Patt h work quilt y by Hrs. Orville Bart , cock. elaborate. No 22, Carriage afghan. comfortable for cool tiding. in fact just the thing, by Sirs. R. 'Mayo. Na. 2:i, pair werdini, stockings by ]its, -FT- C. Conklin, very fine and nice. "Fier husband shall and call her blessed." .N . t. 21, Lirb,. =ming machine, H. 8. Blowers or Thalpkins co. 20 and 27, Ten yard s fulled cloth and twen ty !.cots woolen warn, both deseryc special ` mention, by Mts. b. N. Tiffany. No. 28, Two Innis pictures, very pretty indeed, by Mn. H. S. Conklin. No. 20, Three-year old llambletonian colt, by Dan. McCracken, shows Lis merits as he. travels. No. :SO, Dolma or Syrian threshing machine, by Rev. Satn'lJessup, one :of the carioshies of the fair, and worthy of Store mention than your. Committee can giim, yet still they cannotree ommenti it for purc.base by our farmers for practical Durnmos. No. 31, Variety Ycgetahles, 11. C. Jessup, such as Syrian squash' cucumbers, etc. Nos. and 33, Cheese hoop and pries, an arti cle our farmers .would co well to examine, try, and purchase, and by your Committee deemed worthy of o premium, as also thahay. rack exhibited by 3L Stampfler. of Battle ' Creek, Mich. No. 84, Collection of paintings, by Mrs. Helen Smith, very true to nature, as true as art eau, make them, and deemed worthy of special premium. No 3.1, Wax work by Miss Melissa Wells, very fine. No. 36, Grover& Baker sewing machine ? the old favorite orthe public, with - 01 the modern ' improvements, by P. B. Chandler; it works its own way through the world like a genuine Yankee. No. 39, Peppers, looked very peppery, but your Committee didn't taste, by Anthony mem. No. 40, Hope Hose Carriage, Montrose Eire Ca No. 2. Hope it didn't coat too much. • • . There were many otherlarticles on exhibition entered too late for premiums, the owners of which are wothy of praise tor•adding to the in teres:t and variety of the fair. The mowing machines your committee wetild Offer no cam• moms upon as they could not pretend to judge as to which was the best without.trial, leaving that to the good judgment of our - worthy Sir. mem. • All of which Is respectfully submitted,' with the regret that our time was too limited to do' justice to the subject. • . • . . J. H. Lyons, SI. C. Sutton, Mrs. Daniel Sityre? Mrs. W. A. Crossmon.--,lndgea. Foot race, won by Frank Jones $3.06 Sack.race, Ist premium, Z, A. Lindsey if 00 " 2d " •C, M. Chapman 100 31. J. Harrington, IL Sherman, W. T. Au.' Plowing Mateb. Ist premium Levi R. Peck, with L. Green • plow • • •1 3 ( le 2d premium, P. C. Conldln, same plow • tld -A. IL Conklin, 4 ' • - 3 00' The judges found it difficult to decide; u. ale ' of the plowing was the eery best. The Hodge Patent Side 11111P/ow used by E. C.Modge wl dean worthy of especial mentim. • - ELL . Rent, - W. B. Babcock, John. Etutterei. Oer Fair passed off very pleasantly and quiet ly, with no disturhance .of any kind. The weather proved propltiouthnnd every unman ed gratified in looking overthe Stock and earl ous articles on exhibition, many of which were unusually fine. In rome classes net quite as many entries were made, in others More; than in. former years; The orator of the -day, Rev. Theodore T. Munger,: of Massachnsetts, enter. tained us highly with an addrem., We nerd on ly repeat our remarks of hit year—if yen would have nu, County Fair •a mew, fyou must ter Mart. Let every family eontributet stock or -erticha to thn eUibition, attend the eoCiety's meetingsof which due notice IS always ern, make aupestions, and lend a- helping band to this highly impostenl enkimulttlfie Inatinitten. . . BMW DUD, (key.:
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