artaii:.: ; .:3 •C4ir,".1 . -7 , Z.!;:,;:. ;I,T, : „ ECAr.t.; Elf.; ESE guointoo ' ' . . . vitt • - , t heitvanriandpptllniLartATLiWi. great Et*d• L. BALDWIN,. • kre o 4 " . " "'" as I m g : K.. othca Joaey gaq• - '' • . 'Runway, auPitl3o.."l.. cz) .• • • 41nnpsein in:Law.Ontak.tt4: Lnclnaantini4venne. ..,..nknontpo. Pa. Prattlee In thy Itortrd , Cvnly. - ltetiTe and Etusquetninan Contains. , !.: , ' D. LOIL. mancnn vetd. 1.571.7rtf, aot ..•IVV. /1. 'CROSSIII,ON. the Cutri alogamit . . Dept.. blb, sen.—Lit . 3&• - ' - • !.: P.i•crzta'7. '" ` 4 • l 'llellEE'N'ZlE;' di. reCrear. • • Were in Dry Goode, Clothing. Ladlei One Shoes: klenragente Thr the great American Tee and Coffee ,C0mpany .0!0!".q.1014.41v.."P,/i.70. -o.e;-? , 11)112.-AV. , SNIIITIEIN . Itoceng at 'deoi of the prthiln; epee,. Otani hours from Ara- it. 4 .t h 4 -•- ' %tarp rase; Mey 3,-16214f • . tp4kunEll 7 lla:: Ila 1; . • • Charley 'Mortis is the barber. wbe con *bale your face to • 'Attlee; 011.11 brown; black- and griseey bat,. Irk tits , : Agies,jen pp stein; Th ere yoo .. obtp.ver ' Hart. *Wee. below Mach:44:2'4)oA opa door. • .IllnateoleatiesT,lBll.--AL, ; - IKOStr29.' 111: 111.1910CtiLLIPM eTiet tee Uszti, Moiliro64 • ,r74.tfgfogroiC) 4 / 1 0..tUa: • ••>'. u, • D. A - . ILATMIOP: - -•-• aliatiaii an °tate, at the toot or ettestiditriet. riot! r , " m g C at 'l la NF bn q - P , where he eau be Paelatted at all -T ileum* dptit att, , • : • ly 3. D. VAIL,. , IllearliOravateistrisirtsw asoStroozos:lTal pei•OtininUy • , located !dwelt In Montrose, Fa., whore be wlllptecoot ' '4 attend to all dells In hisorsdewlon with which be may • :ti , tawartd: 0210 ontroaddebee west' of ttto , Coott sturFlteh d W . ateon's °dice. •• „ • . Mootrow, F bmet) A 151; , . , L ' AW. OFFICE': „ WATSON, Attorneys l‘t Law, at Ilte'Old ' aiiiee &Motley &Fltett, Mantnwe.Pa.• Van: It, IL[ , •' - i•CDARLES„N. STODDARD. • . Dtafire tz; Snail and Micas. flits and Cadi:lkddicr and Pladiadi, Main Stint. let danr.below payd'a,diare. Work made to order. and reps . Lin; done neatly. •Illoatratat. Zan. I, Is7o- ;LITTLEs 14 ttellivesLEE;';'' Vittenieyi , azia Coiin;ellort tfdie 'the ,p4sretarons ocoryavi by ,It.D. P,Ltttle, on Mite llontroec; P. , 7 miltwox arm: - _..tro. P. LITTLT. -Z. L. • L IFI WIS: siuvis9 tqw burssmo ti'liiciu;ir"roii..mie - I;.ixtrut. 'titre hi wilt •t:li•rolingtrisaj IA attend all bandit may vans aoythlnp pl4,►tafloe. 3laatrose, Pa. U. O. 'IL HAWLEY, DRAM Di DRY GOODS; CatiVEETES. CROCTMT Darderare, prps,Doote,Shoes, 3ta 3e Sloth htz, Pziate ‘ olle. etr...„B.evr, Ditferd, ' • (Sept. 8, GI DU. S. W. DATTpiC, "UTSICIAI , I timderfilaureteel t• the citizens a Great 'Rand end vicinity. Peke et hie evakien-ee., oppettnallarinica Licnue,GY:r.end A. Co. 'WA1P7.11531; /MORN= A'.' L AN: noziity;..llsiet Pas: Pension . and Extra' on Clams ,utmdcd , tn. ()free Jl •'•:~otbeloailSo7d'r9torc, SI obis r os LAIL . I.'o geNo S MON, • •, • aexictlor.teir, and. !nsnranc ,-, ! aaL6.111, 7 EitictadartllT. Pa. S. 16;saicticoiktior:' • sagittitt =• ' " Graait mina. pa. A3ll ELY Ora - , ;mac , /cadres,: liroolaysii -4 Ts quovc PasnievataitVtitL6k 11.:;i:66;e. rat. sbati (inn blOgoallles Stott: AP °biers Illicd In Or al-rstestibi. 4 91 .. 1t.i4 Qona!l - vnot!ce.. - aad.varsan!ed cofitt: 4 , l• • Vir, • W SMITiLi t • • ' • ILLIVIET 6YD Clll.lll. ItANUFACTURIMPL.A.Pcot ialWastreet.,Siontro,so, /7Y9•.. Ditfia t tain Staple aid Fancy Ety Goiaday Ciocken; Iron, Sums, Dra g .. Oils.anth palate llostsandlitroes Hats it Cape. Pan, anerstir Hobo , illreeerles.Proats7one.c.:4. - .Nev Milford. • r, "s •:-.:-ATILOGII:B , I3nOWN, ramMSJAANCY, Acz.vis. ec luattnero atteuded . rOprounfoly.uri fitlr tori3l- Oface frit door north of • riOotrOle li ote,". WWI; el& 0 , ~irapqf tsvenos t zltl, tti Siiotra, : Ciiazcza L. 1.11101,31. ',1..1013161 1 .1r1:1111tELLi • DIRALEA7I4I 4.1112Q4.. Patent/loth:liell,l;:tcrateslo lolgenv;Ppnts, Oils,Dyc z4ntrp. Vsanlabcp. Wl* , -ai,'*-O,II4.IWALtI4ITaII 2641; -..terMAPAe-ware; liaPo.Eeroteue..l4aettnery,ol4. ..Tratotsz Gatsa. Atlltallllitatm• - .oolTeir, , ' bpectselcs Arceisteir; Misty Cliimit.: - Ilegretzt, Terra - , 17.; te..4 `talWreeogfAo-XITOTO V. rl,ll l Z'el.f. , .clistabitskea Mantrose.;,ra• : • I: D. VE:•§E.W.LIe,„: • - f• . nerrintrr,sattsw,.. °met -iiver•tbe No* at J 4. IN,*iropris,o l . 2 aria 14 5"? 31°45Fun r..,- 1441:9 011: - W,; L. 111CiLinD80N,'.. 4 4 ictsiclAN i rivadEosr. lendeis ittiv - priressfazs Wilts* to the , c l 4.uvw or Montrara and vicinity.— *owe latteetstffp2ce. on the' COrnerelAt Or &Wt.& T.A.."'GiIIEtDNER; aivanalsottartis..iuir;tioie;: ewe impecia..atentiqa.,to disexles lily . Haut add 'Lana and all tkirglent dtmascs. unite over 137-11: Sautd.s4.sairltiallotel: TAM:. • uttris Nimot9;,.l Dic e:Ars. wars:OM,. Varnish, Liquors. Spieus.lhun7 .1111.C411". raleckliedleines. Perfumery and Toilet Ar- Ortrticeptiom - earefally compounded.— - ra i lte , Avesme,atnoti. .i.l,,MoatTow.l, `11,1143-.lCtraiola , .2 1014113TT BROTHERS,. scararoN, pa. %nngegale anew' tWaelllifi NAM:MNCE, IRON, srtn, .1. SIIOVELS, IgitreDEWS gititDWAREt. Igarg __ as ifeler sv All;f 4 ffe zre: ' AIPAINGS. AXLES, MEE= ALVI BOZT3. /07,8 and srßas, ,zzarsir BANDS. MALLHAIILS tdIONS.IIW3S.SPWIEth T B.I.I.YDLES. BOWS. de. JOWLS TIM, STORES , std DIES. BELLOWS SLEDGES. TILES. at. R.{. rteCELLIE 4-17) itILLs &WS, 13 PL,TI3O. PACERNO Was MOMS. PLASTER PARIS 4 ciumT„ RAIL RGRErosToßgs, AnionwirraDcrarGwas.cumertrueonames *ROM, MOM reinedarzi trinit commit:ix .<1 ttcnhle Drive %Mixt ' Ateftlatri Atott. New l'orkStateigfanal Pre:Wink ./1080102 areal ptioVaratual I,,, N4sid Idasjs A 44 tba PailniTath. lsad, aaeVirgtais State Ilia &minis gliirp:r,eoti;ae,rekoivientfiriy CMS p114 11 ..bee0. 1 1. 1 4 errelmed . to s Reit W. Witt* mania On machine. P . Te4.‘ralr mecivizz ill= Ca 1114 am. • Ma t spec Ithaca.* is datimed taitstar fcrezt a WA Med to oat , a 141,4 altorre, nithoct. atop, dims asp, byr. fitleo to badplases pad nett ssd ham , / ONituttlat is perfect. 5o beat salt ape ems Imitotaid. di is .beland dcrabt the ittmzess Widatla thimtu.lc4 sad Ml= arPe24 WPM %big= pericatty reliedo la ',mu , . VlVRtttlia,r S,AlritP intas.=_ NENE IVitt'o; _dottier. SIM-EIAUCItIFTO , I7IO2ICOVIT.- ,VllOO Tht:ftßtni $b tPcinld aet o 4 istintaer *accustom Nbieil9 The geld were ‘gieee, and the 44;crasblte, • • Morbleli ' T~tiVhlt ll' tflmisant c...tcursion . to 11,c1! Four taindrtd iliousand - men'atid Mare' • • : Mast nit with him . There 'itere littrehtle by the dais', • • • • And Doket hy theledre t Prineet tv,feir;nnd Hlngs'one eir tint' • Mali Ilia fields are to. 'green': "tad tilt ski to •-• Morlden 1 Perblen •r: • ' S • 1 •:' •I'irptut n pleitunt . excursion to Motteoir 1 , , • t i .. • - ' 'There *nit junot end Augurean, • Ilekth-ho fur Ittospow,„t . .. • ;; Dorrtbrowsky And . • •3toslial fiei,lack-stday, 1 , •'r Gru l3l rta,PPOind tlie..EnghcrgiitaP would While the flelds'yere,e,ogreen, nod, the sky so blue, •.• • • , • • _ . I,• • • _ For the whole of eteyr • ,But they must bP 'Purling to 3105 Ww- The Emperor Nataketaiked " That beirizbtened Mr. %sum Job !alai; Ito.miel i !tyou'll . be vlse;• Ask the Elimeioil.lap It hn' . irill'pliase7 To grant - ironpeaei 4 ,ispois iglu , Lumen; • - Bemuse heli gang .to MosOciir - He'll make alt oama Out opheir And befit ilMlLMOlos,,tuld eat the FiusiMiat; ror the am green, and the skyls Morblea 'Patbleul , And certainly . much to #iisiisaf, " EZZ:=2 Aad Counsellor Brouzltentwassilin tei to. . At the thought of the.march to llowxvri The Ruvd•gi , a,..he aeldr.they were undone, Arid' the great Fee-Ea:Writ • ' - • Would presentkennee, , . • - ••• hop,,ntep; tad Jetip,insta Loitddn - t,For, as for hhi conquering Tinsel; • - RCIWeVer SUMP pasons might scoffiti- ; Du it he could, and do it he mould; .40:.nocu doing it nothing would coma but Sid. - - And nothing could call him off it 31r., ;Jeffrey said -to, who must_ cprtidiily know, For he was the Edinburgh Piophet. They aD of flea' knew .31i. - Which with nolyWri t ought to beteckotted; It was;througli thick and thin, to its party trtm isatic ivasktoff, 'and' its f aldes Wereblue„ 3tori;lca! Patt!.th! It served them for Law and Gospel, too. Btit the Ftassisns stoutly they turnt.ll to, 1, Uporulic road tit,ltt OW) ro. Nap had to fight bissmAll ihrcumbr They could figt;t, thooull ,they could not paid= 13at tb P fiCl4lWqr.eireert.prid the Ay Ins blue, llorblen ..,rarblett l dud P 9 1 4e t?XosCO. lie found the place tociirirei tbr For Cliey selfirei To get tbird bid ,Arid:tben 9otieltercodise tie knew; While the flelis'wert thi aL Tills blue, gorbleur NOTFoI,, not to march ba*Ta*itry4 . Ru.F4%45 they stuck close to Ws ~! • An op, the zoaxl.fprizalhStacey,. ....721e-re.TlVEartnaztimatid 'Jeamtlas-. Ike cat!: tbat.endig oar; •:.,„341arociov.itch . And Kattilelkowitcb,,f •-t? ~—ApttalLitte others Itutt esti :.13cbsinnamr.. :13xthretssteg; , .. ,- APASchtpaleff, - And all the others that end h . / elk rf And Tchoglokoff, dnd all the (Altera that end In Ott • ' Bajtifkky,-andlireveletraky;- , -And anti:to - others that end in t Oscharoffsty, and Rostediski;.? -, ; • And all the ethers that atet in totllky And Platalie Payed there Cat ••"- End Simi:114110111in ahooeled thinti • oft . • •'•‘ - And Mirkoithe'nuirted ihemint • • 1,-- - And EtOstiofthelinissed ffliein off,' 'And Pachkeff fie !minted ilicia nit ' • - And Borostoft be !vied ihens'oft; And Siitatisoffre dui itiem • And Par9zoff 4ernecd them 01l ' • '"'Alid:tt'ortineofthe irenied • shan ; oft :"A:dik;ctri•redrii'd • oe!ored tinenipft • 2 And *donna' 11 . 1 Sri ea : lhem . ': ° Anar .. !ast - of otl, tail* .T.Pq. 9 41 610 W by 4'iliiTerilren, bin one speak, and noone can •spelt T r `')„ , They itzektlose tolitep . wi th di dear OA% 'lts are left tind'pn Ikland anti tbdoie, and tiy and by night; Be would I . nther,*fnonn thapfilt4;l,:l Bat hejnokni . til inid lie *nit 'bine, IfonAvn I Parblers 1 - !W hc3 . l4 " / In iko , Tore FPPId 4 ,3 ; -zelF.4lerid. i And then came on the frost and snow, : Ail =Lee road film Mancow, • - - . The.winit .'enthnt. - •bet.ti3iind; to that 'Orsed nothing.fhr bbs. bar 41r ali bb isssret Pot WIS. !stile ..tubaps ismched Wider Wa t ea, Put bis- trust b6:43 f*tuile, hqd bot. ViOrm *Ad *vase every' dap die de:mesas Oils; I"he fled" acreso schlus; sad thesky so blue; • .. : .lbsrebia yeatrebles! ' Wtosis.homialsjottrsay from 3f.0 . sari I trion therc=i trail irceioir #iien La thouett it firto / &UAL , To bght all AV, sid'4p*Alll:4l4; 441114174 i besid 9 /KV; For bitkr . l4 415,1 Ara sti:oas kitieving whits else When the de4ll,sra6 fi.q..whho, sad the shy to libblaeu I Parb.lett,! ; - • go stole avniy,-4 tell yob intee-- rpon *I irmd ltom hicseoer. its 133Ysa, oath he, I Eliot Egad temt; to the Ilefi tansy Who Ito hivlinor. • - -', ' TodOtroile - E 11.4 SliA 'cg - ti4s ..-.''''. '','• ....'. i : - Too bat bad Obi= atnisioirr I , '," '_.' '.:-:, • '" • . . • as t.l t. .'r,~ _ ~~y0,..f... :4 2 !2', 1::! , ...0 - ,, , , - .3 -..',.:?.' ,„.--ifiii.„-,- " • , . •'. ' , DIONTROSEPA.., ,, DEC DEC . 16 ). 1114 , I n k 2.1.. **7 e* 0 , aiid . A4 l 7#ito ol3l o , . P 3 - 01 44- b•rfnetg°,A:.c , r . : I N7 • uth' ?AM trite:dr not In, tlinel6A nboi) l 4 l 4V, ninteilitinknostl,_„: ~; He IFa4 2 ,:.`f," ,1 01 11 9 5 ti " .4, :. 4ei ss ,, _rta9 / 0 *on wiPliitt }3l4 / i w a t 1;195440kb* is Pin:Wan , 144 4 *on't I=9l tam t t berp Mona Ne4ll. lAA glary ; Bat ituFilta must stay tor a Ira). long day, .; rot itt tam there b no, stali ng Away; lolner4 CM? On rend from blOscow. graitiefi INIIIMIPMIIIIIIIIII. IO OIIOII=.II I— •` • • Und ATItIOOI4IO. Londop, Eix Oorductors,of: 11 were recentlyifined for ovevcrooding _aQendonieCotnav Puri? ate - the latea tioreities It le compiained:thatpeopligaX 014 operas Pill dress ttQietv °fleapit, :`Olll. there tat *pats. - „ ' l a —Th(l'o9li 0' the :great n o vella has '6'oppect:, the Jr, fecan Idit : name, ,and.. is niivr "Chcirldepik,ol4".l! . . ...-" ` contracted a „Rvere , , and„lasting cola'? to the latest ;.Cntlirornioi euplentietit Indiatis editcirNo'-leave to:morreurifor the , country hok ehott,lncl hope to lidie tlie • —Very eiliy:„Cold - creather 0(1'ot-in Texa..• isticeetripanied maid limy raina. t.lieti'ck • be;giiis to, ..thiek ilintihi:“ Little Einma'" is a hOsi lode on hi.s Post . • ' .—An old lady ia collecting all the pa." Wield Opera she .caoltly he:4odß on to Tnake ropp , of, sayti tlicy are a Nespkt. 'site better tliei (-4--- -. 9 . 4cy : arc. altno4t '.!" • —4llse , liellie Grantiattlioeorriblg• out."• ibia winter, but ber eoueraZraggto. Dolt bk'Prolutter:young lady hoirmto create a Maggie-01 etreetiu Washingtrin society. ,7Bo.stoft.Post.:., —The clergymen thmiighont the eßnfi try .have, according! to ofieial figulr, , christened 917 neWtiorn Alexiies • da ri ng the past few moth • • • eichange Wonders "if a lady Will itianvan before we, try the experiment. Terre 'llaitte . physician. advocates the use or, alt inatead or hard water lice beverage, claiming '.that. the lime, with Which the litter- id impregnated: causes - premature giarhair,and bald*ss. grightlyfneffress af,Sebna has etl ricated lierselflo Tope without a. pailof elope whiokshe balances na her head. Strange to say, her sorviees Two VL 1 13 dutnnaii nic general tzus4- Work, / . • - --sl, :gentleman having just lost his wife visited o. friend, and being asked how fang he wouldremain in town; answered: tliDli„ for about ar lbrtnight-4=lone enough to epend the honeymoonof my widowhood. ':—Three,voung ladies wen down to the eentanl,ibafrof the Rowan tunnel, which rsaches 1,031 feet below the surface, hfst iteetYbeing thi' first or their 'sex to make tliti'descent."; -Their treated to on ex:. PltisiOn" of •Witrei-glicerine,. which. scared their nearly out 'of their' witsl . : . 'll4'tistim Orfotridoetors,,ie ; Abe effect:that' Lien t. flev.l) nn t ,died of Pie einidestion tit the brain. Was, ,neeeslitry dlitainie; '``eW7:Ortiana ; this 14 1 Prialcii/Ola 13Y* - id ' ?Oh;-, **fled! Berl" PaPn:put ,t nit to his ttanititerTbean • :Jim if yon -want, Lon you can-have her.;. but:l don't- want " yon liiiimptftottnd . u . nlessyqu mean business if,You ptteud tunarry her,lturry pp,. for entObe keptawake nights much 10nger...",, . ;-11t—Lankester assorts that the stball pox, wbichi is noPr slowly , departing froni 'bender'. ,afterstay!ng s,ooo:persons, and disfiguring -,4hntl zlpauperizing '100,04/ominei must have cost theme t rop: olia ottleatt -..£100,000; a. tenth. part. "of .whiehlom judiCionelrexpendcd;. would .have, cut short the eptdemmat .its -com inenceotent. "- • • • '...--IladtuniThiers has adopted the pre caution of sewing np the pockets of her • Servants to prevent' their stealing: X. l'orilY paper , qnotes ,her ns= telling Miss .or the' Seihrd , Party: ","All or .em are Ittirobliged myself to lock" up:everything after meals; ar'l ooy nieat,liquocdetert, everything trbnld , - Betsey Williams - aged eighty:. tiro years, a`deeethlatit liogerWillturn4, died .near Puevidenee;R:f.; a fen; days ago: It if said tliatihe begneatlied Id 'the c,4 'cif Proiideneetke farm' nPori rwhich sha •died,:estimatist 'to bet worth now sibei4 1140,000, upon tbe*dition . that the - :eity, 'erect ' a Monument, cost not' thin we; to the tneniorf of •irOg6; ni the' ord‘Williatrusbniying r ground. ' --A . patty' of Migehieyeas lloYs near Kankakee. Ill.; italfed suit • of t clothes Irttli 'Straw, with sticks 'of wend, fur • legs, and 'bilked it; in the kroand;:-=' , Viler then killed a donple.of Chickens 'Spilka the brood plentioney over auri the *releity"Of the' grave, - 1 1t 6 Y 'peat& thegraivaiiitbltiod' were d 4-. ,ered., e 0: , - saipic!ons Intirder. 'were' Taised, the ecitutuN. • was 'ilamtiicined, As; jury ins; panaeleiVisnd'an inqueit.presurl Ceioner;jsry>!ioitntLbySteadepi sok abirl edged_themselvei.l!sige when the straw 4PRIMY : .'Tire ceremony of tying , the nmtriage knot is =fell eiteldifled,Jn Indiana, as the Macaw , : will. dui* your , name natty,"` ; ' Wbat is, your name, '3llsiit 41 Polry. ; Matt], 1/0100 knit:rale - 4 1 . Ye11, then, , • • " . • =air 11te:;777 - 1 -13ays the New-Yorlt one Aifl ration of ' , wedding' in the fael3ionable co izhnlarp Oman a gtand . erisis of clothes ;. %rifle,' a peg on . whielt , finery of kinds is bung; ...bride-grown,' a sober black , o'o pet following the bride; of no neconnt in particular, and yet without whom there .would be no feu, and the fun could ;not go op," SEMI FINENEiI SSEM . . proatiattrogo: ..0 I , '"ilduS ilbilldiElidEPlElLliten s .. - - , ~,,i ldr.Soloinos .IVibtbicOvasti plain: old farmer—antititereipiteetsef man, who did everythingib/ istahlhhed Wei and ekuld r 4 seeino_reasan! hy ipenlile'shniddltasti, , at 'Allything . 49 7 p dtst Ise& beeW reached by. Itheir cig smiiil.fetheris„. T He ;h a d threci nhildred-vmd boys end n. girl. 'there trasJereiniah,s (enteen years old; Samuel fifteetr;Tanny; orcrtenn....lo :•,; .., 1 Itnras -a cant inter'sdasr: 'Samuel was brtheltitchen,"readingil book; and so in teresteinva lid, bat he didTnot unties the entimnekor his Jett; isa.s.` in ' the oilpasita:edrneri ingadedid cyphering oat a stim , which he lad found in his faith- ," Sinn," said his tither,‘quirre yor/ work ed- .that Sum f outlittt . '-' "I No, Father," /mattered the boy hesi• tating/y..:, .1.1 .:., 0 - .4 T- / •,..s - • ~ - • "Didn't I tell ::yo to stick to your arithmetic. till _you h done it ?" said Mr. Winthrop in ;a serer tone. • . . . S4tuel hung do.bislead, andrlook ji :ea treleibled; 4 . i _ ,- , ; " Why haven't yntillone,it.V.continned the father. . .. , ~r, , .. ; .. 1 :s'l can't do it, father;T; ~t remblingly said ,SamneL • , ;', t . i• . . .--- f . . - Pao'i dO itl.'An Why . not? • •Look at ~.,,,Jerry, v tllC7,r :Witty h 1 ,! elatoY,anda pencil. sno hum cypperd, fu aer than you lave loug-bCforo he"was mold aaso,are.l. : : ,•,.Terry was always fond _of Sums , and problems,Ather.. f 'Sbey .at all for nie." _,-; ~ .: -J". .1, .:, ~... ... ,ilThat!i; hecanie font dual ~ try.bri,,feal in interest in i lour, atudies:. , -. What..bnok .4 that you,Ar.e reutlite . , . .: f - ?...rit'B , 43 work on philosophy, father." a ,, f' A work nu fiddlesticks - 1.4/o put. it W • ny .. . this , instant„. : and t tbem • get your :state;, and don'Ayottletme.see you sway frbgt Your arithM4Uo-untillson can work ont those roots? Do you unilentand ?" , ..f ..... Samuet made no answer,,,.bnt silent/7 ji_c put away : his philosophy, .-und then he got, his elate and sat don in thachininey .corner. ;ilia lip. trembled,,and his eyes iinoisteued, for he was:l - ery -rinhappy. His father had been harsh towards him, lipid: frit that it was, without a cause.. .4113,". said. Jerry, :us- soon as their Satlier had ; gone ont.of Limn:tom, .that sum for.,you." Jerry," repliedo the vourrger 'brother , with a grateful look; "that will but : l fear that I shall not succeed." &plel worked. very hard,- but th no PurPoge.. /Ifs mind was not on.the sub. ject before hitit. alo routs:and • squares, the bases and., porudienlart.o. though comparativelTsimple,ur themselves. , were to'huna mass of fueomprehensible thing% ' and tlto morello trietli.ithe• more he .be came perplexed aril bothered. ' ..• : rap, tLio Sather did not na -1 derstand. Sainnel Was a bright bd', and nneom monlyietelhgent'of nee.' Winthrop was a thortM,gh matliematieMn; be bardlyeter 'came nerpss•ii probletit; he conktuotlolve, and be 'him that his boy should be like 'him ; be considered that the• acme of educational :perfeCtlini lay in the' power.' of eong p eilne'Enelid; and . .ott - en ext.preeied the. Opinion' that, were:gaelid Vying then; he cold!' the elit geometrician. a h'a'rd '".114 teemed' not -vitideilitaildi' thatAiffereilt, minds te' e 'm de '!pith ilifll rut Capaca; ties ; arul•-hat one i . nihd ease, another of equal . p_ower Wbuld'fail to comprehend: lre'rice„Ticeause ferry $. greSseriipidlvltltfiliteirfathetnatte,ial studies; and chilld'ulieddY"titirvl 4 Piece of land of many angles, he tom/pried that turSanittel made' no''pregreri,,- tlieWitine branch, he was idle- ;and"ttarelelim,'! and treattkl anectrdinal Cun didiy ooncersed with vietv to ateertiiinfthe'line best Of ; :tmehelthi3 Iris" otde slimdtira of the . power of all_ Rinds, aid, iertt: ntieiouslytidhered . to at. • • •-•• Wks 'aniath - dr' 'thing - tbat Winthrop could, not see; Oiut.that iving that Samuel rend continually' Olin such profitidale"inatter aivas'inter estinglo him; Mid that he ' - vv'as . :seareety ' ever idle ;• nor did hip f4her see, - either, thtifif he ever Wished Ins boy•Ao become anathetnatiolan, purnfing the very (mei-sets: prevent sticir a resift', instead of endeaVoian4• to".•anike - the study intereitipg' to the 'Child, be 'was Making , • -- " - The 'dinner leer Caine', ..Oil Sainisel had not worked4iit the'sum. Fii# father was angry,' 'obliked th.Et - boy wittiOnt -hp- din at; the Siete tinie tellinzhitu that hit 'Wits tin' idle, liztkut, Poor tgaratti.l left Ihe Etcher?' foe hit own room, and there lie sit: end riett At length his mitril Xeititiclio 'WS -limn' - of Min ''fatherfantV his retie lightened' There large treA roam lit QV, his thumb coldt antqetting uff, hitt - "ctidet from ender alot of' old. hlittliei, took forth 6melonfiitriiti:dt *obit:" was; evidentlytfasinotring Sothe' Clarions 'attalti from these pieces of wood„ 'or *its, little eee4pa cir'tin - tilatS,Tiaces at; twine; and dbietis of kiriiill wheels that he. had 'matie himself:4nd lin `Seethed:to be , working to get the l iVinle - togither - ,”tifter: some ,'xirtientlar faaltibri of: - ids : thePfternooit'' had nasia awasywhen , his eistei entered his - 011014 7 ', ber. She hail her aPren 'gathered in ber hind, and eftkilerosing the' &kir Oft: her,'..she approached spot, wbere:ber itrtither - - "litre Sammy! see, 1 - basis 'bronght be something to - eat. -- I knew you , Anust 4 : 45 she spoke; -She' 'aliened' her ainion, and took' out four" 'Cakes,-"a:, piece ot,pie and some bo_j - was' hungry, and hesitated - not to .avail hiniselt of his sister's kind offer lie kilsed bet': nf' he took the cakes;-and thanited her; : Oh; what pretty • thinqs , ir thht yen arc -maipgi• littera' tatatile; ' as she gaited bpon - her tirothees'iabor. o"Wen't you give it to mehTter it is done ?"` 0 Not. ',this 'one, 'sitter returned the hey, with almilet - lititYwAl 'inakt?.yott One equally. as, - ' Faoitie thatii4 her brother_ and: soOn after la the norm ithile, the boy Ise* ou with 'work; :• • -- Before land, the venous ' , ~ 2 , • t• r - ; ; ; 11% ,, :r! _ _ . r., ISIMEIEEMO Eft - -;20#1.871i flubjeCt "talk. and iiidoire' were loin ed. in d grboyed• together • • • • h'' ith . e einbro pbilosop a mac ':•=lor'lflottked like -it'initeliinenpon the 'floaritheri'giized . n* 'it intently. ;Ifis eyes gleamed with a Peculiar glow'of mit isfaction. 'lle looked proud and. happy. 'While he atoed and gated' tipontha child 'of ilia labore;tfie • door 4kii,eigo;` anA • Iris fatheietitered/ ' ' ' ' 'What; ttre:' you not :staying?"' ex claimcdi Mr. Winthrop. as be noticed the boy standing in the .middle of: the floor. Samuel trembledactrhen t.he heard; his father's thice..and 'turned pale with fear.- 'l l ` Hal ,what is this 2" said thir father, ttacangta sight of , the - curious cotietruc lion on•the floor: ".Thut_is the seeretrof your idleness. Now I see how it. is you cannot master your. studies. . You spend your time in making _fly-cage& I'll tee whether you'll learn' to. attend, to your lessons or. not. , There!" . As.tho father uttered. these harshleac nlationts; be put his foot upon the - obJeot of bits displeasure,. The. boy uttered a cry,'and , spring forward;. but too late. -. The' curious.— construction was _crushed 'to atoms.—the labor of long weeks. Looking at the :,mass of ruins, and then covering ,hislace with his hands, be burst into tears. _ . 4. • ' Ain't you asbained Mr. in tlrop, !‘a great boy:like:YOU to spend yoar Pine. ia making clak;ttnps, . then cry 'about ,It'betati4l choose ;yeti - 4.116u1d. .at tend to. s:onesttidieini Now go to, tyetaarn and' help Jiird . shell c0rn.7„ . ." The yiaß •teo , of, grief te, 'aiake 'an.* explanation, and, *4lldatt - 404, h left his eliaratier. longjong 'days afterwtudi;,he 'Was weary andAnistt hearted, .. • ' "'Samuel,' gala Mr. Vintllnip, one day after the Spring bad 'opened, "1 have seen Mr. YOting; and he iswilling•to take you .38 an apprentice/ ~lorry:-and lean get' along On thesfarmi and I think :Um - best thing. • you can do is to learn_ the -smith's trade. haVe , givan- up alllhopes -of. ever making -a.,surreyor • oat of -you, - and., if .you :lam; you would not know how to measure 'ter lay, it - out. • Jerry mill : Amu be able AO lake my place as surveyor ? , and. I hove.already mode, ar langements• for hosing hina i worn and ob "tambil eiiminission. • 13ni'yeiir trade ian goad one, doubt, ti'uble i ttinuilie a good :Hyin g ht, t!! ) " . ." 1 , a. neighboring town, and h e cat r led on quite an:extensive - bneinesS., .3ffateriVer, - he bad the reputation of being fine than. Sam uel iias delighted 'With his'esponsid;' and when he learned. that:Mi. Young *lied AU:414141a nikelline 864, tie'aas m eestu:. yes. - His frank crcs'packo-a goOd - etili- Dl4o"cttithei having bEen prosided; and after tisiiinehifi and ',gate'', • and shakinglipiarttiitiflia futlier 'and b'roth'- er, mounted the stage; and set' ff Mr - tiffs Llic. ,• found Mr." You rig till he &mid 'Wish, and went into his business with .an assid uity that sairprisetlibia master.- A)ne.eveningufter Samuel Winthrop had been, with his new master MI mOnt b*lt he littter came:inter after I all' the journeymen Imdlquit - Aiork and : gone home; and found the youthlusily4rigag; ell in fitting a-piticsof iron , Thens wu quite a numbers, pieces on, the bench at hrs Side r and aortic were , curionl.. riveted together, and fixed with springs and slides; " while ethers appeared. not:yet quite ready.for their destined use.: Mr; Young ascertained; what the young workman was np to, and he not: only- "encouraged WM in. his n tidertaki n z ibulihsstood for half tin-lour , rowl,twatched biro `- at' his ork4 ~:Nest day, Sainnel , Winthropziwas removed from-thee blacksniitlN shop' to the machine Samuel often wiled his parents, .At thi'end of twit years, Ins fatii4" . iras 'not filittlesirprised when Vting,. in, foritied him that S,ainnel was the meal useful hand in his etoploi.: ' ' "Time flew fast. Satinet was 'tvienty r , one: hieiniali been_free almns,t'iwo , . one of the Most accurate & tinitWortby sbrieyors iu ' lir. Winthrop looked' upon„ his, son with':pridp,.. and 'often pressed wish thathiS Other'son'sliblikt Izarelieen like hien.' Satinet had edrne &Mae 0 visit hie *ten* ' and Mi. 'Young:had Ode with him. ' ' 1 :" Bin Young," saidMr.-WiUthrep; id terthethe'teit things had - been • cleared away - ,:"that is a duet factory that have yust'erectedin our "towel:' "9" ; • " Youlg," there are thtee of 'theiti, and they are doing a very heavy , business."' aI Underhand therhave - •‘ an diet: ire Machine shop connected Atith. the Ifactotu ies.- Voir, if :my.boyi . Sarn,is a-good irork taan, as goer say,lierlMps he might get u:fmit:rate. sitnatiori there." ; Mr.. .:looked 'at Samuel' viand smiled— , : - L ' .%" • .:. ":11y the'. stftsy," continued the` old fanner,"what La, ail this ',noise =lsee herd' its:the mere t those paten LIU roti looms ?- They'kell are' thet go .'ulo4'' of anything tharivas'est sitheforer."" - You'suitst tisk paint -saw idiout that; said lifr; TObrig,.?'"That.fs SUrise ofAtitis, nel's 4 • "1, • th§oin?'of. ;' The Old niaa"stopped; short•add .gaded, at hik son; "'lib was bewildered. .Itc,onld not be that_ his song, his idie ~ the inventor ,of, :the great power-loiun thithati taken the thanailicturers lig sar- " Whahdoya F ' ukaur he. fit , Yength ificluirsd; ; *: ' • • • . ' iimOy tfiip, fathervthskthe loons is mine." returrie4 Sainte!, vith . conscious pride. bareinvented it,. and, talten a patenEr lit,arnd have-alrcady,:beenof_. feted te,n.thousand dollars, far the patent t '. right its Oro adjoinirkeStates. ,Dln't you, retneintorthakelcetrap you' l er,nshettlito' your,footlii=years ago?."• ..• , ,•"- • , ,Yes," rpplieittite,pld altos" oyes were hint to Theflopr, and over ', whose mind's new light seemed : tweaking. 1 ." Wait''. oo alhaaaa-4 11 e1; Irak An* a, pattern.' though- of oonrsti, bare made alteratidas and improseusente. and , there is roont.for..more." _ And Mitt wag 591 - wpm Study ing *hen yon used ta.statniAnd ice me irone r acid tic'stwat/I , 3'o°d • My loom =Mb ' .:..i::...1_..t . zin ;47 ;1 i,r+l 'f..,-; ,t r . ii; :,,...; t:: It , 11 - , iti c.i: ~ : tp;:i , ;~ti: • yaviltri'-gumßguor , :14 ••'•••••••:'s. . • - Acc,'nulal r7,odittniMintrilKorl4,- , , . You pre , miltber re .. `itt!et 1 had concei*ea ltio;i4olfovgi4 .Vhaye Awe carried Vut." 't • And this you tonld-b0.t:'%10.• -de rata . toy- matttmatitiarproblemr. te MrAisthrsP.' us he.r4arted.-rmei hie'chair`„, and ,too , 1114 . u,T:jhe ban& "Samol,'mysoh for&.ive'vnefhe hsedtoil s ist• _ navelbeenddindedi find - note:4K Lhoni havemisunderstoodiyon..l4 - bave thought lonTemidle r and weless,Aron were 6 °Tying ; a ,phitosoPhiml problent . 1 Conld.netei have con:Trebel:del ',nth* me saninell mennt- iveTl • endyttliVbet ; lanked.kidgment and disciimitiatuneil• Of. .00ntee,,the old man ilnd Jong tenni bPss for'o'o4 for his lkrabssf-SBaSt*ei Mind,vms opened to , a neww - lesson , !man - nature: It , vat : Different inindalkit@ diffitenCeapacitlel4, and: nniiiind ran - boldriven:to.i dove : that for wbiOlkit hat POlottOo'.-F.lrtlta !ROL' to _ondenstund the natntatabilitie,4,loAsi poettion urainy - wha' then . lan: manegetnetif 'toe Attie lifeigorern yonrielf acdortfinglp Combei the'greatest pltilosopber his :doh' could hardly; seekop ; simple addition, and col hnrn,themothematic4n, could not"write:oid o common-place ad tints. ' • " ~Wiihtntitosei •Fini t Tfutoltsglstm - • ~ .',ProriamattaN, I salmgissi POA 0114:2MANDJUS , Ztufnce • • To OA' Z4isOrCO:Ctio;l9:: , The .Near, Yorks•Trmearircr 3„remarl s: • •••,'' "It IS ti'giiitoiiifi'et I IL, giving Dap iotbkOnniii aliatibiial -dap It is worth vinnemberin . g l that/ VW : custom of 4be.PreSident lietttag`Atside:a tinned likTicaldelitlAneoln; r . . `'} - Fnithe• ehlightifiniede off' this Tithes,. the'b'ensfil' , Of the'AiTtninititiatintiVl, ask you to insert the enclineiV stud? for nktitrilksealiMetttitill tbeeatimitspub-, ner rebuke than, .t1114..85, 0c,14 1 4- tioh'of therather Oniia'Coint can' nOt be adMinisttied- to:lthe"Shodl4- . thiciing, riugmovradministerinwtheDoverninent. W46HLSGTON:B,Y.II4A.;;TIEAIireinIY - • .A.-x.aill'.4 143 c:•44 , ": 11 . • Ru tLi Proulent of,,tht United Slates of Anleri€l7 - 4-P.fer.huttatjeu, ; Whereas, it lathe dtityaaf all untuusto ackeoUledge the Providence efyllnaighty . - Hod,' to ebery His tolie . gratefill 'for His benefits, and humbly implore 'His p - rotectiim we'd fiver ' and eavliert* ,'both, l Hontes'of Congress have; " by thelh Joint Committee, rainestedlme to rectitnmeild to the, people tif 7the 'United ' , E./3MS n tlay of Public Thankegiviagand Prayer, to be observed by ticknowledgin. with'gmtefal bejnme and , sionairAviim ilf Al mighty Hod,,especianyb:affording them SP opportvi tray of; pe,iceably:establistiirre afore' of government / 1F tbleir sAtytit t el haPpiti ess. ' - • NilW;rlherefere;l'ildrecianmetid affil assign'. Thursday, thetwenty-shttFday, of Hovembermext, to be derotedabythelpegi pie of these States to,the services,uf f tbe greatntid glorions,Heinvirhois i ,the hp.tte ticent author alf:the ' giied tb'at was; that if; thatfavill Yd.* Wit tie` unite in: aunderhig truto4fintrobt siticeE: and, humble theoksiZe•His.kincicaretrod PVie.P.P9P at Alie:MPAe9f , tbi,Siewtotty, riele us ts.i tsi hem m Ingr 1? - 1 0 9n ; f 9 {, p signeraniftnanifat'Mereies end' the vorable- interpositioifire Pinvidiikd iu the'courseshd , :eonclusietat th‘lale war; ,for the gareatillegmelOpturntjualayi union, m id plerity,,avltich ; pap .. .buye,,iitte.o enjoye,d ;,forthe ~p,kaceible.yan a sl ; titional mannerin :have - been - enabled `to establish constitutions of goverritiiiiii for our itarettemrfitip - ptiiess and. ,:pmtien lartflia'n'itiotial ode tuore tell; fiortivil which yeti* blessed, and *he , mekitelfre bare•of -ttetriiring•iend ,diffnsiug msetal " ku;/e 4 , An 4 '. ilk genTil great and various favors, which Iletslth been plciise — d tali canter Upon rot — Arla 'Lira that we may then unite an most huixibly offeling•oui prayera trail ;'sapplimititituf-to the great Lord audaller m1E546;104 beseeeh , Aim to:parifon'enr nation valid. other ',transgressions;: to tenable 'ma inlp, whether public or private stations te tier= form our:several and 'national duties•pro perWandlitudently; to render tour atm. tional general:l:Met übiessing teallpeople, constantly being a:government of trise, just and.constitutionallaws , discreetlythd 1140 44 11 k exMitestAttd iolOyedtlaTEr& tect gui4oll:4oe.ereips (Mad tspectaN I P 3 Seh tts2havoAmtvrt lqwlnimMutersts), anti ; bless ih.eut 'with . good govbrbracuti peace and concord; to prutooteitie kerma-, elfge.ottrne TeljglareantLy.irtud, an& the inereas?pf,,sosuce:atUunget net - 18111=4 ero9;'al# 4t 0,1 414 1 / 4 Pkitla SA( fl degree' of temliorail,p - rusperk,sts*elope knows fci.te: beg; GiLea-utideiany-hap,!l:,* - t coy. faloW,.; 14 k; Ceoer•nugPiP, ,, SPair...Rt our: Y1 11 ,, 1 78 9, j), -9,4**),440 1 9 7 94 , :r, Int .e.rgfil , Pg poetmitiak;t", raZ Ccq7l/Aer.vvrtr44ll.ll3:ll—':,, In overtimiling .tho.olti,dooniekents in Lb') ,-,Tveoory.t Deportment \"-,lteetitly,t the follovringlagreemenX Wade tetween ;slur Government! owl tholltirtitnalle LaFtly.;; ette fuss ing,' itself and no,' sheeting libist great -undgastkinEC -,venttireft:Atiort-yoantrzeto orilp, Vin. our early,4listory, Atlrttg,toinsplfiEQUir: ZI4AI.III , Tri desire OvineabiAheillailuii,de LaPayett i'of • liervin`4' in' the ; UnitelSpites of•lartli Airteri* 44'474, rote sit wLich he- taltis 14 -. the -jniticp, ;Of their cause, and wiehlog for on nity of 4iatinguithinfinmzelf in war, and 'of :r.onderinglimstlfibtefat to the beat of but riokeotioeillitigfront self: that-he.inag -be unabloW:obtain - J,the. conteur„ot.bia Aeryilig fotoi . gn,leoarttriesiot to cross the :oceitli unleses be:6.11140 therain theiltmlity of *Generat offiter.,,-i >t lenses I-Can '-bottdr , serve torOnantryr; otoi ackl ucovitince nth. ralp9vret to gpoaticoratnisitiovithati in .onnieMng.olair4,lo - Ibe,tiatne:of ittle Moat .110IinrOlet cOntreaf - Att. , Cf • t t~. . ._ Majo GstaitY,Abi - Whieh,; ll . l"iiitit: the. - -Statetstiitittatifinirratify, 'pad. prdialitly. '4"tow: 4l StriPtni 6 f4oo9ollnr.tossiyame and. held...the ; mak, front' On! clatei . which 1 be10iti1 . tc.i.4;6 0 1 1 . 6 09 1 9e.; ! it l tlie 134nn ._. - -.-• I' . .7::iii 1 . ;11;i;11.tb1ith,..14 vilati 'eclititis,'. • tto . :Ikitawable title*. Wh lahlis,Litai ty enjoy. lit this Court; his vei7,eoiisiderable i wealth - ,ict the; Irtinzilata, s . his personal aieiits f :his len'owd, Isis disinterestedness; mici . - abost: nit hii teal lai thelibeity ot onijifaiiiio promise: him • the eda rank, ly Itirjor.,•,geperaVizi ; • . ,tht i piime,of thct : triitteil§fates,...,, - ,-,- ,-:_., i - U tdaliton/ . 0:1 kialq,4 6l : l3 " l *C4 1 thilieliftileiitijT•• - _-' • --• ' -•-•-•;••-•:,•,-. -- '. --':', 1 ~i. page'strans, - 7*DeceitthegML I 1 . pfeiJer:the tihoyal eetelhpisgkoilir,,Tyky . 0efT 1 4 4 ;444.1)4 0 P.'" tit;l4kc: toy fficparC-. nit iitthis' time Mittia.thitumniservbiel shilriiiiiiirititist tie itable till& .I:laid 'ttilessa the Vaitealtatsis'Svlth.:o r,tlie 4 11 ,•,crff PoWetv *itbottt ; :guly. , pay. 'Mr. iiiiici al;,auoiranee. . 3,. J . :05471 . 114'4g , :mys el f only, libei4 ' Earape. ;oil iest : Mi. reality- pi' tarEitig shalr!Terdli ' - me; .. ... :. ;....,•:' D .4.4,7" hlLin iD7r.*ttibe r . e f 17 7 : : . 5 . ISignedil '' .Lz . t ; ertli' .t, ~, l° Fqgoou #040 9 i , Z- 4 --- I , , ) Vide tad nutlet& thekiiiO4 hatiii In' the great llotpitaf'DOM4 ig- , Mitteatt., : 1 3mq•afl Arm Itln Iftip nd lin" trana gibe 914Pgs-of-naNatitriCAli!i AiO/C_Qth t at ati Manylielea gifi gto flip. me uts and fralleiiiimilii of the ' eity""Theji 'itre:4 B -washed tinildi*sed`Witlithe'Aliinaaf 'Vet: - tilaritvrrnmr.unise hi' t(iiiird•hsa a' eV, 119..4hitYc.toptxfatim.•:Take -therAratil . ;11,avitig Alte•lT4T' ir , - - 941 4 4, 1 g 4 ;rtlizoLn!kr* will do - riatliinif frinn. Molting . .. 1.11,24,ght 'bat Eliatess habiee',"gecither nutaa 'will pleingiYthatteundetett:ieheer White iiiitir AtlO•litehztheniVenothermalldraitheie P ar1i,t 4 41. , OPo• 13, 1*.f -.Mkt. 10-azother. ' ydl . ..fg l ow . it .R . Rpo thens‘...U#o,theylp tip`and flaw 'the sides - Attki`ii ' ward i .eaolt litibitaitig - ' tied,'ntiratit Mita dtkiated:.'a terrain zombi:vet --fillies: tiles , dip l'-"lbe little MiitigiOrans to like. this greatmeat. § etpetunektheApplqgimthegke r tmtlf 'seTeral, ftet ;ate - be#3,.er,frorn. 9ee .womau 'toailotgei, OA the bit! e'thiats Fill ding 'mid Tedzeir sip , the :fee ' iesterailee :After. beingnnised they; are roIINI - ap- brit , like et nu Indian -baby-ataliiiik awayi- <..z •';Attontlo.diresPectiMartilOthOwitiittieV loisb=lls• AO i ilt•Abe.nna.Y•or , tr#Y= 44- - .exe4t,vell , : l o-00 .s33 l esipeo,:sena Atm, oil spiing hire to he,,aiKiit:foi.:.:lTlie, treatf - meat - iii "so; saii4,tide. that , by , nu. _Teweit table's 4le than - 101'11d: tlre'' riletVW If tiii liestjcateota foad•twothii, Ji:.- •.:2„....r1.:-- • . SEEM `..*7.l4 , ,artstallaya attar Wined! lapliy•thtt PrJerrittlilt , ti—Oe ; MalvabecortagatUciers hit i e ' ar f 4 Y - finik , iutYY (9 , .rift4l. Mf4INO a!,) We'tVinalise,t4ettnuotr, eat, teases and assistants in' Ohorettia 34.thi3 - theater4ll -dritli!i a t rata' social carclei'attacc- that- 0..v.f Ore.: ; Ottak l ttastagrooatiOofdrektaseails . o .o 4P' tain'otinatril,Vhal Thi traa via ,ce altnotfte i r 7:Near a late NeatWiseytorrip ! firieting; two cleigrai en a 'Baptist Atid alleitidatet, Vora Ora flier is* aittlileaty aiktra24 l , 4 1 / b Vitt; IrOepine bi4L. tertrat"Winif -tbo*Aattin ruyilltiaq girl tal &trod tlicuttaptiat; tnytathirrrda k IZoTdir,tttss ratbaCo,- fear daya iigo;!dattiiatirist ' 4 beite:baried : 1 1.; eadrrafurOtherislick'ribiatand caret 5'4 , rk, arid,tre•harett't rtethlng 443 tc.4fund t 0, 4 67 i!gPbeit i e;.4(4ll . r ti . tily . 'lloen Libra rase do,Aar rtiOd;trityrlciN taktiatlrigtdly; war ba aeropi4inermidd 10e-briiitO MbilliOreato fatost(mattaildeptei herr/Y (4 4,4P , tritleros9.4olr7k7.rea; tbe'lletlOdist,,rut tlirexe riAriAL:l4 "rderitile 3 ,rlsrollidr‘.l! . bit I 'farad 13fotbefigidariailai • aloritYP I i lit4o4 at, go' YotiOaelto flea XethadtritairkwlArambe , put ri,ten• tae other, mane! rt N -spnr,.:Seatc-atakai, brooder P.,' - artethe paptud,oirrjßitpea I eipieagoty aboa'eil tI rva„4 gettingezetlr #d-as o:tfaetlfrfronilii ) pnistiviteppt i i .oti tha rapillyittlatteksing-fpilk:AWlt top tlte sports wrjh a sftir hooded trotitoiltos he dremout his-bstrroWand placed the onto aittrAttcotiserei glaring fidNitgely at, 1 41-$9M.PaP 1 0.111,7, t`Etere's saltruidnalfdol latilate,.. ttletgul", t:O4 tbe 'Baptist:llll4a blandtf t pow Uritt he laid:Sakttkett4l4 / 1 1 1 tirottiVr4o l, ..tha-144; "'son pi,ap rake in the.opdite, forra'yo .3thineirotrt-' and 'endued both tayitioird aad-r'mieeir j , atal ,lorr- as Astir : !dead .broke.V-: Than th,e/. 47 14ke.d . oftlimintiagal!yranv 'Zia* 1,1 ; 4 :0 1 ,ACV:04til kg. tititztow , tsitiNVAt dill; ilKots4 *magi dcs beforo.they mere wtte riSll44:l cr--"" 7 "377 411 "71"! etzfPlirsgiatioct - syeletrisst the* 'Yet th a.; siesstibed.: vit', is ss , -tribnear ISLold Oa 13014t4stich: ate* , (, - vi'llzt,rce hiptetria , etayloyseveith.-esoellet4 'Silertvordlogatgeli "..theile smell Of /five., aristh represents atiancient and establish.' ell Post of..avbitrationer Wheutierti I•P,Oe;9riNs skasonithireladiatuk.ther,con;. ten posiles Min- it to-thb,anelsaTetw. X-404:':elmsas two' jadges,i aid Atiebftet thus ,eonssl4lo, Mecca (Kik - alibi e 4 eiatelt: i etreataktanees or, the:mem AtrElto4 before:the,: village 'oeunailiztll, rsOgit.ippkts protioutleca; width iiselatost absel,Rtely .einitalik•And , . shiest itbraYs ebtertellyl aeoepted... vrho-:appeals final the , VAlnCissleldelks thegnblioopus = foril4 hi? ooasmaally. .4E41 g9erally !fads llialielVin the ;wrong t is As. eystepi Which Its r for, countless genetttioris Zil44l,,frrevputia avorld at weetcbeafaad eFtsWitigatiots, —Our Cincinnati izelmosei tell the dory o$ a. who:rides a Soot doal in tho atmoti:cari -of fnat city, and roe whimi.rnts .niattor knlrdriiivaed they may be, timpasaengemalwaya nod a ; mat,: it!ia not, ovary alai* - for' wltOn s ai o,SOnfortably ileated.pauenger will disikommio but this 'old • Ituly'W' parsonsiiionceirbever !hilt Her 'method, tlein 114.4 to 'prepare , to-eit dcitin on:. tit" 44tsultge,r)i :lap. -Tina ••birit • "tuuti", ti;et A as M t i t i r gl n e r liTtirm . 17 clie a vi "w ingt l iat i nk leg off-hi eprialigg Walt /44 414% =MMIN .`%'l , -.(3":: . .4'i "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers