„ Tho fo ll Owing persons were chosen., by -I the last Conv4ntion to act airountym.. 3nitteo for - the ensuing year.”, • ' - • Auburn ' ' ' . Wm: White. Ararat......... 4 , .11. IL Dix. lipolacon - Patrick Welch. Bridgewater; . --''• • Aki011: Bunnell: BrooKlyin .. P. IL Tiffany. eliffordt •-•.-,. ~ John Bolton. Chocotint., , t - ........,iXhriiitopher Byrne. Dimitek.... , C C. Mills. Butidififtiorki:.-., .... . . .....•.Jasper Witter. POrest,',Ltiko L • - t •• . • A. B. Griffis. Franklin • ~ .. : .. ...F. A. Smith. Friendsvillo John 'Foster. *Gibson .. John H. Clatlin. GicatECnd tom V Reckhow. divot Bend IF Wm. H. Hatch. Herrick , E.R. Barnes. Parmony.. , NV. V. Norton. Harford John Leslie. Jessup . .{ ...: .. ..., ...Joseph Steger. Jackson 4' , • Ambrose Benson. Lenox '; IL Marty. Lathrop.... i.. :. klvin Brown. Liberty..,. le ....Richard Ailey: Little MeadOwa.....:..— .... A C. Maddoc. Middletbwisj.... • . • "Otis Ross. Moutzesr...-.'...,—.... —..-. E. B. Hawley. New Milford tp . • Oliver Lathrop. 11ow Milford boro ...... ..Cyrns Barlow. Oakland ' JM. Tillman. .• Ithsh ...:..- .. L .... ---,Abraham Carter. Springville Hymn . C.-Eandrick. Susquehanna - . E. N. Smith. Silverlotke , ••'• D F. Sullivan. Thomson • JB. Whitney. B. B. Ihws.EY, Chairman. imam guottoo gircitorg. Teo lines in A. Dirtd'ory,ene rear, $1.50 eacA additional tine 4 as. Nriv miLForip CITTIGA PlAsit.n.—:ilenoLAs KJEMAKEII. Deslo to rimbe Cartgs Miter. hutrgroned, 11 - JKLET,_* Agent for Empire Sewing Meads', and !Unripe Ease l Borntng Stove. Mein Street. MOSS * CO ,'Detlers In Pry Goode, lisis.enw, Boots and Shoes, and General Merchandise, on Main Omsk second door below the Episcopal Church. • Ti ON HOTEL icept by WILLIAM 8113T11. on Mtn inxnekteniebe W. S. MEAD, Fointdry. and dialer to [tows and other utensils, eta door from Phhtners !lad, Main St. H, F. EMBER. Carhop Maker and Undertaker,' on Main Street, tan doors below Mawley'a Store. • bInCOLLMIIIIIOTIIERS. Dealers in ((roar and ProvlsAons.aa Malnatreci.s - ..tturErr wen t , ers is Flour- Pea. Mod, Salt, Limedertes and rtafilio2l Mall Street, opposi t e the Depot. • R. & T. HAYDEN, ' • nufacturers of Clgars and , Wbolesala dealers In Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods. on 31aln Errant, below Episcopal Church. • NOSS 'a MAP. Leather Illszearsetertes And dealers In Mareeclarl4dllags,"&e., tear Eplieopal Clrarch. • AINEY L HAYDEN,, Dealers to Dnms sadltertletnee. anellianantentraent agars, on *alp Street, near the Repot. W. STSPHMSI3. note° Shoeing and general Itepatring ea,lhin Street, ao • of !tta brine. „ , er In genera me ind Clothing, lirTelt S tore . on Yalu SMeer. GREAT BEND L. S. LIZCLISIM, 'Woad !tree of Leather. anell dealer In de rierallThrotoodlee, on Main Street! 11. P. pORAII, !hennaed Tailor and dealer Dandy 3ladc. Clothing, Diygoada,Gractrlea and PrOliliopr, Main Stmt.. THRUM vnurs, wumoictaraTorasin alder to surf% or Plows and Castings. GIBSOIi SEDWATfroi d SNTA*I . , Illennieetnrere of Wagons and Sleigh% near , the lean& Store., • - miwrnos ABEL TURBELU °ester to Drags, Medlcloci. guars, rents, 011s,Dye Soar, Groceries, Jeuelq, 'Noticnisorte. ! [Rep, 21, '7O JANES CAIUYALT. Attorney at. Lagr. Ofdee door below Taiboll Howe. Public ATIMII6. • WIL H. COOPER & CO.. Bankers, sell Foreign Pas ear Tickets stillhstts on Enizad, belled aad:Scot• Linde J. It. Fill'alara'S Estbarton is ther e re to lu ig lerestena,Olairt sad 'tan! sTßotv a idabws. Georni rite sign , Inm an"AV; Reined trulActldentTickets toNow . olio* Phibuktphis. Offier orro door eut of dio , . . F. S. crugarLsac. General tunes= and SevriagNa chine Aent. Male Aietue.• yItrRNS ZOCIIIOIIB, tie gusto and Steal dna" •Niceo.Tipti; PW..llooks, Spat'. WIL L. COX,liirnaso sosteer sad dossler In Ala articles usually kepi by tho track, on p celte • Bank. • sow a CCERRIN. Dmlas in Stoles, Ilasthrsm, and Mandacuiters of l bn sma elemairoa Irani eta= of Main 'sad TansOke street S. IL 11011814 lattehant ITSllore and dealer In Clcabs, TiitandaD. and ',bralabial! Goods. asni Agent/lEn Singer tetainsr liachlne„ IdctsCECrect, Fordbank hall 01C , --• "" A. N. 33131.1.412 D. Dcsler In Grocer Prow - blow. gootsonatioocry and Yonku Ziatlons; it.besd of Potato Avca4e' T. &POUF. & CO.. Dealers lb Stoves. Ilardirsere, Avlenitaubl Isaplesacal:l,Flabr asb2 arsenics. PM alto 'rubel' Bout. 11.A.THEMOM) !AI Llvia7 anti Exthanee ...1401115; 1 2e ear at Dant building. ABg, %viva, • DRUGGIST, ,M 0 .177140: PAL: coattaesny ivectithar , •f. zr.Wecrabli. izitkespo canstintly es baad RIO sad derlriktliat cortmentot - mtscgOisinciszeimtMA.ta, rilatj.oasive-strarr.lcas,f=h *2 atbet arip certes,f3ttrat ere, and Pape', GUIs vrare, Ihnit ,Jos,llllMrs, Learps, Chlutnem Km. setts,actilatu 011, Touters' Oil. lientsfooi 011, _tined Male 011.8perso , 011, 0111 e 01.4 EpUltsTnrioem tine,tiarnianes,CinarylbultaiNrataki eete r Al . - Mkt Lye..ailsiliecue.Trusses. bopyonefirMeetta• ittstramts, Shoulder Bracer, Whim GUIs, ?hugs, -CartriftlaW.Powder. 131114, G4ll CipMaaalltini PoirdesAnd Pose, V{allxis.l3tring,nows.ete. etc.. Fish nOokillcd UDC% llliindTolleteelipS. .11strells. Hair Itestortre. and 'Mir Dias. Beneath Pack;rt. Salve., Spectacle, ,SIITer Plaid bpoont.Forks. KAM*. DeAtlet Atticlea.s Stuns' meolUmfataf riga ouoml, igniTLUT, and r ..• Ail tbilleadlng mitre k2frifir of PATL'aT abort, omit. oßtbin: to - restore :its oft*. to plotgotturtaste.l4 ttio tit. to codify Ito , tames. mod alio to eondoe• to le real sod sabetantiai condom ot life. Enoctoratiosa 'lmptsaticabla- , as It would Cl •na:spspor. Colima Mop:nand Vadat: Ettov of . • • • - ♦IISL Itiostrosa,lizoiaro. • • -: • late* isarriblpticmsiv. ' yob MATT& pro v ided for, Joao pac0,..412.3.th .i." Into:ma • . CIO py amittiolool roorrl dam notarriarretory • aconotril for sostalod la ISecrotario's repots rllOO CO —.-- . _ . . . ,• ' . ,' iee/Telit , za is* ilaplttialts.l2lo......ii.V2lii tars . o ° . , : Irdmlormearckluvr 87 dmoistapioviactilbr.ionellien..tedriis i .. — P ornoolo,wesomgaxtutpistm e . ,...a pa wle . : • . -.. - -Vattr.IIMTIDN. '- ' _ • . .....,1 ...,.......2.z.r.-7".N. . _,,,..p.mara.• NLTIIBE'B MEATH Contains no LAO SULPHUR—NO SU GAR op LEAD—NO LITHARGE— . NO NITRATE OP SILVER. and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health—destroying Drugs used' in oiler Hair Proportions. Tiwoopareat tnd Oar as mita!, It will not soil the Smoot tilitio,—perfectli DAVE, CLEAN and DITICIMIT —disldasiami LONG 501JOHT YOU AND FOUND AT LAST I• It restores and prevents the hair from becoming Gray, Imparts a soft, glossy, appearance; remove Dandruff, Is reel and tetreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores It to a great extent when prema turely lost, prevents Headaches, cares all humors, cu taneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DILEM MA YOE THE HAIR IT IS THEBES? ARTICLE IN THE MARKET. AR 0. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mw. PreParra 01 4 by PfIOCTOIIBROTTIEGS, Gloucester lifausactrosetts. The penubie Is pot up to a poet bottle, nude expressly for it, with the came of the article blows in the glass. Ask your Dreggist In-:fawners Qum RIESTO.IIITITS, and take no other. Or Send two three Coat stamps to Prxtor Brothers for a -Truthle on th'e Haman Mir."' The hatoretotion It contains to worth $509 0) to any person. May 11.151 ROSADALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS ant published on everypackage. Chew tbro it is meta coast preparation ! ' consequently PIITBICIOS PIIESCRIBE 0 4 it Uri mink earn for Scrofula, Syphilis in silks forms, ftlennim‘ tism. Skin Diseases, Li Cos that and all dowse. of the .ONE INEiI OF SOW= Will do moss g ood than ten bottles ortbil Syrups of Samparille. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS bemused Reculasintheirprattice for the past three yeant and freely endorses it as a reliable Alteratives and Blood Naas. Pitt. T. C. P.ooll.,elliardmari. 101..T.J.COYIPON, ( 4 DB. U. IF-CARR. 44 DR. F. 0. DAANELLT, _ 44 DA L S. SPADES, et Nlebehest 14. Dlt. J. L. McCASTIIA, Canoga; A. 11..NOBLI.73,Fdteranb, N.C. MED AHD ENDORSED SY J. B. FRENCH L SONS, Pall Meer, Hue. 4 V.W.slam, ma.. A. F. NV Urr 4 , Mau, Ohio. B. HALL, LiseaiOhio. CRAVEN & CO., _Gordoasefile, Va. ' PAWL. 13 1 .• 31cFAMDEN, Markses. bore, Tam Oar space sritlaot allow of Erten. tended - remarks in ttilaio2l , to the ;drama Bandana Tette Wedded Profession vegosnatite a Fluid Es. usetsoperl..s. and ars harp n. cued La the treat:nem a.-4.6 Blesd• sad to the adlicted we say trz no.oxion, and yea will be t to health. • itosutalb h sol b d by all Druggists pries $1.50 per Ist. Address DI. CXIMITT3 it CO. drerrafatirina Chan" 44111.1110114 ray M 1 TI. ly Baltimore, J 111EIE WERE SOLD IN TDB TSAR 1810, 43,8•&31. OP Blatchley's Cucumber witt=r2 IC) . - WCIO4:I3PI33 I XIMPHS., li vergts t .n a n Simple An emattruelion—Easy In erstien °Meg taZ Testate the watertlarable—ThellaWe sod Chanp. These Pumps are their own best reeommearlatton Forme by dealers to hardware end omiealtural Imple ments, plumtcm, Pump makers. 4e.. for the eosin. try. Circulars, &e., tarnished upon appllmulcm by mall or otherwise. . SlagiePumps forwarded to pestle, In towns where 1 taro nomads epee receipt of thOrreular retail price. burog. be earefel Mit your Pump bears my trade mart mi above, patented March Met,1874 11, guyartlea no other. ' • CIN. 231rate2ilo3r. BIAPPPACTOREtt,. °Cie! and Wareroom, 4324 le 020 Pllllbire-St., Phlladelphte, March 31.,187L=Cm Pa: REVOLVING HORSE-RARE. inn Ara prepared to furnlsh Itieso rates of a raperi- N or quality:At both wbolesde and retail. s T i A2l'ltßll#oB„ Ilannfattarer ti i The "Pant finis" atepinstly be styled the great medleineor the world, forth ere is no mien of the globe Into which It has not forted Its way. and been largely cried and highly prised. al cleaver. there is 130 unreal° which it has not proved to baleen adapted ter thd cars of a considerable variety of diseases, rt h a speed rano safe remedy forbants, Scalds. tuts, bruises, wormete and various other injuries es well as for dysentery, - diantwes. and bowel comPtinbigenerally. tt Is admirably situated fur *very rate of men On the face of the ginbe. • It is a very significant fact; that notaitheMuding the rinog period &yetis that the 't Pain Killer" has been be. m Usti World, it has meter lest oneahlt of its, po_pular. ity. but no the eontrary..the oil for it has stea d ily creased froarlis first discovery, and to no prerionsthne has the dented fur Itbeenso great, or the quantity Made been so large,as it la to-day. - . - Another ilgtilecant feet is, that nowhere has the :kale Killer ever been in higherrepute. or been mere general. ty need be families and individuals, stealth= beenhere at home. - where it was trot discovered and introduced. That tha Pain Killer will canine to be, what wo have ailed U. TES anus seargras us s r 111:191.D. there can not be the stotdow of a doubt. -Prorkfsare ildnertisse.: - , , gailload . Zisue Zablco. 14. T. 4 E. Time Table. , . amissia zsararearC No, •4, - Night Express . • 8, Mach:matt Exprms • 39, Way Freigbt, • " 2, New York ExPrets, " 32. Accommodation, : u 6, Steamboat Express, : ' Tall= NT3T6IaED. NO. 7 Night Express,-. ' : 1.52 ara, " • 9. Erri:want„ - • : • : 424 "- a 29, Accommodation, • : : 9.35 " •87 Way „Freight : : : 1.07 p. m. Stencil and Expetti, : .8.50 " AB ci Me chore. trains atop at Great Bead and carry pseoiters, I • - • , . C. A.',a4CECTI" I 3 Dahl tiooSta,lNew NJlford.ra• . . Paiikslaratication event° an owationi oil the rata. al tacth. latificieJ - Tattt Inserted la all the Tartans flea Bow la Woe, Perfaca satleartion guataatied to an, ape waste cle. awl aragrynarselrxs. - Ofice hone. .., . , • U. Itt.'llthOLElt-431141r 1n Storm D. Copper. Draw andSheetiron Van, ' ate. Ale% manutactaz• ertdahed Idetibtogatte, xFe Trovo and Lead Pipe atteadadmst ph. nieci-91bsonlptionri Vazismind talkCrackensaltae by ir.".X.o7pre.Nias. 3,141, U.J, .45Ti243 , gar Advatiamt" • . A tull Lisd tanipletn hier6ry of Chforego. her wt.fe*. cot and WC . With graphic acmes, Incidents and NI dqalla of the di Wier. try , gnome P. Upton tad J. W. fiberiban, editors of the Chicago Tribune. , With over 400 pages, and Illustratlona. 11 to now tedLy for delivery. ACENIS WANTED ,r4,ll:°.ftrgarliy2 Union b slang Co, Chit:v.lll. or -Phihultalphla.,... 0U N D - U R A N , G`O. . riLtsg il ittiont i, COO 9 Mut& Extract, The vondeNtil relied, [or Donoar,Bgatai BdraNlbat Ulcers. Dulmonagnplaints, 8 Bhopal,. lad all chronic, Blood D os. Is .preparea from the Dann, Ina Cita from Le* Ecuador, eecured hi the assistan9Wthe . thortties of that country. It le the mc i =effre.,- prompt and certain oltertiNvo - sod blood or known. Sold by all Drugglats, to plot bottles, baring on them our name, Dada mark and di. rat:Deus. Send for a circular. .00E0 and Laboratory. No. 00 Vcdar Street, N.Y. - 50th Year NEW 80111 C OBSERVER, 83 per Annum, incladiug Year Book for 18* Sidney E. Mono, .Tr., ix Co. 31 PARK BOW, NEW TONE. _ _ _ _ SAMPLE COPIES FRE:E. Send for free sample sop y of the CHNISTIAZI Wa, a trot elms weekly lentrind, published by the 'New lark State Conrentlon of UOlVerStillete. and containing the Sermons of Dr. E. U. CHAPIN. Terms ;150 per year.. Address. Pnbllsber. Christi= Leider,l2lsB Broadway, Now Thit City. WOOD'S Stili2E.MoViZ sm aii to every subscriber of Illerry'a Muecum, the t %Med: Blake, l'untrru 'e Democrat. etc. which f eau ertacuse of ita north andpopMarisp-L. nor ace Gracie . James Port on.. Theodore T Mao. Gatlliamtl• MI. MC.. WT to Or Mary ouryr. o . .ext three &etttan peri;dleols for the price A variety of premiums on ccaally liberal terms. It Is no origtoeltrshelassmagatioe. Vole= begins alth att.t= S. S. WOOD. cw .. g; . . • • . 4 r er 6:9BIA\LA vistroill XlB OVER ONE HUNDRED PAGER. Frintod in From Colors,.9n . 11 Pertiroltb Piwo• our Hundred Engraving! of Flamm, Planta and Fog etablea, with deserinriorn and TWO COLOR= PLATES. Directions and plans for making Walks. Lawns. Gardens. .itc. The kandaomest and test FLORAL GU DE itio World. An tar Ten Conti, to those wan think. or.buying Beads . Not a quarto rho cook ow,OCC , sold of 1871.,e . • JANIS ViCZEL Rochester. N. Y. P ETE R'sv v ei. De " Nn- price 2° `'' ha° 1 " Ift. " Instrumental Piano 'Moak, worth. $t Imcbcca form We trill two back lioth. for We. four f Rfor m ., MUSICALV3- to Dce. it, for IS. fora i iiar price r and jdi:,:.dstiVeTir 1811: elde; Thomas Eta G g d st . c to gib bHyes, etc. Address NI °Kilt.L. P.ETER;,. S.9Tritoldsray. ft. Y.— Pa. 01 BOX 503. • SAVE YOUR -LIFE BY PROMPTLY lISING WINCHESTER'S HIZPOPEOSrEITES, A Chemically Pare Preiparationof , PUOSPHORVEI, , which Is • most im ortant constituent of tbe".briman body, existing largely In the Brain. 'Somas System. Blood and Bones. lr as rtes UNDUE WASTE on DIC. FICIMWY or Tun LITL , GT9TRO 'gird ILX/R..C1V1•121 1 30 ZLONICti INMOI a TLLE lalretutilATE CAUSE of COMMOTION. NERVOUS DEBILITY, MEAL ISIS, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA. Etc, core Ortbrabore Disea es ColistrirtiritaMi l i,„Virial brain, Nrrone System Lttriga,ar.d Blood. their Ono pro. portion of PUOSlllotr/S. WINCIIESTER'S 113MPOPHOSPIIITES tho only preparation which accomplishes the renal, and It is an absolute cure for the Diacascsabove named. Circulars, Information and Advice Free. Prepared only by J. WINCHESTER & Drumm .35 John St, N. Y, and acid by' all Dre.irts. race tt and ss per Dottie. i eußnEFizswßt, - ,glw=m- ,- - CMOVOYAII N E A compound of (A,030-suf Mole. AeknoKl. etlgt4l ftie box! prowler or the growth and bitantfy c the hair, na. t CS.. Donlon. Mass. Gold by all drux;bl3. L'etrare of Imitations. THE BEST SAW-BUMMER OUT ONLY $l5• I. a =l.Nooliri, der ftld'Es 44 VI M% 011 slut: Addrets The Tanito Stroudsburg, Monroe, co...ra, = 151101/7 I—Atic Parsons cf flitrowy. Hirtiabiarg. ellar Ps, far free Circular of Dexter Came. Nukes ZwrCarn-Fodder equal to bay. New thing! Agents profits per week. WM prove $57-:60 It or fortelLlZOO. - NA. ankles pet ented. July Mk. Samples seat (recto all. AAdresa W. a. Cwras2rria.'"X: Broadway, !,.lew.Tork. 2M IdORTEU Horse famished. ...Expel:ace ,e.. 1 paid. IL BALIAW, Alfred, ale. A GENTS WARTED — AIeuts snake ^more money at 01 Mork (or as than anything etas. BUSillemi light and pansisneut. Particulars free. G.Srissos ken., Pine eislPtralishers,Portlantl, Maine. IMO QUACICS.—A victim of casiy iadiscretlea. JA. calming nervous , debility, {armature decay, eta, Laving tried in vain every edeertired remedy, lom dis covered a simple meats of Delta:ire, which be will rend to his itiknoweiTercra, Milroy" J. it ItgliNES,ia Cu !sen 'Street, Nei', • 'PRUITT YEARS EXPERIENCE L't TIIB TSPATtarMeT OF ; , • Chronic Sexual Diseases „ A PIP SIOLOGICAL VIEW OF' MARRIAGE. The cheapest book eTti ptibliehod--containbignairly three hundred pages and obe hundred and thirty fine plates end engrayingi.of the anatomy of the human or gans in a nate of health and disease. with s treatim on early erromitydeplorableconsequences upon the mind and body, with the author', plan of treatment—the only rational and enceeeefni mode ed cm, as yhown by a rit part Of Meta trcetWZ, artmiblni Advert:lM ttrjhopar lied and those contemplating mart lege, who. entertain doubt of their physical condition. tient [Mot postage to any address. on rt Mist of twenty five centt in stamps 'ern...eta currency . by addresy lb g Dn. LA CROIX , No. 31 maiden Late. Albany: it. 1. The author may be con. milted upon any of the dice em upon which his book treaty, either personally or by mad, and medicines sent toany part of the world. ATTENiONI I WE'LL GIVE YOU I " FITS.' T. D. TAYLOR, so long known-in Bingham ton as one of the mast popular cutters, and faiLlonable .Tailors in this section of country has formed a. co-partnership with E. E. New comb; of Montrose, and theynre now prepared to furnish men's wearing appardof ell kinds, 'end In style and workmanship Superior to any ‘establkbe . .ut in this section of country. We 1.- • ?II i.Lin 1.29 ' ..10.20"' lA7i_ : Lit : " : •0.1; GUARANTEE SATISFACTION to all 1010 tti4 Zcor as with their patrOisag& , Skop at Fast's old corner r on Pope !moue. Montnw, Oct 10,4870—tc Notice-to Banded. IT= BEllOOLDlßECTOES.atiltrid,...cOnthitonnali l P. I. trill raceme sealedpropoiala for the building of near &boot Wane. in Heart Lake Mania, wall Jake 21at,1811. bald school house to be 'similar to the one in the Baboack Markt. Fur eueellication a sod porde titan. am mat. Thatcher: Moutrore. Dir Order alb° Board. W. E. BA.ICOCK, Seereturr. - -Bridgewater. June MUM. - • nowAlai sANTrAwt-iiD.Assocl. . _ ATION, • • - For theßellefand we of titerniog andtabarfanattheil priemipleaortituisthut ntlanthrupy. &e on toe &roma Youth and tha t Fontes otAgt In relation to biarrlage *ad' Social- Belle, wilt' emaltax old for the allele& Bent free, insetted anretopma. Ad [ dim gownED ASSOCIATION , Box P. Manelphia. VT. Yank Dascz CUBED By =S. A. A. TAXLOE.-WARItANTED CURE. She ern be hood ted at. her mildew= La 1141donrs ter, =the Arm solljoinicrg . Shmief Jehnron. treetot refers:ever gives.. A: 11, ThYton. lhr .:reveler. liarch M.. MM. CALL AT 3PICriELNITI:TI - Ik.Zil The Larezt Stock, the Best Assortment, and the Lowest Prices of any pietist, In the city. DN. Goods sold warranted asraprosen led. M=!ffilllna b, TAYLOR, E. F. 'NF,,WCOMPS. ROBINSON'S souruzuri TIES EMPORIUM, 88 Wctshhigten Street, Binghamton, N. Y. When you will And Bingitamtan, Aug. 24, 1870.—.4y Ayer's air Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is it once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the bait Faded or gray hair is soon Tutored to its original color with the gloss and• freshness of youth. Thin hair, is thick ened, fallitrz, hair chocked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the lair where tbaffolliclii aro-destroyed, or the glaridi atiogied and decayed. Bat such as remain can bo, saved for usefillbess by this application. Instead •of fouling; the.hais with a. pasty sedi ment, i will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious 'substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can • only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely far a ,HAIR DRESSING, nothing elso can bo found ist, desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the haiT, giving it a rich glossy lustre and'a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dril. C. Ayer & Co., ItacncAL AND ANALnlcaz Cnorprzs, LOVIEI4 MASS. =me *Loa sold by Abel 'turret, and Bums & Niebob, Montrose, and all druggists and ()colors every - wlere, [Dec. 21.1870--y Z7r C. W. 221N1.01101NVE1 T01.7*.1G .9XERICAN Z., I INT I WIE 30 1 1%7 wr In offering Mb Liniment to the public, as we do In full confidence. that Unmet supersede all others now In use. as an Internal remedy. for tba cursor ail abases In the resehof that clamor medicines. we can safely amen, without the least fear of contradiction. that Wounds on. *rated in the Rat of medical compounds externally op. plied terattecore of direase. therefere that It Issaseerwarf to puff remedy ne eminently wonderful In its effectsocarrysterionsly irdhilltde In Its powers of relief, causing the deaf to bear , thebllnd to see, the mar• dear* and crippled *cosmetic to walk erect and ro. jolee again to the power and lgotof manhood, thb pm. Walton Ls offered to the peddle on Its own merits. .ni so ds no *tante origin oz essential oils of the Arabi deeds ; bat an the contrary is what its Imports, sae Ls a rare combination of the powers of North Amen• an products. Fiw Sons. Dee. 14. IBA. This notice Is to Inform all dealers In proprleta medicines, that we hero ettablirbed a Depot to Snique. henna county at Montrose. Pa., for the mile of Dr. C. P. prosies'Youug American Valmont, and that Mr, A. DALDWE'i b our a^ent that i f E Attre_- • WAD, 8013 T ND & CO., itil MAIM Weer, New Tort • Agencies will soon be established at central plates to every township, and published In the list below. ISM ready to furnish it at who prices to agents. Pott ers and dieniars sent upon application to the sub. rertber. The Liniment la now for @Meat retail by the follow ing agents, to wit: Burns & Mania, 'Montrose. - Adams, Anbint 4 Cornets. Noah Baldwin, notttli Autrara. Waltman & Vosburg.tikinueis Eddy., . ; D.C. & F.D. Fordharo, Franklin. J. Barrows & tionatitevenstrille. ' , • ' ' L. It, Sherwood. Bashrtlie. W T ia B B m a T nd ha r y e r S D pr l i m n geevkil . le . . - r. ILardske,Litle Meadow}.. , • . Robert Frieru M. L. MI, Winters, Birchardville. laville. 'D. A. A. Titrworth. Brooklyn. 'Pa. • .' • ' L-1111indraaeto '. W. M. ants, liall=tow. ~ .. B. M. =any, Bopbottom. . 'l. M. Vey. iiontsoie Drpot;' , -' - - '-! •' ' G. M. Ilawley, New Niuord. • T. D. F.caterbroek. Great Bend. Tealusinny Brothers, Auburn Centro. Avery a Beaumont, Cam tows. , . Stevens & Loebodydalr. lake. • N. Granger:an eh. ' ' - '. . . S. B. Stevens. Leciville.. , 11- . -, .... A. J. 81Ivara. Fan Spd= J. L. Merriman. Upson J. W. Rose:taunts. Fain:lsla. Any persons In townships not above named, desiring an agency. Ally ol4alte lc by addressing A. BALDWiN. General Agent, Jan.ll.lBl—Zen , . Itontrose. Pit. =MI ABEL TURRELL 'WEEPS coottestkp oD hmad onaftho most unmet. AM_ ons collectloca of DRUGS in the 'eatitai,4nd titatowf eat attention: to as lentil!: and buying train in &laid:tient that are pure and genuine. • Lin also tee:pa is viol iiarle7 of LiCiUOUS tap woks, • bought either direct then the4l4ll cr. or ligiPartarr sad Ararranted strictly pare. ASO:it : fan atiortabea of: Mali; 014; Viinisbes, Breshes..Lelnlealla Oils sod Rye SIM. Ueoceries, Wall Pa y Mass. o w tones, Pistols. thms 40Lon ntler of Gold spd Oita JEWSLIIY. Perikor en , . Yankee BOTIo4s, &c.. and othertoods too ors habWseveral yeses gessi pessOis hare beta Janie ortatagclutissicui sendlogyaStle Gress Mani au Tea Compeer. New York; Wm= saPP4cs of 7 01 sod CoColjor tsmUyAse. . _ 'Atteil Terrell le ere supplely+ , the people with Mite TeLewillteotrwe. at his arose I; Montrose, at tha isuab prices that awe clots and Y ork .permit per et the wore al tie Company in New Thal. win me the cum= thane.ticable of eal=4 'rtsiteleiwitlig.y berg oi • Airti , ?MM. Stanutwe, Itilif,ll`i'llf,!.opAlll'S C.011)011N - D.' -- 14..)1) EXTRACT CA.TA.VBA GRAPE pru,s, Componint Peirta- r —Flnsit Eifract R7eu barb and.F/uid Extract Oatain. -La drape Jtrials. -•-- MIOR Liver Onnplal et. Jaundice. unitazui.Agibetioni. 1 III& or Nervous headache. Costivenoss. etc. Veuetahle, enutalnilg no Mercury. lateen& .4pr Del eterious Dingo. . Il ' These pfils are the most deliglatrally plesseittLerga tive, seirscologeastoroll, Bans. megovaa. dr: 7 11- v• la cloth more scaootable to the: stouliclu - TWO., tone, en anise neither nails nor log paint. , They are composed of the *nests Alters few days' use of 'them. snub an in ration of the entire system take:rice as tosppoir m s, to the weak • and merest whether arising from Imprudence or dis ease. \G. T. elmhold's Compound Maid Extract Ca. tawba Grape Pills are not sugar anted, from the bet that 402111. coated Ms do not dissolve. but pass through the eromach without dissolviem 2 „ consequently, do, not prodoce the desired effect. Tag CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. being pleasant in taste sad odor , do not Beets. spate their being sugar coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. lIENRY T. BELIIBOLD'S 'RICHLY CONCENTRATED comrotrND FLUID EXTRACT SAIISAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrotal", Syphilis, Brea Sores. Ulcers. Bore B SOT* 4q.. Sere Month. Bose Dead, Bronchitis. Skin yes. Disease, Belt Rheum. Cancers. Runnings Iron the Tar. White Swell ings, Tumors, Cancemus Affections, 'Godes. Rickets, Glandular Ilse Sinus, Night Sweats, Rank Totter, Fin. mots Mall kinds. chronic ithematlem, Dyspepsia. and 411dtaesses that hare been csiabitshcdlA tha system for yam. Being prepared er;resely for the atom eentnlalnts. Its blued-parifytng properties are grater than any other Pfeissratlon of 83rIMPOSIIII. It arcs the complexion a clear and healthy color. and restores the patient to a state of health and mitt, for purifying the blood. re• mortng all chronic eonsthational diseases Irish: trout an Impure state of the blood. and the only fellable and effectual tureen remedy for the cure of paint and swell in t of the bones. inemslolll of the throat and legs. Blotches. Pimples on the Face. Etysipelas and all scaly eruptions of the akin. and beauttlytog the complexion. Primp 50 per bottle. HENRY T. IIELBIBOLD"§ CONCENTRATED 2Elstro,c)t 1131‘solzu... TUB GREAT DIURETIC, flee cared every case of Diabetes in which It has been given, Irritation of the Beek of the BLadder end fattens• motion of the Kldneye,_ Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland,litone in the Bladder. Calculus G ravel,Brick duet Deposit, and Nocuous °slinky discharges, *ad for en feebled and delicate constituclons of both sexes, attend ed With the following symptms: Indtion to ez ertlon, lose of power, lose of memory, difficulty of breathing, weak nerves, trembling, horror of disease, wakefulness, divines* of vision, pole in the back, hot bands, ducking of thebody, dryness of the Gila, eniption, on the fore, pallid countenance, stolvental el the consols* system, etc. Used by persons Rota thews of eighteen to twenty"- dye, and from thirty-live Welty-Ova stein the dectine as 1;g "etadrco; b". welt D tfebaboids Extrsel nicht' Is Wasik minim. Pu rifying. and awes all dismiss. arising from habits of dis sipation and excesses lind Imprndences Milts Isapinihee of the blood. etc., =parading malts In affections fee which Is is used, and Biphihtk stemless—hi these db. eases nsed In connection is 4 th lielmadts nosa,Wesh. LATIUM In many antennas prelate? to Wise, tie Extract RR. Bathe Is tinemialled by an other remedy--as int%loro. els or Retention. Irreolarity. painthtness ortappresd vn of enstoinary evaraatians, ulcerated or Bairns state of the Uterus, Lecorrhisa or Whites. eterillty. and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether mister tram to. dismal= orhablts a dissipation, It la prescribed at. teradvely by the most amine physletass dad midwives, for enfeebled and delicate costitut , ons, of both sexes and ail ayes (attended with an td the &bola diseases or symptoms). . . . IL T. ILELUDOLD'S EITILKT BUD= Cane diseases arising from Imprudence, habits of dia alpation etc.in all their stagesort little expense, little or no etareps in diet , inconvealeuce, and no egriostrre. It cones a frequent desire. and gives strength to urinate. thereby removing obstructions, preventing end eating strictures of the !Urethra, &Myre: pain and lndammation, so frequent In this class of disease, and expelling ell 'poisonous tastier. Thousands who have bear the victim of Incompetent person', and who been paid heavy fees to be mired' In a short time, have found they have hem deceived, lad that the " poison" haa by the use of " poweriblas nagents," been dried spin Xbe tobreak oat., Ina' more er granted formoted perhalier .manisge. USE HEL3OOLD'EI EXTINCT DUCUU for all Agee. Dons and diseases of thellritaberexisil n g in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and notnatter of bow long standing,. Price, 0141 Dollar wad Fifty Centsper Dottie. 1110tRY T. itEXDOLD'S IMPEOUD DOSE WASH. cannot ne=ised as a Mum Wan, and inl3 be humid the only c intoedy in every species of Camel:am AffecUon. It speedily eradicatra Pimples, Spots Scrolmtle niress, Indurstirms of the CM/IMM) Rem: brine " etc; Ispels liminess aid Inciplentlndenimation. litres. Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin. Print Blies, and all purposes for which Selma reClint meats am used:. restorestha skin to a state of malty and softness, .aud Infarct coutinned healthy action to ltsvosseic on which depends Who erectable elecrams arid rivarity'ofeomplesloa so much nought and ad mind. Bet however valuable nest remedy for existing defects of the skis, 11. T. ilemboit's Rose Wan has long sustainedlts principle claim tonnbounded patron age hypossessing qualities which reader It arollet sp. pandas, ot Ma most Itoperiatire and conmndal chars. ter, combining In an elegant formula prominent re. quialtes, aafety and efficacy—the invariable anompani. meats Mita aae as a Preservative and Refresher of the complexion. , It lean excellent Lotion for disesiscs•ot a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection for titreimes of the 'Urinary Organs, arising trout habits otansilpatton,' need In conrertlon with the extraets such Smite. . rills , and catawba Grape l'llle, in such diseases as re• cmamended.cianot be •• aupassca. Prier. Ono Dollar Pea Dottie, , ran and , eelt faro:Lions actompany Mt medicines. Evidence the most responsible 'sod reliable char acteefurntabed on application, with hundmis of thou, sands hi living MILUCIIIeII. and upward of mow sulso. Iletted^tertlikatat and recommendatory letters,' ming of wen% are from the highest sources, incicaileg cent Physicians, clemytnen, Statesmen, Ste.- The pro prietor has uevertesorted So their pehlteatlon -in the newmapers t he does net do this from the tut that Ohs Ittlekes not as Standard rnßatutionsr and da net need to be propped by by certificates, - , Man' , ElLelv 'Preparation, ; • Dettrered to &Ay Warr, &mars Mogi Aborrlrdtorh Zotgt ata otalrbeo opw . ord A =zelx:alv i ti i , a r t z ugza Ad to DO'. T, Unt,/igO,hPll,l 3 roasiad Maas. • now'woiAtatohTiligterriaild. ,irtit,a•T vise:ll,4'o4 peporfal , Booth 4 1 eAtti BM*, !plata. • , WAWA Olr •COUNITAFKMSI' Ark for 111AAT fituirrotreo rake au A GREAT IfiED!CAL . DISCOVEIit Dr. WA5.Z=.T.,0:..X.2:V071=1.:, VINEGAR BITTERS 'O. TrElliirtstikaf Tltrertztds 1 • , B co E.- IA 4 .. i fk -- •fi' Ail li t t• ott r.- P .. -0.: 111 'f ws? .. ..e. a 1 Ca 4. •Iti. A.; • S.lO $4.1.4 tit O V 4 wandn URN ifir Ail irF It r , .. VIIET ADE VOT • VILE' . 1 F a. 8 a FANC-If , DR IN It 0 .- li iod• of PAM Raw, DrithAtig. Trost IfEhrtia and Defogs Llanerrs doetared.apleat and snag axed to slow the Isate, eallat.Tontri,'"Arpeta, dm' ..gesunits.. ea. that Iced ilei tipsier ca p gronteonees and reloAtif ere slim Dedlente. and Arced Ogren,. Voogd/ad Bobs Of calffertgareet Breen ail Ateeloollo etlasniants. Thar art laa (MAT. BLOOD PUMPING. and A LIFE SITING PTLINCIPLE•pettect Ittantator dad, Invigorator or thodystran off ill doges= war= and restorlag the blood to • healthy senOtana. No person eattlatg these =deg me ddhvi to Gm. Son antlyeandn lons unwell., it Oleo stribe gtventoren bercrstle ego. reoslend au bones aro not destroyed by adoerorpoloon or ether mans, and Out vital ore= wasted beyond tho pad edrenstr. Her Irdlarneratary and Cbrmsto theme. alma and Gnat. Dyaironsda. or Indlitentlad. Dlllees.liteaslitent andladirogisens ravers DI seaseref the Blood. Liver, Sony.. and Bladder. theso Bitters Late been oat mem. Oil. Seat Diseases are mud by Vitiated Bleed. Valeta is serer dly Traduced by donentrearn of tin Dlceatleo Orland. DYSPEPSIA OIL INDIGESTION. Vend gobs, pane in the etrelderis. Caostts.Tlghtness or the Gersi. Dlndinosa. door Zroctuar.a et the Ehostagh, Lod taste to go Month, Elton' Agoeles, Tudaltorten of go Iteast. Uffaxercation et the Lange, rata to rho restore or the SldneyS,thelstomdred other pothtal eravoins. are the dreprtags /4 1 Pcfals• 'thy =Operate the Stmeath sad at aelsto tUo 'thither sad tousle stsich reed of solesser.th sthesey b elethethp the Wood of ell ImputUles. and exporting now life and vigor to the whole spasm. FOIL SKIN DISEASES. firthstleas,Tettth.thle therma Mutates. Spots, .festalel.llOfla. CUs Dethe theetles.Cluq•Wanss. EadolJath4Bore EPthsEthrth. etas, nth. Scarfs. Insethorattoth of Its Skta,llthoots .24 Megan of the t4.l' . n, of shales= =Do eiusture. • ere Often: dug up and earthed out of the Mk= lb* dual tthle bp the use of those thews. Oise bottle es see vessel sill court= the then Inczedthoes of MeV eorettss obsi. Clesuse the Vllleted DlOO4 sesuarer you Cud Its fthesethes burstlug trough the sktn Is Ptmplos,,Drep- Vous or Bores I clethse IS Thee foe find It obstructed sad sluertse to the with t cleanse It sees I.lthfael, ge e ppes• tosteps •111 tat you ethos. Festh fb.b l . 4 puts sed.the health of the system old false. s'Arts:4otht , SYMMS, laretustta the list-re of so maul LI woods. are effect: any destroy. qd and removed. Tor tot Eircettous. rand eirefelly the othcatur nrocoul each bottle, printed fa four lurs• puecth—Euuleu,Gertoss, frame red Gpothdt. ' rropea.. n. n. neDONALD a CO.. rr-__---.,tes3 and Cm Adeota. 6i Tronefsco, 104 =and:l Common. Btfoct, Now Tot': 0, ..o:.a nr t.l,fe 1111VCC157.3 asp Oct. 26-T trOpeic SIGN OF TEE GOLDEN MORTAR XII:nEIMTEI eb TWXCrJEZCIM.EI9, DatIONSTS, Wm"revriiielli. ell to the th at tosibittlon t their am assortment of PrItiLDIWGS 41ito .14EDIc1 as, • bey here Patel% itut Otis. Vairdrh. Dye-JiLtilev. Winn &pit Livers,. Patent Medicines. Speetneirs,Tri Classes, rocket Rulers. Raters. Vtolltr& GtdrarStringv..'Atin.jett received ' • &fine lot of Revolvere, Gun Caps, Gnu ‘Valding, „ • Cartridzes; • ws k•sp atims anima aDd on :saw. ttnt PowdM Gum Powder..l3lfie powder, Totem Sad Cfpn at s sq. wrier quality, mil plural iiiiinwtment sakes Nc. War. Irlr'llemettnbet the CHEAP CASH DIICO STORE • Hams d,l'itchnlg. ' • A. IL .131312.18. 0 Mentme, 14. trio, egos 14 (CHU. STROUD it BROWN'S • Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, laseinotroinici. CAPITAL IMPII.Ei'MITED, over Itemelosnrance Co.of and &Maus. 31,1mOil(0 Insurance Ce.of North America, Phira. CapitalatedBorplus, 4,1100,000 gran kiln lel re Ineursnce Co., Nails. Pa., 'Capital and Supine, , ettkei:o ',yearning Conurl Matnal 'Laurance Cp.of Iduncy,Penn a, Capital and Surplus, ' 4,000,000 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn.. Capital, ' • 33 . C% OOO American: Lite Insurance Co., Made). phis. MOW. - • POPO Trarelerelnsurance Co. Ttattford„ Conn.. • lusurtagamdnat all kinds of accidents • Capital, • • Ito.ooo Hartford VtierlAnrantre Company, Wart,_ • • ford. Conn.. Capital and Suipins, $4.0010.1160 fairAllboalneso entiasted to one care willbe attend ed to on fair terms, and all leases promptly EgrOftice first door cart from Banking °Moe of W. 11, Cooper Co..Turrnikost. Mautroact. Pa. _ STROUD ti BROM% Agents: • . • M. C. 14trrrox. FrlendsitUe. Balleltor. • ag0.71. 8111314 idontrO , C, - do - Mamas IHMoinr, CAMUSIN Eataers. .Pa. - ,433.11. 1811. 7 as tilim , Law inwsni. tgrideft/n le' d i ggri l ti t t i orij "m en u i l lre= every patient' treated In the pas te vars. (Se* testfutony). nu the scientific preseriptlon of Peoria*. or Jos, P. jitter, M. D. a rudest° of the tintrerstli Peamytranta.lBA—smorAme of Phttadelptilais °Utast =dor ptrystetans and Professor of Chet:gall and Toxieolcipp,—who hal made Naomi:tn. Chronic and lefletatitoly lineurastista' the spfttallty of Ws entire prfessloust ltfo—rs (let emiehmi for by Malign:atoms im companying each bottle of many prominent renOnfied pbystelaus,xlernmea and other teadmentafs. 'repro; tett sufferes from pot:mous limit Mamma gad use less expenditure of money..ll, 14,11- signed guarantee, mating erset Dumber of bottles erstrantedpeMe: bo forwarded gentle to goy entrarer Gaudin y lotte.i • destriptlon of Orion lq cum of fol orp mire, amount paid positive y retied. Arr4pelhif gent apt where byrtprevl,col cet p dellterf. Asmespa I F , tomtit* foctdpe intermit:l l F MO Misdeal dos sent Dyne rdnuipet p IN street. phl3. PcWas, Waal, to sold or 01 P talpol ragoots. Aprtlllo,ll-17. Vor Sae bi /MEL Mostros ri. Gennhse lIMISIKEIT4. 131., ruoCcrufalii !reel iiii.daeses of Patna lux) beer Diseases. Ren d s alaam cor circular nainstnist particulars iiDS teat". menials. Addasso leas lE 90. - Titair Tett. 111001413.0WERS 'TARO - rtsi .mcens WOOLIMIHU. Is mein si • %• . IdslP ta g &throw taunt, thethol sod Wain itb% ton= • map Wald, the best are rude; sII wood tweeds and eaultherts. A tame lot of cloths en toad. fey ale or to exchange for wool. -Hesse it» runt anth before dlthalog of par wool elsewhere. Mill 1/i oaks north of Montrose. • . J . w . 1i017. Montrose. June I.lf/71. IDW LIQUORS. • , • sumo: wenn GRAPE swim dkaila g ic ir m 6 . l. A:3%Z, Cc. N ctat =tb• Oft , sent atitant. als A itysiad Dcaltea Wilyksy. Alcohol, Psualiphit. Bay aminolkir"Mitilitt aaJbasid sad for Web) , M 11241 • . TARBOX WATCHDIAKEItAIiDJEWELI4I,,, . Busqueharnui Depot,Pa, Dealer in Watches, Clocks Jewelry, ste. pairing promptly done and wamuned. • FINE SILVER GOODSI- , made a speciality:, Silver Detached Levers AI, $l5 011 Amara= Watches, at Cotnpanles doted prtees. er Goods otdeTed forpullet, from js Torkcat less profit& than if kept constantly ma hand. Solld-18 caret }Saga Bo $1 75 per_ peen, weight. A. B, TARBOX. — Susquehanna Depot, lan. 25, 1971. if TALBOT & STAMP, =ln GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Flow, alt, Batter, Rat, Lam, Ham, Bait 11* TO! Cilia's, Crackers, Cheesi, Coree, SideesMtsdar Teas, Snap, Ake, Dried sad Cardrad Fruit. Tabasco. Clors, Bent. radial cdtte; =lsles ;ma? . keit In • Brat clams eMet and Prosirlaa We ledo mark oar goals am low as we as ifferi.kki, sell tor tub, or eackauge ter produce. • PATRONAGE SOLICITED Montrose, Sept. V, 1370.—tt CaXECITTOICE LIOTICE. WIIERRikE , Testamentary to the mast* of Judson atosiL LlT = Forest lake tosighlp, deceased , hats bees granted the subscribers , . all timing Indebted to salt Wit* arib requested to make Imunedate pigment, and those • letp datms or ihma n ard t grainst w ta ba este d te i r thel medent, will JOllN.llltaggnM, -74Z , AK4At:C.Til JULIA BUTTERFIELD; ' FREDERICK DAVVeir. GEORGE' D. JOHNSON. JERE/111611 UORFOREL Vomit Lake, Am:. 2, Isst—ds. Exatatets, • ABEL .TURRELL, Eia. pot returned trona Few Tort with a largeaak dleno to hie one each of choice goods Mootroee. Nov. 28. latl. 02,0,000 Worth of Goods in store for the a. openbeit the Fall Trade 011870, in a full and gracral cussorlMCM Qr clot cinGs - Dm; aid Punt Latcrg, awl , Flute, dos* tw dmprtn Galt, Deana. Malmo, nalCifitorsets.anbawd Tirth COIL* Mira Ladtstaxd OW* fUnr. .131011p.Phis.Pinio L. • • Robes , aim% otweranter Gloat. Oulfaures. lfgitt:CloUtt. painufs, Hastay, Drmtatig 4Tt1f9174.004*e. with a' genera) assortoesit of Hats bins and Boots & Shoes, Oils and Palms. Crockery. Ilardwaro, Blames, Iron. &c ingz superior opportnnity for selocAitopk iti will to sold on - ths most fstrorablis term; kJ MZ. la tW Miliard, Not. W. 140. T. 416 El =Ma , lE* pi:MM. °maws :as caviil send; $60.000.000 "JOHN ti. TILUIDELL, Prireilit64;•" El•ht Steve lesee this Rouse 4E7; COUneettita the 0, W„ the Erie, and the Lehigh 11101 lays. blely 6,117 V—U GOLD., JEWELRY, Wow ind largesapply, Almslsom Nov. 2i.14 01. TlMargiA CONGRESS :WATER: • RI TURRELLI3. 1300 AD LETTlNG—Tbe•Frrpervisore of titles:meta 1.1., will meet at the boos or James O'Brien. Bridommtery April 29t0, .at 1 clock p. to ki Ike buildingof twee! lendinn front Jae. O'Brlen'eteTkonei s. To pc let to the lowest bld JAYES r. ,110BACE BREW 31 oulronn. APOII4M. "B. IL nuswsns.ffilaiir VEW -WALL PAPER, • • • ' Just arrived: ana i ►cUtat Mentrose:aptiri9.l67:. , . . AgrlOultural College; of Pennlylvade, Tam INBTITUTIO still 'reopen for the SPRING TER3II OF 24 WEEKS, On Friday, February 10, 1871, For gcneal Circular, eitudogue and agree tit formation, Address._ THOS. IL BURROWS, President, • Agricultural College, P. 0., Jam 2.5, 1871C=.4t Centre c4.,4 - BLOODIINGTQN. UM) - ' 1 " ' Itla ';,- . .. 1 mai "Jai. 0301,ex-50d GreirboattLartni Ad. I 0 nuldrent,all eruct Dot mat er Prided... • Woad )00 ItneCrepar.,,erbed. bow to plantt Trait Glade, evergreen ter% oats, grafts:m . onm plants, apple seed, cub , Borepotatoes. Ora - be, reale rbe and prden rdants • dte :./ke., no. mop' AqwrADLE sKuots I swam 4.4:110-'imussil digits. &Dar New. mounted Descriptive refoo •de stamp. eSetk tat Ca or dr ith pln dhettlono—ilipades; Medd= Garden Plants pages: and Thretibin Pried LIG-111 mes. ddilteasT.LTD pri.d; GlpeurdaperrPlG4!b l .. SAlRDltalgnartg.°Altgri ly tit cto rpal!titti . rd paint and tbiaptlin ttAu4r-' _ lornriF. roPe,T . t.i itsiltatint 7 7' "I'''S"l":•.' . . en.ts - Itead. , Thiti I - - NMI3. WILL PAW -Agana it salary 0r,.5841 IT Per Weekand KePelenalAlloW • mE• comndosinu to sell our new and son and tavinGOnn. Addnis M. WAGNER in CO., Ida I,IIICA. - , • pEIABLE SPECTAOLEB-4120 co% 'mon Speetados is now supply, 1121: ratialli • Setitiorr, N0T.10.1500. • _ 4.4p7v,, -TALI3OT i arm. SWIRLUT'S ffiarblelsedilat• Wes mutt eosin Very' large ansbrtsait, Inelndlngagrestmiddy elivint new and xl O. naUdakm. T. B. sIicWART. it Co, COS Sixth drone., WC 12Th and nth Stmts.., New Tart glogi„ll.2.lmi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers